 * Copyright (c) 2016, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
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 * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
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 * This license is subject to the following condition:
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 * portions of the Software.
package com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation;

import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.Assumption;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerAsserts;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.Truffle;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameDescriptor;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameSlot;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameSlotTypeException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.VirtualFrame;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.InstrumentableNode.WrapperNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.InstrumentationHandler.EngineInstrumenter;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.InstrumentationHandler.InstrumentClientInstrumenter;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.ExplodeLoop;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.Node;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.NodeCost;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.NodeUtil;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.NodeVisitor;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.RootNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.SourceSection;

Represents an event sink for instrumentation events that is embedded in the AST using wrappers if needed. Instances of this class are provided by InstrumentableNode.createWrapper(ProbeNode) to notify the instrumentation API about execution events.

It is strongly recommended to use GenerateWrapper to generate implementations of wrapper nodes. If needed to be done manually then the recommended implementation of an execute method looks as follows:
public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) {
    Object returnValue;
    for (;;) {
        boolean wasOnReturnExecuted = false;
        try {
            returnValue = delegateNode.executeGeneric(frame);
            wasOnReturnExecuted = true;
            probeNode.onReturnValue(frame, returnValue);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            Object result = probeNode.onReturnExceptionalOrUnwind(frame, t, wasOnReturnExecuted);
            if (result == ProbeNode.UNWIND_ACTION_REENTER) {
            } else if (result != null) {
                returnValue = result;
            throw t;
    return returnValue;
/** * <p> * Represents an event sink for instrumentation events that is embedded in the AST using wrappers if * needed. Instances of this class are provided by * {@link InstrumentableNode#createWrapper(ProbeNode)} to notify the instrumentation API about * execution events. * </p> * * It is strongly recommended to use {@link GenerateWrapper} to generate implementations of wrapper * nodes. If needed to be done manually then the recommended implementation of an execute method * looks as follows: * * <pre> * &#064;Override * public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) { * Object returnValue; * for (;;) { * boolean wasOnReturnExecuted = false; * try { * probeNode.onEnter(frame); * returnValue = delegateNode.executeGeneric(frame); * wasOnReturnExecuted = true; * probeNode.onReturnValue(frame, returnValue); * break; * } catch (Throwable t) { * Object result = probeNode.onReturnExceptionalOrUnwind(frame, t, wasOnReturnExecuted); * if (result == ProbeNode.UNWIND_ACTION_REENTER) { * continue; * } else if (result != null) { * returnValue = result; * break; * } * throw t; * } * } * return returnValue; * } * </pre> * * @since 0.12 */
public final class ProbeNode extends Node { private static final int SEEN_UNWIND = 0b1; private static final int SEEN_UNWIND_NEXT = 0b10; private static final int SEEN_RETURN = 0b100; private static final int SEEN_REENTER = 0b1000;
A constant that performs reenter of the current node when returned from ExecutionEventListener.onUnwind(EventContext, VirtualFrame, Object) or ExecutionEventNode.onUnwind(VirtualFrame, Object).
/** * A constant that performs reenter of the current node when returned from * {@link ExecutionEventListener#onUnwind(EventContext, VirtualFrame, Object)} or * {@link ExecutionEventNode#onUnwind(VirtualFrame, Object)}. * * @since 0.31 */
public static final Object UNWIND_ACTION_REENTER = new Object(); // returned from chain nodes whose bindings ignore the unwind private static final Object UNWIND_ACTION_IGNORED = new Object(); static class RetiredNodeReference { private final WeakReference<Node> node; private final Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializeTags; final RetiredNodeReference next; RetiredNodeReference(Node node, Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializeTags, RetiredNodeReference next) { this.node = new WeakReference<>(node); this.materializeTags = materializeTags; this.next = next; } Node getNode() { return node.get(); } } private final InstrumentationHandler handler; private volatile RetiredNodeReference retiredNodeReference; @CompilationFinal private volatile EventContext context; @Child private volatile ProbeNode.EventChainNode chain; /* * We cache to ensure that the instrumented tags and source sections are always compilation * final for listeners and factories. */ @CompilationFinal private volatile Assumption version; @CompilationFinal private volatile int seen = 0;
Instantiated by the instrumentation framework.
/** Instantiated by the instrumentation framework. */
ProbeNode(InstrumentationHandler handler, SourceSection sourceSection) { this.handler = handler; this.context = new EventContext(this, sourceSection); } RetiredNodeReference getRetiredNodeReference() { return retiredNodeReference; } void clearRetiredNodeReference() { retiredNodeReference = null; } private boolean hasNewTags(Node retiredNode, Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializeTags) { Set<Class<? extends Tag>> allSeenMaterializeTags = retiredNodeReference.next == null ? retiredNodeReference.materializeTags : new HashSet<>(retiredNodeReference.materializeTags); RetiredNodeReference nodeRef = retiredNodeReference; while (nodeRef != null) { if (allSeenMaterializeTags != nodeRef.materializeTags) { allSeenMaterializeTags.addAll(nodeRef.materializeTags); } Node nodeRefNode = nodeRef.getNode(); assert nodeRefNode == null || nodeRefNode != retiredNode : "The same retired node must not be set more than once!"; assert !nodeRef.materializeTags.equals(materializeTags) : "Retired node must be set at most once for the same set of tags!"; nodeRef = nodeRef.next; } return !allSeenMaterializeTags.containsAll(materializeTags); } void setRetiredNode(Node retiredNode, Set<Class<? extends Tag>> materializeTags) { if (retiredNodeReference == null) { retiredNodeReference = new RetiredNodeReference(retiredNode, materializeTags, null); } else { /* * The following check does not check all illegal materializations, because seen * materialize tags are not recorded before the AST is first executed. */ assert hasNewTags(retiredNode, materializeTags) : "There should always be some new materialize tag!"; RetiredNodeReference previousRetiredNodeReference = retiredNodeReference; RetiredNodeReference newRetiredNodeReference = new RetiredNodeReference(retiredNode, materializeTags, previousRetiredNodeReference); retiredNodeReference = newRetiredNodeReference; } }
Should get invoked before the node is invoked.
  • frame – the current frame of the execution.
/** * Should get invoked before the node is invoked. * * @param frame the current frame of the execution. * @since 0.12 */
public void onEnter(VirtualFrame frame) { EventChainNode localChain = lazyUpdate(frame); if (localChain != null) { EventChainNode.onEnter(localChain, context, frame); } }
Should get invoked after the node is invoked successfully.
  • result – the result value of the operation, must be an interop type (i.e. either implementing TruffleObject or be a primitive value), or null.
  • frame – the current frame of the execution.
/** * Should get invoked after the node is invoked successfully. * * @param result the result value of the operation, must be an interop type (i.e. either * implementing TruffleObject or be a primitive value), or <code>null</code>. * @param frame the current frame of the execution. * @since 0.12 */
public void onReturnValue(VirtualFrame frame, Object result) { EventChainNode localChain = lazyUpdate(frame); assert isNullOrInteropValue(result); if (localChain != null) { EventChainNode.onReturnValue(localChain, context, frame, result); } } private boolean isNullOrInteropValue(Object result) { if (!(context.getInstrumentedNode() instanceof InstrumentableNode)) { // legacy support return true; } if (result == null) { return true; } InstrumentAccessor.interopAccess().checkInteropType(result); return true; }
Creates a shallow copy of this node.
Returns:the new copy
/** * Creates a shallow copy of this node. * * @return the new copy * @since 0.31 */
@Override public Node copy() { ProbeNode pn = (ProbeNode) super.copy(); pn.context = new EventContext(pn, context.getInstrumentedSourceSection()); return pn; }
Should get invoked if the node did not complete successfully and handle a possible unwind. When a non-null value is returned, a change of the execution path was requested by an unwind.
  • exception – the exception that occurred during the execution
  • frame – the current frame of the execution.
  • isReturnCalled – true when onReturnValue(VirtualFrame, Object) was called already for this node's execution, false otherwise. This helps to assure correct pairing of enter/return notifications.
Returns:null to proceed to throw of the exception, UNWIND_ACTION_REENTER to reenter the current node, or an interop value to return that value early from the current node (void nodes just return, ignoring the return value).
/** * Should get invoked if the node did not complete successfully and handle a possible unwind. * When a non-<code>null</code> value is returned, a change of the execution path was requested * by an {@link EventContext#createUnwind(Object) unwind}. * * @param exception the exception that occurred during the execution * @param frame the current frame of the execution. * @param isReturnCalled <code>true</code> when {@link #onReturnValue(VirtualFrame, Object)} was * called already for this node's execution, <code>false</code> otherwise. This helps * to assure correct pairing of enter/return notifications. * @return <code>null</code> to proceed to throw of the exception, * {@link #UNWIND_ACTION_REENTER} to reenter the current node, or an interop value to * return that value early from the current node (void nodes just return, ignoring the * return value). * @since 0.31 */
public Object onReturnExceptionalOrUnwind(VirtualFrame frame, Throwable exception, boolean isReturnCalled) { UnwindException unwind = null; if (exception instanceof UnwindException) { profileBranch(SEEN_UNWIND); unwind = (UnwindException) exception; } else if (exception instanceof ThreadDeath) { throw (ThreadDeath) exception; } EventChainNode localChain = lazyUpdate(frame); if (localChain != null) { if (!isReturnCalled) { try { EventChainNode.onReturnExceptional(localChain, context, frame, exception); } catch (UnwindException ex) { profileBranch(SEEN_UNWIND); if (unwind != null && unwind != ex) { profileBranch(SEEN_UNWIND_NEXT); unwind.addNext(ex); } else { unwind = ex; } } } if (unwind != null) { // seenUnwind must be true here Object ret = EventChainNode.onUnwind(localChain, context, frame, unwind); if (ret == UNWIND_ACTION_REENTER) { profileBranch(SEEN_REENTER); return UNWIND_ACTION_REENTER; } else if (ret != null && ret != UNWIND_ACTION_IGNORED) { profileBranch(SEEN_RETURN); assert isNullOrInteropValue(ret); return ret; } throw unwind; } } return null; } private void profileBranch(int flag) { if ((seen & flag) == 0) { // if not seen CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); seen = seen | flag; } } void onInputValue(VirtualFrame frame, EventBinding<?> targetBinding, EventContext inputContext, int inputIndex, Object inputValue) { EventChainNode localChain = lazyUpdate(frame); if (localChain != null) { EventChainNode.onInputValue(localChain, context, frame, targetBinding, inputContext, inputIndex, inputValue); } } EventContext getContext() { return context; } WrapperNode findWrapper() throws AssertionError { Node parent = getParent(); if (!(parent instanceof WrapperNode)) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); if (parent == null) { throw new AssertionError("Probe node disconnected from AST."); } else { throw new AssertionError("ProbeNodes must have a parent Node that implements NodeWrapper."); } } return (WrapperNode) parent; } synchronized void invalidate() { Assumption localVersion = this.version; if (localVersion != null) { localVersion.invalidate(); } } EventChainNode lazyUpdate(VirtualFrame frame) { Assumption localVersion = this.version; if (localVersion == null || !localVersion.isValid()) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); // Ok to pass in the virtual frame as its instances are always materialized return lazyUpdatedImpl(frame); } return this.chain; } private EventChainNode lazyUpdatedImpl(VirtualFrame frame) { EventChainNode oldChain; EventChainNode nextChain; Lock lock = getLock(); lock.lock(); try { Assumption localVersion = this.version; if (localVersion != null && localVersion.isValid()) { return this.chain; } EventBinding.Source<?>[] executionBindingsSnapshot; do { executionBindingsSnapshot = handler.getExecutionBindingsSnapshot(); nextChain = handler.createBindings(frame, ProbeNode.this, executionBindingsSnapshot); if (nextChain == null) { // chain is null -> remove wrapper; // Note: never set child nodes to null, can cause races if (retiredNodeReference == null) { InstrumentationHandler.removeWrapper(ProbeNode.this); return null; } else { oldChain = this.chain; this.chain = null; } } else { oldChain = this.chain; this.chain = insert(nextChain); } this.version = Truffle.getRuntime().createAssumption("Instruments unchanged"); } while (executionBindingsSnapshot != handler.getExecutionBindingsSnapshot()); assert context.validEventContextOnLazyUpdate(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } if (oldChain != null) { EventChainNode.onDispose(oldChain, context, frame); } return nextChain; } ExecutionEventNode lookupExecutionEventNode(EventBinding<?> binding) { if (binding.isDisposed()) { return null; } EventChainNode chainNode = this.chain; while (chainNode != null) { if (chainNode.binding == binding) { if (chainNode instanceof EventProviderChainNode) { return ((EventProviderChainNode) chainNode).eventNode; } } chainNode = chainNode.next; } return null; } Iterator<ExecutionEventNode> lookupExecutionEventNodes(Collection<EventBinding<? extends ExecutionEventNodeFactory>> bindings) { return new Iterator<ExecutionEventNode>() { private EventChainNode chainNode = ProbeNode.this.chain; private EventProviderChainNode nextNode; @Override public boolean hasNext() { if (nextNode == null) { while (chainNode != null) { if (chainNode instanceof EventProviderChainNode && bindings.contains(chainNode.binding)) { nextNode = (EventProviderChainNode) chainNode; chainNode = chainNode.next; break; } chainNode = chainNode.next; } } return nextNode != null; } @Override public ExecutionEventNode next() { EventProviderChainNode node = nextNode; if (node == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } nextNode = null; return node.eventNode; } }; } EventChainNode createParentEventChainCallback(VirtualFrame frame, EventBinding.Source<?> binding, RootNode rootNode, Set<Class<?>> providedTags) { EventChainNode parent = findParentChain(frame, binding); if (!(parent instanceof EventProviderWithInputChainNode)) { // this event is unreachable because nobody is listening to it. return null; } EventContext parentContext = parent.findProbe().getContext(); EventProviderWithInputChainNode parentChain = (EventProviderWithInputChainNode) parent; int index = indexOfChild(binding, rootNode, providedTags, parentContext.getInstrumentedNode(), parentContext.getInstrumentedSourceSection(), context.getInstrumentedNode()); if (index < 0 || index >= parentChain.inputCount) { // not found. a child got replaced? // probe should have been notified about this with notifyInserted assert throwIllegalASTAssertion(parentChain, parentContext, binding, rootNode, providedTags, index); return null; } ProbeNode probe = parent.findProbe(); return new InputValueChainNode(binding, probe, context, index); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private static boolean throwIllegalASTAssertion(EventProviderWithInputChainNode parentChain, EventContext parentContext, EventBinding.Source<?> binding, RootNode rootNode, Set<Class<?>> providedTags, int index) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); try { // number of additional children that will be looked up from the current index // might not be enough depending on the violation. final int lookupChildrenCount = 10; SourceSection parentSourceSection = parentContext.getInstrumentedSourceSection(); EventContext[] contexts = findChildContexts(binding, rootNode, providedTags, parentContext.getInstrumentedNode(), parentContext.getInstrumentedSourceSection(), Math.max(parentChain.inputCount, index + lookupChildrenCount)); int contextCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < contexts.length; i++) { EventContext eventContext = contexts[i]; if (eventContext != null) { contextCount++; } } msg.append("Stable AST assumption violated. " + parentChain.inputCount + " children expected got " + contextCount); msg.append("\n Parent: " + parentSourceSection); for (int i = 0; i < contexts.length; i++) { EventContext eventContext = contexts[i]; if (eventContext == null) { continue; } msg.append("\nChild[" + i + "] = " + eventContext.getInstrumentedSourceSection()); Node node = eventContext.getInstrumentedNode(); String indent = " "; while (node != null) { msg.append("\n"); msg.append(indent); if (node == parentContext.getInstrumentedNode()) { msg.append("Parent"); break; } if (node.getParent() == null) { msg.append("null parent = "); } else { String fieldName = NodeUtil.findChildField(node.getParent(), node).getName(); msg.append(node.getParent().getClass().getSimpleName() + "." + fieldName + " = "); } msg.append(node.getClass().getSimpleName() + "#" + System.identityHashCode(node)); indent += " "; node = node.getParent(); } } } catch (Throwable e) { // if assertion computation fails we need to fallback to some simplerm essage AssertionError error = new AssertionError("Stable AST assumption violated"); error.addSuppressed(e); throw error; } throw new AssertionError(msg.toString()); } ProbeNode.EventChainNode createEventChainCallback(VirtualFrame frame, EventBinding.Source<?> binding, RootNode rootNode, Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection instrumentedNodeSourceSection) { ProbeNode.EventChainNode next; Object element = binding.getElement(); if (element instanceof ExecutionEventListener) { next = new EventFilterChainNode(binding, (ExecutionEventListener) element); } else { assert element instanceof ExecutionEventNodeFactory; ExecutionEventNode eventNode = createEventNode(binding, element); if (eventNode == null) { // error occurred creating the event node return null; } if (binding.getInputFilter() != null) { EventChainNode parent = findParentChain(frame, binding); EventProviderWithInputChainNode parentChain = ((EventProviderWithInputChainNode) parent); int baseInput; if (parentChain == null) { baseInput = 0; } else { EventContext parentContext = parentChain.findProbe().getContext(); int childIndex = indexOfChild(binding, rootNode, providedTags, parentContext.getInstrumentedNode(), parentContext.getInstrumentedSourceSection(), instrumentedNode); int inputBaseIndex = parentChain.inputBaseIndex; if (childIndex < 0) { // be conservative if child could not be identified baseInput = inputBaseIndex + parentChain.inputCount; } else { // we can reuse frame slots next silbing nodes for child nodes. baseInput = inputBaseIndex + childIndex; } } int inputCount = countChildren(binding, rootNode, providedTags, instrumentedNode, instrumentedNodeSourceSection); next = new EventProviderWithInputChainNode(binding, eventNode, baseInput, inputCount); } else { next = new EventProviderChainNode(binding, eventNode); } } return next; } static EventContext[] findChildContexts(EventBinding.Source<?> binding, RootNode rootNode, Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection instrumentedNodeSourceSection, int inputCount) { InputChildContextLookup visitor = new InputChildContextLookup(binding, rootNode, providedTags, instrumentedNode, instrumentedNodeSourceSection, inputCount); NodeUtil.forEachChild(instrumentedNode, visitor); return visitor.foundContexts; } private static int indexOfChild(EventBinding.Source<?> binding, RootNode rootNode, Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection instrumentedNodeSourceSection, Node lookupChild) { InputChildIndexLookup visitor = new InputChildIndexLookup(binding, rootNode, providedTags, instrumentedNode, instrumentedNodeSourceSection, lookupChild); NodeUtil.forEachChild(instrumentedNode, visitor); return visitor.found ? visitor.index : -1; } private static int countChildren(EventBinding.Source<?> binding, RootNode rootNode, Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection instrumentedNodeSourceSection) { InputChildIndexLookup visitor = new InputChildIndexLookup(binding, rootNode, providedTags, instrumentedNode, instrumentedNodeSourceSection, null); NodeUtil.forEachChild(instrumentedNode, visitor); return visitor.index; } private EventChainNode findParentChain(VirtualFrame frame, EventBinding<?> binding) { Node node = getParent().getParent(); while (node != null) { if (node instanceof WrapperNode) { ProbeNode probe = ((WrapperNode) node).getProbeNode(); EventChainNode c = probe.lazyUpdate(frame); if (c != null) { c = c.find(binding); } if (c != null) { return c; } } else if (node instanceof RootNode) { break; } node = node.getParent(); } if (node == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("The AST node is not yet adopted. "); } return null; } private ExecutionEventNode createEventNode(EventBinding.Source<?> binding, Object element) { ExecutionEventNode eventNode; try { eventNode = ((ExecutionEventNodeFactory) element).create(context); if (eventNode != null && eventNode.getParent() != null) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Returned EventNode %s was already adopted by another AST.", eventNode)); } } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof InstrumentException) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw new IllegalStateException( String.format("Error propagation is not supported in %s.create(%s). "// + "Errors propagated in this method may result in an AST that never stabilizes. "// + "Propagate the error in one of the execution event node events like onEnter, onInputValue, onReturn or onReturnExceptional to resolve this problem.", ExecutionEventNodeFactory.class.getSimpleName(), EventContext.class.getSimpleName())); } exceptionEventForClientInstrument(binding, "ProbeNodeFactory.create", t); return null; } return eventNode; }
Handles exceptions from non-language instrumentation code that must not be allowed to alter guest language execution semantics. Normal response is to log and continue.
/** * Handles exceptions from non-language instrumentation code that must not be allowed to alter * guest language execution semantics. Normal response is to log and continue. */
@TruffleBoundary static void exceptionEventForClientInstrument(EventBinding.Source<?> b, String eventName, Throwable t) { if (t instanceof ThreadDeath) { // Terminates guest language execution immediately throw (ThreadDeath) t; } final Object polyglotEngine = InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().getCurrentPolyglotEngine(); if (b.getInstrumenter() instanceof EngineInstrumenter || (polyglotEngine != null && InstrumentAccessor.engineAccess().isInstrumentExceptionsAreThrown(polyglotEngine))) { throw sthrow(RuntimeException.class, t); } // Exception is a failure in (non-language) instrumentation code; log and continue InstrumentClientInstrumenter instrumenter = (InstrumentClientInstrumenter) b.getInstrumenter(); String message = String.format("Event %s failed for instrument class %s and listener/factory %s.", // eventName, instrumenter.getInstrumentClassName(), b.getElement()); Exception exception = new Exception(message, t); PrintStream stream = new PrintStream(instrumenter.getEnv().err()); exception.printStackTrace(stream); }
/** @since 0.12 */
@Override public NodeCost getCost() { return NodeCost.NONE; } private static boolean checkInteropType(Object value, EventBinding.Source<?> binding) { if (value != null && value != UNWIND_ACTION_REENTER && value != UNWIND_ACTION_IGNORED && !InstrumentAccessor.ACCESSOR.isTruffleObject(value)) { Class<?> clazz = value.getClass(); if (!(clazz == Byte.class || clazz == Short.class || clazz == Integer.class || clazz == Long.class || clazz == Float.class || clazz == Double.class || clazz == Character.class || clazz == Boolean.class || clazz == String.class)) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); ClassCastException ccex = new ClassCastException(clazz.getName() + " isn't allowed Truffle interop type!"); if (binding.isLanguageBinding()) { throw ccex; } else { exceptionEventForClientInstrument(binding, "onUnwind", ccex); return false; } } } return true; } private static Object mergePostUnwindReturns(Object r1, Object r2) { // Prefer unwind if (r1 == null || r2 == null) { return null; } if (r1 == UNWIND_ACTION_IGNORED) { return r2; } if (r2 == UNWIND_ACTION_IGNORED) { return r1; } // Prefer reenter over return if (r1 == UNWIND_ACTION_REENTER || r2 == UNWIND_ACTION_REENTER) { return UNWIND_ACTION_REENTER; } return r1; // The first one wins } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unused"}) private static <T extends Throwable> T sthrow(Class<T> type, Throwable t) throws T { throw (T) t; } private static class InputChildContextLookup extends InstrumentableChildVisitor { EventContext[] foundContexts; int index; InputChildContextLookup(EventBinding.Source<?> binding, RootNode rootNode, Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection instrumentedNodeSourceSection, int childrenCount) { super(binding, rootNode, providedTags, instrumentedNode, instrumentedNodeSourceSection); this.foundContexts = new EventContext[childrenCount]; } @Override protected boolean visitChild(Node child) { Node parent = child.getParent(); if (parent instanceof WrapperNode) { ProbeNode probe = ((WrapperNode) parent).getProbeNode(); if (index < foundContexts.length) { foundContexts[index] = probe.context; } else { assert false; foundContexts = null; return false; } } else { // not yet materialized assert false; foundContexts = null; return false; } index++; return true; } } private static class InputChildIndexLookup extends InstrumentableChildVisitor { private final Node lookupNode; boolean found = false; int index; InputChildIndexLookup(EventBinding.Source<?> binding, RootNode rootNode, Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection instrumentedNodeSourceSection, Node lookupNode) { super(binding, rootNode, providedTags, instrumentedNode, instrumentedNodeSourceSection); this.lookupNode = lookupNode; } @Override protected boolean visitChild(Node child) { if (found) { return false; } if (lookupNode == child) { found = true; return false; } index++; return true; } } private abstract static class InstrumentableChildVisitor implements NodeVisitor { private final EventBinding.Source<?> binding; private final Set<Class<?>> providedTags; private final RootNode rootNode; private final Node instrumentedNode; private final SourceSection instrumentedNodeSourceSection; InstrumentableChildVisitor(EventBinding.Source<?> binding, RootNode rootNode, Set<Class<?>> providedTags, Node instrumentedNode, SourceSection instrumentedNodeSourceSection) { this.binding = binding; this.providedTags = providedTags; this.rootNode = rootNode; this.instrumentedNode = instrumentedNode; this.instrumentedNodeSourceSection = instrumentedNodeSourceSection; } public final boolean visit(Node node) { SourceSection sourceSection = node.getSourceSection(); if (InstrumentationHandler.isInstrumentableNode(node)) { if (binding.isChildInstrumentedFull(providedTags, rootNode, instrumentedNode, instrumentedNodeSourceSection, node, sourceSection)) { if (!visitChild(node)) { return false; } } return true; } NodeUtil.forEachChild(node, this); return true; } protected abstract boolean visitChild(Node child); } abstract static class EventChainNode extends Node { private static final int SEEN_EXCEPTION_ON_ENTER = 0b1; private static final int SEEN_EXCEPTION_ON_RETURN = 0b10; private static final int SEEN_EXCEPTION_ON_RETURN_EXCEPTIONAL = 0b100; private static final int SEEN_EXCEPTION_ON_INPUT_VALUE = 0b1000; private static final int SEEN_EXCEPTION_ON_UNWIND = 0b10000; private static final int SEEN_EXCEPTION_HAS_NEXT = 0b100000; private static final int SEEN_EXCEPTION_INSTRUMENT = 0b1000000; private static final int SEEN_EXCEPTION_OTHER = 0b10000000; private static final int SEEN_UNWIND_ON_ENTER = 0b100000000; private static final int SEEN_UNWIND_ON_RETURN = 0b1000000000; private static final int SEEN_UNWIND_ON_RETURN_EXCEPTIONAL = 0b10000000000; private static final int SEEN_UNWIND_ON_INPUT_VALUE = 0b100000000000; private static final int SEEN_UNWIND_HAS_NEXT = 0b1000000000000; private final EventBinding.Source<?> binding; @Child private ProbeNode.EventChainNode next; // effectively final @CompilationFinal private ProbeNode.EventChainNode previous; // effectively final @CompilationFinal private int seen; EventChainNode(EventBinding.Source<?> binding) { this.binding = binding; } final ProbeNode findProbe() { Node parent = this; while (parent != null && !(parent instanceof ProbeNode)) { parent = parent.getParent(); } return (ProbeNode) parent; } final void setNext(ProbeNode.EventChainNode next) { this.next = insert(next); next.previous = this; } EventBinding.Source<?> getBinding() { return binding; } ProbeNode.EventChainNode getNext() { return next; } @Override public final NodeCost getCost() { return NodeCost.NONE; } final void profileBranch(int flag) { if ((seen & flag) == 0) { // if not seen CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); seen = seen | flag; } } static void onDispose(EventChainNode eventChain, EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame) { CompilerAsserts.neverPartOfCompilation(); EventChainNode chainNode = eventChain; RuntimeException prevError = null; while (chainNode != null) { try { chainNode.innerOnDispose(context, frame); } catch (Throwable t) { // no profiling necessary prevError = chainNode.handleError(context, "onDispose", prevError, t); } chainNode = chainNode.next; } if (prevError != null) { throw prevError; } } private RuntimeException handleError(EventContext context, String eventName, RuntimeException previousError, Throwable newError) { if (binding.isLanguageBinding()) { if (previousError != null) { profileBranch(SEEN_EXCEPTION_HAS_NEXT); addSuppressedException(previousError, newError); return previousError; } return (RuntimeException) newError; } else { if (newError instanceof InstrumentException) { profileBranch(SEEN_EXCEPTION_INSTRUMENT); if (((InstrumentException) newError).context == context) { RuntimeException unwrapped = ((InstrumentException) newError).delegate; if (previousError != null) { profileBranch(SEEN_EXCEPTION_HAS_NEXT); addSuppressedException(previousError, unwrapped); return previousError; } return unwrapped; } } profileBranch(SEEN_EXCEPTION_OTHER); exceptionEventForClientInstrument(binding, eventName, newError); } return previousError; } @TruffleBoundary private static void addSuppressedException(Throwable prev, Throwable t) { prev.addSuppressed(t); } protected abstract void innerOnDispose(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame); @ExplodeLoop static void onEnter(EventChainNode eventChain, EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame) { EventChainNode current = eventChain; UnwindException unwind = null; RuntimeException prevError = null; while (current != null) { try { current.innerOnEnter(context, frame); } catch (UnwindException ex) { current.profileBranch(SEEN_UNWIND_ON_ENTER); unwind = handleUnwind(current, unwind, ex); } catch (Throwable t) { current.profileBranch(SEEN_EXCEPTION_ON_ENTER); prevError = current.handleError(context, "onEnter", prevError, t); } current = current.next; } if (prevError != null) { throw prevError; } if (unwind != null) { throw unwind; } } protected abstract void innerOnEnter(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame); @ExplodeLoop static void onInputValue(EventChainNode eventChain, EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, EventBinding<?> inputBinding, EventContext inputContext, int inputIndex, Object inputValue) { EventChainNode current = eventChain.getLast(); UnwindException unwind = null; RuntimeException prevError = null; while (current != null) { try { if (current.binding == inputBinding) { current.innerOnInputValue(context, frame, current.binding, inputContext, inputIndex, inputValue); } } catch (UnwindException ex) { current.profileBranch(SEEN_UNWIND_ON_INPUT_VALUE); unwind = handleUnwind(current, unwind, ex); } catch (Throwable t) { current.profileBranch(SEEN_EXCEPTION_ON_INPUT_VALUE); prevError = current.handleError(context, "onInputValue", prevError, t); } current = current.previous; } if (prevError != null) { throw prevError; } if (unwind != null) { throw unwind; } } private static UnwindException handleUnwind(EventChainNode current, UnwindException unwind, UnwindException ex) { ex.thrownFromBinding(current.binding); return current.mergeUnwind(unwind, ex); } private UnwindException mergeUnwind(UnwindException unwind, UnwindException other) { if (unwind != null && unwind != other) { profileBranch(SEEN_UNWIND_HAS_NEXT); unwind.addNext(other); return unwind; } else { return other; } } protected abstract void innerOnInputValue(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, EventBinding<?> targetBinding, EventContext inputContext, int inputIndex, Object inputValue); @ExplodeLoop private EventChainNode getLast() { EventChainNode current = this; while (current.next != null) { current = current.next; } CompilerAsserts.partialEvaluationConstant(current); return current; } @ExplodeLoop static void onReturnValue(EventChainNode chain, EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Object result) { EventChainNode current = chain.getLast(); UnwindException unwind = null; RuntimeException prevError = null; while (current != null) { try { current.innerOnReturnValue(context, frame, result); } catch (UnwindException ex) { current.profileBranch(SEEN_UNWIND_ON_RETURN); unwind = handleUnwind(current, unwind, ex); } catch (Throwable t) { current.profileBranch(SEEN_EXCEPTION_ON_RETURN); prevError = current.handleError(context, "onInputValue", prevError, t); } current = current.previous; } if (prevError != null) { throw prevError; } if (unwind != null) { throw unwind; } } protected abstract void innerOnReturnValue(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Object result); @ExplodeLoop static void onReturnExceptional(EventChainNode chainNode, EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Throwable exception) { UnwindException unwind = null; EventChainNode current = chainNode.getLast(); RuntimeException prevError = null; while (current != null) { try { current.innerOnReturnExceptional(context, frame, exception); } catch (UnwindException ex) { current.profileBranch(SEEN_UNWIND_ON_RETURN_EXCEPTIONAL); unwind = handleUnwind(current, unwind, ex); } catch (Throwable t) { current.profileBranch(SEEN_EXCEPTION_ON_RETURN_EXCEPTIONAL); prevError = current.handleError(context, "onInputValue", prevError, t); } current = current.previous; } if (prevError != null) { throw prevError; } if (unwind != null) { throw unwind; } } protected abstract void innerOnReturnExceptional(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Throwable exception); private boolean containsBinding(UnwindException unwind) { if (unwind.getBinding() == binding) { return true; } else { UnwindException nextUnwind = unwind.getNext(); if (nextUnwind != null) { profileBranch(SEEN_UNWIND_HAS_NEXT); return containsBindingBoundary(nextUnwind); } else { return false; } } } @TruffleBoundary private boolean containsBindingBoundary(UnwindException unwind) { return containsBinding(unwind); } private Object getInfo(UnwindException unwind) { if (unwind.getBinding() == binding) { return unwind.getInfo(); } else { UnwindException nextUnwind = unwind.getNext(); if (nextUnwind != null) { profileBranch(SEEN_UNWIND_HAS_NEXT); return getInfoBoundary(nextUnwind); } else { return false; } } } @TruffleBoundary private Object getInfoBoundary(UnwindException unwind) { return getInfo(unwind); } private void reset(UnwindException unwind) { if (unwind.getBinding() == binding) { unwind.resetThread(); } else { UnwindException nextUnwind = unwind.getNext(); if (nextUnwind != null) { profileBranch(SEEN_UNWIND_HAS_NEXT); unwind.resetBoundary(binding); } } } @ExplodeLoop static Object onUnwind(EventChainNode eventChain, EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, UnwindException unwind) { EventChainNode current = eventChain; RuntimeException prevError = null; Object ret = null; while (current != null) { Object nextRet = null; if (current.containsBinding(unwind)) { try { nextRet = current.innerOnUnwind(context, frame, current.getInfo(unwind)); } catch (Throwable t) { current.profileBranch(SEEN_EXCEPTION_ON_UNWIND); prevError = current.handleError(context, "onUnwind", prevError, t); } if (nextRet != null) { assert checkInteropType(nextRet, current.binding); current.reset(unwind); } } else { nextRet = UNWIND_ACTION_IGNORED; } if (current == eventChain) { // first event chain ret = nextRet; } else { ret = mergePostUnwindReturns(ret, nextRet); } current = current.next; } if (prevError != null) { throw prevError; } return ret; } protected abstract Object innerOnUnwind(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Object info); EventChainNode find(EventBinding<?> b) { if (binding == b) { assert next == null || next.find(b) == null : "only one chain entry per binding allowed"; return this; } return next != null ? next.find(b) : null; } } private static class EventFilterChainNode extends ProbeNode.EventChainNode { private final ExecutionEventListener listener; EventFilterChainNode(EventBinding.Source<?> binding, ExecutionEventListener listener) { super(binding); this.listener = listener; } @Override protected void innerOnInputValue(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, EventBinding<?> binding, EventContext inputContext, int inputIndex, Object inputValue) { } @Override protected void innerOnEnter(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame) { listener.onEnter(context, frame); } @Override protected void innerOnReturnExceptional(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Throwable exception) { listener.onReturnExceptional(context, frame, exception); } @Override protected void innerOnReturnValue(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Object result) { listener.onReturnValue(context, frame, result); } @Override protected Object innerOnUnwind(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Object info) { return listener.onUnwind(context, frame, info); } @Override protected void innerOnDispose(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame) { } } static class EventProviderWithInputChainNode extends EventProviderChainNode { static final Object[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new Object[0]; @CompilationFinal(dimensions = 1) private volatile FrameSlot[] inputSlots; @CompilationFinal private volatile FrameDescriptor sourceFrameDescriptor; final int inputBaseIndex; final int inputCount; @CompilationFinal(dimensions = 1) volatile EventContext[] inputContexts; EventProviderWithInputChainNode(EventBinding.Source<?> binding, ExecutionEventNode eventNode, int inputBaseIndex, int inputCount) { super(binding, eventNode); this.inputBaseIndex = inputBaseIndex; this.inputCount = inputCount; } final int getInputCount() { return inputCount; } final EventContext getInputContext(int index) { EventContext[] contexts = inputContexts; if (contexts == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); ProbeNode probe = findProbe(); EventContext thisContext = probe.context; RootNode rootNode = getRootNode(); Set<Class<?>> providedTags = probe.handler.getProvidedTags(rootNode); inputContexts = contexts = findChildContexts(getBinding(), rootNode, providedTags, thisContext.getInstrumentedNode(), thisContext.getInstrumentedSourceSection(), inputCount); } if (contexts == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw new IllegalStateException("Input event context not yet available. They are only available during event notifications."); } return contexts[index]; } final void saveInputValue(VirtualFrame frame, int inputIndex, Object value) { verifyIndex(inputIndex); if (inputSlots == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); initializeSlots(frame); } assert sourceFrameDescriptor == frame.getFrameDescriptor() : "Unstable frame descriptor used by the language."; frame.setObject(inputSlots[inputIndex], value); } private void initializeSlots(VirtualFrame frame) { Lock lock = getLock(); lock.lock(); try { if (this.inputSlots == null) { if (InstrumentationHandler.TRACE) { InstrumentationHandler.trace("SLOTS: Adding %s save slots for binding %s%n", inputCount, getBinding().getElement()); } FrameDescriptor frameDescriptor = frame.getFrameDescriptor(); FrameSlot[] slots = new FrameSlot[inputCount]; for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++) { int slotIndex = inputBaseIndex + i; slots[i] = frameDescriptor.findOrAddFrameSlot(new SavedInputValueID(getBinding(), slotIndex)); } this.sourceFrameDescriptor = frameDescriptor; this.inputSlots = slots; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } private void verifyIndex(int inputIndex) { if (inputIndex >= inputCount || inputIndex < 0) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreter(); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid input index."); } } @Override protected void innerOnDispose(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame) { Lock lock = getLock(); lock.lock(); try { if (inputSlots != null) { FrameSlot[] slots = inputSlots; inputSlots = null; RootNode rootNode = context.getInstrumentedNode().getRootNode(); if (rootNode == null) { return; } FrameDescriptor descriptor = rootNode.getFrameDescriptor(); assert descriptor != null; for (FrameSlot slot : slots) { FrameSlot resolvedSlot = descriptor.findFrameSlot(slot.getIdentifier()); if (resolvedSlot != null) { descriptor.removeFrameSlot(slot.getIdentifier()); } else { // slot might be shared and already removed by another event provider // node. } } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } super.innerOnDispose(context, frame); } @Override protected void innerOnReturnExceptional(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Throwable exception) { super.innerOnReturnExceptional(context, frame, exception); clearSlots(frame); } @Override protected void innerOnReturnValue(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Object result) { super.innerOnReturnValue(context, frame, result); clearSlots(frame); } @ExplodeLoop private void clearSlots(VirtualFrame frame) { FrameSlot[] slots = inputSlots; if (slots != null) { if (frame.getFrameDescriptor() == sourceFrameDescriptor) { for (int i = 0; i < slots.length; i++) { frame.setObject(slots[i], null); } } } } protected final Object getSavedInputValue(VirtualFrame frame, int inputIndex) { try { verifyIndex(inputIndex); if (inputSlots == null) { // never saved any value return null; } return frame.getObject(inputSlots[inputIndex]); } catch (FrameSlotTypeException e) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreter(); throw new AssertionError(e); } } @ExplodeLoop protected final Object[] getSavedInputValues(VirtualFrame frame) { FrameSlot[] slots = inputSlots; if (slots == null) { return EMPTY_ARRAY; } Object[] inputValues; if (frame.getFrameDescriptor() == sourceFrameDescriptor) { inputValues = new Object[slots.length]; for (int i = 0; i < slots.length; i++) { try { inputValues[i] = frame.getObject(slots[i]); } catch (FrameSlotTypeException e) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreter(); throw new AssertionError(e); } } } else { inputValues = new Object[inputSlots.length]; } return inputValues; } static final class SavedInputValueID { private final EventBinding<?> binding; private final int index; SavedInputValueID(EventBinding<?> binding, int index) { this.binding = binding; this.index = index; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (31 * binding.hashCode()) * 31 + index; } @Override public String toString() { return "SavedInputValue(binding=" + binding.hashCode() + ":" + index + ")"; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } else if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } SavedInputValueID other = (SavedInputValueID) obj; return binding == other.binding && index == other.index; } } } static class EventProviderChainNode extends ProbeNode.EventChainNode { @Child private ExecutionEventNode eventNode; EventProviderChainNode(EventBinding.Source<?> binding, ExecutionEventNode eventNode) { super(binding); this.eventNode = eventNode; } @Override protected final void innerOnInputValue(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, EventBinding<?> binding, EventContext inputContext, int inputIndex, Object inputValue) { eventNode.onInputValue(frame, inputContext, inputIndex, inputValue); } @Override protected final void innerOnEnter(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame) { eventNode.onEnter(frame); } @Override protected void innerOnReturnExceptional(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Throwable exception) { eventNode.onReturnExceptional(frame, exception); } @Override protected void innerOnReturnValue(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Object result) { eventNode.onReturnValue(frame, result); } @Override protected Object innerOnUnwind(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Object info) { return eventNode.onUnwind(frame, info); } @Override protected void innerOnDispose(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame) { eventNode.onDispose(frame); } } private static class InputValueChainNode extends ProbeNode.EventChainNode { private final EventBinding<?> targetBinding; private final ProbeNode parentProbe; private final int inputIndex; private final EventContext inputContext; InputValueChainNode(EventBinding.Source<?> binding, ProbeNode parentProbe, EventContext inputContext, int inputIndex) { super(binding); this.targetBinding = binding; this.parentProbe = parentProbe; this.inputContext = inputContext; this.inputIndex = inputIndex; } @Override EventChainNode find(EventBinding<?> b) { EventChainNode next = getNext(); if (next == null) { return null; } else { return next.find(b); } } @Override protected Object innerOnUnwind(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Object info) { return UNWIND_ACTION_IGNORED; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("hiding") protected void innerOnInputValue(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, EventBinding<?> binding, EventContext inputContext, int inputIndex, Object inputValue) { } @Override protected void innerOnEnter(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame) { } @Override protected void innerOnDispose(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame) { } @Override protected void innerOnReturnValue(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Object result) { parentProbe.onInputValue(frame, targetBinding, inputContext, inputIndex, result); } @Override protected void innerOnReturnExceptional(EventContext context, VirtualFrame frame, Throwable exception) { } } }