 * Copyright (c) 2016, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
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package com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.Frame;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.FrameSlot;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.InteropLibrary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.Node;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.SourceSection;

Set of standard tags usable by language agnostic tools. Language should provide an implementation of these tags in order to support a wide variety of tools.
/** * Set of standard tags usable by language agnostic tools. Language should {@link ProvidedTags * provide} an implementation of these tags in order to support a wide variety of tools. * * @since 0.12 */
public final class StandardTags { private StandardTags() { /* No instances */ } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes"}) static final Class[] ALL_TAGS = new Class[]{StatementTag.class, CallTag.class, RootTag.class, RootBodyTag.class, ExpressionTag.class, TryBlockTag.class, ReadVariableTag.class, WriteVariableTag.class};
Marks program locations that represent a statement of a language.

Use case descriptions:

  • Debugger: Marks program locations where ordinary stepping should halt. The debugger will halt just before a code location is executed that is marked with this tag.

    In most languages, this means statements are distinct from expressions and only one node representing the statement should be tagged. Subexpressions are typically not tagged so that for example a step-over operation will stop at the next independent statement to get the desired behavior.

The StatemenTag uses the identifier "STATEMENT". A node tagged with StatementTag must provide a source section, if its root node provides a source section.

If the a node tagged with statement returns a non null value then it must be an interop value. There are assertions in place verifying this when Java assertions are enabled (-ea).

/** * Marks program locations that represent a statement of a language. * <p> * Use case descriptions: * <ul> * <li><b>Debugger:</b> Marks program locations where ordinary stepping should halt. The * debugger will halt just <em>before</em> a code location is executed that is marked with this * tag. * <p> * In most languages, this means statements are distinct from expressions and only one node * representing the statement should be tagged. Subexpressions are typically not tagged so that * for example a step-over operation will stop at the next independent statement to get the * desired behavior.</li> * </ul> * The StatemenTag uses the {@link Tag.Identifier identifier} <code>"STATEMENT"</code>. A node * tagged with {@link StatementTag} must provide a {@link Node#getSourceSection() source * section}, if its root node provides a source section. * <p> * If the a node tagged with {@link StatementTag statement} returns a non <code>null</code> * value then it must be an interop value. There are assertions in place verifying this when * Java assertions are enabled (-ea). * * @since 0.12 */
@Tag.Identifier("STATEMENT") public static final class StatementTag extends Tag { private StatementTag() { /* No instances */ } }
Marks program locations that represent a call to other guest language functions, methods or closures.

Use case descriptions:

  • Debugger: Marks program locations where returning or stepping out from a method/procedure/closure call should halt. The debugger will halt at the code location that has just executed the call that returned.
The CallTag uses the identifier "CALL". A node tagged with CallTag must provide a source section, if its root node provides a source section.

If the a node tagged with call returns a non null value then it must be an interop value. There are assertions in place verifying this when Java assertions are enabled (-ea).

/** * Marks program locations that represent a call to other guest language functions, methods or * closures. * <p> * Use case descriptions: * <ul> * <li><b>Debugger:</b> Marks program locations where <em>returning</em> or <em>stepping * out</em> from a method/procedure/closure call should halt. The debugger will halt at the code * location that has just executed the call that returned.</li> * </ul> * * The CallTag uses the {@link Tag.Identifier identifier} <code>"CALL"</code>. A node tagged * with {@link CallTag} must provide a {@link Node#getSourceSection() source section}, if its * root node provides a source section. * <p> * If the a node tagged with {@link CallTag call} returns a non <code>null</code> value then it * must be an interop value. There are assertions in place verifying this when Java assertions * are enabled (-ea). * * @since 0.12 */
@Tag.Identifier("CALL") public static final class CallTag extends Tag { private CallTag() { /* No instances */ } }
Marks program locations as root of a function, method or closure. The root prolog should be executed by this node. In particular, when the implementation copies Frame.getArguments() into FrameSlots, it should do it here for the instrumentation to work correctly. As a result, local scope might be incomplete for instruments, as the prolog does not run before this node is entered and epilog may do destructions before this node is exited.

Use case descriptions:

  • Debugger: Use this tag to unwind frames.
The RootTag uses the identifier "ROOT". A node tagged with RootTag must provide a source section, if its root node provides a source section.

If the a node tagged with root returns a non null value then it must be an interop value. There are assertions in place verifying this when Java assertions are enabled (-ea).

/** * Marks program locations as root of a function, method or closure. The root prolog should be * executed by this node. In particular, when the implementation copies * {@link Frame#getArguments()} into {@link FrameSlot}s, it should do it here for the * instrumentation to work correctly. As a result, local scope might be incomplete for * instruments, as the prolog does not run before this node is entered and epilog may do * destructions before this node is exited. * <p> * Use case descriptions: * <ul> * <li><b>Debugger:</b> Use this tag to unwind frames.</li> * </ul> * * The RootTag uses the {@link Tag.Identifier identifier} <code>"ROOT"</code>. A node tagged * with {@link RootTag} must provide a {@link Node#getSourceSection() source section}, if its * root node provides a source section. * <p> * If the a node tagged with {@link RootTag root} returns a non <code>null</code> value then it * must be an interop value. There are assertions in place verifying this when Java assertions * are enabled (-ea). * * @since 0.12 */
@Tag.Identifier("ROOT") public static final class RootTag extends Tag { private RootTag() { /* No instances */ } }
Marks program locations as bodies of a function, method or closure. The root prolog and epilog is not a part of this node, what makes a difference from RootTag. In particular, when the implementation copies Frame.getArguments() into FrameSlots, it should do it before this node for the instrumentation to work correctly.

Use case descriptions:

  • Profiler: Marks body of every root that should be profiled and where local variables are initialized and ready to be retrieved.
The RootBodyTag uses the identifier "ROOT_BODY". A node tagged with RootBodyTag must provide a source section , if its root node provides a source section.

If the a node tagged with root body returns a non null value then it must be an interop value. There are assertions in place verifying this when Java assertions are enabled (-ea).

/** * Marks program locations as bodies of a function, method or closure. The root prolog and * epilog is not a part of this node, what makes a difference from {@link RootTag}. In * particular, when the implementation copies {@link Frame#getArguments()} into * {@link FrameSlot}s, it should do it before this node for the instrumentation to work * correctly. * <p> * Use case descriptions: * <ul> * <li><b>Profiler:</b> Marks body of every root that should be profiled and where local * variables are initialized and ready to be retrieved.</li> * </ul> * * The RootBodyTag uses the {@link Tag.Identifier identifier} <code>"ROOT_BODY"</code>. A node * tagged with {@link RootBodyTag} must provide a {@link Node#getSourceSection() source section} * , if its root node provides a source section. * <p> * If the a node tagged with {@link RootBodyTag root body} returns a non <code>null</code> value * then it must be an interop value. There are assertions in place verifying this when Java * assertions are enabled (-ea). * * @since 19.2.0 */
@Tag.Identifier("ROOT_BODY") public static final class RootBodyTag extends Tag { private RootBodyTag() { /* No instances */ } }
Marks program locations as to be considered expressions of the languages. Common examples for expressions are:
  • Literal expressions
  • Arithmetic expressions like addition and multiplication
  • Condition expressions
  • Function calls
  • Array, Object or variable reads and writes
  • Instantiations
Use case descriptions:
  • Coverage: To compute expression coverage.
  • Debugger: Fine grained debugging of expressions. It is optional to implement the expression tag to support debuggers.
The ExpressionTag uses the identifier "EXPRESSION". A node tagged with ExpressionTag must provide a source section, if its root node provides a source section. *

If the a node tagged with expression returns a non null value then it must be an interop value. There are assertions in place verifying this when Java assertions are enabled (-ea).

/** * Marks program locations as to be considered expressions of the languages. Common examples for * expressions are: * <ul> * <li>Literal expressions * <li>Arithmetic expressions like addition and multiplication * <li>Condition expressions * <li>Function calls * <li>Array, Object or variable reads and writes * <li>Instantiations * </ul> * Use case descriptions: * <ul> * <li><b>Coverage:</b> To compute expression coverage.</li> * <li><b>Debugger:</b> Fine grained debugging of expressions. It is optional to implement the * expression tag to support debuggers.</li> * </ul> * * The ExpressionTag uses the {@link Tag.Identifier identifier} <code>"EXPRESSION"</code>. A * node tagged with {@link ExpressionTag} must provide a {@link Node#getSourceSection() source * section}, if its root node provides a source section. * * <p> * If the a node tagged with {@link ExpressionTag expression} returns a non <code>null</code> * value then it must be an interop value. There are assertions in place verifying this when * Java assertions are enabled (-ea). * * @since 0.33 */
@Tag.Identifier("EXPRESSION") public static final class ExpressionTag extends Tag { private ExpressionTag() { /* No instances */ } }
Marks program locations to be considered as try blocks, that are followed by catch. To determine which exceptions are caught by InstrumentableNode tagged with this tag, the node might provide a node object that has catches function, which takes a an interop value that returns true for InteropLibrary.isException(Object) and returns a boolean value indicating whether the try block catches the exception, or not. When this block catches all exceptions, no special node object or catches function needs to be provided.
/** * Marks program locations to be considered as try blocks, that are followed by catch. To * determine which exceptions are caught by {@link InstrumentableNode} tagged with this tag, the * node might provide a {@link InstrumentableNode#getNodeObject() node object} that has * <code>catches</code> function, which takes a an interop value that returns <code>true</code> * for {@link InteropLibrary#isException(Object)} and returns a boolean value indicating whether * the try block catches the exception, or not. When this block catches all exceptions, no * special node object or catches function needs to be provided. * * @since 19.0 */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Tag.Identifier("TRY_BLOCK") public static final class TryBlockTag extends Tag {
Name of the catches function.
/** * Name of the <code>catches</code> function. * * @since 19.0 */
public static final String CATCHES = "catches"; private TryBlockTag() { /* No instances */ } }
Marks program locations to be considered as reads of variables of the languages.

Use case descriptions:

  • Language Server Protocol: Marks every read of a variable to support the documentHighlight, hover, definition and references requests.
To determine the name of the variable, it is required that a node tagged with ReadVariableTag also provides a node object that has NAME property. The value of that property is either: Furthermore, nodes tagged with ReadVariableTag have to provide a source section.
/** * Marks program locations to be considered as reads of variables of the languages. * <p> * Use case descriptions: * <ul> * <li><b>Language Server Protocol:</b> Marks every read of a variable to support the * <i>documentHighlight</i>, <i>hover</i>, <i>definition</i> and <i>references</i> requests. * </li> * </ul> * To determine the name of the variable, it is required that a node tagged with * {@link ReadVariableTag} also provides a {@link InstrumentableNode#getNodeObject() node * object} that has {@link ReadVariableTag#NAME} property. The value of that property is either: * <ul> * <li>a String name of the variable (in that case the node's {@link Node#getSourceSection() * source section} is considered as the variable's source section), * <li>an object that provides name and {@link SourceSection} via * {@link InteropLibrary#asString(Object)} and {@link InteropLibrary#getSourceLocation(Object)} * respectively, * <li>an array of objects when multiple variables are being read, where each array element * provides name and {@link SourceSection} as specified above. * </ul> * Furthermore, nodes tagged with {@link ReadVariableTag} have to provide a * {@link Node#getSourceSection() source section}. * * @since 20.0.0 */
@Tag.Identifier("READ_VARIABLE") public static final class ReadVariableTag extends Tag {
Property of the node object that contains name of the variable.
/** * Property of the node object that contains name of the variable. * * @since 20.0.0 */
public static final String NAME = "readVariableName"; private ReadVariableTag() { /* No instances */ } }
Marks program locations to be considered as writes of variables of the languages.

Use case descriptions:

  • Language Server Protocol: Marks every write of a variable to support the documentHighlight, hover, definition and references requests.
To determine the name of the variable, it is required that a node tagged with WriteVariableTag also provides a node object that has NAME property. The value of that property is either: Furthermore, nodes tagged with WriteVariableTag have to provide a source section.
/** * Marks program locations to be considered as writes of variables of the languages. * <p> * Use case descriptions: * <ul> * <li><b>Language Server Protocol:</b> Marks every write of a variable to support the * <i>documentHighlight</i>, <i>hover</i>, <i>definition</i> and <i>references</i> requests. * </li> * </ul> * To determine the name of the variable, it is required that a node tagged with * {@link WriteVariableTag} also provides a {@link InstrumentableNode#getNodeObject() node * object} that has {@link WriteVariableTag#NAME} property. The value of that property is * either: * <ul> * <li>a String name of the variable (in that case the node's {@link Node#getSourceSection() * source section} is considered as the variable's source section), * <li>an object that provides name and {@link SourceSection} via * {@link InteropLibrary#asString(Object)} and {@link InteropLibrary#getSourceLocation(Object)} * respectively, * <li>an array of objects when multiple variables are being read, where each array element * provides name and {@link SourceSection} as specified above. * </ul> * Furthermore, nodes tagged with {@link WriteVariableTag} have to provide a * {@link Node#getSourceSection() source section}. * * @since 20.0.0 */
@Tag.Identifier("WRITE_VARIABLE") public static final class WriteVariableTag extends Tag {
Property of the node object that contains name of the variable.
/** * Property of the node object that contains name of the variable. * * @since 20.0.0 */
public static final String NAME = "writeVariableName"; private WriteVariableTag() { /* No instances */ } } }