 * Copyright (c) 2018, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
 * the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
 * (a) the Software, and
 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
 * is contributed by such licensors),
 * without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
 * derivative works of, display, perform, and distribute the Software and make,
 * use, sell, offer for sale, import, export, have made, and have sold the
 * Software and the Larger Work(s), and to sublicense the foregoing rights on
 * either these or other terms.
 * This license is subject to the following condition:
 * The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
 * minimum a reference to the UPL must be included in all copies or substantial
 * portions of the Software.
package com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.access;

import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.Assumption;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerAsserts;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.ArityException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.InteropLibrary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.UnknownIdentifierException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.UnsupportedMessageException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.UnsupportedTypeException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.ExplodeLoop;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.NodeCost;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.NodeInfo;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.BooleanLocation;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.DoubleLocation;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.DynamicObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.DynamicObjectLibrary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.FinalLocationException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.HiddenKey;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.IncompatibleLocationException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.IntLocation;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.Property;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.Shape;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.profiles.BranchProfile;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.profiles.ConditionProfile;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.utilities.AlwaysValidAssumption;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.utilities.NeverValidAssumption;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.JSGuards;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.array.ArrayLengthNode.ArrayLengthWriteNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.cast.JSToObjectNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.function.JSFunctionCallNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.interop.ExportValueNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.Errors;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSArguments;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSConfig;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSContext;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSRuntime;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.Symbol;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSAdapter;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSArray;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSArrayBufferView;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSGlobal;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSProxy;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.Accessor;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.Dead;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.JSAttributes;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.JSDynamicObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.JSObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.JSObjectUtil;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.JSProperty;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.JSShape;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.Null;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.PropertyDescriptor;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.PropertyProxy;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.Undefined;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.util.JSClassProfile;

See Also:
  • WritePropertyNode
/** * @see WritePropertyNode */
public class PropertySetNode extends PropertyCacheNode<PropertySetNode.SetCacheNode> { private final boolean isGlobal; private final boolean isStrict; private final boolean setOwnProperty; private final boolean declaration; private final boolean superProperty; private final byte attributeFlags; private boolean propertyAssumptionCheckEnabled; public static PropertySetNode create(Object key, boolean isGlobal, JSContext context, boolean isStrict) { final boolean setOwnProperty = false; return createImpl(key, isGlobal, context, isStrict, setOwnProperty, JSAttributes.getDefault()); } public static PropertySetNode createImpl(Object key, boolean isGlobal, JSContext context, boolean isStrict, boolean setOwnProperty, int attributeFlags) { return createImpl(key, isGlobal, context, isStrict, setOwnProperty, attributeFlags, false, false); } public static PropertySetNode createImpl(Object key, boolean isGlobal, JSContext context, boolean isStrict, boolean setOwnProperty, int attributeFlags, boolean declaration) { return createImpl(key, isGlobal, context, isStrict, setOwnProperty, attributeFlags, declaration, false); } public static PropertySetNode createImpl(Object key, boolean isGlobal, JSContext context, boolean isStrict, boolean setOwnProperty, int attributeFlags, boolean declaration, boolean superProperty) { return new PropertySetNode(key, context, isGlobal, isStrict, setOwnProperty, attributeFlags, declaration, superProperty); } public static PropertySetNode createSetHidden(HiddenKey key, JSContext context) { return createImpl(key, false, context, false, true, 0); } protected PropertySetNode(Object key, JSContext context, boolean isGlobal, boolean isStrict, boolean setOwnProperty, int attributeFlags, boolean declaration, boolean superProperty) { super(key, context); assert setOwnProperty ? attributeFlags == (attributeFlags & (JSAttributes.ATTRIBUTES_MASK | JSProperty.CONST)) : attributeFlags == JSAttributes.getDefault(); this.isGlobal = isGlobal; this.isStrict = isStrict; this.setOwnProperty = setOwnProperty; this.attributeFlags = (byte) attributeFlags; this.declaration = declaration; this.superProperty = superProperty; } public final void setValue(Object obj, Object value) { setValue(obj, value, obj); } public final void setValueInt(Object obj, int value) { setValueInt(obj, value, obj); } public final void setValueDouble(Object obj, double value) { setValueDouble(obj, value, obj); } public final void setValueBoolean(Object obj, boolean value) { setValueBoolean(obj, value, obj); } @ExplodeLoop protected void setValue(Object thisObj, Object value, Object receiver) { for (SetCacheNode c = cacheNode; c != null; c = c.next) { if (c.isGeneric()) { c.setValue(thisObj, value, receiver, this, false); return; } if (!c.isValid()) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); break; } boolean guard = c.accepts(thisObj); if (guard) { if (c.setValue(thisObj, value, receiver, this, guard)) { return; } } } deoptimize(); setValueAndSpecialize(thisObj, value, receiver); } @TruffleBoundary private boolean setValueAndSpecialize(Object thisObj, Object value, Object receiver) { return specialize(thisObj, value).setValue(thisObj, value, receiver, this, false); } @ExplodeLoop protected void setValueInt(Object thisObj, int value, Object receiver) { for (SetCacheNode c = cacheNode; c != null; c = c.next) { if (c.isGeneric()) { c.setValueInt(thisObj, value, receiver, this, false); return; } if (!c.isValid()) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); break; } boolean guard = c.accepts(thisObj); if (guard) { if (c.setValueInt(thisObj, value, receiver, this, guard)) { return; } } } deoptimize(); setValueIntAndSpecialize(thisObj, value, receiver); } @TruffleBoundary private void setValueIntAndSpecialize(Object thisObj, int value, Object receiver) { specialize(thisObj, value).setValueInt(thisObj, value, receiver, this, false); } @ExplodeLoop protected void setValueDouble(Object thisObj, double value, Object receiver) { for (SetCacheNode c = cacheNode; c != null; c = c.next) { if (c.isGeneric()) { c.setValueDouble(thisObj, value, receiver, this, false); return; } if (!c.isValid()) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); break; } boolean guard = c.accepts(thisObj); if (guard) { if (c.setValueDouble(thisObj, value, receiver, this, guard)) { return; } } } deoptimize(); setValueDoubleAndSpecialize(thisObj, value, receiver); } @TruffleBoundary private void setValueDoubleAndSpecialize(Object thisObj, double value, Object receiver) { specialize(thisObj, value).setValueDouble(thisObj, value, receiver, this, false); } @ExplodeLoop protected void setValueBoolean(Object thisObj, boolean value, Object receiver) { for (SetCacheNode c = cacheNode; c != null; c = c.next) { if (c.isGeneric()) { c.setValueBoolean(thisObj, value, receiver, this, false); return; } if (!c.isValid()) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); break; } boolean guard = c.accepts(thisObj); if (guard) { if (c.setValueBoolean(thisObj, value, receiver, this, guard)) { return; } } } deoptimize(); setValueBooleanAndSpecialize(thisObj, value, receiver); } @TruffleBoundary private void setValueBooleanAndSpecialize(Object thisObj, boolean value, Object receiver) { specialize(thisObj, value).setValueBoolean(thisObj, value, receiver, this, false); } public abstract static class SetCacheNode extends PropertyCacheNode.CacheNode<SetCacheNode> { protected SetCacheNode(ReceiverCheckNode receiverCheck) { super(receiverCheck); } protected abstract boolean setValue(Object thisObj, Object value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard); protected boolean setValueInt(Object thisObj, int value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { return setValue(thisObj, value, receiver, root, guard); } protected boolean setValueDouble(Object thisObj, double value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { return setValue(thisObj, value, receiver, root, guard); } protected boolean setValueBoolean(Object thisObj, boolean value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { return setValue(thisObj, value, receiver, root, guard); } @Override protected boolean acceptsValue(Object value) { return true; } } public abstract static class LinkedPropertySetNode extends SetCacheNode { protected LinkedPropertySetNode(ReceiverCheckNode receiverCheck) { super(receiverCheck); } } public static final class ObjectPropertySetNode extends LinkedPropertySetNode { private final Property property; public ObjectPropertySetNode(Property property, AbstractShapeCheckNode shapeCheck) { super(shapeCheck); this.property = property; assert JSProperty.isData(property) && JSProperty.isWritable(property) && !JSProperty.isProxy(property) && !property.getLocation().isFinal(); } @Override protected boolean setValue(Object thisObj, Object value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { if (property.getLocation().canSet(value)) { DynamicObject store = receiverCheck.getStore(thisObj); try { property.set(store, value, receiverCheck.getShape()); } catch (IncompatibleLocationException | FinalLocationException e) { throw Errors.shouldNotReachHere(e); } return true; } else { return false; } } @Override protected boolean acceptsValue(Object value) { return property.getLocation().canSet(value); } } public static final class PropertyProxySetNode extends LinkedPropertySetNode { private final Property property; private final boolean isStrict; private final BranchProfile errorBranch = BranchProfile.create(); public PropertyProxySetNode(Property property, AbstractShapeCheckNode shapeCheck, boolean isStrict) { super(shapeCheck); this.property = property; this.isStrict = isStrict; assert JSProperty.isData(property) && JSProperty.isWritable(property) && JSProperty.isProxy(property) && !property.getLocation().isFinal(); } @Override protected boolean setValue(Object thisObj, Object value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { DynamicObject store = receiverCheck.getStore(thisObj); boolean ret = ((PropertyProxy) property.get(store, guard)).set(store, value); if (!ret && isStrict) { errorBranch.enter(); throw Errors.createTypeErrorNotWritableProperty(property.getKey(), thisObj); } return true; } } public static final class IntPropertySetNode extends LinkedPropertySetNode { private final Property property; private final IntLocation location; public IntPropertySetNode(Property property, AbstractShapeCheckNode shapeCheck) { super(shapeCheck); this.property = property; this.location = (IntLocation) property.getLocation(); assert JSProperty.isData(property) && JSProperty.isWritable(property) && !property.getLocation().isFinal(); } @Override protected boolean setValue(Object thisObj, Object value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { if (value instanceof Integer) { DynamicObject store = receiverCheck.getStore(thisObj); try { property.set(store, value, receiverCheck.getShape()); } catch (IncompatibleLocationException | FinalLocationException e) { throw Errors.shouldNotReachHere(e); } return true; } else { return false; } } @Override protected boolean setValueInt(Object thisObj, int value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { DynamicObject store = receiverCheck.getStore(thisObj); try { location.setInt(store, value, receiverCheck.getShape()); return true; } catch (FinalLocationException e) { throw Errors.shouldNotReachHere(e); } } @Override protected boolean acceptsValue(Object value) { return value instanceof Integer; } } public static final class DoublePropertySetNode extends LinkedPropertySetNode { private final DoubleLocation location; @CompilationFinal int valueProfile; private static final int INT = 1 << 0; private static final int DOUBLE = 1 << 1; private static final int OTHER = 1 << 2; public DoublePropertySetNode(Property property, AbstractShapeCheckNode shapeCheck) { super(shapeCheck); this.location = (DoubleLocation) property.getLocation(); assert JSProperty.isData(property) && JSProperty.isWritable(property) && !property.getLocation().isFinal(); } @Override protected boolean setValue(Object thisObj, Object value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { int p = valueProfile; double doubleValue; if ((p & DOUBLE) != 0 && value instanceof Double) { doubleValue = (double) value; } else if ((p & INT) != 0 && value instanceof Integer) { doubleValue = (int) value; } else if ((p & OTHER) != 0 && !(value instanceof Double || value instanceof Integer)) { return false; } else { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); if (value instanceof Double) { p |= DOUBLE; } else if (value instanceof Integer) { p |= INT; } else { p |= OTHER; } valueProfile = p; return setValue(thisObj, value, receiver, root, guard); } DynamicObject store = receiverCheck.getStore(thisObj); try { location.setDouble(store, doubleValue, receiverCheck.getShape()); return true; } catch (FinalLocationException e) { throw Errors.shouldNotReachHere(e); } } @Override protected boolean setValueInt(Object thisObj, int value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { DynamicObject store = receiverCheck.getStore(thisObj); try { location.setDouble(store, value, receiverCheck.getShape()); return true; } catch (FinalLocationException e) { throw Errors.shouldNotReachHere(e); } } @Override protected boolean setValueDouble(Object thisObj, double value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { DynamicObject store = receiverCheck.getStore(thisObj); try { location.setDouble(store, value, receiverCheck.getShape()); return true; } catch (FinalLocationException e) { throw Errors.shouldNotReachHere(e); } } @Override protected boolean acceptsValue(Object value) { return value instanceof Double || value instanceof Integer; } } public static final class BooleanPropertySetNode extends LinkedPropertySetNode { private final Property property; private final BooleanLocation location; public BooleanPropertySetNode(Property property, AbstractShapeCheckNode shapeCheck) { super(shapeCheck); this.property = property; this.location = (BooleanLocation) property.getLocation(); assert JSProperty.isData(property); assert JSProperty.isWritable(property); } @Override protected boolean setValue(Object thisObj, Object value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { if (value instanceof Boolean) { DynamicObject store = receiverCheck.getStore(thisObj); try { property.set(store, value, receiverCheck.getShape()); } catch (IncompatibleLocationException | FinalLocationException e) { throw Errors.shouldNotReachHere(e); } return true; } else { return false; } } @Override protected boolean setValueBoolean(Object thisObj, boolean value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { DynamicObject store = receiverCheck.getStore(thisObj); try { location.setBoolean(store, value, receiverCheck.getShape()); return true; } catch (FinalLocationException e) { throw Errors.shouldNotReachHere(e); } } @Override protected boolean acceptsValue(Object value) { return value instanceof Boolean; } } public static final class AccessorPropertySetNode extends LinkedPropertySetNode { private final Property property; private final boolean isStrict; @Child private JSFunctionCallNode callNode; private final BranchProfile undefinedSetterBranch = BranchProfile.create(); public AccessorPropertySetNode(Property property, ReceiverCheckNode receiverCheck, boolean isStrict) { super(receiverCheck); assert JSProperty.isAccessor(property); this.property = property; this.isStrict = isStrict; this.callNode = JSFunctionCallNode.createCall(); } @Override protected boolean setValue(Object thisObj, Object value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { DynamicObject store = receiverCheck.getStore(thisObj); Accessor accessor = (Accessor) property.get(store, guard); DynamicObject setter = accessor.getSetter(); if (setter != Undefined.instance) { callNode.executeCall(JSArguments.createOneArg(receiver, setter, value)); } else { undefinedSetterBranch.enter(); if (isStrict) { throw Errors.createTypeErrorCannotSetAccessorProperty(root.getKey(), store); } } return true; } } static final class DefinePropertyCache { protected final Shape oldShape; protected final Shape newShape; protected final Property property; protected final Assumption newShapeValidAssumption; protected final DefinePropertyCache next; protected static final DefinePropertyCache GENERIC = new DefinePropertyCache(null, null, null, null, null); protected DefinePropertyCache(Shape oldShape, Shape newShape, Property property, Assumption newShapeValidAssumption, DefinePropertyCache next) { this.oldShape = oldShape; this.newShape = newShape; this.property = property; this.newShapeValidAssumption = newShapeValidAssumption; this.next = next; } protected boolean isValid() { return newShapeValidAssumption == NeverValidAssumption.INSTANCE || newShapeValidAssumption.isValid(); } protected void maybeUpdateShape(DynamicObject store) { if (newShapeValidAssumption == NeverValidAssumption.INSTANCE) { updateShape(store); } } @TruffleBoundary private static void updateShape(DynamicObject store) { DynamicObjectLibrary.getUncached().updateShape(store); } protected boolean acceptsValue(Object value) { if (oldShape != newShape) { return property.getLocation().canStore(value); } else { return property.getLocation().canSet(value); } } @Override public String toString() { CompilerAsserts.neverPartOfCompilation(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int count = 0; sb.append('['); for (DefinePropertyCache current = this; current != null; current = current.next) { sb.append(++count); sb.append(": {property=").append(current.property); if (current.oldShape != current.newShape) { sb.append(", oldShape=").append(current.oldShape).append(", newShape=").append(current.newShape); } else { sb.append(", shape=").append(current.oldShape); } sb.append("}"); if (current.next != null) { sb.append(", "); } } sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); } protected DefinePropertyCache withNext(DefinePropertyCache newNext) { return new DefinePropertyCache(oldShape, newShape, property, newShapeValidAssumption, newNext); } } static DefinePropertyCache filterValid(DefinePropertyCache cache) { if (cache == null) { return null; } DefinePropertyCache filteredNext = filterValid(cache.next); if (cache.isValid()) { if (filteredNext == cache.next) { return cache; } else { return cache.withNext(filteredNext); } } else { return filteredNext; } } public static class DataPropertySetNode extends LinkedPropertySetNode { @CompilationFinal protected DefinePropertyCache cache; public DataPropertySetNode(ReceiverCheckNode receiverCheck) { super(receiverCheck); } public DataPropertySetNode(Object key, ReceiverCheckNode receiverCheck, Shape oldShape, Shape newShape, Property property) { super(receiverCheck); assert JSProperty.isData(property); assert property.getKey().equals(key) : "property=" + property + " key=" + key; assert property == newShape.getProperty(key); this.cache = new DefinePropertyCache(oldShape, newShape, property, getShapeValidAssumption(oldShape, newShape), null); } protected JSDynamicObject getStore(Object thisObj) { return ((JSDynamicObject) thisObj); } @ExplodeLoop @Override protected boolean setValue(Object thisObj, Object value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { JSDynamicObject store = getStore(thisObj); for (DefinePropertyCache resolved = cache; resolved != null; resolved = resolved.next) { if (resolved.oldShape.check(store)) { if (!resolved.isValid()) { break; } if (setCachedObject(store, value, resolved)) { return true; } } } CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); return setValueAndSpecialize(store, value, root); } @ExplodeLoop @Override protected boolean setValueInt(Object thisObj, int value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { JSDynamicObject store = getStore(thisObj); for (DefinePropertyCache resolved = cache; resolved != null; resolved = resolved.next) { if (resolved.oldShape.check(store)) { if (!resolved.isValid()) { break; } if (setCachedInt(store, value, resolved)) { return true; } else if (setCachedDouble(store, value, resolved)) { return true; } else if (setCachedObject(store, value, resolved)) { return true; } } } CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); return setValueAndSpecialize(store, value, root); } @ExplodeLoop @Override protected boolean setValueDouble(Object thisObj, double value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { JSDynamicObject store = getStore(thisObj); for (DefinePropertyCache resolved = cache; resolved != null; resolved = resolved.next) { if (resolved.oldShape.check(store)) { if (!resolved.isValid()) { break; } if (setCachedDouble(store, value, resolved)) { return true; } else if (setCachedObject(store, value, resolved)) { return true; } } } CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); return setValueAndSpecialize(store, value, root); } @ExplodeLoop @Override protected boolean setValueBoolean(Object thisObj, boolean value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { JSDynamicObject store = getStore(thisObj); for (DefinePropertyCache resolved = cache; resolved != null; resolved = resolved.next) { if (resolved.oldShape.check(store)) { if (!resolved.isValid()) { break; } if (setCachedBoolean(store, value, resolved)) { return true; } else if (setCachedObject(store, value, resolved)) { return true; } } } CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); return setValueAndSpecialize(store, value, root); } private static boolean setCachedObject(DynamicObject store, Object value, DefinePropertyCache resolved) { if (resolved.oldShape != resolved.newShape) { if (resolved.property.getLocation().canStore(value)) { resolved.property.setSafe(store, value, resolved.oldShape, resolved.newShape); resolved.maybeUpdateShape(store); return true; } } else { if (resolved.property.getLocation().canSet(value)) { resolved.property.setSafe(store, value, resolved.oldShape); return true; } } return false; } private static boolean setCachedInt(DynamicObject store, int value, DefinePropertyCache resolved) { if (resolved.property.getLocation() instanceof IntLocation) { IntLocation intLocation = (IntLocation) resolved.property.getLocation(); if (resolved.oldShape != resolved.newShape) { intLocation.setInt(store, value, resolved.oldShape, resolved.newShape); resolved.maybeUpdateShape(store); return true; } else { if (!resolved.property.getLocation().isFinal()) { try { intLocation.setInt(store, value, resolved.oldShape); } catch (FinalLocationException e) { throw Errors.shouldNotReachHere(); } return true; } } } return false; } private static boolean setCachedDouble(DynamicObject store, double value, DefinePropertyCache resolved) { if (resolved.property.getLocation() instanceof DoubleLocation) { DoubleLocation doubleLocation = (DoubleLocation) resolved.property.getLocation(); if (resolved.oldShape != resolved.newShape) { doubleLocation.setDouble(store, value, resolved.oldShape, resolved.newShape); resolved.maybeUpdateShape(store); return true; } else { if (!resolved.property.getLocation().isFinal()) { try { doubleLocation.setDouble(store, value, resolved.oldShape); } catch (FinalLocationException e) { throw Errors.shouldNotReachHere(); } return true; } } } return false; } private static boolean setCachedBoolean(DynamicObject store, boolean value, DefinePropertyCache resolved) { if (resolved.property.getLocation() instanceof BooleanLocation) { BooleanLocation booleanLocation = (BooleanLocation) resolved.property.getLocation(); if (resolved.oldShape != resolved.newShape) { booleanLocation.setBoolean(store, value, resolved.oldShape, resolved.newShape); resolved.maybeUpdateShape(store); return true; } else { if (!resolved.property.getLocation().isFinal()) { try { booleanLocation.setBoolean(store, value, resolved.oldShape); } catch (FinalLocationException e) { throw Errors.shouldNotReachHere(); } return true; } } } return false; } private boolean setValueAndSpecialize(DynamicObject obj, Object value, PropertySetNode root) { CompilerAsserts.neverPartOfCompilation(); Object key = root.getKey(); DefinePropertyCache res; Lock lock = root.getLock(); lock.lock(); try { DefinePropertyCache currentHead = cache; do { assert currentHead == cache; int cachedCount = 0; boolean invalid = false; res = null; for (DefinePropertyCache c = currentHead; c != null; c = c.next) { cachedCount++; if (!c.isValid()) { invalid = true; break; } else { if (res == null && c.acceptsValue(value)) { res = c; // continue checking for invalid cache entries } } } if (invalid) { assert cachedCount > 0; currentHead = filterValid(currentHead); this.cache = currentHead; res = null; continue; // restart } if (res == null) { Shape oldShape = obj.getShape(); Property property = oldShape.getProperty(key); Shape newShape; Property newProperty; if (property == null) { JSObjectUtil.putDataProperty(root.getContext(), obj, key, value, root.getAttributeFlags()); newShape = obj.getShape(); newProperty = newShape.getLastProperty(); assert key.equals(newProperty.getKey()); } else { if (JSProperty.isData(property) && !JSProperty.isProxy(property)) { assert JSProperty.isWritable(property); property.setGeneric(obj, value, null); } else { JSObjectUtil.defineDataProperty(obj, key, value, property.getFlags()); } newShape = obj.getShape(); newProperty = newShape.getProperty(key); } if (!oldShape.isValid()) { // pending removal this.cache = null; return true; // already set } Assumption newShapeValidAssumption = getShapeValidAssumption(oldShape, newShape); this.cache = new DefinePropertyCache(oldShape, newShape, newProperty, newShapeValidAssumption, currentHead); return true; // already set } } while (res == null); } finally { lock.unlock(); } assert res.acceptsValue(value); res.property.setSafe(obj, value, res.oldShape, res.newShape); return true; } private static Assumption getShapeValidAssumption(Shape oldShape, Shape newShape) { if (oldShape == newShape) { return AlwaysValidAssumption.INSTANCE; } return newShape.isValid() ? newShape.getValidAssumption() : NeverValidAssumption.INSTANCE; } @Override protected boolean sweep() { DefinePropertyCache before = this.cache; DefinePropertyCache after = filterValid(before); if (before == after) { return false; } else { this.cache = after; return true; } } } public static final class ReadOnlyPropertySetNode extends LinkedPropertySetNode { private final boolean isStrict; public ReadOnlyPropertySetNode(ReceiverCheckNode receiverCheck, boolean isStrict) { super(receiverCheck); this.isStrict = isStrict; } @Override protected boolean setValue(Object thisObj, Object value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { if (isStrict) { throw Errors.createTypeErrorNotWritableProperty(root.getKey(), thisObj, this); } return true; } }
If object is undefined or null, throw TypeError.
/** * If object is undefined or null, throw TypeError. */
public static final class TypeErrorPropertySetNode extends LinkedPropertySetNode { public TypeErrorPropertySetNode(AbstractShapeCheckNode shapeCheckNode) { super(shapeCheckNode); } @Override protected boolean setValue(Object thisObj, Object value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { assert thisObj == Undefined.instance || thisObj == Null.instance; throw Errors.createTypeErrorCannotSetProperty(root.getKey(), thisObj, this, root.getContext()); } }
If object is the global object and we are in strict mode, throw ReferenceError.
/** * If object is the global object and we are in strict mode, throw ReferenceError. */
public static final class ReferenceErrorPropertySetNode extends LinkedPropertySetNode { public ReferenceErrorPropertySetNode(AbstractShapeCheckNode shapeCheckNode) { super(shapeCheckNode); } @Override protected boolean setValue(Object thisObj, Object value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { root.globalPropertySetInStrictMode(thisObj); return true; } } public static final class JSAdapterPropertySetNode extends LinkedPropertySetNode { public JSAdapterPropertySetNode(ReceiverCheckNode receiverCheckNode) { super(receiverCheckNode); } @Override protected boolean setValue(Object thisObj, Object value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { JSObject.set((DynamicObject) thisObj, root.getKey(), value, root.isStrict(), root); return true; } } public static final class JSProxyDispatcherPropertySetNode extends LinkedPropertySetNode { @Child private JSProxyPropertySetNode proxySet; public JSProxyDispatcherPropertySetNode(JSContext context, ReceiverCheckNode receiverCheckNode, boolean isStrict) { super(receiverCheckNode); this.proxySet = JSProxyPropertySetNode.create(context, isStrict); } @Override protected boolean setValue(Object thisObj, Object value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { proxySet.executeWithReceiverAndValue(receiverCheck.getStore(thisObj), receiver, value, root.getKey()); return true; } @Override protected boolean setValueInt(Object thisObj, int value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { proxySet.executeWithReceiverAndValueInt(receiverCheck.getStore(thisObj), receiver, value, root.getKey()); return true; } } @NodeInfo(cost = NodeCost.MEGAMORPHIC) public static final class GenericPropertySetNode extends SetCacheNode { @Child private JSToObjectNode toObjectNode; @Child private ForeignPropertySetNode foreignSetNode; private final JSClassProfile jsclassProfile = JSClassProfile.create(); private final ConditionProfile isObject = ConditionProfile.createBinaryProfile(); private final ConditionProfile isStrictSymbol = ConditionProfile.createBinaryProfile(); private final ConditionProfile isForeignObject = ConditionProfile.createBinaryProfile(); public GenericPropertySetNode(JSContext context) { super(null); this.toObjectNode = JSToObjectNode.createToObjectNoCheck(context); } @Override protected boolean setValue(Object thisObj, Object value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { if (isObject.profile(JSDynamicObject.isJSDynamicObject(thisObj))) { setValueInDynamicObject(thisObj, value, receiver, root); } else if (isStrictSymbol.profile(root.isStrict() && thisObj instanceof Symbol)) { throw Errors.createTypeError("Cannot create property on symbol", this); } else if (isForeignObject.profile(JSGuards.isForeignObject(thisObj))) { if (foreignSetNode == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); foreignSetNode = insert(new ForeignPropertySetNode(root.getContext())); } foreignSetNode.setValue(thisObj, value, receiver, root, guard); } else { setValueInDynamicObject(toObjectNode.execute(thisObj), value, receiver, root); } return true; } private void setValueInDynamicObject(Object thisObj, Object value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root) { JSDynamicObject thisJSObj = ((JSDynamicObject) thisObj); Object key = root.getKey(); if (key instanceof HiddenKey) { JSObjectUtil.putHiddenProperty(thisJSObj, key, value); } else if (root.isGlobal() && root.isStrict() && !JSObject.hasProperty(thisJSObj, key, jsclassProfile)) { root.globalPropertySetInStrictMode(thisObj); } else if (root.isOwnProperty()) { if (root.isDeclaration()) { assert JSGlobal.isJSGlobalObject(thisJSObj) && !JSObject.hasProperty(thisJSObj, key); JSObjectUtil.putDeclaredDataProperty(root.getContext(), thisJSObj, key, value, root.getAttributeFlags()); } else { JSObject.defineOwnProperty(thisJSObj, key, PropertyDescriptor.createData(value, root.getAttributeFlags()), root.isStrict()); } } else { JSObject.setWithReceiver(thisJSObj, key, value, receiver, root.isStrict(), jsclassProfile, root); } } @Override protected boolean setValueInt(Object thisObj, int value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { return setValue(thisObj, value, receiver, root, guard); } @Override protected boolean setValueDouble(Object thisObj, double value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { return setValue(thisObj, value, receiver, root, guard); } @Override protected boolean setValueBoolean(Object thisObj, boolean value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { return setValue(thisObj, value, receiver, root, guard); } } public static final class ForeignPropertySetNode extends LinkedPropertySetNode { @Child private ExportValueNode export; @CompilationFinal private boolean optimistic = true; private final JSContext context; @Child private InteropLibrary interop; @Child private InteropLibrary setterInterop; public ForeignPropertySetNode(JSContext context) { super(new ForeignLanguageCheckNode()); this.context = context; this.export = ExportValueNode.create(); this.interop = InteropLibrary.getFactory().createDispatched(JSConfig.InteropLibraryLimit); } private Object nullCheck(Object truffleObject, Object key) { if (interop.isNull(truffleObject)) { throw Errors.createTypeErrorCannotSetProperty(key, truffleObject, this, context); } return truffleObject; } @Override protected boolean setValueInt(Object thisObj, int value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { Object key = root.getKey(); Object truffleObject = nullCheck(thisObj, key); if (!(key instanceof String)) { return false; } return performWriteMember(truffleObject, value, root); } @Override protected boolean setValueDouble(Object thisObj, double value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { Object key = root.getKey(); Object truffleObject = nullCheck(thisObj, key); if (!(key instanceof String)) { return false; } return performWriteMember(truffleObject, value, root); } @Override protected boolean setValue(Object thisObj, Object value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { Object key = root.getKey(); Object truffleObject = nullCheck(thisObj, key); if (!(key instanceof String)) { return false; } Object exportedValue = export.execute(value); return performWriteMember(truffleObject, exportedValue, root); } private boolean performWriteMember(Object truffleObject, Object value, PropertySetNode root) { String stringKey = (String) root.getKey(); if (context.isOptionNashornCompatibilityMode()) { if (tryInvokeSetter(truffleObject, value, root)) { return true; } } if (optimistic) { try { interop.writeMember(truffleObject, stringKey, value); } catch (UnknownIdentifierException e) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); optimistic = false; } catch (UnsupportedTypeException | UnsupportedMessageException e) { throw Errors.createTypeErrorInteropException(truffleObject, e, "writeMember", stringKey, this); } } else { if (interop.isMemberWritable(truffleObject, stringKey)) { try { interop.writeMember(truffleObject, stringKey, value); } catch (UnknownIdentifierException | UnsupportedTypeException | UnsupportedMessageException e) { throw Errors.createTypeErrorInteropException(truffleObject, e, "writeMember", stringKey, this); } } } return true; } // in nashorn-compat mode, `javaObj.xyz = a` can mean `javaObj.setXyz(a)`. private boolean tryInvokeSetter(Object thisObj, Object value, PropertySetNode root) { assert context.isOptionNashornCompatibilityMode(); TruffleLanguage.Env env = context.getRealm().getEnv(); if (env.isHostObject(thisObj)) { String setterKey = root.getAccessorKey("set"); if (setterKey == null) { return false; } if (setterInterop == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); setterInterop = insert(InteropLibrary.getFactory().createDispatched(JSConfig.InteropLibraryLimit)); } if (!setterInterop.isMemberInvocable(thisObj, setterKey)) { return false; } try { setterInterop.invokeMember(thisObj, setterKey, value); return true; } catch (UnknownIdentifierException | UnsupportedMessageException | UnsupportedTypeException | ArityException e) { // silently ignore } } return false; } } public static final class ArrayBufferViewNonIntegerIndexSetNode extends LinkedPropertySetNode { public ArrayBufferViewNonIntegerIndexSetNode(AbstractShapeCheckNode shapeCheck) { super(shapeCheck); } @Override protected boolean setValue(Object thisObj, Object value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { if (JSArrayBufferView.hasDetachedBuffer((DynamicObject) thisObj)) { throw Errors.createTypeErrorDetachedBuffer(); } else { return false; } } } public static final class ArrayLengthPropertySetNode extends LinkedPropertySetNode { @Child private ArrayLengthWriteNode arrayLengthWrite; private final Property property; private final boolean isStrict; private final BranchProfile errorBranch = BranchProfile.create(); public ArrayLengthPropertySetNode(Property property, AbstractShapeCheckNode shapeCheck, boolean isStrict) { super(shapeCheck); assert JSProperty.isData(property) && JSProperty.isWritable(property) && isArrayLengthProperty(property); this.property = property; this.isStrict = isStrict; this.arrayLengthWrite = ArrayLengthWriteNode.create(isStrict); } @Override protected boolean setValue(Object thisObj, Object value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { DynamicObject store = receiverCheck.getStore(thisObj); boolean ret = ((PropertyProxy) property.get(store, guard)).set(store, value); if (!ret && isStrict) { errorBranch.enter(); throw Errors.createTypeErrorNotWritableProperty(property.getKey(), thisObj); } return true; } @Override protected boolean setValueInt(Object thisObj, int value, Object receiver, PropertySetNode root, boolean guard) { DynamicObject store = receiverCheck.getStore(thisObj); // shape check should be sufficient to guarantee this assert JSArray.isJSFastArray(store); if (value < 0) { errorBranch.enter(); throw Errors.createRangeErrorInvalidArrayLength(); } arrayLengthWrite.executeVoid(store, value); return true; } }
Make a cache for a JSObject with this property map and requested property.
  • property – The particular entry of the property being accessed.
/** * Make a cache for a JSObject with this property map and requested property. * * @param property The particular entry of the property being accessed. */
@Override protected SetCacheNode createCachedPropertyNode(Property property, Object thisObj, int depth, Object value, SetCacheNode currentHead) { if (JSDynamicObject.isJSDynamicObject(thisObj)) { return createCachedPropertyNodeJSObject(property, (JSDynamicObject) thisObj, depth, value); } else { return createCachedPropertyNodeNotJSObject(property, thisObj, depth); } } private SetCacheNode createCachedPropertyNodeJSObject(Property property, JSDynamicObject thisObj, int depth, Object value) { Shape cacheShape = thisObj.getShape(); AbstractShapeCheckNode shapeCheck = createShapeCheckNode(cacheShape, thisObj, depth, false, false); if (JSProperty.isData(property)) { return createCachedDataPropertyNodeJSObject(thisObj, depth, value, shapeCheck, property); } else { assert JSProperty.isAccessor(property); return new AccessorPropertySetNode(property, shapeCheck, isStrict()); } } private SetCacheNode createCachedDataPropertyNodeJSObject(JSDynamicObject thisObj, int depth, Object value, AbstractShapeCheckNode shapeCheck, Property property) { assert !JSProperty.isConst(property) || (depth == 0 && isGlobal() && property.getLocation().isValue() && property.getLocation().get(null) == Dead.instance()) : "const assignment"; if (!JSProperty.isWritable(property)) { return new ReadOnlyPropertySetNode(shapeCheck, isStrict()); } else if (superProperty) { // define the property on the receiver; currently not handled, rewrite to generic return createGenericPropertyNode(); } else if (depth > 0) { // define a new own property, shadowing an existing prototype property // NB: must have a guarding test that the inherited property is writable assert JSProperty.isWritable(property); return createUndefinedPropertyNode(thisObj, thisObj, depth, value); } else if (JSProperty.isProxy(property)) { if (isArrayLengthProperty(property) && JSArray.isJSFastArray(thisObj)) { return new ArrayLengthPropertySetNode(property, shapeCheck, isStrict()); } return new PropertyProxySetNode(property, shapeCheck, isStrict()); } else { assert JSProperty.isWritable(property) && depth == 0 && !JSProperty.isProxy(property); if (property.getLocation().isDeclared()) { return createRedefinePropertyNode(key, shapeCheck, shapeCheck.getShape(), property, value, context); } else if (!property.getLocation().canSet(value)) { return createCachedDataPropertyGeneralize(thisObj, depth); } if (property.getLocation() instanceof IntLocation) { return new IntPropertySetNode(property, shapeCheck); } else if (property.getLocation() instanceof DoubleLocation) { return new DoublePropertySetNode(property, shapeCheck); } else if (property.getLocation() instanceof BooleanLocation) { return new BooleanPropertySetNode(property, shapeCheck); } else { return new ObjectPropertySetNode(property, shapeCheck); } } } private static SetCacheNode createDefinePropertyNode(Object key, ReceiverCheckNode shapeCheck, Object value, JSContext context, int attributeFlags, boolean declaration) { Shape oldShape = shapeCheck.getShape(); Shape newShape = declaration ? JSObjectUtil.shapeDefineDeclaredDataProperty(context, oldShape, key, value, attributeFlags) : JSObjectUtil.shapeDefineDataProperty(context, oldShape, key, value, attributeFlags); return createResolvedDefinePropertyNode(key, shapeCheck, oldShape, newShape, attributeFlags); } private static SetCacheNode createRedefinePropertyNode(Object key, ReceiverCheckNode shapeCheck, Shape oldShape, Property property, Object value, JSContext context) { assert JSProperty.isData(property) && JSProperty.isWritable(property); assert property == oldShape.getProperty(key); Shape newShape = JSObjectUtil.shapeDefineDataProperty(context, oldShape, key, value, property.getFlags()); return createResolvedDefinePropertyNode(key, shapeCheck, oldShape, newShape, property.getFlags()); } private SetCacheNode createCachedDataPropertyGeneralize(JSDynamicObject thisObj, int depth) { Shape oldShape = thisObj.getShape(); AbstractShapeCheckNode shapeCheck = createShapeCheckNode(oldShape, thisObj, depth, false, false); return new DataPropertySetNode(shapeCheck); } private SetCacheNode createCachedPropertyNodeNotJSObject(Property property, Object thisObj, int depth) { ReceiverCheckNode receiverCheck = createPrimitiveReceiverCheck(thisObj, depth); if (JSProperty.isData(property)) { return new ReadOnlyPropertySetNode(receiverCheck, isStrict()); } else { assert JSProperty.isAccessor(property); return new AccessorPropertySetNode(property, receiverCheck, isStrict()); } } private static SetCacheNode createResolvedDefinePropertyNode(Object key, ReceiverCheckNode receiverCheck, Shape oldShape, Shape newShape, int attributeFlags) { Property prop = newShape.getProperty(key); assert (prop.getFlags() & (JSAttributes.ATTRIBUTES_MASK | JSProperty.CONST)) == attributeFlags; return new DataPropertySetNode(key, receiverCheck, oldShape, newShape, prop); } @Override protected SetCacheNode createUndefinedPropertyNode(Object thisObj, Object store, int depth, Object value) { SetCacheNode specialized = createJavaPropertyNodeMaybe(thisObj, depth); if (specialized != null) { return specialized; } if (JSDynamicObject.isJSDynamicObject(thisObj)) { JSDynamicObject thisJSObj = (JSDynamicObject) thisObj; Shape cacheShape = thisJSObj.getShape(); AbstractShapeCheckNode shapeCheck = createShapeCheckNode(cacheShape, thisJSObj, depth, false, true); if (JSAdapter.isJSAdapter(store)) { ReceiverCheckNode receiverCheck = (depth == 0) ? new JSClassCheckNode(JSObject.getJSClass(thisJSObj)) : shapeCheck; return new JSAdapterPropertySetNode(receiverCheck); } else if (isStrict() && isGlobal() && !JSObject.hasProperty(thisJSObj, key)) { return new ReferenceErrorPropertySetNode(shapeCheck); } else if (JSProxy.isJSProxy(store) && JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(key)) { ReceiverCheckNode receiverCheck = (depth == 0) ? new JSClassCheckNode(JSObject.getJSClass(thisJSObj)) : shapeCheck; return new JSProxyDispatcherPropertySetNode(context, receiverCheck, isStrict()); } else if (!JSRuntime.isObject(thisJSObj)) { return new TypeErrorPropertySetNode(shapeCheck); } else if (JSArrayBufferView.isJSArrayBufferView(store) && isNonIntegerIndex(key)) { return new ArrayBufferViewNonIntegerIndexSetNode(shapeCheck); } else if (superProperty) { // define the property on the receiver; currently not handled, rewrite to generic return createGenericPropertyNode(); } else if (JSShape.isExtensible(cacheShape) || key instanceof HiddenKey) { return createDefinePropertyNode(key, shapeCheck, value, context, getAttributeFlags(), isDeclaration()); } else { return new ReadOnlyPropertySetNode(createShapeCheckNode(cacheShape, thisJSObj, depth, false, false), isStrict()); } } else if (JSProxy.isJSProxy(store)) { ReceiverCheckNode receiverCheck = createPrimitiveReceiverCheck(thisObj, depth); return new JSProxyDispatcherPropertySetNode(context, receiverCheck, isStrict()); } else { boolean doThrow = isStrict(); if (!JSRuntime.isJSNative(thisObj)) { // Nashorn never throws when setting inexistent properties on Java objects doThrow = false; } return new ReadOnlyPropertySetNode(new InstanceofCheckNode(thisObj.getClass(), context), doThrow); } } @Override protected SetCacheNode createJavaPropertyNodeMaybe(Object thisObj, int depth) { return null; } @Override protected SetCacheNode createGenericPropertyNode() { return new GenericPropertySetNode(context); } @Override protected boolean isGlobal() { return isGlobal; } @Override protected boolean isOwnProperty() { return setOwnProperty; } protected final boolean isStrict() { return this.isStrict; } protected final int getAttributeFlags() { return attributeFlags; } protected final boolean isDeclaration() { return declaration; } @Override protected SetCacheNode createTruffleObjectPropertyNode() { return new ForeignPropertySetNode(context); } @TruffleBoundary protected void globalPropertySetInStrictMode(Object thisObj) { assert JSDynamicObject.isJSDynamicObject(thisObj) && context.getRealm().getGlobalObject() == thisObj; throw Errors.createReferenceErrorNotDefined(context, getKey(), this); } @Override protected boolean isPropertyAssumptionCheckEnabled() { return propertyAssumptionCheckEnabled && context.isSingleRealm(); } @Override protected void setPropertyAssumptionCheckEnabled(boolean value) { this.propertyAssumptionCheckEnabled = value; } }