 * Copyright (c) 2013, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
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 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
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package com.oracle.truffle.api.object;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerAsserts;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.TruffleObject;

import sun.misc.Unsafe;

Represents a dynamic object, members of which can be dynamically added and removed at run time. Access methods in this class are planned to be deprecated. Extend DynamicObject and use DynamicObjectLibrary for object accesses. When constructing a DynamicObject, it has to be initialized with an empty initial shape. Initial shapes are created using Shape.newBuilder() and should ideally be shared per TruffleLanguage instance to allow shape caches to be shared across contexts. Subclasses can provide in-object dynamic field slots using the DynamicField annotation and Shape.Builder.layout.


public class MyObject extends DynamicObject implements TruffleObject {
    public MyObject(Shape shape) {
Shape initialShape = Shape.newBuilder().layout(MyObject.class).build();
MyObject obj = new MyObject(initialShape);

See Also:
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Represents a dynamic object, members of which can be dynamically added and removed at run time. * * Access methods in this class are planned to be deprecated. Extend {@link DynamicObject} and use * {@link DynamicObjectLibrary} for object accesses. * * When {@linkplain DynamicObject#DynamicObject(Shape) constructing} a {@link DynamicObject}, it has * to be initialized with an empty initial shape. Initial shapes are created using * {@link Shape#newBuilder()} and should ideally be shared per TruffleLanguage instance to allow * shape caches to be shared across contexts. * * Subclasses can provide in-object dynamic field slots using the {@link DynamicField} annotation * and {@link Shape.Builder#layout(Class) Shape.Builder.layout}. * * <p> * Example: * * <pre> * <code> * public class MyObject extends DynamicObject implements TruffleObject { * public MyObject(Shape shape) { * super(shape); * } * } * * Shape initialShape = Shape.newBuilder().layout(MyObject.class).build(); * * MyObject obj = new MyObject(initialShape); * </code> * </pre> * * @see DynamicObject#DynamicObject(Shape) * @see DynamicObjectLibrary * @see Shape * @see Shape#newBuilder() * @since 0.8 or earlier */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public abstract class DynamicObject implements TruffleObject {
Using this annotation, subclasses can define additional dynamic fields to be used by the object layout. Annotated field must be of type Object or long, must not be final, and must not have any direct usages.
See Also:
/** * Using this annotation, subclasses can define additional dynamic fields to be used by the * object layout. Annotated field must be of type {@code Object} or {@code long}, must not be * final, and must not have any direct usages. * * @see Shape.Builder#layout(Class) * @since 20.2.0 */
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.FIELD) protected @interface DynamicField { }
The current shape of the object.
/** The current shape of the object. */
private Shape shape;
Object extension array.
/** Object extension array. */
@DynamicField private Object[] extRef;
Primitive extension array.
/** Primitive extension array. */
@DynamicField private int[] extVal;
This constructor is obsolete, do not use it. Use DynamicObject(Shape) instead.
Since:0.8 or earlier
Deprecated:This obsolete constructor has been replaced by DynamicObject(Shape) and will be removed in the future.
/** * This constructor is obsolete, do not use it. Use {@link #DynamicObject(Shape)} instead. * * @throws AssertionError * @since 0.8 or earlier * @deprecated This obsolete constructor has been replaced by {@link #DynamicObject(Shape)} and * will be removed in the future. */
@Deprecated protected DynamicObject() { CompilerAsserts.neverPartOfCompilation(); throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere(); }
Constructor for DynamicObject subclasses. Initializes the object with the provided shape. The shape must have been constructed with a layout class assignable from this class (i.e., the concrete subclass, a superclass thereof, including DynamicObject) and must not have any instance properties (but may have constant properties).


Shape shape = Shape.newBuilder().build(); DynamicObject myObject = new MyObject(shape); 
Shape shape = Shape.newBuilder().layout(MyObject.class).build(); DynamicObject myObject = new MyObject(shape); 
  • shape – the initial shape of this object
/** * Constructor for {@link DynamicObject} subclasses. Initializes the object with the provided * shape. The shape must have been constructed with a {@linkplain Shape.Builder#layout(Class) * layout class} assignable from this class (i.e., the concrete subclass, a superclass thereof, * including {@link DynamicObject}) and must not have any instance properties (but may have * constant properties). * * <p> * Examples: * * <pre> * Shape shape = {@link Shape#newBuilder()}.{@link Shape.Builder#build() build}(); * DynamicObject myObject = new MyObject(shape); * </pre> * * <pre> * Shape shape = {@link Shape#newBuilder()}.{@link Shape.Builder#layout(Class) layout}(MyObject.class).{@link Shape.Builder#build() build}(); * DynamicObject myObject = new MyObject(shape); * </pre> * * @param shape the initial shape of this object * @throws IllegalArgumentException if called with an illegal (incompatible) shape * @since 19.0 */
protected DynamicObject(Shape shape) { verifyShape(shape, this.getClass()); this.shape = shape; }
Internal constructor for DynamicObjectFactory and Shape.newInstance(). Do not use.
  • shape – the initial shape of this object
Deprecated:Internal constructor
/** * Internal constructor for {@link DynamicObjectFactory} and {@link Shape#newInstance()}. * * Do not use. * * @param shape the initial shape of this object * @throws IllegalArgumentException if called with an illegal (incompatible) shape * @throws IllegalAccessError if called with access == null * @since 20.2.0 * @deprecated Internal constructor */
@Deprecated protected DynamicObject(Shape shape, @SuppressWarnings("unused") Layout.Access access) { if (access == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw new IllegalAccessError(); } verifyShapeLegacy(shape, this.getClass()); this.shape = shape; } private static void verifyShape(Shape shape, Class<? extends DynamicObject> subclass) { Class<? extends DynamicObject> shapeType = shape.getLayout().getType(); if (!(shapeType == subclass || (shapeType.isAssignableFrom(subclass) && DynamicObject.class.isAssignableFrom(shapeType)))) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw illegalShapeType(shapeType, subclass); } if (shape.hasInstanceProperties()) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw illegalShapeProperties(); } } private static void verifyShapeLegacy(Shape shape, Class<? extends DynamicObject> subclass) { Class<? extends DynamicObject> shapeType = shape.getLayout().getType(); if (!(shapeType == subclass || (shapeType.isAssignableFrom(subclass) && DynamicObject.class.isAssignableFrom(shapeType)))) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); throw illegalShapeType(shapeType, subclass); } } @TruffleBoundary(transferToInterpreterOnException = false) private static IllegalArgumentException illegalShapeType(Class<? extends DynamicObject> shapeClass, Class<? extends DynamicObject> thisClass) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Incompatible shape: layout class (%s) not assignable from this class (%s)", shapeClass.getName(), thisClass.getName())); } @TruffleBoundary(transferToInterpreterOnException = false) private static IllegalArgumentException illegalShapeProperties() { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Shape must not have instance properties"); }
Get the object's current shape.
See Also:
Since:0.8 or earlier
/** * Get the object's current shape. * * @since 0.8 or earlier * @see Shape */
public final Shape getShape() { return getShapeHelper(shape); }
Implementation Note:This method may be intrinsified by the Truffle compiler.
/** * @implNote This method may be intrinsified by the Truffle compiler. */
private static Shape getShapeHelper(Shape shape) { return shape; }
Set the object's shape.
/** * Set the object's shape. */
final void setShape(Shape shape) { assert assertSetShape(shape); setShapeHelper(shape, SHAPE_OFFSET); } private boolean assertSetShape(Shape s) { Class<? extends DynamicObject> layoutType = s.getLayout().getType(); assert layoutType.isInstance(this) : illegalShapeType(layoutType, this.getClass()); return true; }
  • shapeOffset – Shape field offset
Implementation Note:This method may be intrinsified by the Truffle compiler.
/** * @implNote This method may be intrinsified by the Truffle compiler. * * @param shapeOffset Shape field offset */
private void setShapeHelper(Shape shape, long shapeOffset) { this.shape = shape; }
Get property value.
  • key – property identifier
Returns:property value or null if object has no such property
Since:0.8 or earlier
Deprecated:Use DynamicObjectLibrary.getOrDefault instead.
/** * Get property value. * * @param key property identifier * @return property value or {@code null} if object has no such property * @since 0.8 or earlier * @deprecated Use {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#getOrDefault} instead. */
@Deprecated public Object get(Object key) { return DynamicObjectLibrary.getUncached().getOrDefault(this, key, null); }
Get property value.
  • key – property identifier
  • defaultValue – return value if property is not found
Returns:property value or defaultValue if object has no such property
Since:0.8 or earlier
Deprecated:Use DynamicObjectLibrary.getOrDefault instead.
/** * Get property value. * * @param key property identifier * @param defaultValue return value if property is not found * @return property value or defaultValue if object has no such property * @since 0.8 or earlier * @deprecated Use {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#getOrDefault} instead. */
@Deprecated public Object get(Object key, Object defaultValue) { return DynamicObjectLibrary.getUncached().getOrDefault(this, key, defaultValue); }
Set value of existing property.
  • key – property identifier
  • value – value to be set
Returns:true if successful or false if property not found
Since:0.8 or earlier
Deprecated:Use DynamicObjectLibrary.putIfPresent instead.
/** * Set value of existing property. * * @param key property identifier * @param value value to be set * @return {@code true} if successful or {@code false} if property not found * @since 0.8 or earlier * @deprecated Use {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#putIfPresent} instead. */
@Deprecated public boolean set(Object key, Object value) { return DynamicObjectLibrary.getUncached().putIfPresent(this, key, value); }
Returns true if this object contains a property with the given key.
Since:0.8 or earlier
Deprecated:Use DynamicObjectLibrary.containsKey instead.
/** * Returns {@code true} if this object contains a property with the given key. * * @since 0.8 or earlier * @deprecated Use {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#containsKey} instead. */
@Deprecated public boolean containsKey(Object key) { return DynamicObjectLibrary.getUncached().containsKey(this, key); }
Define new property or redefine existing property.
  • key – property identifier
  • value – value to be set
Since:0.8 or earlier
Deprecated:Use DynamicObjectLibrary.put or DynamicObjectLibrary.putWithFlags instead.
/** * Define new property or redefine existing property. * * @param key property identifier * @param value value to be set * @since 0.8 or earlier * @deprecated Use {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#put} or {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#putWithFlags} * instead. */
@Deprecated public void define(Object key, Object value) { define(key, value, 0); }
Define new property or redefine existing property.
  • key – property identifier
  • value – value to be set
  • flags – flags to be set
Since:0.8 or earlier
Deprecated:Use DynamicObjectLibrary.putWithFlags instead.
/** * Define new property or redefine existing property. * * @param key property identifier * @param value value to be set * @param flags flags to be set * @since 0.8 or earlier * @deprecated Use {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#putWithFlags} instead. */
@Deprecated public void define(Object key, Object value, int flags) { DynamicObjectLibrary.getUncached().putWithFlags(this, key, value, flags); }
Define new property with a static location or change existing property.
  • key – property identifier
  • value – value to be set
  • flags – flags to be set
  • locationFactory – factory function that creates a location for a given shape and value
Since:0.8 or earlier
Deprecated:Use DynamicObjectLibrary.putWithFlags or DynamicObjectLibrary.putConstant instead.
/** * Define new property with a static location or change existing property. * * @param key property identifier * @param value value to be set * @param flags flags to be set * @param locationFactory factory function that creates a location for a given shape and value * @since 0.8 or earlier * @deprecated Use {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#putWithFlags} or * {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#putConstant} instead. */
@Deprecated public void define(Object key, Object value, int flags, LocationFactory locationFactory) { deprecated("putWithFlags"); }
Delete property.
  • key – property identifier
Returns:true if successful or false if property not found
Since:0.8 or earlier
Deprecated:Use DynamicObjectLibrary.removeKey instead.
/** * Delete property. * * @param key property identifier * @return {@code true} if successful or {@code false} if property not found * @since 0.8 or earlier * @deprecated Use {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#removeKey} instead. */
@Deprecated public boolean delete(Object key) { return DynamicObjectLibrary.getUncached().removeKey(this, key); }
Returns the number of properties in this object.
Since:0.8 or earlier
Deprecated:Use getShape().getPropertyCount() instead.
/** * Returns the number of properties in this object. * * @since 0.8 or earlier * @deprecated Use {@link Shape#getPropertyCount() getShape().getPropertyCount()} instead. */
@Deprecated public int size() { return getShape().getPropertyCount(); }
Returns true if this object contains no properties.
Since:0.8 or earlier
Deprecated:Use getShape().getPropertyCount() == 0 instead.
/** * Returns {@code true} if this object contains no properties. * * @since 0.8 or earlier * @deprecated Use {@link Shape#getPropertyCount() getShape().getPropertyCount() == 0} instead. */
@Deprecated public boolean isEmpty() { return size() == 0; }
Set object shape and grow storage if necessary.
  • oldShape – the object's current shape (must equal getShape())
  • newShape – the new shape to be set
Since:0.8 or earlier
Deprecated:Use one of the DynamicObjectLibrary methods instead.
/** * Set object shape and grow storage if necessary. * * @param oldShape the object's current shape (must equal {@link #getShape()}) * @param newShape the new shape to be set * @since 0.8 or earlier * @deprecated Use one of the {@link DynamicObjectLibrary} methods instead. */
@Deprecated public void setShapeAndGrow(Shape oldShape, Shape newShape) { deprecated(); }
Set object shape and resize storage if necessary.
  • oldShape – the object's current shape (must equal getShape())
  • newShape – the new shape to be set
Since:0.8 or earlier
Deprecated:Use one of the DynamicObjectLibrary methods instead.
/** * Set object shape and resize storage if necessary. * * @param oldShape the object's current shape (must equal {@link #getShape()}) * @param newShape the new shape to be set * @since 0.8 or earlier * @deprecated Use one of the {@link DynamicObjectLibrary} methods instead. */
@Deprecated public void setShapeAndResize(Shape oldShape, Shape newShape) { deprecated(); }
Ensure object shape is up-to-date.
Returns:true if shape has changed
Since:0.8 or earlier
Deprecated:Use DynamicObjectLibrary.updateShape instead.
/** * Ensure object shape is up-to-date. * * @return {@code true} if shape has changed * @since 0.8 or earlier * @deprecated Use {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#updateShape} instead. */
@Deprecated public boolean updateShape() { return DynamicObjectLibrary.getUncached().updateShape(this); }
Create a shallow copy of this object.
  • currentShape – the object's current shape (must equal getShape())
Since:0.8 or earlier
Deprecated:No longer supported; as a replacement, you should implement your own copy method that constructs a new object and copies any properties over.
/** * Create a shallow copy of this object. * * @param currentShape the object's current shape (must equal {@link #getShape()}) * @since 0.8 or earlier * @deprecated No longer supported; as a replacement, you should implement your own copy method * that constructs a new object and copies any properties over. */
@Deprecated public DynamicObject copy(Shape currentShape) { throw deprecated(); }
The clone() method is not supported by DynamicObject at this point in time, so it always throws CloneNotSupportedException, even if the Cloneable interface is implemented in a subclass. Subclasses may however override this method and create a copy of this object by constructing a new object and copying any properties over manually.
/** * The {@link #clone()} method is not supported by {@link DynamicObject} at this point in time, * so it always throws {@link CloneNotSupportedException}, even if the {@link Cloneable} * interface is implemented in a subclass. * * Subclasses may however override this method and create a copy of this object by constructing * a new object and copying any properties over manually. * * @since 20.2.0 * @throws CloneNotSupportedException */
@Override protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { throw cloneNotSupported(); } @TruffleBoundary private static CloneNotSupportedException cloneNotSupported() throws CloneNotSupportedException { throw new CloneNotSupportedException(); } final DynamicObject objectClone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return (DynamicObject) super.clone(); } final Object[] getObjectStore() { return extRef; } final void setObjectStore(Object[] newArray) { extRef = newArray; } final int[] getPrimitiveStore() { return extVal; } final void setPrimitiveStore(int[] newArray) { extVal = newArray; } static Class<? extends Annotation> getDynamicFieldAnnotation() { return DynamicField.class; } @TruffleBoundary(transferToInterpreterOnException = false) static UnsupportedOperationException deprecated() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Deprecated. Use DynamicObjectLibrary instead."); } @TruffleBoundary(transferToInterpreterOnException = false) static UnsupportedOperationException deprecated(String libraryMethod) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Deprecated. Use DynamicObjectLibrary." + libraryMethod + " instead."); } private static final Unsafe UNSAFE; private static final long SHAPE_OFFSET; static { UNSAFE = getUnsafe(); try { SHAPE_OFFSET = UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset(DynamicObject.class.getDeclaredField("shape")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not get 'shape' field offset", e); } } private static Unsafe getUnsafe() { try { return Unsafe.getUnsafe(); } catch (SecurityException e) { } try { Field theUnsafeInstance = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe"); theUnsafeInstance.setAccessible(true); return (Unsafe) theUnsafeInstance.get(Unsafe.class); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("exception while trying to get Unsafe.theUnsafe via reflection:", e); } } }