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package com.oracle.truffle.api.object;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.CachedLibrary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.GenerateLibrary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.Library;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.LibraryFactory;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.UnexpectedResultException;

DynamicObject access library. This is the central interface for accessing and mutating properties and other state (flags, dynamic type) of DynamicObjects.

It is recommended that you use the CachedLibrary annotation in Truffle DSL nodes. You can also use the library either without caching or create a manually or automatically dispatched cached library. Cached libraries must be adopted before use. The cached library instances dispatch by object shape and, if applicable, automatically by property key.

Property keys are compared using object identity (==) first and then Object.equals(Object). It is therefore recommended to use the same string/key instances for each access of the property in order to avoid pulling in equals. Keys must not be null.

Note: cached library nodes may not profile the class of the object parameter; it is therefore the caller's responsibility to do any desired profiling and ensure accurate type information.

Usage examples:

@Specialization(limit = "3")
static Object read(DynamicObject receiver, Object key,
                @CachedLibrary("receiver") DynamicObjectLibrary objLib) {
    return objLib.getOrDefault(receiver, key, NULL_VALUE);
Object readMember(String name,
                @CachedLibrary("this") DynamicObjectLibrary objLib) throws UnknownIdentifierException {
    Object result = objLib.getOrDefault(this, name, null);
    if (result == null) {
        throw UnknownIdentifierException.create(name);
    return result;
/** * {@link DynamicObject} access library. * * This is the central interface for accessing and mutating properties and other state (flags, * dynamic type) of {@link DynamicObject}s. * ** <p> * It is recommended that you use the {@link CachedLibrary} annotation in Truffle DSL nodes. You can * also use the library either {@linkplain #getUncached() without caching} or create a * {@linkplain LibraryFactory#create(Object) manually} or * {@linkplain LibraryFactory#createDispatched(int) automatically} dispatched cached library. Cached * libraries must be adopted before use. * * The cached library instances dispatch by object {@linkplain Shape shape} and, if applicable, * automatically by property key. * * <p> * Property keys are compared using object identity ({@code ==}) first and then * {@link Object#equals(Object)}. It is therefore recommended to use the same string/key instances * for each access of the property in order to avoid pulling in {@code equals}. Keys must not be * {@code null}. * * <p> * Note: cached library nodes may not profile the class of the object parameter; it is therefore the * caller's responsibility to do any desired profiling and ensure accurate type information. * * <h3>Usage examples:</h3> * * <pre> * &#64;Specialization(limit = "3") * static Object read(DynamicObject receiver, Object key, * &#64;CachedLibrary("receiver") DynamicObjectLibrary objLib) { * return objLib.getOrDefault(receiver, key, NULL_VALUE); * } * </pre> * * <pre> * &#64;ExportMessage * Object readMember(String name, * &#64;CachedLibrary("this") DynamicObjectLibrary objLib) throws UnknownIdentifierException { * Object result = objLib.getOrDefault(this, name, null); * if (result == null) { * throw UnknownIdentifierException.create(name); * } * return result; * } * </pre> * * @since 20.2.0 */
@GenerateLibrary(defaultExportLookupEnabled = true, dynamicDispatchEnabled = false, pushEncapsulatingNode = false) public abstract class DynamicObjectLibrary extends Library { private static final LibraryFactory<DynamicObjectLibrary> FACTORY = LibraryFactory.resolve(DynamicObjectLibrary.class); private static final DynamicObjectLibrary UNCACHED = FACTORY.getUncached();
/** * @since 20.2.0 */
protected DynamicObjectLibrary() { }
Returns the library factory for DynamicObjectLibrary.
/** * Returns the library factory for {@link DynamicObjectLibrary}. * * @since 20.2.0 */
public static LibraryFactory<DynamicObjectLibrary> getFactory() { return FACTORY; }
Gets the shared DynamicObjectLibrary instance for uncached accesses. Equivalent to DynamicObjectLibrary.getFactory().getUncached().
Returns:an uncached automatically dispatched version of the library
/** * Gets the shared {@link DynamicObjectLibrary} instance for uncached accesses. Equivalent to * {@code DynamicObjectLibrary.getFactory().getUncached()}. * * @return an uncached automatically dispatched version of the library * @since 20.2.0 */
public static DynamicObjectLibrary getUncached() { return UNCACHED; }
Gets the shape of the object. Returns the cached shape if the library is a cached library instance.
See Also:
Returns:the object's current Shape
/** * Gets the {@link Shape shape} of the object. Returns the cached shape if the library is a * cached library instance. * * @return the object's current {@link Shape} * @see DynamicObject#getShape() * @since 20.2.0 */
public abstract Shape getShape(DynamicObject object);
Gets the value of an existing property or returns the provided default value if no such property exists.

Usage example:

@Specialization(limit = "3")
static Object read(DynamicObject receiver, Object key,
                @CachedLibrary("receiver") DynamicObjectLibrary objLib) {
    return objLib.getOrDefault(receiver, key, NULL_VALUE);
  • key – the property key
  • defaultValue – value to be returned if the property does not exist
Returns:the property's value if it exists, else defaultValue.
/** * Gets the value of an existing property or returns the provided default value if no such * property exists. * * <h3>Usage example:</h3> * * <pre> * &#64;Specialization(limit = "3") * static Object read(DynamicObject receiver, Object key, * &#64;CachedLibrary("receiver") DynamicObjectLibrary objLib) { * return objLib.getOrDefault(receiver, key, NULL_VALUE); * } * </pre> * * @param key the property key * @param defaultValue value to be returned if the property does not exist * @return the property's value if it exists, else {@code defaultValue}. * @since 20.2.0 */
public abstract Object getOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Object key, Object defaultValue);
Gets the value of an existing property or returns the provided default value if no such property exists.
  • key – the property key
  • defaultValue – the value to be returned if the property does not exist
See Also:
Returns:the property's value if it exists, else defaultValue.
/** * Gets the value of an existing property or returns the provided default value if no such * property exists. * * @param key the property key * @param defaultValue the value to be returned if the property does not exist * @return the property's value if it exists, else {@code defaultValue}. * @throws UnexpectedResultException if the (default) value is not an {@code int} * @see #getOrDefault(DynamicObject, Object, Object) * @since 20.2.0 */
public int getIntOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Object key, Object defaultValue) throws UnexpectedResultException { Object value = getOrDefault(object, key, defaultValue); if (value instanceof Integer) { return (int) value; } else { throw new UnexpectedResultException(value); } }
Gets the value of an existing property or returns the provided default value if no such property exists.
  • key – the property key
  • defaultValue – the value to be returned if the property does not exist
See Also:
Returns:the property's value if it exists, else defaultValue.
/** * Gets the value of an existing property or returns the provided default value if no such * property exists. * * @param key the property key * @param defaultValue the value to be returned if the property does not exist * @return the property's value if it exists, else {@code defaultValue}. * @throws UnexpectedResultException if the (default) value is not a {@code double} * @see #getOrDefault(DynamicObject, Object, Object) * @since 20.2.0 */
public double getDoubleOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Object key, Object defaultValue) throws UnexpectedResultException { Object value = getOrDefault(object, key, defaultValue); if (value instanceof Double) { return (double) value; } else { throw new UnexpectedResultException(value); } }
Gets the value of an existing property or returns the provided default value if no such property exists.
  • key – the property key
  • defaultValue – the value to be returned if the property does not exist
See Also:
Returns:the property's value if it exists, else defaultValue.
/** * Gets the value of an existing property or returns the provided default value if no such * property exists. * * @param key the property key * @param defaultValue the value to be returned if the property does not exist * @return the property's value if it exists, else {@code defaultValue}. * @throws UnexpectedResultException if the (default) value is not a {@code long} * @see #getOrDefault(DynamicObject, Object, Object) * @since 20.2.0 */
public long getLongOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Object key, Object defaultValue) throws UnexpectedResultException { Object value = getOrDefault(object, key, defaultValue); if (value instanceof Long) { return (long) value; } else { throw new UnexpectedResultException(value); } }
Sets the value of an existing property or adds a new property if no such property exists. A newly added property will have flags 0; flags of existing properties will not be changed. Use putWithFlags to set property flags as well.

Usage example:

Object writeMember(String member, Object value,
                @CachedLibrary("this") DynamicObjectLibrary objLib) {
    objLib.put(this, member, value);
  • key – the property key
  • value – the value to be set
See Also:
/** * Sets the value of an existing property or adds a new property if no such property exists. * * A newly added property will have flags 0; flags of existing properties will not be changed. * Use {@link #putWithFlags} to set property flags as well. * * <h3>Usage example:</h3> * * <pre> * &#64;ExportMessage * Object writeMember(String member, Object value, * &#64;CachedLibrary("this") DynamicObjectLibrary objLib) { * objLib.put(this, member, value); * } * </pre> * * @param key the property key * @param value the value to be set * @see #putInt(DynamicObject, Object, int) * @see #putDouble(DynamicObject, Object, double) * @see #putLong(DynamicObject, Object, long) * @see #putIfPresent(DynamicObject, Object, Object) * @see #putWithFlags(DynamicObject, Object, Object, int) * @since 20.2.0 */
public abstract void put(DynamicObject object, Object key, Object value);
Int-typed variant of put.
See Also:
/** * Int-typed variant of {@link #put}. * * @see #put(DynamicObject, Object, Object) * @since 20.2.0 */
public void putInt(DynamicObject object, Object key, int value) { put(object, key, value); }
Double-typed variant of put.
See Also:
/** * Double-typed variant of {@link #put}. * * @see #put(DynamicObject, Object, Object) * @since 20.2.0 */
public void putDouble(DynamicObject object, Object key, double value) { put(object, key, value); }
Long-typed variant of put.
See Also:
/** * Long-typed variant of {@link #put}. * * @see #put(DynamicObject, Object, Object) * @since 20.2.0 */
public void putLong(DynamicObject object, Object key, long value) { put(object, key, value); }
Sets the value of the property if present, otherwise returns false.
  • key – property identifier
  • value – value to be set
See Also:
Returns:true if the property was present and the value set, otherwise false
/** * Sets the value of the property if present, otherwise returns {@code false}. * * @param key property identifier * @param value value to be set * @return {@code true} if the property was present and the value set, otherwise {@code false} * @see #put(DynamicObject, Object, Object) * @since 20.2.0 */
public abstract boolean putIfPresent(DynamicObject object, Object key, Object value);
Like put, but additionally assigns flags to the property. If the property already exists, its flags will be updated before the value is set.
  • key – property identifier
  • value – value to be set
  • flags – flags to be set
See Also:
/** * Like {@link #put}, but additionally assigns flags to the property. If the property already * exists, its flags will be updated before the value is set. * * @param key property identifier * @param value value to be set * @param flags flags to be set * @see #put(DynamicObject, Object, Object) * @see #setPropertyFlags(DynamicObject, Object, int) * @since 20.2.0 */
public abstract void putWithFlags(DynamicObject object, Object key, Object value, int flags);
Adds a property with a constant value or replaces an existing one. If the property already exists, its flags will be updated. The constant value is stored in the shape rather than the object instance and a new shape will be allocated if it does not already exist. A typical use case for this method is setting the initial default value of a declared, but yet uninitialized, property. This defers storage allocation and type speculation until the first actual value is set.

Warning: this method will lead to a shape transition every time a new value is set and should be used sparingly (with at most one constant value per property) since it could cause an excessive amount of shapes to be created.

Note: the value will be strongly referenced from the shape and should be a value type or light-weight object without any references to guest language objects in order to prevent potential memory leaks.

Usage example:

// declare property
objLib.putConstant(receiver, key, NULL_VALUE, 0);
// initialize property
objLib.put(receiver, key, value);
  • key – property identifier
  • value – the constant value to be set
  • flags – property flags or 0
See Also:
/** * Adds a property with a constant value or replaces an existing one. If the property already * exists, its flags will be updated. * * The constant value is stored in the shape rather than the object instance and a new shape * will be allocated if it does not already exist. * * A typical use case for this method is setting the initial default value of a declared, but * yet uninitialized, property. This defers storage allocation and type speculation until the * first actual value is set. * * <p> * Warning: this method will lead to a shape transition every time a new value is set and should * be used sparingly (with at most one constant value per property) since it could cause an * excessive amount of shapes to be created. * <p> * Note: the value will be strongly referenced from the shape and should be a value type or * light-weight object without any references to guest language objects in order to prevent * potential memory leaks. * * <h3>Usage example:</h3> * * <pre> * // declare property * objLib.putConstant(receiver, key, NULL_VALUE, 0); * * // initialize property * objLib.put(receiver, key, value); * </pre> * * @param key property identifier * @param value the constant value to be set * @param flags property flags or 0 * @see #put(DynamicObject, Object, Object) * @since 20.2.0 */
public abstract void putConstant(DynamicObject object, Object key, Object value, int flags);
Removes the property with the given key from the object.
  • key – the property key
Returns:true if the property was removed or false if property was not found
/** * Removes the property with the given key from the object. * * @param key the property key * @return {@code true} if the property was removed or {@code false} if property was not found * @since 20.2.0 */
public abstract boolean removeKey(DynamicObject object, Object key);
Sets the object's dynamic type identifier. What this type represents is completely up to the language. For example, it could be a guest-language class. The type object is strongly referenced from the shape. It is important that this be a singleton or light-weight object without any references to guest language objects in order to keep the memory footprint low and prevent potential memory leaks. Type objects are always compared by object identity, never equals.
  • type – a non-null type identifier defined by the guest language.
See Also:
Returns:true if the type (and the object's shape) changed
/** * Sets the object's dynamic type identifier. What this type represents is completely up to the * language. For example, it could be a guest-language class. * * The type object is strongly referenced from the shape. It is important that this be a * singleton or light-weight object without any references to guest language objects in order to * keep the memory footprint low and prevent potential memory leaks. * * Type objects are always compared by object identity, never {@code equals}. * * @param type a non-null type identifier defined by the guest language. * @return {@code true} if the type (and the object's shape) changed * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the type is not an instance of {@link ObjectType} and the * object has been created with the legacy layout. * @since 20.2.0 * @see #getDynamicType(DynamicObject) */
public abstract boolean setDynamicType(DynamicObject object, Object type);
Gets the dynamic type identifier currently associated with this object. What this type represents is completely up to the language. For example, it could be a guest-language class.
See Also:
Returns:the object type
/** * Gets the dynamic type identifier currently associated with this object. What this type * represents is completely up to the language. For example, it could be a guest-language class. * * @return the object type * @since 20.2.0 * @see #setDynamicType(DynamicObject, Object) * @see Shape#getDynamicType() */
public abstract Object getDynamicType(DynamicObject object);
Returns true if this object contains a property with the given key.

Usage example:

boolean isMemberReadable(String name,
                @CachedLibrary("this") DynamicObjectLibrary objLib) {
    return objLib.containsKey(this, name);
  • key – the property key
Returns:true if the object contains a property with this key, else false
/** * Returns {@code true} if this object contains a property with the given key. * * <h3>Usage example:</h3> * * <pre> * &#64;ExportMessage * boolean isMemberReadable(String name, * &#64;CachedLibrary("this") DynamicObjectLibrary objLib) { * return objLib.containsKey(this, name); * } * </pre> * * @param key the property key * @return {@code true} if the object contains a property with this key, else {@code false} * @since 20.2.0 */
public abstract boolean containsKey(DynamicObject object, Object key);
Gets the language-specific object shape flags previously set using setShapeFlags(DynamicObject, int) or Builder.shapeFlags(int). If no shape flags were explicitly set, the default of 0 is returned. These flags may be used to tag objects that possess characteristics that need to be queried efficiently on fast and slow paths. For example, they can be used to mark objects as frozen.

Usage example:

Object writeMember(String member, Object value,
                @CachedLibrary("this") DynamicObjectLibrary objLib)
                throws UnsupportedMessageException {
    if ((objLib.getShapeFlags(receiver) & FROZEN) != 0) {
        throw UnsupportedMessageException.create();
    objLib.put(this, member, value);
See Also:
Returns:shape flags
/** * Gets the language-specific object shape flags previously set using * {@link DynamicObjectLibrary#setShapeFlags(DynamicObject, int)} or * {@link Shape.Builder#shapeFlags(int)}. If no shape flags were explicitly set, the default of * 0 is returned. * * These flags may be used to tag objects that possess characteristics that need to be queried * efficiently on fast and slow paths. For example, they can be used to mark objects as frozen. * * <h3>Usage example:</h3> * * <pre> * &#64;ExportMessage * Object writeMember(String member, Object value, * &#64;CachedLibrary("this") DynamicObjectLibrary objLib) * throws UnsupportedMessageException { * if ((objLib.getShapeFlags(receiver) & FROZEN) != 0) { * throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); * } * objLib.put(this, member, value); * } * </pre> * * @return shape flags * @see #setShapeFlags(DynamicObject, int) * @see Shape.Builder#shapeFlags(int) * @see Shape#getFlags() * @since 20.2.0 */
public abstract int getShapeFlags(DynamicObject object);
Sets language-specific object shape flags, changing the object's shape if need be. These flags may be used to tag objects that possess characteristics that need to be queried efficiently on fast and slow paths. For example, they can be used to mark objects as frozen. Only the lowest 8 bits (i.e. values in the range 0 to 255) are allowed, the remaining bits are currently reserved.

Usage example:

@Specialization(limit = "3")
static void preventExtensions(DynamicObject receiver,
                @CachedLibrary("receiver") DynamicObjectLibrary objLib) {
    objLib.setShapeFlags(receiver, objLib.getShapeFlags(receiver) | FROZEN);
  • flags – the flags to set; must be in the range from 0 to 255 (inclusive).
See Also:
Returns:true if the object's shape changed, false if no change was made.
/** * Sets language-specific object shape flags, changing the object's shape if need be. * * These flags may be used to tag objects that possess characteristics that need to be queried * efficiently on fast and slow paths. For example, they can be used to mark objects as frozen. * * Only the lowest 8 bits (i.e. values in the range 0 to 255) are allowed, the remaining bits * are currently reserved. * * <h3>Usage example:</h3> * * <pre> * &#64;Specialization(limit = "3") * static void preventExtensions(DynamicObject receiver, * &#64;CachedLibrary("receiver") DynamicObjectLibrary objLib) { * objLib.setShapeFlags(receiver, objLib.getShapeFlags(receiver) | FROZEN); * } * </pre> * * @param flags the flags to set; must be in the range from 0 to 255 (inclusive). * @return {@code true} if the object's shape changed, {@code false} if no change was made. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the flags are not in the allowed range. * @see #getShapeFlags(DynamicObject) * @see Shape.Builder#shapeFlags(int) * @since 20.2.0 */
public abstract boolean setShapeFlags(DynamicObject object, int flags);
Gets a property descriptor for the requested property key. Returns null if the object contains no such property.
Returns:Property if the property exists, else null
/** * Gets a {@linkplain Property property descriptor} for the requested property key. Returns * {@code null} if the object contains no such property. * * @return {@link Property} if the property exists, else {@code null} * @since 20.2.0 */
public abstract Property getProperty(DynamicObject object, Object key);
Gets the property flags associated with the requested property key. Returns the defaultValue if the object contains no such property. If the property exists but no flags were explicitly set, returns the default of 0.

Convenience method equivalent to:

Property property = getProperty(object, key);
return property != null ? property.getFlags() : defaultValue;
  • key – the property key
  • defaultValue – value to return if no such property exists
See Also:
Returns:the property flags if the property exists, else defaultValue
/** * Gets the property flags associated with the requested property key. Returns the * {@code defaultValue} if the object contains no such property. If the property exists but no * flags were explicitly set, returns the default of 0. * * <p> * Convenience method equivalent to: * * <pre> * Property property = getProperty(object, key); * return property != null ? property.getFlags() : defaultValue; * </pre> * * @param key the property key * @param defaultValue value to return if no such property exists * @return the property flags if the property exists, else {@code defaultValue} * @see #getProperty(DynamicObject, Object) * @since 20.2.0 */
public final int getPropertyFlagsOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Object key, int defaultValue) { Property property = getProperty(object, key); return property != null ? property.getFlags() : defaultValue; }
Sets the property flags associated with the requested property.
  • key – the property key
Returns:true if the property was found and its flags were changed, else false
/** * Sets the property flags associated with the requested property. * * @param key the property key * @return {@code true} if the property was found and its flags were changed, else {@code false} * @since 20.2.0 */
public abstract boolean setPropertyFlags(DynamicObject object, Object key, int propertyFlags);
Marks this object as shared. Makes the object use a shared variant of the Shape, to allow safe usage of this object between threads. Objects with a shared Shape will not reuse storage locations for other fields. In combination with careful synchronization on writes, this can prevent reading out-of-thin-air values.
See Also:
/** * Marks this object as shared. * * Makes the object use a shared variant of the {@link Shape}, to allow safe usage of this * object between threads. Objects with a shared {@link Shape} will not reuse storage locations * for other fields. In combination with careful synchronization on writes, this can prevent * reading out-of-thin-air values. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the object is already {@linkplain #isShared shared}. * @see #isShared(DynamicObject) * @since 20.2.0 */
public abstract void markShared(DynamicObject object);
Checks whether this object is marked as shared.
See Also:
Returns:true if the object is shared
/** * Checks whether this object is marked as shared. * * @return {@code true} if the object is shared * @see #markShared(DynamicObject) * @see Shape#isShared() * @since 20.2.0 */
public abstract boolean isShared(DynamicObject object);
Ensures the object's shape is up-to-date. If the object's shape has been marked as invalid, this method will attempt to bring the object into a valid shape again. If the object's shape is already valid, this method will have no effect. This method does not need to be called normally; all the messages in this library will work on invalid shapes as well, but it can be useful in some cases to avoid such shapes being cached which can cause unnecessary cache polymorphism and invalidations.
Returns:true if the object's shape was changed, otherwise false.
/** * Ensures the object's shape is up-to-date. If the object's shape has been marked as * {@linkplain Shape#isValid() invalid}, this method will attempt to bring the object into a * valid shape again. If the object's shape is already {@linkplain Shape#isValid() valid}, this * method will have no effect. * * This method does not need to be called normally; all the messages in this library will work * on invalid shapes as well, but it can be useful in some cases to avoid such shapes being * cached which can cause unnecessary cache polymorphism and invalidations. * * @return {@code true} if the object's shape was changed, otherwise {@code false}. * @since 20.2.0 */
public abstract boolean updateShape(DynamicObject object);
Empties and resets the object to the given root shape, which must not contain any instance properties (but may contain properties with a constant value).
  • otherShape – the desired shape
Returns:true if the object's shape was changed
/** * Empties and resets the object to the given root shape, which must not contain any instance * properties (but may contain properties with a constant value). * * @param otherShape the desired shape * @return {@code true} if the object's shape was changed * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the shape contains instance properties * @since 20.2.0 */
public abstract boolean resetShape(DynamicObject object, Shape otherShape);
Gets a snapshot of the object's property keys, in insertion order. The returned array may have been cached and must not be mutated. Properties with a HiddenKey are not included.

Usage example:

The example below shows how the returned keys array could be translated to an interop array for use with InteropLibrary.
Object getMembers(
                @CachedLibrary("this") DynamicObjectLibrary objLib) {
    return new Keys(objLib.getKeyArray(this));
static final class Keys implements TruffleObject {
    @CompilationFinal(dimensions = 1) final Object[] keys;
    Keys(Object[] keys) {
        this.keys = keys;
    boolean hasArrayElements() {
        return true;
    Object readArrayElement(long index) throws InvalidArrayIndexException {
        if (!isArrayElementReadable(index)) {
            throw InvalidArrayIndexException.create(index);
        return keys[(int) index];
    long getArraySize() {
        return keys.length;
    boolean isArrayElementReadable(long index) {
        return index >= 0 && index < keys.length;
Returns:a read-only array of the object's property keys.
/** * Gets a snapshot of the object's property keys, in insertion order. The returned array may * have been cached and must not be mutated. * * Properties with a {@link HiddenKey} are not included. * * <h3>Usage example:</h3> * * The example below shows how the returned keys array could be translated to an interop array * for use with InteropLibrary. * * <pre> * &#64;ExportMessage * Object getMembers( * &#64;CachedLibrary("this") DynamicObjectLibrary objLib) { * return new Keys(objLib.getKeyArray(this)); * } * * &#64;ExportLibrary(InteropLibrary.class) * static final class Keys implements TruffleObject { * * &#64;CompilationFinal(dimensions = 1) final Object[] keys; * * Keys(Object[] keys) { * this.keys = keys; * } * * &#64;ExportMessage * boolean hasArrayElements() { * return true; * } * * &#64;ExportMessage * Object readArrayElement(long index) throws InvalidArrayIndexException { * if (!isArrayElementReadable(index)) { * throw InvalidArrayIndexException.create(index); * } * return keys[(int) index]; * } * * &#64;ExportMessage * long getArraySize() { * return keys.length; * } * * &#64;ExportMessage * boolean isArrayElementReadable(long index) { * return index >= 0 && index < keys.length; * } * } * </pre> * * @return a read-only array of the object's property keys. * @since 20.2.0 */
public abstract Object[] getKeyArray(DynamicObject object);
Gets an array snapshot of the object's properties, in insertion order. The returned array may have been cached and must not be mutated. Properties with a HiddenKey are not included. Similar to getKeyArray but allows the properties' flags to be queried simultaneously which may be relevant for quick filtering.
See Also:
Returns:a read-only array of the object's properties.
/** * Gets an array snapshot of the object's properties, in insertion order. The returned array may * have been cached and must not be mutated. * * Properties with a {@link HiddenKey} are not included. * * Similar to {@link #getKeyArray} but allows the properties' flags to be queried simultaneously * which may be relevant for quick filtering. * * @return a read-only array of the object's properties. * @see #getKeyArray(DynamicObject) * @since 20.2.0 */
public abstract Property[] getPropertyArray(DynamicObject object); }