 * Copyright (c) 2018, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
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 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
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 * This license is subject to the following condition:
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 * portions of the Software.
package com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage.LanguageReference;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.dsl.Cached;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.dsl.Cached.Exclusive;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.dsl.Cached.Shared;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.dsl.CachedContext;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.dsl.CachedLanguage;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.dsl.ImportStatic;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.dsl.Specialization;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.InteropLibrary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.TruffleObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.UnknownIdentifierException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.UnsupportedMessageException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.ExportLibrary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.ExportMessage;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.Node;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.DynamicObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.HiddenKey;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.Shape;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.lang.JavaScriptLanguage;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.JSGuards;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.access.ReadElementNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.access.WriteElementNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.interop.ExportValueNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.interop.ImportValueNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.interop.JSInteropInvokeNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.interop.KeyInfoNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.Errors;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSConfig;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSContext;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSRealm;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSRuntime;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.Symbol;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.array.ScriptArray;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSArgumentsArray;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSArray;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSArrayBase;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSArrayBufferView;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSClass;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSObjectPrototype;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSTypedArrayObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.interop.InteropArray;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.interop.JSInteropUtil;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.util.JSClassProfile;

The common base class for all JavaScript objects (values of type Object according to the spec). Includes static methods for dealing with JS objects (internal methods).
/** * The common base class for all JavaScript objects (values of type Object according to the spec). * * Includes static methods for dealing with JS objects (internal methods). */
@ExportLibrary(InteropLibrary.class) public abstract class JSObject extends JSDynamicObject { public static final String CONSTRUCTOR = "constructor"; public static final String PROTOTYPE = "prototype"; public static final String PROTO = "__proto__"; public static final HiddenKey HIDDEN_PROTO = new HiddenKey("[[Prototype]]"); public static final String NO_SUCH_PROPERTY_NAME = "__noSuchProperty__"; public static final String NO_SUCH_METHOD_NAME = "__noSuchMethod__"; protected static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0]; protected JSObject(Shape shape) { super(shape); } protected JSObject copyWithoutProperties(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Shape shape) { throw Errors.notImplemented("copy"); }
Returns whether object is a proper JavaScript Object.
/** * Returns whether object is a proper JavaScript Object. */
public static boolean isJSObject(Object object) { return JSRuntime.isObject(object); } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") @ExportMessage public final boolean hasMembers() { return true; } @ImportStatic({JSGuards.class, JSObject.class}) @ExportMessage public abstract static class GetMembers { @Specialization(guards = {"cachedJSClass != null", "getJSClass(target) == cachedJSClass"}) public static Object nonArrayCached(JSObject target, @SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean internal, @Cached("getJSClass(target)") @SuppressWarnings("unused") JSClass cachedJSClass) { return InteropArray.create(JSObject.enumerableOwnNames(target)); } @Specialization(replaces = "nonArrayCached") public static Object nonArrayUncached(JSObject target, @SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean internal) { return InteropArray.create(JSObject.enumerableOwnNames(target)); } } @TruffleBoundary protected static String[] filterEnumerableNames(DynamicObject target, Iterable<Object> ownKeys, JSClass jsclass) { List<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object obj : ownKeys) { if (obj instanceof String && !JSRuntime.isArrayIndex((String) obj)) { PropertyDescriptor desc = jsclass.getOwnProperty(target, obj); if (desc != null && desc.getEnumerable()) { names.add((String) obj); } } } return names.toArray(EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY); } @ExportMessage public final Object readMember(String key, @CachedLanguage @SuppressWarnings("unused") LanguageReference<JavaScriptLanguage> languageRef, @Cached(value = "create(languageRef.get().getJSContext())", uncached = "getUncachedRead()") ReadElementNode readNode, @Cached(value = "languageRef.get().bindMemberFunctions()", allowUncached = true) boolean bindMemberFunctions, @Cached @Exclusive ExportValueNode exportNode) throws UnknownIdentifierException { DynamicObject target = this; Object result; if (readNode == null) { result = JSObject.getOrDefault(target, key, target, null); } else { result = readNode.executeWithTargetAndIndexOrDefault(target, key, null); } if (result == null) { throw UnknownIdentifierException.create(key); } return exportNode.execute(result, target, bindMemberFunctions); } @ExportMessage public final boolean isMemberReadable(String key, @Shared("keyInfo") @Cached KeyInfoNode keyInfo) { return keyInfo.execute(this, key, KeyInfoNode.READABLE); } @ExportMessage public final void writeMember(String key, Object value, @Shared("keyInfo") @Cached KeyInfoNode keyInfo, @Cached ImportValueNode castValueNode, @CachedLanguage @SuppressWarnings("unused") LanguageReference<JavaScriptLanguage> languageRef, @Cached(value = "createCachedInterop(languageRef)", uncached = "getUncachedWrite()") WriteElementNode writeNode) throws UnknownIdentifierException, UnsupportedMessageException { DynamicObject target = this; if (testIntegrityLevel(true)) { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); } if (!keyInfo.execute(target, key, KeyInfoNode.WRITABLE)) { throw UnknownIdentifierException.create(key); } Object importedValue = castValueNode.executeWithTarget(value); if (writeNode == null) { JSObject.set(target, key, importedValue, true, null); } else { writeNode.executeWithTargetAndIndexAndValue(target, key, importedValue); } } @ExportMessage public final boolean isMemberModifiable(String key, @Shared("keyInfo") @Cached KeyInfoNode keyInfo) { return keyInfo.execute(this, key, KeyInfoNode.MODIFIABLE); } @ExportMessage public final boolean isMemberInsertable(String key, @Shared("keyInfo") @Cached KeyInfoNode keyInfo) { return keyInfo.execute(this, key, KeyInfoNode.INSERTABLE); } @ExportMessage public final void removeMember(String key) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (testIntegrityLevel(false)) { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); } JSObject.delete(this, key, true); } @ExportMessage public final boolean isMemberRemovable(String key, @Shared("keyInfo") @Cached KeyInfoNode keyInfo) { return keyInfo.execute(this, key, KeyInfoNode.REMOVABLE); } @ExportMessage public final Object invokeMember(String id, Object[] args, @CachedLanguage JavaScriptLanguage language, @CachedContext(JavaScriptLanguage.class) JSRealm realm, @Cached JSInteropInvokeNode callNode, @Cached @Exclusive ExportValueNode exportNode) throws UnsupportedMessageException, UnknownIdentifierException { language.interopBoundaryEnter(realm); try { Object result = callNode.execute(this, id, args); return exportNode.execute(result); } finally { language.interopBoundaryExit(realm); } } @ExportMessage public final boolean isMemberInvocable(String key, @Shared("keyInfo") @Cached KeyInfoNode keyInfo) { return keyInfo.execute(this, key, KeyInfoNode.INVOCABLE); } @ExportMessage public final boolean hasMemberReadSideEffects(String key, @Shared("keyInfo") @Cached KeyInfoNode keyInfo) { return keyInfo.execute(this, key, KeyInfoNode.READ_SIDE_EFFECTS); } @ExportMessage public final boolean hasMemberWriteSideEffects(String key, @Shared("keyInfo") @Cached KeyInfoNode keyInfo) { return keyInfo.execute(this, key, KeyInfoNode.WRITE_SIDE_EFFECTS); } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") @ExportMessage public final boolean hasLanguage() { return true; } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") @ExportMessage public final Class<? extends TruffleLanguage<?>> getLanguage() { return JavaScriptLanguage.class; } @ExportMessage public final Object toDisplayString(boolean allowSideEffects) { return JSRuntime.toDisplayString(this, allowSideEffects); } public static ReadElementNode getUncachedRead() { return null; } public static WriteElementNode getUncachedWrite() { return null; } public static JSClass getJSClass(DynamicObject obj) { return JSShape.getJSClass(obj.getShape()); } @TruffleBoundary public static DynamicObject getPrototype(DynamicObject obj) { return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).getPrototypeOf(obj); } public static DynamicObject getPrototype(DynamicObject obj, JSClassProfile jsclassProfile) { return jsclassProfile.getJSClass(obj).getPrototypeOf(obj); } @TruffleBoundary public static boolean setPrototype(DynamicObject obj, DynamicObject newPrototype) { assert newPrototype != null; return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).setPrototypeOf(obj, newPrototype); } public static boolean setPrototype(DynamicObject obj, DynamicObject newPrototype, JSClassProfile jsclassProfile) { assert newPrototype != null; return jsclassProfile.getJSClass(obj).setPrototypeOf(obj, newPrototype); } @TruffleBoundary public static Object get(DynamicObject obj, long index) { return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).get(obj, index); } @TruffleBoundary public static Object get(DynamicObject obj, Object key) { assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(key); return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).get(obj, key); } @TruffleBoundary public static Object get(TruffleObject obj, Object key) { assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(key); if (JSDynamicObject.isJSDynamicObject(obj)) { return get((DynamicObject) obj, key); } else { return JSInteropUtil.readMemberOrDefault(obj, key, Undefined.instance); } } @TruffleBoundary public static Object get(TruffleObject obj, long index) { if (JSDynamicObject.isJSDynamicObject(obj)) { return get((DynamicObject) obj, index); } else { return JSInteropUtil.readArrayElementOrDefault(obj, index, Undefined.instance); } } @TruffleBoundary public static Object getMethod(DynamicObject obj, Object name) { assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(name); Object result = JSRuntime.nullToUndefined(JSObject.getJSClass(obj).getMethodHelper(obj, obj, name, null)); return (result == Null.instance) ? Undefined.instance : result; } @TruffleBoundary public static boolean set(DynamicObject obj, long index, Object value) { return set(obj, index, value, false, null); } @TruffleBoundary public static boolean set(DynamicObject obj, Object key, Object value) { return set(obj, key, value, false, null); } @TruffleBoundary public static boolean set(DynamicObject obj, long index, Object value, boolean isStrict, Node encapsulatingNode) { return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).set(obj, index, value, obj, isStrict, encapsulatingNode); } @TruffleBoundary public static boolean set(DynamicObject obj, Object key, Object value, boolean isStrict, Node encapsulatingNode) { assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(key); return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).set(obj, key, value, obj, isStrict, encapsulatingNode); }
[[Set]] with a receiver different than the default.
/** * [[Set]] with a receiver different than the default. */
public static boolean setWithReceiver(DynamicObject obj, Object key, Object value, Object receiver, boolean isStrict, JSClassProfile classProfile, Node encapsulatingNode) { assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(key); return classProfile.getJSClass(obj).set(obj, key, value, receiver, isStrict, encapsulatingNode); } public static boolean setWithReceiver(DynamicObject obj, long index, Object value, Object receiver, boolean isStrict, JSClassProfile classProfile, Node encapsulatingNode) { return classProfile.getJSClass(obj).set(obj, index, value, receiver, isStrict, encapsulatingNode); } @TruffleBoundary public static boolean delete(DynamicObject obj, long index) { return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).delete(obj, index, false); } @TruffleBoundary public static boolean delete(DynamicObject obj, long index, boolean isStrict) { return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).delete(obj, index, isStrict); } public static boolean delete(DynamicObject obj, long index, boolean isStrict, JSClassProfile classProfile) { return classProfile.getJSClass(obj).delete(obj, index, isStrict); } @TruffleBoundary public static boolean delete(DynamicObject obj, Object key) { return delete(obj, key, false); } @TruffleBoundary public static boolean delete(DynamicObject obj, Object key, boolean isStrict) { assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(key); return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).delete(obj, key, isStrict); } public static boolean delete(DynamicObject obj, Object key, boolean isStrict, JSClassProfile classProfile) { assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(key); return classProfile.getJSClass(obj).delete(obj, key, isStrict); } @TruffleBoundary public static boolean hasOwnProperty(DynamicObject obj, long index) { return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).hasOwnProperty(obj, index); } public static boolean hasOwnProperty(DynamicObject obj, long index, JSClassProfile classProfile) { return classProfile.getJSClass(obj).hasOwnProperty(obj, index); } @TruffleBoundary public static boolean hasOwnProperty(DynamicObject obj, Object key) { assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(key); return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).hasOwnProperty(obj, key); } public static boolean hasOwnProperty(DynamicObject obj, Object key, JSClassProfile classProfile) { assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(key); return classProfile.getJSClass(obj).hasOwnProperty(obj, key); } @TruffleBoundary public static boolean hasProperty(DynamicObject obj, long index) { return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).hasProperty(obj, index); } public static boolean hasProperty(DynamicObject obj, long index, JSClassProfile classProfile) { return classProfile.getJSClass(obj).hasProperty(obj, index); } @TruffleBoundary public static boolean hasProperty(DynamicObject obj, Object key) { assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(key); return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).hasProperty(obj, key); } public static boolean hasProperty(DynamicObject obj, Object key, JSClassProfile classProfile) { assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(key); return classProfile.getJSClass(obj).hasProperty(obj, key); } public static PropertyDescriptor getOwnProperty(DynamicObject obj, Object key) { assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(key); return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).getOwnProperty(obj, key); } public static PropertyDescriptor getOwnProperty(DynamicObject obj, Object key, JSClassProfile classProfile) { assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(key); return classProfile.getJSClass(obj).getOwnProperty(obj, key); }
[[OwnPropertyKeys]]. The returned keys are instanceof (String, Symbol).
/** * [[OwnPropertyKeys]]. The returned keys are instanceof (String, Symbol). */
public static List<Object> ownPropertyKeys(DynamicObject obj) { return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).ownPropertyKeys(obj); } public static List<Object> ownPropertyKeys(DynamicObject obj, JSClassProfile classProfile) { return classProfile.getJSClass(obj).ownPropertyKeys(obj); }
7.3.21 EnumerableOwnNames (O).
/** * 7.3.21 EnumerableOwnNames (O). */
@TruffleBoundary public static List<String> enumerableOwnNames(DynamicObject thisObj) { JSClass jsclass = JSObject.getJSClass(thisObj); if (JSConfig.FastOwnKeys && jsclass.hasOnlyShapeProperties(thisObj)) { return JSShape.getEnumerablePropertyNames(thisObj.getShape()); } Iterable<Object> ownKeys = jsclass.ownPropertyKeys(thisObj); List<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object obj : ownKeys) { if (obj instanceof String) { PropertyDescriptor desc = jsclass.getOwnProperty(thisObj, obj); if (desc != null && desc.getEnumerable()) { names.add((String) obj); } } } return names; } @TruffleBoundary public static boolean defineOwnProperty(DynamicObject obj, Object key, PropertyDescriptor desc) { assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(key); return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).defineOwnProperty(obj, key, desc, false); } @TruffleBoundary public static boolean defineOwnProperty(DynamicObject obj, Object key, PropertyDescriptor desc, boolean doThrow) { assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(key); return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).defineOwnProperty(obj, key, desc, doThrow); } public static Object get(DynamicObject obj, Object key, JSClassProfile jsclassProfile) { assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(key); return jsclassProfile.getJSClass(obj).get(obj, key); } public static Object get(DynamicObject obj, long index, JSClassProfile jsclassProfile) { return jsclassProfile.getJSClass(obj).get(obj, index); } public static Object getOrDefault(DynamicObject obj, Object key, Object receiver, Object defaultValue, JSClassProfile jsclassProfile, Node encapsulatingNode) { assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(key); Object result = jsclassProfile.getJSClass(obj).getHelper(obj, receiver, key, encapsulatingNode); return result == null ? defaultValue : result; } public static Object getOrDefault(DynamicObject obj, long index, Object receiver, Object defaultValue, JSClassProfile jsclassProfile, Node encapsulatingNode) { Object result = jsclassProfile.getJSClass(obj).getHelper(obj, receiver, index, encapsulatingNode); return result == null ? defaultValue : result; } public static Object getOrDefault(DynamicObject obj, Object key, Object receiver, Object defaultValue) { return getOrDefault(obj, key, receiver, defaultValue, JSClassProfile.getUncached(), null); } public static Object getOrDefault(DynamicObject obj, long index, Object receiver, Object defaultValue) { return getOrDefault(obj, index, receiver, defaultValue, JSClassProfile.getUncached(), null); } @TruffleBoundary public static Object getWithReceiver(DynamicObject obj, Object key, Object receiver, Node encapsulatingNode) { assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(key); Object result = getJSClass(obj).getHelper(obj, receiver, key, encapsulatingNode); return result == null ? Undefined.instance : result; } @TruffleBoundary public static String defaultToString(DynamicObject obj) { return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).defaultToString(obj); } @ExportMessage.Ignore @TruffleBoundary public static String toDisplayString(DynamicObject obj, int depth, boolean allowSideEffects) { return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).toDisplayStringImpl(obj, depth, allowSideEffects, JavaScriptLanguage.getCurrentLanguage().getJSContext()); }
ES2015 7.1.1 ToPrimitive in case an Object is passed.
/** * ES2015 7.1.1 ToPrimitive in case an Object is passed. */
@TruffleBoundary public static Object toPrimitive(DynamicObject obj, String hint) { assert obj != Null.instance && obj != Undefined.instance; Object exoticToPrim = JSObject.getMethod(obj, Symbol.SYMBOL_TO_PRIMITIVE); if (exoticToPrim != Undefined.instance) { Object result = JSRuntime.call(exoticToPrim, obj, new Object[]{hint}); if (JSRuntime.isObject(result)) { throw Errors.createTypeError("[Symbol.toPrimitive] method returned a non-primitive object"); } return result; } if (hint.equals(JSRuntime.HINT_DEFAULT)) { return ordinaryToPrimitive(obj, JSRuntime.HINT_NUMBER); } else { return ordinaryToPrimitive(obj, hint); } } @TruffleBoundary public static Object toPrimitive(DynamicObject obj) { return toPrimitive(obj, JSRuntime.HINT_DEFAULT); }
ES2018 OrdinaryToPrimitive.
/** * ES2018 OrdinaryToPrimitive. */
@TruffleBoundary public static Object ordinaryToPrimitive(DynamicObject obj, String hint) { assert JSRuntime.isObject(obj); assert JSRuntime.HINT_STRING.equals(hint) || JSRuntime.HINT_NUMBER.equals(hint); String[] methodNames; if (JSRuntime.HINT_STRING.equals(hint)) { methodNames = new String[]{JSRuntime.TO_STRING, JSRuntime.VALUE_OF}; } else { methodNames = new String[]{JSRuntime.VALUE_OF, JSRuntime.TO_STRING}; } for (String name : methodNames) { Object method = JSObject.getMethod(obj, name); if (JSRuntime.isCallable(method)) { Object result = JSRuntime.call(method, obj, new Object[]{}); if (!JSRuntime.isObject(result)) { return result; } } } throw Errors.createTypeErrorCannotConvertToPrimitiveValue(); } @TruffleBoundary public static boolean preventExtensions(DynamicObject obj) { return preventExtensions(obj, false); } @TruffleBoundary public static boolean preventExtensions(DynamicObject obj, boolean doThrow) { return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).preventExtensions(obj, doThrow); } @TruffleBoundary public static boolean isExtensible(DynamicObject obj) { return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).isExtensible(obj); } public static boolean isExtensible(DynamicObject obj, JSClassProfile classProfile) { return classProfile.getJSClass(obj).isExtensible(obj); }
The property [[Class]] of the object. This is the second part of what Object.prototype.toString.call(myObj) returns, e.g. "[object Array]".
Returns:the internal property [[Class]] of the object.
/** * The property [[Class]] of the object. This is the second part of what * Object.prototype.toString.call(myObj) returns, e.g. "[object Array]". * * @return the internal property [[Class]] of the object. */
@TruffleBoundary public static String getClassName(DynamicObject obj) { return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).getClassName(obj); } @TruffleBoundary public static boolean isFrozen(DynamicObject obj) { return testIntegrityLevel(obj, true); } @TruffleBoundary public static boolean isSealed(DynamicObject obj) { return testIntegrityLevel(obj, false); } public static ScriptArray getArray(DynamicObject obj) { assert hasArray(obj); if (obj instanceof JSArrayBase) { return ((JSArrayBase) obj).getArrayType(); } else { return ((JSTypedArrayObject) obj).getArrayType(); } } public static void setArray(DynamicObject obj, ScriptArray array) { assert hasArray(obj); ((JSArrayBase) obj).setArrayType(array); } public static boolean hasArray(DynamicObject obj) { return JSArray.isJSArray(obj) || JSArgumentsArray.isJSArgumentsObject(obj) || JSArrayBufferView.isJSArrayBufferView(obj) || JSObjectPrototype.isJSObjectPrototype(obj); } public static JSContext getJSContext(DynamicObject obj) { return JSShape.getJSContext(obj.getShape()); } @TruffleBoundary(transferToInterpreterOnException = false) public static boolean testIntegrityLevel(DynamicObject obj, boolean frozen) { return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).testIntegrityLevel(obj, frozen); } @TruffleBoundary public static boolean setIntegrityLevel(DynamicObject obj, boolean freeze) { return setIntegrityLevel(obj, freeze, false); } @TruffleBoundary public static boolean setIntegrityLevel(DynamicObject obj, boolean freeze, boolean doThrow) { return JSObject.getJSClass(obj).setIntegrityLevel(obj, freeze, doThrow); } }