 * Copyright (c) 2018, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
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 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
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package com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.access;

import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.Assumption;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerAsserts;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.Truffle;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleOptions;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.ExplodeLoop;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.InvalidAssumptionException;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.Node;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.NodeCost;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.DynamicObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.DynamicObjectLibrary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.HiddenKey;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.Property;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.object.Shape;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.JavaScriptBaseNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.nodes.cast.JSToObjectNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.Errors;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSConfig;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSContext;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.JSRuntime;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSAdapter;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSArray;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSArrayBufferView;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSClass;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSDictionary;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSFunction;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSProxy;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSRegExp;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.JSString;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.builtins.PrototypeSupplier;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.JSDynamicObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.JSLazyString;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.JSObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.JSProperty;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.JSShape;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.objects.Undefined;
import com.oracle.truffle.js.runtime.util.DebugCounter;

Common base class for property cache nodes. Unifies the cache handling and receiver checks.
See Also:
/** * Common base class for property cache nodes. Unifies the cache handling and receiver checks. * * @see PropertyGetNode * @see PropertySetNode * @see HasPropertyCacheNode */
public abstract class PropertyCacheNode<T extends PropertyCacheNode.CacheNode<T>> extends JavaScriptBaseNode {
Checks whether the receiver can be handled by the corresponding specialization.
/** * Checks whether the receiver can be handled by the corresponding specialization. */
protected abstract static class ReceiverCheckNode extends JavaScriptBaseNode { protected ReceiverCheckNode() { }
Check receiver shape, class, or instance.
Returns:whether the object is supported by the associated property cache node.
/** * Check receiver shape, class, or instance. * * @return whether the object is supported by the associated property cache node. */
public abstract boolean accept(Object thisObj);
Returns:the object that contains the property.
/** * @return the object that contains the property. */
public abstract DynamicObject getStore(Object thisObj); public Shape getShape() { return null; }
Checks if all required assumptions are valid.
/** * Checks if all required assumptions are valid. */
public boolean isValid() { return true; }
Returns:true if a stable property assumption failed.
/** * @return true if a stable property assumption failed. */
protected boolean isUnstable() { return false; } @Override public final NodeCost getCost() { return NodeCost.NONE; } }
Checks the Shape of a DynamicObject.
/** * Checks the {@link Shape} of a {@link DynamicObject}. */
protected abstract static class AbstractShapeCheckNode extends ReceiverCheckNode { private final Shape shape; protected AbstractShapeCheckNode(Shape shape) { this.shape = shape; }
Returns:the DynamicObject that contains the property.
/** * @return the {@link DynamicObject} that contains the property. */
@Override public abstract DynamicObject getStore(Object thisObj); @Override public final Shape getShape() { return shape; } @Override public boolean accept(Object thisObj) { return shape.getLayout().getType().isInstance(thisObj) && shape.check((DynamicObject) thisObj); } public int getDepth() { return 0; } @Override public abstract boolean isValid(); } protected static final class NullCheckNode extends ReceiverCheckNode { @Override public boolean accept(Object thisObj) { return thisObj == null; } @Override public DynamicObject getStore(Object thisObj) { throw Errors.shouldNotReachHere(); } } protected static final class InstanceofCheckNode extends ReceiverCheckNode { protected final Class<?> type; @Child private JSToObjectNode toObject; protected InstanceofCheckNode(Class<?> type, JSContext context) { this.type = type; this.toObject = JSToObjectNode.createToObjectNoCheckNoForeign(context); } @Override public boolean accept(Object thisObj) { return type.isInstance(thisObj); } @Override public DynamicObject getStore(Object thisObj) { return (DynamicObject) toObject.execute(thisObj); } } protected static final class PrimitiveReceiverCheckNode extends ReceiverCheckNode { private final Class<?> type; @Child private AbstractShapeCheckNode prototypeShapeCheck; protected PrimitiveReceiverCheckNode(Class<?> type, AbstractShapeCheckNode prototypeShapeCheck) { this.type = type; this.prototypeShapeCheck = prototypeShapeCheck; } @Override public boolean accept(Object thisObj) { if (type.isInstance(thisObj)) { return prototypeShapeCheck.accept(thisObj); } else { return false; } } @Override public DynamicObject getStore(Object thisObj) { return prototypeShapeCheck.getStore(thisObj); } @Override public boolean isValid() { return prototypeShapeCheck.isValid(); } }
Check the object shape by identity comparison.
/** * Check the object shape by identity comparison. */
protected static final class ShapeCheckNode extends AbstractShapeCheckNode { private final Assumption shapeValidAssumption; public ShapeCheckNode(Shape shape) { super(shape); this.shapeValidAssumption = shape.getValidAssumption(); } @Override public DynamicObject getStore(Object thisObj) { return getShape().getLayout().getType().cast(thisObj); } @Override public boolean isValid() { return shapeValidAssumption.isValid(); } } protected abstract static class AbstractAssumptionShapeCheckNode extends AbstractShapeCheckNode { protected final JSContext context; protected AbstractAssumptionShapeCheckNode(Shape shape, JSContext context) { super(shape); this.context = context; } }
Check that the given shape is valid and unchanged. Requires that the object is constant. For global object and prototype chain checks only.
/** * Check that the given shape is valid and unchanged. Requires that the object is constant. * * For global object and prototype chain checks only. */
protected static final class AssumptionShapeCheckNode extends AbstractAssumptionShapeCheckNode { private final Assumption shapeValidAssumption; private final Assumption unchangedShapeAssumption; private final Assumption stablePrototypeAssumption; protected AssumptionShapeCheckNode(Shape shape, @SuppressWarnings("unused") Object key, JSContext context, Assumption unchangedAssumption, Assumption stablePrototypeAssumption) { super(shape, context); this.shapeValidAssumption = shape.getValidAssumption(); this.unchangedShapeAssumption = unchangedAssumption; this.stablePrototypeAssumption = stablePrototypeAssumption; } public AssumptionShapeCheckNode(Shape shape, Object key, JSContext context) { this(shape, key, context, JSShape.getPropertyAssumption(shape, key, false), null); } public AssumptionShapeCheckNode(Shape shape, Object key, JSContext context, boolean prototype, Assumption stablePrototypeAssumption) { this(shape, key, context, JSShape.getPropertyAssumption(shape, key, prototype), stablePrototypeAssumption); } @Override public boolean accept(Object thisObj) { return true; } @Override public DynamicObject getStore(Object thisObj) { return ((JSDynamicObject) thisObj); } @Override public boolean isValid() { if (!context.isSingleRealm()) { return false; } else if (!shapeValidAssumption.isValid()) { return false; } else if (!unchangedShapeAssumption.isValid()) { return false; } else if (stablePrototypeAssumption != null && !stablePrototypeAssumption.isValid()) { return false; } return true; } @Override protected boolean isUnstable() { return shapeValidAssumption.isValid() && !unchangedShapeAssumption.isValid(); } }
Check the shape of the object by identity and the shape of its immediate prototype by assumption (valid and unchanged).
/** * Check the shape of the object by identity and the shape of its immediate prototype by * assumption (valid and unchanged). */
protected static final class PrototypeShapeCheckNode extends AbstractAssumptionShapeCheckNode { private final Assumption notObsoletedAssumption; private final Assumption protoNotObsoletedAssumption; private final Assumption protoUnchangedAssumption; private final DynamicObject prototype; public PrototypeShapeCheckNode(Shape shape, DynamicObject thisObj, Object key, JSContext context) { super(shape, context); this.notObsoletedAssumption = shape.getValidAssumption(); DynamicObject finalProto = JSObject.getPrototype(thisObj); Shape protoShape = finalProto.getShape(); this.protoNotObsoletedAssumption = protoShape.getValidAssumption(); this.protoUnchangedAssumption = JSShape.getPropertyAssumption(protoShape, key, true); this.prototype = finalProto; } @Override public DynamicObject getStore(Object thisObj) { return prototype; } @Override public int getDepth() { return 1; } @Override public boolean isValid() { if (!context.isSingleRealm()) { return false; } else if (!notObsoletedAssumption.isValid()) { return false; } else if (!protoNotObsoletedAssumption.isValid()) { return false; } else if (!protoUnchangedAssumption.isValid()) { return false; } return true; } }
Checks the top shape by identity and the shapes of the prototype chain up to the given depth by assumption (AssumptionShapeCheckNode).
/** * Checks the top shape by identity and the shapes of the prototype chain up to the given depth * by assumption ({@link AssumptionShapeCheckNode}). */
protected static final class PrototypeChainShapeCheckNode extends AbstractAssumptionShapeCheckNode { private final Assumption shapeValidAssumption; private final DynamicObject prototype; @Children private final AssumptionShapeCheckNode[] shapeCheckNodes; public PrototypeChainShapeCheckNode(Shape shape, DynamicObject thisObj, Object key, int depth, JSContext context) { super(shape, context); this.shapeValidAssumption = shape.getValidAssumption(); this.shapeCheckNodes = new AssumptionShapeCheckNode[depth]; Shape depthShape = shape; DynamicObject depthProto = thisObj; for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { Assumption stablePrototypeAssumption = i == 0 ? null : JSShape.getPrototypeAssumption(depthShape); depthProto = JSObject.getPrototype(depthProto); depthShape = depthProto.getShape(); shapeCheckNodes[i] = new AssumptionShapeCheckNode(depthShape, key, context, true, stablePrototypeAssumption); } this.prototype = depthProto; } @Override public DynamicObject getStore(Object thisObj) { return prototype; } @Override public int getDepth() { return shapeCheckNodes.length; } @ExplodeLoop @Override public boolean isValid() { if (!context.isSingleRealm()) { return false; } else if (!shapeValidAssumption.isValid()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < shapeCheckNodes.length; i++) { if (!shapeCheckNodes[i].isValid()) { return false; } } return true; } } protected interface ConstantObjectReceiverCheck { Object getExpectedObject(); void clearExpectedObject(); }
Checks that the object is constant and the shape by comparison.
/** * Checks that the object is constant and the shape by comparison. */
protected static final class ConstantObjectShapeCheckNode extends AbstractShapeCheckNode implements ConstantObjectReceiverCheck { private final Assumption shapeValidAssumption; private final WeakReference<JSDynamicObject> expectedObjectRef; public ConstantObjectShapeCheckNode(Shape shape, JSDynamicObject thisObj) { super(shape); this.shapeValidAssumption = shape.getValidAssumption(); this.expectedObjectRef = new WeakReference<>(thisObj); } @Override public boolean accept(Object thisObj) { JSDynamicObject expectedObj = this.expectedObjectRef.get(); if (thisObj != expectedObj) { return false; } assert expectedObj != null; return super.accept(thisObj); } @Override public DynamicObject getStore(Object thisObj) { return ((JSDynamicObject) thisObj); } @Override public boolean isValid() { if (!shapeValidAssumption.isValid()) { return false; } else if (expectedObjectRef.get() == null) { return false; } return true; } @Override public Object getExpectedObject() { return expectedObjectRef.get(); } @Override public void clearExpectedObject() { expectedObjectRef.clear(); } }
Checks that the object is constant and the shape by assumption (valid and unchanged).
See Also:
  • SkipFinalShapeCheck.SkipFinalShapeCheck
/** * Checks that the object is constant and the shape by assumption (valid and unchanged). * * @see JSConfig#SkipFinalShapeCheck */
protected static final class ConstantObjectAssumptionShapeCheckNode extends AbstractAssumptionShapeCheckNode implements ConstantObjectReceiverCheck { private final Assumption shapeValidAssumption; private final Assumption unchangedAssumption; private final WeakReference<JSDynamicObject> expectedObjectRef; public ConstantObjectAssumptionShapeCheckNode(Shape shape, JSDynamicObject thisObj, Object key, JSContext context) { super(shape, context); this.shapeValidAssumption = shape.getValidAssumption(); this.unchangedAssumption = JSShape.getPropertyAssumption(shape, key); this.expectedObjectRef = new WeakReference<>(thisObj); } @Override public boolean accept(Object thisObj) { JSDynamicObject expectedObj = this.expectedObjectRef.get(); return thisObj == expectedObj; } @Override public DynamicObject getStore(Object thisObj) { return ((JSDynamicObject) thisObj); } @Override public boolean isValid() { if (!context.isSingleRealm()) { return false; } else if (!shapeValidAssumption.isValid()) { return false; } else if (!unchangedAssumption.isValid()) { return false; } else if (expectedObjectRef.get() == null) { return false; } return true; } @Override protected boolean isUnstable() { return shapeValidAssumption.isValid() && !unchangedAssumption.isValid(); } @Override public Object getExpectedObject() { return expectedObjectRef.get(); } @Override public void clearExpectedObject() { expectedObjectRef.clear(); } }
Checks that the object is constant and all the shapes of the prototype chain up to the given depth by assumption (valid and unchanged).
See Also:
  • SkipFinalShapeCheck.SkipFinalShapeCheck
/** * Checks that the object is constant and all the shapes of the prototype chain up to the given * depth by assumption (valid and unchanged). * * @see JSConfig#SkipFinalShapeCheck */
protected static final class ConstantObjectPrototypeChainShapeCheckNode extends AbstractAssumptionShapeCheckNode implements ConstantObjectReceiverCheck { private final Assumption shapeValidAssumption; private final Assumption shapeUnchangedAssumption; private final WeakReference<JSDynamicObject> expectedObjectRef; private final WeakReference<DynamicObject> prototype; @Children private final AssumptionShapeCheckNode[] shapeCheckNodes; public ConstantObjectPrototypeChainShapeCheckNode(Shape shape, JSDynamicObject thisObj, Object key, int depth, JSContext context) { super(shape, context); this.shapeValidAssumption = shape.getValidAssumption(); this.shapeUnchangedAssumption = JSShape.getPropertyAssumption(shape, key); this.expectedObjectRef = new WeakReference<>(thisObj); this.shapeCheckNodes = new AssumptionShapeCheckNode[depth]; Shape depthShape = shape; DynamicObject depthProto = thisObj; for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { Assumption stablePrototypeAssumption = JSShape.getPrototypeAssumption(depthShape); depthProto = JSObject.getPrototype(depthProto); depthShape = depthProto.getShape(); shapeCheckNodes[i] = new AssumptionShapeCheckNode(depthShape, key, context, true, stablePrototypeAssumption); } this.prototype = new WeakReference<>(depthProto); } @Override public boolean accept(Object thisObj) { JSDynamicObject expectedObj = this.expectedObjectRef.get(); if (thisObj != expectedObj) { return false; } assert this.prototype.get() != null; return true; } @Override public DynamicObject getStore(Object thisObj) { return prototype.get(); } @Override public int getDepth() { return shapeCheckNodes.length; } @ExplodeLoop @Override public boolean isValid() { if (!context.isSingleRealm()) { return false; } else if (!shapeValidAssumption.isValid()) { return false; } else if (!shapeUnchangedAssumption.isValid()) { return false; } else if (expectedObjectRef.get() == null) { return false; } else if (prototype.get() == null) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < shapeCheckNodes.length; i++) { if (!shapeCheckNodes[i].isValid()) { return false; } } return true; } @Override protected boolean isUnstable() { return shapeValidAssumption.isValid() && !shapeUnchangedAssumption.isValid(); } @Override public Object getExpectedObject() { return expectedObjectRef.get(); } @Override public void clearExpectedObject() { expectedObjectRef.clear(); } }
Checks that the object is constant and the shape of the object and its immediate prototype by assumption (valid and unchanged).
See Also:
  • SkipFinalShapeCheck.SkipFinalShapeCheck
/** * Checks that the object is constant and the shape of the object and its immediate prototype by * assumption (valid and unchanged). * * @see JSConfig#SkipFinalShapeCheck */
protected static final class ConstantObjectPrototypeShapeCheckNode extends AbstractAssumptionShapeCheckNode implements ConstantObjectReceiverCheck { private final Assumption shapeValidAssumption; private final Assumption unchangedAssumption; private final Assumption stableProtoAssumption; private final Assumption protoShapeValidAssumption; private final Assumption protoUnchangedAssumption; private final WeakReference<JSDynamicObject> expectedObjectRef; private final WeakReference<DynamicObject> prototype; public ConstantObjectPrototypeShapeCheckNode(Shape shape, JSDynamicObject thisObj, Object key, JSContext context) { super(shape, context); this.shapeValidAssumption = shape.getValidAssumption(); this.unchangedAssumption = JSShape.getPropertyAssumption(shape, key); this.stableProtoAssumption = JSShape.getPrototypeAssumption(shape); DynamicObject finalProto = JSObject.getPrototype(thisObj); Shape protoShape = finalProto.getShape(); this.protoShapeValidAssumption = protoShape.getValidAssumption(); this.protoUnchangedAssumption = JSShape.getPropertyAssumption(protoShape, key, true); this.expectedObjectRef = new WeakReference<>(thisObj); this.prototype = new WeakReference<>(finalProto); } @Override public boolean accept(Object thisObj) { JSDynamicObject expectedObj = this.expectedObjectRef.get(); if (thisObj != expectedObj) { return false; } assert this.prototype.get() != null; return true; } @Override public DynamicObject getStore(Object thisObj) { return prototype.get(); } @Override public int getDepth() { return 1; } @Override public boolean isValid() { if (!context.isSingleRealm()) { return false; } else if (!shapeValidAssumption.isValid()) { return false; } else if (!unchangedAssumption.isValid()) { return false; } else if (!stableProtoAssumption.isValid()) { return false; } else if (!protoShapeValidAssumption.isValid()) { return false; } else if (!protoUnchangedAssumption.isValid()) { return false; } else if (expectedObjectRef.get() == null) { return false; } else if (prototype.get() == null) { return false; } return true; } @Override protected boolean isUnstable() { return shapeValidAssumption.isValid() && !unchangedAssumption.isValid(); } @Override public Object getExpectedObject() { return expectedObjectRef.get(); } @Override public void clearExpectedObject() { expectedObjectRef.clear(); } }
Check the shapes of the prototype chain up to the given depth. This class actually traverses the prototype chain and checks each prototype shape's identity.
See Also:
  • SkipPrototypeShapeCheck.SkipPrototypeShapeCheck
/** * Check the shapes of the prototype chain up to the given depth. * * This class actually traverses the prototype chain and checks each prototype shape's identity. * * @see JSConfig#SkipPrototypeShapeCheck */
protected static final class TraversePrototypeChainShapeCheckNode extends AbstractShapeCheckNode { private final Assumption shapeValidAssumption; @Children private final ShapeCheckNode[] shapeCheckNodes; @Children private final GetPrototypeNode[] getPrototypeNodes; public TraversePrototypeChainShapeCheckNode(Shape shape, DynamicObject thisObj, int depth) { super(shape); this.shapeValidAssumption = shape.getValidAssumption(); this.shapeCheckNodes = new ShapeCheckNode[depth]; this.getPrototypeNodes = new GetPrototypeNode[depth]; Shape depthShape = shape; DynamicObject depthProto = thisObj; for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { depthProto = JSObject.getPrototype(depthProto); depthShape = depthProto.getShape(); shapeCheckNodes[i] = new ShapeCheckNode(depthShape); getPrototypeNodes[i] = GetPrototypeNode.create(); } } @ExplodeLoop @Override public boolean accept(Object thisObj) { if (!JSDynamicObject.isJSDynamicObject(thisObj)) { return false; } DynamicObject current = (DynamicObject) thisObj; boolean result = getShape().check(current); if (!result) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < shapeCheckNodes.length; i++) { current = getPrototypeNodes[i].executeDynamicObject(current); result = shapeCheckNodes[i].accept(current); if (!result) { return false; } } // Return the shape check of the prototype we're going to access. return result; } @ExplodeLoop @Override public DynamicObject getStore(Object thisObj) { DynamicObject proto = (DynamicObject) thisObj; for (int i = 0; i < shapeCheckNodes.length; i++) { proto = getPrototypeNodes[i].executeDynamicObject(proto); } return proto; } @Override public int getDepth() { return shapeCheckNodes.length; } @ExplodeLoop @Override public boolean isValid() { if (!shapeValidAssumption.isValid()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < shapeCheckNodes.length; i++) { if (!shapeCheckNodes[i].isValid()) { return false; } } return true; } }
Check the shapes of the object and its immediate prototype. This class actually reads the prototype and checks the prototype shape's identity.
See Also:
  • SkipPrototypeShapeCheck.SkipPrototypeShapeCheck
/** * Check the shapes of the object and its immediate prototype. * * This class actually reads the prototype and checks the prototype shape's identity. * * @see JSConfig#SkipPrototypeShapeCheck */
protected static final class TraversePrototypeShapeCheckNode extends AbstractShapeCheckNode { private final Assumption shapeValidAssumption; @Child private ShapeCheckNode protoShapeCheck; @Child private GetPrototypeNode getPrototypeNode; public TraversePrototypeShapeCheckNode(Shape shape, DynamicObject thisObj) { super(shape); this.shapeValidAssumption = shape.getValidAssumption(); this.protoShapeCheck = new ShapeCheckNode(JSObject.getPrototype(thisObj).getShape()); this.getPrototypeNode = GetPrototypeNode.create(); } @Override public boolean accept(Object thisObj) { if (JSDynamicObject.isJSDynamicObject(thisObj)) { DynamicObject jsobj = (DynamicObject) thisObj; if (getShape().check(jsobj)) { // Return the shape check of the prototype we're going to access. return protoShapeCheck.accept(getPrototypeNode.executeDynamicObject(jsobj)); } } return false; } @Override public DynamicObject getStore(Object thisObj) { return getPrototypeNode.executeDynamicObject((DynamicObject) thisObj); } @Override public int getDepth() { return 1; } @Override public boolean isValid() { if (!shapeValidAssumption.isValid()) { return false; } else if (!protoShapeCheck.isValid()) { return false; } return true; } }
Checks the shapes of the prototype chain up to the given depth by assumption ( AssumptionShapeCheckNode).
/** * Checks the shapes of the prototype chain up to the given depth by assumption ( * {@link AssumptionShapeCheckNode}). */
protected static final class PrototypeChainCheckNode extends AbstractAssumptionShapeCheckNode { private final DynamicObject prototype; @Children private final AssumptionShapeCheckNode[] shapeCheckNodes; public PrototypeChainCheckNode(Shape shape, DynamicObject thisObj, Object key, int depth, JSContext context) { super(shape, context); assert depth >= 1; this.shapeCheckNodes = new AssumptionShapeCheckNode[depth]; Shape depthShape = shape; DynamicObject depthProto = thisObj; for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { Assumption stablePrototypeAssumption = JSShape.getPrototypeAssumption(depthShape); depthProto = JSObject.getPrototype(depthProto); depthShape = depthProto.getShape(); shapeCheckNodes[i] = new AssumptionShapeCheckNode(depthShape, key, context, true, stablePrototypeAssumption); } this.prototype = depthProto; } @Override public boolean accept(Object thisObj) { return true; } @Override public DynamicObject getStore(Object thisObj) { return prototype; } @Override public int getDepth() { return shapeCheckNodes.length; } @ExplodeLoop @Override public boolean isValid() { if (!context.isSingleRealm()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < shapeCheckNodes.length; i++) { if (!shapeCheckNodes[i].isValid()) { return false; } } return true; } }
Check the shapes of the prototype chain up to the given depth. This class actually traverses the prototype chain and checks each prototype shape's identity.
See Also:
  • SkipPrototypeShapeCheck.SkipPrototypeShapeCheck
/** * Check the shapes of the prototype chain up to the given depth. * * This class actually traverses the prototype chain and checks each prototype shape's identity. * * @see JSConfig#SkipPrototypeShapeCheck */
protected static final class TraversePrototypeChainCheckNode extends AbstractShapeCheckNode { private final JSContext context; private final PrototypeSupplier jsclass; @Children private final ShapeCheckNode[] shapeCheckNodes; @Children private final GetPrototypeNode[] getPrototypeNodes; public TraversePrototypeChainCheckNode(Shape shape, DynamicObject thisObj, int depth, JSClass jsclass, JSContext context) { super(shape); assert depth >= 1; this.context = context; this.jsclass = (PrototypeSupplier) jsclass; this.shapeCheckNodes = new ShapeCheckNode[depth]; this.getPrototypeNodes = new GetPrototypeNode[depth - 1]; Shape depthShape = shape; DynamicObject depthProto = thisObj; for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { depthProto = JSObject.getPrototype(depthProto); depthShape = depthProto.getShape(); shapeCheckNodes[i] = new ShapeCheckNode(depthShape); if (i < depth - 1) { getPrototypeNodes[i] = GetPrototypeNode.create(); } } } @ExplodeLoop @Override public boolean accept(Object thisObj) { DynamicObject current = jsclass.getIntrinsicDefaultProto(context.getRealm()); boolean result = true; for (int i = 0; i < shapeCheckNodes.length; i++) { result = shapeCheckNodes[i].accept(current); if (!result) { return false; } if (i < shapeCheckNodes.length - 1) { current = getPrototypeNodes[i].executeDynamicObject(current); } } // Return the shape check of the prototype we're going to access. return result; } @ExplodeLoop @Override public DynamicObject getStore(Object thisObj) { DynamicObject proto = jsclass.getIntrinsicDefaultProto(context.getRealm()); for (int i = 0; i < getPrototypeNodes.length; i++) { proto = getPrototypeNodes[i].executeDynamicObject(proto); } return proto; } @Override public int getDepth() { return shapeCheckNodes.length; } @ExplodeLoop @Override public boolean isValid() { for (int i = 0; i < shapeCheckNodes.length; i++) { if (!shapeCheckNodes[i].isValid()) { return false; } } return true; } } protected static final class JSClassCheckNode extends ReceiverCheckNode { private final JSClass jsclass; protected JSClassCheckNode(JSClass jsclass) { this.jsclass = jsclass; } @Override public boolean accept(Object thisObj) { return JSClass.isInstance(thisObj, jsclass); } @Override public DynamicObject getStore(Object thisObj) { return (DynamicObject) thisObj; } } protected static final class ForeignLanguageCheckNode extends ReceiverCheckNode { @Override public boolean accept(Object thisObj) { return JSRuntime.isForeignObject(thisObj); } @Override public DynamicObject getStore(Object thisObj) { throw Errors.shouldNotReachHere(); } } // --- public abstract static class CacheNode<T extends CacheNode<T>> extends JavaScriptBaseNode { @Child protected T next; @Child protected ReceiverCheckNode receiverCheck; protected CacheNode(ReceiverCheckNode receiverCheck) { this.receiverCheck = receiverCheck; } protected CacheNode(T next, ReceiverCheckNode receiverCheck) { this.next = next; this.receiverCheck = receiverCheck; } protected final T getNext() { return next; } protected final void setNext(T to) { next = to; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected T withNext(T newNext) { T copy = (T) copy(); copy.next = newNext; return copy; } protected final boolean isGeneric() { return receiverCheck == null; } protected final boolean accepts(Object thisObj) { return receiverCheck == null || receiverCheck.accept(thisObj); } protected boolean isValid() { return receiverCheck == null || receiverCheck.isValid(); } protected boolean acceptsValue(Object value) { assert value == null; return true; } protected boolean sweep() { return false; } protected String debugString() { CompilerAsserts.neverPartOfCompilation(); if (receiverCheck != null) { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "<check=" + receiverCheck + ", shape=" + receiverCheck.getShape() + ">\n" + ((next == null) ? "" : next.debugString()); } return null; } @Override public final NodeCost getCost() { return NodeCost.NONE; } } protected final Object key; protected final JSContext context; @Child protected T cacheNode; @CompilationFinal private Assumption invalidationAssumption; public PropertyCacheNode(Object key, JSContext context) { this.key = key; this.context = context; assert JSRuntime.isPropertyKey(key) || key instanceof HiddenKey; } public final Object getKey() { return key; } protected abstract T createGenericPropertyNode(); protected abstract T createCachedPropertyNode(Property entry, Object thisObj, int depth, Object value, T currentHead); protected abstract T createUndefinedPropertyNode(Object thisObj, Object store, int depth, Object value); protected abstract T createJavaPropertyNodeMaybe(Object thisObj, int depth); protected abstract T createTruffleObjectPropertyNode(); @TruffleBoundary protected T specialize(Object thisObj) { return specialize(thisObj, null); } @TruffleBoundary protected T specialize(Object thisObj, Object value) { T res; Lock lock = getLock(); lock.lock(); try { T currentHead = cacheNode; do { assert currentHead == cacheNode; int cachedCount = 0; boolean invalid = false; boolean generic = false; res = null; for (T c = currentHead; c != null; c = c.next) { if (c.isGeneric()) { generic = true; res = c; assert c.next == null; break; } else { cachedCount++; if (!c.isValid()) { invalid = true; break; } else { c.sweep(); if (res == null && c.accepts(thisObj) && c.acceptsValue(value)) { res = c; // continue checking for invalid cache entries } else if (isUnexpectedConstantObject(c, thisObj)) { invalid = true; break; } } } } if (invalid) { checkForUnstableAssumption(currentHead, thisObj); currentHead = rewriteCached(currentHead, filterValid(currentHead)); traceAssumptionInvalidated(); res = null; continue; // restart } if (res == null) { assert !generic; T newNode = createSpecialization(thisObj, currentHead, cachedCount, value); if (newNode == null) { currentHead = this.cacheNode; continue; // restart } res = newNode; assert res.getParent() != null; } } while (res == null); } finally { lock.unlock(); } if (!(res.isGeneric() || (res.accepts(thisObj) && res.acceptsValue(value)))) { throw Errors.shouldNotReachHere(); } return res; } protected T createSpecialization(Object thisObj, T currentHead, int cachedCount, Object value) { int depth = 0; T specialized = null; DynamicObject store = null; if (JSDynamicObject.isJSDynamicObject(thisObj)) { if ((!JSAdapter.isJSAdapter(thisObj) && !JSProxy.isJSProxy(thisObj)) || key instanceof HiddenKey) { store = (DynamicObject) thisObj; } } else if (JSRuntime.isForeignObject(thisObj)) { assert !JSDynamicObject.isJSDynamicObject(thisObj); specialized = createTruffleObjectPropertyNode(); } else { store = wrapPrimitive(thisObj, context); } while (store != null) { // check for obsolete shape if (DynamicObjectLibrary.getUncached().updateShape(store)) { return retryCache(); } Shape cacheShape = store.getShape(); if (JSConfig.DictionaryObject && JSDictionary.isJSDictionaryObject(store)) { // TODO: could probably specialize on shape as well. return rewriteToGeneric(currentHead, cachedCount, "dictionary object"); } if (JSConfig.MergeShapes && cachedCount > 0) { // check if we're creating unnecessary polymorphism due to compatible types synchronized (store.getShape().getMutex()) { if (tryMergeShapes(cacheShape, currentHead)) { DynamicObjectLibrary.getUncached().updateShape(store); return retryCache(); } } } Property property = cacheShape.getProperty(key); if (property != null) { specialized = createCachedPropertyNode(property, thisObj, depth, value, currentHead); if (specialized == null) { return null; } break; } else if (alwaysUseStore(store, key)) { specialized = createUndefinedPropertyNode(thisObj, store, depth, value); break; } else if (isOwnProperty()) { break; } store = (DynamicObject) JSRuntime.toJavaNull(JSObject.getPrototype(store)); if (store != null) { depth++; } } if (cachedCount >= context.getPropertyCacheLimit() || (specialized != null && specialized.isGeneric())) { return rewriteToGeneric(currentHead, cachedCount, "cache limit reached"); } if (specialized == null) { specialized = createUndefinedPropertyNode(thisObj, thisObj, depth, value); } return insertCached(specialized, currentHead, cachedCount); } protected static boolean alwaysUseStore(DynamicObject store, Object key) { return JSProxy.isJSProxy(store) || (JSArrayBufferView.isJSArrayBufferView(store) && isNonIntegerIndex(key)) || key instanceof HiddenKey; } protected final void deoptimize() { if (invalidationAssumption == null) { CompilerDirectives.transferToInterpreterAndInvalidate(); } else { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { try { invalidationAssumption.check(); } catch (InvalidAssumptionException e) { } } /* * Do not invalidate code here, since we might just re-shape the object (which does not * need a modification of the AST). The assumption will be used to invalidate the code. */ } } protected T retryCache() { if (invalidationAssumption == null) { invalidationAssumption = Truffle.getRuntime().createAssumption("PropertyCacheNode"); cacheAssumptionInitializedCount.inc(); // This could be removed eventually GR-25874 reportPolymorphicSpecialize(); } return null; } protected void invalidateCache() { if (invalidationAssumption != null) { invalidationAssumption.invalidate("PropertyCacheNode invalidation"); invalidationAssumption = Truffle.getRuntime().createAssumption("PropertyCacheNode"); cacheAssumptionInvalidatedCount.inc(); } } protected T insertCached(T specialized, T currentHead, int cachedCount) { assert currentHead == this.cacheNode; // insert specialization at the front invalidateCache(); insert(specialized); specialized.setNext(currentHead); this.cacheNode = specialized; if (cachedCount > 0) { polymorphicCount.inc(); } traceRewriteInsert(specialized, cachedCount); if (JSConfig.TracePolymorphicPropertyAccess && cachedCount > 0) { System.out.printf("POLYMORPHIC PROPERTY ACCESS key='%s' %s\n%s\n---\n", key, getEncapsulatingSourceSection(), specialized.debugString()); } return specialized; } protected T rewriteToGeneric(T currentHead, int cachedCount, String reason) { assert currentHead == this.cacheNode; // replace the entire cache with the generic case T newNode = createGenericPropertyNode(); invalidateCache(); insert(newNode); this.cacheNode = newNode; if (cachedCount > 0 && cachedCount >= context.getPropertyCacheLimit()) { megamorphicCount.inc(); reportPolymorphicSpecialize(); } traceRewriteMegamorphic(newNode, reason); if (JSConfig.TraceMegamorphicPropertyAccess) { System.out.printf("MEGAMORPHIC PROPERTY ACCESS key='%s' %s\n%s\n---\n", key, getEncapsulatingSourceSection(), currentHead.debugString()); } return newNode; } protected T rewriteCached(T currentHead, T newHead) { assert currentHead == this.cacheNode; invalidateCache(); this.cacheNode = newHead; return newHead; }
Does the given map relate to any of the cached maps by upcasting? If so, obsolete the downcast map.
  • cacheShape – The new map to check against
Returns:true if a map was obsoleted
/** * Does the given map relate to any of the cached maps by upcasting? If so, obsolete the * downcast map. * * @param cacheShape The new map to check against * @return true if a map was obsoleted */
protected static <T extends CacheNode<T>> boolean tryMergeShapes(Shape cacheShape, T head) { assert cacheShape.isValid(); boolean result = false; for (T cur = head; cur != null; cur = cur.next) { if (cur.receiverCheck == null) { continue; } Shape other = cur.receiverCheck.getShape(); if (cacheShape != other && other != null && other.isValid()) { assert cacheShape.isValid(); result |= cacheShape.tryMerge(other) != null; if (!cacheShape.isValid()) { break; } } } return result; } protected void checkForUnstableAssumption(T head, Object thisObj) { for (T cur = head; cur != null; cur = cur.next) { ReceiverCheckNode check = cur.receiverCheck; if (check == null) { continue; } if (check.isUnstable()) { setPropertyAssumptionCheckEnabled(false); propertyAssumptionCheckFailedCount.inc(); } if (isUnexpectedConstantObject(cur, thisObj)) { // constant object is null or another object ((ConstantObjectReceiverCheck) check).clearExpectedObject(); setPropertyAssumptionCheckEnabled(false); constantObjectCheckFailedCount.inc(); traceRewriteEvictFinal(cur); } } } private boolean isUnexpectedConstantObject(T cache, Object thisObj) { return cache.receiverCheck instanceof ConstantObjectReceiverCheck && ((ConstantObjectReceiverCheck) cache.receiverCheck).getExpectedObject() != thisObj; } protected static <T extends CacheNode<T>> T filterValid(T cache) { if (cache == null) { return null; } T filteredNext = filterValid(cache.next); if (cache.isValid()) { if (filteredNext == cache.next) { return cache; } else { return cache.withNext(filteredNext); } } else { return filteredNext; } } protected static final DynamicObject wrapPrimitive(Object thisObject, JSContext context) { // wrap primitives for lookup Object wrapper = JSRuntime.toObjectFromPrimitive(context, thisObject, false); return JSDynamicObject.isJSDynamicObject(wrapper) ? ((JSDynamicObject) wrapper) : null; } protected final AbstractShapeCheckNode createShapeCheckNode(Shape shape, JSDynamicObject thisObj, int depth, boolean isConstantObjectFinal, boolean isDefine) { if (depth == 0) { return createShapeCheckNodeDepth0(shape, thisObj, isConstantObjectFinal, isDefine); } else if (depth == 1) { return createShapeCheckNodeDepth1(shape, thisObj, depth, isConstantObjectFinal); } else { return createShapeCheckNodeDeeper(shape, thisObj, depth, isConstantObjectFinal); } } private AbstractShapeCheckNode createShapeCheckNodeDepth0(Shape shape, JSDynamicObject thisObj, boolean isConstantObjectFinal, boolean isDefine) { // if isDefine is true, shape change is imminent, so don't use assumption if (isGlobal() && JSConfig.SkipGlobalShapeCheck && !isDefine && isPropertyAssumptionCheckEnabled() && JSShape.getPropertyAssumption(shape, key).isValid()) { return new AssumptionShapeCheckNode(shape, key, getContext()); } else if (isConstantObjectFinal) { assert !isDefine; if (isPropertyAssumptionCheckEnabled() && JSShape.getPropertyAssumption(shape, key).isValid()) { return new ConstantObjectAssumptionShapeCheckNode(shape, thisObj, key, getContext()); } else { return new ConstantObjectShapeCheckNode(shape, thisObj); } } else { assert !isConstantObjectFinal; return new ShapeCheckNode(shape); } } private AbstractShapeCheckNode createShapeCheckNodeDepth1(Shape shape, JSDynamicObject thisObj, int depth, boolean isConstantObjectFinal) { assert depth == 1; if (JSConfig.SkipPrototypeShapeCheck && prototypesInShape(thisObj, depth) && propertyAssumptionsValid(thisObj, depth, isConstantObjectFinal)) { return isConstantObjectFinal ? new ConstantObjectPrototypeShapeCheckNode(shape, thisObj, key, getContext()) : new PrototypeShapeCheckNode(shape, thisObj, key, getContext()); } else { traversePrototypeShapeCheckCount.inc(); return new TraversePrototypeShapeCheckNode(shape, thisObj); } } private AbstractShapeCheckNode createShapeCheckNodeDeeper(Shape shape, JSDynamicObject thisObj, int depth, boolean isConstantObjectFinal) { assert depth > 1; if (JSConfig.SkipPrototypeShapeCheck && prototypesInShape(thisObj, depth) && propertyAssumptionsValid(thisObj, depth, isConstantObjectFinal)) { return isConstantObjectFinal ? new ConstantObjectPrototypeChainShapeCheckNode(shape, thisObj, key, depth, getContext()) : new PrototypeChainShapeCheckNode(shape, thisObj, key, depth, getContext()); } else { traversePrototypeChainShapeCheckCount.inc(); return new TraversePrototypeChainShapeCheckNode(shape, thisObj, depth); } } protected static boolean prototypesInShape(DynamicObject thisObj, int depth) { DynamicObject depthObject = thisObj; for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { if (!JSShape.isPrototypeInShape(depthObject.getShape())) { return false; } depthObject = JSObject.getPrototype(depthObject); } return true; } protected final boolean propertyAssumptionsValid(DynamicObject thisObj, int depth, boolean checkDepth0) { if (!getContext().isSingleRealm()) { return false; } DynamicObject depthObject = thisObj; Shape depthShape = depthObject.getShape(); if (checkDepth0 && !JSShape.getPropertyAssumption(depthShape, key).isValid()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { if ((depth != 0 || checkDepth0) && !JSShape.getPrototypeAssumption(depthShape).isValid()) { return false; } depthObject = JSObject.getPrototype(depthObject); depthShape = depthObject.getShape(); if (!JSShape.getPropertyAssumption(depthShape, key, true).isValid()) { return false; } } return true; } protected final ReceiverCheckNode createPrimitiveReceiverCheck(Object thisObj, int depth) { if (depth == 0) { return new InstanceofCheckNode(thisObj.getClass(), context); } else { assert JSRuntime.isJSPrimitive(thisObj); DynamicObject wrapped = wrapPrimitive(thisObj, context); AbstractShapeCheckNode prototypeShapeCheck; if (JSConfig.SkipPrototypeShapeCheck && prototypesInShape(wrapped, depth) && propertyAssumptionsValid(wrapped, depth, false)) { prototypeShapeCheck = new PrototypeChainCheckNode(wrapped.getShape(), wrapped, key, depth, context); } else { prototypeShapeCheck = new TraversePrototypeChainCheckNode(wrapped.getShape(), wrapped, depth, JSObject.getJSClass(wrapped), context); } return new PrimitiveReceiverCheckNode(thisObj.getClass(), prototypeShapeCheck); } } protected abstract boolean isGlobal(); protected abstract boolean isOwnProperty(); public final JSContext getContext() { return context; } protected abstract boolean isPropertyAssumptionCheckEnabled(); protected abstract void setPropertyAssumptionCheckEnabled(boolean value); @Override public NodeCost getCost() { if (cacheNode == null) { return NodeCost.UNINITIALIZED; } else if (cacheNode.isGeneric()) { return NodeCost.MEGAMORPHIC; } else if (cacheNode.getNext() == null) { return NodeCost.MONOMORPHIC; } else { return NodeCost.POLYMORPHIC; } } protected static boolean isArrayLengthProperty(Property property) { return JSProperty.isProxy(property) && JSProperty.getConstantProxy(property) instanceof JSArray.ArrayLengthProxyProperty; } protected static boolean isFunctionLengthProperty(Property property) { return JSProperty.isProxy(property) && JSProperty.getConstantProxy(property) instanceof JSFunction.FunctionLengthPropertyProxy; } protected static boolean isFunctionNameProperty(Property property) { return JSProperty.isProxy(property) && JSProperty.getConstantProxy(property) instanceof JSFunction.FunctionNamePropertyProxy; } protected static boolean isClassPrototypeProperty(Property property) { return JSProperty.isProxy(property) && JSProperty.getConstantProxy(property) instanceof JSFunction.ClassPrototypeProxyProperty; } protected static boolean isStringLengthProperty(Property property) { return JSProperty.isProxy(property) && JSProperty.getConstantProxy(property) instanceof JSString.StringLengthProxyProperty; } protected static boolean isLazyRegexResultIndexProperty(Property property) { return JSProperty.isProxy(property) && JSProperty.getConstantProxy(property) instanceof JSRegExp.LazyRegexResultIndexProxyProperty; } protected static boolean isLazyNamedCaptureGroupProperty(Property property) { return JSProperty.isProxy(property) && JSProperty.getConstantProxy(property) instanceof JSRegExp.LazyNamedCaptureGroupProperty; } protected static boolean isNonIntegerIndex(Object key) { assert !(key instanceof String) || JSRuntime.INFINITY_STRING.equals(key) || (JSRuntime.canonicalNumericIndexString((String) key) == Undefined.instance); return JSRuntime.INFINITY_STRING.equals(key); } private void traceRewriteInsert(Node newNode, int cacheDepth) { if (TruffleOptions.TraceRewrites) { PrintStream out = System.out; out.printf("[truffle] rewrite %-50s |Property %s |Node %s (%d/%d)%n", this, key, newNode, cacheDepth, getContext().getPropertyCacheLimit()); } } private void traceRewriteMegamorphic(Node newNode, String reason) { if (TruffleOptions.TraceRewrites) { PrintStream out = System.out; out.printf("[truffle] rewrite %-50s |Property %s |Node %s |Reason %s (limit %d)%n", this, key, newNode, reason, getContext().getPropertyCacheLimit()); } } protected void traceRewriteEvictFinal(Node evicted) { if (TruffleOptions.TraceRewrites) { PrintStream out = System.out; out.printf("[truffle] rewrite %-50s |Property %s |Node %s |Reason evict final%n", this, key, evicted); } } private void traceAssumptionInvalidated() { if (TruffleOptions.TraceRewrites) { PrintStream out = System.out; out.printf("[truffle] rewrite %-50s |Property %s |Reason assumption invalidated%n", this, key); } } protected String getAccessorKey(String getset) { return getAccessorKey(getset, getKey()); } @TruffleBoundary protected static String getAccessorKey(String getset, Object key) { assert JSRuntime.isString(key); String origKey = key instanceof String ? (String) key : ((JSLazyString) key).toString(); if (origKey.length() > 0 && Character.isLetter(origKey.charAt(0))) { return getset + origKey.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + origKey.substring(1); } return null; } protected static DynamicObjectLibrary createCachedAccess(Object key, ReceiverCheckNode receiverCheck, DynamicObject store) { assert key != null; if (receiverCheck instanceof AbstractAssumptionShapeCheckNode) { return DynamicObjectLibrary.getFactory().create(store); } else if (receiverCheck instanceof AbstractShapeCheckNode && !(receiverCheck instanceof AbstractAssumptionShapeCheckNode)) { return DynamicObjectLibrary.getFactory().create(store); } else { return DynamicObjectLibrary.getFactory().createDispatched(JSConfig.PropertyCacheLimit); } } private static final DebugCounter polymorphicCount = DebugCounter.create("Polymorphic property cache count"); private static final DebugCounter megamorphicCount = DebugCounter.create("Megamorphic property cache count"); private static final DebugCounter cacheAssumptionInitializedCount = DebugCounter.create("Property cache assumptions initialized"); private static final DebugCounter cacheAssumptionInvalidatedCount = DebugCounter.create("Property cache assumptions invalidated"); private static final DebugCounter propertyAssumptionCheckFailedCount = DebugCounter.create("Property assumption checks failed"); private static final DebugCounter constantObjectCheckFailedCount = DebugCounter.create("Constant object checks failed"); private static final DebugCounter traversePrototypeShapeCheckCount = DebugCounter.create("TraversePrototypeShapeCheckNode count"); private static final DebugCounter traversePrototypeChainShapeCheckCount = DebugCounter.create("TraversePrototypeChainShapeCheckNode count"); }