 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.expression.aggregate;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;

import org.h2.api.IntervalQualifier;
import org.h2.command.dml.SelectOrderBy;
import org.h2.engine.Database;
import org.h2.engine.Mode;
import org.h2.engine.Session;
import org.h2.engine.SysProperties;
import org.h2.expression.Expression;
import org.h2.expression.ExpressionColumn;
import org.h2.index.Cursor;
import org.h2.index.Index;
import org.h2.result.SearchRow;
import org.h2.result.SortOrder;
import org.h2.table.Column;
import org.h2.table.IndexColumn;
import org.h2.table.Table;
import org.h2.table.TableFilter;
import org.h2.util.DateTimeUtils;
import org.h2.util.IntervalUtils;
import org.h2.value.CompareMode;
import org.h2.value.Value;
import org.h2.value.ValueDate;
import org.h2.value.ValueDecimal;
import org.h2.value.ValueInterval;
import org.h2.value.ValueNull;
import org.h2.value.ValueTime;
import org.h2.value.ValueTimestamp;
import org.h2.value.ValueTimestampTimeZone;

PERCENTILE_CONT, PERCENTILE_DISC, and MEDIAN inverse distribution functions.
/** * PERCENTILE_CONT, PERCENTILE_DISC, and MEDIAN inverse distribution functions. */
final class Percentile {
BigDecimal value of 0.5.
/** * BigDecimal value of 0.5. */
static final BigDecimal HALF = BigDecimal.valueOf(0.5d); private static boolean isNullsLast(Index index) { IndexColumn ic = index.getIndexColumns()[0]; int sortType = ic.sortType; return (sortType & SortOrder.NULLS_LAST) != 0 || (sortType & SortOrder.NULLS_FIRST) == 0 && (sortType & SortOrder.DESCENDING) != 0 ^ SysProperties.SORT_NULLS_HIGH; }
Get the index (if any) for the column specified in the inverse distribution function.
  • on – the expression (usually a column expression)
Returns:the index, or null
/** * Get the index (if any) for the column specified in the inverse * distribution function. * * @param on the expression (usually a column expression) * @return the index, or null */
static Index getColumnIndex(Expression on) { if (on instanceof ExpressionColumn) { ExpressionColumn col = (ExpressionColumn) on; Column column = col.getColumn(); TableFilter filter = col.getTableFilter(); if (filter != null) { Table table = filter.getTable(); ArrayList<Index> indexes = table.getIndexes(); Index result = null; if (indexes != null) { boolean nullable = column.isNullable(); for (int i = 1, size = indexes.size(); i < size; i++) { Index index = indexes.get(i); if (!index.canFindNext()) { continue; } if (!index.isFirstColumn(column)) { continue; } // Prefer index without nulls last for nullable columns if (result == null || result.getColumns().length > index.getColumns().length || nullable && isNullsLast(result) && !isNullsLast(index)) { result = index; } } } return result; } } return null; }
Get the result from the array of values.
  • database – the database
  • array – array with values
  • dataType – the data type
  • orderByList – ORDER BY list
  • percentile – argument of percentile function, or 0.5d for median
  • interpolate – whether value should be interpolated
Returns:the result
/** * Get the result from the array of values. * * @param database the database * @param array array with values * @param dataType the data type * @param orderByList ORDER BY list * @param percentile argument of percentile function, or 0.5d for median * @param interpolate whether value should be interpolated * @return the result */
static Value getValue(Database database, Value[] array, int dataType, ArrayList<SelectOrderBy> orderByList, BigDecimal percentile, boolean interpolate) { final CompareMode compareMode = database.getCompareMode(); Arrays.sort(array, compareMode); int count = array.length; boolean reverseIndex = orderByList != null && (orderByList.get(0).sortType & SortOrder.DESCENDING) != 0; BigDecimal fpRow = BigDecimal.valueOf(count - 1).multiply(percentile); int rowIdx1 = fpRow.intValue(); BigDecimal factor = fpRow.subtract(BigDecimal.valueOf(rowIdx1)); int rowIdx2; if (factor.signum() == 0) { interpolate = false; rowIdx2 = rowIdx1; } else { rowIdx2 = rowIdx1 + 1; if (!interpolate) { if (factor.compareTo(HALF) > 0) { rowIdx1 = rowIdx2; } else { rowIdx2 = rowIdx1; } } } if (reverseIndex) { rowIdx1 = count - 1 - rowIdx1; rowIdx2 = count - 1 - rowIdx2; } Value v = array[rowIdx1]; if (!interpolate) { return v.convertTo(dataType); } return interpolate(v, array[rowIdx2], factor, dataType, database.getMode(), compareMode); }
Get the result from the index.
  • session – the session
  • expression – the expression
  • dataType – the data type
  • orderByList – ORDER BY list
  • percentile – argument of percentile function, or 0.5d for median
  • interpolate – whether value should be interpolated
Returns:the result
/** * Get the result from the index. * * @param session the session * @param expression the expression * @param dataType the data type * @param orderByList ORDER BY list * @param percentile argument of percentile function, or 0.5d for median * @param interpolate whether value should be interpolated * @return the result */
static Value getFromIndex(Session session, Expression expression, int dataType, ArrayList<SelectOrderBy> orderByList, BigDecimal percentile, boolean interpolate) { Index index = getColumnIndex(expression); long count = index.getRowCount(session); if (count == 0) { return ValueNull.INSTANCE; } Cursor cursor = index.find(session, null, null); cursor.next(); int columnId = index.getColumns()[0].getColumnId(); ExpressionColumn expr = (ExpressionColumn) expression; if (expr.getColumn().isNullable()) { boolean hasNulls = false; SearchRow row; // Try to skip nulls from the start first with the same cursor that // will be used to read values. while (count > 0) { row = cursor.getSearchRow(); if (row == null) { return ValueNull.INSTANCE; } if (row.getValue(columnId) == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { count--; cursor.next(); hasNulls = true; } else { break; } } if (count == 0) { return ValueNull.INSTANCE; } // If no nulls found and if index orders nulls last create a second // cursor to count nulls at the end. if (!hasNulls && isNullsLast(index)) { TableFilter tableFilter = expr.getTableFilter(); SearchRow check = tableFilter.getTable().getTemplateSimpleRow(true); check.setValue(columnId, ValueNull.INSTANCE); Cursor nullsCursor = index.find(session, check, check); while (nullsCursor.next()) { count--; } if (count <= 0) { return ValueNull.INSTANCE; } } } boolean reverseIndex = (orderByList != null ? orderByList.get(0).sortType & SortOrder.DESCENDING : 0) != (index.getIndexColumns()[0].sortType & SortOrder.DESCENDING); BigDecimal fpRow = BigDecimal.valueOf(count - 1).multiply(percentile); long rowIdx1 = fpRow.longValue(); BigDecimal factor = fpRow.subtract(BigDecimal.valueOf(rowIdx1)); long rowIdx2; if (factor.signum() == 0) { interpolate = false; rowIdx2 = rowIdx1; } else { rowIdx2 = rowIdx1 + 1; if (!interpolate) { if (factor.compareTo(HALF) > 0) { rowIdx1 = rowIdx2; } else { rowIdx2 = rowIdx1; } } } long skip = reverseIndex ? count - 1 - rowIdx2 : rowIdx1; for (int i = 0; i < skip; i++) { cursor.next(); } SearchRow row = cursor.getSearchRow(); if (row == null) { return ValueNull.INSTANCE; } Value v = row.getValue(columnId); if (v == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { return v; } if (interpolate) { cursor.next(); row = cursor.getSearchRow(); if (row == null) { return v; } Value v2 = row.getValue(columnId); if (v2 == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { return v; } Database database = session.getDatabase(); if (reverseIndex) { Value t = v; v = v2; v2 = t; } return interpolate(v, v2, factor, dataType, database.getMode(), database.getCompareMode()); } return v.convertTo(dataType); } private static Value interpolate(Value v0, Value v1, BigDecimal factor, int dataType, Mode databaseMode, CompareMode compareMode) { if (v0.compareTo(v1, databaseMode, compareMode) == 0) { return v0.convertTo(dataType); } switch (dataType) { case Value.BYTE: case Value.SHORT: case Value.INT: return ValueDecimal.get( interpolateDecimal(BigDecimal.valueOf(v0.getInt()), BigDecimal.valueOf(v1.getInt()), factor)); case Value.LONG: return ValueDecimal.get( interpolateDecimal(BigDecimal.valueOf(v0.getLong()), BigDecimal.valueOf(v1.getLong()), factor)); case Value.DECIMAL: return ValueDecimal.get(interpolateDecimal(v0.getBigDecimal(), v1.getBigDecimal(), factor)); case Value.FLOAT: case Value.DOUBLE: return ValueDecimal.get( interpolateDecimal( BigDecimal.valueOf(v0.getDouble()), BigDecimal.valueOf(v1.getDouble()), factor)); case Value.TIME: { ValueTime t0 = (ValueTime) v0.convertTo(Value.TIME), t1 = (ValueTime) v1.convertTo(Value.TIME); BigDecimal n0 = BigDecimal.valueOf(t0.getNanos()); BigDecimal n1 = BigDecimal.valueOf(t1.getNanos()); return ValueTime.fromNanos(interpolateDecimal(n0, n1, factor).longValue()); } case Value.DATE: { ValueDate d0 = (ValueDate) v0.convertTo(Value.DATE), d1 = (ValueDate) v1.convertTo(Value.DATE); BigDecimal a0 = BigDecimal.valueOf(DateTimeUtils.absoluteDayFromDateValue(d0.getDateValue())); BigDecimal a1 = BigDecimal.valueOf(DateTimeUtils.absoluteDayFromDateValue(d1.getDateValue())); return ValueDate.fromDateValue( DateTimeUtils.dateValueFromAbsoluteDay(interpolateDecimal(a0, a1, factor).longValue())); } case Value.TIMESTAMP: { ValueTimestamp ts0 = (ValueTimestamp) v0.convertTo(Value.TIMESTAMP), ts1 = (ValueTimestamp) v1.convertTo(Value.TIMESTAMP); BigDecimal a0 = timestampToDecimal(ts0.getDateValue(), ts0.getTimeNanos()); BigDecimal a1 = timestampToDecimal(ts1.getDateValue(), ts1.getTimeNanos()); BigInteger[] dr = interpolateDecimal(a0, a1, factor).toBigInteger() .divideAndRemainder(IntervalUtils.NANOS_PER_DAY_BI); long absoluteDay = dr[0].longValue(); long timeNanos = dr[1].longValue(); if (timeNanos < 0) { timeNanos += DateTimeUtils.NANOS_PER_DAY; absoluteDay--; } return ValueTimestamp.fromDateValueAndNanos( DateTimeUtils.dateValueFromAbsoluteDay(absoluteDay), timeNanos); } case Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ: { ValueTimestampTimeZone ts0 = (ValueTimestampTimeZone) v0.convertTo(Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ), ts1 = (ValueTimestampTimeZone) v1.convertTo(Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ); BigDecimal a0 = timestampToDecimal(ts0.getDateValue(), ts0.getTimeNanos()); BigDecimal a1 = timestampToDecimal(ts1.getDateValue(), ts1.getTimeNanos()); BigDecimal offset = BigDecimal.valueOf(ts0.getTimeZoneOffsetMins()) .multiply(BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(factor)) .add(BigDecimal.valueOf(ts1.getTimeZoneOffsetMins()).multiply(factor)); short shortOffset = offset.shortValue(); BigDecimal shortOffsetBD = BigDecimal.valueOf(shortOffset); BigDecimal bd = interpolateDecimal(a0, a1, factor); if (offset.compareTo(shortOffsetBD) != 0) { bd = bd.add( offset.subtract(shortOffsetBD).multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(DateTimeUtils.NANOS_PER_MINUTE))); } BigInteger[] dr = bd.toBigInteger().divideAndRemainder(IntervalUtils.NANOS_PER_DAY_BI); long absoluteDay = dr[0].longValue(); long timeNanos = dr[1].longValue(); if (timeNanos < 0) { timeNanos += DateTimeUtils.NANOS_PER_DAY; absoluteDay--; } return ValueTimestampTimeZone.fromDateValueAndNanos(DateTimeUtils.dateValueFromAbsoluteDay(absoluteDay), timeNanos, shortOffset); } case Value.INTERVAL_YEAR: case Value.INTERVAL_MONTH: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR: case Value.INTERVAL_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_YEAR_TO_MONTH: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_HOUR: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_MINUTE_TO_SECOND: return IntervalUtils.intervalFromAbsolute(IntervalQualifier.valueOf(dataType - Value.INTERVAL_YEAR), interpolateDecimal(new BigDecimal(IntervalUtils.intervalToAbsolute((ValueInterval) v0)), new BigDecimal(IntervalUtils.intervalToAbsolute((ValueInterval) v1)), factor) .toBigInteger()); default: // Use the same rules as PERCENTILE_DISC return (factor.compareTo(HALF) > 0 ? v1 : v0).convertTo(dataType); } } private static BigDecimal timestampToDecimal(long dateValue, long timeNanos) { return new BigDecimal(BigInteger.valueOf(DateTimeUtils.absoluteDayFromDateValue(dateValue)) .multiply(IntervalUtils.NANOS_PER_DAY_BI).add(BigInteger.valueOf(timeNanos))); } private static BigDecimal interpolateDecimal(BigDecimal d0, BigDecimal d1, BigDecimal factor) { return d0.multiply(BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(factor)).add(d1.multiply(factor)); } private Percentile() { } }