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 * License Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
 * rights and limitations under the License.
 * Copyright (C) 2001 Alan Moore <alan_moore@gmx.net>
 * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Benoit Cerrina <b.cerrina@wanadoo.fr>
 * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Jan Arne Petersen <jpetersen@uni-bonn.de>
 * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Anders Bengtsson <ndrsbngtssn@yahoo.se>
 * Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Thomas E Enebo <enebo@acm.org>
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Stefan Matthias Aust <sma@3plus4.de>
 * Copyright (C) 2004 David Corbin <dcorbin@users.sourceforge.net>
 * Copyright (C) 2005 Tim Azzopardi <tim@tigerfive.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Miguel Covarrubias <mlcovarrubias@gmail.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Ola Bini <ola@ologix.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2007 Nick Sieger <nicksieger@gmail.com>
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 ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/

package org.jruby;

import jnr.posix.POSIX;

import org.jcodings.Config;
import org.jcodings.Encoding;
import org.jcodings.IntHolder;
import org.jcodings.exception.EncodingException;
import org.jcodings.specific.ASCIIEncoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.USASCIIEncoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.UTF16BEEncoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.UTF16LEEncoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.UTF32BEEncoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.UTF32LEEncoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.UTF8Encoding;
import org.jcodings.unicode.UnicodeEncoding;
import org.joni.Matcher;
import org.joni.Option;
import org.joni.Regex;
import org.joni.Region;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyClass;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod;
import org.jruby.ast.util.ArgsUtil;
import org.jruby.platform.Platform;
import org.jruby.runtime.Arity;
import org.jruby.runtime.Block;
import org.jruby.runtime.CallSite;
import org.jruby.runtime.ClassIndex;
import org.jruby.runtime.JavaSites;
import org.jruby.runtime.Helpers;
import org.jruby.runtime.JavaSites.StringSites;
import org.jruby.runtime.ObjectAllocator;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.Visibility;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.runtime.encoding.EncodingCapable;
import org.jruby.runtime.encoding.MarshalEncoding;
import org.jruby.runtime.marshal.UnmarshalStream;
import org.jruby.util.*;
import org.jruby.util.io.EncodingUtils;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Locale;

import static org.jruby.RubyComparable.invcmp;
import static org.jruby.RubyEnumerator.enumeratorize;
import static org.jruby.RubyEnumerator.enumeratorizeWithSize;
import static org.jruby.anno.FrameField.BACKREF;
import static org.jruby.runtime.Visibility.PRIVATE;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.CR_7BIT;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.CR_BROKEN;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.CR_MASK;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.CR_UNKNOWN;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.CR_VALID;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_LEN;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.MBCLEN_INVALID_P;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.MBCLEN_NEEDMORE_P;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.codeLength;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.codePoint;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.codeRangeScan;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.encFastMBCLen;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.isSingleByteOptimizable;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.memchr;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.nth;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.offset;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.memsearch;
import static org.jruby.RubyEnumerator.SizeFn;

Implementation of Ruby String class Concurrency: no synchronization is required among readers, but all users must synchronize externally with writers.
/** * Implementation of Ruby String class * * Concurrency: no synchronization is required among readers, but * all users must synchronize externally with writers. * */
@JRubyClass(name="String", include={"Enumerable", "Comparable"}) public class RubyString extends RubyObject implements CharSequence, EncodingCapable, MarshalEncoding, CodeRangeable { public static final String DEBUG_INFO_FIELD = "@debug_created_info"; static final ASCIIEncoding ASCII = ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE; static final UTF8Encoding UTF8 = UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE; // string doesn't share any resources private static final int SHARE_LEVEL_NONE = 0; // string has it's own ByteList, but it's pointing to a shared buffer (byte[]) private static final int SHARE_LEVEL_BUFFER = 1; // string doesn't have it's own ByteList (values) private static final int SHARE_LEVEL_BYTELIST = 2; private static final byte[] SCRUB_REPL_UTF8 = new byte[]{(byte)0xEF, (byte)0xBF, (byte)0xBD}; private static final byte[] SCRUB_REPL_ASCII = new byte[]{(byte)'?'}; private static final byte[] SCRUB_REPL_UTF16BE = new byte[]{(byte)0xFF, (byte)0xFD}; private static final byte[] SCRUB_REPL_UTF16LE = new byte[]{(byte)0xFD, (byte)0xFF}; private static final byte[] SCRUB_REPL_UTF32BE = new byte[]{(byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0xFF, (byte)0xFD}; private static final byte[] SCRUB_REPL_UTF32LE = new byte[]{(byte)0xFD, (byte)0xFF, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00}; private static final byte[] FORCE_ENCODING_BYTES = ".force_encoding(\"".getBytes(); private volatile int shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_NONE; private ByteList value; public static RubyClass createStringClass(Ruby runtime) { RubyClass stringClass = runtime.defineClass("String", runtime.getObject(), STRING_ALLOCATOR); stringClass.setClassIndex(ClassIndex.STRING); stringClass.setReifiedClass(RubyString.class); stringClass.kindOf = new RubyModule.JavaClassKindOf(RubyString.class); stringClass.includeModule(runtime.getComparable()); stringClass.defineAnnotatedMethods(RubyString.class); return stringClass; } private static ObjectAllocator STRING_ALLOCATOR = new ObjectAllocator() { @Override public IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) { return RubyString.newAllocatedString(runtime, klass); } }; @Override public Encoding getEncoding() { return value.getEncoding(); } @Override public void setEncoding(Encoding encoding) { if (encoding != value.getEncoding()) { if (shareLevel == SHARE_LEVEL_BYTELIST) modify(); else modifyCheck(); value.setEncoding(encoding); } } @Override public boolean shouldMarshalEncoding() { return getEncoding() != ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE; } @Override public Encoding getMarshalEncoding() { return getEncoding(); } public void associateEncoding(Encoding enc) { StringSupport.associateEncoding(this, enc); } public final void setEncodingAndCodeRange(Encoding enc, int cr) { value.setEncoding(enc); setCodeRange(cr); } public final Encoding toEncoding(Ruby runtime) { return runtime.getEncodingService().findEncoding(this); } @Override public final int getCodeRange() { return flags & CR_MASK; } @Override public final void setCodeRange(int codeRange) { clearCodeRange(); flags |= codeRange & CR_MASK; } @Override public final void clearCodeRange() { flags &= ~CR_MASK; } @Override public final void keepCodeRange() { if (getCodeRange() == CR_BROKEN) clearCodeRange(); } // ENC_CODERANGE_ASCIIONLY public final boolean isCodeRangeAsciiOnly() { return CodeRangeSupport.isCodeRangeAsciiOnly(this); } // rb_enc_str_asciionly_p public final boolean isAsciiOnly() { return StringSupport.isAsciiOnly(this); } @Override public final boolean isCodeRangeValid() { return (flags & CR_MASK) == CR_VALID; } public final boolean isCodeRangeBroken() { return (flags & CR_MASK) == CR_BROKEN; } // MRI: is_broken_string public final boolean isBrokenString() { return scanForCodeRange() == CR_BROKEN; } private void copyCodeRangeForSubstr(RubyString from, Encoding enc) { if (value.getRealSize() == 0) { setCodeRange(!enc.isAsciiCompatible() ? CR_VALID : CR_7BIT); } else { int fromCr = from.getCodeRange(); if (fromCr == CR_7BIT) { setCodeRange(fromCr); } else { setCodeRange(CR_UNKNOWN); } } } // rb_enc_str_coderange @Override public final int scanForCodeRange() { int cr = getCodeRange(); if (cr == CR_UNKNOWN) { cr = scanForCodeRange(value); setCodeRange(cr); } return cr; } public static int scanForCodeRange(final ByteList bytes) { Encoding enc = bytes.getEncoding(); if (enc.minLength() > 1 && enc.isDummy()) { return CR_BROKEN; } return codeRangeScan(EncodingUtils.getActualEncoding(enc, bytes), bytes); } final boolean singleByteOptimizable() { return StringSupport.isSingleByteOptimizable(this, EncodingUtils.STR_ENC_GET(this)); } final boolean singleByteOptimizable(Encoding enc) { return StringSupport.isSingleByteOptimizable(this, enc); } final Encoding isCompatibleWith(EncodingCapable other) { if (other instanceof RubyString) return checkEncoding((RubyString)other); Encoding enc1 = value.getEncoding(); Encoding enc2 = other.getEncoding(); if (enc1 == enc2) return enc1; if (value.getRealSize() == 0) return enc2; if (!enc1.isAsciiCompatible() || !enc2.isAsciiCompatible()) return null; if (enc2 instanceof USASCIIEncoding) return enc1; if (scanForCodeRange() == CR_7BIT) return enc2; return null; } // rb_enc_check public final Encoding checkEncoding(RubyString other) { return checkEncoding((CodeRangeable) other); } final Encoding checkEncoding(EncodingCapable other) { Encoding enc = isCompatibleWith(other); if (enc == null) throw getRuntime().newEncodingCompatibilityError("incompatible character encodings: " + value.getEncoding() + " and " + other.getEncoding()); return enc; } @Override public final Encoding checkEncoding(CodeRangeable other) { Encoding enc = StringSupport.areCompatible(this, other); if (enc == null) throw getRuntime().newEncodingCompatibilityError("incompatible character encodings: " + value.getEncoding() + " and " + other.getByteList().getEncoding()); return enc; } public static Encoding checkEncoding(final Ruby runtime, ByteList str1, ByteList str2) { Encoding enc = StringSupport.areCompatible(str1, str2); if (enc == null) { throw runtime.newEncodingCompatibilityError("incompatible character encodings: " + str1.getEncoding() + " and " + str2.getEncoding()); } return enc; } private Encoding checkDummyEncoding() { Encoding enc = value.getEncoding(); if (enc.isDummy()) throw getRuntime().newEncodingCompatibilityError( "incompatible encoding with this operation: " + enc); return enc; } public final int strLength() { return StringSupport.strLengthFromRubyString(this); } final int strLength(final ByteList bytes, final Encoding enc) { return StringSupport.strLengthFromRubyString(this, bytes, enc); } // MRI: rb_str_sublen final int subLength(int pos) { if (pos < 0 || singleByteOptimizable()) return pos; return StringSupport.strLength(value.getEncoding(), value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.getBegin(), value.getBegin() + pos); }
short circuit for String key comparison
/** short circuit for String key comparison * */
@Override public final boolean eql(IRubyObject other) { RubyClass meta = this.metaClass; if (meta != meta.runtime.getString() || meta != other.getMetaClass()) return super.eql(other); return eql19(other); } // rb_str_hash_cmp private boolean eql19(IRubyObject other) { final RubyString otherString = (RubyString) other; return StringSupport.areComparable(this, otherString) && value.equal(otherString.value); } public RubyString(Ruby runtime, RubyClass rubyClass) { this(runtime, rubyClass, ByteList.NULL_ARRAY); } public RubyString(Ruby runtime, RubyClass rubyClass, CharSequence value) { this(runtime, rubyClass, value, UTF8); } public RubyString(Ruby runtime, RubyClass rubyClass, CharSequence value, Encoding enc) { super(runtime, rubyClass); assert value != null; assert enc != null; this.value = encodeBytelist(value, enc); } private RubyString(Ruby runtime, RubyClass rubyClass, String value, Encoding enc) { super(runtime, rubyClass); assert value != null; assert enc != null; this.value = encodeBytelist(value, enc); } public RubyString(Ruby runtime, RubyClass rubyClass, byte[] value) { super(runtime, rubyClass); assert value != null; this.value = new ByteList(value); } public RubyString(Ruby runtime, RubyClass rubyClass, ByteList value) { super(runtime, rubyClass); assert value != null; this.value = value; } public RubyString(Ruby runtime, RubyClass rubyClass, ByteList value, boolean objectSpace) { super(runtime, rubyClass, objectSpace); assert value != null; this.value = value; } public RubyString(Ruby runtime, RubyClass rubyClass, ByteList value, Encoding encoding, boolean objectSpace) { this(runtime, rubyClass, value, objectSpace); value.setEncoding(encoding); } protected RubyString(Ruby runtime, RubyClass rubyClass, ByteList value, Encoding enc, int cr) { this(runtime, rubyClass, value); flags |= cr; value.setEncoding(enc); } protected RubyString(Ruby runtime, RubyClass rubyClass, ByteList value, Encoding enc) { this(runtime, rubyClass, value); value.setEncoding(enc); } protected RubyString(Ruby runtime, RubyClass rubyClass, ByteList value, int cr) { this(runtime, rubyClass, value); flags |= cr; } // Deprecated String construction routines
Create a new String which uses the same Ruby runtime and the same class like this String. This method should be used to satisfy RCR #38. @deprecated
/** Create a new String which uses the same Ruby runtime and the same * class like this String. * * This method should be used to satisfy RCR #38. * @deprecated */
@Deprecated public RubyString newString(CharSequence s) { return new RubyString(getRuntime(), getType(), s); }
Create a new String which uses the same Ruby runtime and the same class like this String. This method should be used to satisfy RCR #38. @deprecated
/** Create a new String which uses the same Ruby runtime and the same * class like this String. * * This method should be used to satisfy RCR #38. * @deprecated */
@Deprecated public RubyString newString(ByteList s) { return new RubyString(getRuntime(), getMetaClass(), s); } @Deprecated public static RubyString newString(Ruby runtime, RubyClass clazz, CharSequence str) { return new RubyString(runtime, clazz, str); } public static RubyString newStringLight(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytes) { return new RubyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), bytes, false); } public static RubyString newStringLight(Ruby runtime, int size) { return new RubyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), new ByteList(size), false); } public static RubyString newStringLight(Ruby runtime, int size, Encoding encoding) { return new RubyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), new ByteList(size), encoding, false); } public static RubyString newString(Ruby runtime, CharSequence str) { return new RubyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), str, UTF8); } public static RubyString newString(Ruby runtime, CharSequence str, Encoding encoding) { return new RubyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), str, encoding); } public static RubyString newString(Ruby runtime, String str) { return new RubyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), str, UTF8); } public static RubyString newString(Ruby runtime, String str, Encoding encoding) { return new RubyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), str, encoding); } public static RubyString newUSASCIIString(Ruby runtime, String str) { return new RubyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), str, USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE); } public static RubyString newString(Ruby runtime, byte[] bytes) { return new RubyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), bytes); } public static RubyString newString(Ruby runtime, byte[] bytes, int start, int length) { return newString(runtime, bytes, start, length, ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE); } // rb_enc_str_new public static RubyString newString(Ruby runtime, byte[] bytes, int start, int length, Encoding encoding) { byte[] copy = new byte[length]; System.arraycopy(bytes, start, copy, 0, length); return new RubyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), new ByteList(copy, encoding, false)); } public static RubyString newString(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytes) { return new RubyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), bytes); } public static RubyString newString(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytes, int coderange) { return new RubyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), bytes, coderange); } public static RubyString newString(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytes, Encoding encoding) { return new RubyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), bytes, encoding); } static RubyString newString(Ruby runtime, byte b) { return new RubyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), RubyInteger.singleCharByteList(b)); } public static RubyString newUnicodeString(Ruby runtime, String str) { Encoding defaultInternal = runtime.getDefaultInternalEncoding(); if (defaultInternal == UTF16BEEncoding.INSTANCE) { return newUTF16String(runtime, str); } else { return newUTF8String(runtime, str); } } public static RubyString newUTF8String(Ruby runtime, String str) { return new RubyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), RubyEncoding.doEncodeUTF8(str)); } public static RubyString newUTF16String(Ruby runtime, String str) { return new RubyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), RubyEncoding.doEncodeUTF16(str)); } public static RubyString newUnicodeString(Ruby runtime, CharSequence str) { Encoding defaultInternal = runtime.getDefaultInternalEncoding(); if (defaultInternal == UTF16BEEncoding.INSTANCE) { return newUTF16String(runtime, str); } else { return newUTF8String(runtime, str); } } public static RubyString newUTF8String(Ruby runtime, CharSequence str) { return new RubyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), RubyEncoding.doEncodeUTF8(str)); } public static RubyString newUTF16String(Ruby runtime, CharSequence str) { return new RubyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), RubyEncoding.doEncodeUTF16(str)); }
Return a new Ruby String encoded as the default internal encoding given a Java String that has come from an external source. If there is no default internal encoding set, the Ruby String will be encoded using Java's default external encoding. If an internal encoding is set, that encoding will be used for the Ruby String.
  • runtime –
  • str –
/** * Return a new Ruby String encoded as the default internal encoding given a Java String that * has come from an external source. If there is no default internal encoding set, the Ruby * String will be encoded using Java's default external encoding. If an internal encoding is * set, that encoding will be used for the Ruby String. * * @param runtime * @param str * @return */
public static RubyString newInternalFromJavaExternal(Ruby runtime, String str) { // Ruby internal Encoding internal = runtime.getDefaultInternalEncoding(); Charset rubyInt = null; if ( internal != null ) rubyInt = EncodingUtils.charsetForEncoding(internal); if ( rubyInt == null ) { Encoding javaExtEncoding = runtime.getEncodingService().getJavaDefault(); return RubyString.newString(runtime, new ByteList(str.getBytes(), javaExtEncoding)); } return RubyString.newString(runtime, new ByteList(RubyEncoding.encode(str, rubyInt), internal)); } // String construction routines by NOT byte[] buffer and making the target String shared public static RubyString newStringShared(Ruby runtime, RubyString orig) { orig.shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BYTELIST; RubyString str = new RubyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), orig.value); str.shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BYTELIST; return str; } public static RubyString newStringShared(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytes) { return newStringShared(runtime, runtime.getString(), bytes); } public static RubyString newStringShared(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytes, Encoding encoding) { return newStringShared(runtime, runtime.getString(), bytes, encoding); } public static RubyString newStringShared(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytes, int codeRange) { RubyString str = new RubyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), bytes, codeRange); str.shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BYTELIST; return str; } public static RubyString newStringShared(Ruby runtime, RubyClass clazz, ByteList bytes) { RubyString str = new RubyString(runtime, clazz, bytes); str.shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BYTELIST; return str; } public static RubyString newStringShared(Ruby runtime, RubyClass clazz, ByteList bytes, Encoding encoding) { if (bytes.getEncoding() == encoding) return newStringShared(runtime, clazz, bytes); RubyString str = new RubyString(runtime, clazz, bytes.makeShared(bytes.getBegin(), bytes.getRealSize()), encoding); str.shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BUFFER; // since passing an encoding in does bytes.setEncoding(encoding) return str; } private static RubyString newStringShared(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytes, Encoding encoding, int cr) { RubyString str = newStringShared(runtime, runtime.getString(), bytes, encoding); str.flags |= cr; return str; } public static RubyString newStringShared(Ruby runtime, byte[] bytes) { return newStringShared(runtime, bytes, ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE); } public static RubyString newStringShared(Ruby runtime, byte[] bytes, Encoding encoding) { return newStringShared(runtime, bytes, 0, bytes.length, encoding); } public static RubyString newStringShared(Ruby runtime, byte[] bytes, int start, int length) { return newStringShared(runtime, bytes, start, length, ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE); } public static RubyString newStringShared(Ruby runtime, byte[] bytes, int start, int length, Encoding encoding) { ByteList byteList = new ByteList(bytes, start, length, encoding, false); RubyString str = new RubyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), byteList); str.shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BUFFER; return str; } public static RubyString newEmptyString(Ruby runtime) { return newEmptyString(runtime, runtime.getString()); } private static final ByteList EMPTY_ASCII8BIT_BYTELIST = new ByteList(ByteList.NULL_ARRAY, ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE); private static final ByteList EMPTY_USASCII_BYTELIST = new ByteList(ByteList.NULL_ARRAY, USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE); public static RubyString newAllocatedString(Ruby runtime, RubyClass metaClass) { RubyString empty = new RubyString(runtime, metaClass, EMPTY_ASCII8BIT_BYTELIST); empty.shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BYTELIST; return empty; } public static RubyString newEmptyString(Ruby runtime, RubyClass metaClass) { RubyString empty = new RubyString(runtime, metaClass, EMPTY_USASCII_BYTELIST); empty.shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BYTELIST; return empty; } // String construction routines by NOT byte[] buffer and NOT making the target String shared public static RubyString newStringNoCopy(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytes) { return newStringNoCopy(runtime, runtime.getString(), bytes); } public static RubyString newStringNoCopy(Ruby runtime, RubyClass clazz, ByteList bytes) { return new RubyString(runtime, clazz, bytes); } public static RubyString newStringNoCopy(Ruby runtime, byte[] bytes, int start, int length) { return newStringNoCopy(runtime, new ByteList(bytes, start, length, false)); } public static RubyString newStringNoCopy(Ruby runtime, byte[] bytes) { return newStringNoCopy(runtime, new ByteList(bytes, false)); } // str_independent public final boolean independent() { return shareLevel == SHARE_LEVEL_NONE; } // str_make_independent, modified to create a new String rather than possibly modifying a frozen one public final RubyString makeIndependent() { RubyClass klass = metaClass; RubyString str = strDup(klass.runtime, klass); str.modify(); str.setFrozen(true); str.infectBy(this); return str; } // str_make_independent_expand public final RubyString makeIndependent(final int length) { RubyClass klass = metaClass; RubyString str = strDup(klass.runtime, klass); str.modify(length); str.setFrozen(true); str.infectBy(this); return str; } // MRI: EXPORT_STR macro in process.c public RubyString export(ThreadContext context) { if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS) { return EncodingUtils.strConvEncOpts(context, this, null, UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE, 0, context.nil); } return this; }
Encoding aware String construction routines for 1.9
/** Encoding aware String construction routines for 1.9 * */
private static final class EmptyByteListHolder { final ByteList bytes; final int cr; EmptyByteListHolder(Encoding enc) { this.bytes = new ByteList(ByteList.NULL_ARRAY, enc); this.cr = bytes.getEncoding().isAsciiCompatible() ? CR_7BIT : CR_VALID; } } private static EmptyByteListHolder EMPTY_BYTELISTS[] = new EmptyByteListHolder[4]; static EmptyByteListHolder getEmptyByteList(Encoding enc) { if (enc == null) enc = ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE; int index = enc.getIndex(); EmptyByteListHolder bytes; if (index < EMPTY_BYTELISTS.length && (bytes = EMPTY_BYTELISTS[index]) != null) { return bytes; } return prepareEmptyByteList(enc); } private static EmptyByteListHolder prepareEmptyByteList(Encoding enc) { if (enc == null) enc = ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE; int index = enc.getIndex(); if (index >= EMPTY_BYTELISTS.length) { EmptyByteListHolder tmp[] = new EmptyByteListHolder[index + 4]; System.arraycopy(EMPTY_BYTELISTS,0, tmp, 0, EMPTY_BYTELISTS.length); EMPTY_BYTELISTS = tmp; } return EMPTY_BYTELISTS[index] = new EmptyByteListHolder(enc); } public static RubyString newEmptyString(Ruby runtime, RubyClass metaClass, Encoding enc) { EmptyByteListHolder holder = getEmptyByteList(enc); RubyString empty = new RubyString(runtime, metaClass, holder.bytes, holder.cr); empty.shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BYTELIST; return empty; } public static RubyString newEmptyString(Ruby runtime, Encoding enc) { return newEmptyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), enc); } public static RubyString newStringNoCopy(Ruby runtime, RubyClass clazz, ByteList bytes, Encoding enc, int cr) { return new RubyString(runtime, clazz, bytes, enc, cr); } public static RubyString newStringNoCopy(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytes, Encoding enc, int cr) { return newStringNoCopy(runtime, runtime.getString(), bytes, enc, cr); } public static RubyString newUsAsciiStringNoCopy(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytes) { return newStringNoCopy(runtime, bytes, USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE, CR_7BIT); } public static RubyString newUsAsciiStringShared(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytes) { RubyString str = newUsAsciiStringNoCopy(runtime, bytes); str.shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BYTELIST; return str; } public static RubyString newUsAsciiStringShared(Ruby runtime, byte[] bytes, int start, int length) { RubyString str = newUsAsciiStringNoCopy(runtime, new ByteList(bytes, start, length, false)); str.shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BUFFER; return str; } @Override public ClassIndex getNativeClassIndex() { return ClassIndex.STRING; } @Override public Class getJavaClass() { return String.class; } @Override public RubyString convertToString() { return this; } @Override public String toString() { return decodeString(); }
Convert this Ruby string to a Java String. This version is encoding-aware.
Returns:A decoded Java String, based on this Ruby string's encoding.
/** * Convert this Ruby string to a Java String. This version is encoding-aware. * * @return A decoded Java String, based on this Ruby string's encoding. */
public String decodeString() { return Helpers.decodeByteList(getRuntime(), value); }
Overridden dup for fast-path logic.
Returns:A new RubyString sharing the original backing store.
/** * Overridden dup for fast-path logic. * * @return A new RubyString sharing the original backing store. */
@Override public IRubyObject dup() { RubyClass mc = metaClass.getRealClass(); if (mc.getClassIndex() != ClassIndex.STRING) return super.dup(); return strDup(mc.getClassRuntime(), mc.getRealClass()); } // rb_str_new_frozen or rb_str_dup_frozen public IRubyObject dupFrozen() { RubyString dup = (RubyString) dup(); dup.setFrozen(true); return dup; } // MRI: rb_str_dup public final RubyString strDup(Ruby runtime) { return strDup(runtime, metaClass.getRealClass()); } final RubyString strDup(Ruby runtime, RubyClass clazz) { shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BYTELIST; RubyString dup = new RubyString(runtime, clazz, value); dup.shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BYTELIST; dup.flags |= flags & (CR_MASK | TAINTED_F); return dup; } /* rb_str_subseq */ public final RubyString makeSharedString(Ruby runtime, int index, int len) { return makeShared(runtime, runtime.getString(), value, index, len); } @Deprecated public final RubyString makeSharedString19(Ruby runtime, int index, int len) { return makeShared(runtime, runtime.getString(), value, index, len); } public final RubyString makeShared(Ruby runtime, int index, int len) { return makeShared(runtime, getType(), value, index, len); } public final RubyString makeShared(Ruby runtime, RubyClass meta, int index, int len) { final RubyString shared; if (len == 0) { shared = newEmptyString(runtime, meta); } else if (len == 1) { shared = newStringShared(runtime, meta, RubyInteger.singleCharByteList(value.getUnsafeBytes()[value.getBegin() + index])); } else { if (shareLevel == SHARE_LEVEL_NONE) shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BUFFER; shared = new RubyString(runtime, meta, value.makeShared(index, len)); shared.shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BUFFER; } shared.infectBy(this); return shared; } @Deprecated public final RubyString makeShared19(Ruby runtime, int index, int len) { return makeShared(runtime, value, index, len); } @Deprecated public final RubyString makeShared19(Ruby runtime, RubyClass meta, int index, int len) { return makeShared(runtime, meta, value, index, len); } private RubyString makeShared(Ruby runtime, ByteList value, int index, int len) { return makeShared(runtime, getType(), value, index, len); } private RubyString makeShared(Ruby runtime, RubyClass meta, ByteList value, int index, int len) { final RubyString shared; Encoding enc = value.getEncoding(); if (len == 0) { shared = newEmptyString(runtime, meta, enc); } else if (len == 1) { // as with the 1.8 makeShared, don't bother sharing for substrings that are a single byte // to get a good speed boost in a number of common scenarios (note though that unlike 1.8, // we can't take advantage of SINGLE_CHAR_BYTELISTS since our encoding may not be ascii, but the // single byte copy is pretty much negligible) ByteList bytes = new ByteList(new byte[] { (byte) value.get(index) }, enc); shared = new RubyString(runtime, meta, bytes, enc); } else { if (shareLevel == SHARE_LEVEL_NONE) shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BUFFER; shared = new RubyString(runtime, meta, value.makeShared(index, len)); shared.shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BUFFER; } shared.copyCodeRangeForSubstr(this, enc); // no need to assign encoding, same bytelist shared shared.infectBy(this); return shared; } public final void setByteListShared() { if (shareLevel != SHARE_LEVEL_BYTELIST) shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BYTELIST; } final void setBufferShared() { if (shareLevel == SHARE_LEVEL_NONE) shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BUFFER; }
Check that the string can be modified, raising error otherwise. If you plan to modify a string with shared backing store, this method is not sufficient; you will need to call modify() instead.
/** * Check that the string can be modified, raising error otherwise. * * If you plan to modify a string with shared backing store, this * method is not sufficient; you will need to call modify() instead. */
public final void modifyCheck() { frozenCheck(); } public void modifyCheck(byte[] b, int len) { if (value.getUnsafeBytes() != b || value.getRealSize() != len) throw getRuntime().newRuntimeError("string modified"); } private void modifyCheck(byte[] b, int len, Encoding enc) { if (value.getUnsafeBytes() != b || value.getRealSize() != len || value.getEncoding() != enc) throw getRuntime().newRuntimeError("string modified"); } private void frozenCheck() { frozenCheck(false); } private void frozenCheck(boolean runtimeError) { if (isFrozen()) { if (getRuntime().getInstanceConfig().isDebuggingFrozenStringLiteral()) { IRubyObject obj = getInstanceVariable(DEBUG_INFO_FIELD); if (obj != null && obj instanceof RubyArray) { RubyArray info = (RubyArray) obj; if (info.getLength() == 2) { throw getRuntime().newRaiseException(getRuntime().getFrozenError(), "can't modify frozen String, created at " + info.eltInternal(0) + ":" + info.eltInternal(1)); } } } throw getRuntime().newFrozenError("String", runtimeError); } }
/** rb_str_modify * */
public final void modify() { modifyCheck(); if (shareLevel != SHARE_LEVEL_NONE) { if (shareLevel == SHARE_LEVEL_BYTELIST) { value = value.dup(); } else { value.unshare(); } shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_NONE; } value.invalidate(); } public final void modify19() { modify(); clearCodeRange(); } @Override public void modifyAndKeepCodeRange() { modify(); keepCodeRange(); }
rb_str_modify (with length bytes ensured)
/** rb_str_modify (with length bytes ensured) * */
public final void modify(int length) { modifyCheck(); if (shareLevel != SHARE_LEVEL_NONE) { if (shareLevel == SHARE_LEVEL_BYTELIST) { value = value.dup(length); } else { value.unshare(length); } shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_NONE; } else { value.ensure(length); } value.invalidate(); }
/** * rb_str_modify_expand */
public final void modifyExpand(int length) { modify(length); clearCodeRange(); } // io_set_read_length public void setReadLength(int length) { if (size() != length) { modify(); value.setRealSize(length); } } // MRI: rb_str_new_frozen, at least in spirit // also aliased to rb_str_new4 public RubyString newFrozen() { if (isFrozen()) return this; RubyString str = strDup(metaClass.runtime); str.setCodeRange(getCodeRange()); str.setFrozen(true); return str; }
/** rb_str_resize */
public final void resize(final int size) { final int len = value.length(); if (len > size) { modify(); value.setRealSize(size); } else if (len < size) { modify(); value.length(size); } } public final void view(ByteList bytes) { modifyCheck(); value = bytes; shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_NONE; } private void view(byte[] bytes, boolean copy) { modifyCheck(); value = new ByteList(bytes, copy); shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_NONE; value.invalidate(); } private void view(int index, int len) { modifyCheck(); if (shareLevel != SHARE_LEVEL_NONE) { if (shareLevel == SHARE_LEVEL_BYTELIST) { // if len == 0 then shared empty value = value.makeShared(index, len); shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BUFFER; } else { value.view(index, len); } } else { value.view(index, len); // FIXME this below is temporary, but its much safer for COW (it prevents not shared Strings with begin != 0) // this allows now e.g.: ByteList#set not to be begin aware shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BUFFER; } value.invalidate(); } public static String bytesToString(byte[] bytes, int beg, int len) { return new String(ByteList.plain(bytes, beg, len)); } public static String byteListToString(ByteList bytes) { return bytesToString(bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), bytes.begin(), bytes.length()); } public static String bytesToString(byte[] bytes) { return bytesToString(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } public static byte[] stringToBytes(String string) { return ByteList.plain(string); } @Override public RubyString asString() { return this; } @Override public IRubyObject checkStringType() { return this; } @JRubyMethod(meta = true) public static IRubyObject try_convert(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject str) { return str.checkStringType(); } @JRubyMethod(name = {"to_s", "to_str"}) @Override public IRubyObject to_s() { final Ruby runtime = metaClass.runtime; if (metaClass.getRealClass() != runtime.getString()) { return strDup(runtime, runtime.getString()); } return this; } @Override public final int compareTo(IRubyObject other) { return (int) op_cmp(metaClass.runtime.getCurrentContext(), other).convertToInteger().getLongValue(); } /* rb_str_cmp_m */ @JRubyMethod(name = "<=>") @Override public IRubyObject op_cmp(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; if (other instanceof RubyString) { return runtime.newFixnum(op_cmp((RubyString) other)); } JavaSites.CheckedSites sites = sites(context).to_str_checked; if (sites.respond_to_X.respondsTo(context, this, other)) { IRubyObject tmp = TypeConverter.checkStringType(context, sites, other); if (tmp instanceof RubyString) return runtime.newFixnum(op_cmp((RubyString) tmp)); } else { return invcmp(context, sites(context).recursive_cmp, this, other); } return context.nil; }
/** rb_str_equal * */
@JRubyMethod(name = {"==", "==="}) @Override public IRubyObject op_equal(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { if (this == other) return context.tru; if (other instanceof RubyString) { RubyString otherString = (RubyString)other; return StringSupport.areComparable(this, otherString) && value.equal(otherString.value) ? context.tru : context.fals; } return op_equalCommon(context, other); } private IRubyObject op_equalCommon(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { if (!sites(context).respond_to_to_str.respondsTo(context, this, other)) return context.fals; return sites(context).equals.call(context, this, other, this).isTrue() ? context.tru : context.fals; } @JRubyMethod(name = "-@") // -'foo' returns frozen string public final IRubyObject minus_at(ThreadContext context) { return isFrozen() ? this : context.runtime.freezeAndDedupString(this); } @JRubyMethod(name = "+@") // +'foo' returns modifiable string public final IRubyObject plus_at() { return isFrozen() ? this.dup() : this; } public IRubyObject op_plus(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { return op_plus19(context, arg); } @JRubyMethod(name = "+", required = 1) public IRubyObject op_plus19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { RubyString str = arg.convertToString(); Encoding enc = checkEncoding(str); long len = (long) value.getRealSize() + str.value.getRealSize(); // we limit to int because ByteBuffer can only allocate int sizes if (len > Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("argument too big"); RubyString resultStr = newStringNoCopy(context.runtime, StringSupport.addByteLists(value, str.value), enc, CodeRangeSupport.codeRangeAnd(getCodeRange(), str.getCodeRange())); resultStr.infectBy(flags | str.flags); return resultStr; } public IRubyObject op_mul(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { return op_mul19(context, other); } @JRubyMethod(name = "*", required = 1) public IRubyObject op_mul19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { RubyString result = multiplyByteList(context, other); result.value.setEncoding(value.getEncoding()); result.copyCodeRangeForSubstr(this, value.getEncoding()); return result; } private RubyString multiplyByteList(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { int len = RubyNumeric.num2int(arg); if (len < 0) throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("negative argument"); // we limit to int because ByteBuffer can only allocate int sizes if (len > 0 && Integer.MAX_VALUE / len < value.getRealSize()) { throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("argument too big"); } ByteList bytes = new ByteList(len *= value.getRealSize()); if (len > 0) { bytes.setRealSize(len); int n = value.getRealSize(); System.arraycopy(value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.getBegin(), bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), 0, n); while (n <= len >> 1) { System.arraycopy(bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), 0, bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), n, n); n <<= 1; } System.arraycopy(bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), 0, bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), n, len - n); } RubyString result = new RubyString(context.runtime, metaClass, bytes); result.infectBy(this); return result; } @JRubyMethod(name = "%", required = 1) public RubyString op_format(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { IRubyObject tmp; if (arg instanceof RubyHash) { tmp = arg; } else { tmp = arg.checkArrayType(); if (tmp.isNil()) tmp = arg; } ByteList out = new ByteList(value.getRealSize()); out.setEncoding(value.getEncoding()); boolean tainted; // FIXME: Should we make this work with platform's locale, // or continue hardcoding US? tainted = Sprintf.sprintf1_9(out, Locale.US, value, tmp); RubyString str = newString(context.runtime, out); str.setTaint(tainted || isTaint()); return str; } @JRubyMethod @Override public RubyFixnum hash() { Ruby runtime = getRuntime(); return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, strHashCode(runtime)); } @Override public int hashCode() { return strHashCode(getRuntime()); }
Generate a hash for the String, using its associated Ruby instance's hash seed.
  • runtime –
/** * Generate a hash for the String, using its associated Ruby instance's hash seed. * * @param runtime * @return */
public int strHashCode(Ruby runtime) { final ByteList value = this.value; final Encoding enc = value.getEncoding(); long hash = runtime.isSiphashEnabled() ? SipHashInline.hash24(runtime.getHashSeedK0(), runtime.getHashSeedK1(), value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.getBegin(), value.getRealSize()) : PerlHash.hash(runtime.getHashSeedK0(), value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.getBegin(), value.getRealSize()); hash ^= (enc.isAsciiCompatible() && scanForCodeRange() == CR_7BIT ? 0 : enc.getIndex()); return (int) hash; }
Generate a hash for the String, without a seed.
  • runtime –
/** * Generate a hash for the String, without a seed. * * @param runtime * @return */
public int unseededStrHashCode(Ruby runtime) { final ByteList value = this.value; final Encoding enc = value.getEncoding(); long hash = runtime.isSiphashEnabled() ? SipHashInline.hash24(0, 0, value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.getBegin(), value.getRealSize()) : PerlHash.hash(0, value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.getBegin(), value.getRealSize()); hash ^= (enc.isAsciiCompatible() && scanForCodeRange() == CR_7BIT ? 0 : enc.getIndex()); return (int) hash; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) return true; return (other instanceof RubyString) && equals((RubyString) other); } final boolean equals(RubyString other) { return ((RubyString) other).value.equal(value); }
/** rb_obj_as_string * */
public static RubyString objAsString(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) { if (obj instanceof RubyString) return (RubyString) obj; IRubyObject str = sites(context).to_s.call(context, obj, obj); if (!(str instanceof RubyString)) return (RubyString) obj.anyToString(); // taint string if it is not untainted and not frozen // TODO: MRI sets an fstring flag on fstrings and uses that flag here if (obj.isTaint() && !str.isTaint() && !str.isFrozen()) str.setTaint(true); return (RubyString) str; }
/** rb_str_cmp * */
public final int op_cmp(RubyString other) { int ret = value.cmp(other.value); if (ret == 0 && !StringSupport.areComparable(this, other)) { return value.getEncoding().getIndex() > other.value.getEncoding().getIndex() ? 1 : -1; } return ret; }
/** rb_to_id * */
@Override public String asJavaString() { return toString(); } public IRubyObject doClone(){ return newString(getRuntime(), value.dup()); } public final RubyString cat(byte[] str) { modify(value.getRealSize() + str.length); System.arraycopy(str, 0, value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.getBegin() + value.getRealSize(), str.length); value.setRealSize(value.getRealSize() + str.length); return this; } public final RubyString cat(byte[] str, int beg, int len) { modify(value.getRealSize() + len); if (len == 0) return this; System.arraycopy(str, beg, value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.getBegin() + value.getRealSize(), len); value.setRealSize(value.getRealSize() + len); return this; } // // rb_str_buf_append against VALUE public final RubyString cat19(RubyString str2) { int str2_cr = cat19(str2.getByteList(), str2.getCodeRange()); infectBy(str2); str2.setCodeRange(str2_cr); return this; } // rb_str_buf_append against ptr public final int cat19(ByteList other, int codeRange) { return EncodingUtils.encCrStrBufCat(metaClass.runtime, this, other, other.getEncoding(), codeRange); } public final RubyString catString(String str) { cat19(encodeBytelist(str, getEncoding()), CR_UNKNOWN); return this; } public final RubyString cat(RubyString str) { return cat(str.getByteList()); } public final RubyString cat(ByteList str) { modify(value.getRealSize() + str.getRealSize()); System.arraycopy(str.getUnsafeBytes(), str.getBegin(), value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.getBegin() + value.getRealSize(), str.getRealSize()); value.setRealSize(value.getRealSize() + str.getRealSize()); return this; } public final RubyString cat(byte ch) { modify(value.getRealSize() + 1); value.getUnsafeBytes()[value.getBegin() + value.getRealSize()] = ch; value.setRealSize(value.getRealSize() + 1); return this; } public final RubyString cat(int ch) { return cat((byte) ch); } public final RubyString cat(int code, Encoding enc) { int n = codeLength(enc, code); modify(value.getRealSize() + n); enc.codeToMbc(code, value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.getBegin() + value.getRealSize()); value.setRealSize(value.getRealSize() + n); return this; } // rb_enc_str_buf_cat public final int cat(byte[] bytes, int p, int len, Encoding enc) { return EncodingUtils.encCrStrBufCat(getRuntime(), this, new ByteList(bytes, p, len), enc, CR_UNKNOWN); } // rb_str_buf_cat_ascii public final RubyString catAscii(byte[] bytes, int ptr, int ptrLen) { Encoding enc = value.getEncoding(); if (enc.isAsciiCompatible()) { EncodingUtils.encCrStrBufCat(getRuntime(), this, new ByteList(bytes, ptr, ptrLen), enc, CR_7BIT); } else { byte buf[] = new byte[enc.maxLength()]; int end = ptr + ptrLen; while (ptr < end) { int c = bytes[ptr]; int len = codeLength(enc, c); EncodingUtils.encMbcput(c, buf, 0, enc); EncodingUtils.encCrStrBufCat(getRuntime(), this, buf, 0, len, enc, CR_VALID); ptr++; } } return this; }
/** rb_str_replace_m * */
public IRubyObject replace(IRubyObject other) { return replace19(other); } @JRubyMethod(name = "initialize_copy", required = 1, visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE) @Override public RubyString initialize_copy(IRubyObject other) { return replace19(other); } @JRubyMethod(name = "replace", required = 1) public RubyString replace19(IRubyObject other) { modifyCheck(); if (this == other) return this; setCodeRange(replaceCommon(other).getCodeRange()); // encoding doesn't have to be copied. return this; } private RubyString replaceCommon(IRubyObject other) { modifyCheck(); RubyString otherStr = other.convertToString(); otherStr.shareLevel = shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BYTELIST; value = otherStr.value; infectBy(otherStr); return otherStr; } @JRubyMethod public RubyString clear() { modifyCheck(); Encoding enc = value.getEncoding(); EmptyByteListHolder holder = getEmptyByteList(enc); value = holder.bytes; shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BYTELIST; setCodeRange(holder.cr); return this; } public IRubyObject reverse(ThreadContext context) { return reverse19(context); } @JRubyMethod(name = "reverse") public IRubyObject reverse19(ThreadContext context) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.reverse_bang19(context); return str; } public RubyString reverse_bang(ThreadContext context) { return reverse_bang19(context); } @JRubyMethod(name = "reverse!") public RubyString reverse_bang19(ThreadContext context) { modifyCheck(); if (value.getRealSize() > 1) { modifyAndKeepCodeRange(); byte[]bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); int p = value.getBegin(); int len = value.getRealSize(); int end = p + len; int op = len; int cr = getCodeRange(); Encoding enc = value.getEncoding(); // this really needs to be inlined here if (singleByteOptimizable()) { for (int i = 0; i < len >> 1; i++) { byte b = bytes[p + i]; bytes[p + i] = bytes[p + len - i - 1]; bytes[p + len - i - 1] = b; } } else if (cr == CR_VALID) { byte[] obytes = new byte[len]; while (p < end) { int cl = StringSupport.encFastMBCLen(bytes, p, end, enc); op -= cl; System.arraycopy(bytes, p, obytes, op, cl); p += cl; } value.setUnsafeBytes(obytes); } else { byte[] obytes = new byte[len]; cr = enc.isAsciiCompatible() ? CR_7BIT : CR_VALID; while (p < end) { int cl = StringSupport.length(enc, bytes, p, end); if (cl > 1 || (bytes[p] & 0x80) != 0) cr = CR_UNKNOWN; op -= cl; System.arraycopy(bytes, p, obytes, op, cl); p += cl; } value.setUnsafeBytes(obytes); } setCodeRange(cr); } return this; }
/** rb_str_s_new * */
public static RubyString newInstance(IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { RubyString newString = newStringShared(recv.getRuntime(), ByteList.EMPTY_BYTELIST); newString.setMetaClass((RubyClass) recv); newString.callInit(args, block); return newString; } @Override @JRubyMethod(name = "initialize", visibility = PRIVATE) public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context) { return this; } @JRubyMethod(name = "initialize", visibility = PRIVATE) public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0) { IRubyObject tmp = ArgsUtil.getOptionsArg(context.runtime, arg0); if (tmp.isNil()) { return initialize(context, arg0, null); } return initialize(context, null, (RubyHash) tmp); } @JRubyMethod(name = "initialize", visibility = PRIVATE) public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject opts) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject tmp = ArgsUtil.getOptionsArg(context.runtime, opts); if (tmp.isNil()) { throw runtime.newArgumentError(2, 1); } return initialize(context, arg0, (RubyHash) tmp); } private IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, RubyHash opts) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; if (arg0 != null) { replace19(arg0); } if (opts != null) { IRubyObject encoding = opts.fastARef(context.runtime.newSymbol("encoding")); IRubyObject capacity = opts.fastARef(context.runtime.newSymbol("capacity")); if (!(capacity == null || capacity.isNil())) { modify(capacity.convertToInteger().getIntValue()); } if (!(encoding == null || encoding.isNil())) { modify(); setEncodingAndCodeRange(runtime.getEncodingService().getEncodingFromObject(encoding), CR_UNKNOWN); } } return this; } @Deprecated public IRubyObject initialize19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0) { return initialize(context, arg0); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject casecmp19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { return casecmp(context, other); } @JRubyMethod(name = "casecmp") public IRubyObject casecmp(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject tmp = other.checkStringType(); if (tmp.isNil()) return context.nil; RubyString otherStr = (RubyString) tmp; Encoding enc = StringSupport.areCompatible(this, otherStr); if (enc == null) return context.nil; if (singleByteOptimizable() && otherStr.singleByteOptimizable()) { return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, value.caseInsensitiveCmp(otherStr.value)); } final int ret = StringSupport.multiByteCasecmp(enc, value, otherStr.value); if (ret < 0) return RubyFixnum.minus_one(runtime); if (ret > 0) return RubyFixnum.one(runtime); return RubyFixnum.zero(runtime); } @JRubyMethod(name = "casecmp?") public IRubyObject casecmp_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject tmp = other.checkStringType(); if (tmp.isNil()) return context.nil; RubyString otherStr = (RubyString) tmp; Encoding enc = StringSupport.areCompatible(this, otherStr); if (enc == null) return context.nil; int flags = Config.CASE_FOLD; RubyString down = this.strDup(runtime); down.downcase_bang(context, flags); RubyString otherDown = otherStr.strDup(runtime); otherDown.downcase_bang(context, flags); return down.equals(otherDown) ? context.tru : context.fals; }
/** rb_str_match * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "=~", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF) @Override public IRubyObject op_match(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { if (other instanceof RubyRegexp) return ((RubyRegexp) other).op_match(context, this); if (other instanceof RubyString) throw context.runtime.newTypeError("type mismatch: String given"); return sites(context).op_match.call(context, other, other, this); }
String#match(pattern) rb_str_match_m
  • pattern – Regexp or String
/** * String#match(pattern) * * rb_str_match_m * * @param pattern Regexp or String */
public IRubyObject match(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject pattern) { return match19(context, pattern, Block.NULL_BLOCK); } @JRubyMethod(name = "match", required = 1, reads = BACKREF) public IRubyObject match19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject pattern, Block block) { RubyRegexp coercedPattern = getPattern(context.runtime, pattern); IRubyObject result = sites(context).match.call(context, coercedPattern, coercedPattern, this); return block.isGiven() && result != context.nil ? block.yield(context, result) : result; } @JRubyMethod(name = "match", reads = BACKREF) public IRubyObject match19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject pattern, IRubyObject pos, Block block) { RubyRegexp coercedPattern = getPattern(context.runtime, pattern); IRubyObject result = sites(context).match.call(context, coercedPattern, coercedPattern, this, pos); return block.isGiven() && result != context.nil ? block.yield(context, result) : result; } @JRubyMethod(name = "match", required = 1, rest = true) public IRubyObject match19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { if (args.length < 1) { Arity.checkArgumentCount(context, args, 1, 2); } RubyRegexp pattern = getPattern(context.runtime, args[0]); args[0] = this; IRubyObject result = sites(context).match.call(context, pattern, pattern, args); return block.isGiven() && result != context.nil ? block.yield(context, result) : result; } @JRubyMethod(name = "match?") public IRubyObject match_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject pattern) { return getPattern(context.runtime, pattern).match_p(context, this); } @JRubyMethod(name = "match?") public IRubyObject match_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject pattern, IRubyObject pos) { return getPattern(context.runtime, pattern).match_p(context, this, pos); } public IRubyObject op_ge(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { return op_ge19(context, other); } @JRubyMethod(name = ">=") public IRubyObject op_ge19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { if (other instanceof RubyString && cmpIsBuiltin(context)) { return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(context, op_cmp((RubyString) other) >= 0); } return RubyComparable.op_ge(context, this, other); } public IRubyObject op_gt(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { return op_gt19(context, other); } @JRubyMethod(name = ">") public IRubyObject op_gt19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { if (other instanceof RubyString && cmpIsBuiltin(context)) { return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(context, op_cmp((RubyString) other) > 0); } return RubyComparable.op_gt(context, this, other); } public IRubyObject op_le(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { return op_le19(context, other); } @JRubyMethod(name = "<=") public IRubyObject op_le19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { if (other instanceof RubyString && cmpIsBuiltin(context)) { return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(context, op_cmp((RubyString) other) <= 0); } return RubyComparable.op_le(context, this, other); } public IRubyObject op_lt(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { return op_lt19(context, other); } @JRubyMethod(name = "<") public IRubyObject op_lt19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { if (other instanceof RubyString && cmpIsBuiltin(context)) { return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(context, op_cmp((RubyString) other) < 0); } return RubyComparable.op_lt(context, sites(context).cmp, this, other); } private boolean cmpIsBuiltin(ThreadContext context) { return sites(context).cmp.isBuiltin(metaClass); } public IRubyObject str_eql_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { return str_eql_p19(context, other); } @JRubyMethod(name = "eql?") public IRubyObject str_eql_p19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { if (other instanceof RubyString) { RubyString otherString = (RubyString)other; if (StringSupport.areComparable(this, otherString) && value.equal(otherString.value)) return context.tru; } return context.fals; } private int caseMap(Ruby runtime, int flags, Encoding enc) { IntHolder flagsP = new IntHolder(); flagsP.value = flags; if ((flags & Config.CASE_ASCII_ONLY) != 0) { StringSupport.asciiOnlyCaseMap(runtime, value, flagsP, enc); } else { value = StringSupport.caseMap(runtime, value, flagsP, enc); } return flagsP.value; }
rb_str_upcase / rb_str_upcase_bang
/** rb_str_upcase / rb_str_upcase_bang * */
@Deprecated public RubyString upcase19(ThreadContext context) { return upcase(context); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject upcase_bang19(ThreadContext context) { return upcase_bang(context); } @JRubyMethod(name = "upcase") public RubyString upcase(ThreadContext context) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.upcase_bang(context); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "upcase") public RubyString upcase(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.upcase_bang(context, arg); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "upcase") public RubyString upcase(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.upcase_bang(context, arg0, arg1); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "upcase!") public IRubyObject upcase_bang(ThreadContext context) { return upcase_bang(context, Config.CASE_UPCASE); } @JRubyMethod(name = "upcase!") public IRubyObject upcase_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { return upcase_bang(context, StringSupport.checkCaseMapOptions(context.runtime, arg, Config.CASE_UPCASE)); } @JRubyMethod(name = "upcase!") public IRubyObject upcase_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { return upcase_bang(context, StringSupport.checkCaseMapOptions(context.runtime, arg0, arg1, Config.CASE_UPCASE)); } private IRubyObject upcase_bang(ThreadContext context, int flags) { modifyAndKeepCodeRange(); Encoding enc = checkDummyEncoding(); if (((flags & Config.CASE_ASCII_ONLY) != 0 && (enc.isUTF8() || enc.maxLength() == 1)) || (flags & Config.CASE_FOLD_TURKISH_AZERI) == 0 && getCodeRange() == CR_7BIT) { int s = value.getBegin(); int end = s + value.getRealSize(); byte[]bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); while (s < end) { int c = bytes[s] & 0xff; if (Encoding.isAscii(c) && 'a' <= c && c <= 'z') { bytes[s] = (byte)('A' + (c - 'a')); flags |= Config.CASE_MODIFIED; } s++; } } else { flags = caseMap(context.runtime, flags, enc); if ((flags & Config.CASE_MODIFIED) != 0) clearCodeRange(); } return ((flags & Config.CASE_MODIFIED) != 0) ? this : context.nil; }
rb_str_downcase / rb_str_downcase_bang
/** rb_str_downcase / rb_str_downcase_bang * */
@Deprecated public RubyString downcase19(ThreadContext context) { return downcase(context); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject downcase_bang19(ThreadContext context) { return downcase_bang(context); } @JRubyMethod(name = "downcase") public RubyString downcase(ThreadContext context) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.downcase_bang(context); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "downcase") public RubyString downcase(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.downcase_bang(context, arg); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "downcase") public RubyString downcase(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.downcase_bang(context, arg0, arg1); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "downcase!") public IRubyObject downcase_bang(ThreadContext context) { return downcase_bang(context, Config.CASE_DOWNCASE); } @JRubyMethod(name = "downcase!") public IRubyObject downcase_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { return downcase_bang(context, StringSupport.checkCaseMapOptions(context.runtime, arg, Config.CASE_DOWNCASE)); } @JRubyMethod(name = "downcase!") public IRubyObject downcase_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { return downcase_bang(context, StringSupport.checkCaseMapOptions(context.runtime, arg0, arg1, Config.CASE_DOWNCASE)); } private IRubyObject downcase_bang(ThreadContext context, int flags) { modifyAndKeepCodeRange(); Encoding enc = checkDummyEncoding(); if (((flags & Config.CASE_ASCII_ONLY) != 0 && (enc.isUTF8() || enc.maxLength() == 1)) || (flags & Config.CASE_FOLD_TURKISH_AZERI) == 0 && getCodeRange() == CR_7BIT) { int s = value.getBegin(); int end = s + value.getRealSize(); byte[]bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); while (s < end) { int c = bytes[s] & 0xff; if (Encoding.isAscii(c) && 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z') { bytes[s] = (byte)('a' + (c - 'A')); flags |= Config.CASE_MODIFIED; } s++; } } else { flags = caseMap(context.runtime, flags, enc); if ((flags & Config.CASE_MODIFIED) != 0) clearCodeRange(); } return ((flags & Config.CASE_MODIFIED) != 0) ? this : context.nil; }
rb_str_swapcase / rb_str_swapcase_bang
/** rb_str_swapcase / rb_str_swapcase_bang * */
@Deprecated public RubyString swapcase19(ThreadContext context) { return swapcase(context); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject swapcase_bang19(ThreadContext context) { return swapcase_bang(context); } @JRubyMethod(name = "swapcase") public RubyString swapcase(ThreadContext context) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.swapcase_bang(context); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "swapcase") public RubyString swapcase(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.swapcase_bang(context, arg); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "swapcase") public RubyString swapcase(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.swapcase_bang(context, arg0, arg1); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "swapcase!") public IRubyObject swapcase_bang(ThreadContext context) { return swapcase_bang(context, Config.CASE_UPCASE | Config.CASE_DOWNCASE); } @JRubyMethod(name = "swapcase!") public IRubyObject swapcase_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { return swapcase_bang(context, StringSupport.checkCaseMapOptions(context.runtime, arg, Config.CASE_UPCASE | Config.CASE_DOWNCASE)); } @JRubyMethod(name = "swapcase!") public IRubyObject swapcase_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { return swapcase_bang(context, StringSupport.checkCaseMapOptions(context.runtime, arg0, arg1, Config.CASE_UPCASE | Config.CASE_DOWNCASE)); } private IRubyObject swapcase_bang(ThreadContext context, int flags) { modifyAndKeepCodeRange(); Encoding enc = checkDummyEncoding(); flags = caseMap(context.runtime, flags, enc); if ((flags & Config.CASE_MODIFIED) != 0) { clearCodeRange(); return this; } else { return context.nil; } }
rb_str_capitalize / rb_str_capitalize_bang
/** rb_str_capitalize / rb_str_capitalize_bang * */
@Deprecated public IRubyObject capitalize19(ThreadContext context) { return capitalize(context); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject capitalize_bang19(ThreadContext context) { return capitalize_bang(context); } @JRubyMethod(name = "capitalize") public RubyString capitalize(ThreadContext context) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.capitalize_bang(context); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "capitalize") public RubyString capitalize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.capitalize_bang(context, arg); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "capitalize") public RubyString capitalize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.capitalize_bang(context, arg0, arg1); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "capitalize!") public IRubyObject capitalize_bang(ThreadContext context) { return capitalize_bang(context, Config.CASE_UPCASE | Config.CASE_TITLECASE); } @JRubyMethod(name = "capitalize!") public IRubyObject capitalize_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { return capitalize_bang(context, StringSupport.checkCaseMapOptions(context.runtime, arg, Config.CASE_UPCASE | Config.CASE_TITLECASE)); } @JRubyMethod(name = "capitalize!") public IRubyObject capitalize_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { return capitalize_bang(context, StringSupport.checkCaseMapOptions(context.runtime, arg0, arg1, Config.CASE_UPCASE | Config.CASE_TITLECASE)); } private IRubyObject capitalize_bang(ThreadContext context, int flags) { modifyAndKeepCodeRange(); Encoding enc = checkDummyEncoding(); if (value.getRealSize() == 0) { modifyCheck(); return context.nil; } flags = caseMap(context.runtime, flags, enc); if ((flags & Config.CASE_MODIFIED) != 0) { clearCodeRange(); return this; } else { return context.nil; } }
/** rb_str_dump * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "dump") public IRubyObject dump() { final RubyClass metaClass = this.metaClass; ByteList outBytes = StringSupport.dumpCommon(metaClass.runtime, value); final RubyString result = new RubyString(metaClass.runtime, metaClass, outBytes); Encoding enc = value.getEncoding(); if (!enc.isAsciiCompatible()) { result.cat(".force_encoding(\"".getBytes()); result.cat(enc.getName()); result.cat((byte)'"').cat((byte)')'); enc = ASCII; } result.associateEncoding(enc); result.setCodeRange(CR_7BIT); return result.infectBy(this); } @JRubyMethod(name = "undump") public IRubyObject undump(ThreadContext context) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; RubyString str = this; ByteList strByteList = str.value; byte[] sBytes = strByteList.unsafeBytes(); int[] s = {strByteList.begin()}; int sLen = strByteList.realSize(); int s_end = s[0] + strByteList.realSize(); Encoding enc[] = {str.getEncoding()}; RubyString undumped = newString(runtime, sBytes, s[0], 0, enc[0]); boolean[] utf8 = {false}; boolean[] binary = {false}; int w; scanForCodeRange(); if (!isAsciiOnly()) { throw runtime.newRuntimeError("non-ASCII character detected"); } if (memchr(sBytes, s[0], '\0', strByteList.realSize()) != -1) { throw runtime.newRuntimeError("string contains null byte"); } if (sLen < 2) return invalidFormat(runtime); if (sBytes[s[0]] != '"') return invalidFormat(runtime); /* strip '"' at the start */ s[0]++; for (; ; ) { if (s[0] >= s_end) { throw runtime.newRuntimeError("unterminated dumped string"); } if (sBytes[s[0]] == '"') { /* epilogue */ s[0]++; if (s[0] == s_end) { /* ascii compatible dumped string */ break; } else { int size; if (utf8[0]) { throw runtime.newRuntimeError("dumped string contained Unicode escape but used force_encoding"); } size = FORCE_ENCODING_BYTES.length; if (s_end - s[0] <= size) return invalidFormat(runtime); if (ByteList.memcmp(sBytes, s[0], FORCE_ENCODING_BYTES, 0, size) != 0) return invalidFormat(runtime); s[0] += size; int encname = s[0]; s[0] = memchr(sBytes, s[0], '"', s_end - s[0]); size = s[0] - encname; if (s[0] == -1) return invalidFormat(runtime); if (s_end - s[0] != 2) return invalidFormat(runtime); if (sBytes[s[0]] != '"' || sBytes[s[0] + 1] != ')') return invalidFormat(runtime); Encoding enc2 = runtime.getEncodingService().findEncodingNoError(new ByteList(sBytes, encname, size)); if (enc2 == null) { throw runtime.newRuntimeError("dumped string has unknown encoding name"); } undumped.setEncoding(enc2); } break; } if (sBytes[s[0]] == '\\'){ s[0]++; if (s[0] >= s_end) { throw runtime.newRuntimeError("invalid escape"); } undumped.undumpAfterBackslash(runtime, sBytes, s, s_end, enc, utf8, binary); } else{ undumped.cat(sBytes, s[0]++, 1); } } undumped.infectBy(str); return undumped; } private static final IRubyObject invalidFormat(Ruby runtime) { throw runtime.newRuntimeError("invalid dumped string; not wrapped with '\"' nor '\"...\".force_encoding(\"...\")' form"); } private void undumpAfterBackslash(Ruby runtime, byte[] ssBytes, int[] ss, int s_end, Encoding[] penc, boolean[] utf8, boolean[] binary) { int s = ss[0]; long c; int codelen; int[] hexlen = {0}; byte[] buf = new byte[6]; Encoding encUtf8 = null; switch (ssBytes[s]) { case '\\': case '"': case '#': cat(ssBytes, s, 1); /* cat itself */ s++; break; case 'n': case 'r': case 't': case 'f': case 'v': case 'b': case 'a': case 'e': buf[0] = unescapeAscii(ssBytes[s]); cat(buf, 0, 1); s++; break; case 'u': if (binary[0]) { throw runtime.newRuntimeError("hex escape and Unicode escape are mixed"); } utf8[0] = true; if (++s >= s_end) { throw runtime.newRuntimeError("invalid Unicode escape"); } if (encUtf8 == null) encUtf8 = UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE; if (penc[0] != encUtf8) { penc[0] = encUtf8; setEncoding(encUtf8); } if (ssBytes[s] == '{') { /* handle u{...} form */ s++; for (;;) { if (s >= s_end) { throw runtime.newRuntimeError("unterminated Unicode escape"); } if (ssBytes[s] == '}') { s++; break; } if (Character.isSpaceChar(ssBytes[s])) { s++; continue; } c = scanHex(ssBytes, s, s_end-s, hexlen); if (hexlen[0] == 0 || hexlen[0] > 6) { throw runtime.newRuntimeError("invalid Unicode escape"); } if (c > 0x10ffff) { throw runtime.newRuntimeError("invalid Unicode codepoint (too large)"); } if (0xd800 <= c && c <= 0xdfff) { throw runtime.newRuntimeError("invalid Unicode codepoint"); } codelen = EncodingUtils.encMbcput((int) c, buf, 0, penc[0]); cat(buf, 0, codelen); s += hexlen[0]; } } else { /* handle uXXXX form */ c = scanHex(ssBytes, s, 4, hexlen); if (hexlen[0] != 4) { throw runtime.newRuntimeError("invalid Unicode escape"); } if (0xd800 <= c && c <= 0xdfff) { throw runtime.newRuntimeError("invalid Unicode codepoint"); } codelen = EncodingUtils.encMbcput((int) c, buf, 0, penc[0]); cat(buf, 0, codelen); s += hexlen[0]; } break; case 'x': if (utf8[0]) { throw runtime.newRuntimeError("hex escape and Unicode escape are mixed"); } binary[0] = true; if (++s >= s_end) { throw runtime.newRuntimeError("invalid hex escape"); } buf[0] = (byte) scanHex(ssBytes, s, 2, hexlen); if (hexlen[0] != 2) { throw runtime.newRuntimeError("invalid hex escape"); } cat(buf, 0, 1); s += hexlen[0]; break; default: cat(ssBytes, s - 1, 2); s++; } ss[0] = s; } private static final byte[] hexdigit = "0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF".getBytes(); private static long scanHex(byte[] bytes, int start, int len, int[] retlen) { int s = start; long retval = 0; int tmp; while ((len--) > 0 && s < bytes.length && (tmp = memchr(hexdigit, 0, bytes[s], hexdigit.length)) != -1) { retval <<= 4; retval |= tmp & 15; s++; } retlen[0] = (s - start); /* less than len */ return retval; } private static byte unescapeAscii(byte c) { switch (c) { case 'n': return '\n'; case 'r': return '\r'; case 't': return '\t'; case 'f': return '\f'; case 'v': return '\13'; case 'b': return '\010'; case 'a': return '\007'; case 'e': return 033; default: // not reached return -1; } } @JRubyMethod(name = "insert") public IRubyObject insert(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject indexArg, IRubyObject arg) { RubyString str = arg.convertToString(); int index = RubyNumeric.num2int(indexArg); if (index == -1) { modifyCheck(); return cat19(str); } if (index < 0) index++; replaceInternal19(index, 0, str); return this; } private int checkIndex(int beg, int len) { if (beg > len) raiseIndexOutOfString(beg); if (beg < 0) { if (-beg > len) raiseIndexOutOfString(beg); beg += len; } return beg; } private int checkIndexForRef(int beg, int len) { if (beg >= len) raiseIndexOutOfString(beg); if (beg < 0) { if (-beg > len) raiseIndexOutOfString(beg); beg += len; } return beg; } private int checkLength(int len) { if (len < 0) throw getRuntime().newIndexError("negative length " + len); return len; } private void raiseIndexOutOfString(int index) { throw getRuntime().newIndexError("index " + index + " out of string"); }
/** rb_str_inspect * */
@Override @JRubyMethod(name = "inspect") public RubyString inspect() { return inspect(getRuntime()); } final RubyString inspect(final Ruby runtime) { return (RubyString) inspect(runtime, value).infectBy(this); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject inspect19() { return inspect(); } // MRI: rb_str_escape public static IRubyObject rbStrEscape(ThreadContext context, RubyString str) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; Encoding enc = str.getEncoding(); ByteList strBL = str.getByteList(); byte[] pBytes = strBL.unsafeBytes(); int p = strBL.begin(); int pend = p + strBL.realSize(); int prev = p; RubyString result = RubyString.newEmptyString(runtime); boolean unicode_p = enc.isUnicode(); boolean asciicompat = enc.isAsciiCompatible(); while (p < pend) { int c, cc; int n = enc.length(pBytes, p, pend); if (!MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P(n)) { if (p > prev) result.cat(pBytes, prev, p - prev); n = enc.minLength(); if (pend < p + n) n = (int)(pend - p); while ((n--) > 0) { result.modify(); Sprintf.sprintf(runtime, result.getByteList(), "\\x%02X", pBytes[p] & 0377); prev = ++p; } continue; } n = MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_LEN(n); c = enc.mbcToCode(pBytes, p, pend); p += n; switch (c) { case '\n': cc = 'n'; break; case '\r': cc = 'r'; break; case '\t': cc = 't'; break; case '\f': cc = 'f'; break; case '\013': cc = 'v'; break; case '\010': cc = 'b'; break; case '\007': cc = 'a'; break; case 033: cc = 'e'; break; default: cc = 0; break; } if (cc != 0) { if (p - n > prev) result.cat(pBytes, prev, p - n - prev); result.cat('\\'); result.cat((byte) cc); prev = p; } else if (asciicompat && Encoding.isAscii(c) && (c < 0x7F && c > 31 /*ISPRINT(c)*/)) { } else { if (p - n > prev) result.cat(pBytes, prev, p - n - prev); result.modify(); Sprintf.sprintf(runtime, result.getByteList(), StringSupport.escapedCharFormat(c, unicode_p), (c & 0xFFFFFFFFL)); prev = p; } } if (p > prev) result.cat(pBytes, prev, p - prev); result.setEncodingAndCodeRange(USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE, CR_7BIT); result.infectBy(str); return result; } @Deprecated public static IRubyObject inspect19(final Ruby runtime, ByteList byteList) { return inspect(runtime, byteList); } public static RubyString inspect(final Ruby runtime, ByteList byteList) { Encoding enc = byteList.getEncoding(); byte bytes[] = byteList.getUnsafeBytes(); int p = byteList.getBegin(); int end = p + byteList.getRealSize(); RubyString result = new RubyString(runtime, runtime.getString(), new ByteList(end - p)); Encoding resultEnc = runtime.getDefaultInternalEncoding(); boolean isUnicode = enc.isUnicode(); boolean asciiCompat = enc.isAsciiCompatible(); if (resultEnc == null) resultEnc = runtime.getDefaultExternalEncoding(); if (!resultEnc.isAsciiCompatible()) resultEnc = USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE; result.associateEncoding(resultEnc); result.cat('"'); int prev = p; Encoding actEnc = EncodingUtils.getActualEncoding(enc, byteList); if (actEnc != enc) { enc = actEnc; if (isUnicode) isUnicode = enc instanceof UnicodeEncoding; } while (p < end) { int n = StringSupport.preciseLength(enc, bytes, p, end); if (!MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P(n)) { if (p > prev) result.cat(bytes, prev, p - prev); n = enc.minLength(); if (end < p + n) n = end - p; while (n-- > 0) { result.modifyExpand(result.size() + 4); Sprintf.sprintf(runtime, result.getByteList() ,"\\x%02X", bytes[p] & 0377); prev = ++p; } continue; } n = MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_LEN(n); final int c = enc.mbcToCode(bytes, p, end); int cc = 0; p += n; if ((asciiCompat || isUnicode) && (c == '"' || c == '\\' || (c == '#' && p < end && MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P(StringSupport.preciseLength(enc, bytes, p, end)) && ((cc = codePoint(runtime, enc, bytes, p, end)) == '$' || cc == '@' || cc == '{') ) )) { if (p - n > prev) result.cat(bytes, prev, p - n - prev); result.cat('\\'); if (asciiCompat || enc == resultEnc) { prev = p - n; continue; } } switch (c) { case '\n': cc = 'n'; break; case '\r': cc = 'r'; break; case '\t': cc = 't'; break; case '\f': cc = 'f'; break; case '\013': cc = 'v'; break; case '\010': cc = 'b'; break; case '\007': cc = 'a'; break; case 033: cc = 'e'; break; default: cc = 0; break; } if (cc != 0) { if (p - n > prev) result.cat(bytes, prev, p - n - prev); result.cat('\\'); result.cat(cc); prev = p; continue; } // FIXME: Can't use Encoding.isAscii because it does not treat int as unsigned 32-bit if ((enc == resultEnc && enc.isPrint(c)) || (asciiCompat && (c < 128 && c > 0) && enc.isPrint(c))) { continue; } else { if (p - n > prev) result.cat(bytes, prev, p - n - prev); Sprintf.sprintf(runtime, result.getByteList() , StringSupport.escapedCharFormat(c, isUnicode), (c & 0xFFFFFFFFL)); prev = p; continue; } } if (p > prev) result.cat(bytes, prev, p - prev); result.cat('"'); return result; } public int size() { return value.getRealSize(); } // MRI: rb_str_length @JRubyMethod(name = {"length", "size"}) public RubyFixnum rubyLength(final ThreadContext context) { return rubyLength(context.runtime); } private RubyFixnum rubyLength(final Ruby runtime) { return runtime.newFixnum(strLength()); } @Deprecated public RubyFixnum length19() { return getRuntime().newFixnum(strLength()); } @JRubyMethod(name = "bytesize") public RubyFixnum bytesize() { return getRuntime().newFixnum(value.getRealSize()); } // CharSequence @Override public int length() { return strLength(); } @Override public char charAt(int offset) { int length = value.getRealSize(); if (length < 1) throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(offset); Encoding enc = value.getEncoding(); if (singleByteOptimizable(enc)) { if (offset >= length || offset < 0) throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(offset); return (char) value.get(offset); } return multibyteCharAt(enc, offset, length); } @Override public CharSequence subSequence(int start, int end) { IRubyObject subStr = substr19(getRuntime(), start, end - start); if (subStr.isNil()) { throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException("String index out of range: <" + start + ", " + end + ")"); } return (RubyString) subStr; } private SizeFn eachByteSizeFn() { return (context, args) -> this.bytesize(); }
/** rb_str_empty * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "empty?") public RubyBoolean empty_p(ThreadContext context) { return isEmpty() ? context.tru : context.fals; } public boolean isEmpty() { return value.length() == 0; }
/** rb_str_append * */
public RubyString append(IRubyObject other) { modifyCheck(); if (other instanceof RubyFixnum) { cat(ConvertBytes.longToByteList(((RubyFixnum) other).value)); return this; } if (other instanceof RubyFloat) { return cat((RubyString) ((RubyFloat) other).to_s()); } if (other instanceof RubySymbol) { cat(((RubySymbol) other).getBytes()); return this; } RubyString otherStr = other.convertToString(); infectBy(otherStr); return cat(otherStr.value); } public RubyString append(RubyString other) { modifyCheck(); infectBy(other); return cat(other.value); } public RubyString append19(IRubyObject other) { modifyCheck(); if (other instanceof RubyFixnum) { cat19(ConvertBytes.longToByteList(((RubyFixnum) other).value), StringSupport.CR_7BIT); return this; } else if (other instanceof RubyFloat) { return cat19((RubyString) ((RubyFloat) other).to_s()); } else if (other instanceof RubySymbol) { cat19(((RubySymbol) other).getBytes(), 0); return this; } return cat19(other.convertToString()); } // NOTE: append(RubyString) should pbly just do the encoding aware cat final RubyString append19(RubyString other) { modifyCheck(); return cat19(other); }
/** rb_str_concat * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "<<") public RubyString concatSingle(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { if (other instanceof RubyString) { // duplicated (default) return path - since its common return append19((RubyString) other); } if (other instanceof RubyFixnum) { long c = RubyNumeric.num2long(other); if (c < 0) { throw context.runtime.newRangeError(c + " out of char range"); } return concatNumeric(context.runtime, (int)(c & 0xFFFFFFFF)); } if (other instanceof RubyBignum) { if (((RubyBignum) other).getBigIntegerValue().signum() < 0) { throw context.runtime.newRangeError("negative string size (or size too big)"); } long c = ((RubyBignum) other).getLongValue(); return concatNumeric(context.runtime, (int) c); } if (other instanceof RubyFloat) { modifyCheck(); return cat19((RubyString) ((RubyFloat) other).to_s()); } if (other instanceof RubySymbol) throw context.runtime.newTypeError("can't convert Symbol into String"); return append19(other.convertToString()); }
/** rb_str_concat * */
@JRubyMethod(name = {"concat"}) public RubyString concat(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) { return concatSingle(context, obj); }
/** rb_str_concat_multi * */
@JRubyMethod(name = {"concat"}, rest = true) public RubyString concat(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] objs) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; modifyCheck(); if (objs.length > 0) { RubyString tmp = newStringLight(runtime, objs.length, getEncoding()); for (IRubyObject obj : objs) { tmp.concatSingle(context, obj); } cat19(tmp); } return this; } public RubyString concat(IRubyObject other) { return concat(metaClass.runtime.getCurrentContext(), other); } @Deprecated public RubyString concat19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { return concat(context, other); } private RubyString concatNumeric(Ruby runtime, int c) { Encoding enc = value.getEncoding(); int cl; try { cl = codeLength(enc, c); if (cl <= 0) { throw runtime.newRangeError(c + " out of char range or invalid code point"); } modify19(value.getRealSize() + cl); if (enc == USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE) { if (c > 0xff) throw runtime.newRangeError(c + " out of char range"); if (c > 0x79) { value.setEncoding(ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE); enc = value.getEncoding(); } } enc.codeToMbc(c, value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.getBegin() + value.getRealSize()); } catch (EncodingException e) { throw runtime.newRangeError(c + " out of char range"); } value.setRealSize(value.getRealSize() + cl); return this; }
/** * rb_str_prepend */
@JRubyMethod public IRubyObject prepend(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { return replace19(other.convertToString().op_plus19(context, this)); }
/** * rb_str_prepend */
@JRubyMethod(rest = true) public IRubyObject prepend(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] objs) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; modifyCheck(); if (objs.length > 0) { RubyString tmp = newStringLight(runtime, objs.length, getEncoding()); for (IRubyObject obj : objs) { tmp.concat(context, obj); } replaceInternal19(0, 0, tmp); } return this; } public final RubyString prepend(byte ch) { modify(value.getRealSize() + 1); final int beg = value.getBegin(); if (beg > 0) { value.getUnsafeBytes()[beg - 1] = ch; value.setBegin(beg - 1); return this; } value.prepend(ch); return this; } public final RubyString prepend(int ch) { return prepend((byte) ch); }
/** rb_str_crypt * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "crypt") public RubyString crypt(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { Encoding ascii8bit = context.runtime.getEncodingService().getAscii8bitEncoding(); RubyString otherStr = other.convertToString().strDup(context.runtime); otherStr.modify(); otherStr.associateEncoding(ascii8bit); ByteList otherBL = otherStr.getByteList(); if (otherBL.length() < 2) { throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("salt too short (need >=2 bytes)"); } POSIX posix = context.runtime.getPosix(); byte[] keyBytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(value.unsafeBytes(), value.begin(), value.begin() + value.realSize()); byte[] saltBytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(otherBL.unsafeBytes(), otherBL.begin(), otherBL.begin() + otherBL.realSize()); if (saltBytes[0] == 0 || saltBytes[1] == 0) { throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("salt too short (need >=2 bytes)"); } byte[] cryptedString = posix.crypt(keyBytes, saltBytes); // We differ from MRI in that we do not process salt to make it work and we will // return any errors via errno. if (cryptedString == null) throw context.runtime.newErrnoFromInt(posix.errno()); RubyString result = RubyString.newStringNoCopy(context.runtime, cryptedString, 0, cryptedString.length - 1); result.associateEncoding(ascii8bit); result.infectBy(this); result.infectBy(otherStr); return result; } /* RubyString aka rb_string_value */ public static RubyString stringValue(IRubyObject object) { return (RubyString) (object instanceof RubyString ? object : object.convertToString()); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject sub19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) { return sub(context, arg0, block); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject sub19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) { return sub(context, arg0, arg1, block); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject sub_bang19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) { return sub_bang(context, arg0, block); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject sub_bang19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) { return sub_bang(context, arg0, arg1, block); }
rb_str_sub / rb_str_sub_bang
/** rb_str_sub / rb_str_sub_bang * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "sub", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF) public IRubyObject sub(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.sub_bang(context, arg0, block); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "sub", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF) public IRubyObject sub(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.sub_bang(context, arg0, arg1, block); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "sub!", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF) public IRubyObject sub_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; frozenCheck(); if (block.isGiven()) return subBangIter(context, arg0, null, block); throw runtime.newArgumentError(1, 2); } @JRubyMethod(name = "sub!", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF) public IRubyObject sub_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject hash = TypeConverter.convertToTypeWithCheck(context, arg1, runtime.getHash(), sites(context).to_hash_checked); frozenCheck(); if (hash == context.nil) { return subBangNoIter(context, arg0, arg1.convertToString()); } return subBangIter(context, arg0, (RubyHash) hash, block); } private static RubyRegexp asRegexpArg(final Ruby runtime, final IRubyObject arg0) { return arg0 instanceof RubyRegexp ? (RubyRegexp) arg0 : RubyRegexp.newRegexp(runtime, RubyRegexp.quote(getStringForPattern(runtime, arg0).getByteList(), false), new RegexpOptions()); } private IRubyObject subBangIter(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, RubyHash hash, Block block) { if (arg0 instanceof RubyRegexp ) { return subBangIter(context, (RubyRegexp) arg0, hash, block); } else { return subBangIter(context, getStringForPattern(context.runtime, arg0), hash, block); } } private IRubyObject subBangIter(ThreadContext context, RubyString pattern, RubyHash hash, Block block) { int len = value.getRealSize(); byte[] bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); Encoding enc = value.getEncoding(); final int mBeg = StringSupport.index(getByteList(), pattern.getByteList(), 0, checkEncoding(pattern)); if (mBeg > -1) { final RubyString repl; final int tuFlags; final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; final int mLen = pattern.size(); final int mEnd = mBeg + mLen; final RubyMatchData match = new RubyMatchData(runtime); match.initMatchData(context, this, mBeg, pattern); context.setBackRef(match); IRubyObject subStr = makeShared(runtime, mBeg, mLen); if (hash == null) { tuFlags = 0; repl = objAsString(context, block.yield(context, subStr)); } else { tuFlags = hash.flags; repl = objAsString(context, hash.op_aref(context, subStr)); } modifyCheck(bytes, len, enc); return subBangCommon(context, mBeg, mEnd, repl, tuFlags | repl.flags); } return context.setBackRef(context.nil); } private IRubyObject subBangIter(ThreadContext context, RubyRegexp regexp, RubyHash hash, Block block) { Regex pattern = regexp.getPattern(); Regex prepared = regexp.preparePattern(this); int begin = value.getBegin(); int len = value.getRealSize(); int range = begin + len; byte[] bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); Encoding enc = value.getEncoding(); final Matcher matcher = prepared.matcher(bytes, begin, range); if (RubyRegexp.matcherSearch(context, matcher, begin, range, Option.NONE) >= 0) { RubyMatchData match = RubyRegexp.createMatchData(context, this, matcher, pattern); match.regexp = regexp; context.setBackRef(match); final int mBeg = matcher.getBegin(), mEnd = matcher.getEnd(); final RubyString repl; final int tuFlags; IRubyObject subStr = makeShared(context.runtime, mBeg, mEnd - mBeg); if (hash == null) { tuFlags = 0; repl = objAsString(context, block.yield(context, subStr)); } else { tuFlags = hash.flags; repl = objAsString(context, hash.op_aref(context, subStr)); } modifyCheck(bytes, len, enc); return subBangCommon(context, mBeg, mEnd, repl, tuFlags | repl.flags); } return context.setBackRef(context.nil); } private IRubyObject subBangNoIter(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, RubyString repl) { if (arg0 instanceof RubyRegexp) { return subBangNoIter(context, (RubyRegexp) arg0, repl); } else { return subBangNoIter(context, getStringForPattern(context.runtime, arg0), repl); } } private IRubyObject subBangNoIter(ThreadContext context, RubyString pattern, RubyString repl) { final int mBeg = StringSupport.index(getByteList(), pattern.getByteList(), 0, checkEncoding(pattern)); if (mBeg > -1) { final int mEnd = mBeg + pattern.size(); final RubyMatchData match = new RubyMatchData(context.runtime); match.initMatchData(context, this, mBeg, pattern); context.setBackRef(match); repl = RubyRegexp.regsub(context, repl, this, REPL_MOCK_REGEX, null, mBeg, mEnd); return subBangCommon(context, mBeg, mEnd, repl, repl.flags); } return context.setBackRef(context.nil); } private IRubyObject subBangNoIter(ThreadContext context, RubyRegexp regexp, RubyString repl) { RubyMatchData match = subBangMatch(context, regexp, repl); if (match != null) { repl = RubyRegexp.regsub(context, repl, this, regexp.pattern, match.regs, match.begin, match.end); context.setBackRef(match); return subBangCommon(context, match.begin, match.end, repl, repl.flags); } return context.setBackRef(context.nil); }
sub! but without any frame globals ...
  • context –
  • regexp –
  • repl –
@noteInternal API, subject to change!
Returns:sub result
/** * sub! but without any frame globals ... * @note Internal API, subject to change! * @param context * @param regexp * @param repl * @return sub result */
public final IRubyObject subBangFast(ThreadContext context, RubyRegexp regexp, RubyString repl) { RubyMatchData match = subBangMatch(context, regexp, repl); if (match != null) { repl = RubyRegexp.regsub(context, repl, this, regexp.pattern, match.regs, match.begin, match.end); subBangCommon(context, match.begin, match.end, repl, repl.flags); return match; } return context.nil; } private RubyMatchData subBangMatch(ThreadContext context, RubyRegexp regexp, RubyString repl) { Regex pattern = regexp.getPattern(); Regex prepared = regexp.preparePattern(this); int begin = value.getBegin(); int range = begin + value.getRealSize(); final Matcher matcher = prepared.matcher(value.getUnsafeBytes(), begin, range); if (RubyRegexp.matcherSearch(context, matcher, begin, range, Option.NONE) >= 0) { RubyMatchData match = RubyRegexp.createMatchData(context, this, matcher, pattern); match.regexp = regexp; return match; } return null; } private RubyString subBangCommon(ThreadContext context, final int beg, final int end, final RubyString repl, int tuFlags) { // the sub replacement string Encoding enc = StringSupport.areCompatible(this, repl); if (enc == null) enc = subBangVerifyEncoding(context, repl, beg, end); final ByteList replValue = repl.value; final int replSize = replValue.getRealSize(); final int plen = end - beg; if (replSize > plen) { modifyExpand(value.getRealSize() + replSize - plen); } else { modify19(); } final ByteList value = this.value; final int size = value.getRealSize(); associateEncoding(enc); int cr = getCodeRange(); if (cr > CR_UNKNOWN && cr < CR_BROKEN) { int cr2 = repl.getCodeRange(); if (cr2 == CR_BROKEN || (cr == CR_VALID && cr2 == CR_7BIT)) { cr = CR_UNKNOWN; } else { cr = cr2; } } if (replSize != plen) { int src = value.getBegin() + beg + plen; int dst = value.getBegin() + beg + replSize; System.arraycopy(value.getUnsafeBytes(), src, value.getUnsafeBytes(), dst, size - beg - plen); } System.arraycopy(replValue.getUnsafeBytes(), replValue.getBegin(), value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.getBegin() + beg, replSize); value.setRealSize(size + replSize - plen); setCodeRange(cr); return (RubyString) infectBy(tuFlags); // this } private Encoding subBangVerifyEncoding(ThreadContext context, final RubyString repl, final int beg, final int end) { final ByteList value = this.value; byte[] bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); int p = value.getBegin(); int len = value.getRealSize(); Encoding strEnc = value.getEncoding(); if (codeRangeScan(strEnc, bytes, p, beg) != CR_7BIT || codeRangeScan(strEnc, bytes, p + end, len - end) != CR_7BIT) { throw context.runtime.newEncodingCompatibilityError( "incompatible character encodings " + strEnc + " and " + repl.value.getEncoding()); } return repl.value.getEncoding(); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject gsub19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) { return gsub(context, arg0, block); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject gsub19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) { return gsub(context, arg0, arg1, block); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject gsub_bang19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) { return gsub_bang(context, arg0, block); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject gsub_bang19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) { return gsub_bang(context, arg0, arg1, block); } @JRubyMethod(name = "gsub", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF) public IRubyObject gsub(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) { if (!block.isGiven()) return enumeratorize(context.runtime, this, "gsub", arg0); return gsubCommon(context, block, null, null, arg0, false, 0); } @JRubyMethod(name = "gsub", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF) public IRubyObject gsub(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) { return gsubImpl(context, arg0, arg1, block, false); } @JRubyMethod(name = "gsub!", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF) public IRubyObject gsub_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) { checkFrozen(); if (!block.isGiven()) return enumeratorize(context.runtime, this, "gsub!", arg0); return gsubCommon(context, block, null, null, arg0, true, 0); } @JRubyMethod(name = "gsub!", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF) public IRubyObject gsub_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) { checkFrozen(); return gsubImpl(context, arg0, arg1, block, true); } private IRubyObject gsubImpl(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block, final boolean bang) { IRubyObject tryHash = TypeConverter.convertToTypeWithCheck(context, arg1, context.runtime.getHash(), sites(context).to_hash_checked); final RubyHash hash; final RubyString str; final int tuFlags; if (tryHash == context.nil) { hash = null; str = arg1.convertToString(); tuFlags = str.flags; } else { hash = (RubyHash) tryHash; str = null; tuFlags = hash.flags & TAINTED_F; } return gsubCommon(context, block, str, hash, arg0, bang, tuFlags); } public RubyString gsubFast(ThreadContext context, RubyRegexp regexp, RubyString repl, Block block) { return (RubyString) gsubCommon(context, block, repl, null, regexp, false, repl.flags, false); } private IRubyObject gsubCommon(ThreadContext context, Block block, RubyString repl, RubyHash hash, IRubyObject arg0, final boolean bang, int tuFlags) { return gsubCommon(context, block, repl, hash, arg0, bang, tuFlags, true); } private IRubyObject gsubCommon(ThreadContext context, Block block, RubyString repl, RubyHash hash, IRubyObject arg0, final boolean bang, int tuFlags, boolean useBackref) { if (arg0 instanceof RubyRegexp) { return gsubCommon(context, block, repl, hash, (RubyRegexp) arg0, bang, tuFlags, useBackref); } else { return gsubCommon(context, block, repl, hash, getStringForPattern(context.runtime, arg0), bang, tuFlags, useBackref); } }
A Regex instance is required to satisfy the type signature of RubyRegexp.regsub In the code paths possible for a string pattern a single instance of a blank regex is enough.
/** * A Regex instance is required to satisfy the type signature of RubyRegexp.regsub * In the code paths possible for a string pattern a single instance of a blank regex * is enough. */
private static Regex REPL_MOCK_REGEX = new Regex(new String("")); // MRI: str_gsub, roughly private IRubyObject gsubCommon(ThreadContext context, Block block, RubyString repl, RubyHash hash, RubyString pattern, final boolean bang, int tuFlags, boolean useBackref) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; final byte[] spBytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); final int spBeg = value.getBegin(); final int spLen = value.getRealSize(); final int patternLen = pattern.size(); final Encoding patternEnc = this.checkEncoding(pattern); int beg = StringSupport.index(getByteList(), pattern.getByteList(), 0, patternEnc); int begz; if (beg < 0) { if (useBackref) context.setBackRef(context.nil); return bang ? context.nil : strDup(runtime); /* bang: true, no match, no substitution */ } int offset = 0; int cp = spBeg; //int n = 0; RubyString dest = new RubyString(runtime, metaClass, new ByteList(spLen + 30)); final Encoding str_enc = value.getEncoding(); dest.setEncoding(str_enc); dest.setCodeRange(str_enc.isAsciiCompatible() ? CR_7BIT : CR_VALID); RubyMatchData match = null; do { final RubyString val; begz = beg; int endz = beg + patternLen; if (repl != null) { // string given val = RubyRegexp.regsub(context, repl, this, REPL_MOCK_REGEX, null, begz, endz); } else { if (hash != null) { // hash given val = objAsString(context, hash.op_aref(context, pattern)); } else { // block given match = new RubyMatchData(runtime); match.initMatchData(context, this, begz, pattern); if (useBackref) context.setBackRef(match); val = objAsString(context, block.yield(context, pattern.strDup(runtime))); } modifyCheck(spBytes, spLen, str_enc); if (bang) frozenCheck(); } tuFlags |= val.flags; int len = begz - offset; if (len != 0) dest.cat(spBytes, cp, len, str_enc); dest.cat19(val); offset = endz; if (begz == endz) { if (spLen <= endz) break; len = StringSupport.encFastMBCLen(spBytes, spBeg + endz, spBeg + spLen, str_enc); dest.cat(spBytes, spBeg + endz, len, str_enc); offset = endz + len; } cp = spBeg + offset; if (offset > spLen) break; beg = StringSupport.index(getByteList(), pattern.getByteList(), offset, patternEnc); } while (beg >= 0); if (spLen > offset) dest.cat(spBytes, cp, spLen - offset, str_enc); if (useBackref) { if (match != null) { // block given context.setBackRef(match); } else { match = new RubyMatchData(runtime); match.initMatchData(context, this, begz, pattern); context.setBackRef(match); } } if (bang) { view(dest.value); setCodeRange(dest.getCodeRange()); return infectBy(tuFlags); } return dest.infectBy(tuFlags | flags); } private IRubyObject gsubCommon(ThreadContext context, Block block, RubyString repl, RubyHash hash, RubyRegexp regexp, final boolean bang, int tuFlags, boolean useBackref) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; Regex pattern = regexp.getPattern(); Regex prepared = regexp.preparePattern(this); final byte[] spBytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); final int spBeg = value.getBegin(); final int spLen = value.getRealSize(); final Matcher matcher = prepared.matcher(spBytes, spBeg, spBeg + spLen); int beg = RubyRegexp.matcherSearch(context, matcher, spBeg, spBeg + spLen, Option.NONE); if (beg < 0) { if (useBackref) context.setBackRef(context.nil); return bang ? context.nil : strDup(runtime); /* bang: true, no match, no substitution */ } int offset = 0; int cp = spBeg; //int n = 0; RubyString dest = new RubyString(runtime, metaClass, new ByteList(spLen + 30)); final Encoding str_enc = value.getEncoding(); dest.setEncoding(str_enc); dest.setCodeRange(str_enc.isAsciiCompatible() ? CR_7BIT : CR_VALID); RubyMatchData match = null; do { final RubyString val; int begz = matcher.getBegin(); int endz = matcher.getEnd(); if (repl != null) { // string given val = RubyRegexp.regsub(context, repl, this, pattern, matcher); } else { final RubyString substr = makeShared(runtime, begz, endz - begz); if (hash != null) { // hash given val = objAsString(context, hash.op_aref(context, substr)); } else { // block given match = RubyRegexp.createMatchData(context, this, matcher, pattern); match.regexp = regexp; if (useBackref) context.setBackRef(match); val = objAsString(context, block.yield(context, substr)); } modifyCheck(spBytes, spLen, str_enc); if (bang) frozenCheck(); } tuFlags |= val.flags; int len = begz - offset; if (len != 0) dest.cat(spBytes, cp, len, str_enc); dest.cat19(val); offset = endz; if (begz == endz) { if (spLen <= endz) break; len = StringSupport.encFastMBCLen(spBytes, spBeg + endz, spBeg + spLen, str_enc); dest.cat(spBytes, spBeg + endz, len, str_enc); offset = endz + len; } cp = spBeg + offset; if (offset > spLen) break; beg = RubyRegexp.matcherSearch(context, matcher, cp, spBeg + spLen, Option.NONE); } while (beg >= 0); if (spLen > offset) dest.cat(spBytes, cp, spLen - offset, str_enc); if (useBackref) { if (match != null) { // block given context.setBackRef(match); } else { match = RubyRegexp.createMatchData(context, this, matcher, pattern); match.regexp = regexp; context.setBackRef(match); } } if (bang) { view(dest.value); setCodeRange(dest.getCodeRange()); return infectBy(tuFlags); } return dest.infectBy(tuFlags | flags); }
/** rb_str_index_m * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "index", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF) public IRubyObject index(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0) { return indexCommon19(context, arg0, 0); } @JRubyMethod(name = "index", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF) public IRubyObject index(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { int pos = RubyNumeric.num2int(arg1); if (pos < 0) { pos += strLength(); if (pos < 0) { if (arg0 instanceof RubyRegexp) context.setBackRef(context.nil); return context.nil; } } return indexCommon19(context, arg0, pos); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject index19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0) { return index(context, arg0); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject index19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { return index(context, arg0, arg1); } private IRubyObject indexCommon19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject sub, int pos) { if (sub instanceof RubyRegexp) { if (pos > strLength()) return context.nil; RubyRegexp regSub = (RubyRegexp) sub; pos = singleByteOptimizable() ? pos : StringSupport.nth(checkEncoding(regSub), value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.getBegin(), value.getBegin() + value.getRealSize(), pos) - value.getBegin(); pos = regSub.adjustStartPos(this, pos, false); pos = regSub.search(context, this, pos, false); pos = subLength(pos); } else if (sub instanceof RubyString) { pos = StringSupport.index(this, (RubyString) sub, pos, this.checkEncoding((RubyString) sub)); pos = subLength(pos); } else { IRubyObject tmp = sub.checkStringType(); if (tmp == context.nil) throw context.runtime.newTypeError("type mismatch: " + sub.getMetaClass().getName() + " given"); pos = StringSupport.index(this, (RubyString) tmp, pos, this.checkEncoding((RubyString) tmp)); pos = subLength(pos); } return pos == -1 ? context.nil : RubyFixnum.newFixnum(context.runtime, pos); } // MRI: rb_strseq_index private int strseqIndex(final RubyString sub, int offset, boolean inBytes) { int s, sptr, e; int pos, len, slen; boolean single_byte = singleByteOptimizable(); Encoding enc; enc = checkEncoding(sub); if (sub.isCodeRangeBroken()) return -1; len = (inBytes || single_byte) ? value.realSize() : strLength(); /* rb_enc_check */ slen = inBytes ? sub.value.realSize() : sub.strLength(); /* rb_enc_check */ if (offset < 0) { offset += len; if (offset < 0) return -1; } if (len - offset < slen) return -1; byte[] sBytes = value.unsafeBytes(); s = value.begin(); e = s + value.realSize(); if (offset != 0) { if (!inBytes) offset = offset(enc, sBytes, s, e, offset, single_byte); s += offset; } if (slen == 0) return offset; /* need proceed one character at a time */ byte[] sptrBytes = sub.value.unsafeBytes(); sptr = sub.value.begin(); slen = sub.value.realSize(); len = value.realSize() - offset; for (;;) { int t; pos = memsearch(sptrBytes, sptr, slen, sBytes, s, len, enc); if (pos < 0) return pos; t = enc.rightAdjustCharHead(sBytes, s, s+pos, e); if (t == s + pos) break; len -= t - s; if (len <= 0) return -1; offset += t - s; s = t; } return pos + offset; } @Deprecated public IRubyObject rindex19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0) { return rindex(context, arg0); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject rindex19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { return rindex(context, arg0, arg1); }
/** rb_str_rindex_m * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "rindex", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF) public IRubyObject rindex(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0) { return rindexCommon(context, arg0, strLength()); } @JRubyMethod(name = "rindex", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF) public IRubyObject rindex(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { int pos = RubyNumeric.num2int(arg1); int length = strLength(); if (pos < 0) { pos += length; if (pos < 0) { if (arg0 instanceof RubyRegexp) context.setBackRef(context.nil); return context.nil; } } if (pos > length) pos = length; return rindexCommon(context, arg0, pos); } private IRubyObject rindexCommon(ThreadContext context, final IRubyObject sub, int pos) { if (sub instanceof RubyRegexp) { RubyRegexp regSub = (RubyRegexp) sub; pos = StringSupport.offset( value.getEncoding(), value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.getBegin(), value.getBegin() + value.getRealSize(), pos, singleByteOptimizable()); pos = regSub.search(context, this, pos, true); pos = subLength(pos); if (pos >= 0) return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(context.runtime, pos); } else if (sub instanceof RubyString) { Encoding enc = checkEncoding((RubyString) sub); pos = StringSupport.rindex(value, StringSupport.strLengthFromRubyString(this, enc), StringSupport.strLengthFromRubyString(((RubyString) sub), enc), pos, (RubyString) sub, enc ); } else { IRubyObject tmp = sub.checkStringType(); if (tmp.isNil()) throw context.runtime.newTypeError("type mismatch: " + sub.getMetaClass().getName() + " given"); Encoding enc = checkEncoding((RubyString) tmp); pos = StringSupport.rindex(value, StringSupport.strLengthFromRubyString(this, enc), StringSupport.strLengthFromRubyString(((RubyString) tmp), enc), pos, (RubyString) tmp, enc ); } if (pos >= 0) return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(context.runtime, pos); return context.nil; } @Deprecated public final IRubyObject substr(int beg, int len) { return substr(getRuntime(), beg, len); } /* rb_str_substr */ public final IRubyObject substr(Ruby runtime, int beg, int len) { int length = value.length(); if (len < 0 || beg > length) return runtime.getNil(); if (beg < 0) { beg += length; if (beg < 0) return runtime.getNil(); } int end = Math.min(length, beg + len); return makeShared(runtime, beg, end - beg); } /* str_byte_substr */ private IRubyObject byteSubstr(Ruby runtime, int beg, int len) { int length = value.length(); if (len < 0 || beg > length) return runtime.getNil(); if (beg < 0) { beg += length; if (beg < 0) return runtime.getNil(); } if (beg + len > length) len = length - beg; if (len <= 0) { len = 0; } return makeShared(runtime, beg, len); } /* str_byte_aref */ private IRubyObject byteARef(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject idx) { final int index; if (idx instanceof RubyRange){ int[] begLen = ((RubyRange) idx).begLenInt(getByteList().length(), 0); return begLen == null ? runtime.getNil() : byteSubstr(runtime, begLen[0], begLen[1]); } else if (idx instanceof RubyFixnum) { index = RubyNumeric.fix2int((RubyFixnum)idx); } else { ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext(); StringSites sites = sites(context); if (RubyRange.isRangeLike(context, idx, sites.respond_to_begin, sites.respond_to_end)) { RubyRange range = RubyRange.rangeFromRangeLike(context, idx, sites.begin, sites.end, sites.exclude_end); int[] begLen = range.begLenInt(getByteList().length(), 0); return begLen == null ? runtime.getNil() : byteSubstr(runtime, begLen[0], begLen[1]); } else { index = RubyNumeric.num2int(idx); } } IRubyObject obj = byteSubstr(runtime, index, 1); if (obj.isNil() || ((RubyString)obj).getByteList().length() == 0) return runtime.getNil(); return obj; } public final IRubyObject substr19(Ruby runtime, int beg, int len) { if (len < 0) return runtime.getNil(); int length = value.getRealSize(); if (length == 0) len = 0; Encoding enc = value.getEncoding(); if (singleByteOptimizable(enc)) { if (beg > length) return runtime.getNil(); if (beg < 0) { beg += length; if (beg < 0) return runtime.getNil(); } if (beg + len > length) len = length - beg; if (len <= 0) len = beg = 0; return makeShared(runtime, beg, len); } else { if (beg + len > length) len = length - beg; return multibyteSubstr19(runtime, enc, len, beg, length); } } private IRubyObject multibyteSubstr19(Ruby runtime, Encoding enc, int len, int beg, int length) { int p; int s = value.getBegin(); int end = s + length; byte[] bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); if (beg < 0) { if (len > -beg) len = -beg; if (-beg * enc.maxLength() < length >>> 3) { beg = -beg; int e = end; while (beg-- > len && (e = enc.prevCharHead(bytes, s, e, e)) != -1) {} // nothing p = e; if (p == -1) return runtime.getNil(); while (len-- > 0 && (p = enc.prevCharHead(bytes, s, p, e)) != -1) {} // nothing if (p == -1) return runtime.getNil(); return makeShared(runtime, p - s, e - p); } else { beg += StringSupport.strLengthFromRubyString(this, enc); if (beg < 0) return runtime.getNil(); } } else if (beg > 0 && beg > StringSupport.strLengthFromRubyString(this, enc)) { return runtime.getNil(); } if (len == 0) { p = 0; } else if (isCodeRangeValid() && enc.isUTF8()) { p = StringSupport.utf8Nth(bytes, s, end, beg); len = StringSupport.utf8Offset(bytes, p, end, len); } else if (enc.isFixedWidth()) { int w = enc.maxLength(); p = s + beg * w; if (p > end) { p = end; len = 0; } else if (len * w > end - p) { len = end - p; } else { len *= w; } } else if ((p = StringSupport.nth(enc, bytes, s, end, beg)) == end) { len = 0; } else { len = StringSupport.offset(enc, bytes, p, end, len); } return makeShared(runtime, p - s, len); } private char multibyteCharAt(Encoding enc, int beg, int length) { int p; int s = value.getBegin(); int end = s + length; byte[] bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); if (beg > 0 && beg > StringSupport.strLengthFromRubyString(this, enc)) { throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(beg); } if (isCodeRangeValid() && enc.isUTF8()) { p = StringSupport.utf8Nth(bytes, s, end, beg); } else if (enc.isFixedWidth()) { int w = enc.maxLength(); p = s + beg * w; if (p > end || w > end - p) { throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(beg); } } else if ((p = StringSupport.nth(enc, bytes, s, end, beg)) == end) { throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(beg); } int codepoint = enc.mbcToCode(bytes, p, end); if (Character.isBmpCodePoint(codepoint)) { return (char) codepoint; } // we can only return high surrogate here return Character.highSurrogate(codepoint); } /* rb_str_splice */ private IRubyObject replaceInternal(int beg, int len, RubyString repl) { StringSupport.replaceInternal(beg, len, this, repl); return infectBy(repl); } private void replaceInternal19(int beg, int len, RubyString repl) { StringSupport.replaceInternal19(getRuntime(), beg, len, this, repl); infectBy(repl); }
rb_str_aref, rb_str_aref_m
/** rb_str_aref, rb_str_aref_m * */
@JRubyMethod(name = {"[]", "slice"}, reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF) public IRubyObject op_aref(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; if (arg instanceof RubyFixnum) { return op_aref(runtime, RubyNumeric.fix2int((RubyFixnum)arg)); } else if (arg instanceof RubyRegexp) { return subpat(context, (RubyRegexp) arg); } else if (arg instanceof RubyString) { RubyString str = (RubyString)arg; return StringSupport.index(this, str, 0, this.checkEncoding(str)) != -1 ? str.strDup(runtime) : context.nil; } else if (arg instanceof RubyRange) { int len = strLength(); int[] begLen = ((RubyRange) arg).begLenInt(len, 0); return begLen == null ? context.nil : substr19(runtime, begLen[0], begLen[1]); } else { StringSites sites = sites(context); if (RubyRange.isRangeLike(context, arg, sites.respond_to_begin, sites.respond_to_end)) { int len = strLength(); RubyRange range = RubyRange.rangeFromRangeLike(context, arg, sites.begin, sites.end, sites.exclude_end); int[] begLen = range.begLenInt(len, 0); return begLen == null ? context.nil : substr19(runtime, begLen[0], begLen[1]); } } return op_aref(runtime, RubyNumeric.num2int(arg)); } @JRubyMethod(name = {"[]", "slice"}, reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF) public IRubyObject op_aref(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; if (arg1 instanceof RubyRegexp) return subpat(context, (RubyRegexp) arg1, arg2); return substr19(runtime, RubyNumeric.num2int(arg1), RubyNumeric.num2int(arg2)); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject byteslice(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2) { return byteSubstr(context.runtime, RubyNumeric.num2int(arg1), RubyNumeric.num2int(arg2)); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject byteslice(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { return byteARef(context.runtime, arg); } private IRubyObject op_aref(Ruby runtime, int idx) { IRubyObject str = substr19(runtime, idx, 1); return !str.isNil() && ((RubyString) str).value.getRealSize() == 0 ? runtime.getNil() : str; } private int subpatSetCheck(Ruby runtime, int nth, Region regs) { int numRegs = regs == null ? 1 : regs.numRegs; if (nth < numRegs) { if (nth < 0) { if (-nth < numRegs) return nth + numRegs; } else { return nth; } } throw runtime.newIndexError("index " + nth + " out of regexp"); } private void subpatSet(ThreadContext context, RubyRegexp regexp, IRubyObject backref, IRubyObject repl) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; int result = regexp.search(context, this, 0, false); if (result < 0) throw runtime.newIndexError("regexp not matched"); // this cast should be ok, since nil matchdata will be < 0 above RubyMatchData match = (RubyMatchData)context.getBackRef(); int nth = backref == null ? 0 : subpatSetCheck(runtime, match.backrefNumber(context.runtime, backref), match.regs); final int start, end; if (match.regs == null) { start = match.begin; end = match.end; } else { start = match.regs.beg[nth]; end = match.regs.end[nth]; } if (start == -1) throw runtime.newIndexError("regexp group " + nth + " not matched"); RubyString replStr = repl.convertToString(); Encoding enc = checkEncoding(replStr); // TODO: keep cr replaceInternal(start, end - start, replStr); // TODO: rb_str_splice_0 associateEncoding(enc); } private IRubyObject subpat(ThreadContext context, RubyRegexp regex, IRubyObject backref) { int result = regex.search(context, this, 0, false); if (result >= 0) { RubyMatchData match = (RubyMatchData)context.getBackRef(); return RubyRegexp.nth_match(match.backrefNumber(context.runtime, backref), match); } return context.nil; } private IRubyObject subpat(ThreadContext context, RubyRegexp regex) { int result = regex.search(context, this, 0, false); if (result >= 0) { return RubyRegexp.nth_match(0, context.getBackRef()); } return context.nil; }
rb_str_aset, rb_str_aset_m
/** rb_str_aset, rb_str_aset_m * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "[]=", reads = BACKREF) public IRubyObject op_aset(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { if (arg0 instanceof RubyFixnum) { return op_aset(context, RubyNumeric.fix2int((RubyFixnum)arg0), arg1); } else if (arg0 instanceof RubyRegexp) { subpatSet(context, (RubyRegexp) arg0, null, arg1); return arg1; } else if (arg0 instanceof RubyString) { RubyString orig = (RubyString) arg0; int beg = StringSupport.index(this, orig, 0, checkEncoding(orig)); if (beg < 0) throw context.runtime.newIndexError("string not matched"); beg = subLength(beg); replaceInternal19(beg, orig.strLength(), arg1.convertToString()); return arg1; } else if (arg0 instanceof RubyRange) { int[] begLen = ((RubyRange) arg0).begLenInt(strLength(), 2); replaceInternal19(begLen[0], begLen[1], arg1.convertToString()); return arg1; } else { StringSites sites = sites(context); if (RubyRange.isRangeLike(context, arg0, sites.respond_to_begin, sites.respond_to_end)) { RubyRange rng = RubyRange.rangeFromRangeLike(context, arg0, sites.begin, sites.end, sites.exclude_end); int[] begLen = rng.begLenInt(strLength(), 2); replaceInternal19(begLen[0], begLen[1], arg1.convertToString()); return arg1; } } return op_aset(context, RubyNumeric.num2int(arg0), arg1); } private IRubyObject op_aset(ThreadContext context, int idx, IRubyObject arg1) { StringSupport.replaceInternal19(context.runtime, idx, 1, this, arg1.convertToString()); return arg1; } @JRubyMethod(name = "[]=", reads = BACKREF) public IRubyObject op_aset(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2) { if (arg0 instanceof RubyRegexp) { subpatSet(context, (RubyRegexp)arg0, arg1, arg2); } else { int beg = RubyNumeric.num2int(arg0); int len = RubyNumeric.num2int(arg1); checkLength(len); RubyString repl = arg2.convertToString(); StringSupport.replaceInternal19(context.runtime, beg, len, this, repl); } return arg2; } @Deprecated public IRubyObject slice_bang19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0) { return slice_bang(context, arg0); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject slice_bang19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { return slice_bang(context, arg0, arg1); }
/** rb_str_slice_bang * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "slice!", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF) public IRubyObject slice_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0) { IRubyObject result = op_aref19(context, arg0); if (result.isNil()) { modifyCheck(); // keep cr ? } else { op_aset(context, arg0, RubyString.newEmptyString(context.runtime)); } return result; } @JRubyMethod(name = "slice!", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF) public IRubyObject slice_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { IRubyObject result = op_aref(context, arg0, arg1); if (result.isNil()) { modifyCheck(); // keep cr ? } else { op_aset19(context, arg0, arg1, RubyString.newEmptyString(context.runtime)); } return result; } @Deprecated public IRubyObject succ19(ThreadContext context) { return succ(context); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject succ_bang19() { return succ_bang(); } @JRubyMethod(name = {"succ", "next"}) public IRubyObject succ(ThreadContext context) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; final RubyString str; if (value.getRealSize() > 0) { str = new RubyString(runtime, metaClass, StringSupport.succCommon(runtime, value)); // TODO: rescan code range ? } else { str = newEmptyString(runtime, getType(), value.getEncoding()); } return str.infectBy(this); } @JRubyMethod(name = {"succ!", "next!"}) public IRubyObject succ_bang() { modifyCheck(); if (value.getRealSize() > 0) { value = StringSupport.succCommon(getRuntime(), value); shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_NONE; // TODO: rescan code range ? } return this; } @Deprecated public final IRubyObject upto19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject end, Block block) { return upto(context, end, block); } @Deprecated public final IRubyObject upto19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject end, IRubyObject excl, Block block) { return upto(context, end, excl, block); }
/** rb_str_upto_m * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "upto") public final IRubyObject upto(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject end, Block block) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; return block.isGiven() ? uptoCommon(context, end, false, block) : enumeratorize(runtime, this, "upto", end); } @JRubyMethod(name = "upto") public final IRubyObject upto(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject end, IRubyObject excl, Block block) { return block.isGiven() ? uptoCommon(context, end, excl.isTrue(), block) : enumeratorize(context.runtime, this, "upto", new IRubyObject[]{end, excl}); } final IRubyObject uptoCommon(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg, boolean excl, Block block) { if (arg instanceof RubySymbol) throw context.runtime.newTypeError("can't convert Symbol into String"); return uptoCommon(context, arg.convertToString(), excl, block, false); } final IRubyObject uptoCommon(ThreadContext context, RubyString end, boolean excl, Block block, boolean asSymbol) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; Encoding enc = checkEncoding(end); boolean isAscii = scanForCodeRange() == CR_7BIT && end.scanForCodeRange() == CR_7BIT; if (value.getRealSize() == 1 && end.value.getRealSize() == 1 && isAscii) { byte c = value.getUnsafeBytes()[value.getBegin()]; byte e = end.value.getUnsafeBytes()[end.value.getBegin()]; if (c > e || (excl && c == e)) return this; while (true) { ByteList s = RubyInteger.singleCharByteList(c); block.yield(context, asSymbol ? runtime.newSymbol(s) : newStringShared(runtime, s, enc, CR_7BIT)); if (!excl && c == e) break; c++; if (excl && c == e) break; } return this; } else if (isAscii && ASCII.isDigit(value.getUnsafeBytes()[value.getBegin()]) && ASCII.isDigit(end.value.getUnsafeBytes()[end.value.getBegin()])) { int s = value.getBegin(); int send = s + value.getRealSize(); byte[]bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); while (s < send) { if (!ASCII.isDigit(bytes[s] & 0xff)) return uptoCommonNoDigits(context, end, excl, block, asSymbol); s++; } s = end.value.getBegin(); send = s + end.value.getRealSize(); bytes = end.value.getUnsafeBytes(); while (s < send) { if (!ASCII.isDigit(bytes[s] & 0xff)) return uptoCommonNoDigits(context, end, excl, block, asSymbol); s++; } IRubyObject b = stringToInum(10); IRubyObject e = end.stringToInum(10); RubyArray argsArr = RubyArray.newArray(runtime, RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, value.length()), context.nil); if (b instanceof RubyFixnum && e instanceof RubyFixnum) { long bl = RubyNumeric.fix2long(b); long el = RubyNumeric.fix2long(e); while (bl <= el) { if (excl && bl == el) break; argsArr.eltSetOk(1, RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, bl)); ByteList to = new ByteList(value.length() + 5); Sprintf.sprintf(to, "%.*d", argsArr); RubyString str = RubyString.newStringNoCopy(runtime, to, USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE, CR_7BIT); block.yield(context, asSymbol ? runtime.newSymbol(str.toString()) : str); bl++; } } else { StringSites sites = sites(context); CallSite op = excl ? sites.op_lt : sites.op_le; while (op.call(context, b, b, e).isTrue()) { argsArr.eltSetOk(1, b); ByteList to = new ByteList(value.length() + 5); Sprintf.sprintf(to, "%.*d", argsArr); RubyString str = RubyString.newStringNoCopy(runtime, to, USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE, CR_7BIT); block.yield(context, asSymbol ? runtime.newSymbol(str.toString()) : str); b = sites.succ.call(context, b, b); } } return this; } return uptoCommonNoDigits(context, end, excl, block, asSymbol); } private IRubyObject uptoCommonNoDigits(ThreadContext context, RubyString end, boolean excl, Block block, boolean asSymbol) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; int n = op_cmp(end); if (n > 0 || (excl && n == 0)) return this; StringSites sites = sites(context); CallSite succ = sites.succ; IRubyObject afterEnd = succ.call(context, end, end); RubyString current = strDup(context.runtime); while (!current.op_equal(context, afterEnd).isTrue()) { IRubyObject next = null; if (excl || !current.op_equal(context, end).isTrue()) next = succ.call(context, current, current); block.yield(context, asSymbol ? runtime.newSymbol(current.toString()) : current); if (next == null) break; current = next.convertToString(); if (excl && current.op_equal(context, end).isTrue()) break; if (current.getByteList().length() > end.getByteList().length() || current.getByteList().length() == 0) break; } return this; } @Deprecated public final RubyBoolean include_p19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) { return include_p(context, obj); }
/** rb_str_include * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "include?") public RubyBoolean include_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) { RubyString coerced = obj.convertToString(); return StringSupport.index(this, coerced, 0, this.checkEncoding(coerced)) == -1 ? context.fals : context.tru; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject chr(ThreadContext context) { return substr19(context.runtime, 0, 1); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject getbyte(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject index) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; int i = RubyNumeric.num2int(index); if (i < 0) i += value.getRealSize(); if (i < 0 || i >= value.getRealSize()) return context.nil; return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, value.getUnsafeBytes()[value.getBegin() + i] & 0xff); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject setbyte(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject index, IRubyObject val) { int i = RubyNumeric.num2int(index); int b = RubyNumeric.num2int(val); int normalizedIndex = checkIndexForRef(i, value.getRealSize()); modify19(); value.getUnsafeBytes()[normalizedIndex] = (byte)b; return val; }
/** rb_str_to_i * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "to_i") public IRubyObject to_i() { return stringToInum(10); }
/** rb_str_to_i * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "to_i") public IRubyObject to_i(IRubyObject arg0) { int base = (int) arg0.convertToInteger().getLongValue(); if (base < 0) { throw getRuntime().newArgumentError("illegal radix " + base); } return stringToInum(base); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject to_i19() { return to_i(); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject to_i19(IRubyObject arg0) { return to_i(arg0); }
/** rb_str_to_inum * */
public IRubyObject stringToInum(int base, boolean badcheck) { final ByteList str = this.value; if (!str.getEncoding().isAsciiCompatible()) { throw getRuntime().newEncodingCompatibilityError("ASCII incompatible encoding: " + str.getEncoding()); } return ConvertBytes.byteListToInum(getRuntime(), str, base, badcheck); } public final IRubyObject stringToInum(int base) { return stringToInum(base, false); } @Deprecated public final IRubyObject stringToInum19(int base, boolean badcheck) { return stringToInum(base, badcheck); }
/** rb_str_oct * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "oct") public IRubyObject oct(ThreadContext context) { return stringToInum(-8, false); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject oct19(ThreadContext context) { return oct(context); }
/** rb_str_hex * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "hex") public IRubyObject hex(ThreadContext context) { return stringToInum(16, false); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject hex19(ThreadContext context) { return hex(context); }
/** rb_str_to_f * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "to_f") public IRubyObject to_f() { return RubyNumeric.str2fnum(getRuntime(), this, false); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject to_f19() { return to_f(); }
/** rb_str_split_m * */
@Deprecated public RubyArray split19(ThreadContext context) { return split(context); } @Deprecated public RubyArray split19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0) { return split(context, arg0); } @Deprecated public RubyArray split19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { return split(context, arg0, arg1); } private void populateCapturesForSplit(Ruby runtime, RubyArray result, RubyMatchData match) { for (int i = 1; i < match.numRegs(); i++) { int beg = match.begin(i); if (beg == -1) continue; result.append(makeShared(runtime, beg, match.end(i) - beg)); } } @JRubyMethod(name = "split", writes = BACKREF) public RubyArray split(ThreadContext context) { return split(context, context.nil); } @JRubyMethod(name = "split", writes = BACKREF) public RubyArray split(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0) { return splitCommon(context, arg0, false, 0, 0, true); } @JRubyMethod(name = "split", writes = BACKREF) public RubyArray split(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { final int lim = RubyNumeric.num2int(arg1); if (lim <= 0) { return splitCommon(context, arg0, false, lim, 1, true); } else { if (lim == 1) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; return value.getRealSize() == 0 ? runtime.newArray() : runtime.newArray(this.strDup(runtime)); } return splitCommon(context, arg0, true, lim, 1, true); } } @Deprecated public RubyArray split19(IRubyObject spat, ThreadContext context, boolean useBackref) { return splitCommon(context, spat, false, value.realSize(), 0, useBackref); } final RubyArray split(IRubyObject spat, ThreadContext context, boolean useBackref) { return splitCommon(context, spat, false, value.realSize(), 0, useBackref); } // MRI: rb_str_split_m, overall structure private RubyArray splitCommon(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject spat, final boolean limit, final int lim, final int i, boolean useBackref) { final RubyArray result; if (spat == context.nil && (spat = context.runtime.getGlobalVariables().get("$;")) == context.nil) { result = awkSplit(context.runtime, limit, lim, i); } else { spat = getPatternQuoted(context, spat, false); if (spat instanceof RubyString) { ByteList spatValue = ((RubyString)spat).value; int len = spatValue.getRealSize(); Encoding spatEnc = spatValue.getEncoding(); ((RubyString)spat).mustnotBroken(context); if (len == 0) { // headius FIXME: MRI has a single-entry global cache here to reduce this cost in a loop RubyRegexp pattern = RubyRegexp.newRegexpFromStr(context.runtime, (RubyString) spat, 0); result = regexSplit(context, pattern, limit, lim, i, useBackref); } else { final int c; byte[]bytes = spatValue.getUnsafeBytes(); int p = spatValue.getBegin(); if (spatEnc.isAsciiCompatible()) { c = len == 1 ? bytes[p] & 0xff : -1; } else { c = len == StringSupport.preciseLength(spatEnc, bytes, p, p + len) ? spatEnc.mbcToCode(bytes, p, p + len) : -1; } result = c == ' ' ? awkSplit(context.runtime, limit, lim, i) : stringSplit(context, (RubyString)spat, limit, lim, i); } } else { result = regexSplit(context, (RubyRegexp) spat, limit, lim, i, useBackref); } } if (!limit && lim == 0) { while (result.size() > 0 && ((RubyString) result.eltInternal(result.size() - 1)).value.getRealSize() == 0) { result.pop(context); } } return result; } // MRI: rb_str_split_m, when split_type = regexp private RubyArray regexSplit(ThreadContext context, RubyRegexp pattern, boolean limit, int lim, int i, boolean useBackref) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; int ptr = value.getBegin(); int len = value.getRealSize(); byte[] bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); RubyArray result = runtime.newArray(); Encoding enc = value.getEncoding(); boolean captures = pattern.getPattern().numberOfCaptures() != 0; int end, beg = 0; boolean lastNull = false; int start = beg; IRubyObject[] holder = useBackref ? null : new IRubyObject[]{context.nil}; while ((end = pattern.search(context, this, start, false, holder)) >= 0) { RubyMatchData match = useBackref ? (RubyMatchData)context.getBackRef() : (RubyMatchData)holder[0]; if (start == end && match.begin(0) == match.end(0)) { if (len == 0) { result.append(newEmptyString(runtime, metaClass).infectBy(this)); break; } else if (lastNull) { result.append(makeShared(runtime, beg, StringSupport.length(enc, bytes, ptr + beg, ptr + len))); beg = start; } else { if ((ptr + start) == ptr + len) { start++; } else { start += StringSupport.length(enc, bytes, ptr + start, ptr + len); } lastNull = true; continue; } } else { result.append(makeShared(runtime, beg, end - beg)); beg = match.end(0); start = beg; } lastNull = false; if (captures) populateCapturesForSplit(runtime, result, match); if (limit && lim <= ++i) break; } // only this case affects backrefs if (useBackref) { context.setBackRef(context.nil); } else { holder[0] = context.nil; } if (len > 0 && (limit || len > beg || lim < 0)) result.append(makeShared(runtime, beg, len - beg)); return result; } // MRI: rb_str_split_m, when split_type = awk private RubyArray awkSplit(final Ruby runtime, boolean limit, int lim, int i) { RubyArray result = runtime.newArray(); byte[]bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); int p = value.getBegin(); int ptr = p; int len = value.getRealSize(); int end = p + len; Encoding enc = value.getEncoding(); boolean skip = true; int e = 0, b = 0; boolean singlebyte = singleByteOptimizable(enc); while (p < end) { final int c; if (singlebyte) { c = bytes[p++] & 0xff; } else { c = StringSupport.codePoint(runtime, enc, bytes, p, end); p += StringSupport.length(enc, bytes, p, end); } if (skip) { if (enc.isSpace(c)) { b = p - ptr; } else { e = p - ptr; skip = false; if (limit && lim <= i) break; } } else { if (enc.isSpace(c)) { result.append(makeShared(runtime, b, e - b)); skip = true; b = p - ptr; if (limit) i++; } else { e = p - ptr; } } } if (len > 0 && (limit || len > b || lim < 0)) result.append(makeShared(runtime, b, len - b)); return result; } // MRI: rb_str_split_m, when split_type = string private RubyArray stringSplit(ThreadContext context, RubyString spat, boolean limit, int lim, int i) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; mustnotBroken(context); RubyArray result = runtime.newArray(); Encoding enc = checkEncoding(spat); ByteList pattern = spat.value; byte[] patternBytes = pattern.getUnsafeBytes(); int patternBegin = pattern.getBegin(); int patternRealSize = pattern.getRealSize(); byte[] bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); int begin = value.getBegin(); int realSize = value.getRealSize(); int e, p = 0; while (p < realSize && (e = indexOf(bytes, begin, realSize, patternBytes, patternBegin, patternRealSize, p, enc)) >= 0) { int t = enc.rightAdjustCharHead(bytes, p + begin, e + begin, begin + realSize) - begin; if (t != e) { p = t; continue; } result.append(makeShared(runtime, p, e - p)); p = e + pattern.getRealSize(); if (limit && lim <= ++i) break; } if (value.getRealSize() > 0 && (limit || value.getRealSize() > p || lim < 0)) { result.append(makeShared(runtime, p, value.getRealSize() - p)); } return result; } // TODO: make the ByteList version public and use it, rather than copying here static int indexOf(byte[] source, int sourceOffset, int sourceCount, byte[] target, int targetOffset, int targetCount, int fromIndex, Encoding enc) { if (fromIndex >= sourceCount) return (targetCount == 0 ? sourceCount : -1); if (fromIndex < 0) fromIndex = 0; if (targetCount == 0) return fromIndex; byte first = target[targetOffset]; int max = sourceOffset + (sourceCount - targetCount); int i = sourceOffset + fromIndex; while (i <= max) { while (i <= max && source[i] != first) i += StringSupport.length(enc, source, i, sourceOffset + sourceCount); if (i <= max) { int j = i + 1; int end = j + targetCount - 1; for (int k = targetOffset + 1; j < end && source[j] == target[k]; j++, k++); if (j == end) return i - sourceOffset; i += StringSupport.length(enc, source, i, sourceOffset + sourceCount); } } return -1; } private static RubyString getStringForPattern(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject obj) { if (obj instanceof RubyString) return (RubyString) obj; IRubyObject val = obj.checkStringType(); if (val.isNil()) throw runtime.newTypeError("wrong argument type " + obj.getMetaClass() + " (expected Regexp)"); return (RubyString) val; }
get_pat (used by match/match19)
/** get_pat (used by match/match19) * */
private static RubyRegexp getPattern(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject obj) { if (obj instanceof RubyRegexp) return (RubyRegexp) obj; return RubyRegexp.newRegexpFromStr(runtime, getStringForPattern(runtime, obj), 0); } // MRI: get_pat_quoted private static IRubyObject getPatternQuoted(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject pat, boolean check) { IRubyObject val; if (pat instanceof RubyRegexp) return pat; if (!(pat instanceof RubyString)) { val = pat.checkStringType(); if (val == context.nil) { TypeConverter.checkType(context, pat, context.runtime.getRegexp()); } pat = val; } if (check && ((RubyString) pat).isBrokenString()) { // MRI code does a raise of TypeError with a special regexp string constructor that raises RegexpError throw context.runtime.newRegexpError("invalid byte sequence in " + ((RubyString) pat).getEncoding()); } return pat; }
/** rb_str_scan * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "scan", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF) public IRubyObject scan(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject pat, Block block) { final RubyString str = this; IRubyObject result; int last = -1, prev = 0; final int[] startp = {0}; pat = getPatternQuoted(context, pat, true); mustnotBroken(context); if (!block.isGiven()) { RubyArray ary = null; while ((result = scanOnce(context, str, pat, startp)) != context.nil) { last = prev; prev = startp[0]; if (ary == null) ary = context.runtime.newArray(4); ary.append(result); } if (last >= 0) patternSearch(context, pat, str, last, true); return ary == null ? context.runtime.newEmptyArray() : ary; } final byte[] pBytes = value.unsafeBytes(); final int len = value.realSize(); while ((result = scanOnce(context, str, pat, startp)) != context.nil) { last = prev; prev = startp[0]; block.yieldSpecific(context, result); str.modifyCheck(pBytes, len); } if (last >= 0) patternSearch(context, pat, str, last, true); return this; } // MRI: mustnot_broken private void mustnotBroken(ThreadContext context) { if (scanForCodeRange() == CR_BROKEN) { throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("invalid byte sequence in " + getEncoding()); } } // MRI: scan_once private static IRubyObject scanOnce(ThreadContext context, RubyString str, IRubyObject pat, int[] startp) { if (patternSearch(context, pat, str, startp[0], true) >= 0) { final RubyMatchData match = (RubyMatchData) context.getBackRef(); final int matchEnd = match.end(0); if (match.begin(0) == matchEnd) { Encoding enc = str.getEncoding(); /* * Always consume at least one character of the input string */ if (str.size() > matchEnd) { final ByteList strValue = str.value; startp[0] = matchEnd + encFastMBCLen(strValue.unsafeBytes(), strValue.begin() + matchEnd, strValue.begin() + strValue.realSize(), enc); } else { startp[0] = matchEnd + 1; } } else { startp[0] = matchEnd; } if (match.numRegs() == 1) { return RubyRegexp.nth_match(0, match); } int size = match.numRegs(); RubyArray result = RubyArray.newBlankArrayInternal(context.runtime, size - 1); for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) { result.eltInternalSet(i - 1, RubyRegexp.nth_match(i, match)); } result.realLength = size - 1; return result; } return context.nil; } // MRI: rb_pat_search private static int patternSearch(ThreadContext context, final IRubyObject pattern, RubyString str, final int pos, final boolean setBackrefStr) { if (pattern instanceof RubyString) { final RubyString strPattern = (RubyString) pattern; final int beg = str.strseqIndex(strPattern, pos, true); if (setBackrefStr) { if (beg >= 0) { setBackRefString(context, str, beg, strPattern).infectBy(pattern); } else { context.setBackRef(context.nil); } } return beg; } return ((RubyRegexp) pattern).search(context, str, pos, false); } // MRI: rb_backref_set_string private static RubyMatchData setBackRefString(ThreadContext context, RubyString str, int pos, RubyString pattern) { final IRubyObject m = context.getBackRef(); final RubyMatchData match; if (m == null || m.isNil() || ((RubyMatchData) m).used()) { match = new RubyMatchData(context.runtime); } else { match = (RubyMatchData) m; } match.initMatchData(context, str, pos, pattern); // MRI: match_set_string context.setBackRef(match); return match; } @JRubyMethod(name = "start_with?") public IRubyObject start_with_p(ThreadContext context) { return context.fals; } @JRubyMethod(name = "start_with?") public IRubyObject start_with_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { if (arg instanceof RubyRegexp) return ((RubyRegexp)arg).startWithP(context, this); return startWith(arg) ? context.tru : context.fals; } @JRubyMethod(name = "start_with?", rest = true) public IRubyObject start_with_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[]args) { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (start_with_p(context, args[i]).isTrue()) return context.tru; } return context.fals; } private boolean startWith(IRubyObject arg) { RubyString otherString = arg.convertToString(); checkEncoding(otherString); int otherLength = otherString.value.getRealSize(); if (otherLength == 0) return true; // other is '', so return true if (value.getRealSize() < otherLength) return false; return value.startsWith(otherString.value); } @JRubyMethod(name = "end_with?") public IRubyObject end_with_p(ThreadContext context) { return context.fals; } @JRubyMethod(name = "end_with?") public IRubyObject end_with_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { return endWith(arg) ? context.tru : context.fals; } @JRubyMethod(name = "end_with?", rest = true) public IRubyObject end_with_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[]args) { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (endWith(args[i])) return context.tru; } return context.fals; } // MRI: rb_str_end_with, loop body private boolean endWith(IRubyObject tmp) { int p, s, e; Encoding enc; tmp = tmp.convertToString(); ByteList tmpBL = ((RubyString)tmp).value; // MRI does not have this condition because starting at end of string can still dereference \0 if (tmpBL.getRealSize() == 0) return true; enc = checkEncoding((RubyString)tmp); if (value.realSize() < tmpBL.realSize()) return false; p = value.begin(); e = p + value.realSize(); s = e - tmpBL.realSize(); if (enc.leftAdjustCharHead(value.unsafeBytes(), p, s, e) != s) { return false; } if (ByteList.memcmp(value.unsafeBytes(), s, tmpBL.unsafeBytes(), tmpBL.begin(), tmpBL.realSize()) == 0) { return true; } return false; } public boolean endsWithAsciiChar(char c) { ByteList value = this.value; int size; return value.getEncoding().isAsciiCompatible() && (size = value.realSize()) > 0 && value.get(size - 1) == c; } @JRubyMethod(name = "delete_prefix") public IRubyObject delete_prefix(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject prefix) { int prefixlen = deletedPrefixLength(prefix); if (prefixlen <= 0) return strDup(context.runtime); return makeShared(context.runtime, prefixlen, size() - prefixlen); } @JRubyMethod(name = "delete_suffix") public IRubyObject delete_suffix(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject suffix) { int suffixlen = deletedSuffixLength(suffix); if (suffixlen <= 0) return strDup(context.runtime); return makeShared(context.runtime, 0, size() - suffixlen); } @JRubyMethod(name = "delete_prefix!") public IRubyObject delete_prefix_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject prefix) { modifyAndKeepCodeRange(); int prefixlen = deletedPrefixLength(prefix); if (prefixlen <= 0) return context.nil; // MRI: rb_str_drop_bytes, in a nutshell modify(); value.view(prefixlen, value.realSize() - prefixlen); clearCodeRange(); return this; } @JRubyMethod(name = "delete_suffix!") public IRubyObject delete_suffix_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject suffix) { checkFrozen(); int suffixlen = deletedSuffixLength(suffix); if (suffixlen <= 0) return context.nil; int olen = size(); modifyAndKeepCodeRange(); int len = olen - suffixlen; value.realSize(len); if (!isCodeRangeAsciiOnly()) { clearCodeRange(); } return this; } private int deletedPrefixLength(IRubyObject _prefix) { RubyString prefix = _prefix.convertToString(); if (prefix.isBrokenString()) return 0; checkEncoding(prefix); /* return 0 if not start with prefix */ int prefixlen = prefix.size(); if (prefixlen <= 0) return 0; int olen = size(); if (olen < prefixlen) return 0; byte[] strBytes = value.unsafeBytes(); int strptr = value.begin(); byte[] prefixBytes = prefix.value.unsafeBytes(); int prefixptr = prefix.value.begin(); if (ByteList.memcmp(strBytes, strptr, prefixBytes, prefixptr, prefixlen) != 0) return 0; return prefixlen; } private int deletedSuffixLength(IRubyObject _suffix) { RubyString suffix = _suffix.convertToString(); if (suffix.isBrokenString()) return 0; Encoding enc = checkEncoding(suffix); /* return 0 if not start with suffix */ int suffixlen = suffix.size(); if (suffixlen <= 0) return 0; int olen = size(); if (olen < suffixlen) return 0; byte[] strBytes = value.unsafeBytes(); int strptr = value.begin(); byte[] suffixBytes = suffix.value.unsafeBytes(); int suffixptr = suffix.value.begin(); int s = strptr + olen - suffixlen; if (ByteList.memcmp(strBytes, s, suffixBytes, suffixptr, suffixlen) != 0) return 0; if (enc.leftAdjustCharHead(strBytes, strptr, s, strptr + olen) != s) return 0; return suffixlen; } private static final ByteList SPACE_BYTELIST = RubyInteger.singleCharByteList((byte) ' '); private IRubyObject justify(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject arg0, int jflag) { RubyString result = justifyCommon(runtime, SPACE_BYTELIST, 1, true, EncodingUtils.STR_ENC_GET(this), RubyFixnum.num2int(arg0), jflag); if (getCodeRange() != CR_BROKEN) result.setCodeRange(getCodeRange()); return result; } private IRubyObject justify(IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, int jflag) { Ruby runtime = getRuntime(); RubyString padStr = arg1.convertToString(); ByteList pad = padStr.value; Encoding enc = checkEncoding(padStr); int padCharLen = StringSupport.strLengthFromRubyString(padStr, enc); if (pad.getRealSize() == 0 || padCharLen == 0) throw runtime.newArgumentError("zero width padding"); int width = RubyFixnum.num2int(arg0); RubyString result = justifyCommon(runtime, pad, padCharLen, padStr.singleByteOptimizable(), enc, width, jflag); if (result.strLength() > strLength()) result.infectBy(padStr); int cr = CodeRangeSupport.codeRangeAnd(getCodeRange(), padStr.getCodeRange()); if (cr != CR_BROKEN) result.setCodeRange(cr); return result; } private RubyString justifyCommon(Ruby runtime, ByteList pad, int padCharLen, boolean padSinglebyte, Encoding enc, int width, int jflag) { int len = StringSupport.strLengthFromRubyString(this, enc); if (width < 0 || len >= width) return strDup(runtime); int n = width - len; int llen = (jflag == 'l') ? 0 : ((jflag == 'r') ? n : n / 2); int rlen = n - llen; int padP = pad.getBegin(); int padLen = pad.getRealSize(); byte padBytes[] = pad.getUnsafeBytes(); ByteList res = new ByteList(value.getRealSize() + n * padLen / padCharLen + 2); int p = res.getBegin(); byte bytes[] = res.getUnsafeBytes(); while (llen > 0) { if (padLen <= 1) { bytes[p++] = padBytes[padP]; llen--; } else if (llen > padCharLen) { System.arraycopy(padBytes, padP, bytes, p, padLen); p += padLen; llen -= padCharLen; } else { int padPP = padSinglebyte ? padP + llen : StringSupport.nth(enc, padBytes, padP, padP + padLen, llen); n = padPP - padP; System.arraycopy(padBytes, padP, bytes, p, n); p += n; break; } } System.arraycopy(value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.getBegin(), bytes, p, value.getRealSize()); p += value.getRealSize(); while (rlen > 0) { if (padLen <= 1) { bytes[p++] = padBytes[padP]; rlen--; } else if (rlen > padCharLen) { System.arraycopy(padBytes, padP, bytes, p, padLen); p += padLen; rlen -= padCharLen; } else { int padPP = padSinglebyte ? padP + rlen : StringSupport.nth(enc, padBytes, padP, padP + padLen, rlen); n = padPP - padP; System.arraycopy(padBytes, padP, bytes, p, n); p += n; break; } } res.setRealSize(p); RubyString result = new RubyString(runtime, metaClass, res); if (result.strLength() > strLength()) result.infectBy(this); result.associateEncoding(enc); return result; }
/** rb_str_ljust * */
@Deprecated public IRubyObject ljust19(IRubyObject arg0) { return ljust(arg0); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject ljust19(IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { return ljust(arg0, arg1); } @JRubyMethod(name = "ljust") public IRubyObject ljust(IRubyObject arg0) { return justify(getRuntime(), arg0, 'l'); } @JRubyMethod(name = "ljust") public IRubyObject ljust(IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { return justify(arg0, arg1, 'l'); }
/** rb_str_rjust * */
@Deprecated public IRubyObject rjust19(IRubyObject arg0) { return rjust(arg0); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject rjust19(IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { return rjust(arg0, arg1); } @JRubyMethod(name = "rjust") public IRubyObject rjust(IRubyObject arg0) { return justify(getRuntime(), arg0, 'r'); } @JRubyMethod(name = "rjust") public IRubyObject rjust(IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { return justify(arg0, arg1, 'r'); }
/** rb_str_center * */
@Deprecated public IRubyObject center19(IRubyObject arg0) { return center(arg0); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject center19(IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { return center(arg0, arg1); } @JRubyMethod(name = "center") public IRubyObject center(IRubyObject arg0) { return justify(getRuntime(), arg0, 'c'); } @JRubyMethod(name = "center") public IRubyObject center(IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { return justify(arg0, arg1, 'c'); } @JRubyMethod(reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF) public IRubyObject partition(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return RubyEnumerable.partition(context, this, block); } @JRubyMethod(reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF) public IRubyObject partition(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg, Block block) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; final int pos; final RubyString sep; if (arg instanceof RubyRegexp) { RubyRegexp regex = (RubyRegexp)arg; pos = regex.search(context, this, 0, false); if (pos < 0) return partitionMismatch(runtime); sep = (RubyString) subpat(context, regex); if (pos == 0 && sep.value.getRealSize() == 0) return partitionMismatch(runtime); } else { IRubyObject tmp = arg.checkStringType(); if (tmp.isNil()) throw runtime.newTypeError("type mismatch: " + arg.getMetaClass().getName() + " given"); sep = (RubyString)tmp; pos = StringSupport.index(this, sep, 0, this.checkEncoding(sep)); if (pos < 0) return partitionMismatch(runtime); } return RubyArray.newArray(runtime, new IRubyObject[]{ makeShared(runtime, 0, pos), sep, makeShared(runtime, pos + sep.value.getRealSize(), value.getRealSize() - pos - sep.value.getRealSize())}); } private RubyArray partitionMismatch(Ruby runtime) { final Encoding enc = getEncoding(); return RubyArray.newArrayMayCopy(runtime, this.strDup(runtime), newEmptyString(runtime, enc), newEmptyString(runtime, enc)); } @JRubyMethod(name = "rpartition", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF) public IRubyObject rpartition(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; final int pos; final RubyString sep; if (arg instanceof RubyRegexp) { IRubyObject tmp = rindex(context, arg); if (tmp.isNil()) return rpartitionMismatch(runtime); pos = tmp.convertToInteger().getIntValue(); sep = (RubyString)RubyRegexp.nth_match(0, context.getBackRef()); } else { IRubyObject tmp = arg.checkStringType(); if (tmp.isNil()) throw runtime.newTypeError("type mismatch: " + arg.getMetaClass().getName() + " given"); sep = (RubyString)tmp; pos = StringSupport.rindex(value, StringSupport.strLengthFromRubyString(this, this.checkEncoding(sep)), StringSupport.strLengthFromRubyString(sep, this.checkEncoding(sep)), subLength(value.getRealSize()), sep, this.checkEncoding(sep)); if (pos < 0) return rpartitionMismatch(runtime); } return RubyArray.newArray(runtime, new IRubyObject[]{ substr19(runtime, 0, pos), sep, substr19(runtime, pos + sep.strLength(), value.getRealSize())}); } private IRubyObject rpartitionMismatch(Ruby runtime) { final Encoding enc = getEncoding(); return RubyArray.newArray(runtime, new IRubyObject[]{newEmptyString(runtime, enc), newEmptyString(runtime, enc), this.strDup(runtime)}); }
rb_str_chop / rb_str_chop_bang
/** rb_str_chop / rb_str_chop_bang * */
@Deprecated public IRubyObject chop19(ThreadContext context) { return chop(context); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject chop_bang19(ThreadContext context) { return chop_bang(context); } @JRubyMethod(name = "chop") public IRubyObject chop(ThreadContext context) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; if (value.getRealSize() == 0) return newEmptyString(runtime, metaClass, value.getEncoding()).infectBy(this); return makeShared(runtime, 0, StringSupport.choppedLength(this)); } @JRubyMethod(name = "chop!") public IRubyObject chop_bang(ThreadContext context) { modifyAndKeepCodeRange(); if (size() > 0) { int len = StringSupport.choppedLength(this); value.realSize(len); if (getCodeRange() != CR_7BIT) { clearCodeRange(); } return this; } return context.nil; } public RubyString chomp(ThreadContext context) { return chomp19(context); } public RubyString chomp(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0) { return chomp19(context, arg0); }
rb_str_chomp_bang In the common case, removes CR and LF characters in various ways depending on the value of the optional args[0]. If args.length==0 removes one instance of CR, CRLF or LF from the end of the string. If args.length>0 and args[0] is "\n" then same behaviour as args.length==0 . If args.length>0 and args[0] is "" then removes trailing multiple LF or CRLF (but no CRs at all(!)).
/** * rb_str_chomp_bang * * In the common case, removes CR and LF characters in various ways depending on the value of * the optional args[0]. * If args.length==0 removes one instance of CR, CRLF or LF from the end of the string. * If args.length>0 and args[0] is "\n" then same behaviour as args.length==0 . * If args.length>0 and args[0] is "" then removes trailing multiple LF or CRLF (but no CRs at * all(!)). */
public IRubyObject chomp_bang(ThreadContext context) { return chomp_bang19(context); } public IRubyObject chomp_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0) { return chomp_bang19(context, arg0); } @JRubyMethod(name = "chomp") public RubyString chomp19(ThreadContext context) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.chomp_bang19(context); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "chomp") public RubyString chomp19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.chomp_bang19(context, arg0); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "chomp!") public IRubyObject chomp_bang19(ThreadContext context) { modifyCheck(); Ruby runtime = context.runtime; if (value.getRealSize() == 0) return context.nil; IRubyObject rsObj = runtime.getGlobalVariables().get("$/"); if (rsObj == runtime.getGlobalVariables().getDefaultSeparator()) return smartChopBangCommon(runtime); return chompBangCommon(runtime, rsObj); } @JRubyMethod(name = "chomp!") public IRubyObject chomp_bang19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0) { modifyCheck(); if (value.getRealSize() == 0) return context.nil; return chompBangCommon(context.runtime, arg0); } private IRubyObject chompBangCommon(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject rsObj) { if (rsObj.isNil()) return rsObj; RubyString rs = rsObj.convertToString(); int p = value.getBegin(); int len = value.getRealSize(); int end = p + len; byte[] bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); int rslen = rs.value.getRealSize(); if (rslen == 0) { while (len > 0 && bytes[p + len - 1] == (byte)'\n') { len--; if (len > 0 && bytes[p + len - 1] == (byte)'\r') len--; } if (len < value.getRealSize()) { keepCodeRange(); view(0, len); return this; } return runtime.getNil(); } if (rslen > len) return runtime.getNil(); byte newline = rs.value.getUnsafeBytes()[rslen - 1]; if (rslen == 1 && newline == (byte)'\n') return smartChopBangCommon(runtime); Encoding enc = checkEncoding(rs); if (rs.scanForCodeRange() == CR_BROKEN) return runtime.getNil(); int pp = end - rslen; if (bytes[p + len - 1] == newline && rslen <= 1 || value.endsWith(rs.value)) { if (enc.leftAdjustCharHead(bytes, p, pp, end) != pp) return runtime.getNil(); if (getCodeRange() != CR_7BIT) clearCodeRange(); view(0, value.getRealSize() - rslen); return this; } return runtime.getNil(); } private IRubyObject smartChopBangCommon(Ruby runtime) { final int p = value.getBegin(); int len = value.getRealSize(); int end = p + len; byte bytes[] = value.getUnsafeBytes(); Encoding enc = value.getEncoding(); keepCodeRange(); if (enc.minLength() > 1) { int pp = enc.leftAdjustCharHead(bytes, p, end - enc.minLength(), end); if (enc.isNewLine(bytes, pp, end)) end = pp; pp = end - enc.minLength(); if (pp >= p) { pp = enc.leftAdjustCharHead(bytes, p, pp, end); if (StringSupport.preciseLength(enc, bytes, pp, end) > 0 && enc.mbcToCode(bytes, pp, end) == '\r') end = pp; } if (end == p + value.getRealSize()) { modifyCheck(); return runtime.getNil(); } len = end - p; view(0, len); } else { if (bytes[p + len - 1] == (byte)'\n') { len--; if (len > 0 && bytes[p + len - 1] == (byte)'\r') len--; view(0, len); } else if (bytes[p + len - 1] == (byte)'\r') { len--; view(0, len); } else { modifyCheck(); return runtime.getNil(); } } return this; }
rb_str_lstrip / rb_str_lstrip_bang
/** rb_str_lstrip / rb_str_lstrip_bang * */
@Deprecated public IRubyObject lstrip19(ThreadContext context) { return lstrip(context); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject lstrip_bang19(ThreadContext context) { return lstrip_bang(context); } @JRubyMethod(name = "lstrip") public IRubyObject lstrip(ThreadContext context) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.lstrip_bang(context); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "lstrip!") public IRubyObject lstrip_bang(ThreadContext context) { modifyCheck(); final ByteList value = this.value; if (value.getRealSize() == 0) return context.nil; int s = value.getBegin(); int end = s + value.getRealSize(); byte[] bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); Encoding enc = EncodingUtils.STR_ENC_GET(this); final IRubyObject result; if (singleByteOptimizable(enc)) { result = singleByteLStrip(context, bytes, s, end); } else { result = multiByteLStrip(context, enc, bytes, s, end); } keepCodeRange(); return result; } private IRubyObject singleByteLStrip(ThreadContext context, byte[] bytes, int s, int end) { int p = s; while (p < end && ASCII.isSpace(bytes[p] & 0xff)) p++; if (p > s) { view(p - s, end - p); return this; } return context.nil; } private IRubyObject multiByteLStrip(ThreadContext context, Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int s, int end) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; int p = s; while (p < end) { int c = codePoint(runtime, enc, bytes, p, end); if (!ASCII.isSpace(c)) break; p += codeLength(enc, c); } if (p > s) { view(p - s, end - p); return this; } return context.nil; }
rb_str_rstrip / rb_str_rstrip_bang
/** rb_str_rstrip / rb_str_rstrip_bang * */
@Deprecated public IRubyObject rstrip19(ThreadContext context) { return rstrip(context); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject rstrip_bang19(ThreadContext context) { return rstrip_bang(context); } @JRubyMethod(name = "rstrip") public IRubyObject rstrip(ThreadContext context) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.rstrip_bang(context); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "rstrip!") public IRubyObject rstrip_bang(ThreadContext context) { modifyCheck(); if (value.getRealSize() == 0) { return context.nil; } checkDummyEncoding(); Encoding enc = EncodingUtils.STR_ENC_GET(this); IRubyObject result = singleByteOptimizable(enc) ? singleByteRStrip(context) : multiByteRStrip(context); keepCodeRange(); return result; } // In 1.9 we strip any combination of \0 and \s private IRubyObject singleByteRStrip(ThreadContext context) { byte[] bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); int start = value.getBegin(); int end = start + value.getRealSize(); int endp = end - 1; while (endp >= start && (bytes[endp] == 0 || ASCII.isSpace(bytes[endp] & 0xff))) endp--; if (endp < end - 1) { view(0, endp - start + 1); return this; } return context.nil; } // In 1.9 we strip any combination of \0 and \s private IRubyObject multiByteRStrip(ThreadContext context) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; byte[] bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); int start = value.getBegin(); int end = start + value.getRealSize(); Encoding enc = EncodingUtils.STR_ENC_GET(this); int endp = end; int prev; while ((prev = enc.prevCharHead(bytes, start, endp, end)) != -1) { int point = codePoint(runtime, enc, bytes, prev, end); if (point != 0 && !ASCII.isSpace(point)) break; endp = prev; } if (endp < end) { view(0, endp - start); return this; } return context.nil; }
rb_str_strip / rb_str_strip_bang
/** rb_str_strip / rb_str_strip_bang * */
@Deprecated public IRubyObject strip19(ThreadContext context) { return strip(context); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject strip_bang19(ThreadContext context) { return strip_bang(context); } @JRubyMethod(name = "strip") public IRubyObject strip(ThreadContext context) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.strip_bang(context); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "strip!") public IRubyObject strip_bang(ThreadContext context) { modifyCheck(); IRubyObject left = lstrip_bang19(context); IRubyObject right = rstrip_bang19(context); return left == context.nil && right == context.nil ? context.nil : this; } @Deprecated public IRubyObject count19(ThreadContext context) { return count(context); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject count19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { return count(context, arg); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject count19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { return count(context, args); } @JRubyMethod(name = "count") public IRubyObject count(ThreadContext context) { throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("wrong number of arguments"); } // MRI: rb_str_count, first half @JRubyMethod(name = "count") public IRubyObject count(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; final RubyString countStr = arg.convertToString(); final ByteList countValue = countStr.getByteList(); final Encoding enc = checkEncoding(countStr); if ( countValue.length() == 1 && enc.isAsciiCompatible() ) { final byte[] countBytes = countValue.unsafeBytes(); final int begin = countValue.begin(), size = countValue.length(); if ( enc.isReverseMatchAllowed(countBytes, begin, begin + size) && ! isCodeRangeBroken() ) { if ( value.length() == 0 ) return RubyFixnum.zero(runtime); int n = 0; int[] len_p = {0}; int c = EncodingUtils.encCodepointLength(runtime, countBytes, begin, begin + size, len_p, enc); final byte[] bytes = value.unsafeBytes(); int i = value.begin(); final int end = i + value.length(); while ( i < end ) { if ( ( bytes[i++] & 0xff ) == c ) n++; } return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, n); } } final boolean[] table = new boolean[StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE + 1]; StringSupport.TrTables tables = StringSupport.trSetupTable(countValue, runtime, table, null, true, enc); return runtime.newFixnum(StringSupport.strCount(value, runtime, table, tables, enc)); } // MRI: rb_str_count for arity > 1, first half @JRubyMethod(name = "count", required = 1, rest = true) public IRubyObject count(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; if ( value.length() == 0 ) return RubyFixnum.zero(runtime); RubyString countStr = args[0].convertToString(); Encoding enc = checkEncoding(countStr); final boolean[] table = new boolean[StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE + 1]; StringSupport.TrTables tables = StringSupport.trSetupTable(countStr.value, runtime, table, null, true, enc); for ( int i = 1; i < args.length; i++ ) { countStr = args[i].convertToString(); enc = checkEncoding(countStr); tables = StringSupport.trSetupTable(countStr.value, runtime, table, tables, false, enc); } return runtime.newFixnum(StringSupport.strCount(value, runtime, table, tables, enc)); }
rb_str_delete / rb_str_delete_bang
/** rb_str_delete / rb_str_delete_bang * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "delete") public IRubyObject delete(ThreadContext context) { throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("wrong number of arguments"); } @JRubyMethod(name = "delete") public IRubyObject delete(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.delete_bang(context, arg); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "delete", required = 1, rest = true) public IRubyObject delete(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.delete_bang(context, args); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "delete!") public IRubyObject delete_bang(ThreadContext context) { throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("wrong number of arguments"); } @JRubyMethod(name = "delete!") public IRubyObject delete_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { if (value.getRealSize() == 0) return context.nil; final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; RubyString otherStr = arg.convertToString(); Encoding enc = checkEncoding(otherStr); final boolean[] squeeze = new boolean[StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE + 1]; StringSupport.TrTables tables = StringSupport.trSetupTable(otherStr.value, runtime, squeeze, null, true, enc); if (StringSupport.strDeleteBang(this, runtime, squeeze, tables, enc) == null) { return context.nil; } return this; } @JRubyMethod(name = "delete!", required = 1, rest = true) public IRubyObject delete_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { if (value.getRealSize() == 0) return context.nil; final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; RubyString otherStr; Encoding enc = null; boolean[] squeeze = new boolean[StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE + 1]; StringSupport.TrTables tables = null; for (int i=0; i<args.length; i++) { otherStr = args[i].convertToString(); enc = checkEncoding(otherStr); tables = StringSupport.trSetupTable(otherStr.value, runtime, squeeze, tables, i == 0, enc); } if (StringSupport.strDeleteBang(this, runtime, squeeze, tables, enc) == null) { return context.nil; } return this; } @Deprecated public IRubyObject delete19(ThreadContext context) { return delete(context); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject delete19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { return delete(context, arg); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject delete19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { return delete(context, args); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject delete_bang19(ThreadContext context) { return delete_bang(context); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject delete_bang19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { return delete_bang(context, arg); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject delete_bang19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { return delete_bang(context, args); }
rb_str_squeeze / rb_str_squeeze_bang
/** rb_str_squeeze / rb_str_squeeze_bang * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "squeeze") public IRubyObject squeeze(ThreadContext context) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.squeeze_bang(context); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "squeeze") public IRubyObject squeeze(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.squeeze_bang(context, arg); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "squeeze", required = 1, rest = true) public IRubyObject squeeze(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.squeeze_bang(context, args); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "squeeze!") public IRubyObject squeeze_bang(ThreadContext context) { if (value.getRealSize() == 0) { modifyCheck(); return context.nil; } final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; final boolean squeeze[] = new boolean[StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE]; for (int i=0; i< StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE; i++) squeeze[i] = true; modifyAndKeepCodeRange(); if (singleByteOptimizable()) { if (! StringSupport.singleByteSqueeze(value, squeeze)) { return context.nil; } } else { if (! StringSupport.multiByteSqueeze(runtime, value, squeeze, null, value.getEncoding(), false)) { return context.nil; } } return this; } @JRubyMethod(name = "squeeze!") public IRubyObject squeeze_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; RubyString otherStr = arg.convertToString(); final boolean squeeze[] = new boolean[StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE + 1]; StringSupport.TrTables tables = StringSupport.trSetupTable(otherStr.value, runtime, squeeze, null, true, checkEncoding(otherStr)); modifyAndKeepCodeRange(); if (singleByteOptimizable() && otherStr.singleByteOptimizable()) { if (! StringSupport.singleByteSqueeze(value, squeeze)) { return context.nil; } } else { if (! StringSupport.multiByteSqueeze(runtime, value, squeeze, tables, value.getEncoding(), true)) { return context.nil; } } return this; } @JRubyMethod(name = "squeeze!", required = 1, rest = true) public IRubyObject squeeze_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { if (value.getRealSize() == 0) { modifyCheck(); return context.nil; } final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; RubyString otherStr = args[0].convertToString(); Encoding enc = checkEncoding(otherStr); final boolean squeeze[] = new boolean[StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE + 1]; StringSupport.TrTables tables = StringSupport.trSetupTable(otherStr.value, runtime, squeeze, null, true, enc); boolean singleByte = singleByteOptimizable() && otherStr.singleByteOptimizable(); for (int i=1; i<args.length; i++) { otherStr = args[i].convertToString(); enc = checkEncoding(otherStr); singleByte = singleByte && otherStr.singleByteOptimizable(); tables = StringSupport.trSetupTable(otherStr.value, runtime, squeeze, tables, false, enc); } modifyAndKeepCodeRange(); if (singleByte) { if (! StringSupport.singleByteSqueeze(value, squeeze)) { return context.nil; } } else { if (! StringSupport.multiByteSqueeze(runtime, value, squeeze, tables, enc, true)) { return context.nil; } } return this; } @Deprecated public IRubyObject squeeze19(ThreadContext context) { return squeeze(context); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject squeeze19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { return squeeze(context, arg); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject squeeze19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { return squeeze(context, args); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject squeeze_bang19(ThreadContext context) { return squeeze_bang(context); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject squeeze_bang19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { return squeeze_bang(context, arg); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject squeeze_bang19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { return squeeze_bang(context, args); }
rb_str_tr / rb_str_tr_bang
/** rb_str_tr / rb_str_tr_bang * */
public IRubyObject tr(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject src, IRubyObject repl) { return tr19(context, src, repl); } public IRubyObject tr_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject src, IRubyObject repl) { return tr_bang19(context, src, repl); } @JRubyMethod(name = "tr") public IRubyObject tr19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject src, IRubyObject repl) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.trTrans19(context, src, repl, false); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "tr!") public IRubyObject tr_bang19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject src, IRubyObject repl) { return trTrans19(context, src, repl, false); } private IRubyObject trTrans19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject src, IRubyObject repl, boolean sflag) { RubyString replStr = repl.convertToString(); ByteList replList = replStr.value; RubyString srcStr = src.convertToString(); if (value.getRealSize() == 0) return context.nil; if (replList.getRealSize() == 0) return delete_bang(context, src); CodeRangeable ret = StringSupport.trTransHelper(context.runtime, this, srcStr, replStr, sflag); return (ret == null) ? context.nil : (IRubyObject) ret; }
rb_str_tr_s / rb_str_tr_s_bang
/** rb_str_tr_s / rb_str_tr_s_bang * */
public IRubyObject tr_s(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject src, IRubyObject repl) { return tr_s19(context, src, repl); } public IRubyObject tr_s_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject src, IRubyObject repl) { return tr_s_bang19(context, src, repl); } @JRubyMethod(name = "tr_s") public IRubyObject tr_s19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject src, IRubyObject repl) { RubyString str = strDup(context.runtime); str.trTrans19(context, src, repl, true); return str; } @JRubyMethod(name = "tr_s!") public IRubyObject tr_s_bang19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject src, IRubyObject repl) { return trTrans19(context, src, repl, true); }
/** rb_str_each_line * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "each_line") public IRubyObject each_line(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return StringSupport.rbStrEnumerateLines(this, context, "each_line", context.runtime.getGlobalVariables().get("$/"), block, false); } @JRubyMethod(name = "each_line") public IRubyObject each_line(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg, Block block) { return StringSupport.rbStrEnumerateLines(this, context, "each_line", arg, block, false); } @JRubyMethod(name = "each_line") public IRubyObject each_line(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg, IRubyObject opts, Block block) { return StringSupport.rbStrEnumerateLines(this, context, "each_line", arg, opts, block, false); } @Deprecated // no longer used public IRubyObject each_lineCommon(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject sep, Block block) { if (sep == context.nil) { block.yield(context, this); return this; } final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; RubyString sepStr = sep.convertToString(); ByteList sepValue = sepStr.value; int rslen = sepValue.getRealSize(); final byte newline; if (rslen == 0) { newline = '\n'; } else { newline = sepValue.getUnsafeBytes()[sepValue.getBegin() + rslen - 1]; } int p = value.getBegin(); int end = p + value.getRealSize(); int ptr = p, s = p; int len = value.getRealSize(); byte[] bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); p += rslen; for (; p < end; p++) { if (rslen == 0 && bytes[p] == '\n') { if (++p == end || bytes[p] != '\n') continue; while(p < end && bytes[p] == '\n') p++; } if (ptr < p && bytes[p - 1] == newline && (rslen <= 1 || ByteList.memcmp(sepValue.getUnsafeBytes(), sepValue.getBegin(), rslen, bytes, p - rslen, rslen) == 0)) { block.yield(context, makeShared(runtime, s - ptr, p - s).infectBy(this)); modifyCheck(bytes, len); s = p; } } if (s != end) { if (p > end) p = end; block.yield(context, makeShared(runtime, s - ptr, p - s).infectBy(this)); } return this; } @Deprecated public IRubyObject each_line19(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return each_line(context, block); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject each_line19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg, Block block) { return each_line(context, arg, block); } @JRubyMethod(name = "lines") public IRubyObject lines(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return StringSupport.rbStrEnumerateLines(this, context, "lines", context.runtime.getGlobalVariables().get("$/"), block, true); } @JRubyMethod(name = "lines") public IRubyObject lines(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg, Block block) { return StringSupport.rbStrEnumerateLines(this, context, "lines", arg, block, true); }
/** * rb_str_each_byte */
@JRubyMethod(name = "each_byte") public IRubyObject each_byte(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return enumerateBytes(context, "each_byte", block, false); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject each_byte19(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return each_byte(context, block); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject bytes(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return enumerateBytes(context, "bytes", block, true); } @JRubyMethod(name = "each_char") public IRubyObject each_char(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return enumerateChars(context, "each_char", block, false); } @JRubyMethod(name = "chars") public IRubyObject chars(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return enumerateChars(context, "chars", block, true); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject each_char19(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return each_char(context, block); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject chars19(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return chars(context, block); } private SizeFn eachCharSizeFn() { return (context, args) -> rubyLength(context.runtime); }
/** rb_str_each_codepoint * */
@JRubyMethod public IRubyObject each_codepoint(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return enumerateCodepoints(context, "each_codepoint", block, false); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject codepoints(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return enumerateCodepoints(context, "codepoints", block, true); } // MRI: rb_str_enumerate_chars private IRubyObject enumerateChars(ThreadContext context, String name, Block block, boolean wantarray) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; RubyString str = this; int len, n; byte[] ptrBytes; int ptr; Encoding enc; if (block.isGiven()) { if (wantarray) { runtime.getWarnings().warning("passing a block to String#" + name + " is deprecated"); wantarray = false; } } else if (!wantarray) { return enumeratorizeWithSize(context, str, name, eachCharSizeFn()); } str = str.newFrozen(); ByteList strByteList = str.value; ptrBytes = strByteList.unsafeBytes(); ptr = strByteList.begin(); len = strByteList.getRealSize(); enc = str.getEncoding(); IRubyObject[] ary = wantarray ? new IRubyObject[str.strLength()] : null; int a = 0; switch (getCodeRange()) { case CR_VALID: case CR_7BIT: for (int i = 0; i < len; i += n) { n = StringSupport.encFastMBCLen(ptrBytes, ptr + i, ptr + len, enc); IRubyObject substr = str.substr(runtime, i, n); substr.infectBy(str); if (wantarray) ary[a++] = substr; else block.yield(context, substr); } break; default: for (int i = 0; i < len; i += n) { n = StringSupport.length(enc, ptrBytes, ptr + i, ptr + len); IRubyObject substr = str.substr(runtime, i, n); substr.infectBy(str); if (wantarray) ary[a++] = substr; else block.yield(context, substr); } } assert !wantarray || a == ary.length; return wantarray ? RubyArray.newArrayNoCopy(runtime, ary) : this; } // MRI: rb_str_enumerate_codepoints private IRubyObject enumerateCodepoints(ThreadContext context, String name, Block block, boolean wantarray) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; RubyString str = this; byte[] ptrBytes; int ptr, end; Encoding enc; if (singleByteOptimizable()) return enumerateBytes(context, name, block, wantarray); if (block.isGiven()) { if (wantarray) { runtime.getWarnings().warning("passing a block to String#" + name + " is deprecated"); wantarray = false; } } else if (!wantarray) { return enumeratorizeWithSize(context, str, name, eachCodepointSizeFn()); } if (!str.isFrozen()) str.setByteListShared(); ByteList strByteList = str.value; ptrBytes = strByteList.unsafeBytes(); ptr = strByteList.begin(); end = ptr + strByteList.getRealSize(); enc = EncodingUtils.getEncoding(strByteList); RubyArray ary = wantarray ? RubyArray.newArray(runtime, str.strLength(strByteList, enc)) : null; while (ptr < end) { int c = codePoint(runtime, enc, ptrBytes, ptr, end); int n = codeLength(enc, c); if (wantarray) ary.append(RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, c)); else block.yield(context, RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, c)); ptr += n; } return wantarray ? ary : this; } private IRubyObject enumerateBytes(ThreadContext context, String name, Block block, boolean wantarray) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; if (block.isGiven()) { if (wantarray) { runtime.getWarnings().warning("passing a block to String#" + name + " is deprecated"); wantarray = false; } } else if (!wantarray) { return enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, name, eachByteSizeFn()); } IRubyObject[] ary = wantarray ? new IRubyObject[value.getRealSize()] : null; // Check the length every iteration, since the block can modify this string. for (int i=0; i < value.getRealSize(); i++) { RubyFixnum bite = RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, value.get(i) & 0xFF); if (wantarray) ary[i] = bite; else block.yield(context, bite); } return wantarray ? RubyArray.newArrayNoCopy(runtime, ary) : this; } private SizeFn eachCodepointSizeFn() { return (context, args) -> rubyLength(context.runtime); } private static final ByteList GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_PATTERN = new ByteList(new byte[] {(byte)'\\', (byte)'X'}, false); private SizeFn eachGraphemeClusterSizeFn() { return (context, args) -> { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; ByteList value = getByteList(); Encoding enc = value.getEncoding(); if (!enc.isUnicode()) return rubyLength(runtime); Regex reg = RubyRegexp.getRegexpFromCache(runtime, GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_PATTERN, enc, RegexpOptions.NULL_OPTIONS); int beg = value.getBegin(); int end = beg + value.getRealSize(); Matcher matcher = reg.matcher(value.getUnsafeBytes(), beg, end); int count = 0; while (beg < end) { int len = matcher.match(beg, end, Option.DEFAULT); if (len <= 0) break; count++; beg += len; } return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, count); }; } private IRubyObject enumerateGraphemeClusters(ThreadContext context, String name, Block block, boolean wantarray) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; RubyString str = this; Encoding enc = str.getEncoding(); if (!enc.isUnicode()) { return enumerateChars(context, name, block, wantarray); } if (block.isGiven()) { if (wantarray) { runtime.getWarnings().warning("passing a block to String#" + name + " is deprecated"); wantarray = false; } } else if (!wantarray) { return enumeratorizeWithSize(context, str, name, eachGraphemeClusterSizeFn()); } Regex reg = RubyRegexp.getRegexpFromCache(runtime, GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_PATTERN, enc, RegexpOptions.NULL_OPTIONS); if (!wantarray) str = str.newFrozen(); ByteList strByteList = str.value; byte[] ptrBytes = strByteList.unsafeBytes(); int ptr = strByteList.begin(); int end = ptr + strByteList.getRealSize(); Matcher matcher = reg.matcher(ptrBytes, ptr, end); RubyArray ary = wantarray ? RubyArray.newArray(runtime, end - ptr) : null; while (ptr < end) { int len = matcher.match(ptr, end, Option.DEFAULT); if (len <= 0) break; RubyString result = newStringShared(runtime, ptrBytes, ptr, len, enc); result.infectBy(str); if (wantarray) ary.append(result); else block.yield(context, result); ptr += len; } return wantarray ? ary : this; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject grapheme_clusters(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return enumerateGraphemeClusters(context, "grapheme_clusters", block, true); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject each_grapheme_cluster(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return enumerateGraphemeClusters(context, "each_grapheme_cluster", block, false); }
/** rb_str_intern * */
@JRubyMethod(name = {"to_sym", "intern"}) public RubySymbol intern() { final Ruby runtime = getRuntime(); if (scanForCodeRange() == CR_BROKEN) { throw runtime.newEncodingError("invalid symbol in encoding " + getEncoding() + " :" + inspect()); } RubySymbol symbol = runtime.getSymbolTable().getSymbol(value); if (symbol.getBytes() == value) shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BYTELIST; return symbol; } @Deprecated public RubySymbol intern19() { return intern(); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject ord(ThreadContext context) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, codePoint(runtime, this.value)); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject sum(ThreadContext context) { return sumCommon(context, 16); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject sum(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { return sumCommon(context, RubyNumeric.num2long(arg)); } public IRubyObject sumCommon(ThreadContext context, long bits) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; byte[] bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); int p = value.getBegin(); int len = value.getRealSize(); int end = p + len; if (bits >= 8 * 8) { // long size * bits in byte IRubyObject one = RubyFixnum.one(runtime); IRubyObject sum = RubyFixnum.zero(runtime); StringSites sites = sites(context); CallSite op_plus = sites.op_plus; while (p < end) { modifyCheck(bytes, len); sum = op_plus.call(context, sum, sum, RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, bytes[p++] & 0xff)); } if (bits != 0) { IRubyObject mod = sites.op_lshift.call(context, one, one, RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, bits)); sum = sites.op_and.call(context, sum, sum, sites.op_minus.call(context, mod, mod, one)); } return sum; } else { long sum = 0; while (p < end) { modifyCheck(bytes, len); sum += bytes[p++] & 0xff; } return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, bits == 0 ? sum : sum & (1L << bits) - 1L); } }
/** string_to_c * */
@JRubyMethod public IRubyObject to_c(ThreadContext context) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; RubyRegexp underscore_pattern = RubyRegexp.newDummyRegexp(runtime, Numeric.ComplexPatterns.underscores_pat); RubyString s = gsubFast(context, underscore_pattern, runtime.newString(UNDERSCORE), Block.NULL_BLOCK); IRubyObject[] ary = RubyComplex.str_to_c_internal(context, s); IRubyObject first = ary[0]; if ( first != context.nil ) return first; return RubyComplex.newComplexCanonicalize(context, RubyFixnum.zero(runtime)); } private static final ByteList UNDERSCORE = new ByteList(new byte[] { '_' }, false);
/** string_to_r * */
@JRubyMethod public IRubyObject to_r(ThreadContext context) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; RubyRegexp underscore_pattern = RubyRegexp.newDummyRegexp(runtime, Numeric.ComplexPatterns.underscores_pat); RubyString s = gsubFast(context, underscore_pattern, runtime.newString(UNDERSCORE), Block.NULL_BLOCK); IRubyObject[] ary = RubyRational.str_to_r_internal(context, s); IRubyObject first = ary[0]; if ( first != context.nil ) return first; return RubyRational.newRationalNoReduce(context, RubyFixnum.zero(runtime), RubyFixnum.one(runtime)); } public static RubyString unmarshalFrom(UnmarshalStream input) throws java.io.IOException { RubyString result = newString(input.getRuntime(), input.unmarshalString()); input.registerLinkTarget(result); return result; }
See Also:
  • unpack.unpack
/** * @see org.jruby.util.Pack#unpack */
@JRubyMethod public RubyArray unpack(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj, Block block) { return Pack.unpackWithBlock(context, this, stringValue(obj).value, block); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject unpack1(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj, Block block) { return Pack.unpack1WithBlock(context, this, stringValue(obj).value, block); } @Deprecated // not used public RubyArray unpack(IRubyObject obj) { return Pack.unpack(getRuntime(), this.value, stringValue(obj).value); } public void empty() { value = ByteList.EMPTY_BYTELIST; shareLevel = SHARE_LEVEL_BYTELIST; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject encoding(ThreadContext context) { return context.runtime.getEncodingService().getEncoding(value.getEncoding()); } // TODO: re-split this public IRubyObject encode_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0) { return encode_bang(context, new IRubyObject[]{arg0}); } public IRubyObject encode_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { return encode_bang(context, new IRubyObject[]{arg0,arg1}); } public IRubyObject encode_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2) { return encode_bang(context, new IRubyObject[]{arg0,arg1,arg2}); } @JRubyMethod(name = "encode!", optional = 3) public IRubyObject encode_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { IRubyObject[] newstr_p; Encoding encindex; modify19(); newstr_p = new IRubyObject[]{this}; encindex = EncodingUtils.strTranscode(context, args, newstr_p); if (encindex == null) return this; if (newstr_p[0] == this) { setEncoding(encindex); return this; } replace(newstr_p[0]); setEncoding(encindex); return this; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject encode(ThreadContext context) { return EncodingUtils.strEncode(context, this); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject encode(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { return EncodingUtils.strEncode(context, this, arg); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject encode(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject toEncoding, IRubyObject arg) { return EncodingUtils.strEncode(context, this, toEncoding, arg); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject encode(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject toEncoding, IRubyObject forcedEncoding, IRubyObject opts) { return EncodingUtils.strEncode(context, this, toEncoding, forcedEncoding, opts); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject force_encoding(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject enc) { return force_encoding(EncodingUtils.rbToEncoding(context, enc)); } private IRubyObject force_encoding(Encoding encoding) { modifyCheck(); modify19(); associateEncoding(encoding); clearCodeRange(); return this; } @JRubyMethod(name = "valid_encoding?") public IRubyObject valid_encoding_p(ThreadContext context) { return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(context, scanForCodeRange() != CR_BROKEN); } @JRubyMethod(name = "ascii_only?") public IRubyObject ascii_only_p(ThreadContext context) { return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(context, scanForCodeRange() == CR_7BIT); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject b(ThreadContext context) { Encoding encoding = ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE; RubyString dup = strDup(context.runtime); dup.clearCodeRange(); dup.setEncoding(encoding); return dup; } // MRI: str_scrub arity 0 @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject scrub(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return scrub(context, context.nil, block); } // MRI: str_scrub arity 1 @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject scrub(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject repl, Block block) { IRubyObject newStr = strScrub(context, repl, block); if (newStr.isNil()) return strDup(context.runtime); return newStr; } @JRubyMethod(name="scrub!") public IRubyObject scrub_bang(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return scrub_bang(context, context.nil, block); } // MRI: str_scrub arity 1 @JRubyMethod(name="scrub!") public IRubyObject scrub_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject repl, Block block) { IRubyObject newStr = strScrub(context, repl, block); if (!newStr.isNil()) return replace(newStr); return this; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject freeze(ThreadContext context) { if (isFrozen()) return this; resize(size()); return super.freeze(context); }
Mutator for internal string representation.
  • value – The new java.lang.String this RubyString should encapsulate
/** * Mutator for internal string representation. * * @param value The new java.lang.String this RubyString should encapsulate * @deprecated */
public void setValue(CharSequence value) { view(ByteList.plain(value), false); } public void setValue(ByteList value) { view(value); } public CharSequence getValue() { return toString(); } public byte[] getBytes() { return value.bytes(); } public ByteList getByteList() { return value; }
used by ar-jdbc
/** used by ar-jdbc * */
public String getUnicodeValue() { return RubyEncoding.decodeUTF8(value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.getBegin(), value.getRealSize()); } public static ByteList encodeBytelist(CharSequence value, Encoding encoding) { if (encoding == UTF8) { return RubyEncoding.doEncodeUTF8(value); } Charset charset = EncodingUtils.charsetForEncoding(encoding); // if null charset, let our transcoder handle it if (charset == null) { return EncodingUtils.transcodeString(value.toString(), encoding, 0); } if (charset == RubyEncoding.UTF16) { byte[] bytes = RubyEncoding.encodeUTF16(value); return new ByteList(bytes, encoding, false); } return RubyEncoding.doEncode(value, charset, encoding); } static ByteList encodeBytelist(String value, Encoding encoding) { if (encoding == UTF8) { return RubyEncoding.doEncodeUTF8(value); } Charset charset = EncodingUtils.charsetForEncoding(encoding); // if null charset, let our transcoder handle it if (charset == null) { return EncodingUtils.transcodeString(value, encoding, 0); } if (charset == RubyEncoding.UTF16) { byte[] bytes = RubyEncoding.encodeUTF16(value); return new ByteList(bytes, encoding, false); } return RubyEncoding.doEncode(value, charset, encoding); } @Override public <T> T toJava(Class<T> target) { // converting on Comparable.class due target.isAssignableFrom(String.class) compatibility (< 9.2) if (target == String.class || target == Comparable.class || target == Object.class) { return target.cast(decodeString()); } if (target == CharSequence.class) { // explicitly here return (T) this; // used to convert to java.lang.String (< 9.2) } if (target == ByteList.class) { return target.cast(value); } if (target == Character.class || target == Character.TYPE) { // like ord we will only take the start off the string (not failing if str-length > 1) return (T) Character.valueOf((char) codePoint(getRuntime(), value)); } return super.toJava(target); }
Scrub the contents of this string, replacing invalid characters as appropriate. MRI: rb_str_scrub
/** * Scrub the contents of this string, replacing invalid characters as appropriate. * * MRI: rb_str_scrub */
public IRubyObject strScrub(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject repl, Block block) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; int cr = getCodeRange(); Encoding enc; Encoding encidx; IRubyObject buf = context.nil; byte[] repBytes; int rep; int replen; boolean tainted = false; if (block.isGiven()) { if (repl != context.nil) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("both of block and replacement given"); } } if (cr == CR_7BIT || cr == CR_VALID) return context.nil; enc = EncodingUtils.STR_ENC_GET(this); if (repl != context.nil) { repl = EncodingUtils.strCompatAndValid(context, repl, enc); tainted |= repl.isTaint(); } if (enc.isDummy()) return context.nil; encidx = enc; if (enc.isAsciiCompatible()) { byte[] pBytes = value.unsafeBytes(); int p = value.begin(); int e = p + value.getRealSize(); int p1 = p; boolean rep7bit_p; if (block.isGiven()) { repBytes = null; rep = 0; replen = 0; rep7bit_p = false; } else if (!repl.isNil()) { repBytes = ((RubyString)repl).value.unsafeBytes(); rep = ((RubyString)repl).value.begin(); replen = ((RubyString)repl).value.getRealSize(); rep7bit_p = (((RubyString)repl).getCodeRange() == CR_7BIT); } else if (encidx == UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE) { repBytes = SCRUB_REPL_UTF8; rep = 0; replen = repBytes.length; rep7bit_p = false; } else { repBytes = SCRUB_REPL_ASCII; rep = 0; replen = repBytes.length; rep7bit_p = false; } cr = CR_7BIT; p = StringSupport.searchNonAscii(pBytes, p, e); if (p == -1) { p = e; } while (p < e) { int ret = enc.length(pBytes, p, e); if (MBCLEN_NEEDMORE_P(ret)) { break; } else if (MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P(ret)) { cr = CR_VALID; p += MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_LEN(ret); } else if (MBCLEN_INVALID_P(ret)) { /* * p1~p: valid ascii/multibyte chars * p ~e: invalid bytes + unknown bytes */ int clen = enc.maxLength(); if (buf.isNil()) buf = RubyString.newStringLight(runtime, value.getRealSize()); if (p > p1) { ((RubyString)buf).cat(pBytes, p1, p - p1); } if (e - p < clen) clen = e - p; if (clen <= 2) { clen = 1; } else { int q = p; clen--; for (; clen > 1; clen--) { ret = enc.length(pBytes, q, q + clen); if (MBCLEN_NEEDMORE_P(ret)) break; if (MBCLEN_INVALID_P(ret)) continue; } } if (repBytes != null) { ((RubyString)buf).cat(repBytes, rep, replen); if (!rep7bit_p) cr = CR_VALID; } else { repl = block.yieldSpecific(context, RubyString.newString(runtime, pBytes, p, clen, enc)); repl = EncodingUtils.strCompatAndValid(context, repl, enc); tainted |= repl.isTaint(); ((RubyString)buf).cat((RubyString)repl); if (((RubyString)repl).getCodeRange() == CR_VALID) cr = CR_VALID; } p += clen; p1 = p; p = StringSupport.searchNonAscii(pBytes, p, e); if (p == -1) { p = e; break; } } } if (buf.isNil()) { if (p == e) { setCodeRange(cr); return context.nil; } buf = RubyString.newStringLight(runtime, value.getRealSize()); } if (p1 < p) { ((RubyString)buf).cat(pBytes, p1, p - p1); } if (p < e) { if (repBytes != null) { ((RubyString)buf).cat(repBytes, rep, replen); if (!rep7bit_p) cr = CR_VALID; } else { repl = block.yieldSpecific(context, RubyString.newString(runtime, pBytes, p, e - p, enc)); repl = EncodingUtils.strCompatAndValid(context, repl, enc); tainted |= repl.isTaint(); ((RubyString)buf).cat((RubyString)repl); if (((RubyString)repl).getCodeRange() == CR_VALID) cr = CR_VALID; } } } else { /* ASCII incompatible */ byte[] pBytes = value.unsafeBytes(); int p = value.begin(); int e = p + value.getRealSize(); int p1 = p; int mbminlen = enc.minLength(); if (block.isGiven()) { repBytes = null; rep = 0; replen = 0; } else if (!repl.isNil()) { repBytes = ((RubyString)repl).value.unsafeBytes(); rep = ((RubyString)repl).value.begin(); replen = ((RubyString)repl).value.getRealSize(); } else if (encidx == UTF16BEEncoding.INSTANCE) { repBytes = SCRUB_REPL_UTF16BE; rep = 0; replen = repBytes.length; } else if (encidx == UTF16LEEncoding.INSTANCE) { repBytes = SCRUB_REPL_UTF16LE; rep = 0; replen = repBytes.length; } else if (encidx == UTF32BEEncoding.INSTANCE) { repBytes = SCRUB_REPL_UTF32BE; rep = 0; replen = repBytes.length; } else if (encidx == UTF32LEEncoding.INSTANCE) { repBytes = SCRUB_REPL_UTF32LE; rep = 0; replen = repBytes.length; } else { repBytes = SCRUB_REPL_ASCII; rep = 0; replen = repBytes.length; } while (p < e) { int ret = StringSupport.preciseLength(enc, pBytes, p, e); if (MBCLEN_NEEDMORE_P(ret)) { break; } else if (MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P(ret)) { p += MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_LEN(ret); } else if (MBCLEN_INVALID_P(ret)) { int q = p; int clen = enc.maxLength(); if (buf.isNil()) buf = RubyString.newStringLight(runtime, value.getRealSize()); if (p > p1) ((RubyString)buf).cat(pBytes, p1, p - p1); if (e - p < clen) clen = e - p; if (clen <= mbminlen * 2) { clen = mbminlen; } else { clen -= mbminlen; for (; clen > mbminlen; clen-=mbminlen) { ret = enc.length(pBytes, q, q + clen); if (MBCLEN_NEEDMORE_P(ret)) break; if (MBCLEN_INVALID_P(ret)) continue; } } if (repBytes != null) { ((RubyString)buf).cat(repBytes, rep, replen); } else { repl = block.yieldSpecific(context, RubyString.newString(runtime, pBytes, p, clen, enc)); repl = EncodingUtils.strCompatAndValid(context, repl, enc); tainted |= repl.isTaint(); ((RubyString)buf).cat((RubyString)repl); } p += clen; p1 = p; } } if (buf.isNil()) { if (p == e) { setCodeRange(CR_VALID); return context.nil; } buf = RubyString.newStringLight(runtime, value.getRealSize()); } if (p1 < p) { ((RubyString)buf).cat(pBytes, p1, p - p1); } if (p < e) { if (repBytes != null) { ((RubyString)buf).cat(repBytes, rep, replen); } else { repl = block.yieldSpecific(context, RubyString.newString(runtime, pBytes, p, e - p, enc)); repl = EncodingUtils.strCompatAndValid(context, repl, enc); tainted |= repl.isTaint(); ((RubyString)buf).cat((RubyString)repl); } } cr = CR_VALID; } buf.setTaint(tainted | isTaint()); ((RubyString)buf).setEncodingAndCodeRange(enc, cr); return buf; } // MRI: rb_str_offset public int rbStrOffset(int pos) { return strOffset(pos, isSingleByteOptimizable(this, getEncoding())); } // MRI: str_offset private int strOffset(int nth, boolean singlebyte) { int p = value.begin(); int size = value.realSize(); int e = p + size; int pp = nth(value.getEncoding(), value.unsafeBytes(), p, e, nth, singlebyte); if (pp == -1) return size; return pp - p; } private static StringSites sites(ThreadContext context) { return context.sites.String; } @Deprecated public final RubyString strDup() { return strDup(getRuntime(), getMetaClass().getRealClass()); } @Deprecated public final void modify19(int length) { modifyExpand(length); } @Deprecated public RubyArray split19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, boolean useBackref) { return splitCommon(context, arg0, useBackref, flags, flags, useBackref); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject lines20(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return lines(context, block); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject lines20(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg, Block block) { return lines(context, arg, block); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject dump19() { return dump(); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject insert19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject indexArg, IRubyObject stringArg) { return insert(context, indexArg, stringArg); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject op_equal19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { return op_equal(context, other); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject op_aref19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2) { return op_aref(context, arg1, arg2); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject op_aref19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { return op_aref(context, arg); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject op_aset19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { return op_aset(context, arg0, arg1); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject op_aset19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2) { return op_aset(context, arg0, arg1, arg2); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject op_match19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { return op_match(context, other); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject scan19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg, Block block) { return scan(context, arg, block); } }