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/***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: EPL 2.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public * License Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Studman <> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the EPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the EPL, the GPL or the LGPL. ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
package org.jruby; import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod; import org.jruby.anno.JRubyModule; import org.jruby.exceptions.StopIteration; import org.jruby.runtime.Arity; import org.jruby.runtime.Block; import org.jruby.runtime.BlockCallback; import org.jruby.runtime.CallBlock; import org.jruby.runtime.JavaSites; import org.jruby.runtime.ObjectAllocator; import org.jruby.runtime.Signature; import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext; import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject; import org.jruby.util.ArraySupport; import org.jruby.util.ByteList; import java.util.Spliterator; import; import static org.jruby.runtime.Visibility.PRIVATE;
Implementation of Ruby's Enumerator module.
/** * Implementation of Ruby's Enumerator module. */
@JRubyModule(name="Enumerator", include="Enumerable") public class RubyEnumerator extends RubyObject implements java.util.Iterator<Object> { public static final String GENERATOR = "@__generator__"; public static final String LOOKAHEAD = "@__lookahead__"; public static final String FEEDVALUE = "@__feedvalue__"; public static final String OBJECT = "@__object__"; public static final String METHOD = "@__method__"; public static final String ARGS = "@__args__";
target for each operation
/** target for each operation */
private IRubyObject object;
method to invoke for each operation
/** method to invoke for each operation */
private String method;
args to each method
/** args to each method */
private IRubyObject[] methodArgs;
A value or proc to provide the size of the Enumerator contents
/** A value or proc to provide the size of the Enumerator contents*/
private IRubyObject size;
Function object for lazily computing size (used for internally created enumerators)
/** Function object for lazily computing size (used for internally created enumerators) */
private SizeFn sizeFn; private FeedValue feedValue; public static RubyClass defineEnumerator(Ruby runtime, RubyModule Enumerable) { final RubyClass Enumerator = runtime.defineClass("Enumerator", runtime.getObject(), ALLOCATOR); Enumerator.includeModule(Enumerable); Enumerator.defineAnnotatedMethods(RubyEnumerator.class); final RubyClass FeedValue; FeedValue = runtime.defineClassUnder("FeedValue", runtime.getObject(), ObjectAllocator.NOT_ALLOCATABLE_ALLOCATOR, Enumerator); FeedValue.defineAnnotatedMethods(FeedValue.class); Enumerator.setConstantVisibility(runtime, "FeedValue", true); return Enumerator; } private static final ObjectAllocator ALLOCATOR = new ObjectAllocator() { @Override public IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) { return new RubyEnumerator(runtime, klass); } };
Internal Enumerator::FeedValue class to be shared between enumerator and its next-er Fiber. In essence, a `` like container but for finer control implemented as native.
/** * Internal Enumerator::FeedValue class to be shared between enumerator and its next-er Fiber. * In essence, a `` like container but for finer control implemented as native. */
public static class FeedValue extends RubyObject { private volatile IRubyObject value; private FeedValue(Ruby runtime, RubyClass type) { super(runtime, type); value = runtime.getNil(); } FeedValue(Ruby runtime) { this(runtime, (RubyClass) runtime.getEnumerator().getConstantAt("FeedValue", true)); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject value() { return value; } @JRubyMethod(name = "value=") public IRubyObject set_value(IRubyObject value) { return this.value = value; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject use_value(ThreadContext context) { IRubyObject value = this.value; this.value = context.nil; return value; } } private RubyEnumerator(Ruby runtime, RubyClass type) { super(runtime, type); initialize(runtime, runtime.getNil(), RubyString.newEmptyString(runtime), IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY); } private RubyEnumerator(Ruby runtime, RubyClass type, IRubyObject object, RubySymbol method, IRubyObject[] args, IRubyObject size, SizeFn sizeFn) { super(runtime, type); initialize(runtime, object, method, args, size, sizeFn); } private RubyEnumerator(Ruby runtime, RubyClass type, IRubyObject object, IRubyObject method, IRubyObject[] args) { super(runtime, type); initialize(runtime, object, method, args); }
Transform object into an Enumerator with the given size
/** * Transform object into an Enumerator with the given size */
public static IRubyObject enumeratorizeWithSize(ThreadContext context, final IRubyObject object, String method, IRubyObject[] args, SizeFn sizeFn) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; return new RubyEnumerator(runtime, runtime.getEnumerator(), object, runtime.fastNewSymbol(method), args, null, sizeFn); } public static IRubyObject enumeratorizeWithSize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject object, String method, SizeFn sizeFn) { return enumeratorizeWithSize(context, object, method, NULL_ARRAY, sizeFn); } public static IRubyObject enumeratorizeWithSize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject object, String method, IRubyObject arg, IRubyObject size) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; return new RubyEnumerator(runtime, runtime.getEnumerator(), object, runtime.fastNewSymbol(method), new IRubyObject[] { arg }, size, null); } public static IRubyObject enumeratorize(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject object, String method) { return new RubyEnumerator(runtime, runtime.getEnumerator(), object, runtime.fastNewSymbol(method), IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY); } public static IRubyObject enumeratorize(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject object, String method, IRubyObject arg) { return new RubyEnumerator(runtime, runtime.getEnumerator(), object, runtime.fastNewSymbol(method), new IRubyObject[] { arg }); } public static IRubyObject enumeratorize(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject object, String method, IRubyObject... args) { return new RubyEnumerator(runtime, runtime.getEnumerator(), object, runtime.fastNewSymbol(method), args); } public static IRubyObject enumeratorize(Ruby runtime, RubyClass type, IRubyObject object, String method) { return new RubyEnumerator(runtime, type, object, runtime.fastNewSymbol(method), IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY); } public static IRubyObject enumeratorize(Ruby runtime, RubyClass type, IRubyObject object, String method, IRubyObject arg) { return new RubyEnumerator(runtime, type, object, runtime.fastNewSymbol(method), new IRubyObject[] {arg}); } public static IRubyObject enumeratorize(Ruby runtime, RubyClass type, IRubyObject object, String method, IRubyObject[] args) { return new RubyEnumerator(runtime, type, object, runtime.fastNewSymbol(method), args); } // used internally to create lazy without block (from Enumerator/Enumerable) @JRubyMethod(name = "__from", meta = true, required = 2, optional = 2, visibility = PRIVATE) public static IRubyObject __from(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject klass, IRubyObject[] args) { // Lazy.__from(enum, method, *args, size) IRubyObject object = args[0]; IRubyObject method = args[1]; IRubyObject[] methodArgs; IRubyObject size = null; SizeFn sizeFn = null; if (args.length > 2) { methodArgs = ((RubyArray) args[2]).toJavaArrayMaybeUnsafe(); if (args.length > 3) size = args[3]; } else { methodArgs = IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY; } RubyEnumerator instance = (RubyEnumerator) ((RubyClass) klass).allocate(); if (size == null) { if (object instanceof RubyEnumerator) { size = ((RubyEnumerator) object).size; if (size != null && !size.respondsTo("call")) size = null; sizeFn = ((RubyEnumerator) object).sizeFn; } else { sizeFn = RubyEnumerable.enumSizeFn(object); } } instance.initialize(context.runtime, object, method, methodArgs, size, sizeFn); // set: @receiver = obj.object, @method = obj.method || :each, *@args = obj.args || [] // (for Lazy#inspect) instance.setInstanceVariable("@receiver", object); instance.setInstanceVariable("@method", method); instance.setInstanceVariable("@args", RubyArray.newArrayNoCopyLight(context.runtime, methodArgs)); return instance; } @Override public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context) { return initialize(context, Block.NULL_BLOCK); } @JRubyMethod(name = "initialize", visibility = PRIVATE) public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return initialize(context, NULL_ARRAY, block); } @JRubyMethod(name = "initialize", visibility = PRIVATE) public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject object, Block block) { return initialize(context, new IRubyObject[] { object }, block); } @JRubyMethod(name = "initialize", visibility = PRIVATE, rest = true) public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject object; IRubyObject method = runtime.newSymbol("each"); IRubyObject size = null; if (block.isGiven()) { Arity.checkArgumentCount(runtime, args, 0, 1); if (args.length > 0) { size = args[0]; args = ArraySupport.newCopy(args, 1, args.length - 1); if ( ! (size.isNil() || size.respondsTo("call")) && ! (size instanceof RubyFloat && ((RubyFloat) size).value == Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY) && ! (size instanceof RubyInteger) ) { throw runtime.newTypeError(size, runtime.getInteger()); } } object = runtime.getGenerator().newInstance(context, IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY, block); } else { Arity.checkArgumentCount(runtime, args, 1, -1); runtime.getWarnings().warn(" without a block is deprecated; use Object#to_enum"); object = args[0]; args = ArraySupport.newCopy(args, 1, args.length - 1); if (args.length > 0) { method = args[0]; args = ArraySupport.newCopy(args, 1, args.length - 1); } } return initialize(runtime, object, method, args, size, null); } @JRubyMethod(name = "initialize", visibility = PRIVATE) public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject object, IRubyObject method, Block block) { if (block.isGiven()) { throw context.runtime.newArgumentError(2, 1); } return initialize(context.runtime, object, method, NULL_ARRAY); } @JRubyMethod(name = "initialize", visibility = PRIVATE) public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject object, IRubyObject method, IRubyObject methodArg, Block block) { if (block.isGiven()) { throw context.runtime.newArgumentError(3, 1); } return initialize(context.runtime, object, method, new IRubyObject[] { methodArg }); } public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject object, IRubyObject method, IRubyObject methodArg) { return initialize(context, object, method, methodArg, Block.NULL_BLOCK); } public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { return initialize(context, args, Block.NULL_BLOCK); } public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject object, IRubyObject method) { return initialize(context, object, method, Block.NULL_BLOCK); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject initialize19(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return initialize(context, block); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject initialize20(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return initialize(context, block); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject initialize20(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject object, Block block) { return initialize(context, object, block); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject initialize20(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { return initialize(context, args, block); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject initialize19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject object, IRubyObject method, Block block) { return initialize(context, object, method, block); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject initialize19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject object, IRubyObject method, IRubyObject methodArg, Block block) { return initialize(context, object, method, methodArg, Block.NULL_BLOCK); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject initialize20(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject object, IRubyObject method, Block block) { return initialize(context, object, method, block); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject initialize20(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject object, IRubyObject method, IRubyObject methodArg, Block block) { return initialize(context, object, method, methodArg, block); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject initialize19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { return initialize(context, args, block); } private IRubyObject initialize(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject object, IRubyObject method, IRubyObject[] methodArgs) { return initialize(runtime, object, method, methodArgs, null, null); } private IRubyObject initialize(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject object, IRubyObject method, IRubyObject[] methodArgs, IRubyObject size, SizeFn sizeFn) { this.object = object; this.method = method.asJavaString(); this.methodArgs = methodArgs; this.size = size; this.sizeFn = sizeFn; setInstanceVariable(OBJECT, object); setInstanceVariable(METHOD, method); setInstanceVariable(ARGS, RubyArray.newArrayMayCopy(runtime, methodArgs)); setInstanceVariable(GENERATOR, runtime.getNil()); setInstanceVariable(LOOKAHEAD, RubyArray.newArray(runtime, 4)); setInstanceVariable(FEEDVALUE, this.feedValue = new FeedValue(runtime)); return this; } @JRubyMethod(name = "dup") @Override public IRubyObject dup() { // JRUBY-5013: Enumerator needs to copy private fields in order to have a valid structure RubyEnumerator copy = (RubyEnumerator) super.dup(); copy.object = this.object; copy.method = this.method; copy.methodArgs = this.methodArgs; copy.size = this.size; copy.sizeFn = this.sizeFn; copy.feedValue = new FeedValue(getRuntime()); return copy; }
Send current block and supplied args to method on target. According to MRI Block may not be given and "each" should just ignore it and call on through to underlying method.
/** * Send current block and supplied args to method on target. According to MRI * Block may not be given and "each" should just ignore it and call on through to * underlying method. */
@JRubyMethod public IRubyObject each(ThreadContext context, Block block) { if (!block.isGiven()) return this; return __each__(context, block); } private IRubyObject __each__(ThreadContext context, final Block block) { return object.callMethod(context, method, methodArgs, CallBlock.newCallClosure(context, this, Signature.OPTIONAL, new BlockCallback() { @Override public IRubyObject call(final ThreadContext context, final IRubyObject[] args, final Block blk) { IRubyObject ret = block.yieldValues(context, args); IRubyObject val = feedValue.use_value(context); return val.isNil() ? ret : val; } }) ); } @JRubyMethod(rest = true) public IRubyObject each(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { if (args.length == 0) return each(context, block); final int mlen = methodArgs.length; IRubyObject[] newArgs = new IRubyObject[mlen + args.length]; ArraySupport.copy(methodArgs, newArgs, 0, mlen); ArraySupport.copy(args, newArgs, mlen, args.length); final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; return new RubyEnumerator(runtime, getType(), object, runtime.newSymbol(method), newArgs, size, sizeFn).each(context, block); } @JRubyMethod(name = "inspect") public IRubyObject inspect19(ThreadContext context) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; if (runtime.isInspecting(this)) return inspect(context, true); try { runtime.registerInspecting(this); return inspect(context, false); } finally { runtime.unregisterInspecting(this); } } private IRubyObject inspect(ThreadContext context, boolean recurse) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; ByteList bytes = new ByteList(); bytes.append((byte)'#').append((byte)'<'); bytes.append(getMetaClass().getName().getBytes()); bytes.append((byte)':').append((byte)' '); if (recurse) { bytes.append("...>".getBytes()); return RubyString.newStringNoCopy(runtime, bytes).taint(context); } else { boolean tainted = isTaint(); bytes.append(RubyObject.inspect(context, object).getByteList()); bytes.append((byte)':'); bytes.append(method.getBytes()); if (methodArgs.length > 0) { bytes.append((byte)'('); for (int i= 0; i < methodArgs.length; i++) { bytes.append(RubyObject.inspect(context, methodArgs[i]).getByteList()); if (i < methodArgs.length - 1) { bytes.append((byte)',').append((byte)' '); } else { bytes.append((byte)')'); } if (methodArgs[i].isTaint()) tainted = true; } } bytes.append((byte)'>'); RubyString result = RubyString.newStringNoCopy(runtime, bytes); if (tainted) result.setTaint(true); return result; } } protected static IRubyObject newEnumerator(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; return new RubyEnumerator(runtime, runtime.getEnumerator(), arg, runtime.newSymbol("each"), IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY); } protected static IRubyObject newEnumerator(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; return new RubyEnumerator(runtime, runtime.getEnumerator(), arg1, arg2, IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY); } protected static IRubyObject newEnumerator(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, IRubyObject arg3) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; return new RubyEnumerator(runtime, runtime.getEnumerator(), arg1, arg2, new IRubyObject[]{arg3}); } @JRubyMethod(required = 1) public IRubyObject each_with_object(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg, Block block) { return block.isGiven() ? RubyEnumerable.each_with_objectCommon(context, this, block, arg) : enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "each_with_object", new IRubyObject[]{arg}, enumSizeFn()); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject with_object(ThreadContext context, final IRubyObject arg, final Block block) { return block.isGiven() ? RubyEnumerable.each_with_objectCommon(context, this, block, arg) : enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "with_object", new IRubyObject[]{arg}, enumSizeFn()); } @JRubyMethod(rest = true) public IRubyObject each_entry(ThreadContext context, final IRubyObject[] args, final Block block) { return block.isGiven() ? RubyEnumerable.each_entryCommon(context, this, args, block) : enumeratorize(context.runtime, getType(), this, "each_entry", args); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject each_slice19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg, final Block block) { return each_slice(context, arg, block); } @JRubyMethod(name = "each_slice") public IRubyObject each_slice(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg, final Block block) { int size = (int) RubyNumeric.num2long(arg); if (size <= 0) throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("invalid size"); return block.isGiven() ? RubyEnumerable.each_sliceCommon(context, this, size, block) : enumeratorize(context.runtime, getType(), this, "each_slice", arg); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject each_cons19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg, final Block block) { return each_cons(context, arg, block); } @JRubyMethod(name = "each_cons") public IRubyObject each_cons(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg, final Block block) { int size = (int) RubyNumeric.num2long(arg); if (size <= 0) throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("invalid size"); return block.isGiven() ? RubyEnumerable.each_consCommon(context, this, size, block) : enumeratorize(context.runtime, getType(), this, "each_cons", arg); } @JRubyMethod public final IRubyObject size(ThreadContext context) { if (sizeFn != null) { return sizeFn.size(context, methodArgs); } IRubyObject size = this.size; if (size != null) { if (size.respondsTo("call")) { if (context == null) context = metaClass.runtime.getCurrentContext(); return size.callMethod(context, "call"); } return size; } if (context == null) context = metaClass.runtime.getCurrentContext(); return context.nil; } public long size() { final IRubyObject size = size(null); if ( size instanceof RubyNumeric ) { return ((RubyNumeric) size).getLongValue(); } return -1; } private SizeFn enumSizeFn() { return (context, args) -> this.size(context); } private IRubyObject with_index_common(ThreadContext context, final Block block, final String rubyMethodName, IRubyObject arg) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; final int index = arg.isNil() ? 0 : RubyNumeric.num2int(arg); if ( ! block.isGiven() ) { return arg.isNil() ? enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, rubyMethodName, enumSizeFn()) : enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, rubyMethodName, new IRubyObject[]{runtime.newFixnum(index)}, enumSizeFn()); } return RubyEnumerable.callEach(runtime, context, this, new RubyEnumerable.EachWithIndex(block, index)); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject each_with_index(ThreadContext context, final Block block) { return with_index_common(context, block, "each_with_index", context.nil); } @JRubyMethod(name = "with_index") public IRubyObject with_index(ThreadContext context, final Block block) { return with_index_common(context, block, "with_index", context.nil); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject with_index19(ThreadContext context, final Block block) { return with_index(context, block); } @JRubyMethod(name = "with_index") public IRubyObject with_index(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg, final Block block) { return with_index_common(context, block, "with_index", arg); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject with_index19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg, final Block block) { return with_index(context, arg, block); } // java.util.Iterator : @Override public synchronized boolean hasNext() { ThreadContext context = metaClass.runtime.getCurrentContext(); try { // We don't care about the result, just whether it succeeds. sites(context), this, this); return true; } catch (StopIteration si) { return false; } } private IRubyObject getGenerator() { return getInstanceVariable(GENERATOR); } @Override public Object next() { ThreadContext context = metaClass.runtime.getCurrentContext(); return sites(context), this, this).toJava(java.lang.Object.class); } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } // Java 8 stream support : public Stream<Object> stream() { return stream(false); } public Stream<Object> stream(final boolean parallel) { return, parallel); } public Spliterator<Object> spliterator() { final long size = size(); // we do not have Array detection - assume immutable int mod = java.util.Spliterator.IMMUTABLE; if (size >= 0) mod |= java.util.Spliterator.SIZED; return java.util.Spliterators.spliterator(this, size, mod); } public Spliterator<Object> spliterator(final int mod) { return java.util.Spliterators.spliterator(this, size(), mod); }
"Function" type for java-created enumerators with size. Should be implemented so that calls to SizeFn#size are kept in sync with the size of the created enum (i.e. if the object underlying an enumerator changes, calls to SizeFn#size should reflect that change). TODO (CON): fix this to receive context and state to we're not reallocating it all the time
/** * "Function" type for java-created enumerators with size. Should be implemented so that calls to * SizeFn#size are kept in sync with the size of the created enum (i.e. if the object underlying an enumerator * changes, calls to SizeFn#size should reflect that change). * * TODO (CON): fix this to receive context and state to we're not reallocating it all the time */
public interface SizeFn { IRubyObject size(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args); } private static JavaSites.FiberSites sites(ThreadContext context) { return context.sites.Fiber; } }