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 * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Anders Bengtsson <ndrsbngtssn@yahoo.se>
 * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Jan Arne Petersen <jpetersen@uni-bonn.de>
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Thomas E Enebo <enebo@acm.org>
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Charles O Nutter <headius@headius.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Stefan Matthias Aust <sma@3plus4.de>
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Ola Bini <ola.bini@ki.se>
 * Copyright (C) 2007 William N Dortch <bill.dortch@gmail.com>
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package org.jruby.runtime.builtin;

import java.util.List;

import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyArray;
import org.jruby.RubyClass;
import org.jruby.RubyFloat;
import org.jruby.RubyHash;
import org.jruby.RubyInteger;
import org.jruby.RubyString;
import org.jruby.runtime.Block;
import org.jruby.runtime.JavaSites;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;

Object is the parent class of all classes in Ruby. Its methods are therefore available to all objects unless explicitly overridden.
/** * Object is the parent class of all classes in Ruby. Its methods are * therefore available to all objects unless explicitly overridden. */
public interface IRubyObject { // Create an array instance of IRubyObjects. It is so easy to miss using NULL_ARRAY in our // codebase this array method is a helper to prevent that pattern. static IRubyObject[] array(int length) { return length == 0 ? NULL_ARRAY : new IRubyObject[length]; } IRubyObject[] NULL_ARRAY = new IRubyObject[0]; @Deprecated public IRubyObject callSuper(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, Block block); public IRubyObject callMethod(ThreadContext context, String name); public IRubyObject callMethod(ThreadContext context, String name, IRubyObject arg); public IRubyObject callMethod(ThreadContext context, String name, IRubyObject[] args); public IRubyObject callMethod(ThreadContext context, String name, IRubyObject[] args, Block block); @Deprecated public IRubyObject callMethod(ThreadContext context, int methodIndex, String name); @Deprecated public IRubyObject callMethod(ThreadContext context, int methodIndex, String name, IRubyObject arg); public IRubyObject checkCallMethod(ThreadContext context, String name); public IRubyObject checkCallMethod(ThreadContext context, JavaSites.CheckedSites sites);
Check whether this object is nil.
Returns:true for nil only
/** * Check whether this object is nil. * @return true for <code>nil</code> only */
boolean isNil();
Check whether this object is truthy.
Returns:false for nil and false, true otherwise
/** * Check whether this object is truthy. * @return false for <code>nil</code> and <code>false</code>, true otherwise */
boolean isTrue();
RubyMethod isTaint.
/** * RubyMethod isTaint. * @return boolean */
boolean isTaint();
RubyMethod setTaint.
  • taint – the taint flag
/** * RubyMethod setTaint. * @param taint the taint flag */
void setTaint(boolean taint);
Infect this object using the taint of another object.
  • obj –
Returns:infected (self)
/** * Infect this object using the taint of another object. * @param obj * @return infected (self) */
IRubyObject infectBy(IRubyObject obj);
RubyMethod isFrozen.
/** * RubyMethod isFrozen. * @return boolean */
boolean isFrozen();
RubyMethod setFrozen.
  • b –
/** * RubyMethod setFrozen. * @param b */
void setFrozen(boolean b);
RubyMethod isUntrusted.
/** * RubyMethod isUntrusted. * @return boolean */
boolean isUntrusted();
RubyMethod setUntrusted.
  • b –
/** * RubyMethod setUntrusted. * @param b */
void setUntrusted(boolean b);
/** * * @return */
boolean isImmediate();
/** * * @return */
boolean isSpecialConst();
Retrieve self.class<.
Returns:the Ruby (meta) class
/** * Retrieve <code></>self.class<</code>. * @return the Ruby (meta) class */
RubyClass getMetaClass();
Retrieve self.singleton_class<.
Returns:the Ruby singleton class
/** * Retrieve <code></>self.singleton_class<</code>. * @return the Ruby singleton class */
RubyClass getSingletonClass();
RubyMethod getType.
/** * RubyMethod getType. * @return RubyClass */
RubyClass getType();
RubyMethod respondsTo.
  • string –
/** * RubyMethod respondsTo. * @param string * @return boolean */
boolean respondsTo(String string);
RubyMethod respondsTo.
  • string –
/** * RubyMethod respondsTo. * @param string * @return boolean */
boolean respondsToMissing(String string);
RubyMethod respondsTo.
  • string –
/** * RubyMethod respondsTo. * @param string * @return boolean */
boolean respondsToMissing(String string, boolean priv);
RubyMethod getRuntime.
Returns:the Ruby runtime this belongs to
/** * RubyMethod getRuntime. * @return the Ruby runtime this belongs to */
Ruby getRuntime();
RubyMethod getJavaClass.
/** * RubyMethod getJavaClass. * @return Class */
Class getJavaClass();
Convert the object into a symbol name if possible.
Returns:String the symbol name
/** * Convert the object into a symbol name if possible. * * @return String the symbol name */
String asJavaString();
/** rb_obj_as_string * @return */
RubyString asString();
Converts this Ruby object to an Array.
Returns:an array value
/** * Converts this Ruby object to an Array. * @return an array value */
RubyArray convertToArray();
Converts this Ruby object to a Hash.
Returns:a hash value
/** * Converts this Ruby object to a Hash. * @return a hash value */
RubyHash convertToHash();
Converts this Ruby object to a Float (using to_f).
Returns:a float value
/** * Converts this Ruby object to a Float (using to_f). * @return a float value */
RubyFloat convertToFloat();
Converts this Ruby object to an Integer. Uses the default conversion method (to_int).
Returns:an integer value
/** * Converts this Ruby object to an Integer. * Uses the default conversion method (to_int). * @return an integer value */
RubyInteger convertToInteger();
Converts this Ruby object to an Integer.
  • convertMethod – method to use e.g. to_i
Returns:an integer value
/** * Converts this Ruby object to an Integer. * @param convertMethod method to use e.g. to_i * @return an integer value */
RubyInteger convertToInteger(String convertMethod);
Converts this Ruby object to a String.
Returns:a string value
/** * Converts this Ruby object to a String. * @return a string value */
RubyString convertToString();
/** * * @return */
IRubyObject anyToString();
Returns:nil if type check failed
/** * * @return nil if type check failed */
IRubyObject checkStringType();
Returns:nil if type check failed
/** * * @return nil if type check failed */
IRubyObject checkArrayType();
Convert the object to the specified Java class, if possible.
  • type – The target type to which the object should be converted.
/** * Convert the object to the specified Java class, if possible. * * @param type The target type to which the object should be converted. */
<T> T toJava(Class<T> type);
RubyMethod dup.
Returns:a dup-ed object
/** * RubyMethod dup. * @return a dup-ed object */
IRubyObject dup();
RubyMethod inspect.
/** * RubyMethod inspect. * @return String */
IRubyObject inspect();
RubyMethod clone.
Returns:a cloned object
/** * RubyMethod clone. * @return a cloned object */
IRubyObject rbClone();
Returns:true if an object is Ruby Module instance (note that it will return false for Ruby Classes). If is_a? semantics is required, use (someObject instanceof RubyModule) instead.
/** * @return true if an object is Ruby Module instance (note that it will return false for Ruby Classes). * If is_a? semantics is required, use <code>(someObject instanceof RubyModule)</code> instead. */
boolean isModule();
Returns:true if an object is Ruby Class instance (note that it will return false for Ruby singleton classes). If is_a? semantics is required, use (someObject instanceof RubyClass/MetaClass) instead.
/** * @return true if an object is Ruby Class instance (note that it will return false for Ruby singleton classes). * If is_a? semantics is required, use <code>(someObject instanceof RubyClass/MetaClass)</code> instead. */
boolean isClass();
Our version of Data_Wrap_Struct. This method will just set a private pointer to the object provided. This pointer is transient and will not be accessible from Ruby.
  • obj – the object to wrap
/** * Our version of Data_Wrap_Struct. * * This method will just set a private pointer to the object provided. This pointer is transient * and will not be accessible from Ruby. * * @param obj the object to wrap */
void dataWrapStruct(Object obj);
Our version of Data_Get_Struct. Returns a wrapped data value if there is one, otherwise returns null.
Returns:the object wrapped.
/** * Our version of Data_Get_Struct. * * Returns a wrapped data value if there is one, otherwise returns null. * * @return the object wrapped. */
Object dataGetStruct(); @Deprecated // not used at all Object dataGetStructChecked();
Returns:the object id
/** * @return the object id */
IRubyObject id(); public IRubyObject op_equal(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other); public IRubyObject op_eqq(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other); public boolean eql(IRubyObject other); public void addFinalizer(IRubyObject finalizer); public void removeFinalizers(); // // COMMON VARIABLE METHODS //
Returns true if object has any variables, defined as:
  • instance variables
  • class variables
  • constants
  • internal variables, such as those used when marshalling Ranges and Exceptions
Returns:true if object has any variables, else false
/** * Returns true if object has any variables, defined as: * <ul> * <li> instance variables * <li> class variables * <li> constants * <li> internal variables, such as those used when marshalling Ranges and Exceptions * </ul> * @return true if object has any variables, else false */
boolean hasVariables();
Returns:the count of all variables (ivar/cvar/constant/internal)
/** * @return the count of all variables (ivar/cvar/constant/internal) */
int getVariableCount();
Sets object's variables to those in the supplied list, removing/replacing any previously defined variables. Applies to all variable types (ivar/cvar/constant/internal).
  • variables – the variables to be set for object
/** * Sets object's variables to those in the supplied list, * removing/replacing any previously defined variables. Applies * to all variable types (ivar/cvar/constant/internal). * * @param variables the variables to be set for object */
@Deprecated void syncVariables(List<Variable<Object>> variables);
Sets object's variables to those in the supplied object, removing/replacing any previously defined variables of the same name. Applies to all variable types (ivar/cvar/constant/internal).
  • source – the source object containing the variables to sync
/** * Sets object's variables to those in the supplied object, * removing/replacing any previously defined variables of the same name. * Applies to all variable types (ivar/cvar/constant/internal). * * @param source the source object containing the variables to sync */
void syncVariables(IRubyObject source);
Returns:a list of all variables (ivar/cvar/constant/internal)
/** * @return a list of all variables (ivar/cvar/constant/internal) */
List<Variable<Object>> getVariableList(); // // INSTANCE VARIABLE METHODS // InstanceVariables getInstanceVariables(); // // INTERNAL VARIABLE METHODS // InternalVariables getInternalVariables();
Returns:a list of all variable names (ivar/cvar/constant/internal)
/** * @return a list of all variable names (ivar/cvar/constant/internal) */
List<String> getVariableNameList(); void copySpecialInstanceVariables(IRubyObject clone); public Object getVariable(int index); public void setVariable(int index, Object value);
Deprecated:Use checkStringType() instead.
/** * @deprecated Use {@link #checkStringType()} instead. */
default IRubyObject checkStringType19() { return checkStringType(); }
  • convertMethod –
  • convertMethodIndex –
See Also:
/** * @param convertMethod * @param convertMethodIndex * @see #convertToInteger(String) */
@Deprecated default RubyInteger convertToInteger(int convertMethodIndex, String convertMethod) { return convertToInteger(convertMethod); } }