BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** Version: EPL 2.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public License Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. Copyright (C) 2001 Chad Fowler Copyright (C) 2001 Alan Moore Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Benoit Cerrina Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Jan Arne Petersen Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Anders Bengtsson Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Thomas E Enebo Copyright (C) 2004 Stefan Matthias Aust Copyright (C) 2005 Charles O Nutter Copyright (C) 2006 Ola Bini Copyright (C) 2006 Tim Azzopardi Copyright (C) 2006 Miguel Covarrubias Copyright (C) 2007 MenTaLguY Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the terms of the EPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of any one of the EPL, the GPL or the LGPL. END LICENSE BLOCK
/***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: EPL 2.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public * License Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * Copyright (C) 2001 Chad Fowler <> * Copyright (C) 2001 Alan Moore <> * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Benoit Cerrina <> * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Jan Arne Petersen <> * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Anders Bengtsson <> * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Thomas E Enebo <> * Copyright (C) 2004 Stefan Matthias Aust <> * Copyright (C) 2005 Charles O Nutter <> * Copyright (C) 2006 Ola Bini <> * Copyright (C) 2006 Tim Azzopardi <> * Copyright (C) 2006 Miguel Covarrubias <> * Copyright (C) 2007 MenTaLguY <> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the EPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the EPL, the GPL or the LGPL. ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
package org.jruby; import org.jcodings.specific.USASCIIEncoding; import org.jruby.anno.JRubyClass; import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod; import org.jruby.common.IRubyWarnings.ID; import org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException; import org.jruby.javasupport.JavaUtil; import org.jruby.runtime.Arity; import org.jruby.runtime.Block; import org.jruby.runtime.BlockCallback; import org.jruby.runtime.CallBlock19; import org.jruby.runtime.ClassIndex; import org.jruby.runtime.Helpers; import org.jruby.runtime.JavaSites.HashSites; import org.jruby.runtime.ObjectAllocator; import org.jruby.runtime.Signature; import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext; import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject; import org.jruby.runtime.marshal.MarshalStream; import org.jruby.runtime.marshal.UnmarshalStream; import org.jruby.util.ByteList; import org.jruby.util.RecursiveComparator; import org.jruby.util.TypeConverter; import; import java.util.AbstractCollection; import java.util.AbstractSet; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater; import static org.jruby.RubyEnumerator.enumeratorizeWithSize; import static org.jruby.runtime.Visibility.PRIVATE; import static org.jruby.RubyEnumerator.SizeFn; // Design overview: // // RubyHash is implemented as hash table with a singly-linked list of // RubyHash.RubyHashEntry objects for each bucket. RubyHashEntry objects // are also kept in a doubly-linked list which reflects their insertion // order and is used for iteration. For simplicity, this latter list is // circular; a dummy RubyHashEntry, RubyHash.head, is used to mark the // ends of the list. // // When an entry is removed from the table, it is also removed from the // doubly-linked list. However, while the reference to the previous // RubyHashEntry is cleared (to mark the entry as dead), the reference // to the next RubyHashEntry is preserved so that iterators are not // invalidated: any iterator with a reference to a dead entry can climb // back up into the list of live entries by chasing next references until // it finds a live entry (or head). // // Ordinarily, this scheme would require O(N) time to clear a hash (since // each RubyHashEntry would need to be visited and unlinked from the // iteration list), but RubyHash also maintains a generation count. Every // time the hash is cleared, the doubly-linked list is simply discarded and // the generation count incremented. Iterators check to see whether the // generation count has changed; if it has, they reset themselves back to // the new start of the list. // // This design means that iterators are never invalidated by changes to the // hashtable, and they do not need to modify the structure during their // lifecycle. //
Implementation of the Hash class. Concurrency: no synchronization is required among readers, but all users must synchronize externally with writers.
/** Implementation of the Hash class. * * Concurrency: no synchronization is required among readers, but * all users must synchronize externally with writers. * */
@JRubyClass(name = "Hash", include="Enumerable") public class RubyHash extends RubyObject implements Map { public static final int DEFAULT_INSPECT_STR_SIZE = 20; public static final int COMPARE_BY_IDENTITY_F = ObjectFlags.COMPARE_BY_IDENTITY_F; public static RubyClass createHashClass(Ruby runtime) { RubyClass hashc = runtime.defineClass("Hash", runtime.getObject(), HASH_ALLOCATOR); hashc.setClassIndex(ClassIndex.HASH); hashc.setReifiedClass(RubyHash.class); hashc.kindOf = new RubyModule.JavaClassKindOf(RubyHash.class); hashc.includeModule(runtime.getEnumerable()); hashc.defineAnnotatedMethods(RubyHash.class); return hashc; } private final static ObjectAllocator HASH_ALLOCATOR = new ObjectAllocator() { @Override public IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) { return new RubyHash(runtime, klass); } }; @Override public ClassIndex getNativeClassIndex() { return ClassIndex.HASH; }
/** rb_hash_s_create * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "[]", rest = true, meta = true) public static IRubyObject create(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; if (args.length == 1) { IRubyObject tmp = TypeConverter.convertToTypeWithCheck(args[0], runtime.getHash(), "to_hash"); if (!tmp.isNil()) { return new RubyHash(runtime, (RubyClass) recv, (RubyHash) tmp); } final IRubyObject nil = context.nil; tmp = TypeConverter.convertToTypeWithCheck(args[0], runtime.getArray(), "to_ary"); if (tmp != nil) { RubyHash hash = (RubyHash) ((RubyClass) recv).allocate(); RubyArray arr = (RubyArray) tmp; for (int i = 0, j = arr.getLength(); i<j; i++) { IRubyObject e = arr.entry(i); IRubyObject v = TypeConverter.convertToTypeWithCheck(e, runtime.getArray(), "to_ary"); IRubyObject key; IRubyObject val = nil; if (v == nil) { runtime.getWarnings().warn("wrong element type " + e.getMetaClass() + " at " + i + " (expected array)"); runtime.getWarnings().warn("ignoring wrong elements is deprecated, remove them explicitly"); runtime.getWarnings().warn("this causes ArgumentError in the next release"); continue; } switch (((RubyArray) v).getLength()) { default: throw runtime.newArgumentError("invalid number of elements (" + ((RubyArray) v).getLength() + " for 1..2)"); case 2: val = ((RubyArray) v).entry(1); case 1: key = ((RubyArray) v).entry(0); hash.fastASetCheckString(runtime, key, val); } } return hash; } } if ((args.length & 1) != 0) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("odd number of arguments for Hash"); } RubyHash hash = (RubyHash) ((RubyClass) recv).allocate(); for (int i=0; i < args.length; i+=2) hash.fastASetCheckString(runtime, args[i], args[i+1]); return hash; } @JRubyMethod(name = "try_convert", meta = true) public static IRubyObject try_convert(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject args) { return TypeConverter.convertToTypeWithCheck(args, context.runtime.getHash(), "to_hash"); }
/** rb_hash_new * */
public static final RubyHash newHash(Ruby runtime) { return new RubyHash(runtime); }
/** rb_hash_new * */
public static final RubyHash newSmallHash(Ruby runtime) { return new RubyHash(runtime, 1); } public static RubyHash newKwargs(Ruby runtime, String key, IRubyObject value) { RubyHash kwargs = newSmallHash(runtime); kwargs.fastASetSmall(runtime.newSymbol(key), value); return kwargs; }
/** rb_hash_new * */
public static final RubyHash newHash(Ruby runtime, Map valueMap, IRubyObject defaultValue) { assert defaultValue != null; return new RubyHash(runtime, valueMap, defaultValue); } private RubyHashEntry[] table; protected int size = 0; private int threshold; private static final int PROCDEFAULT_HASH_F = ObjectFlags.PROCDEFAULT_HASH_F; private IRubyObject ifNone; private RubyHash(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass, RubyHash other) { super(runtime, klass); this.ifNone = UNDEF; threshold = INITIAL_THRESHOLD; table = other.internalCopyTable(head); size = other.size; } public RubyHash(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) { super(runtime, klass); this.ifNone = UNDEF; allocFirst(); } public RubyHash(Ruby runtime, int buckets) { this(runtime, UNDEF, buckets); } public RubyHash(Ruby runtime) { this(runtime, UNDEF); } public RubyHash(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject defaultValue) { super(runtime, runtime.getHash()); this.ifNone = defaultValue; allocFirst(); } public RubyHash(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject defaultValue, int buckets) { this(runtime, buckets, true); this.ifNone = defaultValue; } protected RubyHash(Ruby runtime, RubyClass metaClass, IRubyObject defaultValue, RubyHashEntry[] initialTable, int threshold) { super(runtime, metaClass); this.ifNone = defaultValue; this.threshold = threshold; this.table = initialTable; } /* * Constructor for internal usage (mainly for Array#|, Array#&, Array#- and Array#uniq) * it doesn't initialize ifNone field */ RubyHash(Ruby runtime, int buckets, boolean objectSpace) { super(runtime, runtime.getHash(), objectSpace); // FIXME: current hash implementation cannot deal with no buckets so we will add a single one // (this constructor will go away once open addressing is added back ???) if (buckets <= 0) buckets = 1; allocFirst(buckets); } // TODO should this be deprecated ? (to be efficient, internals should deal with RubyHash directly) public RubyHash(Ruby runtime, Map valueMap, IRubyObject defaultValue) { super(runtime, runtime.getHash()); this.ifNone = defaultValue; allocFirst(); for (Iterator iter = valueMap.entrySet().iterator();iter.hasNext();) { Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry); internalPut((IRubyObject)e.getKey(), (IRubyObject)e.getValue()); } } private final void allocFirst() { threshold = INITIAL_THRESHOLD; table = new RubyHashEntry[MRI_HASH_RESIZE ? MRI_INITIAL_CAPACITY : JAVASOFT_INITIAL_CAPACITY]; } private final void allocFirst(int buckets) { if (buckets <= 0) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("invalid bucket size: " + buckets); threshold = INITIAL_THRESHOLD; table = new RubyHashEntry[buckets]; } private final void alloc() { generation++; head.prevAdded = head.nextAdded = head; allocFirst(); } /* ============================ * Here are hash internals * (This could be extracted to a separate class but it's not too large though) * ============================ */ public static final int MRI_PRIMES[] = { 8 + 3, 16 + 3, 32 + 5, 64 + 3, 128 + 3, 256 + 27, 512 + 9, 1024 + 9, 2048 + 5, 4096 + 3, 8192 + 27, 16384 + 43, 32768 + 3, 65536 + 45, 131072 + 29, 262144 + 3, 524288 + 21, 1048576 + 7, 2097152 + 17, 4194304 + 15, 8388608 + 9, 16777216 + 43, 33554432 + 35, 67108864 + 15, 134217728 + 29, 268435456 + 3, 536870912 + 11, 1073741824 + 85, 0 }; private static final int JAVASOFT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 8; // 16 ? private static final int MRI_INITIAL_CAPACITY = MRI_PRIMES[0]; private static final int INITIAL_THRESHOLD = JAVASOFT_INITIAL_CAPACITY - (JAVASOFT_INITIAL_CAPACITY >> 2); private static final int MAXIMUM_CAPACITY = 1 << 30; public static final RubyHashEntry NO_ENTRY = new RubyHashEntry(); private int generation = 0; // generation count for O(1) clears private final RubyHashEntry head = new RubyHashEntry(); { head.prevAdded = head.nextAdded = head; } public static final class RubyHashEntry implements Map.Entry { IRubyObject key; IRubyObject value; private RubyHashEntry next; private RubyHashEntry prevAdded; private RubyHashEntry nextAdded; private int hash; RubyHashEntry() { key = NEVER; } public RubyHashEntry(int h, IRubyObject k, IRubyObject v, RubyHashEntry e, RubyHashEntry head) { key = k; value = v; next = e; hash = h; if (head != null) { prevAdded = head.prevAdded; nextAdded = head; nextAdded.prevAdded = this; prevAdded.nextAdded = this; } } public void detach() { if (prevAdded != null) { prevAdded.nextAdded = nextAdded; nextAdded.prevAdded = prevAdded; prevAdded = null; } } public boolean isLive() { return prevAdded != null; } @Override public Object getKey() { return key; } public Object getJavaifiedKey(){ return key.toJava(Object.class); } @Override public Object getValue() { return value; } public Object getJavaifiedValue() { return value.toJava(Object.class); } @Override public Object setValue(Object value) { IRubyObject oldValue = this.value; if (value instanceof IRubyObject) { this.value = (IRubyObject)value; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("directEntrySet() doesn't support setValue for non IRubyObject instance entries, convert them manually or use entrySet() instead"); } return oldValue; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other){ if(!(other instanceof RubyHashEntry)) return false; RubyHashEntry otherEntry = (RubyHashEntry)other; return (key == otherEntry.key || key.eql(otherEntry.key)) && (value == otherEntry.value || value.equals(otherEntry.value)); } @Override public int hashCode(){ return key.hashCode() ^ value.hashCode(); } } private static int JavaSoftHashValue(int h) { h ^= (h >>> 20) ^ (h >>> 12); return h ^ (h >>> 7) ^ (h >>> 4); } private static int JavaSoftBucketIndex(final int h, final int length) { return h & (length - 1); } private static int MRIHashValue(int h) { return h & HASH_SIGN_BIT_MASK; } private static final int HASH_SIGN_BIT_MASK = ~(1 << 31); private static int MRIBucketIndex(final int h, final int length) { return ((h & HASH_SIGN_BIT_MASK) % length); } private final synchronized void resize(int newCapacity) { final RubyHashEntry[] oldTable = table; final RubyHashEntry[] newTable = new RubyHashEntry[newCapacity]; for (int j = 0; j < oldTable.length; j++) { RubyHashEntry entry = oldTable[j]; oldTable[j] = null; while (entry != null) { RubyHashEntry next =; int i = bucketIndex(entry.hash, newCapacity); = newTable[i]; newTable[i] = entry; entry = next; } } table = newTable; } private final void JavaSoftCheckResize() { if (overThreshold()) { RubyHashEntry[] tbl = table; if (tbl.length == MAXIMUM_CAPACITY) { threshold = Integer.MAX_VALUE; return; } resizeAndAdjustThreshold(table); } } private boolean overThreshold() { return size > threshold; } private void resizeAndAdjustThreshold(RubyHashEntry[] oldTable) { int newCapacity = oldTable.length << 1; resize(newCapacity); threshold = newCapacity - (newCapacity >> 2); } private static final int MIN_CAPA = 8; private static final int ST_DEFAULT_MAX_DENSITY = 5; private final void MRICheckResize() { if (size / table.length > ST_DEFAULT_MAX_DENSITY) { int forSize = table.length + 1; // size + 1; for (int i=0, newCapacity = MIN_CAPA; i < MRI_PRIMES.length; i++, newCapacity <<= 1) { if (newCapacity > forSize) { resize(MRI_PRIMES[i]); return; } } return; // suboptimal for large hashes (> 1073741824 + 85 entries) not very likely to happen } } // ------------------------------ private static final boolean MRI_HASH = true; private static final boolean MRI_HASH_RESIZE = true; protected final int hashValue(final IRubyObject key) { final int h = isComparedByIdentity() ? System.identityHashCode(key) : key.hashCode(); return MRI_HASH ? MRIHashValue(h) : JavaSoftHashValue(h); } private static int bucketIndex(final int h, final int length) { return MRI_HASH ? MRIBucketIndex(h, length) : JavaSoftBucketIndex(h, length); } private void checkResize() { if (MRI_HASH_RESIZE) MRICheckResize(); else JavaSoftCheckResize(); } protected final void checkIterating() { if (iteratorCount > 0) { throw metaClass.runtime.newRuntimeError("can't add a new key into hash during iteration"); } } // put implementation public IRubyObject internalPut(final IRubyObject key, final IRubyObject value) { checkResize(); return internalPutNoResize(key, value, true); } private void internalPutSmall(final IRubyObject key, final IRubyObject value) { internalPutNoResize(key, value, true); } private void internalPut(final IRubyObject key, final IRubyObject value, final boolean checkForExisting) { checkResize(); internalPutNoResize(key, value, checkForExisting); } final boolean internalPutIfNoKey(final IRubyObject key, final IRubyObject value) { if (internalGetEntry(key) == NO_ENTRY) { internalPut(key, value); return true; } return false; } @Deprecated // no longer used protected final IRubyObject internalJavaPut(final IRubyObject key, final IRubyObject value) { checkResize(); return internalPutNoResize(key, value, true); } protected IRubyObject internalPutNoResize(final IRubyObject key, final IRubyObject value, final boolean checkForExisting) { final int hash = hashValue(key); final int i = bucketIndex(hash, table.length); if (checkForExisting) { for (RubyHashEntry entry = table[i]; entry != null; entry = { if (internalKeyExist(entry, hash, key)) { IRubyObject existing = entry.value; entry.value = value; return existing; } } } checkIterating(); table[i] = new RubyHashEntry(hash, key, value, table[i], head); size++; // no existing entry return null; } // get implementation protected IRubyObject internalGet(IRubyObject key) { // specialized for value return internalGetEntry(key).value; } protected RubyHashEntry internalGetEntry(IRubyObject key) { if (size == 0) return NO_ENTRY; final int hash = hashValue(key); for (RubyHashEntry entry = table[bucketIndex(hash, table.length)]; entry != null; entry = { if (internalKeyExist(entry, hash, key)) { return entry; } } return NO_ENTRY; } final RubyHashEntry getEntry(IRubyObject key) { return internalGetEntry(key); } private boolean internalKeyExist(RubyHashEntry entry, int hash, IRubyObject key) { return (entry.hash == hash && (entry.key == key || (!isComparedByIdentity() && key.eql(entry.key)))); } // delete implementation protected RubyHashEntry internalDelete(final IRubyObject key) { if (size == 0) return NO_ENTRY; return internalDelete(hashValue(key), MATCH_KEY, key); } protected RubyHashEntry internalDeleteEntry(final RubyHashEntry entry) { // n.b. we need to recompute the hash in case the key object was modified return internalDelete(hashValue(entry.key), MATCH_ENTRY, entry); } private final RubyHashEntry internalDelete(final int hash, final EntryMatchType matchType, final Object obj) { final int i = bucketIndex(hash, table.length); RubyHashEntry entry = table[i]; if (entry != null) { RubyHashEntry prior = null; for (; entry != null; prior = entry, entry = { if (entry.hash == hash && matchType.matches(entry, obj)) { if (prior != null) { =; } else { table[i] =; } entry.detach(); size--; return entry; } } } return NO_ENTRY; } private static abstract class EntryMatchType { public abstract boolean matches(final RubyHashEntry entry, final Object obj); } private static final EntryMatchType MATCH_KEY = new EntryMatchType() { @Override public boolean matches(final RubyHashEntry entry, final Object obj) { final IRubyObject key = entry.key; return obj == key || (((IRubyObject)obj).eql(key)); } }; private static final EntryMatchType MATCH_ENTRY = new EntryMatchType() { @Override public boolean matches(final RubyHashEntry entry, final Object obj) { return entry.equals(obj); } }; private final RubyHashEntry[] internalCopyTable(RubyHashEntry destHead) { RubyHashEntry[]newTable = new RubyHashEntry[table.length]; for (RubyHashEntry entry = head.nextAdded; entry != head; entry = entry.nextAdded) { int i = bucketIndex(entry.hash, table.length); newTable[i] = new RubyHashEntry(entry.hash, entry.key, entry.value, newTable[i], destHead); } return newTable; } public static abstract class VisitorWithState<T> { public abstract void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, T state); } public static abstract class Visitor extends VisitorWithState { public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, Object state) { visit(key, value); } public abstract void visit(IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value); } public <T> void visitAll(ThreadContext context, VisitorWithState visitor, T state) { // use -1 to disable concurrency checks visitLimited(context, visitor, -1, state); } private <T> void visitLimited(ThreadContext context, VisitorWithState visitor, long size, T state) { int startGeneration = generation; long count = size; int index = 0; // visit not more than size entries for (RubyHashEntry entry = head.nextAdded; entry != head && count != 0; entry = entry.nextAdded) { if (startGeneration != generation) { startGeneration = generation; entry = head.nextAdded; if (entry == head) break; } if (entry != null && entry.isLive()) { visitor.visit(context, this, entry.key, entry.value, index++, state); count--; } } // it does not handle all concurrent modification cases, // but at least provides correct marshal as we have exactly size entries visited (count == 0) // or if count < 0 - skipped concurrent modification checks if (count > 0) throw concurrentModification(); } public <T> boolean allSymbols() { int startGeneration = generation; // visit not more than size entries RubyHashEntry head = this.head; for (RubyHashEntry entry = head.nextAdded; entry != head; entry = entry.nextAdded) { if (startGeneration != generation) { startGeneration = generation; entry = head.nextAdded; if (entry == head) break; } if (entry != null && entry.isLive()) { if (!(entry.key instanceof RubySymbol)) return false; } } return true; } /* ============================ * End of hash internals * ============================ */ /* ================ * Instance Methods * ================ */
/** rb_hash_initialize * */
@JRubyMethod(optional = 1, visibility = PRIVATE) public IRubyObject initialize(IRubyObject[] args, final Block block) { modify(); if (block.isGiven()) { if (args.length > 0) throw metaClass.runtime.newArgumentError("wrong number of arguments"); ifNone = metaClass.runtime.newProc(Block.Type.PROC, block); flags |= PROCDEFAULT_HASH_F; } else { Arity.checkArgumentCount(metaClass.runtime, args, 0, 1); if (args.length == 1) ifNone = args[0]; if (args.length == 0) ifNone = UNDEF; } return this; } @JRubyMethod(name = "default") public IRubyObject default_value_get(ThreadContext context) { if ((flags & PROCDEFAULT_HASH_F) != 0) { return context.nil; } return ifNone == UNDEF ? context.nil : ifNone; } @JRubyMethod(name = "default") public IRubyObject default_value_get(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { if ((flags & PROCDEFAULT_HASH_F) != 0) { return sites(context), ifNone, ifNone, this, arg); } return ifNone == UNDEF ? context.nil : ifNone; }
/** rb_hash_set_default * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "default=", required = 1) public IRubyObject default_value_set(ThreadContext context, final IRubyObject defaultValue) { modify(); ifNone = defaultValue; flags &= ~PROCDEFAULT_HASH_F; return ifNone; }
/** rb_hash_default_proc * */
@JRubyMethod public IRubyObject default_proc(ThreadContext context) { return (flags & PROCDEFAULT_HASH_F) != 0 ? ifNone : context.nil; }
/** default_proc_arity_check * */
private void checkDefaultProcArity(IRubyObject proc) { int n = ((RubyProc)proc).getBlock().getSignature().arityValue(); if(((RubyProc)proc).getBlock().type == Block.Type.LAMBDA && n != 2 && (n >= 0 || n < -3)) { if(n < 0) n = -n-1; throw getRuntime().newTypeError("default_proc takes two arguments (2 for " + n + ")"); } }
/** rb_hash_set_default_proc * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "default_proc=") public IRubyObject set_default_proc(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject proc) { modify(); if (proc.isNil()) { ifNone = proc; flags &= ~PROCDEFAULT_HASH_F; return proc; } Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject b = TypeConverter.convertToType(proc, runtime.getProc(), "to_proc"); if (b.isNil() || !(b instanceof RubyProc)) { throw runtime.newTypeError("wrong default_proc type " + proc.getMetaClass() + " (expected Proc)"); } proc = b; checkDefaultProcArity(proc); ifNone = proc; flags |= PROCDEFAULT_HASH_F; return proc; }
/** rb_hash_modify * */
public void modify() { testFrozen("Hash"); }
/** inspect_hash * */
private IRubyObject inspectHash(final ThreadContext context) { final RubyString str = RubyString.newStringLight(context.runtime, DEFAULT_INSPECT_STR_SIZE, USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE); str.infectBy(this);'{'); visitAll(context, InspectVisitor, str);'}'); return str; } private static final VisitorWithState<RubyString> InspectVisitor = new VisitorWithState<RubyString>() { @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, RubyString str) { RubyString keyStr = inspect(context, key); RubyString valStr = inspect(context, value); final ByteList bytes = str.getByteList(); bytes.ensure(2 + keyStr.size() + 2 + valStr.size()); if (index > 0) bytes.append((byte) ',').append((byte) ' '); str.cat19(keyStr); bytes.append((byte) '=').append((byte) '>'); str.cat19(valStr); } }; @Override public IRubyObject inspect() { return inspect(metaClass.runtime.getCurrentContext()); }
/** rb_hash_inspect * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "inspect") public IRubyObject inspect(ThreadContext context) { if (size == 0) return RubyString.newUSASCIIString(context.runtime, "{}"); if (context.runtime.isInspecting(this)) return RubyString.newUSASCIIString(context.runtime, "{...}"); try { context.runtime.registerInspecting(this); return inspectHash(context); } finally { context.runtime.unregisterInspecting(this); } } @Deprecated public IRubyObject inspect19(ThreadContext context) { return inspect(context); }
/** rb_hash_size * */
@JRubyMethod(name = {"size", "length"}) public RubyFixnum rb_size(ThreadContext context) { return context.runtime.newFixnum(size); } private SizeFn enumSizeFn() { return (context, args) -> this.rb_size(context); }
/** rb_hash_empty_p * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "empty?") public RubyBoolean empty_p(ThreadContext context) { return size == 0 ? context.tru : context.fals; }
/** rb_hash_to_a * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "to_a") @Override public RubyArray to_a(ThreadContext context) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; try { final RubyArray result = RubyArray.newBlankArrayInternal(runtime, size); visitAll(context, RubyHash.StoreKeyValueVisitor, result); result.setTaint(isTaint()); return result; } catch (NegativeArraySizeException nase) { throw concurrentModification(); } } private static final VisitorWithState<RubyArray> StoreKeyValueVisitor = new VisitorWithState<RubyArray>() { @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, RubyArray result) { result.storeInternal(index, RubyArray.newArray(context.runtime, key, value)); } };
rb_hash_to_s & to_s_hash
/** rb_hash_to_s & to_s_hash * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "to_s") public IRubyObject to_s(ThreadContext context) { return inspect(context); } public final IRubyObject to_s19(ThreadContext context) { return to_s(context); }
/** rb_hash_rehash * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "rehash") public RubyHash rehash(ThreadContext context) { if (iteratorCount > 0) { throw context.runtime.newRuntimeError("rehash during iteration"); } modify(); final RubyHashEntry[] oldTable = table; final RubyHashEntry[] newTable = new RubyHashEntry[oldTable.length]; for (int j = 0; j < oldTable.length; j++) { RubyHashEntry entry = oldTable[j]; oldTable[j] = null; while (entry != null) { RubyHashEntry next =; entry.hash = hashValue(entry.key); // update the hash value int i = bucketIndex(entry.hash, newTable.length); if (newTable[i] != null && internalKeyExist(newTable[i], entry.hash, entry.key)) { RubyHashEntry tmpNext = entry.nextAdded; RubyHashEntry tmpPrev = entry.prevAdded; tmpPrev.nextAdded = tmpNext; tmpPrev.prevAdded = tmpPrev; size--; } else { = newTable[i]; newTable[i] = entry; } entry = next; } } table = newTable; return this; }
/** rb_hash_to_hash * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "to_hash") public RubyHash to_hash(ThreadContext context) { return this; } @JRubyMethod public RubyHash to_h(ThreadContext context) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; return getType() == runtime.getHash() ? this : newHash(runtime).replace(context, this); } @Override public RubyHash convertToHash() { return this; } public final void fastASet(IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value) { internalPut(key, value); } public final void fastASetSmall(IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value) { internalPutSmall(key, value); } public final void fastASetCheckString(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value) { if (key instanceof RubyString && !isComparedByIdentity()) { op_asetForString(runtime, (RubyString) key, value); } else { internalPut(key, value); } } public final void fastASetSmallCheckString(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value) { if (key instanceof RubyString) { op_asetSmallForString(runtime, (RubyString) key, value); } else { internalPutSmall(key, value); } } public final void fastASet(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, boolean prepareString) { if (prepareString) { fastASetCheckString(runtime, key, value); } else { fastASet(key, value); } } public final void fastASetSmall(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, boolean prepareString) { if (prepareString) { fastASetSmallCheckString(runtime, key, value); } else { fastASetSmall(key, value); } }
/** rb_hash_aset * */
@JRubyMethod(name = {"[]=", "store"}) public IRubyObject op_aset(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value) { modify(); fastASetCheckString(context.runtime, key, value); return value; } protected void op_asetForString(Ruby runtime, RubyString key, IRubyObject value) { final RubyHashEntry entry = internalGetEntry(key); if (entry != NO_ENTRY) { entry.value = value; } else { checkIterating(); if (!key.isFrozen()) key = (RubyString)key.dupFrozen(); internalPut(key, value, false); } } protected void op_asetSmallForString(Ruby runtime, RubyString key, IRubyObject value) { final RubyHashEntry entry = internalGetEntry(key); if (entry != NO_ENTRY) { entry.value = value; } else { checkIterating(); if (!key.isFrozen()) key = (RubyString)key.dupFrozen(); internalPutNoResize(key, value, false); } } // returns null when not found to avoid unnecessary getRuntime().getNil() call public final IRubyObject fastARef(IRubyObject key) { return internalGet(key); } public RubyBoolean compare(final ThreadContext context, VisitorWithState<RubyHash> visitor, IRubyObject other) { if (!(other instanceof RubyHash)) { if (!sites(context).respond_to_to_hash.respondsTo(context, other, other)) { return context.fals; } return Helpers.rbEqual(context, other, this); } final RubyHash otherHash = (RubyHash) other; if (this.size != otherHash.size) { return context.fals; } try { visitAll(context, visitor, otherHash); } catch (Mismatch e) { return context.fals; } return context.tru; } private static final VisitorWithState<RubyHash> FindMismatchUsingEqualVisitor = new VisitorWithState<RubyHash>() { @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, RubyHash otherHash) { IRubyObject value2 = otherHash.fastARef(key); if (value2 == null) { // other hash does not contain key throw MISMATCH; } if (!Helpers.rbEqual(context, value, value2).isTrue()) { throw MISMATCH; } } }; private static final VisitorWithState<RubyHash> FindMismatchUsingEqlVisitor = new VisitorWithState<RubyHash>() { @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, RubyHash otherHash) { IRubyObject value2 = otherHash.fastARef(key); if (value2 == null) { // other hash does not contain key throw MISMATCH; } if (!Helpers.rbEql(context, value, value2).isTrue()) { throw MISMATCH; } } };
/** rb_hash_equal * */
@Override @JRubyMethod(name = "==") public IRubyObject op_equal(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { return, FindMismatchUsingEqualVisitor, this, other); }
/** rb_hash_eql * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "eql?") public IRubyObject op_eql(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { return, FindMismatchUsingEqlVisitor, this, other); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject op_eql19(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { return op_eql(context, other); }
/** rb_hash_aref * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "[]", required = 1) public IRubyObject op_aref(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject key) { IRubyObject value; return ((value = internalGet(key)) == null) ? sites(context), this, this, key) : value; }
/** hash_le_i * */
private boolean hash_le(RubyHash other) { return other.directEntrySet().containsAll(directEntrySet()); } @JRubyMethod(name = "<", required = 1) public IRubyObject op_lt(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { final RubyHash otherHash = ((RubyBasicObject) other).convertToHash(); if (size() >= otherHash.size()) return context.fals; return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(context, hash_le(otherHash)); } @JRubyMethod(name = "<=", required = 1) public IRubyObject op_le(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { final RubyHash otherHash = other.convertToHash(); if (size() > otherHash.size()) return context.fals; return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(context, hash_le(otherHash)); } @JRubyMethod(name = ">", required = 1) public IRubyObject op_gt(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { final RubyHash otherHash = other.convertToHash(); return otherHash.op_lt(context, this); } @JRubyMethod(name = ">=", required = 1) public IRubyObject op_ge(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { final RubyHash otherHash = other.convertToHash(); return otherHash.op_le(context, this); }
/** rb_hash_hash * */
@Override public RubyFixnum hash() { return hash(metaClass.runtime.getCurrentContext()); } @JRubyMethod(name = "hash") public RubyFixnum hash(ThreadContext context) { final int size = size(); long[] hval = { Helpers.hashStart(context.runtime, size) }; if (size > 0) { iteratorVisitAll(context, CalculateHashVisitor, hval); } return context.runtime.newFixnum(hval[0]); } private static final VisitorWithState<long[]> CalculateHashVisitor = new VisitorWithState<long[]>() { @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, long[] hval) { hval[0] += Helpers.safeHash(context, key).value ^ Helpers.safeHash(context, value).value; } }; @Deprecated public final RubyFixnum hash19() { return hash(getRuntime().getCurrentContext()); }
/** rb_hash_fetch * */
public IRubyObject fetch(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { Arity.checkArgumentCount(context.runtime, args.length, 1, 2); switch(args.length) { case 1: return fetch(context, args[0], block); case 2: return fetch(context, args[0], args[1], block); } return null; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject fetch(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject key, Block block) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject value = internalGet(key); if (value == null) { if (block.isGiven()) return block.yield(context, key); throw runtime.newKeyError("key not found: " + key.inspect(), this, key); } return value; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject fetch(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject _default, Block block) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; boolean blockGiven = block.isGiven(); if (blockGiven) { runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.BLOCK_BEATS_DEFAULT_VALUE, "block supersedes default value argument"); } IRubyObject value = internalGet(key); if (value == null) { if (blockGiven) return block.yield(context, key); return _default; } return value; }
/** rb_hash_has_key * */
@JRubyMethod(name = {"has_key?", "key?", "include?", "member?"}, required = 1) public RubyBoolean has_key_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject key) { return internalGetEntry(key) == NO_ENTRY ? context.fals : context.tru; } public RubyBoolean has_key_p(IRubyObject key) { Ruby runtime = metaClass.runtime; return internalGetEntry(key) == NO_ENTRY ? runtime.getFalse() : runtime.getTrue(); } private static class Found extends RuntimeException { @Override public Throwable fillInStackTrace() { return null; } } private static final Found FOUND = new Found(); private static class FoundKey extends Found { public final IRubyObject key; FoundKey(IRubyObject key) { super(); this.key = key; } } private static class FoundPair extends FoundKey { public final IRubyObject value; FoundPair(IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value) { super(key); this.value = value; } } private boolean hasValue(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject expected) { try { visitAll(context, FoundIfEqualVisitor, expected); return false; } catch (Found found) { return true; } } private static final VisitorWithState<IRubyObject> FoundIfEqualVisitor = new VisitorWithState<IRubyObject>() { @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, IRubyObject expected) { if (equalInternal(context, value, expected)) { throw FOUND; } } };
/** rb_hash_has_value * */
@JRubyMethod(name = {"has_value?", "value?"}, required = 1) public RubyBoolean has_value_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject expected) { return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(context, hasValue(context, expected)); } private volatile int iteratorCount; private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<RubyHash> ITERATOR_UPDATER; static { AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<RubyHash> iterUp = null; try { iterUp = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(RubyHash.class, "iteratorCount"); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore, leave null } ITERATOR_UPDATER = iterUp; } private void iteratorEntry() { if (ITERATOR_UPDATER == null) { iteratorEntrySync(); return; } ITERATOR_UPDATER.incrementAndGet(this); } private void iteratorExit() { if (ITERATOR_UPDATER == null) { iteratorExitSync(); return; } ITERATOR_UPDATER.decrementAndGet(this); } private synchronized void iteratorEntrySync() { ++iteratorCount; } private synchronized void iteratorExitSync() { --iteratorCount; } private <T> void iteratorVisitAll(ThreadContext context, VisitorWithState<T> visitor, T state) { try { iteratorEntry(); visitAll(context, visitor, state); } finally { iteratorExit(); } }
/** rb_hash_each * */
public RubyHash eachCommon(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { iteratorVisitAll(context, YieldArrayVisitor, block); return this; } private static final VisitorWithState<Block> YieldArrayVisitor = new VisitorWithState<Block>() { @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, Block block) { block.yieldArray(context, context.runtime.newArray(key, value), null); } }; @JRubyMethod(name = {"each", "each_pair"}) public IRubyObject each(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { return block.isGiven() ? each_pairCommon(context, block) : enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "each", enumSizeFn()); } public IRubyObject each19(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { return each(context, block); }
/** rb_hash_each_pair * */
public RubyHash each_pairCommon(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { iteratorVisitAll(context, YieldKeyValueArrayVisitor, block); return this; } private static final VisitorWithState<Block> YieldKeyValueArrayVisitor = new VisitorWithState<Block>() { @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, Block block) { block.yield(context, context.runtime.newArray(key, value)); } };
/** rb_hash_each_value * */
public RubyHash each_valueCommon(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { iteratorVisitAll(context, YieldValueVisitor, block); return this; } private static final VisitorWithState<Block> YieldValueVisitor = new VisitorWithState<Block>() { @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, Block block) { block.yield(context, value); } }; @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject each_value(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { return block.isGiven() ? each_valueCommon(context, block) : enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "each_value", enumSizeFn()); }
/** rb_hash_each_key * */
public RubyHash each_keyCommon(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { iteratorVisitAll(context, YieldKeyVisitor, block); return this; } private static final VisitorWithState<Block> YieldKeyVisitor = new VisitorWithState<Block>() { @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, Block block) { block.yield(context, key); } }; @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject each_key(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { return block.isGiven() ? each_keyCommon(context, block) : enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "each_key", enumSizeFn()); } @JRubyMethod(name = "transform_keys") public IRubyObject transform_keys(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { if (block.isGiven()) { RubyHash result = newHash(context.runtime); visitAll(context, new TransformKeysVisitor(block), result); return result; } return enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "transform_keys", enumSizeFn()); } private static class TransformKeysVisitor extends VisitorWithState<RubyHash> { private final Block block; public TransformKeysVisitor(Block block) { this.block = block; } @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, RubyHash result) { IRubyObject newKey = block.yield(context, key); result.fastASet(newKey, value); } } @JRubyMethod(name = "transform_values") public IRubyObject transform_values(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { return (new RubyHash(context.runtime, context.runtime.getHash(), this)).transform_values_bang(context, block); } @JRubyMethod(name = "transform_keys!") public IRubyObject transform_keys_bang(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { if (block.isGiven()) { testFrozen("Hash"); RubyArray pairs = (RubyArray) flatten(context); clear(); for (int i = 0; i < pairs.size(); i += 2) { IRubyObject key = pairs.eltOk(i); IRubyObject newKey = block.yield(context, key); IRubyObject value = pairs.eltOk(i + 1); op_aset(context, newKey, value); } return this; } return enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "transform_keys!", enumSizeFn()); } @JRubyMethod(name = "transform_values!") public IRubyObject transform_values_bang(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { if (block.isGiven()) { testFrozen("Hash"); TransformValuesVisitor tvf = new TransformValuesVisitor(); iteratorVisitAll(context, tvf, block); return this; } return enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "transform_values!", enumSizeFn()); } private static class TransformValuesVisitor extends VisitorWithState<Block> { @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, Block block) { IRubyObject newValue = block.yield(context, value); self.op_aset(context, key, newValue); } } @JRubyMethod(name = "select!") public IRubyObject select_bang(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { if (block.isGiven()) return keep_ifCommon(context, block) ? this : context.nil; return enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "select!", enumSizeFn()); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject keep_if(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { if (block.isGiven()) { keep_ifCommon(context, block); return this; } return enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "keep_if", enumSizeFn()); } public boolean keep_ifCommon(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { testFrozen("Hash"); KeepIfVisitor kif = new KeepIfVisitor(); iteratorVisitAll(context, kif, block); return kif.modified; } private static class KeepIfVisitor extends VisitorWithState<Block> { boolean modified = false; @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, Block block) { if (!block.yieldArray(context, context.runtime.newArray(key, value), null).isTrue()) { modified = true; self.remove(key); } } } @Deprecated public IRubyObject sort(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return to_a(context).sort_bang(context, block); }
/** rb_hash_index * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "index") public IRubyObject index(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject expected) { context.runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "Hash#index is deprecated; use Hash#key"); return key(context, expected); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject index19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject expected) { return index(context, expected); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject key(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject expected) { IRubyObject key = internalIndex(context, expected); return key != null ? key : context.nil; } private IRubyObject internalIndex(final ThreadContext context, final IRubyObject expected) { try { visitAll(context, FoundKeyIfEqual, expected); return null; } catch (FoundKey found) { return found.key; } } private static final VisitorWithState<IRubyObject> FoundKeyIfEqual = new VisitorWithState<IRubyObject>() { @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, IRubyObject expected) { if (equalInternal(context, value, expected)) { throw new FoundKey(key); } } };
/** rb_hash_keys * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "keys") public RubyArray keys(final ThreadContext context) { try { RubyArray keys = RubyArray.newBlankArrayInternal(context.runtime, size); visitAll(context, StoreKeyVisitor, keys); return keys; } catch (NegativeArraySizeException nase) { throw concurrentModification(); } } public final RubyArray keys() { return keys(metaClass.runtime.getCurrentContext()); } private static final VisitorWithState<RubyArray> StoreKeyVisitor = new VisitorWithState<RubyArray>() { @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, RubyArray keys) { keys.storeInternal(index, key); } };
/** rb_hash_values * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "values") public RubyArray values(final ThreadContext context) { try { RubyArray values = RubyArray.newBlankArrayInternal(context.runtime, size); visitAll(context, StoreValueVisitor, values); return values; } catch (NegativeArraySizeException nase) { throw concurrentModification(); } } public final RubyArray rb_values(ThreadContext context) { return values(context); } public static final VisitorWithState<RubyArray> StoreValueVisitor = new VisitorWithState<RubyArray>() { @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, RubyArray values) { values.storeInternal(index, value); } }; // like RubyHash.StoreValueVisitor but 'unsafe' - user needs to assure array capacity and adjust length static final VisitorWithState SetValueVisitor = new VisitorWithState<RubyArray>() { public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject val, int index, RubyArray target) { target.eltInternalSet(index, val); } };
/** rb_hash_equal * */
private static class Mismatch extends RuntimeException { public Throwable fillInStackTrace() { return this; } } private static final Mismatch MISMATCH = new Mismatch();
/** rb_hash_shift * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "shift") public IRubyObject shift(ThreadContext context) { modify(); RubyHashEntry entry = head.nextAdded; if (entry != head) { RubyArray result = RubyArray.newArray(context.runtime, entry.key, entry.value); internalDeleteEntry(entry); return result; } if (isBuiltin("default")) return default_value_get(context, context.nil); return sites(context), this, this, context.nil); } public final boolean fastDelete(IRubyObject key) { return internalDelete(key) != NO_ENTRY; }
/** rb_hash_delete * */
@JRubyMethod public IRubyObject delete(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject key, Block block) { modify(); final RubyHashEntry entry = internalDelete(key); if (entry != NO_ENTRY) return entry.value; if (block.isGiven()) return block.yield(context, key); return context.nil; } public IRubyObject delete(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject key) { return delete(context, key, Block.NULL_BLOCK); }
/** rb_hash_select * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "select") public IRubyObject select(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; if (!block.isGiven()) return enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "select", enumSizeFn()); final RubyHash result = newHash(runtime); iteratorVisitAll(context, new SelectVisitor(result), block); return result; }
/** rb_hash_slice * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "slice", rest = true) public RubyHash slice(final ThreadContext context, final IRubyObject[] args) { RubyHash result = newHash(context.runtime); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { IRubyObject key = args[i]; IRubyObject value = this.internalGet(key); if (value != null) result.op_aset(key, value); } return result; } private static class SelectVisitor extends VisitorWithState<Block> { final RubyHash result; SelectVisitor(RubyHash result) { this.result = result; } @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, Block block) { if (block.yieldArray(context, context.runtime.newArray(key, value), null).isTrue()) { result.fastASet(key, value); } } } @Deprecated public IRubyObject select19(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return select(context, block); }
/** rb_hash_delete_if * */
public RubyHash delete_ifInternal(ThreadContext context, Block block) { modify(); iteratorVisitAll(context, DeleteIfVisitor, block); return this; } private static final VisitorWithState<Block> DeleteIfVisitor = new VisitorWithState<Block>() { @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, Block block) { if (block.yieldArray(context, RubyArray.newArray(context.runtime, key, value), null).isTrue()) { self.delete(context, key, Block.NULL_BLOCK); } } }; @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject delete_if(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { return block.isGiven() ? delete_ifInternal(context, block) : enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "delete_if", enumSizeFn()); } private static final class RejectVisitor extends VisitorWithState<Block> { final RubyHash result; RejectVisitor(RubyHash result) { this.result = result; } @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, Block block) { if (!block.yieldArray(context, RubyArray.newArray(context.runtime, key, value), null).isTrue()) { result.fastASet(key, value); } } }
/** rb_hash_reject * */
public RubyHash rejectInternal(ThreadContext context, Block block) { final RubyHash result = newHash(context.runtime); iteratorVisitAll(context, new RejectVisitor(result), block); return result; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject reject(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { return block.isGiven() ? rejectInternal(context, block) : enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "reject", enumSizeFn()); }
/** rb_hash_reject_bang * */
public IRubyObject reject_bangInternal(ThreadContext context, Block block) { int n = size; delete_if(context, block); if (n == size) return context.nil; return this; } @JRubyMethod(name = "reject!") public IRubyObject reject_bang(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { return block.isGiven() ? reject_bangInternal(context, block) : enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "reject!", enumSizeFn()); }
/** rb_hash_clear * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "clear") public RubyHash rb_clear(ThreadContext context) { modify(); if (size > 0) { alloc(); size = 0; } return this; }
/** rb_hash_invert * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "invert") public RubyHash invert(final ThreadContext context) { final RubyHash result = newHash(metaClass.runtime); visitAll(context, InvertVisitor, result); return result; } private static final VisitorWithState<RubyHash> InvertVisitor = new VisitorWithState<RubyHash>() { @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, RubyHash state) { state.op_aset(context, value, key); } };
/** rb_hash_update * */
@JRubyMethod(name = {"merge!", "update"}, required = 1) public RubyHash merge_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other, Block block) { modify(); final RubyHash otherHash = other.convertToHash(); if (otherHash.empty_p(context).isTrue()) return this; otherHash.visitAll(context, new MergeVisitor(this), block); return this; } private static class MergeVisitor extends VisitorWithState<Block> { final RubyHash target; MergeVisitor(RubyHash target) { = target; } @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, Block block) { if (block.isGiven()) { IRubyObject existing = target.internalGet(key); if (existing != null) { value = block.yield(context, RubyArray.newArray(context.runtime, key, existing, value)); } } target.op_aset(context, key, value); } }; @Deprecated public RubyHash merge_bang19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other, Block block) { return merge_bang(context, other, block); }
/** rb_hash_merge * */
@JRubyMethod public RubyHash merge(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other, Block block) { return ((RubyHash)dup()).merge_bang(context, other, block); } @JRubyMethod(name = "initialize_copy", required = 1, visibility = PRIVATE) public RubyHash initialize_copy(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { return replace(context, other); } @Deprecated public RubyHash initialize_copy19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { return initialize_copy(context, other); }
/** rb_hash_replace * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "replace", required = 1) public RubyHash replace(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { modify(); final RubyHash otherHash = other.convertToHash(); if (this == otherHash) return this; rb_clear(context); if (!isComparedByIdentity() && otherHash.isComparedByIdentity()) { setComparedByIdentity(true); } otherHash.visitAll(context, ReplaceVisitor, this); ifNone = otherHash.ifNone; if ((otherHash.flags & PROCDEFAULT_HASH_F) != 0) { flags |= PROCDEFAULT_HASH_F; } else { flags &= ~PROCDEFAULT_HASH_F; } return this; } private static final VisitorWithState<RubyHash> ReplaceVisitor = new VisitorWithState<RubyHash>() { @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, RubyHash target) { target.op_aset(context, key, value); } };
/** rb_hash_values_at * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "values_at", rest = true) public RubyArray values_at(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { RubyArray result = RubyArray.newBlankArrayInternal(context.runtime, args.length); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { result.storeInternal(i, op_aref(context, args[i])); } return result; } @JRubyMethod(name = "fetch_values", rest = true) public RubyArray fetch_values(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { RubyArray result = RubyArray.newBlankArrayInternal(context.runtime, args.length); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { result.storeInternal(i, fetch(context, args[i], block)); } return result; } @JRubyMethod(name = "assoc") public IRubyObject assoc(final ThreadContext context, final IRubyObject obj) { try { visitAll(context, FoundPairIfEqualKeyVisitor, obj); return context.nil; } catch (FoundPair found) { return context.runtime.newArray(found.key, found.value); } } @JRubyMethod(name = "rassoc") public IRubyObject rassoc(final ThreadContext context, final IRubyObject obj) { try { visitAll(context, FoundPairIfEqualValueVisitor, obj); return context.nil; } catch (FoundPair found) { return context.runtime.newArray(found.key, found.value); } } private static final VisitorWithState<IRubyObject> FoundPairIfEqualKeyVisitor = new VisitorWithState<IRubyObject>() { @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, IRubyObject obj) { if (equalInternal(context, obj, key)) { throw new FoundPair(key, value); } } }; private static final VisitorWithState<IRubyObject> FoundPairIfEqualValueVisitor = new VisitorWithState<IRubyObject>() { @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, IRubyObject obj) { if (equalInternal(context, obj, value)) { throw new FoundPair(key, value); } } }; @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject flatten(ThreadContext context) { RubyArray ary = to_a(context); sites(context), ary, ary,; return ary; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject flatten(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject level) { RubyArray ary = to_a(context); sites(context), ary, ary, level); return ary; } @JRubyMethod(name = "compact") public IRubyObject compact(ThreadContext context) { IRubyObject res = dup(); ((RubyHash)res).compact_bang(context); return res; } @JRubyMethod(name = "compact!") public IRubyObject compact_bang(ThreadContext context) { boolean changed = false; modify(); iteratorEntry(); try { for (RubyHashEntry entry = head.nextAdded; entry != head; entry = entry.nextAdded) { if (entry.value == context.nil) { internalDelete(entry.key); changed = true; } } } finally { iteratorExit(); } return changed ? this : context.nil; } @JRubyMethod(name = "compare_by_identity") public IRubyObject compare_by_identity(ThreadContext context) { modify(); setComparedByIdentity(true); return rehash(context); } @JRubyMethod(name = "compare_by_identity?") public IRubyObject compare_by_identity_p(ThreadContext context) { return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(context, isComparedByIdentity()); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject dup(ThreadContext context) { RubyHash dup = (RubyHash) super.dup(); dup.setComparedByIdentity(isComparedByIdentity()); return dup; } @JRubyMethod(name = "clone") public IRubyObject rbClone(ThreadContext context) { RubyHash clone = (RubyHash) super.rbClone(); clone.setComparedByIdentity(isComparedByIdentity()); return clone; } @JRubyMethod(name = "any?", optional = 1) public IRubyObject any_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { IRubyObject pattern = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : null; boolean patternGiven = pattern != null; if (isEmpty()) return context.fals; if (!block.isGiven() && !patternGiven) return context.tru; if (patternGiven) return any_p_p(context, pattern); if (block.getSignature().arityValue() > 1) { return any_p_i_fast(context, block); } return any_p_i(context, block); } private IRubyObject any_p_i(ThreadContext context, Block block) { iteratorEntry(); try { for (RubyHashEntry entry = head.nextAdded; entry != head; entry = entry.nextAdded) { IRubyObject newAssoc = RubyArray.newArray(context.runtime, entry.key, entry.value); if (block.yield(context, newAssoc).isTrue()) return context.tru; } return context.fals; } finally { iteratorExit(); } } private IRubyObject any_p_i_fast(ThreadContext context, Block block) { iteratorEntry(); try { for (RubyHashEntry entry = head.nextAdded; entry != head; entry = entry.nextAdded) { if (block.yieldArray(context, context.runtime.newArray(entry.key, entry.value), null).isTrue()) return context.tru; } return context.fals; } finally { iteratorExit(); } } private IRubyObject any_p_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject pattern) { iteratorEntry(); try { for (RubyHashEntry entry = head.nextAdded; entry != head; entry = entry.nextAdded) { IRubyObject newAssoc = RubyArray.newArray(context.runtime, entry.key, entry.value); if (pattern.callMethod(context, "===", newAssoc).isTrue()) return context.tru; } return context.fals; } finally { iteratorExit(); } }
A lightweight dup for internal use that does not dispatch to initialize_copy nor rehash the keys. Intended for use in dup'ing keyword args for processing.
  • context –
/** * A lightweight dup for internal use that does not dispatch to initialize_copy nor rehash the keys. Intended for * use in dup'ing keyword args for processing. * * @param context * @return */
public RubyHash dupFast(final ThreadContext context) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; RubyHash dup = new RubyHash(runtime, metaClass, this); dup.setComparedByIdentity(this.isComparedByIdentity()); dup.ifNone = this.ifNone; if ((this.flags & PROCDEFAULT_HASH_F) != 0) { dup.flags |= PROCDEFAULT_HASH_F; } else { dup.flags &= ~PROCDEFAULT_HASH_F; } return dup; } public boolean hasDefaultProc() { return (flags & PROCDEFAULT_HASH_F) != 0; } public IRubyObject getIfNone(){ return ifNone; } @JRubyMethod(name = "dig", required = 1, rest = true) public IRubyObject dig(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { return dig(context, args, 0); } final IRubyObject dig(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, int idx) { final IRubyObject val = op_aref( context, args[idx++] ); return idx == args.length ? val : RubyObject.dig(context, val, args, idx); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject to_proc(ThreadContext context) { Block block = CallBlock19.newCallClosure( this, this.metaClass, Signature.ONE_ARGUMENT, (context1, args, procBlock) -> { Arity.checkArgumentCount(context1, args, 1, 1); return op_aref(context1, args[0]); }, context); return RubyProc.newProc(context.runtime, block, Block.Type.PROC); } private static class VisitorIOException extends RuntimeException { VisitorIOException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } } // FIXME: Total hack to get flash in Rails marshalling/unmarshalling in session ok...We need // to totally change marshalling to work with overridden core classes. public static void marshalTo(final RubyHash hash, final MarshalStream output) throws IOException { output.registerLinkTarget(hash); int hashSize = hash.size; output.writeInt(hashSize); try { hash.visitLimited(hash.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), MarshalDumpVisitor, hashSize, output); } catch (VisitorIOException e) { throw (IOException)e.getCause(); } if (hash.ifNone != UNDEF) output.dumpObject(hash.ifNone); } private static final VisitorWithState<MarshalStream> MarshalDumpVisitor = new VisitorWithState<MarshalStream>() { @Override public void visit(ThreadContext context, RubyHash self, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value, int index, MarshalStream output) { try { output.dumpObject(key); output.dumpObject(value); } catch (IOException e) { throw new VisitorIOException(e); } } }; public static RubyHash unmarshalFrom(UnmarshalStream input, boolean defaultValue) throws IOException { RubyHash result = newHash(input.getRuntime()); input.registerLinkTarget(result); int size = input.unmarshalInt(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { result.fastASetCheckString(input.getRuntime(), input.unmarshalObject(), input.unmarshalObject()); } if (defaultValue) result.default_value_set(input.unmarshalObject()); return result; } @Override public Class getJavaClass() { return Map.class; } // Satisfy java.util.Map interface (for Java integration) @Override public int size() { return size; } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return size == 0; } @Override public boolean containsKey(Object key) { return internalGet(JavaUtil.convertJavaToUsableRubyObject(metaClass.runtime, key)) != null; } @Override public boolean containsValue(Object value) { return hasValue(metaClass.runtime.getCurrentContext(), JavaUtil.convertJavaToUsableRubyObject(metaClass.runtime, value)); } @Override public Object get(Object key) { IRubyObject gotten = internalGet(JavaUtil.convertJavaToUsableRubyObject(metaClass.runtime, key)); return gotten == null ? null : gotten.toJava(Object.class); } @Override public Object put(Object key, Object value) { Ruby runtime = metaClass.runtime; IRubyObject existing = internalJavaPut(JavaUtil.convertJavaToUsableRubyObject(runtime, key), JavaUtil.convertJavaToUsableRubyObject(runtime, value)); return existing == null ? null : existing.toJava(Object.class); } @Override public Object remove(Object key) { IRubyObject rubyKey = JavaUtil.convertJavaToUsableRubyObject(metaClass.runtime, key); return internalDelete(rubyKey).value; } @Override public void putAll(Map map) { final Ruby runtime = metaClass.runtime; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Iterator<Map.Entry> iter = map.entrySet().iterator(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { Map.Entry entry =; internalPut( JavaUtil.convertJavaToUsableRubyObject(runtime, entry.getKey()), JavaUtil.convertJavaToUsableRubyObject(runtime, entry.getValue()) ); } } @Override public void clear() { rb_clear(getRuntime().getCurrentContext()); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (!(other instanceof RubyHash)) return false; if (this == other) return true; return op_equal(metaClass.runtime.getCurrentContext(), (RubyHash)other).isTrue(); } @Override public Set keySet() { return new BaseSet(KEY_VIEW); } public Set directKeySet() { return new BaseSet(DIRECT_KEY_VIEW); } @Override public Collection values() { return new BaseCollection(VALUE_VIEW); } public Collection directValues() { return new BaseCollection(DIRECT_VALUE_VIEW); } @Override public Set entrySet() { return new BaseSet(ENTRY_VIEW); } public Set directEntrySet() { return new BaseSet(DIRECT_ENTRY_VIEW); } private final RaiseException concurrentModification() { return metaClass.runtime.newConcurrencyError( "Detected invalid hash contents due to unsynchronized modifications with concurrent users"); }
Is this object compared by identity or not? Shortcut for doing getFlag(COMPARE_BY_IDENTITY_F).
Returns:true if this object is compared by identity, false otherwise
/** * Is this object compared by identity or not? Shortcut for doing * getFlag(COMPARE_BY_IDENTITY_F). * * @return true if this object is compared by identity, false otherwise */
protected boolean isComparedByIdentity() { return (flags & COMPARE_BY_IDENTITY_F) != 0; }
Sets whether this object is compared by identity or not. Shortcut for doing setFlag(COMPARE_BY_IDENTITY_F, frozen).
  • comparedByIdentity – should this object be compared by identity?
/** * Sets whether this object is compared by identity or not. Shortcut for doing * setFlag(COMPARE_BY_IDENTITY_F, frozen). * * @param comparedByIdentity should this object be compared by identity? */
public void setComparedByIdentity(boolean comparedByIdentity) { if (comparedByIdentity) { flags |= COMPARE_BY_IDENTITY_F; } else { flags &= ~COMPARE_BY_IDENTITY_F; } } private class BaseSet extends AbstractSet { final EntryView view; public BaseSet(EntryView view) { this.view = view; } @Override public Iterator iterator() { return new BaseIterator(view); } @Override public boolean contains(Object o) { return view.contains(RubyHash.this, o); } @Override public void clear() { RubyHash.this.clear(); } @Override public int size() { return RubyHash.this.size; } @Override public boolean remove(Object o) { return view.remove(RubyHash.this, o); } } private class BaseCollection extends AbstractCollection { final EntryView view; public BaseCollection(EntryView view) { this.view = view; } @Override public Iterator iterator() { return new BaseIterator(view); } @Override public boolean contains(Object o) { return view.contains(RubyHash.this, o); } @Override public void clear() { RubyHash.this.clear(); } @Override public int size() { return RubyHash.this.size; } @Override public boolean remove(Object o) { return view.remove(RubyHash.this, o); } } private class BaseIterator implements Iterator { final private EntryView view; private RubyHashEntry entry; private boolean peeking; private int startGeneration; public BaseIterator(EntryView view) { this.view = view; this.entry = head; this.startGeneration = generation; } private void advance(boolean consume) { if (!peeking) { do { if (startGeneration != generation) { startGeneration = generation; entry = head; } entry = entry.nextAdded; } while (entry != head && !entry.isLive()); } peeking = !consume; } @Override public Object next() { advance(true); if (entry == head) { peeking = true; // remain where we are throw new NoSuchElementException(); } return view.convertEntry(getRuntime(), entry); } // once hasNext has been called, we commit to next() returning // the entry it found, even if it were subsequently deleted @Override public boolean hasNext() { advance(false); return entry != head; } @Override public void remove() { if (entry == head) { throw new IllegalStateException("Iterator out of range"); } internalDeleteEntry(entry); } } private static abstract class EntryView { public abstract Object convertEntry(Ruby runtime, RubyHashEntry value); public abstract boolean contains(RubyHash hash, Object o); public abstract boolean remove(RubyHash hash, Object o); } private static final EntryView DIRECT_KEY_VIEW = new EntryView() { @Override public Object convertEntry(Ruby runtime, RubyHashEntry entry) { return entry.key; } @Override public boolean contains(RubyHash hash, Object o) { if (!(o instanceof IRubyObject)) return false; return hash.internalGet((IRubyObject)o) != null; } @Override public boolean remove(RubyHash hash, Object o) { if (!(o instanceof IRubyObject)) return false; return hash.internalDelete((IRubyObject)o) != NO_ENTRY; } }; private static final EntryView KEY_VIEW = new EntryView() { @Override public Object convertEntry(Ruby runtime, RubyHashEntry entry) { return entry.key.toJava(Object.class); } @Override public boolean contains(RubyHash hash, Object o) { return hash.containsKey(o); } @Override public boolean remove(RubyHash hash, Object o) { return hash.remove(o) != null; } }; private static final EntryView DIRECT_VALUE_VIEW = new EntryView() { @Override public Object convertEntry(Ruby runtime, RubyHashEntry entry) { return entry.value; } @Override public boolean contains(RubyHash hash, Object o) { if (!(o instanceof IRubyObject)) return false; IRubyObject obj = (IRubyObject)o; return hash.hasValue(obj.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), obj); } @Override public boolean remove(RubyHash hash, Object o) { if (!(o instanceof IRubyObject)) return false; IRubyObject obj = (IRubyObject) o; IRubyObject key = hash.internalIndex(obj.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), obj); if (key == null) return false; return hash.internalDelete(key) != NO_ENTRY; } }; private static final EntryView VALUE_VIEW = new EntryView() { @Override public Object convertEntry(Ruby runtime, RubyHashEntry entry) { return entry.value.toJava(Object.class); } @Override public boolean contains(RubyHash hash, Object o) { return hash.containsValue(o); } @Override public boolean remove(RubyHash hash, Object o) { Ruby runtime = hash.metaClass.runtime; IRubyObject value = JavaUtil.convertJavaToUsableRubyObject(runtime, o); IRubyObject key = hash.internalIndex(runtime.getCurrentContext(), value); if (key == null) return false; return hash.internalDelete(key) != NO_ENTRY; } }; private static final EntryView DIRECT_ENTRY_VIEW = new EntryView() { @Override public Object convertEntry(Ruby runtime, RubyHashEntry entry) { return entry; } @Override public boolean contains(RubyHash hash, Object o) { if (!(o instanceof RubyHashEntry)) return false; RubyHashEntry entry = (RubyHashEntry)o; RubyHashEntry candidate = hash.internalGetEntry(entry.key); return candidate != NO_ENTRY && entry.equals(candidate); } @Override public boolean remove(RubyHash hash, Object o) { if (!(o instanceof RubyHashEntry)) return false; return hash.internalDeleteEntry((RubyHashEntry)o) != NO_ENTRY; } }; private static final EntryView ENTRY_VIEW = new EntryView() { @Override public Object convertEntry(Ruby runtime, RubyHashEntry entry) { return new ConvertingEntry(runtime, entry); } @Override public boolean contains(RubyHash hash, Object o) { if (!(o instanceof ConvertingEntry)) return false; ConvertingEntry entry = (ConvertingEntry)o; RubyHashEntry candidate = hash.internalGetEntry(entry.entry.key); return candidate != NO_ENTRY && entry.entry.equals(candidate); } @Override public boolean remove(RubyHash hash, Object o) { if (!(o instanceof ConvertingEntry)) return false; ConvertingEntry entry = (ConvertingEntry)o; return hash.internalDeleteEntry(entry.entry) != NO_ENTRY; } }; private static class ConvertingEntry implements Map.Entry { private final RubyHashEntry entry; private final Ruby runtime; public ConvertingEntry(Ruby runtime, RubyHashEntry entry) { this.entry = entry; this.runtime = runtime; } @Override public Object getKey() { return entry.key.toJava(Object.class); } @Override public Object getValue() { return entry.value.toJava(Object.class); } @Override public Object setValue(Object o) { return entry.setValue(JavaUtil.convertJavaToUsableRubyObject(runtime, o)); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof ConvertingEntry)) { return false; } ConvertingEntry other = (ConvertingEntry)o; return entry.equals(other.entry); } @Override public int hashCode() { return entry.hashCode(); } } @Deprecated public IRubyObject op_aset19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value) { modify(); fastASetCheckString19(context.runtime, key, value); return value; }
Note: this is included as a compatibility measure for AR-JDBC
Deprecated:use RubyHash.op_aset instead
/** * Note: this is included as a compatibility measure for AR-JDBC * @deprecated use RubyHash.op_aset instead */
public IRubyObject aset(IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value) { return op_aset(metaClass.runtime.getCurrentContext(), key, value); }
Note: this is included as a compatibility measure for Mongrel+JRuby
Deprecated:use RubyHash.op_aref instead
/** * Note: this is included as a compatibility measure for Mongrel+JRuby * @deprecated use RubyHash.op_aref instead */
public IRubyObject aref(IRubyObject key) { return op_aref(metaClass.runtime.getCurrentContext(), key); } private static HashSites sites(ThreadContext context) { return context.sites.Hash; } @Deprecated public final void fastASetCheckString19(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value) { fastASetCheckString(runtime, key, value); } @Deprecated public final void fastASetSmallCheckString19(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value) { fastASetSmallCheckString(runtime, key, value); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject op_aset(IRubyObject key, IRubyObject value) { return op_aset(metaClass.runtime.getCurrentContext(), key, value); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject each_pair(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { return block.isGiven() ? each_pairCommon(context, block) : enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "each_pair", enumSizeFn()); } @Deprecated public RubyHash each_pairCommon(final ThreadContext context, final Block block, final boolean oneNine) { iteratorVisitAll(context, YieldKeyValueArrayVisitor, block); return this; } @Deprecated public RubyHash replace19(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { return replace(context, other); } @Deprecated public final void visitAll(Visitor visitor) { // use -1 to disable concurrency checks visitLimited(getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), visitor, -1, null); }
/** rb_hash_default * */
@Deprecated public IRubyObject default_value_get(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { switch (args.length) { case 0: return default_value_get(context); case 1: return default_value_get(context, args[0]); default: throw context.runtime.newArgumentError(args.length, 1); } } @Deprecated protected void internalPutSmall(final IRubyObject key, final IRubyObject value, final boolean checkForExisting) { internalPutNoResize(key, value, checkForExisting); } @Deprecated @Override public RubyArray to_a() { return to_a(getRuntime().getCurrentContext()); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject default_value_set(final IRubyObject defaultValue) { return default_value_set(getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), defaultValue); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject default_proc() { return (flags & PROCDEFAULT_HASH_F) != 0 ? ifNone : metaClass.runtime.getNil(); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject set_default_proc(IRubyObject proc) { return set_default_proc(getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), proc); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject set_default_proc20(IRubyObject proc) { return set_default_proc(proc); } @Deprecated public RubyFixnum rb_size() { return metaClass.runtime.newFixnum(size); } @Deprecated public RubyBoolean empty_p() { Ruby runtime = metaClass.runtime; return size == 0 ? runtime.getTrue() : runtime.getFalse(); } @Deprecated public RubyHash rehash() { return rehash(getRuntime().getCurrentContext()); } @Deprecated public RubyHash to_hash() { return to_hash(getRuntime().getCurrentContext()); } @Deprecated public final RubyArray rb_values() { return values(metaClass.runtime.getCurrentContext()); } @Deprecated public RubyHash rb_clear() { return rb_clear(getRuntime().getCurrentContext()); } }