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/***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: EPL 2.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public * License Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * Copyright (C) 2001 Chad Fowler <> * Copyright (C) 2001 Alan Moore <> * Copyright (C) 2001 Ed Sinjiashvili <> * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Jan Arne Petersen <> * Copyright (C) 2002 Benoit Cerrina <> * Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Thomas E Enebo <> * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Anders Bengtsson <> * Copyright (C) 2004 Stefan Matthias Aust <> * Copyright (C) 2005 Charles O Nutter <> * Copyright (C) 2006 Miguel Covarrubias <> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), in * which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead of * those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under * the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to use your * version of this file under the terms of the EPL, indicate your decision by * deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other * provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete the * provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the * terms of any one of the EPL, the GPL or the LGPL. ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
package org.jruby; import; import java.util.List; import org.jcodings.Encoding; import org.jruby.anno.JRubyClass; import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod; import org.jruby.exceptions.JumpException; import org.jruby.runtime.Block; import org.jruby.runtime.BlockCallback; import org.jruby.runtime.CallBlock; import org.jruby.runtime.CallSite; import org.jruby.runtime.ClassIndex; import org.jruby.runtime.Helpers; import org.jruby.runtime.JavaSites; import org.jruby.runtime.ObjectAllocator; import org.jruby.runtime.ObjectMarshal; import org.jruby.runtime.Signature; import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext; import static org.jruby.RubyEnumerator.enumeratorizeWithSize; import static org.jruby.runtime.Helpers.hashEnd; import static org.jruby.runtime.Helpers.hashStart; import static org.jruby.runtime.Helpers.invokedynamic; import static org.jruby.runtime.Helpers.murmurCombine; import static org.jruby.runtime.Helpers.safeHash; import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject; import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.Variable; import org.jruby.runtime.callsite.RespondToCallSite; import org.jruby.runtime.component.VariableEntry; import org.jruby.runtime.invokedynamic.MethodNames; import org.jruby.runtime.marshal.MarshalStream; import org.jruby.runtime.marshal.UnmarshalStream; import org.jruby.util.ByteList; import org.jruby.util.TypeConverter; import static org.jruby.RubyEnumerator.SizeFn; import static org.jruby.RubyEnumerator.enumeratorizeWithSize; import static org.jruby.RubyNumeric.intervalStepSize; import static org.jruby.runtime.Visibility.PRIVATE;
/** * @author jpetersen */
@JRubyClass(name = "Range", include = "Enumerable") public class RubyRange extends RubyObject { private IRubyObject begin; private IRubyObject end; private boolean isExclusive; private boolean isInited = false; public static RubyClass createRangeClass(Ruby runtime) { RubyClass result = runtime.defineClass("Range", runtime.getObject(), RANGE_ALLOCATOR); result.setClassIndex(ClassIndex.RANGE); result.setReifiedClass(RubyRange.class); result.kindOf = new RubyModule.JavaClassKindOf(RubyRange.class); result.setMarshal(RANGE_MARSHAL); result.includeModule(runtime.getEnumerable()); result.defineAnnotatedMethods(RubyRange.class); return result; } private static final ObjectAllocator RANGE_ALLOCATOR = new ObjectAllocator() { @Override public IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) { return new RubyRange(runtime, klass); } }; private RubyRange(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) { super(runtime, klass); begin = end = runtime.getNil(); } public static RubyRange newRange(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject begin, IRubyObject end, boolean isExclusive) { RubyRange range = new RubyRange(context.runtime, context.runtime.getRange()); range.init(context, begin, end, isExclusive); range.isInited = true; return range; } public static RubyRange newInclusiveRange(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject begin, IRubyObject end) { return newRange(context, begin, end, false); } public static RubyRange newExclusiveRange(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject begin, IRubyObject end) { return newRange(context, begin, end, true); } @Override public void copySpecialInstanceVariables(IRubyObject clone) { RubyRange range = (RubyRange) clone; range.begin = begin; range.end = end; range.isExclusive = isExclusive; } final boolean checkBegin(long length) { long beg = RubyNumeric.num2long(this.begin); if (beg < 0) { beg += length; if (beg < 0) { return false; } } else if (length < beg) { return false; } return true; } final long[] begLen(long len, int err) { long beg = RubyNumeric.num2long(this.begin); long end = RubyNumeric.num2long(this.end); if (beg < 0) { beg += len; if (beg < 0) { if (err != 0) { throw getRuntime().newRangeError(beg + ".." + (isExclusive ? "." : "") + end + " out of range"); } return null; } } if (err == 0 || err == 2) { if (beg > len) { if (err != 0) { throw getRuntime().newRangeError(beg + ".." + (isExclusive ? "." : "") + end + " out of range"); } return null; } if (end > len) { end = len; } } if (end < 0) { end += len; } if (!isExclusive) { end++; } len = end - beg; if (len < 0) { len = 0; } return new long[]{beg, len}; } final long begLen0(long len) { long beg = RubyNumeric.num2long(this.begin); if (beg < 0) { beg += len; if (beg < 0) { throw getRuntime().newRangeError(beg + ".." + (isExclusive ? "." : "") + end + " out of range"); } } return beg; } final long begLen1(long len, int beg) { long end = RubyNumeric.num2long(this.end); if (end < 0) { end += len; } if (!isExclusive) { end++; } len = end - beg; if (len < 0) { len = 0; } return len; } final int[] begLenInt(int len, final int err) { int beg = RubyNumeric.num2int(this.begin); int end = RubyNumeric.num2int(this.end); if (beg < 0) { beg += len; if (beg < 0) { if (err != 0) { throw getRuntime().newRangeError(beg + ".." + (isExclusive ? "." : "") + end + " out of range"); } return null; } } if (err == 0 || err == 2) { if (beg > len) { if (err != 0) { throw getRuntime().newRangeError(beg + ".." + (isExclusive ? "." : "") + end + " out of range"); } return null; } if (end > len) { end = len; } } if (end < 0) { end += len; } if (!isExclusive) { end++; } len = end - beg; if (len < 0) { len = 0; } return new int[]{beg, len}; } private void init(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject begin, IRubyObject end, boolean isExclusive) { if (!(begin instanceof RubyFixnum && end instanceof RubyFixnum)) { IRubyObject result = invokedynamic(context, begin, MethodNames.OP_CMP, end); if (result.isNil()) { throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("bad value for range"); } } this.begin = begin; this.end = end; this.isExclusive = isExclusive; } @JRubyMethod(required = 2, optional = 1, visibility = PRIVATE) public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, Block unusedBlock) { if (this.isInited) { throw context.runtime.newNameError("`initialize' called twice", "initialize"); } checkFrozen(); init(context, args[0], args[1], args.length > 2 && args[2].isTrue()); this.isInited = true; return context.nil; } @JRubyMethod(required = 1, visibility = PRIVATE) public IRubyObject initialize_copy(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject original) { if (this.isInited) { throw context.runtime.newNameError("`initialize' called twice", "initialize"); } RubyRange other = (RubyRange) original; init(context, other.begin, other.end, other.isExclusive); this.isInited = true; return context.nil; } @Override public RubyFixnum hash() { return hash(metaClass.runtime.getCurrentContext()); } @JRubyMethod(name = "hash") public RubyFixnum hash(ThreadContext context) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; int exclusiveBit = isExclusive ? 1 : 0; long hash = exclusiveBit; IRubyObject v; hash = hashStart(runtime, hash); v = safeHash(context, begin); hash = murmurCombine(hash, v.convertToInteger().getLongValue()); v = safeHash(context, end); hash = murmurCombine(hash, v.convertToInteger().getLongValue()); hash = murmurCombine(hash, exclusiveBit << 24); hash = hashEnd(hash); return runtime.newFixnum(hash); } private static RubyString inspectValue(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject value) { return (RubyString) context.safeRecurse(INSPECT_RECURSIVE, value, value, "inspect", true); } private static class InspectRecursive implements ThreadContext.RecursiveFunctionEx<IRubyObject> { @Override public IRubyObject call(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject state, IRubyObject obj, boolean recur) { if (recur) { return RubyString.newString(context.runtime, ((RubyRange) obj).isExclusive ? "(... ... ...)" : "(... .. ...)"); } else { return inspect(context, obj); } } } private static final InspectRecursive INSPECT_RECURSIVE = new InspectRecursive(); private static final byte[] DOTDOTDOT = new byte[]{'.', '.', '.'}; @Override public IRubyObject inspect() { return inspect(getRuntime().getCurrentContext()); } @JRubyMethod(name = "inspect") public RubyString inspect(final ThreadContext context) { RubyString i1 = inspectValue(context, begin).strDup(context.runtime); RubyString i2 = inspectValue(context, end);, 0, isExclusive ? 3 : 2); i1.append(i2); i1.infectBy(i2); i1.infectBy(this); return i1; } @Override public IRubyObject to_s() { return to_s(getRuntime()); } @JRubyMethod(name = "to_s") public IRubyObject to_s(final ThreadContext context) { return to_s(context.runtime); } private RubyString to_s(final Ruby runtime) { RubyString i1 = begin.asString().strDup(runtime); RubyString i2 = end.asString();, 0, isExclusive ? 3 : 2); i1.append(i2); i1.infectBy(i2); i1.infectBy(this); return i1; } @JRubyMethod(name = "exclude_end?") public RubyBoolean exclude_end_p() { return getRuntime().newBoolean(isExclusive); } @JRubyMethod(name = "eql?", required = 1) public IRubyObject eql_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { return equalityInner(context, other, MethodNames.EQL); } @JRubyMethod(name = "==", required = 1) public IRubyObject op_equal(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { return equalityInner(context, other, MethodNames.OP_EQUAL); } private IRubyObject equalityInner(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other, MethodNames equalityCheck) { if (this == other) return context.tru; if (!(other instanceof RubyRange)) return context.fals; RubyRange otherRange = (RubyRange) other; return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(context, isExclusive == otherRange.isExclusive && invokedynamic(context, this.begin, equalityCheck, otherRange.begin).isTrue() && invokedynamic(context, this.end, equalityCheck, otherRange.end).isTrue()); } private static abstract class RangeCallBack { abstract void call(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg); } private static final class StepBlockCallBack extends RangeCallBack implements BlockCallback { final Block block; IRubyObject iter; final IRubyObject step; StepBlockCallBack(Block block, RubyFixnum iter, IRubyObject step) { this.block = block; this.iter = iter; this.step = step; } public IRubyObject call(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, Block originalBlock) { call(context, args[0]); return context.nil; } @Override public IRubyObject call(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg, Block originalBlock) { call(context, arg); return context.nil; } @Override void call(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { if (iter instanceof RubyInteger) { iter = ((RubyInteger) iter).op_minus(context, 1); } else { iter = iter.callMethod(context, "-",; } IRubyObject i = this.iter; if ((i instanceof RubyInteger) && ((RubyInteger) i).isZero()) { block.yield(context, arg); iter = step; } } } private static IRubyObject rangeLt(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject a, IRubyObject b) { IRubyObject result = invokedynamic(context, a, MethodNames.OP_CMP, b); if (result.isNil()) { return null; } return RubyComparable.cmpint(context, result, a, b) < 0 ? context.tru : null; } private static IRubyObject rangeLe(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject a, IRubyObject b) { IRubyObject result = invokedynamic(context, a, MethodNames.OP_CMP, b); if (result.isNil()) { return null; } int c = RubyComparable.cmpint(context, result, a, b); if (c == 0) { return; } return c < 0 ? context.tru : null; } private void rangeEach(ThreadContext context, RangeCallBack callback) { IRubyObject v = begin; if (isExclusive) { while (rangeLt(context, v, end) != null) {, v); v = v.callMethod(context, "succ"); } } else { IRubyObject c; while ((c = rangeLe(context, v, end)) != null && c.isTrue()) {, v); if (c == { break; } v = v.callMethod(context, "succ"); } } } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject to_a(ThreadContext context, final Block block) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; if (begin instanceof RubyFixnum && end instanceof RubyFixnum) { long lim = ((RubyFixnum) end).getLongValue(); if (!isExclusive) { lim++; } long base = ((RubyFixnum) begin).getLongValue(); long size = lim - base; if (size > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw runtime.newRangeError("Range size too large for to_a"); } if (size < 0) { return RubyArray.newEmptyArray(runtime); } IRubyObject[] array = new IRubyObject[(int) size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { array[i] = RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, base + i); } return RubyArray.newArrayMayCopy(runtime, array); } else { return RubyEnumerable.to_a(context, this); } } @Deprecated public IRubyObject each19(ThreadContext context, final Block block) { return each(context, block); } @JRubyMethod(name = "each") public IRubyObject each(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { if (!block.isGiven()) { return enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "each", enumSizeFn()); } if (begin instanceof RubyFixnum && end instanceof RubyFixnum) { fixnumEach(context, block); } else if (begin instanceof RubySymbol && end instanceof RubySymbol) { ((RubySymbol) begin).asString().uptoCommon(context, ((RubySymbol) end).asString(), isExclusive, block, true); } else { IRubyObject tmp = begin.checkStringType(); if (!tmp.isNil()) { ((RubyString) tmp).uptoCommon(context, end, isExclusive, block); } else { if (!discreteObject(context, begin)) { throw context.runtime.newTypeError("can't iterate from " + begin.getMetaClass().getName()); } rangeEach(context, new RangeCallBack() { @Override void call(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { block.yield(context, arg); } }); } } return this; } private void fixnumEach(ThreadContext context, Block block) { // We must avoid integer overflows. long to = ((RubyFixnum) end).value; if (isExclusive) { if (to == Long.MIN_VALUE) { return; } to--; } RubyInteger.fixnumUpto(context, ((RubyFixnum) begin).value, to, block); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject step19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject step, Block block) { return step(context, step, block); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject step19(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return step(context, block); } @JRubyMethod(name = "step") public IRubyObject step(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { return block.isGiven() ? stepCommon(context,, block) : enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "step", stepSizeFn()); } @JRubyMethod(name = "step") public IRubyObject step(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject step, final Block block) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; if (!block.isGiven()) { return enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "step", new IRubyObject[]{step}, stepSizeFn()); } if (!(step instanceof RubyNumeric)) { step = step.convertToInteger("to_int"); } IRubyObject zero =; if (step.callMethod(context, "<", zero).isTrue()) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("step can't be negative"); } if (!step.callMethod(context, ">", zero).isTrue()) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("step can't be 0"); } return stepCommon(context, step, block); } private IRubyObject stepCommon(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject step, Block block) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; if (begin instanceof RubyFixnum && end instanceof RubyFixnum && step instanceof RubyFixnum) { fixnumStep(context, runtime, ((RubyFixnum) step).getLongValue(), block); } else if (begin instanceof RubyFloat || end instanceof RubyFloat || step instanceof RubyFloat) { RubyNumeric.floatStep(context, runtime, begin, end, step, isExclusive, block); } else if (begin instanceof RubyNumeric || !TypeConverter.checkIntegerType(runtime, begin, "to_int").isNil() || !TypeConverter.checkIntegerType(runtime, end, "to_int").isNil()) { numericStep(context, runtime, step, block); } else { IRubyObject tmp = begin.checkStringType(); if (!tmp.isNil()) { StepBlockCallBack callback = new StepBlockCallBack(block,, step); Block blockCallback = CallBlock.newCallClosure(context, this, Signature.ONE_ARGUMENT, callback); ((RubyString) tmp).uptoCommon(context, end, isExclusive, blockCallback); } else { if (!begin.respondsTo("succ")) { throw runtime.newTypeError("can't iterate from " + begin.getMetaClass().getName()); } // range_each_func(range, step_i, b, e, args); rangeEach(context, new StepBlockCallBack(block,, step)); } } return this; } private void fixnumStep(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, long step, Block block) { // We must avoid integer overflows. // Any method calling this method must ensure that "step" is greater than 0. long to = ((RubyFixnum) end).getLongValue(); if (isExclusive) { if (to == Long.MIN_VALUE) { return; } to--; } long tov = Long.MAX_VALUE - step; if (to < tov) { tov = to; } long i; for (i = ((RubyFixnum) begin).getLongValue(); i <= tov; i += step) { block.yield(context, RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, i)); } if (i <= to) { block.yield(context, RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, i)); } } private void numericStep(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, IRubyObject step, Block block) { final String method = isExclusive ? "<" : "<="; IRubyObject beg = begin; long i = 0; while (beg.callMethod(context, method, end).isTrue()) { block.yield(context, beg); i++; beg = begin.callMethod(context, "+", RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, i).callMethod(context, "*", step)); } } private SizeFn enumSizeFn() { return (ctx, args) -> this.size(ctx); } private SizeFn stepSizeFn() { return (context, args) -> { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject begin = this.begin; IRubyObject end = this.end; IRubyObject step; if (args != null && args.length > 0) { step = args[0]; if (!(step instanceof RubyNumeric)) { step.convertToInteger(); } } else { step =; } if (step.callMethod(context, "<", { throw runtime.newArgumentError("step can't be negative"); } else if (!step.callMethod(context, ">", { throw runtime.newArgumentError("step can't be 0"); } if (begin instanceof RubyNumeric && end instanceof RubyNumeric) { return intervalStepSize(context, begin, end, step, this.isExclusive); } return context.nil; }; } @Deprecated public IRubyObject include_p19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) { return include_p(context, obj); } // framed for invokeSuper @JRubyMethod(name = {"include?", "member?"}, frame = true) public IRubyObject include_p(ThreadContext context, final IRubyObject obj) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; boolean iterable = begin instanceof RubyNumeric || end instanceof RubyNumeric || linearObject(context, begin) || linearObject(context, end); if (iterable || !TypeConverter.convertToTypeWithCheck(context, begin, runtime.getInteger(), sites(context).to_int_checked).isNil() || !TypeConverter.convertToTypeWithCheck(context, end, runtime.getInteger(), sites(context).to_int_checked).isNil()) { return cover_p(context, obj); } if ( begin instanceof RubyString && end instanceof RubyString && ((RubyString) begin).getByteList().getRealSize() == 1 && ((RubyString) end).getByteList().getRealSize() == 1 ) { if (obj.isNil()) return runtime.getFalse(); if (obj instanceof RubyString) { ByteList objBytes = ((RubyString) obj).getByteList(); if (objBytes.getRealSize() != 1) return runtime.getFalse(); int v = objBytes.getUnsafeBytes()[objBytes.getBegin()] & 0xff; ByteList begBytes = ((RubyString) begin).getByteList(); int b = begBytes.getUnsafeBytes()[begBytes.getBegin()] & 0xff; ByteList endBytes = ((RubyString) end).getByteList(); int e = endBytes.getUnsafeBytes()[endBytes.getBegin()] & 0xff; if (Encoding.isAscii(v) && Encoding.isAscii(b) && Encoding.isAscii(e)) { if ((b <= v && v < e) || (!isExclusive && v == e)) { return runtime.getTrue(); } return runtime.getFalse(); } } } return Helpers.invokeSuper(context, this, obj, Block.NULL_BLOCK); } private static boolean discreteObject(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) { if (obj instanceof RubyTime) return false; return sites(context).respond_to_succ.respondsTo(context, obj, obj, false); } private static boolean linearObject(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) { if (obj instanceof RubyFixnum || obj instanceof RubyFloat) return true; // if (SPECIAL_CONST_P(obj)) return FALSE; if (obj instanceof RubyBignum) return true; if (obj instanceof RubyNumeric) return true; if (obj instanceof RubyTime) return true; return false; } @JRubyMethod(name = "===") public IRubyObject eqq_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) { return callMethod(context, "include?", obj); } @JRubyMethod(name = "cover?") public RubyBoolean cover_p(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) { if (rangeLe(context, begin, obj) == null) { return context.fals; // obj < start...end } return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(context, isExclusive ? // begin <= obj < end || begin <= obj <= end rangeLt(context, obj, end) != null : rangeLe(context, obj, end) != null); } @JRubyMethod(frame = true) public IRubyObject min(ThreadContext context, Block block) { if (block.isGiven()) { return Helpers.invokeSuper(context, this, block); } int cmp = RubyComparable.cmpint(context, invokedynamic(context, begin, MethodNames.OP_CMP, end), begin, end); if (cmp > 0 || (cmp == 0 && isExclusive)) { return context.nil; } return begin; } @JRubyMethod(frame = true) public IRubyObject max(ThreadContext context, Block block) { boolean isNumeric = end instanceof RubyNumeric; if (block.isGiven() || (isExclusive && !isNumeric)) { return Helpers.invokeSuper(context, this, block); } int cmp = RubyComparable.cmpint(context, invokedynamic(context, begin, MethodNames.OP_CMP, end), begin, end); if (cmp > 0) { return context.nil; } if (isExclusive) { if (!(end instanceof RubyInteger)) { throw context.runtime.newTypeError("cannot exclude non Integer end value"); } if (cmp == 0) { return context.nil; } if (!(begin instanceof RubyInteger)) { throw context.runtime.newTypeError("cannot exclude end value with non Integer begin value"); } if (end instanceof RubyFixnum) { return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(context.runtime, ((RubyFixnum) end).getLongValue() - 1); } return end.callMethod(context, "-",; } return end; } @JRubyMethod(frame = true) public IRubyObject min(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg, Block block) { return Helpers.invokeSuper(context, this, arg, block); } @JRubyMethod(frame = true) public IRubyObject max(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg, Block block) { return Helpers.invokeSuper(context, this, arg, block); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject first(ThreadContext context) { return begin; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject begin(ThreadContext context) { return begin; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject first(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; final int num = RubyNumeric.num2int(arg); if (num < 0) { throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("negative array size (or size too big)"); } // TODO (CON): this could be packed if we know there are at least num elements in range final RubyArray result = runtime.newArray(num); try { RubyEnumerable.callEach(context, this, Signature.ONE_ARGUMENT, new BlockCallback() { int n = num; public IRubyObject call(ThreadContext ctx, IRubyObject[] largs, Block blk) { return call(ctx, largs[0], blk); } @Override public IRubyObject call(ThreadContext ctx, IRubyObject larg, Block blk) { if (n-- <= 0) throw JumpException.SPECIAL_JUMP; result.append(larg); return ctx.nil; } }); } catch (JumpException.SpecialJump sj) { } return result; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject last(ThreadContext context) { return end; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject end(ThreadContext context) { return end; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject last(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { return ((RubyArray) RubyKernel.new_array(context, this, this)).last(arg); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject size(ThreadContext context) { if (begin instanceof RubyNumeric && end instanceof RubyNumeric) { return RubyNumeric.intervalStepSize(context, begin, end,, isExclusive); } return context.nil; } public final boolean isExcludeEnd() { return isExclusive; } private static final ObjectMarshal RANGE_MARSHAL = new ObjectMarshal() { @Override public void marshalTo(Ruby runtime, Object obj, RubyClass type, MarshalStream marshalStream) throws IOException { RubyRange range = (RubyRange) obj; marshalStream.registerLinkTarget(range); List<Variable<Object>> attrs = range.getVariableList(); attrs.add(new VariableEntry<Object>("excl", range.isExclusive ? runtime.getTrue() : runtime.getFalse())); attrs.add(new VariableEntry<Object>("begin", range.begin)); attrs.add(new VariableEntry<Object>("end", range.end)); marshalStream.dumpVariables(attrs); } @Override public Object unmarshalFrom(Ruby runtime, RubyClass type, UnmarshalStream unmarshalStream) throws IOException { RubyRange range = (RubyRange) type.allocate(); unmarshalStream.registerLinkTarget(range); // FIXME: Maybe we can just gank these off the line directly? unmarshalStream.defaultVariablesUnmarshal(range); IRubyObject excl = (IRubyObject) range.removeInternalVariable("excl"); IRubyObject begin = (IRubyObject) range.removeInternalVariable("begin"); IRubyObject end = (IRubyObject) range.removeInternalVariable("end"); // try old names as well if (begin == null) begin = (IRubyObject) range.removeInternalVariable("begini"); if (end == null) end = (IRubyObject) range.removeInternalVariable("endi"); if (begin == null || end == null || excl == null) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("bad value for range"); } range.init(runtime.getCurrentContext(), begin, end, excl.isTrue()); return range; } };
Given a range-line object that response to "begin", "end", construct a proper range by calling those methods and "exclude_end?" with the given call sites.
  • context – current context
  • rangeLike – range-like object
  • beginSite – "begin" call site
  • endSite – "end" call site
  • excludeEndSite – "exclude_end?" call site
Returns:a proper Range based on the results of calling those methods
/** * Given a range-line object that response to "begin", "end", construct a proper range * by calling those methods and "exclude_end?" with the given call sites. * * @param context current context * @param rangeLike range-like object * @param beginSite "begin" call site * @param endSite "end" call site * @param excludeEndSite "exclude_end?" call site * @return a proper Range based on the results of calling those methods */
public static RubyRange rangeFromRangeLike(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject rangeLike, CallSite beginSite, CallSite endSite, CallSite excludeEndSite) { IRubyObject begin =, rangeLike, rangeLike); IRubyObject end =, rangeLike, rangeLike); IRubyObject excl =, rangeLike, rangeLike); return newRange(context, begin, end, excl.isTrue()); }
Return true if the given object responds to "begin" and "end" methods.
  • context – current context
  • obj – possibly range-like object
  • respond_to_begin – respond_to? site for begin
  • respond_to_end – respond_to? site for end
/** * Return true if the given object responds to "begin" and "end" methods. * * @param context current context * @param obj possibly range-like object * @param respond_to_begin respond_to? site for begin * @param respond_to_end respond_to? site for end * @return */
public static boolean isRangeLike(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj, RespondToCallSite respond_to_begin, RespondToCallSite respond_to_end) { return respond_to_begin.respondsTo(context, obj, obj) && respond_to_end.respondsTo(context, obj, obj); }
Return true if the given object responds to "begin", "end" and "exclude_end?" methods.
  • context – current context
  • obj – possibly range-like object
  • begin_checked – checked site for begin
  • end_checked – checked site for end
  • exclude_end_checked – checked site for exclude_end?
/** * Return true if the given object responds to "begin", "end" and "exclude_end?" methods. * * @param context current context * @param obj possibly range-like object * @param begin_checked checked site for begin * @param end_checked checked site for end * @param exclude_end_checked checked site for exclude_end? * @return */
public static boolean isRangeLike(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj, JavaSites.CheckedSites begin_checked, JavaSites.CheckedSites end_checked, JavaSites.CheckedSites exclude_end_checked) { return (obj.checkCallMethod(context, begin_checked) != null) && (obj.checkCallMethod(context, end_checked) != null) && (obj.checkCallMethod(context, exclude_end_checked) != null); } // MRI: rb_range_beg_len public static IRubyObject rangeBeginLength(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject range, int len, int[] begLen, int err) { JavaSites.RangeSites sites = sites(context); if (!RubyRange.isRangeLike(context, range, sites.respond_to_begin, sites.respond_to_end)) return context.fals; IRubyObject _beg =, range, range); IRubyObject _end =, range, range); boolean excludeEnd =, range, range).isTrue(); int beg = _beg.convertToInteger().getIntValue(); int end = _end.convertToInteger().getIntValue(); int origBeg = beg; int origEnd = end; if (beg < 0) { beg += len; if (beg < 0) { return rangeBeginLengthError(context, origBeg, origEnd, excludeEnd, err); } } if (end < 0) { end += len; } if (!excludeEnd) end++; if (err == 0 || err == 2) { // CON: ??? if (beg > len) return rangeBeginLengthError(context, origBeg, origEnd, excludeEnd, err); if (end > len) end = len; } len = end - beg; if (len < 0) len = 0; begLen[0] = beg; begLen[1] = len; return context.tru; } private static IRubyObject rangeBeginLengthError(ThreadContext context, int beg, int end, boolean excludeEnd, int err) { if (err != 0) throw context.runtime.newRangeError(beg + ".." + (excludeEnd ? "." : "") + end + " out of range"); return context.nil; } private static JavaSites.RangeSites sites(ThreadContext context) { return context.sites.Range; } }