 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * Other licenses:
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Commercial licenses for this work are available. These replace the above
 * ASL 2.0 and offer limited warranties, support, maintenance, and commercial
 * database integrations.
 * For more information, please visit: http://www.jooq.org/licenses
package org.jooq.impl;

import static java.lang.Boolean.FALSE;
import static java.lang.Boolean.TRUE;
import static java.lang.Character.isJavaIdentifierPart;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
// ...
// ...
// ...
// ...
// ...
import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.CUBRID;
import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.DERBY;
import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.FIREBIRD;
import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.HSQLDB;
// ...
import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.MARIADB;
// ...
import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.MYSQL;
// ...
import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.POSTGRES;
// ...
// ...
import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.SQLITE;
// ...
// ...
import static org.jooq.conf.BackslashEscaping.DEFAULT;
import static org.jooq.conf.BackslashEscaping.ON;
import static org.jooq.conf.ParamType.INLINED;
import static org.jooq.conf.ParamType.NAMED;
import static org.jooq.conf.ParamType.NAMED_OR_INLINED;
import static org.jooq.conf.SettingsTools.getBackslashEscaping;
import static org.jooq.conf.SettingsTools.reflectionCaching;
import static org.jooq.conf.SettingsTools.updatablePrimaryKeys;
import static org.jooq.conf.ThrowExceptions.THROW_FIRST;
import static org.jooq.conf.ThrowExceptions.THROW_NONE;
import static org.jooq.impl.DDLStatementType.ALTER_INDEX;
import static org.jooq.impl.DDLStatementType.ALTER_SCHEMA;
import static org.jooq.impl.DDLStatementType.ALTER_SEQUENCE;
import static org.jooq.impl.DDLStatementType.ALTER_TABLE;
import static org.jooq.impl.DDLStatementType.ALTER_VIEW;
import static org.jooq.impl.DDLStatementType.CREATE_DATABASE;
import static org.jooq.impl.DDLStatementType.CREATE_DOMAIN;
import static org.jooq.impl.DDLStatementType.CREATE_INDEX;
import static org.jooq.impl.DDLStatementType.CREATE_SCHEMA;
import static org.jooq.impl.DDLStatementType.CREATE_SEQUENCE;
import static org.jooq.impl.DDLStatementType.CREATE_TABLE;
import static org.jooq.impl.DDLStatementType.CREATE_VIEW;
import static org.jooq.impl.DDLStatementType.DROP_INDEX;
import static org.jooq.impl.DDLStatementType.DROP_SCHEMA;
import static org.jooq.impl.DDLStatementType.DROP_SEQUENCE;
import static org.jooq.impl.DDLStatementType.DROP_TABLE;
import static org.jooq.impl.DDLStatementType.DROP_VIEW;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.asterisk;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.concat;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.escape;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.getDataType;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.jsonEntry;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.keyword;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.name;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.nullSafeDataType;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.row;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.select;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.val;
import static org.jooq.impl.DefaultExecuteContext.localConnection;
import static org.jooq.impl.Identifiers.QUOTES;
import static org.jooq.impl.Identifiers.QUOTE_END_DELIMITER;
import static org.jooq.impl.Identifiers.QUOTE_END_DELIMITER_ESCAPED;
import static org.jooq.impl.Identifiers.QUOTE_START_DELIMITER;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_AS;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_ATOMIC;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_AUTOINCREMENT;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_AUTO_INCREMENT;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_BEGIN;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_BEGIN_CATCH;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_BEGIN_TRY;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_CHARACTER_SET;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_COLLATE;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_DECLARE;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_DEFAULT;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_DO;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_ELSE;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_ELSIF;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_END;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_END_CATCH;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_END_IF;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_END_TRY;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_ENUM;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_EXCEPTION;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_EXEC;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_EXECUTE_BLOCK;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_EXECUTE_IMMEDIATE;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_EXECUTE_STATEMENT;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_GENERATED_BY_DEFAULT_AS_IDENTITY;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_IDENTITY;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_IF;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_INT;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_LIKE;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_NOT;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_NOT_NULL;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_NULL;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_NVARCHAR;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_PRIMARY_KEY;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_RAISE;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_RAISERROR;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_SERIAL;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_SERIAL4;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_SERIAL8;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_SQLSTATE;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_START_WITH;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_THEN;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_THROW;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_WHEN;
import static org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.BLOB;
import static org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.CLOB;
import static org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.JSON;
import static org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.JSONB;
import static org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.VARCHAR;
import static org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.XML;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.DataCacheKey.DATA_REFLECTION_CACHE_GET_ANNOTATED_GETTER;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.DataCacheKey.DATA_REFLECTION_CACHE_GET_ANNOTATED_MEMBERS;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.DataCacheKey.DATA_REFLECTION_CACHE_GET_ANNOTATED_SETTERS;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.DataCacheKey.DATA_REFLECTION_CACHE_GET_MATCHING_GETTER;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.DataCacheKey.DATA_REFLECTION_CACHE_GET_MATCHING_MEMBERS;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.DataCacheKey.DATA_REFLECTION_CACHE_GET_MATCHING_SETTERS;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.DataCacheKey.DATA_REFLECTION_CACHE_HAS_COLUMN_ANNOTATIONS;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.DataKey.DATA_BLOCK_NESTING;
import static org.jooq.tools.StringUtils.defaultIfNull;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.time.OffsetTime;
import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.ManagedBlocker;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.Id;

// ...
import org.jooq.Asterisk;
import org.jooq.Attachable;
import org.jooq.BindContext;
import org.jooq.Catalog;
import org.jooq.Check;
import org.jooq.Clause;
import org.jooq.CommonTableExpression;
import org.jooq.Condition;
import org.jooq.Configuration;
import org.jooq.Context;
import org.jooq.Converter;
import org.jooq.ConverterProvider;
import org.jooq.Cursor;
import org.jooq.DSLContext;
import org.jooq.DataType;
import org.jooq.EmbeddableRecord;
import org.jooq.EnumType;
import org.jooq.ExecuteContext;
import org.jooq.ExecuteListener;
import org.jooq.Field;
import org.jooq.ForeignKey;
import org.jooq.JSON;
import org.jooq.JSONB;
import org.jooq.JSONEntry;
import org.jooq.Name;
import org.jooq.OrderField;
import org.jooq.Param;
// ...
import org.jooq.QualifiedAsterisk;
import org.jooq.Query;
import org.jooq.QueryPart;
import org.jooq.Record;
import org.jooq.Record1;
import org.jooq.RecordType;
import org.jooq.RenderContext;
import org.jooq.RenderContext.CastMode;
import org.jooq.Result;
import org.jooq.ResultOrRows;
import org.jooq.Results;
import org.jooq.Row;
import org.jooq.SQLDialect;
import org.jooq.Schema;
import org.jooq.Scope;
import org.jooq.Select;
import org.jooq.SelectFieldOrAsterisk;
import org.jooq.SortField;
import org.jooq.Table;
import org.jooq.TableField;
import org.jooq.TableRecord;
import org.jooq.UDT;
import org.jooq.UDTRecord;
import org.jooq.UpdatableRecord;
import org.jooq.XML;
import org.jooq.conf.BackslashEscaping;
import org.jooq.conf.ParamType;
import org.jooq.conf.ParseNameCase;
import org.jooq.conf.Settings;
import org.jooq.conf.SettingsTools;
import org.jooq.conf.ThrowExceptions;
import org.jooq.exception.DataAccessException;
import org.jooq.exception.DataTypeException;
import org.jooq.exception.MappingException;
import org.jooq.exception.NoDataFoundException;
import org.jooq.exception.TemplatingException;
import org.jooq.exception.TooManyRowsException;
import org.jooq.impl.DefaultRenderContext.ForceSettingsSignal;
import org.jooq.impl.ResultsImpl.ResultOrRowsImpl;
import org.jooq.tools.Ints;
import org.jooq.tools.JooqLogger;
import org.jooq.tools.StringUtils;
import org.jooq.tools.jdbc.JDBCUtils;
import org.jooq.tools.reflect.Reflect;
import org.jooq.tools.reflect.ReflectException;
import org.jooq.types.UByte;
import org.jooq.types.UInteger;
import org.jooq.types.ULong;
import org.jooq.types.UShort;

General internal jOOQ utilities
Author:Lukas Eder
/** * General internal jOOQ utilities * * @author Lukas Eder */
final class Tools { static final JooqLogger log = JooqLogger.getLogger(Tools.class); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Empty arrays for use with Collection.toArray() // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTE = {}; static final Catalog[] EMPTY_CATALOG = {}; static final Check<?>[] EMPTY_CHECK = {}; static final Clause[] EMPTY_CLAUSE = {}; static final Collection<?>[] EMPTY_COLLECTION = {}; static final CommonTableExpression<?>[] EMPTY_COMMON_TABLE_EXPRESSION = {}; static final ExecuteListener[] EMPTY_EXECUTE_LISTENER = {}; static final Field<?>[] EMPTY_FIELD = {}; static final int[] EMPTY_INT = {}; static final JSONEntry<?>[] EMPTY_JSONENTRY = {}; static final Name[] EMPTY_NAME = {}; static final Param<?>[] EMPTY_PARAM = {}; static final OrderField<?>[] EMPTY_ORDERFIELD = {}; static final Query[] EMPTY_QUERY = {}; static final QueryPart[] EMPTY_QUERYPART = {}; static final Record[] EMPTY_RECORD = {}; static final Row[] EMPTY_ROW = {}; static final Schema[] EMTPY_SCHEMA = {}; static final SortField<?>[] EMPTY_SORTFIELD = {}; static final String[] EMPTY_STRING = {}; static final Table<?>[] EMPTY_TABLE = {}; static final TableRecord<?>[] EMPTY_TABLE_RECORD = {}; static final UpdatableRecord<?>[] EMPTY_UPDATABLE_RECORD = {}; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Some constants for use with Context.data() // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Keys for Configuration.data(), which may be referenced frequently and represent a boolean value and are thus stored in an EnumSet for speedier access.
/** * Keys for {@link Configuration#data()}, which may be referenced frequently * and represent a {@code boolean} value and are thus stored in an * {@link EnumSet} for speedier access. */
enum BooleanDataKey {
[#1537] This constant is used internally by jOOQ to omit the RETURNING clause in DSLContext.batchStore(UpdatableRecord<?>...) calls for SQLDialect.POSTGRES.
/** * [#1537] This constant is used internally by jOOQ to omit the RETURNING * clause in {@link DSLContext#batchStore(UpdatableRecord...)} calls for * {@link SQLDialect#POSTGRES}. */
[#1520] Count the number of bind values, and potentially enforce a static statement.
/** * [#1520] Count the number of bind values, and potentially enforce a static * statement. */
[#1520] Enforce executing static statements.

Some SQL dialects support only a limited amount of bind variables. This flag is set when static statements have too many bind variables. Known values are:

/** * [#1520] Enforce executing static statements. * <p> * Some SQL dialects support only a limited amount of bind variables. This * flag is set when static statements have too many bind variables. Known * values are: * <ul> * <li>{@link SQLDialect#ACCESS} : 768</li> * <li>{@link SQLDialect#ASE} : 2000</li> * <li>{@link SQLDialect#INGRES} : 1024</li> * <li>{@link SQLDialect#ORACLE} : 32767</li> * <li>{@link SQLDialect#POSTGRES} : 32767</li> * <li>{@link SQLDialect#SQLITE} : 999</li> * <li>{@link SQLDialect#SQLSERVER} : 2100</li> * </ul> */
[#7312] Allow for ForceSettingsSignal to be thrown in order to override user-defined settings.
/** * [#7312] Allow for {@link ForceSettingsSignal} to be thrown in order * to override user-defined settings. */
[#2665] Omit the emission of clause events by QueryParts.

Some QueryParts may contain further QueryParts for whom Clause emission should be avoided. For example Clause.FIELD_REFERENCE may contain a Clause.TABLE_REFERENCE.

/** * [#2665] Omit the emission of clause events by {@link QueryPart}s. * <p> * Some {@link QueryPart}s may contain further {@link QueryPart}s for whom * {@link Clause} emission should be avoided. For example * {@link Clause#FIELD_REFERENCE} may contain a * {@link Clause#TABLE_REFERENCE}. */
@SuppressWarnings("javadoc") DATA_OMIT_CLAUSE_EVENT_EMISSION,
[#2665] Wrap derived tables in parentheses.

Before allowing for hooking into the SQL transformation SPI, new RenderContext instances could be created to "try" to render a given SQL subclause before inserting it into the real SQL string. This practice should no longer be pursued, as such "sub-renderers" will emit / divert Clause events.

/** * [#2665] Wrap derived tables in parentheses. * <p> * Before allowing for hooking into the SQL transformation SPI, new * {@link RenderContext} instances could be created to "try" to render a * given SQL subclause before inserting it into the real SQL string. This * practice should no longer be pursued, as such "sub-renderers" will emit / * divert {@link Clause} events. */
[#1629] The Connection.getAutoCommit() flag value before starting a new transaction.
/** * [#1629] The {@link Connection#getAutoCommit()} flag value before starting * a new transaction. */
[#2080] When emulating OFFSET pagination in certain databases, synthetic aliases are generated that must be referenced also in ORDER BY clauses, in lieu of their corresponding original aliases. [#8898] Oracle doesn't support aliases in RETURNING clauses.
/** * [#2080] When emulating OFFSET pagination in certain databases, synthetic * aliases are generated that must be referenced also in * <code>ORDER BY</code> clauses, in lieu of their corresponding original * aliases. * [#8898] Oracle doesn't support aliases in RETURNING clauses. */
[#7139] No data must be selected in the SELECT statement.
/** * [#7139] No data must be selected in the <code>SELECT</code> statement. */
[#3381] Omit the Clause.SELECT_INTO, as it is being emulated.
/** * [#3381] Omit the {@link Clause#SELECT_INTO}, as it is being emulated. */
@SuppressWarnings("javadoc") DATA_OMIT_INTO_CLAUSE,
[#1658] Specify whether the trailing LIMIT clause needs to be rendered.
/** * [#1658] Specify whether the trailing LIMIT clause needs to be rendered. */
[#3886] Whether a list has already been indented.
/** * [#3886] Whether a list has already been indented. */
[#3338] [#5086] Whether a constraint is being referenced (rather than declared).
/** * [#3338] [#5086] Whether a constraint is being referenced (rather than * declared). */
[#1206] Whether to collect Semi / Anti JOIN.
/** * [#1206] Whether to collect Semi / Anti JOIN. */
[#2995] An INSERT INTO t SELECT statement. Without any explicit column list, the SELECT statement must not be wrapped in parentheses (which would be interpreted as the column list's parentheses).
/** * [#2995] An <code>INSERT INTO t SELECT</code> statement. Without any * explicit column list, the <code>SELECT</code> statement must not be * wrapped in parentheses (which would be interpreted as the column * list's parentheses). */
[#3579] [#6431] [#7222] There are nested set operations in the current Select scope.
/** * [#3579] [#6431] [#7222] There are nested set operations in the current * {@link Select} scope. */
[#5191] Whether INSERT RETURNING is being emulated for bulk insertions.
/** * [#5191] Whether INSERT RETURNING is being emulated for bulk insertions. */
[#1535] We're currently generating the window specification of a window function that requires an ORDER BY clause.
/** * [#1535] We're currently generating the window specification of a * window function that requires an ORDER BY clause. */
[#9925] In some cases the AS keyword is required for aliasing, e.g. XML.
/** * [#9925] In some cases the <code>AS</code> keyword is required for aliasing, e.g. XML. */
Keys for Configuration.data(), which may be referenced frequently and are thus stored in an EnumMap for speedier access.
/** * Keys for {@link Configuration#data()}, which may be referenced frequently * and are thus stored in an {@link EnumMap} for speedier access. */
enum DataKey {
The level of anonymous block nesting, in case we're generating a block.
/** * The level of anonymous block nesting, in case we're generating a block. */
[#531] The local window definitions.

The window definitions declared in the WINDOW clause are needed in the SELECT clause when emulating them by inlining window specifications.

/** * [#531] The local window definitions. * <p> * The window definitions declared in the <code>WINDOW</code> clause are * needed in the <code>SELECT</code> clause when emulating them by inlining * window specifications. */
[#1629] The Connection.getAutoCommit() flag value before starting a new transaction.
/** * [#1629] The {@link Connection#getAutoCommit()} flag value before starting * a new transaction. */
[#1629] The DefaultConnectionProvider instance to be used during the transaction.
/** * [#1629] The {@link DefaultConnectionProvider} instance to be used during * the transaction. */
[#2080] When emulating OFFSET pagination in certain databases, synthetic aliases are generated that must be referenced also in ORDER BY clauses, in lieu of their corresponding original aliases.
/** * [#2080] When emulating OFFSET pagination in certain databases, synthetic * aliases are generated that must be referenced also in * <code>ORDER BY</code> clauses, in lieu of their corresponding original * aliases. */
[#3381] The table to be used for the Clause.SELECT_INTO clause.
/** * [#3381] The table to be used for the {@link Clause#SELECT_INTO} clause. */
@SuppressWarnings("javadoc") DATA_SELECT_INTO_TABLE,
[#1206] The collected Semi / Anti JOIN predicates.
/** * [#1206] The collected Semi / Anti JOIN predicates. */
[#6583] The target table on which a DML operation operates on.
/** * [#6583] The target table on which a DML operation operates on. */
[#8479] There is a WHERE clause to be emulated for ON DUPLICATE KEY
/** * [#8479] There is a WHERE clause to be emulated for ON DUPLICATE KEY */
[#3607] [#8522] CTEs that need to be added to the top level CTE section.
/** * [#3607] [#8522] CTEs that need to be added to the top level CTE * section. */
[#10540] Aliases to be applied to the current SELECT statement.
/** * [#10540] Aliases to be applied to the current <code>SELECT</code> * statement. */
Keys for Configuration.data(), which may be referenced very infrequently and are thus stored in an ordinary HashMap for a more optimal memory layout.
/** * Keys for {@link Configuration#data()}, which may be referenced very * infrequently and are thus stored in an ordinary {@link HashMap} for a * more optimal memory layout. */
enum DataExtendedKey { }
[#2965] These are ConcurrentHashMaps containing caches for reflection information.

new String() is used to allow for synchronizing on these objects.

/** * [#2965] These are {@link ConcurrentHashMap}s containing caches for * reflection information. * <p> * <code>new String()</code> is used to allow for synchronizing on these * objects. */
enum DataCacheKey { DATA_REFLECTION_CACHE_GET_ANNOTATED_GETTER("org.jooq.configuration.reflection-cache.get-annotated-getter"), DATA_REFLECTION_CACHE_GET_ANNOTATED_MEMBERS("org.jooq.configuration.reflection-cache.get-annotated-members"), DATA_REFLECTION_CACHE_GET_ANNOTATED_SETTERS("org.jooq.configuration.reflection-cache.get-annotated-setters"), DATA_REFLECTION_CACHE_GET_MATCHING_GETTER("org.jooq.configuration.reflection-cache.get-matching-getter"), DATA_REFLECTION_CACHE_GET_MATCHING_MEMBERS("org.jooq.configuration.reflection-cache.get-matching-members"), DATA_REFLECTION_CACHE_GET_MATCHING_SETTERS("org.jooq.configuration.reflection-cache.get-matching-setters"), DATA_REFLECTION_CACHE_HAS_COLUMN_ANNOTATIONS("org.jooq.configuration.reflection-cache.has-column-annotations"), DATA_CACHE_RECORD_MAPPERS("org.jooq.configuration.cache.record-mappers"); final String key; private DataCacheKey(String key) { this.key = key; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Other constants // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The default escape character for [a] LIKE [b] ESCAPE [...] clauses.
/** * The default escape character for <code>[a] LIKE [b] ESCAPE [...]</code> * clauses. */
static final char ESCAPE = '!';
A lock for the initialisation of other static members
/** * A lock for the initialisation of other static members */
private static final Object initLock = new Object();
Indicating whether JPA (javax.persistence) is on the classpath.
/** * Indicating whether JPA (<code>javax.persistence</code>) is on the * classpath. */
private static volatile Boolean isJPAAvailable;
Indicating whether Kotlin (kotlin.*) is on the classpath.
/** * Indicating whether Kotlin (<code>kotlin.*</code>) is on the classpath. */
private static volatile Boolean isKotlinAvailable; private static volatile Reflect ktJvmClassMapping; private static volatile Reflect ktKClasses; private static volatile Reflect ktKClass; private static volatile Reflect ktKTypeParameter;
[#3696] The maximum number of consumed exceptions in consumeExceptions(Configuration, PreparedStatement, SQLException) helps prevent infinite loops and OutOfMemoryError.
/** * [#3696] The maximum number of consumed exceptions in * {@link #consumeExceptions(Configuration, PreparedStatement, SQLException)} * helps prevent infinite loops and {@link OutOfMemoryError}. */
static int maxForceSettingsAttempts = 16; static int maxConsumedExceptions = 256; static int maxConsumedResults = 65536;
A pattern for the dash line syntax
/** * A pattern for the dash line syntax */
private static final Pattern DASH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(-+)");
A pattern for the pipe line syntax
/** * A pattern for the pipe line syntax */
private static final Pattern PIPE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(?<=\\|)([^|]+)(?=\\|)");
A pattern for the dash line syntax
/** * A pattern for the dash line syntax */
private static final Pattern PLUS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\+(-+)(?=\\+)");
All characters that are matched by Java's interpretation of \s.

For a more accurate set of whitespaces, refer to http://stackoverflow.com/a/4731164/521799. In the event of SQL processing, it is probably safe to ignore most of those alternative Unicode whitespaces.

/** * All characters that are matched by Java's interpretation of \s. * <p> * For a more accurate set of whitespaces, refer to * http://stackoverflow.com/a/4731164/521799. In the event of SQL * processing, it is probably safe to ignore most of those alternative * Unicode whitespaces. */
private static final char[] WHITESPACE_CHARACTERS = " \t\n\u000B\f\r".toCharArray();
Acceptable prefixes for JDBC escape syntax.
/** * Acceptable prefixes for JDBC escape syntax. */
private static final char[][] JDBC_ESCAPE_PREFIXES = { "{fn ".toCharArray(), "{d ".toCharArray(), "{t ".toCharArray(), "{ts ".toCharArray() }; private static final char[] TOKEN_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT = { '-', '-' }; private static final char[] TOKEN_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT_C = { '/', '/' }; private static final char[] TOKEN_HASH = { '#' }; private static final char[] TOKEN_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT_OPEN = { '/', '*' }; private static final char[] TOKEN_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT_CLOSE = { '*', '/' }; private static final char[] TOKEN_APOS = { '\'' }; private static final char[] TOKEN_ESCAPED_APOS = { '\'', '\'' };
"Suffixes" that are placed behind a "?" character to form an operator, rather than a JDBC bind variable. This is particularly useful to prevent parsing PostgreSQL operators as bind variables, as can be seen here: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-json.html, https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/ltree.html, https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-geometry.html.

[#5307] Known PostgreSQL JSON operators:

  • ?|
  • ?&

[#7035] Known PostgreSQL LTREE operators:

  • ? (we cannot handle this one)
  • ?@>
  • ?<@
  • ?~
  • ?@

[#7037] Known PostgreSQL Geometry operators:

  • ?#
  • ?-
  • ?|
/** * "Suffixes" that are placed behind a "?" character to form an operator, * rather than a JDBC bind variable. This is particularly useful to prevent * parsing PostgreSQL operators as bind variables, as can be seen here: * <a href= * "https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/functions-json.html">https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-json.html</a>, * <a href= * "https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/ltree.html">https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/ltree.html</a>, * <a href= * "https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-geometry.html">https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-geometry.html</a>. * <p> * [#5307] Known PostgreSQL JSON operators: * <ul> * <li>?|</li> * <li>?&</li> * </ul> * <p> * [#7035] Known PostgreSQL LTREE operators: * <ul> * <li>? (we cannot handle this one)</li> * <li>?@&gt;</li> * <li>?&lt;@</li> * <li>?~</li> * <li>?@</li> * </ul> * <p> * [#7037] Known PostgreSQL Geometry operators: * <ul> * <li>?#</li> * <li>?-</li> * <li>?|</li> * </ul> */
private static final char[][] NON_BIND_VARIABLE_SUFFIXES = { { '?' }, { '|' }, { '&' }, { '@' }, { '<' }, { '~' }, { '#' }, { '-' } };
All hexadecimal digits accessible through array index, e.g. HEX_DIGITS[15] == 'f'.
/** * All hexadecimal digits accessible through array index, e.g. * <code>HEX_DIGITS[15] == 'f'</code>. */
private static final char[] HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789abcdef".toCharArray(); private static final Set<SQLDialect> REQUIRES_BACKSLASH_ESCAPING = SQLDialect.supportedBy(MARIADB, MYSQL); private static final Set<SQLDialect> NO_SUPPORT_NULL = SQLDialect.supportedBy(DERBY, FIREBIRD, HSQLDB); private static final Set<SQLDialect> NO_SUPPORT_BINARY_TYPE_LENGTH = SQLDialect.supportedBy(POSTGRES); private static final Set<SQLDialect> NO_SUPPORT_TIMESTAMP_PRECISION = SQLDialect.supportedBy(DERBY); private static final Set<SQLDialect> NO_SUPPORT_CAST_TYPE_IN_DDL = SQLDialect.supportedBy(MARIADB, MYSQL); private static final Set<SQLDialect> SUPPORT_NON_BIND_VARIABLE_SUFFIXES = SQLDialect.supportedBy(POSTGRES); private static final Set<SQLDialect> DEFAULT_BEFORE_NULL = SQLDialect.supportedBy(FIREBIRD, HSQLDB); private static final Set<SQLDialect> SUPPORT_MYSQL_SYNTAX = SQLDialect.supportedBy(MARIADB, MYSQL); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // XXX: Record constructors and related methods // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Turn a Result into a list of Row
/** * Turn a {@link Result} into a list of {@link Row} */
static final List<Row> rows(Result<?> result) { List<Row> rows = new ArrayList<>(result.size()); for (Record record : result) rows.add(record.valuesRow()); return rows; }
Create a new record
/** * Create a new record */
static final <R extends Record> RecordDelegate<R> newRecord(boolean fetched, Class<R> type) { return newRecord(fetched, type, null); }
Create a new record
/** * Create a new record */
static final <R extends Record> RecordDelegate<R> newRecord(boolean fetched, Class<R> type, AbstractRow fields) { return newRecord(fetched, type, fields, null); }
Create a new record
/** * Create a new record */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static final <R extends Record> RecordDelegate<R> newRecord(boolean fetched, Table<R> type, Configuration configuration) { return (RecordDelegate<R>) newRecord(fetched, type.getRecordType(), (AbstractRow) type.fieldsRow(), configuration); }
Create a new UDT record
/** * Create a new UDT record */
static final <R extends UDTRecord<R>> RecordDelegate<R> newRecord(boolean fetched, UDT<R> type) { return newRecord(fetched, type, null); }
Create a new UDT record
/** * Create a new UDT record */
static final <R extends UDTRecord<R>> RecordDelegate<R> newRecord(boolean fetched, UDT<R> type, Configuration configuration) { return newRecord(fetched, type.getRecordType(), (AbstractRow) type.fieldsRow(), configuration); }
Create a new record.
/** * Create a new record. */
static final <R extends Record> RecordDelegate<R> newRecord(boolean fetched, Class<R> type, AbstractRow fields, Configuration configuration) { return newRecord(fetched, recordFactory(type, fields), configuration); }
Create a new record.
/** * Create a new record. */
static final <R extends Record> RecordDelegate<R> newRecord(boolean fetched, F0<R> factory, Configuration configuration) { return new RecordDelegate<>(configuration, factory, fetched); } static final AbstractRow row0(Fields<?> fields) { switch (fields.size()) { case 1: return new RowImpl1<>(fields); case 2: return new RowImpl2<>(fields); case 3: return new RowImpl3<>(fields); case 4: return new RowImpl4<>(fields); case 5: return new RowImpl5<>(fields); case 6: return new RowImpl6<>(fields); case 7: return new RowImpl7<>(fields); case 8: return new RowImpl8<>(fields); case 9: return new RowImpl9<>(fields); case 10: return new RowImpl10<>(fields); case 11: return new RowImpl11<>(fields); case 12: return new RowImpl12<>(fields); case 13: return new RowImpl13<>(fields); case 14: return new RowImpl14<>(fields); case 15: return new RowImpl15<>(fields); case 16: return new RowImpl16<>(fields); case 17: return new RowImpl17<>(fields); case 18: return new RowImpl18<>(fields); case 19: return new RowImpl19<>(fields); case 20: return new RowImpl20<>(fields); case 21: return new RowImpl21<>(fields); case 22: return new RowImpl22<>(fields); default: return new RowImplN(fields); } } static final AbstractRow row0(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields) { return row0(fields.toArray(EMPTY_FIELD)); } static final AbstractRow row0(Field<?>... fields) { return row0(new Fields<>(fields)); } static final Class<? extends AbstractRecord> recordType(int length) { switch (length) { case 1: return RecordImpl1.class; case 2: return RecordImpl2.class; case 3: return RecordImpl3.class; case 4: return RecordImpl4.class; case 5: return RecordImpl5.class; case 6: return RecordImpl6.class; case 7: return RecordImpl7.class; case 8: return RecordImpl8.class; case 9: return RecordImpl9.class; case 10: return RecordImpl10.class; case 11: return RecordImpl11.class; case 12: return RecordImpl12.class; case 13: return RecordImpl13.class; case 14: return RecordImpl14.class; case 15: return RecordImpl15.class; case 16: return RecordImpl16.class; case 17: return RecordImpl17.class; case 18: return RecordImpl18.class; case 19: return RecordImpl19.class; case 20: return RecordImpl20.class; case 21: return RecordImpl21.class; case 22: return RecordImpl22.class; default: return RecordImplN.class; } }
Create a new record factory.
/** * Create a new record factory. */
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) static final <R extends Record> F0<R> recordFactory(final Class<R> type, final AbstractRow row) { // An ad-hoc type resulting from a JOIN or arbitrary SELECT if (type == AbstractRecord.class || type == Record.class || InternalRecord.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { switch (row.size()) { case 1: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImpl1<>(row); } }; case 2: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImpl2<>(row); } }; case 3: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImpl3<>(row); } }; case 4: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImpl4<>(row); } }; case 5: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImpl5<>(row); } }; case 6: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImpl6<>(row); } }; case 7: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImpl7<>(row); } }; case 8: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImpl8<>(row); } }; case 9: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImpl9<>(row); } }; case 10: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImpl10<>(row); } }; case 11: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImpl11<>(row); } }; case 12: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImpl12<>(row); } }; case 13: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImpl13<>(row); } }; case 14: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImpl14<>(row); } }; case 15: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImpl15<>(row); } }; case 16: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImpl16<>(row); } }; case 17: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImpl17<>(row); } }; case 18: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImpl18<>(row); } }; case 19: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImpl19<>(row); } }; case 20: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImpl20<>(row); } }; case 21: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImpl21<>(row); } }; case 22: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImpl22<>(row); } }; default: return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { return (R) new RecordImplN(row); } }; } } // Any generated record else { try { // [#919] Allow for accessing non-public constructors final Constructor<R> constructor = Reflect.accessible(type.getDeclaredConstructor()); return new F0<R>() { @Override public R apply() { try { return constructor.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not construct new record", e); } } }; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not construct new record", e); } } }
[#2700] [#3582] If a POJO attribute is NULL, but the column is NOT NULL then we should let the database apply DEFAULT values
/** * [#2700] [#3582] If a POJO attribute is NULL, but the column is NOT NULL * then we should let the database apply DEFAULT values */
static final void resetChangedOnNotNull(Record record) { int size = record.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) if (record.get(i) == null) if (!record.field(i).getDataType().nullable()) record.changed(i, false); }
Extract the configuration from an attachable.
/** * Extract the configuration from an attachable. */
static final Configuration getConfiguration(Attachable attachable) { return attachable.configuration(); }
Get an attachable's configuration or a new DefaultConfiguration if null.
/** * Get an attachable's configuration or a new {@link DefaultConfiguration} * if <code>null</code>. */
static final Configuration configuration(Attachable attachable) { return configuration(attachable.configuration()); }
Get a configuration or a new DefaultConfiguration if null.
/** * Get a configuration or a new {@link DefaultConfiguration} if * <code>null</code>. */
static final Configuration configuration(Configuration configuration) { return configuration != null ? configuration : new DefaultConfiguration(); }
Get a configuration or a new DefaultConfiguration if null.
/** * Get a configuration or a new {@link DefaultConfiguration} if * <code>null</code>. */
static final Configuration configuration(Scope scope) { return configuration(scope != null ? scope.configuration() : null); }
Get a converter from a ConverterProvider or null if no converter could be provided.
/** * Get a converter from a {@link ConverterProvider} or <code>null</code> if * no converter could be provided. */
static final <T, U> Converter<T, U> converter(Configuration configuration, Class<T> tType, Class<U> uType) { Converter<T, U> result = configuration(configuration).converterProvider().provide(tType, uType); if (result == null) result = CTX.configuration().converterProvider().provide(tType, uType); return result; }
Get a converter from a ConverterProvider or null if no converter could be provided.
/** * Get a converter from a {@link ConverterProvider} or <code>null</code> if * no converter could be provided. */
static final <T, U> Converter<T, U> converter(Scope scope, Class<T> tType, Class<U> uType) { return converter(configuration(scope), tType, uType); }
Get a converter from a ConverterProvider or null if no converter could be provided.
/** * Get a converter from a {@link ConverterProvider} or <code>null</code> if * no converter could be provided. */
static final <T, U> Converter<T, U> converter(Attachable attachable, Class<T> tType, Class<U> uType) { return converter(configuration(attachable), tType, uType); }
Get a converter from a ConverterProvider or null if no converter could be provided.
/** * Get a converter from a {@link ConverterProvider} or <code>null</code> if * no converter could be provided. */
static final <T, U> Converter<T, U> converterOrFail(Configuration configuration, Class<T> tType, Class<U> uType) { Converter<T, U> result = converter(configuration, tType, uType); if (result == null) throw new DataTypeException("No Converter found for types " + tType.getName() + " and " + uType.getName()); return result; }
Get a converter from a ConverterProvider.
/** * Get a converter from a {@link ConverterProvider}. */
static final <T, U> Converter<T, U> converterOrFail(Scope scope, Class<T> tType, Class<U> uType) { return converterOrFail(configuration(scope), tType, uType); }
Get a converter from a ConverterProvider.
/** * Get a converter from a {@link ConverterProvider}. */
static final <T, U> Converter<T, U> converterOrFail(Attachable attachable, Class<T> tType, Class<U> uType) { return converterOrFail(configuration(attachable), tType, uType); }
Get a configuration's settings or default settings if the configuration is null.
/** * Get a configuration's settings or default settings if the configuration * is <code>null</code>. */
static final Settings settings(Attachable attachable) { return configuration(attachable).settings(); }
Get a configuration's settings or default settings if the configuration is null.
/** * Get a configuration's settings or default settings if the configuration * is <code>null</code>. */
static final Settings settings(Configuration configuration) { return configuration(configuration).settings(); } static final boolean attachRecords(Configuration configuration) { if (configuration != null) { Settings settings = configuration.settings(); if (settings != null) { return !FALSE.equals(settings.isAttachRecords()); } } return true; } static final Field<?>[] fieldArray(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields) { return fields == null ? null : fields.toArray(EMPTY_FIELD); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // XXX: Data-type related methods // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ static final DataType<?>[] dataTypes(Class<?>[] types) { if (types == null) return null; DataType<?>[] result = new DataType<?>[types.length]; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) if (types[i] != null) result[i] = getDataType(types[i]); else result[i] = getDataType(Object.class); return result; } static final DataType<?>[] dataTypes(Field<?>[] fields) { if (fields == null) return null; DataType<?>[] result = new DataType<?>[fields.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) result[i] = fields[i].getDataType(); return result; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // XXX: General utility methods // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ static final <T> SortField<T> sortField(OrderField<T> field) { if (field instanceof SortField) return (SortField<T>) field; else if (field instanceof Field) return ((Field<T>) field).sortDefault(); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field not supported : " + field); } static final SortField<?>[] sortFields(OrderField<?>[] fields) { if (fields == null) return null; if (fields instanceof SortField<?>[]) return (SortField<?>[]) fields; SortField<?>[] result = new SortField[fields.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) result[i] = sortField(fields[i]); return result; } static final List<SortField<?>> sortFields(Collection<? extends OrderField<?>> fields) { if (fields == null) return null; int size = fields.size(); List<SortField<?>> result = new ArrayList<>(size); for (OrderField<?> field : fields) result.add(sortField(field)); return result; } static final String fieldNameString(int index) { return "v" + index; } static final Name fieldName(int index) { return name(fieldNameString(index)); } static final Name[] fieldNames(int length) { Name[] result = new Name[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) result[i] = fieldName(i); return result; } static final String[] fieldNameStrings(int length) { String[] result = new String[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) result[i] = fieldNameString(i); return result; } static final Name[] fieldNames(Field<?>[] fields) { if (fields == null) return null; Name[] result = new Name[fields.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) result[i] = fields[i].getUnqualifiedName(); return result; } static final List<Name> fieldNames(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields) { if (fields == null) return null; List<Name> result = new ArrayList<>(fields.size()); for (Field<?> field : fields) result.add(field.getUnqualifiedName()); return result; } static final String[] fieldNameStrings(Field<?>[] fields) { if (fields == null) return null; String[] result = new String[fields.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) result[i] = fields[i].getName(); return result; } static final Field<?>[] fields(int length) { return fields(length, SQLDataType.OTHER); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static final <T> Field<T>[] fields(int length, DataType<T> type) { Field<T>[] result = new Field[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) result[i] = DSL.field(fieldName(i), type); return result; } static final Field<?>[] unqualified(Field<?>[] fields) { if (fields == null) return null; Field<?>[] result = new Field[fields.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) result[i] = unqualified(fields[i]); return result; } static final List<Field<?>> unqualified(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields) { if (fields == null) return null; List<Field<?>> result = new ArrayList<>(fields.size()); for (Field<?> field : fields) result.add(unqualified(field)); return result; } static final <T> Field<T> unqualified(Field<T> field) { return DSL.field(field.getUnqualifiedName(), field.getDataType()); } static final <T> SortField<T> unqualified(SortField<T> field) { SortFieldImpl<T> i = (SortFieldImpl<T>) field; return i.transform(unqualified(i.getField())); } static final SortField<?>[] unqualified(SortField<?>[] fields) { if (fields == null) return null; SortField<?>[] result = new SortField[fields.length]; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) result[i] = unqualified(fields[i]); return result; } static final Name[] unqualifiedNames(Field<?>[] fields) { if (fields == null) return null; Name[] result = new Name[fields.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) result[i] = fields[i].getUnqualifiedName(); return result; } static final Field<?>[] unaliasedFields(Field<?>[] fields) { if (fields == null) return null; Field<?>[] result = new Field[fields.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) result[i] = DSL.field(fieldName(i), fields[i].getDataType()).as(fields[i]); return result; } static <R extends Record, O extends Record> ReferenceImpl<R, O> aliasedKey(ForeignKey<R, O> key, Table<R> child, Table<O> parent) { // [#10603] [#5050] TODO: Solve aliasing constraints more generically return new ReferenceImpl<>( child, key.getQualifiedName(), Tools.fieldsByName(child, key.getFieldsArray()), key.getKey(), Tools.fieldsByName(parent, key.getKeyFieldsArray()), key.enforced() ); } static final Field<?>[] aliasedFields(Field<?>[] fields) { if (fields == null) return null; Field<?>[] result = new Field[fields.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) result[i] = fields[i].as(fieldName(i)); return result; } static final Field<?>[] fieldsByName(String[] fieldNames) { return fieldsByName(null, fieldNames); } static final Field<?>[] fieldsByName(Name tableName, int length) { Field<?>[] result = new Field[length]; if (tableName == null) for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) result[i] = DSL.field(fieldName(i)); else for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) result[i] = DSL.field(name(tableName, fieldName(i))); return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static final <R extends Record> TableField<R, ?>[] fieldsByName(Table<R> tableName, Field<?>[] fieldNames) { if (fieldNames == null) return null; TableField<R, ?>[] result = new TableField[fieldNames.length]; if (tableName == null) for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) result[i] = (TableField<R, ?>) DSL.field(fieldNames[i].getUnqualifiedName(), fieldNames[i].getDataType()); else for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) result[i] = (TableField<R, ?>) DSL.field(tableName.getQualifiedName().append(fieldNames[i].getUnqualifiedName()), fieldNames[i].getDataType()); return result; } static final Field<?>[] fieldsByName(Name tableName, Name[] fieldNames) { if (fieldNames == null) return null; Field<?>[] result = new Field[fieldNames.length]; if (tableName == null) for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) result[i] = DSL.field(fieldNames[i]); else for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) result[i] = DSL.field(name(tableName, fieldNames[i])); return result; } static final Field<?>[] fieldsByName(String tableName, String[] fieldNames) { if (fieldNames == null) return null; Field<?>[] result = new Field[fieldNames.length]; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(tableName)) for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) result[i] = DSL.field(name(fieldNames[i])); else for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) result[i] = DSL.field(name(tableName, fieldNames[i])); return result; } static final Field<?>[] fieldsByName(Name[] names) { if (names == null) return null; Field<?>[] result = new Field[names.length]; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) result[i] = DSL.field(names[i]); return result; } static final Name[] names(String[] names) { if (names == null) return null; Name[] result = new Name[names.length]; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) result[i] = DSL.name(names[i]); return result; } static final List<Name> names(Collection<?> names) { if (names == null) return null; List<Name> result = new ArrayList<>(names.size()); for (Object o : names) result.add(o instanceof Name ? (Name) o : DSL.name(String.valueOf(o))); return result; } private static final IllegalArgumentException fieldExpected(Object value) { return new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot interpret argument of type " + value.getClass() + " as a Field: " + value); }
[#461] [#473] [#2597] [#8234] Some internals need a cast only if necessary.
/** * [#461] [#473] [#2597] [#8234] Some internals need a cast only if necessary. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static <T> Field<T>[] castAllIfNeeded(Field<?>[] fields, Class<T> type) { Field<T>[] castFields = new Field[fields.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) castFields[i] = castIfNeeded(fields[i], type); return castFields; }
[#461] [#473] [#2597] [#8234] Some internals need a cast only if necessary.
/** * [#461] [#473] [#2597] [#8234] Some internals need a cast only if necessary. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static final <T> Field<T> castIfNeeded(Field<?> field, Class<T> type) { if (field.getType().equals(type)) return (Field<T>) field; else return field.cast(type); }
[#461] [#473] [#2597] [#8234] Some internals need a cast only if necessary.
/** * [#461] [#473] [#2597] [#8234] Some internals need a cast only if necessary. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static final <T> Field<T> castIfNeeded(Field<?> field, DataType<T> type) { if (field.getDataType().equals(type)) return (Field<T>) field; else return field.cast(type); }
[#461] [#473] [#2597] [#8234] Some internals need a cast only if necessary.
/** * [#461] [#473] [#2597] [#8234] Some internals need a cast only if necessary. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static final <T> Field<T> castIfNeeded(Field<?> field, Field<T> type) { if (field.getDataType().equals(type.getDataType())) return (Field<T>) field; else return field.cast(type); }
Be sure that a given object is a field.
  • value – The argument object
Returns:The argument object itself, if it is a Field, or a bind value created from the argument object.
/** * Be sure that a given object is a field. * * @param value The argument object * @return The argument object itself, if it is a {@link Field}, or a bind * value created from the argument object. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static final <T> Field<T> field(T value) { // Fields can be mixed with constant values if (value instanceof Field<?>) return (Field<T>) value; // [#6362] [#8220] Single-column selects can be considered fields, too else if (value instanceof Select && Tools.degree((Select<?>) value) == 1) return DSL.field((Select<Record1<T>>) value); // [#4771] Any other QueryPart type is not supported here else if (value instanceof QueryPart) throw fieldExpected(value); else return val(value); } // The following overloads help performance by avoiding runtime data type lookups // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static final Param<Byte> field(byte value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.TINYINT); } static final Param<Byte> field(Byte value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.TINYINT); } static final Param<UByte> field(UByte value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.TINYINTUNSIGNED); } static final Param<Short> field(short value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.SMALLINT); } static final Param<Short> field(Short value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.SMALLINT); } static final Param<UShort> field(UShort value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.SMALLINTUNSIGNED); } static final Param<Integer> field(int value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.INTEGER); } static final Param<Integer> field(Integer value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.INTEGER); } static final Param<UInteger> field(UInteger value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.INTEGERUNSIGNED); } static final Param<Long> field(long value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.BIGINT); } static final Param<Long> field(Long value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.BIGINT); } static final Param<ULong> field(ULong value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.BIGINTUNSIGNED); } static final Param<Float> field(float value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.REAL); } static final Param<Float> field(Float value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.REAL); } static final Param<Double> field(double value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.DOUBLE); } static final Param<Double> field(Double value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.DOUBLE); } static final Param<Boolean> field(boolean value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.BOOLEAN); } static final Param<Boolean> field(Boolean value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.BOOLEAN); } static final Param<BigDecimal> field(BigDecimal value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.DECIMAL); } static final Param<BigInteger> field(BigInteger value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.DECIMAL_INTEGER); } static final Param<byte[]> field(byte[] value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.VARBINARY); } static final Param<String> field(String value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.VARCHAR); } static final Param<Date> field(Date value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.DATE); } static final Param<Time> field(Time value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.TIME); } static final Param<Timestamp> field(Timestamp value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.TIMESTAMP); } static final Param<LocalDate> field(LocalDate value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.LOCALDATE); } static final Param<LocalTime> field(LocalTime value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.LOCALTIME); } static final Param<LocalDateTime> field(LocalDateTime value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.LOCALDATETIME); } static final Param<OffsetTime> field(OffsetTime value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.OFFSETTIME); } static final Param<OffsetDateTime> field(OffsetDateTime value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.OFFSETDATETIME); } static final Param<Instant> field(Instant value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.INSTANT); } static final Param<UUID> field(UUID value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.UUID); } static final Param<JSON> field(JSON value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.JSON); } static final Param<JSONB> field(JSONB value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.JSONB); } static final Param<XML> field(XML value) { return val((Object) value, SQLDataType.XML); }
Deprecated:- This method is probably called by mistake (ambiguous static import).
/** * @deprecated - This method is probably called by mistake (ambiguous static import). */
@Deprecated static final Field<Object> field(Name name) { return DSL.field(name); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static final <T> Field<T> field(Object value, Field<T> field) { // Fields can be mixed with constant values if (value instanceof Field<?>) return (Field<T>) value; // [#6362] [#8220] Single-column selects can be considered fields, too else if (value instanceof Select && Tools.degree((Select<?>) value) == 1) return DSL.field((Select<Record1<T>>) value); // [#4771] Any other QueryPart type is not supported here else if (value instanceof QueryPart) throw fieldExpected(value); else return val(value, field); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static final <T> Field<T> field(Object value, Class<T> type) { // Fields can be mixed with constant values if (value instanceof Field<?>) return (Field<T>) value; // [#6362] [#8220] Single-column selects can be considered fields, too else if (value instanceof Select && Tools.degree((Select<?>) value) == 1) return DSL.field((Select<Record1<T>>) value); // [#4771] Any other QueryPart type is not supported here else if (value instanceof QueryPart) throw fieldExpected(value); else return val(value, type); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static final <T> Field<T> field(Object value, DataType<T> type) { // Fields can be mixed with constant values if (value instanceof Field<?>) return (Field<T>) value; // [#6362] [#8220] Single-column selects can be considered fields, too else if (value instanceof Select && Tools.degree((Select<?>) value) == 1) return DSL.field((Select<Record1<T>>) value); // [#4771] Any other QueryPart type is not supported here else if (value instanceof QueryPart) throw fieldExpected(value); else return val(value, type); } static final <T> List<Field<T>> fields(T[] values) { if (values == null) return new ArrayList<>(); List<Field<T>> result = new ArrayList<>(values.length); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) result.add(field(values[i])); return result; } static final <T> List<Field<T>> fields(Object[] values, Field<T> field) { if (values == null || field == null) return new ArrayList<>(); List<Field<T>> result = new ArrayList<>(values.length); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) result.add(field(values[i], field)); return result; } static final List<Field<?>> fields(Object[] values, Field<?>[] fields) { if (values == null || fields == null) return new ArrayList<>(); int length = Math.min(values.length, fields.length); List<Field<?>> result = new ArrayList<>(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) result.add(field(values[i], fields[i])); return result; } static final Field<?>[] fieldsArray(Object[] values, Field<?>[] fields) { if (values == null || fields == null) return EMPTY_FIELD; int length = Math.min(values.length, fields.length); Field<?>[] result = new Field[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) result[i] = field(values[i], fields[i]); return result; } static final <T> List<Field<T>> fields(Object[] values, Class<T> type) { if (values == null || type == null) return new ArrayList<>(); List<Field<T>> result = new ArrayList<>(values.length); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) result.add(field(values[i], type)); return result; } static final List<Field<?>> fields(Object[] values, Class<?>[] types) { if (values == null || types == null) return new ArrayList<>(); int length = Math.min(values.length, types.length); List<Field<?>> result = new ArrayList<>(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) result.add(field(values[i], types[i])); return result; } static final <T> List<Field<T>> fields(Object[] values, DataType<T> type) { if (values == null || type == null) return new ArrayList<>(); List<Field<T>> result = new ArrayList<>(values.length); for (Object value : values) result.add(field(value, type)); return result; } static final <T> List<Field<T>> fields(Collection<?> values, DataType<T> type) { if (values == null || type == null) return new ArrayList<>(); List<Field<T>> result = new ArrayList<>(values.size()); for (Object value : values) result.add(field(value, type)); return result; } static final List<Field<?>> fields(Object[] values, DataType<?>[] types) { if (values == null || types == null) return new ArrayList<>(); int length = Math.min(values.length, types.length); List<Field<?>> result = new ArrayList<>(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) result.add(field(values[i], types[i])); return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static final <T> Field<T>[] fieldsArray(T[] values) { if (values == null) return (Field<T>[]) EMPTY_FIELD; Field<T>[] result = new Field[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) result[i] = field(values[i]); return result; } static final Field<?>[] fieldsArray(Object[] values, DataType<?>[] types) { if (values == null || types == null) return EMPTY_FIELD; int length = Math.min(values.length, types.length); Field<?>[] result = new Field[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) result[i] = field(values[i], types[i]); return result; } static final <T> List<Field<T>> inline(T[] values) { if (values == null) return new ArrayList<>(); List<Field<T>> result = new ArrayList<>(values.length); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) result.add(DSL.inline(values[i])); return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static final Field<Integer>[] inline(int[] fieldIndexes) { if (fieldIndexes == null) return (Field<Integer>[]) EMPTY_FIELD; Field<Integer>[] result = new Field[fieldIndexes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fieldIndexes.length; i++) result[i] = DSL.inline(fieldIndexes[i]); return result; } @SuppressWarnings("serial") static final <T> Field<T> inlined(final Field<T> field) { return new CustomField<T>(field.getQualifiedName(), field.getDataType()) { @Override public void accept(Context<?> ctx) { ParamType previous = ctx.paramType(); ctx.paramType(INLINED); ctx.visit(field); ctx.paramType(previous); } }; } static final IllegalArgumentException indexFail(Row row, Field<?> field) { return new IllegalArgumentException("Field (" + field + ") is not contained in Row " + row); } static final int indexOrFail(Row row, Field<?> field) { int result = row.indexOf(field); if (result < 0) throw indexFail(row, field); return result; } static final IllegalArgumentException indexFail(Row row, String fieldName) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field (" + fieldName + ") is not contained in Row " + row); } static final int indexOrFail(Row row, String fieldName) { int result = row.indexOf(fieldName); if (result < 0) throw indexFail(row, fieldName); return result; } static final IllegalArgumentException indexFail(Row row, Name fieldName) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field (" + fieldName + ") is not contained in Row " + row); } static final int indexOrFail(Row row, Name fieldName) { int result = row.indexOf(fieldName); if (result < 0) throw indexFail(row, fieldName); return result; }
A utility method that fails with an exception if RecordType.indexOf(Field) doesn't return any index.
/** * A utility method that fails with an exception if * {@link RecordType#indexOf(Field)} doesn't return any index. */
static final int indexOrFail(RecordType<?> row, Field<?> field) { int result = row.indexOf(field); if (result < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field (" + field + ") is not contained in RecordType " + row); return result; }
A utility method that fails with an exception if RecordType.indexOf(String) doesn't return any index.
/** * A utility method that fails with an exception if * {@link RecordType#indexOf(String)} doesn't return any index. */
static final int indexOrFail(RecordType<?> row, String fieldName) { int result = row.indexOf(fieldName); if (result < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field (" + fieldName + ") is not contained in RecordType " + row); return result; }
A utility method that fails with an exception if RecordType.indexOf(Name) doesn't return any index.
/** * A utility method that fails with an exception if * {@link RecordType#indexOf(Name)} doesn't return any index. */
static final int indexOrFail(RecordType<?> row, Name fieldName) { int result = row.indexOf(fieldName); if (result < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field (" + fieldName + ") is not contained in RecordType " + row); return result; } static final JSONEntry<?>[] jsonEntries(Field<?>... fields) { if (fields == null) return null; JSONEntry<?>[] result = new JSONEntry[fields.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) result[i] = jsonEntry(fields[i]); return result; }
Reverse an array.
/** * Reverse an array. */
@SafeVarargs static final <T> T[] reverse(T... array) { if (array == null) return null; for (int i = 0; i < array.length / 2; i++) { T tmp = array[i]; array[i] = array[array.length - i - 1]; array[array.length - i - 1] = tmp; } return array; }
Reverse iterate over an array.
/** * Reverse iterate over an array. */
@SafeVarargs static final <T> Iterable<T> reverseIterable(final T... array) { return reverseIterable(Arrays.asList(array)); }
Reverse iterate over an array.
/** * Reverse iterate over an array. */
@SafeVarargs static final <T> Iterator<T> reverseIterator(final T... array) { return reverseIterator(Arrays.asList(array)); }
Reverse iterate over a list.
/** * Reverse iterate over a list. */
static final <T> Iterable<T> reverseIterable(final List<T> list) { return new Iterable<T>() { @Override public Iterator<T> iterator() { return reverseIterator(list); } }; }
Reverse iterate over a list.
/** * Reverse iterate over a list. */
static final <T> Iterator<T> reverseIterator(final List<T> list) { return new Iterator<T>() { ListIterator<T> li = list.listIterator(list.size()); @Override public boolean hasNext() { return li.hasPrevious(); } @Override public T next() { return li.previous(); } @Override public void remove() { li.remove(); } }; }
Use this rather than Arrays.asList(Object...) for null-safety
/** * Use this rather than {@link Arrays#asList(Object...)} for * <code>null</code>-safety */
@SafeVarargs static final <T> List<T> list(T... array) { return array == null ? Collections.<T>emptyList() : Arrays.asList(array); }
Turn a Record into a Map
/** * Turn a {@link Record} into a {@link Map} */
static final Map<Field<?>, Object> mapOfChangedValues(Record record) { Map<Field<?>, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); int size = record.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) if (record.changed(i)) result.put(record.field(i), record.get(i)); return result; }
Extract the first item from an iterable or null, if there is no such item, or if iterable itself is null
/** * Extract the first item from an iterable or <code>null</code>, if there is * no such item, or if iterable itself is <code>null</code> */
static final <T> T first(Iterable<? extends T> iterable) { if (iterable == null) { return null; } else { Iterator<? extends T> iterator = iterable.iterator(); if (iterator.hasNext()) return iterator.next(); else return null; } }
Sets the statement's fetch size to the given value or Settings.getFetchSize() if 0.

This method should not be called before ExecuteContext.statement(PreparedStatement).

/** * Sets the statement's fetch size to the given value or * {@link org.jooq.conf.Settings#getFetchSize()} if {@code 0}. * <p> * This method should not be called before {@link ExecuteContext#statement(PreparedStatement)}. */
static final void setFetchSize(ExecuteContext ctx, int fetchSize) throws SQLException { // [#1263] [#4753] Allow for negative fetch sizes to support some non-standard // MySQL feature, where Integer.MIN_VALUE is used int f = SettingsTools.getFetchSize(fetchSize, ctx.settings()); if (f != 0) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Setting fetch size", f); PreparedStatement statement = ctx.statement(); if (statement != null) statement.setFetchSize(f); } }
Get the only element from a list or null, or throw an exception.
  • list – The list
Returns:The only element from the list or null
Deprecated:- [#8881] - Do not reuse this method as it doesn't properly manage the ExecuteListener.exception(ExecuteContext) lifecycle event. Use fetchOne(Cursor<Record>) instead.
/** * Get the only element from a list or <code>null</code>, or throw an * exception. * * @param list The list * @return The only element from the list or <code>null</code> * @throws TooManyRowsException Thrown if the list contains more than one * element * @deprecated - [#8881] - Do not reuse this method as it doesn't properly * manage the {@link ExecuteListener#exception(ExecuteContext)} * lifecycle event. Use {@link #fetchOne(Cursor)} instead. */
@Deprecated static final <R extends Record> R filterOne(List<R> list) throws TooManyRowsException { int size = list.size(); if (size == 0) return null; else if (size == 1) return list.get(0); else throw new TooManyRowsException("Too many rows selected : " + size); }
Get the only element from a cursor or null, or throw an exception.

[#2373] This method will always close the argument cursor, as it is supposed to be completely consumed by this method.

  • cursor – The cursor
Returns:The only element from the cursor or null
/** * Get the only element from a cursor or <code>null</code>, or throw an * exception. * <p> * [#2373] This method will always close the argument cursor, as it is * supposed to be completely consumed by this method. * * @param cursor The cursor * @return The only element from the cursor or <code>null</code> * @throws TooManyRowsException Thrown if the cursor returns more than one * element */
static final <R extends Record> R fetchOne(Cursor<R> cursor) throws TooManyRowsException { return fetchOne(cursor, false); }
Get the only element from a cursor or null, or throw an exception.

[#2373] This method will always close the argument cursor, as it is supposed to be completely consumed by this method.

  • cursor – The cursor
  • hasLimit1 – Whether a LIMIT clause is present that guarantees at most one row
Returns:The only element from the cursor or null
/** * Get the only element from a cursor or <code>null</code>, or throw an * exception. * <p> * [#2373] This method will always close the argument cursor, as it is * supposed to be completely consumed by this method. * * @param cursor The cursor * @param hasLimit1 Whether a LIMIT clause is present that guarantees at * most one row * @return The only element from the cursor or <code>null</code> * @throws TooManyRowsException Thrown if the cursor returns more than one * element */
static final <R extends Record> R fetchOne(Cursor<R> cursor, boolean hasLimit1) throws TooManyRowsException { try { // [#7001] Fetching at most two rows rather than at most one row // (and then checking of additional rows) improves debug logs // [#7430] Avoid fetching the second row (additional overhead) if // there is a guarantee of at most one row Result<R> result = cursor.fetchNext(hasLimit1 ? 1 : 2); int size = result.size(); if (size == 0) return null; else if (size == 1) return result.get(0); else throw exception((CursorImpl<R>) cursor, new TooManyRowsException("Cursor returned more than one result")); } finally { cursor.close(); } }
Get the only element from a cursor, or throw an exception.

[#2373] This method will always close the argument cursor, as it is supposed to be completely consumed by this method.

  • cursor – The cursor
Returns:The only element from the cursor
/** * Get the only element from a cursor, or throw an exception. * <p> * [#2373] This method will always close the argument cursor, as it is * supposed to be completely consumed by this method. * * @param cursor The cursor * @return The only element from the cursor * @throws NoDataFoundException Thrown if the cursor did not return any rows * @throws TooManyRowsException Thrown if the cursor returns more than one * element */
static final <R extends Record> R fetchSingle(Cursor<R> cursor) throws NoDataFoundException, TooManyRowsException { return fetchSingle(cursor, false); }
Get the only element from a cursor, or throw an exception.

[#2373] This method will always close the argument cursor, as it is supposed to be completely consumed by this method.

  • cursor – The cursor
  • hasLimit1 – Whether a LIMIT clause is present that guarantees at most one row
Returns:The only element from the cursor
/** * Get the only element from a cursor, or throw an exception. * <p> * [#2373] This method will always close the argument cursor, as it is * supposed to be completely consumed by this method. * * @param cursor The cursor * @param hasLimit1 Whether a LIMIT clause is present that guarantees at * most one row * @return The only element from the cursor * @throws NoDataFoundException Thrown if the cursor did not return any rows * @throws TooManyRowsException Thrown if the cursor returns more than one * element */
static final <R extends Record> R fetchSingle(Cursor<R> cursor, boolean hasLimit1) throws NoDataFoundException, TooManyRowsException { try { // [#7001] Fetching at most two rows rather than at most one row // (and then checking of additional rows) improves debug logs // [#7430] Avoid fetching the second row (additional overhead) if // there is a guarantee of at most one row Result<R> result = cursor.fetchNext(hasLimit1 ? 1 : 2); int size = result.size(); if (size == 0) throw exception((CursorImpl<R>) cursor, new NoDataFoundException("Cursor returned no rows")); else if (size == 1) return result.get(0); else throw exception((CursorImpl<R>) cursor, new TooManyRowsException("Cursor returned more than one result")); } finally { cursor.close(); } } private static final RuntimeException exception(CursorImpl<?> cursor, RuntimeException e) { // [#8877] Make sure these exceptions pass through ExecuteListeners as well cursor.ctx.exception(e); cursor.listener.exception(cursor.ctx); return cursor.ctx.exception(); } static final void visitSubquery(Context<?> ctx, QueryPart query) { visitSubquery(ctx, query, false); } static final void visitSubquery(Context<?> ctx, QueryPart query, boolean parentheses) { if (parentheses) ctx.sql('('); ctx.subquery(true) .formatIndentStart() .formatNewLine() .visit(query) .formatIndentEnd() .formatNewLine() .subquery(false); if (parentheses) ctx.sql(')'); }
Visit each query part from a collection, given a context.
/** * Visit each query part from a collection, given a context. */
static final <C extends Context<? super C>> C visitAll(C ctx, Collection<? extends QueryPart> parts) { if (parts != null) for (QueryPart part : parts) ctx.visit(part); return ctx; }
Visit each query part from an array, given a context.
/** * Visit each query part from an array, given a context. */
static final <C extends Context<? super C>> C visitAll(C ctx, QueryPart[] parts) { if (parts != null) for (QueryPart part : parts) ctx.visit(part); return ctx; }
Render and bind a list of QueryPart to plain SQL

This will perform two actions:

  • When RenderContext is provided, it will render plain SQL to the context, substituting {numbered placeholders} and bind values if RenderContext.inline() is set
  • When BindContext is provided, it will bind the list of QueryPart according to the {numbered placeholders} and bind values in the sql string
/** * Render and bind a list of {@link QueryPart} to plain SQL * <p> * This will perform two actions: * <ul> * <li>When {@link RenderContext} is provided, it will render plain SQL to * the context, substituting {numbered placeholders} and bind values if * {@link RenderContext#inline()} is set</li> * <li>When {@link BindContext} is provided, it will bind the list of * {@link QueryPart} according to the {numbered placeholders} and bind * values in the sql string</li> * </ul> */
@SuppressWarnings("null") static final void renderAndBind(Context<?> ctx, String sql, List<QueryPart> substitutes) { RenderContext render = (RenderContext) ((ctx instanceof RenderContext) ? ctx : null); BindContext bind = (BindContext) ((ctx instanceof BindContext) ? ctx : null); int substituteIndex = 0; char[] sqlChars = sql.toCharArray(); // [#1593] Create a dummy renderer if we're in bind mode if (render == null) render = new DefaultRenderContext(bind.configuration()); SQLDialect family = render.family(); boolean mysql = SUPPORT_MYSQL_SYNTAX.contains(render.dialect()); char[][][] quotes = QUOTES.get(family); // [#3630] Depending on this setting, we need to consider backslashes as escape characters within string literals. boolean needsBackslashEscaping = needsBackslashEscaping(ctx.configuration()); characterLoop: for (int i = 0; i < sqlChars.length; i++) { // [#1797] [#9651] Skip content inside of single-line comments, e.g. // select 1 x -- what's this ?'? // from t_book -- what's that ?'? // where id = ? if (peek(sqlChars, i, TOKEN_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT) || peek(sqlChars, i, TOKEN_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT_C) || // [#4182] MySQL also supports # as a comment character, and requires // -- to be followed by a whitespace, although the latter is also not // handled correctly by the MySQL JDBC driver (yet). See // http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=76623 (mysql && peek(sqlChars, i, TOKEN_HASH))) { // Consume the complete comment for (; i < sqlChars.length && sqlChars[i] != '\r' && sqlChars[i] != '\n'; render.sql(sqlChars[i++])); // Consume the newline character if (i < sqlChars.length) render.sql(sqlChars[i]); } // [#1797] Skip content inside of multi-line comments, e.g. // select 1 x /* what's this ?'? // I don't know ?'? */ // from t_book where id = ? else if (peek(sqlChars, i, TOKEN_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT_OPEN)) { int nestedMultilineCommentLevel = 1; // Consume the complete comment for (;;) { render.sql(sqlChars[i++]); if (peek(sqlChars, i, TOKEN_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT_OPEN)) nestedMultilineCommentLevel++; else if (peek(sqlChars, i, TOKEN_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT_CLOSE)) nestedMultilineCommentLevel--; if (nestedMultilineCommentLevel == 0) break; } // Consume the comment delimiter render.sql(sqlChars[i]); } // [#1031] [#1032] Skip ? inside of string literals, e.g. // insert into x values ('Hello? Anybody out there?'); else if (sqlChars[i] == '\'') { // Consume the initial string literal delimiter render.sql(sqlChars[i++]); // Consume the whole string literal for (;;) { // [#9648] The "string literal" might not be one, if we're inside // of some vendor specific comment syntax if (i >= sqlChars.length) break characterLoop; // [#3000] [#3630] Consume backslash-escaped characters if needed else if (sqlChars[i] == '\\' && needsBackslashEscaping) render.sql(sqlChars[i++]); // Consume an escaped apostrophe else if (peek(sqlChars, i, TOKEN_ESCAPED_APOS)) render.sql(sqlChars[i++]); // Break on the terminal string literal delimiter else if (peek(sqlChars, i, TOKEN_APOS)) break; // Consume string literal content render.sql(sqlChars[i++]); } // Consume the terminal string literal delimiter render.sql(sqlChars[i]); } // [#6704] PostgreSQL supports additional quoted string literals, which we must skip: E'...' else if ((sqlChars[i] == 'e' || sqlChars[i] == 'E') && ( ctx.family() == POSTGRES) && i + 1 < sqlChars.length && sqlChars[i + 1] == '\'') { // Consume the initial string literal delimiters render.sql(sqlChars[i++]); render.sql(sqlChars[i++]); // Consume the whole string literal for (;;) { // [#3000] [#3630] Consume backslash-escaped characters if needed if (sqlChars[i] == '\\') render.sql(sqlChars[i++]); // Consume an escaped apostrophe else if (peek(sqlChars, i, TOKEN_ESCAPED_APOS)) render.sql(sqlChars[i++]); // Break on the terminal string literal delimiter else if (peek(sqlChars, i, TOKEN_APOS)) break; // Consume string literal content render.sql(sqlChars[i++]); } // Consume the terminal string literal delimiter render.sql(sqlChars[i]); } // [#3297] Skip ? inside of quoted identifiers, e.g. // update x set v = "Column Name with a ? (question mark)" else if (peekAny(sqlChars, i, quotes[QUOTE_START_DELIMITER])) { // Main identifier delimiter or alternative one? int delimiter = 0; for (int d = 0; d < quotes[QUOTE_START_DELIMITER].length; d++) { if (peek(sqlChars, i, quotes[QUOTE_START_DELIMITER][d])) { delimiter = d; break; } } // Consume the initial identifier delimiter for (int d = 0; d < quotes[QUOTE_START_DELIMITER][delimiter].length; d++) render.sql(sqlChars[i++]); // Consume the whole identifier identifierLoop: for (;;) { // [#9648] The "identifier" might not be one, if we're inside // of some vendor specific comment syntax if (i >= sqlChars.length) break characterLoop; // Consume an escaped quote else if (peek(sqlChars, i, quotes[QUOTE_END_DELIMITER_ESCAPED][delimiter])) { for (int d = 0; d < quotes[QUOTE_END_DELIMITER_ESCAPED][delimiter].length; d++) render.sql(sqlChars[i++]); continue identifierLoop; } // Break on the terminal identifier delimiter else if (peek(sqlChars, i, quotes[QUOTE_END_DELIMITER][delimiter])) break identifierLoop; // Consume identifier content render.sql(sqlChars[i++]); } // Consume the terminal identifier delimiter for (int d = 0; d < quotes[QUOTE_END_DELIMITER][delimiter].length; d++) { if (d > 0) i++; render.sql(sqlChars[i]); } } // Inline bind variables only outside of string literals else if (substituteIndex < substitutes.size() && ((sqlChars[i] == '?') // [#4131] Named bind variables of the form :identifier // Watch out for the PostgreSQL cast operator :: || (sqlChars[i] == ':' && i + 1 < sqlChars.length && isJavaIdentifierPart(sqlChars[i + 1]) &&(i - 1 < 0 || sqlChars[i - 1] != ':')))) { // [#5307] Consume PostgreSQL style operators. These aren't bind variables! if (sqlChars[i] == '?' && i + 1 < sqlChars.length && SUPPORT_NON_BIND_VARIABLE_SUFFIXES.contains(ctx.dialect())) { for (char[] suffix : NON_BIND_VARIABLE_SUFFIXES) { if (peek(sqlChars, i + 1, suffix)) { for (int j = i; i - j <= suffix.length; i++) render.sql(sqlChars[i]); render.sql(sqlChars[i]); continue characterLoop; } } } // [#4131] Consume the named bind variable if (sqlChars[i] == ':') while (i + 1 < sqlChars.length && isJavaIdentifierPart(sqlChars[i + 1])) i++; QueryPart substitute = substitutes.get(substituteIndex++); if (render.paramType() == INLINED || render.paramType() == NAMED || render.paramType() == NAMED_OR_INLINED) { render.visit(substitute); } else { CastMode previous = render.castMode(); render.castMode(CastMode.NEVER) .visit(substitute) .castMode(previous); } if (bind != null) bind.visit(substitute); } // [#1432] Inline substitues for {numbered placeholders} outside of string literals else if (sqlChars[i] == '{') { // [#1461] Be careful not to match any JDBC escape syntax if (peekAny(sqlChars, i, JDBC_ESCAPE_PREFIXES, true)) { render.sql(sqlChars[i]); } // Consume the whole token else { int start = ++i; for (; i < sqlChars.length && sqlChars[i] != '}'; i++); int end = i; // Try getting the {numbered placeholder} Integer index = Ints.tryParse(sql, start, end); if (index != null) { if (index < 0 || index >= substitutes.size()) throw new TemplatingException("No substitute QueryPart provided for placeholder {" + index + "} in plain SQL template: " + sql); QueryPart substitute = substitutes.get(index); render.visit(substitute); if (bind != null) bind.visit(substitute); } else { // Then we're dealing with a {keyword} render.visit(DSL.keyword(sql.substring(start, end))); } } } // Any other character else { render.sql(sqlChars[i]); } } }
Whether backslash escaping is needed in inlined string literals.
/** * Whether backslash escaping is needed in inlined string literals. */
static final boolean needsBackslashEscaping(Configuration configuration) { BackslashEscaping escaping = getBackslashEscaping(configuration.settings()); return escaping == ON || (escaping == DEFAULT && REQUIRES_BACKSLASH_ESCAPING.contains(configuration.dialect())); }
Peek for a string at a given index of a char[]
  • sqlChars – The char array to peek into
  • index – The index within the char array to peek for a string
  • peek – The string to peek for
/** * Peek for a string at a given <code>index</code> of a <code>char[]</code> * * @param sqlChars The char array to peek into * @param index The index within the char array to peek for a string * @param peek The string to peek for */
static final boolean peek(char[] sqlChars, int index, char[] peek) { return peek(sqlChars, index, peek, false); }
Peek for a string at a given index of a char[]
  • sqlChars – The char array to peek into
  • index – The index within the char array to peek for a string
  • peek – The string to peek for
  • anyWhitespace – A whitespace character in peekAny represents "any" whitespace character as defined in WHITESPACE_CHARACTERS, or in Java Regex "\s".
/** * Peek for a string at a given <code>index</code> of a <code>char[]</code> * * @param sqlChars The char array to peek into * @param index The index within the char array to peek for a string * @param peek The string to peek for * @param anyWhitespace A whitespace character in <code>peekAny</code> * represents "any" whitespace character as defined in * {@link #WHITESPACE_CHARACTERS}, or in Java Regex "\s". */
static final boolean peek(char[] sqlChars, int index, char[] peek, boolean anyWhitespace) { peekArrayLoop: for (int i = 0; i < peek.length; i++) { if (index + i >= sqlChars.length) return false; if (sqlChars[index + i] != peek[i]) { // [#3430] In some cases, we don't care about the type of whitespace. if (anyWhitespace && peek[i] == ' ') for (int j = 0; j < WHITESPACE_CHARACTERS.length; j++) if (sqlChars[index + i] == WHITESPACE_CHARACTERS[j]) continue peekArrayLoop; return false; } } return true; }
Peek for several strings at a given index of a char[]
  • sqlChars – The char array to peek into
  • index – The index within the char array to peek for a string
  • peekAny – The strings to peek for
/** * Peek for several strings at a given <code>index</code> of a <code>char[]</code> * * @param sqlChars The char array to peek into * @param index The index within the char array to peek for a string * @param peekAny The strings to peek for */
static final boolean peekAny(char[] sqlChars, int index, char[][] peekAny) { return peekAny(sqlChars, index, peekAny, false); }
Peek for several strings at a given index of a char[]
  • sqlChars – The char array to peek into
  • index – The index within the char array to peek for a string
  • peekAny – The strings to peek for
  • anyWhitespace – A whitespace character in peekAny represents "any" whitespace character as defined in WHITESPACE_CHARACTERS, or in Java Regex "\s".
/** * Peek for several strings at a given <code>index</code> of a * <code>char[]</code> * * @param sqlChars The char array to peek into * @param index The index within the char array to peek for a string * @param peekAny The strings to peek for * @param anyWhitespace A whitespace character in <code>peekAny</code> * represents "any" whitespace character as defined in * {@link #WHITESPACE_CHARACTERS}, or in Java Regex "\s". */
static final boolean peekAny(char[] sqlChars, int index, char[][] peekAny, boolean anyWhitespace) { for (char[] peek : peekAny) if (peek(sqlChars, index, peek, anyWhitespace)) return true; return false; }
Create QueryPart objects from bind values or substitutes
/** * Create {@link QueryPart} objects from bind values or substitutes */
static final List<QueryPart> queryParts(Object... substitutes) { // [#724] When bindings is null, this is probably due to API-misuse // The user probably meant new Object[] { null } if (substitutes == null) { return queryParts(new Object[] { null }); } else { List<QueryPart> result = new ArrayList<>(substitutes.length); for (Object substitute : substitutes) { // [#1432] Distinguish between QueryParts and other objects if (substitute instanceof QueryPart) { result.add((QueryPart) substitute); } else { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<Object> type = (Class<Object>) (substitute != null ? substitute.getClass() : Object.class); result.add(new Val<>(substitute, DSL.getDataType(type))); } } return result; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static final <T> T[] combine(T value, T[] array) { T[] result = (T[]) java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(array.getClass().getComponentType(), array.length + 1); result[0] = value; System.arraycopy(array, 0, result, 1, array.length); return result; } static final <T> T[] combine(T[] array, T value) { T[] result = Arrays.copyOf(array, array.length + 1);; result[array.length] = value; return result; }
Combine a field with an array of fields
/** * Combine a field with an array of fields */
static final Field<?>[] combine(Field<?> field, Field<?>... fields) { if (fields == null) { return new Field[] { field }; } else { Field<?>[] result = new Field<?>[fields.length + 1]; result[0] = field; System.arraycopy(fields, 0, result, 1, fields.length); return result; } }
Combine a field with an array of fields
/** * Combine a field with an array of fields */
static final Field<?>[] combine(Field<?> field1, Field<?> field2, Field<?>... fields) { if (fields == null) { return new Field[] { field1, field2 }; } else { Field<?>[] result = new Field<?>[fields.length + 2]; result[0] = field1; result[1] = field2; System.arraycopy(fields, 0, result, 2, fields.length); return result; } }
Combine a field with an array of fields
/** * Combine a field with an array of fields */
static final Field<?>[] combine(Field<?> field1, Field<?> field2, Field<?> field3, Field<?>... fields) { if (fields == null) { return new Field[] { field1, field2, field3 }; } else { Field<?>[] result = new Field<?>[fields.length + 3]; result[0] = field1; result[1] = field2; result[2] = field3; System.arraycopy(fields, 0, result, 3, fields.length); return result; } } /** * Translate a {@link SQLException} to a {@link DataAccessException} */ static final DataAccessException translate(String sql, SQLException e) { if (e != null) return new DataAccessException("SQL [" + sql + "]; " + e.getMessage(), e); else return new DataAccessException("SQL [" + sql + "]; Unspecified SQLException"); } /** * Translate a {@link RuntimeException} to a {@link DataAccessException} */ static final RuntimeException translate(String sql, RuntimeException e) { if (e != null) return e; else return new DataAccessException("SQL [" + sql + "]; Unspecified RuntimeException"); }
Safely close a statement
/** * Safely close a statement */
static final void safeClose(ExecuteListener listener, ExecuteContext ctx) { safeClose(listener, ctx, false); }
Safely close a statement
/** * Safely close a statement */
static final void safeClose(ExecuteListener listener, ExecuteContext ctx, boolean keepStatement) { safeClose(listener, ctx, keepStatement, true); }
Safely close a statement
/** * Safely close a statement */
static final void safeClose(ExecuteListener listener, ExecuteContext ctx, boolean keepStatement, boolean keepResultSet) { // [#2523] Set JDBC objects to null, to prevent repeated closing JDBCUtils.safeClose(ctx.resultSet()); ctx.resultSet(null); PreparedStatement statement = ctx.statement(); if (statement != null) consumeWarnings(ctx, listener); // [#385] Close statements only if not requested to keep open if (!keepStatement) { if (statement != null) { JDBCUtils.safeClose(statement); ctx.statement(null); } // [#3234] We must ensure that any connection we may still have will be released, // in the event of an exception else { Connection connection = localConnection(); // [#4277] We must release the connection on the ExecuteContext's // ConnectionProvider, as the ctx.configuration().connectionProvider() // is replaced by a ExecuteContextConnectionProvider instance. if (connection != null && ((DefaultExecuteContext) ctx).connectionProvider != null) ((DefaultExecuteContext) ctx).connectionProvider.release(connection); } } // [#1868] [#2373] Terminate ExecuteListener lifecycle, if needed if (keepResultSet) listener.end(ctx); // [#1326] Clean up any potentially remaining temporary lobs DefaultExecuteContext.clean(); }
Type-safely copy a value from one record to another
/** * Type-safely copy a value from one record to another */
static final <T> void setValue(Record target, Field<T> targetField, Record source, Field<?> sourceField) { setValue(target, targetField, source.get(sourceField)); }
Type-safely set a value to a record
/** * Type-safely set a value to a record */
static final <T> void setValue(Record target, Field<T> targetField, Object value) { target.set(targetField, targetField.getDataType().convert(value)); }
[#2591] Type-safely copy a value from one record to another, preserving flags.
/** * [#2591] Type-safely copy a value from one record to another, preserving flags. */
static final <T> void copyValue(AbstractRecord target, Field<T> targetField, Record source, Field<?> sourceField) { DataType<T> targetType = targetField.getDataType(); int targetIndex = indexOrFail(target.fieldsRow(), targetField); int sourceIndex = indexOrFail(source.fieldsRow(), sourceField); target.values[targetIndex] = targetType.convert(source.get(sourceIndex)); target.originals[targetIndex] = targetType.convert(source.original(sourceIndex)); target.changed.set(targetIndex, source.changed(sourceIndex)); }
Map a Catalog according to the configured SchemaMapping
/** * Map a {@link Catalog} according to the configured {@link org.jooq.SchemaMapping} */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") static final Catalog getMappedCatalog(Configuration configuration, Catalog catalog) { if (configuration != null) { org.jooq.SchemaMapping mapping = configuration.schemaMapping(); if (mapping != null) return mapping.map(catalog); } return catalog; }
Map a Schema according to the configured SchemaMapping
/** * Map a {@link Schema} according to the configured {@link org.jooq.SchemaMapping} */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") static final Schema getMappedSchema(Configuration configuration, Schema schema) { if (configuration != null) { org.jooq.SchemaMapping mapping = configuration.schemaMapping(); if (mapping != null) return mapping.map(schema); } return schema; }
Map a Table according to the configured SchemaMapping
/** * Map a {@link Table} according to the configured {@link org.jooq.SchemaMapping} */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") static final <R extends Record> Table<R> getMappedTable(Configuration configuration, Table<R> table) { if (configuration != null) { org.jooq.SchemaMapping mapping = configuration.schemaMapping(); if (mapping != null) return mapping.map(table); } return table; }
Map an ArrayRecord according to the configured SchemaMapping
/** * Map an {@link ArrayRecord} according to the configured {@link org.jooq.SchemaMapping} */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static final String getMappedUDTName(Configuration configuration, Class<? extends UDTRecord<?>> type) { return getMappedUDTName(configuration, Tools.newRecord(false, (Class<UDTRecord<?>>) type).<RuntimeException>operate(null)); }
Map an ArrayRecord according to the configured SchemaMapping
/** * Map an {@link ArrayRecord} according to the configured {@link org.jooq.SchemaMapping} */
static final String getMappedUDTName(Configuration configuration, UDTRecord<?> record) { UDT<?> udt = record.getUDT(); Schema mapped = getMappedSchema(configuration, udt.getSchema()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (mapped != null && !"".equals(mapped.getName())) sb.append(mapped.getName()).append('.'); sb.append(record.getUDT().getName()); return sb.toString(); } static final DSLContext CTX = DSL.using(new DefaultConfiguration());
Return a non-negative hash code for a QueryPart, taking into account FindBugs' RV_ABSOLUTE_VALUE_OF_HASHCODE pattern
/** * Return a non-negative hash code for a {@link QueryPart}, taking into * account FindBugs' <code>RV_ABSOLUTE_VALUE_OF_HASHCODE</code> pattern */
static final int hash(QueryPart part) { // [#6025] Prevent unstable alias generation for derived tables due to // inlined bind variables in hashCode() calculation // [#6175] TODO: Speed this up with a faster way to calculate a hash code return 0x7FFFFFF & CTX.render(part).hashCode(); }
Utility method to escape string fields, or cast other fields
/** * Utility method to escape string fields, or cast other fields */
static final Field<String> escapeForLike(Field<?> field) { return escapeForLike(field, new DefaultConfiguration()); }
Utility method to escape string fields, or cast other fields
/** * Utility method to escape string fields, or cast other fields */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static final Field<String> escapeForLike(Field<?> field, Configuration configuration) { if (nullSafeDataType(field).isString()) { { return escape((Field<String>) field, ESCAPE); } } else { return castIfNeeded(field, String.class); } }
Utility method to check whether a field is a Param
/** * Utility method to check whether a field is a {@link Param} */
static final boolean isVal(Field<?> field) { return field instanceof Param; }
Utility method to check whether a field uses a default Converter
/** * Utility method to check whether a field uses a default {@link Converter} */
static final boolean hasDefaultConverter(Field<?> field) { return field.getConverter() instanceof IdentityConverter; }
Utility method to extract a value from a field
/** * Utility method to extract a value from a field */
static final <T> T extractVal(Field<T> field) { if (isVal(field)) return ((Param<T>) field).getValue(); else return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static final <R extends Record> SelectQueryImpl<R> selectQueryImpl(Select<R> select) { if (select instanceof SelectQueryImpl) return (SelectQueryImpl<R>) select; else if (select instanceof AbstractDelegatingQuery) return ((AbstractDelegatingQuery<SelectQueryImpl<R>>) select).getDelegate(); else return null; } static final int degree(Select<?> select) { return select.getSelect().size(); } static final List<DataType<?>> dataTypes(Select<?> select) { List<DataType<?>> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (Field<?> f : select.getSelect()) result.add(f.getDataType()); return result; } static final DataType<?> scalarType(Select<?> select) { List<DataType<?>> list = dataTypes(select); if (list.size() != 1) throw new IllegalStateException("Only single-column selects have a scalar type"); return list.get(0); }
Add primary key conditions to a query
/** * Add primary key conditions to a query */
static final void addConditions(org.jooq.ConditionProvider query, Record record, Field<?>... keys) { for (Field<?> field : keys) addCondition(query, record, field); }
Add a field condition to a query
/** * Add a field condition to a query */
static final <T> void addCondition(org.jooq.ConditionProvider provider, Record record, Field<T> field) { // [#2764] If primary keys are allowed to be changed, the if (updatablePrimaryKeys(settings(record))) provider.addConditions(condition(field, record.original(field))); else provider.addConditions(condition(field, record.get(field))); }
Create a null-safe condition.
/** * Create a <code>null</code>-safe condition. */
static final <T> Condition condition(Field<T> field, T value) { return (value == null) ? field.isNull() : field.eq(value); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // XXX: [#2965] Reflection cache // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
This API acts as a "guard" to prevent the same code from being executed recursively within the same thread.
/** * This API acts as a "guard" to prevent the same code from being executed * recursively within the same thread. */
static class ThreadGuard {
The type of guard.
/** * The type of guard. */
static enum Guard { RECORD_TOSTRING; ThreadLocal<Object> tl = new ThreadLocal<>(); }
A guarded operation.
/** * A guarded operation. */
static interface GuardedOperation<V> {
This callback is executed only once on the current stack.
/** * This callback is executed only once on the current stack. */
V unguarded();
This callback is executed if unguarded() has already been executed on the current stack.
/** * This callback is executed if {@link #unguarded()} has already been executed on the current stack. */
V guarded(); }
A default implementation for GuardedOperation.guarded().
/** * A default implementation for {@link GuardedOperation#guarded()}. */
abstract static class AbstractGuardedOperation<V> implements GuardedOperation<V> { @Override public V guarded() { return null; } }
Run an operation using a guard.
/** * Run an operation using a guard. */
static final <V> V run(Guard guard, GuardedOperation<V> operation) { boolean unguarded = (guard.tl.get() == null); if (unguarded) guard.tl.set(Guard.class); try { if (unguarded) return operation.unguarded(); else return operation.guarded(); } finally { if (unguarded) guard.tl.remove(); } } }
[#2965] This is a Configuration-based cache that can cache reflection information and other things
/** * [#2965] This is a {@link Configuration}-based cache that can cache reflection information and other things */
static class Cache {
Run a cached operation in the context of a Configuration.
  • configuration – The configuration that may cache the outcome of the cached operation.
  • operation – The expensive operation.
  • type – The cache type to be used.
  • keys – The cache keys.
Returns:The cached value or the outcome of the cached operation.
/** * Run a cached operation in the context of a {@link Configuration}. * * @param configuration The configuration that may cache the outcome of * the cached operation. * @param operation The expensive operation. * @param type The cache type to be used. * @param keys The cache keys. * @return The cached value or the outcome of the cached operation. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static final <V> V run(Configuration configuration, F0<V> operation, DataCacheKey type, Object key) { // If no configuration is provided take the default configuration that loads the default Settings if (configuration == null) configuration = new DefaultConfiguration(); // Shortcut caching when the relevant Settings flag isn't set. if (!reflectionCaching(configuration.settings())) return operation.apply(); Map<Object, Object> cache = (Map<Object, Object>) configuration.data(type); if (cache == null) { synchronized (type) { cache = (Map<Object, Object>) configuration.data(type); if (cache == null) { cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); configuration.data(type, cache); } } } Object result = cache.get(key); if (result == null) { synchronized (cache) { result = cache.get(key); if (result == null) { result = operation.apply(); cache.put(key, result == null ? NULL : result); } } } return (V) (result == NULL ? null : result); }
A null placeholder to be put in ConcurrentHashMap.
/** * A <code>null</code> placeholder to be put in {@link ConcurrentHashMap}. */
private static final Object NULL = new Object();
Create a single-value or multi-value key for caching.
/** * Create a single-value or multi-value key for caching. */
static final Object key(Object key1, Object key2) { return new Key2(key1, key2); }
A 2-value key for caching.
/** * A 2-value key for caching. */
private static class Key2 implements Serializable {
Generated UID.
/** * Generated UID. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5822370287443922993L; private final Object key1; private final Object key2; Key2(Object key1, Object key2) { this.key1 = key1; this.key2 = key2; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((key1 == null) ? 0 : key1.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((key2 == null) ? 0 : key2.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; Key2 other = (Key2) obj; if (key1 == null) { if (other.key1 != null) return false; } else if (!key1.equals(other.key1)) return false; if (key2 == null) { if (other.key2 != null) return false; } else if (!key2.equals(other.key2)) return false; return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "[" + key1 + ", " + key2 + "]"; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // XXX: Reflection utilities used for POJO mapping // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Check if JPA classes can be loaded. This is only done once per JVM!
/** * Check if JPA classes can be loaded. This is only done once per JVM! */
static final boolean isJPAAvailable() { if (isJPAAvailable == null) { synchronized (initLock) { if (isJPAAvailable == null) { try { Class.forName(Column.class.getName()); isJPAAvailable = true; } catch (Throwable e) { isJPAAvailable = false; } } } } return isJPAAvailable; } static final boolean isKotlinAvailable() { if (isKotlinAvailable == null) { synchronized (initLock) { if (isKotlinAvailable == null) { try { if (ktJvmClassMapping() != null) { if (ktKClasses() != null) { isKotlinAvailable = true; } else { isKotlinAvailable = false; log.info("Kotlin is available, but not kotlin-reflect. Add the kotlin-reflect dependency to better use Kotlin features like data classes"); } } else { isKotlinAvailable = false; } } catch (ReflectException e) { isKotlinAvailable = false; } } } } return isKotlinAvailable; } static final Reflect ktJvmClassMapping() { if (ktJvmClassMapping == null) { synchronized (initLock) { if (ktJvmClassMapping == null) { try { ktJvmClassMapping = Reflect.on("kotlin.jvm.JvmClassMappingKt"); } catch (ReflectException ignore) {} } } } return ktJvmClassMapping; } static final Reflect ktKClasses() { if (ktKClasses == null) { synchronized (initLock) { if (ktKClasses == null) { try { ktKClasses = Reflect.on("kotlin.reflect.full.KClasses"); } catch (ReflectException ignore) {} } } } return ktKClasses; } static final Reflect ktKClass() { if (ktKClass == null) { synchronized (initLock) { if (ktKClass == null) { try { ktKClass = Reflect.on("kotlin.reflect.KClass"); } catch (ReflectException ignore) {} } } } return ktKClass; } static final Reflect ktKTypeParameter() { if (ktKTypeParameter == null) { synchronized (initLock) { if (ktKTypeParameter == null) { try { ktKTypeParameter = Reflect.on("kotlin.reflect.KTypeParameter"); } catch (ReflectException ignore) {} } } } return ktKTypeParameter; }
Check whether type has any Column annotated members or methods
/** * Check whether <code>type</code> has any {@link Column} annotated members * or methods */
static final boolean hasColumnAnnotations(final Configuration configuration, final Class<?> type) { return Cache.run(configuration, new F0<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean apply() { if (!isJPAAvailable()) return false; // An @Entity or @Table usually has @Column annotations, too if (type.getAnnotation(Entity.class) != null) return true; if (type.getAnnotation(javax.persistence.Table.class) != null) return true; for (java.lang.reflect.Field member : getInstanceMembers(type)) { if (member.getAnnotation(Column.class) != null) return true; if (member.getAnnotation(Id.class) != null) return true; } for (Method method : getInstanceMethods(type)) if (method.getAnnotation(Column.class) != null) return true; return false; } }, DATA_REFLECTION_CACHE_HAS_COLUMN_ANNOTATIONS, type); } static final <T extends AccessibleObject> T accessible(T object, boolean makeAccessible) { return makeAccessible ? Reflect.accessible(object) : object; }
Get all members annotated with a given column name
/** * Get all members annotated with a given column name */
static final List<java.lang.reflect.Field> getAnnotatedMembers( final Configuration configuration, final Class<?> type, final String name, final boolean makeAccessible ) { return Cache.run(configuration, new F0<List<java.lang.reflect.Field>>() { @Override public List<java.lang.reflect.Field> apply() { List<java.lang.reflect.Field> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (java.lang.reflect.Field member : getInstanceMembers(type)) { Column column = member.getAnnotation(Column.class); if (column != null) { if (namesMatch(name, column.name())) result.add(accessible(member, makeAccessible)); } else { Id id = member.getAnnotation(Id.class); if (id != null) if (namesMatch(name, member.getName())) result.add(accessible(member, makeAccessible)); } } return result; } }, DATA_REFLECTION_CACHE_GET_ANNOTATED_MEMBERS, Cache.key(type, name)); } private static final boolean namesMatch(String name, String annotation) { // [#4128] JPA @Column.name() properties are case-insensitive, unless // the names are quoted using double quotes. return annotation.startsWith("\"") ? ('"' + name + '"').equals(annotation) : name.equalsIgnoreCase(annotation); }
Get all members matching a given column name
/** * Get all members matching a given column name */
static final List<java.lang.reflect.Field> getMatchingMembers( final Configuration configuration, final Class<?> type, final String name, final boolean makeAccessible ) { return Cache.run(configuration, new F0<List<java.lang.reflect.Field>>() { @Override public List<java.lang.reflect.Field> apply() { List<java.lang.reflect.Field> result = new ArrayList<>(); // [#1942] Caching these values before the field-loop significantly // accerates POJO mapping String camelCaseLC = StringUtils.toCamelCaseLC(name); for (java.lang.reflect.Field member : getInstanceMembers(type)) if (name.equals(member.getName())) result.add(accessible(member, makeAccessible)); else if (camelCaseLC.equals(member.getName())) result.add(accessible(member, makeAccessible)); return result; } }, DATA_REFLECTION_CACHE_GET_MATCHING_MEMBERS, Cache.key(type, name)); }
Get all setter methods annotated with a given column name
/** * Get all setter methods annotated with a given column name */
static final List<Method> getAnnotatedSetters( final Configuration configuration, final Class<?> type, final String name, final boolean makeAccessible ) { return Cache.run(configuration, new F0<List<Method>>() { @Override public List<Method> apply() { Set<SourceMethod> set = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (Method method : getInstanceMethods(type)) { Column column = method.getAnnotation(Column.class); if (column != null && namesMatch(name, column.name())) { // Annotated setter if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 1) { set.add(new SourceMethod(accessible(method, makeAccessible))); } // Annotated getter with matching setter else if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 0) { String m = method.getName(); String suffix = m.startsWith("get") ? m.substring(3) : m.startsWith("is") ? m.substring(2) : null; if (suffix != null) { try { // [#7953] [#8496] Search the hierarchy for a matching setter Method setter = getInstanceMethod(type, "set" + suffix, new Class[] { method.getReturnType() }); // Setter annotation is more relevant if (setter.getAnnotation(Column.class) == null) set.add(new SourceMethod(accessible(setter, makeAccessible))); } catch (NoSuchMethodException ignore) {} } } } } return SourceMethod.methods(set); } }, DATA_REFLECTION_CACHE_GET_ANNOTATED_SETTERS, Cache.key(type, name)); }
Get the first getter method annotated with a given column name
/** * Get the first getter method annotated with a given column name */
static final Method getAnnotatedGetter( final Configuration configuration, final Class<?> type, final String name, final boolean makeAccessible ) { return Cache.run(configuration, new F0<Method>() { @Override public Method apply() { for (Method method : getInstanceMethods(type)) { Column column = method.getAnnotation(Column.class); if (column != null && namesMatch(name, column.name())) { // Annotated getter if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 0) { return accessible(method, makeAccessible); } // Annotated setter with matching getter else if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 1) { String m = method.getName(); if (m.startsWith("set")) { try { Method getter = type.getMethod("get" + m.substring(3)); // Getter annotation is more relevant if (getter.getAnnotation(Column.class) == null) return accessible(getter, makeAccessible); } catch (NoSuchMethodException ignore) {} try { Method getter = type.getMethod("is" + m.substring(3)); // Getter annotation is more relevant if (getter.getAnnotation(Column.class) == null) return accessible(getter, makeAccessible); } catch (NoSuchMethodException ignore) {} } } } } return null; } }, DATA_REFLECTION_CACHE_GET_ANNOTATED_GETTER, Cache.key(type, name)); }
Get all setter methods matching a given column name
/** * Get all setter methods matching a given column name */
static final List<Method> getMatchingSetters( final Configuration configuration, final Class<?> type, final String name, final boolean makeAccessible ) { return Cache.run(configuration, new F0<List<Method>>() { @Override public List<Method> apply() { // [#8460] Prevent duplicate methods in the call hierarchy Set<SourceMethod> set = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // [#1942] Caching these values before the method-loop significantly // accerates POJO mapping String camelCase = StringUtils.toCamelCase(name); String camelCaseLC = StringUtils.toLC(camelCase); for (Method method : getInstanceMethods(type)) { Class<?>[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); if (parameterTypes.length == 1) if (name.equals(method.getName())) set.add(new SourceMethod(accessible(method, makeAccessible))); else if (camelCaseLC.equals(method.getName())) set.add(new SourceMethod(accessible(method, makeAccessible))); else if (("set" + name).equals(method.getName())) set.add(new SourceMethod(accessible(method, makeAccessible))); else if (("set" + camelCase).equals(method.getName())) set.add(new SourceMethod(accessible(method, makeAccessible))); } return SourceMethod.methods(set); } }, DATA_REFLECTION_CACHE_GET_MATCHING_SETTERS, Cache.key(type, name)); }
Get the first getter method matching a given column name
/** * Get the first getter method matching a given column name */
static final Method getMatchingGetter( final Configuration configuration, final Class<?> type, final String name, final boolean makeAccessible ) { return Cache.run(configuration, new F0<Method>() { @Override public Method apply() { // [#1942] Caching these values before the method-loop significantly // accerates POJO mapping String camelCase = StringUtils.toCamelCase(name); String camelCaseLC = StringUtils.toLC(camelCase); for (Method method : getInstanceMethods(type)) if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 0) if (name.equals(method.getName())) return accessible(method, makeAccessible); else if (camelCaseLC.equals(method.getName())) return accessible(method, makeAccessible); else if (("get" + name).equals(method.getName())) return accessible(method, makeAccessible); else if (("get" + camelCase).equals(method.getName())) return accessible(method, makeAccessible); else if (("is" + name).equals(method.getName())) return accessible(method, makeAccessible); else if (("is" + camelCase).equals(method.getName())) return accessible(method, makeAccessible); return null; } }, DATA_REFLECTION_CACHE_GET_MATCHING_GETTER, Cache.key(type, name)); }
A wrapper class that re-implements Method.equals(Object) and Method.hashCode() based only on the "source signature" (name, parameter types), instead of the "binary signature" (declaring class, name, return type, parameter types).
/** * A wrapper class that re-implements {@link Method#equals(Object)} and * {@link Method#hashCode()} based only on the "source signature" (name, * parameter types), instead of the "binary signature" (declaring class, * name, return type, parameter types). */
private static final class SourceMethod { final Method method; SourceMethod(Method method) { this.method = method; } static List<Method> methods(Collection<? extends SourceMethod> methods) { List<Method> result = new ArrayList<>(methods.size()); for (SourceMethod s : methods) result.add(s.method); return result; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((method == null) ? 0 : method.getName().hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof SourceMethod) { Method other = ((SourceMethod) obj).method; if (method.getName().equals(other.getName())) { Class<?>[] p1 = method.getParameterTypes(); Class<?>[] p2 = other.getParameterTypes(); return Arrays.equals(p1, p2); } } return false; } @Override public String toString() { return method.toString(); } } private static final Method getInstanceMethod(Class<?> type, String name, Class<?>[] parameters) throws NoSuchMethodException { // first priority: find a public method with exact signature match in class hierarchy try { return type.getMethod(name, parameters); } // second priority: find a private method with exact signature match on declaring class catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { do { try { return type.getDeclaredMethod(name, parameters); } catch (NoSuchMethodException ignore) {} type = type.getSuperclass(); } while (type != null); throw new NoSuchMethodException(); } }
All the public and declared methods of a type.

This method returns each method only once. Public methods are returned first in the resulting set while declared methods are returned afterwards, from lowest to highest type in the type hierarchy.

/** * All the public and declared methods of a type. * <p> * This method returns each method only once. Public methods are returned * first in the resulting set while declared methods are returned * afterwards, from lowest to highest type in the type hierarchy. */
private static final Set<Method> getInstanceMethods(Class<?> type) { Set<Method> result = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (Method method : type.getMethods()) if ((method.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) result.add(method); do { for (Method method : type.getDeclaredMethods()) if ((method.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) result.add(method); type = type.getSuperclass(); } while (type != null); return result; } private static final List<java.lang.reflect.Field> getInstanceMembers(Class<?> type) { List<java.lang.reflect.Field> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (java.lang.reflect.Field field : type.getFields()) if ((field.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) result.add(field); do { for (java.lang.reflect.Field field : type.getDeclaredFields()) if ((field.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) result.add(field); type = type.getSuperclass(); } while (type != null); return result; }
Get a property name associated with a getter/setter method name.
/** * Get a property name associated with a getter/setter method name. */
static final String getPropertyName(String methodName) { String name = methodName; if (name.startsWith("is") && name.length() > 2) name = name.substring(2, 3).toLowerCase() + name.substring(3); else if (name.startsWith("get") && name.length() > 3) name = name.substring(3, 4).toLowerCase() + name.substring(4); else if (name.startsWith("set") && name.length() > 3) name = name.substring(3, 4).toLowerCase() + name.substring(4); return name; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // XXX: JDBC helper methods // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[#3011] [#3054] [#6390] [#6413] Consume additional exceptions if there are any and append them to the previous exception's SQLException.getNextException() list.
/** * [#3011] [#3054] [#6390] [#6413] Consume additional exceptions if there * are any and append them to the <code>previous</code> exception's * {@link SQLException#getNextException()} list. */
static final void consumeExceptions(Configuration configuration, PreparedStatement stmt, SQLException previous) { // [#6413] Don't consume any additional exceptions if we're throwing only the first. ThrowExceptions exceptions = configuration.settings().getThrowExceptions(); if (exceptions == THROW_FIRST) return; }
[#3076] Consume warnings from a Statement and notify listeners.
/** * [#3076] Consume warnings from a {@link Statement} and notify listeners. */
static final void consumeWarnings(ExecuteContext ctx, ExecuteListener listener) { // [#3558] In some databases (e.g. MySQL), the call to PreparedStatement.getWarnings() issues // a separate SHOW WARNINGS query. Users may want to avoid this query, explicitly if (!Boolean.FALSE.equals(ctx.settings().isFetchWarnings())) { try { ctx.sqlWarning(ctx.statement().getWarnings()); } // [#3741] In MySQL, calling SHOW WARNINGS on open streaming result sets can cause issues. // while this has been resolved, we should expect the above call to cause other issues, too catch (SQLException e) { ctx.sqlWarning(new SQLWarning("Could not fetch SQLWarning", e)); } } if (ctx.sqlWarning() != null) listener.warning(ctx); }
[#5666] Handle the complexity of each dialect's understanding of correctly calling Statement.execute().
/** * [#5666] Handle the complexity of each dialect's understanding of * correctly calling {@link Statement#execute()}. */
static final SQLException executeStatementAndGetFirstResultSet(ExecuteContext ctx, int skipUpdateCounts) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = ctx.statement(); try { if (stmt.execute()) { ctx.resultSet(stmt.getResultSet()); } else { ctx.resultSet(null); ctx.rows(stmt.getUpdateCount()); } return null; } // [#3011] [#3054] [#6390] [#6413] Consume additional exceptions if there are any catch (SQLException e) { if (ctx.settings().getThrowExceptions() != THROW_NONE) { consumeExceptions(ctx.configuration(), ctx.statement(), e); throw e; } else { return e; } } }
[#3681] Consume all ResultSets from a JDBC Statement.
/** * [#3681] Consume all {@link ResultSet}s from a JDBC {@link Statement}. */
static final void consumeResultSets(ExecuteContext ctx, ExecuteListener listener, Results results, Intern intern, SQLException prev) throws SQLException { boolean anyResults = false; int i = 0; int rows = (ctx.resultSet() == null) ? ctx.rows() : 0; for (i = 0; i < maxConsumedResults; i++) { try { if (ctx.resultSet() != null) { anyResults = true; Field<?>[] fields = new MetaDataFieldProvider(ctx.configuration(), ctx.resultSet().getMetaData()).getFields(); Cursor<Record> c = new CursorImpl<>(ctx, listener, fields, intern != null ? intern.internIndexes(fields) : null, true, false); results.resultsOrRows().add(new ResultOrRowsImpl(c.fetch())); } else if (prev == null) { if (rows != -1) results.resultsOrRows().add(new ResultOrRowsImpl(rows)); else break; } if (ctx.statement().getMoreResults()) { ctx.resultSet(ctx.statement().getResultSet()); } else { rows = ctx.statement().getUpdateCount(); ctx.rows(rows); if (rows != -1) ctx.resultSet(null); else break; } prev = null; } // [#3011] [#3054] [#6390] [#6413] Consume additional exceptions if there are any catch (SQLException e) { prev = e; if (ctx.settings().getThrowExceptions() == THROW_NONE) { ctx.sqlException(e); results.resultsOrRows().add(new ResultOrRowsImpl(Tools.translate(ctx.sql(), e))); } else { consumeExceptions(ctx.configuration(), ctx.statement(), e); throw e; } } } if (i == maxConsumedResults) log.warn("Maximum consumed results reached: " + maxConsumedResults + ". This is probably a bug. Please report to https://github.com/jOOQ/jOOQ/issues/new"); // Call this only when there was at least one ResultSet. // Otherwise, this call is not supported by ojdbc or CUBRID [#4440] if (anyResults && ctx.family() != CUBRID) ctx.statement().getMoreResults(Statement.CLOSE_ALL_RESULTS); // [#6413] For consistency reasons, any exceptions that have been placed in ResultOrRow elements must // be linked, just as if they were collected using ThrowExceptions == THROW_ALL if (ctx.settings().getThrowExceptions() == THROW_NONE) { SQLException s1 = null; for (ResultOrRows r : results.resultsOrRows()) { DataAccessException d = r.exception(); if (d != null && d.getCause() instanceof SQLException) { SQLException s2 = (SQLException) d.getCause(); if (s1 != null) s1.setNextException(s2); s1 = s2; } } } } private static final Pattern NEW_LINES = Pattern.compile("[\\r\\n]+"); static final List<String[]> parseTXT(String string, String nullLiteral) { String[] strings = NEW_LINES.split(string); if (strings.length < 2) throw new DataAccessException("String must contain at least two lines"); // [#2235] Distinguish between jOOQ's Result.format() and others boolean formattedJOOQ = (string.charAt(0) == '+'); // [#6832] Distinguish between Oracle's format and others boolean formattedOracle = (string.charAt(0) == '-'); // In jOOQ's Result.format(), that's line number one: // 1: +----+------+----+ // 2: |ABC |XYZ |HEHE| // 3: +----+------+----+ // 4: |Data|{null}|1234| // 5: +----+------+----+ // 012345678901234567 // resulting in // [{1,5} {6,12} {13,17}] if (formattedJOOQ) return parseTXTLines(nullLiteral, strings, PLUS_PATTERN, 0, 1, 3, strings.length - 1); // In Oracle's format (e.g. when coming out of DBMS_XPLAN), that's line number one: // 1: ------------------ // 2: |ABC |XYZ |HEHE| // 3: ------------------ // 4: |Data|{null}|1234| // 5: ------------------ // 012345678901234567 // resulting in // [{1,5} {6,12} {13,17}] else if (formattedOracle) return parseTXTLines(nullLiteral, strings, PIPE_PATTERN, 1, 1, 3, strings.length - 1); // In H2 format, that's line number two: // 1: ABC XYZ HEHE // 2: ----- ------- ---- // 3: Data {null} 1234 // 0123456789012345678 // resulting in // [{0,5} {7,14} {15,19}] else return parseTXTLines(nullLiteral, strings, DASH_PATTERN, 1, 0, 2, strings.length); } private static final List<String[]> parseTXTLines( String nullLiteral, String[] strings, Pattern pattern, int matchLine, int headerLine, int dataLineStart, int dataLineEnd) { List<int[]> positions = new ArrayList<>(); Matcher m = pattern.matcher(strings[matchLine]); while (m.find()) { positions.add(new int[] { m.start(1), m.end(1) }); } // Parse header line and data lines into string arrays List<String[]> result = new ArrayList<>(); parseTXTLine(positions, result, strings[headerLine], nullLiteral); for (int j = dataLineStart; j < dataLineEnd; j++) { parseTXTLine(positions, result, strings[j], nullLiteral); } return result; } private static final void parseTXTLine(List<int[]> positions, List<String[]> result, String string, String nullLiteral) { String[] fields = new String[positions.size()]; result.add(fields); int length = string.length(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { int[] position = positions.get(i); if (position[0] < length) { fields[i] = string.substring(position[0], Math.min(position[1], length)).trim(); } else { fields[i] = null; } if (StringUtils.equals(fields[i], nullLiteral)) { fields[i] = null; } } } private static final Pattern P_PARSE_HTML_ROW = Pattern.compile("<tr>(.*?)</tr>"); private static final Pattern P_PARSE_HTML_COL_HEAD = Pattern.compile("<th>(.*?)</th>"); private static final Pattern P_PARSE_HTML_COL_BODY = Pattern.compile("<td>(.*?)</td>"); static final List<String[]> parseHTML(String string) { List<String[]> result = new ArrayList<>(); Matcher mRow = P_PARSE_HTML_ROW.matcher(string); while (mRow.find()) { String row = mRow.group(1); List<String> col = new ArrayList<>(); // Header was not yet emitted if (result.isEmpty()) { Matcher mColHead = P_PARSE_HTML_COL_HEAD.matcher(row); while (mColHead.find()) col.add(mColHead.group(1)); } if (col.isEmpty()) { Matcher mColBody = P_PARSE_HTML_COL_BODY.matcher(row); while (mColBody.find()) col.add(mColBody.group(1)); if (result.isEmpty()) result.add(fieldNameStrings(col.size())); } result.add(col.toArray(EMPTY_STRING)); } return result; }
Generate the BEGIN part of an anonymous procedural block.
/** * Generate the <code>BEGIN</code> part of an anonymous procedural block. */
static final void begin(Context<?> ctx) { switch (ctx.family()) { case FIREBIRD: { ctx.visit(K_EXECUTE_BLOCK).formatSeparator() .visit(K_AS).formatSeparator() .visit(K_BEGIN).formatIndentStart().formatSeparator(); break; } case MARIADB: { ctx.visit(K_BEGIN).sql(' ').visit(K_NOT).sql(' ').visit(K_ATOMIC).formatIndentStart().formatSeparator(); break; } case POSTGRES: { if (increment(ctx.data(), DATA_BLOCK_NESTING)) ctx.visit(K_DO).sql(" $$").formatSeparator(); ctx.visit(K_BEGIN).formatIndentStart().formatSeparator(); break; } } }
Generate the END part of an anonymous procedural block.
/** * Generate the <code>END</code> part of an anonymous procedural block. */
static final void end(Context<?> ctx) { switch (ctx.family()) { case FIREBIRD: case MARIADB: { ctx.formatIndentEnd().formatSeparator() .visit(K_END); break; } case POSTGRES: { ctx.formatIndentEnd().formatSeparator() .visit(K_END); if (decrement(ctx.data(), DATA_BLOCK_NESTING)) ctx.sql(" $$"); break; } } }
Wrap a statement in an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement.
/** * Wrap a statement in an <code>EXECUTE IMMEDIATE</code> statement. */
static final void beginExecuteImmediate(Context<?> ctx) { switch (ctx.family()) { case FIREBIRD: { ctx.visit(K_EXECUTE_STATEMENT).sql(" '").stringLiteral(true).formatIndentStart().formatSeparator(); break; } } }
Wrap a statement in an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement.
/** * Wrap a statement in an <code>EXECUTE IMMEDIATE</code> statement. */
static final void endExecuteImmediate(Context<?> ctx) { ctx.formatIndentEnd().formatSeparator().stringLiteral(false).sql("';"); }
Wrap a DROP .. IF EXISTS statement with BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE '...' EXCEPTION WHEN ... END;, if IF EXISTS is not supported.
/** * Wrap a <code>DROP .. IF EXISTS</code> statement with * <code>BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE '...' EXCEPTION WHEN ... END;</code>, if * <code>IF EXISTS</code> is not supported. */
static final void beginTryCatch(Context<?> ctx, DDLStatementType type) { beginTryCatch(ctx, type, null, null); } static final void beginTryCatch(Context<?> ctx, DDLStatementType type, Boolean container, Boolean element) { switch (ctx.family()) { case FIREBIRD: { begin(ctx); beginExecuteImmediate(ctx); break; } case MARIADB: { List<String> sqlstates = new ArrayList<>(); // if (type == CREATE_SCHEMA) // sqlstates.add("42710"); // else if (type == CREATE_SEQUENCE) // sqlstates.add("42710"); // else if (type == CREATE_VIEW) // sqlstates.add("42710"); // else // if (type == ALTER_TABLE) { // if (TRUE.equals(container)) // sqlstates.add("42704"); // // if (TRUE.equals(element)) // sqlstates.add("42703"); // else if (FALSE.equals(element)) // sqlstates.add("42711"); // } // else sqlstates.add("42S02"); begin(ctx); for (String sqlstate : sqlstates) ctx.visit(keyword("declare continue handler for sqlstate")).sql(' ').visit(DSL.inline(sqlstate)).sql(' ').visit(K_BEGIN).sql(' ').visit(K_END).sql(';').formatSeparator(); break; } case POSTGRES: { begin(ctx); break; } default: break; } }
Wrap a DROP .. IF EXISTS statement with BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE '...' EXCEPTION WHEN ... END;, if IF EXISTS is not supported.
/** * Wrap a <code>DROP .. IF EXISTS</code> statement with * <code>BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE '...' EXCEPTION WHEN ... END;</code>, if * <code>IF EXISTS</code> is not supported. */
static final void endTryCatch(Context<?> ctx, DDLStatementType type) { endTryCatch(ctx, type, null, null); } static final void endTryCatch(Context<?> ctx, DDLStatementType type, Boolean container, Boolean element) { switch (ctx.family()) { case FIREBIRD: { endExecuteImmediate(ctx); ctx.formatSeparator() .visit(K_WHEN).sql(" sqlcode -607 ").visit(K_DO).formatIndentStart().formatSeparator() .visit(K_BEGIN).sql(' ').visit(K_END).formatIndentEnd(); end(ctx); break; } case MARIADB: { ctx.sql(';'); end(ctx); break; } case POSTGRES: { String sqlstate; switch (type) { case ALTER_DATABASE: sqlstate = "3D000"; break; case ALTER_DOMAIN : sqlstate = "42704"; break; case CREATE_DOMAIN : sqlstate = "42710"; break; default : sqlstate = "42P07"; break; } ctx.sql(';').formatIndentEnd().formatSeparator() .visit(K_EXCEPTION).formatIndentStart().formatSeparator() .visit(K_WHEN).sql(' ').visit(K_SQLSTATE).sql(' ').visit(DSL.inline(sqlstate)).sql(' ').visit(K_THEN).sql(' ').visit(K_NULL).sql(';').formatIndentEnd(); end(ctx); break; } default: break; } } static final void toSQLDDLTypeDeclarationForAddition(Context<?> ctx, DataType<?> type) { toSQLDDLTypeDeclaration(ctx, type); toSQLDDLTypeDeclarationIdentityBeforeNull(ctx, type); // [#5356] Some dialects require the DEFAULT clause prior to the // NULL constraints clause if (DEFAULT_BEFORE_NULL.contains(ctx.dialect())) toSQLDDLTypeDeclarationDefault(ctx, type); if (!type.nullable()) ctx.sql(' ').visit(K_NOT_NULL); // Some databases default to NOT NULL, so explicitly setting columns to NULL is mostly required here // [#3400] [#4321] [#7392] ... but not in Derby, Firebird, HSQLDB else if (!NO_SUPPORT_NULL.contains(ctx.dialect())) ctx.sql(' ').visit(K_NULL); if (!DEFAULT_BEFORE_NULL.contains(ctx.dialect())) toSQLDDLTypeDeclarationDefault(ctx, type); toSQLDDLTypeDeclarationIdentityAfterNull(ctx, type); }
If a type is an identity type, some dialects require the relevant keywords before the [ NOT ] NULL constraint.
/** * If a type is an identity type, some dialects require the relevant * keywords before the [ NOT ] NULL constraint. */
static final void toSQLDDLTypeDeclarationIdentityBeforeNull(Context<?> ctx, DataType<?> type) { if (type.identity()) { switch (ctx.family()) { case CUBRID: ctx.sql(' ').visit(K_AUTO_INCREMENT); break; case DERBY: ctx.sql(' ').visit(K_GENERATED_BY_DEFAULT_AS_IDENTITY); break; case HSQLDB: ctx.sql(' ').visit(K_GENERATED_BY_DEFAULT_AS_IDENTITY).sql('(').visit(K_START_WITH).sql(" 1)"); break; case SQLITE: ctx.sql(' ').visit(K_PRIMARY_KEY).sql(' ').visit(K_AUTOINCREMENT); break; case POSTGRES: switch (ctx.dialect()) { case POSTGRES: ctx.sql(' ').visit(K_GENERATED_BY_DEFAULT_AS_IDENTITY); break; } break; } } }
If a type is an identity type, some dialects require the relevant keywords after the [ NOT ] NULL constraint.
/** * If a type is an identity type, some dialects require the relevant * keywords after the [ NOT ] NULL constraint. */
static final void toSQLDDLTypeDeclarationIdentityAfterNull(Context<?> ctx, DataType<?> type) { if (type.identity()) { // [#5062] H2's (and others') AUTO_INCREMENT flag is syntactically located *after* NULL flags. switch (ctx.family()) { case H2: ctx.sql(' ').visit(K_GENERATED_BY_DEFAULT_AS_IDENTITY); break; case MARIADB: case MYSQL: ctx.sql(' ').visit(K_AUTO_INCREMENT); break; } } } private static final void toSQLDDLTypeDeclarationDefault(Context<?> ctx, DataType<?> type) { if (type.defaulted()) ctx.sql(' ').visit(K_DEFAULT).sql(' ').visit(type.defaultValue()); } static final void toSQLDDLTypeDeclaration(Context<?> ctx, DataType<?> type) { // [#10376] TODO: Move some of this logic into DataType DataType<?> elementType = (type instanceof ArrayDataType) ? ((ArrayDataType<?>) type).elementType : type; // In some databases, identity is a type, not a flag. if (type.identity()) { switch (ctx.family()) { } } // [#5299] MySQL enum types if (EnumType.class.isAssignableFrom(type.getType())) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") DataType<EnumType> enumType = (DataType<EnumType>) type; switch (ctx.family()) { case H2: case MARIADB: case MYSQL: { ctx.visit(K_ENUM).sql('('); String separator = ""; for (EnumType e : enumConstants(enumType)) { ctx.sql(separator).visit(DSL.inline(e.getLiteral())); separator = ", "; } ctx.sql(')'); return; } // [#7597] In PostgreSQL, the enum type reference should be used case POSTGRES: { // [#7597] but only if the EnumType.getSchema() value is present // i.e. when it is a known, stored enum type if (!storedEnumType(enumType)) type = emulateEnumType(enumType); break; } default: { type = emulateEnumType(enumType); break; } } } // [#5807] These databases cannot use the DataType.getCastTypeName() (which is simply char in this case) if (type.getType() == UUID.class && NO_SUPPORT_CAST_TYPE_IN_DDL.contains(ctx.dialect())) { toSQLDDLTypeDeclaration(ctx, VARCHAR(36)); return; } String typeName = type.getTypeName(ctx.configuration()); // [#8070] Make sure VARCHAR(n) ARRAY types are generated as such in HSQLDB if (type.hasLength() || elementType.hasLength()) { // [#6289] [#7191] Some databases don't support lengths on binary types if (type.isBinary() && NO_SUPPORT_BINARY_TYPE_LENGTH.contains(ctx.dialect())) ctx.sql(typeName); else if (type.length() > 0) ctx.sql(typeName).sql('(').sql(type.length()).sql(')'); // [#6745] [#9473] The DataType.getCastTypeName() cannot be used in some dialects, for DDL else if (NO_SUPPORT_CAST_TYPE_IN_DDL.contains(ctx.dialect())) if (type.isBinary()) ctx.sql(BLOB.getTypeName(ctx.configuration())); else ctx.sql(CLOB.getTypeName(ctx.configuration())); // Some databases don't allow for length-less VARCHAR, VARBINARY types else { String castTypeName = type.getCastTypeName(ctx.configuration()); if (!typeName.equals(castTypeName)) ctx.sql(castTypeName); else ctx.sql(typeName); } } else if (type.hasPrecision() && type.precision() > 0 && (!type.isTimestamp() || !NO_SUPPORT_TIMESTAMP_PRECISION.contains(ctx.dialect()))) { // [#6745] [#9473] The DataType.getCastTypeName() cannot be used in some dialects, for DDL if (NO_SUPPORT_CAST_TYPE_IN_DDL.contains(ctx.dialect())) if (type.hasScale()) ctx.sql(typeName).sql('(').sql(type.precision()).sql(", ").sql(type.scale()).sql(')'); else ctx.sql(typeName).sql('(').sql(type.precision()).sql(')'); else ctx.sql(type.getCastTypeName(ctx.configuration())); } // [#6841] SQLite usually recognises int/integer as both meaning the same thing, but not in the // context of an autoincrement column, in case of which explicit "integer" types are required. else if (type.identity() && ctx.family() == SQLITE && type.isNumeric()) { ctx.sql("integer"); } else { ctx.sql(typeName); } // [#8041] Character sets are vendor-specific storage clauses, which we might need to ignore if (type.characterSet() != null && ctx.configuration().data("org.jooq.ddl.ignore-storage-clauses") == null) ctx.sql(' ').visit(K_CHARACTER_SET).sql(' ').visit(type.characterSet()); // [#8011] Collations are vendor-specific storage clauses, which we might need to ignore if (type.collation() != null && ctx.configuration().data("org.jooq.ddl.ignore-storage-clauses") == null) ctx.sql(' ').visit(K_COLLATE).sql(' ').visit(type.collation()); } static boolean storedEnumType(DataType<EnumType> enumType) { return enumConstants(enumType)[0].getSchema() != null; } private static EnumType[] enumConstants(DataType<? extends EnumType> type) { EnumType[] enums = type.getType().getEnumConstants(); if (enums == null) throw new DataTypeException("EnumType must be a Java enum"); return enums; } static final DataType<String> emulateEnumType(DataType<? extends EnumType> type) { return emulateEnumType(type, enumConstants(type)); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private static final DataType<String> emulateEnumType(DataType<? extends EnumType> type, EnumType[] enums) { int length = 0; for (EnumType e : enums) if (e.getLiteral() != null) length = Math.max(length, e.getLiteral().length()); return VARCHAR(length).nullability(type.nullability()).defaultValue((Field) type.defaultValue()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XXX: ForkJoinPool ManagedBlock implementation // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- static <T> Supplier<T> blocking(Supplier<T> supplier) { return blocking(supplier, false); } static <T> Supplier<T> blocking(Supplier<T> supplier, boolean threadLocal) { // [#5377] In ThreadLocal contexts (e.g. when using ThreadLocalTransactionprovider), // no ManagedBlocker is needed as we're guaranteed by API contract to always // remain on the same thread. return threadLocal ? supplier : new Supplier<T>() { volatile T asyncResult; @Override public T get() { try { ForkJoinPool.managedBlock(new ManagedBlocker() { @Override public boolean block() { asyncResult = supplier.get(); return true; } @Override public boolean isReleasable() { return asyncResult != null; } }); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return asyncResult; } }; } static String[] enumLiterals(Class<? extends EnumType> type) { EnumType[] values = enums(type); String[] result = new String[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) result[i] = values[i].getLiteral(); return result; } static <E extends EnumType> E[] enums(Class<? extends E> type) { // Java implementation if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return type.getEnumConstants(); } // [#4427] Scala implementation else { try { // There's probably a better way to do this: // http://stackoverflow.com/q/36068089/521799 Class<?> companionClass = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(type.getName() + "$"); java.lang.reflect.Field module = companionClass.getField("MODULE$"); Object companion = module.get(companionClass); return (E[]) companionClass.getMethod("values").invoke(companion); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MappingException("Error while looking up Scala enum", e); } } }
Whether a Java type is suitable for Types.TIME.
/** * Whether a Java type is suitable for {@link Types#TIME}. */
static final boolean isTime(Class<?> t) { return t == Time.class || t == LocalTime.class; }
Whether a Java type is suitable for Types.TIMESTAMP.
/** * Whether a Java type is suitable for {@link Types#TIMESTAMP}. */
static final boolean isTimestamp(Class<?> t) { return t == Timestamp.class || t == LocalDateTime.class; }
Whether a Java type is suitable for Types.DATE.
/** * Whether a Java type is suitable for {@link Types#DATE}. */
static final boolean isDate(Class<?> t) { return t == Date.class || t == LocalDate.class; } static final boolean hasAmbiguousNames(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields) { if (fields == null) return false; Set<String> names = new HashSet<>(); for (Field<?> field : fields) if (!names.add(field.getName())) return true; return false; } @SuppressWarnings("serial") static final QueryPartList<SelectFieldOrAsterisk> qualify(final Table<?> table, Iterable<SelectFieldOrAsterisk> fields) { QueryPartList<SelectFieldOrAsterisk> result = new QueryPartList<SelectFieldOrAsterisk>() { @Override public final boolean rendersContent(Context<?> ctx) { return super.rendersContent(ctx); } @Override protected final void toSQLEmptyList(Context<?> context) { table.asterisk(); } @Override public final boolean declaresFields() { return true; } }; for (SelectFieldOrAsterisk field : fields) result.add(qualify(table, field)); return result; } static final SelectFieldOrAsterisk qualify(Table<?> table, SelectFieldOrAsterisk field) { if (field instanceof Field) return qualify(table, (Field<?>) field); else if (field instanceof Asterisk) return table.asterisk(); else if (field instanceof QualifiedAsterisk) return table.asterisk(); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported field : " + field); } static final <T> Field<T> qualify(Table<?> table, Field<T> field) { Field<T> result = table.field(field); if (result != null) return result; Name[] part = table.getQualifiedName().parts(); Name[] name = new Name[part.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(part, 0, name, 0, part.length); name[part.length] = field.getUnqualifiedName(); return DSL.field(DSL.name(name), field.getDataType()); } static final <T> Field<T> field(SortField<T> sortField) { return ((SortFieldImpl<T>) sortField).getField(); } static final <T> Field<?>[] fields(SortField<?>[] sortFields) { Field<?>[] result = new Field[sortFields.length]; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) result[i] = field(sortFields[i]); return result; } static final <T> Field<T> unalias(Field<T> field) { Field<T> result = aliased(field); return result != null ? result : field; } static final <T> Field<T> aliased(Field<T> field) { if (field instanceof FieldAlias) return ((FieldAlias<T>) field).getAliasedField(); else return null; } static final <R extends Record> Table<R> unalias(Table<R> table) { Table<R> result = aliased(table); return result != null ? result : table; } static final <R extends Record> Table<R> aliased(Table<R> table) { if (table instanceof TableImpl) return ((TableImpl<R>) table).getAliasedTable(); else if (table instanceof TableAlias) return ((TableAlias<R>) table).getAliasedTable(); else return null; } static final <R extends Record> Alias<Table<R>> alias(Table<R> table) { if (table instanceof TableImpl) return ((TableImpl<R>) table).alias; else if (table instanceof TableAlias) return ((TableAlias<R>) table).alias; else return null; }
Whether a counter is currently at the top level or not.
See Also:
/** * Whether a counter is currently at the top level or not. * * @see #increment(Map, DataKey) * @see #decrement(Map, DataKey) */
static final boolean toplevel(Map<Object, Object> data, DataKey key) { Integer updateCounts = (Integer) data.get(key); if (updateCounts == null) throw new IllegalStateException(); else return updateCounts == 1; }
Increment a counter and return true if the counter was zero prior to incrementing.
/** * Increment a counter and return true if the counter was zero prior to * incrementing. */
static final boolean increment(Map<Object, Object> data, DataKey key) { boolean result = true; Integer updateCounts = (Integer) data.get(key); if (updateCounts == null) updateCounts = 0; else result = false; data.put(key, updateCounts + 1); return result; }
Decrement a counter and return true if the counter is zero after decrementing.
/** * Decrement a counter and return true if the counter is zero after * decrementing. */
static final boolean decrement(Map<Object, Object> data, DataKey key) { boolean result = false; Integer updateCounts = (Integer) data.get(key); if (updateCounts == null || updateCounts == 0) throw new IllegalStateException("Unmatching increment / decrement on key: " + key); else if (updateCounts == 1) result = true; data.put(key, updateCounts - 1); return result; }
Look up a field in a table, or create a new qualified field from the table.
/** * Look up a field in a table, or create a new qualified field from the table. */
static final Field<?> tableField(Table<?> table, Object field) { if (field instanceof Field<?>) return (Field<?>) field; else if (field instanceof Name) if (table.fieldsRow().size() == 0) return DSL.field(table.getQualifiedName().append(((Name) field).unqualifiedName())) ; else return table.field((Name) field); else if (field instanceof String) if (table.fieldsRow().size() == 0) return DSL.field(table.getQualifiedName().append((String) field)); else return table.field((String) field); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field type not supported: " + field); }
Convert a byte array to a hex encoded string.
  • value – the byte array
  • len – the number of bytes to encode
Returns:the hex encoded string
/** * Convert a byte array to a hex encoded string. * * @param value the byte array * @param len the number of bytes to encode * @return the hex encoded string */
static final String convertBytesToHex(byte[] value, int len) { char[] buff = new char[len + len]; char[] hex = HEX_DIGITS; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int c = value[i] & 0xff; buff[i + i] = hex[c >> 4]; buff[i + i + 1] = hex[c & 0xf]; } return new String(buff); }
Convert a byte array to a hex encoded string.
  • value – the byte array
Returns:the hex encoded string
/** * Convert a byte array to a hex encoded string. * * @param value the byte array * @return the hex encoded string */
static final String convertBytesToHex(byte[] value) { return convertBytesToHex(value, value.length); } static final boolean isNotEmpty(Collection<?> collection) { return collection != null && !collection.isEmpty(); } static final boolean isEmpty(Collection<?> collection) { return collection == null || collection.isEmpty(); } static final boolean isNotEmpty(Object[] array) { return array != null && array.length > 0; } static final boolean isEmpty(Object[] array) { return array == null || array.length == 0; } static final boolean nonReplacingEmbeddable(Field<?> field) { return field instanceof EmbeddableTableField ? !((EmbeddableTableField<?, ?>) field).replacesFields : false; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static final Class<? extends AbstractRecord> embeddedRecordType(Field<?> field) { return field instanceof EmbeddableTableField ? (Class<AbstractRecord>) ((EmbeddableTableField<?, ?>) field).recordType : field instanceof Val && ((Val<?>) field).value instanceof EmbeddableRecord ? ((AbstractRecord) ((Val<?>) field).value).getClass() : field.getDataType().isEmbeddable() ? ((Field<AbstractRecord>) field).getType() : null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static final Field<?>[] embeddedFields(Field<?> field) { return field instanceof EmbeddableTableField ? ((EmbeddableTableField<?, ?>) field).fields : field instanceof Val && ((Val<?>) field).value instanceof EmbeddableRecord ? ((EmbeddableRecord<?>) ((Val<?>) field).value).valuesRow().fields() : field instanceof ScalarSubquery ? embeddedFields((ScalarSubquery<?>) field) : field.getDataType().isEmbeddable() ? newInstance(((Field<EmbeddableRecord<?>>) field).getType()).valuesRow().fields() : null; } static final Row embeddedFieldsRow(Row row) { if (hasEmbeddedFields(row.fields())) { List<Field<?>> fields = new ArrayList<>(row.size()); for (Field<?> f : flattenCollection(Arrays.asList(row.fields()), false)) fields.add(f); return row(fields); } else return row; } static final Field<?>[] embeddedFields(ScalarSubquery<?> field) { // Split a scalar subquery of degree N into N scalar subqueries of degree 1 // In a few cases, there's a better solution that prevents the N subqueries, // but this is a good default that works in many cases. // [#8353] [#10522] [#10523] TODO: Factor out some of this logic and // reuse it for the emulation of UPDATE .. SET row = (SELECT ..) List<Field<?>> select = field.query.getSelect(); List<Field<?>> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (Field<?> f : flattenCollection(select, false)) result.add(f); Name tableName = name("t"); Name[] fieldNames = fieldNames(result.size()); Table<?> t = new AliasedSelect<>(field.query, fieldNames).as("t"); for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) result.set(i, DSL.field(DSL.select(DSL.field(tableName.append(fieldNames[i]), result.get(i).getDataType())).from(t))); return result.toArray(EMPTY_FIELD); } private static final EmbeddableRecord<?> newInstance(Class<? extends EmbeddableRecord<?>> type) { try { return type.getConstructor().newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MappingException("Cannot create EmbeddableRecord type", e); } } static final boolean hasEmbeddedFields(Field<?>[] fields) { for (Field<?> f : fields) if (f.getDataType().isEmbeddable()) return true; return false; } static final boolean hasEmbeddedFields(Iterable<? extends Field<?>> fields) { for (Field<?> f : fields) if (f.getDataType().isEmbeddable()) return true; return false; } static final <E> List<E> collect(Iterable<E> iterable) { if (iterable instanceof List) return (List<E>) iterable; List<E> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (E e : iterable) result.add(e); return result; }
Flatten out an EmbeddableTableField.
/** * Flatten out an {@link EmbeddableTableField}. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static final <E extends Field<?>> Iterable<E> flatten(final E field) { // [#2530] [#6124] [#10481] TODO: Refactor and optimise these flattening algorithms return new Iterable<E>() { @Override public Iterator<E> iterator() { Iterator<E> it = singletonList(field).iterator(); if (field.getDataType().isEmbeddable()) return new FlatteningIterator<E>(it) { @Override List<E> flatten(E e) { return (List<E>) Arrays.asList(embeddedFields(field)); } }; else return it; } }; }
Flatten out EmbeddableTableField elements contained in an ordinary iterable.
/** * Flatten out {@link EmbeddableTableField} elements contained in an * ordinary iterable. */
static final <E extends Field<?>> Iterable<E> flattenCollection( final Iterable<E> iterable, final boolean removeDuplicates ) { // [#2530] [#6124] [#10481] TODO: Refactor and optimise these flattening algorithms return new Iterable<E>() { @Override public Iterator<E> iterator() { return new FlatteningIterator<E>(iterable.iterator()) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override Iterable<E> flatten(E e) { return Tools.flatten(e); } }; } }; }
Flatten out EmbeddableTableField elements contained in an entry set iterable, making sure no duplicate keys resulting from overlapping embeddables will be produced.
/** * Flatten out {@link EmbeddableTableField} elements contained in an entry * set iterable, making sure no duplicate keys resulting from overlapping * embeddables will be produced. */
static final <E extends Entry<Field<?>, Field<?>>> Iterable<E> flattenEntrySet( final Iterable<E> iterable, final boolean removeDuplicates ) { // [#2530] [#6124] [#10481] TODO: Refactor and optimise these flattening algorithms return new Iterable<E>() { @Override public Iterator<E> iterator() { return new FlatteningIterator<E>(iterable.iterator()) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override List<E> flatten(E e) { if (e.getKey() instanceof EmbeddableTableField) { List<E> result = new ArrayList<>(); Field<?>[] keys = embeddedFields(e.getKey()); Field<?>[] values = embeddedFields(e.getValue()); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) result.add((E) new SimpleImmutableEntry<Field<?>, Field<?>>( keys[i], values[i] )); return result; } return null; } }; } }; } static final <T> Set<T> lazy(Set<T> set) { return set == null ? new HashSet<>() : set; }
A base implementation for EmbeddableTableField flattening iterators with a default implementation for Iterator.remove() for convenience in the Java 6 build.
/** * A base implementation for {@link EmbeddableTableField} flattening * iterators with a default implementation for {@link Iterator#remove()} for * convenience in the Java 6 build. */
static abstract class FlatteningIterator<E> implements Iterator<E> { private final Iterator<E> delegate; private Iterator<E> flatten; private E next; FlatteningIterator(Iterator<E> delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } abstract Iterable<E> flatten(E e); private final void move() { if (next == null) { if (flatten != null) { if (flatten.hasNext()) { next = flatten.next(); return; } else { flatten = null; } } if (delegate.hasNext()) { next = delegate.next(); Iterable<E> flattened = flatten(next); if (flattened == null) return; next = null; flatten = flattened.iterator(); move(); return; } } } @Override public final boolean hasNext() { move(); return next != null; } @Override public final E next() { move(); if (next == null) throw new NoSuchElementException(); E result = next; next = null; return result; } @Override public final void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("remove"); } } static final String asString(Name name) { if (!name.qualified()) return name.first(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Name[] parts = name.parts(); for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { sb.append(parts[i].first()); if (i < parts.length - 1) sb.append('.'); } return sb.toString(); }
Whether the intersection of two collection is non-empty.
/** * Whether the intersection of two collection is non-empty. */
static final <T> boolean intersect(Collection<T> c1, Collection<T> c2) { for (T t1 : c1) if (c2.contains(t1)) return true; return false; }
Normalise a name case depending on the dialect and the setting for ParseNameCase.
/** * Normalise a name case depending on the dialect and the setting for * {@link ParseNameCase}. */
static final String normaliseNameCase(Configuration configuration, String name, boolean quoted, Locale locale) { switch (parseNameCase(configuration)) { case LOWER_IF_UNQUOTED: if (quoted) return name; // no-break case LOWER: return name.toLowerCase(locale); case UPPER_IF_UNQUOTED: if (quoted) return name; // no-break case UPPER: return name.toUpperCase(locale); case AS_IS: case DEFAULT: default: return name; } }
Get the ParseNameCase, looking up the default value from the parse dialect.
/** * Get the {@link ParseNameCase}, looking up the default value from the * parse dialect. */
private static final ParseNameCase parseNameCase(Configuration configuration) { ParseNameCase result = defaultIfNull(configuration.settings().getParseNameCase(), ParseNameCase.DEFAULT); if (result == ParseNameCase.DEFAULT) { switch (defaultIfNull(configuration.settings().getParseDialect(), configuration.family()).family()) { case POSTGRES: return ParseNameCase.LOWER_IF_UNQUOTED; case DERBY: case FIREBIRD: case H2: case HSQLDB: return ParseNameCase.UPPER_IF_UNQUOTED; case MARIADB: case MYSQL: case SQLITE: return ParseNameCase.AS_IS; case DEFAULT: default: // The SQL standard uses upper case identifiers if unquoted return ParseNameCase.UPPER_IF_UNQUOTED; } } return result; } }