 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * Other licenses:
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Commercial licenses for this work are available. These replace the above
 * ASL 2.0 and offer limited warranties, support, maintenance, and commercial
 * database integrations.
 * For more information, please visit: http://www.jooq.org/licenses
package org.jooq.impl;

import static org.jooq.Clause.TABLE;
import static org.jooq.JoinType.CROSS_APPLY;
import static org.jooq.JoinType.CROSS_JOIN;
import static org.jooq.JoinType.FULL_OUTER_JOIN;
import static org.jooq.JoinType.JOIN;
import static org.jooq.JoinType.LEFT_ANTI_JOIN;
import static org.jooq.JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN;
import static org.jooq.JoinType.LEFT_SEMI_JOIN;
import static org.jooq.JoinType.NATURAL_FULL_OUTER_JOIN;
import static org.jooq.JoinType.NATURAL_JOIN;
import static org.jooq.JoinType.NATURAL_LEFT_OUTER_JOIN;
import static org.jooq.JoinType.NATURAL_RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN;
import static org.jooq.JoinType.OUTER_APPLY;
import static org.jooq.JoinType.RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN;
import static org.jooq.JoinType.STRAIGHT_JOIN;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.and;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.condition;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.exists;
// ...
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.notExists;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.sql;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.table;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.val;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.EMPTY_FIELD;

import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import org.jooq.Binding;
import org.jooq.Catalog;
import org.jooq.Check;
import org.jooq.Clause;
import org.jooq.Comment;
import org.jooq.Comparator;
import org.jooq.Condition;
import org.jooq.Context;
import org.jooq.Converter;
import org.jooq.DataType;
import org.jooq.DivideByOnStep;
import org.jooq.Field;
import org.jooq.ForeignKey;
import org.jooq.Identity;
import org.jooq.Index;
import org.jooq.JoinType;
// ...
import org.jooq.Name;
// ...
// ...
// ...
import org.jooq.QualifiedAsterisk;
import org.jooq.QueryPart;
import org.jooq.Record;
import org.jooq.RecordType;
import org.jooq.Row;
import org.jooq.RowId;
import org.jooq.SQL;
import org.jooq.Schema;
import org.jooq.Select;
import org.jooq.Table;
import org.jooq.TableField;
import org.jooq.TableLike;
import org.jooq.TableOnStep;
import org.jooq.TableOptionalOnStep;
import org.jooq.TableOptions;
import org.jooq.TableOptions.TableType;
import org.jooq.TableOuterJoinStep;
import org.jooq.TablePartitionByStep;
import org.jooq.UniqueKey;
// ...
// ...
import org.jooq.tools.JooqLogger;

Author:Lukas Eder
/** * @author Lukas Eder */
abstract class AbstractTable<R extends Record> extends AbstractNamed implements Table<R> {
Generated UID
/** * Generated UID */
private static final JooqLogger log = JooqLogger.getLogger(AbstractTable.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 3155496238969274871L; private static final Clause[] CLAUSES = { TABLE }; private final TableOptions options; private Schema tableschema; private transient DataType<R> tabletype; private transient Identity<R, ?> identity; private transient Row fieldsRow; AbstractTable(TableOptions options, Name name) { this(options, name, null, null); } AbstractTable(TableOptions options, Name name, Schema schema) { this(options, name, schema, null); } AbstractTable(TableOptions options, Name name, Schema schema, Comment comment) { super(qualify(schema, name), comment); this.options = options; this.tableschema = schema; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // XXX: QueryPart API // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public Clause[] clauses(Context<?> ctx) { return CLAUSES; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // [#5518] Record method inversions, e.g. for use as method references // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public final R from(Record record) { return record.into(this); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XXX: Expressions based on this table // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public final QualifiedAsterisk asterisk() { return new QualifiedAsteriskImpl(this); } @Override public final Field<RowId> rowid() { return new RowIdField(this); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // XXX: TableLike API // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subclasses should override this method to provide the set of fields contained in the concrete table implementation. For example, a TableAlias contains aliased fields of its AliasProvider table.
/** * Subclasses should override this method to provide the set of fields * contained in the concrete table implementation. For example, a * <code>TableAlias</code> contains aliased fields of its * <code>AliasProvider</code> table. */
abstract Fields<R> fields0(); @Override public final DataType<R> getDataType() { if (tabletype == null) tabletype = new TableDataType<>(this); return tabletype; } @Override public final RecordType<R> recordType() { return fields0(); } @Override public final R newRecord() { return DSL.using(new DefaultConfiguration()).newRecord(this); } /* * Subclasses may override this method */ @Override public Row fieldsRow() { if (fieldsRow == null) fieldsRow = Tools.row0(fields0()); return fieldsRow; } @Override public final Stream<Field<?>> fieldStream() { return Stream.of(fields()); } @Override public final <T> Field<T> field(Field<T> field) { return fieldsRow().field(field); } @Override public final Field<?> field(String string) { return fieldsRow().field(string); } @Override public final <T> Field<T> field(String name, Class<T> type) { return fieldsRow().field(name, type); } @Override public final <T> Field<T> field(String name, DataType<T> dataType) { return fieldsRow().field(name, dataType); } @Override public final Field<?> field(Name name) { return fieldsRow().field(name); } @Override public final <T> Field<T> field(Name name, Class<T> type) { return fieldsRow().field(name, type); } @Override public final <T> Field<T> field(Name name, DataType<T> dataType) { return fieldsRow().field(name, dataType); } @Override public final Field<?> field(int index) { return fieldsRow().field(index); } @Override public final <T> Field<T> field(int index, Class<T> type) { return fieldsRow().field(index, type); } @Override public final <T> Field<T> field(int index, DataType<T> dataType) { return fieldsRow().field(index, dataType); } @Override public final Field<?>[] fields() { return fieldsRow().fields(); } @Override public final Field<?>[] fields(Field<?>... fields) { return fieldsRow().fields(fields); } @Override public final Field<?>[] fields(String... fieldNames) { return fieldsRow().fields(fieldNames); } @Override public final Field<?>[] fields(Name... fieldNames) { return fieldsRow().fields(fieldNames); } @Override public final Field<?>[] fields(int... fieldIndexes) { return fieldsRow().fields(fieldIndexes); } @Override public final int indexOf(Field<?> field) { return fieldsRow().indexOf(field); } @Override public final int indexOf(String fieldName) { return fieldsRow().indexOf(fieldName); } @Override public final int indexOf(Name fieldName) { return fieldsRow().indexOf(fieldName); } @Override public final Table<R> asTable() { return this; } @Override public final Table<R> asTable(String alias) { return as(alias); } @Override public final Table<R> asTable(String alias, String... fieldAliases) { return as(alias, fieldAliases); } @Override public final Table<R> asTable(Name alias) { return as(alias); } @Override public final Table<R> asTable(Name alias, Name... fieldAliases) { return as(alias, fieldAliases); } @Override public final Table<R> asTable(Table<?> alias) { return as(alias); } @Override public final Table<R> asTable(Table<?> alias, Field<?>... fieldAliases) { return as(alias, fieldAliases); } @Override public final Table<R> asTable(String alias, Function<? super Field<?>, ? extends String> aliasFunction) { return as(alias, aliasFunction); } @Override public final Table<R> asTable(String alias, BiFunction<? super Field<?>, ? super Integer, ? extends String> aliasFunction) { return as(alias, aliasFunction); } @Override public /* non-final for covariant overriding */ Table<R> as(String alias) { return as(DSL.name(alias)); } @Override public /* non-final for covariant overriding */ Table<R> as(String alias, String... fieldAliases) { return as(DSL.name(alias), Tools.names(fieldAliases)); } @Override public final Table<R> as(String alias, Function<? super Field<?>, ? extends String> aliasFunction) { return as(alias, Stream.of(fields()).map(aliasFunction).toArray(String[]::new)); } @Override public final Table<R> as(String alias, BiFunction<? super Field<?>, ? super Integer, ? extends String> aliasFunction) { Field<?>[] fields = fields(); String[] names = new String[fields.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) names[i] = aliasFunction.apply(fields[i], i); return as(alias, names); } @Override public /* non-final for covariant overriding */ Table<R> as(Name alias) { return new TableAlias<>(this, alias); } @Override public /* non-final for covariant overriding */ Table<R> as(Name alias, Name... fieldAliases) { return new TableAlias<>(this, alias, fieldAliases); } @Override public final Table<R> as(Name alias, Function<? super Field<?>, ? extends Name> aliasFunction) { return as(alias, Stream.of(fields()).map(aliasFunction).toArray(Name[]::new)); } @Override public final Table<R> as(Name alias, BiFunction<? super Field<?>, ? super Integer, ? extends Name> aliasFunction) { Field<?>[] fields = fields(); Name[] names = new Name[fields.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) names[i] = aliasFunction.apply(fields[i], i); return as(alias, names); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // XXX: Table API // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public final TableType getType() { return options.type(); } @Override public final TableOptions getOptions() { return options; } @Override public final Catalog getCatalog() { return getSchema() == null ? null : getSchema().getCatalog(); } @Override public /* non-final */ Schema getSchema() { if (tableschema == null) tableschema = getQualifiedName().qualified() ? DSL.schema(getQualifiedName().qualifier()) : null; return tableschema; }

Subclasses should override this method

/** * {@inheritDoc} * <p> * Subclasses should override this method */
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) @Override public Identity<R, ?> getIdentity() { if (identity == null) { for (Field<?> f : fields()) if (f instanceof TableField && f.getDataType().identity()) if (identity == null) identity = new IdentityImpl(this, (TableField) f); else log.info("Multiple identities", "There are multiple identity fields in table " + this + ", which is not supported by jOOQ"); if (identity == null) identity = (Identity<R, ?>) IdentityImpl.NULL; } return identity == IdentityImpl.NULL ? null : identity; }

Subclasses may override this method

/** * {@inheritDoc} * <p> * Subclasses may override this method */
@Override public UniqueKey<R> getPrimaryKey() { return null; }

Subclasses may override this method

/** * {@inheritDoc} * <p> * Subclasses may override this method */
@Override public TableField<R, ?> getRecordVersion() { return null; }

Subclasses may override this method

/** * {@inheritDoc} * <p> * Subclasses may override this method */
@Override public TableField<R, ?> getRecordTimestamp() { return null; }

Subclasses should override this method

/** * {@inheritDoc} * <p> * Subclasses should override this method */
@Override public List<Index> getIndexes() { return Collections.emptyList(); }

Subclasses should override this method

/** * {@inheritDoc} * <p> * Subclasses should override this method */
@Override public List<UniqueKey<R>> getKeys() { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public final <O extends Record> List<ForeignKey<O, R>> getReferencesFrom(Table<O> other) { return other.getReferencesTo(this); }

Subclasses should override this method

/** * {@inheritDoc} * <p> * Subclasses should override this method */
@Override public List<ForeignKey<R, ?>> getReferences() { return Collections.emptyList(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public final <O extends Record> List<ForeignKey<R, O>> getReferencesTo(Table<O> other) { List<ForeignKey<R, O>> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (ForeignKey<R, ?> reference : getReferences()) { for (Table<?> o : flattenJoins(other)) { if (o.equals(reference.getKey().getTable())) { result.add((ForeignKey<R, O>) reference); } // [#1460] [#6304] In case the other table was aliased else { Table<?> aliased = Tools.aliased(o); if (aliased != null && aliased.equals(reference.getKey().getTable())) result.add((ForeignKey<R, O>) reference); } } } return Collections.unmodifiableList(result); } private final List<Table<?>> flattenJoins(Table<?> other) { return flattenJoins(other, new ArrayList<>()); } private final List<Table<?>> flattenJoins(Table<?> other, List<Table<?>> list) { if (other instanceof JoinTable) { flattenJoins(((JoinTable) other).lhs, list); flattenJoins(((JoinTable) other).rhs, list); } else list.add(other); return list; }

Subclasses should override this method

/** * {@inheritDoc} * <p> * Subclasses should override this method */
@Override public List<Check<R>> getChecks() { return Collections.emptyList(); }
Subclasses may call this method to create TableField objects that are linked to this table.
  • name – The name of the field (case-sensitive!)
  • type – The data type of the field
Deprecated:- 3.12.0 - [#8000] - Use createField(Name, DataType<Object>, Table<Record>) instead.
/** * Subclasses may call this method to create {@link TableField} objects that * are linked to this table. * * @param name The name of the field (case-sensitive!) * @param type The data type of the field * @deprecated - 3.12.0 - [#8000] - Use * {@link AbstractTable#createField(Name, DataType, Table)} instead. */
@Deprecated protected static final <R extends Record, T> TableField<R, T> createField(String name, DataType<T> type, Table<R> table) { return createField(DSL.name(name), type, table, null, null, null); }
Subclasses may call this method to create TableField objects that are linked to this table.
  • name – The name of the field (case-sensitive!)
  • type – The data type of the field
Deprecated:- 3.12.0 - [#8000] - Use createField(Name, DataType<Object>, Table<Record>, String) instead.
/** * Subclasses may call this method to create {@link TableField} objects that * are linked to this table. * * @param name The name of the field (case-sensitive!) * @param type The data type of the field * @deprecated - 3.12.0 - [#8000] - Use * {@link AbstractTable#createField(Name, DataType, Table, String)} instead. */
@Deprecated protected static final <R extends Record, T> TableField<R, T> createField(String name, DataType<T> type, Table<R> table, String comment) { return createField(DSL.name(name), type, table, comment, null, null); }
Subclasses may call this method to create TableField objects that are linked to this table.
  • name – The name of the field (case-sensitive!)
  • type – The data type of the field
Deprecated:- 3.12.0 - [#8000] - Use createField(Name, DataType<Object>, Table<Record>, String, Converter<Object,Object>) instead.
/** * Subclasses may call this method to create {@link TableField} objects that * are linked to this table. * * @param name The name of the field (case-sensitive!) * @param type The data type of the field * @deprecated - 3.12.0 - [#8000] - Use * {@link AbstractTable#createField(Name, DataType, Table, String, Converter)} * instead. */
@Deprecated protected static final <R extends Record, T, U> TableField<R, U> createField(String name, DataType<T> type, Table<R> table, String comment, Converter<T, U> converter) { return createField(DSL.name(name), type, table, comment, converter, null); }
Subclasses may call this method to create TableField objects that are linked to this table.
  • name – The name of the field (case-sensitive!)
  • type – The data type of the field
Deprecated:- 3.12.0 - [#8000] - Use createField(Name, DataType<Object>, Table<Record>, String, Binding<Object,Object>) instead.
/** * Subclasses may call this method to create {@link TableField} objects that * are linked to this table. * * @param name The name of the field (case-sensitive!) * @param type The data type of the field * @deprecated - 3.12.0 - [#8000] - Use * {@link AbstractTable#createField(Name, DataType, Table, String, Binding)} * instead. */
@Deprecated protected static final <R extends Record, T, U> TableField<R, U> createField(String name, DataType<T> type, Table<R> table, String comment, Binding<T, U> binding) { return createField(DSL.name(name), type, table, comment, null, binding); }
Subclasses may call this method to create TableField objects that are linked to this table.
  • name – The name of the field (case-sensitive!)
  • type – The data type of the field
Deprecated:- 3.12.0 - [#8000] - Use createField(Name, DataType<Object>, Table<Record>, String, Converter<Object,Object>, Binding<Object,Object>) instead.
/** * Subclasses may call this method to create {@link TableField} objects that * are linked to this table. * * @param name The name of the field (case-sensitive!) * @param type The data type of the field * @deprecated - 3.12.0 - [#8000] - Use * {@link AbstractTable#createField(Name, DataType, Table, String, Converter, Binding)} * instead. */
@Deprecated protected static final <R extends Record, T, X, U> TableField<R, U> createField(String name, DataType<T> type, Table<R> table, String comment, Converter<X, U> converter, Binding<T, X> binding) { return createField(DSL.name(name), type, table, comment, converter, binding); }
Subclasses may call this method to create TableField objects that are linked to this table.
  • name – The name of the field (case-sensitive!)
  • type – The data type of the field
Deprecated:- 3.12.0 - [#8000] - Use createField(Name, DataType) instead.
/** * Subclasses may call this method to create {@link TableField} objects that * are linked to this table. * * @param name The name of the field (case-sensitive!) * @param type The data type of the field * @deprecated - 3.12.0 - [#8000] - Use * {@link #createField(Name, DataType)} * instead. */
@Deprecated protected final <T> TableField<R, T> createField(String name, DataType<T> type) { return createField(DSL.name(name), type, this, null, null, null); }
Subclasses may call this method to create TableField objects that are linked to this table.
  • name – The name of the field (case-sensitive!)
  • type – The data type of the field
Deprecated:- 3.12.0 - [#8000] - Use createField(Name, DataType, String) instead.
/** * Subclasses may call this method to create {@link TableField} objects that * are linked to this table. * * @param name The name of the field (case-sensitive!) * @param type The data type of the field * @deprecated - 3.12.0 - [#8000] - Use * {@link #createField(Name, DataType, String)} * instead. */
@Deprecated protected final <T> TableField<R, T> createField(String name, DataType<T> type, String comment) { return createField(DSL.name(name), type, this, comment, null, null); }
Subclasses may call this method to create TableField objects that are linked to this table.
  • name – The name of the field (case-sensitive!)
  • type – The data type of the field
Deprecated:- 3.12.0 - [#8000] - Use createField(Name, DataType, String, Converter) instead.
/** * Subclasses may call this method to create {@link TableField} objects that * are linked to this table. * * @param name The name of the field (case-sensitive!) * @param type The data type of the field * @deprecated - 3.12.0 - [#8000] - Use * {@link #createField(Name, DataType, String, Converter)} * instead. */
@Deprecated protected final <T, U> TableField<R, U> createField(String name, DataType<T> type, String comment, Converter<T, U> converter) { return createField(DSL.name(name), type, this, comment, converter, null); }
Subclasses may call this method to create TableField objects that are linked to this table.
  • name – The name of the field (case-sensitive!)
  • type – The data type of the field
Deprecated:- 3.12.0 - [#8000] - Use createField(Name, DataType, String, Binding) instead.
/** * Subclasses may call this method to create {@link TableField} objects that * are linked to this table. * * @param name The name of the field (case-sensitive!) * @param type The data type of the field * @deprecated - 3.12.0 - [#8000] - Use * {@link #createField(Name, DataType, String, Binding)} * instead. */
@Deprecated protected final <T, U> TableField<R, U> createField(String name, DataType<T> type, String comment, Binding<T, U> binding) { return createField(DSL.name(name), type, this, comment, null, binding); }
Subclasses may call this method to create TableField objects that are linked to this table.
  • name – The name of the field (case-sensitive!)
  • type – The data type of the field
Deprecated:- 3.12.0 - [#8000] - Use createField(Name, DataType, String, Converter, Binding) instead.
/** * Subclasses may call this method to create {@link TableField} objects that * are linked to this table. * * @param name The name of the field (case-sensitive!) * @param type The data type of the field * @deprecated - 3.12.0 - [#8000] - Use * {@link #createField(Name, DataType, String, Converter, Binding)} * instead. */
@Deprecated protected final <T, X, U> TableField<R, U> createField(String name, DataType<T> type, String comment, Converter<X, U> converter, Binding<T, X> binding) { return createField(DSL.name(name), type, this, comment, converter, binding); }
Subclasses may call this method to create TableField objects that are linked to this table.
  • name – The name of the field (case-sensitive!)
  • type – The data type of the field
/** * Subclasses may call this method to create {@link TableField} objects that * are linked to this table. * * @param name The name of the field (case-sensitive!) * @param type The data type of the field */
protected static final <R extends Record, T> TableField<R, T> createField(Name name, DataType<T> type, Table<R> table) { return createField(name, type, table, null, null, null); }
Subclasses may call this method to create TableField objects that are linked to this table.
  • name – The name of the field (case-sensitive!)
  • type – The data type of the field
/** * Subclasses may call this method to create {@link TableField} objects that * are linked to this table. * * @param name The name of the field (case-sensitive!) * @param type The data type of the field */
protected static final <R extends Record, T> TableField<R, T> createField(Name name, DataType<T> type, Table<R> table, String comment) { return createField(name, type, table, comment, null, null); }
Subclasses may call this method to create TableField objects that are linked to this table.
  • name – The name of the field (case-sensitive!)
  • type – The data type of the field
/** * Subclasses may call this method to create {@link TableField} objects that * are linked to this table. * * @param name The name of the field (case-sensitive!) * @param type The data type of the field */
protected static final <R extends Record, T, U> TableField<R, U> createField(Name name, DataType<T> type, Table<R> table, String comment, Converter<T, U> converter) { return createField(name, type, table, comment, converter, null); }
Subclasses may call this method to create TableField objects that are linked to this table.
  • name – The name of the field (case-sensitive!)
  • type – The data type of the field
/** * Subclasses may call this method to create {@link TableField} objects that * are linked to this table. * * @param name The name of the field (case-sensitive!) * @param type The data type of the field */
protected static final <R extends Record, T, U> TableField<R, U> createField(Name name, DataType<T> type, Table<R> table, String comment, Binding<T, U> binding) { return createField(name, type, table, comment, null, binding); }
Subclasses may call this method to create TableField objects that are linked to this table.
  • name – The name of the field (case-sensitive!)
  • type – The data type of the field
/** * Subclasses may call this method to create {@link TableField} objects that * are linked to this table. * * @param name The name of the field (case-sensitive!) * @param type The data type of the field */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected static final <R extends Record, T, X, U> TableField<R, U> createField(Name name, DataType<T> type, Table<R> table, String comment, Converter<X, U> converter, Binding<T, X> binding) { final Binding<T, U> actualBinding = DefaultBinding.newBinding(converter, type, binding); final DataType<U> actualType = converter == null && binding == null ? (DataType<U>) type : type.asConvertedDataType(actualBinding); // [#5999] TODO: Allow for user-defined Names final TableFieldImpl<R, U> tableField = new TableFieldImpl<>(name, actualType, table, DSL.comment(comment), actualBinding); // [#1199] The public API of Table returns immutable field lists if (table instanceof TableImpl) ((TableImpl<?>) table).fields0().add(tableField); return tableField; }
Subclasses may call this method to create TableField objects that are linked to this table.
  • name – The name of the field (case-sensitive!)
  • type – The data type of the field
/** * Subclasses may call this method to create {@link TableField} objects that * are linked to this table. * * @param name The name of the field (case-sensitive!) * @param type The data type of the field */
protected final <T> TableField<R, T> createField(Name name, DataType<T> type) { return createField(name, type, this, null, null, null); }
Subclasses may call this method to create TableField objects that are linked to this table.
  • name – The name of the field (case-sensitive!)
  • type – The data type of the field
/** * Subclasses may call this method to create {@link TableField} objects that * are linked to this table. * * @param name The name of the field (case-sensitive!) * @param type The data type of the field */
protected final <T> TableField<R, T> createField(Name name, DataType<T> type, String comment) { return createField(name, type, this, comment, null, null); }
Subclasses may call this method to create TableField objects that are linked to this table.
  • name – The name of the field (case-sensitive!)
  • type – The data type of the field
/** * Subclasses may call this method to create {@link TableField} objects that * are linked to this table. * * @param name The name of the field (case-sensitive!) * @param type The data type of the field */
protected final <T, U> TableField<R, U> createField(Name name, DataType<T> type, String comment, Converter<T, U> converter) { return createField(name, type, this, comment, converter, null); }
Subclasses may call this method to create TableField objects that are linked to this table.
  • name – The name of the field (case-sensitive!)
  • type – The data type of the field
/** * Subclasses may call this method to create {@link TableField} objects that * are linked to this table. * * @param name The name of the field (case-sensitive!) * @param type The data type of the field */
protected final <T, U> TableField<R, U> createField(Name name, DataType<T> type, String comment, Binding<T, U> binding) { return createField(name, type, this, comment, null, binding); }
Subclasses may call this method to create TableField objects that are linked to this table.
  • name – The name of the field (case-sensitive!)
  • type – The data type of the field
/** * Subclasses may call this method to create {@link TableField} objects that * are linked to this table. * * @param name The name of the field (case-sensitive!) * @param type The data type of the field */
protected final <T, X, U> TableField<R, U> createField(Name name, DataType<T> type, String comment, Converter<X, U> converter, Binding<T, X> binding) { return createField(name, type, this, comment, converter, binding); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // XXX: Convenience methods and synthetic methods // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public final Condition eq(Table<R> that) { return equal(that); } @Override public final Condition equal(Table<R> that) { return new TableComparison<>(this, that, Comparator.EQUALS); } @Override public final Condition ne(Table<R> that) { return notEqual(that); } @Override public final Condition notEqual(Table<R> that) { return new TableComparison<>(this, that, Comparator.NOT_EQUALS); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // XXX: Other API // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public final Table<R> useIndex(String... indexes) { return new HintedTable<>(this, "use index", indexes); } @Override public final Table<R> useIndexForJoin(String... indexes) { return new HintedTable<>(this, "use index for join", indexes); } @Override public final Table<R> useIndexForOrderBy(String... indexes) { return new HintedTable<>(this, "use index for order by", indexes); } @Override public final Table<R> useIndexForGroupBy(String... indexes) { return new HintedTable<>(this, "use index for group by", indexes); } @Override public final Table<R> ignoreIndex(String... indexes) { return new HintedTable<>(this, "ignore index", indexes); } @Override public final Table<R> ignoreIndexForJoin(String... indexes) { return new HintedTable<>(this, "ignore index for join", indexes); } @Override public final Table<R> ignoreIndexForOrderBy(String... indexes) { return new HintedTable<>(this, "ignore index for order by", indexes); } @Override public final Table<R> ignoreIndexForGroupBy(String... indexes) { return new HintedTable<>(this, "ignore index for group by", indexes); } @Override public final Table<R> forceIndex(String... indexes) { return new HintedTable<>(this, "force index", indexes); } @Override public final Table<R> forceIndexForJoin(String... indexes) { return new HintedTable<>(this, "force index for join", indexes); } @Override public final Table<R> forceIndexForOrderBy(String... indexes) { return new HintedTable<>(this, "force index for order by", indexes); } @Override public final Table<R> forceIndexForGroupBy(String... indexes) { return new HintedTable<>(this, "force index for group by", indexes); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // XXX: aliasing API // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public final Table<R> as(Table<?> otherTable) { return as(otherTable.getUnqualifiedName()); } @Override public final Table<R> as(Table<?> otherTable, Field<?>... otherFields) { return as(otherTable.getUnqualifiedName(), Tools.fieldNames(otherFields)); } @Override public final Table<R> as(Table<?> otherTable, Function<? super Field<?>, ? extends Field<?>> aliasFunction) { return as(otherTable.getUnqualifiedName(), f -> aliasFunction.apply(f).getUnqualifiedName()); } @Override public final Table<R> as(Table<?> otherTable, BiFunction<? super Field<?>, ? super Integer, ? extends Field<?>> aliasFunction) { return as(otherTable.getUnqualifiedName(), (f, i) -> aliasFunction.apply(f, i).getUnqualifiedName()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // XXX: DIVISION API // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public final DivideByOnStep divideBy(Table<?> divisor) { return new DivideBy(this, divisor); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) @Override public final TableOnStep<R> leftSemiJoin(TableLike<?> table) { return (TableOnStep) join(table, LEFT_SEMI_JOIN); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) @Override public final TableOnStep<R> leftAntiJoin(TableLike<?> table) { return (TableOnStep) join(table, LEFT_ANTI_JOIN); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // XXX: WHERE API // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public /* non-final */ Table<R> where(Condition condition) { return new InlineDerivedTable<>(this, condition); } @Override public /* non-final */ Table<R> where(Condition... conditions) { return where(and(conditions)); } @Override public /* non-final */ Table<R> where(Collection<? extends Condition> conditions) { return where(and(conditions)); } @Override public /* non-final */ Table<R> where(Field<Boolean> field) { return where(condition(field)); } @Override public /* non-final */ Table<R> where(SQL sql) { return where(condition(sql)); } @Override public /* non-final */ Table<R> where(String sql) { return where(condition(sql)); } @Override public /* non-final */ Table<R> where(String sql, Object... bindings) { return where(condition(sql, bindings)); } @Override public /* non-final */ Table<R> where(String sql, QueryPart... parts) { return where(condition(sql, parts)); } @Override public /* non-final */ Table<R> whereExists(Select<?> select) { return where(exists(select)); } @Override public /* non-final */ Table<R> whereNotExists(Select<?> select) { return where(notExists(select)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // XXX: JOIN API // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public final TableOptionalOnStep<Record> join(TableLike<?> table, JoinType type) { return new JoinTable(this, table, type); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> join(TableLike<?> table) { return innerJoin(table); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> join(SQL sql) { return innerJoin(sql); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> join(String sql) { return innerJoin(sql); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> join(String sql, Object... bindings) { return innerJoin(sql, bindings); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> join(String sql, QueryPart... parts) { return innerJoin(sql, parts); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> join(Name name) { return innerJoin(table(name)); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> innerJoin(TableLike<?> table) { return join(table, JOIN); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> innerJoin(SQL sql) { return innerJoin(table(sql)); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> innerJoin(String sql) { return innerJoin(table(sql)); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> innerJoin(String sql, Object... bindings) { return innerJoin(table(sql, bindings)); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> innerJoin(String sql, QueryPart... parts) { return innerJoin(table(sql, parts)); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> innerJoin(Name name) { return innerJoin(table(name)); } @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> leftJoin(TableLike<?> table) { return leftOuterJoin(table); } @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> leftJoin(SQL sql) { return leftOuterJoin(sql); } @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> leftJoin(String sql) { return leftOuterJoin(sql); } @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> leftJoin(String sql, Object... bindings) { return leftOuterJoin(sql, bindings); } @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> leftJoin(String sql, QueryPart... parts) { return leftOuterJoin(sql, parts); } @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> leftJoin(Name name) { return leftOuterJoin(table(name)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> leftOuterJoin(TableLike<?> table) { return (TablePartitionByStep<Record>) join(table, LEFT_OUTER_JOIN); } @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> leftOuterJoin(SQL sql) { return leftOuterJoin(table(sql)); } @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> leftOuterJoin(String sql) { return leftOuterJoin(table(sql)); } @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> leftOuterJoin(String sql, Object... bindings) { return leftOuterJoin(table(sql, bindings)); } @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> leftOuterJoin(String sql, QueryPart... parts) { return leftOuterJoin(table(sql, parts)); } @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> leftOuterJoin(Name name) { return leftOuterJoin(table(name)); } @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> rightJoin(TableLike<?> table) { return rightOuterJoin(table); } @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> rightJoin(SQL sql) { return rightOuterJoin(sql); } @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> rightJoin(String sql) { return rightOuterJoin(sql); } @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> rightJoin(String sql, Object... bindings) { return rightOuterJoin(sql, bindings); } @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> rightJoin(String sql, QueryPart... parts) { return rightOuterJoin(sql, parts); } @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> rightJoin(Name name) { return rightOuterJoin(table(name)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> rightOuterJoin(TableLike<?> table) { return (TablePartitionByStep<Record>) join(table, RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN); } @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> rightOuterJoin(SQL sql) { return rightOuterJoin(table(sql)); } @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> rightOuterJoin(String sql) { return rightOuterJoin(table(sql)); } @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> rightOuterJoin(String sql, Object... bindings) { return rightOuterJoin(table(sql, bindings)); } @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> rightOuterJoin(String sql, QueryPart... parts) { return rightOuterJoin(table(sql, parts)); } @Override public final TablePartitionByStep<Record> rightOuterJoin(Name name) { return rightOuterJoin(table(name)); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> fullOuterJoin(TableLike<?> table) { return join(table, FULL_OUTER_JOIN); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> fullOuterJoin(SQL sql) { return fullOuterJoin(table(sql)); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> fullOuterJoin(String sql) { return fullOuterJoin(table(sql)); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> fullOuterJoin(String sql, Object... bindings) { return fullOuterJoin(table(sql, bindings)); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> fullOuterJoin(String sql, QueryPart... parts) { return fullOuterJoin(table(sql, parts)); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> fullOuterJoin(Name name) { return fullOuterJoin(table(name)); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> fullJoin(TableLike<?> table) { return fullOuterJoin(table); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> fullJoin(SQL sql) { return fullOuterJoin(sql); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> fullJoin(String sql) { return fullOuterJoin(sql); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> fullJoin(String sql, Object... bindings) { return fullOuterJoin(sql, bindings); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> fullJoin(String sql, QueryPart... parts) { return fullOuterJoin(sql, parts); } @Override public final TableOnStep<Record> fullJoin(Name name) { return fullOuterJoin(name); } @Override public final Table<Record> crossJoin(TableLike<?> table) { return join(table, CROSS_JOIN); } @Override public final Table<Record> crossJoin(SQL sql) { return crossJoin(table(sql)); } @Override public final Table<Record> crossJoin(String sql) { return crossJoin(table(sql)); } @Override public final Table<Record> crossJoin(String sql, Object... bindings) { return crossJoin(table(sql, bindings)); } @Override public final Table<Record> crossJoin(String sql, QueryPart... parts) { return crossJoin(table(sql, parts)); } @Override public final Table<Record> crossJoin(Name name) { return crossJoin(table(name)); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalJoin(TableLike<?> table) { return join(table, NATURAL_JOIN); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalJoin(SQL sql) { return naturalJoin(table(sql)); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalJoin(String sql) { return naturalJoin(table(sql)); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalJoin(String sql, Object... bindings) { return naturalJoin(table(sql, bindings)); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalJoin(String sql, QueryPart... parts) { return naturalJoin(table(sql, parts)); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalJoin(Name name) { return naturalJoin(table(name)); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalLeftOuterJoin(TableLike<?> table) { return join(table, NATURAL_LEFT_OUTER_JOIN); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalLeftOuterJoin(SQL sql) { return naturalLeftOuterJoin(table(sql)); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalLeftOuterJoin(String sql) { return naturalLeftOuterJoin(table(sql)); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalLeftOuterJoin(String sql, Object... bindings) { return naturalLeftOuterJoin(table(sql, bindings)); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalLeftOuterJoin(String sql, QueryPart... parts) { return naturalLeftOuterJoin(table(sql, parts)); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalLeftOuterJoin(Name name) { return naturalLeftOuterJoin(table(name)); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalRightOuterJoin(TableLike<?> table) { return join(table, NATURAL_RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalRightOuterJoin(SQL sql) { return naturalRightOuterJoin(table(sql)); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalRightOuterJoin(String sql) { return naturalRightOuterJoin(table(sql)); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalRightOuterJoin(String sql, Object... bindings) { return naturalRightOuterJoin(table(sql, bindings)); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalRightOuterJoin(String sql, QueryPart... parts) { return naturalRightOuterJoin(table(sql, parts)); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalRightOuterJoin(Name name) { return naturalRightOuterJoin(table(name)); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalFullOuterJoin(TableLike<?> table) { return join(table, NATURAL_FULL_OUTER_JOIN); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalFullOuterJoin(SQL sql) { return naturalFullOuterJoin(table(sql)); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalFullOuterJoin(String sql) { return naturalFullOuterJoin(table(sql)); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalFullOuterJoin(String sql, Object... bindings) { return naturalFullOuterJoin(table(sql, bindings)); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalFullOuterJoin(String sql, QueryPart... parts) { return naturalFullOuterJoin(table(sql, parts)); } @Override public final Table<Record> naturalFullOuterJoin(Name name) { return naturalFullOuterJoin(table(name)); } @Override public final Table<Record> crossApply(TableLike<?> table) { return join(table, CROSS_APPLY); } @Override public final Table<Record> crossApply(SQL sql) { return crossApply(table(sql)); } @Override public final Table<Record> crossApply(String sql) { return crossApply(table(sql)); } @Override public final Table<Record> crossApply(String sql, Object... bindings) { return crossApply(table(sql, bindings)); } @Override public final Table<Record> crossApply(String sql, QueryPart... parts) { return crossApply(table(sql, parts)); } @Override public final Table<Record> crossApply(Name name) { return crossApply(table(name)); } @Override public final Table<Record> outerApply(TableLike<?> table) { return join(table, OUTER_APPLY); } @Override public final Table<Record> outerApply(SQL sql) { return outerApply(table(sql)); } @Override public final Table<Record> outerApply(String sql) { return outerApply(table(sql)); } @Override public final Table<Record> outerApply(String sql, Object... bindings) { return outerApply(table(sql, bindings)); } @Override public final Table<Record> outerApply(String sql, QueryPart... parts) { return outerApply(table(sql, parts)); } @Override public final Table<Record> outerApply(Name name) { return outerApply(table(name)); } @Override public final TableOptionalOnStep<Record> straightJoin(TableLike<?> table) { return join(table, STRAIGHT_JOIN); } @Override public final TableOptionalOnStep<Record> straightJoin(SQL sql) { return straightJoin(table(sql)); } @Override public final TableOptionalOnStep<Record> straightJoin(String sql) { return straightJoin(table(sql)); } @Override public final TableOptionalOnStep<Record> straightJoin(String sql, Object... bindings) { return straightJoin(table(sql, bindings)); } @Override public final TableOptionalOnStep<Record> straightJoin(String sql, QueryPart... parts) { return straightJoin(table(sql, parts)); } @Override public final TableOptionalOnStep<Record> straightJoin(Name name) { return straightJoin(table(name)); } }