 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * Other licenses:
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Commercial licenses for this work are available. These replace the above
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 * For more information, please visit: http://www.jooq.org/licenses

package org.jooq.impl;

import java.sql.SQLException;

import org.jooq.Attachable;
import org.jooq.BindContext;
import org.jooq.Clause;
import org.jooq.Configuration;
import org.jooq.Context;
import org.jooq.DSLContext;
import org.jooq.QueryPart;
import org.jooq.QueryPartInternal;
import org.jooq.RenderContext;
import org.jooq.conf.SettingsTools;
import org.jooq.exception.DataAccessException;
import org.jooq.exception.SQLDialectNotSupportedException;

Author:Lukas Eder
/** * @author Lukas Eder */
abstract class AbstractQueryPart implements QueryPartInternal { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2078114876079493107L; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [#1544] The deprecated Attachable and Attachable internal API // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Configuration configuration() { return new DefaultConfiguration(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Deprecated API // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deprecated:- 3.4.0 - [#2694] - Use QueryPartInternal.accept(Context<?>) instead.
/** * @deprecated - 3.4.0 - [#2694] - Use * {@link QueryPartInternal#accept(Context)} instead. */
@Override @Deprecated public final void toSQL(RenderContext context) {}
Deprecated:- 3.4.0 - [#2694] - Use QueryPartInternal.accept(Context<?>) instead.
/** * @deprecated - 3.4.0 - [#2694] - Use * {@link QueryPartInternal#accept(Context)} instead. */
@Override @Deprecated public final void bind(BindContext context) throws DataAccessException {}
Deprecated:- 3.11.0 - [#8179] - This functionality will be removed in the future.
/** * @deprecated - 3.11.0 - [#8179] - This functionality will be removed in * the future. */
@Deprecated @Override public Clause[] clauses(Context<?> ctx) { return null; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The QueryPart and QueryPart internal API // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subclasses may override this
/** * Subclasses may override this */
@Override public boolean rendersContent(Context<?> ctx) { return true; }
Subclasses may override this
/** * Subclasses may override this */
@Override public boolean declaresFields() { return false; }
Subclasses may override this
/** * Subclasses may override this */
@Override public boolean declaresTables() { return false; }
Subclasses may override this
/** * Subclasses may override this */
@Override public boolean declaresWindows() { return false; }
Subclasses may override this
/** * Subclasses may override this */
@Override public boolean declaresCTE() { return false; }
Subclasses may override this
/** * Subclasses may override this */
@Override public boolean generatesCast() { return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The Object API // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public boolean equals(Object that) { if (this == that) return true; // This is a working default implementation. It should be overridden by // concrete subclasses, to improve performance if (that instanceof QueryPart) { // [#10635] The two QueryParts may have different Settings attached. DSLContext dsl1 = configuration().dsl(); DSLContext dsl2 = that instanceof AbstractQueryPart ? ((AbstractQueryPart) that).configuration().dsl() : dsl1; String sql1 = dsl1.renderInlined(this); String sql2 = dsl2.renderInlined((QueryPart) that); return sql1.equals(sql2); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { // This is a working default implementation. It should be overridden by // concrete subclasses, to improve performance return create().renderInlined(this).hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { try { // [#8355] Subtypes may have null configuration Configuration configuration = Tools.configuration(configuration()); return create(configuration.derive(SettingsTools.clone(configuration.settings()).withRenderFormatted(true))).renderInlined(this); } catch (SQLDialectNotSupportedException e) { return "[ ... " + e.getMessage() + " ... ]"; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Internal convenience methods // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Internal convenience method
Deprecated:- 3.11.0 - [#6722] - Use Attachable.configuration() and Configuration.dsl() instead.
/** * Internal convenience method * * @deprecated - 3.11.0 - [#6722] - Use {@link Attachable#configuration()} * and {@link Configuration#dsl()} instead. */
@Deprecated protected final DSLContext create() { return create(configuration()); }
Internal convenience method
Deprecated:- 3.11.0 - [#6722] - Use Attachable.configuration() and Configuration.dsl() instead.
/** * Internal convenience method * * @deprecated - 3.11.0 - [#6722] - Use {@link Attachable#configuration()} * and {@link Configuration#dsl()} instead. */
@Deprecated protected final DSLContext create(Configuration configuration) { return DSL.using(configuration); }
Internal convenience method
Deprecated:- 3.11.0 - [#6722] - Use Attachable.configuration() and Configuration.dsl() instead.
/** * Internal convenience method * * @deprecated - 3.11.0 - [#6722] - Use {@link Attachable#configuration()} * and {@link Configuration#dsl()} instead. */
@Deprecated protected final DSLContext create(Context<?> ctx) { return DSL.using(ctx.configuration()); }
Internal convenience method
/** * Internal convenience method */
protected final DataAccessException translate(String sql, SQLException e) { return Tools.translate(sql, e); } }