 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * Other licenses:
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Commercial licenses for this work are available. These replace the above
 * ASL 2.0 and offer limited warranties, support, maintenance, and commercial
 * database integrations.
 * For more information, please visit: http://www.jooq.org/licenses
package org.jooq.impl;

import static java.lang.Boolean.TRUE;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static org.jooq.Clause.SELECT;
import static org.jooq.Clause.SELECT_CONNECT_BY;
import static org.jooq.Clause.SELECT_EXCEPT;
import static org.jooq.Clause.SELECT_EXCEPT_ALL;
import static org.jooq.Clause.SELECT_FROM;
import static org.jooq.Clause.SELECT_GROUP_BY;
import static org.jooq.Clause.SELECT_HAVING;
import static org.jooq.Clause.SELECT_INTERSECT;
import static org.jooq.Clause.SELECT_INTERSECT_ALL;
import static org.jooq.Clause.SELECT_INTO;
import static org.jooq.Clause.SELECT_ORDER_BY;
import static org.jooq.Clause.SELECT_SELECT;
import static org.jooq.Clause.SELECT_START_WITH;
import static org.jooq.Clause.SELECT_UNION;
import static org.jooq.Clause.SELECT_UNION_ALL;
import static org.jooq.Clause.SELECT_WHERE;
import static org.jooq.Clause.SELECT_WINDOW;
import static org.jooq.JoinType.JOIN;
import static org.jooq.JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN;
import static org.jooq.JoinType.RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN;
import static org.jooq.Operator.OR;
// ...
// ...
// ...
// ...
// ...
import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.CUBRID;
// ...
// ...
import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.DERBY;
import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.FIREBIRD;
import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.H2;
// ...
import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.HSQLDB;
// ...
// ...
import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.MARIADB;
// ...
import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.MYSQL;
// ...
// ...
// ...
// ...
import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.POSTGRES;
// ...
// ...
// ...
import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.SQLITE;
// ...
// ...
// ...
// ...
// ...
// ...
// ...
import static org.jooq.SortOrder.DESC;
import static org.jooq.impl.CombineOperator.EXCEPT;
import static org.jooq.impl.CombineOperator.EXCEPT_ALL;
import static org.jooq.impl.CombineOperator.INTERSECT;
import static org.jooq.impl.CombineOperator.INTERSECT_ALL;
import static org.jooq.impl.CombineOperator.UNION;
import static org.jooq.impl.CombineOperator.UNION_ALL;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.asterisk;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.falseCondition;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.groupingSets;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.inline;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.jsonArrayAgg;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.jsonObject;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.jsonbArrayAgg;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.jsonbObject;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.key;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.name;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.noCondition;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.one;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.orderBy;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.partitionBy;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.regexpReplaceAll;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.row;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.rowNumber;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.table;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.xmlagg;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.xmlattributes;
import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.xmlelement;
import static org.jooq.impl.JSONArrayAgg.EMULATE_WITH_GROUP_CONCAT;
import static org.jooq.impl.JSONNull.NO_SUPPORT_ABSENT_ON_NULL;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_AND;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_BY;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_CONNECT_BY;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_DISTINCT;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_DISTINCT_ON;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_FROM;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_GROUP_BY;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_HAVING;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_INLINE;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_INTO;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_MATERIALIZE;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_NOCYCLE;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_ORDER;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_ORDER_BY;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_PERCENT;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_QUALIFY;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_SELECT;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_SIBLINGS;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_START_WITH;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_TOP;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_WHERE;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_WINDOW;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_WITH_CHECK_OPTION;
import static org.jooq.impl.Keywords.K_WITH_READ_ONLY;
import static org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.JSON;
import static org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.JSONB;
import static org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.VARCHAR;
import static org.jooq.impl.SQLDataType.XML;
import static org.jooq.impl.ScopeMarkers.AFTER_LAST_TOP_LEVEL_CTE;
import static org.jooq.impl.ScopeMarkers.BEFORE_FIRST_TOP_LEVEL_CTE;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.EMPTY_FIELD;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.EMPTY_SORTFIELD;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.fieldArray;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.hasAmbiguousNames;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.qualify;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.selectQueryImpl;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.unalias;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.unqualified;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.BooleanDataKey.DATA_COLLECT_SEMI_ANTI_JOIN;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.BooleanDataKey.DATA_INSERT_SELECT_WITHOUT_INSERT_COLUMN_LIST;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.BooleanDataKey.DATA_NESTED_SET_OPERATIONS;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.BooleanDataKey.DATA_OMIT_INTO_CLAUSE;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.BooleanDataKey.DATA_RENDER_TRAILING_LIMIT_IF_APPLICABLE;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.BooleanDataKey.DATA_UNALIAS_ALIASED_EXPRESSIONS;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.BooleanDataKey.DATA_WRAP_DERIVED_TABLES_IN_PARENTHESES;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.DataKey.DATA_COLLECTED_SEMI_ANTI_JOIN;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.DataKey.DATA_DML_TARGET_TABLE;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.DataKey.DATA_OVERRIDE_ALIASES_IN_ORDER_BY;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.DataKey.DATA_SELECT_ALIASES;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.DataKey.DATA_SELECT_INTO_TABLE;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.DataKey.DATA_TOP_LEVEL_CTE;
import static org.jooq.impl.Tools.DataKey.DATA_WINDOW_DEFINITIONS;

import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import org.jooq.Asterisk;
import org.jooq.Clause;
import org.jooq.Comparator;
import org.jooq.Condition;
import org.jooq.Configuration;
import org.jooq.Context;
import org.jooq.DataType;
import org.jooq.Field;
import org.jooq.ForeignKey;
import org.jooq.GroupField;
import org.jooq.JSONEntry;
import org.jooq.JSONObjectNullStep;
import org.jooq.JoinType;
import org.jooq.Name;
import org.jooq.Operator;
import org.jooq.OrderField;
import org.jooq.Param;
// ...
import org.jooq.QualifiedAsterisk;
import org.jooq.QueryPart;
import org.jooq.Record;
import org.jooq.Row;
import org.jooq.SQLDialect;
import org.jooq.Select;
import org.jooq.SelectFieldOrAsterisk;
import org.jooq.SelectLimitPercentStep;
import org.jooq.SelectLimitStep;
import org.jooq.SelectOffsetStep;
import org.jooq.SelectQuery;
import org.jooq.SelectWithTiesStep;
import org.jooq.SortField;
import org.jooq.Table;
import org.jooq.TableField;
import org.jooq.TableLike;
import org.jooq.TableOnStep;
import org.jooq.TableOptionalOnStep;
import org.jooq.TablePartitionByStep;
import org.jooq.WindowDefinition;
import org.jooq.XML;
import org.jooq.exception.DataAccessException;
import org.jooq.impl.ForLock.ForLockMode;
import org.jooq.impl.ForLock.ForLockWaitMode;
import org.jooq.impl.Tools.BooleanDataKey;
import org.jooq.impl.Tools.DataExtendedKey;
import org.jooq.impl.Tools.DataKey;
import org.jooq.tools.Convert;
import org.jooq.tools.JooqLogger;
import org.jooq.tools.StringUtils;

A sub-select is a SELECT statement that can be combined with other SELECT statement in UNIONs and similar operations.
Author:Lukas Eder
/** * A sub-select is a <code>SELECT</code> statement that can be combined with * other <code>SELECT</code> statement in <code>UNION</code>s and similar * operations. * * @author Lukas Eder */
final class SelectQueryImpl<R extends Record> extends AbstractResultQuery<R> implements SelectQuery<R> {
Generated UID
/** * Generated UID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1646393178384872967L; private static final JooqLogger log = JooqLogger.getLogger(SelectQueryImpl.class); private static final Clause[] CLAUSES = { SELECT }; private static final Set<SQLDialect> EMULATE_SELECT_INTO_AS_CTAS = SQLDialect.supportedBy(CUBRID, DERBY, FIREBIRD, H2, HSQLDB, MARIADB, MYSQL, POSTGRES, SQLITE); private static final Set<SQLDialect> SUPPORT_SELECT_INTO_TABLE = SQLDialect.supportedBy(HSQLDB, POSTGRES); static final Set<SQLDialect> SUPPORT_WINDOW_CLAUSE = SQLDialect.supportedBy(H2, MYSQL, POSTGRES, SQLITE); // [#7421] [#9832] We can eventually stop generating the FROM clause in newer versions of MariaDB and MySQL private static final Set<SQLDialect> REQUIRES_FROM_CLAUSE = SQLDialect.supportedBy(CUBRID, DERBY, FIREBIRD, HSQLDB, MARIADB, MYSQL); private static final Set<SQLDialect> REQUIRES_DERIVED_TABLE_DML = SQLDialect.supportedBy(MARIADB, MYSQL); private static final Set<SQLDialect> EMULATE_EMPTY_GROUP_BY_CONSTANT = SQLDialect.supportedUntil(DERBY, HSQLDB); private static final Set<SQLDialect> EMULATE_EMPTY_GROUP_BY_OTHER = SQLDialect.supportedUntil(FIREBIRD, MARIADB, MYSQL, SQLITE); private static final Set<SQLDialect> SUPPORT_FULL_WITH_TIES = SQLDialect.supportedBy(H2); private static final Set<SQLDialect> EMULATE_DISTINCT_ON = SQLDialect.supportedBy(DERBY, FIREBIRD, HSQLDB, MARIADB, MYSQL, SQLITE); private final WithImpl with; private final SelectFieldList<SelectFieldOrAsterisk> select; private Table<?> into; private String hint; private String option; private boolean distinct; private QueryPartList<SelectFieldOrAsterisk> distinctOn; private ForLock forLock; private final TableList from; private final ConditionProviderImpl condition; private boolean grouping; private QueryPartList<GroupField> groupBy; private final ConditionProviderImpl having; private WindowList window; private final ConditionProviderImpl qualify; private final SortFieldList orderBy; private final QueryPartList<Field<?>> seek; private boolean seekBefore; private final Limit limit; private final List<CombineOperator> unionOp; private final List<QueryPartList<Select<?>>> union; private final SortFieldList unionOrderBy; private final QueryPartList<Field<?>> unionSeek; private boolean unionSeekBefore; // [#3579] TODO private final Limit unionLimit; SelectQueryImpl(Configuration configuration, WithImpl with) { this(configuration, with, null); } SelectQueryImpl(Configuration configuration, WithImpl with, boolean distinct) { this(configuration, with, null, distinct); } SelectQueryImpl(Configuration configuration, WithImpl with, TableLike<? extends R> from) { this(configuration, with, from, false); } SelectQueryImpl(Configuration configuration, WithImpl with, TableLike<? extends R> from, boolean distinct) { super(configuration); this.with = with; this.distinct = distinct; this.select = new SelectFieldList<>(); this.from = new TableList(); this.condition = new ConditionProviderImpl(); this.having = new ConditionProviderImpl(); this.qualify = new ConditionProviderImpl(); this.orderBy = new SortFieldList(); this.seek = new QueryPartList<>(); this.limit = new Limit(); this.unionOp = new ArrayList<>(); this.union = new ArrayList<>(); this.unionOrderBy = new SortFieldList(); this.unionSeek = new QueryPartList<>(); this.unionLimit = new Limit(); if (from != null) this.from.add(from.asTable()); } final SelectQueryImpl<R> copy() { SelectQueryImpl<R> result = new SelectQueryImpl<>(configuration(), with); result.condition.setWhere(condition.getWhere()); result.distinct = distinct; result.distinctOn = distinctOn; result.forLock = forLock; result.from.addAll(from); result.groupBy = groupBy; result.grouping = grouping; result.having.setWhere(having.getWhere()); result.hint = hint; result.into = into; result.limit.from(limit); result.option = option; result.orderBy.addAll(orderBy); result.qualify.setWhere(qualify.getWhere()); result.seek.addAll(seek); result.select.addAll(select); // TODO: Should the remaining union subqueries also be copied? result.union.addAll(union); result.unionLimit.from(unionLimit); result.unionOp.addAll(unionOp); result.unionOrderBy.addAll(unionOrderBy); result.unionSeek.addAll(unionSeek); result.unionSeekBefore = unionSeekBefore; if (window != null) result.addWindow(window); return result; } @Override public final int fetchCount() throws DataAccessException { return DSL.using(configuration()).fetchCount(this); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public final <T> Field<T> asField() { return new ScalarSubquery<>(this, (DataType<T>) Tools.scalarType(this)); } @Override public final <T> Field<T> asField(String alias) { return this.<T> asField().as(alias); } @Override public <T> Field<T> asField(Function<? super Field<T>, ? extends String> aliasFunction) { return this.<T> asField().as(aliasFunction); } @Override public final Row fieldsRow() { return asTable().fieldsRow(); } @Override public final Stream<Field<?>> fieldStream() { return Stream.of(fields()); } @Override public final <T> Field<T> field(Field<T> field) { return asTable().field(field); }
Deprecated:This method hides static import DSL.field(String).
/** * @deprecated This method hides static import {@link DSL#field(String)}. */
@Deprecated @Override public final Field<?> field(String string) { return asTable().field(string); }
Deprecated:This method hides static import DSL.field(String, Class<Object>).
/** * @deprecated This method hides static import {@link DSL#field(String, Class)}. */
@Deprecated @Override public final <T> Field<T> field(String name, Class<T> type) { return asTable().field(name, type); }
Deprecated:This method hides static import DSL.field(String, DataType<Object>).
/** * @deprecated This method hides static import {@link DSL#field(String, DataType)}. */
@Deprecated @Override public final <T> Field<T> field(String name, DataType<T> dataType) { return asTable().field(name, dataType); }
Deprecated:This method hides static import DSL.field(Name).
/** * @deprecated This method hides static import {@link DSL#field(Name)}. */
@Deprecated @Override public final Field<?> field(Name string) { return asTable().field(string); }
Deprecated:This method hides static import DSL.field(Name, Class<Object>).
/** * @deprecated This method hides static import {@link DSL#field(Name, Class)}. */
@Deprecated @Override public final <T> Field<T> field(Name name, Class<T> type) { return asTable().field(name, type); }
Deprecated:This method hides static import DSL.field(Name, DataType<Object>).
/** * @deprecated This method hides static import {@link DSL#field(Name, DataType)}. */
@Deprecated @Override public final <T> Field<T> field(Name name, DataType<T> dataType) { return asTable().field(name, dataType); } @Override public final Field<?> field(int index) { return asTable().field(index); } @Override public final <T> Field<T> field(int index, Class<T> type) { return asTable().field(index, type); } @Override public final <T> Field<T> field(int index, DataType<T> dataType) { return asTable().field(index, dataType); } @Override public final Field<?>[] fields() { return asTable().fields(); } @Override public final Field<?>[] fields(Field<?>... fields) { return asTable().fields(fields); } @Override public final Field<?>[] fields(String... fieldNames) { return asTable().fields(fieldNames); } @Override public final Field<?>[] fields(Name... fieldNames) { return asTable().fields(fieldNames); } @Override public final Field<?>[] fields(int... fieldIndexes) { return asTable().fields(fieldIndexes); } @Override public final int indexOf(Field<?> field) { return asTable().indexOf(field); } @Override public final int indexOf(String fieldName) { return asTable().indexOf(fieldName); } @Override public final int indexOf(Name fieldName) { return asTable().indexOf(fieldName); } @Override public final Table<R> asTable() { // Its usually better to alias nested selects that are used in // the FROM clause of a query return new DerivedTable<>(this).as("alias_" + Tools.hash(this)); } @Override public final Table<R> asTable(String alias) { return new DerivedTable<>(this).as(alias); } @Override public final Table<R> asTable(String alias, String... fieldAliases) { return new DerivedTable<>(this).as(alias, fieldAliases); } @Override public final Table<R> asTable(Name alias) { return new DerivedTable<>(this).as(alias); } @Override public final Table<R> asTable(Name alias, Name... fieldAliases) { return new DerivedTable<>(this).as(alias, fieldAliases); } @Override public final Table<R> asTable(Table<?> alias) { return new DerivedTable<>(this).as(alias); } @Override public final Table<R> asTable(Table<?> alias, Field<?>... fieldAliases) { return new DerivedTable<>(this).as(alias, fieldAliases); } @Override public final Table<R> asTable(String alias, Function<? super Field<?>, ? extends String> aliasFunction) { return new DerivedTable<>(this).as(alias, aliasFunction); } @Override public final Table<R> asTable(String alias, BiFunction<? super Field<?>, ? super Integer, ? extends String> aliasFunction) { return new DerivedTable<>(this).as(alias, aliasFunction); } @Override protected final Field<?>[] getFields(ResultSetMetaData meta) { Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields = coerce(); // [#1808] TODO: Restrict this field list, in case a restricting fetch() // method was called to get here if (fields == null || fields.isEmpty()) fields = getSelect(); // If no projection was specified explicitly, create fields from result // set meta data instead. This is typically the case for SELECT * ... if (fields.isEmpty()) return new MetaDataFieldProvider(configuration(), meta).getFields(); return fieldArray(fields); } @Override public final Clause[] clauses(Context<?> ctx) { return CLAUSES; } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) final Select<?> distinctOnEmulation() { // [#3564] TODO: Extract and merge this with getSelectResolveSomeAsterisks0() List<Field<?>> partitionBy = new ArrayList<>(distinctOn.size()); for (SelectFieldOrAsterisk f : distinctOn) if (f instanceof Field) partitionBy.add((Field<?>) f); Field<Integer> rn = rowNumber().over(partitionBy(partitionBy).orderBy(orderBy)).as("rn"); SelectQueryImpl<R> copy = copy(); copy.distinctOn = null; copy.select.add(rn); copy.orderBy.clear(); copy.limit.clear(); SelectLimitStep<?> s1 = DSL.select(qualify(table(name("t")), select)) .from(copy.asTable("t")) .where(rn.eq(one())) .orderBy(unqualified(orderBy.toArray(EMPTY_SORTFIELD))); if (limit.numberOfRows != null) { SelectLimitPercentStep<?> s2 = s1.limit((Param) limit.numberOfRows); SelectWithTiesStep<?> s3 = limit.percent ? s2.percent() : s2; SelectOffsetStep<?> s4 = limit.withTies ? s3.withTies() : s3; return limit.offset != null ? s4.offset((Param) limit.offset) : s4; } else return limit.offset != null ? s1.offset((Param) limit.offset) : s1; } @Override public final void accept(Context<?> ctx) { Table<?> dmlTable; // [#6583] Work around MySQL's self-reference-in-DML-subquery restriction if (ctx.subqueryLevel() == 1 && REQUIRES_DERIVED_TABLE_DML.contains(ctx.dialect()) && (dmlTable = (Table<?>) ctx.data(DATA_DML_TARGET_TABLE)) != null && containsTable(dmlTable)) { ctx.visit(DSL.select(asterisk()).from(asTable("t"))); } // [#3564] Emulate DISINTCT ON queries at the top level else if (Tools.isNotEmpty(distinctOn) && EMULATE_DISTINCT_ON.contains(ctx.dialect())) { ctx.visit(distinctOnEmulation()); } else { accept0(ctx); } } public final void accept0(Context<?> context) { if (context.subqueryLevel() == 0) context.scopeStart().data(DATA_TOP_LEVEL_CTE, new TopLevelCte()); SQLDialect dialect = context.dialect(); SQLDialect family = context.family(); // [#2791] TODO: Instead of explicitly manipulating these data() objects, future versions // of jOOQ should implement a push / pop semantics to clearly delimit such scope. Object renderTrailingLimit = context.data(DATA_RENDER_TRAILING_LIMIT_IF_APPLICABLE); Object localWindowDefinitions = context.data(DATA_WINDOW_DEFINITIONS); Name[] selectAliases = (Name[]) context.data(DATA_SELECT_ALIASES); try { Field<?>[] originalFields = null; Field<?>[] alternativeFields = null; if (selectAliases != null) { context.data().remove(DATA_SELECT_ALIASES); originalFields = getSelect().toArray(EMPTY_FIELD); alternativeFields = new Field[originalFields.length]; for (int i = 0; i < originalFields.length; i++) if (i < selectAliases.length) alternativeFields[i] = originalFields[i].as(selectAliases[i]); else alternativeFields[i] = originalFields[i]; } if (TRUE.equals(renderTrailingLimit)) context.data().remove(DATA_RENDER_TRAILING_LIMIT_IF_APPLICABLE); // [#5127] Lazy initialise this map if (localWindowDefinitions != null) context.data(DATA_WINDOW_DEFINITIONS, null); if (into != null && !TRUE.equals(context.data(DATA_OMIT_INTO_CLAUSE)) && EMULATE_SELECT_INTO_AS_CTAS.contains(dialect)) { context.data(DATA_OMIT_INTO_CLAUSE, true); context.visit(DSL.createTable(into).as(this)); context.data().remove(DATA_OMIT_INTO_CLAUSE); return; } if (with != null) context.visit(with); else if (context.subqueryLevel() == 0) context.scopeMarkStart(BEFORE_FIRST_TOP_LEVEL_CTE) .scopeMarkEnd(BEFORE_FIRST_TOP_LEVEL_CTE) .scopeMarkStart(AFTER_LAST_TOP_LEVEL_CTE) .scopeMarkEnd(AFTER_LAST_TOP_LEVEL_CTE); pushWindow(context); Boolean wrapDerivedTables = (Boolean) context.data(DATA_WRAP_DERIVED_TABLES_IN_PARENTHESES); if (TRUE.equals(wrapDerivedTables)) { context.sql('(') .formatIndentStart() .formatNewLine() .data().remove(DATA_WRAP_DERIVED_TABLES_IN_PARENTHESES); } switch (dialect) { case CUBRID: case FIREBIRD: case MARIADB: case MYSQL: case POSTGRES: { if (getLimit().isApplicable() && getLimit().withTies()) toSQLReferenceLimitWithWindowFunctions(context); else toSQLReferenceLimitDefault(context, originalFields, alternativeFields); break; } // By default, render the dialect's limit clause default: { toSQLReferenceLimitDefault(context, originalFields, alternativeFields); break; } } // [#1296] [#7328] FOR UPDATE is emulated in some dialects using hints if (forLock != null) context.visit(forLock); // [#1952] SQL Server OPTION() clauses as well as many other optional // end-of-query clauses are appended to the end of a query if (!StringUtils.isBlank(option)) context.formatSeparator() .sql(option); if (TRUE.equals(wrapDerivedTables)) context.formatIndentEnd() .formatNewLine() .sql(')') .data(DATA_WRAP_DERIVED_TABLES_IN_PARENTHESES, true); } finally { context.data(DATA_WINDOW_DEFINITIONS, localWindowDefinitions); if (renderTrailingLimit != null) context.data(DATA_RENDER_TRAILING_LIMIT_IF_APPLICABLE, renderTrailingLimit); if (selectAliases != null) context.data(DATA_SELECT_ALIASES, selectAliases); } if (context.subqueryLevel() == 0) context.scopeEnd(); } private final void registerTable(Context<?> context, Table<?> table) { if (table instanceof JoinTable) { registerTable(context, ((JoinTable) table).lhs); registerTable(context, ((JoinTable) table).rhs); } else if (table instanceof TableImpl) context.scopeRegister(table, true); } private final void pushWindow(Context<?> context) { // [#531] [#2790] Make the WINDOW clause available to the SELECT clause // to be able to inline window definitions if the WINDOW clause is not // supported. if (Tools.isNotEmpty(window)) context.data(DATA_WINDOW_DEFINITIONS, window); }
The default LIMIT / OFFSET clause in most dialects
/** * The default LIMIT / OFFSET clause in most dialects */
private final void toSQLReferenceLimitDefault(Context<?> context, Field<?>[] originalFields, Field<?>[] alternativeFields) { Object data = context.data(DATA_RENDER_TRAILING_LIMIT_IF_APPLICABLE); context.data(DATA_RENDER_TRAILING_LIMIT_IF_APPLICABLE, true); toSQLReference0(context, originalFields, alternativeFields); if (data == null) context.data().remove(DATA_RENDER_TRAILING_LIMIT_IF_APPLICABLE); else context.data(DATA_RENDER_TRAILING_LIMIT_IF_APPLICABLE, data); }
Emulate the LIMIT / OFFSET clause using window functions, specifically when the WITH TIES clause is specified.
/** * Emulate the LIMIT / OFFSET clause using window functions, specifically * when the WITH TIES clause is specified. */
@SuppressWarnings("serial") private final void toSQLReferenceLimitWithWindowFunctions(Context<?> ctx) { // AUTHOR.ID, BOOK.ID, BOOK.TITLE final Field<?>[] originalFields = Tools.fieldArray(getSelect()); // AUTHOR.ID as v1, BOOK.ID as v2, BOOK.TITLE as v3 // Enforce x.* or just * if we have no known field names (e.g. when plain SQL tables are involved) final Field<?>[] alternativeFields = Tools.combine( originalFields.length == 0 ? new Field[] { DSL.field("*") } : Tools.aliasedFields(originalFields), (Field<?>) null ); alternativeFields[alternativeFields.length - 1] = new CustomField<Integer>("rn", SQLDataType.INTEGER) { @Override public void accept(Context<?> c) { boolean wrapQueryExpressionBodyInDerivedTable = wrapQueryExpressionBodyInDerivedTable(c); // [#3575] Ensure that no column aliases from the surrounding SELECT clause // are referenced from the below ranking functions' ORDER BY clause. c.data(DATA_UNALIAS_ALIASED_EXPRESSIONS, !wrapQueryExpressionBodyInDerivedTable); boolean qualify = c.qualify(); c.data(DATA_OVERRIDE_ALIASES_IN_ORDER_BY, new Object[] { originalFields, alternativeFields }); if (wrapQueryExpressionBodyInDerivedTable) c.qualify(false); // [#2580] FETCH NEXT n ROWS ONLY emulation: // ----------------------------------------- // When DISTINCT is applied, we mustn't use ROW_NUMBER() OVER(), // which changes the DISTINCT semantics. Instead, use DENSE_RANK() OVER(), // ordering by the SELECT's ORDER BY clause AND all the expressions from // the projection // // [#6197] FETCH NEXT n ROWS WITH TIES emulation: // ---------------------------------------------- // DISTINCT seems irrelevant here (to be proven) c.visit(getLimit().withTies() ? DSL.rank().over(orderBy(getNonEmptyOrderBy(c.configuration()))) : distinct ? DSL.denseRank().over(orderBy(getNonEmptyOrderByForDistinct(c.configuration()))) : DSL.rowNumber().over(orderBy(getNonEmptyOrderBy(c.configuration()))) ); c.data().remove(DATA_UNALIAS_ALIASED_EXPRESSIONS); c.data().remove(DATA_OVERRIDE_ALIASES_IN_ORDER_BY); if (wrapQueryExpressionBodyInDerivedTable) c.qualify(qualify); } }.as("rn"); // v1 as ID, v2 as ID, v3 as TITLE final Field<?>[] unaliasedFields = Tools.unaliasedFields(originalFields); ctx.visit(K_SELECT).separatorRequired(true) .declareFields(true) .visit(new SelectFieldList<>(unaliasedFields)) .declareFields(false) .formatSeparator() .visit(K_FROM).sql(" (") .formatIndentStart() .formatNewLine() .subquery(true); toSQLReference0(ctx, originalFields, alternativeFields); ctx.subquery(false) .formatIndentEnd() .formatNewLine() .sql(") ") .visit(name("x")) .formatSeparator() .visit(K_WHERE).sql(' ') .visit(name("rn")) .sql(" > ") .visit(getLimit().getLowerRownum()); if (!getLimit().limitZero()) ctx.formatSeparator() .visit(K_AND).sql(' ') .visit(name("rn")) .sql(" <= ") .visit(getLimit().getUpperRownum()); // [#5068] Don't rely on nested query's ordering in case an operation // like DISTINCT or JOIN produces hashing. // [#7427] Don't order if not strictly required. // [#7609] Don't order if users prefer not to if (!ctx.subquery() && !getOrderBy().isEmpty() && !Boolean.FALSE.equals(ctx.settings().isRenderOrderByRownumberForEmulatedPagination())) ctx.formatSeparator() .visit(K_ORDER_BY) .sql(' ') .visit(name("rn")); }
This method renders the main part of a query without the LIMIT clause. This part is common to any type of limited query
/** * This method renders the main part of a query without the LIMIT clause. * This part is common to any type of limited query */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private final void toSQLReference0(Context<?> context, Field<?>[] originalFields, Field<?>[] alternativeFields) { SQLDialect family = context.family(); boolean qualify = context.qualify(); int unionOpSize = unionOp.size(); boolean unionParensRequired = false; boolean unionOpNesting = false; // The SQL standard specifies: // // <query expression> ::= // [ <with clause> ] <query expression body> // [ <order by clause> ] [ <result offset clause> ] [ <fetch first clause> ] // // Depending on the dialect and on various syntax elements, parts of the above must be wrapped in // synthetic parentheses boolean wrapQueryExpressionInDerivedTable; boolean wrapQueryExpressionBodyInDerivedTable = false; boolean applySeekOnDerivedTable = applySeekOnDerivedTable(); wrapQueryExpressionInDerivedTable = false // // [#2995] Prevent the generation of wrapping parentheses around the // // INSERT .. SELECT statement's SELECT because they would be // // interpreted as the (missing) INSERT column list's parens. // || (context.data(DATA_INSERT_SELECT_WITHOUT_INSERT_COLUMN_LIST) != null && unionOpSize > 0) ; if (wrapQueryExpressionInDerivedTable) context.visit(K_SELECT).sql(" *") .formatSeparator() .visit(K_FROM).sql(" (") .formatIndentStart() .formatNewLine(); // [#7459] In the presence of UNIONs and other set operations, the SEEK // predicate must be applied on a derived table, not on the individual subqueries wrapQueryExpressionBodyInDerivedTable |= applySeekOnDerivedTable; if (wrapQueryExpressionBodyInDerivedTable) { context.visit(K_SELECT).sql(' '); context.formatIndentStart() .formatNewLine() .sql("t.*"); if (alternativeFields != null && originalFields.length < alternativeFields.length) context.sql(", ") .formatSeparator() .declareFields(true) .visit(alternativeFields[alternativeFields.length - 1]) .declareFields(false); context.formatIndentEnd() .formatSeparator() .visit(K_FROM).sql(" (") .formatIndentStart() .formatNewLine(); } // [#1658] jOOQ applies left-associativity to set operators. In order to enforce that across // all databases, we need to wrap relevant subqueries in parentheses. if (unionOpSize > 0) { if (!TRUE.equals(context.data(DATA_NESTED_SET_OPERATIONS))) context.data(DATA_NESTED_SET_OPERATIONS, unionOpNesting = unionOpNesting()); for (int i = unionOpSize - 1; i >= 0; i--) { switch (unionOp.get(i)) { case EXCEPT: context.start(SELECT_EXCEPT); break; case EXCEPT_ALL: context.start(SELECT_EXCEPT_ALL); break; case INTERSECT: context.start(SELECT_INTERSECT); break; case INTERSECT_ALL: context.start(SELECT_INTERSECT_ALL); break; case UNION: context.start(SELECT_UNION); break; case UNION_ALL: context.start(SELECT_UNION_ALL); break; } // [#3676] There might be cases where nested set operations do not // imply required parentheses in some dialects, but better // play safe than sorry unionParenthesis( context, '(', alternativeFields != null ? alternativeFields : getSelect().toArray(EMPTY_FIELD), derivedTableRequired(context, this), unionParensRequired = unionOpNesting || unionParensRequired(context) ); } } for (Table<?> table : getFrom()) registerTable(context, table); // SELECT clause // ------------- context.start(SELECT_SELECT) .visit(K_SELECT).separatorRequired(true); // [#1493] Oracle hints come directly after the SELECT keyword if (!StringUtils.isBlank(hint)) context.sql(' ').sql(hint).separatorRequired(true); if (Tools.isNotEmpty(distinctOn)) context.visit(K_DISTINCT_ON).sql(" (").visit(distinctOn).sql(')').separatorRequired(true); else if (distinct) context.visit(K_DISTINCT).separatorRequired(true); context.declareFields(true); // [#2335] When emulating LIMIT .. OFFSET, the SELECT clause needs to generate // non-ambiguous column names as ambiguous column names are not allowed in subqueries if (alternativeFields != null) { if (wrapQueryExpressionBodyInDerivedTable && originalFields.length < alternativeFields.length) context.visit(new SelectFieldList<>(Arrays.copyOf(alternativeFields, alternativeFields.length - 1))); else context.visit(new SelectFieldList<>(alternativeFields)); } // The default behaviour else { context.visit(getSelectResolveUnsupportedAsterisks(context.configuration())); } context.declareFields(false) .end(SELECT_SELECT); // INTO clauses // ------------ // [#4910] This clause (and the Clause.SELECT_INTO signal) must be emitted // only in top level SELECTs if (!context.subquery() ) { context.start(SELECT_INTO); QueryPart actualInto = (QueryPart) context.data(DATA_SELECT_INTO_TABLE); if (actualInto == null) actualInto = into; if (actualInto != null && !TRUE.equals(context.data(DATA_OMIT_INTO_CLAUSE)) && (SUPPORT_SELECT_INTO_TABLE.contains(context.dialect()) || !(actualInto instanceof Table))) { context.formatSeparator() .visit(K_INTO) .sql(' ') .visit(actualInto); } context.end(SELECT_INTO); } // FROM and JOIN clauses // --------------------- context.start(SELECT_FROM) .declareTables(true); // [#....] Some SQL dialects do not require a FROM clause. Others do and // jOOQ generates a "DUAL" table or something equivalent. // See also org.jooq.impl.Dual for details. boolean hasFrom = !getFrom().isEmpty() || REQUIRES_FROM_CLAUSE.contains(context.dialect()); List<Condition> semiAntiJoinPredicates = null; ConditionProviderImpl where = getWhere(); if (hasFrom) { Object previousCollect = context.data(DATA_COLLECT_SEMI_ANTI_JOIN, true); Object previousCollected = context.data(DATA_COLLECTED_SEMI_ANTI_JOIN, null); TableList tablelist = getFrom(); tablelist = transformInlineDerivedTables(tablelist, where); context.formatSeparator() .visit(K_FROM) .separatorRequired(true) .visit(tablelist); semiAntiJoinPredicates = (List<Condition>) context.data(DATA_COLLECTED_SEMI_ANTI_JOIN, previousCollected); context.data(DATA_COLLECT_SEMI_ANTI_JOIN, previousCollect); } context.declareTables(false) .end(SELECT_FROM); // WHERE clause // ------------ context.start(SELECT_WHERE); if (TRUE.equals(context.data().get(BooleanDataKey.DATA_SELECT_NO_DATA))) context.formatSeparator() .visit(K_WHERE) .sql(' ') .visit(falseCondition()); else if (!where.hasWhere() && semiAntiJoinPredicates == null) ; else { ConditionProviderImpl actual = new ConditionProviderImpl(); if (semiAntiJoinPredicates != null) actual.addConditions(semiAntiJoinPredicates); if (where.hasWhere()) actual.addConditions(where.getWhere()); context.formatSeparator() .visit(K_WHERE) .sql(' ') .visit(actual); } context.end(SELECT_WHERE); // GROUP BY and HAVING clause // -------------------------- context.start(SELECT_GROUP_BY); if (grouping) { context.formatSeparator() .visit(K_GROUP_BY) .separatorRequired(true); // [#1665] Empty GROUP BY () clauses need parentheses if (Tools.isEmpty(groupBy)) { context.sql(' '); // [#4292] Some dialects accept constant expressions in GROUP BY // Note that dialects may consider constants as indexed field // references, as in the ORDER BY clause! if (EMULATE_EMPTY_GROUP_BY_CONSTANT.contains(context.dialect())) context.sql('0'); // [#4447] CUBRID can't handle subqueries in GROUP BY else if (family == CUBRID) context.sql("1 + 0"); // [#4292] Some dialects don't support empty GROUP BY () clauses else if (EMULATE_EMPTY_GROUP_BY_OTHER.contains(context.dialect())) context.sql('(').visit(DSL.select(one())).sql(')'); // Few dialects support the SQL standard "grand total" (i.e. empty grouping set) else context.sql("()"); } else context.visit(groupBy); } context.end(SELECT_GROUP_BY); // HAVING clause // ------------- context.start(SELECT_HAVING); if (getHaving().hasWhere()) context.formatSeparator() .visit(K_HAVING) .sql(' ') .visit(getHaving()); context.end(SELECT_HAVING); // QUALIFY clause // ------------- if (getQualify().hasWhere()) context.formatSeparator() .visit(K_QUALIFY) .sql(' ') .visit(getQualify()); // WINDOW clause // ------------- context.start(SELECT_WINDOW); if (Tools.isNotEmpty(window) && SUPPORT_WINDOW_CLAUSE.contains(context.dialect())) context.formatSeparator() .visit(K_WINDOW) .separatorRequired(true) .declareWindows(true) .visit(window) .declareWindows(false); context.end(SELECT_WINDOW); // ORDER BY clause for local subselect // ----------------------------------- toSQLOrderBy( context, originalFields, alternativeFields, false, wrapQueryExpressionBodyInDerivedTable, orderBy, limit ); // SET operations like UNION, EXCEPT, INTERSECT // -------------------------------------------- if (unionOpSize > 0) { unionParenthesis(context, ')', null, derivedTableRequired(context, this), unionParensRequired); for (int i = 0; i < unionOpSize; i++) { CombineOperator op = unionOp.get(i); for (Select<?> other : union.get(i)) { boolean derivedTableRequired = derivedTableRequired(context, other); context.formatSeparator() .visit(op.toKeyword(family)); if (unionParensRequired) context.sql(' '); else context.formatSeparator(); unionParenthesis(context, '(', other.getSelect().toArray(EMPTY_FIELD), derivedTableRequired, unionParensRequired); context.visit(other); unionParenthesis(context, ')', null, derivedTableRequired, unionParensRequired); } // [#1658] Close parentheses opened previously if (i < unionOpSize - 1) unionParenthesis(context, ')', null, derivedTableRequired(context, this), unionParensRequired); switch (unionOp.get(i)) { case EXCEPT: context.end(SELECT_EXCEPT); break; case EXCEPT_ALL: context.end(SELECT_EXCEPT_ALL); break; case INTERSECT: context.end(SELECT_INTERSECT); break; case INTERSECT_ALL: context.end(SELECT_INTERSECT_ALL); break; case UNION: context.end(SELECT_UNION); break; case UNION_ALL: context.end(SELECT_UNION_ALL); break; } } if (unionOpNesting) context.data().remove(DATA_NESTED_SET_OPERATIONS); } if (wrapQueryExpressionBodyInDerivedTable) { context.formatIndentEnd() .formatNewLine() .sql(") t"); if (applySeekOnDerivedTable) { context.formatSeparator() .visit(K_WHERE) .sql(' ') .qualify(false) .visit(getSeekCondition()) .qualify(qualify); } } // ORDER BY clause for UNION // ------------------------- try { context.qualify(false); toSQLOrderBy( context, originalFields, alternativeFields, wrapQueryExpressionInDerivedTable, wrapQueryExpressionBodyInDerivedTable, unionOrderBy, unionLimit ); } finally { context.qualify(qualify); } } private final boolean hasOuterJoins(TableList tablelist) { for (Table<?> table : tablelist) if (table instanceof JoinTable && hasOuterJoins((JoinTable) table)) return true; return false; } private final boolean hasOuterJoins(JoinTable join) { switch (join.type) { case CROSS_JOIN: case JOIN: case NATURAL_JOIN: case STRAIGHT_JOIN: return join.lhs instanceof JoinTable && hasOuterJoins((JoinTable) join.lhs) || join.rhs instanceof JoinTable && hasOuterJoins((JoinTable) join.rhs); default: return true; } } private final boolean hasInlineDerivedTables(TableList tablelist) { for (Table<?> table : tablelist) if (table instanceof InlineDerivedTable) return true; else if (table instanceof JoinTable && hasInlineDerivedTables((JoinTable) table)) return true; return false; } private final boolean hasInlineDerivedTables(JoinTable join) { return join.lhs instanceof InlineDerivedTable || join.rhs instanceof InlineDerivedTable || join.lhs instanceof JoinTable && hasInlineDerivedTables((JoinTable) join.lhs) || join.rhs instanceof JoinTable && hasInlineDerivedTables((JoinTable) join.rhs); } private final TableList transformInlineDerivedTables(TableList tablelist, ConditionProviderImpl where) { // [#10353] A first implementation supports this feature only when there are no outer joins if (hasOuterJoins(tablelist) || !hasInlineDerivedTables(tablelist)) return tablelist; TableList result = new TableList(); for (Table<?> table : tablelist) transformInlineDerivedTable0(table, result, where); return result; } private final void transformInlineDerivedTable0(Table<?> table, TableList result, ConditionProviderImpl where) { if (table instanceof InlineDerivedTable) { InlineDerivedTable<?> t = (InlineDerivedTable<?>) table; result.add(t.table()); where.addConditions(t.condition()); } else if (table instanceof JoinTable) result.add(transformInlineDerivedTables0(table, where)); else result.add(table); } private final Table<?> transformInlineDerivedTables0(Table<?> table, ConditionProviderImpl where) { if (table instanceof InlineDerivedTable) { InlineDerivedTable<?> t = (InlineDerivedTable<?>) table; where.addConditions(t.condition()); return t.table(); } else if (table instanceof JoinTable) return ((JoinTable) table).transform( transformInlineDerivedTables0(((JoinTable) table).lhs, where), transformInlineDerivedTables0(((JoinTable) table).rhs, where) ); else return table; } private final void toSQLOrderBy( final Context<?> ctx, final Field<?>[] originalFields, final Field<?>[] alternativeFields, final boolean wrapQueryExpressionInDerivedTable, final boolean wrapQueryExpressionBodyInDerivedTable, QueryPartListView<SortField<?>> actualOrderBy, Limit actualLimit ) { ctx.start(SELECT_ORDER_BY); // [#6197] When emulating WITH TIES using RANK() in a subquery, we must avoid rendering the // subquery's ORDER BY clause if (!getLimit().withTies() // Dialects with native support || SUPPORT_FULL_WITH_TIES.contains(ctx.dialect()) ) { if (!actualOrderBy.isEmpty()) { ctx.formatSeparator() .visit(K_ORDER); ctx.sql(' ').visit(K_BY).separatorRequired(true); { ctx.visit(actualOrderBy); } } } ctx.end(SELECT_ORDER_BY); if (wrapQueryExpressionInDerivedTable) ctx.formatIndentEnd() .formatNewLine() .sql(") x"); if (TRUE.equals(ctx.data().get(DATA_RENDER_TRAILING_LIMIT_IF_APPLICABLE)) && actualLimit.isApplicable()) ctx.visit(actualLimit); } private final boolean applySeekOnDerivedTable() { return !getSeek().isEmpty() && !getOrderBy().isEmpty() && !unionOp.isEmpty(); } private final boolean wrapQueryExpressionBodyInDerivedTable(Context<?> ctx) { return true ; } private static final Set<SQLDialect> NO_SUPPORT_UNION_PARENTHESES = SQLDialect.supportedBy(SQLITE); private static final Set<SQLDialect> NO_SUPPORT_CTE_IN_UNION = SQLDialect.supportedBy(HSQLDB, MARIADB); private static final Set<SQLDialect> UNION_PARENTHESIS = SQLDialect.supportedBy(DERBY, MARIADB, MYSQL); final boolean hasUnions() { return !unionOp.isEmpty(); } private final boolean unionOpNesting() { if (unionOp.size() > 1) return true; SelectQueryImpl<?> s; for (QueryPartList<Select<?>> s1 : union) for (Select<?> s2 : s1) if ((s = selectQueryImpl(s2)) != null && !s.unionOp.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } private final boolean derivedTableRequired(Context<?> context, Select<?> s1) { SelectQueryImpl<?> s; // [#10711] Some derived tables are needed if dialects don't support CTE in union subqueries return NO_SUPPORT_CTE_IN_UNION.contains(context.dialect()) && (s = selectQueryImpl(s1)) != null && s.with != null; } private final boolean unionParensRequired(Context<?> context) { if (unionParensRequired(this) || context.settings().isRenderParenthesisAroundSetOperationQueries()) return true; CombineOperator op = unionOp.get(0); // [#3676] EXCEPT and EXCEPT ALL are not associative if ((op == EXCEPT || op == EXCEPT_ALL) && union.get(0).size() > 1) return true; // [#3676] if a query has an ORDER BY or LIMIT clause parens are required SelectQueryImpl<?> s; for (QueryPartList<Select<?>> s1 : union) for (Select<?> s2 : s1) if ((s = selectQueryImpl(s2)) != null && unionParensRequired(s)) return true; return false; } private final boolean unionParensRequired(SelectQueryImpl<?> s) { return s.orderBy.size() > 0 || s.limit.isApplicable() || s.with != null; } private final boolean unionParenthesis( Context<?> ctx, char parenthesis, Field<?>[] fields, boolean derivedTableRequired, boolean parensRequired ) { if ('(' == parenthesis) ((AbstractContext<?>) ctx).subquery0(true, true); else if (')' == parenthesis) ((AbstractContext<?>) ctx).subquery0(false, true); derivedTableRequired |= derivedTableRequired // [#3579] [#6431] [#7222] Some databases don't support nested set operations at all // because they do not allow wrapping set op subqueries in parentheses || NO_SUPPORT_UNION_PARENTHESES.contains(ctx.dialect()) // [#3579] [#6431] [#7222] Nested set operations aren't supported, but parenthesised // set op subqueries are. || (TRUE.equals(ctx.data(DATA_NESTED_SET_OPERATIONS)) && UNION_PARENTHESIS.contains(ctx.dialect())) // [#2995] Ambiguity may need to be resolved when parentheses could mean both: // Set op subqueries or insert column lists || TRUE.equals(ctx.data(DATA_INSERT_SELECT_WITHOUT_INSERT_COLUMN_LIST)) ; parensRequired |= derivedTableRequired; if (parensRequired && ')' == parenthesis) { ctx.formatIndentEnd() .formatNewLine(); } // [#3579] Nested set operators aren't supported in some databases. Emulate them via derived tables... // [#7222] Do this only in the presence of actual nested set operators else if (parensRequired && '(' == parenthesis) { if (derivedTableRequired) { ctx.formatNewLine() .visit(K_SELECT).sql(' '); // [#7222] Workaround for https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DERBY-6983 if (ctx.family() == DERBY) ctx.visit(new SelectFieldList<>(Tools.unqualified(fields))); else ctx.sql('*'); ctx.formatSeparator() .visit(K_FROM) .sql(' '); } } // [#3579] ... but don't use derived tables to emulate nested set operators for Firebird, as that // only causes many more issues in various contexts where they are not allowed: // - Recursive CTE // - INSERT SELECT // - Derived tables with undefined column names (see also [#3679]) switch (ctx.family()) { case FIREBIRD: break; default: if (parensRequired) ctx.sql(parenthesis); break; } if (parensRequired && '(' == parenthesis) { ctx.formatIndentStart() .formatNewLine(); } else if (parensRequired && ')' == parenthesis) { if (derivedTableRequired) ctx.sql(" x"); } return parensRequired; } @Override public final void addSelect(Collection<? extends SelectFieldOrAsterisk> fields) { getSelectAsSpecified().addAll(fields); } @Override public final void addSelect(SelectFieldOrAsterisk... fields) { addSelect(Arrays.asList(fields)); } @Override public final void setDistinct(boolean distinct) { this.distinct = distinct; } @Override public final void addDistinctOn(SelectFieldOrAsterisk... fields) { addDistinctOn(Arrays.asList(fields)); } @Override public final void addDistinctOn(Collection<? extends SelectFieldOrAsterisk> fields) { if (distinctOn == null) distinctOn = new QueryPartList<>(); distinctOn.addAll(fields); } @Override public final void setInto(Table<?> into) { this.into = into; } @Override public final void addOffset(int offset) { addOffset((Number) offset); } @Override public final void addOffset(Number offset) { getLimit().setOffset(offset); } @Override public final void addOffset(Param<? extends Number> offset) { getLimit().setOffset(offset); } @Override public final void addLimit(int numberOfRows) { addLimit((Number) numberOfRows); } @Override public final void addLimit(Number numberOfRows) { getLimit().setNumberOfRows(numberOfRows); } @Override public final void addLimit(Param<? extends Number> numberOfRows) { getLimit().setNumberOfRows(numberOfRows); } @Override public final void addLimit(int offset, int numberOfRows) { addLimit((Number) offset, (Number) numberOfRows); } @Override public final void addLimit(Number offset, Number numberOfRows) { getLimit().setOffset(offset); getLimit().setNumberOfRows(numberOfRows); } @Override public final void addLimit(int offset, Param<Integer> numberOfRows) { addLimit((Number) offset, numberOfRows); } @Override public final void addLimit(Number offset, Param<? extends Number> numberOfRows) { getLimit().setOffset(offset); getLimit().setNumberOfRows(numberOfRows); } @Override public final void addLimit(Param<Integer> offset, int numberOfRows) { addLimit(offset, (Number) numberOfRows); } @Override public final void addLimit(Param<? extends Number> offset, Number numberOfRows) { getLimit().setOffset(offset); getLimit().setNumberOfRows(numberOfRows); } @Override public final void addLimit(Param<? extends Number> offset, Param<? extends Number> numberOfRows) { getLimit().setOffset(offset); getLimit().setNumberOfRows(numberOfRows); } @Override public final void setLimitPercent(boolean percent) { getLimit().setPercent(percent); } @Override public final void setWithTies(boolean withTies) { getLimit().setWithTies(withTies); } final ForLock forLock() { if (forLock == null) forLock = new ForLock(); return forLock; } @Override public final void setForUpdate(boolean forUpdate) { if (forUpdate) forLock().forLockMode = ForLockMode.UPDATE; else forLock = null; } @Override public final void setForNoKeyUpdate(boolean forNoKeyUpdate) { if (forNoKeyUpdate) forLock().forLockMode = ForLockMode.NO_KEY_UPDATE; else forLock = null; } @Override public final void setForKeyShare(boolean forKeyShare) { if (forKeyShare) forLock().forLockMode = ForLockMode.KEY_SHARE; else forLock = null; } @Override public final void setForUpdateOf(Field<?>... fields) { setForLockModeOf(fields); } @Override public final void setForUpdateOf(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields) { setForLockModeOf(fields); } @Override public final void setForUpdateOf(Table<?>... tables) { setForLockModeOf(tables); } @Override public final void setForUpdateWait(int seconds) { setForLockModeWait(seconds); } @Override public final void setForUpdateNoWait() { setForLockModeNoWait(); } @Override public final void setForUpdateSkipLocked() { setForLockModeSkipLocked(); } @Override public final void setForShare(boolean forShare) { if (forShare) forLock().forLockMode = ForLockMode.SHARE; else forLock = null; } @Override public final void setForLockModeOf(Field<?>... fields) { setForLockModeOf(Arrays.asList(fields)); } @Override public final void setForLockModeOf(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields) { initLockMode(); forLock().forLockOf = new QueryPartList<>(fields); forLock().forLockOfTables = null; } @Override public final void setForLockModeOf(Table<?>... tables) { initLockMode(); forLock().forLockOf = null; forLock().forLockOfTables = new TableList(Arrays.asList(tables)); } @Override public final void setForLockModeWait(int seconds) { initLockMode(); forLock().forLockWaitMode = ForLockWaitMode.WAIT; forLock().forLockWait = seconds; } @Override public final void setForLockModeNoWait() { initLockMode(); forLock().forLockWaitMode = ForLockWaitMode.NOWAIT; forLock().forLockWait = 0; } @Override public final void setForLockModeSkipLocked() { initLockMode(); forLock().forLockWaitMode = ForLockWaitMode.SKIP_LOCKED; forLock().forLockWait = 0; } private final void initLockMode() { forLock().forLockMode = forLock().forLockMode == null ? ForLockMode.UPDATE : forLock().forLockMode; } @Override public final List<Field<?>> getSelect() { return getSelectResolveAllAsterisks(Tools.configuration(configuration())); } private final Collection<? extends Field<?>> subtract(List<Field<?>> left, List<Field<?>> right) { // [#7921] TODO Make this functionality more generally reusable Fields<?> e = new Fields<>(right); List<Field<?>> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (Field<?> f : left) if (e.field(f) == null) result.add(f); return result; }
The select list as specified by the API user.
/** * The select list as specified by the API user. */
final SelectFieldList<SelectFieldOrAsterisk> getSelectAsSpecified() { return select; }
The select list with resolved implicit asterisks.
/** * The select list with resolved implicit asterisks. */
final SelectFieldList<SelectFieldOrAsterisk> getSelectResolveImplicitAsterisks() { if (getSelectAsSpecified().isEmpty()) return resolveAsterisk(new SelectFieldList<>()); return getSelectAsSpecified(); }
The select list with resolved explicit asterisks (if they contain the except clause and that is not supported).
/** * The select list with resolved explicit asterisks (if they contain the * except clause and that is not supported). */
final SelectFieldList<SelectFieldOrAsterisk> getSelectResolveUnsupportedAsterisks(Configuration c) { return getSelectResolveSomeAsterisks0(c, false); }
The select list with resolved explicit asterisks (if they contain the except clause and that is not supported).
/** * The select list with resolved explicit asterisks (if they contain the * except clause and that is not supported). */
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) final SelectFieldList<Field<?>> getSelectResolveAllAsterisks(Configuration c) { return (SelectFieldList) getSelectResolveSomeAsterisks0(c, true); } private final SelectFieldList<SelectFieldOrAsterisk> getSelectResolveSomeAsterisks0(Configuration c, boolean resolveSupported) { SelectFieldList<SelectFieldOrAsterisk> result = new SelectFieldList<>(); // [#7921] Only H2 supports the * EXCEPT (..) syntax boolean resolveExcept = resolveSupported || c.family() != H2; // [#7921] TODO Find a better, more efficient way to resolve asterisks for (SelectFieldOrAsterisk f : getSelectResolveImplicitAsterisks()) if (f instanceof Field<?>) result.add(getResolveProjection(c, (Field<?>) f)); else if (f instanceof QualifiedAsterisk) if (((QualifiedAsteriskImpl) f).fields.isEmpty()) if (resolveSupported) result.addAll(Arrays.asList(((QualifiedAsterisk) f).qualifier().fields())); else result.add(f); else if (resolveExcept) result.addAll(subtract(Arrays.asList(((QualifiedAsterisk) f).qualifier().fields()), (((QualifiedAsteriskImpl) f).fields))); else result.add(f); else if (f instanceof Asterisk) if (((AsteriskImpl) f).fields.isEmpty()) if (resolveSupported) result.addAll(resolveAsterisk(new QueryPartList<>())); else result.add(f); else if (resolveExcept) result.addAll(resolveAsterisk(new QueryPartList<>(), ((AsteriskImpl) f).fields)); else result.add(f); else throw new AssertionError("Type not supported: " + f); return result; } private final Field<?> getResolveProjection(Configuration c, Field<?> f) { return f; } private final <Q extends QueryPartList<? super Field<?>>> Q resolveAsterisk(Q result) { return resolveAsterisk(result, null); } private final <Q extends QueryPartList<? super Field<?>>> Q resolveAsterisk(Q result, QueryPartList<Field<?>> except) { Fields<?> e = except == null ? null : new Fields<>(except); // [#109] [#489] [#7231]: SELECT * is only applied when at least one // table from the table source is "unknown", i.e. not generated from a // physical table. Otherwise, the fields are selected explicitly if (knownTableSource()) if (e == null) for (TableLike<?> table : getFrom()) for (Field<?> field : table.asTable().fields()) result.add(field); else for (TableLike<?> table : getFrom()) for (Field<?> field : table.asTable().fields()) if (e.field(field) == null) result.add(field); // The default is SELECT 1, when projections and table sources are // both empty if (getFrom().isEmpty()) result.add(one()); return result; } private final boolean knownTableSource() { for (Table<?> table : getFrom()) if (!knownTable(table)) return false; return true; } private final boolean knownTable(Table<?> table) { if (table instanceof JoinTable) return knownTable(((JoinTable) table).lhs) && knownTable(((JoinTable) table).rhs); else return table.fieldsRow().size() > 0; } private final boolean containsTable(Table<?> table) { for (Table<?> t : getFrom()) if (containsTable(t, table)) return true; return false; } private final boolean containsTable(Table<?> table, Table<?> contained) { Table<?> alias; if ((alias = Tools.aliased(table)) != null) return containsTable(alias, contained); else if ((alias = Tools.aliased(contained)) != null) return containsTable(table, alias); else if (table instanceof JoinTable) return containsTable(((JoinTable) table).lhs, contained) || containsTable(((JoinTable) table).rhs, contained); else return contained.equals(table); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override final Class<? extends R> getRecordType0() { // Generated record classes only come into play, when the select is // - on a single table // - a select * if (getFrom().size() == 1 && getSelectAsSpecified().isEmpty()) return (Class<? extends R>) getFrom().get(0).asTable().getRecordType(); // TODO: [#4695] Calculate the correct Record[B] type else return (Class<? extends R>) RecordImplN.class; } final TableList getFrom() { return from; } final void setGrouping() { grouping = true; } final ConditionProviderImpl getWhere() { ConditionProviderImpl result = new ConditionProviderImpl(); if (condition.hasWhere()) result.addConditions(condition.getWhere()); // Apply SEEK predicates in the WHERE clause only if: // - There is an ORDER BY clause (SEEK is non-deterministic) // - There is a SEEK clause (obvious case) // - There are no unions (union is nested in derived table // and SEEK predicate is applied outside). See [#7459] if (!getOrderBy().isEmpty() && !getSeek().isEmpty() && unionOp.isEmpty()) result.addConditions(getSeekCondition()); return result; } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) final Condition getSeekCondition() { SortFieldList o = getOrderBy(); Condition c = null; // [#2786] TODO: Check if NULLS FIRST | NULLS LAST clauses are // contained in the SortFieldList, in case of which, the below // predicates will become a lot more complicated. if (o.nulls()) {} // If we have uniform sorting, more efficient row value expression // predicates can be applied, which can be heavily optimised on some // databases. if (o.size() > 1 && o.uniform()) { if (o.get(0).getOrder() != DESC ^ seekBefore) c = row(o.fields()).gt(row(getSeek())); else c = row(o.fields()).lt(row(getSeek())); } // With alternating sorting, the SEEK clause has to be explicitly // phrased for each ORDER BY field. else { ConditionProviderImpl or = new ConditionProviderImpl(); for (int i = 0; i < o.size(); i++) { ConditionProviderImpl and = new ConditionProviderImpl(); for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) and.addConditions(((Field) ((SortFieldImpl<?>) o.get(j)).getField()).eq(getSeek().get(j))); SortFieldImpl<?> s = (SortFieldImpl<?>) o.get(i); if (s.getOrder() != DESC ^ seekBefore) and.addConditions(((Field) s.getField()).gt(getSeek().get(i))); else and.addConditions(((Field) s.getField()).lt(getSeek().get(i))); or.addConditions(OR, and); } c = or; } return c; } final ConditionProviderImpl getHaving() { return having; } final ConditionProviderImpl getQualify() { return qualify; } final SortFieldList getOrderBy() { return (unionOp.size() == 0) ? orderBy : unionOrderBy; } final QueryPartList<Field<?>> getSeek() { return (unionOp.size() == 0) ? seek : unionSeek; } final Limit getLimit() { return (unionOp.size() == 0) ? limit : unionLimit; } final SortFieldList getNonEmptyOrderBy(Configuration configuration) { if (getOrderBy().isEmpty()) { SortFieldList result = new SortFieldList(); switch (configuration.family()) { default: result.add(DSL.field("({select} 0)").asc()); break; } return result; } return getOrderBy(); } final SortFieldList getNonEmptyOrderByForDistinct(Configuration configuration) { SortFieldList order = new SortFieldList(); order.addAll(getNonEmptyOrderBy(configuration)); for (Field<?> field : getSelect()) order.add(field.asc()); return order; } @Override public final void addOrderBy(Collection<? extends OrderField<?>> fields) { getOrderBy().addAll(Tools.sortFields(fields)); } @Override public final void addOrderBy(OrderField<?>... fields) { addOrderBy(Arrays.asList(fields)); } @Override public final void addOrderBy(int... fieldIndexes) { addOrderBy(Tools.inline(fieldIndexes)); } @Override public final void addSeekAfter(Field<?>... fields) { addSeekAfter(Arrays.asList(fields)); } @Override public final void addSeekAfter(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields) { if (unionOp.size() == 0) seekBefore = false; else unionSeekBefore = false; getSeek().addAll(fields); } @Override @Deprecated public final void addSeekBefore(Field<?>... fields) { addSeekBefore(Arrays.asList(fields)); } @Override @Deprecated public final void addSeekBefore(Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields) { if (unionOp.size() == 0) seekBefore = true; else unionSeekBefore = true; getSeek().addAll(fields); } @Override public final void addConditions(Condition conditions) { condition.addConditions(conditions); } @Override public final void addConditions(Condition... conditions) { condition.addConditions(conditions); } @Override public final void addConditions(Collection<? extends Condition> conditions) { condition.addConditions(conditions); } @Override public final void addConditions(Operator operator, Condition conditions) { condition.addConditions(operator, conditions); } @Override public final void addConditions(Operator operator, Condition... conditions) { condition.addConditions(operator, conditions); } @Override public final void addConditions(Operator operator, Collection<? extends Condition> conditions) { condition.addConditions(operator, conditions); } final void setHint(String hint) { this.hint = hint; } final void setOption(String option) { this.option = option; } @Override public final void addFrom(Collection<? extends TableLike<?>> f) { for (TableLike<?> provider : f) getFrom().add(provider.asTable()); } @Override public final void addFrom(TableLike<?> f) { getFrom().add(f.asTable()); } @Override public final void addFrom(TableLike<?>... f) { for (TableLike<?> provider : f) getFrom().add(provider.asTable()); } @Override public final void addGroupBy(Collection<? extends GroupField> fields) { setGrouping(); if (groupBy == null) groupBy = new QueryPartList<>(); groupBy.addAll(fields); } @Override public final void addGroupBy(GroupField... fields) { addGroupBy(Arrays.asList(fields)); } @Override public final void addHaving(Condition conditions) { getHaving().addConditions(conditions); } @Override public final void addHaving(Condition... conditions) { getHaving().addConditions(conditions); } @Override public final void addHaving(Collection<? extends Condition> conditions) { getHaving().addConditions(conditions); } @Override public final void addHaving(Operator operator, Condition conditions) { getHaving().addConditions(operator, conditions); } @Override public final void addHaving(Operator operator, Condition... conditions) { getHaving().addConditions(operator, conditions); } @Override public final void addHaving(Operator operator, Collection<? extends Condition> conditions) { getHaving().addConditions(operator, conditions); } @Override public final void addWindow(WindowDefinition... definitions) { addWindow(Arrays.asList(definitions)); } @Override public final void addWindow(Collection<? extends WindowDefinition> definitions) { if (window == null) window = new WindowList(); window.addAll(definitions); } @Override public final void addQualify(Condition conditions) { getQualify().addConditions(conditions); } @Override public final void addQualify(Condition... conditions) { getQualify().addConditions(conditions); } @Override public final void addQualify(Collection<? extends Condition> conditions) { getQualify().addConditions(conditions); } @Override public final void addQualify(Operator operator, Condition conditions) { getQualify().addConditions(operator, conditions); } @Override public final void addQualify(Operator operator, Condition... conditions) { getQualify().addConditions(operator, conditions); } @Override public final void addQualify(Operator operator, Collection<? extends Condition> conditions) { getQualify().addConditions(operator, conditions); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private final Select<R> combine(CombineOperator op, Select<? extends R> other) { // [#8557] Prevent StackOverflowError when using same query instance on // both sides of a set operation if (this == other || (other instanceof SelectImpl && this == ((SelectImpl) other).getDelegate())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("In jOOQ 3.x's mutable DSL API, it is not possible to use the same instance of a Select query on both sides of a set operation like s.union(s)"); int index = unionOp.size() - 1; if (index == -1 || unionOp.get(index) != op || op == EXCEPT || op == EXCEPT_ALL) { unionOp.add(op); union.add(new QueryPartList<>()); index++; } union.get(index).add(other); return this; } @Override public final Select<R> union(Select<? extends R> other) { return combine(UNION, other); } @Override public final Select<R> unionAll(Select<? extends R> other) { return combine(UNION_ALL, other); } @Override public final Select<R> except(Select<? extends R> other) { return combine(EXCEPT, other); } @Override public final Select<R> exceptAll(Select<? extends R> other) { return combine(EXCEPT_ALL, other); } @Override public final Select<R> intersect(Select<? extends R> other) { return combine(INTERSECT, other); } @Override public final Select<R> intersectAll(Select<? extends R> other) { return combine(INTERSECT_ALL, other); } @Override public final void addJoin(TableLike<?> table, Condition conditions) { addJoin(table, JoinType.JOIN, conditions); } @Override public final void addJoin(TableLike<?> table, Condition... conditions) { addJoin(table, JoinType.JOIN, conditions); } @Override public final void addJoin(TableLike<?> table, JoinType type, Condition conditions) { addJoin0(table, type, conditions, null); } @Override public final void addJoin(TableLike<?> table, JoinType type, Condition... conditions) { addJoin0(table, type, conditions, null); } private final void addJoin0(TableLike<?> table, JoinType type, Object conditions, Field<?>[] partitionBy) { // TODO: This and similar methods should be refactored, patterns extracted... int index = getFrom().size() - 1; Table<?> joined = null; switch (type) { case JOIN: case STRAIGHT_JOIN: case LEFT_SEMI_JOIN: case LEFT_ANTI_JOIN: case FULL_OUTER_JOIN: { TableOptionalOnStep<Record> o = getFrom().get(index).join(table, type); if (conditions instanceof Condition) joined = o.on((Condition) conditions); else joined = o.on((Condition[]) conditions); break; } case LEFT_OUTER_JOIN: case RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN: { TablePartitionByStep<?> p = (TablePartitionByStep<?>) getFrom().get(index).join(table, type); TableOnStep<?> o = p; if (conditions instanceof Condition) joined = o.on((Condition) conditions); else joined = o.on((Condition[]) conditions); break; } // These join types don't take any ON clause. Ignore conditions. case CROSS_JOIN: case NATURAL_JOIN: case NATURAL_LEFT_OUTER_JOIN: case NATURAL_RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN: case NATURAL_FULL_OUTER_JOIN: case CROSS_APPLY: case OUTER_APPLY: joined = getFrom().get(index).join(table, type); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad join type: " + type); } getFrom().set(index, joined); } @Override public final void addJoinOnKey(TableLike<?> table, JoinType type) throws DataAccessException { // TODO: This and similar methods should be refactored, patterns extracted... int index = getFrom().size() - 1; Table<?> joined = null; switch (type) { case JOIN: case LEFT_OUTER_JOIN: case RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN: case FULL_OUTER_JOIN: case LEFT_SEMI_JOIN: case LEFT_ANTI_JOIN: joined = getFrom().get(index).join(table, type).onKey(); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("JoinType " + type + " is not supported with the addJoinOnKey() method. Use INNER or OUTER JOINs only"); } getFrom().set(index, joined); } @Override public final void addJoinOnKey(TableLike<?> table, JoinType type, TableField<?, ?>... keyFields) throws DataAccessException { // TODO: This and similar methods should be refactored, patterns extracted... int index = getFrom().size() - 1; Table<?> joined = null; switch (type) { case JOIN: case LEFT_OUTER_JOIN: case RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN: case FULL_OUTER_JOIN: case LEFT_SEMI_JOIN: case LEFT_ANTI_JOIN: joined = getFrom().get(index).join(table, type).onKey(keyFields); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("JoinType " + type + " is not supported with the addJoinOnKey() method. Use INNER or OUTER JOINs only"); } getFrom().set(index, joined); } @Override public final void addJoinOnKey(TableLike<?> table, JoinType type, ForeignKey<?, ?> key) { // TODO: This and similar methods should be refactored, patterns extracted... int index = getFrom().size() - 1; Table<?> joined = null; switch (type) { case JOIN: case LEFT_OUTER_JOIN: case RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN: case FULL_OUTER_JOIN: case LEFT_SEMI_JOIN: case LEFT_ANTI_JOIN: joined = getFrom().get(index).join(table, type).onKey(key); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("JoinType " + type + " is not supported with the addJoinOnKey() method. Use INNER or OUTER JOINs only"); } getFrom().set(index, joined); } @Override public final void addJoinUsing(TableLike<?> table, Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields) { addJoinUsing(table, JoinType.JOIN, fields); } @Override public final void addJoinUsing(TableLike<?> table, JoinType type, Collection<? extends Field<?>> fields) { // TODO: This and similar methods should be refactored, patterns extracted... int index = getFrom().size() - 1; Table<?> joined = null; switch (type) { case JOIN: case LEFT_OUTER_JOIN: case RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN: case FULL_OUTER_JOIN: case LEFT_SEMI_JOIN: case LEFT_ANTI_JOIN: joined = getFrom().get(index).join(table, type).using(fields); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("JoinType " + type + " is not supported with the addJoinUsing() method. Use INNER or OUTER JOINs only"); } getFrom().set(index, joined); } @Override public final void addHint(String h) { setHint(h); } @Override public final void addOption(String o) { setOption(o); } }