 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2010, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
 * statements applied by the authors.  All third-party contributions are
 * distributed under license by Red Hat Inc.
 * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
 * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
 * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this distribution; if not, write to:
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
 * Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
package org.hibernate.cfg;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import javax.persistence.AttributeConverter;
import javax.persistence.Converter;
import javax.persistence.Embeddable;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.MapsId;

import org.hibernate.AnnotationException;
import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure;
import org.hibernate.DuplicateMappingException;
import org.hibernate.EmptyInterceptor;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.Interceptor;
import org.hibernate.InvalidMappingException;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.MappingNotFoundException;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactoryObserver;
import org.hibernate.annotations.AnyMetaDef;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.MetadataProvider;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.MetadataProviderInjector;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.ReflectionManager;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XClass;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.java.JavaReflectionManager;
import org.hibernate.boot.registry.StandardServiceRegistryBuilder;
import org.hibernate.boot.registry.classloading.spi.ClassLoaderService;
import org.hibernate.boot.registry.internal.StandardServiceRegistryImpl;
import org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.NamedEntityGraphDefinition;
import org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.NamedProcedureCallDefinition;
import org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.reflection.JPAMetadataProvider;
import org.hibernate.cfg.naming.LegacyNamingStrategyDelegator;
import org.hibernate.cfg.naming.NamingStrategyDelegator;
import org.hibernate.context.spi.CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect;
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.SQLFunction;
import org.hibernate.engine.ResultSetMappingDefinition;
import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.JdbcServices;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.FilterDefinition;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.Mapping;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.NamedQueryDefinition;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.NamedSQLQueryDefinition;
import org.hibernate.id.IdentifierGenerator;
import org.hibernate.id.IdentifierGeneratorAggregator;
import org.hibernate.id.PersistentIdentifierGenerator;
import org.hibernate.id.factory.IdentifierGeneratorFactory;
import org.hibernate.id.factory.internal.DefaultIdentifierGeneratorFactory;
import org.hibernate.id.factory.spi.MutableIdentifierGeneratorFactory;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.ClassLoaderHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.ConfigHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.ReflectHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.SerializationHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.collections.ArrayHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.collections.CollectionHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.collections.JoinedIterator;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.config.ConfigurationHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.xml.ErrorLogger;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.xml.MappingReader;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.xml.Origin;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.xml.OriginImpl;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.xml.XMLHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.xml.XmlDocument;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.xml.XmlDocumentImpl;
import org.hibernate.mapping.AuxiliaryDatabaseObject;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Collection;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Column;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Constraint;
import org.hibernate.mapping.DenormalizedTable;
import org.hibernate.mapping.FetchProfile;
import org.hibernate.mapping.ForeignKey;
import org.hibernate.mapping.IdGenerator;
import org.hibernate.mapping.IdentifierCollection;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Index;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Join;
import org.hibernate.mapping.MappedSuperclass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.MetadataSource;
import org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Property;
import org.hibernate.mapping.RootClass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.SimpleValue;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Table;
import org.hibernate.mapping.TypeDef;
import org.hibernate.mapping.UniqueKey;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.spi.TypeContributions;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.spi.TypeContributor;
import org.hibernate.proxy.EntityNotFoundDelegate;
import org.hibernate.secure.spi.GrantedPermission;
import org.hibernate.secure.spi.JaccPermissionDeclarations;
import org.hibernate.service.ServiceRegistry;
import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.DatabaseMetadata;
import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.IndexMetadata;
import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdateScript;
import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.TableMetadata;
import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.UniqueConstraintSchemaUpdateStrategy;
import org.hibernate.tuple.entity.EntityTuplizerFactory;
import org.hibernate.type.BasicType;
import org.hibernate.type.SerializationException;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;
import org.hibernate.type.TypeResolver;
import org.hibernate.usertype.CompositeUserType;
import org.hibernate.usertype.UserType;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

import org.dom4j.Attribute;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.DocumentException;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;

An instance of Configuration allows the application to specify properties and mapping documents to be used when creating a SessionFactory. Usually an application will create a single Configuration, build a single instance of SessionFactory and then instantiate Sessions in threads servicing client requests. The Configuration is meant only as an initialization-time object. SessionFactorys are immutable and do not retain any association back to the Configuration.

A new Configuration will use the properties specified in hibernate.properties by default.

NOTE : This will be replaced by use of StandardServiceRegistryBuilder and MetadataSources instead after the 4.0 release at which point this class will become deprecated and scheduled for removal in 5.0. See HHH-6183, HHH-2578 and HHH-6586 for details
Author:Gavin King
See Also:
/** * An instance of <tt>Configuration</tt> allows the application * to specify properties and mapping documents to be used when * creating a <tt>SessionFactory</tt>. Usually an application will create * a single <tt>Configuration</tt>, build a single instance of * <tt>SessionFactory</tt> and then instantiate <tt>Session</tt>s in * threads servicing client requests. The <tt>Configuration</tt> is meant * only as an initialization-time object. <tt>SessionFactory</tt>s are * immutable and do not retain any association back to the * <tt>Configuration</tt>.<br> * <br> * A new <tt>Configuration</tt> will use the properties specified in * <tt>hibernate.properties</tt> by default. * <p/> * NOTE : This will be replaced by use of {@link org.hibernate.boot.registry.StandardServiceRegistryBuilder} and * {@link org.hibernate.metamodel.MetadataSources} instead after the 4.0 release at which point this class will become * deprecated and scheduled for removal in 5.0. See * <a href="http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HHH-6183">HHH-6183</a>, * <a href="http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HHH-2578">HHH-2578</a> and * <a href="http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HHH-6586">HHH-6586</a> for details * * @author Gavin King * @see org.hibernate.SessionFactory */
@SuppressWarnings( {"UnusedDeclaration"}) public class Configuration implements Serializable { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = Logger.getMessageLogger(CoreMessageLogger.class, Configuration.class.getName()); public static final String DEFAULT_CACHE_CONCURRENCY_STRATEGY = AvailableSettings.DEFAULT_CACHE_CONCURRENCY_STRATEGY; public static final String USE_NEW_ID_GENERATOR_MAPPINGS = AvailableSettings.USE_NEW_ID_GENERATOR_MAPPINGS; public static final String ARTEFACT_PROCESSING_ORDER = "hibernate.mapping.precedence";
Class name of the class needed to enable Search.
/** * Class name of the class needed to enable Search. */
private static final String SEARCH_STARTUP_CLASS = "org.hibernate.search.event.EventListenerRegister";
Method to call to enable Search.
/** * Method to call to enable Search. */
private static final String SEARCH_STARTUP_METHOD = "enableHibernateSearch"; protected MetadataSourceQueue metadataSourceQueue; private transient ReflectionManager reflectionManager; protected Map<String, PersistentClass> classes; protected Map<String, String> imports; protected Map<String, Collection> collections; protected Map<String, Table> tables; protected List<AuxiliaryDatabaseObject> auxiliaryDatabaseObjects; protected Map<String, NamedQueryDefinition> namedQueries; protected Map<String, NamedSQLQueryDefinition> namedSqlQueries; protected Map<String, NamedProcedureCallDefinition> namedProcedureCallMap; protected Map<String, ResultSetMappingDefinition> sqlResultSetMappings; protected Map<String, NamedEntityGraphDefinition> namedEntityGraphMap; protected Map<String, TypeDef> typeDefs; protected Map<String, FilterDefinition> filterDefinitions; protected Map<String, FetchProfile> fetchProfiles; protected Map tableNameBinding; protected Map columnNameBindingPerTable; protected List<SecondPass> secondPasses; protected List<Mappings.PropertyReference> propertyReferences; protected Map<ExtendsQueueEntry, ?> extendsQueue; protected Map<String, SQLFunction> sqlFunctions; private TypeResolver typeResolver = new TypeResolver(); private List<TypeContributor> typeContributorRegistrations = new ArrayList<TypeContributor>(); private EntityTuplizerFactory entityTuplizerFactory; // private ComponentTuplizerFactory componentTuplizerFactory; todo : HHH-3517 and HHH-1907 private Interceptor interceptor; private Properties properties; private EntityResolver entityResolver; private EntityNotFoundDelegate entityNotFoundDelegate; protected transient XMLHelper xmlHelper; private NamingStrategyDelegator namingStrategyDelegator; private SessionFactoryObserver sessionFactoryObserver; protected final SettingsFactory settingsFactory; private transient Mapping mapping = buildMapping(); private MutableIdentifierGeneratorFactory identifierGeneratorFactory; private Map<Class<?>, org.hibernate.mapping.MappedSuperclass> mappedSuperClasses; private Map<String, IdGenerator> namedGenerators; private Map<String, Map<String, Join>> joins; private Map<String, AnnotatedClassType> classTypes; private Set<String> defaultNamedQueryNames; private Set<String> defaultNamedNativeQueryNames; private Set<String> defaultSqlResultSetMappingNames; private Set<String> defaultNamedProcedure; private Set<String> defaultNamedGenerators; private Map<String, Properties> generatorTables; private Map<Table, List<UniqueConstraintHolder>> uniqueConstraintHoldersByTable; private Map<Table, List<JPAIndexHolder>> jpaIndexHoldersByTable; private Map<String, String> mappedByResolver; private Map<String, String> propertyRefResolver; private Map<String, AnyMetaDef> anyMetaDefs; private List<CacheHolder> caches; private boolean inSecondPass = false; private boolean isDefaultProcessed = false; private boolean isValidatorNotPresentLogged; private Map<XClass, Map<String, PropertyData>> propertiesAnnotatedWithMapsId; private Map<XClass, Map<String, PropertyData>> propertiesAnnotatedWithIdAndToOne; private CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver currentTenantIdentifierResolver; private boolean specjProprietarySyntaxEnabled; private ConcurrentHashMap<Class,AttributeConverterDefinition> attributeConverterDefinitionsByClass; protected Configuration(SettingsFactory settingsFactory) { this.settingsFactory = settingsFactory; reset(); } public Configuration() { this( new SettingsFactory() ); } protected void reset() { metadataSourceQueue = new MetadataSourceQueue(); createReflectionManager(); classes = new HashMap<String,PersistentClass>(); imports = new HashMap<String,String>(); collections = new HashMap<String,Collection>(); tables = new TreeMap<String,Table>(); namedQueries = new HashMap<String,NamedQueryDefinition>(); namedSqlQueries = new HashMap<String,NamedSQLQueryDefinition>(); sqlResultSetMappings = new HashMap<String, ResultSetMappingDefinition>(); namedEntityGraphMap = new HashMap<String, NamedEntityGraphDefinition>(); namedProcedureCallMap = new HashMap<String, NamedProcedureCallDefinition>( ); typeDefs = new HashMap<String,TypeDef>(); filterDefinitions = new HashMap<String, FilterDefinition>(); fetchProfiles = new HashMap<String, FetchProfile>(); auxiliaryDatabaseObjects = new ArrayList<AuxiliaryDatabaseObject>(); tableNameBinding = new HashMap(); columnNameBindingPerTable = new HashMap(); secondPasses = new ArrayList<SecondPass>(); propertyReferences = new ArrayList<Mappings.PropertyReference>(); extendsQueue = new HashMap<ExtendsQueueEntry, String>(); xmlHelper = new XMLHelper(); interceptor = EmptyInterceptor.INSTANCE; properties = Environment.getProperties(); entityResolver = XMLHelper.DEFAULT_DTD_RESOLVER; sqlFunctions = new HashMap<String, SQLFunction>(); entityTuplizerFactory = new EntityTuplizerFactory(); // componentTuplizerFactory = new ComponentTuplizerFactory(); identifierGeneratorFactory = new DefaultIdentifierGeneratorFactory(); mappedSuperClasses = new HashMap<Class<?>, MappedSuperclass>(); metadataSourcePrecedence = Collections.emptyList(); namedGenerators = new HashMap<String, IdGenerator>(); joins = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Join>>(); classTypes = new HashMap<String, AnnotatedClassType>(); generatorTables = new HashMap<String, Properties>(); defaultNamedQueryNames = new HashSet<String>(); defaultNamedNativeQueryNames = new HashSet<String>(); defaultSqlResultSetMappingNames = new HashSet<String>(); defaultNamedProcedure = new HashSet<String>( ); defaultNamedGenerators = new HashSet<String>(); uniqueConstraintHoldersByTable = new HashMap<Table, List<UniqueConstraintHolder>>(); jpaIndexHoldersByTable = new HashMap<Table,List<JPAIndexHolder>>( ); mappedByResolver = new HashMap<String, String>(); propertyRefResolver = new HashMap<String, String>(); caches = new ArrayList<CacheHolder>(); namingStrategyDelegator = LegacyNamingStrategyDelegator.DEFAULT_INSTANCE; setEntityResolver( new EJB3DTDEntityResolver() ); anyMetaDefs = new HashMap<String, AnyMetaDef>(); propertiesAnnotatedWithMapsId = new HashMap<XClass, Map<String, PropertyData>>(); propertiesAnnotatedWithIdAndToOne = new HashMap<XClass, Map<String, PropertyData>>(); specjProprietarySyntaxEnabled = System.getProperty( "hibernate.enable_specj_proprietary_syntax" ) != null; } public EntityTuplizerFactory getEntityTuplizerFactory() { return entityTuplizerFactory; } public ReflectionManager getReflectionManager() { return reflectionManager; } // public ComponentTuplizerFactory getComponentTuplizerFactory() { // return componentTuplizerFactory; // }
Iterate the entity mappings
Returns:Iterator of the entity mappings currently contained in the configuration.
/** * Iterate the entity mappings * * @return Iterator of the entity mappings currently contained in the configuration. */
public Iterator<PersistentClass> getClassMappings() { return classes.values().iterator(); }
Iterate the collection mappings
Returns:Iterator of the collection mappings currently contained in the configuration.
/** * Iterate the collection mappings * * @return Iterator of the collection mappings currently contained in the configuration. */
public Iterator getCollectionMappings() { return collections.values().iterator(); }
Iterate the table mappings
Returns:Iterator of the table mappings currently contained in the configuration.
/** * Iterate the table mappings * * @return Iterator of the table mappings currently contained in the configuration. */
public Iterator<Table> getTableMappings() { return tables.values().iterator(); }
Iterate the mapped super class mappings EXPERIMENTAL Consider this API as PRIVATE
Returns:iterator over the MappedSuperclass mapping currently contained in the configuration.
/** * Iterate the mapped super class mappings * EXPERIMENTAL Consider this API as PRIVATE * * @return iterator over the MappedSuperclass mapping currently contained in the configuration. */
public Iterator<MappedSuperclass> getMappedSuperclassMappings() { return mappedSuperClasses.values().iterator(); }
Get a copy of all known MappedSuperclasses

Returns:Set of all known MappedSuperclasses
/** * Get a copy of all known MappedSuperclasses * <p/> * EXPERIMENTAL Consider this API as PRIVATE * * @return Set of all known MappedSuperclasses */
public java.util.Set<MappedSuperclass> getMappedSuperclassMappingsCopy() { return new HashSet<MappedSuperclass>( mappedSuperClasses.values() ); }
Get the mapping for a particular entity
  • entityName – An entity name.
Returns:the entity mapping information
/** * Get the mapping for a particular entity * * @param entityName An entity name. * @return the entity mapping information */
public PersistentClass getClassMapping(String entityName) { return classes.get( entityName ); }
Get the mapping for a particular collection role
  • role – a collection role
Returns:The collection mapping information
/** * Get the mapping for a particular collection role * * @param role a collection role * @return The collection mapping information */
public Collection getCollectionMapping(String role) { return collections.get( role ); }
Set a custom entity resolver. This entity resolver must be set before addXXX(misc) call. Default value is DTDEntityResolver
  • entityResolver – entity resolver to use
/** * Set a custom entity resolver. This entity resolver must be * set before addXXX(misc) call. * Default value is {@link org.hibernate.internal.util.xml.DTDEntityResolver} * * @param entityResolver entity resolver to use */
public void setEntityResolver(EntityResolver entityResolver) { this.entityResolver = entityResolver; } public EntityResolver getEntityResolver() { return entityResolver; }
Retrieve the user-supplied delegate to handle non-existent entity scenarios. May be null.
Returns:The user-supplied delegate
/** * Retrieve the user-supplied delegate to handle non-existent entity * scenarios. May be null. * * @return The user-supplied delegate */
public EntityNotFoundDelegate getEntityNotFoundDelegate() { return entityNotFoundDelegate; }
Specify a user-supplied delegate to be used to handle scenarios where an entity could not be located by specified id. This is mainly intended for EJB3 implementations to be able to control how proxy initialization errors should be handled...
  • entityNotFoundDelegate – The delegate to use
/** * Specify a user-supplied delegate to be used to handle scenarios where an entity could not be * located by specified id. This is mainly intended for EJB3 implementations to be able to * control how proxy initialization errors should be handled... * * @param entityNotFoundDelegate The delegate to use */
public void setEntityNotFoundDelegate(EntityNotFoundDelegate entityNotFoundDelegate) { this.entityNotFoundDelegate = entityNotFoundDelegate; }
Read mappings from a particular XML file
  • xmlFile – a path to a file
  • MappingException – Indicates inability to locate or parse the specified mapping file.
See Also:
Returns:this (for method chaining purposes)
/** * Read mappings from a particular XML file * * @param xmlFile a path to a file * @return this (for method chaining purposes) * @throws org.hibernate.MappingException Indicates inability to locate or parse * the specified mapping file. * @see #addFile(java.io.File) */
public Configuration addFile(String xmlFile) throws MappingException { return addFile( new File( xmlFile ) ); }
Read mappings from a particular XML file
  • xmlFile – a path to a file
  • MappingException – Indicates inability to locate the specified mapping file. Historically this could have indicated a problem parsing the XML document, but that is now delayed until after buildMappings
Returns:this (for method chaining purposes)
/** * Read mappings from a particular XML file * * @param xmlFile a path to a file * @return this (for method chaining purposes) * @throws MappingException Indicates inability to locate the specified mapping file. Historically this could * have indicated a problem parsing the XML document, but that is now delayed until after {@link #buildMappings} */
public Configuration addFile(final File xmlFile) throws MappingException { LOG.readingMappingsFromFile( xmlFile.getPath() ); final String name = xmlFile.getAbsolutePath(); final InputSource inputSource; try { inputSource = new InputSource( new FileInputStream( xmlFile ) ); } catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) { throw new MappingNotFoundException( "file", xmlFile.toString() ); } add( inputSource, "file", name ); return this; } private XmlDocument add(InputSource inputSource, String originType, String originName) { return add( inputSource, new OriginImpl( originType, originName ) ); } private XmlDocument add(InputSource inputSource, Origin origin) { XmlDocument metadataXml = MappingReader.INSTANCE.readMappingDocument( entityResolver, inputSource, origin ); add( metadataXml ); return metadataXml; } public void add(XmlDocument metadataXml) { if ( inSecondPass || !isOrmXml( metadataXml ) ) { metadataSourceQueue.add( metadataXml ); } else { final MetadataProvider metadataProvider = ( (MetadataProviderInjector) reflectionManager ).getMetadataProvider(); JPAMetadataProvider jpaMetadataProvider = ( JPAMetadataProvider ) metadataProvider; List<String> classNames = jpaMetadataProvider.getXMLContext().addDocument( metadataXml.getDocumentTree() ); for ( String className : classNames ) { try { metadataSourceQueue.add( reflectionManager.classForName( className, this.getClass() ) ); } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to load class defined in XML: " + className, e ); } } jpaMetadataProvider.getXMLContext().applyDiscoveredAttributeConverters( this ); } } private static boolean isOrmXml(XmlDocument xmlDocument) { return "entity-mappings".equals( xmlDocument.getDocumentTree().getRootElement().getName() ); }
Add a cached mapping file. A cached file is a serialized representation of the DOM structure of a particular mapping. It is saved from a previous call as a file with the name xmlFile + ".bin" where xmlFile is the name of the original mapping file.

If a cached xmlFile + ".bin" exists and is newer than xmlFile the ".bin" file will be read directly. Otherwise xmlFile is read and then serialized to xmlFile + ".bin" for use the next time.
  • xmlFile – The cacheable mapping file to be added.
  • MappingException – Indicates problems reading the cached file or processing the non-cached file.
Returns:this (for method chaining purposes)
/** * Add a cached mapping file. A cached file is a serialized representation * of the DOM structure of a particular mapping. It is saved from a previous * call as a file with the name <tt>xmlFile + ".bin"</tt> where xmlFile is * the name of the original mapping file. * </p> * If a cached <tt>xmlFile + ".bin"</tt> exists and is newer than * <tt>xmlFile</tt> the <tt>".bin"</tt> file will be read directly. Otherwise * xmlFile is read and then serialized to <tt>xmlFile + ".bin"</tt> for use * the next time. * * @param xmlFile The cacheable mapping file to be added. * @return this (for method chaining purposes) * @throws MappingException Indicates problems reading the cached file or processing * the non-cached file. */
public Configuration addCacheableFile(File xmlFile) throws MappingException { File cachedFile = determineCachedDomFile( xmlFile ); try { return addCacheableFileStrictly( xmlFile ); } catch ( SerializationException e ) { LOG.unableToDeserializeCache( cachedFile.getPath(), e ); } catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) { LOG.cachedFileNotFound( cachedFile.getPath(), e ); } final String name = xmlFile.getAbsolutePath(); final InputSource inputSource; try { inputSource = new InputSource( new FileInputStream( xmlFile ) ); } catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) { throw new MappingNotFoundException( "file", xmlFile.toString() ); } LOG.readingMappingsFromFile( xmlFile.getPath() ); XmlDocument metadataXml = add( inputSource, "file", name ); try { LOG.debugf( "Writing cache file for: %s to: %s", xmlFile, cachedFile ); SerializationHelper.serialize( ( Serializable ) metadataXml.getDocumentTree(), new FileOutputStream( cachedFile ) ); } catch ( Exception e ) { LOG.unableToWriteCachedFile( cachedFile.getPath(), e.getMessage() ); } return this; } private File determineCachedDomFile(File xmlFile) { return new File( xmlFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".bin" ); }

Much like addCacheableFile(File) except that here we will fail immediately if the cache version cannot be found or used for whatever reason
  • xmlFile – The xml file, not the bin!
Returns:The dom "deserialized" from the cached file.
/** * <b>INTENDED FOR TESTSUITE USE ONLY!</b> * <p/> * Much like {@link #addCacheableFile(File)} except that here we will fail immediately if * the cache version cannot be found or used for whatever reason * * @param xmlFile The xml file, not the bin! * * @return The dom "deserialized" from the cached file. * * @throws SerializationException Indicates a problem deserializing the cached dom tree * @throws FileNotFoundException Indicates that the cached file was not found or was not usable. */
public Configuration addCacheableFileStrictly(File xmlFile) throws SerializationException, FileNotFoundException { final File cachedFile = determineCachedDomFile( xmlFile ); final boolean useCachedFile = xmlFile.exists() && cachedFile.exists() && xmlFile.lastModified() < cachedFile.lastModified(); if ( ! useCachedFile ) { throw new FileNotFoundException( "Cached file could not be found or could not be used" ); } LOG.readingCachedMappings( cachedFile ); Document document = ( Document ) SerializationHelper.deserialize( new FileInputStream( cachedFile ) ); add( new XmlDocumentImpl( document, "file", xmlFile.getAbsolutePath() ) ); return this; }
Add a cacheable mapping file.
  • xmlFile – The name of the file to be added. This must be in a form useable to simply construct a File instance.
  • MappingException – Indicates problems reading the cached file or processing the non-cached file.
See Also:
Returns:this (for method chaining purposes)
/** * Add a cacheable mapping file. * * @param xmlFile The name of the file to be added. This must be in a form * useable to simply construct a {@link java.io.File} instance. * @return this (for method chaining purposes) * @throws MappingException Indicates problems reading the cached file or processing * the non-cached file. * @see #addCacheableFile(java.io.File) */
public Configuration addCacheableFile(String xmlFile) throws MappingException { return addCacheableFile( new File( xmlFile ) ); }
Read mappings from a String
  • xml – an XML string
Returns:this (for method chaining purposes)
/** * Read mappings from a <tt>String</tt> * * @param xml an XML string * @return this (for method chaining purposes) * @throws org.hibernate.MappingException Indicates problems parsing the * given XML string */
public Configuration addXML(String xml) throws MappingException { LOG.debugf( "Mapping XML:\n%s", xml ); final InputSource inputSource = new InputSource( new StringReader( xml ) ); add( inputSource, "string", "XML String" ); return this; }
Read mappings from a URL
  • url – The url for the mapping document to be read.
  • MappingException – Indicates problems reading the URL or processing the mapping document.
Returns:this (for method chaining purposes)
/** * Read mappings from a <tt>URL</tt> * * @param url The url for the mapping document to be read. * @return this (for method chaining purposes) * @throws MappingException Indicates problems reading the URL or processing * the mapping document. */
public Configuration addURL(URL url) throws MappingException { final String urlExternalForm = url.toExternalForm(); LOG.debugf( "Reading mapping document from URL : %s", urlExternalForm ); try { add( url.openStream(), "URL", urlExternalForm ); } catch ( IOException e ) { throw new InvalidMappingException( "Unable to open url stream [" + urlExternalForm + "]", "URL", urlExternalForm, e ); } return this; } private XmlDocument add(InputStream inputStream, final String type, final String name) { final InputSource inputSource = new InputSource( inputStream ); try { return add( inputSource, type, name ); } finally { try { inputStream.close(); } catch ( IOException ignore ) { LOG.trace( "Was unable to close input stream"); } } }
Read mappings from a DOM Document
  • doc – The DOM document
  • MappingException – Indicates problems reading the DOM or processing the mapping document.
Returns:this (for method chaining purposes)
/** * Read mappings from a DOM <tt>Document</tt> * * @param doc The DOM document * @return this (for method chaining purposes) * @throws MappingException Indicates problems reading the DOM or processing * the mapping document. */
public Configuration addDocument(org.w3c.dom.Document doc) throws MappingException { LOG.debugf( "Mapping Document:\n%s", doc ); final Document document = xmlHelper.createDOMReader().read( doc ); add( new XmlDocumentImpl( document, "unknown", null ) ); return this; }
Read mappings from an InputStream.
  • xmlInputStream – The input stream containing a DOM.
  • MappingException – Indicates problems reading the stream, or processing the contained mapping document.
Returns:this (for method chaining purposes)
/** * Read mappings from an {@link java.io.InputStream}. * * @param xmlInputStream The input stream containing a DOM. * @return this (for method chaining purposes) * @throws MappingException Indicates problems reading the stream, or * processing the contained mapping document. */
public Configuration addInputStream(InputStream xmlInputStream) throws MappingException { add( xmlInputStream, "input stream", null ); return this; }
Read mappings as a application resource (i.e. classpath lookup).
  • resourceName – The resource name
  • classLoader – The class loader to use.
  • MappingException – Indicates problems locating the resource or processing the contained mapping document.
Returns:this (for method chaining purposes)
/** * Read mappings as a application resource (i.e. classpath lookup). * * @param resourceName The resource name * @param classLoader The class loader to use. * @return this (for method chaining purposes) * @throws MappingException Indicates problems locating the resource or * processing the contained mapping document. */
public Configuration addResource(String resourceName, ClassLoader classLoader) throws MappingException { LOG.readingMappingsFromResource( resourceName ); InputStream resourceInputStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream( resourceName ); if ( resourceInputStream == null ) { throw new MappingNotFoundException( "resource", resourceName ); } add( resourceInputStream, "resource", resourceName ); return this; }
Read mappings as a application resourceName (i.e. classpath lookup) trying different class loaders.
  • resourceName – The resource name
  • MappingException – Indicates problems locating the resource or processing the contained mapping document.
Returns:this (for method chaining purposes)
/** * Read mappings as a application resourceName (i.e. classpath lookup) * trying different class loaders. * * @param resourceName The resource name * @return this (for method chaining purposes) * @throws MappingException Indicates problems locating the resource or * processing the contained mapping document. */
public Configuration addResource(String resourceName) throws MappingException { LOG.readingMappingsFromResource( resourceName ); ClassLoader contextClassLoader = ClassLoaderHelper.getContextClassLoader(); InputStream resourceInputStream = null; if ( contextClassLoader != null ) { resourceInputStream = contextClassLoader.getResourceAsStream( resourceName ); } if ( resourceInputStream == null ) { resourceInputStream = Environment.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( resourceName ); } if ( resourceInputStream == null ) { throw new MappingNotFoundException( "resource", resourceName ); } add( resourceInputStream, "resource", resourceName ); return this; }
Read a mapping as an application resource using the convention that a class named foo.bar.Foo is mapped by a file foo/bar/Foo.hbm.xml which can be resolved as a classpath resource.
  • persistentClass – The mapped class
  • MappingException – Indicates problems locating the resource or processing the contained mapping document.
Returns:this (for method chaining purposes)
/** * Read a mapping as an application resource using the convention that a class * named <tt>foo.bar.Foo</tt> is mapped by a file <tt>foo/bar/Foo.hbm.xml</tt> * which can be resolved as a classpath resource. * * @param persistentClass The mapped class * @return this (for method chaining purposes) * @throws MappingException Indicates problems locating the resource or * processing the contained mapping document. */
public Configuration addClass(Class persistentClass) throws MappingException { String mappingResourceName = persistentClass.getName().replace( '.', '/' ) + ".hbm.xml"; LOG.readingMappingsFromResource( mappingResourceName ); return addResource( mappingResourceName, persistentClass.getClassLoader() ); }
Read metadata from the annotations associated with this class.
  • annotatedClass – The class containing annotations
Returns:this (for method chaining)
/** * Read metadata from the annotations associated with this class. * * @param annotatedClass The class containing annotations * * @return this (for method chaining) */
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public Configuration addAnnotatedClass(Class annotatedClass) { XClass xClass = reflectionManager.toXClass( annotatedClass ); metadataSourceQueue.add( xClass ); return this; }
Read package-level metadata.
  • packageName – java package name
Returns:this (for method chaining)
/** * Read package-level metadata. * * @param packageName java package name * * @return this (for method chaining) * * @throws MappingException in case there is an error in the mapping data */
public Configuration addPackage(String packageName) throws MappingException { LOG.debugf( "Mapping Package %s", packageName ); try { AnnotationBinder.bindPackage( packageName, createMappings() ); return this; } catch ( MappingException me ) { LOG.unableToParseMetadata( packageName ); throw me; } }
Read all mappings from a jar file

Assumes that any file named *.hbm.xml is a mapping document.
  • jar – a jar file
  • MappingException – Indicates problems reading the jar file or processing the contained mapping documents.
Returns:this (for method chaining purposes)
/** * Read all mappings from a jar file * <p/> * Assumes that any file named <tt>*.hbm.xml</tt> is a mapping document. * * @param jar a jar file * @return this (for method chaining purposes) * @throws MappingException Indicates problems reading the jar file or * processing the contained mapping documents. */
public Configuration addJar(File jar) throws MappingException { LOG.searchingForMappingDocuments( jar.getName() ); JarFile jarFile = null; try { try { jarFile = new JarFile( jar ); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new InvalidMappingException( "Could not read mapping documents from jar: " + jar.getName(), "jar", jar.getName(), ioe ); } Enumeration jarEntries = jarFile.entries(); while ( jarEntries.hasMoreElements() ) { ZipEntry ze = (ZipEntry) jarEntries.nextElement(); if ( ze.getName().endsWith( ".hbm.xml" ) ) { LOG.foundMappingDocument( ze.getName() ); try { addInputStream( jarFile.getInputStream( ze ) ); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InvalidMappingException( "Could not read mapping documents from jar: " + jar.getName(), "jar", jar.getName(), e ); } } } } finally { try { if ( jarFile != null ) { jarFile.close(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.unableToCloseJar( ioe.getMessage() ); } } return this; }
Read all mapping documents from a directory tree.

Assumes that any file named *.hbm.xml is a mapping document.
  • dir – The directory
  • MappingException – Indicates problems reading the jar file or processing the contained mapping documents.
Returns:this (for method chaining purposes)
/** * Read all mapping documents from a directory tree. * <p/> * Assumes that any file named <tt>*.hbm.xml</tt> is a mapping document. * * @param dir The directory * @return this (for method chaining purposes) * @throws MappingException Indicates problems reading the jar file or * processing the contained mapping documents. */
public Configuration addDirectory(File dir) throws MappingException { File[] files = dir.listFiles(); if ( files != null ) { for ( File file : files ) { if ( file.isDirectory() ) { addDirectory( file ); } else if ( file.getName().endsWith( ".hbm.xml" ) ) { addFile( file ); } } } return this; }
Create a new Mappings to add class and collection mappings to.
Returns:The created mappings
/** * Create a new <tt>Mappings</tt> to add class and collection mappings to. * * @return The created mappings */
public Mappings createMappings() { return new MappingsImpl(); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public Iterator<IdentifierGenerator> iterateGenerators(Dialect dialect) throws MappingException { TreeMap generators = new TreeMap(); String defaultCatalog = properties.getProperty( Environment.DEFAULT_CATALOG ); String defaultSchema = properties.getProperty( Environment.DEFAULT_SCHEMA ); for ( PersistentClass pc : classes.values() ) { if ( !pc.isInherited() ) { IdentifierGenerator ig = pc.getIdentifier().createIdentifierGenerator( getIdentifierGeneratorFactory(), dialect, defaultCatalog, defaultSchema, (RootClass) pc ); if ( ig instanceof PersistentIdentifierGenerator ) { generators.put( ( (PersistentIdentifierGenerator) ig ).generatorKey(), ig ); } else if ( ig instanceof IdentifierGeneratorAggregator ) { ( (IdentifierGeneratorAggregator) ig ).registerPersistentGenerators( generators ); } } } for ( Collection collection : collections.values() ) { if ( collection.isIdentified() ) { IdentifierGenerator ig = ( ( IdentifierCollection ) collection ).getIdentifier().createIdentifierGenerator( getIdentifierGeneratorFactory(), dialect, defaultCatalog, defaultSchema, null ); if ( ig instanceof PersistentIdentifierGenerator ) { generators.put( ( (PersistentIdentifierGenerator) ig ).generatorKey(), ig ); } } } return generators.values().iterator(); }
Generate DDL for dropping tables
  • dialect – The dialect for which to generate the drop script
See Also:
Returns:The sequence of DDL commands to drop the schema objects
/** * Generate DDL for dropping tables * * @param dialect The dialect for which to generate the drop script * @return The sequence of DDL commands to drop the schema objects * @throws HibernateException Generally indicates a problem calling {@link #buildMappings()} * @see org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport */
public String[] generateDropSchemaScript(Dialect dialect) throws HibernateException { secondPassCompile(); String defaultCatalog = properties.getProperty( Environment.DEFAULT_CATALOG ); String defaultSchema = properties.getProperty( Environment.DEFAULT_SCHEMA ); ArrayList<String> script = new ArrayList<String>( 50 ); // drop them in reverse order in case db needs it done that way... { ListIterator itr = auxiliaryDatabaseObjects.listIterator( auxiliaryDatabaseObjects.size() ); while ( itr.hasPrevious() ) { AuxiliaryDatabaseObject object = (AuxiliaryDatabaseObject) itr.previous(); if ( object.appliesToDialect( dialect ) ) { script.add( object.sqlDropString( dialect, defaultCatalog, defaultSchema ) ); } } } if ( dialect.dropConstraints() ) { Iterator itr = getTableMappings(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { Table table = (Table) itr.next(); if ( table.isPhysicalTable() ) { Iterator subItr = table.getForeignKeyIterator(); while ( subItr.hasNext() ) { ForeignKey fk = (ForeignKey) subItr.next(); if ( fk.isPhysicalConstraint() ) { script.add( fk.sqlDropString( dialect, defaultCatalog, defaultSchema ) ); } } } } } Iterator itr = getTableMappings(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { Table table = (Table) itr.next(); if ( table.isPhysicalTable() ) { /*Iterator subIter = table.getIndexIterator(); while ( subIter.hasNext() ) { Index index = (Index) subIter.next(); if ( !index.isForeignKey() || !dialect.hasImplicitIndexForForeignKey() ) { script.add( index.sqlDropString(dialect) ); } }*/ script.add( table.sqlDropString( dialect, defaultCatalog, defaultSchema ) ); } } itr = iterateGenerators( dialect ); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { String[] lines = ( (PersistentIdentifierGenerator) itr.next() ).sqlDropStrings( dialect ); script.addAll( Arrays.asList( lines ) ); } return ArrayHelper.toStringArray( script ); }
  • dialect – The dialect for which to generate the creation script
See Also:
Returns:The sequence of DDL commands to create the schema objects
/** * @param dialect The dialect for which to generate the creation script * * @return The sequence of DDL commands to create the schema objects * * @throws HibernateException Generally indicates a problem calling {@link #buildMappings()} * * @see org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport */
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public String[] generateSchemaCreationScript(Dialect dialect) throws HibernateException { secondPassCompile(); ArrayList<String> script = new ArrayList<String>( 50 ); String defaultCatalog = properties.getProperty( Environment.DEFAULT_CATALOG ); String defaultSchema = properties.getProperty( Environment.DEFAULT_SCHEMA ); Iterator iter = getTableMappings(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { Table table = (Table) iter.next(); if ( table.isPhysicalTable() ) { script.add( table.sqlCreateString( dialect, mapping, defaultCatalog, defaultSchema ) ); Iterator<String> comments = table.sqlCommentStrings( dialect, defaultCatalog, defaultSchema ); while ( comments.hasNext() ) { script.add( comments.next() ); } } } iter = getTableMappings(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { Table table = (Table) iter.next(); if ( table.isPhysicalTable() ) { Iterator subIter = table.getUniqueKeyIterator(); while ( subIter.hasNext() ) { UniqueKey uk = (UniqueKey) subIter.next(); String constraintString = uk.sqlCreateString( dialect, mapping, defaultCatalog, defaultSchema ); if (constraintString != null) script.add( constraintString ); } subIter = table.getIndexIterator(); while ( subIter.hasNext() ) { Index index = (Index) subIter.next(); script.add( index.sqlCreateString( dialect, mapping, defaultCatalog, defaultSchema ) ); } } } // Foreign keys must be created *after* unique keys for numerous DBs. See HH-8390. iter = getTableMappings(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { Table table = (Table) iter.next(); if ( table.isPhysicalTable() ) { if ( dialect.hasAlterTable() ) { Iterator subIter = table.getForeignKeyIterator(); while ( subIter.hasNext() ) { ForeignKey fk = (ForeignKey) subIter.next(); if ( fk.isPhysicalConstraint() ) { script.add( fk.sqlCreateString( dialect, mapping, defaultCatalog, defaultSchema ) ); } } } } } iter = iterateGenerators( dialect ); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { String[] lines = ( (PersistentIdentifierGenerator) iter.next() ).sqlCreateStrings( dialect ); script.addAll( Arrays.asList( lines ) ); } for ( AuxiliaryDatabaseObject auxiliaryDatabaseObject : auxiliaryDatabaseObjects ) { if ( auxiliaryDatabaseObject.appliesToDialect( dialect ) ) { script.add( auxiliaryDatabaseObject.sqlCreateString( dialect, mapping, defaultCatalog, defaultSchema ) ); } } return ArrayHelper.toStringArray( script ); }
  • dialect – The dialect for which to generate the creation script
  • databaseMetadata – The database catalog information for the database to be updated; needed to work out what should be created/altered
See Also:
Returns:The sequence of DDL commands to apply the schema objects
Deprecated:Use generateSchemaUpdateScriptList(Dialect, DatabaseMetadata) instead
/** * @param dialect The dialect for which to generate the creation script * @param databaseMetadata The database catalog information for the database to be updated; needed to work out what * should be created/altered * * @return The sequence of DDL commands to apply the schema objects * * @throws HibernateException Generally indicates a problem calling {@link #buildMappings()} * * @see org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate * * @deprecated Use {@link #generateSchemaUpdateScriptList(Dialect, DatabaseMetadata)} instead */
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) @Deprecated public String[] generateSchemaUpdateScript(Dialect dialect, DatabaseMetadata databaseMetadata) throws HibernateException { List<SchemaUpdateScript> scripts = generateSchemaUpdateScriptList( dialect, databaseMetadata ); return SchemaUpdateScript.toStringArray( scripts ); }
  • dialect – The dialect for which to generate the creation script
  • databaseMetadata – The database catalog information for the database to be updated; needed to work out what should be created/altered
See Also:
Returns:The sequence of DDL commands to apply the schema objects
/** * @param dialect The dialect for which to generate the creation script * @param databaseMetadata The database catalog information for the database to be updated; needed to work out what * should be created/altered * * @return The sequence of DDL commands to apply the schema objects * * @throws HibernateException Generally indicates a problem calling {@link #buildMappings()} * * @see org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate */
public List<SchemaUpdateScript> generateSchemaUpdateScriptList(Dialect dialect, DatabaseMetadata databaseMetadata) throws HibernateException { secondPassCompile(); String defaultCatalog = properties.getProperty( Environment.DEFAULT_CATALOG ); String defaultSchema = properties.getProperty( Environment.DEFAULT_SCHEMA ); UniqueConstraintSchemaUpdateStrategy constraintMethod = UniqueConstraintSchemaUpdateStrategy.interpret( properties .get( Environment.UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA_UPDATE_STRATEGY ) ); List<SchemaUpdateScript> scripts = new ArrayList<SchemaUpdateScript>(); Iterator iter = getTableMappings(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { Table table = (Table) iter.next(); String tableSchema = ( table.getSchema() == null ) ? defaultSchema : table.getSchema(); String tableCatalog = ( table.getCatalog() == null ) ? defaultCatalog : table.getCatalog(); if ( table.isPhysicalTable() ) { TableMetadata tableInfo = databaseMetadata.getTableMetadata( table.getName(), tableSchema, tableCatalog, table.isQuoted() ); if ( tableInfo == null ) { scripts.add( new SchemaUpdateScript( table.sqlCreateString( dialect, mapping, tableCatalog, tableSchema ), false ) ); } else { Iterator<String> subiter = table.sqlAlterStrings( dialect, mapping, tableInfo, tableCatalog, tableSchema ); while ( subiter.hasNext() ) { scripts.add( new SchemaUpdateScript( subiter.next(), false ) ); } } Iterator<String> comments = table.sqlCommentStrings( dialect, defaultCatalog, defaultSchema ); while ( comments.hasNext() ) { scripts.add( new SchemaUpdateScript( comments.next(), false ) ); } } } iter = getTableMappings(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { Table table = (Table) iter.next(); String tableSchema = ( table.getSchema() == null ) ? defaultSchema : table.getSchema(); String tableCatalog = ( table.getCatalog() == null ) ? defaultCatalog : table.getCatalog(); if ( table.isPhysicalTable() ) { TableMetadata tableInfo = databaseMetadata.getTableMetadata( table.getName(), tableSchema, tableCatalog, table.isQuoted() ); if (! constraintMethod.equals( UniqueConstraintSchemaUpdateStrategy.SKIP )) { Iterator uniqueIter = table.getUniqueKeyIterator(); while ( uniqueIter.hasNext() ) { final UniqueKey uniqueKey = (UniqueKey) uniqueIter.next(); // Skip if index already exists. Most of the time, this // won't work since most Dialects use Constraints. However, // keep it for the few that do use Indexes. if ( tableInfo != null && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( uniqueKey.getName() ) ) { final IndexMetadata meta = tableInfo.getIndexMetadata( uniqueKey.getName() ); if ( meta != null ) { continue; } } String constraintString = uniqueKey.sqlCreateString( dialect, mapping, tableCatalog, tableSchema ); if ( constraintString != null && !constraintString.isEmpty() ) if ( constraintMethod.equals( UniqueConstraintSchemaUpdateStrategy.DROP_RECREATE_QUIETLY ) ) { String constraintDropString = uniqueKey.sqlDropString( dialect, tableCatalog, tableSchema ); scripts.add( new SchemaUpdateScript( constraintDropString, true) ); } scripts.add( new SchemaUpdateScript( constraintString, true) ); } } Iterator subIter = table.getIndexIterator(); while ( subIter.hasNext() ) { final Index index = (Index) subIter.next(); // Skip if index already exists if ( tableInfo != null && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( index.getName() ) ) { final IndexMetadata meta = tableInfo.getIndexMetadata( index.getName() ); if ( meta != null ) { continue; } } scripts.add( new SchemaUpdateScript( index.sqlCreateString( dialect, mapping, tableCatalog, tableSchema ), false ) ); } } } // Foreign keys must be created *after* unique keys for numerous DBs. See HH-8390. iter = getTableMappings(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { Table table = (Table) iter.next(); String tableSchema = ( table.getSchema() == null ) ? defaultSchema : table.getSchema(); String tableCatalog = ( table.getCatalog() == null ) ? defaultCatalog : table.getCatalog(); if ( table.isPhysicalTable() ) { TableMetadata tableInfo = databaseMetadata.getTableMetadata( table.getName(), tableSchema, tableCatalog, table.isQuoted() ); if ( dialect.hasAlterTable() ) { Iterator subIter = table.getForeignKeyIterator(); while ( subIter.hasNext() ) { ForeignKey fk = (ForeignKey) subIter.next(); if ( fk.isPhysicalConstraint() ) { boolean create = tableInfo == null || ( tableInfo.getForeignKeyMetadata( fk ) == null && ( // Icky workaround for MySQL bug: !( dialect instanceof MySQLDialect ) || tableInfo.getIndexMetadata( fk.getName() ) == null ) ); if ( create ) { scripts.add( new SchemaUpdateScript( fk.sqlCreateString( dialect, mapping, tableCatalog, tableSchema ), false ) ); } } } } } } iter = iterateGenerators( dialect ); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { PersistentIdentifierGenerator generator = (PersistentIdentifierGenerator) iter.next(); Object key = generator.generatorKey(); if ( !databaseMetadata.isSequence( key ) && !databaseMetadata.isTable( key ) ) { String[] lines = generator.sqlCreateStrings( dialect ); scripts.addAll( SchemaUpdateScript.fromStringArray( lines, false ) ); } } return scripts; } public void validateSchema(Dialect dialect, DatabaseMetadata databaseMetadata)throws HibernateException { secondPassCompile(); String defaultCatalog = properties.getProperty( Environment.DEFAULT_CATALOG ); String defaultSchema = properties.getProperty( Environment.DEFAULT_SCHEMA ); Iterator iter = getTableMappings(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { Table table = (Table) iter.next(); if ( table.isPhysicalTable() ) { TableMetadata tableInfo = databaseMetadata.getTableMetadata( table.getName(), ( table.getSchema() == null ) ? defaultSchema : table.getSchema(), ( table.getCatalog() == null ) ? defaultCatalog : table.getCatalog(), table.isQuoted()); if ( tableInfo == null ) { throw new HibernateException( "Missing table: " + table.getName() ); } else { table.validateColumns( dialect, mapping, tableInfo ); } } } iter = iterateGenerators( dialect ); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { PersistentIdentifierGenerator generator = (PersistentIdentifierGenerator) iter.next(); Object key = generator.generatorKey(); if (key instanceof String) { key = normalizer.normalizeIdentifierQuoting( (String) key ); } if ( !databaseMetadata.isSequence( key ) && !databaseMetadata.isTable( key ) ) { throw new HibernateException( "Missing sequence or table: " + key ); } } } private void validate() throws MappingException { Iterator iter = classes.values().iterator(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { ( (PersistentClass) iter.next() ).validate( mapping ); } iter = collections.values().iterator(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { ( (Collection) iter.next() ).validate( mapping ); } }
Call this to ensure the mappings are fully compiled/built. Usefull to ensure getting access to all information in the metamodel when calling e.g. getClassMappings().
/** * Call this to ensure the mappings are fully compiled/built. Usefull to ensure getting * access to all information in the metamodel when calling e.g. getClassMappings(). */
public void buildMappings() { secondPassCompile(); } protected void secondPassCompile() throws MappingException { LOG.trace( "Starting secondPassCompile() processing" ); // TEMPORARY // Ensure the correct ClassLoader is used in commons-annotations. ClassLoader tccl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( ClassLoaderHelper.getContextClassLoader() ); //process default values first { if ( !isDefaultProcessed ) { //use global delimiters if orm.xml declare it Map defaults = reflectionManager.getDefaults(); final Object isDelimited = defaults.get( "delimited-identifier" ); if ( isDelimited != null && isDelimited == Boolean.TRUE ) { getProperties().put( Environment.GLOBALLY_QUOTED_IDENTIFIERS, "true" ); } // Set default schema name if orm.xml declares it. final String schema = (String) defaults.get( "schema" ); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( schema ) ) { getProperties().put( Environment.DEFAULT_SCHEMA, schema ); } // Set default catalog name if orm.xml declares it. final String catalog = (String) defaults.get( "catalog" ); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( catalog ) ) { getProperties().put( Environment.DEFAULT_CATALOG, catalog ); } AnnotationBinder.bindDefaults( createMappings() ); isDefaultProcessed = true; } } // process metadata queue { metadataSourceQueue.syncAnnotatedClasses(); metadataSourceQueue.processMetadata( determineMetadataSourcePrecedence() ); } try { inSecondPass = true; processSecondPassesOfType( PkDrivenByDefaultMapsIdSecondPass.class ); processSecondPassesOfType( SetSimpleValueTypeSecondPass.class ); processSecondPassesOfType( CopyIdentifierComponentSecondPass.class ); processFkSecondPassInOrder(); processSecondPassesOfType( CreateKeySecondPass.class ); processSecondPassesOfType( SecondaryTableSecondPass.class ); originalSecondPassCompile(); inSecondPass = false; } catch ( RecoverableException e ) { //the exception was not recoverable after all throw ( RuntimeException ) e.getCause(); } // process cache queue { for ( CacheHolder holder : caches ) { if ( holder.isClass ) { applyCacheConcurrencyStrategy( holder ); } else { applyCollectionCacheConcurrencyStrategy( holder ); } } caches.clear(); } for ( Map.Entry<Table, List<UniqueConstraintHolder>> tableListEntry : uniqueConstraintHoldersByTable.entrySet() ) { final Table table = tableListEntry.getKey(); final List<UniqueConstraintHolder> uniqueConstraints = tableListEntry.getValue(); for ( UniqueConstraintHolder holder : uniqueConstraints ) { buildUniqueKeyFromColumnNames( table, holder.getName(), holder.getColumns() ); } } for(Table table : jpaIndexHoldersByTable.keySet()){ final List<JPAIndexHolder> jpaIndexHolders = jpaIndexHoldersByTable.get( table ); for ( JPAIndexHolder holder : jpaIndexHolders ) { buildUniqueKeyFromColumnNames( table, holder.getName(), holder.getColumns(), holder.getOrdering(), holder.isUnique() ); } } Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( tccl ); } private void processSecondPassesOfType(Class<? extends SecondPass> type) { Iterator iter = secondPasses.iterator(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { SecondPass sp = ( SecondPass ) iter.next(); //do the second pass of simple value types first and remove them if ( type.isInstance( sp ) ) { sp.doSecondPass( classes ); iter.remove(); } } }
Processes FKSecondPass instances trying to resolve any graph circularity (ie PK made of a many to one linking to an entity having a PK made of a ManyToOne ...).
/** * Processes FKSecondPass instances trying to resolve any * graph circularity (ie PK made of a many to one linking to * an entity having a PK made of a ManyToOne ...). */
private void processFkSecondPassInOrder() { LOG.debug("Processing fk mappings (*ToOne and JoinedSubclass)"); List<FkSecondPass> fkSecondPasses = getFKSecondPassesOnly(); if ( fkSecondPasses.size() == 0 ) { return; // nothing to do here } // split FkSecondPass instances into primary key and non primary key FKs. // While doing so build a map of class names to FkSecondPass instances depending on this class. Map<String, Set<FkSecondPass>> isADependencyOf = new HashMap<String, Set<FkSecondPass>>(); List<FkSecondPass> endOfQueueFkSecondPasses = new ArrayList<FkSecondPass>( fkSecondPasses.size() ); for ( FkSecondPass sp : fkSecondPasses ) { if ( sp.isInPrimaryKey() ) { String referenceEntityName = sp.getReferencedEntityName(); PersistentClass classMapping = getClassMapping( referenceEntityName ); String dependentTable = quotedTableName(classMapping.getTable()); if ( !isADependencyOf.containsKey( dependentTable ) ) { isADependencyOf.put( dependentTable, new HashSet<FkSecondPass>() ); } isADependencyOf.get( dependentTable ).add( sp ); } else { endOfQueueFkSecondPasses.add( sp ); } } // using the isADependencyOf map we order the FkSecondPass recursively instances into the right order for processing List<FkSecondPass> orderedFkSecondPasses = new ArrayList<FkSecondPass>( fkSecondPasses.size() ); for ( String tableName : isADependencyOf.keySet() ) { buildRecursiveOrderedFkSecondPasses( orderedFkSecondPasses, isADependencyOf, tableName, tableName ); } // process the ordered FkSecondPasses for ( FkSecondPass sp : orderedFkSecondPasses ) { sp.doSecondPass( classes ); } processEndOfQueue( endOfQueueFkSecondPasses ); }
Returns:Returns a list of all secondPasses instances which are a instance of FkSecondPass.
/** * @return Returns a list of all <code>secondPasses</code> instances which are a instance of * <code>FkSecondPass</code>. */
private List<FkSecondPass> getFKSecondPassesOnly() { Iterator iter = secondPasses.iterator(); List<FkSecondPass> fkSecondPasses = new ArrayList<FkSecondPass>( secondPasses.size() ); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { SecondPass sp = ( SecondPass ) iter.next(); //do the second pass of fk before the others and remove them if ( sp instanceof FkSecondPass ) { fkSecondPasses.add( ( FkSecondPass ) sp ); iter.remove(); } } return fkSecondPasses; }
Recursively builds a list of FkSecondPass instances ready to be processed in this order. Checking all dependencies recursively seems quite expensive, but the original code just relied on some sort of table name sorting which failed in certain circumstances.

See ANN-722 and ANN-730
  • orderedFkSecondPasses – The list containing the FkSecondPass instances ready for processing.
  • isADependencyOf – Our lookup data structure to determine dependencies between tables
  • startTable – Table name to start recursive algorithm.
  • currentTable – The current table name used to check for 'new' dependencies.
/** * Recursively builds a list of FkSecondPass instances ready to be processed in this order. * Checking all dependencies recursively seems quite expensive, but the original code just relied * on some sort of table name sorting which failed in certain circumstances. * <p/> * See <tt>ANN-722</tt> and <tt>ANN-730</tt> * * @param orderedFkSecondPasses The list containing the <code>FkSecondPass<code> instances ready * for processing. * @param isADependencyOf Our lookup data structure to determine dependencies between tables * @param startTable Table name to start recursive algorithm. * @param currentTable The current table name used to check for 'new' dependencies. */
private void buildRecursiveOrderedFkSecondPasses( List<FkSecondPass> orderedFkSecondPasses, Map<String, Set<FkSecondPass>> isADependencyOf, String startTable, String currentTable) { Set<FkSecondPass> dependencies = isADependencyOf.get( currentTable ); // bottom out if ( dependencies == null || dependencies.size() == 0 ) { return; } for ( FkSecondPass sp : dependencies ) { String dependentTable = quotedTableName(sp.getValue().getTable()); if ( dependentTable.compareTo( startTable ) == 0 ) { String sb = "Foreign key circularity dependency involving the following tables: "; throw new AnnotationException( sb ); } buildRecursiveOrderedFkSecondPasses( orderedFkSecondPasses, isADependencyOf, startTable, dependentTable ); if ( !orderedFkSecondPasses.contains( sp ) ) { orderedFkSecondPasses.add( 0, sp ); } } } private String quotedTableName(Table table) { return Table.qualify( table.getCatalog(), table.getQuotedSchema(), table.getQuotedName() ); } private void processEndOfQueue(List<FkSecondPass> endOfQueueFkSecondPasses) { /* * If a second pass raises a recoverableException, queue it for next round * stop of no pass has to be processed or if the number of pass to processes * does not diminish between two rounds. * If some failing pass remain, raise the original exception */ boolean stopProcess = false; RuntimeException originalException = null; while ( !stopProcess ) { List<FkSecondPass> failingSecondPasses = new ArrayList<FkSecondPass>(); for ( FkSecondPass pass : endOfQueueFkSecondPasses ) { try { pass.doSecondPass( classes ); } catch (RecoverableException e) { failingSecondPasses.add( pass ); if ( originalException == null ) { originalException = (RuntimeException) e.getCause(); } } } stopProcess = failingSecondPasses.size() == 0 || failingSecondPasses.size() == endOfQueueFkSecondPasses.size(); endOfQueueFkSecondPasses = failingSecondPasses; } if ( endOfQueueFkSecondPasses.size() > 0 ) { throw originalException; } } private void buildUniqueKeyFromColumnNames(Table table, String keyName, String[] columnNames){ buildUniqueKeyFromColumnNames( table, keyName, columnNames, null, true ); } private void buildUniqueKeyFromColumnNames(Table table, String keyName, String[] columnNames, String[] orderings, boolean unique) { int size = columnNames.length; Column[] columns = new Column[size]; Set<Column> unbound = new HashSet<Column>(); Set<Column> unboundNoLogical = new HashSet<Column>(); for ( int index = 0; index < size; index++ ) { String column = columnNames[index]; try { final String columnName = createMappings().getPhysicalColumnName( column, table ); columns[index] = new Column( columnName ); unbound.add( columns[index] ); //column equals and hashcode is based on column name } catch ( MappingException e ) { // If at least 1 columnName does exist, 'columns' will contain a mix of Columns and nulls. In order // to exhaustively report all of the unbound columns at once, w/o an NPE in // Constraint#generateName's array sorting, simply create a fake Column. columns[index] = new Column( column ); unboundNoLogical.add( columns[index] ); } } if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( keyName ) ) { keyName = Constraint.generateName( "UK_", table, columns ); } keyName = normalizer.normalizeIdentifierQuoting( keyName ); if ( unique ) { UniqueKey uk = table.getOrCreateUniqueKey( keyName ); for ( int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++ ) { Column column = columns[i]; String order = orderings != null ? orderings[i] : null; if ( table.containsColumn( column ) ) { uk.addColumn( column, order ); unbound.remove( column ); } } } else { Index index = table.getOrCreateIndex( keyName ); for ( int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++ ) { Column column = columns[i]; String order = orderings != null ? orderings[i] : null; if ( table.containsColumn( column ) ) { index.addColumn( column, order ); unbound.remove( column ); } } } if ( unbound.size() > 0 || unboundNoLogical.size() > 0 ) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( "Unable to create unique key constraint (" ); for ( String columnName : columnNames ) { sb.append( columnName ).append( ", " ); } sb.setLength( sb.length() - 2 ); sb.append( ") on table " ).append( table.getName() ).append( ": database column " ); for ( Column column : unbound ) { sb.append("'").append( column.getName() ).append( "', " ); } for ( Column column : unboundNoLogical ) { sb.append("'").append( column.getName() ).append( "', " ); } sb.setLength( sb.length() - 2 ); sb.append( " not found. Make sure that you use the correct column name which depends on the naming strategy in use (it may not be the same as the property name in the entity, especially for relational types)" ); throw new AnnotationException( sb.toString() ); } } private void originalSecondPassCompile() throws MappingException { LOG.debug( "Processing extends queue" ); processExtendsQueue(); LOG.debug( "Processing collection mappings" ); Iterator itr = secondPasses.iterator(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { SecondPass sp = (SecondPass) itr.next(); if ( ! (sp instanceof QuerySecondPass) ) { sp.doSecondPass( classes ); itr.remove(); } } LOG.debug( "Processing native query and ResultSetMapping mappings" ); itr = secondPasses.iterator(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { SecondPass sp = (SecondPass) itr.next(); sp.doSecondPass( classes ); itr.remove(); } LOG.debug( "Processing association property references" ); itr = propertyReferences.iterator(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { Mappings.PropertyReference upr = (Mappings.PropertyReference) itr.next(); PersistentClass clazz = getClassMapping( upr.referencedClass ); if ( clazz == null ) { throw new MappingException( "property-ref to unmapped class: " + upr.referencedClass ); } Property prop = clazz.getReferencedProperty( upr.propertyName ); if ( upr.unique ) { ( (SimpleValue) prop.getValue() ).setAlternateUniqueKey( true ); } } //TODO: Somehow add the newly created foreign keys to the internal collection LOG.debug( "Creating tables' unique integer identifiers" ); LOG.debug( "Processing foreign key constraints" ); itr = getTableMappings(); int uniqueInteger = 0; Set<ForeignKey> done = new HashSet<ForeignKey>(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { Table table = (Table) itr.next(); table.setUniqueInteger( uniqueInteger++ ); secondPassCompileForeignKeys( table, done ); } } private int processExtendsQueue() { LOG.debug( "Processing extends queue" ); int added = 0; ExtendsQueueEntry extendsQueueEntry = findPossibleExtends(); while ( extendsQueueEntry != null ) { metadataSourceQueue.processHbmXml( extendsQueueEntry.getMetadataXml(), extendsQueueEntry.getEntityNames() ); extendsQueueEntry = findPossibleExtends(); } if ( extendsQueue.size() > 0 ) { Iterator iterator = extendsQueue.keySet().iterator(); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( "Following super classes referenced in extends not found: " ); while ( iterator.hasNext() ) { final ExtendsQueueEntry entry = ( ExtendsQueueEntry ) iterator.next(); buf.append( entry.getExplicitName() ); if ( entry.getMappingPackage() != null ) { buf.append( "[" ).append( entry.getMappingPackage() ).append( "]" ); } if ( iterator.hasNext() ) { buf.append( "," ); } } throw new MappingException( buf.toString() ); } return added; } protected ExtendsQueueEntry findPossibleExtends() { Iterator<ExtendsQueueEntry> itr = extendsQueue.keySet().iterator(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { final ExtendsQueueEntry entry = itr.next(); boolean found = getClassMapping( entry.getExplicitName() ) != null || getClassMapping( HbmBinder.getClassName( entry.getExplicitName(), entry.getMappingPackage() ) ) != null; if ( found ) { itr.remove(); return entry; } } return null; } protected void secondPassCompileForeignKeys(Table table, Set<ForeignKey> done) throws MappingException { table.createForeignKeys(); Iterator iter = table.getForeignKeyIterator(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { ForeignKey fk = (ForeignKey) iter.next(); if ( !done.contains( fk ) ) { done.add( fk ); final String referencedEntityName = fk.getReferencedEntityName(); if ( referencedEntityName == null ) { throw new MappingException( "An association from the table " + fk.getTable().getName() + " does not specify the referenced entity" ); } LOG.debugf( "Resolving reference to class: %s", referencedEntityName ); PersistentClass referencedClass = classes.get( referencedEntityName ); if ( referencedClass == null ) { throw new MappingException( "An association from the table " + fk.getTable().getName() + " refers to an unmapped class: " + referencedEntityName ); } if ( referencedClass.isJoinedSubclass() ) { secondPassCompileForeignKeys( referencedClass.getSuperclass().getTable(), done ); } fk.setReferencedTable( referencedClass.getTable() ); fk.alignColumns(); } } } public Map<String, NamedQueryDefinition> getNamedQueries() { return namedQueries; } public Map<String, NamedProcedureCallDefinition> getNamedProcedureCallMap() { return namedProcedureCallMap; }
Create a SessionFactory using the properties and mappings in this configuration. The SessionFactory will be immutable, so changes made to this Configuration after building the SessionFactory will not affect it.
  • serviceRegistry – The registry of services to be used in creating this session factory.
  • HibernateException – usually indicates an invalid configuration or invalid mapping information
Returns:The built SessionFactory
/** * Create a {@link SessionFactory} using the properties and mappings in this configuration. The * {@link SessionFactory} will be immutable, so changes made to {@code this} {@link Configuration} after * building the {@link SessionFactory} will not affect it. * * @param serviceRegistry The registry of services to be used in creating this session factory. * * @return The built {@link SessionFactory} * * @throws HibernateException usually indicates an invalid configuration or invalid mapping information */
public SessionFactory buildSessionFactory(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) throws HibernateException { LOG.debugf( "Preparing to build session factory with filters : %s", filterDefinitions ); buildTypeRegistrations( serviceRegistry ); secondPassCompile(); if ( !metadataSourceQueue.isEmpty() ) { LOG.incompleteMappingMetadataCacheProcessing(); } validate(); Environment.verifyProperties( properties ); Properties copy = new Properties(); copy.putAll( properties ); ConfigurationHelper.resolvePlaceHolders( copy ); Settings settings = buildSettings( copy, serviceRegistry ); return new SessionFactoryImpl( this, mapping, serviceRegistry, settings, sessionFactoryObserver ); } private void buildTypeRegistrations(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) { final TypeContributions typeContributions = new TypeContributions() { @Override public void contributeType(BasicType type) { typeResolver.registerTypeOverride( type ); } @Override public void contributeType(UserType type, String[] keys) { typeResolver.registerTypeOverride( type, keys ); } @Override public void contributeType(CompositeUserType type, String[] keys) { typeResolver.registerTypeOverride( type, keys ); } }; // add Dialect contributed types final Dialect dialect = serviceRegistry.getService( JdbcServices.class ).getDialect(); dialect.contributeTypes( typeContributions, serviceRegistry ); // add TypeContributor contributed types. ClassLoaderService classLoaderService = serviceRegistry.getService( ClassLoaderService.class ); for ( TypeContributor contributor : classLoaderService.loadJavaServices( TypeContributor.class ) ) { contributor.contribute( typeContributions, serviceRegistry ); } // from app registrations for ( TypeContributor contributor : typeContributorRegistrations ) { contributor.contribute( typeContributions, serviceRegistry ); } }
Create a SessionFactory using the properties and mappings in this configuration. The SessionFactory will be immutable, so changes made to this Configuration after building the SessionFactory will not affect it.
  • HibernateException – usually indicates an invalid configuration or invalid mapping information
Returns:The build SessionFactory
Deprecated:Use buildSessionFactory(ServiceRegistry) instead
/** * Create a {@link SessionFactory} using the properties and mappings in this configuration. The * {@link SessionFactory} will be immutable, so changes made to {@code this} {@link Configuration} after * building the {@link SessionFactory} will not affect it. * * @return The build {@link SessionFactory} * * @throws HibernateException usually indicates an invalid configuration or invalid mapping information * * @deprecated Use {@link #buildSessionFactory(ServiceRegistry)} instead */
public SessionFactory buildSessionFactory() throws HibernateException { Environment.verifyProperties( properties ); ConfigurationHelper.resolvePlaceHolders( properties ); final ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = new StandardServiceRegistryBuilder() .applySettings( properties ) .build(); setSessionFactoryObserver( new SessionFactoryObserver() { @Override public void sessionFactoryCreated(SessionFactory factory) { } @Override public void sessionFactoryClosed(SessionFactory factory) { ( (StandardServiceRegistryImpl) serviceRegistry ).destroy(); } } ); return buildSessionFactory( serviceRegistry ); }
Retrieve the configured Interceptor.
Returns:The current Interceptor
/** * Retrieve the configured {@link Interceptor}. * * @return The current {@link Interceptor} */
public Interceptor getInterceptor() { return interceptor; }
Set the current Interceptor
Returns:this for method chaining
/** * Set the current {@link Interceptor} * * @param interceptor The {@link Interceptor} to use for the {@link #buildSessionFactory built} * {@link SessionFactory}. * * @return this for method chaining */
public Configuration setInterceptor(Interceptor interceptor) { this.interceptor = interceptor; return this; }
Get all properties
Returns:all properties
/** * Get all properties * * @return all properties */
public Properties getProperties() { return properties; }
Get a property value by name
  • propertyName – The name of the property
Returns:The value currently associated with that property name; may be null.
/** * Get a property value by name * * @param propertyName The name of the property * * @return The value currently associated with that property name; may be null. */
public String getProperty(String propertyName) { return properties.getProperty( propertyName ); }
Specify a completely new set of properties
  • properties – The new set of properties
Returns:this for method chaining
/** * Specify a completely new set of properties * * @param properties The new set of properties * * @return this for method chaining */
public Configuration setProperties(Properties properties) { this.properties = properties; return this; }
Add the given properties to ours.
  • extraProperties – The properties to add.
Returns:this for method chaining
/** * Add the given properties to ours. * * @param extraProperties The properties to add. * * @return this for method chaining * */
public Configuration addProperties(Properties extraProperties) { this.properties.putAll( extraProperties ); return this; }
Adds the incoming properties to the internal properties structure, as long as the internal structure does not already contain an entry for the given key.
  • properties – The properties to merge
Returns:this for ethod chaining
/** * Adds the incoming properties to the internal properties structure, as long as the internal structure does not * already contain an entry for the given key. * * @param properties The properties to merge * * @return this for ethod chaining */
public Configuration mergeProperties(Properties properties) { for ( Map.Entry entry : properties.entrySet() ) { if ( this.properties.containsKey( entry.getKey() ) ) { continue; } this.properties.setProperty( (String) entry.getKey(), (String) entry.getValue() ); } return this; }
Set a property value by name
  • propertyName – The name of the property to set
  • value – The new property value
Returns:this for method chaining
/** * Set a property value by name * * @param propertyName The name of the property to set * @param value The new property value * * @return this for method chaining */
public Configuration setProperty(String propertyName, String value) { properties.setProperty( propertyName, value ); return this; } private void addProperties(Element parent) { Iterator itr = parent.elementIterator( "property" ); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { Element node = (Element) itr.next(); String name = node.attributeValue( "name" ); String value = node.getText().trim(); LOG.debugf( "%s=%s", name, value ); properties.setProperty( name, value ); if ( !name.startsWith( "hibernate" ) ) { properties.setProperty( "hibernate." + name, value ); } } Environment.verifyProperties( properties ); }
Use the mappings and properties specified in an application resource named hibernate.cfg.xml.
See Also:
Returns:this for method chaining
/** * Use the mappings and properties specified in an application resource named <tt>hibernate.cfg.xml</tt>. * * @return this for method chaining * * @throws HibernateException Generally indicates we cannot find <tt>hibernate.cfg.xml</tt> * * @see #configure(String) */
public Configuration configure() throws HibernateException { configure( "/hibernate.cfg.xml" ); return this; }
Use the mappings and properties specified in the given application resource. The format of the resource is defined in hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd.

The resource is found via getConfigurationInputStream
  • resource – The resource to use
See Also:
Returns:this for method chaining
/** * Use the mappings and properties specified in the given application resource. The format of the resource is * defined in <tt>hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd</tt>. * <p/> * The resource is found via {@link #getConfigurationInputStream} * * @param resource The resource to use * * @return this for method chaining * * @throws HibernateException Generally indicates we cannot find the named resource * * @see #doConfigure(java.io.InputStream, String) */
public Configuration configure(String resource) throws HibernateException { LOG.configuringFromResource( resource ); InputStream stream = getConfigurationInputStream( resource ); return doConfigure( stream, resource ); }
Get the configuration file as an InputStream. Might be overridden by subclasses to allow the configuration to be located by some arbitrary mechanism.

By default here we use classpath resource resolution
  • resource – The resource to locate
Returns:The stream
/** * Get the configuration file as an <tt>InputStream</tt>. Might be overridden * by subclasses to allow the configuration to be located by some arbitrary * mechanism. * <p/> * By default here we use classpath resource resolution * * @param resource The resource to locate * * @return The stream * * @throws HibernateException Generally indicates we cannot find the named resource */
protected InputStream getConfigurationInputStream(String resource) throws HibernateException { LOG.configurationResource( resource ); return ConfigHelper.getResourceAsStream( resource ); }
Use the mappings and properties specified in the given document. The format of the document is defined in hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd.
  • url – URL from which you wish to load the configuration
See Also:
Returns:this for method chaining
/** * Use the mappings and properties specified in the given document. The format of the document is defined in * <tt>hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd</tt>. * * @param url URL from which you wish to load the configuration * * @return this for method chaining * * @throws HibernateException Generally indicates a problem access the url * * @see #doConfigure(java.io.InputStream, String) */
public Configuration configure(URL url) throws HibernateException { LOG.configuringFromUrl( url ); try { return doConfigure( url.openStream(), url.toString() ); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new HibernateException( "could not configure from URL: " + url, ioe ); } }
Use the mappings and properties specified in the given application file. The format of the file is defined in hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd.
  • configFile – File from which you wish to load the configuration
See Also:
Returns:this for method chaining
/** * Use the mappings and properties specified in the given application file. The format of the file is defined in * <tt>hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd</tt>. * * @param configFile File from which you wish to load the configuration * * @return this for method chaining * * @throws HibernateException Generally indicates a problem access the file * * @see #doConfigure(java.io.InputStream, String) */
public Configuration configure(File configFile) throws HibernateException { LOG.configuringFromFile( configFile.getName() ); try { return doConfigure( new FileInputStream( configFile ), configFile.toString() ); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { throw new HibernateException( "could not find file: " + configFile, fnfe ); } }
Configure this configuration's state from the contents of the given input stream. The expectation is that the stream contents represent an XML document conforming to the Hibernate Configuration DTD. See doConfigure(Document) for further details.
  • stream – The input stream from which to read
  • resourceName – The name to use in warning/error messages
Returns:this for method chaining
/** * Configure this configuration's state from the contents of the given input stream. The expectation is that * the stream contents represent an XML document conforming to the Hibernate Configuration DTD. See * {@link #doConfigure(Document)} for further details. * * @param stream The input stream from which to read * @param resourceName The name to use in warning/error messages * * @return this for method chaining * * @throws HibernateException Indicates a problem reading the stream contents. */
protected Configuration doConfigure(InputStream stream, String resourceName) throws HibernateException { try { ErrorLogger errorLogger = new ErrorLogger( resourceName ); Document document = xmlHelper.createSAXReader( errorLogger, entityResolver ) .read( new InputSource( stream ) ); if ( errorLogger.hasErrors() ) { throw new MappingException( "invalid configuration", errorLogger.getErrors().get( 0 ) ); } doConfigure( document ); } catch (DocumentException e) { throw new HibernateException( "Could not parse configuration: " + resourceName, e ); } finally { try { stream.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.unableToCloseInputStreamForResource( resourceName, ioe ); } } return this; }
Use the mappings and properties specified in the given XML document. The format of the file is defined in hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd.
  • document – an XML document from which you wish to load the configuration
Returns:A configuration configured via the Document
/** * Use the mappings and properties specified in the given XML document. * The format of the file is defined in * <tt>hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd</tt>. * * @param document an XML document from which you wish to load the configuration * @return A configuration configured via the <tt>Document</tt> * @throws HibernateException if there is problem in accessing the file. */
public Configuration configure(org.w3c.dom.Document document) throws HibernateException { LOG.configuringFromXmlDocument(); return doConfigure( xmlHelper.createDOMReader().read( document ) ); }
Parse a dom4j document conforming to the Hibernate Configuration DTD (hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd) and use its information to configure this Configuration's state
  • doc – The dom4j document
Returns:this for method chaining
/** * Parse a dom4j document conforming to the Hibernate Configuration DTD (<tt>hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd</tt>) * and use its information to configure this {@link Configuration}'s state * * @param doc The dom4j document * * @return this for method chaining * * @throws HibernateException Indicates a problem performing the configuration task */
protected Configuration doConfigure(Document doc) throws HibernateException { Element sfNode = doc.getRootElement().element( "session-factory" ); String name = sfNode.attributeValue( "name" ); if ( name != null ) { properties.setProperty( Environment.SESSION_FACTORY_NAME, name ); } addProperties( sfNode ); parseSessionFactory( sfNode, name ); Element secNode = doc.getRootElement().element( "security" ); if ( secNode != null ) { parseSecurity( secNode ); } LOG.configuredSessionFactory( name ); LOG.debugf( "Properties: %s", properties ); return this; } private void parseSessionFactory(Element sfNode, String name) { Iterator elements = sfNode.elementIterator(); while ( elements.hasNext() ) { Element subelement = (Element) elements.next(); String subelementName = subelement.getName(); if ( "mapping".equals( subelementName ) ) { parseMappingElement( subelement, name ); } else if ( "class-cache".equals( subelementName ) ) { String className = subelement.attributeValue( "class" ); Attribute regionNode = subelement.attribute( "region" ); final String region = ( regionNode == null ) ? className : regionNode.getValue(); boolean includeLazy = !"non-lazy".equals( subelement.attributeValue( "include" ) ); setCacheConcurrencyStrategy( className, subelement.attributeValue( "usage" ), region, includeLazy ); } else if ( "collection-cache".equals( subelementName ) ) { String role = subelement.attributeValue( "collection" ); Attribute regionNode = subelement.attribute( "region" ); final String region = ( regionNode == null ) ? role : regionNode.getValue(); setCollectionCacheConcurrencyStrategy( role, subelement.attributeValue( "usage" ), region ); } } } private void parseMappingElement(Element mappingElement, String name) { final Attribute resourceAttribute = mappingElement.attribute( "resource" ); final Attribute fileAttribute = mappingElement.attribute( "file" ); final Attribute jarAttribute = mappingElement.attribute( "jar" ); final Attribute packageAttribute = mappingElement.attribute( "package" ); final Attribute classAttribute = mappingElement.attribute( "class" ); if ( resourceAttribute != null ) { final String resourceName = resourceAttribute.getValue(); LOG.debugf( "Session-factory config [%s] named resource [%s] for mapping", name, resourceName ); addResource( resourceName ); } else if ( fileAttribute != null ) { final String fileName = fileAttribute.getValue(); LOG.debugf( "Session-factory config [%s] named file [%s] for mapping", name, fileName ); addFile( fileName ); } else if ( jarAttribute != null ) { final String jarFileName = jarAttribute.getValue(); LOG.debugf( "Session-factory config [%s] named jar file [%s] for mapping", name, jarFileName ); addJar( new File( jarFileName ) ); } else if ( packageAttribute != null ) { final String packageName = packageAttribute.getValue(); LOG.debugf( "Session-factory config [%s] named package [%s] for mapping", name, packageName ); addPackage( packageName ); } else if ( classAttribute != null ) { final String className = classAttribute.getValue(); LOG.debugf( "Session-factory config [%s] named class [%s] for mapping", name, className ); try { addAnnotatedClass( ReflectHelper.classForName( className ) ); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new MappingException( "Unable to load class [ " + className + "] declared in Hibernate configuration <mapping/> entry", e ); } } else { throw new MappingException( "<mapping> element in configuration specifies no known attributes" ); } } private JaccPermissionDeclarations jaccPermissionDeclarations; private void parseSecurity(Element secNode) { final String nodeContextId = secNode.attributeValue( "context" ); final String explicitContextId = getProperty( AvailableSettings.JACC_CONTEXT_ID ); if ( explicitContextId == null ) { setProperty( AvailableSettings.JACC_CONTEXT_ID, nodeContextId ); LOG.jaccContextId( nodeContextId ); } else { // if they dont match, throw an error if ( ! nodeContextId.equals( explicitContextId ) ) { throw new HibernateException( "Non-matching JACC context ids" ); } } jaccPermissionDeclarations = new JaccPermissionDeclarations( nodeContextId ); Iterator grantElements = secNode.elementIterator(); while ( grantElements.hasNext() ) { final Element grantElement = (Element) grantElements.next(); final String elementName = grantElement.getName(); if ( "grant".equals( elementName ) ) { jaccPermissionDeclarations.addPermissionDeclaration( new GrantedPermission( grantElement.attributeValue( "role" ), grantElement.attributeValue( "entity-name" ), grantElement.attributeValue( "actions" ) ) ); } } } public JaccPermissionDeclarations getJaccPermissionDeclarations() { return jaccPermissionDeclarations; } RootClass getRootClassMapping(String clazz) throws MappingException { try { return (RootClass) getClassMapping( clazz ); } catch (ClassCastException cce) { throw new MappingException( "You may only specify a cache for root <class> mappings. Attempted on " + clazz ); } }
Set up a cache for an entity class
  • entityName – The name of the entity to which we shoudl associate these cache settings
  • concurrencyStrategy – The cache strategy to use
Returns:this for method chaining
/** * Set up a cache for an entity class * * @param entityName The name of the entity to which we shoudl associate these cache settings * @param concurrencyStrategy The cache strategy to use * * @return this for method chaining */
public Configuration setCacheConcurrencyStrategy(String entityName, String concurrencyStrategy) { setCacheConcurrencyStrategy( entityName, concurrencyStrategy, entityName ); return this; }
Set up a cache for an entity class, giving an explicit region name
  • entityName – The name of the entity to which we should associate these cache settings
  • concurrencyStrategy – The cache strategy to use
  • region – The name of the cache region to use
Returns:this for method chaining
/** * Set up a cache for an entity class, giving an explicit region name * * @param entityName The name of the entity to which we should associate these cache settings * @param concurrencyStrategy The cache strategy to use * @param region The name of the cache region to use * * @return this for method chaining */
public Configuration setCacheConcurrencyStrategy(String entityName, String concurrencyStrategy, String region) { setCacheConcurrencyStrategy( entityName, concurrencyStrategy, region, true ); return this; } public void setCacheConcurrencyStrategy( String entityName, String concurrencyStrategy, String region, boolean cacheLazyProperty) throws MappingException { caches.add( new CacheHolder( entityName, concurrencyStrategy, region, true, cacheLazyProperty ) ); } private void applyCacheConcurrencyStrategy(CacheHolder holder) { RootClass rootClass = getRootClassMapping( holder.role ); if ( rootClass == null ) { throw new MappingException( "Cannot cache an unknown entity: " + holder.role ); } rootClass.setCacheConcurrencyStrategy( holder.usage ); rootClass.setCacheRegionName( holder.region ); rootClass.setLazyPropertiesCacheable( holder.cacheLazy ); }
Set up a cache for a collection role
  • collectionRole – The name of the collection to which we should associate these cache settings
  • concurrencyStrategy – The cache strategy to use
Returns:this for method chaining
/** * Set up a cache for a collection role * * @param collectionRole The name of the collection to which we should associate these cache settings * @param concurrencyStrategy The cache strategy to use * * @return this for method chaining */
public Configuration setCollectionCacheConcurrencyStrategy(String collectionRole, String concurrencyStrategy) { setCollectionCacheConcurrencyStrategy( collectionRole, concurrencyStrategy, collectionRole ); return this; }
Set up a cache for a collection role, giving an explicit region name
  • collectionRole – The name of the collection to which we should associate these cache settings
  • concurrencyStrategy – The cache strategy to use
  • region – The name of the cache region to use
/** * Set up a cache for a collection role, giving an explicit region name * * @param collectionRole The name of the collection to which we should associate these cache settings * @param concurrencyStrategy The cache strategy to use * @param region The name of the cache region to use */
public void setCollectionCacheConcurrencyStrategy(String collectionRole, String concurrencyStrategy, String region) { caches.add( new CacheHolder( collectionRole, concurrencyStrategy, region, false, false ) ); } private void applyCollectionCacheConcurrencyStrategy(CacheHolder holder) { Collection collection = getCollectionMapping( holder.role ); if ( collection == null ) { throw new MappingException( "Cannot cache an unknown collection: " + holder.role ); } collection.setCacheConcurrencyStrategy( holder.usage ); collection.setCacheRegionName( holder.region ); }
Get the query language imports
Returns:a mapping from "import" names to fully qualified class names
/** * Get the query language imports * * @return a mapping from "import" names to fully qualified class names */
public Map<String,String> getImports() { return imports; }
Create an object-oriented view of the configuration properties
  • serviceRegistry – The registry of services to be used in building these settings.
Returns:The build settings
/** * Create an object-oriented view of the configuration properties * * @param serviceRegistry The registry of services to be used in building these settings. * * @return The build settings */
public Settings buildSettings(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) { Properties clone = ( Properties ) properties.clone(); ConfigurationHelper.resolvePlaceHolders( clone ); return buildSettingsInternal( clone, serviceRegistry ); } public Settings buildSettings(Properties props, ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) throws HibernateException { return buildSettingsInternal( props, serviceRegistry ); } private Settings buildSettingsInternal(Properties props, ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) { final Settings settings = settingsFactory.buildSettings( props, serviceRegistry ); settings.setEntityTuplizerFactory( this.getEntityTuplizerFactory() ); // settings.setComponentTuplizerFactory( this.getComponentTuplizerFactory() ); return settings; } public Map getNamedSQLQueries() { return namedSqlQueries; } public Map getSqlResultSetMappings() { return sqlResultSetMappings; } public NamingStrategy getNamingStrategy() { if ( LegacyNamingStrategyDelegator.class.isInstance( namingStrategyDelegator ) ) { return ( (LegacyNamingStrategyDelegator) namingStrategyDelegator ).getNamingStrategy(); } return null; } public NamingStrategyDelegator getNamingStrategyDelegator() { return namingStrategyDelegator; }
Set the current naming strategy. An instance of LegacyNamingStrategyDelegator will be constructed with the specified naming strategy.
See Also:
Returns:this for method chaining.
/** * Set the current naming strategy. An instance of {@link org.hibernate.cfg.naming.LegacyNamingStrategyDelegator} * will be constructed with the specified naming strategy. * * @param namingStrategy the {@link NamingStrategy} to set; must be non-null. * * @return this for method chaining. * * @see org.hibernate.cfg.naming.LegacyNamingStrategyDelegator#LegacyNamingStrategyDelegator(NamingStrategy) */
public Configuration setNamingStrategy(NamingStrategy namingStrategy) { if ( namingStrategy == null ) { throw new MappingException( "namingStrategy must be non-null" ); } setNamingStrategyDelegator( new LegacyNamingStrategyDelegator( namingStrategy ) ); return this; }
Set a current naming strategy delegator.
Returns:this for method chaining.
/** * Set a current naming strategy delegator. * * @param namingStrategyDelegator the {@link org.hibernate.cfg.naming.NamingStrategyDelegator} to set; * must be non-null; if {@code namingStrategyDelegator} is an instance * of {@link LegacyNamingStrategyDelegator}, then * {@link LegacyNamingStrategyDelegator#getNamingStrategy()} must be non-null. * @return this for method chaining. * * @throws org.hibernate.MappingException if {@code namingStrategyDelegator} is null. * @throws org.hibernate.MappingException if {@code namingStrategyDelegator} is an instance * of {@link LegacyNamingStrategyDelegator} and {@link LegacyNamingStrategyDelegator#getNamingStrategy()} * is null. */
public Configuration setNamingStrategyDelegator(NamingStrategyDelegator namingStrategyDelegator) { if ( namingStrategyDelegator == null ) { throw new MappingException( "namingStrategyDelegator and namingStrategyDelegator.getNamingStrategy() must be non-null" ); } if ( LegacyNamingStrategyDelegator.class.isInstance( namingStrategyDelegator ) && LegacyNamingStrategyDelegator.class.cast( namingStrategyDelegator ).getNamingStrategy() == null ) { throw new MappingException( "namingStrategyDelegator.getNamingStrategy() must be non-null." ); } this.namingStrategyDelegator = namingStrategyDelegator; return this; }
Retrieve the IdentifierGeneratorFactory in effect for this configuration.
Returns:This configuration's IdentifierGeneratorFactory.
/** * Retrieve the IdentifierGeneratorFactory in effect for this configuration. * * @return This configuration's IdentifierGeneratorFactory. */
public MutableIdentifierGeneratorFactory getIdentifierGeneratorFactory() { return identifierGeneratorFactory; } public Mapping buildMapping() { return new Mapping() { public IdentifierGeneratorFactory getIdentifierGeneratorFactory() { return identifierGeneratorFactory; }
Returns the identifier type of a mapped class
/** * Returns the identifier type of a mapped class */
public Type getIdentifierType(String entityName) throws MappingException { PersistentClass pc = classes.get( entityName ); if ( pc == null ) { throw new MappingException( "persistent class not known: " + entityName ); } return pc.getIdentifier().getType(); } public String getIdentifierPropertyName(String entityName) throws MappingException { final PersistentClass pc = classes.get( entityName ); if ( pc == null ) { throw new MappingException( "persistent class not known: " + entityName ); } if ( !pc.hasIdentifierProperty() ) { return null; } return pc.getIdentifierProperty().getName(); } public Type getReferencedPropertyType(String entityName, String propertyName) throws MappingException { final PersistentClass pc = classes.get( entityName ); if ( pc == null ) { throw new MappingException( "persistent class not known: " + entityName ); } Property prop = pc.getReferencedProperty( propertyName ); if ( prop == null ) { throw new MappingException( "property not known: " + entityName + '.' + propertyName ); } return prop.getType(); } }; } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { //we need reflectionManager before reading the other components (MetadataSourceQueue in particular) final MetadataProvider metadataProvider = (MetadataProvider) ois.readObject(); this.mapping = buildMapping(); xmlHelper = new XMLHelper(); createReflectionManager(metadataProvider); ois.defaultReadObject(); } private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { //We write MetadataProvider first as we need reflectionManager before reading the other components final MetadataProvider metadataProvider = ( ( MetadataProviderInjector ) reflectionManager ).getMetadataProvider(); out.writeObject( metadataProvider ); out.defaultWriteObject(); } private void createReflectionManager() { createReflectionManager( new JPAMetadataProvider() ); } private void createReflectionManager(MetadataProvider metadataProvider) { reflectionManager = new JavaReflectionManager(); ( ( MetadataProviderInjector ) reflectionManager ).setMetadataProvider( metadataProvider ); } public Map getFilterDefinitions() { return filterDefinitions; } public void addFilterDefinition(FilterDefinition definition) { filterDefinitions.put( definition.getFilterName(), definition ); } public Iterator iterateFetchProfiles() { return fetchProfiles.values().iterator(); } public void addFetchProfile(FetchProfile fetchProfile) { fetchProfiles.put( fetchProfile.getName(), fetchProfile ); } public void addAuxiliaryDatabaseObject(AuxiliaryDatabaseObject object) { auxiliaryDatabaseObjects.add( object ); } public Map getSqlFunctions() { return sqlFunctions; } public void addSqlFunction(String functionName, SQLFunction function) { // HHH-7721: SQLFunctionRegistry expects all lowercase. Enforce, // just in case a user's customer dialect uses mixed cases. sqlFunctions.put( functionName.toLowerCase(), function ); } public TypeResolver getTypeResolver() { return typeResolver; }
Allows registration of a type into the type registry. The phrase 'override' in the method name simply reminds that registration *potentially* replaces a previously registered type .
  • type – The type to register.
/** * Allows registration of a type into the type registry. The phrase 'override' in the method name simply * reminds that registration *potentially* replaces a previously registered type . * * @param type The type to register. */
public void registerTypeOverride(BasicType type) { getTypeResolver().registerTypeOverride( type ); } public void registerTypeOverride(UserType type, String[] keys) { getTypeResolver().registerTypeOverride( type, keys ); } public void registerTypeOverride(CompositeUserType type, String[] keys) { getTypeResolver().registerTypeOverride( type, keys ); } public void registerTypeContributor(TypeContributor typeContributor) { typeContributorRegistrations.add( typeContributor ); } public SessionFactoryObserver getSessionFactoryObserver() { return sessionFactoryObserver; } public void setSessionFactoryObserver(SessionFactoryObserver sessionFactoryObserver) { this.sessionFactoryObserver = sessionFactoryObserver; } public CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver getCurrentTenantIdentifierResolver() { return currentTenantIdentifierResolver; } public void setCurrentTenantIdentifierResolver(CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver currentTenantIdentifierResolver) { this.currentTenantIdentifierResolver = currentTenantIdentifierResolver; }
Adds the AttributeConverter Class to this Configuration.
  • attributeConverterClass – The AttributeConverter class.
  • autoApply – Should the AttributeConverter be auto applied to property types as specified by its "entity attribute" parameterized type?
/** * Adds the AttributeConverter Class to this Configuration. * * @param attributeConverterClass The AttributeConverter class. * @param autoApply Should the AttributeConverter be auto applied to property types as specified * by its "entity attribute" parameterized type? */
public void addAttributeConverter(Class<? extends AttributeConverter> attributeConverterClass, boolean autoApply) { addAttributeConverter( instantiateAttributeConverter( attributeConverterClass ), autoApply ); } private AttributeConverter instantiateAttributeConverter(Class<? extends AttributeConverter> attributeConverterClass) { AttributeConverter attributeConverter; try { attributeConverter = attributeConverterClass.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to instantiate AttributeConverter [" + attributeConverterClass.getName() + "]", e ); } return attributeConverter; }
Adds the AttributeConverter Class to this Configuration.
  • attributeConverterClass – The AttributeConverter class.
/** * Adds the AttributeConverter Class to this Configuration. * * @param attributeConverterClass The AttributeConverter class. */
public void addAttributeConverter(Class<? extends AttributeConverter> attributeConverterClass) { addAttributeConverter( instantiateAttributeConverter( attributeConverterClass ) ); }
Adds the AttributeConverter instance to this Configuration. This form is mainly intended for developers to programatically add their own AttributeConverter instance. HEM, instead, uses the addAttributeConverter(Class<? extends AttributeConverter>, boolean) form
  • attributeConverter – The AttributeConverter instance.
/** * Adds the AttributeConverter instance to this Configuration. This form is mainly intended for developers * to programatically add their own AttributeConverter instance. HEM, instead, uses the * {@link #addAttributeConverter(Class, boolean)} form * * @param attributeConverter The AttributeConverter instance. */
public void addAttributeConverter(AttributeConverter attributeConverter) { boolean autoApply = false; Converter converterAnnotation = attributeConverter.getClass().getAnnotation( Converter.class ); if ( converterAnnotation != null ) { autoApply = converterAnnotation.autoApply(); } addAttributeConverter( new AttributeConverterDefinition( attributeConverter, autoApply ) ); }
Adds the AttributeConverter instance to this Configuration. This form is mainly intended for developers to programatically add their own AttributeConverter instance. HEM, instead, uses the addAttributeConverter(Class<? extends AttributeConverter>, boolean) form
  • attributeConverter – The AttributeConverter instance.
  • autoApply – Should the AttributeConverter be auto applied to property types as specified by its "entity attribute" parameterized type?
/** * Adds the AttributeConverter instance to this Configuration. This form is mainly intended for developers * to programatically add their own AttributeConverter instance. HEM, instead, uses the * {@link #addAttributeConverter(Class, boolean)} form * * @param attributeConverter The AttributeConverter instance. * @param autoApply Should the AttributeConverter be auto applied to property types as specified * by its "entity attribute" parameterized type? */
public void addAttributeConverter(AttributeConverter attributeConverter, boolean autoApply) { addAttributeConverter( new AttributeConverterDefinition( attributeConverter, autoApply ) ); } public void addAttributeConverter(AttributeConverterDefinition definition) { if ( attributeConverterDefinitionsByClass == null ) { attributeConverterDefinitionsByClass = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class, AttributeConverterDefinition>(); } final Object old = attributeConverterDefinitionsByClass.put( definition.getAttributeConverter().getClass(), definition ); if ( old != null ) { throw new AssertionFailure( String.format( "AttributeConverter class [%s] registered multiple times", definition.getAttributeConverter().getClass() ) ); } } public java.util.Collection<NamedEntityGraphDefinition> getNamedEntityGraphs() { return namedEntityGraphMap == null ? Collections.<NamedEntityGraphDefinition>emptyList() : namedEntityGraphMap.values(); } // Mappings impl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Internal implementation of the Mappings interface giving access to the Configuration's internal metadata repository state (Configuration.classes, Configuration.tables, etc).
/** * Internal implementation of the Mappings interface giving access to the Configuration's internal * <tt>metadata repository</tt> state ({@link Configuration#classes}, {@link Configuration#tables}, etc). */
@SuppressWarnings( {"deprecation", "unchecked"}) protected class MappingsImpl implements ExtendedMappings, Serializable { private String schemaName; public String getSchemaName() { return schemaName; } public void setSchemaName(String schemaName) { this.schemaName = schemaName; } private String catalogName; public String getCatalogName() { return catalogName; } public void setCatalogName(String catalogName) { this.catalogName = catalogName; } private String defaultPackage; public String getDefaultPackage() { return defaultPackage; } public void setDefaultPackage(String defaultPackage) { this.defaultPackage = defaultPackage; } private boolean autoImport; public boolean isAutoImport() { return autoImport; } public void setAutoImport(boolean autoImport) { this.autoImport = autoImport; } private boolean defaultLazy; public boolean isDefaultLazy() { return defaultLazy; } public void setDefaultLazy(boolean defaultLazy) { this.defaultLazy = defaultLazy; } private String defaultCascade; public String getDefaultCascade() { return defaultCascade; } public void setDefaultCascade(String defaultCascade) { this.defaultCascade = defaultCascade; } private String defaultAccess; public String getDefaultAccess() { return defaultAccess; } public void setDefaultAccess(String defaultAccess) { this.defaultAccess = defaultAccess; } public NamingStrategy getNamingStrategy() { return Configuration.this.getNamingStrategy(); } public void setNamingStrategy(NamingStrategy namingStrategy) { Configuration.this.setNamingStrategy( namingStrategy ); } public NamingStrategyDelegator getNamingStrategyDelegator() { return Configuration.this.getNamingStrategyDelegator(); } public void setNamingStrategyDelegator(NamingStrategyDelegator namingStrategyDelegator) { Configuration.this.setNamingStrategyDelegator( namingStrategyDelegator ); } public TypeResolver getTypeResolver() { return typeResolver; } public Iterator<PersistentClass> iterateClasses() { return classes.values().iterator(); } public PersistentClass getClass(String entityName) { return classes.get( entityName ); } public PersistentClass locatePersistentClassByEntityName(String entityName) { PersistentClass persistentClass = classes.get( entityName ); if ( persistentClass == null ) { String actualEntityName = imports.get( entityName ); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( actualEntityName ) ) { persistentClass = classes.get( actualEntityName ); } } return persistentClass; } public void addClass(PersistentClass persistentClass) throws DuplicateMappingException { Object old = classes.put( persistentClass.getEntityName(), persistentClass ); if ( old != null ) { throw new DuplicateMappingException( "class/entity", persistentClass.getEntityName() ); } } public void addImport(String entityName, String rename) throws DuplicateMappingException { String existing = imports.put( rename, entityName ); if ( existing != null ) { if (existing.equals(entityName)) LOG.duplicateImport(entityName, rename); else throw new DuplicateMappingException("duplicate import: " + rename + " refers to both " + entityName + " and " + existing + " (try using auto-import=\"false\")", "import", rename); } } public Collection getCollection(String role) { return collections.get( role ); } public Iterator<Collection> iterateCollections() { return collections.values().iterator(); } public void addCollection(Collection collection) throws DuplicateMappingException { Object old = collections.put( collection.getRole(), collection ); if ( old != null ) { throw new DuplicateMappingException( "collection role", collection.getRole() ); } } public Table getTable(String schema, String catalog, String name) { String key = Table.qualify(catalog, schema, name); return tables.get( key ); } public Iterator<Table> iterateTables() { return tables.values().iterator(); } public Table addTable( String schema, String catalog, String name, String subselect, boolean isAbstract) { name = getObjectNameNormalizer().normalizeIdentifierQuoting( name ); schema = getObjectNameNormalizer().normalizeIdentifierQuoting( schema ); catalog = getObjectNameNormalizer().normalizeIdentifierQuoting( catalog ); String key = subselect == null ? Table.qualify( catalog, schema, name ) : subselect; Table table = tables.get( key ); if ( table == null ) { table = new Table(); table.setAbstract( isAbstract ); table.setName( name ); table.setSchema( schema ); table.setCatalog( catalog ); table.setSubselect( subselect ); tables.put( key, table ); } else { if ( !isAbstract ) { table.setAbstract( false ); } } return table; } public Table addDenormalizedTable( String schema, String catalog, String name, boolean isAbstract, String subselect, Table includedTable) throws DuplicateMappingException { name = getObjectNameNormalizer().normalizeIdentifierQuoting( name ); schema = getObjectNameNormalizer().normalizeIdentifierQuoting( schema ); catalog = getObjectNameNormalizer().normalizeIdentifierQuoting( catalog ); String key = subselect == null ? Table.qualify(catalog, schema, name) : subselect; if ( tables.containsKey( key ) ) { throw new DuplicateMappingException( "table", name ); } Table table = new DenormalizedTable( includedTable ); table.setAbstract( isAbstract ); table.setName( name ); table.setSchema( schema ); table.setCatalog( catalog ); table.setSubselect( subselect ); tables.put( key, table ); return table; } public NamedQueryDefinition getQuery(String name) { return namedQueries.get( name ); } public void addQuery(String name, NamedQueryDefinition query) throws DuplicateMappingException { if ( !defaultNamedQueryNames.contains( name ) ) { applyQuery( name, query ); } } private void applyQuery(String name, NamedQueryDefinition query) { checkQueryName( name ); namedQueries.put( name.intern(), query ); } private void checkQueryName(String name) throws DuplicateMappingException { if ( namedQueries.containsKey( name ) || namedSqlQueries.containsKey( name ) ) { throw new DuplicateMappingException( "query", name ); } } public void addDefaultQuery(String name, NamedQueryDefinition query) { applyQuery( name, query ); defaultNamedQueryNames.add( name ); } public NamedSQLQueryDefinition getSQLQuery(String name) { return namedSqlQueries.get( name ); } public void addSQLQuery(String name, NamedSQLQueryDefinition query) throws DuplicateMappingException { if ( !defaultNamedNativeQueryNames.contains( name ) ) { applySQLQuery( name, query ); } } private void applySQLQuery(String name, NamedSQLQueryDefinition query) throws DuplicateMappingException { checkQueryName( name ); namedSqlQueries.put( name.intern(), query ); } @Override public void addNamedProcedureCallDefinition(NamedProcedureCallDefinition definition) throws DuplicateMappingException { final String name = definition.getRegisteredName(); if ( !defaultNamedProcedure.contains( name ) ) { final NamedProcedureCallDefinition previous = namedProcedureCallMap.put( name, definition ); if ( previous != null ) { throw new DuplicateMappingException( "named stored procedure query", name ); } } } @Override public void addDefaultNamedProcedureCallDefinition(NamedProcedureCallDefinition definition) throws DuplicateMappingException { addNamedProcedureCallDefinition( definition ); defaultNamedProcedure.add( definition.getRegisteredName() ); } @Override public void addNamedEntityGraphDefintion(NamedEntityGraphDefinition definition) throws DuplicateMappingException { final String name = definition.getRegisteredName(); final NamedEntityGraphDefinition previous = namedEntityGraphMap.put( name, definition ); if ( previous != null ) { throw new DuplicateMappingException( "NamedEntityGraph", name ); } } public void addDefaultSQLQuery(String name, NamedSQLQueryDefinition query) { applySQLQuery( name, query ); defaultNamedNativeQueryNames.add( name ); } public ResultSetMappingDefinition getResultSetMapping(String name) { return sqlResultSetMappings.get(name); } public void addResultSetMapping(ResultSetMappingDefinition sqlResultSetMapping) throws DuplicateMappingException { if ( !defaultSqlResultSetMappingNames.contains( sqlResultSetMapping.getName() ) ) { applyResultSetMapping( sqlResultSetMapping ); } } public void applyResultSetMapping(ResultSetMappingDefinition sqlResultSetMapping) throws DuplicateMappingException { Object old = sqlResultSetMappings.put( sqlResultSetMapping.getName(), sqlResultSetMapping ); if ( old != null ) { throw new DuplicateMappingException( "resultSet", sqlResultSetMapping.getName() ); } } public void addDefaultResultSetMapping(ResultSetMappingDefinition definition) { final String name = definition.getName(); if ( !defaultSqlResultSetMappingNames.contains( name ) && getResultSetMapping( name ) != null ) { removeResultSetMapping( name ); } applyResultSetMapping( definition ); defaultSqlResultSetMappingNames.add( name ); } protected void removeResultSetMapping(String name) { sqlResultSetMappings.remove( name ); } public TypeDef getTypeDef(String typeName) { return typeDefs.get( typeName ); } public void addTypeDef(String typeName, String typeClass, Properties paramMap) { TypeDef def = new TypeDef( typeClass, paramMap ); typeDefs.put( typeName, def ); LOG.debugf( "Added %s with class %s", typeName, typeClass ); } public Map getFilterDefinitions() { return filterDefinitions; } public FilterDefinition getFilterDefinition(String name) { return filterDefinitions.get( name ); } public void addFilterDefinition(FilterDefinition definition) { filterDefinitions.put( definition.getFilterName(), definition ); } public FetchProfile findOrCreateFetchProfile(String name, MetadataSource source) { FetchProfile profile = fetchProfiles.get( name ); if ( profile == null ) { profile = new FetchProfile( name, source ); fetchProfiles.put( name, profile ); } return profile; } public Iterator<AuxiliaryDatabaseObject> iterateAuxliaryDatabaseObjects() { return iterateAuxiliaryDatabaseObjects(); } public Iterator<AuxiliaryDatabaseObject> iterateAuxiliaryDatabaseObjects() { return auxiliaryDatabaseObjects.iterator(); } public ListIterator<AuxiliaryDatabaseObject> iterateAuxliaryDatabaseObjectsInReverse() { return iterateAuxiliaryDatabaseObjectsInReverse(); } public ListIterator<AuxiliaryDatabaseObject> iterateAuxiliaryDatabaseObjectsInReverse() { return auxiliaryDatabaseObjects.listIterator( auxiliaryDatabaseObjects.size() ); } public void addAuxiliaryDatabaseObject(AuxiliaryDatabaseObject auxiliaryDatabaseObject) { auxiliaryDatabaseObjects.add( auxiliaryDatabaseObject ); }
Internal struct used to help track physical table names to logical table names.
/** * Internal struct used to help track physical table names to logical table names. */
private class TableDescription implements Serializable { final String logicalName; final Table denormalizedSupertable; TableDescription(String logicalName, Table denormalizedSupertable) { this.logicalName = logicalName; this.denormalizedSupertable = denormalizedSupertable; } } public String getLogicalTableName(Table table) throws MappingException { return getLogicalTableName( table.getQuotedSchema(), table.getQuotedCatalog(), table.getQuotedName() ); } private String getLogicalTableName(String schema, String catalog, String physicalName) throws MappingException { String key = buildTableNameKey( schema, catalog, physicalName ); TableDescription descriptor = (TableDescription) tableNameBinding.get( key ); if (descriptor == null) { throw new MappingException( "Unable to find physical table: " + physicalName); } return descriptor.logicalName; } public void addTableBinding( String schema, String catalog, String logicalName, String physicalName, Table denormalizedSuperTable) throws DuplicateMappingException { String key = buildTableNameKey( schema, catalog, physicalName ); TableDescription tableDescription = new TableDescription( logicalName, denormalizedSuperTable ); TableDescription oldDescriptor = ( TableDescription ) tableNameBinding.put( key, tableDescription ); if ( oldDescriptor != null && ! oldDescriptor.logicalName.equals( logicalName ) ) { //TODO possibly relax that throw new DuplicateMappingException( "Same physical table name [" + physicalName + "] references several logical table names: [" + oldDescriptor.logicalName + "], [" + logicalName + ']', "table", physicalName ); } } private String buildTableNameKey(String schema, String catalog, String finalName) { StringBuilder keyBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (schema != null) keyBuilder.append( schema ); keyBuilder.append( "."); if (catalog != null) keyBuilder.append( catalog ); keyBuilder.append( "."); keyBuilder.append( finalName ); return keyBuilder.toString(); }
Internal struct used to maintain xref between physical and logical column names for a table. Mainly this is used to ensure that the defined NamingStrategy is not creating duplicate column names.
/** * Internal struct used to maintain xref between physical and logical column * names for a table. Mainly this is used to ensure that the defined * {@link NamingStrategy} is not creating duplicate column names. */
private class TableColumnNameBinding implements Serializable { private final String tableName; private Map/*<String, String>*/ logicalToPhysical = new HashMap(); private Map/*<String, String>*/ physicalToLogical = new HashMap(); private TableColumnNameBinding(String tableName) { this.tableName = tableName; } public void addBinding(String logicalName, Column physicalColumn) { bindLogicalToPhysical( logicalName, physicalColumn ); bindPhysicalToLogical( logicalName, physicalColumn ); } private void bindLogicalToPhysical(String logicalName, Column physicalColumn) throws DuplicateMappingException { final String logicalKey = logicalName.toLowerCase(); final String physicalName = physicalColumn.getQuotedName(); final String existingPhysicalName = ( String ) logicalToPhysical.put( logicalKey, physicalName ); if ( existingPhysicalName != null ) { boolean areSamePhysicalColumn = physicalColumn.isQuoted() ? existingPhysicalName.equals( physicalName ) : existingPhysicalName.equalsIgnoreCase( physicalName ); if ( ! areSamePhysicalColumn ) { throw new DuplicateMappingException( " Table [" + tableName + "] contains logical column name [" + logicalName + "] referenced by multiple physical column names: [" + existingPhysicalName + "], [" + physicalName + "]", "column-binding", tableName + "." + logicalName ); } } } private void bindPhysicalToLogical(String logicalName, Column physicalColumn) throws DuplicateMappingException { final String physicalName = physicalColumn.getQuotedName(); final String existingLogicalName = ( String ) physicalToLogical.put( physicalName, logicalName ); if ( existingLogicalName != null && ! existingLogicalName.equals( logicalName ) ) { throw new DuplicateMappingException( " Table [" + tableName + "] contains physical column name [" + physicalName + "] represented by different logical column names: [" + existingLogicalName + "], [" + logicalName + "]", "column-binding", tableName + "." + physicalName ); } } } public void addColumnBinding(String logicalName, Column physicalColumn, Table table) throws DuplicateMappingException { TableColumnNameBinding binding = ( TableColumnNameBinding ) columnNameBindingPerTable.get( table ); if ( binding == null ) { binding = new TableColumnNameBinding( table.getName() ); columnNameBindingPerTable.put( table, binding ); } binding.addBinding( logicalName, physicalColumn ); } public String getPhysicalColumnName(String logicalName, Table table) throws MappingException { logicalName = logicalName.toLowerCase(); String finalName = null; Table currentTable = table; do { TableColumnNameBinding binding = ( TableColumnNameBinding ) columnNameBindingPerTable.get( currentTable ); if ( binding != null ) { finalName = ( String ) binding.logicalToPhysical.get( logicalName ); } String key = buildTableNameKey( currentTable.getQuotedSchema(), currentTable.getQuotedCatalog(), currentTable.getQuotedName() ); TableDescription description = ( TableDescription ) tableNameBinding.get( key ); if ( description != null ) { currentTable = description.denormalizedSupertable; } else { currentTable = null; } } while ( finalName == null && currentTable != null ); if ( finalName == null ) { throw new MappingException( "Unable to find column with logical name " + logicalName + " in table " + table.getName() ); } return finalName; } @Override public String getLogicalColumnName(String physicalName, Table table) throws MappingException { String logical = null; Table currentTable = table; TableDescription description = null; do { TableColumnNameBinding binding = ( TableColumnNameBinding ) columnNameBindingPerTable.get( currentTable ); if ( binding != null ) { logical = ( String ) binding.physicalToLogical.get( physicalName ); } String key = buildTableNameKey( currentTable.getQuotedSchema(), currentTable.getQuotedCatalog(), currentTable.getQuotedName() ); description = ( TableDescription ) tableNameBinding.get( key ); if ( description != null ) { currentTable = description.denormalizedSupertable; } else { currentTable = null; } } while ( logical == null && currentTable != null ); if ( logical == null ) { throw new MappingException( "Unable to find logical column name from physical name " + physicalName + " in table " + table.getName() ); } return logical; } public void addSecondPass(SecondPass sp) { addSecondPass( sp, false ); } public void addSecondPass(SecondPass sp, boolean onTopOfTheQueue) { if ( onTopOfTheQueue ) { secondPasses.add( 0, sp ); } else { secondPasses.add( sp ); } } @Override public AttributeConverterDefinition locateAttributeConverter(Class converterClass) { if ( attributeConverterDefinitionsByClass == null ) { return null; } return attributeConverterDefinitionsByClass.get( converterClass ); } @Override public java.util.Collection<AttributeConverterDefinition> getAttributeConverters() { if ( attributeConverterDefinitionsByClass == null ) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return attributeConverterDefinitionsByClass.values(); } public void addPropertyReference(String referencedClass, String propertyName) { propertyReferences.add( new PropertyReference( referencedClass, propertyName, false ) ); } public void addUniquePropertyReference(String referencedClass, String propertyName) { propertyReferences.add( new PropertyReference( referencedClass, propertyName, true ) ); } public void addToExtendsQueue(ExtendsQueueEntry entry) { extendsQueue.put( entry, null ); } public MutableIdentifierGeneratorFactory getIdentifierGeneratorFactory() { return identifierGeneratorFactory; } public void addMappedSuperclass(Class type, MappedSuperclass mappedSuperclass) { mappedSuperClasses.put( type, mappedSuperclass ); } public MappedSuperclass getMappedSuperclass(Class type) { return mappedSuperClasses.get( type ); } public ObjectNameNormalizer getObjectNameNormalizer() { return normalizer; } public Properties getConfigurationProperties() { return properties; } public void addDefaultGenerator(IdGenerator generator) { this.addGenerator( generator ); defaultNamedGenerators.add( generator.getName() ); } public boolean isInSecondPass() { return inSecondPass; } public PropertyData getPropertyAnnotatedWithMapsId(XClass entityType, String propertyName) { final Map<String, PropertyData> map = propertiesAnnotatedWithMapsId.get( entityType ); return map == null ? null : map.get( propertyName ); } public void addPropertyAnnotatedWithMapsId(XClass entityType, PropertyData property) { Map<String, PropertyData> map = propertiesAnnotatedWithMapsId.get( entityType ); if ( map == null ) { map = new HashMap<String, PropertyData>(); propertiesAnnotatedWithMapsId.put( entityType, map ); } map.put( property.getProperty().getAnnotation( MapsId.class ).value(), property ); } public boolean isSpecjProprietarySyntaxEnabled() { return specjProprietarySyntaxEnabled; } public void addPropertyAnnotatedWithMapsIdSpecj(XClass entityType, PropertyData property, String mapsIdValue) { Map<String, PropertyData> map = propertiesAnnotatedWithMapsId.get( entityType ); if ( map == null ) { map = new HashMap<String, PropertyData>(); propertiesAnnotatedWithMapsId.put( entityType, map ); } map.put( mapsIdValue, property ); } public PropertyData getPropertyAnnotatedWithIdAndToOne(XClass entityType, String propertyName) { final Map<String, PropertyData> map = propertiesAnnotatedWithIdAndToOne.get( entityType ); return map == null ? null : map.get( propertyName ); } public void addToOneAndIdProperty(XClass entityType, PropertyData property) { Map<String, PropertyData> map = propertiesAnnotatedWithIdAndToOne.get( entityType ); if ( map == null ) { map = new HashMap<String, PropertyData>(); propertiesAnnotatedWithIdAndToOne.put( entityType, map ); } map.put( property.getPropertyName(), property ); } private Boolean useNewGeneratorMappings; @Override public boolean useNewGeneratorMappings() { if ( useNewGeneratorMappings == null ) { final String booleanName = getConfigurationProperties() .getProperty( AvailableSettings.USE_NEW_ID_GENERATOR_MAPPINGS ); useNewGeneratorMappings = Boolean.valueOf( booleanName ); } return useNewGeneratorMappings; } private Boolean implicitDiscriminatorColumnForJoinedInheritance; @Override public boolean useImplicitDiscriminatorColumnForJoinedInheritance() { if ( implicitDiscriminatorColumnForJoinedInheritance == null ) { final String booleanName = getConfigurationProperties() .getProperty( AvailableSettings.IMPLICIT_DISCRIMINATOR_COLUMNS_FOR_JOINED_SUBCLASS ); implicitDiscriminatorColumnForJoinedInheritance = Boolean.valueOf( booleanName ); } return implicitDiscriminatorColumnForJoinedInheritance; } private Boolean ignoreExplicitDiscriminatorColumnForJoinedInheritance; @Override public boolean ignoreExplicitDiscriminatorColumnForJoinedInheritance() { if ( ignoreExplicitDiscriminatorColumnForJoinedInheritance == null ) { final String booleanName = getConfigurationProperties() .getProperty( AvailableSettings.IGNORE_EXPLICIT_DISCRIMINATOR_COLUMNS_FOR_JOINED_SUBCLASS ); ignoreExplicitDiscriminatorColumnForJoinedInheritance = Boolean.valueOf( booleanName ); } return ignoreExplicitDiscriminatorColumnForJoinedInheritance; } private Boolean useNationalizedCharacterData; @Override public boolean useNationalizedCharacterData() { if ( useNationalizedCharacterData == null ) { final String booleanName = getConfigurationProperties() .getProperty( AvailableSettings.USE_NATIONALIZED_CHARACTER_DATA ); useNationalizedCharacterData = Boolean.valueOf( booleanName ); } return useNationalizedCharacterData; } private Boolean forceDiscriminatorInSelectsByDefault; @Override public boolean forceDiscriminatorInSelectsByDefault() { if ( forceDiscriminatorInSelectsByDefault == null ) { final String booleanName = getConfigurationProperties() .getProperty( AvailableSettings.FORCE_DISCRIMINATOR_IN_SELECTS_BY_DEFAULT ); forceDiscriminatorInSelectsByDefault = Boolean.valueOf( booleanName ); } return forceDiscriminatorInSelectsByDefault; } public IdGenerator getGenerator(String name) { return getGenerator( name, null ); } public IdGenerator getGenerator(String name, Map<String, IdGenerator> localGenerators) { if ( localGenerators != null ) { IdGenerator result = localGenerators.get( name ); if ( result != null ) { return result; } } return namedGenerators.get( name ); } public void addGenerator(IdGenerator generator) { if ( !defaultNamedGenerators.contains( generator.getName() ) ) { IdGenerator old = namedGenerators.put( generator.getName(), generator ); if ( old != null ) { LOG.duplicateGeneratorName( old.getName() ); } } } public void addGeneratorTable(String name, Properties params) { Object old = generatorTables.put( name, params ); if ( old != null ) { LOG.duplicateGeneratorTable( name ); } } public Properties getGeneratorTableProperties(String name, Map<String, Properties> localGeneratorTables) { if ( localGeneratorTables != null ) { Properties result = localGeneratorTables.get( name ); if ( result != null ) { return result; } } return generatorTables.get( name ); } public Map<String, Join> getJoins(String entityName) { return joins.get( entityName ); } public void addJoins(PersistentClass persistentClass, Map<String, Join> joins) { Object old = Configuration.this.joins.put( persistentClass.getEntityName(), joins ); if ( old != null ) { LOG.duplicateJoins( persistentClass.getEntityName() ); } } public AnnotatedClassType getClassType(XClass clazz) { AnnotatedClassType type = classTypes.get( clazz.getName() ); if ( type == null ) { return addClassType( clazz ); } else { return type; } } //FIXME should be private but is part of the ExtendedMapping contract public AnnotatedClassType addClassType(XClass clazz) { AnnotatedClassType type; if ( clazz.isAnnotationPresent( Entity.class ) ) { type = AnnotatedClassType.ENTITY; } else if ( clazz.isAnnotationPresent( Embeddable.class ) ) { type = AnnotatedClassType.EMBEDDABLE; } else if ( clazz.isAnnotationPresent( javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass.class ) ) { type = AnnotatedClassType.EMBEDDABLE_SUPERCLASS; } else { type = AnnotatedClassType.NONE; } classTypes.put( clazz.getName(), type ); return type; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public Map<Table, List<String[]>> getTableUniqueConstraints() { final Map<Table, List<String[]>> deprecatedStructure = new HashMap<Table, List<String[]>>( CollectionHelper.determineProperSizing( getUniqueConstraintHoldersByTable() ), CollectionHelper.LOAD_FACTOR ); for ( Map.Entry<Table, List<UniqueConstraintHolder>> entry : getUniqueConstraintHoldersByTable().entrySet() ) { List<String[]> columnsPerConstraint = new ArrayList<String[]>( CollectionHelper.determineProperSizing( entry.getValue().size() ) ); deprecatedStructure.put( entry.getKey(), columnsPerConstraint ); for ( UniqueConstraintHolder holder : entry.getValue() ) { columnsPerConstraint.add( holder.getColumns() ); } } return deprecatedStructure; } public Map<Table, List<UniqueConstraintHolder>> getUniqueConstraintHoldersByTable() { return uniqueConstraintHoldersByTable; } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public void addUniqueConstraints(Table table, List uniqueConstraints) { List<UniqueConstraintHolder> constraintHolders = new ArrayList<UniqueConstraintHolder>( CollectionHelper.determineProperSizing( uniqueConstraints.size() ) ); int keyNameBase = determineCurrentNumberOfUniqueConstraintHolders( table ); for ( String[] columns : ( List<String[]> ) uniqueConstraints ) { final String keyName = "key" + keyNameBase++; constraintHolders.add( new UniqueConstraintHolder().setName( keyName ).setColumns( columns ) ); } addUniqueConstraintHolders( table, constraintHolders ); } private int determineCurrentNumberOfUniqueConstraintHolders(Table table) { List currentHolders = getUniqueConstraintHoldersByTable().get( table ); return currentHolders == null ? 0 : currentHolders.size(); } public void addUniqueConstraintHolders(Table table, List<UniqueConstraintHolder> uniqueConstraintHolders) { List<UniqueConstraintHolder> holderList = getUniqueConstraintHoldersByTable().get( table ); if ( holderList == null ) { holderList = new ArrayList<UniqueConstraintHolder>(); getUniqueConstraintHoldersByTable().put( table, holderList ); } holderList.addAll( uniqueConstraintHolders ); } public void addJpaIndexHolders(Table table, List<JPAIndexHolder> holders) { List<JPAIndexHolder> holderList = jpaIndexHoldersByTable.get( table ); if ( holderList == null ) { holderList = new ArrayList<JPAIndexHolder>(); jpaIndexHoldersByTable.put( table, holderList ); } holderList.addAll( holders ); } public void addMappedBy(String entityName, String propertyName, String inversePropertyName) { mappedByResolver.put( entityName + "." + propertyName, inversePropertyName ); } public String getFromMappedBy(String entityName, String propertyName) { return mappedByResolver.get( entityName + "." + propertyName ); } public void addPropertyReferencedAssociation(String entityName, String propertyName, String propertyRef) { propertyRefResolver.put( entityName + "." + propertyName, propertyRef ); } public String getPropertyReferencedAssociation(String entityName, String propertyName) { return propertyRefResolver.get( entityName + "." + propertyName ); } public ReflectionManager getReflectionManager() { return reflectionManager; } public Map getClasses() { return classes; } public void addAnyMetaDef(AnyMetaDef defAnn) throws AnnotationException { if ( anyMetaDefs.containsKey( defAnn.name() ) ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Two @AnyMetaDef with the same name defined: " + defAnn.name() ); } anyMetaDefs.put( defAnn.name(), defAnn ); } public AnyMetaDef getAnyMetaDef(String name) { return anyMetaDefs.get( name ); } } final ObjectNameNormalizer normalizer = new ObjectNameNormalizerImpl(); final class ObjectNameNormalizerImpl extends ObjectNameNormalizer implements Serializable { public boolean isUseQuotedIdentifiersGlobally() { //Do not cache this value as we lazily set it in Hibernate Annotation (AnnotationConfiguration) //TODO use a dedicated protected useQuotedIdentifier flag in Configuration (overriden by AnnotationConfiguration) String setting = (String) properties.get( Environment.GLOBALLY_QUOTED_IDENTIFIERS ); return setting != null && Boolean.valueOf( setting ); } public NamingStrategy getNamingStrategy() { if ( LegacyNamingStrategyDelegator.class.isInstance( namingStrategyDelegator ) ) { ( (LegacyNamingStrategyDelegator) namingStrategyDelegator ).getNamingStrategy(); } return null; } @Override protected NamingStrategyDelegator getNamingStrategyDelegator() { return namingStrategyDelegator; } } protected class MetadataSourceQueue implements Serializable { private LinkedHashMap<XmlDocument, Set<String>> hbmMetadataToEntityNamesMap = new LinkedHashMap<XmlDocument, Set<String>>(); private Map<String, XmlDocument> hbmMetadataByEntityNameXRef = new HashMap<String, XmlDocument>(); //XClass are not serializable by default private transient List<XClass> annotatedClasses = new ArrayList<XClass>(); //only used during the secondPhaseCompile pass, hence does not need to be serialized private transient Map<String, XClass> annotatedClassesByEntityNameMap = new HashMap<String, XClass>(); private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ois.defaultReadObject(); annotatedClassesByEntityNameMap = new HashMap<String, XClass>(); //build back annotatedClasses @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) List<Class> serializableAnnotatedClasses = (List<Class>) ois.readObject(); annotatedClasses = new ArrayList<XClass>( serializableAnnotatedClasses.size() ); for ( Class clazz : serializableAnnotatedClasses ) { annotatedClasses.add( reflectionManager.toXClass( clazz ) ); } } private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { out.defaultWriteObject(); List<Class> serializableAnnotatedClasses = new ArrayList<Class>( annotatedClasses.size() ); for ( XClass xClass : annotatedClasses ) { serializableAnnotatedClasses.add( reflectionManager.toClass( xClass ) ); } out.writeObject( serializableAnnotatedClasses ); } public void add(XmlDocument metadataXml) { final Document document = metadataXml.getDocumentTree(); final Element hmNode = document.getRootElement(); Attribute packNode = hmNode.attribute( "package" ); String defaultPackage = packNode != null ? packNode.getValue() : ""; Set<String> entityNames = new HashSet<String>(); findClassNames( defaultPackage, hmNode, entityNames ); for ( String entity : entityNames ) { hbmMetadataByEntityNameXRef.put( entity, metadataXml ); } this.hbmMetadataToEntityNamesMap.put( metadataXml, entityNames ); } private void findClassNames(String defaultPackage, Element startNode, Set<String> names) { // if we have some extends we need to check if those classes possibly could be inside the // same hbm.xml file... Iterator[] classes = new Iterator[4]; classes[0] = startNode.elementIterator( "class" ); classes[1] = startNode.elementIterator( "subclass" ); classes[2] = startNode.elementIterator( "joined-subclass" ); classes[3] = startNode.elementIterator( "union-subclass" ); Iterator classIterator = new JoinedIterator( classes ); while ( classIterator.hasNext() ) { Element element = ( Element ) classIterator.next(); String entityName = element.attributeValue( "entity-name" ); if ( entityName == null ) { entityName = getClassName( element.attribute( "name" ), defaultPackage ); } names.add( entityName ); findClassNames( defaultPackage, element, names ); } } private String getClassName(Attribute name, String defaultPackage) { if ( name == null ) { return null; } String unqualifiedName = name.getValue(); if ( unqualifiedName == null ) { return null; } if ( unqualifiedName.indexOf( '.' ) < 0 && defaultPackage != null ) { return defaultPackage + '.' + unqualifiedName; } return unqualifiedName; } public void add(XClass annotatedClass) { annotatedClasses.add( annotatedClass ); } protected void syncAnnotatedClasses() { final Iterator<XClass> itr = annotatedClasses.iterator(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { final XClass annotatedClass = itr.next(); if ( annotatedClass.isAnnotationPresent( Entity.class ) ) { annotatedClassesByEntityNameMap.put( annotatedClass.getName(), annotatedClass ); continue; } if ( !annotatedClass.isAnnotationPresent( javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass.class ) ) { itr.remove(); } } } protected void processMetadata(List<MetadataSourceType> order) { syncAnnotatedClasses(); for ( MetadataSourceType type : order ) { if ( MetadataSourceType.HBM.equals( type ) ) { processHbmXmlQueue(); } else if ( MetadataSourceType.CLASS.equals( type ) ) { processAnnotatedClassesQueue(); } } } private void processHbmXmlQueue() { LOG.debug( "Processing hbm.xml files" ); for ( Map.Entry<XmlDocument, Set<String>> entry : hbmMetadataToEntityNamesMap.entrySet() ) { // Unfortunately we have to create a Mappings instance for each iteration here processHbmXml( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() ); } hbmMetadataToEntityNamesMap.clear(); hbmMetadataByEntityNameXRef.clear(); } private void processHbmXml(XmlDocument metadataXml, Set<String> entityNames) { try { HbmBinder.bindRoot( metadataXml, createMappings(), Collections.EMPTY_MAP, entityNames ); } catch ( MappingException me ) { throw new InvalidMappingException( metadataXml.getOrigin().getType(), metadataXml.getOrigin().getName(), me ); } for ( String entityName : entityNames ) { if ( annotatedClassesByEntityNameMap.containsKey( entityName ) ) { annotatedClasses.remove( annotatedClassesByEntityNameMap.get( entityName ) ); annotatedClassesByEntityNameMap.remove( entityName ); } } } private void processAnnotatedClassesQueue() { LOG.debug( "Process annotated classes" ); //bind classes in the correct order calculating some inheritance state List<XClass> orderedClasses = orderAndFillHierarchy( annotatedClasses ); Mappings mappings = createMappings(); Map<XClass, InheritanceState> inheritanceStatePerClass = AnnotationBinder.buildInheritanceStates( orderedClasses, mappings ); for ( XClass clazz : orderedClasses ) { AnnotationBinder.bindClass( clazz, inheritanceStatePerClass, mappings ); final String entityName = clazz.getName(); if ( hbmMetadataByEntityNameXRef.containsKey( entityName ) ) { hbmMetadataToEntityNamesMap.remove( hbmMetadataByEntityNameXRef.get( entityName ) ); hbmMetadataByEntityNameXRef.remove( entityName ); } } annotatedClasses.clear(); annotatedClassesByEntityNameMap.clear(); } private List<XClass> orderAndFillHierarchy(List<XClass> original) { List<XClass> copy = new ArrayList<XClass>( original ); insertMappedSuperclasses( original, copy ); // order the hierarchy List<XClass> workingCopy = new ArrayList<XClass>( copy ); List<XClass> newList = new ArrayList<XClass>( copy.size() ); while ( workingCopy.size() > 0 ) { XClass clazz = workingCopy.get( 0 ); orderHierarchy( workingCopy, newList, copy, clazz ); } return newList; } private void insertMappedSuperclasses(List<XClass> original, List<XClass> copy) { for ( XClass clazz : original ) { XClass superClass = clazz.getSuperclass(); while ( superClass != null && !reflectionManager.equals( superClass, Object.class ) && !copy.contains( superClass ) ) { if ( superClass.isAnnotationPresent( Entity.class ) || superClass.isAnnotationPresent( javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass.class ) ) { copy.add( superClass ); } superClass = superClass.getSuperclass(); } } } private void orderHierarchy(List<XClass> copy, List<XClass> newList, List<XClass> original, XClass clazz) { if ( clazz == null || reflectionManager.equals( clazz, Object.class ) ) { return; } //process superclass first orderHierarchy( copy, newList, original, clazz.getSuperclass() ); if ( original.contains( clazz ) ) { if ( !newList.contains( clazz ) ) { newList.add( clazz ); } copy.remove( clazz ); } } public boolean isEmpty() { return hbmMetadataToEntityNamesMap.isEmpty() && annotatedClasses.isEmpty(); } } public static final MetadataSourceType[] DEFAULT_ARTEFACT_PROCESSING_ORDER = new MetadataSourceType[] { MetadataSourceType.HBM, MetadataSourceType.CLASS }; private List<MetadataSourceType> metadataSourcePrecedence; private List<MetadataSourceType> determineMetadataSourcePrecedence() { if ( metadataSourcePrecedence.isEmpty() && StringHelper.isNotEmpty( getProperties().getProperty( ARTEFACT_PROCESSING_ORDER ) ) ) { metadataSourcePrecedence = parsePrecedence( getProperties().getProperty( ARTEFACT_PROCESSING_ORDER ) ); } if ( metadataSourcePrecedence.isEmpty() ) { metadataSourcePrecedence = Arrays.asList( DEFAULT_ARTEFACT_PROCESSING_ORDER ); } metadataSourcePrecedence = Collections.unmodifiableList( metadataSourcePrecedence ); return metadataSourcePrecedence; } public void setPrecedence(String precedence) { this.metadataSourcePrecedence = parsePrecedence( precedence ); } private List<MetadataSourceType> parsePrecedence(String s) { if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( s ) ) { return Collections.emptyList(); } StringTokenizer precedences = new StringTokenizer( s, ",; ", false ); List<MetadataSourceType> tmpPrecedences = new ArrayList<MetadataSourceType>(); while ( precedences.hasMoreElements() ) { tmpPrecedences.add( MetadataSourceType.parsePrecedence( ( String ) precedences.nextElement() ) ); } return tmpPrecedences; } private static class CacheHolder { public CacheHolder(String role, String usage, String region, boolean isClass, boolean cacheLazy) { this.role = role; this.usage = usage; this.region = region; this.isClass = isClass; this.cacheLazy = cacheLazy; } public String role; public String usage; public String region; public boolean isClass; public boolean cacheLazy; } }