 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2012, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
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package org.hibernate.cfg;

import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import javax.persistence.AttributeConverter;
import javax.persistence.Converter;

import org.hibernate.AnnotationException;
import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class AttributeConverterDefinition { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( AttributeConverterDefinition.class ); private final AttributeConverter attributeConverter; private final boolean autoApply; private final Class entityAttributeType; private final Class databaseColumnType;
Build an AttributeConverterDefinition from the AttributeConverter Class reference and whether or not to auto-apply it.
  • attributeConverterClass – The AttributeConverter Class
  • autoApply – Should the AttributeConverter be auto-applied?
Returns:The constructed definition
/** * Build an AttributeConverterDefinition from the AttributeConverter Class reference and * whether or not to auto-apply it. * * @param attributeConverterClass The AttributeConverter Class * @param autoApply Should the AttributeConverter be auto-applied? * * @return The constructed definition */
public static AttributeConverterDefinition from(Class<? extends AttributeConverter> attributeConverterClass, boolean autoApply) { return new AttributeConverterDefinition( instantiateAttributeConverter( attributeConverterClass ), autoApply ); } private static AttributeConverter instantiateAttributeConverter(Class<? extends AttributeConverter> attributeConverterClass) { try { return attributeConverterClass.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to instantiate AttributeConverter [" + attributeConverterClass.getName() + "]", e ); } }
Build an AttributeConverterDefinition from the AttributeConverter Class reference. The converter is searched for a Converter annotation to determine whether it should be treated as auto-apply. If the annotation is present, Converter.autoApply() is used to make that determination. If the annotation is not present, false is assumed.
  • attributeConverterClass – The converter class
Returns:The constructed definition
/** * Build an AttributeConverterDefinition from the AttributeConverter Class reference. The * converter is searched for a {@link Converter} annotation to determine whether it should * be treated as auto-apply. If the annotation is present, {@link Converter#autoApply()} is * used to make that determination. If the annotation is not present, {@code false} is assumed. * * @param attributeConverterClass The converter class * * @return The constructed definition */
public static AttributeConverterDefinition from(Class<? extends AttributeConverter> attributeConverterClass) { return from( instantiateAttributeConverter( attributeConverterClass ) ); }
Build an AttributeConverterDefinition from an AttributeConverter instance. The converter is searched for a Converter annotation to determine whether it should be treated as auto-apply. If the annotation is present, Converter.autoApply() is used to make that determination. If the annotation is not present, false is assumed.
  • attributeConverter – The AttributeConverter instance
Returns:The constructed definition
/** * Build an AttributeConverterDefinition from an AttributeConverter instance. The * converter is searched for a {@link Converter} annotation to determine whether it should * be treated as auto-apply. If the annotation is present, {@link Converter#autoApply()} is * used to make that determination. If the annotation is not present, {@code false} is assumed. * * @param attributeConverter The AttributeConverter instance * * @return The constructed definition */
public static AttributeConverterDefinition from(AttributeConverter attributeConverter) { boolean autoApply = false; Converter converterAnnotation = attributeConverter.getClass().getAnnotation( Converter.class ); if ( converterAnnotation != null ) { autoApply = converterAnnotation.autoApply(); } return new AttributeConverterDefinition( attributeConverter, autoApply ); }
Build an AttributeConverterDefinition from the AttributeConverter instance and whether or not to auto-apply it.
  • attributeConverter – The AttributeConverter instance
  • autoApply – Should the AttributeConverter be auto-applied?
Returns:The constructed definition
/** * Build an AttributeConverterDefinition from the AttributeConverter instance and * whether or not to auto-apply it. * * @param attributeConverter The AttributeConverter instance * @param autoApply Should the AttributeConverter be auto-applied? * * @return The constructed definition */
public static AttributeConverterDefinition from(AttributeConverter attributeConverter, boolean autoApply) { return new AttributeConverterDefinition( attributeConverter, autoApply ); } public AttributeConverterDefinition(AttributeConverter attributeConverter, boolean autoApply) { this.attributeConverter = attributeConverter; this.autoApply = autoApply; final Class attributeConverterClass = attributeConverter.getClass(); final ParameterizedType attributeConverterSignature = extractAttributeConverterParameterizedType( attributeConverterClass ); if ( attributeConverterSignature == null ) { throw new AssertionFailure( "Could not extract ParameterizedType representation of AttributeConverter definition " + "from AttributeConverter implementation class [" + attributeConverterClass.getName() + "]" ); } if ( attributeConverterSignature.getActualTypeArguments().length < 2 ) { throw new AnnotationException( "AttributeConverter [" + attributeConverterClass.getName() + "] did not retain parameterized type information" ); } if ( attributeConverterSignature.getActualTypeArguments().length > 2 ) { throw new AnnotationException( "AttributeConverter [" + attributeConverterClass.getName() + "] specified more than 2 parameterized types" ); } entityAttributeType = extractClass( attributeConverterSignature.getActualTypeArguments()[0] ); if ( entityAttributeType == null ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Could not determine 'entity attribute' type from given AttributeConverter [" + attributeConverterClass.getName() + "]" ); } databaseColumnType = extractClass(attributeConverterSignature.getActualTypeArguments()[1]); if ( databaseColumnType == null ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Could not determine 'database column' type from given AttributeConverter [" + attributeConverterClass.getName() + "]" ); } } private ParameterizedType extractAttributeConverterParameterizedType(Type base) { if ( base != null ) { Class clazz = extractClass( base ); List<Type> types = new ArrayList<Type>(); types.add( clazz.getGenericSuperclass() ); types.addAll( Arrays.asList( clazz.getGenericInterfaces() ) ); for ( Type type : types ) { type = resolveType( type, base ); if ( ParameterizedType.class.isInstance( type ) ) { final ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) type; if ( AttributeConverter.class.equals( parameterizedType.getRawType() ) ) { return parameterizedType; } } ParameterizedType parameterizedType = extractAttributeConverterParameterizedType( type ); if ( parameterizedType != null ) { return parameterizedType; } } } return null; } private static Type resolveType(Type target, Type context) { if ( target instanceof ParameterizedType ) { return resolveParameterizedType( (ParameterizedType) target, context ); } else if ( target instanceof TypeVariable ) { return resolveTypeVariable( (TypeVariable) target, (ParameterizedType) context ); } return target; } private static ParameterizedType resolveParameterizedType(final ParameterizedType parameterizedType, Type context) { Type[] actualTypeArguments = parameterizedType.getActualTypeArguments(); final Type[] resolvedTypeArguments = new Type[actualTypeArguments.length]; for ( int idx = 0; idx < actualTypeArguments.length; idx++ ) { resolvedTypeArguments[idx] = resolveType( actualTypeArguments[idx], context ); } return new ParameterizedType() { @Override public Type[] getActualTypeArguments() { return resolvedTypeArguments; } @Override public Type getRawType() { return parameterizedType.getRawType(); } @Override public Type getOwnerType() { return parameterizedType.getOwnerType(); } }; } private static Type resolveTypeVariable(TypeVariable typeVariable, ParameterizedType context) { Class clazz = extractClass( context.getRawType() ); TypeVariable[] typeParameters = clazz.getTypeParameters(); for ( int idx = 0; idx < typeParameters.length; idx++ ) { if ( typeVariable.getName().equals( typeParameters[idx].getName() ) ) { return resolveType( context.getActualTypeArguments()[idx], context ); } } return typeVariable; } public AttributeConverter getAttributeConverter() { return attributeConverter; } public boolean isAutoApply() { return autoApply; } public Class getEntityAttributeType() { return entityAttributeType; } public Class getDatabaseColumnType() { return databaseColumnType; } private static Class extractType(TypeVariable typeVariable) { java.lang.reflect.Type[] boundTypes = typeVariable.getBounds(); if ( boundTypes == null || boundTypes.length != 1 ) { return null; } return (Class) boundTypes[0]; } private static Class extractClass(Type type) { if ( type instanceof Class ) { return (Class) type; } else if ( type instanceof ParameterizedType ) { return extractClass( ( (ParameterizedType) type ).getRawType() ); } return null; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format( "%s[converterClass=%s, domainType=%s, jdbcType=%s]", this.getClass().getName(), attributeConverter.getClass().getName(), entityAttributeType.getName(), databaseColumnType.getName() ); } }