 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
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package org.hibernate.type;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Properties;

import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.classic.Lifecycle;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.ReflectHelper;
import org.hibernate.usertype.CompositeUserType;
import org.hibernate.usertype.UserType;

Acts as the contract for getting types and as the mediator between BasicTypeRegistry and TypeFactory.
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * Acts as the contract for getting types and as the mediator between {@link BasicTypeRegistry} and {@link TypeFactory}. * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class TypeResolver implements Serializable { private final BasicTypeRegistry basicTypeRegistry; private final TypeFactory typeFactory; public TypeResolver() { this( new BasicTypeRegistry(), new TypeFactory() ); } public TypeResolver(BasicTypeRegistry basicTypeRegistry, TypeFactory typeFactory) { this.basicTypeRegistry = basicTypeRegistry; this.typeFactory = typeFactory; } public TypeResolver scope(SessionFactoryImplementor factory) { typeFactory.injectSessionFactory( factory ); return new TypeResolver( basicTypeRegistry.shallowCopy(), typeFactory ); } public void registerTypeOverride(BasicType type) { basicTypeRegistry.register( type ); } public void registerTypeOverride(UserType type, String[] keys) { basicTypeRegistry.register( type, keys ); } public void registerTypeOverride(CompositeUserType type, String[] keys) { basicTypeRegistry.register( type, keys ); } public TypeFactory getTypeFactory() { return typeFactory; }
Locate a Hibernate basic type given (one of) its registration names.
  • name – The registration name
Returns:The registered type
/** * Locate a Hibernate {@linkplain BasicType basic type} given (one of) its registration names. * * @param name The registration name * * @return The registered type */
public BasicType basic(String name) { return basicTypeRegistry.getRegisteredType( name ); }
Returns:The deduced type; may be null.
/** * See {@link #heuristicType(String, Properties)} * * @param typeName The name (see heuristic algorithm discussion on {@link #heuristicType(String, Properties)}). * * @return The deduced type; may be null. * * @throws MappingException Can be thrown from {@link #heuristicType(String, Properties)} */
public Type heuristicType(String typeName) throws MappingException { return heuristicType( typeName, null ); }
Uses heuristics to deduce the proper Type given a string naming the type or Java class.

The search goes as follows:
  1. search for a basic type with 'typeName' as a registration key
  2. look for 'typeName' as a class name and
    1. if it names a Type implementor, return an instance
    2. if it names a CompositeUserType or a UserType, return an instance of class wrapped intot the appropriate Type adapter
    3. if it implements Lifecycle, return the corresponding entity type
    4. if it implements Serializable, return the corresponding serializable type
  • typeName – The name (see heuristic algorithm above).
  • parameters – Any parameters for the type. Only applied if built!
Returns:The deduced type; may be null.
/** * Uses heuristics to deduce the proper {@link Type} given a string naming the type or Java class. * <p/> * The search goes as follows:<ol> * <li>search for a basic type with 'typeName' as a registration key</li> * <li> * look for 'typeName' as a class name and<ol> * <li>if it names a {@link Type} implementor, return an instance</li> * <li>if it names a {@link CompositeUserType} or a {@link UserType}, return an instance of class wrapped intot the appropriate {@link Type} adapter</li> * <li>if it implements {@link Lifecycle}, return the corresponding entity type</li> * <li>if it implements {@link Serializable}, return the corresponding serializable type</li> * </ol> * </li> * </ol> * * @param typeName The name (see heuristic algorithm above). * @param parameters Any parameters for the type. Only applied if built! * * @return The deduced type; may be null. * * @throws MappingException Indicates a problem attempting to resolve 'typeName' as a {@link Class} */
public Type heuristicType(String typeName, Properties parameters) throws MappingException { Type type = basic( typeName ); if ( type != null ) { return type; } try { Class typeClass = ReflectHelper.classForName( typeName ); if ( typeClass != null ) { return typeFactory.byClass( typeClass, parameters ); } } catch ( ClassNotFoundException ignore ) { } return null; } }