 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.cfg;

import org.hibernate.cfg.naming.NamingStrategyDelegator;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;

Provides centralized normalization of how database object names are handled.
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * Provides centralized normalization of how database object names are handled. * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public abstract class ObjectNameNormalizer {
Helper contract for dealing with NamingStrategy in different situations.
/** * Helper contract for dealing with {@link NamingStrategy} in different situations. */
public static interface NamingStrategyHelper {
Called when the user supplied no explicit name/identifier for the given database object.
  • strategy – The naming strategy in effect
Returns:The implicit name * @deprecated Replaced by determineImplicitName(NamingStrategyDelegator).
/** * Called when the user supplied no explicit name/identifier for the given database object. * * @param strategy The naming strategy in effect * * @return The implicit name * * * @deprecated Replaced by {@link #determineImplicitName(org.hibernate.cfg.naming.NamingStrategyDelegator)}. */
@Deprecated public String determineImplicitName(NamingStrategy strategy);
Called when the user has supplied an explicit name for the database object.
  • strategy – The naming strategy in effect
  • name – The normalized explicit object name.
Returns:The strategy-handled name.
Deprecated:Replaced by determineImplicitName(NamingStrategyDelegator).
/** * Called when the user has supplied an explicit name for the database object. * * @param strategy The naming strategy in effect * @param name The {@link ObjectNameNormalizer#normalizeIdentifierQuoting normalized} explicit object name. * * @return The strategy-handled name. * * @deprecated Replaced by {@link #determineImplicitName(org.hibernate.cfg.naming.NamingStrategyDelegator)}. */
@Deprecated public String handleExplicitName(NamingStrategy strategy, String name);
Called when the user supplied no explicit name/identifier for the given database object.
  • strategyDelegator – The naming strategy delegator in effect
Returns:The implicit name
/** * Called when the user supplied no explicit name/identifier for the given database object. * * @param strategyDelegator The naming strategy delegator in effect * * @return The implicit name */
public String determineImplicitName(NamingStrategyDelegator strategyDelegator);
Called when the user has supplied an explicit name for the database object.
  • strategyDelegator – The naming strategy delegator in effect
  • name – The normalized explicit object name.
Returns:The strategy-handled name.
/** * Called when the user has supplied an explicit name for the database object. * * @param strategyDelegator The naming strategy delegator in effect * @param name The {@link ObjectNameNormalizer#normalizeIdentifierQuoting normalized} explicit object name. * * @return The strategy-handled name. */
public String handleExplicitName(NamingStrategyDelegator strategyDelegator, String name); }
Performs the actual contract of normalizing a database name.
  • explicitName – The name the user explicitly gave for the database object.
  • helper – The NamingStrategy helper.
Returns:The normalized identifier.
/** * Performs the actual contract of normalizing a database name. * * @param explicitName The name the user explicitly gave for the database object. * @param helper The {@link NamingStrategy} helper. * * @return The normalized identifier. */
public String normalizeDatabaseIdentifier(final String explicitName, NamingStrategyHelper helper) { String objectName = null; // apply naming strategy if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( explicitName ) ) { // No explicit name given, so allow the naming strategy the chance // to determine it based on the corresponding mapped java name objectName = helper.determineImplicitName( getNamingStrategyDelegator() ); } else { // An explicit name was given: // in some cases we allow the naming strategy to "fine tune" these, but first // handle any quoting for consistent handling in naming strategies objectName = normalizeIdentifierQuoting( explicitName ); objectName = helper.handleExplicitName( getNamingStrategyDelegator(), objectName ); return normalizeIdentifierQuoting( objectName ); } // Conceivable that the naming strategy could return a quoted identifier, or // that user enabled <delimited-identifiers/> return normalizeIdentifierQuoting( objectName ); }
Allow normalizing of just the quoting aspect of identifiers. This is useful for schema and catalog in terms of initially making this public.

This implements the rules set forth in JPA 2 (section "2.13 Naming of Database Objects") which states that the double-quote (") is the character which should be used to denote a quoted identifier. Here, we handle recognizing that and converting it to the more elegant bactick (`) approach used in Hibernate.. Additionally we account for applying what JPA2 terms
  • identifier – The identifier to be quoting-normalized.
Returns:The identifier accounting for any quoting that need be applied.
/** * Allow normalizing of just the quoting aspect of identifiers. This is useful for * schema and catalog in terms of initially making this public. * <p/> * This implements the rules set forth in JPA 2 (section "2.13 Naming of Database Objects") which * states that the double-quote (") is the character which should be used to denote a <tt>quoted * identifier</tt>. Here, we handle recognizing that and converting it to the more elegant * bactick (`) approach used in Hibernate.. Additionally we account for applying what JPA2 terms * * * @param identifier The identifier to be quoting-normalized. * @return The identifier accounting for any quoting that need be applied. */
public String normalizeIdentifierQuoting(String identifier) { if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( identifier ) ) { return null; } // Convert the JPA2 specific quoting character (double quote) to Hibernate's (back tick) if ( identifier.startsWith( "\"" ) && identifier.endsWith( "\"" ) ) { return '`' + identifier.substring( 1, identifier.length() - 1 ) + '`'; } // Convert SQLServer style quoting // TODO: This really should be tied to Dialect#openQuote/closeQuote if ( identifier.startsWith( "[" ) && identifier.endsWith( "]" ) ) { return '`' + identifier.substring( 1, identifier.length() - 1 ) + '`'; } // If the user has requested "global" use of quoted identifiers, quote this identifier (using back ticks) // if not already if ( isUseQuotedIdentifiersGlobally() && ! ( identifier.startsWith( "`" ) && identifier.endsWith( "`" ) ) ) { return '`' + identifier + '`'; } return identifier; }
Retrieve whether the user requested that all database identifiers be quoted.
Returns:True if the user requested that all database identifiers be quoted, false otherwise.
/** * Retrieve whether the user requested that all database identifiers be quoted. * * @return True if the user requested that all database identifiers be quoted, false otherwise. */
protected abstract boolean isUseQuotedIdentifiersGlobally();
Get the current NamingStrategy.
Returns:The current NamingStrategy.
Deprecated:Replaced by getNamingStrategyDelegator()
/** * Get the current {@link NamingStrategy}. * * @return The current {@link NamingStrategy}. * * @deprecated Replaced by {@link #getNamingStrategyDelegator()} */
@Deprecated protected abstract NamingStrategy getNamingStrategy();
Get the current NamingStrategyDelegator.
Returns:The current NamingStrategyDelegator.
/** * Get the current {@link org.hibernate.cfg.naming.NamingStrategyDelegator}. * * @return The current {@link org.hibernate.cfg.naming.NamingStrategyDelegator}. */
protected abstract NamingStrategyDelegator getNamingStrategyDelegator(); }