 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.id;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;

An IdentifierGenerator that requires creation of database objects.

All PersistentIdentifierGenerators that also implement Configurable have access to a special mapping parameter: schema
Author:Gavin King
See Also:
/** * An <tt>IdentifierGenerator</tt> that requires creation of database objects. * <br><br> * All <tt>PersistentIdentifierGenerator</tt>s that also implement * <tt>Configurable</tt> have access to a special mapping parameter: schema * * @see IdentifierGenerator * @see Configurable * @author Gavin King */
public interface PersistentIdentifierGenerator extends IdentifierGenerator {
The configuration parameter holding the schema name
/** * The configuration parameter holding the schema name */
public static final String SCHEMA = "schema";
The configuration parameter holding the table name for the generated id
/** * The configuration parameter holding the table name for the * generated id */
public static final String TABLE = "target_table";
The configuration parameter holding the table names for all tables for which the id must be unique
/** * The configuration parameter holding the table names for all * tables for which the id must be unique */
public static final String TABLES = "identity_tables";
The configuration parameter holding the primary key column name of the generated id
/** * The configuration parameter holding the primary key column * name of the generated id */
public static final String PK = "target_column";
The configuration parameter holding the catalog name
/** * The configuration parameter holding the catalog name */
public static final String CATALOG = "catalog";
The key under whcih to find the ObjectNameNormalizer in the config param map.
/** * The key under whcih to find the {@link org.hibernate.cfg.ObjectNameNormalizer} in the config param map. */
public static final String IDENTIFIER_NORMALIZER = "identifier_normalizer";
The SQL required to create the underlying database objects.
  • dialect – The dialect against which to generate the create command(s)
Returns:The create command(s)
/** * The SQL required to create the underlying database objects. * * @param dialect The dialect against which to generate the create command(s) * @return The create command(s) * @throws HibernateException problem creating the create command(s) */
public String[] sqlCreateStrings(Dialect dialect) throws HibernateException;
The SQL required to remove the underlying database objects.
  • dialect – The dialect against which to generate the drop command(s)
Returns:The drop command(s)
/** * The SQL required to remove the underlying database objects. * * @param dialect The dialect against which to generate the drop command(s) * @return The drop command(s) * @throws HibernateException problem creating the drop command(s) */
public String[] sqlDropStrings(Dialect dialect) throws HibernateException;
Return a key unique to the underlying database objects. Prevents us from trying to create/remove them multiple times.
Returns:Object an identifying key for this generator
/** * Return a key unique to the underlying database objects. Prevents us from * trying to create/remove them multiple times. * * @return Object an identifying key for this generator */
public Object generatorKey(); }