 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
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package org.hibernate.mapping;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;

import org.hibernate.engine.spi.ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle;
import org.hibernate.sql.Alias;

Author:Gavin King
/** * @author Gavin King */
public class Join implements Serializable { private static final Alias PK_ALIAS = new Alias(15, "PK"); private ArrayList properties = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList declaredProperties = new ArrayList(); private Table table; private KeyValue key; private PersistentClass persistentClass; private boolean sequentialSelect; private boolean inverse; private boolean optional; // Custom SQL private String customSQLInsert; private boolean customInsertCallable; private ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle insertCheckStyle; private String customSQLUpdate; private boolean customUpdateCallable; private ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle updateCheckStyle; private String customSQLDelete; private boolean customDeleteCallable; private ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle deleteCheckStyle; public void addProperty(Property prop) { properties.add(prop); declaredProperties.add(prop); prop.setPersistentClass( getPersistentClass() ); } public void addMappedsuperclassProperty(Property prop) { properties.add(prop); prop.setPersistentClass( getPersistentClass() ); } public Iterator getDeclaredPropertyIterator() { return declaredProperties.iterator(); } public boolean containsProperty(Property prop) { return properties.contains(prop); } public Iterator getPropertyIterator() { return properties.iterator(); } public Table getTable() { return table; } public void setTable(Table table) { this.table = table; } public KeyValue getKey() { return key; } public void setKey(KeyValue key) { this.key = key; } public PersistentClass getPersistentClass() { return persistentClass; } public void setPersistentClass(PersistentClass persistentClass) { this.persistentClass = persistentClass; } public void createForeignKey() { getKey().createForeignKeyOfEntity( persistentClass.getEntityName() ); } public void createPrimaryKey() { //Primary key constraint PrimaryKey pk = new PrimaryKey(); pk.setTable(table); pk.setName( PK_ALIAS.toAliasString( table.getName() ) ); table.setPrimaryKey(pk); pk.addColumns( getKey().getColumnIterator() ); } public int getPropertySpan() { return properties.size(); } public void setCustomSQLInsert(String customSQLInsert, boolean callable, ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle checkStyle) { this.customSQLInsert = customSQLInsert; this.customInsertCallable = callable; this.insertCheckStyle = checkStyle; } public String getCustomSQLInsert() { return customSQLInsert; } public boolean isCustomInsertCallable() { return customInsertCallable; } public ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle getCustomSQLInsertCheckStyle() { return insertCheckStyle; } public void setCustomSQLUpdate(String customSQLUpdate, boolean callable, ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle checkStyle) { this.customSQLUpdate = customSQLUpdate; this.customUpdateCallable = callable; this.updateCheckStyle = checkStyle; } public String getCustomSQLUpdate() { return customSQLUpdate; } public boolean isCustomUpdateCallable() { return customUpdateCallable; } public ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle getCustomSQLUpdateCheckStyle() { return updateCheckStyle; } public void setCustomSQLDelete(String customSQLDelete, boolean callable, ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle checkStyle) { this.customSQLDelete = customSQLDelete; this.customDeleteCallable = callable; this.deleteCheckStyle = checkStyle; } public String getCustomSQLDelete() { return customSQLDelete; } public boolean isCustomDeleteCallable() { return customDeleteCallable; } public ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle getCustomSQLDeleteCheckStyle() { return deleteCheckStyle; } public boolean isSequentialSelect() { return sequentialSelect; } public void setSequentialSelect(boolean deferred) { this.sequentialSelect = deferred; } public boolean isInverse() { return inverse; } public void setInverse(boolean leftJoin) { this.inverse = leftJoin; } public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + '(' + table.toString() + ')'; } public boolean isLazy() { Iterator iter = getPropertyIterator(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { Property prop = (Property) iter.next(); if ( !prop.isLazy() ) return false; } return true; } public boolean isOptional() { return optional; } public void setOptional(boolean nullable) { this.optional = nullable; } }