 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.engine.spi;

For persistence operations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) what style of determining results (success/failure) is to be used.
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * For persistence operations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) what style of determining * results (success/failure) is to be used. * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public enum ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle {
Do not perform checking. Either user simply does not want checking, or is indicating a CallableStatement execution in which the checks are being performed explicitly and failures are handled through propagation of SQLExceptions.
/** * Do not perform checking. Either user simply does not want checking, or is * indicating a {@link java.sql.CallableStatement} execution in which the * checks are being performed explicitly and failures are handled through * propagation of {@link java.sql.SQLException}s. */
NONE( "none" ),
Perform row-count checking. Row counts are the int values returned by both PreparedStatement.executeUpdate() and Statement.executeBatch(). These values are checked against some expected count.
/** * Perform row-count checking. Row counts are the int values returned by both * {@link java.sql.PreparedStatement#executeUpdate()} and * {@link java.sql.Statement#executeBatch()}. These values are checked * against some expected count. */
COUNT( "rowcount" ),
Essentially the same as COUNT except that the row count actually comes from an output parameter registered as part of a CallableStatement. This style explicitly prohibits statement batching from being used...
/** * Essentially the same as {@link #COUNT} except that the row count actually * comes from an output parameter registered as part of a * {@link java.sql.CallableStatement}. This style explicitly prohibits * statement batching from being used... */
PARAM( "param" ); private final String name; private ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle(String name) { this.name = name; } public static ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle fromExternalName(String name) { if ( name.equals( NONE.name ) ) { return NONE; } else if ( name.equals( COUNT.name ) ) { return COUNT; } else if ( name.equals( PARAM.name ) ) { return PARAM; } else { return null; } } public static ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle determineDefault(String customSql, boolean callable) { if ( customSql == null ) { return COUNT; } else { return callable ? PARAM : COUNT; } } }