 * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.android.systemui.statusbar;

import static com.android.systemui.statusbar.notification.ActivityLaunchAnimator.ExpandAnimationParameters;
import static com.android.systemui.statusbar.notification.NotificationInflater.InflationCallback;

import android.animation.Animator;
import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter;
import android.animation.ObjectAnimator;
import android.animation.ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.app.NotificationChannel;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.pm.PackageInfo;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.graphics.Path;
import android.graphics.drawable.AnimatedVectorDrawable;
import android.graphics.drawable.AnimationDrawable;
import android.graphics.drawable.ColorDrawable;
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.service.notification.StatusBarNotification;
import android.util.ArraySet;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.FloatProperty;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.MathUtils;
import android.util.Property;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.NotificationHeaderView;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.ViewStub;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction;
import android.widget.Chronometer;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.RemoteViews;

import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.android.internal.logging.MetricsLogger;
import com.android.internal.logging.nano.MetricsProto.MetricsEvent;
import com.android.internal.util.NotificationColorUtil;
import com.android.internal.widget.CachingIconView;
import com.android.systemui.Dependency;
import com.android.systemui.Interpolators;
import com.android.systemui.R;
import com.android.systemui.classifier.FalsingManager;
import com.android.systemui.plugins.PluginListener;
import com.android.systemui.plugins.PluginManager;
import com.android.systemui.plugins.statusbar.NotificationMenuRowPlugin;
import com.android.systemui.plugins.statusbar.NotificationMenuRowPlugin.MenuItem;
import com.android.systemui.statusbar.NotificationGuts.GutsContent;
import com.android.systemui.statusbar.notification.AboveShelfChangedListener;
import com.android.systemui.statusbar.notification.ActivityLaunchAnimator;
import com.android.systemui.statusbar.notification.HybridNotificationView;
import com.android.systemui.statusbar.notification.NotificationCounters;
import com.android.systemui.statusbar.notification.NotificationInflater;
import com.android.systemui.statusbar.notification.NotificationUtils;
import com.android.systemui.statusbar.notification.NotificationViewWrapper;
import com.android.systemui.statusbar.notification.VisualStabilityManager;
import com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.NotificationGroupManager;
import com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.StatusBar;
import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.HeadsUpManager;
import com.android.systemui.statusbar.stack.AmbientState;
import com.android.systemui.statusbar.stack.AnimationProperties;
import com.android.systemui.statusbar.stack.ExpandableViewState;
import com.android.systemui.statusbar.stack.NotificationChildrenContainer;
import com.android.systemui.statusbar.stack.StackScrollState;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.BooleanSupplier;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

View representing a notification item - this can be either the individual child notification or the group summary (which contains 1 or more child notifications).
/** * View representing a notification item - this can be either the individual child notification or * the group summary (which contains 1 or more child notifications). */
public class ExpandableNotificationRow extends ActivatableNotificationView implements PluginListener<NotificationMenuRowPlugin> { private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final int DEFAULT_DIVIDER_ALPHA = 0x29; private static final int COLORED_DIVIDER_ALPHA = 0x7B; private static final int MENU_VIEW_INDEX = 0; private static final String TAG = "ExpandableNotifRow"; public static final float DEFAULT_HEADER_VISIBLE_AMOUNT = 1.0f;
Listener for when ExpandableNotificationRow is laid out.
/** * Listener for when {@link ExpandableNotificationRow} is laid out. */
public interface LayoutListener { void onLayout(); } private LayoutListener mLayoutListener; private boolean mDark; private boolean mLowPriorityStateUpdated; private final NotificationInflater mNotificationInflater; private int mIconTransformContentShift; private int mIconTransformContentShiftNoIcon; private int mNotificationMinHeightLegacy; private int mNotificationMinHeightBeforeP; private int mMaxHeadsUpHeightLegacy; private int mMaxHeadsUpHeightBeforeP; private int mMaxHeadsUpHeight; private int mMaxHeadsUpHeightIncreased; private int mNotificationMinHeight; private int mNotificationMinHeightLarge; private int mNotificationMaxHeight; private int mNotificationAmbientHeight; private int mIncreasedPaddingBetweenElements; private int mNotificationLaunchHeight; private boolean mMustStayOnScreen;
Does this row contain layouts that can adapt to row expansion
/** Does this row contain layouts that can adapt to row expansion */
private boolean mExpandable;
Has the user actively changed the expansion state of this row
/** Has the user actively changed the expansion state of this row */
private boolean mHasUserChangedExpansion;
If mHasUserChangedExpansion, has the user expanded this row
/** If {@link #mHasUserChangedExpansion}, has the user expanded this row */
private boolean mUserExpanded;
Whether the blocking helper is showing on this notification (even if dismissed)
/** Whether the blocking helper is showing on this notification (even if dismissed) */
private boolean mIsBlockingHelperShowing;
Has this notification been expanded while it was pinned
/** * Has this notification been expanded while it was pinned */
private boolean mExpandedWhenPinned;
Is the user touching this row
/** Is the user touching this row */
private boolean mUserLocked;
Are we showing the "public" version
/** Are we showing the "public" version */
private boolean mShowingPublic; private boolean mSensitive; private boolean mSensitiveHiddenInGeneral; private boolean mShowingPublicInitialized; private boolean mHideSensitiveForIntrinsicHeight; private float mHeaderVisibleAmount = DEFAULT_HEADER_VISIBLE_AMOUNT;
Is this notification expanded by the system. The expansion state can be overridden by the user expansion.
/** * Is this notification expanded by the system. The expansion state can be overridden by the * user expansion. */
private boolean mIsSystemExpanded;
Whether the notification is on the keyguard and the expansion is disabled.
/** * Whether the notification is on the keyguard and the expansion is disabled. */
private boolean mOnKeyguard; private Animator mTranslateAnim; private ArrayList<View> mTranslateableViews; private NotificationContentView mPublicLayout; private NotificationContentView mPrivateLayout; private NotificationContentView[] mLayouts; private int mNotificationColor; private ExpansionLogger mLogger; private String mLoggingKey; private NotificationGuts mGuts; private NotificationData.Entry mEntry; private StatusBarNotification mStatusBarNotification; private String mAppName; private boolean mIsHeadsUp; private boolean mLastChronometerRunning = true; private ViewStub mChildrenContainerStub; private NotificationGroupManager mGroupManager; private boolean mChildrenExpanded; private boolean mIsSummaryWithChildren; private NotificationChildrenContainer mChildrenContainer; private NotificationMenuRowPlugin mMenuRow; private ViewStub mGutsStub; private boolean mIsSystemChildExpanded; private boolean mIsPinned; private FalsingManager mFalsingManager; private boolean mExpandAnimationRunning; private AboveShelfChangedListener mAboveShelfChangedListener; private HeadsUpManager mHeadsUpManager; private Consumer<Boolean> mHeadsUpAnimatingAwayListener; private boolean mChildIsExpanding; private boolean mJustClicked; private boolean mIconAnimationRunning; private boolean mShowNoBackground; private ExpandableNotificationRow mNotificationParent; private OnExpandClickListener mOnExpandClickListener; private View.OnClickListener mOnAppOpsClickListener; // Listener will be called when receiving a long click event. // Use #setLongPressPosition to optionally assign positional data with the long press. private LongPressListener mLongPressListener; private boolean mGroupExpansionChanging;
A supplier that returns true if keyguard is secure.
/** * A supplier that returns true if keyguard is secure. */
private BooleanSupplier mSecureStateProvider;
Whether or not a notification that is not part of a group of notifications can be manually expanded by the user.
/** * Whether or not a notification that is not part of a group of notifications can be manually * expanded by the user. */
private boolean mEnableNonGroupedNotificationExpand;
Whether or not to update the background of the header of the notification when its expanded. If true, the header background will disappear when expanded.
/** * Whether or not to update the background of the header of the notification when its expanded. * If {@code true}, the header background will disappear when expanded. */
private boolean mShowGroupBackgroundWhenExpanded; private OnClickListener mExpandClickListener = new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (!shouldShowPublic() && (!mIsLowPriority || isExpanded()) && mGroupManager.isSummaryOfGroup(mStatusBarNotification)) { mGroupExpansionChanging = true; final boolean wasExpanded = mGroupManager.isGroupExpanded(mStatusBarNotification); boolean nowExpanded = mGroupManager.toggleGroupExpansion(mStatusBarNotification); mOnExpandClickListener.onExpandClicked(mEntry, nowExpanded); MetricsLogger.action(mContext, MetricsEvent.ACTION_NOTIFICATION_GROUP_EXPANDER, nowExpanded); onExpansionChanged(true /* userAction */, wasExpanded); } else if (mEnableNonGroupedNotificationExpand) { if (v.isAccessibilityFocused()) { mPrivateLayout.setFocusOnVisibilityChange(); } boolean nowExpanded; if (isPinned()) { nowExpanded = !mExpandedWhenPinned; mExpandedWhenPinned = nowExpanded; } else { nowExpanded = !isExpanded(); setUserExpanded(nowExpanded); } notifyHeightChanged(true); mOnExpandClickListener.onExpandClicked(mEntry, nowExpanded); MetricsLogger.action(mContext, MetricsEvent.ACTION_NOTIFICATION_EXPANDER, nowExpanded); } } }; private boolean mForceUnlocked; private boolean mDismissed; private boolean mKeepInParent; private boolean mRemoved; private static final Property<ExpandableNotificationRow, Float> TRANSLATE_CONTENT = new FloatProperty<ExpandableNotificationRow>("translate") { @Override public void setValue(ExpandableNotificationRow object, float value) { object.setTranslation(value); } @Override public Float get(ExpandableNotificationRow object) { return object.getTranslation(); } }; private OnClickListener mOnClickListener; private boolean mHeadsupDisappearRunning; private View mChildAfterViewWhenDismissed; private View mGroupParentWhenDismissed; private boolean mRefocusOnDismiss; private float mContentTransformationAmount; private boolean mIconsVisible = true; private boolean mAboveShelf; private boolean mShowAmbient; private boolean mIsLastChild; private Runnable mOnDismissRunnable; private boolean mIsLowPriority; private boolean mIsColorized; private boolean mUseIncreasedCollapsedHeight; private boolean mUseIncreasedHeadsUpHeight; private float mTranslationWhenRemoved; private boolean mWasChildInGroupWhenRemoved; private int mNotificationColorAmbient; private NotificationViewState mNotificationViewState; private SystemNotificationAsyncTask mSystemNotificationAsyncTask = new SystemNotificationAsyncTask();
Returns whether the given statusBarNotification is a system notification. Note, this should be run in the background thread if possible as it makes multiple IPC calls.
/** * Returns whether the given {@code statusBarNotification} is a system notification. * <b>Note</b>, this should be run in the background thread if possible as it makes multiple IPC * calls. */
private static Boolean isSystemNotification( Context context, StatusBarNotification statusBarNotification) { PackageManager packageManager = StatusBar.getPackageManagerForUser( context, statusBarNotification.getUser().getIdentifier()); Boolean isSystemNotification = null; try { PackageInfo packageInfo = packageManager.getPackageInfo( statusBarNotification.getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES); isSystemNotification = com.android.settingslib.Utils.isSystemPackage( context.getResources(), packageManager, packageInfo); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { Log.e(TAG, "cacheIsSystemNotification: Could not find package info"); } return isSystemNotification; } @Override public boolean isGroupExpansionChanging() { if (isChildInGroup()) { return mNotificationParent.isGroupExpansionChanging(); } return mGroupExpansionChanging; } public void setGroupExpansionChanging(boolean changing) { mGroupExpansionChanging = changing; } @Override public void setActualHeightAnimating(boolean animating) { if (mPrivateLayout != null) { mPrivateLayout.setContentHeightAnimating(animating); } } public NotificationContentView getPrivateLayout() { return mPrivateLayout; } public NotificationContentView getPublicLayout() { return mPublicLayout; } public void setIconAnimationRunning(boolean running) { for (NotificationContentView l : mLayouts) { setIconAnimationRunning(running, l); } if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { setIconAnimationRunningForChild(running, mChildrenContainer.getHeaderView()); setIconAnimationRunningForChild(running, mChildrenContainer.getLowPriorityHeaderView()); List<ExpandableNotificationRow> notificationChildren = mChildrenContainer.getNotificationChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < notificationChildren.size(); i++) { ExpandableNotificationRow child = notificationChildren.get(i); child.setIconAnimationRunning(running); } } mIconAnimationRunning = running; } private void setIconAnimationRunning(boolean running, NotificationContentView layout) { if (layout != null) { View contractedChild = layout.getContractedChild(); View expandedChild = layout.getExpandedChild(); View headsUpChild = layout.getHeadsUpChild(); setIconAnimationRunningForChild(running, contractedChild); setIconAnimationRunningForChild(running, expandedChild); setIconAnimationRunningForChild(running, headsUpChild); } } private void setIconAnimationRunningForChild(boolean running, View child) { if (child != null) { ImageView icon = (ImageView) child.findViewById(com.android.internal.R.id.icon); setIconRunning(icon, running); ImageView rightIcon = (ImageView) child.findViewById( com.android.internal.R.id.right_icon); setIconRunning(rightIcon, running); } } private void setIconRunning(ImageView imageView, boolean running) { if (imageView != null) { Drawable drawable = imageView.getDrawable(); if (drawable instanceof AnimationDrawable) { AnimationDrawable animationDrawable = (AnimationDrawable) drawable; if (running) { animationDrawable.start(); } else { animationDrawable.stop(); } } else if (drawable instanceof AnimatedVectorDrawable) { AnimatedVectorDrawable animationDrawable = (AnimatedVectorDrawable) drawable; if (running) { animationDrawable.start(); } else { animationDrawable.stop(); } } } } public void updateNotification(NotificationData.Entry entry) { mEntry = entry; mStatusBarNotification = entry.notification; mNotificationInflater.inflateNotificationViews(); cacheIsSystemNotification(); }
Caches whether or not this row contains a system notification. Note, this is only cached once per notification as the packageInfo can't technically change for a notification row.
/** * Caches whether or not this row contains a system notification. Note, this is only cached * once per notification as the packageInfo can't technically change for a notification row. */
private void cacheIsSystemNotification() { if (mEntry != null && mEntry.mIsSystemNotification == null) { if (mSystemNotificationAsyncTask.getStatus() == AsyncTask.Status.PENDING) { // Run async task once, only if it hasn't already been executed. Note this is // executed in serial - no need to parallelize this small task. mSystemNotificationAsyncTask.execute(); } } }
Returns whether this row is considered non-blockable (i.e. it's a non-blockable system notif or is in a whitelist).
/** * Returns whether this row is considered non-blockable (i.e. it's a non-blockable system notif * or is in a whitelist). */
public boolean getIsNonblockable() { boolean isNonblockable = Dependency.get(NotificationBlockingHelperManager.class) .isNonblockablePackage(mStatusBarNotification.getPackageName()); // If the SystemNotifAsyncTask hasn't finished running or retrieved a value, we'll try once // again, but in-place on the main thread this time. This should rarely ever get called. if (mEntry != null && mEntry.mIsSystemNotification == null) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Retrieving isSystemNotification on main thread"); } mSystemNotificationAsyncTask.cancel(true /* mayInterruptIfRunning */); mEntry.mIsSystemNotification = isSystemNotification(mContext, mStatusBarNotification); } if (!isNonblockable && mEntry != null && mEntry.mIsSystemNotification != null) { if (mEntry.mIsSystemNotification) { if (mEntry.channel != null && !mEntry.channel.isBlockableSystem()) { isNonblockable = true; } } } return isNonblockable; } public void onNotificationUpdated() { for (NotificationContentView l : mLayouts) { l.onNotificationUpdated(mEntry); } mIsColorized = mStatusBarNotification.getNotification().isColorized(); mShowingPublicInitialized = false; updateNotificationColor(); if (mMenuRow != null) { mMenuRow.onNotificationUpdated(mStatusBarNotification); mMenuRow.setAppName(mAppName); } if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { mChildrenContainer.recreateNotificationHeader(mExpandClickListener); mChildrenContainer.onNotificationUpdated(); } if (mIconAnimationRunning) { setIconAnimationRunning(true); } if (mNotificationParent != null) { mNotificationParent.updateChildrenHeaderAppearance(); } onChildrenCountChanged(); // The public layouts expand button is always visible mPublicLayout.updateExpandButtons(true); updateLimits(); updateIconVisibilities(); updateShelfIconColor(); updateRippleAllowed(); } @VisibleForTesting void updateShelfIconColor() { StatusBarIconView expandedIcon = mEntry.expandedIcon; boolean isPreL = Boolean.TRUE.equals(expandedIcon.getTag(R.id.icon_is_pre_L)); boolean colorize = !isPreL || NotificationUtils.isGrayscale(expandedIcon, NotificationColorUtil.getInstance(mContext)); int color = StatusBarIconView.NO_COLOR; if (colorize) { NotificationHeaderView header = getVisibleNotificationHeader(); if (header != null) { color = header.getOriginalIconColor(); } else { color = mEntry.getContrastedColor(mContext, mIsLowPriority && !isExpanded(), getBackgroundColorWithoutTint()); } } expandedIcon.setStaticDrawableColor(color); } public void setAboveShelfChangedListener(AboveShelfChangedListener aboveShelfChangedListener) { mAboveShelfChangedListener = aboveShelfChangedListener; }
Sets a supplier that can determine whether the keyguard is secure or not.
  • secureStateProvider – A function that returns true if keyguard is secure.
/** * Sets a supplier that can determine whether the keyguard is secure or not. * @param secureStateProvider A function that returns true if keyguard is secure. */
public void setSecureStateProvider(BooleanSupplier secureStateProvider) { mSecureStateProvider = secureStateProvider; } @Override public boolean isDimmable() { if (!getShowingLayout().isDimmable()) { return false; } return super.isDimmable(); } private void updateLimits() { for (NotificationContentView l : mLayouts) { updateLimitsForView(l); } } private void updateLimitsForView(NotificationContentView layout) { boolean customView = layout.getContractedChild().getId() != com.android.internal.R.id.status_bar_latest_event_content; boolean beforeN = mEntry.targetSdk < Build.VERSION_CODES.N; boolean beforeP = mEntry.targetSdk < Build.VERSION_CODES.P; int minHeight; if (customView && beforeP && !mIsSummaryWithChildren) { minHeight = beforeN ? mNotificationMinHeightLegacy : mNotificationMinHeightBeforeP; } else if (mUseIncreasedCollapsedHeight && layout == mPrivateLayout) { minHeight = mNotificationMinHeightLarge; } else { minHeight = mNotificationMinHeight; } boolean headsUpCustom = layout.getHeadsUpChild() != null && layout.getHeadsUpChild().getId() != com.android.internal.R.id.status_bar_latest_event_content; int headsUpheight; if (headsUpCustom && beforeP) { headsUpheight = beforeN ? mMaxHeadsUpHeightLegacy : mMaxHeadsUpHeightBeforeP; } else if (mUseIncreasedHeadsUpHeight && layout == mPrivateLayout) { headsUpheight = mMaxHeadsUpHeightIncreased; } else { headsUpheight = mMaxHeadsUpHeight; } NotificationViewWrapper headsUpWrapper = layout.getVisibleWrapper( NotificationContentView.VISIBLE_TYPE_HEADSUP); if (headsUpWrapper != null) { headsUpheight = Math.max(headsUpheight, headsUpWrapper.getMinLayoutHeight()); } layout.setHeights(minHeight, headsUpheight, mNotificationMaxHeight, mNotificationAmbientHeight); } public StatusBarNotification getStatusBarNotification() { return mStatusBarNotification; } public NotificationData.Entry getEntry() { return mEntry; } public boolean isHeadsUp() { return mIsHeadsUp; } public void setHeadsUp(boolean isHeadsUp) { boolean wasAboveShelf = isAboveShelf(); int intrinsicBefore = getIntrinsicHeight(); mIsHeadsUp = isHeadsUp; mPrivateLayout.setHeadsUp(isHeadsUp); if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { // The overflow might change since we allow more lines as HUN. mChildrenContainer.updateGroupOverflow(); } if (intrinsicBefore != getIntrinsicHeight()) { notifyHeightChanged(false /* needsAnimation */); } if (isHeadsUp) { mMustStayOnScreen = true; setAboveShelf(true); } else if (isAboveShelf() != wasAboveShelf) { mAboveShelfChangedListener.onAboveShelfStateChanged(!wasAboveShelf); } } public void setGroupManager(NotificationGroupManager groupManager) { mGroupManager = groupManager; mPrivateLayout.setGroupManager(groupManager); } public void setRemoteInputController(RemoteInputController r) { mPrivateLayout.setRemoteInputController(r); } public void setAppName(String appName) { mAppName = appName; if (mMenuRow != null && mMenuRow.getMenuView() != null) { mMenuRow.setAppName(mAppName); } } public void addChildNotification(ExpandableNotificationRow row) { addChildNotification(row, -1); }
Set the how much the header should be visible. A value of 0 will make the header fully gone and a value of 1 will make the notification look just like normal. This is being used for heads up notifications, when they are pinned to the top of the screen and the header content is extracted to the statusbar.
  • headerVisibleAmount – the amount the header should be visible.
/** * Set the how much the header should be visible. A value of 0 will make the header fully gone * and a value of 1 will make the notification look just like normal. * This is being used for heads up notifications, when they are pinned to the top of the screen * and the header content is extracted to the statusbar. * * @param headerVisibleAmount the amount the header should be visible. */
public void setHeaderVisibleAmount(float headerVisibleAmount) { if (mHeaderVisibleAmount != headerVisibleAmount) { mHeaderVisibleAmount = headerVisibleAmount; mPrivateLayout.setHeaderVisibleAmount(headerVisibleAmount); if (mChildrenContainer != null) { mChildrenContainer.setHeaderVisibleAmount(headerVisibleAmount); } notifyHeightChanged(false /* needsAnimation */); } } @Override public float getHeaderVisibleAmount() { return mHeaderVisibleAmount; } @Override public void setHeadsUpIsVisible() { super.setHeadsUpIsVisible(); mMustStayOnScreen = false; }
Add a child notification to this view.
  • row – the row to add
  • childIndex – the index to add it at, if -1 it will be added at the end
/** * Add a child notification to this view. * * @param row the row to add * @param childIndex the index to add it at, if -1 it will be added at the end */
public void addChildNotification(ExpandableNotificationRow row, int childIndex) { if (mChildrenContainer == null) { mChildrenContainerStub.inflate(); } mChildrenContainer.addNotification(row, childIndex); onChildrenCountChanged(); row.setIsChildInGroup(true, this); } public void removeChildNotification(ExpandableNotificationRow row) { if (mChildrenContainer != null) { mChildrenContainer.removeNotification(row); } onChildrenCountChanged(); row.setIsChildInGroup(false, null); row.setBottomRoundness(0.0f, false /* animate */); } @Override public boolean isChildInGroup() { return mNotificationParent != null; }
Returns:whether this notification is the only child in the group summary
/** * @return whether this notification is the only child in the group summary */
public boolean isOnlyChildInGroup() { return mGroupManager.isOnlyChildInGroup(getStatusBarNotification()); } public ExpandableNotificationRow getNotificationParent() { return mNotificationParent; }
  • isChildInGroup – Is this notification now in a group
  • parent – the new parent notification
/** * @param isChildInGroup Is this notification now in a group * @param parent the new parent notification */
public void setIsChildInGroup(boolean isChildInGroup, ExpandableNotificationRow parent) { boolean childInGroup = StatusBar.ENABLE_CHILD_NOTIFICATIONS && isChildInGroup; if (mExpandAnimationRunning && !isChildInGroup && mNotificationParent != null) { mNotificationParent.setChildIsExpanding(false); mNotificationParent.setExtraWidthForClipping(0.0f); mNotificationParent.setMinimumHeightForClipping(0); } mNotificationParent = childInGroup ? parent : null; mPrivateLayout.setIsChildInGroup(childInGroup); mNotificationInflater.setIsChildInGroup(childInGroup); resetBackgroundAlpha(); updateBackgroundForGroupState(); updateClickAndFocus(); if (mNotificationParent != null) { setOverrideTintColor(NO_COLOR, 0.0f); // Let's reset the distance to top roundness, as this isn't applied to group children setDistanceToTopRoundness(NO_ROUNDNESS); mNotificationParent.updateBackgroundForGroupState(); } updateIconVisibilities(); updateBackgroundClipping(); } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { if (event.getActionMasked() != MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN || !isChildInGroup() || isGroupExpanded()) { return super.onTouchEvent(event); } else { return false; } } @Override protected boolean handleSlideBack() { if (mMenuRow != null && mMenuRow.isMenuVisible()) { animateTranslateNotification(0 /* targetLeft */); return true; } return false; } @Override protected boolean shouldHideBackground() { return super.shouldHideBackground() || mShowNoBackground; } @Override public boolean isSummaryWithChildren() { return mIsSummaryWithChildren; } @Override public boolean areChildrenExpanded() { return mChildrenExpanded; } public List<ExpandableNotificationRow> getNotificationChildren() { return mChildrenContainer == null ? null : mChildrenContainer.getNotificationChildren(); } public int getNumberOfNotificationChildren() { if (mChildrenContainer == null) { return 0; } return mChildrenContainer.getNotificationChildren().size(); }
Apply the order given in the list to the children.
  • childOrder – the new list order
  • visualStabilityManager –
  • callback – the callback to invoked in case it is not allowed
Returns:whether the list order has changed
/** * Apply the order given in the list to the children. * * @param childOrder the new list order * @param visualStabilityManager * @param callback the callback to invoked in case it is not allowed * @return whether the list order has changed */
public boolean applyChildOrder(List<ExpandableNotificationRow> childOrder, VisualStabilityManager visualStabilityManager, VisualStabilityManager.Callback callback) { return mChildrenContainer != null && mChildrenContainer.applyChildOrder(childOrder, visualStabilityManager, callback); } public void getChildrenStates(StackScrollState resultState, AmbientState ambientState) { if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { ExpandableViewState parentState = resultState.getViewStateForView(this); mChildrenContainer.getState(resultState, parentState, ambientState); } } public void applyChildrenState(StackScrollState state) { if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { mChildrenContainer.applyState(state); } } public void prepareExpansionChanged(StackScrollState state) { if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { mChildrenContainer.prepareExpansionChanged(state); } } public void startChildAnimation(StackScrollState finalState, AnimationProperties properties) { if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { mChildrenContainer.startAnimationToState(finalState, properties); } } public ExpandableNotificationRow getViewAtPosition(float y) { if (!mIsSummaryWithChildren || !mChildrenExpanded) { return this; } else { ExpandableNotificationRow view = mChildrenContainer.getViewAtPosition(y); return view == null ? this : view; } } public NotificationGuts getGuts() { return mGuts; }
Set this notification to be pinned to the top if isHeadsUp() is true. By doing this the notification will be rendered on top of the screen.
  • pinned – whether it is pinned
/** * Set this notification to be pinned to the top if {@link #isHeadsUp()} is true. By doing this * the notification will be rendered on top of the screen. * * @param pinned whether it is pinned */
public void setPinned(boolean pinned) { int intrinsicHeight = getIntrinsicHeight(); boolean wasAboveShelf = isAboveShelf(); mIsPinned = pinned; if (intrinsicHeight != getIntrinsicHeight()) { notifyHeightChanged(false /* needsAnimation */); } if (pinned) { setIconAnimationRunning(true); mExpandedWhenPinned = false; } else if (mExpandedWhenPinned) { setUserExpanded(true); } setChronometerRunning(mLastChronometerRunning); if (isAboveShelf() != wasAboveShelf) { mAboveShelfChangedListener.onAboveShelfStateChanged(!wasAboveShelf); } } @Override public boolean isPinned() { return mIsPinned; } @Override public int getPinnedHeadsUpHeight() { return getPinnedHeadsUpHeight(true /* atLeastMinHeight */); }
  • atLeastMinHeight – should the value returned be at least the minimum height. Used to avoid cyclic calls
Returns:the height of the heads up notification when pinned
/** * @param atLeastMinHeight should the value returned be at least the minimum height. * Used to avoid cyclic calls * @return the height of the heads up notification when pinned */
private int getPinnedHeadsUpHeight(boolean atLeastMinHeight) { if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { return mChildrenContainer.getIntrinsicHeight(); } if(mExpandedWhenPinned) { return Math.max(getMaxExpandHeight(), getHeadsUpHeight()); } else if (atLeastMinHeight) { return Math.max(getCollapsedHeight(), getHeadsUpHeight()); } else { return getHeadsUpHeight(); } }
Mark whether this notification was just clicked, i.e. the user has just clicked this notification in this frame.
/** * Mark whether this notification was just clicked, i.e. the user has just clicked this * notification in this frame. */
public void setJustClicked(boolean justClicked) { mJustClicked = justClicked; }
Returns:true if this notification has been clicked in this frame, false otherwise
/** * @return true if this notification has been clicked in this frame, false otherwise */
public boolean wasJustClicked() { return mJustClicked; } public void setChronometerRunning(boolean running) { mLastChronometerRunning = running; setChronometerRunning(running, mPrivateLayout); setChronometerRunning(running, mPublicLayout); if (mChildrenContainer != null) { List<ExpandableNotificationRow> notificationChildren = mChildrenContainer.getNotificationChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < notificationChildren.size(); i++) { ExpandableNotificationRow child = notificationChildren.get(i); child.setChronometerRunning(running); } } } private void setChronometerRunning(boolean running, NotificationContentView layout) { if (layout != null) { running = running || isPinned(); View contractedChild = layout.getContractedChild(); View expandedChild = layout.getExpandedChild(); View headsUpChild = layout.getHeadsUpChild(); setChronometerRunningForChild(running, contractedChild); setChronometerRunningForChild(running, expandedChild); setChronometerRunningForChild(running, headsUpChild); } } private void setChronometerRunningForChild(boolean running, View child) { if (child != null) { View chronometer = child.findViewById(com.android.internal.R.id.chronometer); if (chronometer instanceof Chronometer) { ((Chronometer) chronometer).setStarted(running); } } } public NotificationHeaderView getNotificationHeader() { if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { return mChildrenContainer.getHeaderView(); } return mPrivateLayout.getNotificationHeader(); }
Returns:the currently visible notification header. This can be different from getNotificationHeader() in case it is a low-priority group.
/** * @return the currently visible notification header. This can be different from * {@link #getNotificationHeader()} in case it is a low-priority group. */
public NotificationHeaderView getVisibleNotificationHeader() { if (mIsSummaryWithChildren && !shouldShowPublic()) { return mChildrenContainer.getVisibleHeader(); } return getShowingLayout().getVisibleNotificationHeader(); }
Returns:the contracted notification header. This can be different from getNotificationHeader() and also getVisibleNotificationHeader() and only returns the contracted version.
/** * @return the contracted notification header. This can be different from * {@link #getNotificationHeader()} and also {@link #getVisibleNotificationHeader()} and only * returns the contracted version. */
public NotificationHeaderView getContractedNotificationHeader() { if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { return mChildrenContainer.getHeaderView(); } return mPrivateLayout.getContractedNotificationHeader(); } public void setOnExpandClickListener(OnExpandClickListener onExpandClickListener) { mOnExpandClickListener = onExpandClickListener; } public void setLongPressListener(LongPressListener longPressListener) { mLongPressListener = longPressListener; } @Override public void setOnClickListener(@Nullable OnClickListener l) { super.setOnClickListener(l); mOnClickListener = l; updateClickAndFocus(); } private void updateClickAndFocus() { boolean normalChild = !isChildInGroup() || isGroupExpanded(); boolean clickable = mOnClickListener != null && normalChild; if (isFocusable() != normalChild) { setFocusable(normalChild); } if (isClickable() != clickable) { setClickable(clickable); } } public void setHeadsUpManager(HeadsUpManager headsUpManager) { mHeadsUpManager = headsUpManager; } public void setGutsView(MenuItem item) { if (mGuts != null && item.getGutsView() instanceof GutsContent) { ((GutsContent) item.getGutsView()).setGutsParent(mGuts); mGuts.setGutsContent((GutsContent) item.getGutsView()); } } @Override protected void onAttachedToWindow() { super.onAttachedToWindow(); Dependency.get(PluginManager.class).addPluginListener(this, NotificationMenuRowPlugin.class, false /* Allow multiple */); } @Override protected void onDetachedFromWindow() { super.onDetachedFromWindow(); Dependency.get(PluginManager.class).removePluginListener(this); } @Override public void onPluginConnected(NotificationMenuRowPlugin plugin, Context pluginContext) { boolean existed = mMenuRow.getMenuView() != null; if (existed) { removeView(mMenuRow.getMenuView()); } mMenuRow = plugin; if (mMenuRow.useDefaultMenuItems()) { ArrayList<MenuItem> items = new ArrayList<>(); items.add(NotificationMenuRow.createInfoItem(mContext)); items.add(NotificationMenuRow.createSnoozeItem(mContext)); items.add(NotificationMenuRow.createAppOpsItem(mContext)); mMenuRow.setMenuItems(items); } if (existed) { createMenu(); } } @Override public void onPluginDisconnected(NotificationMenuRowPlugin plugin) { boolean existed = mMenuRow.getMenuView() != null; mMenuRow = new NotificationMenuRow(mContext); // Back to default if (existed) { createMenu(); } } public NotificationMenuRowPlugin createMenu() { if (mMenuRow.getMenuView() == null) { mMenuRow.createMenu(this, mStatusBarNotification); mMenuRow.setAppName(mAppName); FrameLayout.LayoutParams lp = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT); addView(mMenuRow.getMenuView(), MENU_VIEW_INDEX, lp); } return mMenuRow; } public NotificationMenuRowPlugin getProvider() { return mMenuRow; } @Override public void onDensityOrFontScaleChanged() { super.onDensityOrFontScaleChanged(); initDimens(); initBackground(); // Let's update our childrencontainer. This is intentionally not guarded with // mIsSummaryWithChildren since we might have had children but not anymore. if (mChildrenContainer != null) { mChildrenContainer.reInflateViews(mExpandClickListener, mEntry.notification); } if (mGuts != null) { View oldGuts = mGuts; int index = indexOfChild(oldGuts); removeView(oldGuts); mGuts = (NotificationGuts) LayoutInflater.from(mContext).inflate( R.layout.notification_guts, this, false); mGuts.setVisibility(oldGuts.getVisibility()); addView(mGuts, index); } View oldMenu = mMenuRow.getMenuView(); if (oldMenu != null) { int menuIndex = indexOfChild(oldMenu); removeView(oldMenu); mMenuRow.createMenu(ExpandableNotificationRow.this, mStatusBarNotification); mMenuRow.setAppName(mAppName); addView(mMenuRow.getMenuView(), menuIndex); } for (NotificationContentView l : mLayouts) { l.initView(); l.reInflateViews(); } mNotificationInflater.onDensityOrFontScaleChanged(); onNotificationUpdated(); } @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { if (mMenuRow.getMenuView() != null) { mMenuRow.onConfigurationChanged(); } } public void setContentBackground(int customBackgroundColor, boolean animate, NotificationContentView notificationContentView) { if (getShowingLayout() == notificationContentView) { setTintColor(customBackgroundColor, animate); } } @Override protected void setBackgroundTintColor(int color) { super.setBackgroundTintColor(color); NotificationContentView view = getShowingLayout(); if (view != null) { view.setBackgroundTintColor(color); } } public void closeRemoteInput() { for (NotificationContentView l : mLayouts) { l.closeRemoteInput(); } }
Set by how much the single line view should be indented.
/** * Set by how much the single line view should be indented. */
public void setSingleLineWidthIndention(int indention) { mPrivateLayout.setSingleLineWidthIndention(indention); } public int getNotificationColor() { return mNotificationColor; } private void updateNotificationColor() { mNotificationColor = NotificationColorUtil.resolveContrastColor(mContext, getStatusBarNotification().getNotification().color, getBackgroundColorWithoutTint()); mNotificationColorAmbient = NotificationColorUtil.resolveAmbientColor(mContext, getStatusBarNotification().getNotification().color); } public HybridNotificationView getSingleLineView() { return mPrivateLayout.getSingleLineView(); } public HybridNotificationView getAmbientSingleLineView() { return getShowingLayout().getAmbientSingleLineChild(); } public boolean isOnKeyguard() { return mOnKeyguard; } public void removeAllChildren() { List<ExpandableNotificationRow> notificationChildren = mChildrenContainer.getNotificationChildren(); ArrayList<ExpandableNotificationRow> clonedList = new ArrayList<>(notificationChildren); for (int i = 0; i < clonedList.size(); i++) { ExpandableNotificationRow row = clonedList.get(i); if (row.keepInParent()) { continue; } mChildrenContainer.removeNotification(row); row.setIsChildInGroup(false, null); } onChildrenCountChanged(); } public void setForceUnlocked(boolean forceUnlocked) { mForceUnlocked = forceUnlocked; if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { List<ExpandableNotificationRow> notificationChildren = getNotificationChildren(); for (ExpandableNotificationRow child : notificationChildren) { child.setForceUnlocked(forceUnlocked); } } } public void setDismissed(boolean fromAccessibility) { setLongPressListener(null); mDismissed = true; mGroupParentWhenDismissed = mNotificationParent; mRefocusOnDismiss = fromAccessibility; mChildAfterViewWhenDismissed = null; mEntry.icon.setDismissed(); if (isChildInGroup()) { List<ExpandableNotificationRow> notificationChildren = mNotificationParent.getNotificationChildren(); int i = notificationChildren.indexOf(this); if (i != -1 && i < notificationChildren.size() - 1) { mChildAfterViewWhenDismissed = notificationChildren.get(i + 1); } } } public boolean isDismissed() { return mDismissed; } public boolean keepInParent() { return mKeepInParent; } public void setKeepInParent(boolean keepInParent) { mKeepInParent = keepInParent; } @Override public boolean isRemoved() { return mRemoved; } public void setRemoved() { mRemoved = true; mTranslationWhenRemoved = getTranslationY(); mWasChildInGroupWhenRemoved = isChildInGroup(); if (isChildInGroup()) { mTranslationWhenRemoved += getNotificationParent().getTranslationY(); } mPrivateLayout.setRemoved(); } public boolean wasChildInGroupWhenRemoved() { return mWasChildInGroupWhenRemoved; } public float getTranslationWhenRemoved() { return mTranslationWhenRemoved; } public NotificationChildrenContainer getChildrenContainer() { return mChildrenContainer; } public void setHeadsUpAnimatingAway(boolean headsUpAnimatingAway) { boolean wasAboveShelf = isAboveShelf(); boolean changed = headsUpAnimatingAway != mHeadsupDisappearRunning; mHeadsupDisappearRunning = headsUpAnimatingAway; mPrivateLayout.setHeadsUpAnimatingAway(headsUpAnimatingAway); if (changed && mHeadsUpAnimatingAwayListener != null) { mHeadsUpAnimatingAwayListener.accept(headsUpAnimatingAway); } if (isAboveShelf() != wasAboveShelf) { mAboveShelfChangedListener.onAboveShelfStateChanged(!wasAboveShelf); } } public void setHeadsUpAnimatingAwayListener(Consumer<Boolean> listener) { mHeadsUpAnimatingAwayListener = listener; }
Returns:if the view was just heads upped and is now animating away. During such a time the layout needs to be kept consistent
/** * @return if the view was just heads upped and is now animating away. During such a time the * layout needs to be kept consistent */
@Override public boolean isHeadsUpAnimatingAway() { return mHeadsupDisappearRunning; } public View getChildAfterViewWhenDismissed() { return mChildAfterViewWhenDismissed; } public View getGroupParentWhenDismissed() { return mGroupParentWhenDismissed; }
Dismisses the notification with the option of showing the blocking helper in-place if we have a negative user sentiment.
  • fromAccessibility – whether this dismiss is coming from an accessibility action
Returns:whether a blocking helper is shown in this row
/** * Dismisses the notification with the option of showing the blocking helper in-place if we have * a negative user sentiment. * * @param fromAccessibility whether this dismiss is coming from an accessibility action * @return whether a blocking helper is shown in this row */
public boolean performDismissWithBlockingHelper(boolean fromAccessibility) { NotificationBlockingHelperManager manager = Dependency.get(NotificationBlockingHelperManager.class); boolean isBlockingHelperShown = manager.perhapsShowBlockingHelper(this, mMenuRow); Dependency.get(MetricsLogger.class).count(NotificationCounters.NOTIFICATION_DISMISSED, 1); // Continue with dismiss since we don't want the blocking helper to be directly associated // with a certain notification. performDismiss(fromAccessibility); return isBlockingHelperShown; } public void performDismiss(boolean fromAccessibility) { if (isOnlyChildInGroup()) { ExpandableNotificationRow groupSummary = mGroupManager.getLogicalGroupSummary(getStatusBarNotification()); if (groupSummary.isClearable()) { // If this is the only child in the group, dismiss the group, but don't try to show // the blocking helper affordance! groupSummary.performDismiss(fromAccessibility); } } setDismissed(fromAccessibility); if (isClearable()) { if (mOnDismissRunnable != null) { mOnDismissRunnable.run(); } } } public void setBlockingHelperShowing(boolean isBlockingHelperShowing) { mIsBlockingHelperShowing = isBlockingHelperShowing; } public boolean isBlockingHelperShowing() { return mIsBlockingHelperShowing; } public void setOnDismissRunnable(Runnable onDismissRunnable) { mOnDismissRunnable = onDismissRunnable; } public View getNotificationIcon() { NotificationHeaderView notificationHeader = getVisibleNotificationHeader(); if (notificationHeader != null) { return notificationHeader.getIcon(); } return null; }
Returns:whether the notification is currently showing a view with an icon.
/** * @return whether the notification is currently showing a view with an icon. */
public boolean isShowingIcon() { if (areGutsExposed()) { return false; } return getVisibleNotificationHeader() != null; }
Set how much this notification is transformed into an icon.
  • contentTransformationAmount – A value from 0 to 1 indicating how much we are transformed to the content away
  • isLastChild – is this the last child in the list. If true, then the transformation is different since it's content fades out.
/** * Set how much this notification is transformed into an icon. * * @param contentTransformationAmount A value from 0 to 1 indicating how much we are transformed * to the content away * @param isLastChild is this the last child in the list. If true, then the transformation is * different since it's content fades out. */
public void setContentTransformationAmount(float contentTransformationAmount, boolean isLastChild) { boolean changeTransformation = isLastChild != mIsLastChild; changeTransformation |= mContentTransformationAmount != contentTransformationAmount; mIsLastChild = isLastChild; mContentTransformationAmount = contentTransformationAmount; if (changeTransformation) { updateContentTransformation(); } }
Set the icons to be visible of this notification.
/** * Set the icons to be visible of this notification. */
public void setIconsVisible(boolean iconsVisible) { if (iconsVisible != mIconsVisible) { mIconsVisible = iconsVisible; updateIconVisibilities(); } } @Override protected void onBelowSpeedBumpChanged() { updateIconVisibilities(); } private void updateContentTransformation() { if (mExpandAnimationRunning) { return; } float contentAlpha; float translationY = -mContentTransformationAmount * mIconTransformContentShift; if (mIsLastChild) { contentAlpha = 1.0f - mContentTransformationAmount; contentAlpha = Math.min(contentAlpha / 0.5f, 1.0f); contentAlpha = Interpolators.ALPHA_OUT.getInterpolation(contentAlpha); translationY *= 0.4f; } else { contentAlpha = 1.0f; } for (NotificationContentView l : mLayouts) { l.setAlpha(contentAlpha); l.setTranslationY(translationY); } if (mChildrenContainer != null) { mChildrenContainer.setAlpha(contentAlpha); mChildrenContainer.setTranslationY(translationY); // TODO: handle children fade out better } } private void updateIconVisibilities() { boolean visible = isChildInGroup() || (isBelowSpeedBump() && !NotificationShelf.SHOW_AMBIENT_ICONS) || mIconsVisible; for (NotificationContentView l : mLayouts) { l.setIconsVisible(visible); } if (mChildrenContainer != null) { mChildrenContainer.setIconsVisible(visible); } }
Get the relative top padding of a view relative to this view. This recursively walks up the hierarchy and does the corresponding measuring.
  • view – the view to the the padding for. The requested view has to be a child of this notification.
Returns:the toppadding
/** * Get the relative top padding of a view relative to this view. This recursively walks up the * hierarchy and does the corresponding measuring. * * @param view the view to the the padding for. The requested view has to be a child of this * notification. * @return the toppadding */
public int getRelativeTopPadding(View view) { int topPadding = 0; while (view.getParent() instanceof ViewGroup) { topPadding += view.getTop(); view = (View) view.getParent(); if (view instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) { return topPadding; } } return topPadding; } public float getContentTranslation() { return mPrivateLayout.getTranslationY(); } public void setIsLowPriority(boolean isLowPriority) { mIsLowPriority = isLowPriority; mPrivateLayout.setIsLowPriority(isLowPriority); mNotificationInflater.setIsLowPriority(mIsLowPriority); if (mChildrenContainer != null) { mChildrenContainer.setIsLowPriority(isLowPriority); } } public void setLowPriorityStateUpdated(boolean lowPriorityStateUpdated) { mLowPriorityStateUpdated = lowPriorityStateUpdated; } public boolean hasLowPriorityStateUpdated() { return mLowPriorityStateUpdated; } public boolean isLowPriority() { return mIsLowPriority; } public void setUseIncreasedCollapsedHeight(boolean use) { mUseIncreasedCollapsedHeight = use; mNotificationInflater.setUsesIncreasedHeight(use); } public void setUseIncreasedHeadsUpHeight(boolean use) { mUseIncreasedHeadsUpHeight = use; mNotificationInflater.setUsesIncreasedHeadsUpHeight(use); } public void setRemoteViewClickHandler(RemoteViews.OnClickHandler remoteViewClickHandler) { mNotificationInflater.setRemoteViewClickHandler(remoteViewClickHandler); } public void setInflationCallback(InflationCallback callback) { mNotificationInflater.setInflationCallback(callback); } public void setNeedsRedaction(boolean needsRedaction) { mNotificationInflater.setRedactAmbient(needsRedaction); } @VisibleForTesting public NotificationInflater getNotificationInflater() { return mNotificationInflater; } public int getNotificationColorAmbient() { return mNotificationColorAmbient; } public interface ExpansionLogger { void logNotificationExpansion(String key, boolean userAction, boolean expanded); } public ExpandableNotificationRow(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); mFalsingManager = FalsingManager.getInstance(context); mNotificationInflater = new NotificationInflater(this); mMenuRow = new NotificationMenuRow(mContext); initDimens(); } private void initDimens() { mNotificationMinHeightLegacy = NotificationUtils.getFontScaledHeight(mContext, R.dimen.notification_min_height_legacy); mNotificationMinHeightBeforeP = NotificationUtils.getFontScaledHeight(mContext, R.dimen.notification_min_height_before_p); mNotificationMinHeight = NotificationUtils.getFontScaledHeight(mContext, R.dimen.notification_min_height); mNotificationMinHeightLarge = NotificationUtils.getFontScaledHeight(mContext, R.dimen.notification_min_height_increased); mNotificationMaxHeight = NotificationUtils.getFontScaledHeight(mContext, R.dimen.notification_max_height); mNotificationAmbientHeight = NotificationUtils.getFontScaledHeight(mContext, R.dimen.notification_ambient_height); mMaxHeadsUpHeightLegacy = NotificationUtils.getFontScaledHeight(mContext, R.dimen.notification_max_heads_up_height_legacy); mMaxHeadsUpHeightBeforeP = NotificationUtils.getFontScaledHeight(mContext, R.dimen.notification_max_heads_up_height_before_p); mMaxHeadsUpHeight = NotificationUtils.getFontScaledHeight(mContext, R.dimen.notification_max_heads_up_height); mMaxHeadsUpHeightIncreased = NotificationUtils.getFontScaledHeight(mContext, R.dimen.notification_max_heads_up_height_increased); Resources res = getResources(); mIncreasedPaddingBetweenElements = res.getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.notification_divider_height_increased); mIconTransformContentShiftNoIcon = res.getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.notification_icon_transform_content_shift); mEnableNonGroupedNotificationExpand = res.getBoolean(R.bool.config_enableNonGroupedNotificationExpand); mShowGroupBackgroundWhenExpanded = res.getBoolean(R.bool.config_showGroupNotificationBgWhenExpanded); }
Resets this view so it can be re-used for an updated notification.
/** * Resets this view so it can be re-used for an updated notification. */
public void reset() { mShowingPublicInitialized = false; onHeightReset(); requestLayout(); } public void showAppOpsIcons(ArraySet<Integer> activeOps) { if (mIsSummaryWithChildren && mChildrenContainer.getHeaderView() != null) { mChildrenContainer.getHeaderView().showAppOpsIcons(activeOps); } mPrivateLayout.showAppOpsIcons(activeOps); mPublicLayout.showAppOpsIcons(activeOps); } public View.OnClickListener getAppOpsOnClickListener() { return mOnAppOpsClickListener; } protected void setAppOpsOnClickListener(ExpandableNotificationRow.OnAppOpsClickListener l) { mOnAppOpsClickListener = v -> { createMenu(); MenuItem menuItem = getProvider().getAppOpsMenuItem(mContext); if (menuItem != null) { l.onClick(this, v.getWidth() / 2, v.getHeight() / 2, menuItem); } }; } @Override protected void onFinishInflate() { super.onFinishInflate(); mPublicLayout = (NotificationContentView) findViewById(R.id.expandedPublic); mPrivateLayout = (NotificationContentView) findViewById(R.id.expanded); mLayouts = new NotificationContentView[] {mPrivateLayout, mPublicLayout}; for (NotificationContentView l : mLayouts) { l.setExpandClickListener(mExpandClickListener); l.setContainingNotification(this); } mGutsStub = (ViewStub) findViewById(R.id.notification_guts_stub); mGutsStub.setOnInflateListener(new ViewStub.OnInflateListener() { @Override public void onInflate(ViewStub stub, View inflated) { mGuts = (NotificationGuts) inflated; mGuts.setClipTopAmount(getClipTopAmount()); mGuts.setActualHeight(getActualHeight()); mGutsStub = null; } }); mChildrenContainerStub = (ViewStub) findViewById(R.id.child_container_stub); mChildrenContainerStub.setOnInflateListener(new ViewStub.OnInflateListener() { @Override public void onInflate(ViewStub stub, View inflated) { mChildrenContainer = (NotificationChildrenContainer) inflated; mChildrenContainer.setIsLowPriority(mIsLowPriority); mChildrenContainer.setContainingNotification(ExpandableNotificationRow.this); mChildrenContainer.onNotificationUpdated(); if (mShouldTranslateContents) { mTranslateableViews.add(mChildrenContainer); } } }); if (mShouldTranslateContents) { // Add the views that we translate to reveal the menu mTranslateableViews = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) { mTranslateableViews.add(getChildAt(i)); } // Remove views that don't translate mTranslateableViews.remove(mChildrenContainerStub); mTranslateableViews.remove(mGutsStub); } } private void doLongClickCallback() { doLongClickCallback(getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2); } public void doLongClickCallback(int x, int y) { createMenu(); MenuItem menuItem = getProvider().getLongpressMenuItem(mContext); doLongClickCallback(x, y, menuItem); } private void doLongClickCallback(int x, int y, MenuItem menuItem) { if (mLongPressListener != null && menuItem != null) { mLongPressListener.onLongPress(this, x, y, menuItem); } } @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (KeyEvent.isConfirmKey(keyCode)) { event.startTracking(); return true; } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); } @Override public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (KeyEvent.isConfirmKey(keyCode)) { if (!event.isCanceled()) { performClick(); } return true; } return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event); } @Override public boolean onKeyLongPress(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (KeyEvent.isConfirmKey(keyCode)) { doLongClickCallback(); return true; } return false; } public void resetTranslation() { if (mTranslateAnim != null) { mTranslateAnim.cancel(); } if (!mShouldTranslateContents) { setTranslationX(0); } else if (mTranslateableViews != null) { for (int i = 0; i < mTranslateableViews.size(); i++) { mTranslateableViews.get(i).setTranslationX(0); } invalidateOutline(); getEntry().expandedIcon.setScrollX(0); } mMenuRow.resetMenu(); } void onGutsOpened() { resetTranslation(); updateContentAccessibilityImportanceForGuts(false /* isEnabled */); } void onGutsClosed() { updateContentAccessibilityImportanceForGuts(true /* isEnabled */); }
Updates whether all the non-guts content inside this row is important for accessibility.
  • isEnabled – whether the content views should be enabled for accessibility
/** * Updates whether all the non-guts content inside this row is important for accessibility. * * @param isEnabled whether the content views should be enabled for accessibility */
private void updateContentAccessibilityImportanceForGuts(boolean isEnabled) { if (mChildrenContainer != null) { updateChildAccessibilityImportance(mChildrenContainer, isEnabled); } if (mLayouts != null) { for (View view : mLayouts) { updateChildAccessibilityImportance(view, isEnabled); } } if (isEnabled) { this.requestAccessibilityFocus(); } }
Updates whether the given childView is important for accessibility based on isEnabled.
/** * Updates whether the given childView is important for accessibility based on * {@code isEnabled}. */
private void updateChildAccessibilityImportance(View childView, boolean isEnabled) { childView.setImportantForAccessibility(isEnabled ? View.IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTO : View.IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO_HIDE_DESCENDANTS); } public CharSequence getActiveRemoteInputText() { return mPrivateLayout.getActiveRemoteInputText(); } public void animateTranslateNotification(final float leftTarget) { if (mTranslateAnim != null) { mTranslateAnim.cancel(); } mTranslateAnim = getTranslateViewAnimator(leftTarget, null /* updateListener */); if (mTranslateAnim != null) { mTranslateAnim.start(); } } @Override public void setTranslation(float translationX) { if (areGutsExposed()) { // Don't translate if guts are showing. return; } if (!mShouldTranslateContents) { setTranslationX(translationX); } else if (mTranslateableViews != null) { // Translate the group of views for (int i = 0; i < mTranslateableViews.size(); i++) { if (mTranslateableViews.get(i) != null) { mTranslateableViews.get(i).setTranslationX(translationX); } } invalidateOutline(); // In order to keep the shelf in sync with this swiping, we're simply translating // it's icon by the same amount. The translation is already being used for the normal // positioning, so we can use the scrollX instead. getEntry().expandedIcon.setScrollX((int) -translationX); } if (mMenuRow.getMenuView() != null) { mMenuRow.onTranslationUpdate(translationX); } } @Override public float getTranslation() { if (!mShouldTranslateContents) { return getTranslationX(); } if (mTranslateableViews != null && mTranslateableViews.size() > 0) { // All of the views in the list should have same translation, just use first one. return mTranslateableViews.get(0).getTranslationX(); } return 0; } public Animator getTranslateViewAnimator(final float leftTarget, AnimatorUpdateListener listener) { if (mTranslateAnim != null) { mTranslateAnim.cancel(); } if (areGutsExposed()) { // No translation if guts are exposed. return null; } final ObjectAnimator translateAnim = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, TRANSLATE_CONTENT, leftTarget); if (listener != null) { translateAnim.addUpdateListener(listener); } translateAnim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { boolean cancelled = false; @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator anim) { cancelled = true; } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator anim) { if (!cancelled && leftTarget == 0) { mMenuRow.resetMenu(); mTranslateAnim = null; } } }); mTranslateAnim = translateAnim; return translateAnim; } public void inflateGuts() { if (mGuts == null) { mGutsStub.inflate(); } } private void updateChildrenVisibility() { boolean hideContentWhileLaunching = mExpandAnimationRunning && mGuts != null && mGuts.isExposed(); mPrivateLayout.setVisibility(!shouldShowPublic() && !mIsSummaryWithChildren && !hideContentWhileLaunching ? VISIBLE : INVISIBLE); if (mChildrenContainer != null) { mChildrenContainer.setVisibility(!shouldShowPublic() && mIsSummaryWithChildren && !hideContentWhileLaunching ? VISIBLE : INVISIBLE); } // The limits might have changed if the view suddenly became a group or vice versa updateLimits(); } @Override public boolean onRequestSendAccessibilityEventInternal(View child, AccessibilityEvent event) { if (super.onRequestSendAccessibilityEventInternal(child, event)) { // Add a record for the entire layout since its content is somehow small. // The event comes from a leaf view that is interacted with. AccessibilityEvent record = AccessibilityEvent.obtain(); onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(record); dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(record); event.appendRecord(record); return true; } return false; } @Override public void setDark(boolean dark, boolean fade, long delay) { super.setDark(dark, fade, delay); mDark = dark; if (!mIsHeadsUp) { // Only fade the showing view of the pulsing notification. fade = false; } final NotificationContentView showing = getShowingLayout(); if (showing != null) { showing.setDark(dark, fade, delay); } if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { mChildrenContainer.setDark(dark, fade, delay); } updateShelfIconColor(); } public void applyExpandAnimationParams(ExpandAnimationParameters params) { if (params == null) { return; } float zProgress = Interpolators.FAST_OUT_SLOW_IN.getInterpolation( params.getProgress(0, 50)); float translationZ = MathUtils.lerp(params.getStartTranslationZ(), mNotificationLaunchHeight, zProgress); setTranslationZ(translationZ); float extraWidthForClipping = params.getWidth() - getWidth() + MathUtils.lerp(0, mOutlineRadius * 2, params.getProgress()); setExtraWidthForClipping(extraWidthForClipping); int top = params.getTop(); float interpolation = Interpolators.FAST_OUT_SLOW_IN.getInterpolation(params.getProgress()); int startClipTopAmount = params.getStartClipTopAmount(); if (mNotificationParent != null) { top -= mNotificationParent.getTranslationY(); mNotificationParent.setTranslationZ(translationZ); int parentStartClipTopAmount = params.getParentStartClipTopAmount(); if (startClipTopAmount != 0) { int clipTopAmount = (int) MathUtils.lerp(parentStartClipTopAmount, parentStartClipTopAmount - startClipTopAmount, interpolation); mNotificationParent.setClipTopAmount(clipTopAmount); } mNotificationParent.setExtraWidthForClipping(extraWidthForClipping); mNotificationParent.setMinimumHeightForClipping(params.getHeight() + mNotificationParent.getActualHeight()); } else if (startClipTopAmount != 0) { int clipTopAmount = (int) MathUtils.lerp(startClipTopAmount, 0, interpolation); setClipTopAmount(clipTopAmount); } setTranslationY(top); setActualHeight(params.getHeight()); mBackgroundNormal.setExpandAnimationParams(params); } public void setExpandAnimationRunning(boolean expandAnimationRunning) { View contentView; if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { contentView = mChildrenContainer; } else { contentView = getShowingLayout(); } if (mGuts != null && mGuts.isExposed()) { contentView = mGuts; } if (expandAnimationRunning) { contentView.animate() .alpha(0f) .setDuration(ActivityLaunchAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_FADE_CONTENT) .setInterpolator(Interpolators.ALPHA_OUT); setAboveShelf(true); mExpandAnimationRunning = true; mNotificationViewState.cancelAnimations(this); mNotificationLaunchHeight = AmbientState.getNotificationLaunchHeight(getContext()); } else { mExpandAnimationRunning = false; setAboveShelf(isAboveShelf()); if (mGuts != null) { mGuts.setAlpha(1.0f); } if (contentView != null) { contentView.setAlpha(1.0f); } setExtraWidthForClipping(0.0f); if (mNotificationParent != null) { mNotificationParent.setExtraWidthForClipping(0.0f); mNotificationParent.setMinimumHeightForClipping(0); } } if (mNotificationParent != null) { mNotificationParent.setChildIsExpanding(mExpandAnimationRunning); } updateChildrenVisibility(); updateClipping(); mBackgroundNormal.setExpandAnimationRunning(expandAnimationRunning); } private void setChildIsExpanding(boolean isExpanding) { mChildIsExpanding = isExpanding; } @Override public boolean hasExpandingChild() { return mChildIsExpanding; } @Override protected boolean shouldClipToActualHeight() { return super.shouldClipToActualHeight() && !mExpandAnimationRunning && !mChildIsExpanding; } @Override public boolean isExpandAnimationRunning() { return mExpandAnimationRunning; }
Tap sounds should not be played when we're unlocking. Doing so would cause audio collision and the system would feel unpolished.
/** * Tap sounds should not be played when we're unlocking. * Doing so would cause audio collision and the system would feel unpolished. */
@Override public boolean isSoundEffectsEnabled() { final boolean mute = mDark && mSecureStateProvider != null && !mSecureStateProvider.getAsBoolean(); return !mute && super.isSoundEffectsEnabled(); } public boolean isExpandable() { if (mIsSummaryWithChildren && !shouldShowPublic()) { return !mChildrenExpanded; } return mEnableNonGroupedNotificationExpand && mExpandable; } public void setExpandable(boolean expandable) { mExpandable = expandable; mPrivateLayout.updateExpandButtons(isExpandable()); } @Override public void setClipToActualHeight(boolean clipToActualHeight) { super.setClipToActualHeight(clipToActualHeight || isUserLocked()); getShowingLayout().setClipToActualHeight(clipToActualHeight || isUserLocked()); }
Returns:whether the user has changed the expansion state
/** * @return whether the user has changed the expansion state */
public boolean hasUserChangedExpansion() { return mHasUserChangedExpansion; } public boolean isUserExpanded() { return mUserExpanded; }
Set this notification to be expanded by the user
  • userExpanded – whether the user wants this notification to be expanded
/** * Set this notification to be expanded by the user * * @param userExpanded whether the user wants this notification to be expanded */
public void setUserExpanded(boolean userExpanded) { setUserExpanded(userExpanded, false /* allowChildExpansion */); }
Set this notification to be expanded by the user
  • userExpanded – whether the user wants this notification to be expanded
  • allowChildExpansion – whether a call to this method allows expanding children
/** * Set this notification to be expanded by the user * * @param userExpanded whether the user wants this notification to be expanded * @param allowChildExpansion whether a call to this method allows expanding children */
public void setUserExpanded(boolean userExpanded, boolean allowChildExpansion) { mFalsingManager.setNotificationExpanded(); if (mIsSummaryWithChildren && !shouldShowPublic() && allowChildExpansion && !mChildrenContainer.showingAsLowPriority()) { final boolean wasExpanded = mGroupManager.isGroupExpanded(mStatusBarNotification); mGroupManager.setGroupExpanded(mStatusBarNotification, userExpanded); onExpansionChanged(true /* userAction */, wasExpanded); return; } if (userExpanded && !mExpandable) return; final boolean wasExpanded = isExpanded(); mHasUserChangedExpansion = true; mUserExpanded = userExpanded; onExpansionChanged(true /* userAction */, wasExpanded); if (!wasExpanded && isExpanded() && getActualHeight() != getIntrinsicHeight()) { notifyHeightChanged(true /* needsAnimation */); } } public void resetUserExpansion() { boolean changed = mUserExpanded; mHasUserChangedExpansion = false; mUserExpanded = false; if (changed && mIsSummaryWithChildren) { mChildrenContainer.onExpansionChanged(); } updateShelfIconColor(); } public boolean isUserLocked() { return mUserLocked && !mForceUnlocked; } public void setUserLocked(boolean userLocked) { mUserLocked = userLocked; mPrivateLayout.setUserExpanding(userLocked); // This is intentionally not guarded with mIsSummaryWithChildren since we might have had // children but not anymore. if (mChildrenContainer != null) { mChildrenContainer.setUserLocked(userLocked); if (mIsSummaryWithChildren && (userLocked || !isGroupExpanded())) { updateBackgroundForGroupState(); } } }
Returns:has the system set this notification to be expanded
/** * @return has the system set this notification to be expanded */
public boolean isSystemExpanded() { return mIsSystemExpanded; }
Set this notification to be expanded by the system.
  • expand – whether the system wants this notification to be expanded.
/** * Set this notification to be expanded by the system. * * @param expand whether the system wants this notification to be expanded. */
public void setSystemExpanded(boolean expand) { if (expand != mIsSystemExpanded) { final boolean wasExpanded = isExpanded(); mIsSystemExpanded = expand; notifyHeightChanged(false /* needsAnimation */); onExpansionChanged(false /* userAction */, wasExpanded); if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { mChildrenContainer.updateGroupOverflow(); } } }
  • onKeyguard – whether to prevent notification expansion
/** * @param onKeyguard whether to prevent notification expansion */
public void setOnKeyguard(boolean onKeyguard) { if (onKeyguard != mOnKeyguard) { boolean wasAboveShelf = isAboveShelf(); final boolean wasExpanded = isExpanded(); mOnKeyguard = onKeyguard; onExpansionChanged(false /* userAction */, wasExpanded); if (wasExpanded != isExpanded()) { if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { mChildrenContainer.updateGroupOverflow(); } notifyHeightChanged(false /* needsAnimation */); } if (isAboveShelf() != wasAboveShelf) { mAboveShelfChangedListener.onAboveShelfStateChanged(!wasAboveShelf); } } updateRippleAllowed(); } private void updateRippleAllowed() { boolean allowed = isOnKeyguard() || mEntry.notification.getNotification().contentIntent == null; setRippleAllowed(allowed); }
See Also:
Returns:Can the underlying notification be cleared? This can be different from whether the notification can be dismissed in case notifications are sensitive on the lockscreen.
/** * @return Can the underlying notification be cleared? This can be different from whether the * notification can be dismissed in case notifications are sensitive on the lockscreen. * @see #canViewBeDismissed() */
public boolean isClearable() { if (mStatusBarNotification == null || !mStatusBarNotification.isClearable()) { return false; } if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { List<ExpandableNotificationRow> notificationChildren = mChildrenContainer.getNotificationChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < notificationChildren.size(); i++) { ExpandableNotificationRow child = notificationChildren.get(i); if (!child.isClearable()) { return false; } } } return true; } @Override public int getIntrinsicHeight() { if (isUserLocked()) { return getActualHeight(); } if (mGuts != null && mGuts.isExposed()) { return mGuts.getIntrinsicHeight(); } else if ((isChildInGroup() && !isGroupExpanded())) { return mPrivateLayout.getMinHeight(); } else if (mSensitive && mHideSensitiveForIntrinsicHeight) { return getMinHeight(); } else if (mIsSummaryWithChildren && (!mOnKeyguard || mShowAmbient)) { return mChildrenContainer.getIntrinsicHeight(); } else if (isHeadsUpAllowed() && (mIsHeadsUp || mHeadsupDisappearRunning)) { if (isPinned() || mHeadsupDisappearRunning) { return getPinnedHeadsUpHeight(true /* atLeastMinHeight */); } else if (isExpanded()) { return Math.max(getMaxExpandHeight(), getHeadsUpHeight()); } else { return Math.max(getCollapsedHeight(), getHeadsUpHeight()); } } else if (isExpanded()) { return getMaxExpandHeight(); } else { return getCollapsedHeight(); } } private boolean isHeadsUpAllowed() { return !mOnKeyguard && !mShowAmbient; } @Override public boolean isGroupExpanded() { return mGroupManager.isGroupExpanded(mStatusBarNotification); } private void onChildrenCountChanged() { mIsSummaryWithChildren = StatusBar.ENABLE_CHILD_NOTIFICATIONS && mChildrenContainer != null && mChildrenContainer.getNotificationChildCount() > 0; if (mIsSummaryWithChildren && mChildrenContainer.getHeaderView() == null) { mChildrenContainer.recreateNotificationHeader(mExpandClickListener ); } getShowingLayout().updateBackgroundColor(false /* animate */); mPrivateLayout.updateExpandButtons(isExpandable()); updateChildrenHeaderAppearance(); updateChildrenVisibility(); applyChildrenRoundness(); }
Returns the number of channels covered by the notification row (including its children if it's a summary notification).
/** * Returns the number of channels covered by the notification row (including its children if * it's a summary notification). */
public int getNumUniqueChannels() { ArraySet<NotificationChannel> channels = new ArraySet<>(); channels.add(mEntry.channel); // If this is a summary, then add in the children notification channels for the // same user and pkg. if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { final List<ExpandableNotificationRow> childrenRows = getNotificationChildren(); final int numChildren = childrenRows.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) { final ExpandableNotificationRow childRow = childrenRows.get(i); final NotificationChannel childChannel = childRow.getEntry().channel; final StatusBarNotification childSbn = childRow.getStatusBarNotification(); if (childSbn.getUser().equals(mStatusBarNotification.getUser()) && childSbn.getPackageName().equals(mStatusBarNotification.getPackageName())) { channels.add(childChannel); } } } return channels.size(); } public void updateChildrenHeaderAppearance() { if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { mChildrenContainer.updateChildrenHeaderAppearance(); } }
Check whether the view state is currently expanded. This is given by the system in setSystemExpanded(boolean) and can be overridden by user expansion or collapsing in setUserExpanded(boolean). Note that the visual appearance of this view can differ from this state, if layout params are modified from outside.
Returns:whether the view state is currently expanded.
/** * Check whether the view state is currently expanded. This is given by the system in {@link * #setSystemExpanded(boolean)} and can be overridden by user expansion or * collapsing in {@link #setUserExpanded(boolean)}. Note that the visual appearance of this * view can differ from this state, if layout params are modified from outside. * * @return whether the view state is currently expanded. */
public boolean isExpanded() { return isExpanded(false /* allowOnKeyguard */); } public boolean isExpanded(boolean allowOnKeyguard) { return (!mOnKeyguard || allowOnKeyguard) && (!hasUserChangedExpansion() && (isSystemExpanded() || isSystemChildExpanded()) || isUserExpanded()); } private boolean isSystemChildExpanded() { return mIsSystemChildExpanded; } public void setSystemChildExpanded(boolean expanded) { mIsSystemChildExpanded = expanded; } public void setLayoutListener(LayoutListener listener) { mLayoutListener = listener; } public void removeListener() { mLayoutListener = null; } @Override protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { int intrinsicBefore = getIntrinsicHeight(); super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom); if (intrinsicBefore != getIntrinsicHeight()) { notifyHeightChanged(true /* needsAnimation */); } if (mMenuRow.getMenuView() != null) { mMenuRow.onHeightUpdate(); } updateContentShiftHeight(); if (mLayoutListener != null) { mLayoutListener.onLayout(); } }
Updates the content shift height such that the header is completely hidden when coming from the top.
/** * Updates the content shift height such that the header is completely hidden when coming from * the top. */
private void updateContentShiftHeight() { NotificationHeaderView notificationHeader = getVisibleNotificationHeader(); if (notificationHeader != null) { CachingIconView icon = notificationHeader.getIcon(); mIconTransformContentShift = getRelativeTopPadding(icon) + icon.getHeight(); } else { mIconTransformContentShift = mIconTransformContentShiftNoIcon; } } @Override public void notifyHeightChanged(boolean needsAnimation) { super.notifyHeightChanged(needsAnimation); getShowingLayout().requestSelectLayout(needsAnimation || isUserLocked()); } public void setSensitive(boolean sensitive, boolean hideSensitive) { mSensitive = sensitive; mSensitiveHiddenInGeneral = hideSensitive; } @Override public void setHideSensitiveForIntrinsicHeight(boolean hideSensitive) { mHideSensitiveForIntrinsicHeight = hideSensitive; if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { List<ExpandableNotificationRow> notificationChildren = mChildrenContainer.getNotificationChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < notificationChildren.size(); i++) { ExpandableNotificationRow child = notificationChildren.get(i); child.setHideSensitiveForIntrinsicHeight(hideSensitive); } } } @Override public void setHideSensitive(boolean hideSensitive, boolean animated, long delay, long duration) { if (getVisibility() == GONE) { // If we are GONE, the hideSensitive parameter will not be calculated and always be // false, which is incorrect, let's wait until a real call comes in later. return; } boolean oldShowingPublic = mShowingPublic; mShowingPublic = mSensitive && hideSensitive; if (mShowingPublicInitialized && mShowingPublic == oldShowingPublic) { return; } // bail out if no public version if (mPublicLayout.getChildCount() == 0) return; if (!animated) { mPublicLayout.animate().cancel(); mPrivateLayout.animate().cancel(); if (mChildrenContainer != null) { mChildrenContainer.animate().cancel(); mChildrenContainer.setAlpha(1f); } mPublicLayout.setAlpha(1f); mPrivateLayout.setAlpha(1f); mPublicLayout.setVisibility(mShowingPublic ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE); updateChildrenVisibility(); } else { animateShowingPublic(delay, duration, mShowingPublic); } NotificationContentView showingLayout = getShowingLayout(); showingLayout.updateBackgroundColor(animated); mPrivateLayout.updateExpandButtons(isExpandable()); updateShelfIconColor(); showingLayout.setDark(isDark(), false /* animate */, 0 /* delay */); mShowingPublicInitialized = true; } private void animateShowingPublic(long delay, long duration, boolean showingPublic) { View[] privateViews = mIsSummaryWithChildren ? new View[] {mChildrenContainer} : new View[] {mPrivateLayout}; View[] publicViews = new View[] {mPublicLayout}; View[] hiddenChildren = showingPublic ? privateViews : publicViews; View[] shownChildren = showingPublic ? publicViews : privateViews; for (final View hiddenView : hiddenChildren) { hiddenView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); hiddenView.animate().cancel(); hiddenView.animate() .alpha(0f) .setStartDelay(delay) .setDuration(duration) .withEndAction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { hiddenView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } }); } for (View showView : shownChildren) { showView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); showView.setAlpha(0f); showView.animate().cancel(); showView.animate() .alpha(1f) .setStartDelay(delay) .setDuration(duration); } } @Override public boolean mustStayOnScreen() { return mIsHeadsUp && mMustStayOnScreen; }
Returns:Whether this view is allowed to be dismissed. Only valid for visible notifications as otherwise some state might not be updated. To request about the general clearability see isClearable().
/** * @return Whether this view is allowed to be dismissed. Only valid for visible notifications as * otherwise some state might not be updated. To request about the general clearability * see {@link #isClearable()}. */
public boolean canViewBeDismissed() { return isClearable() && (!shouldShowPublic() || !mSensitiveHiddenInGeneral); } private boolean shouldShowPublic() { return mSensitive && mHideSensitiveForIntrinsicHeight; } public void makeActionsVisibile() { setUserExpanded(true, true); if (isChildInGroup()) { mGroupManager.setGroupExpanded(mStatusBarNotification, true); } notifyHeightChanged(false /* needsAnimation */); } public void setChildrenExpanded(boolean expanded, boolean animate) { mChildrenExpanded = expanded; if (mChildrenContainer != null) { mChildrenContainer.setChildrenExpanded(expanded); } updateBackgroundForGroupState(); updateClickAndFocus(); } public static void applyTint(View v, int color) { int alpha; if (color != 0) { alpha = COLORED_DIVIDER_ALPHA; } else { color = 0xff000000; alpha = DEFAULT_DIVIDER_ALPHA; } if (v.getBackground() instanceof ColorDrawable) { ColorDrawable background = (ColorDrawable) v.getBackground(); background.mutate(); background.setColor(color); background.setAlpha(alpha); } } public int getMaxExpandHeight() { return mPrivateLayout.getExpandHeight(); } private int getHeadsUpHeight() { return mPrivateLayout.getHeadsUpHeight(); } public boolean areGutsExposed() { return (mGuts != null && mGuts.isExposed()); } @Override public boolean isContentExpandable() { if (mIsSummaryWithChildren && !shouldShowPublic()) { return true; } NotificationContentView showingLayout = getShowingLayout(); return showingLayout.isContentExpandable(); } @Override protected View getContentView() { if (mIsSummaryWithChildren && !shouldShowPublic()) { return mChildrenContainer; } return getShowingLayout(); } @Override protected void onAppearAnimationFinished(boolean wasAppearing) { super.onAppearAnimationFinished(wasAppearing); if (wasAppearing) { // During the animation the visible view might have changed, so let's make sure all // alphas are reset if (mChildrenContainer != null) { mChildrenContainer.setAlpha(1.0f); mChildrenContainer.setLayerType(LAYER_TYPE_NONE, null); } for (NotificationContentView l : mLayouts) { l.setAlpha(1.0f); l.setLayerType(LAYER_TYPE_NONE, null); } } } @Override public int getExtraBottomPadding() { if (mIsSummaryWithChildren && isGroupExpanded()) { return mIncreasedPaddingBetweenElements; } return 0; } @Override public void setActualHeight(int height, boolean notifyListeners) { boolean changed = height != getActualHeight(); super.setActualHeight(height, notifyListeners); if (changed && isRemoved()) { // TODO: remove this once we found the gfx bug for this. // This is a hack since a removed view sometimes would just stay blank. it occured // when sending yourself a message and then clicking on it. ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) getParent(); if (parent != null) { parent.invalidate(); } } if (mGuts != null && mGuts.isExposed()) { mGuts.setActualHeight(height); return; } int contentHeight = Math.max(getMinHeight(), height); for (NotificationContentView l : mLayouts) { l.setContentHeight(contentHeight); } if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { mChildrenContainer.setActualHeight(height); } if (mGuts != null) { mGuts.setActualHeight(height); } if (mMenuRow.getMenuView() != null) { mMenuRow.onHeightUpdate(); } } @Override public int getMaxContentHeight() { if (mIsSummaryWithChildren && !shouldShowPublic()) { return mChildrenContainer.getMaxContentHeight(); } NotificationContentView showingLayout = getShowingLayout(); return showingLayout.getMaxHeight(); } @Override public int getMinHeight(boolean ignoreTemporaryStates) { if (!ignoreTemporaryStates && mGuts != null && mGuts.isExposed()) { return mGuts.getIntrinsicHeight(); } else if (!ignoreTemporaryStates && isHeadsUpAllowed() && mIsHeadsUp && mHeadsUpManager.isTrackingHeadsUp()) { return getPinnedHeadsUpHeight(false /* atLeastMinHeight */); } else if (mIsSummaryWithChildren && !isGroupExpanded() && !shouldShowPublic()) { return mChildrenContainer.getMinHeight(); } else if (!ignoreTemporaryStates && isHeadsUpAllowed() && mIsHeadsUp) { return getHeadsUpHeight(); } NotificationContentView showingLayout = getShowingLayout(); return showingLayout.getMinHeight(); } @Override public int getCollapsedHeight() { if (mIsSummaryWithChildren && !shouldShowPublic()) { return mChildrenContainer.getCollapsedHeight(); } return getMinHeight(); } @Override public void setClipTopAmount(int clipTopAmount) { super.setClipTopAmount(clipTopAmount); for (NotificationContentView l : mLayouts) { l.setClipTopAmount(clipTopAmount); } if (mGuts != null) { mGuts.setClipTopAmount(clipTopAmount); } } @Override public void setClipBottomAmount(int clipBottomAmount) { if (mExpandAnimationRunning) { return; } if (clipBottomAmount != mClipBottomAmount) { super.setClipBottomAmount(clipBottomAmount); for (NotificationContentView l : mLayouts) { l.setClipBottomAmount(clipBottomAmount); } if (mGuts != null) { mGuts.setClipBottomAmount(clipBottomAmount); } } if (mChildrenContainer != null && !mChildIsExpanding) { // We have to update this even if it hasn't changed, since the children locations can // have changed mChildrenContainer.setClipBottomAmount(clipBottomAmount); } } public NotificationContentView getShowingLayout() { return shouldShowPublic() ? mPublicLayout : mPrivateLayout; } public void setLegacy(boolean legacy) { for (NotificationContentView l : mLayouts) { l.setLegacy(legacy); } } @Override protected void updateBackgroundTint() { super.updateBackgroundTint(); updateBackgroundForGroupState(); if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { List<ExpandableNotificationRow> notificationChildren = mChildrenContainer.getNotificationChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < notificationChildren.size(); i++) { ExpandableNotificationRow child = notificationChildren.get(i); child.updateBackgroundForGroupState(); } } }
Called when a group has finished animating from collapsed or expanded state.
/** * Called when a group has finished animating from collapsed or expanded state. */
public void onFinishedExpansionChange() { mGroupExpansionChanging = false; updateBackgroundForGroupState(); }
Updates the parent and children backgrounds in a group based on the expansion state.
/** * Updates the parent and children backgrounds in a group based on the expansion state. */
public void updateBackgroundForGroupState() { if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { // Only when the group has finished expanding do we hide its background. mShowNoBackground = !mShowGroupBackgroundWhenExpanded && isGroupExpanded() && !isGroupExpansionChanging() && !isUserLocked(); mChildrenContainer.updateHeaderForExpansion(mShowNoBackground); List<ExpandableNotificationRow> children = mChildrenContainer.getNotificationChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { children.get(i).updateBackgroundForGroupState(); } } else if (isChildInGroup()) { final int childColor = getShowingLayout().getBackgroundColorForExpansionState(); // Only show a background if the group is expanded OR if it is expanding / collapsing // and has a custom background color. final boolean showBackground = isGroupExpanded() || ((mNotificationParent.isGroupExpansionChanging() || mNotificationParent.isUserLocked()) && childColor != 0); mShowNoBackground = !showBackground; } else { // Only children or parents ever need no background. mShowNoBackground = false; } updateOutline(); updateBackground(); } public int getPositionOfChild(ExpandableNotificationRow childRow) { if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { return mChildrenContainer.getPositionInLinearLayout(childRow); } return 0; } public void setExpansionLogger(ExpansionLogger logger, String key) { mLogger = logger; mLoggingKey = key; } public void onExpandedByGesture(boolean userExpanded) { int event = MetricsEvent.ACTION_NOTIFICATION_GESTURE_EXPANDER; if (mGroupManager.isSummaryOfGroup(getStatusBarNotification())) { event = MetricsEvent.ACTION_NOTIFICATION_GROUP_GESTURE_EXPANDER; } MetricsLogger.action(mContext, event, userExpanded); } @Override public float getIncreasedPaddingAmount() { if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { if (isGroupExpanded()) { return 1.0f; } else if (isUserLocked()) { return mChildrenContainer.getIncreasedPaddingAmount(); } } else if (isColorized() && (!mIsLowPriority || isExpanded())) { return -1.0f; } return 0.0f; } private boolean isColorized() { return mIsColorized && mBgTint != NO_COLOR; } @Override protected boolean disallowSingleClick(MotionEvent event) { if (areGutsExposed()) { return false; } float x = event.getX(); float y = event.getY(); NotificationHeaderView header = getVisibleNotificationHeader(); if (header != null && header.isInTouchRect(x - getTranslation(), y)) { return true; } if ((!mIsSummaryWithChildren || shouldShowPublic()) && getShowingLayout().disallowSingleClick(x, y)) { return true; } return super.disallowSingleClick(event); } private void onExpansionChanged(boolean userAction, boolean wasExpanded) { boolean nowExpanded = isExpanded(); if (mIsSummaryWithChildren && (!mIsLowPriority || wasExpanded)) { nowExpanded = mGroupManager.isGroupExpanded(mStatusBarNotification); } if (nowExpanded != wasExpanded) { updateShelfIconColor(); if (mLogger != null) { mLogger.logNotificationExpansion(mLoggingKey, userAction, nowExpanded); } if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { mChildrenContainer.onExpansionChanged(); } } } @Override public void onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfoInternal(AccessibilityNodeInfo info) { super.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfoInternal(info); info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction.ACTION_LONG_CLICK); if (canViewBeDismissed()) { info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction.ACTION_DISMISS); } boolean expandable = shouldShowPublic(); boolean isExpanded = false; if (!expandable) { if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { expandable = true; if (!mIsLowPriority || isExpanded()) { isExpanded = isGroupExpanded(); } } else { expandable = mPrivateLayout.isContentExpandable(); isExpanded = isExpanded(); } } if (expandable) { if (isExpanded) { info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction.ACTION_COLLAPSE); } else { info.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction.ACTION_EXPAND); } } NotificationMenuRowPlugin provider = getProvider(); if (provider != null) { MenuItem snoozeMenu = provider.getSnoozeMenuItem(getContext()); if (snoozeMenu != null) { AccessibilityAction action = new AccessibilityAction(R.id.action_snooze, getContext().getResources() .getString(R.string.notification_menu_snooze_action)); info.addAction(action); } } } @Override public boolean performAccessibilityActionInternal(int action, Bundle arguments) { if (super.performAccessibilityActionInternal(action, arguments)) { return true; } switch (action) { case AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_DISMISS: performDismissWithBlockingHelper(true /* fromAccessibility */); return true; case AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_COLLAPSE: case AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_EXPAND: mExpandClickListener.onClick(this); return true; case AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTION_LONG_CLICK: doLongClickCallback(); return true; case R.id.action_snooze: NotificationMenuRowPlugin provider = getProvider(); if (provider == null) { provider = createMenu(); } MenuItem snoozeMenu = provider.getSnoozeMenuItem(getContext()); if (snoozeMenu != null) { doLongClickCallback(getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2, snoozeMenu); } return true; } return false; } public boolean shouldRefocusOnDismiss() { return mRefocusOnDismiss || isAccessibilityFocused(); } public interface OnExpandClickListener { void onExpandClicked(NotificationData.Entry clickedEntry, boolean nowExpanded); } @Override public ExpandableViewState createNewViewState(StackScrollState stackScrollState) { mNotificationViewState = new NotificationViewState(stackScrollState); return mNotificationViewState; } public NotificationViewState getViewState() { return mNotificationViewState; } @Override public boolean isAboveShelf() { return !isOnKeyguard() && (mIsPinned || mHeadsupDisappearRunning || (mIsHeadsUp && mAboveShelf) || mExpandAnimationRunning || mChildIsExpanding); } public void setShowAmbient(boolean showAmbient) { if (showAmbient != mShowAmbient) { mShowAmbient = showAmbient; if (mChildrenContainer != null) { mChildrenContainer.notifyShowAmbientChanged(); } notifyHeightChanged(false /* needsAnimation */); } } @Override public boolean topAmountNeedsClipping() { if (isGroupExpanded()) { return true; } if (isGroupExpansionChanging()) { return true; } if (getShowingLayout().shouldClipToRounding(true /* topRounded */, false /* bottomRounded */)) { return true; } if (mGuts != null && mGuts.getAlpha() != 0.0f) { return true; } return false; } @Override protected boolean childNeedsClipping(View child) { if (child instanceof NotificationContentView) { NotificationContentView contentView = (NotificationContentView) child; if (isClippingNeeded()) { return true; } else if (!hasNoRounding() && contentView.shouldClipToRounding(getCurrentTopRoundness() != 0.0f, getCurrentBottomRoundness() != 0.0f)) { return true; } } else if (child == mChildrenContainer) { if (!mChildIsExpanding && (isClippingNeeded() || !hasNoRounding())) { return true; } } else if (child instanceof NotificationGuts) { return !hasNoRounding(); } return super.childNeedsClipping(child); } @Override protected void applyRoundness() { super.applyRoundness(); applyChildrenRoundness(); } private void applyChildrenRoundness() { if (mIsSummaryWithChildren) { mChildrenContainer.setCurrentBottomRoundness(getCurrentBottomRoundness()); } } @Override public Path getCustomClipPath(View child) { if (child instanceof NotificationGuts) { return getClipPath(true, /* ignoreTranslation */ false /* clipRoundedToBottom */); } if (child instanceof NotificationChildrenContainer) { return getClipPath(false, /* ignoreTranslation */ true /* clipRoundedToBottom */); } return super.getCustomClipPath(child); } private boolean hasNoRounding() { return getCurrentBottomRoundness() == 0.0f && getCurrentTopRoundness() == 0.0f; } public boolean isShowingAmbient() { return mShowAmbient; } public void setAboveShelf(boolean aboveShelf) { boolean wasAboveShelf = isAboveShelf(); mAboveShelf = aboveShelf; if (isAboveShelf() != wasAboveShelf) { mAboveShelfChangedListener.onAboveShelfStateChanged(!wasAboveShelf); } } public static class NotificationViewState extends ExpandableViewState { private final StackScrollState mOverallState; private NotificationViewState(StackScrollState stackScrollState) { mOverallState = stackScrollState; } @Override public void applyToView(View view) { if (view instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) { ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) view; if (row.isExpandAnimationRunning()) { return; } handleFixedTranslationZ(row); super.applyToView(view); row.applyChildrenState(mOverallState); } } private void handleFixedTranslationZ(ExpandableNotificationRow row) { if (row.hasExpandingChild()) { zTranslation = row.getTranslationZ(); clipTopAmount = row.getClipTopAmount(); } } @Override protected void onYTranslationAnimationFinished(View view) { super.onYTranslationAnimationFinished(view); if (view instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) { ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) view; if (row.isHeadsUpAnimatingAway()) { row.setHeadsUpAnimatingAway(false); } } } @Override public void animateTo(View child, AnimationProperties properties) { if (child instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) { ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) child; if (row.isExpandAnimationRunning()) { return; } handleFixedTranslationZ(row); super.animateTo(child, properties); row.startChildAnimation(mOverallState, properties); } } } @VisibleForTesting protected void setChildrenContainer(NotificationChildrenContainer childrenContainer) { mChildrenContainer = childrenContainer; } @VisibleForTesting protected void setPrivateLayout(NotificationContentView privateLayout) { mPrivateLayout = privateLayout; } @VisibleForTesting protected void setPublicLayout(NotificationContentView publicLayout) { mPublicLayout = publicLayout; }
Equivalent to View.OnLongClickListener with coordinates
/** * Equivalent to View.OnLongClickListener with coordinates */
public interface LongPressListener {
Equivalent to OnLongClickListener.onLongClick(View) with coordinates
Returns:whether the longpress was handled
/** * Equivalent to {@link View.OnLongClickListener#onLongClick(View)} with coordinates * @return whether the longpress was handled */
boolean onLongPress(View v, int x, int y, MenuItem item); }
Equivalent to View.OnClickListener with coordinates
/** * Equivalent to View.OnClickListener with coordinates */
public interface OnAppOpsClickListener {
Equivalent to OnClickListener.onClick(View) with coordinates
Returns:whether the click was handled
/** * Equivalent to {@link View.OnClickListener#onClick(View)} with coordinates * @return whether the click was handled */
boolean onClick(View v, int x, int y, MenuItem item); }
Background task for executing IPCs to check if the notification is a system notification. The output is used for both the blocking helper and the notification info.
/** * Background task for executing IPCs to check if the notification is a system notification. The * output is used for both the blocking helper and the notification info. */
private class SystemNotificationAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Boolean> { @Override protected Boolean doInBackground(Void... voids) { return isSystemNotification(mContext, mStatusBarNotification); } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Boolean result) { if (mEntry != null) { mEntry.mIsSystemNotification = result; } } } }