 * Version: EPL 2.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public
 * License Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
 * rights and limitations under the License.
 * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Jan Arne Petersen <jpetersen@uni-bonn.de>
 * Copyright (C) 2002 Benoit Cerrina <b.cerrina@wanadoo.fr>
 * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Anders Bengtsson <ndrsbngtssn@yahoo.se>
 * Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Thomas E Enebo <enebo@acm.org>
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Charles O Nutter <headius@headius.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Stefan Matthias Aust <sma@3plus4.de>
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Evan Buswell <ebuswell@gmail.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2007 Miguel Covarrubias <mlcovarrubias@gmail.com>
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
 * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
 * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
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 * the terms of any one of the EPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
 ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/

package org.jruby;

import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.Flushable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.Channel;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import jnr.constants.platform.Errno;
import jnr.constants.platform.Fcntl;
import jnr.constants.platform.OpenFlags;
import jnr.enxio.channels.NativeDeviceChannel;
import jnr.enxio.channels.NativeSelectableChannel;
import jnr.posix.POSIX;

import org.jcodings.Encoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.ASCIIEncoding;
import org.jcodings.transcode.EConvFlags;
import org.jruby.api.API;
import org.jruby.ast.util.ArgsUtil;
import org.jruby.anno.FrameField;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyClass;
import org.jruby.common.IRubyWarnings.ID;
import org.jruby.exceptions.EOFError;
import org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException;
import org.jruby.ext.fcntl.FcntlLibrary;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.ThreadedRunnable;
import org.jruby.platform.Platform;
import org.jruby.runtime.Arity;
import org.jruby.runtime.Block;
import org.jruby.runtime.ClassIndex;
import org.jruby.runtime.Helpers;
import org.jruby.runtime.JavaSites.IOSites;
import org.jruby.runtime.ObjectAllocator;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.Visibility;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.runtime.callsite.CachingCallSite;
import org.jruby.runtime.encoding.EncodingService;
import org.jruby.util.ShellLauncher.POpenProcess;
import org.jruby.util.*;
import org.jruby.util.io.ChannelFD;
import org.jruby.util.io.EncodingUtils;
import org.jruby.util.io.FilenoUtil;
import org.jruby.util.io.Getline;
import org.jruby.util.io.IOEncodable;
import org.jruby.util.io.IOOptions;
import org.jruby.util.io.InvalidValueException;
import org.jruby.util.io.ModeFlags;
import org.jruby.util.io.OpenFile;
import org.jruby.util.io.POSIXProcess;
import org.jruby.util.io.PopenExecutor;
import org.jruby.util.io.PosixShim;
import org.jruby.util.io.SelectExecutor;
import org.jruby.util.io.STDIO;

import static com.headius.backport9.buffer.Buffers.clearBuffer;
import static com.headius.backport9.buffer.Buffers.flipBuffer;
import static com.headius.backport9.buffer.Buffers.limitBuffer;
import static org.jruby.RubyEnumerator.enumeratorize;
import static org.jruby.runtime.Visibility.*;
import static org.jruby.util.RubyStringBuilder.str;
import static org.jruby.util.RubyStringBuilder.types;
import static org.jruby.util.io.ChannelHelper.*;
import static org.jruby.util.io.EncodingUtils.vmodeVperm;
import static org.jruby.util.io.EncodingUtils.vperm;

/** * * @author jpetersen */
@JRubyClass(name="IO", include="Enumerable") public class RubyIO extends RubyObject implements IOEncodable, Closeable, Flushable { public static final ByteList PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR = ByteList.create("\n\n"); public static final String CLOSED_STREAM_MSG = "closed stream"; // This should only be called by this and RubyFile. // It allows this object to be created without a IOHandler. public RubyIO(Ruby runtime, RubyClass type) { super(runtime, type); } public RubyIO(Ruby runtime, OutputStream outputStream) { this(runtime, outputStream, true); } public RubyIO(Ruby runtime, OutputStream outputStream, boolean autoclose) { super(runtime, runtime.getIO()); // We only want IO objects with valid streams (better to error now). if (outputStream == null) { throw runtime.newRuntimeError("Opening null stream"); } openFile = MakeOpenFile(); openFile.setFD(new ChannelFD(writableChannel(outputStream), runtime.getPosix(), runtime.getFilenoUtil())); openFile.setMode(OpenFile.WRITABLE | OpenFile.APPEND); openFile.setAutoclose(autoclose); } public RubyIO(Ruby runtime, InputStream inputStream) { super(runtime, runtime.getIO()); if (inputStream == null) { throw runtime.newRuntimeError("Opening null stream"); } openFile = MakeOpenFile(); openFile.setFD(new ChannelFD(readableChannel(inputStream), runtime.getPosix(), runtime.getFilenoUtil())); openFile.setMode(OpenFile.READABLE); } public RubyIO(Ruby runtime, Channel channel) { this(runtime, runtime.getIO(), channel); } public RubyIO(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass, Channel channel) { super(runtime, klass); // We only want IO objects with valid streams (better to error now). if (channel == null) { throw runtime.newRuntimeError("Opening null channel"); } ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext(); initializeCommon(context, new ChannelFD(channel, runtime.getPosix(), runtime.getFilenoUtil()), runtime.newFixnum(ModeFlags.oflagsFrom(runtime.getPosix(), channel)), context.nil); } public RubyIO(Ruby runtime, ShellLauncher.POpenProcess process, IOOptions ioOptions) { super(runtime, runtime.getIO()); ioOptions = updateIOOptionsFromOptions(runtime.getCurrentContext(), null, ioOptions); openFile = MakeOpenFile(); setupPopen(runtime, ioOptions.getModeFlags(), process); } // MRI: prep_stdio public static RubyIO prepStdio(Ruby runtime, InputStream f, Channel c, int fmode, RubyClass klass, String path) { OpenFile fptr; RubyIO io = prepIO(runtime, c, fmode | OpenFile.PREP | EncodingUtils.DEFAULT_TEXTMODE, klass, path); fptr = io.getOpenFileChecked(); // If we can't use native IO, always force stdio to expected fileno. if (!runtime.getPosix().isNative() || Platform.IS_WINDOWS) { // Use standard stdio filenos if we're using System.in et al. if (f == System.in) { fptr.fd().realFileno = 0; } } prepStdioEcflags(fptr, fmode); fptr.stdio_file = f; // We checkTTY again here because we're using stdout/stdin to indicate this is stdio return recheckTTY(runtime, fptr, io); } // MRI: prep_stdio public static RubyIO prepStdio(Ruby runtime, OutputStream f, Channel c, int fmode, RubyClass klass, String path) { OpenFile fptr; RubyIO io = prepIO(runtime, c, fmode | OpenFile.PREP | EncodingUtils.DEFAULT_TEXTMODE, klass, path); fptr = io.getOpenFileChecked(); // If we can't use native IO, always force stdio to expected fileno. if (!runtime.getPosix().isNative() || Platform.IS_WINDOWS) { // Use standard stdio filenos if we're using System.in et al. if (f == System.out) { fptr.fd().realFileno = 1; } else if (f == System.err) { fptr.fd().realFileno = 2; } } prepStdioEcflags(fptr, fmode); fptr.stdio_file = f; return recheckTTY(runtime, fptr, io); } private static RubyIO recheckTTY(Ruby runtime, OpenFile fptr, RubyIO io) { // We checkTTY again here because we're using stdout/stdin to indicate this is stdio fptr.checkTTY(); return io; } // MRI: part of prep_stdio private static void prepStdioEcflags(OpenFile fptr, int fmode) { boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { fptr.encs.ecflags |= EncodingUtils.ECONV_DEFAULT_NEWLINE_DECORATOR; if (EncodingUtils.TEXTMODE_NEWLINE_DECORATOR_ON_WRITE != 0) { fptr.encs.ecflags |= EncodingUtils.TEXTMODE_NEWLINE_DECORATOR_ON_WRITE; if ((fmode & OpenFile.READABLE) != 0) { fptr.encs.ecflags |= EConvFlags.UNIVERSAL_NEWLINE_DECORATOR; } } } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } } // MRI: prep_io private static RubyIO prepIO(Ruby runtime, Channel fd, int fmode, RubyClass klass, String path) { OpenFile fp; RubyIO io = (RubyIO)klass.allocate(); fp = io.MakeOpenFile(); fp.setChannel(fd); // Can we determine this? // if (Platform.IS_CYGWIN) { // if (!runtime.getPosix().isatty(fd)) { // fmode |= OpenFile.BINMODE; // TODO: setmode O_BINARY means what via NIO? // setmode(fd, OpenFlags.O_BINARY); // } // } fp.setMode(fmode); fp.checkTTY(); if (path != null) fp.setPath(path); // rb_update_max_fd(fd); return io; } public static RubyIO newIO(Ruby runtime, Channel channel) { return new RubyIO(runtime, channel); } public OpenFile getOpenFile() { return openFile; } public OpenFile getOpenFileChecked() { checkInitialized(); openFile.checkClosed(); return openFile; } // MRI: rb_io_get_fptr public OpenFile getOpenFileInitialized() { checkInitialized(); return openFile; } private static final ObjectAllocator IO_ALLOCATOR = new ObjectAllocator() { @Override public IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) { return new RubyIO(runtime, klass); } }; /* * We use FILE versus IO to match T_FILE in MRI. */ @Override public ClassIndex getNativeClassIndex() { return ClassIndex.FILE; } public static RubyClass createIOClass(Ruby runtime) { RubyClass ioClass = runtime.defineClass("IO", runtime.getObject(), IO_ALLOCATOR); ioClass.setClassIndex(ClassIndex.IO); ioClass.setReifiedClass(RubyIO.class); ioClass.kindOf = new RubyModule.JavaClassKindOf(RubyIO.class); ioClass.includeModule(runtime.getEnumerable()); ioClass.defineAnnotatedMethods(RubyIO.class); // Constants for seek ioClass.setConstant("SEEK_SET", runtime.newFixnum(PosixShim.SEEK_SET)); ioClass.setConstant("SEEK_CUR", runtime.newFixnum(PosixShim.SEEK_CUR)); ioClass.setConstant("SEEK_END", runtime.newFixnum(PosixShim.SEEK_END)); ioClass.defineModuleUnder("WaitReadable"); ioClass.defineModuleUnder("WaitWritable"); return ioClass; } public OutputStream getOutStream() { return new OutputStream() { final Ruby runtime = getRuntime(); @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { RubyIO.this.write(runtime.getCurrentContext(), b); } @Override public void write(byte[] b) throws IOException { RubyIO.this.write(runtime.getCurrentContext(), RubyString.newStringNoCopy(runtime, b)); } @Override public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { RubyIO.this.write(runtime.getCurrentContext(), RubyString.newStringNoCopy(runtime, b, off, len)); } @Override public void flush() throws IOException { RubyIO.this.flush(runtime.getCurrentContext()); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { RubyIO.this.close(); } }; } public InputStream getInStream() { return new InputStream() { final Ruby runtime = getRuntime(); @Override public int read() throws IOException { return getByte(runtime.getCurrentContext()); } @Override public int read(byte[] b) throws IOException { return read(b, 0, b.length); } @Override public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { RubyString str = RubyString.newStringNoCopy(runtime, b, off, len); IRubyObject i = RubyIO.this.doRead(runtime.getCurrentContext(), len, str); if (i == null || i.isNil()) return -1; return str.size(); } @Override public long skip(long n) throws IOException { return doSeek(runtime.getCurrentContext(), n, PosixShim.SEEK_CUR); } @Override public int available() throws IOException { if (RubyIO.this instanceof RubyFile) { ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext(); long size = ((RubyFile) RubyIO.this).getSize(context); if (size == 0) return 0; if (size >= 0) return (int) (size - pos(context).getLongValue()); } return 0; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { RubyIO.this.close(); } }; }
Get the underlying channel from this IO object. Note that IO buffers data internally, so the channel returned here may have been read into those buffers. If the channel and the IO are both being used at the same time, the stream will get out of sync.
Returns:the underlying channel for this IO
/** * Get the underlying channel from this IO object. Note that IO buffers data internally, so the channel returned * here may have been read into those buffers. If the channel and the IO are both being used at the same time, the * stream will get out of sync. * * @return the underlying channel for this IO */
public Channel getChannel() { // FIXME: Do we want to make a faux channel that is backed by IO's buffering? Or turn buffering off? return getOpenFileChecked().channel(); } // io_reopen protected RubyIO reopenIO(ThreadContext context, RubyIO nfile) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; OpenFile fptr, orig; ChannelFD fd, fd2; long pos = 0; nfile = TypeConverter.ioGetIO(runtime, nfile); fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); orig = nfile.getOpenFileChecked(); if (fptr == orig) return this; if (fptr.IS_PREP_STDIO()) { if ((fptr.stdio_file == System.in && !orig.isReadable()) || (fptr.stdio_file == System.out && !orig.isWritable()) || (fptr.stdio_file == System.err && !orig.isWritable())) { throw runtime.newArgumentError(fptr.PREP_STDIO_NAME() + " can't change access mode from \"" + fptr.getModeAsString(runtime) + "\" to \"" + orig.getModeAsString(runtime) + "\""); } } // FIXME: three lock acquires...trying to reduce risk of deadlock, but not sure it's possible. boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { if (fptr.isWritable()) { if (fptr.io_fflush(context) < 0) throw runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(fptr.errno(), fptr.getPath()); } else { fptr.tell(context); } } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } locked = orig.lock(); try { if (orig.isReadable()) { pos = orig.tell(context); } if (orig.isWritable()) { if (orig.io_fflush(context) < 0) throw runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(orig.errno(), fptr.getPath()); } } finally { if (locked) orig.unlock(); } /* copy rb_io_t structure */ // NOTE: MRI does not copy sync here, but I can find no way to make stdout/stderr stay sync through a reopen locked = fptr.lock(); boolean locked2 = orig.lock(); // TODO: This WILL deadlock if two threads try to reopen the same IOs in opposite directions. Fix? try { fptr.setMode(orig.getMode() | (fptr.getMode() & (OpenFile.PREP | OpenFile.SYNC))); fptr.setProcess(orig.getProcess()); fptr.setLineNumber(orig.getLineNumber()); if (orig.getPath() != null) fptr.setPath(orig.getPath()); else if (!fptr.IS_PREP_STDIO()) fptr.setPath(null); fptr.setFinalizer(orig.getFinalizer()); // TODO: unsure what to do here // #if defined (__CYGWIN__) || !defined(HAVE_FORK) // if (fptr->finalize == pipe_finalize) // pipe_add_fptr(fptr); // #endif fd = fptr.fd(); fd2 = orig.fd(); if (fd != fd2) { if (fptr.IS_PREP_STDIO() || fd.bestFileno() <= 2 || fptr.stdio_file == null) { /* need to keep FILE objects of stdin, stdout and stderr */ checkReopenCloexecDup2(runtime, orig, fd2, fd); // rb_update_max_fd(fd); fptr.setFD(fd); // // MRI does not do this, but we seem to need to set some types of channels to sync if they // // are reopened as stdout/stderr. // if (fptr.stdio_file == System.out || fptr.stdio_file == System.err) { // fd.chFile.force(); // } } else { if (fptr.stdio_file != null) try { fptr.stdio_file.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } fptr.clearStdio(); fptr.setFD(null); checkReopenCloexecDup2(runtime, orig, fd2, fd); // rb_update_max_fd(fd); fptr.setFD(fd); } // TODO: clear interrupts waiting on this IO? // rb_thread_fd_close(fd); if (orig.isReadable() && pos >= 0) { fptr.checkReopenSeek(context, runtime, pos); orig.checkReopenSeek(context, runtime, pos); } } if (fptr.isBinmode()) { setBinmode(); } } finally { if (locked2) orig.unlock(); if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } // We simply can't do this and still have real concrete types under RubyIO // setMetaClass(nfile.getMetaClass()); return this; } private void checkReopenCloexecDup2(Ruby runtime, OpenFile orig, ChannelFD oldfd, ChannelFD newfd) { OpenFile.cloexecDup2(new PosixShim(runtime), oldfd, newfd); } // rb_io_binmode private void setBinmode() { OpenFile fptr; fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { if (fptr.readconv != null) fptr.readconv.binmode(); if (fptr.writeconv != null) fptr.writeconv.binmode(); fptr.setBinmode(); fptr.clearTextMode(); fptr.writeconvPreEcflags &= ~EConvFlags.NEWLINE_DECORATOR_MASK; if (OpenFlags.O_BINARY.defined()) { // TODO: Windows // if (fptr.readconv == null) { // SET_BINARY_MODE_WITH_SEEK_CUR(fptr); // } // else { // TODO: setmode O_BINARY means what via NIO? // setmode(fptr->fd, O_BINARY); // } } } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } } // MRI: rb_io_reopen @JRubyMethod(name = "reopen", required = 1, optional = 1) public IRubyObject reopen(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; final IRubyObject nil = context.nil; RubyIO file = this; IRubyObject fname = nil, nmode = nil, opt = nil; int[] oflags_p = {0}; OpenFile fptr; switch (args.length) { case 3: opt = TypeConverter.checkHashType(runtime, args[2]); if (opt == nil) throw getRuntime().newArgumentError(3, 2); case 2: if (opt == nil) { opt = TypeConverter.checkHashType(runtime, args[1]); if (opt == nil) { nmode = args[1]; opt = nil; } } else { nmode = args[1]; } case 1: fname = args[0]; } if (args.length == 1) { IRubyObject tmp = TypeConverter.ioCheckIO(runtime, fname); if (tmp != nil) { return file.reopenIO(context, (RubyIO) tmp); } } fname = StringSupport.checkEmbeddedNulls(runtime, RubyFile.get_path(context, fname)); // Not implemented // fname.checkTaint(); fptr = file.openFile; if (fptr == null) { fptr = file.openFile = MakeOpenFile(); } boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { if (nmode != nil || opt != nil) { ConvConfig convconfig = new ConvConfig(); Object vmode_vperm = vmodeVperm(nmode, null); int[] fmode_p = {0}; EncodingUtils.extractModeEncoding(context, convconfig, vmode_vperm, opt, oflags_p, fmode_p); if (fptr.IS_PREP_STDIO() && ((fptr.getMode() & OpenFile.READWRITE) & (fmode_p[0] & OpenFile.READWRITE)) != (fptr.getMode() & OpenFile.READWRITE)) { throw runtime.newArgumentError(fptr.PREP_STDIO_NAME() + " can't change access mode from \"" + fptr.getModeAsString(runtime) + "\" to \"" + OpenFile.getStringFromMode(fmode_p[0])); } fptr.setMode(fmode_p[0]); fptr.encs = convconfig; } else { oflags_p[0] = OpenFile.getModeFlagsAsIntFrom(fptr.getMode()); } fptr.setPath(fname.toString()); if (fptr.fd() == null) { fptr.setFD(sysopen(runtime, fptr.getPath(), oflags_p[0], 0666)); fptr.clearStdio(); return file; } if (fptr.isWritable()) { if (fptr.io_fflush(context) < 0) throw runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(fptr.errno(), fptr.getPath()); } fptr.rbuf.off = fptr.rbuf.len = 0; if (fptr.isStdio()) { // Logic here reopens the stdio FILE* with a new path and mode. For our purposes, we skip this // since we do not want to damage the stdio streams // if (freopen(RSTRING_PTR(fptr.pathv), rb_io_oflags_modestr(oflags), fptr.stdio_file) == 0) { // rb_sys_fail_path(fptr.pathv); // } fptr.setFD(sysopen(runtime, fptr.getPath(), oflags_p[0], 0666)); // fptr.fd = fileno(fptr.stdio_file); OpenFile.fdFixCloexec(fptr.posix, fptr.fd().realFileno); // This logic configures buffering (none, line, full) and buffer size to match the original stdio // stream associated with this IO. I don't believe we can do this. // #ifdef USE_SETVBUF // if (setvbuf(fptr.stdio_file, NULL, _IOFBF, 0) != 0) // rb_warn("setvbuf() can't be honoured for %"PRIsVALUE, fptr.pathv); // #endif // if (fptr.stdio_file == stderr) { // if (setvbuf(fptr.stdio_file, NULL, _IONBF, BUFSIZ) != 0) // rb_warn("setvbuf() can't be honoured for %"PRIsVALUE, fptr.pathv); // } // else if (fptr.stdio_file == stdout && isatty(fptr.fd)) { // if (setvbuf(fptr.stdio_file, NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ) != 0) // rb_warn("setvbuf() can't be honoured for %"PRIsVALUE, fptr.pathv); // } } else { ChannelFD tmpfd = sysopen(runtime, fptr.getPath(), oflags_p[0], 0666); Errno err = null; if (OpenFile.cloexecDup2(fptr.posix, tmpfd, fptr.fd()) < 0) err = fptr.errno(); if (err != null) { throw runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(err, fptr.getPath()); } fptr.setFD(tmpfd); } } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } return file; } public IRubyObject getline(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject separator) { return getlineImpl(context, separator, -1, false); }
getline using logic of gets. If limit is -1 then read unlimited amount.
/** * getline using logic of gets. If limit is -1 then read unlimited amount. * */
public IRubyObject getline(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject separator, long limit) { return getlineImpl(context, separator, (int) limit, false); }
getline using logic of gets. If limit is -1 then read unlimited amount. mri: rb_io_getline_1 (mostly)
/** * getline using logic of gets. If limit is -1 then read unlimited amount. * mri: rb_io_getline_1 (mostly) */
private IRubyObject getlineImpl(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject rs, final int limit, final boolean chomp) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; final OpenFile fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); final boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { fptr.checkCharReadable(context); if (limit == 0) { return RubyString.newEmptyString(runtime, fptr.readEncoding(runtime)); } RubyString str = null; Encoding enc; if (rs == context.nil && limit < 0) { str = (RubyString) fptr.readAll(context, 0, context.nil); if (str.size() == 0) return context.nil; if (chomp) str.chomp_bang(context, runtime.getGlobalVariables().getDefaultSeparator()); } else if (rs == runtime.getGlobalVariables().getDefaultSeparator() && limit < 0 && !fptr.needsReadConversion() && (enc = fptr.readEncoding(runtime)).isAsciiCompatible()) { fptr.NEED_NEWLINE_DECORATOR_ON_READ_CHECK(); return fptr.getlineFast(context, enc, this, chomp); } return getlineImplSlowPart(context, fptr, str, rs, limit, chomp); } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } } private IRubyObject getlineImplSlowPart(ThreadContext context, final OpenFile fptr, RubyString str, IRubyObject rs, final int limit, final boolean chomp) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; boolean noLimit = false; // slow path logic int c, newline = -1; byte[] rsptrBytes = null; int rsptr = 0; int rslen = 0; boolean rspara = false; int extraLimit = 16; boolean chompCR = chomp; fptr.SET_BINARY_MODE(); final Encoding enc = getReadEncoding(); if (rs != context.nil) { RubyString rsStr = (RubyString) rs; ByteList rsByteList = rsStr.getByteList(); rslen = rsByteList.getRealSize(); if (rslen == 0) { rsptrBytes = PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR.unsafeBytes(); rsptr = PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR.getBegin(); rslen = 2; rspara = true; fptr.swallow(context, '\n'); if (!enc.isAsciiCompatible()) { rs = RubyString.newUsAsciiStringShared(runtime, rsptrBytes, rsptr, rslen); rs = EncodingUtils.rbStrEncode(context, rs, runtime.getEncodingService().convertEncodingToRubyEncoding(enc), 0, context.nil); rs.setFrozen(true); rsStr = (RubyString) rs; rsByteList = rsStr.getByteList(); rsptrBytes = rsByteList.getUnsafeBytes(); rsptr = rsByteList.getBegin(); rslen = rsByteList.getRealSize(); } } else { rsptrBytes = rsByteList.unsafeBytes(); rsptr = rsByteList.getBegin(); } newline = rsptrBytes[rsptr + rslen - 1] & 0xFF; chompCR = chomp && rslen == 1 && newline == '\n'; } final ByteList[] strPtr = { str != null ? str.getByteList() : null }; final int[] limit_p = { limit }; while ((c = fptr.appendline(context, newline, strPtr, limit_p)) != OpenFile.EOF) { int s, p, pp, e; final byte[] strBytes = strPtr[0].getUnsafeBytes(); final int realSize = strPtr[0].getRealSize(); final int begin = strPtr[0].getBegin(); if (c == newline) { if (realSize < rslen) continue; s = begin; e = s + realSize; p = e - rslen; pp = enc.leftAdjustCharHead(strBytes, s, p, e); if (pp != p) continue; if (ByteList.memcmp(strBytes, p, rsptrBytes, rsptr, rslen) == 0) { if (chomp) { if (chompCR && p > s && strBytes[p-1] == '\r') --p; strPtr[0].length(p - s); } break; } } if (limit_p[0] == 0) { s = begin; p = s + realSize; pp = enc.leftAdjustCharHead(strBytes, s, p - 1, p); if (extraLimit != 0 && StringSupport.MBCLEN_NEEDMORE_P(StringSupport.preciseLength(enc, strBytes, pp, p))) { limit_p[0] = 1; extraLimit--; } else { noLimit = true; break; } } } // limit = limit_p[0]; if (strPtr[0] != null) { if (str != null) { str.setValue(strPtr[0]); } else { str = runtime.newString(strPtr[0]); } } if (rspara && c != OpenFile.EOF) { // FIXME: This may block more often than it should, to clean up extraneous newlines fptr.swallow(context, '\n'); } if (str != null) { // io_enc_str : str.setTaint(true); str.setEncoding(enc); } if (str != null && !noLimit) fptr.incrementLineno(runtime, this); return str == null ? context.nil : str; } // fptr->enc and codeconv->enc public Encoding getEnc() { return openFile.encs.enc; } // mri: io_read_encoding public Encoding getReadEncoding() { return openFile.readEncoding(getRuntime()); } // fptr->enc2 and codeconv->enc2 public Encoding getEnc2() { return openFile.encs.enc2; } // mri: io_input_encoding public Encoding getInputEncoding() { return openFile.inputEncoding(getRuntime()); } // IO class methods. @JRubyMethod(name = "new", rest = true, meta = true) public static IRubyObject newInstance(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { RubyClass klass = (RubyClass)recv; if (block.isGiven()) { IRubyObject className = types(context.runtime, klass); context.runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.BLOCK_NOT_ACCEPTED, str(context.runtime, className, "::new() does not take block; use ", className, "::open() instead")); } return klass.newInstance(context, args, block); } @JRubyMethod(rest = true, meta = true) public static IRubyObject for_fd(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { RubyClass klass = (RubyClass)recv; return klass.newInstance(context, args, block); } private IRubyObject initializeCommon(ThreadContext context, int fileno, IRubyObject vmodeArg, IRubyObject opt) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; ChannelFD fd; if (!FilenoUtil.isFake(fileno)) { // try using existing ChannelFD, then fall back on creating a new one fd = runtime.getFilenoUtil().getWrapperFromFileno(fileno); if (fd == null) { if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS) { // Native channels don't work quite right on Windows yet. Override standard io for better nonblocking support. See jruby/jruby#3625 switch (fileno) { case 0: fd = new ChannelFD(Channels.newChannel(runtime.getIn()), runtime.getPosix(), runtime.getFilenoUtil()); break; case 1: fd = new ChannelFD(Channels.newChannel(runtime.getOut()), runtime.getPosix(), runtime.getFilenoUtil()); break; case 2: fd = new ChannelFD(Channels.newChannel(runtime.getErr()), runtime.getPosix(), runtime.getFilenoUtil()); break; default: fd = new ChannelFD(new NativeDeviceChannel(fileno), runtime.getPosix(), runtime.getFilenoUtil()); break; } } else { fd = new ChannelFD(new NativeDeviceChannel(fileno), runtime.getPosix(), runtime.getFilenoUtil()); } } } else { ChannelFD descriptor = runtime.getFilenoUtil().getWrapperFromFileno(fileno); if (descriptor == null) throw runtime.newErrnoEBADFError(); fd = descriptor; } if (!fd.ch.isOpen()) { throw runtime.newErrnoEBADFError(); } return initializeCommon(context, fd, vmodeArg, opt); } private IRubyObject initializeCommon(ThreadContext context, ChannelFD fd, IRubyObject vmodeArg, IRubyObject opt) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; int ofmode; int[] oflags_p = {ModeFlags.RDONLY}; if(opt != null && !opt.isNil() && !(opt instanceof RubyHash) && !(sites(context).respond_to_to_hash.respondsTo(context, opt, opt))) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("last argument must be a hash!"); } if (opt != null && !opt.isNil()) { opt = opt.convertToHash(); } if (!fd.ch.isOpen()) { throw runtime.newErrnoEBADFError(); } Object pm = EncodingUtils.vmodeVperm(vmodeArg, runtime.newFixnum(0)); int[] fmode_p = {0}; ConvConfig convconfig = new ConvConfig(); EncodingUtils.extractModeEncoding(context, convconfig, pm, opt, oflags_p, fmode_p); { // normally done with fcntl...which we *could* do too...but this is just checking read/write oflags_p[0] = ModeFlags.oflagsFrom(runtime.getPosix(), fd.ch); ofmode = ModeFlags.getOpenFileFlagsFor(oflags_p[0]); if (EncodingUtils.vmode(pm) == null || EncodingUtils.vmode(pm).isNil()) { fmode_p[0] = ofmode; } else if (((~ofmode & fmode_p[0]) & OpenFile.READWRITE) != 0) { throw runtime.newErrnoEINVALError(); } } if (opt != null && !opt.isNil() && ((RubyHash)opt).op_aref(context, runtime.newSymbol("autoclose")) == runtime.getFalse()) { fmode_p[0] |= OpenFile.PREP; } // JRUBY-4650: Make sure we clean up the old data, if it's present. MakeOpenFile(); openFile.setFD(fd); openFile.setMode(fmode_p[0]); openFile.encs = convconfig; openFile.clearCodeConversion(); openFile.checkTTY(); switch (fd.bestFileno()) { case 0: openFile.stdio_file = System.in; break; case 1: openFile.stdio_file = System.out; break; case 2: openFile.stdio_file = System.err; break; } if (openFile.isBOM()) { EncodingUtils.ioSetEncodingByBOM(context, this); } return this; } @JRubyMethod(name = "initialize", visibility = PRIVATE) public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject fileNumber, Block unused) { return initializeCommon(context, RubyNumeric.fix2int(fileNumber), null, context.nil); } @JRubyMethod(name = "initialize", visibility = PRIVATE) public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject fileNumber, IRubyObject second, Block unused) { int fileno = RubyNumeric.fix2int(fileNumber); IRubyObject vmode = null; IRubyObject options; IRubyObject hashTest = TypeConverter.checkHashType(context.runtime, second); if (hashTest instanceof RubyHash) { options = hashTest; } else { options = context.nil; vmode = second; } return initializeCommon(context, fileno, vmode, options); } @JRubyMethod(name = "initialize", visibility = PRIVATE) public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject fileNumber, IRubyObject modeValue, IRubyObject options, Block unused) { int fileno = RubyNumeric.fix2int(fileNumber); return initializeCommon(context, fileno, modeValue, options); } // Encoding processing protected IOOptions parseIOOptions(IRubyObject arg) { Ruby runtime = getRuntime(); if (arg instanceof RubyFixnum) return newIOOptions(runtime, (int) RubyFixnum.fix2long(arg)); String modeString = arg.convertToString().toString(); try { return new IOOptions(runtime, modeString); } catch (InvalidValueException ive) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("invalid access mode " + modeString); } } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject external_encoding(ThreadContext context) { EncodingService encodingService = context.runtime.getEncodingService(); if (openFile.encs.enc2 != null) return encodingService.getEncoding(openFile.encs.enc2); if (openFile.isWritable()) { return openFile.encs.enc == null ? context.nil : encodingService.getEncoding(openFile.encs.enc); } return encodingService.getEncoding(getReadEncoding()); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject internal_encoding(ThreadContext context) { if (openFile.encs.enc2 == null) return context.nil; return context.runtime.getEncodingService().getEncoding(getReadEncoding()); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject set_encoding(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject encodingObj) { setEncoding(context, encodingObj, context.nil, context.nil); return this; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject set_encoding(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject encodingString, IRubyObject internalEncoding) { IRubyObject opt = TypeConverter.checkHashType(context.runtime, internalEncoding); if (!opt.isNil()) { setEncoding(context, encodingString, context.nil, opt); } else { setEncoding(context, encodingString, internalEncoding, context.nil); } return this; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject set_encoding(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject encodingString, IRubyObject internalEncoding, IRubyObject options) { setEncoding(context, encodingString, internalEncoding, options); return this; } // mri: io_encoding_set public void setEncoding(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject v1, IRubyObject v2, IRubyObject opt) { final IRubyObject nil = context.nil; IOEncodable.ConvConfig holder = new IOEncodable.ConvConfig(); int ecflags = openFile.encs.ecflags; IRubyObject[] ecopts_p = { nil }; if (v2 != nil) { holder.enc2 = EncodingUtils.rbToEncoding(context, v1); IRubyObject tmp = v2.checkStringType(); if (tmp != nil) { RubyString internalAsString = (RubyString) tmp; // No encoding '-' if (isDash(internalAsString)) { /* Special case - "-" => no transcoding */ holder.enc = holder.enc2; holder.enc2 = null; } else { holder.enc = EncodingUtils.rbToEncoding(context, internalAsString); } if (holder.enc == holder.enc2) { /* Special case - "-" => no transcoding */ holder.enc2 = null; } } else { holder.enc = EncodingUtils.rbToEncoding(context, v2); if (holder.enc == holder.enc2) { /* Special case - "-" => no transcoding */ holder.enc2 = null; } } EncodingUtils.SET_UNIVERSAL_NEWLINE_DECORATOR_IF_ENC2(holder.getEnc2(), ecflags); ecflags = EncodingUtils.econvPrepareOptions(context, opt, ecopts_p, ecflags); } else { if (v1.isNil()) { EncodingUtils.ioExtIntToEncs(context, holder, null, null, 0); EncodingUtils.SET_UNIVERSAL_NEWLINE_DECORATOR_IF_ENC2(holder.getEnc2(), ecflags); ecopts_p[0] = context.nil; } else { IRubyObject tmp = v1.checkStringType(); if (tmp != nil && EncodingUtils.encAsciicompat(EncodingUtils.encGet(context, tmp))) { EncodingUtils.parseModeEncoding(context, holder, tmp.asJavaString(), null); EncodingUtils.SET_UNIVERSAL_NEWLINE_DECORATOR_IF_ENC2(holder.getEnc2(), ecflags); ecflags = EncodingUtils.econvPrepareOptions(context, opt, ecopts_p, ecflags); } else { EncodingUtils.ioExtIntToEncs(context, holder, EncodingUtils.rbToEncoding(context, v1), null, 0); EncodingUtils.SET_UNIVERSAL_NEWLINE_DECORATOR_IF_ENC2(holder.getEnc2(), ecflags); } } // enc, enc2 should be set by now } int[] fmode_p = { openFile.getMode() }; EncodingUtils.validateEncodingBinmode(context, fmode_p, ecflags, holder); openFile.setMode(fmode_p[0]); openFile.encs.enc = holder.enc; openFile.encs.enc2 = holder.enc2; openFile.encs.ecflags = ecflags; openFile.encs.ecopts = ecopts_p[0]; openFile.clearCodeConversion(); } // rb_io_s_open, 2014/5/16 @JRubyMethod(required = 1, rest = true, meta = true) public static IRubyObject open(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { IRubyObject io = ((RubyClass)recv).newInstance(context, args, Block.NULL_BLOCK); return ensureYieldClose(context, io, block); } public static IRubyObject ensureYieldClose(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject port, Block block) { if (block.isGiven()) { try { return block.yield(context, port); } finally { ioClose(context, port); } } return port; } @Deprecated public static IRubyObject sysopen(IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { return sysopen(recv.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), recv, args, block); } @Deprecated public static IRubyObject sysopen19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] argv, Block block) { return sysopen(context, recv, argv, block); } // rb_io_s_sysopen @JRubyMethod(name = "sysopen", required = 1, optional = 2, meta = true) public static IRubyObject sysopen(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] argv, Block block) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject fname, vmode, vperm; fname = vmode = vperm = context.nil; IRubyObject intmode; int oflags; ChannelFD fd; switch (argv.length) { case 3: vperm = argv[2]; case 2: vmode = argv[1]; case 1: fname = argv[0]; } fname = StringSupport.checkEmbeddedNulls(runtime, RubyFile.get_path(context, fname)); if (vmode.isNil()) oflags = OpenFlags.O_RDONLY.intValue(); else if (!(intmode = TypeConverter.checkIntegerType(context, vmode)).isNil()) oflags = RubyNumeric.num2int(intmode); else { vmode = vmode.convertToString(); oflags = OpenFile.ioModestrOflags(runtime, vmode.toString()); } int perm = (vperm.isNil()) ? 0666 : RubyNumeric.num2int(vperm); StringSupport.checkStringSafety(context.runtime, fname); fname = ((RubyString)fname).dupFrozen(); fd = sysopen(runtime, fname.toString(), oflags, perm); return runtime.newFixnum(fd.bestFileno(true)); } public static class Sysopen { public String fname; public int oflags; public int perm; public Errno errno; } // rb_sysopen protected static ChannelFD sysopen(Ruby runtime, String fname, int oflags, int perm) { ChannelFD fd; Sysopen data = new Sysopen(); data.fname = fname; data.oflags = oflags; data.perm = perm; fd = sysopenInternal(runtime, data); if (fd == null) { if (data.errno != null) { throw runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(data.errno, fname); } else { throw runtime.newSystemCallError(fname); } } return fd; } // rb_sysopen_internal private static ChannelFD sysopenInternal(Ruby runtime, Sysopen data) { ChannelFD fd; // TODO: thread eventing as in MRI fd = sysopenFunc(runtime, data); // if (0 <= fd) // rb_update_max_fd(fd); return fd; } // sysopen_func private static ChannelFD sysopenFunc(Ruby runtime, Sysopen data) { return cloexecOpen(runtime, data); } // rb_cloexec_open public static ChannelFD cloexecOpen(Ruby runtime, Sysopen data) { Channel ret = null; if (OpenFlags.O_CLOEXEC.defined()) { data.oflags |= OpenFlags.O_CLOEXEC.intValue(); } else { // #elif defined O_NOINHERIT // flags |= O_NOINHERIT; } PosixShim shim = new PosixShim(runtime); ret = shim.open(runtime.getCurrentDirectory(), data.fname, data.oflags, data.perm); if (ret == null) { data.errno = shim.getErrno(); return null; } ChannelFD fd = new ChannelFD(ret, runtime.getPosix(), runtime.getFilenoUtil(), data.oflags); if (fd.realFileno > 0 && runtime.getPosix().isNative() && !Platform.IS_WINDOWS) { OpenFile.fdFixCloexec(shim, fd.realFileno); } return fd; } // MRI: rb_io_autoclose_p public boolean isAutoclose() { OpenFile fptr; fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); return fptr.isAutoclose(); } // MRI: rb_io_set_autoclose public void setAutoclose(boolean autoclose) { OpenFile fptr; fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); fptr.setAutoclose(autoclose); } @JRubyMethod(name = "autoclose?") public IRubyObject autoclose(ThreadContext context) { return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(context, isAutoclose()); } @JRubyMethod(name = "autoclose=") public IRubyObject autoclose_set(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject autoclose) { setAutoclose(autoclose.isTrue()); return context.nil; } // MRI: rb_io_binmode_m @JRubyMethod(name = "binmode") public IRubyObject binmode() { setAscii8bitBinmode(); RubyIO write_io = GetWriteIO(); if (write_io != this) write_io.setAscii8bitBinmode(); return this; } // MRI: rb_io_binmode_p @JRubyMethod(name = "binmode?") public IRubyObject op_binmode(ThreadContext context) { return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(context, getOpenFileChecked().isBinmode()); } // rb_io_syswrite @JRubyMethod(name = "syswrite", required = 1) public IRubyObject syswrite(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject str) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; OpenFile fptr; long n; if (!(str instanceof RubyString)) str = str.asString(); RubyIO io = GetWriteIO(); fptr = io.getOpenFileChecked(); boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { fptr.checkWritable(context); str = str.convertToString().newFrozen(); if (fptr.wbuf.len != 0) { runtime.getWarnings().warn("syswrite for buffered IO"); } ByteList strByteList = ((RubyString) str).getByteList(); n = OpenFile.writeInternal(context, fptr, fptr.fd(), strByteList.unsafeBytes(), strByteList.begin(), strByteList.getRealSize()); if (n == -1) throw runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(fptr.errno(), fptr.getPath()); } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } return runtime.newFixnum(n); } // MRI: rb_io_write_nonblock @JRubyMethod(name = "write_nonblock", required = 1, optional = 1) public IRubyObject write_nonblock(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] argv) { boolean exception = ArgsUtil.extractKeywordArg(context, "exception", argv) != context.fals; IRubyObject str = argv[0]; return ioWriteNonblock(context, context.runtime, str, !exception); } // MRI: io_write_nonblock private IRubyObject ioWriteNonblock(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, IRubyObject str, boolean no_exception) { OpenFile fptr; long n; if (!(str instanceof RubyString)) str = str.asString(); RubyIO io = GetWriteIO(); fptr = io.getOpenFileChecked(); boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { fptr.checkWritable(context); if (fptr.io_fflush(context) < 0) throw runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(fptr.errno(), fptr.getPath()); fptr.setNonblock(runtime); ByteList strByteList = ((RubyString) str).getByteList(); n = fptr.posix.write(fptr.fd(), strByteList.unsafeBytes(), strByteList.begin(), strByteList.getRealSize(), true); if (n == -1) { if (fptr.posix.getErrno() == Errno.EWOULDBLOCK || fptr.posix.getErrno() == Errno.EAGAIN) { if (no_exception) { return runtime.newSymbol("wait_writable"); } else { throw runtime.newErrnoEAGAINWritableError("write would block"); } } throw runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(fptr.posix.getErrno(), fptr.getPath()); } } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } return runtime.newFixnum(n); } public RubyIO GetWriteIO() { RubyIO writeIO; checkInitialized(); writeIO = openFile.tiedIOForWriting; if (writeIO != null) { return writeIO; } return this; } private void checkInitialized() { if (openFile == null) { throw getRuntime().newIOError("uninitialized stream"); } }
/** io_write_m * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "write", required = 1) public IRubyObject write(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject str) { return write(context, str, false); } @JRubyMethod(name = "write", rest = true) public IRubyObject write(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { long acc = 0l; for (IRubyObject s : args) { IRubyObject write = write(context, s, false); long num2long = RubyNumeric.num2long(write); acc = acc + num2long; } return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(context.runtime, acc); } final IRubyObject write(ThreadContext context, int ch) { RubyString str = RubyString.newStringShared(context.runtime, RubyInteger.singleCharByteList((byte) ch)); return write(context, str, false); } // io_write public IRubyObject write(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject str, boolean nosync) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; OpenFile fptr; long n; IRubyObject tmp; RubyIO io = GetWriteIO(); str = str.asString(); tmp = TypeConverter.ioCheckIO(runtime, io); if (tmp == context.nil) { /* port is not IO, call write method for it. */ return sites(context).write.call(context, io, io, str); } io = (RubyIO) tmp; if (((RubyString) str).size() == 0) return RubyFixnum.zero(runtime); fptr = io.getOpenFileChecked(); boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { fptr = io.getOpenFileChecked(); fptr.checkWritable(context); n = fptr.fwrite(context, str, nosync); if (n == -1) throw runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(fptr.errno(), fptr.getPath()); } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, n); }
/** rb_io_addstr * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "<<", required = 1) public IRubyObject op_append(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject anObject) { // Claims conversion is done via 'to_s' in docs. sites(context).write.call(context, this, this, anObject); return this; } @JRubyMethod(name = "fileno", alias = "to_i") public RubyFixnum fileno(ThreadContext context) { return context.runtime.newFixnum(getOpenFileChecked().getFileno()); }
Returns the current line number.
Returns:the current line number.
/** Returns the current line number. * * @return the current line number. */
@JRubyMethod(name = "lineno") public RubyFixnum lineno(ThreadContext context) { return context.runtime.newFixnum(getOpenFileChecked().getLineNumber()); }
Sets the current line number.
  • newLineNumber – The new line number.
/** Sets the current line number. * * @param newLineNumber The new line number. */
@JRubyMethod(name = "lineno=", required = 1) public RubyFixnum lineno_set(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject newLineNumber) { getOpenFileChecked().setLineNumber(RubyNumeric.fix2int(newLineNumber)); return context.runtime.newFixnum(getOpenFileChecked().getLineNumber()); }
Returns the current sync mode. MRI: rb_io_sync
Returns:the current sync mode.
/** Returns the current sync mode. * * MRI: rb_io_sync * * @return the current sync mode. */
@JRubyMethod public RubyBoolean sync(ThreadContext context) { OpenFile fptr; RubyIO io = GetWriteIO(); fptr = io.getOpenFileChecked(); fptr.lock(); try { return (fptr.getMode() & OpenFile.SYNC) != 0 ? context.tru : context.fals; } finally { fptr.unlock(); } }

Return the process id (pid) of the process this IO object spawned. If no process exists (popen was not called), then nil is returned. This is not how it appears to be defined but ruby 1.8 works this way.

Returns:the pid or nil
/** * <p>Return the process id (pid) of the process this IO object * spawned. If no process exists (popen was not called), then * nil is returned. This is not how it appears to be defined * but ruby 1.8 works this way.</p> * * @return the pid or nil */
@JRubyMethod public IRubyObject pid(ThreadContext context) { OpenFile myOpenFile = getOpenFileChecked(); if (myOpenFile.getProcess() == null) { return context.nil; } // Of course this isn't particularly useful. long pid = myOpenFile.getPid(); return context.runtime.newFixnum(pid); } // rb_io_pos @JRubyMethod(name = {"pos", "tell"}) public RubyFixnum pos(ThreadContext context) { OpenFile fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { long pos = fptr.tell(context); if (pos == -1 && fptr.errno() != null) throw context.runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(fptr.errno(), fptr.getPath()); pos -= fptr.rbuf.len; return context.runtime.newFixnum(pos); } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } } // rb_io_set_pos @JRubyMethod(name = "pos=", required = 1) public RubyFixnum pos_set(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject offset) { OpenFile fptr; long pos; pos = offset.convertToInteger().getLongValue(); fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { pos = fptr.seek(context, pos, PosixShim.SEEK_SET); if (pos == -1 && fptr.errno() != null) throw context.runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(fptr.errno(), fptr.getPath()); } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } return context.runtime.newFixnum(pos); }
Print some objects to the stream.
/** Print some objects to the stream. * */
@JRubyMethod(rest = true, reads = FrameField.LASTLINE) public IRubyObject print(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { return print(context, this, args); }
Print some objects to the stream. MRI: rb_io_print
/** * Print some objects to the stream. * * MRI: rb_io_print */
public static IRubyObject print(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject out, IRubyObject[] args) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; int i; IRubyObject line; int argc = args.length; /* if no argument given, print `$_' */ if (argc == 0) { argc = 1; line = context.getLastLine(); args = new IRubyObject[]{line}; } for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { IRubyObject outputFS = runtime.getGlobalVariables().get("$,"); if (!outputFS.isNil() && i>0) { write(context, out, outputFS); } write(context, out, args[i]); } IRubyObject outputRS = runtime.getGlobalVariables().get("$\\"); if (argc > 0 && !outputRS.isNil()) { write(context, out, outputRS); } return context.nil; } @JRubyMethod(required = 1, rest = true) public IRubyObject printf(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { write(context, this, RubyKernel.sprintf(context, this, args)); return context.nil; } @JRubyMethod(required = 1) public IRubyObject putc(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject ch) { IRubyObject str; if (ch instanceof RubyString) { str = ((RubyString) ch).substr(context.runtime, 0, 1); } else { str = RubyString.newStringShared(context.runtime, RubyInteger.singleCharByteList(RubyNumeric.num2chr(ch))); } sites(context).write.call(context, this, this, str); return ch; } public static IRubyObject putc(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject maybeIO, IRubyObject object) { if (maybeIO instanceof RubyIO) { ((RubyIO) maybeIO).putc(context, object); } else { byte c = RubyNumeric.num2chr(object); IRubyObject str = RubyString.newStringShared(context.runtime, RubyInteger.singleCharByteList(c)); sites(context).write.call(context, maybeIO, maybeIO, str); } return object; } public RubyFixnum seek(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { if (args.length > 1) { return seek(context, args[0], args[1]); } return seek(context, args[0]); } @JRubyMethod public RubyFixnum seek(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject off) { long ret = doSeek(context, RubyNumeric.num2long(off), PosixShim.SEEK_SET); return context.runtime.newFixnum(ret); } @JRubyMethod public RubyFixnum seek(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject off, IRubyObject whence) { long ret = doSeek(context, RubyNumeric.num2long(off), interpretSeekWhence(whence)); return context.runtime.newFixnum(ret); } // rb_io_seek private long doSeek(ThreadContext context, long pos, int whence) { OpenFile fptr; fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { pos = fptr.seek(context, pos, whence); if (pos < 0 && fptr.errno() != null) { throw context.runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(fptr.errno(), fptr.getPath()); } } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } return 0; } // This was a getOpt with one mandatory arg, but it did not work // so I am parsing it for now. @JRubyMethod(required = 1, optional = 1) public RubyFixnum sysseek(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject offset = context.nil; int whence = PosixShim.SEEK_SET; OpenFile fptr; long pos; switch (args.length) { case 2: IRubyObject ptrname = args[1]; whence = interpretSeekWhence(ptrname); case 1: offset = args[0]; } pos = offset.convertToInteger().getLongValue(); fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { if ((fptr.isReadable()) && (fptr.READ_DATA_BUFFERED() || fptr.READ_CHAR_PENDING())) { throw runtime.newIOError("sysseek for buffered IO"); } if (fptr.isWritable() && fptr.wbuf.len != 0) { runtime.getWarnings().warn("sysseek for buffered IO"); } fptr.errno(null); pos = fptr.posix.lseek(fptr.fd(), pos, whence); if (pos == -1 && fptr.errno() != null) throw runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(fptr.errno(), fptr.getPath()); } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, pos); } private static int interpretSeekWhence(IRubyObject whence) { if (whence instanceof RubySymbol) { String string = whence.toString(); if ("SET".equals(string)) return PosixShim.SEEK_SET; if ("CUR".equals(string)) return PosixShim.SEEK_CUR; if ("END".equals(string)) return PosixShim.SEEK_END; } return (int) whence.convertToInteger().getLongValue(); } // rb_io_rewind @JRubyMethod public RubyFixnum rewind(ThreadContext context) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; OpenFile fptr; fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { if (fptr.seek(context, 0L, 0) == -1 && fptr.errno() != null) { throw runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(fptr.errno(), fptr.getPath()); } if (RubyArgsFile.ArgsFileData.getArgsFileData(runtime).isCurrentFile(this)) { runtime.setCurrentLine(runtime.getCurrentLine() - fptr.getLineNumber()); } fptr.setLineNumber(0); if (fptr.readconv != null) { fptr.clearReadConversion(); } } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } return RubyFixnum.zero(runtime); } // rb_io_fsync @JRubyMethod public RubyFixnum fsync(ThreadContext context) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; OpenFile fptr; RubyIO io = GetWriteIO(); fptr = io.getOpenFileChecked(); if (fptr.io_fflush(context) < 0) throw runtime.newSystemCallError(""); if (!Platform.IS_WINDOWS) { /* already called in io_fflush() */ try { if (fptr.fileChannel() != null) fptr.fileChannel().force(true); if (fptr.fd().chNative != null) { int ret = runtime.getPosix().fsync(fptr.fd().chNative.getFD()); if (ret < 0) throw runtime.newErrnoFromInt(runtime.getPosix().errno()); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw runtime.newIOErrorFromException(ioe); } } return RubyFixnum.zero(runtime); }
Sets the current sync mode. MRI: rb_io_set_sync
  • sync – The new sync mode.
/** Sets the current sync mode. * * MRI: rb_io_set_sync * * @param sync The new sync mode. */
@JRubyMethod(name = "sync=", required = 1) public IRubyObject sync_set(IRubyObject sync) { setSync(sync.isTrue()); return sync; } public void setSync(boolean sync) { RubyIO io = GetWriteIO(); OpenFile fptr = io.getOpenFileChecked(); fptr.setSync(sync); } public boolean getSync() { RubyIO io = GetWriteIO(); OpenFile fptr = io.getOpenFileChecked(); return fptr.isSync(); } // rb_io_eof @JRubyMethod(name = {"eof?", "eof"}) public RubyBoolean eof_p(ThreadContext context) { OpenFile fptr; fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { fptr.checkCharReadable(context); if (fptr.READ_CHAR_PENDING()) return context.fals; if (fptr.READ_DATA_PENDING()) return context.fals; fptr.READ_CHECK(context); // #if defined(RUBY_TEST_CRLF_ENVIRONMENT) || defined(_WIN32) // if (!NEED_READCONV(fptr) && NEED_NEWLINE_DECORATOR_ON_READ(fptr)) { // return eof(fptr->fd) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; // } // #endif if (fptr.fillbuf(context) < 0) { return context.tru; } } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } return context.fals; } @JRubyMethod(name = {"tty?", "isatty"}) public RubyBoolean tty_p(ThreadContext context) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; POSIX posix = runtime.getPosix(); OpenFile fptr; fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); fptr.lock(); try { if (posix.isNative() && fptr.fd().realFileno != -1) { return posix.libc().isatty(fptr.getFileno()) == 0 ? runtime.getFalse() : runtime.getTrue(); } else if (fptr.isStdio()) { // This is a bit of a hack for platforms where we can't do native stdio return runtime.getTrue(); } } finally { fptr.unlock(); } return runtime.getFalse(); } // rb_io_init_copy @JRubyMethod(required = 1, visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE) @Override public IRubyObject initialize_copy(IRubyObject _io){ RubyIO dest = this; Ruby runtime = getRuntime(); ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext(); OpenFile fptr, orig; ChannelFD fd; RubyIO write_io; long pos; RubyIO io = TypeConverter.ioGetIO(runtime, _io); if (!OBJ_INIT_COPY(dest, io)) return dest; orig = io.getOpenFileChecked(); fptr = dest.MakeOpenFile(); // orig is the visible one here but we lock both anyway boolean locked1 = orig.lock(); boolean locked2 = fptr.lock(); try { io.flush(context); /* copy rb_io_t structure */ fptr.setMode(orig.getMode() & ~OpenFile.PREP); fptr.encs = orig.encs; fptr.setProcess(orig.getProcess()); fptr.setLineNumber(orig.getLineNumber()); if (orig.getPath() != null) fptr.setPath(orig.getPath()); fptr.setFinalizer(orig.getFinalizer()); // TODO: not using pipe_finalize yet // #if defined (__CYGWIN__) || !defined(HAVE_FORK) // if (fptr.finalize == pipe_finalize) // pipe_add_fptr(fptr); // #endif fd = orig.fd().dup(); fptr.setFD(fd); pos = orig.tell(context); if (pos == -1) fptr.seek(context, pos, PosixShim.SEEK_SET); } finally { if (locked2) fptr.unlock(); if (locked1) orig.unlock(); } if (fptr.isBinmode()) { dest.setBinmode(); } write_io = io.GetWriteIO(); if (io != write_io) { write_io = (RubyIO)write_io.dup(); fptr.tiedIOForWriting = write_io; dest.getInstanceVariables().setInstanceVariable("@tied_io_for_writing", write_io); } return dest; } @JRubyMethod(name = "closed?") public RubyBoolean closed_p(ThreadContext context) { return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(context, isClosed()); }
Is this IO closed MRI: rb_io_closed
Returns:true if closed
/** * Is this IO closed * * MRI: rb_io_closed * * @return true if closed */
public boolean isClosed() { OpenFile fptr; RubyIO write_io; OpenFile write_fptr; write_io = GetWriteIO(); if (this != write_io) { write_fptr = write_io.openFile; if (write_fptr != null && write_fptr.fd() != null) { return false; } } fptr = openFile; checkInitialized(); return fptr.fd() == null; }

Closes all open resources for the IO. It also removes it from our magical all open file descriptor pool.

Returns:The IO. Returns nil if the IO was already closed. MRI: rb_io_close_m
/** * <p>Closes all open resources for the IO. It also removes * it from our magical all open file descriptor pool.</p> * * @return The IO. Returns nil if the IO was already closed. * * MRI: rb_io_close_m */
@JRubyMethod public IRubyObject close(final ThreadContext context) { if (isClosed()) return context.nil; return rbIoClose(context); } public final void close() { close(getRuntime().getCurrentContext()); } // io_close protected static IRubyObject ioClose(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject io) { IOSites sites = sites(context); IRubyObject closed = io.checkCallMethod(context, sites.closed_checked); if (closed != null && closed.isTrue()) return io; final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject oldExc = runtime.getGlobalVariables().get("$!"); // Save $! try { closed = io.checkCallMethod(context, sites.close_checked); return runtime.newBoolean(closed != null && closed.isTrue()); } catch (RaiseException re) { if (re.getMessage().contains(CLOSED_STREAM_MSG)) { // ignore runtime.getGlobalVariables().set("$!", oldExc); // Restore $! return context.nil; } else { throw re; } } } // rb_io_close protected IRubyObject rbIoClose(ThreadContext context) { OpenFile fptr; RubyIO write_io; OpenFile write_fptr; write_io = GetWriteIO(); if (this != write_io) { write_fptr = write_io.openFile; boolean locked = write_fptr.lock(); try { if (write_fptr != null && write_fptr.fd() != null) { write_fptr.cleanup(context.runtime, true); } } finally { if (locked) write_fptr.unlock(); } } fptr = openFile; boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { if (fptr == null) return context.nil; if (fptr.fd() == null) return context.nil; final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; fptr.finalizeFlush(context, false); // interrupt waiting threads fptr.interruptBlockingThreads(context); try { fptr.unlock(); fptr.waitForBlockingThreads(context); } finally { fptr.lock(); } fptr.cleanup(runtime, false); if (fptr.getProcess() != null) { context.setLastExitStatus(context.nil); if (runtime.getPosix().isNative() && fptr.getProcess() instanceof POSIXProcess) { // We do not need to nuke native-launched child process, since we now have full control // over child process pipes. IRubyObject processResult = RubyProcess.RubyStatus.newProcessStatus(runtime, ((POSIXProcess) fptr.getProcess()).status(), fptr.getPid()); context.setLastExitStatus(processResult); } else { // If this is not a popen3/popen4 stream and it has a process, attempt to shut down that process if (!popenSpecial) { obliterateProcess(fptr.getProcess()); // RubyStatus uses real native status now, so we unshift Java's shifted exit status IRubyObject processResult = RubyProcess.RubyStatus.newProcessStatus(runtime, fptr.getProcess().exitValue() << 8, fptr.getPid()); context.setLastExitStatus(processResult); } } fptr.setProcess(null); } } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } return context.nil; } // MRI: rb_io_close_write @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject close_write(ThreadContext context) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; OpenFile fptr; RubyIO write_io; write_io = GetWriteIO(); fptr = write_io.getOpenFileInitialized(); if (!fptr.isOpen()) return context.nil; boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { if (fptr.socketChannel() != null) { try { fptr.socketChannel().shutdownOutput(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(Helpers.errnoFromException(ioe), fptr.getPath()); } fptr.setMode(fptr.getMode() & ~OpenFile.WRITABLE); if (!fptr.isReadable()) return write_io.rbIoClose(context); return context.nil; } if (fptr.isReadable() && !fptr.isDuplex()) { throw runtime.newIOError("closing non-duplex IO for writing"); } } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } if (this != write_io) { fptr = getOpenFileInitialized(); locked = fptr.lock(); try { fptr.tiedIOForWriting = null; } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } } write_io.rbIoClose(context); return context.nil; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject close_read(ThreadContext context) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; OpenFile fptr; RubyIO write_io; fptr = getOpenFileInitialized(); if (!fptr.isOpen()) return context.nil; boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { if (fptr.socketChannel() != null) { try { fptr.socketChannel().socket().shutdownInput(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(Helpers.errnoFromException(ioe), fptr.getPath()); } fptr.setMode(fptr.getMode() & ~OpenFile.READABLE); if (!fptr.isWritable()) return rbIoClose(context); return context.nil; } write_io = GetWriteIO(); if (this != write_io) { OpenFile wfptr; wfptr = write_io.getOpenFileInitialized(); boolean locked2 = wfptr.lock(); try { wfptr.setProcess(fptr.getProcess()); wfptr.setPid(fptr.getPid()); fptr.setProcess(null); fptr.setPid(-1); this.openFile = wfptr; /* bind to write_io temporarily to get rid of memory/fd leak */ fptr.tiedIOForWriting = null; write_io.openFile = fptr; fptr.cleanup(runtime, false); /* should not finalize fptr because another thread may be reading it */ return context.nil; } finally { if (locked2) wfptr.unlock(); } } if (fptr.isWritable() && !fptr.isDuplex()) { throw runtime.newIOError("closing non-duplex IO for reading"); } } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } return rbIoClose(context); } public static final int FD_CLOEXEC = 1; @JRubyMethod(name = "close_on_exec=") public IRubyObject close_on_exec_set(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; POSIX posix = runtime.getPosix(); OpenFile fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); RubyIO write_io; int fd = -1; if (fptr == null || (fd = fptr.fd().realFileno) == -1 || !posix.isNative() || Platform.IS_WINDOWS ) { runtime.getWarnings().warning("close_on_exec is not implemented on this platform for this stream type: " + fptr.fd().ch.getClass().getSimpleName()); return context.nil; } int flag = arg.isTrue() ? FD_CLOEXEC : 0; int ret; write_io = GetWriteIO(); if (this != write_io) { fptr = write_io.getOpenFileChecked(); if (fptr != null && 0 <= (fd = fptr.fd().realFileno)) { if ((ret = posix.fcntl(fd, Fcntl.F_GETFD)) == -1) return API.rb_sys_fail_path(runtime, fptr.getPath()); if ((ret & FD_CLOEXEC) != flag) { ret = (ret & ~FD_CLOEXEC) | flag; ret = posix.fcntlInt(fd, Fcntl.F_SETFD, ret); if (ret == -1) API.rb_sys_fail_path(runtime, fptr.getPath()); } } } fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); if (fptr != null && 0 <= (fd = fptr.fd().realFileno)) { if ((ret = posix.fcntl(fd, Fcntl.F_GETFD)) == -1) API.rb_sys_fail_path(runtime, fptr.getPath()); if ((ret & FD_CLOEXEC) != flag) { ret = (ret & ~FD_CLOEXEC) | flag; ret = posix.fcntlInt(fd, Fcntl.F_SETFD, ret); if (ret == -1) API.rb_sys_fail_path(runtime, fptr.getPath()); } } return context.nil; } @JRubyMethod(name = {"close_on_exec?", "close_on_exec"}) public IRubyObject close_on_exec_p(ThreadContext context) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; POSIX posix = runtime.getPosix(); OpenFile fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); int fd = -1; if (fptr == null || (fd = fptr.fd().realFileno) == -1 || !posix.isNative()) { return context.fals; } RubyIO write_io; int ret; write_io = GetWriteIO(); if (this != write_io) { fptr = write_io.getOpenFileChecked(); if (fptr != null && 0 <= (fd = fptr.fd().realFileno)) { if ((ret = posix.fcntl(fd, Fcntl.F_GETFD)) == -1) API.rb_sys_fail_path(runtime, fptr.getPath()); if ((ret & FD_CLOEXEC) == 0) return context.fals; } } fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); if (fptr != null && 0 <= (fd = fptr.fd().realFileno)) { if ((ret = posix.fcntl(fd, Fcntl.F_GETFD)) == -1) API.rb_sys_fail_path(runtime, fptr.getPath()); if ((ret & FD_CLOEXEC) == 0) return context.fals; } return context.tru; }
Flushes the IO output stream. MRI: rb_io_flush
Returns:The IO.
/** Flushes the IO output stream. * * MRI: rb_io_flush * * @return The IO. */
@JRubyMethod public RubyIO flush(ThreadContext context) { return flushRaw(context, true); } public void flush() { flush(getRuntime().getCurrentContext()); } // rb_io_flush_raw protected RubyIO flushRaw(ThreadContext context, boolean sync) { OpenFile fptr; // not possible here // if (!RB_TYPE_P(io, T_FILE)) { // return rb_funcall(io, id_flush, 0); // } RubyIO io = GetWriteIO(); fptr = io.getOpenFileChecked(); boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { if ((fptr.getMode() & OpenFile.WRITABLE) != 0) { if (fptr.io_fflush(context) < 0) throw context.runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(fptr.errno(), ""); // #ifdef _WIN32 // if (sync && GetFileType((HANDLE)rb_w32_get_osfhandle(fptr->fd)) == FILE_TYPE_DISK) { // rb_thread_io_blocking_region(nogvl_fsync, fptr, fptr->fd); // } // #endif } if ((fptr.getMode() & OpenFile.READABLE) != 0) { fptr.unread(context); } } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } return io; }
Read a line.
/** Read a line. * */
// rb_io_gets_m @JRubyMethod(name = "gets", writes = FrameField.LASTLINE) public IRubyObject gets(ThreadContext context) { return Getline.getlineCall(context, GETLINE, this, getReadEncoding(context)); } // rb_io_gets_m @JRubyMethod(name = "gets", writes = FrameField.LASTLINE) public IRubyObject gets(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { return Getline.getlineCall(context, GETLINE, this, getReadEncoding(context), arg); } // rb_io_gets_m @JRubyMethod(name = "gets", writes = FrameField.LASTLINE) public IRubyObject gets(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject rs, IRubyObject limit_arg) { return Getline.getlineCall(context, GETLINE, this, getReadEncoding(context), rs, limit_arg); } // rb_io_gets_m @JRubyMethod(name = "gets", writes = FrameField.LASTLINE) public IRubyObject gets(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject rs, IRubyObject limit_arg, IRubyObject opt) { return Getline.getlineCall(context, GETLINE, this, getReadEncoding(context), rs, limit_arg, opt); } private static final Getline.Callback<RubyIO, IRubyObject> GETLINE = new Getline.Callback<RubyIO, IRubyObject>() { @Override public IRubyObject getline(ThreadContext context, RubyIO self, IRubyObject rs, int limit, boolean chomp, Block block) { IRubyObject result = self.getlineImpl(context, rs, limit, chomp); if (result != context.nil) context.setLastLine(result); return result; } }; private static final Getline.Callback<RubyIO, RubyIO> GETLINE_YIELD = new Getline.Callback<RubyIO, RubyIO>() { @Override public RubyIO getline(ThreadContext context, RubyIO self, IRubyObject rs, int limit, boolean chomp, Block block) { IRubyObject line; while ((line = self.getlineImpl(context, rs, limit, chomp)) != context.nil) { block.yieldSpecific(context, line); } return self; } }; private static final Getline.Callback<RubyIO, RubyArray> GETLINE_ARY = new Getline.Callback<RubyIO, RubyArray>() { @Override public RubyArray getline(ThreadContext context, RubyIO self, IRubyObject rs, int limit, boolean chomp, Block block) { RubyArray ary = context.runtime.newArray(); IRubyObject line; while ((line = self.getlineImpl(context, rs, limit, chomp)) != context.nil) { ary.append(line); } return ary; } }; public boolean getBlocking() { return openFile.isBlocking(); } public void setBlocking(boolean blocking) { openFile.setBlocking(getRuntime(), blocking); } @JRubyMethod(name = "fcntl") public IRubyObject fcntl(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject cmd) { return ctl(context, cmd, null); } @JRubyMethod(name = "fcntl") public IRubyObject fcntl(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject cmd, IRubyObject arg) { return ctl(context, cmd, arg); } @JRubyMethod(name = "ioctl", required = 1, optional = 1) public IRubyObject ioctl(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { IRubyObject cmd = args[0]; IRubyObject arg; if (args.length == 2) { arg = args[1]; } else { arg = context.nil; } return ctl(context, cmd, arg); } private IRubyObject ctl(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject cmd, IRubyObject arg) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; long realCmd = cmd.convertToInteger().getLongValue(); long nArg = 0; if (realCmd == Fcntl.F_GETFL.intValue()) { OpenFile myOpenFile = getOpenFileChecked(); return runtime.newFixnum(OpenFile.ioFmodeOflags(myOpenFile.getMode())); } // FIXME: Arg may also be true, false, and nil and still be valid. Strangely enough, // protocol conversion is not happening in Ruby on this arg? if (arg == null || arg.isNil() || arg == runtime.getFalse()) { nArg = 0; } else if (arg instanceof RubyFixnum) { nArg = RubyFixnum.fix2long(arg); } else if (arg == runtime.getTrue()) { nArg = 1; } else { throw runtime.newNotImplementedError("JRuby does not support string for second fcntl/ioctl argument yet"); } OpenFile fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); // This currently only supports setting two flags: // FD_CLOEXEC on platforms where it is supported, and // O_NONBLOCK when the stream can be set to non-blocking. // FIXME: F_SETFL and F_SETFD are treated as the same thing here. For the case of dup(fd) we // should actually have F_SETFL only affect one (it is unclear how well we do, but this TODO // is here to at least document that we might need to do more work here. Mostly SETFL is // for mode changes which should persist across fork() boundaries. Since JVM has no fork // this is not a problem for us. if (realCmd == FcntlLibrary.FD_CLOEXEC) { close_on_exec_set(context, runtime.getTrue()); } else if (realCmd == Fcntl.F_SETFD.intValue()) { if (arg != null && (nArg & FcntlLibrary.FD_CLOEXEC) == FcntlLibrary.FD_CLOEXEC) { close_on_exec_set(context, arg); } else { throw runtime.newNotImplementedError("F_SETFD only supports FD_CLOEXEC"); } } else if (realCmd == Fcntl.F_GETFD.intValue()) { return runtime.newFixnum(close_on_exec_p(context).isTrue() ? FD_CLOEXEC : 0); } else if (realCmd == Fcntl.F_SETFL.intValue()) { if ((nArg & OpenFlags.O_NONBLOCK.intValue()) != 0) { fptr.setBlocking(runtime, true); } else { fptr.setBlocking(runtime, false); } if ((nArg & OpenFlags.O_CLOEXEC.intValue()) != 0) { close_on_exec_set(context, context.tru); } else { close_on_exec_set(context, context.fals); } } else if (realCmd == Fcntl.F_GETFL.intValue()) { return runtime.newFixnum( (fptr.isBlocking() ? 0 : OpenFlags.O_NONBLOCK.intValue()) | (close_on_exec_p(context).isTrue() ? FD_CLOEXEC : 0)); } else { throw runtime.newNotImplementedError("JRuby only supports F_SETFL and F_GETFL with NONBLOCK for fcntl/ioctl"); } return runtime.newFixnum(0); } @JRubyMethod(name = "puts") public IRubyObject puts(ThreadContext context) { return puts0(context, this); } @JRubyMethod(name = "puts") public IRubyObject puts(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0) { return puts1(context, this, arg0); } @JRubyMethod(name = "puts") public IRubyObject puts(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { return puts2(context, this, arg0, arg1); } @JRubyMethod(name = "puts") public IRubyObject puts(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2) { return puts3(context, this, arg0, arg1, arg2); } @JRubyMethod(name = "puts", rest = true) public IRubyObject puts(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { return puts(context, this, args); } public static IRubyObject puts0(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject maybeIO) { return writeSeparator(context, maybeIO); } public static IRubyObject puts1(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject maybeIO, IRubyObject arg0) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; assert runtime.getGlobalVariables().getDefaultSeparator() instanceof RubyString; RubyString separator = (RubyString) runtime.getGlobalVariables().getDefaultSeparator(); putsSingle(context, runtime, maybeIO, arg0, separator); return context.nil; } public static IRubyObject puts2(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject maybeIO, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; assert runtime.getGlobalVariables().getDefaultSeparator() instanceof RubyString; RubyString separator = (RubyString) runtime.getGlobalVariables().getDefaultSeparator(); putsSingle(context, runtime, maybeIO, arg0, separator); putsSingle(context, runtime, maybeIO, arg1, separator); return context.nil; } public static IRubyObject puts3(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject maybeIO, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; assert runtime.getGlobalVariables().getDefaultSeparator() instanceof RubyString; RubyString separator = (RubyString) runtime.getGlobalVariables().getDefaultSeparator(); putsSingle(context, runtime, maybeIO, arg0, separator); putsSingle(context, runtime, maybeIO, arg1, separator); putsSingle(context, runtime, maybeIO, arg2, separator); return context.nil; } public static IRubyObject puts(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject maybeIO, IRubyObject... args) { if (args.length == 0) { return writeSeparator(context, maybeIO); } return putsArray(context, maybeIO, args); } private static IRubyObject writeSeparator(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject maybeIO) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; assert runtime.getGlobalVariables().getDefaultSeparator() instanceof RubyString; RubyString separator = (RubyString) runtime.getGlobalVariables().getDefaultSeparator(); write(context, maybeIO, separator); return context.nil; } private static IRubyObject putsArray(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject maybeIO, IRubyObject[] args) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; assert runtime.getGlobalVariables().getDefaultSeparator() instanceof RubyString; RubyString separator = (RubyString) runtime.getGlobalVariables().getDefaultSeparator(); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { putsSingle(context, runtime, maybeIO, args[i], separator); } return context.nil; } private static final ByteList RECURSIVE_BYTELIST = ByteList.create("[...]"); private static void putsSingle(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, IRubyObject maybeIO, IRubyObject arg, RubyString separator) { ByteList line; RubyString string; if (arg.isNil()) { line = ByteList.EMPTY_BYTELIST; string = null; } else if (runtime.isInspecting(arg)) { line = RECURSIVE_BYTELIST; string = null; } else if (arg instanceof RubyArray) { inspectPuts(context, maybeIO, (RubyArray) arg); return; } else { string = arg.asString(); line = string.getByteList(); } boolean writeSeparator = line.length() == 0 || !line.endsWith(separator.getByteList()); if (string != null) { if (writeSeparator) { write(context, maybeIO, string, separator); } else { write(context, maybeIO, string); } } else { if (writeSeparator) { write(context, maybeIO, line, separator); } else { write(context, maybeIO, line); } } } private static IRubyObject inspectPuts(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject maybeIO, RubyArray array) { try { context.runtime.registerInspecting(array); return putsArray(context, maybeIO, array.toJavaArrayMaybeUnsafe()); } finally { context.runtime.unregisterInspecting(array); } } protected static IRubyObject write(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject maybeIO, ByteList byteList) { return write(context, maybeIO, RubyString.newStringShared(context.runtime, byteList)); } // MRI: rb_io_writev with string as ByteList protected static IRubyObject write(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject maybeIO, ByteList byteList, IRubyObject sep) { return write(context, maybeIO, RubyString.newStringShared(context.runtime, byteList), sep); } public static IRubyObject write(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject maybeIO, IRubyObject str) { return sites(context).write.call(context, maybeIO, maybeIO, str); } // MRI: rb_io_writev with string as IRubyObject public static IRubyObject write(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject maybeIO, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { CachingCallSite write = sites(context).write; // In MRI this is used for all multi-arg puts calls to write. Here, we just do it for two if (write.retrieveCache(maybeIO.getMetaClass()).method.getArity() == Arity.ONE_ARGUMENT) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; if (runtime.isVerbose() && maybeIO != runtime.getGlobalVariables().get("$stderr")) { warnWrite(runtime, maybeIO); } write.call(context, maybeIO, maybeIO, arg0); write.call(context, maybeIO, maybeIO, arg1); return arg0; /* unused right now */ } return write.call(context, maybeIO, maybeIO, arg0, arg1); } private static void warnWrite(final Ruby runtime, IRubyObject maybeIO) { IRubyObject klass = maybeIO.getMetaClass(); char sep; if (((RubyClass) klass).isSingleton()) { klass = maybeIO; sep = '.'; } else { sep = '#'; } runtime.getWarnings().warning(klass.toString() + sep + "write is outdated interface which accepts just one argument"); } @JRubyMethod @Override public IRubyObject inspect() { final OpenFile openFile = this.openFile; if (openFile == null) return super.inspect(); String className = getMetaClass().getRealClass().getName(); String path = openFile.getPath(); String status = ""; if (path == null || path == "") { if (openFile.fd() == null) { path = ""; status = "(closed)"; } else { path = "fd " + openFile.fd().bestFileno(); } } else if (!openFile.isOpen()) { status = " (closed)"; } return getRuntime().newString("#<" + className + ':' + path + status + '>'); }
Read a line.
/** Read a line. * */
@JRubyMethod(name = "readline", writes = FrameField.LASTLINE) public IRubyObject readline(ThreadContext context) { IRubyObject line = gets(context); if (line == context.nil) throw context.runtime.newEOFError(); return line; } @JRubyMethod(name = "readline", writes = FrameField.LASTLINE) public IRubyObject readline(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject separator) { IRubyObject line = gets(context, separator); if (line == context.nil) throw context.runtime.newEOFError(); return line; } @Deprecated public IRubyObject getc() { return getbyte(getRuntime().getCurrentContext()); }
Read a char. On EOF throw EOFError.
/** * Read a char. On EOF throw EOFError. */
// rb_io_readchar @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject readchar(ThreadContext context) { IRubyObject c = getc(context); if (c == context.nil) throw context.runtime.newEOFError(); return c; }
Read a byte. On EOF returns nil.
/** * Read a byte. On EOF returns nil. */
// rb_io_getbyte @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject getbyte(ThreadContext context) { int c = getByte(context); if (c == -1) return context.nil; return RubyNumeric.int2fix(context.runtime, c & 0xff); } // rb_io_getbyte public int getByte(ThreadContext context) { OpenFile fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { fptr.checkByteReadable(context); fptr.READ_CHECK(context); // TODO: tty flushing // if (fptr->fd == 0 && (fptr->mode & FMODE_TTY) && RB_TYPE_P(rb_stdout, T_FILE)) { // rb_io_t *ofp; // GetOpenFile(rb_stdout, ofp); // if (ofp->mode & FMODE_TTY) { // rb_io_flush(rb_stdout); // } // } if (fptr.fillbuf(context) < 0) { return -1; } fptr.rbuf.off++; fptr.rbuf.len--; return fptr.rbuf.ptr[fptr.rbuf.off - 1] & 0xFF; } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } } // rb_io_readbyte @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject readbyte(ThreadContext context) { IRubyObject c = getbyte(context); if (c == context.nil) throw context.runtime.newEOFError(); return c; } // rb_io_getc @JRubyMethod(name = "getc") public IRubyObject getc(ThreadContext context) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; Encoding enc; OpenFile fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { fptr.checkCharReadable(context); enc = fptr.inputEncoding(runtime); fptr.READ_CHECK(context); return fptr.getc(context, enc); } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } } @Deprecated public final IRubyObject getc19(ThreadContext context) { return getc(context); } // rb_io_ungetbyte @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject ungetbyte(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject b) { OpenFile fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { fptr.checkByteReadable(context); if (b.isNil()) return context.nil; if (b instanceof RubyFixnum) { byte cc = (byte) RubyNumeric.fix2int(b); b = RubyString.newStringNoCopy(context.runtime, new byte[]{cc}); } else { b = b.convertToString(); } fptr.ungetbyte(context, b); } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } return context.nil; } // MRI: rb_io_ungetc @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject ungetc(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject c) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; final OpenFile fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { fptr.checkCharReadable(context); if (c == context.nil) return c; if (c instanceof RubyInteger) { c = EncodingUtils.encUintChr(context, (int) ((RubyInteger) c).getLongValue(), fptr.readEncoding(runtime)); } else { c = c.convertToString(); } if (fptr.needsReadConversion()) { fptr.SET_BINARY_MODE(); final int len = ((RubyString) c).size(); // #if SIZEOF_LONG > SIZEOF_INT // if (len > INT_MAX) // rb_raise(rb_eIOError, "ungetc failed"); // #endif fptr.makeReadConversion(context, len); if (fptr.cbuf.capa - fptr.cbuf.len < len) throw runtime.newIOError("ungetc failed"); // shift cbuf back to 0 if (fptr.cbuf.off < len) { System.arraycopy( fptr.cbuf.ptr, fptr.cbuf.off, fptr.cbuf.ptr, fptr.cbuf.capa - fptr.cbuf.len, // this should be 0 fptr.cbuf.len); fptr.cbuf.off = fptr.cbuf.capa - fptr.cbuf.len; // this should be 0 too } fptr.cbuf.off -= len; fptr.cbuf.len += len; ByteList cByteList = ((RubyString) c).getByteList(); System.arraycopy(cByteList.unsafeBytes(), cByteList.begin(), fptr.cbuf.ptr, fptr.cbuf.off, len); } else { fptr.NEED_NEWLINE_DECORATOR_ON_READ_CHECK(); fptr.ungetbyte(context, c); } } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } return context.nil; } @JRubyMethod(name = "read_nonblock", required = 1, optional = 2) public IRubyObject read_nonblock(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { boolean exception = ArgsUtil.extractKeywordArg(context, "exception", args) != context.fals; return doReadNonblock(context, args, exception); } // MRI: io_read_nonblock public IRubyObject doReadNonblock(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, boolean exception) { IRubyObject ret = getPartial(context, args, true, !exception); return ret == context.nil ? nonblockEOF(context.runtime, !exception) : ret; } // MRI: io_nonblock_eof(VALUE opts) static IRubyObject nonblockEOF(final Ruby runtime, final boolean noException) { if ( noException ) return runtime.getNil(); throw runtime.newEOFError(); } @JRubyMethod(name = "readpartial", required = 1, optional = 1) public IRubyObject readpartial(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { // ruby bug 11885 if (args.length == 2) { args[1] = args[1].convertToString(); } IRubyObject value = getPartial(context, args, false, false); if (value.isNil()) { throw context.runtime.newEOFError(); } return value; } // MRI: io_getpartial IRubyObject getPartial(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, boolean nonblock, boolean noException) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; OpenFile fptr; IRubyObject length, str; switch (args.length) { case 3: length = args[0]; str = args[1]; args[2].convertToHash(); break; case 2: length = args[0]; str = TypeConverter.checkHashType(runtime, args[1]); str = str.isNil() ? args[1] : context.nil; break; case 1: length = args[0]; str = context.nil; break; default: length = context.nil; str = context.nil; } final int len; if ( ( len = RubyNumeric.num2int(length) ) < 0 ) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("negative length " + len + " given"); } str = EncodingUtils.setStrBuf(runtime, str, len); str.setTaint(true); fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); final boolean locked = fptr.lock(); int n; try { fptr.checkByteReadable(context); if ( len == 0 ) return str; if ( ! nonblock ) fptr.READ_CHECK(context); ByteList strByteList = ((RubyString) str).getByteList(); n = fptr.readBufferedData(strByteList.unsafeBytes(), strByteList.begin(), len); if (n <= 0) { again: while (true) { if (nonblock) { fptr.setNonblock(runtime); } str = EncodingUtils.setStrBuf(runtime, str, len); strByteList = ((RubyString) str).getByteList(); // arg.fd = fptr->fd; // arg.str_ptr = RSTRING_PTR(str); // arg.len = len; // rb_str_locktmp_ensure(str, read_internal_call, (VALUE)&arg); // n = arg.len; n = OpenFile.readInternal(context, fptr, fptr.fd(), strByteList.unsafeBytes(), strByteList.begin(), len); if (n < 0) { Errno e = fptr.errno(); if (!nonblock && fptr.waitReadable(context)) continue again; if (nonblock && (e == Errno.EWOULDBLOCK || e == Errno.EAGAIN)) { if (noException) return runtime.newSymbol("wait_readable"); throw runtime.newErrnoEAGAINReadableError("read would block"); } return nonblockEOF(runtime, noException); } break; } } } finally { if ( locked ) fptr.unlock(); } ((RubyString) str).setReadLength(n); return n == 0 ? context.nil : str; } // MRI: rb_io_sysread @JRubyMethod(name = "sysread", required = 1, optional = 1) public IRubyObject sysread(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; final int length = RubyNumeric.num2int(args.length >= 1 ? args[0] : context.nil); RubyString str = EncodingUtils.setStrBuf(runtime, args.length >= 2 ? args[1] : context.nil, length); if (length == 0) return str; final OpenFile fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); final int n; boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { fptr.checkByteReadable(context); if (fptr.READ_DATA_BUFFERED()) { throw runtime.newIOError("sysread for buffered IO"); } /* * MRI COMMENT: * FIXME: removing rb_thread_wait_fd() here changes sysread semantics * on non-blocking IOs. However, it's still currently possible * for sysread to raise Errno::EAGAIN if another thread read()s * the IO after we return from rb_thread_wait_fd() but before * we call read() */ context.getThread().select(fptr.channel(), fptr, SelectionKey.OP_READ); fptr.checkClosed(); ByteList strByteList = str.getByteList(); n = OpenFile.readInternal(context, fptr, fptr.fd(), strByteList.unsafeBytes(), strByteList.begin(), length); if (n == -1) { throw runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(fptr.errno(), fptr.getPath()); } } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } if (n == 0 && length > 0) throw runtime.newEOFError(); str.setReadLength(n); str.setTaint(true); return str; } // io_read public IRubyObject read(IRubyObject[] args) { ThreadContext context = getRuntime().getCurrentContext(); switch (args.length) { case 0: return read(context); case 1: return read(context, args[0]); case 2: return read(context, args[0], args[1]); default: throw getRuntime().newArgumentError(args.length, 2); } } // io_read @JRubyMethod(name = "read") public IRubyObject read(ThreadContext context) { return read(context, context.nil, context.nil); } // io_read @JRubyMethod(name = "read") public IRubyObject read(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0) { return read(context, arg0, context.nil); } // io_read @JRubyMethod(name = "read") public IRubyObject read(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject length, IRubyObject str) { if (length == context.nil) { OpenFile fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { fptr.checkCharReadable(context); return fptr.readAll(context, fptr.remainSize(), str); } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } } str = doRead(context, RubyNumeric.num2int(length), str); return str == null ? context.nil : str; } private RubyString doRead(ThreadContext context, int len, IRubyObject str) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; if (len < 0) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("negative length " + len + " given"); } str = EncodingUtils.setStrBuf(runtime, str, len); OpenFile fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); int n; boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { fptr.checkByteReadable(context); if (len == 0) { ((RubyString) str).setReadLength(0); return (RubyString) str; } fptr.READ_CHECK(context); // #if defined(RUBY_TEST_CRLF_ENVIRONMENT) || defined(_WIN32) // previous_mode = set_binary_mode_with_seek_cur(fptr); // #endif n = fptr.fread(context, str, 0, len); } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } ((RubyString)str).setReadLength(n); // #if defined(RUBY_TEST_CRLF_ENVIRONMENT) || defined(_WIN32) // if (previous_mode == O_TEXT) { // setmode(fptr->fd, O_TEXT); // } // #endif if (n == 0) return null; str.setTaint(true); return (RubyString) str; } @Deprecated public IRubyObject readchar() { return readchar(getRuntime().getCurrentContext()); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject stat(ThreadContext context) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; OpenFile fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { int realFileno; fptr.checkClosed(); if (runtime.getPosix().isNative() && (realFileno = fptr.fd().realFileno) != -1) { return RubyFileStat.newFileStat(runtime, realFileno); } else { // no real fd, stat the path return context.runtime.newFileStat(fptr.getPath(), false); } } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } }

Invoke a block for each byte.

MRI: rb_io_each_byte
/** * <p>Invoke a block for each byte.</p> * * MRI: rb_io_each_byte */
public IRubyObject each_byteInternal(ThreadContext context, Block block) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; OpenFile fptr; if (!block.isGiven()) return enumeratorize(context.runtime, this, "each_byte"); fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { do { while (fptr.rbuf.len > 0) { byte[] pBytes = fptr.rbuf.ptr; int p = fptr.rbuf.off++; fptr.rbuf.len--; block.yield(context, runtime.newFixnum(pBytes[p] & 0xFF)); fptr.errno(null); } fptr.checkByteReadable(context); fptr.READ_CHECK(context); } while (fptr.fillbuf(context) >= 0); } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } return this; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject each_byte(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return block.isGiven() ? each_byteInternal(context, block) : enumeratorize(context.runtime, this, "each_byte"); } // rb_io_bytes @JRubyMethod(name = "bytes") public IRubyObject bytes(ThreadContext context, Block block) { context.runtime.getWarnings().warn("IO#bytes is deprecated; use #each_byte instead"); return each_byte(context, block); } // rb_io_each_char public IRubyObject each_charInternal(ThreadContext context, Block block) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; OpenFile fptr; Encoding enc; IRubyObject c; if (!block.isGiven()) return enumeratorize(context.runtime, this, "each_char"); fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { fptr.checkCharReadable(context); enc = fptr.inputEncoding(runtime); fptr.READ_CHECK(context); while (!(c = fptr.getc(context, enc)).isNil()) { block.yield(context, c); } } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } return this; } @JRubyMethod(name = "each_char") public IRubyObject each_char(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return each_charInternal(context, block); } @JRubyMethod(name = "chars") public IRubyObject chars(ThreadContext context, Block block) { context.runtime.getWarnings().warn("IO#chars is deprecated; use #each_char instead"); return each_charInternal(context, block); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject codepoints(ThreadContext context, Block block) { context.runtime.getWarnings().warn("IO#codepoints is deprecated; use #each_codepoint instead"); return eachCodePointCommon(context, block, "each_codepoint"); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject each_codepoint(ThreadContext context, Block block) { return eachCodePointCommon(context, block, "each_codepoint"); } // rb_io_each_codepoint private IRubyObject eachCodePointCommon(ThreadContext context, Block block, String methodName) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; OpenFile fptr; Encoding enc; int c; int r, n; if (!block.isGiven()) return enumeratorize(context.runtime, this, methodName); fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { fptr.checkCharReadable(context); fptr.READ_CHECK(context); if (fptr.needsReadConversion()) { fptr.SET_BINARY_MODE(); r = 1; /* no invalid char yet */ for (;;) { fptr.makeReadConversion(context); for (;;) { if (fptr.cbuf.len != 0) { if (fptr.encs.enc != null) r = StringSupport.preciseLength(fptr.encs.enc, fptr.cbuf.ptr, fptr.cbuf.off, fptr.cbuf.off + fptr.cbuf.len); else r = StringSupport.CONSTRUCT_MBCLEN_CHARFOUND(1); if (!StringSupport.MBCLEN_NEEDMORE_P(r)) break; if (fptr.cbuf.len == fptr.cbuf.capa) { throw runtime.newIOError("too long character"); } } if (fptr.moreChar(context) == OpenFile.MORE_CHAR_FINISHED) { fptr.clearReadConversion(); if (!StringSupport.MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P(r)) { enc = fptr.encs.enc; throw runtime.newArgumentError("invalid byte sequence in " + enc); } return this; } } if (StringSupport.MBCLEN_INVALID_P(r)) { enc = fptr.encs.enc; throw runtime.newArgumentError("invalid byte sequence in " + enc); } n = StringSupport.MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_LEN(r); if (fptr.encs.enc != null) { c = StringSupport.codePoint(runtime, fptr.encs.enc, fptr.cbuf.ptr, fptr.cbuf.off, fptr.cbuf.off + fptr.cbuf.len); } else { c = fptr.cbuf.ptr[fptr.cbuf.off] & 0xFF; } fptr.cbuf.off += n; fptr.cbuf.len -= n; block.yield(context, runtime.newFixnum(c & 0xFFFFFFFF)); } } fptr.NEED_NEWLINE_DECORATOR_ON_READ_CHECK(); enc = fptr.inputEncoding(runtime); while (fptr.fillbuf(context) >= 0) { r = StringSupport.preciseLength(enc, fptr.rbuf.ptr, fptr.rbuf.off, fptr.rbuf.off + fptr.rbuf.len); if (StringSupport.MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P(r) && (n = StringSupport.MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_LEN(r)) <= fptr.rbuf.len) { c = StringSupport.codePoint(runtime, fptr.encs.enc, fptr.rbuf.ptr, fptr.rbuf.off, fptr.rbuf.off + fptr.rbuf.len); fptr.rbuf.off += n; fptr.rbuf.len -= n; block.yield(context, runtime.newFixnum(c & 0xFFFFFFFF)); } else if (StringSupport.MBCLEN_INVALID_P(r)) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("invalid byte sequence in " + enc); } else if (StringSupport.MBCLEN_NEEDMORE_P(r)) { byte[] cbuf = new byte[8]; int p = 0; int more = StringSupport.MBCLEN_NEEDMORE_LEN(r); if (more > cbuf.length) throw runtime.newArgumentError("invalid byte sequence in " + enc); more += n = fptr.rbuf.len; if (more > cbuf.length) throw runtime.newArgumentError("invalid byte sequence in " + enc); while ((n = fptr.readBufferedData(cbuf, p, more)) > 0) { p += n; if ((more -= n) <= 0) break; if (fptr.fillbuf(context) < 0) throw runtime.newArgumentError("invalid byte sequence in " + enc); if ((n = fptr.rbuf.len) > more) n = more; } r = enc.length(cbuf, 0, p); if (!StringSupport.MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P(r)) throw runtime.newArgumentError("invalid byte sequence in " + enc); c = enc.mbcToCode(cbuf, 0, p); block.yield(context, runtime.newFixnum(c)); } else { continue; } } } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } return this; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject each(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { if (!block.isGiven()) return enumeratorize(context.runtime, this, "each"); return Getline.getlineCall(context, GETLINE_YIELD, this, getReadEncoding(context), block); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject each(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, final Block block) { if (!block.isGiven()) return enumeratorize(context.runtime, this, "each"); return Getline.getlineCall(context, GETLINE_YIELD, this, getReadEncoding(context), arg0, block); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject each(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, final Block block) { if (!block.isGiven()) return enumeratorize(context.runtime, this, "each"); return Getline.getlineCall(context, GETLINE_YIELD, this, getReadEncoding(context), arg0, arg1, block); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject each(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, final Block block) { if (!block.isGiven()) return enumeratorize(context.runtime, this, "each"); return Getline.getlineCall(context, GETLINE_YIELD, this, getReadEncoding(context), arg0, arg1, arg2, block); } public IRubyObject each(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[]args, final Block block) { switch (args.length) { case 0: return each(context, block); case 1: return each(context, args[0], block); case 2: return each(context, args[0], args[1], block); case 3: return each(context, args[0], args[1], args[2], block); default: Arity.raiseArgumentError(context, args.length, 0, 3); throw new AssertionError("BUG"); } } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject each_line(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { if (!block.isGiven()) return enumeratorize(context.runtime, this, "each_line"); return Getline.getlineCall(context, GETLINE_YIELD, this, getReadEncoding(context), block); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject each_line(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, final Block block) { if (!block.isGiven()) return enumeratorize(context.runtime, this, "each_line"); return Getline.getlineCall(context, GETLINE_YIELD, this, getReadEncoding(context), arg0, block); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject each_line(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, final Block block) { if (!block.isGiven()) return enumeratorize(context.runtime, this, "each_line"); return Getline.getlineCall(context, GETLINE_YIELD, this, getReadEncoding(context), arg0, arg1, block); } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject each_line(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, final Block block) { if (!block.isGiven()) return enumeratorize(context.runtime, this, "each_line"); return Getline.getlineCall(context, GETLINE_YIELD, this, getReadEncoding(context), arg0, arg1, arg2, block); } public IRubyObject each_line(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[]args, final Block block) { switch (args.length) { case 0: return each_line(context, block); case 1: return each_line(context, args[0], block); case 2: return each_line(context, args[0], args[1], block); case 3: return each_line(context, args[0], args[1], args[2], block); default: Arity.raiseArgumentError(context, args.length, 0, 3); throw new AssertionError("BUG"); } } @JRubyMethod(name = "lines") public IRubyObject lines(final ThreadContext context, Block block) { context.runtime.getWarnings().warn("IO#lines is deprecated; use #each_line instead"); return each_line(context, block); } @JRubyMethod(name = "readlines") public RubyArray readlines(ThreadContext context) { return Getline.getlineCall(context, GETLINE_ARY, this, getReadEncoding(context)); } @JRubyMethod(name = "readlines") public RubyArray readlines(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0) { return Getline.getlineCall(context, GETLINE_ARY, this, getReadEncoding(context), arg0); } @JRubyMethod(name = "readlines") public RubyArray readlines(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) { return Getline.getlineCall(context, GETLINE_ARY, this, getReadEncoding(context), arg0, arg1); } @JRubyMethod(name = "readlines") public RubyArray readlines(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2) { return Getline.getlineCall(context, GETLINE_ARY, this, getReadEncoding(context), arg0, arg1, arg2); } private Encoding getReadEncoding(ThreadContext context) { return getOpenFileChecked().readEncoding(context.runtime); } public RubyArray readlines(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { switch (args.length) { case 0: return readlines(context); case 1: return readlines(context, args[0]); case 2: return readlines(context, args[0], args[1]); case 3: return readlines(context, args[0], args[1], args[2]); default: Arity.raiseArgumentError(context, args.length, 0, 3); throw new AssertionError("BUG"); } } @JRubyMethod(name = "to_io") public RubyIO to_io() { return this; } @Override public String toString() { return inspect().toString(); } /* class methods for IO */ // rb_io_s_foreach private static IRubyObject foreachInternal(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject opt = ArgsUtil.getOptionsArg(context.runtime, args); RubyIO io = openKeyArgs(context, recv, args, opt); if (io == context.nil) return io; // replace arg with coerced opts if (opt != context.nil) args[args.length - 1] = opt; // io_s_foreach, roughly try { switch (args.length) { case 1: Getline.getlineCall(context, GETLINE_YIELD, io, io.getReadEncoding(context), block); break; case 2: Getline.getlineCall(context, GETLINE_YIELD, io, io.getReadEncoding(context), args[1], block); break; case 3: Getline.getlineCall(context, GETLINE_YIELD, io, io.getReadEncoding(context), args[1], args[2], block); break; case 4: Getline.getlineCall(context, GETLINE_YIELD, io, io.getReadEncoding(context), args[1], args[2], args[3], block); break; } } finally { io.close(); context.setLastLine(context.nil); runtime.getGlobalVariables().clear("$_"); } return context.nil; } @JRubyMethod(name = "foreach", required = 1, optional = 3, meta = true) public static IRubyObject foreach(final ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args, final Block block) { if (!block.isGiven()) return enumeratorize(context.runtime, recv, "foreach", args); return foreachInternal(context, recv, args, block); } public static RubyIO convertToIO(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) { return TypeConverter.ioGetIO(context.runtime, obj); } @JRubyMethod(name = "select", required = 1, optional = 3, meta = true) public static IRubyObject select(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] argv) { IRubyObject read, write, except, _timeout; read = write = except = _timeout = context.nil; switch (argv.length) { case 4: _timeout = argv[3]; case 3: except = argv[2]; case 2: write = argv[1]; case 1: read = argv[0]; } final Long timeout; if (_timeout.isNil()) { timeout = null; } else { try { // MRI calls to_f even if not respond_to? (or respond_to_missing?) :to_f _timeout = sites(context).to_f.call(context, _timeout, _timeout); } catch (RaiseException e) { TypeConverter.handleUncoercibleObject(context.runtime, _timeout, context.runtime.getFloat(), true); throw e; // won't happen } final double t = _timeout.convertToFloat().getDoubleValue(); if ( t < 0 ) throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("negative timeout"); timeout = (long) (t * 1000); // ms } SelectExecutor args = new SelectExecutor(read, write, except, timeout); return args.go(context); } // MRI: rb_io_advise @JRubyMethod(required = 1, optional = 2) public IRubyObject advise(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] argv) { IRubyObject advice, offset, len; advice = offset = len = context.nil; OpenFile fptr; switch (argv.length) { case 3: len = argv[2]; case 2: offset = argv[1]; case 1: advice = argv[0]; } adviceArgCheck(context, advice); RubyIO io = GetWriteIO(); fptr = io.getOpenFileChecked(); boolean locked = fptr.lock(); try { int off = offset.isNil() ? 0 : offset.convertToInteger().getIntValue(); int l = len.isNil() ? 0 : len.convertToInteger().getIntValue(); // TODO: implement advise // #ifdef HAVE_POSIX_FADVISE // return do_io_advise(fptr, advice, off, l); // #else // ((void)off, (void)l); /* Ignore all hint */ return context.nil; // #endif } finally { if (locked) fptr.unlock(); } } // MRI: advice_arg_check static void adviceArgCheck(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject advice) { if (!(advice instanceof RubySymbol)) throw context.runtime.newTypeError("advise must be a symbol"); String adviceStr = advice.asJavaString(); switch (adviceStr) { default: throw context.runtime.newNotImplementedError(rbInspect(context, advice).toString()); case "normal": case "sequential": case "random": case "willneed": case "dontneed": case "noreuse": // ok } } public static void failIfDirectory(Ruby runtime, RubyString pathStr) { if (RubyFileTest.directory_p(runtime, pathStr).isTrue()) { if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS) { throw runtime.newErrnoEACCESError(pathStr.asJavaString()); } else { throw runtime.newErrnoEISDirError(pathStr.asJavaString()); } } } // open_key_args private static RubyIO openKeyArgs(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] argv, IRubyObject opt) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject vmode = context.nil, vperm = context.nil, v; RubyString path = StringSupport.checkEmbeddedNulls(runtime, RubyFile.get_path(context, argv[0])); failIfDirectory(runtime, path); // only in JRuby // MRI increments args past 0 now, so remaining uses of args only see non-path args if (opt == context.nil) { vmode = runtime.newFixnum(ModeFlags.RDONLY); vperm = runtime.newFixnum(0666); } else if ((v = ((RubyHash) opt).op_aref(context, runtime.newSymbol("open_args"))) != context.nil) { RubyArray vAry = v.convertToArray(); int n = vAry.size(); Arity.checkArgumentCount(runtime, n, 0, 3); opt = ArgsUtil.getOptionsArg(runtime, vAry.toJavaArrayMaybeUnsafe()); if (opt != context.nil) n--; switch (n) { case 2: vperm = vAry.eltOk(1); case 1: vmode = vAry.eltOk(0); } } return ioOpen(context, recv, path, vmode, vperm, opt); } // MRI: rb_io_open public static IRubyObject ioOpen(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject filename, IRubyObject vmode, IRubyObject vperm, IRubyObject opt) { return ioOpen(context, recv, filename.asString(), vmode, vperm, opt); } static RubyIO ioOpen(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, RubyString filename, IRubyObject vmode, IRubyObject vperm, IRubyObject opt) { int[] oflags_p = {0}, fmode_p = {0}; ConvConfig convConfig = new ConvConfig(); Object pm = EncodingUtils.vmodeVperm(vmode, vperm); EncodingUtils.extractModeEncoding(context, convConfig, pm, opt, oflags_p, fmode_p); vperm = vperm(pm); int perm = (vperm == null || vperm == context.nil) ? 0666 : RubyNumeric.num2int(vperm); return ioOpenGeneric(context, recv, filename, oflags_p[0], fmode_p[0], convConfig, perm); } // MRI: rb_io_open_generic private static RubyIO ioOpenGeneric(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject filename, int oflags, int fmode, IOEncodable convconfig, int perm) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject cmd; if ((filename instanceof RubyString) && ((RubyString) filename).isEmpty()) { throw runtime.newErrnoENOENTError(); } boolean warn = recv == runtime.getFile(); if ((warn || recv == runtime.getIO()) && (cmd = PopenExecutor.checkPipeCommand(context, filename)) != context.nil) { if (PopenExecutor.nativePopenAvailable(runtime)) { if (recv != runtime.getIO()) { // FIXME: use actual called name instead of "open" as in MRI String message = "IO.open called on " + recv + " to invoke external command"; if (warn) { runtime.getWarnings().warn(message); } } return (RubyIO) PopenExecutor.pipeOpen(context, cmd, OpenFile.ioOflagsModestr(runtime, oflags), fmode, convconfig); } else { throw runtime.newArgumentError("pipe open is not supported without native subprocess logic"); } } return (RubyIO) ((RubyFile) runtime.getFile().allocate()).fileOpenGeneric(context, filename, oflags, fmode, convconfig, perm); }
binread is just like read, except it doesn't take options and it forces mode to be "rb:ASCII-8BIT"
  • context – the current ThreadContext
  • recv – the target of the call (IO or a subclass)
  • args – arguments; path [, length [, offset]]
Returns:the binary contents of the given file, at specified length and offset
/** * binread is just like read, except it doesn't take options and it forces * mode to be "rb:ASCII-8BIT" * * @param context the current ThreadContext * @param recv the target of the call (IO or a subclass) * @param args arguments; path [, length [, offset]] * @return the binary contents of the given file, at specified length and offset */
@JRubyMethod(meta = true, required = 1, optional = 2) public static IRubyObject binread(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject path = StringSupport.checkEmbeddedNulls(runtime, RubyFile.get_path(context, args[0])); IRubyObject length, offset; length = offset = context.nil; IOEncodable convconfig = new IOEncodable.ConvConfig(); int fmode = OpenFile.READABLE | OpenFile.BINMODE; OpenFlags oBinary = OpenFlags.O_BINARY; int oflags = OpenFlags.O_RDONLY.intValue() | (oBinary.defined() ? oBinary.intValue() : 0); if (args.length > 2) { offset = args[2]; length = args[1]; } else if (args.length > 1) { length = args[1]; } convconfig.setEnc(ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE); RubyIO file = ioOpenGeneric(context, recv, path, oflags, fmode, convconfig, 0); if (file.isNil()) return context.nil; try { if (!offset.isNil()) { file.seek(context, offset); } return file.read(context, length); } finally { file.close(); } } // Enebo: annotation processing forced me to do pangea method here... @JRubyMethod(name = "read", meta = true, required = 1, optional = 3) public static IRubyObject read(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args, Block unusedBlock) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject path = args[0]; IRubyObject length, offset, options; length = offset = options = context.nil; { // rb_scan_args logic, basically if (args.length > 3) { if (!(args[3] instanceof RubyHash)) throw runtime.newTypeError("Must be a hash"); options = (RubyHash) args[3]; offset = args[2]; length = args[1]; } else if (args.length > 2) { if (args[2] instanceof RubyHash) { options = (RubyHash) args[2]; } else { offset = args[2]; } length = args[1]; } else if (args.length > 1) { if (args[1] instanceof RubyHash) { options = (RubyHash) args[1]; } else { length = args[1]; } } if (options == null) { options = RubyHash.newHash(runtime); } } RubyIO file = openKeyArgs(context, recv, new IRubyObject[]{path, length, offset}, options); try { if (offset != context.nil) { // protect logic around here in MRI? file.seek(context, offset); } return file.read(context, length); } finally { file.close(); } } public static IRubyObject read(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) { return read(context, recv, args, Block.NULL_BLOCK); } // rb_io_s_binwrite @JRubyMethod(meta = true, required = 2, optional = 2) public static IRubyObject binwrite(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) { return ioStaticWrite(context, recv, args, true); } // MRI: rb_io_s_write @JRubyMethod(name = "write", meta = true, required = 2, optional = 2) public static IRubyObject write(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] argv) { return (ioStaticWrite(context, recv, argv, false)); } // MRI: io_s_write public static IRubyObject ioStaticWrite(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] argv, boolean binary) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject string, offset, opt; string = offset = opt = context.nil; switch (argv.length) { case 4: opt = argv[3].convertToHash(); offset = argv[2]; string = argv[1]; break; case 3: opt = TypeConverter.checkHashType(runtime, argv[2]); if (opt.isNil()) offset = argv[2]; string = argv[1]; break; case 2: string = argv[1]; break; default: Arity.raiseArgumentError(runtime, argv.length, 2, 4); } final RubyHash optHash; optHash = opt == context.nil ? RubyHash.newHash(runtime) : ((RubyHash) opt).dupFast(context); final RubySymbol modeSym = runtime.newSymbol("mode"); if ( optHash.op_aref(context, modeSym) == context.nil ) { int mode = OpenFlags.O_WRONLY.intValue() | OpenFlags.O_CREAT.intValue(); if ( OpenFlags.O_BINARY.defined() ) { if ( binary ) mode |= OpenFlags.O_BINARY.intValue(); } if ( offset == context.nil ) mode |= OpenFlags.O_TRUNC.intValue(); optHash.op_aset(context, modeSym, runtime.newFixnum(mode)); } IRubyObject _io = openKeyArgs(context, recv, argv, optHash); if ( _io == context.nil ) return context.nil; final RubyIO io = (RubyIO) _io; if ( ! OpenFlags.O_BINARY.defined() ) { if ( binary ) io.binmode(); } if ( offset != context.nil ) { seekBeforeAccess(context, io, offset); } try { return io.write(context, string, false); } finally { ioClose(context, io); } } static IRubyObject seekBeforeAccess(ThreadContext context, RubyIO io, IRubyObject offset) { io.setBinmode(); return io.seek(context, offset); } @Deprecated public static IRubyObject readlines19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args, Block unusedBlock) { return readlines(context, recv, args, unusedBlock); } // rb_io_s_readlines @JRubyMethod(name = "readlines", required = 1, optional = 3, meta = true) public static IRubyObject readlines(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args, Block unusedBlock) { IRubyObject opt = ArgsUtil.getOptionsArg(context.runtime, args); final RubyIO io = openKeyArgs(context, recv, args, opt); try { switch (args.length) { case 1: return io.readlines(context); case 2: // replace with coerced, so we don't coerce again later if (opt != context.nil) return io.readlines(context, opt); return io.readlines(context, args[1]); case 3: if (opt != context.nil) return io.readlines(context, args[1], opt); return io.readlines(context, args[1], args[2]); case 4: if (opt != context.nil) return io.readlines(context, args[1], args[2], opt); return io.readlines(context, args[1], args[2], args[3]); default: Arity.raiseArgumentError(context, args.length, 1, 4); throw new AssertionError("BUG"); } } finally { io.close(); } } private void setupPopen(final Ruby runtime, ModeFlags modes, POpenProcess process) throws RaiseException { openFile.setMode(modes.getOpenFileFlags() | OpenFile.SYNC); openFile.setProcess(process); if (openFile.isReadable()) { Channel inChannel; if (process.getInput() != null) { // NIO-based inChannel = process.getInput(); } else { // Stream-based inChannel = Channels.newChannel(process.getInputStream()); } ChannelFD main = new ChannelFD(inChannel, runtime.getPosix(), runtime.getFilenoUtil()); openFile.setFD(main); } if (openFile.isWritable() && process.hasOutput()) { Channel outChannel; if (process.getOutput() != null) { // NIO-based outChannel = process.getOutput(); } else { outChannel = Channels.newChannel(process.getOutputStream()); } ChannelFD pipe = new ChannelFD(outChannel, runtime.getPosix(), runtime.getFilenoUtil()); // if also readable, attach as tied IO; otherwise, primary IO if (openFile.isReadable()) { RubyIO writeIO = new RubyIO(runtime, runtime.getIO()); writeIO.initializeCommon(runtime.getCurrentContext(), pipe, runtime.newFixnum(OpenFlags.O_WRONLY), runtime.getNil()); openFile.tiedIOForWriting = writeIO; setInstanceVariable("@tied_io_for_writing", writeIO); } else { openFile.setFD(pipe); } } } private static final class RubyPOpen { final RubyString cmd; final IRubyObject[] cmdPlusArgs; final RubyHash env; RubyPOpen(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject[] args) { IRubyObject[] _cmdPlusArgs; IRubyObject _env; IRubyObject _cmd; int firstArg = 0; int argc = args.length; if (argc > 0 && !(_env = TypeConverter.checkHashType(runtime, args[0])).isNil()) { if (argc < 2) throw runtime.newArgumentError(1, 2); firstArg++; argc--; } else { _env = null; } IRubyObject arg0 = args[firstArg].checkArrayType(); if (arg0.isNil()) { if ((arg0 = TypeConverter.checkStringType(runtime, args[firstArg])).isNil()) { throw runtime.newTypeError(args[firstArg], runtime.getString()); } _cmdPlusArgs = null; _cmd = arg0; } else { RubyArray arg0Ary = (RubyArray) arg0; if (arg0Ary.isEmpty()) throw runtime.newArgumentError("wrong number of arguments"); if (arg0Ary.eltOk(0) instanceof RubyHash) { // leading hash, use for env _env = arg0Ary.delete_at(0); } if (arg0Ary.isEmpty()) throw runtime.newArgumentError("wrong number of arguments"); if (arg0Ary.size() > 1 && arg0Ary.eltOk(arg0Ary.size() - 1) instanceof RubyHash) { // trailing hash, use for opts _env = arg0Ary.eltOk(arg0Ary.size() - 1); } _cmdPlusArgs = arg0Ary.toJavaArray(); _cmd = _cmdPlusArgs[0]; } if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS) { String commandString = _cmd.convertToString().toString().replace('/', '\\'); _cmd = runtime.newString(commandString); if (_cmdPlusArgs != null) _cmdPlusArgs[0] = _cmd; } else { _cmd = _cmd.convertToString(); if (_cmdPlusArgs != null) _cmdPlusArgs[0] = _cmd; } this.cmd = (RubyString)_cmd; this.cmdPlusArgs = _cmdPlusArgs; this.env = (RubyHash)_env; } } @JRubyMethod(name = "popen", required = 1, optional = 2, meta = true) public static IRubyObject popen(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; if (PopenExecutor.nativePopenAvailable(runtime)) { // new native popen logic return PopenExecutor.popen(context, args, (RubyClass)recv, block); } // old JDK popen logic IRubyObject pmode = null; RubyHash options = null; IRubyObject tmp; int firstArg = 0; int argc = args.length; if (argc > 0 && !TypeConverter.checkHashType(runtime, args[0]).isNil()) { firstArg++; argc--; } if (argc > 0 && !(tmp = TypeConverter.checkHashType(runtime, args[args.length - 1])).isNil()) { options = (RubyHash)tmp; argc--; } if (argc > 1) { pmode = args[firstArg + 1]; } RubyIO io = new RubyIO(runtime, (RubyClass) recv); io.MakeOpenFile(); Object pm = vmodeVperm(pmode, runtime.newFixnum(0)); int[] oflags_p = {0}, fmode_p = {0}; EncodingUtils.extractModeEncoding(context, io, pm, options, oflags_p, fmode_p); ModeFlags modes = ModeFlags.createModeFlags(oflags_p[0]); // FIXME: Reprocessing logic twice for now... // for 1.9 mode, strip off the trailing options hash, if there if (args.length > 1 && args[args.length - 1] instanceof RubyHash) { options = (RubyHash) args[args.length - 1]; args = ArraySupport.newCopy(args, 0, args.length - 1); } RubyPOpen pOpen = new RubyPOpen(runtime, args); if (isDash(pOpen.cmd)) { throw runtime.newNotImplementedError("popen(\"-\") is unimplemented"); } try { ShellLauncher.POpenProcess process; if (pOpen.cmdPlusArgs == null) { process = ShellLauncher.popen(runtime, pOpen.cmd, modes); } else { process = ShellLauncher.popen(runtime, pOpen.cmdPlusArgs, pOpen.env, modes); } if (options != null) { checkUnsupportedOptions(context, options, UNSUPPORTED_SPAWN_OPTIONS, "unsupported popen option"); } io.setupPopen(runtime, modes, process); if (block.isGiven()) { ensureYieldClose(context, io, block); // RubyStatus uses real native status now, so we unshift Java's shifted exit status context.setLastExitStatus(RubyProcess.RubyStatus.newProcessStatus(runtime, process.waitFor() << 8, ShellLauncher.getPidFromProcess(process))); } return io; } catch (IOException e) { throw runtime.newIOErrorFromException(e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw runtime.newThreadError("unexpected interrupt"); } } @Deprecated public static IRubyObject pipe19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv) { return pipe19(context, recv, IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY, Block.NULL_BLOCK); } @Deprecated public static IRubyObject pipe19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject modes) { return pipe19(context, recv, new IRubyObject[] {modes}, Block.NULL_BLOCK); } @Deprecated public static IRubyObject pipe19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject klass, IRubyObject[] argv, Block block) { return pipe(context, klass, argv, block); } public static IRubyObject pipe(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv) { return pipe(context, recv, IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY, Block.NULL_BLOCK); } @JRubyMethod(name = "pipe", optional = 3, meta = true) public static IRubyObject pipe(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject klass, IRubyObject[] argv, Block block) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; int state; RubyIO r, w; // IRubyObject args[] = new IRubyObject[3] IRubyObject v1, v2; IRubyObject opt; v1 = v2 = opt = context.nil; OpenFile fptr, fptr2; int[] fmode_p = {0}; IRubyObject ret; int argc = argv.length; switch (argc) { case 3: opt = argv[2].convertToHash(); argc--; v2 = argv[1]; v1 = argv[0]; break; case 2: opt = TypeConverter.checkHashType(runtime, argv[1]); if (!opt.isNil()) { argc--; } else { v2 = argv[1]; } v1 = argv[0]; break; case 1: opt = TypeConverter.checkHashType(runtime, argv[0]); if (!opt.isNil()) { argc--; } else { v1 = argv[0]; } } PosixShim posix = new PosixShim(runtime); Channel[] fds = posix.pipe(); if (fds == null) throw runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(posix.getErrno(), "opening pipe"); // args[0] = klass; // args[1] = INT2NUM(pipes[0]); // args[2] = INT2FIX(O_RDONLY); // r = rb_protect(io_new_instance, (VALUE)args, &state); // if (state) { // close(pipes[0]); // close(pipes[1]); // rb_jump_tag(state); // } r = new RubyIO(runtime, (RubyClass)klass); r.initializeCommon(context, new ChannelFD(fds[0], runtime.getPosix(), runtime.getFilenoUtil()), runtime.newFixnum(OpenFlags.O_RDONLY), context.nil); fptr = r.getOpenFileChecked(); r.setEncoding(context, v1, v2, opt); // args[1] = INT2NUM(pipes[1]); // args[2] = INT2FIX(O_WRONLY); // w = rb_protect(io_new_instance, (VALUE)args, &state); // if (state) { // close(pipes[1]); // if (!NIL_P(r)) rb_io_close(r); // rb_jump_tag(state); // } w = new RubyIO(runtime, (RubyClass)klass); w.initializeCommon(context, new ChannelFD(fds[1], runtime.getPosix(), runtime.getFilenoUtil()), runtime.newFixnum(OpenFlags.O_WRONLY), context.nil); fptr2 = w.getOpenFileChecked(); fptr2.setSync(true); EncodingUtils.extractBinmode(runtime, opt, fmode_p); if (EncodingUtils.DEFAULT_TEXTMODE != 0) { if ((fptr.getMode() & OpenFile.TEXTMODE) != 0 && (fmode_p[0] & OpenFile.BINMODE) != 0) { fptr.setMode(fptr.getMode() & ~OpenFile.TEXTMODE); // TODO: setmode O_BINARY means what via NIO? // setmode(fptr->fd, O_BINARY); } if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS) { // #if defined(RUBY_TEST_CRLF_ENVIRONMENT) || defined(_WIN32) if ((fptr.encs.ecflags & EncodingUtils.ECONV_DEFAULT_NEWLINE_DECORATOR) != 0) { fptr.encs.ecflags |= EConvFlags.UNIVERSAL_NEWLINE_DECORATOR; } } } fptr.setMode(fptr.getMode() | fmode_p[0]); if (EncodingUtils.DEFAULT_TEXTMODE != 0) { if ((fptr2.getMode() & OpenFile.TEXTMODE) != 0 && (fmode_p[0] & OpenFile.BINMODE) != 0) { fptr2.setMode(fptr2.getMode() & ~OpenFile.TEXTMODE); // TODO: setmode O_BINARY means what via NIO? // setmode(fptr2->fd, O_BINARY); } } fptr2.setMode(fptr2.getMode() | fmode_p[0]); ret = runtime.newArray(r, w); if (block.isGiven()) { return ensureYieldClosePipes(context, ret, r, w, block); } return ret; } // MRI: rb_ensure(... pipe_pair_close ...) public static IRubyObject ensureYieldClosePipes(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj, RubyIO r, RubyIO w, Block block) { try { return block.yield(context, obj); } finally { pipePairClose(context, r, w); } } // MRI: pipe_pair_close private static void pipePairClose(ThreadContext context, RubyIO r, RubyIO w) { try { ioClose(context, r); } finally { ioClose(context, w); } } @JRubyMethod(name = "copy_stream", required = 2, optional = 2, meta = true) public static IRubyObject copy_stream(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject arg1 = args[0]; IRubyObject arg2 = args[1]; RubyInteger length = null; RubyInteger offset = null; RubyIO io1 = null; RubyIO io2 = null; Channel channel1 = null; Channel channel2 = null; if (args.length >= 3 && !args[2].isNil()) { length = args[2].convertToInteger(); } if (args.length == 4 && !args[3].isNil()) { offset = args[3].convertToInteger(); } IOSites sites = sites(context); // whether we were given an IO or had to produce a channel locally in some other way boolean userProvidedReadIO = false; // whether we constructed, and should close, the indicated IO boolean local1 = false; boolean local2 = false; try { if (arg1 instanceof RubyString) { io1 = (RubyIO) RubyFile.open(context, runtime.getFile(), new IRubyObject[]{arg1}, Block.NULL_BLOCK); local1 = true; } else if (arg1 instanceof RubyIO) { io1 = (RubyIO) arg1; userProvidedReadIO = true; } else if (sites.to_path_checked1.respond_to_X.respondsTo(context, arg1, arg1)) { RubyString path = (RubyString) TypeConverter.convertToType(context, arg1, runtime.getString(), sites.to_path_checked1); io1 = (RubyIO) RubyFile.open(context, runtime.getFile(), new IRubyObject[]{path}, Block.NULL_BLOCK); local1 = true; } else if (sites.respond_to_read.respondsTo(context, arg1, arg1, true)) { channel1 = new IOChannel.IOReadableByteChannel(arg1); } else if (sites.respond_to_readpartial.respondsTo(context, arg1, arg1, true)) { channel1 = new IOChannel.IOReadableByteChannel(arg1, "readpartial"); } else { throw runtime.newArgumentError("Should be String or IO"); } // for instance IO, just use its channel if (io1 instanceof RubyIO) { io1.openFile.checkReadable(context); channel1 = io1.getChannel(); } if (arg2 instanceof RubyString) { io2 = (RubyIO) RubyFile.open(context, runtime.getFile(), new IRubyObject[]{arg2, runtime.newString("w")}, Block.NULL_BLOCK); local2 = true; } else if (arg2 instanceof RubyIO) { io2 = (RubyIO) arg2; } else if (sites.to_path_checked2.respond_to_X.respondsTo(context, arg2, arg2)) { RubyString path = (RubyString) TypeConverter.convertToType(context, arg2, runtime.getString(), sites.to_path_checked2); io2 = (RubyIO) RubyFile.open(context, runtime.getFile(), new IRubyObject[]{path, runtime.newString("w")}, Block.NULL_BLOCK); local2 = true; } else if (sites.respond_to_write.respondsTo(context, arg2, arg2, true)) { channel2 = new IOChannel.IOWritableByteChannel(arg2); } else { throw runtime.newArgumentError("Should be String or IO"); } // for instanceof IO, just use its write channel if (io2 instanceof RubyIO) { io2 = io2.GetWriteIO(); io2.openFile.checkWritable(context); io2.flush(context); channel2 = io2.getChannel(); } if (!(channel1 instanceof ReadableByteChannel)) throw runtime.newIOError("from IO is not readable"); if (!(channel2 instanceof WritableByteChannel)) throw runtime.newIOError("to IO is not writable"); boolean locked = false; OpenFile fptr1 = null; // attempt to preserve position of original and lock user IO for duration of copy if (userProvidedReadIO) { fptr1 = io1.getOpenFileChecked(); locked = fptr1.lock(); } try { long pos = 0; long size = 0; if (userProvidedReadIO) { pos = fptr1.tell(context); } try { if ((channel1 instanceof FileChannel)) { FileChannel from = (FileChannel) channel1; WritableByteChannel to = (WritableByteChannel) channel2; long remaining = length == null ? from.size() : length.getLongValue(); long position = offset == null ? from.position() : offset.getLongValue(); size = transfer(from, to, remaining, position); } else { long remaining = length == null ? -1 : length.getLongValue(); long position = offset == null ? -1 : offset.getLongValue(); if ((channel2 instanceof FileChannel)) { ReadableByteChannel from = (ReadableByteChannel) channel1; FileChannel to = (FileChannel) channel2; size = transfer(context, from, to, remaining, position); } else { ReadableByteChannel from = (ReadableByteChannel) channel1; WritableByteChannel to = (WritableByteChannel) channel2; size = transfer(context, from, to, remaining, position); } } return context.runtime.newFixnum(size); } catch (EOFError eof) { // ignore EOF, reached end of input return context.runtime.newFixnum(size); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw runtime.newIOErrorFromException(ioe); } finally { if (userProvidedReadIO) { if (offset != null) { fptr1.seek(context, pos, PosixShim.SEEK_SET); } else { fptr1.seek(context, pos + size, PosixShim.SEEK_SET); } } } } finally { if (userProvidedReadIO && locked) fptr1.unlock(); } } finally { // Clean up locally-created IO objects if (local1) { try {io1.close();} catch (Exception e) {} } if (local2) { try {io2.close();} catch (Exception e) {} } } } private static long transfer(ThreadContext context, ReadableByteChannel from, FileChannel to, long length, long position) throws IOException { // handle large files on 32-bit JVMs long chunkSize = 128 * 1024 * 1024; long transferred = 0; long bytes; long startPosition = to.position(); if (position != -1) { if (from instanceof NativeSelectableChannel) { int ret = context.runtime.getPosix().lseek(((NativeSelectableChannel)from).getFD(), position, PosixShim.SEEK_SET); if (ret == -1) { throw context.runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(Errno.valueOf(context.runtime.getPosix().errno()), from.toString()); } } } if (length > 0) { while ((bytes = to.transferFrom(from, startPosition+transferred, Math.min(chunkSize, length))) > 0) { transferred += bytes; length -= bytes; } } else { while ((bytes = to.transferFrom(from, startPosition+transferred, chunkSize)) > 0) { transferred += bytes; } } // transforFrom does not change position of target to.position(startPosition + transferred); return transferred; } private static long transfer(FileChannel from, WritableByteChannel to, long remaining, long position) throws IOException { // handle large files on 32-bit JVMs long chunkSize = 128 * 1024 * 1024; long transferred = 0; if (remaining < 0) remaining = from.size(); while (remaining > 0) { long count = Math.min(remaining, chunkSize); long n = from.transferTo(position, count, to); if (n == 0) { break; } position += n; remaining -= n; transferred += n; } return transferred; } private static long transfer(ThreadContext context, ReadableByteChannel from, WritableByteChannel to, long length, long position) throws IOException { int chunkSize = 8 * 1024; ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(chunkSize); long transferred = 0; if (position != -1) { if (from instanceof NativeSelectableChannel) { int ret = context.runtime.getPosix().lseek(((NativeSelectableChannel)from).getFD(), position, PosixShim.SEEK_SET); if (ret == -1) { throw context.runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(Errno.valueOf(context.runtime.getPosix().errno()), from.toString()); } } } while (true) { context.pollThreadEvents(); if (length > 0 && length < chunkSize) { // last read should limit to remaining length limitBuffer(buffer, (int)length); } long n = from.read(buffer); if (n == -1) break; // write buffer fully and then clear flipBuffer(buffer); long w = 0; while (w < n) { w += to.write(buffer); } clearBuffer(buffer); transferred += n; if (length > 0) { length -= n; if (length <= 0) break; } if (!from.isOpen()) break; } return transferred; } @JRubyMethod(name = "try_convert", meta = true) public static IRubyObject tryConvert(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject arg) { return ( arg instanceof RubyObject && sites(context).respond_to_to_io.respondsTo(context, arg, arg, true) ) ? convertToIO(context, arg) : context.nil; } @JRubyMethod(name = "pread") public IRubyObject pread(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject len, IRubyObject offset) { int count = len.convertToInteger().getIntValue(); return pread(context, len, offset, null); } @JRubyMethod(name = "pread") public IRubyObject pread(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject len, IRubyObject offset, IRubyObject str) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; int count = len.convertToInteger().getIntValue(); long off = offset.convertToInteger().getIntValue(); RubyString string = EncodingUtils.setStrBuf(runtime, str, count); if (count == 0) return string; OpenFile fptr = getOpenFile(); fptr.checkByteReadable(context); ChannelFD fd = fptr.fd(); fptr.checkClosed(); ByteList strByteList = string.getByteList(); try { return context.getThread().executeTask(context, fd, new RubyThread.Task<ChannelFD, IRubyObject>() { @Override public IRubyObject run(ThreadContext context, ChannelFD channelFD) throws InterruptedException { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; ByteBuffer wrap = ByteBuffer.wrap(strByteList.unsafeBytes(), strByteList.begin(), count); int read = 0; try { if (fd.chFile != null) { read = fd.chFile.read(wrap, off); if (read == -1) { throw runtime.newEOFError(); } } else if (fd.chNative != null) { read = (int) runtime.getPosix().pread(fd.chNative.getFD(), wrap, count, off); if (read == 0) { throw runtime.newEOFError(); } else if (read == -1) { throw runtime.newErrnoFromInt(runtime.getPosix().errno()); } } else if (fd.chRead != null) { read = fd.chRead.read(wrap); } else { throw runtime.newIOError("not opened for reading"); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw Helpers.newIOErrorFromException(runtime, ioe); } string.setReadLength(read); return string; } @Override public void wakeup(RubyThread thread, ChannelFD channelFD) { // FIXME: NO! This will kill many native channels. Must be nonblocking to interrupt. thread.getNativeThread().interrupt(); } }); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throw context.runtime.newConcurrencyError("IO operation interrupted"); } } @JRubyMethod(name = "pwrite") public IRubyObject pwrite(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject str, IRubyObject offset) { OpenFile fptr; RubyString buf; RubyString string; if (str instanceof RubyString) { string = (RubyString) str; } else { string = str.convertToString(); } long off = offset.convertToInteger().getLongValue(); RubyIO io = GetWriteIO(); fptr = io.getOpenFile(); fptr.checkWritable(context); ChannelFD fd = fptr.fd(); buf = string.newFrozen(); ByteList strByteList = buf.getByteList(); try { return context.getThread().executeTask(context, fd, new RubyThread.Task<ChannelFD, IRubyObject>() { @Override public IRubyObject run(ThreadContext context, ChannelFD channelFD) throws InterruptedException { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; int length = strByteList.realSize(); ByteBuffer wrap = ByteBuffer.wrap(strByteList.unsafeBytes(), strByteList.begin(), length); int written = 0; try { if (fd.chFile != null) { written = fd.chFile.write(wrap, off); } else if (fd.chNative != null) { written = (int) runtime.getPosix().pwrite(fd.chNative.getFD(), wrap, length, off); } else if (fd.chWrite != null) { written = fd.chWrite.write(wrap); } else { throw runtime.newIOError("not opened for writing"); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw Helpers.newIOErrorFromException(runtime, ioe); } return runtime.newFixnum(written); } @Override public void wakeup(RubyThread thread, ChannelFD channelFD) { // FIXME: NO! This will kill many native channels. Must be nonblocking to interrupt. thread.getNativeThread().interrupt(); } }); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throw context.runtime.newConcurrencyError("IO operation interrupted"); } }
Add a thread to the list of blocking threads for this IO.
  • thread – A thread blocking on this IO
/** * Add a thread to the list of blocking threads for this IO. * * @param thread A thread blocking on this IO */
public void addBlockingThread(RubyThread thread) { OpenFile fptr = openFile; if (fptr != null) fptr.addBlockingThread(thread); }
Remove a thread from the list of blocking threads for this IO.
  • thread – A thread blocking on this IO
/** * Remove a thread from the list of blocking threads for this IO. * * @param thread A thread blocking on this IO */
public void removeBlockingThread(RubyThread thread) { OpenFile fptr = this.openFile; if (fptr != null) fptr.removeBlockingThread(thread); }
See http://ruby-doc.org/core-1.9.3/IO.html#method-c-new for the format of modes in options
/** * See http://ruby-doc.org/core-1.9.3/IO.html#method-c-new for the format of modes in options */
protected IOOptions updateIOOptionsFromOptions(ThreadContext context, RubyHash options, IOOptions ioOptions) { if (options == null || options == context.nil) return ioOptions; final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; final IRubyObject mode = options.fastARef(runtime.newSymbol("mode")); if (mode != null) { ioOptions = parseIOOptions(mode); } // This duplicates the non-error behavior of MRI 1.9: the // :binmode option is ORed in with other options. It does // not obliterate what came before. final RubySymbol binmode = runtime.newSymbol("binmode"); if (isTrue(options.fastARef(binmode))) { ioOptions = newIOOptions(runtime, ioOptions, ModeFlags.BINARY); } // This duplicates the non-error behavior of MRI 1.9: the // :binmode option is ORed in with other options. It does // not obliterate what came before. if (isTrue(options.fastARef(binmode))) { ioOptions = newIOOptions(runtime, ioOptions, ModeFlags.BINARY); } if (isTrue(options.fastARef(runtime.newSymbol("textmode")))) { ioOptions = newIOOptions(runtime, ioOptions, ModeFlags.TEXT); } // TODO: Waaaay different than MRI. They uniformly have all opening logic // do a scan of args before anything opens. We do this logic in a less // consistent way. We should consider re-impling all IO/File construction // logic. IRubyObject open_args = options.fastARef(runtime.newSymbol("open_args")); if (open_args != null) { RubyArray openArgs = open_args.convertToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < openArgs.size(); i++) { IRubyObject arg = openArgs.eltInternal(i); if (arg instanceof RubyString) { // Overrides all? ioOptions = newIOOptions(runtime, arg.asJavaString()); } else if (arg instanceof RubyFixnum) { ioOptions = newIOOptions(runtime, ((RubyFixnum) arg).getLongValue()); } else if (arg instanceof RubyHash) { ioOptions = updateIOOptionsFromOptions(context, (RubyHash) arg, ioOptions); } } } EncodingUtils.ioExtractEncodingOption(context, this, options, null); return ioOptions; } private static boolean isTrue(IRubyObject val) { return val != null && val.isTrue(); } static final Set<String> ALL_SPAWN_OPTIONS; static final String[] UNSUPPORTED_SPAWN_OPTIONS; static { String[] SPAWN_OPTIONS = new String[] { "unsetenv_others", "prgroup", "new_pgroup", "rlimit_resourcename", "chdir", "umask", "in", "out", "err", "close_others" }; UNSUPPORTED_SPAWN_OPTIONS = new String[] { "unsetenv_others", "prgroup", "new_pgroup", "rlimit_resourcename", "chdir", "umask", "in", "out", "err", "close_others" }; ALL_SPAWN_OPTIONS = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(SPAWN_OPTIONS)); } @Deprecated public static void checkExecOptions(IRubyObject options) { if (options instanceof RubyHash) { RubyHash opts = (RubyHash) options; ThreadContext context = opts.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(); checkValidSpawnOptions(context, opts); checkUnsupportedOptions(context, opts, UNSUPPORTED_SPAWN_OPTIONS, "unsupported exec option"); } } @Deprecated public static void checkSpawnOptions(IRubyObject options) { if (options instanceof RubyHash) { RubyHash opts = (RubyHash) options; ThreadContext context = opts.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(); checkValidSpawnOptions(context, opts); checkUnsupportedOptions(context, opts, UNSUPPORTED_SPAWN_OPTIONS, "unsupported spawn option"); } } @Deprecated public static void checkPopenOptions(IRubyObject options) { if (options instanceof RubyHash) { RubyHash opts = (RubyHash) options; ThreadContext context = opts.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(); checkUnsupportedOptions(context, opts, UNSUPPORTED_SPAWN_OPTIONS, "unsupported popen option"); } } static void checkUnsupportedOptions(ThreadContext context, RubyHash opts, String[] unsupported, String error) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; for (String key : unsupported) { if (opts.fastARef(runtime.newSymbol(key)) != null) { runtime.getWarnings().warn(error + ": " + key); } } } static void checkValidSpawnOptions(ThreadContext context, RubyHash opts) { for (Object opt : opts.directKeySet()) { if (opt instanceof RubySymbol) { if (!ALL_SPAWN_OPTIONS.contains(((RubySymbol) opt).idString())) { throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("wrong exec option symbol: " + opt); } } else if (opt instanceof RubyString) { if (!ALL_SPAWN_OPTIONS.contains(((RubyString) opt).toString())) { throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("wrong exec option: " + opt); } } } }
Try for around 1s to destroy the child process. This is to work around issues on some JVMs where if you try to destroy the process too quickly it may not be ready and may ignore the destroy. A subsequent waitFor will then hang. This version tries to destroy and call exitValue repeatedly for up to 1000 calls with 1ms delay between iterations, with the intent that the target process ought to be "ready to die" fairly quickly and we don't get stuck in a blocking waitFor call.
  • process – The process to obliterate
/** * Try for around 1s to destroy the child process. This is to work around * issues on some JVMs where if you try to destroy the process too quickly * it may not be ready and may ignore the destroy. A subsequent waitFor * will then hang. This version tries to destroy and call exitValue * repeatedly for up to 1000 calls with 1ms delay between iterations, with * the intent that the target process ought to be "ready to die" fairly * quickly and we don't get stuck in a blocking waitFor call. * * @param process The process to obliterate */
public static void obliterateProcess(Process process) { int i = 0; Object waitLock = new Object(); while (true) { // only try 1000 times with a 1ms sleep between, so we don't hang // forever on processes that ignore SIGTERM. After that, not much // we can do... if (i >= 1000) { return; } // attempt to destroy (SIGTERM on UNIX, TerminateProcess on Windows) process.destroy(); try { // get the exit value; succeeds if it has terminated, throws // IllegalThreadStateException if not. process.exitValue(); } catch (IllegalThreadStateException itse) { // increment count and try again after a 1ms sleep i += 1; synchronized (waitLock) { try {waitLock.wait(1);} catch (InterruptedException ie) {} } continue; } // success! break; } } public static ModeFlags newModeFlags(Ruby runtime, long mode) { return newModeFlags(runtime, (int) mode); } public static ModeFlags newModeFlags(Ruby runtime, int mode) { try { return new ModeFlags(mode); } catch (InvalidValueException ive) { throw runtime.newErrnoEINVALError(); } } public static ModeFlags newModeFlags(Ruby runtime, String mode) { try { return new ModeFlags(mode); } catch (InvalidValueException ive) { // This is used by File and StringIO, which seem to want an ArgumentError instead of EINVAL throw runtime.newArgumentError("illegal access mode " + mode); } } public static IOOptions newIOOptions(Ruby runtime, ModeFlags modeFlags) { return new IOOptions(modeFlags); } public static IOOptions newIOOptions(Ruby runtime, long mode) { return newIOOptions(runtime, (int) mode); } public static IOOptions newIOOptions(Ruby runtime, int mode) { try { ModeFlags modeFlags = new ModeFlags(mode); return new IOOptions(modeFlags); } catch (InvalidValueException ive) { throw runtime.newErrnoEINVALError(); } } public static IOOptions newIOOptions(Ruby runtime, String mode) { try { return new IOOptions(runtime, mode); } catch (InvalidValueException ive) { // This is used by File and StringIO, which seem to want an ArgumentError instead of EINVAL throw runtime.newArgumentError("illegal access mode " + mode); } } public static IOOptions newIOOptions(Ruby runtime, IOOptions oldFlags, int orOflags) { try { return new IOOptions(new ModeFlags(oldFlags.getModeFlags().getFlags() | orOflags)); } catch (InvalidValueException ive) { throw runtime.newErrnoEINVALError(); } } @Deprecated public IRubyObject readline(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { return args.length == 0 ? readline(context) : readline(context, args[0]); } @Override public void setEnc2(Encoding enc2) { openFile.encs.enc2 = enc2; } @Override public void setEnc(Encoding enc) { openFile.encs.enc = enc; } @Override public void setEcflags(int ecflags) { openFile.encs.ecflags = ecflags; } @Override public int getEcflags() { return openFile.encs.ecflags; } @Override public void setEcopts(IRubyObject ecopts) { openFile.encs.ecopts = ecopts; } @Override public IRubyObject getEcopts() { return openFile.encs.ecopts; } @Override public void setBOM(boolean bom) { openFile.setBOM(bom); } @Override public boolean getBOM() { return openFile.isBOM(); } @Override public <T> T toJava(Class<T> target) { if (target == java.io.InputStream.class) { getOpenFile().checkReadable(getRuntime().getCurrentContext()); return target.cast(getInStream()); } if (target == java.io.OutputStream.class) { getOpenFile().checkWritable(getRuntime().getCurrentContext()); return target.cast(getOutStream()); } return super.toJava(target); } // MRI: rb_io_ascii8bit_binmode protected RubyIO setAscii8bitBinmode() { OpenFile fptr; fptr = getOpenFileChecked(); fptr.ascii8bitBinmode(getRuntime()); return this; } private static boolean isDash(RubyString str) { return str.size() == 1 && str.getByteList().get(0) == '-'; // "-".equals(str.toString()); } public final OpenFile MakeOpenFile() { Ruby runtime = getRuntime(); if (openFile != null) { rbIoClose(runtime.getCurrentContext()); rb_io_fptr_finalize(runtime, openFile); openFile = null; } openFile = new OpenFile(runtime.getNil()); runtime.addInternalFinalizer(openFile); return openFile; } private static int rb_io_fptr_finalize(Ruby runtime, OpenFile fptr) { if (fptr == null) return 0; fptr.setPath(null);; if (fptr.fd() != null) fptr.cleanup(runtime, true); fptr.write_lock = null; if (fptr.rbuf.ptr != null) { fptr.rbuf.ptr = null; } if (fptr.wbuf.ptr != null) { fptr.wbuf.ptr = null; } fptr.clearCodeConversion(); return 1; } private static IOSites sites(ThreadContext context) { return context.sites.IO; } @Deprecated public IRubyObject getline(Ruby runtime, ByteList separator) { return getline(runtime.getCurrentContext(), runtime.newString(separator), -1); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject getline(Ruby runtime, ByteList separator, long limit) { return getline(runtime.getCurrentContext(), runtime.newString(separator), limit); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject getline(ThreadContext context, ByteList separator) { return getline(context, RubyString.newString(context.runtime, separator), -1); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject getline(ThreadContext context, ByteList separator, long limit) { return getline(context, RubyString.newString(context.runtime, separator), limit); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject lines19(final ThreadContext context, Block block) { return lines(context, block); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject each_char19(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { return each_char(context, block); } @Deprecated public IRubyObject chars19(final ThreadContext context, final Block block) { return chars(context, block); } @Deprecated public RubyArray readlines19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { return readlines(context, args); } @Deprecated public RubyIO(Ruby runtime, STDIO stdio) { super(runtime, runtime.getIO()); RubyIO tmp = null; switch (stdio) { case IN: tmp = prepStdio(runtime, runtime.getIn(), Channels.newChannel(runtime.getIn()), OpenFile.READABLE, runtime.getIO(), "<STDIN>"); break; case OUT: tmp = prepStdio(runtime, runtime.getOut(), Channels.newChannel(runtime.getOut()), OpenFile.WRITABLE, runtime.getIO(), "<STDOUT>"); break; case ERR: tmp = prepStdio(runtime, runtime.getErr(), Channels.newChannel(runtime.getErr()), OpenFile.WRITABLE | OpenFile.SYNC, runtime.getIO(), "<STDERR>"); break; } this.openFile = tmp.openFile; tmp.openFile = null; } @Deprecated public RubyIO(Ruby runtime, RubyClass cls, ShellLauncher.POpenProcess process, RubyHash options, IOOptions ioOptions) { super(runtime, cls); ioOptions = updateIOOptionsFromOptions(runtime.getCurrentContext(), options, ioOptions); openFile = MakeOpenFile(); setupPopen(runtime, ioOptions.getModeFlags(), process); } @Deprecated public static ModeFlags getIOModes(Ruby runtime, String modesString) { return newModeFlags(runtime, modesString); } @Deprecated public static int getIOModesIntFromString(Ruby runtime, String modesString) { try { return ModeFlags.getOFlagsFromString(modesString); } catch (InvalidValueException ive) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("illegal access mode"); } } @Deprecated public static IRubyObject writeStatic(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] argv, Block unusedBlock) { return write(context, recv, argv); } @Deprecated @JRubyMethod(name = "popen3", rest = true, meta = true) public static IRubyObject popen3(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; // TODO: handle opts if (args.length > 0 && args[args.length - 1] instanceof RubyHash) { args = ArraySupport.newCopy(args, args.length - 1); } final POpenTuple tuple = popenSpecial(context, args); final long pid = ShellLauncher.getPidFromProcess(tuple.process); // array trick to be able to reference enclosing RubyThread final RubyThread[] waitThread = new RubyThread[1]; waitThread[0] = new RubyThread( runtime, (RubyClass) runtime.getProcess().getConstantAt("WaitThread"), // Process::WaitThread new ThreadedRunnable() { volatile Thread javaThread; @Override public Thread getJavaThread() { return javaThread; } @Override public void run() { javaThread = Thread.currentThread(); RubyThread rubyThread; // spin a bit until this happens; should almost never spin while ((rubyThread = waitThread[0]) == null) { Thread.yield(); } runtime.getThreadService().registerNewThread(rubyThread); rubyThread.op_aset(runtime.newSymbol("pid"), runtime.newFixnum(pid)); try { int exitValue = tuple.process.waitFor(); // RubyStatus uses real native status now, so we unshift Java's shifted exit status RubyProcess.RubyStatus status = RubyProcess.RubyStatus.newProcessStatus( runtime, exitValue << 8, pid); rubyThread.cleanTerminate(status); } catch (Throwable t) { rubyThread.exceptionRaised(t); } finally { rubyThread.dispose(); } } }); RubyArray yieldArgs = RubyArray.newArrayLight(runtime, tuple.output, tuple.input, tuple.error, waitThread[0]); if (block.isGiven()) { try { return block.yield(context, yieldArgs); } finally { cleanupPOpen(tuple); IRubyObject status = waitThread[0].join(IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY); context.setLastExitStatus(status); } } return yieldArgs; } @Deprecated public static IRubyObject popen4(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; try { POpenTuple tuple = popenSpecial(context, args); RubyArray yieldArgs = RubyArray.newArrayLight(runtime, runtime.newFixnum(ShellLauncher.getPidFromProcess(tuple.process)), tuple.output, tuple.input, tuple.error); if (block.isGiven()) { try { return block.yield(context, yieldArgs); } finally { cleanupPOpen(tuple); // RubyStatus uses real native status now, so we unshift Java's shifted exit status context.setLastExitStatus(RubyProcess.RubyStatus.newProcessStatus(runtime, tuple.process.waitFor() << 8, ShellLauncher.getPidFromProcess(tuple.process))); } } return yieldArgs; } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw runtime.newThreadError("unexpected interrupt"); } } @Deprecated private static void cleanupPOpen(POpenTuple tuple) { if (tuple.input.openFile.isOpen()) { try { tuple.input.close(); } catch (RaiseException re) {} } if (tuple.output.openFile.isOpen()) { try { tuple.output.close(); } catch (RaiseException re) {} } if (tuple.error.openFile.isOpen()) { try { tuple.error.close(); } catch (RaiseException re) {} } } @Deprecated private static class POpenTuple { public POpenTuple(RubyIO i, RubyIO o, RubyIO e, Process p) { input = i; output = o; error = e; process = p; } public final RubyIO input; public final RubyIO output; public final RubyIO error; public final Process process; } @Deprecated public static POpenTuple popenSpecial(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; try { ShellLauncher.POpenProcess process = ShellLauncher.popen3(runtime, args, false); RubyIO input = process.getInput() != null ? new RubyIO(runtime, process.getInput()) : new RubyIO(runtime, process.getInputStream()); RubyIO output = process.getOutput() != null ? new RubyIO(runtime, process.getOutput()) : new RubyIO(runtime, process.getOutputStream()); RubyIO error = process.getError() != null ? new RubyIO(runtime, process.getError()) : new RubyIO(runtime, process.getErrorStream()); // ensure the OpenFile knows it's a process; see OpenFile#finalize input.getOpenFile().setProcess(process); output.getOpenFile().setProcess(process); error.getOpenFile().setProcess(process); // set all streams as popenSpecial streams, so we don't shut down process prematurely input.popenSpecial = true; output.popenSpecial = true; error.popenSpecial = true; // process streams are not seekable // input.getOpenFile().getMainStreamSafe().getDescriptor(). // setCanBeSeekable(false); // output.getOpenFile().getMainStreamSafe().getDescriptor(). // setCanBeSeekable(false); // error.getOpenFile().getMainStreamSafe().getDescriptor(). // setCanBeSeekable(false); return new POpenTuple(input, output, error, process); // } catch (BadDescriptorException e) { // throw runtime.newErrnoEBADFError(); } catch (IOException e) { throw runtime.newIOErrorFromException(e); } } @Deprecated public IRubyObject doWriteNonblock(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] argv, boolean useException) { return write_nonblock(context, argv); } @Deprecated public static IRubyObject select_static(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, IRubyObject[] args) { return select(context, runtime.getIO(), args); } @Deprecated public static RubyArray checkExecEnv(ThreadContext context, RubyHash hash) { return PopenExecutor.checkExecEnv(context, hash, null); } @Deprecated public static IRubyObject ioOpen(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject filename, IRubyObject vmode, IRubyObject vperm, IRubyObject opt) { return ioOpen(context, context.runtime.getIO(), filename, vmode, vperm, opt); } @Deprecated public static IRubyObject read19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args, Block unusedBlock) { return read(context, recv, args, unusedBlock); } protected OpenFile openFile;
If the stream is being used for popen, we don't want to destroy the process when we close the stream.
/** * If the stream is being used for popen, we don't want to destroy the process * when we close the stream. */
protected boolean popenSpecial; }