
import jnr.constants.platform.Errno;
import jnr.constants.platform.Fcntl;
import jnr.constants.platform.OpenFlags;
import jnr.enxio.channels.NativeDeviceChannel;
import jnr.posix.SpawnAttribute;
import jnr.posix.SpawnFileAction;
import org.jcodings.transcode.EConvFlags;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyArray;
import org.jruby.RubyBasicObject;
import org.jruby.RubyClass;
import org.jruby.RubyFile;
import org.jruby.RubyFixnum;
import org.jruby.RubyHash;
import org.jruby.RubyIO;
import org.jruby.RubyNumeric;
import org.jruby.RubyProcess;
import org.jruby.RubyString;
import org.jruby.RubySymbol;
import org.jruby.api.API;
import org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException;
import org.jruby.ext.fcntl.FcntlLibrary;
import org.jruby.platform.Platform;
import org.jruby.runtime.Arity;
import org.jruby.runtime.Block;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.util.ByteList;
import org.jruby.util.ShellLauncher;
import org.jruby.util.StringSupport;
import org.jruby.util.TypeConverter;
import org.jruby.util.cli.Options;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

Port of MRI's popen+exec logic.
/** * Port of MRI's popen+exec logic. */
public class PopenExecutor {
Check properties and runtime state to determine whether a native popen is possible.
  • runtime – current runtime
Returns:true if popen can use native code, false otherwise
/** * Check properties and runtime state to determine whether a native popen is possible. * * @param runtime current runtime * @return true if popen can use native code, false otherwise */
public static boolean nativePopenAvailable(Ruby runtime) { return Options.NATIVE_POPEN.load() && runtime.getPosix().isNative() && !Platform.IS_WINDOWS; } // MRI: check_pipe_command public static IRubyObject checkPipeCommand(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject filenameOrCommand) { RubyString filenameStr = filenameOrCommand.convertToString(); ByteList filenameByteList = filenameStr.getByteList(); final int[] chlen = {0}; if (EncodingUtils.encAscget( filenameByteList.getUnsafeBytes(), filenameByteList.getBegin(), filenameByteList.getBegin() + filenameByteList.getRealSize(), chlen, filenameByteList.getEncoding()) == '|') { return filenameStr.makeShared(context.runtime, chlen[0], filenameByteList.length() - 1).infectBy(filenameOrCommand); } return context.nil; } // MRI: rb_f_spawn public static RubyFixnum spawn(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] argv) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; long pid = 0; String[] errmsg = { null }; ExecArg eargp; IRubyObject fail_str; eargp = execargNew(context, argv, true); execargFixup(context, runtime, eargp); fail_str = eargp.use_shell ? eargp.command_name : eargp.command_name; PopenExecutor executor = new PopenExecutor(); pid = executor.spawnProcess(context, runtime, eargp, errmsg); if (pid == -1) { if (errmsg[0] == null) { throw runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(executor.errno, fail_str.toString()); } throw runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(executor.errno, errmsg[0]); } return runtime.newFixnum(pid); } // MRI: rb_spawn_internal public long spawnInternal(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] argv, String[] errmsg) { ExecArg eargp; long ret; eargp = execargNew(context, argv, true); execargFixup(context, context.runtime, eargp); ret = spawnProcess(context, context.runtime, eargp, errmsg); return ret; } // MRI: rb_spawn_process long spawnProcess(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, ExecArg eargp, String[] errmsg) { long pid; RubyString prog; ExecArg sarg = new ExecArg(); prog = eargp.use_shell ? eargp.command_name : eargp.command_name; if (eargp.chdir_given()) { // we can'd do chdir with posix_spawn, so we should be set to use_shell and now // just need to add chdir to the cmd prog = (RubyString)prog.strDup(runtime).prepend(context, RubyString.newString(runtime, "cd '" + eargp.chdir_dir + "'; ")); eargp.chdir_dir = null; eargp.chdir_given_clear(); // create new pgroup to prevent orphaned processes when the parent is killed eargp.attributes.add(SpawnAttribute.pgroup(0)); eargp.attributes.add(SpawnAttribute.flags((short)SpawnAttribute.SETPGROUP)); } if (execargRunOptions(context, runtime, eargp, sarg, errmsg) < 0) { return -1; } if (prog != null && !eargp.use_shell) { String[] argv = eargp.argv_str.argv; if (argv.length > 0) { argv[0] = prog.toString(); } } if (eargp.use_shell) { pid = procSpawnSh(runtime, prog.toString(), eargp); } else { String[] argv = eargp.argv_str.argv; pid = procSpawnCmd(runtime, argv, prog.toString(), eargp); } if (pid == -1) { context.setLastExitStatus(new RubyProcess.RubyStatus(runtime, runtime.getProcStatus(), 0x7f << 8, 0)); if (errno == null || errno == Errno.__UNKNOWN_CONSTANT__) { errno = Errno.valueOf(runtime.getPosix().errno()); } } execargRunOptions(context, runtime, sarg, null, errmsg); return pid; } // TODO: win32 // #if defined(_WIN32) // #define proc_spawn_cmd_internal(argv, prog) rb_w32_uaspawn(P_NOWAIT, (prog), (argv)) // #else long procSpawnCmdInternal(Ruby runtime, String[] argv, String prog, ExecArg eargp) { long status; if (prog == null) prog = argv[0]; prog = dlnFindExeR(runtime, prog, eargp.path_env); if (prog == null) { errno = Errno.ENOENT; return -1; } // System.out.println(Arrays.asList(prog, // eargp.fileActions, // eargp.attributes, // Arrays.asList(argv), // eargp.envp_str == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : Arrays.asList(eargp.envp_str))); // MRI does not do this check, but posix_spawn does not reliably ENOENT for bad filenames like '' if (prog == null || prog.length() == 0) { errno = Errno.ENOENT; return -1; } status = runtime.getPosix().posix_spawnp( prog, eargp.fileActions, eargp.attributes, Arrays.asList(argv), eargp.envp_str == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : Arrays.asList(eargp.envp_str)); if (status == -1) { if (runtime.getPosix().errno() == Errno.ENOEXEC.intValue()) { //String[] newArgv = new String[argv.length + 1]; //newArgv[1] = prog; //newArgv[0] = "sh"; status = runtime.getPosix().posix_spawnp( "/bin/sh", eargp.fileActions, eargp.attributes, Arrays.asList(argv), eargp.envp_str == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : Arrays.asList(eargp.envp_str)); if (status == -1) errno = Errno.ENOEXEC; } else { errno = Errno.valueOf(runtime.getPosix().errno()); } } return status; } long procSpawnCmd(Ruby runtime, String[] argv, String prog, ExecArg eargp) { long pid = -1; if (argv.length > 0 && argv[0] != null) { // TODO: win32 // #if defined(_WIN32) // DWORD flags = 0; // if (eargp->new_pgroup_given && eargp->new_pgroup_flag) { // flags = CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP; // } // pid = rb_w32_uaspawn_flags(P_NOWAIT, prog ? RSTRING_PTR(prog) : 0, argv, flags); // #else pid = procSpawnCmdInternal(runtime, argv, prog, eargp); } return pid; } // TODO: win32 version // #if defined(_WIN32) // #define proc_spawn_sh(str) rb_w32_uspawn(P_NOWAIT, (str), 0) // #else long procSpawnSh(Ruby runtime, String str, ExecArg eargp) { long status; String shell = dlnFindExeR(runtime, "sh", eargp.path_env); // System.out.println("before: " + shell + ", fa=" + eargp.fileActions + ", a=" + eargp.attributes + ", argv=" + Arrays.asList("sh", "-c", str)); status = runtime.getPosix().posix_spawnp( shell != null ? shell : "/bin/sh", eargp.fileActions, eargp.attributes, Arrays.asList("sh", "-c", str), eargp.envp_str == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : Arrays.asList(eargp.envp_str)); if (status == -1) errno = Errno.valueOf(runtime.getPosix().errno()); return status; } // pipe_open_s public static IRubyObject pipeOpen(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject prog, String modestr, int fmode, IOEncodable convconfig) { IRubyObject[] argv = {prog}; ExecArg execArg = null; if (!isPopenFork(context.runtime, (RubyString)prog)) execArg = execargNew(context, argv, true); return new PopenExecutor().pipeOpen(context, execArg, modestr, fmode, convconfig); } // rb_io_s_popen public static IRubyObject popen(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] argv, RubyClass klass, Block block) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; String modestr; IRubyObject pname, port, tmp, opt = context.nil, env = context.nil; Object pmode = EncodingUtils.vmodeVperm(null, null); ExecArg eargp; int[] oflags_p = {0}, fmode_p = {0}; IOEncodable.ConvConfig convconfig = new IOEncodable.ConvConfig(); int argc = argv.length; if (argc > 1 && !(opt = TypeConverter.checkHashType(runtime, argv[argc - 1])).isNil()) --argc; if (argc > 1 && !(env = TypeConverter.checkHashType(runtime, argv[0])).isNil()) { --argc; argv = Arrays.copyOfRange(argv, 1, argc + 1); } switch (argc) { case 2: EncodingUtils.vmode(pmode, argv[1]); case 1: pname = argv[0]; break; default: { int ex = opt.isNil() ? 0 : 1; Arity.raiseArgumentError(runtime, argc + ex, 1 + ex, 2 + ex); return null; // not reached } } tmp = TypeConverter.checkArrayType(runtime, pname); if (!tmp.isNil()) { // int len = ((RubyArray)tmp).size(); // #if SIZEOF_LONG > SIZEOF_INT // if (len > INT_MAX) { // throw runtime.newArgumentError("too many arguments"); // } // #endif tmp = ((RubyArray)tmp).aryDup(); // RBASIC_CLEAR_CLASS(tmp); eargp = execargNew(context, ((RubyArray)tmp).toJavaArray(), false); ((RubyArray)tmp).clear(); } else { pname = pname.convertToString(); eargp = null; if (!isPopenFork(runtime, (RubyString)pname)) { IRubyObject[] pname_p = {pname}; eargp = execargNew(context, pname_p, true); pname = pname_p[0]; } } if (eargp != null) { if (!opt.isNil()) opt = execargExtractOptions(context, runtime, eargp, (RubyHash)opt); if (!env.isNil()) execargSetenv(context, runtime, eargp, env); } EncodingUtils.extractModeEncoding(context, convconfig, pmode, opt, oflags_p, fmode_p); modestr = OpenFile.ioOflagsModestr(runtime, oflags_p[0]); port = new PopenExecutor().pipeOpen(context, eargp, modestr, fmode_p[0], convconfig); // This is cleanup for failure to exec in the child. // if (port.isNil()) { // /* child */ // if (rb_block_given_p()) { // rb_yield(Qnil); // rb_io_flush(rb_stdout); // rb_io_flush(rb_stderr); // _exit(0); // } // return Qnil; // } ((RubyBasicObject)port).setMetaClass(klass); return RubyIO.ensureYieldClose(context, port, block); } static void execargSetenv(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, ExecArg eargp, IRubyObject env) { eargp.env_modification = !env.isNil() ? checkExecEnv(context, (RubyHash)env, eargp) : null; } // MRI: rb_check_exec_env public static RubyArray checkExecEnv(ThreadContext context, RubyHash hash, ExecArg pathArg) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; RubyArray env; env = runtime.newArray(); for (Map.Entry<IRubyObject, IRubyObject> entry : (Set<Map.Entry<IRubyObject, IRubyObject>>)hash.directEntrySet()) { IRubyObject key = entry.getKey(); IRubyObject val = entry.getValue(); String k; k = StringSupport.checkEmbeddedNulls(runtime, key).toString(); if (k.indexOf('=') != -1) throw runtime.newArgumentError("environment name contains a equal : " + k); if (!val.isNil()) val = StringSupport.checkEmbeddedNulls(runtime, val); key = key.convertToString().export(context); if (!val.isNil()) val = val.convertToString().export(context); if (key.convertToString().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("PATH")) { pathArg.path_env = val; } env.push(runtime.newArray(key, val)); } return env; } // MRI: execarg_extract_options static IRubyObject execargExtractOptions(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, ExecArg eargp, RubyHash opthash) { return handleOptionsCommon(context, runtime, eargp, opthash, false); } // MRI: check_exec_options static void checkExecOptions(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, RubyHash opthash, ExecArg eargp) { handleOptionsCommon(context, runtime, eargp, opthash, true); } static IRubyObject handleOptionsCommon(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, ExecArg eargp, RubyHash opthash, boolean raise) { if (opthash.isEmpty()) return null; RubyHash nonopts = null; for (Map.Entry<IRubyObject, IRubyObject> entry : (Set<Map.Entry<IRubyObject, IRubyObject>>)opthash.directEntrySet()) { IRubyObject key = entry.getKey(); IRubyObject val = entry.getValue(); if (execargAddopt(context, runtime, eargp, key, val) != ST_CONTINUE) { if (raise) { if (key instanceof RubySymbol) { switch (key.toString()) { case "gid" : throw runtime.newNotImplementedError("popen does not support :gid option in JRuby"); case "uid" : throw runtime.newNotImplementedError("popen does not support :uid option in JRuby"); default : throw runtime.newArgumentError("wrong exec option symbol: " + key); } } else { throw runtime.newArgumentError("wrong exec option: " + key); } } if (nonopts == null) nonopts = RubyHash.newHash(runtime); nonopts.op_aset(context, key, val); } } return nonopts != null ? nonopts : context.nil; } // MRI: is_popen_fork static boolean isPopenFork(Ruby runtime, RubyString prog) { if (prog.size() == 1 && prog.getByteList().get(0) == '-') { throw runtime.newNotImplementedError("fork() function is unimplemented on JRuby"); } return false; } // MRI: DO_SPAWN macro in pipe_open private long DO_SPAWN(Ruby runtime, ExecArg eargp, String cmd, String[] args, String[] envp) { if (eargp.use_shell) { return procSpawnSh(runtime, eargp, cmd, envp); } // System.out.println(Arrays.asList( // cmd, // eargp.fileActions, // eargp.attributes, // args == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : Arrays.asList(args), // envp == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : Arrays.asList(envp))); // MRI does not do this check, but posix_spawn does not reliably ENOENT for bad filenames like '' if (cmd == null || cmd.length() == 0) { errno = Errno.ENOENT; return -1; } long ret = runtime.getPosix().posix_spawnp( cmd, eargp.fileActions, eargp.attributes, args == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : Arrays.asList(args), envp == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : Arrays.asList(envp)); if (ret == -1) { errno = Errno.valueOf(runtime.getPosix().errno()); } return ret; } // MRI: Basically doing sh processing from proc_exec_sh but for non-fork path private long procSpawnSh(Ruby runtime, ExecArg eargp, String str, String[] envp) { char[] sChars; int s = 0; sChars = str.toCharArray(); while (s < sChars.length && (sChars[s] == ' ' || sChars[s] == '\t' || sChars[s] == '\n')) s++; if (s >= sChars.length) { errno = Errno.ENOENT; return -1; } // TODO: Windows if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS) { // #ifdef _WIN32 // rb_w32_uspawn(P_OVERLAY, (char *)str, 0); return -1; } else { // #if defined(__CYGWIN32__) || defined(__EMX__) // { // char fbuf[MAXPATHLEN]; // char *shell = dln_find_exe_r("sh", 0, fbuf, sizeof(fbuf)); // int status = -1; // if (shell) // execl(shell, "sh", "-c", str, (char *) NULL); // else // status = system(str); // if (status != -1) // exit(status); // } // #else long ret = runtime.getPosix().posix_spawnp( "/bin/sh", eargp.fileActions, eargp.attributes, Arrays.asList("sh", "-c", str), envp == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : Arrays.asList(envp)); if (ret == -1) { errno = Errno.valueOf(runtime.getPosix().errno()); } return ret; } } private static class PopenArg { ExecArg eargp; int modef; } private static String[] ARGVSTR2ARGV(byte[][] argv_str) { String[] argv = new String[argv_str.length]; for (int i = 0; i < argv_str.length; i++) { // FIXME: probably should be using a specific encoding if (argv_str[i] == null) continue; // placeholder for /bin/sh, but unsure where it's supposed to be added argv[i] = new String(argv_str[i]); } return argv; } private Errno errno = null; // MRI: pipe_open private RubyIO pipeOpen(ThreadContext context, ExecArg eargp, String modestr, int fmode, IOEncodable convconfig) { final Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject prog = eargp != null ? (eargp.use_shell ? eargp.command_name : eargp.command_name) : null; long pid = 0; OpenFile fptr; RubyIO port; OpenFile write_fptr; IRubyObject write_port; PosixShim posix = new PosixShim(runtime); Errno e = null; String[] args = null; String[] envp = null; ExecArg sargp = new ExecArg(); int fd; int write_fd = -1; String cmd = null; if (prog != null) cmd = StringSupport.checkEmbeddedNulls(runtime, prog).toString(); if (eargp.chdir_given()) { // we can'd do chdir with posix_spawn, so we should be set to use_shell and now // just need to add chdir to the cmd cmd = "cd '" + eargp.chdir_dir + "'; " + cmd; eargp.chdir_dir = null; eargp.chdir_given_clear(); } if (eargp != null && !eargp.use_shell) { args = eargp.argv_str.argv; } int[] pair = {-1,-1}, writePair = {-1, -1}; switch (fmode & (OpenFile.READABLE|OpenFile.WRITABLE)) { case OpenFile.READABLE | OpenFile.WRITABLE: if (API.rb_pipe(runtime, writePair) == -1) throw runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(posix.getErrno(), prog.toString()); if (API.rb_pipe(runtime, pair) == -1) { e = posix.getErrno(); runtime.getPosix().close(writePair[1]); runtime.getPosix().close(writePair[0]); posix.setErrno(e); throw runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(posix.getErrno(), prog.toString()); } if (eargp != null) prepareStdioRedirects(runtime, pair, writePair, eargp); break; case OpenFile.READABLE: if (API.rb_pipe(runtime, pair) == -1) throw runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(posix.getErrno(), prog.toString()); if (eargp != null) prepareStdioRedirects(runtime, pair, null, eargp); break; case OpenFile.WRITABLE: if (API.rb_pipe(runtime, pair) == -1) throw runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(posix.getErrno(), prog.toString()); if (eargp != null) prepareStdioRedirects(runtime, null, pair, eargp); break; default: throw runtime.newSystemCallError(prog.toString()); } if (eargp != null) { try { execargFixup(context, runtime, eargp); } catch (RaiseException re) { // if (state) if (writePair[0] != -1) runtime.getPosix().close(writePair[0]); if (writePair[1] != -1) runtime.getPosix().close(writePair[1]); if (pair[0] != -1) runtime.getPosix().close(pair[0]); if (pair[1] != -1) runtime.getPosix().close(pair[1]); execargParentEnd(runtime, eargp); throw re; } execargRunOptions(context, runtime, eargp, sargp, null); if (eargp.envp_str != null) envp = eargp.envp_str; while ((pid = DO_SPAWN(runtime, eargp, cmd, args, envp)) == -1) { /* exec failed */ switch (e = errno) { case EAGAIN: case EWOULDBLOCK: try {Thread.sleep(1000);} catch (InterruptedException ie) {} continue; } break; } if (eargp != null) execargRunOptions(context, runtime, sargp, null, null); execargParentEnd(runtime, eargp); } else { throw runtime.newNotImplementedError("spawn without exec args (probably a bug)"); } /* parent */ if (pid == -1) { runtime.getPosix().close(pair[1]); runtime.getPosix().close(pair[0]); if ((fmode & (OpenFile.READABLE|OpenFile.WRITABLE)) == (OpenFile.READABLE|OpenFile.WRITABLE)) { runtime.getPosix().close(pair[1]); runtime.getPosix().close(pair[0]); } errno = e; throw runtime.newErrnoFromErrno(errno, prog.toString()); } if ((fmode & OpenFile.READABLE) != 0 && (fmode & OpenFile.WRITABLE) != 0) { runtime.getPosix().close(pair[1]); fd = pair[0]; runtime.getPosix().close(writePair[0]); write_fd = writePair[1]; } else if ((fmode & OpenFile.READABLE) != 0) { runtime.getPosix().close(pair[1]); fd = pair[0]; } else { runtime.getPosix().close(pair[0]); fd = pair[1]; } port = (RubyIO) runtime.getIO().allocate(); fptr = port.MakeOpenFile(); fptr.setChannel(new NativeDeviceChannel(fd)); fptr.setMode(fmode | (OpenFile.SYNC|OpenFile.DUPLEX)); if (convconfig != null) { fptr.encs.copy(convconfig); if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS) { // #if defined(RUBY_TEST_CRLF_ENVIRONMENT) || defined(_WIN32) if ((fptr.encs.ecflags & EncodingUtils.ECONV_DEFAULT_NEWLINE_DECORATOR) != 0) { fptr.encs.ecflags |= EConvFlags.UNIVERSAL_NEWLINE_DECORATOR; } } } else { if (fptr.NEED_NEWLINE_DECORATOR_ON_READ()) { fptr.encs.ecflags |= EConvFlags.UNIVERSAL_NEWLINE_DECORATOR; } if (EncodingUtils.TEXTMODE_NEWLINE_DECORATOR_ON_WRITE != 0) { if (fptr.NEED_NEWLINE_DECORATOR_ON_WRITE()) { fptr.encs.ecflags |= EncodingUtils.TEXTMODE_NEWLINE_DECORATOR_ON_WRITE; } } } final long finalPid = pid; fptr.setPid(pid); fptr.setProcess(new POSIXProcess(runtime, finalPid)); if (write_fd != -1) { write_port = runtime.getIO().allocate(); write_fptr = ((RubyIO)write_port).MakeOpenFile(); write_fptr.setChannel(new NativeDeviceChannel(write_fd)); write_fptr.setMode((fmode & ~OpenFile.READABLE)| OpenFile.SYNC|OpenFile.DUPLEX); fptr.setMode(fptr.getMode() & ~OpenFile.WRITABLE); fptr.tiedIOForWriting = (RubyIO)write_port; port.setInstanceVariable("@tied_io_for_writing", write_port); } // fptr.setFinalizer(fptr.PIPE_FINALIZE); // TODO? // pipeAddFptr(fptr); return port; } private void prepareStdioRedirects(Ruby runtime, int[] readPipe, int[] writePipe, ExecArg eargp) { // We insert these redirects directly into fd_dup2 so that chained redirection can be // validated and set up properly by the execargFixup logic. // The closes do not appear to be part of MRI's logic (they close the fd before exec/spawn), // so rather than using execargAddopt we do them directly here. if (readPipe != null) { // dup our read pipe's write end into stdout int readPipeWriteFD = readPipe[1]; eargp.fd_dup2 = checkExecRedirect1(runtime, eargp.fd_dup2, runtime.newFixnum(1), runtime.newFixnum(readPipeWriteFD)); // close the other end of the pipe in the child int readPipeReadFD = readPipe[0]; eargp.fileActions.add(SpawnFileAction.close(readPipeReadFD)); } if (writePipe != null) { // dup our write pipe's read end into stdin int writePipeReadFD = writePipe[0]; eargp.fd_dup2 = checkExecRedirect1(runtime, eargp.fd_dup2, runtime.newFixnum(0), runtime.newFixnum(writePipeReadFD)); // close the other end of the pipe in the child int writePipeWriteFD = writePipe[1]; eargp.fileActions.add(SpawnFileAction.close(writePipeWriteFD)); } } static int run_exec_pgroup(Ruby runtime, ExecArg eargp, ExecArg sargp, String[] errmsg) { /* * If FD_CLOEXEC is available, rb_fork waits the child's execve. * So setpgid is done in the child when rb_fork is returned in the parent. * No race condition, even without setpgid from the parent. * (Is there an environment which has setpgid but no FD_CLOEXEC?) */ int ret = 0; long pgroup; pgroup = eargp.pgroup_pgid; if (pgroup == -1) { // inherit parent's process group (default behavior) return ret; } eargp.attributes.add(SpawnAttribute.pgroup(pgroup)); eargp.attributes.add(SpawnAttribute.flags((short)SpawnAttribute.SETPGROUP)); return ret; } static int run_exec_rlimit(Ruby runtime, RubyArray ary, ExecArg sargp, String[] errmsg) { throw runtime.newNotImplementedError("changing rlimit in child is not supported"); /* Not supported by posix_spawn long i; for (i = 0; i < ary.size(); i++) { IRubyObject elt = ary.eltOk(i); int rtype = RubyNumeric.num2int(((RubyArray)elt).eltOk(0)); struct rlimit rlim; if (sargp != null) { IRubyObject tmp, newary; if (runtime.getPosix().getrlimit(rtype, &rlim) == -1) { if (errmsg != null) errmsg[0] = "getrlimit"; return -1; } tmp = runtime.newArray(((RubyArray)elt).eltOk(0), runtime.newFixnum(rlim.rlim_cur), runtime.newFixnum(rlim.rlim_max)); if (sargp.rlimit_limits == null) newary = sargp.rlimit_limits = runtime.newArray(); else newary = sargp.rlimit_limits; ((RubyArray)newary).push(tmp); } rlim.rlim_cur = RubyNumeric.num2int(((RubyArray)elt).eltOk(1)); rlim.rlim_max = RubyNumeric.num2int(((RubyArray)elt).eltOk(2)); */ // we can't setrlimit in parent // if (runtime.getPosix().setrlimit(rtype, &rlim) == -1) { /* hopefully async-signal-safe */ // if (errmsg != null) errmsg[0] = "setrlimit"; // return -1; // } // } // return 0; } static void saveEnv(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, ExecArg sargp) { // We don't need to save env in parent because we let posix_spawn set it up // if (sargp == null) // return; // if (sargp.env_modification == null) { // RubyHash env = runtime.getENV(); // if (!env.isNil()) { // final RubyArray ary = runtime.newArray(); // BlockCallback SaveEnvBody = new BlockCallback() { // @Override // public IRubyObject call(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { // ary.push(args[0].dup()); // return context.nil; // } // }; // env.each(context, CallBlock.newCallClosure(env, runtime.getHash(), // Arity.OPTIONAL, SaveEnvBody, context)); // sargp.env_modification = ary; // } // sargp.unsetenv_others_given_set(); // sargp.unsetenv_others_do_set(); // } } static int run_exec_dup2(Ruby runtime, RubyArray ary, ExecArg eargp, ExecArg sargp, String[] errmsg) { int n, i; int ret; int extra_fd = -1; run_exec_dup2_fd_pair[] pairs = eargp.dup2_tmpbuf; n = ary.size(); /* initialize oldfd and newfd: O(n) */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { IRubyObject elt = ary.eltOk(i); pairs[i].oldfd = RubyNumeric.fix2int(((RubyArray)elt).eltOk(1)); pairs[i].newfd = RubyNumeric.fix2int(((RubyArray)elt).eltOk(0)); /* unique */ pairs[i].older_index = -1; } /* sort the table by oldfd: O(n log n) */ if (sargp == null) Arrays.sort(pairs, intcmp); /* hopefully async-signal-safe */ else Arrays.sort(pairs, intrcmp); /* initialize older_index and num_newer: O(n log n) */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { int newfd = pairs[i].newfd; run_exec_dup2_fd_pair key = new run_exec_dup2_fd_pair(); key.oldfd = newfd; int found = Arrays.binarySearch(pairs, key, intcmp); /* hopefully async-signal-safe */ pairs[i].num_newer = 0; if (found >= 0) { while (found > 0 && pairs[found-1].oldfd == newfd) found--; while (found < n && pairs[found].oldfd == newfd) { pairs[i].num_newer++; pairs[found].older_index = i; found++; } } } /* non-cyclic redirection: O(n) */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { int j = i; while (j != -1 && pairs[j].oldfd != -1 && pairs[j].num_newer == 0) { if (saveRedirectFd(runtime, pairs[j].newfd, sargp, errmsg) < 0) /* async-signal-safe */ return -1; // This always succeeds because we just defer it to posix_spawn. redirectDup2(eargp, pairs[j].oldfd, pairs[j].newfd); /* async-signal-safe */ pairs[j].oldfd = -1; j = (int) pairs[j].older_index; if (j != -1) pairs[j].num_newer--; } } /* cyclic redirection: O(n) */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { int j; if (pairs[i].oldfd == -1) continue; if (pairs[i].oldfd == pairs[i].newfd) { /* self cycle */ int fd = pairs[i].oldfd; ret = runtime.getPosix().fcntl(fd, Fcntl.F_GETFD); /* async-signal-safe */ if (ret == -1) { if (errmsg != null) errmsg[0] = "fcntl(F_GETFD)"; return -1; } if ((ret & FcntlLibrary.FD_CLOEXEC) != 0) { ret &= ~FcntlLibrary.FD_CLOEXEC; ret = runtime.getPosix().fcntlInt(fd, Fcntl.F_SETFD, ret); /* async-signal-safe */ if (ret == -1) { if (errmsg != null) errmsg[0] = "fcntl(F_SETFD)"; return -1; } } pairs[i].oldfd = -1; continue; } if (extra_fd == -1) { extra_fd = redirectDup(runtime, pairs[i].oldfd); /* async-signal-safe */ if (extra_fd == -1) { if (errmsg != null) errmsg[0] = "dup"; return -1; } // rb_update_max_fd(extra_fd); } else { // This always succeeds because we just defer it to posix_spawn. redirectDup2(eargp, pairs[i].oldfd, extra_fd); /* async-signal-safe */ } pairs[i].oldfd = extra_fd; j = pairs[i].older_index; pairs[i].older_index = -1; while (j != -1) { // This always succeeds because we just defer it to posix_spawn. redirectDup2(eargp, pairs[j].oldfd, pairs[j].newfd); /* async-signal-safe */ pairs[j].oldfd = -1; j = pairs[j].older_index; } } if (extra_fd != -1) { ret = redirectClose(runtime, eargp, extra_fd, sargp != null); /* async-signal-safe */ if (ret == -1) { if (errmsg != null) errmsg[0] = "close"; return -1; } } return 0; } static int redirectDup(Ruby runtime, int oldfd) { // Partial impl of rb_cloexec_fcntl_dup int ret; ret = runtime.getPosix().dup(oldfd); int flags = runtime.getPosix().fcntl(ret, Fcntl.F_GETFD); runtime.getPosix().fcntlInt(ret, Fcntl.F_SETFD, flags | FcntlLibrary.FD_CLOEXEC); return ret; } static int redirectCloexecDup(Ruby runtime, int oldfd) { int ret = redirectDup(runtime, oldfd); int flags = runtime.getPosix().fcntl(ret, Fcntl.F_GETFD); runtime.getPosix().fcntlInt(ret, Fcntl.F_SETFD, flags | FcntlLibrary.FD_CLOEXEC); return ret; } static void redirectDup2(ExecArg eargp, int oldfd, int newfd) { eargp.fileActions.add(SpawnFileAction.dup(oldfd, newfd)); } static int redirectClose(Ruby runtime, ExecArg eargp, int fd, boolean forChild) { if (forChild) { eargp.fileActions.add(SpawnFileAction.close(fd)); return 0; } else { return runtime.getPosix().close(fd); } } static void redirectOpen(ExecArg eargp, int fd, String pathname, int flags, int perm) { eargp.fileActions.add(, fd, flags, perm)); } static int saveRedirectFd(Ruby runtime, int fd, ExecArg sargp, String[] errmsg) { // This logic is to restore the parent's fd. Since we let posix_spawn do dup2 for us in the // child, it's not necessary for us to fix up the parent. if (false && sargp != null) { RubyArray newary; int save_fd = redirectCloexecDup(runtime, fd); if (save_fd == -1) { if (runtime.getPosix().errno() == Errno.EBADF.intValue()) return 0; if (errmsg != null) errmsg[0] = "dup"; return -1; } // rb_update_max_fd(save_fd); newary = sargp.fd_dup2; if (newary == null) { newary = runtime.newArray(); sargp.fd_dup2 = newary; } newary.push(runtime.newArray(runtime.newFixnum(fd), runtime.newFixnum(save_fd))); newary = sargp.fd_close; if (newary == null) { newary = runtime.newArray(); sargp.fd_close = newary; } newary.push(runtime.newArray(runtime.newFixnum(save_fd), runtime.getNil())); } return 0; } int execargRunOptions(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, ExecArg eargp, ExecArg sargp, String[] errmsg) { IRubyObject obj; if (sargp != null) { /* assume that sargp is always NULL on fork-able environments */ sargp.redirect_fds = context.nil; } // #ifdef HAVE_SETPGID if (eargp.pgroup_given()) { if (run_exec_pgroup(runtime, eargp, sargp, errmsg) == -1) /* async-signal-safe */ return -1; } // #endif // #if defined(HAVE_SETRLIMIT) && defined(RLIM2NUM) obj = eargp.rlimit_limits; if (obj != null) { throw runtime.newNotImplementedError("setting rlimit in child is unsupported"); // if (run_exec_rlimit(runtime, (RubyArray)obj, sargp, errmsg) == -1) /* hopefully async-signal-safe */ // return -1; } // #endif // #if !defined(HAVE_FORK) boolean clearEnv = false; if (eargp.unsetenv_others_given() && eargp.unsetenv_others_do()) { // only way to do this is manually build a list of env assignments that clear all parent values throw runtime.newNotImplementedError("clearing env in child is not supported"); // saveEnv(context, runtime, sargp); // we can't clear env in parent process // runtime.getENV().clear(); } RubyArray env = eargp.env_modification; if (env != null) { eargp.envp_str = ShellLauncher.getModifiedEnv(runtime, env, clearEnv); } // #endif if (eargp.umask_given()) { throw runtime.newNotImplementedError("setting umask in child is unsupported"); // int mask = eargp.umask_mask; // SpawnAttribute. // int oldmask = runtime.getPosix().umask(mask); /* never fail */ /* async-signal-safe */ // if (sargp != null) { // sargp.umask_given_set(); // sargp.umask_mask = oldmask; // } } obj = eargp.fd_dup2; if (obj != null) { if (run_exec_dup2(runtime, (RubyArray)obj, eargp, sargp, errmsg) == -1) /* hopefully async-signal-safe */ return -1; } obj = eargp.fd_close; if (obj != null) { if (sargp != null) runtime.getWarnings().warn("cannot close fd before spawn"); else { if (run_exec_close(runtime, (RubyArray)obj, eargp, errmsg) == -1) /* async-signal-safe */ return -1; } } obj = eargp.fd_dup2_child; if (obj != null) { if (run_exec_dup2_child(runtime, (RubyArray)obj, eargp, sargp, errmsg) == -1) /* async-signal-safe */ return -1; } if (eargp.chdir_given()) { // should have been set up in pipe_open, so we just raise here throw new RuntimeException("BUG: chdir not supported in posix_spawn; should have been made into chdir"); // we can't chdir in the parent // if (sargp != null) { // String cwd = runtime.getCurrentDirectory(); // sargp.chdir_given_set(); // sargp.chdir_dir = cwd; // } // if (chdir(RSTRING_PTR(eargp.chdir_dir)) == -1) { /* async-signal-safe */ // ERRMSG("chdir"); // return -1; // } } // #ifdef HAVE_SETGID if (eargp.gid_given()) { throw runtime.newNotImplementedError("setgid in the child is not supported"); // we can't setgid in the parent // if (setgid(eargp.gid) < 0) { // ERRMSG("setgid"); // return -1; // } } // #endif // #ifdef HAVE_SETUID if (eargp.uid_given()) { throw runtime.newNotImplementedError("setuid in the child is not supported"); // we can't setuid in the parent // if (setuid(eargp.uid) < 0) { // ERRMSG("setuid"); // return -1; // } } // #endif // if (sargp != null) { // IRubyObject ary = sargp.fd_dup2; // if (ary != null) { // int len = runExecDup2TmpbufSize(((RubyArray)ary).size()); // run_exec_dup2_fd_pair[] tmpbuf = new run_exec_dup2_fd_pair[len]; // for (int i = 0; i < tmpbuf.length; i++) tmpbuf[i] = new run_exec_dup2_fd_pair(); // sargp.dup2_tmpbuf = tmpbuf; // } // } return 0; } /* This function should be async-signal-safe. Actually it is. */ static int run_exec_close(Ruby runtime, RubyArray ary, ExecArg eargp, String[] errmsg) { long i; int ret; for (i = 0; i < ary.size(); i++) { RubyArray elt = (RubyArray)ary.eltOk(i); int fd = RubyNumeric.fix2int(elt.eltOk(0)); ret = redirectClose(runtime, eargp, fd, true); /* async-signal-safe */ if (ret == -1) { if (errmsg != null) errmsg[0] = "close"; return -1; } } return 0; } /* This function should be async-signal-safe when sargp is NULL. Actually it is. */ static int run_exec_dup2_child(Ruby runtime, RubyArray ary, ExecArg eargp, ExecArg sargp, String[] errmsg) { long i; int ret; for (i = 0; i < ary.size(); i++) { RubyArray elt = (RubyArray)ary.eltOk(i); int newfd = RubyNumeric.fix2int(elt.eltOk(0)); int oldfd = RubyNumeric.fix2int(elt.eltOk(1)); // Don't have to save in parent, since we let posix_spawn dup2 // if (saveRedirectFd(runtime, newfd, sargp, errmsg) < 0) /* async-signal-safe */ // return -1; // This always succeeds redirectDup2(eargp, oldfd, newfd); /* async-signal-safe */ // rb_update_max_fd(newfd); } return 0; } private static class run_exec_dup2_fd_pair { int oldfd; int newfd; int older_index; int num_newer; }; static int runExecDup2TmpbufSize(int n) { return n; } static void execargFixup(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, ExecArg eargp) { execargParentStart(context, runtime, eargp); } static void execargParentStart(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, ExecArg eargp) { try { execargParentStart1(context, runtime, eargp); } catch (RaiseException re) { execargParentEnd(runtime, eargp); throw re; } } static void execargParentStart1(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, ExecArg eargp) { boolean unsetenv_others; RubyArray envopts; RubyArray<RubyArray> ary; eargp.redirect_fds = checkExecFds(context, runtime, eargp); ary = eargp.fd_open; if (ary != null) { long i; for (i = 0; i < ary.size(); i++) { RubyArray<RubyArray> elt = ary.eltOk(i); int fd = RubyNumeric.fix2int(elt.eltOk(0)); RubyArray param = elt.eltOk(1); IRubyObject vpath = param.eltOk(0); int flags = RubyNumeric.num2int(param.eltOk(1)); int perm = RubyNumeric.num2int(param.eltOk(2)); IRubyObject fd2v = param.entry(3); int fd2; if (fd2v.isNil()) { RubyIO.Sysopen open_data = new RubyIO.Sysopen(); vpath = RubyFile.get_path(context, vpath); // TODO // vpath = rb_str_encode_ospath(vpath); while (true) { open_data.fname = vpath.toString(); open_data.oflags = flags; open_data.perm = perm; ChannelFD ret; open_data.errno = Errno.EINTR; ret = open_func(runtime, open_data); // rb_thread_call_without_gvl2(open_func, (void *)&open_data, RUBY_UBF_IO, 0); if (ret == null) { if (open_data.errno == Errno.EINTR) { context.pollThreadEvents(); continue; } runtime.newErrnoFromInt(open_data.errno.intValue(), vpath.toString()); } // We're in the fully-native process logic, so this should be a native stream fd2 = ((ChannelFD) ret).realFileno; // rb_update_max_fd(fd2);, runtime.newFixnum(fd2)); context.pollThreadEvents(); break; } } else { fd2 = RubyNumeric.num2int(fd2v); } execargAddopt(context, runtime, eargp, runtime.newFixnum(fd), runtime.newFixnum(fd2)); } } ary = eargp.fd_dup2; if (ary != null) { int len = runExecDup2TmpbufSize(ary.size()); run_exec_dup2_fd_pair[] tmpbuf = new run_exec_dup2_fd_pair[len]; for (int i = 0; i < tmpbuf.length; i++) tmpbuf[i] = new run_exec_dup2_fd_pair(); eargp.dup2_tmpbuf = tmpbuf; } IRubyObject envtbl; unsetenv_others = eargp.unsetenv_others_given() && eargp.unsetenv_others_do(); envopts = eargp.env_modification; if (unsetenv_others || envopts != null) { if (unsetenv_others) { envtbl = RubyHash.newHash(runtime); } else { envtbl = runtime.getObject().getConstant("ENV"); envtbl = TypeConverter.convertToType(envtbl, runtime.getHash(), "to_hash").dup(); } if (envopts != null) { RubyHash stenv = (RubyHash)envtbl; long i; for (i = 0; i < envopts.size(); i++) { IRubyObject pair = envopts.eltOk(i); IRubyObject key = ((RubyArray)pair).eltOk(0); IRubyObject val = ((RubyArray)pair).eltOk(1); if (val.isNil()) { IRubyObject stkey = key; stenv.fastDelete(stkey); } else { stenv.op_aset(context, key, val); } } } } else { // In MRI, they use the current env as the baseline because they fork+exec. We can't do that, // and posix_spawn needs a full env, so we pass even unmodified env through. envtbl = runtime.getObject().getConstant("ENV"); envtbl = TypeConverter.convertToType(envtbl, runtime.getHash(), "to_hash"); } buildEnvp(runtime, eargp, envtbl); // RB_GC_GUARD(execarg_obj); } static void execargParentEnd(Ruby runtime, ExecArg eargp) { int err = runtime.getPosix().errno(); RubyArray<RubyArray> ary; ary = eargp.fd_open; if (ary != null) { long i; for (i = 0; i < ary.size(); i++) { RubyArray<RubyArray> elt = ary.eltOk(i); RubyArray param = elt.eltOk(1); IRubyObject fd2v; int fd2; fd2v = param.entry(3); if (!fd2v.isNil()) { fd2 = RubyNumeric.fix2int(fd2v); parentRedirectClose(runtime, fd2);, runtime.getNil()); } } } runtime.getPosix().errno(err); } static ChannelFD open_func(Ruby runtime, RubyIO.Sysopen data) { ChannelFD ret = parentRedirectOpen(runtime, data); data.errno = Errno.valueOf(runtime.getPosix().errno()); return ret; } static ChannelFD parentRedirectOpen(Ruby runtime, RubyIO.Sysopen data) { return RubyIO.cloexecOpen(runtime, data); } static void parentRedirectClose(Ruby runtime, int fd) { // close_unless_reserved if (fd > 2) runtime.getPosix().close(fd); } private static void buildEnvp(Ruby runtime, ExecArg eargp, IRubyObject envtbl) { String[] envp_str; List<String> envp_buf; envp_buf = new ArrayList(); for (Map.Entry<IRubyObject, IRubyObject> entry : (Set<Map.Entry<IRubyObject, IRubyObject>>)((RubyHash)envtbl).directEntrySet()) { IRubyObject key = entry.getKey(); IRubyObject val = entry.getValue(); envp_buf.add(StringSupport.checkEmbeddedNulls(runtime, key).toString() + "=" + StringSupport.checkEmbeddedNulls(runtime, val)); } envp_str = new String[envp_buf.size()]; envp_buf.toArray(envp_str); eargp.envp_str = envp_str; eargp.envp_buf = envp_buf; } static int checkExecFds1(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, ExecArg eargp, RubyHash h, int maxhint, IRubyObject ary) { long i; if (ary != null) { for (i = 0; i < ((RubyArray)ary).size(); i++) { IRubyObject elt = ((RubyArray)ary).eltOk(i); int fd = RubyNumeric.fix2int(((RubyArray)elt).eltOk(0)); if (h.fastARef(runtime.newFixnum(fd)) != null) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("fd " + fd + " specified twice"); } if (ary == eargp.fd_open || ary == eargp.fd_dup2) h.op_aset(context, runtime.newFixnum(fd), runtime.getTrue()); else if (ary == eargp.fd_dup2_child) h.op_aset(context, runtime.newFixnum(fd), ((RubyArray)elt).eltOk(1)); else /* ary == eargp.fd_close */ h.op_aset(context, runtime.newFixnum(fd), runtime.newFixnum(-1)); if (maxhint < fd) maxhint = fd; if (ary == eargp.fd_dup2 || ary == eargp.fd_dup2_child) { fd = RubyNumeric.fix2int(((RubyArray)elt).eltOk(1)); if (maxhint < fd) maxhint = fd; } } } return maxhint; } static IRubyObject checkExecFds(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, ExecArg eargp) { RubyHash h = RubyHash.newHash(runtime); IRubyObject ary; int maxhint = -1; long i; maxhint = checkExecFds1(context, runtime, eargp, h, maxhint, eargp.fd_dup2); maxhint = checkExecFds1(context, runtime, eargp, h, maxhint, eargp.fd_close); maxhint = checkExecFds1(context, runtime, eargp, h, maxhint, eargp.fd_open); maxhint = checkExecFds1(context, runtime, eargp, h, maxhint, eargp.fd_dup2_child); if (eargp.fd_dup2_child != null) { ary = eargp.fd_dup2_child; for (i = 0; i < ((RubyArray)ary).size(); i++) { IRubyObject elt = ((RubyArray)ary).eltOk(i); int newfd = RubyNumeric.fix2int(((RubyArray)elt).eltOk(0)); int oldfd = RubyNumeric.fix2int(((RubyArray)elt).eltOk(1)); int lastfd = oldfd; IRubyObject val = h.fastARef(runtime.newFixnum(lastfd)); long depth = 0; while (val instanceof RubyFixnum && 0 <= ((RubyFixnum)val).getIntValue()) { lastfd = RubyNumeric.fix2int(val); val = h.fastARef(val); if (((RubyArray)ary).size() < depth) throw runtime.newArgumentError("cyclic child fd redirection from " + oldfd); depth++; } if (val != runtime.getTrue()) throw runtime.newArgumentError("child fd " + oldfd + " is not redirected"); if (oldfd != lastfd) { IRubyObject val2; ((RubyArray)elt).store(1, runtime.newFixnum(lastfd)); h.op_aset(context, runtime.newFixnum(newfd), runtime.newFixnum(lastfd)); val = runtime.newFixnum(oldfd); while ((val2 = h.fastARef(val)) instanceof RubyFixnum) { h.op_aset(context, val, runtime.newFixnum(lastfd)); val = val2; } } } } eargp.close_others_maxhint = maxhint; return h; } static int execargAddopt(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, ExecArg eargp, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject val) { String id; // #if defined(HAVE_SETRLIMIT) && defined(NUM2RLIM) int rtype; // #endif // rb_secure(2); boolean redirect = false; switch (key.getType().getClassIndex()) { case SYMBOL: id = key.toString(); // #ifdef HAVE_SETPGID if (id.equals("pgroup")) { long pgroup; if (eargp.pgroup_given()) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("pgroup option specified twice"); } if (val == null || !val.isTrue()) pgroup = -1; /* asis(-1) means "don't call setpgid()". */ else if (val == runtime.getTrue()) pgroup = 0; /* new process group. */ else { pgroup = val.convertToInteger().getLongValue(); if (pgroup < 0) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("negative process group symbol : " + pgroup); } } eargp.pgroup_given_set(); eargp.pgroup_pgid = pgroup; } else // #ifdef _WIN32 // if (id.equals("new_pgroup")) { // if (eargp.new_pgroup_given) { // throw runtime.newArgumentError("new_pgroup option specified twice"); // } // eargp.new_pgroup_given = 1; // eargp.new_pgroup_flag = RTEST(val) ? 1 : 0; // } // else // #endif // #if defined(HAVE_SETRLIMIT) && defined(NUM2RLIM) if (id.startsWith("rlimit_") && // TODO false) { // (rtype = rlimitTypeByLname(id.substring(7)) != -1)) { IRubyObject ary = eargp.rlimit_limits; IRubyObject tmp, softlim, hardlim; if (eargp.rlimit_limits == null) ary = eargp.rlimit_limits = runtime.newArray(); else ary = eargp.rlimit_limits; tmp = TypeConverter.checkArrayType(runtime, val); if (!tmp.isNil()) { if (((RubyArray)tmp).size() == 1) softlim = hardlim = ((RubyArray)tmp).eltOk(0).convertToInteger(); else if (((RubyArray)tmp).size() == 2) { softlim = ((RubyArray)tmp).eltOk(0).convertToInteger(); hardlim = ((RubyArray)tmp).eltOk(1).convertToInteger(); } else { throw runtime.newArgumentError("wrong exec rlimit option"); } } else { softlim = hardlim = val.convertToInteger(); } tmp = RubyArray.newArray(runtime, runtime.newFixnum(rtype), softlim, hardlim); ((RubyArray)ary).push(tmp); } else // #endif if (id.equals("unsetenv_others")) { if (eargp.unsetenv_others_given()) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("unsetenv_others option specified twice"); } eargp.unsetenv_others_given_set(); if (!val.isNil()) { eargp.unsetenv_others_do_set(); } else { eargp.unsetenv_others_do_clear(); } } else if (id.equals("chdir")) { if (eargp.chdir_given()) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("chdir option specified twice"); } RubyString valTmp = RubyFile.get_path(context, val); eargp.chdir_given_set(); eargp.chdir_dir = valTmp.toString(); } else if (id.equals("umask")) { int cmask = val.convertToInteger().getIntValue(); if (eargp.umask_given()) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("umask option specified twice"); } eargp.umask_given_set(); eargp.umask_mask = cmask; } else if (id.equals("close_others")) { if (eargp.close_others_given()) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("close_others option specified twice"); } eargp.close_others_given_set(); if (!val.isNil()) { eargp.close_others_do_set(); } else { eargp.close_others_do_clear(); } } else if (id.equals("in")) { key =; checkExecRedirect(context, runtime, key, val, eargp); } else if (id.equals("out")) { key =; checkExecRedirect(context, runtime, key, val, eargp); } else if (id.equals("err")) { key = RubyFixnum.two(runtime); checkExecRedirect(context, runtime, key, val, eargp); } else if (id.equals("uid") && false) { // TODO // #ifdef HAVE_SETUID if (eargp.uid_given()) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("uid option specified twice"); } // checkUidSwitch(); { // PREPARE_GETPWNAM; eargp.uid = val.convertToInteger().getIntValue(); eargp.uid_given_set(); } // #else // rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, // "uid option is unimplemented on this machine"); // #endif } else if (id.equals("gid") && false) { // TODO // #ifdef HAVE_SETGID if (eargp.gid_given()) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("gid option specified twice"); } // checkGidSwitch(); { // PREPARE_GETGRNAM; eargp.gid = val.convertToInteger().getIntValue(); eargp.gid_given_set(); } // #else // rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, // "gid option is unimplemented on this machine"); // #endif } else { return ST_STOP; } break; case INTEGER: if (!(key instanceof RubyFixnum)) { return ST_STOP; } case FILE: case IO: case ARRAY: checkExecRedirect(context, runtime, key, val, eargp); break; default: return ST_STOP; } return ST_CONTINUE; } // MRI: check_exec_redirect static void checkExecRedirect(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject val, ExecArg eargp) { IRubyObject param; IRubyObject path, flags, perm; IRubyObject tmp; String id; switch (val.getMetaClass().getRealClass().getClassIndex()) { case SYMBOL: id = val.toString(); if (id.equals("close")) { param = context.nil; eargp.fd_close = checkExecRedirect1(runtime, eargp.fd_close, key, param); } else if (id.equals("in")) { param = runtime.newFixnum(0); eargp.fd_dup2 = checkExecRedirect1(runtime, eargp.fd_dup2, key, param); } else if (id.equals("out")) { param = runtime.newFixnum(1); eargp.fd_dup2 = checkExecRedirect1(runtime, eargp.fd_dup2, key, param); } else if (id.equals("err")) { param = runtime.newFixnum(2); eargp.fd_dup2 = checkExecRedirect1(runtime, eargp.fd_dup2, key, param); } else { throw runtime.newArgumentError("wrong exec redirect symbol: " + id); } break; case FILE: case IO: val = checkExecRedirectFd(runtime, val, false); /* fall through */ case INTEGER: if (val instanceof RubyFixnum) { param = val; eargp.fd_dup2 = checkExecRedirect1(runtime, eargp.fd_dup2, key, param); break; } checkExecRedirectDefault(runtime, key, val, eargp); break; case ARRAY: path = ((RubyArray)val).eltOk(0); if (((RubyArray)val).size() == 2 && path instanceof RubySymbol && path.toString().equals("child")) { param = checkExecRedirectFd(runtime, ((RubyArray)val).eltOk(1), false); eargp.fd_dup2_child = checkExecRedirect1(runtime, eargp.fd_dup2_child, key, param); } else { path = RubyFile.get_path(context, path); flags = ((RubyArray)val).eltOk(1); int intFlags; if (flags.isNil()) intFlags = OpenFlags.O_RDONLY.intValue(); else if (flags instanceof RubyString) intFlags = OpenFile.ioModestrOflags(runtime, flags.toString()); else intFlags = flags.convertToInteger().getIntValue(); flags = runtime.newFixnum(intFlags); perm = ((RubyArray)val).entry(2); perm = perm.isNil() ? runtime.newFixnum(0644) : perm.convertToInteger(); param = RubyArray.newArray(runtime, ((RubyString)path).strDup(runtime).export(context), flags, perm); eargp.fd_open = checkExecRedirect1(runtime, eargp.fd_open, key, param); } break; case STRING: path = val; path = RubyFile.get_path(context, path); if (key instanceof RubyIO) key = checkExecRedirectFd(runtime, key, true); if (key instanceof RubyFixnum && (((RubyFixnum)key).getIntValue() == 1 || ((RubyFixnum)key).getIntValue() == 2)) flags = runtime.newFixnum(OpenFlags.O_WRONLY.intValue()|OpenFlags.O_CREAT.intValue()|OpenFlags.O_TRUNC.intValue()); else flags = runtime.newFixnum(OpenFlags.O_RDONLY.intValue()); perm = runtime.newFixnum(0644); param = RubyArray.newArray(runtime, ((RubyString)path).strDup(runtime).export(context), flags, perm); eargp.fd_open = checkExecRedirect1(runtime, eargp.fd_open, key, param); break; default: checkExecRedirectDefault(runtime, key, val, eargp); } } private static void checkExecRedirectDefault(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject val, ExecArg eargp) { IRubyObject tmp; IRubyObject param; tmp = val; val = TypeConverter.ioCheckIO(runtime, tmp); if (!val.isNil()) { val = checkExecRedirectFd(runtime, val, false); param = val; eargp.fd_dup2 = checkExecRedirect1(runtime, eargp.fd_dup2, key, param); } throw runtime.newArgumentError("wrong exec redirect action"); } // MRI: check_exec_redirect_fd static IRubyObject checkExecRedirectFd(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject v, boolean iskey) { IRubyObject tmp; int fd; if (v instanceof RubyFixnum) { fd = RubyNumeric.fix2int(v); } else if (v instanceof RubySymbol) { String id = v.toString(); if (id.equals("in")) fd = 0; else if (id.equals("out")) fd = 1; else if (id.equals("err")) fd = 2; else throw runtime.newArgumentError("wrong exec redirect"); } else if (!(tmp = TypeConverter.convertToTypeWithCheck(v, runtime.getIO(), "to_io")).isNil()) { OpenFile fptr; fptr = ((RubyIO)tmp).getOpenFileChecked(); if (fptr.tiedIOForWriting != null) throw runtime.newArgumentError("duplex IO redirection"); fd = fptr.fd().bestFileno(); } else { throw runtime.newArgumentError("wrong exec redirect"); } if (fd < 0) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("negative file descriptor"); } else if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS && fd >= 3 && iskey) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("wrong file descriptor (" + fd + ")"); } return runtime.newFixnum(fd); } // MRI: check_exec_redirect1 static RubyArray checkExecRedirect1(Ruby runtime, RubyArray ary, IRubyObject key, IRubyObject param) { if (ary == null) { ary = runtime.newArray(); } if (!(key instanceof RubyArray)) { IRubyObject fd = checkExecRedirectFd(runtime, key, !param.isNil()); ary.push(runtime.newArray(fd, param)); } else { int i, n=0; for (i = 0 ; i < ((RubyArray)key).size(); i++) { IRubyObject v = ((RubyArray)key).eltOk(i); IRubyObject fd = checkExecRedirectFd(runtime, v, !param.isNil()); ary.push(runtime.newArray(fd, param)); n++; } } return ary; } private static final int ST_CONTINUE = 0; private static final int ST_STOP = 1; // rb_execarg_new public static ExecArg execargNew(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] argv, boolean accept_shell) { ExecArg eargp = new ExecArg(); execargInit(context, argv, accept_shell, eargp); return eargp; } // rb_execarg_init private static RubyString execargInit(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] argv, boolean accept_shell, ExecArg eargp) { RubyString prog, ret; IRubyObject[] env_opt = {context.nil, context.nil}; IRubyObject[][] argv_p = {argv}; prog = execGetargs(context, argv_p, accept_shell, env_opt); execFillarg(context, prog, argv_p[0], env_opt[0], env_opt[1], eargp); ret = eargp.use_shell ? eargp.command_name : eargp.command_name; return ret; } // rb_exec_getargs private static RubyString execGetargs(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[][] argv_p, boolean accept_shell, IRubyObject[] env_opt) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject hash; RubyString prog; int beg = 0; int end = argv_p[0].length; if (end >= 1) { hash = TypeConverter.checkHashType(runtime, argv_p[0][end - 1]); if (!hash.isNil()) { env_opt[1] = hash; end--; } } if (end >= 1) { hash = TypeConverter.checkHashType(runtime, argv_p[0][0]); if (!hash.isNil()) { env_opt[0] = hash; beg++; } } argv_p[0] = Arrays.copyOfRange(argv_p[0], beg, end); prog = checkArgv(context, argv_p[0]); if (prog == null) { prog = (RubyString)argv_p[0][0]; if (accept_shell && (end - beg) == 1) { argv_p[0] = IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY; } } return prog; } // rb_check_argv public static RubyString checkArgv(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] argv) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject tmp; RubyString prog; int i; Arity.checkArgumentCount(runtime, argv, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); prog = null; tmp = TypeConverter.checkArrayType(runtime, argv[0]); if (!tmp.isNil()) { if (((RubyArray)tmp).size() != 2) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("wrong first argument"); } prog = ((RubyArray)tmp).eltOk(0).convertToString(); argv[0] = ((RubyArray)tmp).eltOk(1); StringSupport.checkEmbeddedNulls(runtime, prog); prog = prog.strDup(runtime); prog.setFrozen(true); } for (i = 0; i < argv.length; i++) { argv[i] = argv[i].convertToString(); argv[i] = ((RubyString)argv[i]).newFrozen(); StringSupport.checkEmbeddedNulls(runtime, argv[i]); } // security(name ? name : RSTRING_PTR(argv[0])); return prog; } private static final int posix_sh_cmd_length = 8; private static final String posix_sh_cmds[] = { "!", /* reserved */ ".", /* special built-in */ ":", /* special built-in */ "break", /* special built-in */ "case", /* reserved */ "continue", /* special built-in */ "do", /* reserved */ "done", /* reserved */ "elif", /* reserved */ "else", /* reserved */ "esac", /* reserved */ "eval", /* special built-in */ "exec", /* special built-in */ "exit", /* special built-in */ "export", /* special built-in */ "fi", /* reserved */ "for", /* reserved */ "if", /* reserved */ "in", /* reserved */ "readonly", /* special built-in */ "return", /* special built-in */ "set", /* special built-in */ "shift", /* special built-in */ "then", /* reserved */ "times", /* special built-in */ "trap", /* special built-in */ "unset", /* special built-in */ "until", /* reserved */ "while", /* reserved */ }; private static final byte[] DUMMY_ARRAY = ByteList.NULL_ARRAY; private static void execFillarg(ThreadContext context, RubyString prog, IRubyObject[] argv, IRubyObject env, IRubyObject opthash, ExecArg eargp) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; int argc = argv.length; if (!opthash.isNil()) { checkExecOptions(context, runtime, (RubyHash)opthash, eargp); } // add chdir if necessary String virtualCWD = runtime.getCurrentDirectory(); if (!virtualCWD.equals(runtime.getPosix().getcwd())) { String arg = prog.toString(); // if we're launching org.jruby.Main, adjust args to -C to new dir if ((arg = ShellLauncher.changeDirInsideJar(runtime, arg)) != null) { prog = RubyString.newString(runtime, arg); } else if (virtualCWD.startsWith("uri:classloader:")) { // can't switch to uri:classloader URL, so just run in cwd } else if (!eargp.chdir_given()) { // only if :chdir is not specified eargp.chdir_given_set(); eargp.chdir_dir = virtualCWD; } } // restructure command as a single string if chdir and has args if (eargp.chdir_given() && argc > 1) { RubyArray array = RubyArray.newArrayMayCopy(runtime, argv); prog = (RubyString)array.join(context, RubyString.newString(runtime, " ")); } if (!env.isNil()) { eargp.env_modification = checkExecEnv(context, (RubyHash) env, eargp); } prog = prog.export(context); // need to use shell eargp.use_shell = argc == 0 || eargp.chdir_given(); if (eargp.use_shell) eargp.command_name = prog; else eargp.command_name = prog; if (!Platform.IS_WINDOWS) { if (eargp.use_shell) { byte[] pBytes; int p; ByteList first = new ByteList(DUMMY_ARRAY, false); boolean has_meta = false; /* * meta characters: * * * Pathname Expansion * ? Pathname Expansion * {} Grouping Commands * [] Pathname Expansion * <> Redirection * () Grouping Commands * ~ Tilde Expansion * & AND Lists, Asynchronous Lists * | OR Lists, Pipelines * \ Escape Character * $ Parameter Expansion * ; Sequential Lists * ' Single-Quotes * ` Command Substitution * " Double-Quotes * \n Lists * * # Comment * = Assignment preceding command name * % (used in Parameter Expansion) */ ByteList progByteList = prog.getByteList(); pBytes = progByteList.unsafeBytes(); for (p = 0; p < progByteList.length(); p++){ if (progByteList.get(p) == ' ' || progByteList.get(p) == '\t'){ if (first.unsafeBytes() != DUMMY_ARRAY && first.length() == 0) first.setRealSize(p - first.begin()); } else{ if (first.unsafeBytes() == DUMMY_ARRAY) { first.setUnsafeBytes(pBytes); first.setBegin(p + progByteList.begin()); } } if (!has_meta && "*?{}[]<>()~&|\\$;'`\"\n#".indexOf(progByteList.get(p) & 0xFF) != -1) has_meta = true; if (first.length() == 0) { if (progByteList.get(p) == '='){ has_meta = true; } else if (progByteList.get(p) == '/'){ first.setRealSize(0x100); /* longer than any posix_sh_cmds */ } } if (has_meta) break; } if (!has_meta && first.getUnsafeBytes() != DUMMY_ARRAY) { if (first.length() == 0) first.setRealSize(p - first.getBegin()); if (first.length() > 0 && first.length() <= posix_sh_cmd_length && Arrays.binarySearch(posix_sh_cmds, first.toString(), StringComparator.INSTANCE) >= 0) has_meta = true; } if (!has_meta && !eargp.chdir_given()) { /* avoid shell since no shell meta character found and no chdir needed. */ eargp.use_shell = false; } if (!eargp.use_shell) { List<byte[]> argv_buf = new ArrayList<>(); pBytes = prog.getByteList().unsafeBytes(); p = prog.getByteList().begin(); int pEnd = prog.getByteList().length() + p; while (p < pEnd){ while (p < pEnd && (pBytes[p] == ' ' || pBytes[p] == '\t')) p++; if (p < pEnd){ int w = p; while (p < pEnd && pBytes[p] != ' ' && pBytes[p] != '\t') p++; argv_buf.add(Arrays.copyOfRange(pBytes, w, p)); eargp.argv_buf = argv_buf; } } if (argv_buf.size() > 0) { eargp.command_name = RubyString.newStringNoCopy(runtime, argv_buf.get(0)); } else { eargp.command_name = RubyString.newEmptyString(runtime); // empty command will get caught below shortly } } } } if (!eargp.use_shell) { String abspath; abspath = dlnFindExeR(runtime, eargp.command_name.toString(), eargp.path_env); if (abspath != null) eargp.command_abspath = StringSupport.checkEmbeddedNulls(runtime, RubyString.newString(runtime, abspath)); else eargp.command_abspath = null; } if (!eargp.use_shell && eargp.argv_buf == null) { int i; ArrayList<byte[]> argv_buf = new ArrayList<>(argc); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { IRubyObject arg = argv[i]; RubyString argStr = StringSupport.checkEmbeddedNulls(runtime, arg); argStr = argStr.export(context); argv_buf.add(argStr.getBytes()); } eargp.argv_buf = argv_buf; } if (!eargp.use_shell) { ArgvStr argv_str = new ArgvStr(); argv_str.argv = new String[eargp.argv_buf.size()]; int i = 0; for (byte[] bytes : eargp.argv_buf) { argv_str.argv[i++] = new String(bytes); } eargp.argv_str = argv_str; } } private static final class StringComparator implements Comparator<String> { static final StringComparator INSTANCE = new StringComparator(); public int compare(String o1, String o2) { int ret = o1.compareTo(o2); if (ret == 0 && o1.length() > o2.length()) return -1; return ret; } } private static String dlnFindExeR(Ruby runtime, String fname, IRubyObject path) { File exePath = ShellLauncher.findPathExecutable(runtime, fname, path); return exePath != null ? exePath.getAbsolutePath() : null; } private static class ArgvStr { String[] argv; } public static class ExecArg { boolean use_shell; RubyString command_name; RubyString command_abspath; /* full path string or nil */ ArgvStr argv_str; List<byte[]> argv_buf; IRubyObject redirect_fds; String[] envp_str; List<String> envp_buf; run_exec_dup2_fd_pair[] dup2_tmpbuf; int flags; long pgroup_pgid = -1; /* asis(-1), new pgroup(0), specified pgroup (0<V). */ IRubyObject rlimit_limits; /* null or [[rtype, softlim, hardlim], ...] */ int umask_mask; int uid; int gid; RubyArray fd_dup2; RubyArray fd_close; RubyArray<RubyArray> fd_open; RubyArray fd_dup2_child; int close_others_maxhint; RubyArray env_modification; /* null or [[k1,v1], ...] */ String chdir_dir; List<SpawnFileAction> fileActions = new ArrayList(); List<SpawnAttribute> attributes = new ArrayList(); IRubyObject path_env; boolean pgroup_given() { return (flags & 0x1) != 0; } boolean umask_given() { return (flags & 0x2) != 0; } boolean unsetenv_others_given() { return (flags & 0x4) != 0; } boolean unsetenv_others_do() { return (flags & 0x8) != 0; } boolean close_others_given() { return (flags & 0x10) != 0; } boolean close_others_do() { return (flags & 0x20) != 0; } boolean chdir_given() { return (flags & 0x40) != 0; } boolean new_pgroup_given() { return (flags & 0x80) != 0; } boolean new_pgroup_flag() { return (flags & 0x100) != 0; } boolean uid_given() { return (flags & 0x200) != 0; } boolean gid_given() { return (flags & 0x400) != 0; } void pgroup_given_set() { flags |= 0x1; } void umask_given_set() { flags |= 0x2; } void unsetenv_others_given_set() { flags |= 0x4; } void unsetenv_others_do_set() { flags |= 0x8; } void close_others_given_set() { flags |= 0x10; } void close_others_do_set() { flags |= 0x20; } void chdir_given_set() { flags |= 0x40; } void new_pgroup_given_set() { flags |= 0x80; } void new_pgroup_flag_set() { flags |= 0x100; } void uid_given_set() { flags |= 0x200; } void gid_given_set() { flags |= 0x400; } void pgroup_given_clear() { flags &= ~0x1; } void umask_given_clear() { flags &= ~0x2; } void unsetenv_others_given_clear() { flags &= ~0x4; } void unsetenv_others_do_clear() { flags &= ~0x8; } void close_others_given_clear() { flags &= ~0x10; } void close_others_do_clear() { flags &= ~0x20; } void chdir_given_clear() { flags &= ~0x40; } void new_pgroup_given_clear() { flags &= ~0x80; } void new_pgroup_flag_clear() { flags &= ~0x100; } void uid_given_clear() { flags &= ~0x200; } void gid_given_clear() { flags &= ~0x400; } } private static final Comparator<run_exec_dup2_fd_pair> intcmp = new Comparator<run_exec_dup2_fd_pair>() { @Override public int compare(run_exec_dup2_fd_pair o1, run_exec_dup2_fd_pair o2) { return, o2.oldfd); } }; private static final Comparator<run_exec_dup2_fd_pair> intrcmp = new Comparator<run_exec_dup2_fd_pair>() { @Override public int compare(run_exec_dup2_fd_pair o1, run_exec_dup2_fd_pair o2) { return, o1.oldfd); } }; }