 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2010, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
 * statements applied by the authors.  All third-party contributions are
 * distributed under license by Red Hat Inc.
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 * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
 * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package org.hibernate.cfg.annotations;

import org.hibernate.AnnotationException;
import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure;
import org.hibernate.EntityMode;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.annotations.BatchSize;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Cache;
import org.hibernate.annotations.CacheConcurrencyStrategy;
import org.hibernate.annotations.DynamicInsert;
import org.hibernate.annotations.DynamicUpdate;
import org.hibernate.annotations.FetchMode;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Filter;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Immutable;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Loader;
import org.hibernate.annotations.NaturalIdCache;
import org.hibernate.annotations.OptimisticLockType;
import org.hibernate.annotations.OptimisticLocking;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Persister;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Polymorphism;
import org.hibernate.annotations.PolymorphismType;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Proxy;
import org.hibernate.annotations.RowId;
import org.hibernate.annotations.SQLDelete;
import org.hibernate.annotations.SQLDeleteAll;
import org.hibernate.annotations.SQLInsert;
import org.hibernate.annotations.SQLUpdate;
import org.hibernate.annotations.SelectBeforeUpdate;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Subselect;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Synchronize;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Tables;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Tuplizer;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Tuplizers;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Where;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XAnnotatedElement;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XClass;
import org.hibernate.cfg.AccessType;
import org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationBinder;
import org.hibernate.cfg.BinderHelper;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Ejb3JoinColumn;
import org.hibernate.cfg.InheritanceState;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Mappings;
import org.hibernate.cfg.NamingStrategy;
import org.hibernate.cfg.ObjectNameNormalizer;
import org.hibernate.cfg.ObjectNameSource;
import org.hibernate.cfg.PropertyHolder;
import org.hibernate.cfg.UniqueConstraintHolder;
import org.hibernate.cfg.naming.NamingStrategyDelegate;
import org.hibernate.cfg.naming.NamingStrategyDelegator;
import org.hibernate.engine.OptimisticLockStyle;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.FilterDefinition;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.ReflectHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.mapping.DependantValue;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Join;
import org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.RootClass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.SimpleValue;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Table;
import org.hibernate.mapping.TableOwner;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Value;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

import javax.persistence.Access;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;
import javax.persistence.JoinTable;
import javax.persistence.NamedEntityGraph;
import javax.persistence.NamedEntityGraphs;
import javax.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumn;
import javax.persistence.SecondaryTable;
import javax.persistence.SecondaryTables;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

import static org.hibernate.cfg.BinderHelper.toAliasEntityMap;
import static org.hibernate.cfg.BinderHelper.toAliasTableMap;

Stateful holder and processor for binding Entity information
Author:Emmanuel Bernard
/** * Stateful holder and processor for binding Entity information * * @author Emmanuel Bernard */
public class EntityBinder { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = Logger.getMessageLogger(CoreMessageLogger.class, EntityBinder.class.getName()); private static final String NATURAL_ID_CACHE_SUFFIX = "##NaturalId"; private String name; private XClass annotatedClass; private PersistentClass persistentClass; private Mappings mappings; private String discriminatorValue = ""; private Boolean forceDiscriminator; private Boolean insertableDiscriminator; private boolean dynamicInsert; private boolean dynamicUpdate; private boolean explicitHibernateEntityAnnotation; private OptimisticLockType optimisticLockType; private PolymorphismType polymorphismType; private boolean selectBeforeUpdate; private int batchSize; private boolean lazy; private XClass proxyClass; private String where; private java.util.Map<String, Join> secondaryTables = new HashMap<String, Join>(); private java.util.Map<String, Object> secondaryTableJoins = new HashMap<String, Object>(); private String cacheConcurrentStrategy; private String cacheRegion; private String naturalIdCacheRegion; private List<Filter> filters = new ArrayList<Filter>(); private InheritanceState inheritanceState; private boolean ignoreIdAnnotations; private boolean cacheLazyProperty; private AccessType propertyAccessType = AccessType.DEFAULT; private boolean wrapIdsInEmbeddedComponents; private String subselect; public boolean wrapIdsInEmbeddedComponents() { return wrapIdsInEmbeddedComponents; }
Use as a fake one for Collection of elements
/** * Use as a fake one for Collection of elements */
public EntityBinder() { } public EntityBinder( Entity ejb3Ann, org.hibernate.annotations.Entity hibAnn, XClass annotatedClass, PersistentClass persistentClass, Mappings mappings) { this.mappings = mappings; this.persistentClass = persistentClass; this.annotatedClass = annotatedClass; bindEjb3Annotation( ejb3Ann ); bindHibernateAnnotation( hibAnn ); } @SuppressWarnings("SimplifiableConditionalExpression") private void bindHibernateAnnotation(org.hibernate.annotations.Entity hibAnn) { { final DynamicInsert dynamicInsertAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( DynamicInsert.class ); this.dynamicInsert = dynamicInsertAnn == null ? ( hibAnn == null ? false : hibAnn.dynamicInsert() ) : dynamicInsertAnn.value(); } { final DynamicUpdate dynamicUpdateAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( DynamicUpdate.class ); this.dynamicUpdate = dynamicUpdateAnn == null ? ( hibAnn == null ? false : hibAnn.dynamicUpdate() ) : dynamicUpdateAnn.value(); } { final SelectBeforeUpdate selectBeforeUpdateAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( SelectBeforeUpdate.class ); this.selectBeforeUpdate = selectBeforeUpdateAnn == null ? ( hibAnn == null ? false : hibAnn.selectBeforeUpdate() ) : selectBeforeUpdateAnn.value(); } { final OptimisticLocking optimisticLockingAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( OptimisticLocking.class ); this.optimisticLockType = optimisticLockingAnn == null ? ( hibAnn == null ? OptimisticLockType.VERSION : hibAnn.optimisticLock() ) : optimisticLockingAnn.type(); } { final Polymorphism polymorphismAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( Polymorphism.class ); this.polymorphismType = polymorphismAnn == null ? ( hibAnn == null ? PolymorphismType.IMPLICIT : hibAnn.polymorphism() ) : polymorphismAnn.type(); } if ( hibAnn != null ) { // used later in bind for logging explicitHibernateEntityAnnotation = true; //persister handled in bind } } private void bindEjb3Annotation(Entity ejb3Ann) { if ( ejb3Ann == null ) throw new AssertionFailure( "@Entity should always be not null" ); if ( BinderHelper.isEmptyAnnotationValue( ejb3Ann.name() ) ) { name = StringHelper.unqualify( annotatedClass.getName() ); } else { name = ejb3Ann.name(); } } public boolean isRootEntity() { // This is the best option I can think of here since PersistentClass is most likely not yet fully populated return persistentClass instanceof RootClass; } public void setDiscriminatorValue(String discriminatorValue) { this.discriminatorValue = discriminatorValue; } public void setForceDiscriminator(boolean forceDiscriminator) { this.forceDiscriminator = forceDiscriminator; } public void setInsertableDiscriminator(boolean insertableDiscriminator) { this.insertableDiscriminator = insertableDiscriminator; } public void bindEntity() { persistentClass.setAbstract( annotatedClass.isAbstract() ); persistentClass.setClassName( annotatedClass.getName() ); persistentClass.setNodeName( name ); persistentClass.setJpaEntityName(name); //persistentClass.setDynamic(false); //no longer needed with the Entity name refactoring? persistentClass.setEntityName( annotatedClass.getName() ); bindDiscriminatorValue(); persistentClass.setLazy( lazy ); if ( proxyClass != null ) { persistentClass.setProxyInterfaceName( proxyClass.getName() ); } persistentClass.setDynamicInsert( dynamicInsert ); persistentClass.setDynamicUpdate( dynamicUpdate ); if ( persistentClass instanceof RootClass ) { RootClass rootClass = (RootClass) persistentClass; boolean mutable = true; //priority on @Immutable, then @Entity.mutable() if ( annotatedClass.isAnnotationPresent( Immutable.class ) ) { mutable = false; } else { org.hibernate.annotations.Entity entityAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( org.hibernate.annotations.Entity.class ); if ( entityAnn != null ) { mutable = entityAnn.mutable(); } } rootClass.setMutable( mutable ); rootClass.setExplicitPolymorphism( isExplicitPolymorphism( polymorphismType ) ); if ( StringHelper.isNotEmpty( where ) ) rootClass.setWhere( where ); if ( cacheConcurrentStrategy != null ) { rootClass.setCacheConcurrencyStrategy( cacheConcurrentStrategy ); rootClass.setCacheRegionName( cacheRegion ); rootClass.setLazyPropertiesCacheable( cacheLazyProperty ); } rootClass.setNaturalIdCacheRegionName( naturalIdCacheRegion ); boolean forceDiscriminatorInSelects = forceDiscriminator == null ? mappings.forceDiscriminatorInSelectsByDefault() : forceDiscriminator; rootClass.setForceDiscriminator( forceDiscriminatorInSelects ); if( insertableDiscriminator != null) { rootClass.setDiscriminatorInsertable( insertableDiscriminator ); } } else { if (explicitHibernateEntityAnnotation) { LOG.entityAnnotationOnNonRoot(annotatedClass.getName()); } if (annotatedClass.isAnnotationPresent(Immutable.class)) { LOG.immutableAnnotationOnNonRoot(annotatedClass.getName()); } } persistentClass.setOptimisticLockStyle( getVersioning( optimisticLockType ) ); persistentClass.setSelectBeforeUpdate( selectBeforeUpdate ); //set persister if needed Persister persisterAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( Persister.class ); Class persister = null; if ( persisterAnn != null ) { persister = persisterAnn.impl(); } else { org.hibernate.annotations.Entity entityAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( org.hibernate.annotations.Entity.class ); if ( entityAnn != null && !BinderHelper.isEmptyAnnotationValue( entityAnn.persister() ) ) { try { persister = ReflectHelper.classForName( entityAnn.persister() ); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { throw new AnnotationException( "Could not find persister class: " + persister ); } } } if ( persister != null ) { persistentClass.setEntityPersisterClass( persister ); } persistentClass.setBatchSize( batchSize ); //SQL overriding SQLInsert sqlInsert = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( SQLInsert.class ); SQLUpdate sqlUpdate = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( SQLUpdate.class ); SQLDelete sqlDelete = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( SQLDelete.class ); SQLDeleteAll sqlDeleteAll = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( SQLDeleteAll.class ); Loader loader = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( Loader.class ); if ( sqlInsert != null ) { persistentClass.setCustomSQLInsert( sqlInsert.sql().trim(), sqlInsert.callable(), ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle.fromExternalName( sqlInsert.check().toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) ) ); } if ( sqlUpdate != null ) { persistentClass.setCustomSQLUpdate( sqlUpdate.sql(), sqlUpdate.callable(), ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle.fromExternalName( sqlUpdate.check().toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) ) ); } if ( sqlDelete != null ) { persistentClass.setCustomSQLDelete( sqlDelete.sql(), sqlDelete.callable(), ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle.fromExternalName( sqlDelete.check().toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) ) ); } if ( sqlDeleteAll != null ) { persistentClass.setCustomSQLDelete( sqlDeleteAll.sql(), sqlDeleteAll.callable(), ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle.fromExternalName( sqlDeleteAll.check().toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) ) ); } if ( loader != null ) { persistentClass.setLoaderName( loader.namedQuery() ); } if ( annotatedClass.isAnnotationPresent( Synchronize.class )) { Synchronize synchronizedWith = annotatedClass.getAnnotation(Synchronize.class); String [] tables = synchronizedWith.value(); for (String table : tables) { persistentClass.addSynchronizedTable(table); } } if ( annotatedClass.isAnnotationPresent(Subselect.class )) { Subselect subselect = annotatedClass.getAnnotation(Subselect.class); this.subselect = subselect.value(); } //tuplizers if ( annotatedClass.isAnnotationPresent( Tuplizers.class ) ) { for (Tuplizer tuplizer : annotatedClass.getAnnotation( Tuplizers.class ).value()) { EntityMode mode = EntityMode.parse( tuplizer.entityMode() ); //todo tuplizer.entityModeType persistentClass.addTuplizer( mode, tuplizer.impl().getName() ); } } if ( annotatedClass.isAnnotationPresent( Tuplizer.class ) ) { Tuplizer tuplizer = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( Tuplizer.class ); EntityMode mode = EntityMode.parse( tuplizer.entityMode() ); //todo tuplizer.entityModeType persistentClass.addTuplizer( mode, tuplizer.impl().getName() ); } for ( Filter filter : filters ) { String filterName = filter.name(); String cond = filter.condition(); if ( BinderHelper.isEmptyAnnotationValue( cond ) ) { FilterDefinition definition = mappings.getFilterDefinition(filterName); cond = definition == null ? null : definition.getDefaultFilterCondition(); if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( cond ) ) { throw new AnnotationException( "no filter condition found for filter " + filterName + " in " + this.name ); } } persistentClass.addFilter(filterName, cond, filter.deduceAliasInjectionPoints(), toAliasTableMap(filter.aliases()), toAliasEntityMap(filter.aliases())); } LOG.debugf( "Import with entity name %s", name ); try { mappings.addImport(persistentClass.getEntityName(), name); String entityName = persistentClass.getEntityName(); if ( !entityName.equals( name ) ) { mappings.addImport(entityName, entityName); } } catch (MappingException me) { throw new AnnotationException( "Use of the same entity name twice: " + name, me ); } processNamedEntityGraphs(); } private void processNamedEntityGraphs() { processNamedEntityGraph( annotatedClass.getAnnotation( NamedEntityGraph.class ) ); final NamedEntityGraphs graphs = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( NamedEntityGraphs.class ); if ( graphs != null ) { for ( NamedEntityGraph graph : graphs.value() ) { processNamedEntityGraph( graph ); } } } private void processNamedEntityGraph(NamedEntityGraph annotation) { if ( annotation == null ) { return; } mappings.addNamedEntityGraphDefintion(new NamedEntityGraphDefinition(annotation, name, persistentClass.getEntityName())); } public void bindDiscriminatorValue() { if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( discriminatorValue ) ) { Value discriminator = persistentClass.getDiscriminator(); if ( discriminator == null ) { persistentClass.setDiscriminatorValue( name ); } else if ( "character".equals( discriminator.getType().getName() ) ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Using default @DiscriminatorValue for a discriminator of type CHAR is not safe" ); } else if ( "integer".equals( discriminator.getType().getName() ) ) { persistentClass.setDiscriminatorValue( String.valueOf( name.hashCode() ) ); } else { persistentClass.setDiscriminatorValue( name ); //Spec compliant } } else { //persistentClass.getDiscriminator() persistentClass.setDiscriminatorValue( discriminatorValue ); } } OptimisticLockStyle getVersioning(OptimisticLockType type) { switch ( type ) { case VERSION: return OptimisticLockStyle.VERSION; case NONE: return OptimisticLockStyle.NONE; case DIRTY: return OptimisticLockStyle.DIRTY; case ALL: return OptimisticLockStyle.ALL; default: throw new AssertionFailure( "optimistic locking not supported: " + type ); } } private boolean isExplicitPolymorphism(PolymorphismType type) { switch ( type ) { case IMPLICIT: return false; case EXPLICIT: return true; default: throw new AssertionFailure( "Unknown polymorphism type: " + type ); } } public void setBatchSize(BatchSize sizeAnn) { if ( sizeAnn != null ) { batchSize = sizeAnn.size(); } else { batchSize = -1; } } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public void setProxy(Proxy proxy) { if ( proxy != null ) { lazy = proxy.lazy(); if ( !lazy ) { proxyClass = null; } else { if ( AnnotationBinder.isDefault( mappings.getReflectionManager().toXClass(proxy.proxyClass()), mappings ) ) { proxyClass = annotatedClass; } else { proxyClass = mappings.getReflectionManager().toXClass(proxy.proxyClass()); } } } else { lazy = true; //needed to allow association lazy loading. proxyClass = annotatedClass; } } public void setWhere(Where whereAnn) { if ( whereAnn != null ) { where = whereAnn.clause(); } } public void setWrapIdsInEmbeddedComponents(boolean wrapIdsInEmbeddedComponents) { this.wrapIdsInEmbeddedComponents = wrapIdsInEmbeddedComponents; } private static class EntityTableObjectNameSource implements ObjectNameSource { private final String explicitName; private final String logicalName; private EntityTableObjectNameSource(String explicitName, String entityName) { this.explicitName = explicitName; this.logicalName = StringHelper.isNotEmpty( explicitName ) ? explicitName : StringHelper.unqualify( entityName ); } public String getExplicitName() { return explicitName; } public String getLogicalName() { return logicalName; } } private static class EntityTableNamingStrategyHelper implements ObjectNameNormalizer.NamingStrategyHelper { private final String entityName; private final String jpaEntityName; private EntityTableNamingStrategyHelper(String entityName, String jpaEntityName) { this.entityName = entityName; this.jpaEntityName = jpaEntityName; } @Override public String determineImplicitName(NamingStrategy strategy) { return strategy.classToTableName( entityName ); } @Override public String handleExplicitName(NamingStrategy strategy, String name) { return strategy.tableName(name); } @Override public String determineImplicitName(NamingStrategyDelegator strategyDelegator) { return getNamingStrategyDelegate(strategyDelegator).determineImplicitPrimaryTableName( entityName, jpaEntityName ); } @Override public String handleExplicitName(NamingStrategyDelegator strategyDelegator, String name) { return getNamingStrategyDelegate(strategyDelegator).toPhysicalTableName( name ); } } private static NamingStrategyDelegate getNamingStrategyDelegate(NamingStrategyDelegator strategyDelegator) { return strategyDelegator.getNamingStrategyDelegate( false ); } public void bindTable( String schema, String catalog, String tableName, List<UniqueConstraintHolder> uniqueConstraints, String constraints, Table denormalizedSuperclassTable) { EntityTableObjectNameSource tableNameContext = new EntityTableObjectNameSource( tableName, name ); EntityTableNamingStrategyHelper namingStrategyHelper = new EntityTableNamingStrategyHelper( persistentClass.getEntityName(), name ); final Table table = TableBinder.buildAndFillTable( schema, catalog, tableNameContext, namingStrategyHelper, persistentClass.isAbstract(), uniqueConstraints, constraints, denormalizedSuperclassTable, mappings, this.subselect ); final RowId rowId = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( RowId.class ); if ( rowId != null ) { table.setRowId( rowId.value() ); } if ( persistentClass instanceof TableOwner ) { LOG.debugf( "Bind entity %s on table %s", persistentClass.getEntityName(), table.getName() ); ( (TableOwner) persistentClass ).setTable( table ); } else { throw new AssertionFailure( "binding a table for a subclass" ); } } public void finalSecondaryTableBinding(PropertyHolder propertyHolder) { /* * Those operations has to be done after the id definition of the persistence class. * ie after the properties parsing */ Iterator joins = secondaryTables.values().iterator(); Iterator joinColumns = secondaryTableJoins.values().iterator(); while ( joins.hasNext() ) { Object uncastedColumn = joinColumns.next(); Join join = (Join) joins.next(); createPrimaryColumnsToSecondaryTable( uncastedColumn, propertyHolder, join ); } mappings.addJoins(persistentClass, secondaryTables); } private void createPrimaryColumnsToSecondaryTable(Object uncastedColumn, PropertyHolder propertyHolder, Join join) { Ejb3JoinColumn[] ejb3JoinColumns; PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[] pkColumnsAnn = null; JoinColumn[] joinColumnsAnn = null; if ( uncastedColumn instanceof PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[] ) { pkColumnsAnn = (PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[]) uncastedColumn; } if ( uncastedColumn instanceof JoinColumn[] ) { joinColumnsAnn = (JoinColumn[]) uncastedColumn; } if ( pkColumnsAnn == null && joinColumnsAnn == null ) { ejb3JoinColumns = new Ejb3JoinColumn[1]; ejb3JoinColumns[0] = Ejb3JoinColumn.buildJoinColumn( null, null, persistentClass.getIdentifier(), secondaryTables, propertyHolder, mappings ); } else { int nbrOfJoinColumns = pkColumnsAnn != null ? pkColumnsAnn.length : joinColumnsAnn.length; if ( nbrOfJoinColumns == 0 ) { ejb3JoinColumns = new Ejb3JoinColumn[1]; ejb3JoinColumns[0] = Ejb3JoinColumn.buildJoinColumn( null, null, persistentClass.getIdentifier(), secondaryTables, propertyHolder, mappings ); } else { ejb3JoinColumns = new Ejb3JoinColumn[nbrOfJoinColumns]; if ( pkColumnsAnn != null ) { for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < nbrOfJoinColumns; colIndex++) { ejb3JoinColumns[colIndex] = Ejb3JoinColumn.buildJoinColumn( pkColumnsAnn[colIndex], null, persistentClass.getIdentifier(), secondaryTables, propertyHolder, mappings ); } } else { for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < nbrOfJoinColumns; colIndex++) { ejb3JoinColumns[colIndex] = Ejb3JoinColumn.buildJoinColumn( null, joinColumnsAnn[colIndex], persistentClass.getIdentifier(), secondaryTables, propertyHolder, mappings ); } } } } for (Ejb3JoinColumn joinColumn : ejb3JoinColumns) { joinColumn.forceNotNull(); } bindJoinToPersistentClass(join, ejb3JoinColumns, mappings); } private void bindJoinToPersistentClass(Join join, Ejb3JoinColumn[] ejb3JoinColumns, Mappings mappings) { SimpleValue key = new DependantValue( mappings, join.getTable(), persistentClass.getIdentifier() ); join.setKey( key ); setFKNameIfDefined( join ); key.setCascadeDeleteEnabled( false ); TableBinder.bindFk( persistentClass, null, ejb3JoinColumns, key, false, mappings ); join.createPrimaryKey(); join.createForeignKey(); persistentClass.addJoin( join ); } private void setFKNameIfDefined(Join join) { org.hibernate.annotations.Table matchingTable = findMatchingComplimentTableAnnotation(join); if ( matchingTable != null && !BinderHelper.isEmptyAnnotationValue( matchingTable.foreignKey().name() ) ) { ( (SimpleValue) join.getKey() ).setForeignKeyName( matchingTable.foreignKey().name() ); } } private org.hibernate.annotations.Table findMatchingComplimentTableAnnotation(Join join) { String tableName = join.getTable().getQuotedName(); org.hibernate.annotations.Table table = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( org.hibernate.annotations.Table.class ); org.hibernate.annotations.Table matchingTable = null; if ( table != null && tableName.equals( table.appliesTo() ) ) { matchingTable = table; } else { Tables tables = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( Tables.class ); if ( tables != null ) { for (org.hibernate.annotations.Table current : tables.value()) { if ( tableName.equals( current.appliesTo() ) ) { matchingTable = current; break; } } } } return matchingTable; } public void firstLevelSecondaryTablesBinding( SecondaryTable secTable, SecondaryTables secTables ) { if ( secTables != null ) { //loop through it for (SecondaryTable tab : secTables.value()) { addJoin( tab, null, null, false ); } } else { if ( secTable != null ) addJoin( secTable, null, null, false ); } } //Used for @*ToMany @JoinTable public Join addJoin(JoinTable joinTable, PropertyHolder holder, boolean noDelayInPkColumnCreation) { return addJoin( null, joinTable, holder, noDelayInPkColumnCreation ); } private static class SecondaryTableNameSource implements ObjectNameSource { // always has an explicit name private final String explicitName; private SecondaryTableNameSource(String explicitName) { this.explicitName = explicitName; } public String getExplicitName() { return explicitName; } public String getLogicalName() { return explicitName; } } private static class SecondaryTableNamingStrategyHelper implements ObjectNameNormalizer.NamingStrategyHelper { public String determineImplicitName(NamingStrategy strategy) { // todo : throw an error? return null; } public String handleExplicitName(NamingStrategy strategy, String name) { return strategy.tableName( name ); } @Override public String determineImplicitName(NamingStrategyDelegator strategyDelegator) { // todo : throw an error? return null; } @Override public String handleExplicitName(NamingStrategyDelegator strategyDelegator, String name) { return getNamingStrategyDelegate(strategyDelegator).toPhysicalTableName( name ); } } private static SecondaryTableNamingStrategyHelper SEC_TBL_NS_HELPER = new SecondaryTableNamingStrategyHelper(); private Join addJoin( SecondaryTable secondaryTable, JoinTable joinTable, PropertyHolder propertyHolder, boolean noDelayInPkColumnCreation) { // A non null propertyHolder means than we process the Pk creation without delay Join join = new Join(); join.setPersistentClass( persistentClass ); final String schema; final String catalog; final SecondaryTableNameSource secondaryTableNameContext; final Object joinColumns; final List<UniqueConstraintHolder> uniqueConstraintHolders; if ( secondaryTable != null ) { schema = secondaryTable.schema(); catalog = secondaryTable.catalog(); secondaryTableNameContext = new SecondaryTableNameSource( secondaryTable.name() ); joinColumns = secondaryTable.pkJoinColumns(); uniqueConstraintHolders = TableBinder.buildUniqueConstraintHolders( secondaryTable.uniqueConstraints() ); } else if ( joinTable != null ) { schema = joinTable.schema(); catalog = joinTable.catalog(); secondaryTableNameContext = new SecondaryTableNameSource( joinTable.name() ); joinColumns = joinTable.joinColumns(); uniqueConstraintHolders = TableBinder.buildUniqueConstraintHolders( joinTable.uniqueConstraints() ); } else { throw new AssertionFailure( "Both JoinTable and SecondaryTable are null" ); } final Table table = TableBinder.buildAndFillTable( schema, catalog, secondaryTableNameContext, SEC_TBL_NS_HELPER, false, uniqueConstraintHolders, null, null, mappings, null ); if ( secondaryTable != null ) { TableBinder.addIndexes( table, secondaryTable.indexes(), mappings ); } //no check constraints available on joins join.setTable( table ); //somehow keep joins() for later. //Has to do the work later because it needs persistentClass id! LOG.debugf( "Adding secondary table to entity %s -> %s", persistentClass.getEntityName(), join.getTable().getName() ); org.hibernate.annotations.Table matchingTable = findMatchingComplimentTableAnnotation( join ); if ( matchingTable != null ) { join.setSequentialSelect( FetchMode.JOIN != matchingTable.fetch() ); join.setInverse( matchingTable.inverse() ); join.setOptional( matchingTable.optional() ); if ( !BinderHelper.isEmptyAnnotationValue( matchingTable.sqlInsert().sql() ) ) { join.setCustomSQLInsert( matchingTable.sqlInsert().sql().trim(), matchingTable.sqlInsert().callable(), ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle.fromExternalName( matchingTable.sqlInsert().check().toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) ) ); } if ( !BinderHelper.isEmptyAnnotationValue( matchingTable.sqlUpdate().sql() ) ) { join.setCustomSQLUpdate( matchingTable.sqlUpdate().sql().trim(), matchingTable.sqlUpdate().callable(), ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle.fromExternalName( matchingTable.sqlUpdate().check().toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) ) ); } if ( !BinderHelper.isEmptyAnnotationValue( matchingTable.sqlDelete().sql() ) ) { join.setCustomSQLDelete( matchingTable.sqlDelete().sql().trim(), matchingTable.sqlDelete().callable(), ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle.fromExternalName( matchingTable.sqlDelete().check().toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) ) ); } } else { //default join.setSequentialSelect( false ); join.setInverse( false ); join.setOptional( true ); //perhaps not quite per-spec, but a Good Thing anyway } if ( noDelayInPkColumnCreation ) { createPrimaryColumnsToSecondaryTable( joinColumns, propertyHolder, join ); } else { secondaryTables.put( table.getQuotedName(), join ); secondaryTableJoins.put( table.getQuotedName(), joinColumns ); } return join; } public java.util.Map<String, Join> getSecondaryTables() { return secondaryTables; } public void setCache(Cache cacheAnn) { if ( cacheAnn != null ) { cacheRegion = BinderHelper.isEmptyAnnotationValue( cacheAnn.region() ) ? null : cacheAnn.region(); cacheConcurrentStrategy = getCacheConcurrencyStrategy( cacheAnn.usage() ); if ( "all".equalsIgnoreCase( cacheAnn.include() ) ) { cacheLazyProperty = true; } else if ( "non-lazy".equalsIgnoreCase( cacheAnn.include() ) ) { cacheLazyProperty = false; } else { throw new AnnotationException( "Unknown lazy property annotations: " + cacheAnn.include() ); } } else { cacheConcurrentStrategy = null; cacheRegion = null; cacheLazyProperty = true; } } public void setNaturalIdCache(XClass clazzToProcess, NaturalIdCache naturalIdCacheAnn) { if ( naturalIdCacheAnn != null ) { if ( BinderHelper.isEmptyAnnotationValue( naturalIdCacheAnn.region() ) ) { if (cacheRegion != null) { naturalIdCacheRegion = cacheRegion + NATURAL_ID_CACHE_SUFFIX; } else { naturalIdCacheRegion = clazzToProcess.getName() + NATURAL_ID_CACHE_SUFFIX; } } else { naturalIdCacheRegion = naturalIdCacheAnn.region(); } } else { naturalIdCacheRegion = null; } } public static String getCacheConcurrencyStrategy(CacheConcurrencyStrategy strategy) { org.hibernate.cache.spi.access.AccessType accessType = strategy.toAccessType(); return accessType == null ? null : accessType.getExternalName(); } public void addFilter(Filter filter) { filters.add(filter); } public void setInheritanceState(InheritanceState inheritanceState) { this.inheritanceState = inheritanceState; } public boolean isIgnoreIdAnnotations() { return ignoreIdAnnotations; } public void setIgnoreIdAnnotations(boolean ignoreIdAnnotations) { this.ignoreIdAnnotations = ignoreIdAnnotations; } public void processComplementaryTableDefinitions(javax.persistence.Table table) { if ( table == null ) return; TableBinder.addIndexes( persistentClass.getTable(), table.indexes(), mappings ); } public void processComplementaryTableDefinitions(org.hibernate.annotations.Table table) { //comment and index are processed here if ( table == null ) return; String appliedTable = table.appliesTo(); Iterator tables = persistentClass.getTableClosureIterator(); Table hibTable = null; while ( tables.hasNext() ) { Table pcTable = (Table) tables.next(); if ( pcTable.getQuotedName().equals( appliedTable ) ) { //we are in the correct table to find columns hibTable = pcTable; break; } hibTable = null; } if ( hibTable == null ) { //maybe a join/secondary table for ( Join join : secondaryTables.values() ) { if ( join.getTable().getQuotedName().equals( appliedTable ) ) { hibTable = join.getTable(); break; } } } if ( hibTable == null ) { throw new AnnotationException( "@org.hibernate.annotations.Table references an unknown table: " + appliedTable ); } if ( !BinderHelper.isEmptyAnnotationValue( table.comment() ) ) hibTable.setComment( table.comment() ); TableBinder.addIndexes( hibTable, table.indexes(), mappings ); } public void processComplementaryTableDefinitions(Tables tables) { if ( tables == null ) return; for (org.hibernate.annotations.Table table : tables.value()) { processComplementaryTableDefinitions( table ); } } public AccessType getPropertyAccessType() { return propertyAccessType; } public void setPropertyAccessType(AccessType propertyAccessor) { this.propertyAccessType = getExplicitAccessType( annotatedClass ); // only set the access type if there is no explicit access type for this class if( this.propertyAccessType == null ) { this.propertyAccessType = propertyAccessor; } } public AccessType getPropertyAccessor(XAnnotatedElement element) { AccessType accessType = getExplicitAccessType( element ); if ( accessType == null ) { accessType = propertyAccessType; } return accessType; } public AccessType getExplicitAccessType(XAnnotatedElement element) { AccessType accessType = null; AccessType hibernateAccessType = null; AccessType jpaAccessType = null; org.hibernate.annotations.AccessType accessTypeAnnotation = element.getAnnotation( org.hibernate.annotations.AccessType.class ); if ( accessTypeAnnotation != null ) { hibernateAccessType = AccessType.getAccessStrategy( accessTypeAnnotation.value() ); } Access access = element.getAnnotation( Access.class ); if ( access != null ) { jpaAccessType = AccessType.getAccessStrategy( access.value() ); } if ( hibernateAccessType != null && jpaAccessType != null && hibernateAccessType != jpaAccessType ) { throw new MappingException( "Found @Access and @AccessType with conflicting values on a property in class " + annotatedClass.toString() ); } if ( hibernateAccessType != null ) { accessType = hibernateAccessType; } else if ( jpaAccessType != null ) { accessType = jpaAccessType; } return accessType; } }