 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2010, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
 * statements applied by the authors.  All third-party contributions are
 * distributed under license by Red Hat Inc.
 * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
 * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
 * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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package org.hibernate.cfg;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import org.hibernate.AnnotationException;
import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.annotations.AnyMetaDef;
import org.hibernate.annotations.AnyMetaDefs;
import org.hibernate.annotations.MetaValue;
import org.hibernate.annotations.SqlFragmentAlias;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XAnnotatedElement;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XClass;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.XPackage;
import org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.EntityBinder;
import org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.Nullability;
import org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.TableBinder;
import org.hibernate.id.MultipleHiLoPerTableGenerator;
import org.hibernate.id.PersistentIdentifierGenerator;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Any;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Collection;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Column;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Component;
import org.hibernate.mapping.IdGenerator;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Join;
import org.hibernate.mapping.MappedSuperclass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Property;
import org.hibernate.mapping.SimpleValue;
import org.hibernate.mapping.SyntheticProperty;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Table;
import org.hibernate.mapping.ToOne;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Value;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

Author:Emmanuel Bernard
/** * @author Emmanuel Bernard */
public class BinderHelper { public static final String ANNOTATION_STRING_DEFAULT = ""; private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = Logger.getMessageLogger(CoreMessageLogger.class, BinderHelper.class.getName()); private BinderHelper() { } static { Set<String> primitiveNames = new HashSet<String>(); primitiveNames.add( byte.class.getName() ); primitiveNames.add( short.class.getName() ); primitiveNames.add( int.class.getName() ); primitiveNames.add( long.class.getName() ); primitiveNames.add( float.class.getName() ); primitiveNames.add( double.class.getName() ); primitiveNames.add( char.class.getName() ); primitiveNames.add( boolean.class.getName() ); PRIMITIVE_NAMES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( primitiveNames ); } public static final Set<String> PRIMITIVE_NAMES;
create a property copy reusing the same value
/** * create a property copy reusing the same value */
public static Property shallowCopy(Property property) { Property clone = new Property(); clone.setCascade( property.getCascade() ); clone.setInsertable( property.isInsertable() ); clone.setLazy( property.isLazy() ); clone.setName( property.getName() ); clone.setNodeName( property.getNodeName() ); clone.setNaturalIdentifier( property.isNaturalIdentifier() ); clone.setOptimisticLocked( property.isOptimisticLocked() ); clone.setOptional( property.isOptional() ); clone.setPersistentClass( property.getPersistentClass() ); clone.setPropertyAccessorName( property.getPropertyAccessorName() ); clone.setSelectable( property.isSelectable() ); clone.setUpdateable( property.isUpdateable() ); clone.setValue( property.getValue() ); return clone; } // This is sooooooooo close in terms of not generating a synthetic property if we do not have to (where property ref // refers to a single property). The sticking point is cases where the `referencedPropertyName` come from subclasses // or secondary tables. Part of the problem is in PersistentClass itself during attempts to resolve the referenced // property; currently it only considers non-subclass and non-joined properties. Part of the problem is in terms // of SQL generation. // public static void createSyntheticPropertyReference( // Ejb3JoinColumn[] columns, // PersistentClass ownerEntity, // PersistentClass associatedEntity, // Value value, // boolean inverse, // Mappings mappings) { // //associated entity only used for more precise exception, yuk! // if ( columns[0].isImplicit() || StringHelper.isNotEmpty( columns[0].getMappedBy() ) ) return; // int fkEnum = Ejb3JoinColumn.checkReferencedColumnsType( columns, ownerEntity, mappings ); // PersistentClass associatedClass = columns[0].getPropertyHolder() != null ? // columns[0].getPropertyHolder().getPersistentClass() : // null; // if ( Ejb3JoinColumn.NON_PK_REFERENCE == fkEnum ) { // //find properties associated to a certain column // Object columnOwner = findColumnOwner( ownerEntity, columns[0].getReferencedColumn(), mappings ); // List<Property> properties = findPropertiesByColumns( columnOwner, columns, mappings ); // // if ( properties == null ) { // //TODO use a ToOne type doing a second select // StringBuilder columnsList = new StringBuilder(); // columnsList.append( "referencedColumnNames(" ); // for (Ejb3JoinColumn column : columns) { // columnsList.append( column.getReferencedColumn() ).append( ", " ); // } // columnsList.setLength( columnsList.length() - 2 ); // columnsList.append( ") " ); // // if ( associatedEntity != null ) { // //overidden destination // columnsList.append( "of " ) // .append( associatedEntity.getEntityName() ) // .append( "." ) // .append( columns[0].getPropertyName() ) // .append( " " ); // } // else { // if ( columns[0].getPropertyHolder() != null ) { // columnsList.append( "of " ) // .append( columns[0].getPropertyHolder().getEntityName() ) // .append( "." ) // .append( columns[0].getPropertyName() ) // .append( " " ); // } // } // columnsList.append( "referencing " ) // .append( ownerEntity.getEntityName() ) // .append( " not mapped to a single property" ); // throw new AnnotationException( columnsList.toString() ); // } // // final String referencedPropertyName; // // if ( properties.size() == 1 ) { // referencedPropertyName = properties.get(0).getName(); // } // else { // // Create a synthetic (embedded composite) property to use as the referenced property which // // contains all the properties mapped to the referenced columns. We need to make a shallow copy // // of the properties to mark them as non-insertable/updatable. // // // todo : what if the columns all match with an existing component? // // StringBuilder propertyNameBuffer = new StringBuilder( "_" ); // propertyNameBuffer.append( associatedClass.getEntityName().replace( '.', '_' ) ); // propertyNameBuffer.append( "_" ).append( columns[0].getPropertyName() ); // String syntheticPropertyName = propertyNameBuffer.toString(); // //create an embeddable component // // //todo how about properties.size() == 1, this should be much simpler // Component embeddedComp = columnOwner instanceof PersistentClass ? // new Component( mappings, (PersistentClass) columnOwner ) : // new Component( mappings, (Join) columnOwner ); // embeddedComp.setEmbedded( true ); // embeddedComp.setNodeName( syntheticPropertyName ); // embeddedComp.setComponentClassName( embeddedComp.getOwner().getClassName() ); // for (Property property : properties) { // Property clone = BinderHelper.shallowCopy( property ); // clone.setInsertable( false ); // clone.setUpdateable( false ); // clone.setNaturalIdentifier( false ); // clone.setGeneration( property.getGeneration() ); // embeddedComp.addProperty( clone ); // } // SyntheticProperty synthProp = new SyntheticProperty(); // synthProp.setName( syntheticPropertyName ); // synthProp.setNodeName( syntheticPropertyName ); // synthProp.setPersistentClass( ownerEntity ); // synthProp.setUpdateable( false ); // synthProp.setInsertable( false ); // synthProp.setValue( embeddedComp ); // synthProp.setPropertyAccessorName( "embedded" ); // ownerEntity.addProperty( synthProp ); // //make it unique // TableBinder.createUniqueConstraint( embeddedComp ); // // referencedPropertyName = syntheticPropertyName; // } // // /** // * creating the property ref to the new synthetic property // */ // if ( value instanceof ToOne ) { // ( (ToOne) value ).setReferencedPropertyName( referencedPropertyName ); // mappings.addUniquePropertyReference( ownerEntity.getEntityName(), referencedPropertyName ); // } // else if ( value instanceof Collection ) { // ( (Collection) value ).setReferencedPropertyName( referencedPropertyName ); // //not unique because we could create a mtm wo association table // mappings.addPropertyReference( ownerEntity.getEntityName(), referencedPropertyName ); // } // else { // throw new AssertionFailure( // "Do a property ref on an unexpected Value type: " // + value.getClass().getName() // ); // } // mappings.addPropertyReferencedAssociation( // ( inverse ? "inverse__" : "" ) + associatedClass.getEntityName(), // columns[0].getPropertyName(), // referencedPropertyName // ); // } // } public static void createSyntheticPropertyReference( Ejb3JoinColumn[] columns, PersistentClass ownerEntity, PersistentClass associatedEntity, Value value, boolean inverse, Mappings mappings) { //associated entity only used for more precise exception, yuk! if ( columns[0].isImplicit() || StringHelper.isNotEmpty( columns[0].getMappedBy() ) ) return; int fkEnum = Ejb3JoinColumn.checkReferencedColumnsType( columns, ownerEntity, mappings ); PersistentClass associatedClass = columns[0].getPropertyHolder() != null ? columns[0].getPropertyHolder().getPersistentClass() : null; if ( Ejb3JoinColumn.NON_PK_REFERENCE == fkEnum ) { /** * Create a synthetic property to refer to including an * embedded component value containing all the properties * mapped to the referenced columns * We need to shallow copy those properties to mark them * as non insertable / non updatable */ StringBuilder propertyNameBuffer = new StringBuilder( "_" ); propertyNameBuffer.append( associatedClass.getEntityName().replace( '.', '_' ) ); propertyNameBuffer.append( "_" ).append( columns[0].getPropertyName().replace( '.', '_' ) ); String syntheticPropertyName = propertyNameBuffer.toString(); //find properties associated to a certain column Object columnOwner = findColumnOwner( ownerEntity, columns[0].getReferencedColumn(), mappings ); List<Property> properties = findPropertiesByColumns( columnOwner, columns, mappings ); //create an embeddable component Property synthProp = null; if ( properties != null ) { //todo how about properties.size() == 1, this should be much simpler Component embeddedComp = columnOwner instanceof PersistentClass ? new Component( mappings, (PersistentClass) columnOwner ) : new Component( mappings, (Join) columnOwner ); embeddedComp.setEmbedded( true ); embeddedComp.setNodeName( syntheticPropertyName ); embeddedComp.setComponentClassName( embeddedComp.getOwner().getClassName() ); for (Property property : properties) { Property clone = BinderHelper.shallowCopy( property ); clone.setInsertable( false ); clone.setUpdateable( false ); clone.setNaturalIdentifier( false ); clone.setValueGenerationStrategy( property.getValueGenerationStrategy() ); embeddedComp.addProperty( clone ); } synthProp = new SyntheticProperty(); synthProp.setName( syntheticPropertyName ); synthProp.setNodeName( syntheticPropertyName ); synthProp.setPersistentClass( ownerEntity ); synthProp.setUpdateable( false ); synthProp.setInsertable( false ); synthProp.setValue( embeddedComp ); synthProp.setPropertyAccessorName( "embedded" ); ownerEntity.addProperty( synthProp ); //make it unique TableBinder.createUniqueConstraint( embeddedComp ); } else { //TODO use a ToOne type doing a second select StringBuilder columnsList = new StringBuilder(); columnsList.append( "referencedColumnNames(" ); for (Ejb3JoinColumn column : columns) { columnsList.append( column.getReferencedColumn() ).append( ", " ); } columnsList.setLength( columnsList.length() - 2 ); columnsList.append( ") " ); if ( associatedEntity != null ) { //overidden destination columnsList.append( "of " ) .append( associatedEntity.getEntityName() ) .append( "." ) .append( columns[0].getPropertyName() ) .append( " " ); } else { if ( columns[0].getPropertyHolder() != null ) { columnsList.append( "of " ) .append( columns[0].getPropertyHolder().getEntityName() ) .append( "." ) .append( columns[0].getPropertyName() ) .append( " " ); } } columnsList.append( "referencing " ) .append( ownerEntity.getEntityName() ) .append( " not mapped to a single property" ); throw new AnnotationException( columnsList.toString() ); } /** * creating the property ref to the new synthetic property */ if ( value instanceof ToOne ) { ( (ToOne) value ).setReferencedPropertyName( syntheticPropertyName ); ( (ToOne) value ).setReferenceToPrimaryKey( syntheticPropertyName == null ); mappings.addUniquePropertyReference( ownerEntity.getEntityName(), syntheticPropertyName ); } else if ( value instanceof Collection ) { ( (Collection) value ).setReferencedPropertyName( syntheticPropertyName ); //not unique because we could create a mtm wo association table mappings.addPropertyReference( ownerEntity.getEntityName(), syntheticPropertyName ); } else { throw new AssertionFailure( "Do a property ref on an unexpected Value type: " + value.getClass().getName() ); } mappings.addPropertyReferencedAssociation( ( inverse ? "inverse__" : "" ) + associatedClass.getEntityName(), columns[0].getPropertyName(), syntheticPropertyName ); } } private static List<Property> findPropertiesByColumns( Object columnOwner, Ejb3JoinColumn[] columns, Mappings mappings) { Map<Column, Set<Property>> columnsToProperty = new HashMap<Column, Set<Property>>(); List<Column> orderedColumns = new ArrayList<Column>( columns.length ); Table referencedTable = null; if ( columnOwner instanceof PersistentClass ) { referencedTable = ( (PersistentClass) columnOwner ).getTable(); } else if ( columnOwner instanceof Join ) { referencedTable = ( (Join) columnOwner ).getTable(); } else { throw new AssertionFailure( columnOwner == null ? "columnOwner is null" : "columnOwner neither PersistentClass nor Join: " + columnOwner.getClass() ); } //build the list of column names for (Ejb3JoinColumn column1 : columns) { Column column = new Column( mappings.getPhysicalColumnName( column1.getReferencedColumn(), referencedTable ) ); orderedColumns.add( column ); columnsToProperty.put( column, new HashSet<Property>() ); } boolean isPersistentClass = columnOwner instanceof PersistentClass; Iterator it = isPersistentClass ? ( (PersistentClass) columnOwner ).getPropertyIterator() : ( (Join) columnOwner ).getPropertyIterator(); while ( it.hasNext() ) { matchColumnsByProperty( (Property) it.next(), columnsToProperty ); } if ( isPersistentClass ) { matchColumnsByProperty( ( (PersistentClass) columnOwner ).getIdentifierProperty(), columnsToProperty ); } //first naive implementation //only check 1 columns properties //TODO make it smarter by checking correctly ordered multi column properties List<Property> orderedProperties = new ArrayList<Property>(); for (Column column : orderedColumns) { boolean found = false; for (Property property : columnsToProperty.get( column ) ) { if ( property.getColumnSpan() == 1 ) { orderedProperties.add( property ); found = true; break; } } if ( !found ) return null; //have to find it the hard way } return orderedProperties; } private static void matchColumnsByProperty(Property property, Map<Column, Set<Property>> columnsToProperty) { if ( property == null ) return; if ( "noop".equals( property.getPropertyAccessorName() ) || "embedded".equals( property.getPropertyAccessorName() ) ) { return; } // FIXME cannot use subproperties becasue the caller needs top level properties // if ( property.isComposite() ) { // Iterator subProperties = ( (Component) property.getValue() ).getPropertyIterator(); // while ( subProperties.hasNext() ) { // matchColumnsByProperty( (Property) subProperties.next(), columnsToProperty ); // } // } else { Iterator columnIt = property.getColumnIterator(); while ( columnIt.hasNext() ) { Object column = columnIt.next(); //can be a Formula so we don't cast //noinspection SuspiciousMethodCalls if ( columnsToProperty.containsKey( column ) ) { columnsToProperty.get( column ).add( property ); } } } }
Retrieve the property by path in a recursive way, including IndetifierProperty in the loop If propertyName is null or empty, the IdentifierProperty is returned
/** * Retrieve the property by path in a recursive way, including IndetifierProperty in the loop * If propertyName is null or empty, the IdentifierProperty is returned */
public static Property findPropertyByName(PersistentClass associatedClass, String propertyName) { Property property = null; Property idProperty = associatedClass.getIdentifierProperty(); String idName = idProperty != null ? idProperty.getName() : null; try { if ( propertyName == null || propertyName.length() == 0 || propertyName.equals( idName ) ) { //default to id property = idProperty; } else { if ( propertyName.indexOf( idName + "." ) == 0 ) { property = idProperty; propertyName = propertyName.substring( idName.length() + 1 ); } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( propertyName, ".", false ); while ( st.hasMoreElements() ) { String element = (String) st.nextElement(); if ( property == null ) { property = associatedClass.getProperty( element ); } else { if ( !property.isComposite() ) return null; property = ( (Component) property.getValue() ).getProperty( element ); } } } } catch (MappingException e) { try { //if we do not find it try to check the identifier mapper if ( associatedClass.getIdentifierMapper() == null ) return null; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( propertyName, ".", false ); while ( st.hasMoreElements() ) { String element = (String) st.nextElement(); if ( property == null ) { property = associatedClass.getIdentifierMapper().getProperty( element ); } else { if ( !property.isComposite() ) return null; property = ( (Component) property.getValue() ).getProperty( element ); } } } catch (MappingException ee) { return null; } } return property; }
Retrieve the property by path in a recursive way
/** * Retrieve the property by path in a recursive way */
public static Property findPropertyByName(Component component, String propertyName) { Property property = null; try { if ( propertyName == null || propertyName.length() == 0) { // Do not expect to use a primary key for this case return null; } else { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( propertyName, ".", false ); while ( st.hasMoreElements() ) { String element = (String) st.nextElement(); if ( property == null ) { property = component.getProperty( element ); } else { if ( !property.isComposite() ) return null; property = ( (Component) property.getValue() ).getProperty( element ); } } } } catch (MappingException e) { try { //if we do not find it try to check the identifier mapper if ( component.getOwner().getIdentifierMapper() == null ) return null; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( propertyName, ".", false ); while ( st.hasMoreElements() ) { String element = (String) st.nextElement(); if ( property == null ) { property = component.getOwner().getIdentifierMapper().getProperty( element ); } else { if ( !property.isComposite() ) return null; property = ( (Component) property.getValue() ).getProperty( element ); } } } catch (MappingException ee) { return null; } } return property; } public static String getRelativePath(PropertyHolder propertyHolder, String propertyName) { if ( propertyHolder == null ) return propertyName; String path = propertyHolder.getPath(); String entityName = propertyHolder.getPersistentClass().getEntityName(); if ( path.length() == entityName.length() ) { return propertyName; } else { return StringHelper.qualify( path.substring( entityName.length() + 1 ), propertyName ); } }
Find the column owner (ie PersistentClass or Join) of columnName. If columnName is null or empty, persistentClass is returned
/** * Find the column owner (ie PersistentClass or Join) of columnName. * If columnName is null or empty, persistentClass is returned */
public static Object findColumnOwner( PersistentClass persistentClass, String columnName, Mappings mappings) { if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( columnName ) ) { return persistentClass; //shortcut for implicit referenced column names } PersistentClass current = persistentClass; Object result; boolean found = false; do { result = current; Table currentTable = current.getTable(); try { mappings.getPhysicalColumnName( columnName, currentTable ); found = true; } catch (MappingException me) { //swallow it } Iterator joins = current.getJoinIterator(); while ( !found && joins.hasNext() ) { result = joins.next(); currentTable = ( (Join) result ).getTable(); try { mappings.getPhysicalColumnName( columnName, currentTable ); found = true; } catch (MappingException me) { //swallow it } } current = current.getSuperclass(); } while ( !found && current != null ); return found ? result : null; }
apply an id generator to a SimpleValue
/** * apply an id generator to a SimpleValue */
public static void makeIdGenerator( SimpleValue id, String generatorType, String generatorName, Mappings mappings, Map<String, IdGenerator> localGenerators) { Table table = id.getTable(); table.setIdentifierValue( id ); //generator settings id.setIdentifierGeneratorStrategy( generatorType ); Properties params = new Properties(); //always settable params.setProperty( PersistentIdentifierGenerator.TABLE, table.getName() ); if ( id.getColumnSpan() == 1 ) { params.setProperty( PersistentIdentifierGenerator.PK, ( (org.hibernate.mapping.Column) id.getColumnIterator().next() ).getName() ); } // YUCK! but cannot think of a clean way to do this given the string-config based scheme params.put( PersistentIdentifierGenerator.IDENTIFIER_NORMALIZER, mappings.getObjectNameNormalizer() ); if ( !isEmptyAnnotationValue( generatorName ) ) { //we have a named generator IdGenerator gen = mappings.getGenerator( generatorName, localGenerators ); if ( gen == null ) { throw new AnnotationException( "Unknown Id.generator: " + generatorName ); } //This is quite vague in the spec but a generator could override the generate choice String identifierGeneratorStrategy = gen.getIdentifierGeneratorStrategy(); //yuk! this is a hack not to override 'AUTO' even if generator is set final boolean avoidOverriding = identifierGeneratorStrategy.equals( "identity" ) || identifierGeneratorStrategy.equals( "seqhilo" ) || identifierGeneratorStrategy.equals( MultipleHiLoPerTableGenerator.class.getName() ); if ( generatorType == null || !avoidOverriding ) { id.setIdentifierGeneratorStrategy( identifierGeneratorStrategy ); } //checkIfMatchingGenerator(gen, generatorType, generatorName); Iterator genParams = gen.getParams().entrySet().iterator(); while ( genParams.hasNext() ) { Map.Entry elt = (Map.Entry) genParams.next(); params.setProperty( (String) elt.getKey(), (String) elt.getValue() ); } } if ( "assigned".equals( generatorType ) ) id.setNullValue( "undefined" ); id.setIdentifierGeneratorProperties( params ); } public static boolean isEmptyAnnotationValue(String annotationString) { return annotationString != null && annotationString.length() == 0; //equivalent to (but faster) ANNOTATION_STRING_DEFAULT.equals( annotationString ); } public static Any buildAnyValue( String anyMetaDefName, Ejb3JoinColumn[] columns, javax.persistence.Column metaColumn, PropertyData inferredData, boolean cascadeOnDelete, Nullability nullability, PropertyHolder propertyHolder, EntityBinder entityBinder, boolean optional, Mappings mappings) { //All FK columns should be in the same table Any value = new Any( mappings, columns[0].getTable() ); AnyMetaDef metaAnnDef = inferredData.getProperty().getAnnotation( AnyMetaDef.class ); if ( metaAnnDef != null ) { //local has precedence over general and can be mapped for future reference if named bindAnyMetaDefs( inferredData.getProperty(), mappings ); } else { metaAnnDef = mappings.getAnyMetaDef( anyMetaDefName ); } if ( metaAnnDef != null ) { value.setIdentifierType( metaAnnDef.idType() ); value.setMetaType( metaAnnDef.metaType() ); HashMap values = new HashMap(); org.hibernate.type.Type metaType = mappings.getTypeResolver().heuristicType( value.getMetaType() ); for (MetaValue metaValue : metaAnnDef.metaValues()) { try { Object discrim = ( (org.hibernate.type.DiscriminatorType) metaType ).stringToObject( metaValue .value() ); String entityName = metaValue.targetEntity().getName(); values.put( discrim, entityName ); } catch (ClassCastException cce) { throw new MappingException( "metaType was not a DiscriminatorType: " + metaType.getName() ); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MappingException( "could not interpret metaValue", e ); } } if ( !values.isEmpty() ) value.setMetaValues( values ); } else { throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to find @AnyMetaDef for an @(ManyTo)Any mapping: " + StringHelper.qualify( propertyHolder.getPath(), inferredData.getPropertyName() ) ); } value.setCascadeDeleteEnabled( cascadeOnDelete ); if ( !optional ) { for (Ejb3JoinColumn column : columns) { column.setNullable( false ); } } Ejb3Column[] metaColumns = Ejb3Column.buildColumnFromAnnotation( new javax.persistence.Column[] { metaColumn }, null, nullability, propertyHolder, inferredData, entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(), mappings ); //set metaColumn to the right table for (Ejb3Column column : metaColumns) { column.setTable( value.getTable() ); } //meta column for (Ejb3Column column : metaColumns) { column.linkWithValue( value ); } //id columns final String propertyName = inferredData.getPropertyName(); Ejb3Column.checkPropertyConsistency( columns, propertyHolder.getEntityName() + "." + propertyName ); for (Ejb3JoinColumn column : columns) { column.linkWithValue( value ); } return value; } public static void bindAnyMetaDefs(XAnnotatedElement annotatedElement, Mappings mappings) { AnyMetaDef defAnn = annotatedElement.getAnnotation( AnyMetaDef.class ); AnyMetaDefs defsAnn = annotatedElement.getAnnotation( AnyMetaDefs.class ); boolean mustHaveName = XClass.class.isAssignableFrom( annotatedElement.getClass() ) || XPackage.class.isAssignableFrom( annotatedElement.getClass() ); if ( defAnn != null ) { checkAnyMetaDefValidity( mustHaveName, defAnn, annotatedElement ); bindAnyMetaDef( defAnn, mappings ); } if ( defsAnn != null ) { for (AnyMetaDef def : defsAnn.value()) { checkAnyMetaDefValidity( mustHaveName, def, annotatedElement ); bindAnyMetaDef( def, mappings ); } } } private static void checkAnyMetaDefValidity(boolean mustHaveName, AnyMetaDef defAnn, XAnnotatedElement annotatedElement) { if ( mustHaveName && isEmptyAnnotationValue( defAnn.name() ) ) { String name = XClass.class.isAssignableFrom( annotatedElement.getClass() ) ? ( (XClass) annotatedElement ).getName() : ( (XPackage) annotatedElement ).getName(); throw new AnnotationException( "@AnyMetaDef.name cannot be null on an entity or a package: " + name ); } } private static void bindAnyMetaDef(AnyMetaDef defAnn, Mappings mappings) { if ( isEmptyAnnotationValue( defAnn.name() ) ) return; //don't map not named definitions if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() ) { LOG.debugf( "Binding Any Meta definition: %s", defAnn.name() ); } mappings.addAnyMetaDef( defAnn ); } public static MappedSuperclass getMappedSuperclassOrNull( XClass declaringClass, Map<XClass, InheritanceState> inheritanceStatePerClass, Mappings mappings) { boolean retrieve = false; if ( declaringClass != null ) { final InheritanceState inheritanceState = inheritanceStatePerClass.get( declaringClass ); if ( inheritanceState == null ) { throw new org.hibernate.annotations.common.AssertionFailure( "Declaring class is not found in the inheritance state hierarchy: " + declaringClass ); } if ( inheritanceState.isEmbeddableSuperclass() ) { retrieve = true; } } return retrieve ? mappings.getMappedSuperclass( mappings.getReflectionManager().toClass( declaringClass ) ) : null; } public static String getPath(PropertyHolder holder, PropertyData property) { return StringHelper.qualify( holder.getPath(), property.getPropertyName() ); } static PropertyData getPropertyOverriddenByMapperOrMapsId( boolean isId, PropertyHolder propertyHolder, String propertyName, Mappings mappings) { final XClass persistentXClass; try { persistentXClass = mappings.getReflectionManager() .classForName( propertyHolder.getPersistentClass().getClassName(), AnnotationBinder.class ); } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) { throw new AssertionFailure( "PersistentClass name cannot be converted into a Class", e); } if ( propertyHolder.isInIdClass() ) { PropertyData pd = mappings.getPropertyAnnotatedWithIdAndToOne( persistentXClass, propertyName ); if ( pd == null && mappings.isSpecjProprietarySyntaxEnabled() ) { pd = mappings.getPropertyAnnotatedWithMapsId( persistentXClass, propertyName ); } return pd; } String propertyPath = isId ? "" : propertyName; return mappings.getPropertyAnnotatedWithMapsId(persistentXClass, propertyPath); } public static Map<String,String> toAliasTableMap(SqlFragmentAlias[] aliases){ Map<String,String> ret = new HashMap<String,String>(); for (int i = 0; i < aliases.length; i++){ if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(aliases[i].table())){ ret.put(aliases[i].alias(), aliases[i].table()); } } return ret; } public static Map<String,String> toAliasEntityMap(SqlFragmentAlias[] aliases){ Map<String,String> ret = new HashMap<String,String>(); for (int i = 0; i < aliases.length; i++){ if (aliases[i].entity() != void.class){ ret.put(aliases[i].alias(), aliases[i].entity().getName()); } } return ret; } }