 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableSet;
import java.util.SortedSet;

import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.cassandra.auth.Permission;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.ColumnDefinition;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.CFName;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.CQLStatement;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnIdentifier;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnSpecification;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.QueryOptions;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.QueryProcessor;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ResultSet;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.SuperColumnCompatibility;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.Term;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.VariableSpecifications;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.WhereClause;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.Function;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.restrictions.StatementRestrictions;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.selection.RawSelector;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.selection.Selection;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.aggregation.AggregationSpecification;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Clustering;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ConsistencyLevel;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.DataRange;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.DecoratedKey;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Keyspace;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.PartitionPosition;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.PartitionRangeReadCommand;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ReadQuery;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.SinglePartitionReadCommand;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Slice;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Slices;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ClusteringIndexFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ClusteringIndexNamesFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ClusteringIndexSliceFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ColumnFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.DataLimits;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.RowFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.CollectionType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.CompositeType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.Int32Type;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UserType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.PartitionIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.ComplexColumnData;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.Row;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.RowIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.view.View;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.AbstractBounds;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.InvalidRequestException;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.RequestExecutionException;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.RequestValidationException;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.UnauthorizedException;
import org.apache.cassandra.index.SecondaryIndexManager;
import org.apache.cassandra.serializers.MarshalException;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.ClientState;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.ClientWarn;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.QueryState;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.pager.AggregationQueryPager;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.pager.PagingState;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.pager.QueryPager;
import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.ThriftValidation;
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.ProtocolVersion;
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.messages.ResultMessage;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;

import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.RequestValidations.checkFalse;
import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.RequestValidations.checkNotNull;
import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.RequestValidations.checkNull;
import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.RequestValidations.checkTrue;
import static org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil.UNSET_BYTE_BUFFER;

Encapsulates a completely parsed SELECT query, including the target column family, expression, result count, and ordering clause. A number of public methods here are only used internally. However, many of these are made accessible for the benefit of custom QueryHandler implementations, so before reducing their accessibility due consideration should be given.
/** * Encapsulates a completely parsed SELECT query, including the target * column family, expression, result count, and ordering clause. * * A number of public methods here are only used internally. However, * many of these are made accessible for the benefit of custom * QueryHandler implementations, so before reducing their accessibility * due consideration should be given. */
public class SelectStatement implements CQLStatement { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SelectStatement.class); public static final int DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 10000; private final int boundTerms; public final CFMetaData cfm; public final Parameters parameters; private final Selection selection; private final Term limit; private final Term perPartitionLimit; private final StatementRestrictions restrictions; private final boolean isReversed;
The AggregationSpecification used to make the aggregates.
/** * The <code>AggregationSpecification</code> used to make the aggregates. */
private final AggregationSpecification aggregationSpec;
The comparator used to orders results when multiple keys are selected (using IN).
/** * The comparator used to orders results when multiple keys are selected (using IN). */
private final Comparator<List<ByteBuffer>> orderingComparator; private final ColumnFilter queriedColumns; // Used by forSelection below private static final Parameters defaultParameters = new Parameters(Collections.emptyMap(), Collections.emptyList(), false, false, false); public SelectStatement(CFMetaData cfm, int boundTerms, Parameters parameters, Selection selection, StatementRestrictions restrictions, boolean isReversed, AggregationSpecification aggregationSpec, Comparator<List<ByteBuffer>> orderingComparator, Term limit, Term perPartitionLimit) { this.cfm = cfm; this.boundTerms = boundTerms; this.selection = selection; this.restrictions = restrictions; this.isReversed = isReversed; this.aggregationSpec = aggregationSpec; this.orderingComparator = orderingComparator; this.parameters = parameters; this.limit = limit; this.perPartitionLimit = perPartitionLimit; this.queriedColumns = gatherQueriedColumns(); } public Iterable<Function> getFunctions() { List<Function> functions = new ArrayList<>(); addFunctionsTo(functions); return functions; } private void addFunctionsTo(List<Function> functions) { selection.addFunctionsTo(functions); restrictions.addFunctionsTo(functions); if (limit != null) limit.addFunctionsTo(functions); if (perPartitionLimit != null) perPartitionLimit.addFunctionsTo(functions); } // Note that the queried columns internally is different from the one selected by the // user as it also include any column for which we have a restriction on. private ColumnFilter gatherQueriedColumns() { if (selection.isWildcard()) return ColumnFilter.all(cfm); ColumnFilter.Builder builder = ColumnFilter.allColumnsBuilder(cfm); // Adds all selected columns for (ColumnDefinition def : selection.getColumns()) if (!def.isPrimaryKeyColumn()) builder.add(def); // as well as any restricted column (so we can actually apply the restriction) builder.addAll(restrictions.nonPKRestrictedColumns(true)); return builder.build(); }
The columns to fetch internally for this SELECT statement (which can be more than the one selected by the user as it also include any restricted column in particular).
/** * The columns to fetch internally for this SELECT statement (which can be more than the one selected by the * user as it also include any restricted column in particular). */
public ColumnFilter queriedColumns() { return queriedColumns; } // Creates a simple select based on the given selection. // Note that the results select statement should not be used for actual queries, but only for processing already // queried data through processColumnFamily. static SelectStatement forSelection(CFMetaData cfm, Selection selection) { return new SelectStatement(cfm, 0, defaultParameters, selection, StatementRestrictions.empty(StatementType.SELECT, cfm), false, null, null, null, null); } public ResultSet.ResultMetadata getResultMetadata() { return selection.getResultMetadata(parameters.isJson); } public int getBoundTerms() { return boundTerms; } public void checkAccess(ClientState state) throws InvalidRequestException, UnauthorizedException { if (cfm.isView()) { CFMetaData baseTable = View.findBaseTable(keyspace(), columnFamily()); if (baseTable != null) state.hasColumnFamilyAccess(baseTable, Permission.SELECT); } else { state.hasColumnFamilyAccess(cfm, Permission.SELECT); } for (Function function : getFunctions()) state.ensureHasPermission(Permission.EXECUTE, function); } public void validate(ClientState state) throws InvalidRequestException { // Nothing to do, all validation has been done by RawStatement.prepare() } public ResultMessage.Rows execute(QueryState state, QueryOptions options, long queryStartNanoTime) throws RequestExecutionException, RequestValidationException { ConsistencyLevel cl = options.getConsistency(); checkNotNull(cl, "Invalid empty consistency level"); cl.validateForRead(keyspace()); int nowInSec = FBUtilities.nowInSeconds(); int userLimit = getLimit(options); int userPerPartitionLimit = getPerPartitionLimit(options); int pageSize = options.getPageSize(); ReadQuery query = getQuery(options, nowInSec, userLimit, userPerPartitionLimit, pageSize); if (aggregationSpec == null && (pageSize <= 0 || (query.limits().count() <= pageSize))) return execute(query, options, state, nowInSec, userLimit, queryStartNanoTime); QueryPager pager = getPager(query, options); return execute(Pager.forDistributedQuery(pager, cl, state.getClientState()), options, pageSize, nowInSec, userLimit, queryStartNanoTime); } public ReadQuery getQuery(QueryOptions options, int nowInSec) throws RequestValidationException { return getQuery(options, nowInSec, getLimit(options), getPerPartitionLimit(options), options.getPageSize()); } public ReadQuery getQuery(QueryOptions options, int nowInSec, int userLimit, int perPartitionLimit, int pageSize) { boolean isPartitionRangeQuery = restrictions.isKeyRange() || restrictions.usesSecondaryIndexing(); DataLimits limit = getDataLimits(userLimit, perPartitionLimit, pageSize); if (isPartitionRangeQuery) return getRangeCommand(options, limit, nowInSec); return getSliceCommands(options, limit, nowInSec); } private ResultMessage.Rows execute(ReadQuery query, QueryOptions options, QueryState state, int nowInSec, int userLimit, long queryStartNanoTime) throws RequestValidationException, RequestExecutionException { try (PartitionIterator data = query.execute(options.getConsistency(), state.getClientState(), queryStartNanoTime)) { return processResults(data, options, nowInSec, userLimit); } } // Simple wrapper class to avoid some code duplication private static abstract class Pager { protected QueryPager pager; protected Pager(QueryPager pager) { this.pager = pager; } public static Pager forInternalQuery(QueryPager pager, ReadExecutionController executionController) { return new InternalPager(pager, executionController); } public static Pager forDistributedQuery(QueryPager pager, ConsistencyLevel consistency, ClientState clientState) { return new NormalPager(pager, consistency, clientState); } public boolean isExhausted() { return pager.isExhausted(); } public PagingState state() { return pager.state(); } public abstract PartitionIterator fetchPage(int pageSize, long queryStartNanoTime); public static class NormalPager extends Pager { private final ConsistencyLevel consistency; private final ClientState clientState; private NormalPager(QueryPager pager, ConsistencyLevel consistency, ClientState clientState) { super(pager); this.consistency = consistency; this.clientState = clientState; } public PartitionIterator fetchPage(int pageSize, long queryStartNanoTime) { return pager.fetchPage(pageSize, consistency, clientState, queryStartNanoTime); } } public static class InternalPager extends Pager { private final ReadExecutionController executionController; private InternalPager(QueryPager pager, ReadExecutionController executionController) { super(pager); this.executionController = executionController; } public PartitionIterator fetchPage(int pageSize, long queryStartNanoTime) { return pager.fetchPageInternal(pageSize, executionController); } } } private ResultMessage.Rows execute(Pager pager, QueryOptions options, int pageSize, int nowInSec, int userLimit, long queryStartNanoTime) throws RequestValidationException, RequestExecutionException { if (aggregationSpec != null) { if (!restrictions.hasPartitionKeyRestrictions()) { warn("Aggregation query used without partition key"); } else if (restrictions.keyIsInRelation()) { warn("Aggregation query used on multiple partition keys (IN restriction)"); } } // We can't properly do post-query ordering if we page (see #6722) // For GROUP BY or aggregation queries we always page internally even if the user has turned paging off checkFalse(pageSize > 0 && needsPostQueryOrdering(), "Cannot page queries with both ORDER BY and a IN restriction on the partition key;" + " you must either remove the ORDER BY or the IN and sort client side, or disable paging for this query"); ResultMessage.Rows msg; try (PartitionIterator page = pager.fetchPage(pageSize, queryStartNanoTime)) { msg = processResults(page, options, nowInSec, userLimit); } // Please note that the isExhausted state of the pager only gets updated when we've closed the page, so this // shouldn't be moved inside the 'try' above. if (!pager.isExhausted()) msg.result.metadata.setHasMorePages(pager.state()); return msg; } private void warn(String msg) { logger.warn(msg); ClientWarn.instance.warn(msg); } private ResultMessage.Rows processResults(PartitionIterator partitions, QueryOptions options, int nowInSec, int userLimit) throws RequestValidationException { ResultSet rset = process(partitions, options, nowInSec, userLimit); return new ResultMessage.Rows(rset); } public ResultMessage.Rows executeInternal(QueryState state, QueryOptions options) throws RequestExecutionException, RequestValidationException { return executeInternal(state, options, FBUtilities.nowInSeconds(), System.nanoTime()); } public ResultMessage.Rows executeInternal(QueryState state, QueryOptions options, int nowInSec, long queryStartNanoTime) throws RequestExecutionException, RequestValidationException { int userLimit = getLimit(options); int userPerPartitionLimit = getPerPartitionLimit(options); int pageSize = options.getPageSize(); ReadQuery query = getQuery(options, nowInSec, userLimit, userPerPartitionLimit, pageSize); try (ReadExecutionController executionController = query.executionController()) { if (aggregationSpec == null && (pageSize <= 0 || (query.limits().count() <= pageSize))) { try (PartitionIterator data = query.executeInternal(executionController)) { return processResults(data, options, nowInSec, userLimit); } } else { QueryPager pager = getPager(query, options); return execute(Pager.forInternalQuery(pager, executionController), options, pageSize, nowInSec, userLimit, queryStartNanoTime); } } } private QueryPager getPager(ReadQuery query, QueryOptions options) { QueryPager pager = query.getPager(options.getPagingState(), options.getProtocolVersion()); if (aggregationSpec == null || query == ReadQuery.EMPTY) return pager; return new AggregationQueryPager(pager, query.limits()); } public ResultSet process(PartitionIterator partitions, int nowInSec) throws InvalidRequestException { return process(partitions, QueryOptions.DEFAULT, nowInSec, getLimit(QueryOptions.DEFAULT)); } public String keyspace() { return cfm.ksName; } public String columnFamily() { return cfm.cfName; }
May be used by custom QueryHandler implementations
/** * May be used by custom QueryHandler implementations */
public Selection getSelection() { return selection; }
May be used by custom QueryHandler implementations
/** * May be used by custom QueryHandler implementations */
public StatementRestrictions getRestrictions() { return restrictions; } private ReadQuery getSliceCommands(QueryOptions options, DataLimits limit, int nowInSec) throws RequestValidationException { Collection<ByteBuffer> keys = restrictions.getPartitionKeys(options); if (keys.isEmpty()) return ReadQuery.EMPTY; ClusteringIndexFilter filter = makeClusteringIndexFilter(options); if (filter == null) return ReadQuery.EMPTY; RowFilter rowFilter = getRowFilter(options); // Note that we use the total limit for every key, which is potentially inefficient. // However, IN + LIMIT is not a very sensible choice. List<SinglePartitionReadCommand> commands = new ArrayList<>(keys.size()); for (ByteBuffer key : keys) { QueryProcessor.validateKey(key); DecoratedKey dk = cfm.decorateKey(ByteBufferUtil.clone(key)); ColumnFilter cf = (cfm.isSuper() && cfm.isDense()) ? SuperColumnCompatibility.getColumnFilter(cfm, options, restrictions.getSuperColumnRestrictions()) : queriedColumns; commands.add(SinglePartitionReadCommand.create(cfm, nowInSec, cf, rowFilter, limit, dk, filter)); } return new SinglePartitionReadCommand.Group(commands, limit); }
Returns the slices fetched by this SELECT, assuming an internal call (no bound values in particular).

Note that if the SELECT intrinsically selects rows by names, we convert them into equivalent slices for the purpose of this method. This is used for MVs to restrict what needs to be read when we want to read everything that could be affected by a given view (and so, if the view SELECT statement has restrictions on the clustering columns, we can restrict what we read).

/** * Returns the slices fetched by this SELECT, assuming an internal call (no bound values in particular). * <p> * Note that if the SELECT intrinsically selects rows by names, we convert them into equivalent slices for * the purpose of this method. This is used for MVs to restrict what needs to be read when we want to read * everything that could be affected by a given view (and so, if the view SELECT statement has restrictions * on the clustering columns, we can restrict what we read). */
public Slices clusteringIndexFilterAsSlices() { QueryOptions options = QueryOptions.forInternalCalls(Collections.emptyList()); ClusteringIndexFilter filter = makeClusteringIndexFilter(options); if (filter instanceof ClusteringIndexSliceFilter) return ((ClusteringIndexSliceFilter)filter).requestedSlices(); Slices.Builder builder = new Slices.Builder(cfm.comparator); for (Clustering clustering: ((ClusteringIndexNamesFilter)filter).requestedRows()) builder.add(Slice.make(clustering)); return builder.build(); }
Returns a read command that can be used internally to query all the rows queried by this SELECT for a give key (used for materialized views).
/** * Returns a read command that can be used internally to query all the rows queried by this SELECT for a * give key (used for materialized views). */
public SinglePartitionReadCommand internalReadForView(DecoratedKey key, int nowInSec) { QueryOptions options = QueryOptions.forInternalCalls(Collections.emptyList()); ClusteringIndexFilter filter = makeClusteringIndexFilter(options); RowFilter rowFilter = getRowFilter(options); return SinglePartitionReadCommand.create(cfm, nowInSec, queriedColumns, rowFilter, DataLimits.NONE, key, filter); }
The RowFilter for this SELECT, assuming an internal call (no bound values in particular).
/** * The {@code RowFilter} for this SELECT, assuming an internal call (no bound values in particular). */
public RowFilter rowFilterForInternalCalls() { return getRowFilter(QueryOptions.forInternalCalls(Collections.emptyList())); } private ReadQuery getRangeCommand(QueryOptions options, DataLimits limit, int nowInSec) throws RequestValidationException { ClusteringIndexFilter clusteringIndexFilter = makeClusteringIndexFilter(options); if (clusteringIndexFilter == null) return ReadQuery.EMPTY; RowFilter rowFilter = getRowFilter(options); // The LIMIT provided by the user is the number of CQL row he wants returned. // We want to have getRangeSlice to count the number of columns, not the number of keys. AbstractBounds<PartitionPosition> keyBounds = restrictions.getPartitionKeyBounds(options); if (keyBounds == null) return ReadQuery.EMPTY; PartitionRangeReadCommand command = PartitionRangeReadCommand.create(false, cfm, nowInSec, queriedColumns, rowFilter, limit, new DataRange(keyBounds, clusteringIndexFilter)); // If there's a secondary index that the command can use, have it validate the request parameters. command.maybeValidateIndex(); return command; } private ClusteringIndexFilter makeClusteringIndexFilter(QueryOptions options) throws InvalidRequestException { if (parameters.isDistinct) { // We need to be able to distinguish between partition having live rows and those that don't. But // doing so is not trivial since "having a live row" depends potentially on // 1) when the query is performed, due to TTLs // 2) how thing reconcile together between different nodes // so that it's hard to really optimize properly internally. So to keep it simple, we simply query // for the first row of the partition and hence uses Slices.ALL. We'll limit it to the first live // row however in getLimit(). return new ClusteringIndexSliceFilter(Slices.ALL, false); } if (restrictions.isColumnRange()) { Slices slices = makeSlices(options); if (slices == Slices.NONE && !selection.containsStaticColumns()) return null; return new ClusteringIndexSliceFilter(slices, isReversed); } else { NavigableSet<Clustering> clusterings = getRequestedRows(options); // We can have no clusterings if either we're only selecting the static columns, or if we have // a 'IN ()' for clusterings. In that case, we still want to query if some static columns are // queried. But we're fine otherwise. if (clusterings.isEmpty() && queriedColumns.fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty()) return null; return new ClusteringIndexNamesFilter(clusterings, isReversed); } } private Slices makeSlices(QueryOptions options) throws InvalidRequestException { SortedSet<ClusteringBound> startBounds = restrictions.getClusteringColumnsBounds(Bound.START, options); SortedSet<ClusteringBound> endBounds = restrictions.getClusteringColumnsBounds(Bound.END, options); assert startBounds.size() == endBounds.size(); // The case where startBounds == 1 is common enough that it's worth optimizing if (startBounds.size() == 1) { ClusteringBound start = startBounds.first(); ClusteringBound end = endBounds.first(); return cfm.comparator.compare(start, end) > 0 ? Slices.NONE : Slices.with(cfm.comparator, Slice.make(start, end)); } Slices.Builder builder = new Slices.Builder(cfm.comparator, startBounds.size()); Iterator<ClusteringBound> startIter = startBounds.iterator(); Iterator<ClusteringBound> endIter = endBounds.iterator(); while (startIter.hasNext() && endIter.hasNext()) { ClusteringBound start = startIter.next(); ClusteringBound end = endIter.next(); // Ignore slices that are nonsensical if (cfm.comparator.compare(start, end) > 0) continue; builder.add(start, end); } return builder.build(); } private DataLimits getDataLimits(int userLimit, int perPartitionLimit, int pageSize) { int cqlRowLimit = DataLimits.NO_LIMIT; int cqlPerPartitionLimit = DataLimits.NO_LIMIT; // If we do post ordering we need to get all the results sorted before we can trim them. if (aggregationSpec != AggregationSpecification.AGGREGATE_EVERYTHING) { if (!needsPostQueryOrdering()) cqlRowLimit = userLimit; cqlPerPartitionLimit = perPartitionLimit; } // Group by and aggregation queries will always be paged internally to avoid OOM. // If the user provided a pageSize we'll use that to page internally (because why not), otherwise we use our default if (pageSize <= 0) pageSize = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE; // Aggregation queries work fine on top of the group by paging but to maintain // backward compatibility we need to use the old way. if (aggregationSpec != null && aggregationSpec != AggregationSpecification.AGGREGATE_EVERYTHING) { if (parameters.isDistinct) return DataLimits.distinctLimits(cqlRowLimit); return DataLimits.groupByLimits(cqlRowLimit, cqlPerPartitionLimit, pageSize, aggregationSpec); } if (parameters.isDistinct) return cqlRowLimit == DataLimits.NO_LIMIT ? DataLimits.DISTINCT_NONE : DataLimits.distinctLimits(cqlRowLimit); return DataLimits.cqlLimits(cqlRowLimit, cqlPerPartitionLimit); }
Returns the limit specified by the user. May be used by custom QueryHandler implementations
Returns:the limit specified by the user or DataLimits.NO_LIMIT if no value as been specified.
/** * Returns the limit specified by the user. * May be used by custom QueryHandler implementations * * @return the limit specified by the user or <code>DataLimits.NO_LIMIT</code> if no value * as been specified. */
public int getLimit(QueryOptions options) { return getLimit(limit, options); }
Returns the per partition limit specified by the user. May be used by custom QueryHandler implementations
Returns:the per partition limit specified by the user or DataLimits.NO_LIMIT if no value as been specified.
/** * Returns the per partition limit specified by the user. * May be used by custom QueryHandler implementations * * @return the per partition limit specified by the user or <code>DataLimits.NO_LIMIT</code> if no value * as been specified. */
public int getPerPartitionLimit(QueryOptions options) { return getLimit(perPartitionLimit, options); } private int getLimit(Term limit, QueryOptions options) { int userLimit = DataLimits.NO_LIMIT; if (limit != null) { ByteBuffer b = checkNotNull(limit.bindAndGet(options), "Invalid null value of limit"); // treat UNSET limit value as 'unlimited' if (b != UNSET_BYTE_BUFFER) { try { Int32Type.instance.validate(b); userLimit = Int32Type.instance.compose(b); checkTrue(userLimit > 0, "LIMIT must be strictly positive"); } catch (MarshalException e) { throw new InvalidRequestException("Invalid limit value"); } } } return userLimit; } private NavigableSet<Clustering> getRequestedRows(QueryOptions options) throws InvalidRequestException { // Note: getRequestedColumns don't handle static columns, but due to CASSANDRA-5762 // we always do a slice for CQL3 tables, so it's ok to ignore them here assert !restrictions.isColumnRange(); return restrictions.getClusteringColumns(options); }
May be used by custom QueryHandler implementations
/** * May be used by custom QueryHandler implementations */
public RowFilter getRowFilter(QueryOptions options) throws InvalidRequestException { ColumnFamilyStore cfs = Keyspace.open(keyspace()).getColumnFamilyStore(columnFamily()); SecondaryIndexManager secondaryIndexManager = cfs.indexManager; RowFilter filter = restrictions.getRowFilter(secondaryIndexManager, options); return filter; } private ResultSet process(PartitionIterator partitions, QueryOptions options, int nowInSec, int userLimit) throws InvalidRequestException { Selection.ResultSetBuilder result = selection.resultSetBuilder(options, parameters.isJson, aggregationSpec); while (partitions.hasNext()) { try (RowIterator partition = partitions.next()) { processPartition(partition, options, result, nowInSec); } } ResultSet cqlRows = result.build(); orderResults(cqlRows); cqlRows.trim(userLimit); return cqlRows; } public static ByteBuffer[] getComponents(CFMetaData cfm, DecoratedKey dk) { ByteBuffer key = dk.getKey(); if (cfm.getKeyValidator() instanceof CompositeType) { return ((CompositeType)cfm.getKeyValidator()).split(key); } else { return new ByteBuffer[]{ key }; } } // Used by ModificationStatement for CAS operations void processPartition(RowIterator partition, QueryOptions options, Selection.ResultSetBuilder result, int nowInSec) throws InvalidRequestException { if (cfm.isSuper() && cfm.isDense()) { SuperColumnCompatibility.processPartition(cfm, selection, partition, result, options.getProtocolVersion(), restrictions.getSuperColumnRestrictions(), options); return; } ProtocolVersion protocolVersion = options.getProtocolVersion(); ByteBuffer[] keyComponents = getComponents(cfm, partition.partitionKey()); Row staticRow = partition.staticRow(); // If there is no rows, and there's no restriction on clustering/regular columns, // then provided the select was a full partition selection (either by partition key and/or by static column), // we want to include static columns and we're done. if (!partition.hasNext()) { if (!staticRow.isEmpty() && (queriesFullPartitions() || cfm.isStaticCompactTable())) { result.newRow(partition.partitionKey(), staticRow.clustering()); for (ColumnDefinition def : selection.getColumns()) { switch (def.kind) { case PARTITION_KEY: result.add(keyComponents[def.position()]); break; case STATIC: addValue(result, def, staticRow, nowInSec, protocolVersion); break; default: result.add((ByteBuffer)null); } } } return; } while (partition.hasNext()) { Row row = partition.next(); result.newRow( partition.partitionKey(), row.clustering()); // Respect selection order for (ColumnDefinition def : selection.getColumns()) { switch (def.kind) { case PARTITION_KEY: result.add(keyComponents[def.position()]); break; case CLUSTERING: result.add(row.clustering().get(def.position())); break; case REGULAR: addValue(result, def, row, nowInSec, protocolVersion); break; case STATIC: addValue(result, def, staticRow, nowInSec, protocolVersion); break; } } } }
Checks if the query is a full partitions selection.
Returns:true if the query is a full partitions selection, false otherwise.
/** * Checks if the query is a full partitions selection. * @return {@code true} if the query is a full partitions selection, {@code false} otherwise. */
private boolean queriesFullPartitions() { return !restrictions.hasClusteringColumnsRestrictions() && !restrictions.hasRegularColumnsRestrictions(); } private static void addValue(Selection.ResultSetBuilder result, ColumnDefinition def, Row row, int nowInSec, ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { if (def.isComplex()) { assert def.type.isMultiCell(); ComplexColumnData complexData = row.getComplexColumnData(def); if (complexData == null) result.add(null); else if (def.type.isCollection()) result.add(((CollectionType) def.type).serializeForNativeProtocol(complexData.iterator(), protocolVersion)); else result.add(((UserType) def.type).serializeForNativeProtocol(complexData.iterator(), protocolVersion)); } else { result.add(row.getCell(def), nowInSec); } } private boolean needsPostQueryOrdering() { // We need post-query ordering only for queries with IN on the partition key and an ORDER BY. return restrictions.keyIsInRelation() && !parameters.orderings.isEmpty(); }
Orders results when multiple keys are selected (using IN)
/** * Orders results when multiple keys are selected (using IN) */
private void orderResults(ResultSet cqlRows) { if (cqlRows.size() == 0 || !needsPostQueryOrdering()) return; Collections.sort(cqlRows.rows, orderingComparator); } public static class RawStatement extends CFStatement { public final Parameters parameters; public final List<RawSelector> selectClause; public final WhereClause whereClause; public final Term.Raw limit; public final Term.Raw perPartitionLimit; public RawStatement(CFName cfName, Parameters parameters, List<RawSelector> selectClause, WhereClause whereClause, Term.Raw limit, Term.Raw perPartitionLimit) { super(cfName); this.parameters = parameters; this.selectClause = selectClause; this.whereClause = whereClause; this.limit = limit; this.perPartitionLimit = perPartitionLimit; } public ParsedStatement.Prepared prepare(ClientState clientState) throws InvalidRequestException { return prepare(false, clientState); } public ParsedStatement.Prepared prepare(boolean forView, ClientState clientState) throws InvalidRequestException { CFMetaData cfm = ThriftValidation.validateColumnFamilyWithCompactMode(keyspace(), columnFamily(), clientState.isNoCompactMode()); VariableSpecifications boundNames = getBoundVariables(); Selection selection = prepareSelection(cfm, boundNames); StatementRestrictions restrictions = prepareRestrictions(cfm, boundNames, selection, forView); if (parameters.isDistinct) { checkNull(perPartitionLimit, "PER PARTITION LIMIT is not allowed with SELECT DISTINCT queries"); validateDistinctSelection(cfm, selection, restrictions); } AggregationSpecification aggregationSpec = getAggregationSpecification(cfm, selection, restrictions, parameters.isDistinct); checkFalse(aggregationSpec == AggregationSpecification.AGGREGATE_EVERYTHING && perPartitionLimit != null, "PER PARTITION LIMIT is not allowed with aggregate queries."); Comparator<List<ByteBuffer>> orderingComparator = null; boolean isReversed = false; if (!parameters.orderings.isEmpty()) { assert !forView; verifyOrderingIsAllowed(restrictions); orderingComparator = getOrderingComparator(cfm, selection, restrictions, parameters.isJson); isReversed = isReversed(cfm); if (isReversed) orderingComparator = Collections.reverseOrder(orderingComparator); } checkNeedsFiltering(restrictions); SelectStatement stmt = new SelectStatement(cfm, boundNames.size(), parameters, selection, restrictions, isReversed, aggregationSpec, orderingComparator, prepareLimit(boundNames, limit, keyspace(), limitReceiver()), prepareLimit(boundNames, perPartitionLimit, keyspace(), perPartitionLimitReceiver())); return new ParsedStatement.Prepared(stmt, boundNames, boundNames.getPartitionKeyBindIndexes(cfm)); }
Prepares the selection to use for the statement.
  • cfm – the table metadata
  • boundNames – the bound names
Returns:the selection to use for the statement
/** * Prepares the selection to use for the statement. * * @param cfm the table metadata * @param boundNames the bound names * @return the selection to use for the statement */
private Selection prepareSelection(CFMetaData cfm, VariableSpecifications boundNames) { boolean hasGroupBy = !parameters.groups.isEmpty(); if (selectClause.isEmpty()) return hasGroupBy ? Selection.wildcardWithGroupBy(cfm, boundNames) : Selection.wildcard(cfm); return Selection.fromSelectors(cfm, selectClause, boundNames, hasGroupBy); }
Prepares the restrictions.
  • cfm – the column family meta data
  • boundNames – the variable specifications
  • selection – the selection
Returns:the restrictions
/** * Prepares the restrictions. * * @param cfm the column family meta data * @param boundNames the variable specifications * @param selection the selection * @return the restrictions * @throws InvalidRequestException if a problem occurs while building the restrictions */
private StatementRestrictions prepareRestrictions(CFMetaData cfm, VariableSpecifications boundNames, Selection selection, boolean forView) throws InvalidRequestException { return new StatementRestrictions(StatementType.SELECT, cfm, whereClause, boundNames, selection.containsOnlyStaticColumns(), selection.containsAComplexColumn(), parameters.allowFiltering, forView); }
Returns a Term for the limit or null if no limit is set
/** Returns a Term for the limit or null if no limit is set */
private Term prepareLimit(VariableSpecifications boundNames, Term.Raw limit, String keyspace, ColumnSpecification limitReceiver) throws InvalidRequestException { if (limit == null) return null; Term prepLimit = limit.prepare(keyspace, limitReceiver); prepLimit.collectMarkerSpecification(boundNames); return prepLimit; } private static void verifyOrderingIsAllowed(StatementRestrictions restrictions) throws InvalidRequestException { checkFalse(restrictions.usesSecondaryIndexing(), "ORDER BY with 2ndary indexes is not supported."); checkFalse(restrictions.isKeyRange(), "ORDER BY is only supported when the partition key is restricted by an EQ or an IN."); } private static void validateDistinctSelection(CFMetaData cfm, Selection selection, StatementRestrictions restrictions) throws InvalidRequestException { checkFalse(restrictions.hasClusteringColumnsRestrictions() || (restrictions.hasNonPrimaryKeyRestrictions() && !restrictions.nonPKRestrictedColumns(true).stream().allMatch(ColumnDefinition::isStatic)), "SELECT DISTINCT with WHERE clause only supports restriction by partition key and/or static columns."); Collection<ColumnDefinition> requestedColumns = selection.getColumns(); for (ColumnDefinition def : requestedColumns) checkFalse(!def.isPartitionKey() && !def.isStatic(), "SELECT DISTINCT queries must only request partition key columns and/or static columns (not %s)", def.name); // If it's a key range, we require that all partition key columns are selected so we don't have to bother // with post-query grouping. if (!restrictions.isKeyRange()) return; for (ColumnDefinition def : cfm.partitionKeyColumns()) checkTrue(requestedColumns.contains(def), "SELECT DISTINCT queries must request all the partition key columns (missing %s)", def.name); }
Creates the AggregationSpecifications used to make the aggregates.
  • cfm – the column family metadata
  • selection – the selection
  • restrictions – the restrictions
  • isDistinct – true if the query is a DISTINCT one.
Returns:the AggregationSpecifications used to make the aggregates
/** * Creates the <code>AggregationSpecification</code>s used to make the aggregates. * * @param cfm the column family metadata * @param selection the selection * @param restrictions the restrictions * @param isDistinct <code>true</code> if the query is a DISTINCT one. * @return the <code>AggregationSpecification</code>s used to make the aggregates */
private AggregationSpecification getAggregationSpecification(CFMetaData cfm, Selection selection, StatementRestrictions restrictions, boolean isDistinct) { if (parameters.groups.isEmpty()) return selection.isAggregate() ? AggregationSpecification.AGGREGATE_EVERYTHING : null; int clusteringPrefixSize = 0; Iterator<ColumnDefinition> pkColumns = cfm.primaryKeyColumns().iterator(); for (ColumnDefinition.Raw raw : parameters.groups) { ColumnDefinition def = raw.prepare(cfm); checkTrue(def.isPartitionKey() || def.isClusteringColumn(), "Group by is currently only supported on the columns of the PRIMARY KEY, got %s", def.name); while (true) { checkTrue(pkColumns.hasNext(), "Group by currently only support groups of columns following their declared order in the PRIMARY KEY"); ColumnDefinition pkColumn = pkColumns.next(); if (pkColumn.isClusteringColumn()) clusteringPrefixSize++; // As we do not support grouping on only part of the partition key, we only need to know // which clustering columns need to be used to build the groups if (pkColumn.equals(def)) break; checkTrue(restrictions.isColumnRestrictedByEq(pkColumn), "Group by currently only support groups of columns following their declared order in the PRIMARY KEY"); } } checkFalse(pkColumns.hasNext() && pkColumns.next().isPartitionKey(), "Group by is not supported on only a part of the partition key"); checkFalse(clusteringPrefixSize > 0 && isDistinct, "Grouping on clustering columns is not allowed for SELECT DISTINCT queries"); return AggregationSpecification.aggregatePkPrefix(cfm.comparator, clusteringPrefixSize); } private Comparator<List<ByteBuffer>> getOrderingComparator(CFMetaData cfm, Selection selection, StatementRestrictions restrictions, boolean isJson) throws InvalidRequestException { if (!restrictions.keyIsInRelation()) return null; Map<ColumnDefinition, Integer> orderingIndexes = getOrderingIndex(cfm, selection, isJson); List<Integer> idToSort = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Comparator<ByteBuffer>> sorters = new ArrayList<Comparator<ByteBuffer>>(); for (ColumnDefinition.Raw raw : parameters.orderings.keySet()) { ColumnDefinition orderingColumn = raw.prepare(cfm); idToSort.add(orderingIndexes.get(orderingColumn)); sorters.add(orderingColumn.type); } return idToSort.size() == 1 ? new SingleColumnComparator(idToSort.get(0), sorters.get(0)) : new CompositeComparator(sorters, idToSort); } private Map<ColumnDefinition, Integer> getOrderingIndex(CFMetaData cfm, Selection selection, boolean isJson) throws InvalidRequestException { // If we order post-query (see orderResults), the sorted column needs to be in the ResultSet for sorting, // even if we don't // ultimately ship them to the client (CASSANDRA-4911). for (ColumnDefinition.Raw raw : parameters.orderings.keySet()) { final ColumnDefinition def = raw.prepare(cfm); selection.addColumnForOrdering(def); } return selection.getOrderingIndex(isJson); } private boolean isReversed(CFMetaData cfm) throws InvalidRequestException { Boolean[] reversedMap = new Boolean[cfm.clusteringColumns().size()]; int i = 0; for (Map.Entry<ColumnDefinition.Raw, Boolean> entry : parameters.orderings.entrySet()) { ColumnDefinition def = entry.getKey().prepare(cfm); boolean reversed = entry.getValue(); checkTrue(def.isClusteringColumn(), "Order by is currently only supported on the clustered columns of the PRIMARY KEY, got %s", def.name); checkTrue(i++ == def.position(), "Order by currently only support the ordering of columns following their declared order in the PRIMARY KEY"); reversedMap[def.position()] = (reversed != def.isReversedType()); } // Check that all boolean in reversedMap, if set, agrees Boolean isReversed = null; for (Boolean b : reversedMap) { // Column on which order is specified can be in any order if (b == null) continue; if (isReversed == null) { isReversed = b; continue; } checkTrue(isReversed.equals(b), "Unsupported order by relation"); } assert isReversed != null; return isReversed; }
If ALLOW FILTERING was not specified, this verifies that it is not needed
/** If ALLOW FILTERING was not specified, this verifies that it is not needed */
private void checkNeedsFiltering(StatementRestrictions restrictions) throws InvalidRequestException { // non-key-range non-indexed queries cannot involve filtering underneath if (!parameters.allowFiltering && (restrictions.isKeyRange() || restrictions.usesSecondaryIndexing())) { // We will potentially filter data if either: // - Have more than one IndexExpression // - Have no index expression and the row filter is not the identity checkFalse(restrictions.needFiltering(), StatementRestrictions.REQUIRES_ALLOW_FILTERING_MESSAGE); } } private ColumnSpecification limitReceiver() { return new ColumnSpecification(keyspace(), columnFamily(), new ColumnIdentifier("[limit]", true), Int32Type.instance); } private ColumnSpecification perPartitionLimitReceiver() { return new ColumnSpecification(keyspace(), columnFamily(), new ColumnIdentifier("[per_partition_limit]", true), Int32Type.instance); } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this) .add("name", cfName) .add("selectClause", selectClause) .add("whereClause", whereClause) .add("isDistinct", parameters.isDistinct) .toString(); } } public static class Parameters { // Public because CASSANDRA-9858 public final Map<ColumnDefinition.Raw, Boolean> orderings; public final List<ColumnDefinition.Raw> groups; public final boolean isDistinct; public final boolean allowFiltering; public final boolean isJson; public Parameters(Map<ColumnDefinition.Raw, Boolean> orderings, List<ColumnDefinition.Raw> groups, boolean isDistinct, boolean allowFiltering, boolean isJson) { this.orderings = orderings; this.groups = groups; this.isDistinct = isDistinct; this.allowFiltering = allowFiltering; this.isJson = isJson; } } private static abstract class ColumnComparator<T> implements Comparator<T> { protected final int compare(Comparator<ByteBuffer> comparator, ByteBuffer aValue, ByteBuffer bValue) { if (aValue == null) return bValue == null ? 0 : -1; return bValue == null ? 1 : comparator.compare(aValue, bValue); } }
Used in orderResults(...) method when single 'ORDER BY' condition where given
/** * Used in orderResults(...) method when single 'ORDER BY' condition where given */
private static class SingleColumnComparator extends ColumnComparator<List<ByteBuffer>> { private final int index; private final Comparator<ByteBuffer> comparator; public SingleColumnComparator(int columnIndex, Comparator<ByteBuffer> orderer) { index = columnIndex; comparator = orderer; } public int compare(List<ByteBuffer> a, List<ByteBuffer> b) { return compare(comparator, a.get(index), b.get(index)); } }
Used in orderResults(...) method when multiple 'ORDER BY' conditions where given
/** * Used in orderResults(...) method when multiple 'ORDER BY' conditions where given */
private static class CompositeComparator extends ColumnComparator<List<ByteBuffer>> { private final List<Comparator<ByteBuffer>> orderTypes; private final List<Integer> positions; private CompositeComparator(List<Comparator<ByteBuffer>> orderTypes, List<Integer> positions) { this.orderTypes = orderTypes; this.positions = positions; } public int compare(List<ByteBuffer> a, List<ByteBuffer> b) { for (int i = 0; i < positions.size(); i++) { Comparator<ByteBuffer> type = orderTypes.get(i); int columnPos = positions.get(i); int comparison = compare(type, a.get(columnPos), b.get(columnPos)); if (comparison != 0) return comparison; } return 0; } } }