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package org.apache.cassandra.auth;

import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Set;

import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;

An enum encapsulating the set of possible permissions that an authenticated user can have on a resource. IAuthorizer implementations may encode permissions using ordinals, so the Enum order must never change order. Adding new values is ok.
/** * An enum encapsulating the set of possible permissions that an authenticated user can have on a resource. * * IAuthorizer implementations may encode permissions using ordinals, so the Enum order must never change order. * Adding new values is ok. */
public enum Permission { @Deprecated READ, @Deprecated WRITE, // schema and role management // CREATE, ALTER and DROP permissions granted on an appropriate DataResource are required for // CREATE KEYSPACE and CREATE TABLE. // ALTER KEYSPACE, ALTER TABLE, CREATE INDEX and DROP INDEX require ALTER permission on the // relevant DataResource. // DROP KEYSPACE and DROP TABLE require DROP permission. // // In the context of Role management, these permissions may also be granted on a RoleResource. // CREATE is only granted on the root-level role resource, and is required to create new roles. // ALTER & DROP may be granted on either the root-level role resource, giving permissions on // all roles, or on specific role-level resources. CREATE, ALTER, DROP, // data access SELECT, // required for SELECT on a table MODIFY, // required for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE on a DataResource. // permission management AUTHORIZE, // required for GRANT and REVOKE of permissions or roles. DESCRIBE, // required on the root-level RoleResource to list all Roles // UDF permissions EXECUTE; // required to invoke any user defined function or aggregate public static final Set<Permission> ALL = Sets.immutableEnumSet(EnumSet.range(Permission.CREATE, Permission.EXECUTE)); public static final Set<Permission> NONE = ImmutableSet.of(); }