package org.apache.cassandra.cql3;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.cassandra.cache.IMeasurableMemory;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UTF8Type;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ObjectSizes;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.memory.AbstractAllocator;
public class ColumnIdentifier implements IMeasurableMemory, Comparable<ColumnIdentifier>
private static final Pattern PATTERN_DOUBLE_QUOTE = Pattern.compile("\"", Pattern.LITERAL);
private static final String ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE = Matcher.quoteReplacement("\"\"");
public final ByteBuffer bytes;
private final String text;
public final long prefixComparison;
private final boolean interned;
private static final Pattern UNQUOTED_IDENTIFIER = Pattern.compile("[a-z][a-z0-9_]*");
private static final long EMPTY_SIZE = ObjectSizes.measure(new ColumnIdentifier(ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER, "", false));
private static final ConcurrentMap<InternedKey, ColumnIdentifier> internedInstances = new MapMaker().weakValues().makeMap();
private static final class InternedKey
private final AbstractType<?> type;
private final ByteBuffer bytes;
InternedKey(AbstractType<?> type, ByteBuffer bytes)
this.type = type;
this.bytes = bytes;
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o)
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
return false;
InternedKey that = (InternedKey) o;
return bytes.equals(that.bytes) && type.equals(that.type);
public int hashCode()
return bytes.hashCode() + 31 * type.hashCode();
private static long prefixComparison(ByteBuffer bytes)
long prefix = 0;
ByteBuffer read = bytes.duplicate();
int i = 0;
while (read.hasRemaining() && i < 8)
prefix <<= 8;
prefix |= read.get() & 0xFF;
prefix <<= (8 - i) * 8;
prefix ^= Long.MIN_VALUE;
return prefix;
public ColumnIdentifier(String rawText, boolean keepCase)
this.text = keepCase ? rawText : rawText.toLowerCase(Locale.US);
this.bytes = ByteBufferUtil.bytes(this.text);
this.prefixComparison = prefixComparison(bytes);
this.interned = false;
public ColumnIdentifier(ByteBuffer bytes, AbstractType<?> type)
this(bytes, type.getString(bytes), false);
public ColumnIdentifier(ByteBuffer bytes, String text)
this(bytes, text, false);
private ColumnIdentifier(ByteBuffer bytes, String text, boolean interned)
this.bytes = bytes;
this.text = text;
this.interned = interned;
this.prefixComparison = prefixComparison(bytes);
public static ColumnIdentifier getInterned(ByteBuffer bytes, AbstractType<?> type)
return getInterned(type, bytes, type.getString(bytes));
public static ColumnIdentifier getInterned(String rawText, boolean keepCase)
String text = keepCase ? rawText : rawText.toLowerCase(Locale.US);
ByteBuffer bytes = ByteBufferUtil.bytes(text);
return getInterned(UTF8Type.instance, bytes, text);
public static ColumnIdentifier getInterned(AbstractType<?> type, ByteBuffer bytes, String text)
bytes = ByteBufferUtil.minimalBufferFor(bytes);
InternedKey key = new InternedKey(type, bytes);
ColumnIdentifier id = internedInstances.get(key);
if (id != null)
return id;
ColumnIdentifier created = new ColumnIdentifier(bytes, text, true);
ColumnIdentifier previous = internedInstances.putIfAbsent(key, created);
return previous == null ? created : previous;
public boolean isInterned()
return interned;
public final int hashCode()
return bytes.hashCode();
public final boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o)
return true;
if(!(o instanceof ColumnIdentifier))
return false;
ColumnIdentifier that = (ColumnIdentifier)o;
return bytes.equals(that.bytes);
public String toString()
return text;
public String toCQLString()
return maybeQuote(text);
public long unsharedHeapSize()
+ ObjectSizes.sizeOnHeapOf(bytes)
+ ObjectSizes.sizeOf(text);
public long unsharedHeapSizeExcludingData()
+ ObjectSizes.sizeOnHeapExcludingData(bytes)
+ ObjectSizes.sizeOf(text);
public ColumnIdentifier clone(AbstractAllocator allocator)
return interned ? this : new ColumnIdentifier(allocator.clone(bytes), text, false);
public int compareTo(ColumnIdentifier that)
int c =, that.prefixComparison);
if (c != 0)
return c;
if (this == that)
return 0;
return ByteBufferUtil.compareUnsigned(this.bytes, that.bytes);
public static String maybeQuote(String text)
if (UNQUOTED_IDENTIFIER.matcher(text).matches() && !ReservedKeywords.isReserved(text))
return text;
return '"' + PATTERN_DOUBLE_QUOTE.matcher(text).replaceAll(ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE) + '"';