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package org.apache.cassandra.db;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;

import com.google.common.collect.Iterators;

import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.ColumnDefinition;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataInputPlus;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataOutputPlus;

Represents the selection of multiple range of rows within a partition.

A Slices is basically a list of Slice, though those are guaranteed to be non-overlapping and always in clustering order.

/** * Represents the selection of multiple range of rows within a partition. * <p> * A {@code Slices} is basically a list of {@code Slice}, though those are guaranteed to be non-overlapping * and always in clustering order. */
public abstract class Slices implements Iterable<Slice> { public static final Serializer serializer = new Serializer();
Slices selecting all the rows of a partition.
/** Slices selecting all the rows of a partition. */
public static final Slices ALL = new SelectAllSlices();
Slices selecting no rows in a partition.
/** Slices selecting no rows in a partition. */
public static final Slices NONE = new SelectNoSlices(); protected Slices() { }
Creates a Slices object that contains a single slice.
  • comparator – the comparator for the table slice is a slice of.
  • slice – the single slice that the return object should contains.
Returns:the newly created Slices object.
/** * Creates a {@code Slices} object that contains a single slice. * * @param comparator the comparator for the table {@code slice} is a slice of. * @param slice the single slice that the return object should contains. * * @return the newly created {@code Slices} object. */
public static Slices with(ClusteringComparator comparator, Slice slice) { if (slice.start() == ClusteringBound.BOTTOM && slice.end() == ClusteringBound.TOP) return Slices.ALL; assert comparator.compare(slice.start(), slice.end()) <= 0; return new ArrayBackedSlices(comparator, new Slice[]{ slice }); }
Whether the slices has a lower bound, that is whether it's first slice start is Slice.BOTTOM.
Returns:whether the slices has a lower bound.
/** * Whether the slices has a lower bound, that is whether it's first slice start is {@code Slice.BOTTOM}. * * @return whether the slices has a lower bound. */
public abstract boolean hasLowerBound();
Whether the slices has an upper bound, that is whether it's last slice end is Slice.TOP.
Returns:whether the slices has an upper bound.
/** * Whether the slices has an upper bound, that is whether it's last slice end is {@code Slice.TOP}. * * @return whether the slices has an upper bound. */
public abstract boolean hasUpperBound();
The number of slice this object contains.
Returns:the number of slice this object contains.
/** * The number of slice this object contains. * * @return the number of slice this object contains. */
public abstract int size();
Returns the ith slice of this Slices object.
Returns:the ith slice of this object.
/** * Returns the ith slice of this {@code Slices} object. * * @return the ith slice of this object. */
public abstract Slice get(int i);
Returns slices for continuing the paging of those slices given the last returned clustering prefix.
  • comparator – the comparator for the table this is a filter for.
  • lastReturned – the last clustering that was returned for the query we are paging for. The resulting slices will be such that only results coming stricly after lastReturned are returned (where coming after means "greater than" if !reversed and "lesser than" otherwise).
  • inclusive – whether or not we want to include the lastReturned in the newly returned page of results.
  • reversed – whether the query we're paging for is reversed or not.
Returns:new slices that select results coming after lastReturned.
/** * Returns slices for continuing the paging of those slices given the last returned clustering prefix. * * @param comparator the comparator for the table this is a filter for. * @param lastReturned the last clustering that was returned for the query we are paging for. The * resulting slices will be such that only results coming stricly after {@code lastReturned} are returned * (where coming after means "greater than" if {@code !reversed} and "lesser than" otherwise). * @param inclusive whether or not we want to include the {@code lastReturned} in the newly returned page of results. * @param reversed whether the query we're paging for is reversed or not. * * @return new slices that select results coming after {@code lastReturned}. */
public abstract Slices forPaging(ClusteringComparator comparator, Clustering lastReturned, boolean inclusive, boolean reversed);
An object that allows to test whether rows are selected by this Slices objects assuming those rows are tested in clustering order.
  • reversed – if true, the rows passed to the returned object will be assumed to be in reversed clustering order, otherwise they should be in clustering order.
Returns:an object that tests for selection of rows by this Slices object.
/** * An object that allows to test whether rows are selected by this {@code Slices} objects assuming those rows * are tested in clustering order. * * @param reversed if true, the rows passed to the returned object will be assumed to be in reversed clustering * order, otherwise they should be in clustering order. * * @return an object that tests for selection of rows by this {@code Slices} object. */
public abstract InOrderTester inOrderTester(boolean reversed);
Whether a given clustering (row) is selected by this Slices object.
  • clustering – the clustering to test for selection.
Returns:whether a given clustering (row) is selected by this Slices object.
/** * Whether a given clustering (row) is selected by this {@code Slices} object. * * @param clustering the clustering to test for selection. * * @return whether a given clustering (row) is selected by this {@code Slices} object. */
public abstract boolean selects(Clustering clustering);
Given the per-clustering column minimum and maximum value a sstable contains, whether or not this slices potentially intersects that sstable or not.
  • minClusteringValues – the smallest values for each clustering column that a sstable contains.
  • maxClusteringValues – the biggest values for each clustering column that a sstable contains.
Returns:whether the slices might intersects with the sstable having minClusteringValues and maxClusteringValues.
/** * Given the per-clustering column minimum and maximum value a sstable contains, whether or not this slices potentially * intersects that sstable or not. * * @param minClusteringValues the smallest values for each clustering column that a sstable contains. * @param maxClusteringValues the biggest values for each clustering column that a sstable contains. * * @return whether the slices might intersects with the sstable having {@code minClusteringValues} and * {@code maxClusteringValues}. */
public abstract boolean intersects(List<ByteBuffer> minClusteringValues, List<ByteBuffer> maxClusteringValues); public abstract String toCQLString(CFMetaData metadata);
Checks if this Slices is empty.
Returns:true if this Slices is empty, false otherwise.
/** * Checks if this <code>Slices</code> is empty. * @return <code>true</code> if this <code>Slices</code> is empty, <code>false</code> otherwise. */
public final boolean isEmpty() { return size() == 0; }
In simple object that allows to test the inclusion of rows in those slices assuming those rows are passed (to includes) in clustering order (or reverse clustering ordered, depending of the argument passed to inOrderTester).
/** * In simple object that allows to test the inclusion of rows in those slices assuming those rows * are passed (to {@link #includes}) in clustering order (or reverse clustering ordered, depending * of the argument passed to {@link #inOrderTester}). */
public interface InOrderTester { public boolean includes(Clustering value); public boolean isDone(); }
Builder to create Slices objects.
/** * Builder to create {@code Slices} objects. */
public static class Builder { private final ClusteringComparator comparator; private final List<Slice> slices; private boolean needsNormalizing; public Builder(ClusteringComparator comparator) { this.comparator = comparator; this.slices = new ArrayList<>(); } public Builder(ClusteringComparator comparator, int initialSize) { this.comparator = comparator; this.slices = new ArrayList<>(initialSize); } public Builder add(ClusteringBound start, ClusteringBound end) { return add(Slice.make(start, end)); } public Builder add(Slice slice) { assert comparator.compare(slice.start(), slice.end()) <= 0; if (slices.size() > 0 && comparator.compare(slices.get(slices.size()-1).end(), slice.start()) > 0) needsNormalizing = true; slices.add(slice); return this; } public Builder addAll(Slices slices) { for (Slice slice : slices) add(slice); return this; } public int size() { return slices.size(); } public Slices build() { if (slices.isEmpty()) return NONE; if (slices.size() == 1 && slices.get(0) == Slice.ALL) return ALL; List<Slice> normalized = needsNormalizing ? normalize(slices) : slices; return new ArrayBackedSlices(comparator, normalized.toArray(new Slice[normalized.size()])); }
Given an array of slices (potentially overlapping and in any order) and return an equivalent array of non-overlapping slices in clustering order.
  • slices – an array of slices. This may be modified by this method.
Returns:the smallest possible array of non-overlapping slices in clustering order. If the original slices are already non-overlapping and in comparator order, this may or may not return the provided slices directly.
/** * Given an array of slices (potentially overlapping and in any order) and return an equivalent array * of non-overlapping slices in clustering order. * * @param slices an array of slices. This may be modified by this method. * @return the smallest possible array of non-overlapping slices in clustering order. If the original * slices are already non-overlapping and in comparator order, this may or may not return the provided slices * directly. */
private List<Slice> normalize(List<Slice> slices) { if (slices.size() <= 1) return slices; Collections.sort(slices, new Comparator<Slice>() { @Override public int compare(Slice s1, Slice s2) { int c = comparator.compare(s1.start(), s2.start()); if (c != 0) return c; return comparator.compare(s1.end(), s2.end()); } }); List<Slice> slicesCopy = new ArrayList<>(slices.size()); Slice last = slices.get(0); for (int i = 1; i < slices.size(); i++) { Slice s2 = slices.get(i); boolean includesStart = last.includes(comparator, s2.start()); boolean includesFinish = last.includes(comparator, s2.end()); if (includesStart && includesFinish) continue; if (!includesStart && !includesFinish) { slicesCopy.add(last); last = s2; continue; } if (includesStart) { last = Slice.make(last.start(), s2.end()); continue; } assert !includesFinish; } slicesCopy.add(last); return slicesCopy; } } public static class Serializer { public void serialize(Slices slices, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException { int size = slices.size(); out.writeUnsignedVInt(size); if (size == 0) return; List<AbstractType<?>> types = slices == ALL ? Collections.<AbstractType<?>>emptyList() : ((ArrayBackedSlices)slices).comparator.subtypes(); for (Slice slice : slices) Slice.serializer.serialize(slice, out, version, types); } public long serializedSize(Slices slices, int version) { long size = TypeSizes.sizeofUnsignedVInt(slices.size()); if (slices.size() == 0) return size; List<AbstractType<?>> types = slices instanceof SelectAllSlices ? Collections.<AbstractType<?>>emptyList() : ((ArrayBackedSlices)slices).comparator.subtypes(); for (Slice slice : slices) size += Slice.serializer.serializedSize(slice, version, types); return size; } public Slices deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version, CFMetaData metadata) throws IOException { int size = (int)in.readUnsignedVInt(); if (size == 0) return NONE; Slice[] slices = new Slice[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) slices[i] = Slice.serializer.deserialize(in, version, metadata.comparator.subtypes()); if (size == 1 && slices[0].start() == ClusteringBound.BOTTOM && slices[0].end() == ClusteringBound.TOP) return ALL; return new ArrayBackedSlices(metadata.comparator, slices); } }
Simple Slices implementation that stores its slices in an array.
/** * Simple {@code Slices} implementation that stores its slices in an array. */
private static class ArrayBackedSlices extends Slices { private final ClusteringComparator comparator; private final Slice[] slices; private ArrayBackedSlices(ClusteringComparator comparator, Slice[] slices) { this.comparator = comparator; this.slices = slices; } public int size() { return slices.length; } public boolean hasLowerBound() { return slices[0].start().size() != 0; } public boolean hasUpperBound() { return slices[slices.length - 1].end().size() != 0; } public Slice get(int i) { return slices[i]; } public boolean selects(Clustering clustering) { for (int i = 0; i < slices.length; i++) { Slice slice = slices[i]; if (comparator.compare(clustering, slice.start()) < 0) return false; if (comparator.compare(clustering, slice.end()) <= 0) return true; } return false; } public InOrderTester inOrderTester(boolean reversed) { return reversed ? new InReverseOrderTester() : new InForwardOrderTester(); } public Slices forPaging(ClusteringComparator comparator, Clustering lastReturned, boolean inclusive, boolean reversed) { return reversed ? forReversePaging(comparator, lastReturned, inclusive) : forForwardPaging(comparator, lastReturned, inclusive); } private Slices forForwardPaging(ClusteringComparator comparator, Clustering lastReturned, boolean inclusive) { for (int i = 0; i < slices.length; i++) { Slice slice = slices[i]; Slice newSlice = slice.forPaging(comparator, lastReturned, inclusive, false); if (newSlice == null) continue; if (slice == newSlice && i == 0) return this; ArrayBackedSlices newSlices = new ArrayBackedSlices(comparator, Arrays.copyOfRange(slices, i, slices.length)); newSlices.slices[0] = newSlice; return newSlices; } return Slices.NONE; } private Slices forReversePaging(ClusteringComparator comparator, Clustering lastReturned, boolean inclusive) { for (int i = slices.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Slice slice = slices[i]; Slice newSlice = slice.forPaging(comparator, lastReturned, inclusive, true); if (newSlice == null) continue; if (slice == newSlice && i == slices.length - 1) return this; ArrayBackedSlices newSlices = new ArrayBackedSlices(comparator, Arrays.copyOfRange(slices, 0, i + 1)); newSlices.slices[i] = newSlice; return newSlices; } return Slices.NONE; } public boolean intersects(List<ByteBuffer> minClusteringValues, List<ByteBuffer> maxClusteringValues) { for (Slice slice : this) { if (slice.intersects(comparator, minClusteringValues, maxClusteringValues)) return true; } return false; } public Iterator<Slice> iterator() { return Iterators.forArray(slices); } private class InForwardOrderTester implements InOrderTester { private int idx; private boolean inSlice; public boolean includes(Clustering value) { while (idx < slices.length) { if (!inSlice) { int cmp = comparator.compare(value, slices[idx].start()); // value < start if (cmp < 0) return false; inSlice = true; if (cmp == 0) return true; } // Here, start < value and inSlice if (comparator.compare(value, slices[idx].end()) <= 0) return true; ++idx; inSlice = false; } return false; } public boolean isDone() { return idx >= slices.length; } } private class InReverseOrderTester implements InOrderTester { private int idx; private boolean inSlice; public InReverseOrderTester() { this.idx = slices.length - 1; } public boolean includes(Clustering value) { while (idx >= 0) { if (!inSlice) { int cmp = comparator.compare(slices[idx].end(), value); // value > end if (cmp > 0) return false; inSlice = true; if (cmp == 0) return true; } // Here, value <= end and inSlice if (comparator.compare(slices[idx].start(), value) <= 0) return true; --idx; inSlice = false; } return false; } public boolean isDone() { return idx < 0; } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); for (int i = 0; i < slices.length; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append(slices[i].toString(comparator)); } return sb.append("}").toString(); } public String toCQLString(CFMetaData metadata) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // In CQL, condition are expressed by column, so first group things that way, // i.e. for each column, we create a list of what each slice contains on that column int clusteringSize = metadata.clusteringColumns().size(); List<List<ComponentOfSlice>> columnComponents = new ArrayList<>(clusteringSize); for (int i = 0; i < clusteringSize; i++) { List<ComponentOfSlice> perSlice = new ArrayList<>(); columnComponents.add(perSlice); for (int j = 0; j < slices.length; j++) { ComponentOfSlice c = ComponentOfSlice.fromSlice(i, slices[j]); if (c != null) perSlice.add(c); } } boolean needAnd = false; for (int i = 0; i < clusteringSize; i++) { ColumnDefinition column = metadata.clusteringColumns().get(i); List<ComponentOfSlice> componentInfo = columnComponents.get(i); if (componentInfo.isEmpty()) break; // For a given column, there is only 3 cases that CQL currently generates: // 1) every slice are EQ with the same value, it's a simple '=' relation. // 2) every slice are EQ but with different values, it's a IN relation. // 3) every slice aren't EQ but have the same values, we have inequality relations. // Note that this doesn't cover everything that ReadCommand can express, but // as it's all that CQL support for now, we'll ignore other cases (which would then // display a bogus query but that's not the end of the world). // TODO: we should improve this at some point. ComponentOfSlice first = componentInfo.get(0); if (first.isEQ()) { if (needAnd) sb.append(" AND "); needAnd = true; sb.append(column.name); Set<ByteBuffer> values = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (int j = 0; j < componentInfo.size(); j++) values.add(componentInfo.get(j).startValue); if (values.size() == 1) { sb.append(" = ").append(column.type.getString(first.startValue)); } else { sb.append(" IN ("); int j = 0; for (ByteBuffer value : values) sb.append(j++ == 0 ? "" : ", ").append(column.type.getString(value)); sb.append(")"); } } else { // As said above, we assume (without checking) that this means all ComponentOfSlice for this column // are the same, so we only bother about the first. if (first.startValue != null) { if (needAnd) sb.append(" AND "); needAnd = true; sb.append(column.name).append(first.startInclusive ? " >= " : " > ").append(column.type.getString(first.startValue)); } if (first.endValue != null) { if (needAnd) sb.append(" AND "); needAnd = true; sb.append(column.name).append(first.endInclusive ? " <= " : " < ").append(column.type.getString(first.endValue)); } } } return sb.toString(); } // An somewhat adhoc utility class only used by toCQLString private static class ComponentOfSlice { public final boolean startInclusive; public final ByteBuffer startValue; public final boolean endInclusive; public final ByteBuffer endValue; private ComponentOfSlice(boolean startInclusive, ByteBuffer startValue, boolean endInclusive, ByteBuffer endValue) { this.startInclusive = startInclusive; this.startValue = startValue; this.endInclusive = endInclusive; this.endValue = endValue; } public static ComponentOfSlice fromSlice(int component, Slice slice) { ClusteringBound start = slice.start(); ClusteringBound end = slice.end(); if (component >= start.size() && component >= end.size()) return null; boolean startInclusive = true, endInclusive = true; ByteBuffer startValue = null, endValue = null; if (component < start.size()) { startInclusive = start.isInclusive(); startValue = start.get(component); } if (component < end.size()) { endInclusive = end.isInclusive(); endValue = end.get(component); } return new ComponentOfSlice(startInclusive, startValue, endInclusive, endValue); } public boolean isEQ() { return Objects.equals(startValue, endValue); } } }
Specialized implementation of Slices that selects all rows.

This is equivalent to having the single Slice.ALL slice, but is somewhat more effecient.

/** * Specialized implementation of {@code Slices} that selects all rows. * <p> * This is equivalent to having the single {@code Slice.ALL} slice, but is somewhat more effecient. */
private static class SelectAllSlices extends Slices { private static final InOrderTester trivialTester = new InOrderTester() { public boolean includes(Clustering value) { return true; } public boolean isDone() { return false; } }; public int size() { return 1; } public Slice get(int i) { return Slice.ALL; } public boolean hasLowerBound() { return false; } public boolean hasUpperBound() { return false; } public boolean selects(Clustering clustering) { return true; } public Slices forPaging(ClusteringComparator comparator, Clustering lastReturned, boolean inclusive, boolean reversed) { return new ArrayBackedSlices(comparator, new Slice[]{ Slice.ALL.forPaging(comparator, lastReturned, inclusive, reversed) }); } public InOrderTester inOrderTester(boolean reversed) { return trivialTester; } public boolean intersects(List<ByteBuffer> minClusteringValues, List<ByteBuffer> maxClusteringValues) { return true; } public Iterator<Slice> iterator() { return Iterators.singletonIterator(Slice.ALL); } @Override public String toString() { return "ALL"; } public String toCQLString(CFMetaData metadata) { return ""; } }
Specialized implementation of Slices that selects no rows.
/** * Specialized implementation of {@code Slices} that selects no rows. */
private static class SelectNoSlices extends Slices { private static final InOrderTester trivialTester = new InOrderTester() { public boolean includes(Clustering value) { return false; } public boolean isDone() { return true; } }; public int size() { return 0; } public Slice get(int i) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public boolean hasLowerBound() { return false; } public boolean hasUpperBound() { return false; } public Slices forPaging(ClusteringComparator comparator, Clustering lastReturned, boolean inclusive, boolean reversed) { return this; } public boolean selects(Clustering clustering) { return false; } public InOrderTester inOrderTester(boolean reversed) { return trivialTester; } public boolean intersects(List<ByteBuffer> minClusteringValues, List<ByteBuffer> maxClusteringValues) { return false; } public Iterator<Slice> iterator() { return Collections.emptyIterator(); } @Override public String toString() { return "NONE"; } public String toCQLString(CFMetaData metadata) { return ""; } } }