 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.service.pager;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;

import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.primitives.Ints;

import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Clustering;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.LegacyLayout;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.BytesType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.Cell;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.Row;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataInputBuffer;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataOutputBuffer;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataOutputBufferFixed;
import org.apache.cassandra.net.MessagingService;
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.ProtocolException;
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.ProtocolVersion;

import static org.apache.cassandra.db.TypeSizes.sizeof;
import static org.apache.cassandra.db.TypeSizes.sizeofUnsignedVInt;
import static org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil.*;
import static org.apache.cassandra.utils.vint.VIntCoding.computeUnsignedVIntSize;
import static org.apache.cassandra.utils.vint.VIntCoding.getUnsignedVInt;

public class PagingState
    public final ByteBuffer partitionKey;  // Can be null for single partition queries.
    public final RowMark rowMark;          // Can be null if not needed.
    public final int remaining;
    public final int remainingInPartition;

    public PagingState(ByteBuffer partitionKey, RowMark rowMark, int remaining, int remainingInPartition)
        this.partitionKey = partitionKey;
        this.rowMark = rowMark;
        this.remaining = remaining;
        this.remainingInPartition = remainingInPartition;

    public ByteBuffer serialize(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion)
        assert rowMark == null || protocolVersion == rowMark.protocolVersion;
            return protocolVersion.isGreaterThan(ProtocolVersion.V3) ? modernSerialize() : legacySerialize(true);
        catch (IOException e)
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public int serializedSize(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion)
        assert rowMark == null || protocolVersion == rowMark.protocolVersion;

        return protocolVersion.isGreaterThan(ProtocolVersion.V3) ? modernSerializedSize() : legacySerializedSize(true);

It's possible to receive a V3 paging state on a V4 client session, and vice versa - so we cannot blindly rely on the protocol version provided. We must verify first that the buffer indeed contains a paging state that adheres to the protocol version provided, or, if not - see if it is in a different version, in which case we try the other format.
/** * It's possible to receive a V3 paging state on a V4 client session, and vice versa - so we cannot * blindly rely on the protocol version provided. We must verify first that the buffer indeed contains * a paging state that adheres to the protocol version provided, or, if not - see if it is in a different * version, in which case we try the other format. */
public static PagingState deserialize(ByteBuffer bytes, ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { if (bytes == null) return null; try { /* * We can't just attempt to deser twice, as we risk to misinterpet short/vint * lengths and allocate huge byte arrays for readWithVIntLength() or, * to a lesser extent, readWithShortLength() */ if (protocolVersion.isGreaterThan(ProtocolVersion.V3)) { if (isModernSerialized(bytes)) return modernDeserialize(bytes, protocolVersion); if (isLegacySerialized(bytes)) return legacyDeserialize(bytes, ProtocolVersion.V3); } if (protocolVersion.isSmallerThan(ProtocolVersion.V4)) { if (isLegacySerialized(bytes)) return legacyDeserialize(bytes, protocolVersion); if (isModernSerialized(bytes)) return modernDeserialize(bytes, ProtocolVersion.V4); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new ProtocolException("Invalid value for the paging state"); } throw new ProtocolException("Invalid value for the paging state"); } /* * Modern serde (> VERSION_3) */ @SuppressWarnings({ "resource", "RedundantSuppression" }) private ByteBuffer modernSerialize() throws IOException { DataOutputBuffer out = new DataOutputBufferFixed(modernSerializedSize()); writeWithVIntLength(null == partitionKey ? EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER : partitionKey, out); writeWithVIntLength(null == rowMark ? EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER : rowMark.mark, out); out.writeUnsignedVInt(remaining); out.writeUnsignedVInt(remainingInPartition); return out.buffer(false); } private static boolean isModernSerialized(ByteBuffer bytes) { int index = bytes.position(); int limit = bytes.limit(); long partitionKeyLen = getUnsignedVInt(bytes, index, limit); if (partitionKeyLen < 0) return false; index += computeUnsignedVIntSize(partitionKeyLen) + partitionKeyLen; if (index >= limit) return false; long rowMarkerLen = getUnsignedVInt(bytes, index, limit); if (rowMarkerLen < 0) return false; index += computeUnsignedVIntSize(rowMarkerLen) + rowMarkerLen; if (index >= limit) return false; long remaining = getUnsignedVInt(bytes, index, limit); if (remaining < 0) return false; index += computeUnsignedVIntSize(remaining); if (index >= limit) return false; long remainingInPartition = getUnsignedVInt(bytes, index, limit); if (remainingInPartition < 0) return false; index += computeUnsignedVIntSize(remainingInPartition); return index == limit; } @SuppressWarnings({ "resource", "RedundantSuppression" }) private static PagingState modernDeserialize(ByteBuffer bytes, ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) throws IOException { if (protocolVersion.isSmallerThan(ProtocolVersion.V4)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); DataInputBuffer in = new DataInputBuffer(bytes, false); ByteBuffer partitionKey = readWithVIntLength(in); ByteBuffer rawMark = readWithVIntLength(in); int remaining = Ints.checkedCast(in.readUnsignedVInt()); int remainingInPartition = Ints.checkedCast(in.readUnsignedVInt()); return new PagingState(partitionKey.hasRemaining() ? partitionKey : null, rawMark.hasRemaining() ? new RowMark(rawMark, protocolVersion) : null, remaining, remainingInPartition); } private int modernSerializedSize() { return serializedSizeWithVIntLength(null == partitionKey ? EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER : partitionKey) + serializedSizeWithVIntLength(null == rowMark ? EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER : rowMark.mark) + sizeofUnsignedVInt(remaining) + sizeofUnsignedVInt(remainingInPartition); } /* * Legacy serde (< VERSION_4) * * There are two versions of legacy PagingState format - one used by 2.1/2.2 and one used by 3.0+. * The latter includes remainingInPartition count, while the former doesn't. */ @VisibleForTesting @SuppressWarnings({ "resource", "RedundantSuppression" }) ByteBuffer legacySerialize(boolean withRemainingInPartition) throws IOException { DataOutputBuffer out = new DataOutputBufferFixed(legacySerializedSize(withRemainingInPartition)); writeWithShortLength(null == partitionKey ? EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER : partitionKey, out); writeWithShortLength(null == rowMark ? EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER : rowMark.mark, out); out.writeInt(remaining); if (withRemainingInPartition) out.writeInt(remainingInPartition); return out.buffer(false); } private static boolean isLegacySerialized(ByteBuffer bytes) { int index = bytes.position(); int limit = bytes.limit(); if (limit - index < 2) return false; short partitionKeyLen = bytes.getShort(index); if (partitionKeyLen < 0) return false; index += 2 + partitionKeyLen; if (limit - index < 2) return false; short rowMarkerLen = bytes.getShort(index); if (rowMarkerLen < 0) return false; index += 2 + rowMarkerLen; if (limit - index < 4) return false; int remaining = bytes.getInt(index); if (remaining < 0) return false; index += 4; // V3 encoded by 2.1/2.2 - sans remainingInPartition if (index == limit) return true; if (limit - index == 4) { int remainingInPartition = bytes.getInt(index); return remainingInPartition >= 0; // the value must make sense } return false; } @SuppressWarnings({ "resource", "RedundantSuppression" }) private static PagingState legacyDeserialize(ByteBuffer bytes, ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) throws IOException { if (protocolVersion.isGreaterThan(ProtocolVersion.V3)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); DataInputBuffer in = new DataInputBuffer(bytes, false); ByteBuffer partitionKey = readWithShortLength(in); ByteBuffer rawMark = readWithShortLength(in); int remaining = in.readInt(); /* * 2.1/2.2 implementations of V3 protocol did not write remainingInPartition, but C* 3.0+ does, so we need * to handle both variants of V3 serialization for compatibility. */ int remainingInPartition = in.available() > 0 ? in.readInt() : Integer.MAX_VALUE; return new PagingState(partitionKey.hasRemaining() ? partitionKey : null, rawMark.hasRemaining() ? new RowMark(rawMark, protocolVersion) : null, remaining, remainingInPartition); } @VisibleForTesting int legacySerializedSize(boolean withRemainingInPartition) { return serializedSizeWithShortLength(null == partitionKey ? EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER : partitionKey) + serializedSizeWithShortLength(null == rowMark ? EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER : rowMark.mark) + sizeof(remaining) + (withRemainingInPartition ? sizeof(remainingInPartition) : 0); } @Override public final int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(partitionKey, rowMark, remaining, remainingInPartition); } @Override public final boolean equals(Object o) { if(!(o instanceof PagingState)) return false; PagingState that = (PagingState)o; return Objects.equals(this.partitionKey, that.partitionKey) && Objects.equals(this.rowMark, that.rowMark) && this.remaining == that.remaining && this.remainingInPartition == that.remainingInPartition; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("PagingState(key=%s, cellname=%s, remaining=%d, remainingInPartition=%d", partitionKey != null ? bytesToHex(partitionKey) : null, rowMark, remaining, remainingInPartition); }
Marks the last row returned by paging, the one from which paging should continue. This class essentially holds a row clustering, but due to backward compatibility reasons, we need to actually store the cell name for the last cell of the row we're marking when the protocol v3 is in use, and this class abstract that complication. See CASSANDRA-10254 for more details.
/** * Marks the last row returned by paging, the one from which paging should continue. * This class essentially holds a row clustering, but due to backward compatibility reasons, * we need to actually store the cell name for the last cell of the row we're marking when * the protocol v3 is in use, and this class abstract that complication. * * See CASSANDRA-10254 for more details. */
public static class RowMark { // This can be null for convenience if no row is marked. private final ByteBuffer mark; private final ProtocolVersion protocolVersion; private RowMark(ByteBuffer mark, ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { this.mark = mark; this.protocolVersion = protocolVersion; } private static List<AbstractType<?>> makeClusteringTypes(CFMetaData metadata) { // This is the types that will be used when serializing the clustering in the paging state. We can't really use the actual clustering // types however because we can't guarantee that there won't be a schema change between when we send the paging state and get it back, // and said schema change could theoretically change one of the clustering types from a fixed width type to a non-fixed one // (say timestamp -> blob). So we simply use a list of BytesTypes (for both reading and writting), which may be slightly inefficient // for fixed-width types, but avoid any risk during schema changes. int size = metadata.clusteringColumns().size(); List<AbstractType<?>> l = new ArrayList<>(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) l.add(BytesType.instance); return l; } public static RowMark create(CFMetaData metadata, Row row, ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { ByteBuffer mark; if (protocolVersion.isSmallerOrEqualTo(ProtocolVersion.V3)) { // We need to be backward compatible with 2.1/2.2 nodes paging states. Which means we have to send // the full cellname of the "last" cell in the row we get (since that's how 2.1/2.2 nodes will start after // that last row if they get that paging state). Iterator<Cell> cells = row.cellsInLegacyOrder(metadata, true).iterator(); if (!cells.hasNext()) { // If the last returned row has no cell, this means in 2.1/2.2 terms that we stopped on the row // marker. Note that this shouldn't happen if the table is COMPACT. assert !metadata.isCompactTable(); mark = LegacyLayout.encodeCellName(metadata, row.clustering(), EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER, null); } else { Cell cell = cells.next(); mark = LegacyLayout.encodeCellName(metadata, row.clustering(), cell.column().name.bytes, cell.column().isComplex() ? cell.path().get(0) : null); } } else { // We froze the serialization version to 3.0 as we need to make this this doesn't change (that is, it has to be // fix for a given version of the protocol). mark = Clustering.serializer.serialize(row.clustering(), MessagingService.VERSION_30, makeClusteringTypes(metadata)); } return new RowMark(mark, protocolVersion); } public Clustering clustering(CFMetaData metadata) { if (mark == null) return null; return protocolVersion.isSmallerOrEqualTo(ProtocolVersion.V3) ? LegacyLayout.decodeClustering(metadata, mark) : Clustering.serializer.deserialize(mark, MessagingService.VERSION_30, makeClusteringTypes(metadata)); } @Override public final int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(mark, protocolVersion); } @Override public final boolean equals(Object o) { if(!(o instanceof RowMark)) return false; RowMark that = (RowMark)o; return Objects.equals(this.mark, that.mark) && this.protocolVersion == that.protocolVersion; } @Override public String toString() { return mark == null ? "null" : bytesToHex(mark); } } }