package io.ebeaninternal.server.type;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.AnnotatedField;
import io.ebean.annotation.DbArray;
import io.ebean.annotation.DbEnumType;
import io.ebean.annotation.DbEnumValue;
import io.ebean.annotation.EnumValue;
import io.ebean.annotation.Platform;
import io.ebean.config.JsonConfig;
import io.ebean.config.PlatformConfig;
import io.ebean.config.ScalarTypeConverter;
import io.ebean.config.ServerConfig;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DatabasePlatform;
import io.ebean.config.dbplatform.DbPlatformType;
import io.ebean.types.Cdir;
import io.ebean.types.Inet;
import io.ebean.util.AnnotationUtil;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.ExtraTypeFactory;
import io.ebeaninternal.dbmigration.DbOffline;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.core.bootup.BootupClasses;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.meta.DeployBeanProperty;
import io.ebeanservice.docstore.api.mapping.DocPropertyType;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.LocalDate;
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime;
import org.joda.time.LocalTime;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import javax.persistence.AttributeConverter;
import javax.persistence.EnumType;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.time.DayOfWeek;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.Month;
import java.time.MonthDay;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.time.OffsetTime;
import java.time.Year;
import java.time.YearMonth;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Currency;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

Default implementation of TypeManager.

Manages the list of ScalarType that is available.

/** * Default implementation of TypeManager. * <p> * Manages the list of ScalarType that is available. * </p> */
public final class DefaultTypeManager implements TypeManager { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultTypeManager.class); private final ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, ScalarType<?>> typeMap; private final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, ScalarType<?>> nativeMap; private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, ScalarType<?>> logicalMap; private final DefaultTypeFactory extraTypeFactory; private final ScalarType<?> hstoreType = new ScalarTypePostgresHstore(); private final ScalarTypeFile fileType = new ScalarTypeFile(); private final ScalarType<?> charType = new ScalarTypeChar(); private final ScalarType<?> charArrayType = new ScalarTypeCharArray(); private final ScalarType<?> longVarcharType = new ScalarTypeLongVarchar(); private final ScalarType<?> clobType = new ScalarTypeClob(); private final ScalarType<?> byteType = new ScalarTypeByte(); private final ScalarType<?> binaryType = new ScalarTypeBytesBinary(); private final ScalarType<?> blobType = new ScalarTypeBytesBlob(); private final ScalarType<?> varbinaryType = new ScalarTypeBytesVarbinary(); private final ScalarType<?> longVarbinaryType = new ScalarTypeBytesLongVarbinary(); private final ScalarType<?> shortType = new ScalarTypeShort(); private final ScalarType<?> integerType = ScalarTypeInteger.INSTANCE; private final ScalarType<?> longType = new ScalarTypeLong(); private final ScalarType<?> doubleType = new ScalarTypeDouble(); private final ScalarType<?> floatType = new ScalarTypeFloat(); private final ScalarType<?> bigDecimalType = new ScalarTypeBigDecimal(); private final ScalarType<?> timeType = new ScalarTypeTime(); private final ScalarType<?> dateType = new ScalarTypeDate(); private final ScalarType<?> urlType = new ScalarTypeURL(); private final ScalarType<?> uriType = new ScalarTypeURI(); private final ScalarType<?> localeType = new ScalarTypeLocale(); private final ScalarType<?> currencyType = new ScalarTypeCurrency(); private final ScalarType<?> timeZoneType = new ScalarTypeTimeZone(); private final ScalarType<?> stringType = ScalarTypeString.INSTANCE; private final ScalarType<?> classType = new ScalarTypeClass(); private final JsonConfig.DateTime jsonDateTime; private final Object objectMapper; private final boolean java7Present; private final boolean objectMapperPresent; private final boolean postgres; private final boolean offlineMigrationGeneration; private final EnumType defaultEnumType; // OPTIONAL ScalarTypes registered if Jackson/JsonNode is in the classpath
Jackson's JsonNode storage to Clob.
/** * Jackson's JsonNode storage to Clob. */
private ScalarType<?> jsonNodeClob;
Jackson's JsonNode storage to Blob.
/** * Jackson's JsonNode storage to Blob. */
private ScalarType<?> jsonNodeBlob;
Jackson's JsonNode storage to Varchar.
/** * Jackson's JsonNode storage to Varchar. */
private ScalarType<?> jsonNodeVarchar;
Jackson's JsonNode storage to Postgres JSON or Clob.
/** * Jackson's JsonNode storage to Postgres JSON or Clob. */
private ScalarType<?> jsonNodeJson;
Jackson's JsonNode storage to Postgres JSONB or Clob.
/** * Jackson's JsonNode storage to Postgres JSONB or Clob. */
private ScalarType<?> jsonNodeJsonb; private final PlatformArrayTypeFactory arrayTypeListFactory; private final PlatformArrayTypeFactory arrayTypeSetFactory;
Create the DefaultTypeManager.
/** * Create the DefaultTypeManager. */
public DefaultTypeManager(ServerConfig config, BootupClasses bootupClasses) { this.java7Present = config.getClassLoadConfig().isJava7Present(); this.jsonDateTime = config.getJsonDateTime(); this.typeMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.nativeMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.logicalMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.objectMapperPresent = config.getClassLoadConfig().isJacksonObjectMapperPresent(); this.objectMapper = (objectMapperPresent) ? initObjectMapper(config) : null; this.extraTypeFactory = new DefaultTypeFactory(config); this.postgres = isPostgres(config.getDatabasePlatform()); this.arrayTypeListFactory = arrayTypeListFactory(config.getDatabasePlatform()); this.arrayTypeSetFactory = arrayTypeSetFactory(config.getDatabasePlatform()); this.offlineMigrationGeneration = DbOffline.isGenerateMigration(); this.defaultEnumType = config.getDefaultEnumType(); initialiseStandard(jsonDateTime, config); initialiseJavaTimeTypes(jsonDateTime, config); initialiseJodaTypes(jsonDateTime, config); initialiseJacksonTypes(config); loadTypesFromProviders(config, objectMapper); if (bootupClasses != null) { initialiseCustomScalarTypes(bootupClasses); initialiseScalarConverters(bootupClasses); initialiseAttributeConverters(bootupClasses); } }
Return the factory to use to support DB ARRAY types.
/** * Return the factory to use to support DB ARRAY types. */
private PlatformArrayTypeFactory arrayTypeListFactory(DatabasePlatform databasePlatform) { if (databasePlatform.isNativeArrayType()) { return ScalarTypeArrayList.factory(); } else if (databasePlatform.isPlatform(Platform.H2)) { return ScalarTypeArrayListH2.factory(); } // not supported for this DB platform return null; }
Return the factory to use to support DB ARRAY types.
/** * Return the factory to use to support DB ARRAY types. */
private PlatformArrayTypeFactory arrayTypeSetFactory(DatabasePlatform databasePlatform) { if (databasePlatform.isNativeArrayType()) { return ScalarTypeArraySet.factory(); } else if (databasePlatform.isPlatform(Platform.H2)) { return ScalarTypeArraySetH2.factory(); } // not supported for this DB platform return null; }
Load custom scalar types registered via ExtraTypeFactory and ServiceLoader.
/** * Load custom scalar types registered via ExtraTypeFactory and ServiceLoader. */
private void loadTypesFromProviders(ServerConfig config, Object objectMapper) { ServiceLoader<ExtraTypeFactory> factories = ServiceLoader.load(ExtraTypeFactory.class); Iterator<ExtraTypeFactory> iterator = factories.iterator(); if (iterator.hasNext()) { // use the cacheFactory (via classpath service loader) ExtraTypeFactory plugin =; List<? extends ScalarType<?>> types = plugin.createTypes(config, objectMapper); for (ScalarType<?> type : types) { logger.debug("adding ScalarType {}", type.getClass()); addCustomType(type); } } } private boolean isPostgres(DatabasePlatform databasePlatform) { return databasePlatform.getPlatform() == Platform.POSTGRES; }
Register a custom ScalarType.
/** * Register a custom ScalarType. */
@Override public void add(ScalarType<?> scalarType) { typeMap.put(scalarType.getType(), scalarType); logAdd(scalarType); }
Register the ScalarType for an enum. This is special in the sense that an Enum can have many classes if it uses method overrides and we need to register all the variations/classes for the enum.
/** * Register the ScalarType for an enum. This is special in the sense that an Enum * can have many classes if it uses method overrides and we need to register all * the variations/classes for the enum. */
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) @Override public void addEnumType(ScalarType<?> scalarType, Class<? extends Enum> enumClass) { Set<Class<?>> mappedClasses = new HashSet<>(); mappedClasses.add(enumClass); for (Object value : EnumSet.allOf(enumClass).toArray()) { mappedClasses.add(value.getClass()); } for (Class<?> cls : mappedClasses) { typeMap.put(cls, scalarType); } logAdd(scalarType); } private void logAdd(ScalarType<?> scalarType) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { String msg = "ScalarType register [" + scalarType.getClass().getName() + "]"; msg += " for [" + scalarType.getType().getName() + "]"; logger.trace(msg); } } @Override public ScalarType<?> getScalarType(String cast) { return logicalMap.get(cast); }
Return the ScalarType for the given jdbc type as per java.sql.Types.
/** * Return the ScalarType for the given jdbc type as per java.sql.Types. */
@Override public ScalarType<?> getScalarType(int jdbcType) { return nativeMap.get(jdbcType); }
This can return null if no matching ScalarType is found.
/** * This can return null if no matching ScalarType is found. */
@Override public ScalarType<?> getScalarType(Class<?> type) { ScalarType<?> found = typeMap.get(type); if (found == null) { if (type.getName().equals("org.joda.time.LocalTime")) { throw new IllegalStateException( "ScalarType of Joda LocalTime not defined. You need to set ServerConfig.jodaLocalTimeMode to" + " either 'normal' or 'utc'. UTC is the old mode using UTC timezone but local time zone is now preferred as 'normal' mode."); } found = checkInterfaceTypes(type); } return found; } private ScalarType<?> checkInterfaceTypes(Class<?> type) { if (java7Present) { return checkJava7InterfaceTypes(type); } return null; } private ScalarType<?> checkJava7InterfaceTypes(Class<?> type) { if (java.nio.file.Path.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return typeMap.get(java.nio.file.Path.class); } return null; } @Override public ScalarType<?> getHstoreScalarType() { return (postgres) ? hstoreType : ScalarTypeJsonMap.typeFor(false, Types.VARCHAR); } @Override public ScalarType<?> getArrayScalarType(Class<?> type, DbArray dbArray, Type genericType) { Type valueType = getValueType(genericType); if (type.equals(List.class)) { if (arrayTypeListFactory != null) { if (isEnumType(valueType)) { return arrayTypeListFactory.typeForEnum(createEnumScalarType(asEnumClass(valueType), null)); } return arrayTypeListFactory.typeFor(valueType); } // fallback to JSON storage in VARCHAR column return new ScalarTypeJsonList.Varchar(getDocType(valueType)); } else if (type.equals(Set.class)) { if (arrayTypeSetFactory != null) { if (isEnumType(valueType)) { return arrayTypeSetFactory.typeForEnum(createEnumScalarType(asEnumClass(valueType), null)); } return arrayTypeSetFactory.typeFor(valueType); } // fallback to JSON storage in VARCHAR column return new ScalarTypeJsonSet.Varchar(getDocType(valueType)); } throw new IllegalStateException("Type [" + type + "] not supported for @DbArray"); } private Class<? extends Enum<?>> asEnumClass(Type valueType) { return TypeReflectHelper.asEnumClass(valueType); } private boolean isEnumType(Type valueType) { return TypeReflectHelper.isEnumType(valueType); } @Override public ScalarType<?> getJsonScalarType(DeployBeanProperty prop, int dbType, int dbLength) { Class<?> type = prop.getPropertyType(); Type genericType = prop.getGenericType(); boolean hasJacksonAnnotations = objectMapperPresent && checkJacksonAnnotations(prop); if (type.equals(List.class)) { DocPropertyType docType = getDocType(genericType); if (!hasJacksonAnnotations && isValueTypeSimple(genericType)) { return ScalarTypeJsonList.typeFor(postgres, dbType, docType); } else { return createJsonObjectMapperType(prop, dbType, docType); } } if (type.equals(Set.class)) { DocPropertyType docType = getDocType(genericType); if (!hasJacksonAnnotations && isValueTypeSimple(genericType)) { return ScalarTypeJsonSet.typeFor(postgres, dbType, docType); } else { return createJsonObjectMapperType(prop, dbType, docType); } } if (type.equals(Map.class)) { if (!hasJacksonAnnotations && isMapValueTypeObject(genericType)) { return ScalarTypeJsonMap.typeFor(postgres, dbType); } else { return createJsonObjectMapperType(prop, dbType, DocPropertyType.OBJECT); } } if (objectMapperPresent) { if (type.equals(JsonNode.class)) { switch (dbType) { case Types.VARCHAR: return jsonNodeVarchar; case Types.BLOB: return jsonNodeBlob; case Types.CLOB: return jsonNodeClob; case DbPlatformType.JSONB: return jsonNodeJsonb; case DbPlatformType.JSON: return jsonNodeJson; default: return jsonNodeJson; } } } return createJsonObjectMapperType(prop, dbType, DocPropertyType.OBJECT); }
Returns TRUE, if there is any jackson annotation on that property. All jackson annotations are annotated with the @JacksonAnnotation meta annotation. So detection is easy.
/** * Returns TRUE, if there is any jackson annotation on that property. All jackson annotations * are annotated with the &#64;JacksonAnnotation meta annotation. So detection is easy. */
private boolean checkJacksonAnnotations(DeployBeanProperty prop) { return AnnotationUtil.findAnnotation(prop.getField(), com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JacksonAnnotation.class) != null; } private DocPropertyType getDocType(Type genericType) { if (genericType instanceof Class<?>) { ScalarType<?> found = typeMap.get(genericType); if (found != null) { return found.getDocType(); } } return DocPropertyType.OBJECT; }
Return true if value parameter type of the map is Object.
/** * Return true if value parameter type of the map is Object. */
private boolean isValueTypeSimple(Type collectionType) { Type typeArg = TypeReflectHelper.getValueType(collectionType); return String.class.equals(typeArg) || Long.class.equals(typeArg); } private Type getValueType(Type collectionType) { return TypeReflectHelper.getValueType(collectionType); }
Return true if value parameter type of the map is Object.
/** * Return true if value parameter type of the map is Object. */
private boolean isMapValueTypeObject(Type genericType) { Type[] typeArgs = ((ParameterizedType) genericType).getActualTypeArguments(); return Object.class.equals(typeArgs[1]) || "?".equals(typeArgs[1].toString()); } private ScalarType<?> createJsonObjectMapperType(DeployBeanProperty prop, int dbType, DocPropertyType docType) { Class<?> type = prop.getPropertyType(); if (objectMapper == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type [" + type + "] unsupported for @DbJson mapping - Jackson ObjectMapper not present"); } return ScalarTypeJsonObjectMapper.createTypeFor(postgres, (AnnotatedField) prop.getJacksonField(), (ObjectMapper) objectMapper, dbType, docType); }
Return a ScalarType for a given class.

Used for java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar which can be mapped to different jdbcTypes in a single system.

/** * Return a ScalarType for a given class. * <p> * Used for java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar which can be mapped to * different jdbcTypes in a single system. * </p> */
@Override public ScalarType<?> getScalarType(Class<?> type, int jdbcType) { // File is a special Lob so check for that first if (File.class.equals(type)) { return fileType; } // check for Clob, LongVarchar etc ... // the reason being that String maps to multiple jdbc types // varchar, clob, longVarchar. ScalarType<?> scalarType = getLobTypes(jdbcType); if (scalarType != null) { // it is a specific Lob type... return scalarType; } scalarType = typeMap.get(type); if (scalarType != null) { if (jdbcType == 0 || scalarType.getJdbcType() == jdbcType) { // matching type return scalarType; } } // a util Date with jdbcType not matching server wide settings if (type.equals(java.util.Date.class)) { return extraTypeFactory.createUtilDate(jsonDateTime, jdbcType); } // a Calendar with jdbcType not matching server wide settings if (type.equals(java.util.Calendar.class)) { return extraTypeFactory.createCalendar(jsonDateTime, jdbcType); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unmatched ScalarType for " + type + " jdbcType:" + jdbcType); }
Return the types for the known lob types.

Kind of special case because these map multiple jdbc types to single Java types - like String - Varchar, LongVarchar, Clob. For this reason I check for the specific Lob types first before looking for a matching type.

/** * Return the types for the known lob types. * <p> * Kind of special case because these map multiple jdbc types to single Java * types - like String - Varchar, LongVarchar, Clob. For this reason I check * for the specific Lob types first before looking for a matching type. * </p> */
private ScalarType<?> getLobTypes(int jdbcType) { return getScalarType(jdbcType); }
Convert the Object to the required datatype. The
  • value – the Object value
  • toJdbcType – the type as per java.sql.Types.
/** * Convert the Object to the required datatype. The * * @param value the Object value * @param toJdbcType the type as per java.sql.Types. */
public Object convert(Object value, int toJdbcType) { if (value == null) { return null; } ScalarType<?> type = nativeMap.get(toJdbcType); if (type != null) { return type.toJdbcType(value); } return value; } boolean isIntegerType(String s) { if (isLeadingZeros(s)) { return false; } try { Integer.parseInt(s); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return false; } }
Treat leading zeros as a non-integer for enum values.
/** * Treat leading zeros as a non-integer for enum values. */
private boolean isLeadingZeros(String s) { return s.length() > 1 && s.charAt(0) == '0'; }
Create the Mapping of Enum fields to DB values using EnumValue annotations.

Return null if the EnumValue annotations are not present/used.

/** * Create the Mapping of Enum fields to DB values using EnumValue annotations. * <p> * Return null if the EnumValue annotations are not present/used. * </p> */
private ScalarTypeEnum<?> createEnumScalarType2(Class<?> enumType) { boolean integerType = true; Map<String, String> nameValueMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Field[] fields = enumType.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { EnumValue enumValue = AnnotationUtil.findAnnotation(field, EnumValue.class); if (enumValue != null) { nameValueMap.put(field.getName(), enumValue.value()); if (integerType && !isIntegerType(enumValue.value())) { // will treat the values as strings integerType = false; } } } if (nameValueMap.isEmpty()) { // Not using EnumValue here return null; } return createEnumScalarType(enumType, nameValueMap, integerType, 0); }
Create a ScalarType for an Enum that has additional mapping.

The reason for this is that often in a DB there will be short codes used such as A,I,N rather than the ACTIVE, INACTIVE, NEW. So there really needs to be a mapping from the nicely named enumeration values to the typically much shorter codes used in the DB.

/** * Create a ScalarType for an Enum that has additional mapping. * <p> * The reason for this is that often in a DB there will be short codes used * such as A,I,N rather than the ACTIVE, INACTIVE, NEW. So there really needs * to be a mapping from the nicely named enumeration values to the typically * much shorter codes used in the DB. * </p> */
@Override public ScalarType<?> createEnumScalarType(Class<? extends Enum<?>> enumType, EnumType type) { ScalarType<?> scalarType = getScalarType(enumType); if (scalarType instanceof ScalarTypeWrapper) { // no override or further mapping required return scalarType; } ScalarTypeEnum<?> scalarEnum = (ScalarTypeEnum<?>)scalarType; if (scalarEnum != null && !scalarEnum.isOverrideBy(type)) { if (type != null && !scalarEnum.isCompatible(type)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error mapping Enum type:" + enumType + " It is mapped using 2 different modes when only one is supported (ORDINAL, STRING or an Ebean mapping)"); } return scalarEnum; } scalarEnum = createEnumScalarTypePerExtentions(enumType); if (scalarEnum == null) { // use JPA normal Enum type (without mapping) scalarEnum = createEnumScalarTypePerSpec(enumType, type); } addEnumType(scalarEnum, enumType); return scalarEnum; } private ScalarTypeEnum<?> createEnumScalarTypePerSpec(Class<?> enumType, EnumType type) { if (type == null) { if(defaultEnumType == EnumType.ORDINAL) { return new ScalarTypeEnumStandard.OrdinalEnum(enumType); } else { return new ScalarTypeEnumStandard.StringEnum(enumType); } } else if (type == EnumType.ORDINAL) { return new ScalarTypeEnumStandard.OrdinalEnum(enumType); } else { return new ScalarTypeEnumStandard.StringEnum(enumType); } } private ScalarTypeEnum<?> createEnumScalarTypePerExtentions(Class<? extends Enum<?>> enumType) { Method[] methods = enumType.getMethods(); for (Method method : methods) { DbEnumValue dbValue = AnnotationUtil.findAnnotation(method, DbEnumValue.class); if (dbValue != null) { boolean integerValues = DbEnumType.INTEGER ==; return createEnumScalarTypeDbValue(enumType, method, integerValues, dbValue.length()); } } // look for EnumValue annotations instead return createEnumScalarType2(enumType); }
Create the Mapping of Enum fields to DB values using EnumValue annotations.

Return null if the EnumValue annotations are not present/used.

/** * Create the Mapping of Enum fields to DB values using EnumValue annotations. * <p> * Return null if the EnumValue annotations are not present/used. * </p> */
private ScalarTypeEnum<?> createEnumScalarTypeDbValue(Class<? extends Enum<?>> enumType, Method method, boolean integerType, int length) { Map<String, String> nameValueMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Enum<?>[] enumConstants = enumType.getEnumConstants(); for (Enum<?> enumConstant : enumConstants) { try { Object value = method.invoke(enumConstant); nameValueMap.put(, value.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error trying to invoke DbEnumValue method on " + enumConstant, e); } } if (nameValueMap.isEmpty()) { // Not using EnumValue here return null; } return createEnumScalarType(enumType, nameValueMap, integerType, length); }
Given the name value mapping and integer/string type and explicit DB column length create the ScalarType for the Enum.
/** * Given the name value mapping and integer/string type and explicit DB column * length create the ScalarType for the Enum. */
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private ScalarTypeEnum<?> createEnumScalarType(Class enumType, Map<String, String> nameValueMap, boolean integerType, int dbColumnLength) { EnumToDbValueMap<?> beanDbMap = EnumToDbValueMap.create(integerType); int maxValueLen = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : nameValueMap.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue(); maxValueLen = Math.max(maxValueLen, value.length()); Object enumValue = Enum.valueOf(enumType, name.trim()); beanDbMap.add(enumValue, value, name.trim()); } if (dbColumnLength == 0 && !integerType) { dbColumnLength = maxValueLen; } return new ScalarTypeEnumWithMapping(beanDbMap, enumType, dbColumnLength); }
Automatically find any ScalarTypes by searching through the class path.

In define a list of packages in which ScalarTypes are found. This will search for any class that implements the ScalarType interface and register it with this TypeManager.

/** * Automatically find any ScalarTypes by searching through the class path. * <p> * In define a list of packages in which ScalarTypes are * found. This will search for any class that implements the ScalarType * interface and register it with this TypeManager. * </p> */
private void initialiseCustomScalarTypes(BootupClasses bootupClasses) { for (Class<? extends ScalarType<?>> cls : bootupClasses.getScalarTypes()) { try { ScalarType<?> scalarType; if (objectMapper == null) { scalarType = cls.newInstance(); } else { try { // first try objectMapper constructor Constructor<? extends ScalarType<?>> constructor = cls.getConstructor(ObjectMapper.class); scalarType = constructor.newInstance((ObjectMapper) objectMapper); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { scalarType = cls.newInstance(); } } addCustomType(scalarType); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Error loading ScalarType [" + cls.getName() + "]"; logger.error(msg, e); } } } private void addCustomType(ScalarType<?> scalarType) { add(scalarType); } private Object initObjectMapper(ServerConfig serverConfig) { Object objectMapper = serverConfig.getObjectMapper(); if (objectMapper == null) { objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); serverConfig.setObjectMapper(objectMapper); } return objectMapper; } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private void initialiseScalarConverters(BootupClasses bootupClasses) { List<Class<? extends ScalarTypeConverter<?, ?>>> foundTypes = bootupClasses.getScalarConverters(); for (Class<? extends ScalarTypeConverter<?, ?>> foundType : foundTypes) { try { Class<?>[] paramTypes = TypeReflectHelper.getParams(foundType, ScalarTypeConverter.class); if (paramTypes.length != 2) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected 2 generics paramtypes but got: " + Arrays.toString(paramTypes)); } Class<?> logicalType = paramTypes[0]; Class<?> persistType = paramTypes[1]; ScalarType<?> wrappedType = getScalarType(persistType); if (wrappedType == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find ScalarType for: " + paramTypes[1]); } ScalarTypeConverter converter = foundType.newInstance(); ScalarTypeWrapper stw = new ScalarTypeWrapper(logicalType, wrappedType, converter); logger.debug("Register ScalarTypeWrapper from {} -> {} using:{}", logicalType, persistType, foundType); add(stw); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error registering ScalarTypeConverter [" + foundType.getName() + "]", e); } } } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) private void initialiseAttributeConverters(BootupClasses bootupClasses) { List<Class<? extends AttributeConverter<?, ?>>> foundTypes = bootupClasses.getAttributeConverters(); for (Class<? extends AttributeConverter<?, ?>> foundType : foundTypes) { try { Class<?>[] paramTypes = TypeReflectHelper.getParams(foundType, AttributeConverter.class); if (paramTypes.length != 2) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected 2 generics paramtypes but got: " + Arrays.toString(paramTypes)); } Class<?> logicalType = paramTypes[0]; Class<?> persistType = paramTypes[1]; ScalarType<?> wrappedType = getScalarType(persistType); if (wrappedType == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find ScalarType for: " + paramTypes[1]); } AttributeConverter converter = foundType.newInstance(); ScalarTypeWrapper stw = new ScalarTypeWrapper(logicalType, wrappedType, new AttributeConverterAdapter(converter)); logger.debug("Register ScalarTypeWrapper from {} -> {} using:{}", logicalType, persistType, foundType); add(stw); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error registering AttributeConverter [" + foundType.getName() + "]", e); } } }
Add support for Jackson's JsonNode mapping to Clob, Blob, Varchar, JSON and JSONB.
/** * Add support for Jackson's JsonNode mapping to Clob, Blob, Varchar, JSON and JSONB. */
private void initialiseJacksonTypes(ServerConfig config) { if (objectMapper != null) { logger.trace("Registering JsonNode type support"); ObjectMapper mapper = (ObjectMapper) objectMapper; jsonNodeClob = new ScalarTypeJsonNode.Clob(mapper); jsonNodeBlob = new ScalarTypeJsonNode.Blob(mapper); jsonNodeVarchar = new ScalarTypeJsonNode.Varchar(mapper); jsonNodeJson = jsonNodeClob; // Default for non-Postgres databases jsonNodeJsonb = jsonNodeClob; // Default for non-Postgres databases if (isPostgres(config.getDatabasePlatform())) { jsonNodeJson = new ScalarTypeJsonNodePostgres.JSON(mapper); jsonNodeJsonb = new ScalarTypeJsonNodePostgres.JSONB(mapper); } // add as default mapping for JsonNode (when not annotated with @DbJson etc) typeMap.put(JsonNode.class, jsonNodeJson); } } private void initialiseJavaTimeTypes(JsonConfig.DateTime mode, ServerConfig config) { if (java7Present) { typeMap.put(java.nio.file.Path.class, new ScalarTypePath()); } if (config.getClassLoadConfig().isJavaTimePresent()) { logger.debug("Registering java.time data types"); addType(java.time.Period.class, new ScalarTypePeriod()); addType(java.time.LocalDate.class, new ScalarTypeLocalDate()); addType(java.time.LocalDateTime.class, new ScalarTypeLocalDateTime(mode)); addType(OffsetDateTime.class, new ScalarTypeOffsetDateTime(mode)); addType(ZonedDateTime.class, new ScalarTypeZonedDateTime(mode)); addType(Instant.class, new ScalarTypeInstant(mode)); addType(DayOfWeek.class, new ScalarTypeDayOfWeek()); addType(Month.class, new ScalarTypeMonth()); addType(Year.class, new ScalarTypeYear()); addType(YearMonth.class, new ScalarTypeYearMonthDate()); addType(MonthDay.class, new ScalarTypeMonthDay()); addType(OffsetTime.class, new ScalarTypeOffsetTime()); addType(ZoneId.class, new ScalarTypeZoneId()); addType(ZoneOffset.class, new ScalarTypeZoneOffset()); boolean localTimeNanos = config.isLocalTimeWithNanos(); addType(java.time.LocalTime.class, (localTimeNanos) ? new ScalarTypeLocalTimeWithNanos() : new ScalarTypeLocalTime()); boolean durationNanos = config.isDurationWithNanos(); addType(Duration.class, (durationNanos) ? new ScalarTypeDurationWithNanos() : new ScalarTypeDuration()); } } private void addType(Class<?> clazz, ScalarType<?> scalarType) { typeMap.put(clazz, scalarType); logicalMap.putIfAbsent(clazz.getSimpleName(), scalarType); }
Detect if Joda classes are in the classpath and if so register the Joda data types.
/** * Detect if Joda classes are in the classpath and if so register the Joda data types. */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void initialiseJodaTypes(JsonConfig.DateTime mode, ServerConfig config) { // detect if Joda classes are in the classpath if (config.getClassLoadConfig().isJodaTimePresent()) { // Joda classes are in the classpath so register the types logger.debug("Registering Joda data types"); addType(LocalDateTime.class, new ScalarTypeJodaLocalDateTime(mode)); addType(DateTime.class, new ScalarTypeJodaDateTime(mode)); addType(LocalDate.class, new ScalarTypeJodaLocalDate()); addType(org.joda.time.DateMidnight.class, new ScalarTypeJodaDateMidnight()); addType(org.joda.time.Period.class, new ScalarTypeJodaPeriod()); String jodaLocalTimeMode = config.getJodaLocalTimeMode(); if ("normal".equalsIgnoreCase(jodaLocalTimeMode)) { // use the expected/normal local time zone addType(LocalTime.class, new ScalarTypeJodaLocalTime()); logger.debug("registered ScalarTypeJodaLocalTime"); } else if ("utc".equalsIgnoreCase(jodaLocalTimeMode)) { // use the old UTC based addType(LocalTime.class, new ScalarTypeJodaLocalTimeUTC()); logger.debug("registered ScalarTypeJodaLocalTimeUTC"); } } }
Register all the standard types supported. This is the standard JDBC types plus some other common types such as java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar.
/** * Register all the standard types supported. This is the standard JDBC types * plus some other common types such as java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar. */
private void initialiseStandard(JsonConfig.DateTime mode, ServerConfig config) { DatabasePlatform databasePlatform = config.getDatabasePlatform(); int platformClobType = databasePlatform.getClobDbType(); int platformBlobType = databasePlatform.getBlobDbType(); nativeMap.put(DbPlatformType.HSTORE, hstoreType); ScalarType<?> utilDateType = extraTypeFactory.createUtilDate(mode); addType(java.util.Date.class, utilDateType); ScalarType<?> calType = extraTypeFactory.createCalendar(mode); addType(Calendar.class, calType); ScalarType<?> mathBigIntType = extraTypeFactory.createMathBigInteger(); addType(BigInteger.class, mathBigIntType); ScalarTypeBool booleanType = extraTypeFactory.createBoolean(); addType(Boolean.class, booleanType); addType(boolean.class, booleanType); // register the boolean literals to the platform for DDL default values databasePlatform.setDbTrueLiteral(booleanType.getDbTrueLiteral()); databasePlatform.setDbFalseLiteral(booleanType.getDbFalseLiteral()); // always register Types.BOOLEAN to our boolean type nativeMap.put(Types.BOOLEAN, booleanType); if (booleanType.getJdbcType() == Types.BIT) { // for MapBeans ... BIT types are assumed to be booleans nativeMap.put(Types.BIT, booleanType); } PlatformConfig.DbUuid dbUuid = config.getPlatformConfig().getDbUuid(); if (offlineMigrationGeneration || (databasePlatform.isNativeUuidType() && dbUuid.useNativeType())) { addType(UUID.class, new ScalarTypeUUIDNative()); } else { // Store UUID as binary(16) or varchar(40) ScalarType<?> uuidType = dbUuid.useBinary() ? new ScalarTypeUUIDBinary(dbUuid.useBinaryOptimized()) : new ScalarTypeUUIDVarchar(); addType(UUID.class, uuidType); } if (offlineMigrationGeneration || (postgres && !config.getPlatformConfig().isDatabaseInetAddressVarchar())) { addInetAddressType(new ScalarTypeInetAddressPostgres()); } else { addInetAddressType(new ScalarTypeInetAddress()); } if (offlineMigrationGeneration || postgres) { addType(Cdir.class, new ScalarTypeCdir.Postgres()); addType(Inet.class, new ScalarTypeInet.Postgres()); } else { addType(Cdir.class, new ScalarTypeCdir.Varchar()); addType(Inet.class, new ScalarTypeInet.Varchar()); } addType(File.class, fileType); addType(Locale.class, localeType); addType(Currency.class, currencyType); addType(TimeZone.class, timeZoneType); addType(URL.class, urlType); addType(URI.class, uriType); // String types addType(char[].class, charArrayType); addType(char.class, charType); addType(String.class, stringType); nativeMap.put(Types.VARCHAR, stringType); nativeMap.put(Types.CHAR, stringType); nativeMap.put(Types.LONGVARCHAR, longVarcharType); // Class<?> addType(Class.class, classType); if (platformClobType == Types.CLOB) { nativeMap.put(Types.CLOB, clobType); } else { // for Postgres Clobs handled by Varchar ScalarType... ScalarType<?> platClobScalarType = nativeMap.get(platformClobType); if (platClobScalarType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type for dbPlatform clobType [" + clobType + "] not found."); } nativeMap.put(Types.CLOB, platClobScalarType); } // Binary type addType(byte[].class, varbinaryType); nativeMap.put(Types.BINARY, binaryType); nativeMap.put(Types.VARBINARY, varbinaryType); nativeMap.put(Types.LONGVARBINARY, longVarbinaryType); if (platformBlobType == Types.BLOB) { nativeMap.put(Types.BLOB, blobType); } else { // for Postgres Blobs handled by LongVarbinary ScalarType... ScalarType<?> platBlobScalarType = nativeMap.get(platformBlobType); if (platBlobScalarType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type for dbPlatform blobType [" + blobType + "] not found."); } nativeMap.put(Types.BLOB, platBlobScalarType); } // Number types addType(Byte.class, byteType); addType(byte.class, byteType); nativeMap.put(Types.TINYINT, byteType); addType(Short.class, shortType); addType(short.class, shortType); nativeMap.put(Types.SMALLINT, shortType); addType(Integer.class, integerType); addType(int.class, integerType); nativeMap.put(Types.INTEGER, integerType); addType(Long.class, longType); addType(long.class, longType); nativeMap.put(Types.BIGINT, longType); addType(Double.class, doubleType); addType(double.class, doubleType); nativeMap.put(Types.FLOAT, doubleType);// no this is not a bug nativeMap.put(Types.DOUBLE, doubleType); addType(Float.class, floatType); addType(float.class, floatType); nativeMap.put(Types.REAL, floatType);// no this is not a bug addType(BigDecimal.class, bigDecimalType); nativeMap.put(Types.DECIMAL, bigDecimalType); nativeMap.put(Types.NUMERIC, bigDecimalType); // Temporal types addType(Time.class, timeType); nativeMap.put(Types.TIME, timeType); addType(Date.class, dateType); nativeMap.put(Types.DATE, dateType); ScalarType<?> timestampType = new ScalarTypeTimestamp(mode); addType(Timestamp.class, timestampType); nativeMap.put(Types.TIMESTAMP, timestampType); } private void addInetAddressType(ScalarType scalarType) { addType(InetAddress.class, scalarType); addType(Inet4Address.class, scalarType); addType(Inet6Address.class, scalarType); } }