 * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package android.widget;

import android.annotation.FloatRange;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.TestApi;
import android.annotation.UiThread;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.Outline;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.PixelFormat;
import android.graphics.Point;
import android.graphics.PointF;
import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.HandlerThread;
import android.os.Message;
import android.view.ContextThemeWrapper;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.DisplayListCanvas;
import android.view.PixelCopy;
import android.view.RenderNode;
import android.view.Surface;
import android.view.SurfaceControl;
import android.view.SurfaceHolder;
import android.view.SurfaceSession;
import android.view.SurfaceView;
import android.view.ThreadedRenderer;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewRootImpl;

import com.android.internal.R;
import com.android.internal.util.Preconditions;

Android magnifier widget. Can be used by any view which is attached to a window.
/** * Android magnifier widget. Can be used by any view which is attached to a window. */
@UiThread public final class Magnifier { // Use this to specify that a previous configuration value does not exist. private static final int NONEXISTENT_PREVIOUS_CONFIG_VALUE = -1; // The callbacks of the pixel copy requests will be invoked on // the Handler of this Thread when the copy is finished. private static final HandlerThread sPixelCopyHandlerThread = new HandlerThread("magnifier pixel copy result handler"); // The view to which this magnifier is attached. private final View mView; // The coordinates of the view in the surface. private final int[] mViewCoordinatesInSurface; // The window containing the magnifier. private InternalPopupWindow mWindow; // The width of the window containing the magnifier. private final int mWindowWidth; // The height of the window containing the magnifier. private final int mWindowHeight; // The zoom applied to the view region copied to the magnifier window. private final float mZoom; // The width of the bitmaps where the magnifier content is copied. private final int mBitmapWidth; // The height of the bitmaps where the magnifier content is copied. private final int mBitmapHeight; // The elevation of the window containing the magnifier. private final float mWindowElevation; // The corner radius of the window containing the magnifier. private final float mWindowCornerRadius; // The parent surface for the magnifier surface. private SurfaceInfo mParentSurface; // The surface where the content will be copied from. private SurfaceInfo mContentCopySurface; // The center coordinates of the window containing the magnifier. private final Point mWindowCoords = new Point(); // The center coordinates of the content to be magnified, // which can potentially contain a region outside the magnified view. private final Point mCenterZoomCoords = new Point(); // The center coordinates of the content to be magnified, // clamped inside the visible region of the magnified view. private final Point mClampedCenterZoomCoords = new Point(); // Variables holding previous states, used for detecting redundant calls and invalidation. private final Point mPrevStartCoordsInSurface = new Point( NONEXISTENT_PREVIOUS_CONFIG_VALUE, NONEXISTENT_PREVIOUS_CONFIG_VALUE); private final PointF mPrevPosInView = new PointF( NONEXISTENT_PREVIOUS_CONFIG_VALUE, NONEXISTENT_PREVIOUS_CONFIG_VALUE); // Rectangle defining the view surface area we pixel copy content from. private final Rect mPixelCopyRequestRect = new Rect(); // Lock to synchronize between the UI thread and the thread that handles pixel copy results. // Only sync mWindow writes from UI thread with mWindow reads from sPixelCopyHandlerThread. private final Object mLock = new Object();
Initializes a magnifier.
  • view – the view for which this magnifier is attached
/** * Initializes a magnifier. * * @param view the view for which this magnifier is attached */
public Magnifier(@NonNull View view) { mView = Preconditions.checkNotNull(view); final Context context = mView.getContext(); mWindowWidth = context.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.magnifier_width); mWindowHeight = context.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.magnifier_height); mWindowElevation = context.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.magnifier_elevation); mWindowCornerRadius = getDeviceDefaultDialogCornerRadius(); mZoom = context.getResources().getFloat(R.dimen.magnifier_zoom_scale); mBitmapWidth = Math.round(mWindowWidth / mZoom); mBitmapHeight = Math.round(mWindowHeight / mZoom); // The view's surface coordinates will not be updated until the magnifier is first shown. mViewCoordinatesInSurface = new int[2]; } static { sPixelCopyHandlerThread.start(); }
Returns the device default theme dialog corner radius attribute. We retrieve this from the device default theme to avoid using the values set in the custom application themes.
/** * Returns the device default theme dialog corner radius attribute. * We retrieve this from the device default theme to avoid * using the values set in the custom application themes. */
private float getDeviceDefaultDialogCornerRadius() { final Context deviceDefaultContext = new ContextThemeWrapper(mView.getContext(), R.style.Theme_DeviceDefault); final TypedArray ta = deviceDefaultContext.obtainStyledAttributes( new int[]{android.R.attr.dialogCornerRadius}); final float dialogCornerRadius = ta.getDimension(0, 0); ta.recycle(); return dialogCornerRadius; }
Shows the magnifier on the screen.
  • xPosInView – horizontal coordinate of the center point of the magnifier source relative to the view. The lower end is clamped to 0 and the higher end is clamped to the view width.
  • yPosInView – vertical coordinate of the center point of the magnifier source relative to the view. The lower end is clamped to 0 and the higher end is clamped to the view height.
/** * Shows the magnifier on the screen. * * @param xPosInView horizontal coordinate of the center point of the magnifier source relative * to the view. The lower end is clamped to 0 and the higher end is clamped to the view * width. * @param yPosInView vertical coordinate of the center point of the magnifier source * relative to the view. The lower end is clamped to 0 and the higher end is clamped to * the view height. */
public void show(@FloatRange(from = 0) float xPosInView, @FloatRange(from = 0) float yPosInView) { xPosInView = Math.max(0, Math.min(xPosInView, mView.getWidth())); yPosInView = Math.max(0, Math.min(yPosInView, mView.getHeight())); obtainSurfaces(); obtainContentCoordinates(xPosInView, yPosInView); obtainWindowCoordinates(); final int startX = mClampedCenterZoomCoords.x - mBitmapWidth / 2; final int startY = mClampedCenterZoomCoords.y - mBitmapHeight / 2; if (xPosInView != mPrevPosInView.x || yPosInView != mPrevPosInView.y) { if (mWindow == null) { synchronized (mLock) { mWindow = new InternalPopupWindow(mView.getContext(), mView.getDisplay(), mParentSurface.mSurface, mWindowWidth, mWindowHeight, mWindowElevation, mWindowCornerRadius, Handler.getMain() /* draw the magnifier on the UI thread */, mLock, mCallback); } } performPixelCopy(startX, startY, true /* update window position */); mPrevPosInView.x = xPosInView; mPrevPosInView.y = yPosInView; } }
Dismisses the magnifier from the screen. Calling this on a dismissed magnifier is a no-op.
/** * Dismisses the magnifier from the screen. Calling this on a dismissed magnifier is a no-op. */
public void dismiss() { if (mWindow != null) { synchronized (mLock) { mWindow.destroy(); mWindow = null; } mPrevPosInView.x = NONEXISTENT_PREVIOUS_CONFIG_VALUE; mPrevPosInView.y = NONEXISTENT_PREVIOUS_CONFIG_VALUE; mPrevStartCoordsInSurface.x = NONEXISTENT_PREVIOUS_CONFIG_VALUE; mPrevStartCoordsInSurface.y = NONEXISTENT_PREVIOUS_CONFIG_VALUE; } }
Forces the magnifier to update its content. It uses the previous coordinates passed to show(float, float). This only happens if the magnifier is currently showing.
/** * Forces the magnifier to update its content. It uses the previous coordinates passed to * {@link #show(float, float)}. This only happens if the magnifier is currently showing. */
public void update() { if (mWindow != null) { obtainSurfaces(); // Update the content shown in the magnifier. performPixelCopy(mPrevStartCoordsInSurface.x, mPrevStartCoordsInSurface.y, false /* update window position */); } }
Returns:The width of the magnifier window, in pixels.
/** * @return The width of the magnifier window, in pixels. */
public int getWidth() { return mWindowWidth; }
Returns:The height of the magnifier window, in pixels.
/** * @return The height of the magnifier window, in pixels. */
public int getHeight() { return mWindowHeight; }
Returns:The zoom applied to the magnified view region copied to the magnifier window. If the zoom is x and the magnifier window size is (width, height), the original size of the content copied in the magnifier will be (width / x, height / x).
/** * @return The zoom applied to the magnified view region copied to the magnifier window. * If the zoom is x and the magnifier window size is (width, height), the original size * of the content copied in the magnifier will be (width / x, height / x). */
public float getZoom() { return mZoom; }
Returns:The top left coordinates of the magnifier, relative to the parent window.
/** * @hide * * @return The top left coordinates of the magnifier, relative to the parent window. */
@Nullable public Point getWindowCoords() { if (mWindow == null) { return null; } final Rect surfaceInsets = mView.getViewRootImpl().mWindowAttributes.surfaceInsets; return new Point(mWindow.mLastDrawContentPositionX - surfaceInsets.left, mWindow.mLastDrawContentPositionY - surfaceInsets.top); }
Retrieves the surfaces used by the magnifier: - a parent surface for the magnifier surface. This will usually be the main app window. - a surface where the magnified content will be copied from. This will be the main app window unless the magnified view is a SurfaceView, in which case its backing surface will be used.
/** * Retrieves the surfaces used by the magnifier: * - a parent surface for the magnifier surface. This will usually be the main app window. * - a surface where the magnified content will be copied from. This will be the main app * window unless the magnified view is a SurfaceView, in which case its backing surface * will be used. */
private void obtainSurfaces() { // Get the main window surface. SurfaceInfo validMainWindowSurface = SurfaceInfo.NULL; if (mView.getViewRootImpl() != null) { final ViewRootImpl viewRootImpl = mView.getViewRootImpl(); final Surface mainWindowSurface = viewRootImpl.mSurface; if (mainWindowSurface != null && mainWindowSurface.isValid()) { final Rect surfaceInsets = viewRootImpl.mWindowAttributes.surfaceInsets; final int surfaceWidth = viewRootImpl.getWidth() + surfaceInsets.left + surfaceInsets.right; final int surfaceHeight = viewRootImpl.getHeight() + surfaceInsets.top + surfaceInsets.bottom; validMainWindowSurface = new SurfaceInfo(mainWindowSurface, surfaceWidth, surfaceHeight, true); } } // Get the surface backing the magnified view, if it is a SurfaceView. SurfaceInfo validSurfaceViewSurface = SurfaceInfo.NULL; if (mView instanceof SurfaceView) { final SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder = ((SurfaceView) mView).getHolder(); final Surface surfaceViewSurface = surfaceHolder.getSurface(); if (surfaceViewSurface != null && surfaceViewSurface.isValid()) { final Rect surfaceFrame = surfaceHolder.getSurfaceFrame(); validSurfaceViewSurface = new SurfaceInfo(surfaceViewSurface, surfaceFrame.right, surfaceFrame.bottom, false); } } // Choose the parent surface for the magnifier and the source surface for the content. mParentSurface = validMainWindowSurface != SurfaceInfo.NULL ? validMainWindowSurface : validSurfaceViewSurface; mContentCopySurface = mView instanceof SurfaceView ? validSurfaceViewSurface : validMainWindowSurface; }
Computes the coordinates of the center of the content going to be displayed in the magnifier. These are relative to the surface the content is copied from.
/** * Computes the coordinates of the center of the content going to be displayed in the * magnifier. These are relative to the surface the content is copied from. */
private void obtainContentCoordinates(final float xPosInView, final float yPosInView) { final float posX; final float posY; mView.getLocationInSurface(mViewCoordinatesInSurface); if (mView instanceof SurfaceView) { // No offset required if the backing Surface matches the size of the SurfaceView. posX = xPosInView; posY = yPosInView; } else { posX = xPosInView + mViewCoordinatesInSurface[0]; posY = yPosInView + mViewCoordinatesInSurface[1]; } mCenterZoomCoords.x = Math.round(posX); mCenterZoomCoords.y = Math.round(posY); // Clamp the x location to avoid magnifying content which does not belong // to the magnified view. This will not take into account overlapping views. final Rect viewVisibleRegion = new Rect(); mView.getGlobalVisibleRect(viewVisibleRegion); if (mView.getViewRootImpl() != null) { // Clamping coordinates relative to the surface, not to the window. final Rect surfaceInsets = mView.getViewRootImpl().mWindowAttributes.surfaceInsets; viewVisibleRegion.offset(surfaceInsets.left, surfaceInsets.top); } if (mView instanceof SurfaceView) { // If we copy content from a SurfaceView, clamp coordinates relative to it. viewVisibleRegion.offset(-mViewCoordinatesInSurface[0], -mViewCoordinatesInSurface[1]); } mClampedCenterZoomCoords.x = Math.max(viewVisibleRegion.left + mBitmapWidth / 2, Math.min( mCenterZoomCoords.x, viewVisibleRegion.right - mBitmapWidth / 2)); mClampedCenterZoomCoords.y = mCenterZoomCoords.y; } private void obtainWindowCoordinates() { // Compute the position of the magnifier window. Again, this has to be relative to the // surface of the magnified view, as this surface is the parent of the magnifier surface. final int verticalOffset = mView.getContext().getResources().getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.magnifier_offset); mWindowCoords.x = mCenterZoomCoords.x - mWindowWidth / 2; mWindowCoords.y = mCenterZoomCoords.y - mWindowHeight / 2 - verticalOffset; if (mParentSurface != mContentCopySurface) { mWindowCoords.x += mViewCoordinatesInSurface[0]; mWindowCoords.y += mViewCoordinatesInSurface[1]; } } private void performPixelCopy(final int startXInSurface, final int startYInSurface, final boolean updateWindowPosition) { if (mContentCopySurface.mSurface == null || !mContentCopySurface.mSurface.isValid()) { return; } // Clamp copy coordinates inside the surface to avoid displaying distorted content. final int clampedStartXInSurface = Math.max(0, Math.min(startXInSurface, mContentCopySurface.mWidth - mBitmapWidth)); final int clampedStartYInSurface = Math.max(0, Math.min(startYInSurface, mContentCopySurface.mHeight - mBitmapHeight)); // Clamp window coordinates inside the parent surface, to avoid displaying // the magnifier out of screen or overlapping with system insets. final Rect windowBounds; if (mParentSurface.mIsMainWindowSurface) { final Rect systemInsets = mView.getRootWindowInsets().getSystemWindowInsets(); windowBounds = new Rect(systemInsets.left, systemInsets.top, mParentSurface.mWidth - systemInsets.right, mParentSurface.mHeight - systemInsets.bottom); } else { windowBounds = new Rect(0, 0, mParentSurface.mWidth, mParentSurface.mHeight); } final int windowCoordsX = Math.max(windowBounds.left, Math.min(windowBounds.right - mWindowWidth, mWindowCoords.x)); final int windowCoordsY = Math.max(windowBounds.top, Math.min(windowBounds.bottom - mWindowHeight, mWindowCoords.y)); // Perform the pixel copy. mPixelCopyRequestRect.set(clampedStartXInSurface, clampedStartYInSurface, clampedStartXInSurface + mBitmapWidth, clampedStartYInSurface + mBitmapHeight); final InternalPopupWindow currentWindowInstance = mWindow; final Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(mBitmapWidth, mBitmapHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); PixelCopy.request(mContentCopySurface.mSurface, mPixelCopyRequestRect, bitmap, result -> { synchronized (mLock) { if (mWindow != currentWindowInstance) { // The magnifier was dismissed (and maybe shown again) in the meantime. return; } if (updateWindowPosition) { // TODO: pull the position update outside #performPixelCopy mWindow.setContentPositionForNextDraw(windowCoordsX, windowCoordsY); } mWindow.updateContent(bitmap); } }, sPixelCopyHandlerThread.getThreadHandler()); mPrevStartCoordsInSurface.x = startXInSurface; mPrevStartCoordsInSurface.y = startYInSurface; }
Contains a surface and metadata corresponding to it.
/** * Contains a surface and metadata corresponding to it. */
private static class SurfaceInfo { public static final SurfaceInfo NULL = new SurfaceInfo(null, 0, 0, false); private Surface mSurface; private int mWidth; private int mHeight; private boolean mIsMainWindowSurface; SurfaceInfo(final Surface surface, final int width, final int height, final boolean isMainWindowSurface) { mSurface = surface; mWidth = width; mHeight = height; mIsMainWindowSurface = isMainWindowSurface; } }
Magnifier's own implementation of PopupWindow-similar floating window. This exists to ensure frame-synchronization between window position updates and window content updates. By using a PopupWindow, these events would happen in different frames, producing a shakiness effect for the magnifier content.
/** * Magnifier's own implementation of PopupWindow-similar floating window. * This exists to ensure frame-synchronization between window position updates and window * content updates. By using a PopupWindow, these events would happen in different frames, * producing a shakiness effect for the magnifier content. */
private static class InternalPopupWindow { // The alpha set on the magnifier's content, which defines how // prominent the white background is. private static final int CONTENT_BITMAP_ALPHA = 242; // The z of the magnifier surface, defining its z order in the list of // siblings having the same parent surface (usually the main app surface). private static final int SURFACE_Z = 5; // Display associated to the view the magnifier is attached to. private final Display mDisplay; // The size of the content of the magnifier. private final int mContentWidth; private final int mContentHeight; // The size of the allocated surface. private final int mSurfaceWidth; private final int mSurfaceHeight; // The insets of the content inside the allocated surface. private final int mOffsetX; private final int mOffsetY; // The surface we allocate for the magnifier content + shadow. private final SurfaceSession mSurfaceSession; private final SurfaceControl mSurfaceControl; private final Surface mSurface; // The renderer used for the allocated surface. private final ThreadedRenderer.SimpleRenderer mRenderer; // The RenderNode used to draw the magnifier content in the surface. private final RenderNode mBitmapRenderNode; // The job that will be post'd to apply the pending magnifier updates to the surface. private final Runnable mMagnifierUpdater; // The handler where the magnifier updater jobs will be post'd. private final Handler mHandler; // The callback to be run after the next draw. private Callback mCallback; // The position of the magnifier content when the last draw was requested. private int mLastDrawContentPositionX; private int mLastDrawContentPositionY; // Members below describe the state of the magnifier. Reads/writes to them // have to be synchronized between the UI thread and the thread that handles // the pixel copy results. This is the purpose of mLock. private final Object mLock; // Whether a magnifier frame draw is currently pending in the UI thread queue. private boolean mFrameDrawScheduled; // The content bitmap. private Bitmap mBitmap; // Whether the next draw will be the first one for the current instance. private boolean mFirstDraw = true; // The window position in the parent surface. Might be applied during the next draw, // when mPendingWindowPositionUpdate is true. private int mWindowPositionX; private int mWindowPositionY; private boolean mPendingWindowPositionUpdate; // The lock used to synchronize the UI and render threads when a #destroy // is performed on the UI thread and a frame callback on the render thread. // When both mLock and mDestroyLock need to be held at the same time, // mDestroyLock should be acquired before mLock in order to avoid deadlocks. private final Object mDestroyLock = new Object(); InternalPopupWindow(final Context context, final Display display, final Surface parentSurface, final int width, final int height, final float elevation, final float cornerRadius, final Handler handler, final Object lock, final Callback callback) { mDisplay = display; mLock = lock; mCallback = callback; mContentWidth = width; mContentHeight = height; mOffsetX = (int) (0.1f * width); mOffsetY = (int) (0.1f * height); // Setup the surface we will use for drawing the content and shadow. mSurfaceWidth = mContentWidth + 2 * mOffsetX; mSurfaceHeight = mContentHeight + 2 * mOffsetY; mSurfaceSession = new SurfaceSession(parentSurface); mSurfaceControl = new SurfaceControl.Builder(mSurfaceSession) .setFormat(PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT) .setSize(mSurfaceWidth, mSurfaceHeight) .setName("magnifier surface") .setFlags(SurfaceControl.HIDDEN) .build(); mSurface = new Surface(); mSurface.copyFrom(mSurfaceControl); // Setup the RenderNode tree. The root has only one child, which contains the bitmap. mRenderer = new ThreadedRenderer.SimpleRenderer( context, "magnifier renderer", mSurface ); mBitmapRenderNode = createRenderNodeForBitmap( "magnifier content", elevation, cornerRadius ); final DisplayListCanvas canvas = mRenderer.getRootNode().start(width, height); try { canvas.insertReorderBarrier(); canvas.drawRenderNode(mBitmapRenderNode); canvas.insertInorderBarrier(); } finally { mRenderer.getRootNode().end(canvas); } // Initialize the update job and the handler where this will be post'd. mHandler = handler; mMagnifierUpdater = this::doDraw; mFrameDrawScheduled = false; } private RenderNode createRenderNodeForBitmap(final String name, final float elevation, final float cornerRadius) { final RenderNode bitmapRenderNode = RenderNode.create(name, null); // Define the position of the bitmap in the parent render node. The surface regions // outside the bitmap are used to draw elevation. bitmapRenderNode.setLeftTopRightBottom(mOffsetX, mOffsetY, mOffsetX + mContentWidth, mOffsetY + mContentHeight); bitmapRenderNode.setElevation(elevation); final Outline outline = new Outline(); outline.setRoundRect(0, 0, mContentWidth, mContentHeight, cornerRadius); outline.setAlpha(1.0f); bitmapRenderNode.setOutline(outline); bitmapRenderNode.setClipToOutline(true); // Create a dummy draw, which will be replaced later with real drawing. final DisplayListCanvas canvas = bitmapRenderNode.start(mContentWidth, mContentHeight); try { canvas.drawColor(0xFF00FF00); } finally { bitmapRenderNode.end(canvas); } return bitmapRenderNode; }
Sets the position of the magnifier content relative to the parent surface. The position update will happen in the same frame with the next draw. The method has to be called in a context that holds mLock.
  • contentX – the x coordinate of the content
  • contentY – the y coordinate of the content
/** * Sets the position of the magnifier content relative to the parent surface. * The position update will happen in the same frame with the next draw. * The method has to be called in a context that holds {@link #mLock}. * * @param contentX the x coordinate of the content * @param contentY the y coordinate of the content */
public void setContentPositionForNextDraw(final int contentX, final int contentY) { mWindowPositionX = contentX - mOffsetX; mWindowPositionY = contentY - mOffsetY; mPendingWindowPositionUpdate = true; requestUpdate(); }
Sets the content that should be displayed in the magnifier. The update happens immediately, and possibly triggers a pending window movement set by setContentPositionForNextDraw(int, int). The method has to be called in a context that holds mLock.
  • bitmap – the content bitmap
/** * Sets the content that should be displayed in the magnifier. * The update happens immediately, and possibly triggers a pending window movement set * by {@link #setContentPositionForNextDraw(int, int)}. * The method has to be called in a context that holds {@link #mLock}. * * @param bitmap the content bitmap */
public void updateContent(final @NonNull Bitmap bitmap) { if (mBitmap != null) { mBitmap.recycle(); } mBitmap = bitmap; requestUpdate(); } private void requestUpdate() { if (mFrameDrawScheduled) { return; } final Message request = Message.obtain(mHandler, mMagnifierUpdater); request.setAsynchronous(true); request.sendToTarget(); mFrameDrawScheduled = true; }
Destroys this instance.
/** * Destroys this instance. */
public void destroy() { synchronized (mDestroyLock) { mSurface.destroy(); } synchronized (mLock) { mRenderer.destroy(); mSurfaceControl.destroy(); mSurfaceSession.kill(); mBitmapRenderNode.destroy(); mHandler.removeCallbacks(mMagnifierUpdater); if (mBitmap != null) { mBitmap.recycle(); } } } private void doDraw() { final ThreadedRenderer.FrameDrawingCallback callback; // Draw the current bitmap to the surface, and prepare the callback which updates the // surface position. These have to be in the same synchronized block, in order to // guarantee the consistency between the bitmap content and the surface position. synchronized (mLock) { if (!mSurface.isValid()) { // Probably #destroy() was called for the current instance, so we skip the draw. return; } final DisplayListCanvas canvas = mBitmapRenderNode.start(mContentWidth, mContentHeight); try { canvas.drawColor(Color.WHITE); final Rect srcRect = new Rect(0, 0, mBitmap.getWidth(), mBitmap.getHeight()); final Rect dstRect = new Rect(0, 0, mContentWidth, mContentHeight); final Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setFilterBitmap(true); paint.setAlpha(CONTENT_BITMAP_ALPHA); canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, srcRect, dstRect, paint); } finally { mBitmapRenderNode.end(canvas); } if (mPendingWindowPositionUpdate || mFirstDraw) { // If the window has to be shown or moved, defer this until the next draw. final boolean firstDraw = mFirstDraw; mFirstDraw = false; final boolean updateWindowPosition = mPendingWindowPositionUpdate; mPendingWindowPositionUpdate = false; final int pendingX = mWindowPositionX; final int pendingY = mWindowPositionY; callback = frame -> { synchronized (mDestroyLock) { if (!mSurface.isValid()) { return; } synchronized (mLock) { mRenderer.setLightCenter(mDisplay, pendingX, pendingY); // Show or move the window at the content draw frame. SurfaceControl.openTransaction(); mSurfaceControl.deferTransactionUntil(mSurface, frame); if (updateWindowPosition) { mSurfaceControl.setPosition(pendingX, pendingY); } if (firstDraw) { mSurfaceControl.setLayer(SURFACE_Z); mSurfaceControl.show(); } SurfaceControl.closeTransaction(); } } }; } else { callback = null; } mLastDrawContentPositionX = mWindowPositionX + mOffsetX; mLastDrawContentPositionY = mWindowPositionY + mOffsetY; mFrameDrawScheduled = false; } mRenderer.draw(callback); if (mCallback != null) { mCallback.onOperationComplete(); } } } // The rest of the file consists of test APIs. /** * See {@link #setOnOperationCompleteCallback(Callback)}. */ @TestApi private Callback mCallback;
Sets a callback which will be invoked at the end of the next show(float, float) or update() operation.
/** * Sets a callback which will be invoked at the end of the next * {@link #show(float, float)} or {@link #update()} operation. * * @hide */
@TestApi public void setOnOperationCompleteCallback(final Callback callback) { mCallback = callback; if (mWindow != null) { mWindow.mCallback = callback; } }
Returns:the content being currently displayed in the magnifier, as bitmap
/** * @return the content being currently displayed in the magnifier, as bitmap * * @hide */
@TestApi public @Nullable Bitmap getContent() { if (mWindow == null) { return null; } synchronized (mWindow.mLock) { return Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(mWindow.mBitmap, mWindowWidth, mWindowHeight, true); } }
Returns:the position of the magnifier window relative to the screen
/** * @return the position of the magnifier window relative to the screen * * @hide */
@TestApi public Rect getWindowPositionOnScreen() { final int[] viewLocationOnScreen = new int[2]; mView.getLocationOnScreen(viewLocationOnScreen); final int[] viewLocationInSurface = new int[2]; mView.getLocationInSurface(viewLocationInSurface); final int left = mWindowCoords.x + viewLocationOnScreen[0] - viewLocationInSurface[0]; final int top = mWindowCoords.y + viewLocationOnScreen[1] - viewLocationInSurface[1]; return new Rect(left, top, left + mWindowWidth, top + mWindowHeight); }
Returns:the size of the magnifier window in dp
/** * @return the size of the magnifier window in dp * * @hide */
@TestApi public static PointF getMagnifierDefaultSize() { final Resources resources = Resources.getSystem(); final float density = resources.getDisplayMetrics().density; final PointF size = new PointF(); size.x = resources.getDimension(R.dimen.magnifier_width) / density; size.y = resources.getDimension(R.dimen.magnifier_height) / density; return size; }
/** * @hide */
@TestApi public interface Callback {
Callback called after the drawing for a magnifier update has happened.
/** * Callback called after the drawing for a magnifier update has happened. */
void onOperationComplete(); } }