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/***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: EPL 2.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public * License Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the EPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the EPL, the GPL or the LGPL. ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
package org.jruby; import java.math.BigInteger; import org.jruby.anno.JRubyClass; import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod; import org.jruby.runtime.Helpers; import org.jruby.runtime.ObjectAllocator; import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext; import static org.jruby.runtime.Visibility.PRIVATE; import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject; import org.jruby.util.ByteList; import org.jruby.util.Random; import org.jruby.util.TypeConverter; import static org.jruby.util.TypeConverter.toFloat;
Implementation of the Random class.
/** * Implementation of the Random class. */
@JRubyClass(name = "Random") public class RubyRandom extends RubyObject {
Internal API, subject to change.
/** * Internal API, subject to change. */
public static final class RandomType { private final RubyInteger seed; private final Random impl; // RandomType(Ruby runtime) { this(randomSeed(runtime)); } // c: rand_init RandomType(IRubyObject seed) { this.seed = seed.convertToInteger(); if (this.seed instanceof RubyFixnum) { this.impl = randomFromFixnum((RubyFixnum) this.seed); } else if (this.seed instanceof RubyBignum) { this.impl = randomFromBignum((RubyBignum) this.seed); } else { throw seed.getRuntime().newTypeError( String.format("failed to convert %s into Integer", seed.getMetaClass().getName())); } } public static Random randomFromFixnum(RubyFixnum seed) { return randomFromLong(RubyNumeric.num2long(seed)); } public static Random randomFromLong(long seed) { long v = Math.abs(seed); if (v == (v & 0xffffffffL)) { return new Random((int) v); } else { int[] ints = new int[2]; ints[0] = (int) v; ints[1] = (int) (v >> 32); return new Random(ints); } } public static Random randomFromBignum(RubyBignum seed) { BigInteger big = seed.getBigIntegerValue(); return randomFromBigInteger(big); } public static Random randomFromBigInteger(BigInteger big) { if (big.signum() < 0) { big = big.abs(); } byte[] buf = big.toByteArray(); int buflen = buf.length; if (buf[0] == 0) { buflen -= 1; } int len = Math.min((buflen + 3) / 4, Random.N); int[] ints = bigEndianToInts(buf, len); if (len <= 1) { return new Random(ints[0]); } else { return new Random(ints); } } RandomType(IRubyObject vseed, RubyBignum state, int left) { this.seed = vseed.convertToInteger(); byte[] bytes = state.getBigIntegerValue().toByteArray(); int[] ints = new int[bytes.length / 4]; for (int i = 0; i < ints.length; ++i) { ints[i] = getIntBigIntegerBuffer(bytes, i); } this.impl = new Random(ints, left); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (!(obj instanceof RandomType)) return false; RandomType rhs = (RandomType) obj; return seed.op_equal(seed.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), rhs.seed).isTrue() && impl.equals(rhs.impl); } @Override public int hashCode() { // Using 17 as the initializer, 37 as the multiplier. return (629 + seed.hashCode()) * 37 + impl.hashCode(); } RandomType(RandomType orig) { this.seed = orig.seed; this.impl = new Random(orig.impl); } int genrandInt32() { return impl.genrandInt32(); } double genrandReal() { return impl.genrandReal(); } double genrandReal2() { return impl.genrandReal2(); } RubyInteger getSeed() { return seed; } RubyBignum getState() { int[] ints = impl.getState(); byte[] bytes = new byte[ints.length * 4]; for (int idx = 0; idx < ints.length; ++idx) { setIntBigIntegerBuffer(bytes, idx, ints[idx]); } return RubyBignum.newBignum(seed.getRuntime(), new BigInteger(bytes)); } int getLeft() { return impl.getLeft(); } // big endian of bytes to reversed ints private static int[] bigEndianToInts(byte[] buf, int initKeyLen) { int[] initKey = new int[initKeyLen]; for (int idx = 0; idx < initKey.length; ++idx) { initKey[idx] = getIntBigIntegerBuffer(buf, idx); } return initKey; } } static int getIntBigIntegerBuffer(byte[] src, int loc) { int v = 0; int idx = src.length - loc * 4 - 1; if (idx >= 0) { v |= (src[idx--] & 0xff); if (idx >= 0) { v |= (src[idx--] & 0xff) << 8; if (idx >= 0) { v |= (src[idx--] & 0xff) << 16; if (idx >= 0) { v |= (src[idx--] & 0xff) << 24; } } } } return v; } static void setIntBigIntegerBuffer(byte[] dest, int loc, int value) { int idx = dest.length - loc * 4 - 1; if (idx >= 0) { dest[idx--] = (byte) (value & 0xff); if (idx >= 0) { dest[idx--] = (byte) ((value >> 8) & 0xff); if (idx >= 0) { dest[idx--] = (byte) ((value >> 16) & 0xff); if (idx >= 0) { dest[idx--] = (byte) ((value >> 24) & 0xff); } } } } } private static final int DEFAULT_SEED_CNT = 4; public static BigInteger randomSeedBigInteger(java.util.Random random) { byte[] seed = new byte[DEFAULT_SEED_CNT * 4]; random.nextBytes(seed); return new BigInteger(seed).abs(); } // c: random_seed public static RubyBignum randomSeed(Ruby runtime) { return RubyBignum.newBignum(runtime, randomSeedBigInteger(runtime.random)); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static RubyClass createRandomClass(Ruby runtime) { RubyClass randomClass = runtime .defineClass("Random", runtime.getObject(), RANDOM_ALLOCATOR); randomClass.defineAnnotatedMethods(RubyRandom.class); RubyRandom defaultRand = new RubyRandom(runtime, randomClass); defaultRand.random = new RandomType(randomSeed(runtime)); randomClass.setConstant("DEFAULT", defaultRand); runtime.setDefaultRand(defaultRand.random); return randomClass; } private static ObjectAllocator RANDOM_ALLOCATOR = new ObjectAllocator() { @Override public IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) { return new RubyRandom(runtime, klass); } }; private RandomType random = null; RubyRandom(Ruby runtime, RubyClass rubyClass) { super(runtime, rubyClass); } @JRubyMethod(visibility = PRIVATE, optional = 1) public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { random = new RandomType((args.length == 0) ? randomSeed(context.runtime) : args[0]); return this; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject seed(ThreadContext context) { return random.getSeed(); } @JRubyMethod(name = "initialize_copy", required = 1, visibility = PRIVATE) @Override public IRubyObject initialize_copy(IRubyObject orig) { if (!(orig instanceof RubyRandom)) { throw getRuntime().newTypeError(String.format( "wrong argument type %s (expected %s)", orig.getMetaClass().getName(), getMetaClass().getName()) ); } checkFrozen(); random = new RandomType(((RubyRandom) orig).random); return this; } @JRubyMethod(name = "rand", meta = true, optional = 1) public static IRubyObject rand(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) { RandomType random = getDefaultRand(context); if (args.length == 0) return randFloat(context, random); return randomRand(context, args[0], random); } @Deprecated // not-used public static IRubyObject randCommon19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) { return randKernel(context, args); } // c: rb_f_rand for 1.9 static IRubyObject randKernel(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { RandomType random = getDefaultRand(context); if (args.length == 0) { return randFloat(context, random); } IRubyObject arg = args[0]; if (arg == context.nil) { return randFloat(context, random); } if (arg instanceof RubyRange) { return randomRand(context, arg, random); } RubyInteger max = arg.convertToInteger(); if (max.isZero()) { return randFloat(context, random); } IRubyObject r = randInt(context, random, max, false); return (r == context.nil) ? randFloat(context, random) : r; } @Deprecated public IRubyObject randObj(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { return (args.length == 0) ? rand(context) : rand(context, args[0]); } @JRubyMethod(name = "rand") public IRubyObject rand(ThreadContext context) { return randFloat(context, random); } @JRubyMethod(name = "rand") public IRubyObject rand(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { return randomRand(context, arg, random); } // c: rand_int private static IRubyObject randInt(ThreadContext context, RandomType random, RubyInteger vmax, boolean restrictive) { if (vmax instanceof RubyFixnum) { long max = RubyNumeric.fix2long(vmax); if (max == 0) return context.nil; if (max < 0) { if (restrictive) return context.nil; max = -max; } return randLimitedFixnum(context, random, max - 1); } else { BigInteger big = vmax.getBigIntegerValue(); if (big.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) { return context.nil; } if (big.signum() < 0) { if (restrictive) return context.nil; big = big.abs(); } big = big.subtract(BigInteger.ONE); return randLimitedBignum(context, random, big); } } public static RubyFloat randFloat(ThreadContext context) { return randFloat(context, getDefaultRand(context)); } public static RubyFloat randFloat(ThreadContext context, RandomType random) { return context.runtime.newFloat(random.genrandReal()); } public static RubyInteger randLimited(ThreadContext context, long limit) { return randLimitedFixnum(context, getDefaultRand(context), limit); } // c: limited_rand // limited_rand gets/returns ulong but we do this in signed long only. private static RubyInteger randLimitedFixnum(ThreadContext context, RandomType random, long limit) { return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(context.runtime, randLimitedFixnumInner(random.impl, limit)); } public static long randLimitedFixnumInner(Random random, long limit) { long val; if (limit == 0) { val = 0; } else { long mask = makeMask(limit); // take care before code cleanup; it might break random sequence compatibility retry: while (true) { val = 0; for (int i = 1; 0 <= i; --i) { if (((mask >>> (i * 32)) & 0xffffffffL) != 0) { val |= (random.genrandInt32() & 0xffffffffL) << (i * 32); val &= mask; } if (limit < val) { continue retry; } } break; } } return val; } public static RubyInteger randLimited(ThreadContext context, BigInteger limit) { return randLimitedBignum(context, getDefaultRand(context), limit); } // c: limited_big_rand private static RubyInteger randLimitedBignum(ThreadContext context, RandomType random, BigInteger limit) { byte[] buf = limit.toByteArray(); byte[] bytes = new byte[buf.length]; int len = (buf.length + 3) / 4; // take care before code cleanup; it might break random sequence compatibility retry: while (true) { long mask = 0; boolean boundary = true; for (int idx = len - 1; 0 <= idx; --idx) { long lim = getIntBigIntegerBuffer(buf, idx) & 0xffffffffL; mask = (mask != 0) ? 0xffffffffL : makeMask(lim); long rnd; if (mask != 0) { rnd = (random.genrandInt32() & 0xffffffffL) & mask; if (boundary) { if (lim < rnd) { continue retry; } if (rnd < lim) { boundary = false; } } } else { rnd = 0; } setIntBigIntegerBuffer(bytes, idx, (int) rnd); } break; } return RubyBignum.newBignum(context.runtime, new BigInteger(bytes)); } private static long makeMask(long x) { x = x | x >>> 1; x = x | x >>> 2; x = x | x >>> 4; x = x | x >>> 8; x = x | x >>> 16; x = x | x >>> 32; return x; } private static RandomType getDefaultRand(ThreadContext context) { return context.runtime.defaultRand; } // c: random_rand private static IRubyObject randomRand(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject vmax, RandomType random) { IRubyObject v; RangeLike range = null; final IRubyObject nil = context.nil; if (vmax == nil) { v = nil; } else if ((v = checkMaxInt(context, vmax)) != null) { v = randInt(context, random, (RubyInteger) v, true); } else if ((v = TypeConverter.checkFloatType(context.runtime, vmax)) != nil) { double max = ((RubyFloat) v).value; if (max > 0.0) { v = context.runtime.newFloat(max * random.genrandReal()); } else { v = nil; } } else if ((range = rangeValues(context, vmax)) != null) { if ((v = checkMaxInt(context, range.range)) != null) { if (v instanceof RubyFixnum) { long max = ((RubyFixnum) v).value; if (range.excl) { max -= 1; } if (max >= 0) { v = randLimitedFixnum(context, random, max); } else { v = nil; } } else if (v instanceof RubyBignum) { BigInteger big = ((RubyBignum) v).value; if (big.signum() > 0) { if (range.excl) { big = big.subtract(BigInteger.ONE); } v = randLimitedBignum(context, random, big); } else { v = nil; } } else { v = nil; } } else if ((v = TypeConverter.checkFloatType(context.runtime, range.range)) != nil) { int scale = 1; double max = ((RubyFloat) v).value; double mid = 0.5; double r; if (Double.isInfinite(max)) { double min = floatValue(context, toFloat(context.runtime, range.begin)) / 2.0; max = floatValue(context, toFloat(context.runtime, range.end)) / 2.0; scale = 2; mid = max + min; max -= min; } else { checkFloatValue(context, max); // v } v = context.nil; if (max > 0.0) { if (range.excl) { r = random.genrandReal(); } else { r = random.genrandReal2(); } if (scale > 1) { return context.runtime.newFloat(+(+(+(r - 0.5) * max) * scale) + mid); } v = context.runtime.newFloat(r * max); } else if (max == 0.0 && !range.excl) { v = context.runtime.newFloat(0.0); } } } else { v = nil; RubyNumeric.num2long(vmax); // need check here to raise TypeError } if (v == nil) { throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("invalid argument - " + vmax); } if (range == null) return v; if (range.begin instanceof RubyFixnum && v instanceof RubyFixnum) { long x = ((RubyFixnum) range.begin).getLongValue() + ((RubyFixnum) v).getLongValue(); return context.runtime.newFixnum(x); } if (v instanceof RubyBignum) { return ((RubyBignum) v).op_plus(context, range.begin); } if (v instanceof RubyFloat) { IRubyObject f = TypeConverter.checkFloatType(context.runtime, range.begin); if (f != nil) return ((RubyFloat) v).op_plus(context, f); } return Helpers.invoke(context, range.begin, "+", v); } // c: float_value private static double floatValue(ThreadContext context, RubyFloat v) { final double x = v.value; checkFloatValue(context, x); return x; } private static void checkFloatValue(ThreadContext context, double x) { if (Double.isInfinite(x) || Double.isNaN(x)) { throw context.runtime.newErrnoEDOMError("Numerical argument out of domain"); } } private static IRubyObject checkMaxInt(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject vmax) { if (!(vmax instanceof RubyFloat)) { IRubyObject v = TypeConverter.checkIntegerType(context, vmax); if (v != context.nil) return v; } return null; } static class RangeLike { public IRubyObject begin = null; public IRubyObject end = null; boolean excl = false; public IRubyObject range = null; } private static RangeLike rangeValues(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject range) { RangeLike like = new RangeLike(); if (range instanceof RubyRange) { RubyRange vrange = (RubyRange) range; like.begin = vrange.first(context); like.end = vrange.last(context); like.excl = vrange.isExcludeEnd(); } else { if (!range.respondsTo("begin") || !range.respondsTo("end") || !range.respondsTo("exclude_end?")) { return null; } like.begin = Helpers.invoke(context, range, "begin"); like.end = Helpers.invoke(context, range, "end"); like.excl = Helpers.invoke(context, range, "exclude_end?").isTrue(); } like.range = Helpers.invoke(context, like.end, "-", like.begin); return like; } @JRubyMethod(meta = true) public static IRubyObject srand(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv) { return srandCommon(context, recv); } @JRubyMethod(meta = true) public static IRubyObject srand(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject seed) { return srandCommon(context, recv, seed); } // c: rb_f_srand public static IRubyObject srandCommon(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv) { return srandCommon(context, recv, randomSeed(context.runtime)); } // c: rb_f_srand @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static IRubyObject srandCommon(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject newSeed) { RandomType defaultRand = getDefaultRand(context); IRubyObject previousSeed = defaultRand.getSeed(); defaultRand = new RandomType(newSeed); context.runtime.setDefaultRand(defaultRand); ((RubyRandom) (context.runtime.getRandomClass()).getConstant("DEFAULT")).setRandomType(defaultRand); return previousSeed; } @Deprecated public IRubyObject op_equal_19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) { return op_equal(context, obj); } // c: random_equal @Override @JRubyMethod(name = "==", required = 1) public IRubyObject op_equal(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) { if (!getType().equals(obj.getType())) { return context.fals; } return RubyBoolean.newBoolean(context, random.equals(((RubyRandom) obj).random)); } // c: random_state @JRubyMethod(name = "state", visibility = PRIVATE) public IRubyObject stateObj(ThreadContext context) { return random.getState(); } // c: random_left @JRubyMethod(name = "left", visibility = PRIVATE) public IRubyObject leftObj(ThreadContext context) { return RubyNumeric.int2fix(context.runtime, random.getLeft()); } // c: random_s_state @JRubyMethod(name = "state", meta = true, visibility = PRIVATE) public static IRubyObject state(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv) { return getDefaultRand(context).getState(); } // c: random_s_left @JRubyMethod(name = "left", meta = true, visibility = PRIVATE) public static IRubyObject left(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv) { return RubyNumeric.int2fix(context.runtime, getDefaultRand(context).getLeft()); } // c: random_dump @JRubyMethod(name = "marshal_dump") public IRubyObject marshal_dump(ThreadContext context) { RubyBignum state = random.getState(); RubyInteger left = RubyFixnum.newFixnum(context.runtime, (long) random.getLeft()); RubyArray dump = RubyArray.newArray(context.runtime, state, left, random.getSeed()); if (hasVariables()) { dump.syncVariables(this); } return dump; } // c: marshal_load @JRubyMethod() public IRubyObject marshal_load(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { RubyArray load = arg.convertToArray(); if (load.size() != 3) { throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("wrong dump data"); } if (!(load.eltInternal(0) instanceof RubyBignum)) { throw context.runtime.newTypeError(load.eltInternal(0), context.runtime.getBignum()); } RubyBignum state = (RubyBignum) load.eltInternal(0); int left = RubyNumeric.num2int(load.eltInternal(1)); IRubyObject seed = load.eltInternal(2); random = new RandomType(seed, state, left); if (load.hasVariables()) { syncVariables((IRubyObject) load); } return this; } // c: rb_random_bytes @JRubyMethod(name = "bytes") public IRubyObject bytes(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) { int n = RubyNumeric.num2int(arg); byte[] bytes = new byte[n]; int idx = 0; for (; n >= 4; n -= 4) { int r = random.genrandInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { bytes[idx++] = (byte) (r & 0xff); r >>>= 8; } } if (n > 0) { int r = random.genrandInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { bytes[idx++] = (byte) (r & 0xff); r >>>= 8; } } return context.runtime.newString(new ByteList(bytes)); } private static RandomType tryGetRandomType(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) { if (obj.equals(context.runtime.getRandomClass())) return getDefaultRand(context); if (obj instanceof RubyRandom) return ((RubyRandom) obj).random; return null; } // rb_random_ulong_limited public static long randomLongLimited(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj, long limit) { RandomType rnd = tryGetRandomType(context, obj); if (rnd == null) { RubyInteger v = Helpers.invokePublic(context, obj, "rand", context.runtime.newFixnum(limit + 1)).convertToInteger(); long r = RubyNumeric.num2long(v); if (r < 0) throw context.runtime.newRangeError("random number too small " + r); if (r > limit) throw context.runtime.newRangeError("random number too big " + r); return r; } return randLimitedFixnumInner(rnd.impl, limit); } // c: rb_random_real public static double randomReal(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) { RandomType random = tryGetRandomType(context, obj); if (random != null) return random.genrandReal(); double d = RubyNumeric.num2dbl(context, Helpers.invoke(context, obj, "rand")); if (d < 0.0 || d >= 1.0) throw context.runtime.newRangeError("random number too big: " + d); return d; } @JRubyMethod(name = "new_seed", meta = true) public static IRubyObject newSeed(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv) { return randomSeed(context.runtime); } @JRubyMethod(name = "urandom", meta = true) public static IRubyObject urandom(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject num) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; int n = num.convertToInteger().getIntValue(); if (n < 0) throw runtime.newArgumentError("negative string size (or size too big)"); if (n == 0) return runtime.newString(); byte[] seed = new byte[n]; runtime.random.nextBytes(seed); return RubyString.newString(runtime, seed); } private void setRandomType(RandomType random) { this.random = random; } }