 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
 * statements applied by the authors.  All third-party contributions are
 * distributed under license by Red Hat Inc.
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package org.hibernate.tuple.entity;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.hibernate.EntityMode;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.bytecode.spi.EntityInstrumentationMetadata;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Environment;
import org.hibernate.cfg.NotYetImplementedException;
import org.hibernate.engine.OptimisticLockStyle;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.CascadeStyle;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.CascadeStyles;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.ValueInclusion;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.ReflectHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.collections.ArrayHelper;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Component;
import org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Property;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.binding.AttributeBinding;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.binding.BasicAttributeBinding;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.binding.EntityBinding;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.domain.Attribute;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.domain.SingularAttribute;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.AbstractEntityPersister;
import org.hibernate.tuple.GenerationTiming;
import org.hibernate.tuple.IdentifierProperty;
import org.hibernate.tuple.InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy;
import org.hibernate.tuple.InMemoryValueGenerationStrategy;
import org.hibernate.tuple.NonIdentifierAttribute;
import org.hibernate.tuple.PropertyFactory;
import org.hibernate.tuple.ValueGeneration;
import org.hibernate.tuple.ValueGenerator;
import org.hibernate.type.AssociationType;
import org.hibernate.type.CompositeType;
import org.hibernate.type.EntityType;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

Centralizes metamodel information about an entity.
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * Centralizes metamodel information about an entity. * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class EntityMetamodel implements Serializable { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = Logger.getMessageLogger(CoreMessageLogger.class, EntityMetamodel.class.getName()); private static final int NO_VERSION_INDX = -66; private final SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory; private final AbstractEntityPersister persister; private final String name; private final String rootName; private final EntityType entityType; private final IdentifierProperty identifierAttribute; private final boolean versioned; private final int propertySpan; private final int versionPropertyIndex; private final NonIdentifierAttribute[] properties; // temporary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ private final String[] propertyNames; private final Type[] propertyTypes; private final boolean[] propertyLaziness; private final boolean[] propertyUpdateability; private final boolean[] nonlazyPropertyUpdateability; private final boolean[] propertyCheckability; private final boolean[] propertyInsertability; private final boolean[] propertyNullability; private final boolean[] propertyVersionability; private final CascadeStyle[] cascadeStyles; // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // value generations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ private final boolean hasPreInsertGeneratedValues; private final boolean hasPreUpdateGeneratedValues; private final boolean hasInsertGeneratedValues; private final boolean hasUpdateGeneratedValues; private final InMemoryValueGenerationStrategy[] inMemoryValueGenerationStrategies; private final InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy[] inDatabaseValueGenerationStrategies; // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ private final Map<String, Integer> propertyIndexes = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); private final boolean hasCollections; private final boolean hasMutableProperties; private final boolean hasLazyProperties; private final boolean hasNonIdentifierPropertyNamedId; private final int[] naturalIdPropertyNumbers; private final boolean hasImmutableNaturalId; private final boolean hasCacheableNaturalId; private boolean lazy; //not final because proxy factory creation can fail private final boolean hasCascades; private final boolean mutable; private final boolean isAbstract; private final boolean selectBeforeUpdate; private final boolean dynamicUpdate; private final boolean dynamicInsert; private final OptimisticLockStyle optimisticLockStyle; private final boolean polymorphic; private final String superclass; // superclass entity-name private final boolean explicitPolymorphism; private final boolean inherited; private final boolean hasSubclasses; private final Set subclassEntityNames = new HashSet(); private final Map entityNameByInheritenceClassMap = new HashMap(); private final EntityMode entityMode; private final EntityTuplizer entityTuplizer; private final EntityInstrumentationMetadata instrumentationMetadata; public EntityMetamodel( PersistentClass persistentClass, AbstractEntityPersister persister, SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory) { this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory; this.persister = persister; name = persistentClass.getEntityName(); rootName = persistentClass.getRootClass().getEntityName(); entityType = sessionFactory.getTypeResolver().getTypeFactory().manyToOne( name ); identifierAttribute = PropertyFactory.buildIdentifierAttribute( persistentClass, sessionFactory.getIdentifierGenerator( rootName ) ); versioned = persistentClass.isVersioned(); instrumentationMetadata = persistentClass.hasPojoRepresentation() ? Environment.getBytecodeProvider().getEntityInstrumentationMetadata( persistentClass.getMappedClass() ) : new NonPojoInstrumentationMetadata( persistentClass.getEntityName() ); boolean hasLazy = false; propertySpan = persistentClass.getPropertyClosureSpan(); properties = new NonIdentifierAttribute[propertySpan]; List<Integer> naturalIdNumbers = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // temporary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ propertyNames = new String[propertySpan]; propertyTypes = new Type[propertySpan]; propertyUpdateability = new boolean[propertySpan]; propertyInsertability = new boolean[propertySpan]; nonlazyPropertyUpdateability = new boolean[propertySpan]; propertyCheckability = new boolean[propertySpan]; propertyNullability = new boolean[propertySpan]; propertyVersionability = new boolean[propertySpan]; propertyLaziness = new boolean[propertySpan]; cascadeStyles = new CascadeStyle[propertySpan]; // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // generated value strategies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ this.inMemoryValueGenerationStrategies = new InMemoryValueGenerationStrategy[propertySpan]; this.inDatabaseValueGenerationStrategies = new InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy[propertySpan]; boolean foundPreInsertGeneratedValues = false; boolean foundPreUpdateGeneratedValues = false; boolean foundPostInsertGeneratedValues = false; boolean foundPostUpdateGeneratedValues = false; // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Iterator iter = persistentClass.getPropertyClosureIterator(); int i = 0; int tempVersionProperty = NO_VERSION_INDX; boolean foundCascade = false; boolean foundCollection = false; boolean foundMutable = false; boolean foundNonIdentifierPropertyNamedId = false; boolean foundInsertGeneratedValue = false; boolean foundUpdateGeneratedValue = false; boolean foundUpdateableNaturalIdProperty = false; while ( iter.hasNext() ) { Property prop = ( Property ) iter.next(); if ( prop == persistentClass.getVersion() ) { tempVersionProperty = i; properties[i] = PropertyFactory.buildVersionProperty( persister, sessionFactory, i, prop, instrumentationMetadata.isInstrumented() ); } else { properties[i] = PropertyFactory.buildEntityBasedAttribute( persister, sessionFactory, i, prop, instrumentationMetadata.isInstrumented() ); } if ( prop.isNaturalIdentifier() ) { naturalIdNumbers.add( i ); if ( prop.isUpdateable() ) { foundUpdateableNaturalIdProperty = true; } } if ( "id".equals( prop.getName() ) ) { foundNonIdentifierPropertyNamedId = true; } // temporary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ boolean lazy = prop.isLazy() && instrumentationMetadata.isInstrumented(); if ( lazy ) hasLazy = true; propertyLaziness[i] = lazy; propertyNames[i] = properties[i].getName(); propertyTypes[i] = properties[i].getType(); propertyNullability[i] = properties[i].isNullable(); propertyUpdateability[i] = properties[i].isUpdateable(); propertyInsertability[i] = properties[i].isInsertable(); propertyVersionability[i] = properties[i].isVersionable(); nonlazyPropertyUpdateability[i] = properties[i].isUpdateable() && !lazy; propertyCheckability[i] = propertyUpdateability[i] || ( propertyTypes[i].isAssociationType() && ( (AssociationType) propertyTypes[i] ).isAlwaysDirtyChecked() ); cascadeStyles[i] = properties[i].getCascadeStyle(); // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // generated value strategies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GenerationStrategyPair pair = buildGenerationStrategyPair( sessionFactory, prop ); inMemoryValueGenerationStrategies[i] = pair.getInMemoryStrategy(); inDatabaseValueGenerationStrategies[i] = pair.getInDatabaseStrategy(); if ( pair.getInMemoryStrategy() != null ) { final GenerationTiming timing = pair.getInMemoryStrategy().getGenerationTiming(); if ( timing != GenerationTiming.NEVER ) { final ValueGenerator generator = pair.getInMemoryStrategy().getValueGenerator(); if ( generator != null ) { // we have some level of generation indicated if ( timing == GenerationTiming.INSERT ) { foundPreInsertGeneratedValues = true; } else if ( timing == GenerationTiming.ALWAYS ) { foundPreInsertGeneratedValues = true; foundPreUpdateGeneratedValues = true; } } } } if ( pair.getInDatabaseStrategy() != null ) { final GenerationTiming timing = pair.getInDatabaseStrategy().getGenerationTiming(); if ( timing == GenerationTiming.INSERT ) { foundPostInsertGeneratedValues = true; } else if ( timing == GenerationTiming.ALWAYS ) { foundPostInsertGeneratedValues = true; foundPostUpdateGeneratedValues = true; } } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if ( properties[i].isLazy() ) { hasLazy = true; } if ( properties[i].getCascadeStyle() != CascadeStyles.NONE ) { foundCascade = true; } if ( indicatesCollection( properties[i].getType() ) ) { foundCollection = true; } if ( propertyTypes[i].isMutable() && propertyCheckability[i] ) { foundMutable = true; } mapPropertyToIndex(prop, i); i++; } if (naturalIdNumbers.size()==0) { naturalIdPropertyNumbers = null; hasImmutableNaturalId = false; hasCacheableNaturalId = false; } else { naturalIdPropertyNumbers = ArrayHelper.toIntArray(naturalIdNumbers); hasImmutableNaturalId = !foundUpdateableNaturalIdProperty; hasCacheableNaturalId = persistentClass.getNaturalIdCacheRegionName() != null; } this.hasPreInsertGeneratedValues = foundPreInsertGeneratedValues; this.hasPreUpdateGeneratedValues = foundPreUpdateGeneratedValues; this.hasInsertGeneratedValues = foundPostInsertGeneratedValues; this.hasUpdateGeneratedValues = foundPostUpdateGeneratedValues; hasCascades = foundCascade; hasNonIdentifierPropertyNamedId = foundNonIdentifierPropertyNamedId; versionPropertyIndex = tempVersionProperty; hasLazyProperties = hasLazy; if (hasLazyProperties) LOG.lazyPropertyFetchingAvailable(name); lazy = persistentClass.isLazy() && ( // TODO: this disables laziness even in non-pojo entity modes: !persistentClass.hasPojoRepresentation() || !ReflectHelper.isFinalClass( persistentClass.getProxyInterface() ) ); mutable = persistentClass.isMutable(); if ( persistentClass.isAbstract() == null ) { // legacy behavior (with no abstract attribute specified) isAbstract = persistentClass.hasPojoRepresentation() && ReflectHelper.isAbstractClass( persistentClass.getMappedClass() ); } else { isAbstract = persistentClass.isAbstract().booleanValue(); if ( !isAbstract && persistentClass.hasPojoRepresentation() && ReflectHelper.isAbstractClass( persistentClass.getMappedClass() ) ) { LOG.entityMappedAsNonAbstract(name); } } selectBeforeUpdate = persistentClass.hasSelectBeforeUpdate(); dynamicUpdate = persistentClass.useDynamicUpdate(); dynamicInsert = persistentClass.useDynamicInsert(); polymorphic = persistentClass.isPolymorphic(); explicitPolymorphism = persistentClass.isExplicitPolymorphism(); inherited = persistentClass.isInherited(); superclass = inherited ? persistentClass.getSuperclass().getEntityName() : null; hasSubclasses = persistentClass.hasSubclasses(); optimisticLockStyle = persistentClass.getOptimisticLockStyle(); final boolean isAllOrDirty = optimisticLockStyle == OptimisticLockStyle.ALL || optimisticLockStyle == OptimisticLockStyle.DIRTY; if ( isAllOrDirty && !dynamicUpdate ) { throw new MappingException( "optimistic-lock=all|dirty requires dynamic-update=\"true\": " + name ); } if ( versionPropertyIndex != NO_VERSION_INDX && isAllOrDirty ) { throw new MappingException( "version and optimistic-lock=all|dirty are not a valid combination : " + name ); } hasCollections = foundCollection; hasMutableProperties = foundMutable; iter = persistentClass.getSubclassIterator(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { subclassEntityNames.add( ( (PersistentClass) iter.next() ).getEntityName() ); } subclassEntityNames.add( name ); if ( persistentClass.hasPojoRepresentation() ) { entityNameByInheritenceClassMap.put( persistentClass.getMappedClass(), persistentClass.getEntityName() ); iter = persistentClass.getSubclassIterator(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { final PersistentClass pc = ( PersistentClass ) iter.next(); entityNameByInheritenceClassMap.put( pc.getMappedClass(), pc.getEntityName() ); } } entityMode = persistentClass.hasPojoRepresentation() ? EntityMode.POJO : EntityMode.MAP; final EntityTuplizerFactory entityTuplizerFactory = sessionFactory.getSettings().getEntityTuplizerFactory(); final String tuplizerClassName = persistentClass.getTuplizerImplClassName( entityMode ); if ( tuplizerClassName == null ) { entityTuplizer = entityTuplizerFactory.constructDefaultTuplizer( entityMode, this, persistentClass ); } else { entityTuplizer = entityTuplizerFactory.constructTuplizer( tuplizerClassName, this, persistentClass ); } } private static GenerationStrategyPair buildGenerationStrategyPair( final SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory, final Property mappingProperty) { final ValueGeneration valueGeneration = mappingProperty.getValueGenerationStrategy(); if ( valueGeneration != null && valueGeneration.getGenerationTiming() != GenerationTiming.NEVER ) { // the property is generated in full. build the generation strategy pair. if ( valueGeneration.getValueGenerator() != null ) { // in-memory generation return new GenerationStrategyPair( FullInMemoryValueGenerationStrategy.create( valueGeneration ) ); } else { // in-db generation return new GenerationStrategyPair( create( sessionFactory, mappingProperty, valueGeneration ) ); } } else if ( mappingProperty.getValue() instanceof Component ) { final CompositeGenerationStrategyPairBuilder builder = new CompositeGenerationStrategyPairBuilder( mappingProperty ); interpretPartialCompositeValueGeneration( sessionFactory, (Component) mappingProperty.getValue(), builder ); return builder.buildPair(); } return NO_GEN_PAIR; } private static final GenerationStrategyPair NO_GEN_PAIR = new GenerationStrategyPair(); private static void interpretPartialCompositeValueGeneration( SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory, Component composite, CompositeGenerationStrategyPairBuilder builder) { Iterator subProperties = composite.getPropertyIterator(); while ( subProperties.hasNext() ) { final Property subProperty = (Property) subProperties.next(); builder.addPair( buildGenerationStrategyPair( sessionFactory, subProperty ) ); } } public static InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategyImpl create( SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactoryImplementor, Property mappingProperty, ValueGeneration valueGeneration) { final int numberOfMappedColumns = mappingProperty.getType().getColumnSpan( sessionFactoryImplementor ); if ( numberOfMappedColumns == 1 ) { return new InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategyImpl( valueGeneration.getGenerationTiming(), valueGeneration.referenceColumnInSql(), new String[] { valueGeneration.getDatabaseGeneratedReferencedColumnValue() } ); } else { if ( valueGeneration.getDatabaseGeneratedReferencedColumnValue() != null ) { LOG.debugf( "Value generator specified column value in reference to multi-column attribute [%s -> %s]; ignoring", mappingProperty.getPersistentClass(), mappingProperty.getName() ); } return new InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategyImpl( valueGeneration.getGenerationTiming(), valueGeneration.referenceColumnInSql(), new String[numberOfMappedColumns] ); } } public static class GenerationStrategyPair { private final InMemoryValueGenerationStrategy inMemoryStrategy; private final InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy inDatabaseStrategy; public GenerationStrategyPair() { this( NoInMemoryValueGenerationStrategy.INSTANCE, NoInDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy.INSTANCE ); } public GenerationStrategyPair(FullInMemoryValueGenerationStrategy inMemoryStrategy) { this( inMemoryStrategy, NoInDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy.INSTANCE ); } public GenerationStrategyPair(InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategyImpl inDatabaseStrategy) { this( NoInMemoryValueGenerationStrategy.INSTANCE, inDatabaseStrategy ); } public GenerationStrategyPair( InMemoryValueGenerationStrategy inMemoryStrategy, InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy inDatabaseStrategy) { // perform some normalization. Also check that only one (if any) strategy is specified if ( inMemoryStrategy == null ) { inMemoryStrategy = NoInMemoryValueGenerationStrategy.INSTANCE; } if ( inDatabaseStrategy == null ) { inDatabaseStrategy = NoInDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy.INSTANCE; } if ( inMemoryStrategy.getGenerationTiming() != GenerationTiming.NEVER && inDatabaseStrategy.getGenerationTiming() != GenerationTiming.NEVER ) { throw new ValueGenerationStrategyException( "in-memory and in-database value generation are mutually exclusive" ); } this.inMemoryStrategy = inMemoryStrategy; this.inDatabaseStrategy = inDatabaseStrategy; } public InMemoryValueGenerationStrategy getInMemoryStrategy() { return inMemoryStrategy; } public InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy getInDatabaseStrategy() { return inDatabaseStrategy; } } public static class ValueGenerationStrategyException extends HibernateException { public ValueGenerationStrategyException(String message) { super( message ); } public ValueGenerationStrategyException(String message, Throwable cause) { super( message, cause ); } } private static class CompositeGenerationStrategyPairBuilder { private final Property mappingProperty; private boolean hadInMemoryGeneration; private boolean hadInDatabaseGeneration; private List<InMemoryValueGenerationStrategy> inMemoryStrategies; private List<InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy> inDatabaseStrategies; public CompositeGenerationStrategyPairBuilder(Property mappingProperty) { this.mappingProperty = mappingProperty; } public void addPair(GenerationStrategyPair generationStrategyPair) { add( generationStrategyPair.getInMemoryStrategy() ); add( generationStrategyPair.getInDatabaseStrategy() ); } private void add(InMemoryValueGenerationStrategy inMemoryStrategy) { if ( inMemoryStrategies == null ) { inMemoryStrategies = new ArrayList<InMemoryValueGenerationStrategy>(); } inMemoryStrategies.add( inMemoryStrategy ); if ( inMemoryStrategy.getGenerationTiming() != GenerationTiming.NEVER ) { hadInMemoryGeneration = true; } } private void add(InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy inDatabaseStrategy) { if ( inDatabaseStrategies == null ) { inDatabaseStrategies = new ArrayList<InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy>(); } inDatabaseStrategies.add( inDatabaseStrategy ); if ( inDatabaseStrategy.getGenerationTiming() != GenerationTiming.NEVER ) { hadInDatabaseGeneration = true; } } public GenerationStrategyPair buildPair() { if ( hadInMemoryGeneration && hadInDatabaseGeneration ) { throw new ValueGenerationStrategyException( "Composite attribute [" + mappingProperty.getName() + "] contained both in-memory" + " and in-database value generation" ); } else if ( hadInMemoryGeneration ) { throw new NotYetImplementedException( "Still need to wire in composite in-memory value generation" ); } else if ( hadInDatabaseGeneration ) { final Component composite = (Component) mappingProperty.getValue(); // we need the numbers to match up so we can properly handle 'referenced sql column values' if ( inDatabaseStrategies.size() != composite.getPropertySpan() ) { throw new ValueGenerationStrategyException( "Internal error : mismatch between number of collected in-db generation strategies" + " and number of attributes for composite attribute : " + mappingProperty.getName() ); } // the base-line values for the aggregated InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy we will build here. GenerationTiming timing = GenerationTiming.INSERT; boolean referenceColumns = false; String[] columnValues = new String[ composite.getColumnSpan() ]; // start building the aggregate values int propertyIndex = -1; int columnIndex = 0; Iterator subProperties = composite.getPropertyIterator(); while ( subProperties.hasNext() ) { propertyIndex++; final Property subProperty = (Property) subProperties.next(); final InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy subStrategy = inDatabaseStrategies.get( propertyIndex ); if ( subStrategy.getGenerationTiming() == GenerationTiming.ALWAYS ) { // override the base-line to the more often "ALWAYS"... timing = GenerationTiming.ALWAYS; } if ( subStrategy.referenceColumnsInSql() ) { // override base-line value referenceColumns = true; } if ( subStrategy.getReferencedColumnValues() != null ) { if ( subStrategy.getReferencedColumnValues().length != subProperty.getColumnSpan() ) { throw new ValueGenerationStrategyException( "Internal error : mismatch between number of collected 'referenced column values'" + " and number of columns for composite attribute : " + mappingProperty.getName() + '.' + subProperty.getName() ); } System.arraycopy( subStrategy.getReferencedColumnValues(), 0, columnValues, columnIndex, subProperty.getColumnSpan() ); } } // then use the aggregated values to build the InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy return new GenerationStrategyPair( new InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategyImpl( timing, referenceColumns, columnValues ) ); } else { return NO_GEN_PAIR; } } } private static class NoInMemoryValueGenerationStrategy implements InMemoryValueGenerationStrategy {
Singleton access
/** * Singleton access */
public static final NoInMemoryValueGenerationStrategy INSTANCE = new NoInMemoryValueGenerationStrategy(); @Override public GenerationTiming getGenerationTiming() { return GenerationTiming.NEVER; } @Override public ValueGenerator getValueGenerator() { return null; } } private static class FullInMemoryValueGenerationStrategy implements InMemoryValueGenerationStrategy { private final GenerationTiming timing; private final ValueGenerator generator; private FullInMemoryValueGenerationStrategy(GenerationTiming timing, ValueGenerator generator) { this.timing = timing; this.generator = generator; } public static FullInMemoryValueGenerationStrategy create(ValueGeneration valueGeneration) { return new FullInMemoryValueGenerationStrategy( valueGeneration.getGenerationTiming(), valueGeneration.getValueGenerator() ); } @Override public GenerationTiming getGenerationTiming() { return timing; } @Override public ValueGenerator getValueGenerator() { return generator; } } private static class NoInDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy implements InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy {
Singleton access
/** * Singleton access */
public static final NoInDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy INSTANCE = new NoInDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy(); @Override public GenerationTiming getGenerationTiming() { return GenerationTiming.NEVER; } @Override public boolean referenceColumnsInSql() { return true; } @Override public String[] getReferencedColumnValues() { return null; } } private static class InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategyImpl implements InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy { private final GenerationTiming timing; private final boolean referenceColumnInSql; private final String[] referencedColumnValues; private InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategyImpl( GenerationTiming timing, boolean referenceColumnInSql, String[] referencedColumnValues) { this.timing = timing; this.referenceColumnInSql = referenceColumnInSql; this.referencedColumnValues = referencedColumnValues; } @Override public GenerationTiming getGenerationTiming() { return timing; } @Override public boolean referenceColumnsInSql() { return referenceColumnInSql; } @Override public String[] getReferencedColumnValues() { return referencedColumnValues; } } private ValueInclusion determineInsertValueGenerationType(Property mappingProperty, NonIdentifierAttribute runtimeProperty) { if ( isInsertGenerated( runtimeProperty ) ) { return ValueInclusion.FULL; } else if ( mappingProperty.getValue() instanceof Component ) { if ( hasPartialInsertComponentGeneration( ( Component ) mappingProperty.getValue() ) ) { return ValueInclusion.PARTIAL; } } return ValueInclusion.NONE; } private boolean isInsertGenerated(NonIdentifierAttribute property) { return property.getValueGenerationStrategy() != null && property.getValueGenerationStrategy().getGenerationTiming() != GenerationTiming.NEVER; } private boolean isInsertGenerated(Property property) { return property.getValueGenerationStrategy() != null && property.getValueGenerationStrategy().getGenerationTiming() != GenerationTiming.NEVER; } public EntityMetamodel( EntityBinding entityBinding, AbstractEntityPersister persister, SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory) { this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory; this.persister = persister; name = entityBinding.getEntity().getName(); rootName = entityBinding.getHierarchyDetails().getRootEntityBinding().getEntity().getName(); entityType = sessionFactory.getTypeResolver().getTypeFactory().manyToOne( name ); identifierAttribute = PropertyFactory.buildIdentifierProperty( entityBinding, sessionFactory.getIdentifierGenerator( rootName ) ); versioned = entityBinding.isVersioned(); boolean hasPojoRepresentation = false; Class<?> mappedClass = null; Class<?> proxyInterfaceClass = null; if ( entityBinding.getEntity().getClassReferenceUnresolved() != null ) { hasPojoRepresentation = true; mappedClass = entityBinding.getEntity().getClassReference(); proxyInterfaceClass = entityBinding.getProxyInterfaceType().getValue(); } instrumentationMetadata = Environment.getBytecodeProvider().getEntityInstrumentationMetadata( mappedClass ); boolean hasLazy = false; // TODO: Fix after HHH-6337 is fixed; for now assume entityBinding is the root binding BasicAttributeBinding rootEntityIdentifier = entityBinding.getHierarchyDetails().getEntityIdentifier().getValueBinding(); // entityBinding.getAttributeClosureSpan() includes the identifier binding; // "properties" here excludes the ID, so subtract 1 if the identifier binding is non-null propertySpan = rootEntityIdentifier == null ? entityBinding.getAttributeBindingClosureSpan() : entityBinding.getAttributeBindingClosureSpan() - 1; properties = new NonIdentifierAttribute[propertySpan]; List naturalIdNumbers = new ArrayList(); // temporary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ propertyNames = new String[propertySpan]; propertyTypes = new Type[propertySpan]; propertyUpdateability = new boolean[propertySpan]; propertyInsertability = new boolean[propertySpan]; nonlazyPropertyUpdateability = new boolean[propertySpan]; propertyCheckability = new boolean[propertySpan]; propertyNullability = new boolean[propertySpan]; propertyVersionability = new boolean[propertySpan]; propertyLaziness = new boolean[propertySpan]; cascadeStyles = new CascadeStyle[propertySpan]; // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // todo : handle value generations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ this.hasPreInsertGeneratedValues = false; this.hasPreUpdateGeneratedValues = false; this.hasInsertGeneratedValues = false; this.hasUpdateGeneratedValues = false; this.inMemoryValueGenerationStrategies = new InMemoryValueGenerationStrategy[propertySpan]; Arrays.fill( this.inMemoryValueGenerationStrategies, NoInMemoryValueGenerationStrategy.INSTANCE ); this.inDatabaseValueGenerationStrategies = new InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy[propertySpan]; Arrays.fill( this.inDatabaseValueGenerationStrategies, NoInDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy.INSTANCE ); // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ int i = 0; int tempVersionProperty = NO_VERSION_INDX; boolean foundCascade = false; boolean foundCollection = false; boolean foundMutable = false; boolean foundNonIdentifierPropertyNamedId = false; boolean foundInsertGeneratedValue = false; boolean foundUpdateGeneratedValue = false; boolean foundUpdateableNaturalIdProperty = false; for ( AttributeBinding attributeBinding : entityBinding.getAttributeBindingClosure() ) { if ( attributeBinding == rootEntityIdentifier ) { // skip the identifier attribute binding continue; } if ( attributeBinding == entityBinding.getHierarchyDetails().getVersioningAttributeBinding() ) { tempVersionProperty = i; properties[i] = PropertyFactory.buildVersionProperty( persister, entityBinding.getHierarchyDetails().getVersioningAttributeBinding(), instrumentationMetadata.isInstrumented() ); } else { properties[i] = PropertyFactory.buildStandardProperty( attributeBinding, instrumentationMetadata.isInstrumented() ); } // TODO: fix when natural IDs are added (HHH-6354) //if ( attributeBinding.isNaturalIdentifier() ) { // naturalIdNumbers.add( i ); // if ( attributeBinding.isUpdateable() ) { // foundUpdateableNaturalIdProperty = true; // } //} if ( "id".equals( attributeBinding.getAttribute().getName() ) ) { foundNonIdentifierPropertyNamedId = true; } // temporary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ boolean lazy = attributeBinding.isLazy() && instrumentationMetadata.isInstrumented(); if ( lazy ) hasLazy = true; propertyLaziness[i] = lazy; propertyNames[i] = properties[i].getName(); propertyTypes[i] = properties[i].getType(); propertyNullability[i] = properties[i].isNullable(); propertyUpdateability[i] = properties[i].isUpdateable(); propertyInsertability[i] = properties[i].isInsertable(); propertyVersionability[i] = properties[i].isVersionable(); nonlazyPropertyUpdateability[i] = properties[i].isUpdateable() && !lazy; propertyCheckability[i] = propertyUpdateability[i] || ( propertyTypes[i].isAssociationType() && ( (AssociationType) propertyTypes[i] ).isAlwaysDirtyChecked() ); cascadeStyles[i] = properties[i].getCascadeStyle(); // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if ( properties[i].isLazy() ) { hasLazy = true; } if ( properties[i].getCascadeStyle() != CascadeStyles.NONE ) { foundCascade = true; } if ( indicatesCollection( properties[i].getType() ) ) { foundCollection = true; } if ( propertyTypes[i].isMutable() && propertyCheckability[i] ) { foundMutable = true; } mapPropertyToIndex(attributeBinding.getAttribute(), i); i++; } if (naturalIdNumbers.size()==0) { naturalIdPropertyNumbers = null; hasImmutableNaturalId = false; hasCacheableNaturalId = false; } else { naturalIdPropertyNumbers = ArrayHelper.toIntArray(naturalIdNumbers); hasImmutableNaturalId = !foundUpdateableNaturalIdProperty; hasCacheableNaturalId = false; //See previous TODO and HHH-6354 } hasCascades = foundCascade; hasNonIdentifierPropertyNamedId = foundNonIdentifierPropertyNamedId; versionPropertyIndex = tempVersionProperty; hasLazyProperties = hasLazy; if (hasLazyProperties) { LOG.lazyPropertyFetchingAvailable( name ); } lazy = entityBinding.isLazy() && ( // TODO: this disables laziness even in non-pojo entity modes: ! hasPojoRepresentation || ! ReflectHelper.isFinalClass( proxyInterfaceClass ) ); mutable = entityBinding.isMutable(); if ( entityBinding.isAbstract() == null ) { // legacy behavior (with no abstract attribute specified) isAbstract = hasPojoRepresentation && ReflectHelper.isAbstractClass( mappedClass ); } else { isAbstract = entityBinding.isAbstract().booleanValue(); if ( !isAbstract && hasPojoRepresentation && ReflectHelper.isAbstractClass( mappedClass ) ) { LOG.entityMappedAsNonAbstract(name); } } selectBeforeUpdate = entityBinding.isSelectBeforeUpdate(); dynamicUpdate = entityBinding.isDynamicUpdate(); dynamicInsert = entityBinding.isDynamicInsert(); hasSubclasses = entityBinding.hasSubEntityBindings(); polymorphic = entityBinding.isPolymorphic(); explicitPolymorphism = entityBinding.getHierarchyDetails().isExplicitPolymorphism(); inherited = ! entityBinding.isRoot(); superclass = inherited ? entityBinding.getEntity().getSuperType().getName() : null; optimisticLockStyle = entityBinding.getHierarchyDetails().getOptimisticLockStyle(); final boolean isAllOrDirty = optimisticLockStyle == OptimisticLockStyle.ALL || optimisticLockStyle == OptimisticLockStyle.DIRTY; if ( isAllOrDirty && !dynamicUpdate ) { throw new MappingException( "optimistic-lock=all|dirty requires dynamic-update=\"true\": " + name ); } if ( versionPropertyIndex != NO_VERSION_INDX && isAllOrDirty ) { throw new MappingException( "version and optimistic-lock=all|dirty are not a valid combination : " + name ); } hasCollections = foundCollection; hasMutableProperties = foundMutable; for ( EntityBinding subEntityBinding : entityBinding.getPostOrderSubEntityBindingClosure() ) { subclassEntityNames.add( subEntityBinding.getEntity().getName() ); if ( subEntityBinding.getEntity().getClassReference() != null ) { entityNameByInheritenceClassMap.put( subEntityBinding.getEntity().getClassReference(), subEntityBinding.getEntity().getName() ); } } subclassEntityNames.add( name ); if ( mappedClass != null ) { entityNameByInheritenceClassMap.put( mappedClass, name ); } entityMode = hasPojoRepresentation ? EntityMode.POJO : EntityMode.MAP; final EntityTuplizerFactory entityTuplizerFactory = sessionFactory.getSettings().getEntityTuplizerFactory(); Class<? extends EntityTuplizer> tuplizerClass = entityBinding.getCustomEntityTuplizerClass(); if ( tuplizerClass == null ) { entityTuplizer = entityTuplizerFactory.constructDefaultTuplizer( entityMode, this, entityBinding ); } else { entityTuplizer = entityTuplizerFactory.constructTuplizer( tuplizerClass, this, entityBinding ); } } private ValueInclusion determineInsertValueGenerationType(AttributeBinding mappingProperty, NonIdentifierAttribute runtimeProperty) { if ( isInsertGenerated( runtimeProperty ) ) { return ValueInclusion.FULL; } // TODO: fix the following when components are working (HHH-6173) //else if ( mappingProperty.getValue() instanceof ComponentAttributeBinding ) { // if ( hasPartialInsertComponentGeneration( ( ComponentAttributeBinding ) mappingProperty.getValue() ) ) { // return ValueInclusion.PARTIAL; // } //} return ValueInclusion.NONE; } private boolean hasPartialInsertComponentGeneration(Component component) { Iterator subProperties = component.getPropertyIterator(); while ( subProperties.hasNext() ) { final Property prop = ( Property ) subProperties.next(); if ( isInsertGenerated( prop ) ) { return true; } else if ( prop.getValue() instanceof Component ) { if ( hasPartialInsertComponentGeneration( (Component) prop.getValue() ) ) { return true; } } } return false; } private ValueInclusion determineUpdateValueGenerationType(Property mappingProperty, NonIdentifierAttribute runtimeProperty) { if ( isUpdateGenerated( runtimeProperty ) ) { return ValueInclusion.FULL; } else if ( mappingProperty.getValue() instanceof Component ) { if ( hasPartialUpdateComponentGeneration( ( Component ) mappingProperty.getValue() ) ) { return ValueInclusion.PARTIAL; } } return ValueInclusion.NONE; } private static boolean isUpdateGenerated(Property property) { return property.getValueGenerationStrategy() != null && property.getValueGenerationStrategy().getGenerationTiming() == GenerationTiming.ALWAYS; } private static boolean isUpdateGenerated(NonIdentifierAttribute property) { return property.getValueGenerationStrategy() != null && property.getValueGenerationStrategy().getGenerationTiming() == GenerationTiming.ALWAYS; } private ValueInclusion determineUpdateValueGenerationType(AttributeBinding mappingProperty, NonIdentifierAttribute runtimeProperty) { if ( isUpdateGenerated( runtimeProperty ) ) { return ValueInclusion.FULL; } // TODO: fix the following when components are working (HHH-6173) //else if ( mappingProperty.getValue() instanceof ComponentAttributeBinding ) { // if ( hasPartialUpdateComponentGeneration( ( ComponentAttributeBinding ) mappingProperty.getValue() ) ) { // return ValueInclusion.PARTIAL; // } //} return ValueInclusion.NONE; } private boolean hasPartialUpdateComponentGeneration(Component component) { Iterator subProperties = component.getPropertyIterator(); while ( subProperties.hasNext() ) { Property prop = (Property) subProperties.next(); if ( isUpdateGenerated( prop ) ) { return true; } else if ( prop.getValue() instanceof Component ) { if ( hasPartialUpdateComponentGeneration( ( Component ) prop.getValue() ) ) { return true; } } } return false; } private void mapPropertyToIndex(Property prop, int i) { propertyIndexes.put( prop.getName(), i ); if ( prop.getValue() instanceof Component ) { Iterator iter = ( (Component) prop.getValue() ).getPropertyIterator(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { Property subprop = (Property) iter.next(); propertyIndexes.put( prop.getName() + '.' + subprop.getName(), i ); } } } private void mapPropertyToIndex(Attribute attribute, int i) { propertyIndexes.put( attribute.getName(), i ); if ( attribute.isSingular() && ( ( SingularAttribute ) attribute ).getSingularAttributeType().isComponent() ) { org.hibernate.metamodel.domain.Component component = ( org.hibernate.metamodel.domain.Component ) ( ( SingularAttribute ) attribute ).getSingularAttributeType(); for ( Attribute subAttribute : component.attributes() ) { propertyIndexes.put( attribute.getName() + '.' + subAttribute.getName(), i ); } } } public EntityTuplizer getTuplizer() { return entityTuplizer; } public boolean isNaturalIdentifierInsertGenerated() { // the intention is for this call to replace the usage of the old ValueInclusion stuff (as exposed from // persister) in SelectGenerator to determine if it is safe to use the natural identifier to find the // insert-generated identifier. That wont work if the natural-id is also insert-generated. // // Assumptions: // * That code checks that there is a natural identifier before making this call, so we assume the same here // * That code assumes a non-composite natural-id, so we assume the same here final InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy strategy = inDatabaseValueGenerationStrategies[ naturalIdPropertyNumbers[0] ]; return strategy != null && strategy.getGenerationTiming() != GenerationTiming.NEVER; } public boolean isVersionGenerated() { final InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy strategy = inDatabaseValueGenerationStrategies[ versionPropertyIndex ]; return strategy != null && strategy.getGenerationTiming() != GenerationTiming.NEVER; } public int[] getNaturalIdentifierProperties() { return naturalIdPropertyNumbers; } public boolean hasNaturalIdentifier() { return naturalIdPropertyNumbers!=null; } public boolean isNaturalIdentifierCached() { return hasNaturalIdentifier() && hasCacheableNaturalId; } public boolean hasImmutableNaturalId() { return hasImmutableNaturalId; } public Set getSubclassEntityNames() { return subclassEntityNames; } private boolean indicatesCollection(Type type) { if ( type.isCollectionType() ) { return true; } else if ( type.isComponentType() ) { Type[] subtypes = ( (CompositeType) type ).getSubtypes(); for ( int i = 0; i < subtypes.length; i++ ) { if ( indicatesCollection( subtypes[i] ) ) { return true; } } } return false; } public SessionFactoryImplementor getSessionFactory() { return sessionFactory; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getRootName() { return rootName; } public EntityType getEntityType() { return entityType; } public IdentifierProperty getIdentifierProperty() { return identifierAttribute; } public int getPropertySpan() { return propertySpan; } public int getVersionPropertyIndex() { return versionPropertyIndex; } public VersionProperty getVersionProperty() { if ( NO_VERSION_INDX == versionPropertyIndex ) { return null; } else { return ( VersionProperty ) properties[ versionPropertyIndex ]; } } public NonIdentifierAttribute[] getProperties() { return properties; } public int getPropertyIndex(String propertyName) { Integer index = getPropertyIndexOrNull(propertyName); if ( index == null ) { throw new HibernateException("Unable to resolve property: " + propertyName); } return index; } public Integer getPropertyIndexOrNull(String propertyName) { return propertyIndexes.get( propertyName ); } public boolean hasCollections() { return hasCollections; } public boolean hasMutableProperties() { return hasMutableProperties; } public boolean hasNonIdentifierPropertyNamedId() { return hasNonIdentifierPropertyNamedId; } public boolean hasLazyProperties() { return hasLazyProperties; } public boolean hasCascades() { return hasCascades; } public boolean isMutable() { return mutable; } public boolean isSelectBeforeUpdate() { return selectBeforeUpdate; } public boolean isDynamicUpdate() { return dynamicUpdate; } public boolean isDynamicInsert() { return dynamicInsert; } public OptimisticLockStyle getOptimisticLockStyle() { return optimisticLockStyle; } public boolean isPolymorphic() { return polymorphic; } public String getSuperclass() { return superclass; } public boolean isExplicitPolymorphism() { return explicitPolymorphism; } public boolean isInherited() { return inherited; } public boolean hasSubclasses() { return hasSubclasses; } public boolean isLazy() { return lazy; } public void setLazy(boolean lazy) { this.lazy = lazy; } public boolean isVersioned() { return versioned; } public boolean isAbstract() { return isAbstract; }
Return the entity-name mapped to the given class within our inheritance hierarchy, if any.
  • inheritenceClass – The class for which to resolve the entity-name.
Returns:The mapped entity-name, or null if no such mapping was found.
/** * Return the entity-name mapped to the given class within our inheritance hierarchy, if any. * * @param inheritenceClass The class for which to resolve the entity-name. * @return The mapped entity-name, or null if no such mapping was found. */
public String findEntityNameByEntityClass(Class inheritenceClass) { return ( String ) entityNameByInheritenceClassMap.get( inheritenceClass ); } @Override public String toString() { return "EntityMetamodel(" + name + ':' + ArrayHelper.toString(properties) + ')'; } // temporary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ public String[] getPropertyNames() { return propertyNames; } public Type[] getPropertyTypes() { return propertyTypes; } public boolean[] getPropertyLaziness() { return propertyLaziness; } public boolean[] getPropertyUpdateability() { return propertyUpdateability; } public boolean[] getPropertyCheckability() { return propertyCheckability; } public boolean[] getNonlazyPropertyUpdateability() { return nonlazyPropertyUpdateability; } public boolean[] getPropertyInsertability() { return propertyInsertability; } public boolean[] getPropertyNullability() { return propertyNullability; } public boolean[] getPropertyVersionability() { return propertyVersionability; } public CascadeStyle[] getCascadeStyles() { return cascadeStyles; } public boolean hasPreInsertGeneratedValues() { return hasPreInsertGeneratedValues; } public boolean hasPreUpdateGeneratedValues() { return hasPreUpdateGeneratedValues; } public boolean hasInsertGeneratedValues() { return hasInsertGeneratedValues; } public boolean hasUpdateGeneratedValues() { return hasUpdateGeneratedValues; } public InMemoryValueGenerationStrategy[] getInMemoryValueGenerationStrategies() { return inMemoryValueGenerationStrategies; } public InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategy[] getInDatabaseValueGenerationStrategies() { return inDatabaseValueGenerationStrategies; } public EntityMode getEntityMode() { return entityMode; }
Whether or not this class can be lazy (ie intercepted)
/** * Whether or not this class can be lazy (ie intercepted) */
public boolean isInstrumented() { return instrumentationMetadata.isInstrumented(); } public EntityInstrumentationMetadata getInstrumentationMetadata() { return instrumentationMetadata; } }