 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.metamodel.binding;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure;
import org.hibernate.EntityMode;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.FilterDefinition;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.ValueHolder;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.collections.JoinedIterable;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.domain.AttributeContainer;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.domain.Entity;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.domain.PluralAttribute;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.domain.PluralAttributeNature;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.domain.SingularAttribute;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.relational.TableSpecification;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.source.MetaAttributeContext;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.source.binder.JpaCallbackClass;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.EntityPersister;
import org.hibernate.tuple.entity.EntityTuplizer;

Provides the link between the domain and the relational model for an entity.
Author:Steve Ebersole, Hardy Ferentschik, Gail Badner
/** * Provides the link between the domain and the relational model for an entity. * * @author Steve Ebersole * @author Hardy Ferentschik * @author Gail Badner */
public class EntityBinding implements AttributeBindingContainer { private static final String NULL_DISCRIMINATOR_MATCH_VALUE = "null"; private static final String NOT_NULL_DISCRIMINATOR_MATCH_VALUE = "not null"; private final EntityBinding superEntityBinding; private final List<EntityBinding> subEntityBindings = new ArrayList<EntityBinding>(); private final HierarchyDetails hierarchyDetails; private Entity entity; private TableSpecification primaryTable; private String primaryTableName; private Map<String, TableSpecification> secondaryTables = new HashMap<String, TableSpecification>(); private ValueHolder<Class<?>> proxyInterfaceType; private String jpaEntityName; private Class<? extends EntityPersister> customEntityPersisterClass; private Class<? extends EntityTuplizer> customEntityTuplizerClass; private String discriminatorMatchValue; private Set<FilterDefinition> filterDefinitions = new HashSet<FilterDefinition>(); private Set<SingularAssociationAttributeBinding> entityReferencingAttributeBindings = new HashSet<SingularAssociationAttributeBinding>(); private MetaAttributeContext metaAttributeContext; private boolean lazy; private boolean mutable; private String whereFilter; private String rowId; private boolean dynamicUpdate; private boolean dynamicInsert; private int batchSize; private boolean selectBeforeUpdate; private boolean hasSubselectLoadableCollections; private Boolean isAbstract; private String customLoaderName; private CustomSQL customInsert; private CustomSQL customUpdate; private CustomSQL customDelete; private Set<String> synchronizedTableNames = new HashSet<String>(); private Map<String, AttributeBinding> attributeBindingMap = new HashMap<String, AttributeBinding>(); private List<JpaCallbackClass> jpaCallbackClasses = new ArrayList<JpaCallbackClass>();
Used to instantiate the EntityBinding for an entity that is the root of an inheritance hierarchy
  • inheritanceType – The inheritance type for the hierarchy
  • entityMode – The entity mode used in this hierarchy.
/** * Used to instantiate the EntityBinding for an entity that is the root of an inheritance hierarchy * * @param inheritanceType The inheritance type for the hierarchy * @param entityMode The entity mode used in this hierarchy. */
public EntityBinding(InheritanceType inheritanceType, EntityMode entityMode) { this.superEntityBinding = null; this.hierarchyDetails = new HierarchyDetails( this, inheritanceType, entityMode ); }
Used to instantiate the EntityBinding for an entity that is a subclass (sub-entity) in an inheritance hierarchy
  • superEntityBinding – The entity binding of this binding's super
/** * Used to instantiate the EntityBinding for an entity that is a subclass (sub-entity) in an inheritance hierarchy * * @param superEntityBinding The entity binding of this binding's super */
public EntityBinding(EntityBinding superEntityBinding) { this.superEntityBinding = superEntityBinding; this.superEntityBinding.subEntityBindings.add( this ); this.hierarchyDetails = superEntityBinding.getHierarchyDetails(); } public HierarchyDetails getHierarchyDetails() { return hierarchyDetails; } public EntityBinding getSuperEntityBinding() { return superEntityBinding; } public boolean isRoot() { return superEntityBinding == null; } public boolean isPolymorphic() { return superEntityBinding != null || hierarchyDetails.getEntityDiscriminator() != null || ! subEntityBindings.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasSubEntityBindings() { return subEntityBindings.size() > 0; } public int getSubEntityBindingClosureSpan() { int n = subEntityBindings.size(); for ( EntityBinding subEntityBinding : subEntityBindings ) { n += subEntityBinding.getSubEntityBindingClosureSpan(); } return n; } /* used for testing */ public Iterable<EntityBinding> getDirectSubEntityBindings() { return subEntityBindings; }
Returns sub-EntityBinding objects in a special 'order', most derived subclasses first. Specifically, the sub-entity bindings follow a depth-first, post-order traversal Note that the returned value excludes this entity binding.
Returns:sub-entity bindings ordered by those entity bindings that are most derived.
/** * Returns sub-EntityBinding objects in a special 'order', most derived subclasses * first. Specifically, the sub-entity bindings follow a depth-first, * post-order traversal * * Note that the returned value excludes this entity binding. * * @return sub-entity bindings ordered by those entity bindings that are most derived. */
public Iterable<EntityBinding> getPostOrderSubEntityBindingClosure() { // TODO: why this order? List<Iterable<EntityBinding>> subclassIterables = new ArrayList<Iterable<EntityBinding>>( subEntityBindings.size() + 1 ); for ( EntityBinding subEntityBinding : subEntityBindings ) { Iterable<EntityBinding> subSubEntityBindings = subEntityBinding.getPostOrderSubEntityBindingClosure(); if ( subSubEntityBindings.iterator().hasNext() ) { subclassIterables.add( subSubEntityBindings ); } } if ( ! subEntityBindings.isEmpty() ) { subclassIterables.add( subEntityBindings ); } return new JoinedIterable<EntityBinding>( subclassIterables ); }
Returns sub-EntityBinding ordered as a depth-first, pre-order traversal (a subclass precedes its own subclasses). Note that the returned value specifically excludes this entity binding.
Returns:sub-entity bindings ordered as a depth-first, pre-order traversal
/** * Returns sub-EntityBinding ordered as a depth-first, * pre-order traversal (a subclass precedes its own subclasses). * * Note that the returned value specifically excludes this entity binding. * * @return sub-entity bindings ordered as a depth-first, * pre-order traversal */
public Iterable<EntityBinding> getPreOrderSubEntityBindingClosure() { return getPreOrderSubEntityBindingClosure( false ); } private Iterable<EntityBinding> getPreOrderSubEntityBindingClosure(boolean includeThis) { List<Iterable<EntityBinding>> iterables = new ArrayList<Iterable<EntityBinding>>(); if ( includeThis ) { iterables.add( java.util.Collections.singletonList( this ) ); } for ( EntityBinding subEntityBinding : subEntityBindings ) { Iterable<EntityBinding> subSubEntityBindingClosure = subEntityBinding.getPreOrderSubEntityBindingClosure( true ); if ( subSubEntityBindingClosure.iterator().hasNext() ) { iterables.add( subSubEntityBindingClosure ); } } return new JoinedIterable<EntityBinding>( iterables ); } public Entity getEntity() { return entity; } public void setEntity(Entity entity) { this.entity = entity; } public TableSpecification getPrimaryTable() { return primaryTable; } public void setPrimaryTable(TableSpecification primaryTable) { this.primaryTable = primaryTable; } public TableSpecification locateTable(String tableName) { if ( tableName == null || tableName.equals( getPrimaryTableName() ) ) { return primaryTable; } TableSpecification tableSpec = secondaryTables.get( tableName ); if ( tableSpec == null ) { throw new AssertionFailure( String.format( "Unable to find table %s amongst tables %s", tableName, secondaryTables.keySet() ) ); } return tableSpec; } public String getPrimaryTableName() { return primaryTableName; } public void setPrimaryTableName(String primaryTableName) { this.primaryTableName = primaryTableName; } public void addSecondaryTable(String tableName, TableSpecification table) { secondaryTables.put( tableName, table ); } public boolean isVersioned() { return getHierarchyDetails().getVersioningAttributeBinding() != null; } public boolean isDiscriminatorMatchValueNull() { return NULL_DISCRIMINATOR_MATCH_VALUE.equals( discriminatorMatchValue ); } public boolean isDiscriminatorMatchValueNotNull() { return NOT_NULL_DISCRIMINATOR_MATCH_VALUE.equals( discriminatorMatchValue ); } public String getDiscriminatorMatchValue() { return discriminatorMatchValue; } public void setDiscriminatorMatchValue(String discriminatorMatchValue) { this.discriminatorMatchValue = discriminatorMatchValue; } public Iterable<FilterDefinition> getFilterDefinitions() { return filterDefinitions; } public void addFilterDefinition(FilterDefinition filterDefinition) { filterDefinitions.add( filterDefinition ); } public Iterable<SingularAssociationAttributeBinding> getEntityReferencingAttributeBindings() { return entityReferencingAttributeBindings; } @Override public EntityBinding seekEntityBinding() { return this; } @Override public String getPathBase() { return getEntity().getName(); } @Override public Class<?> getClassReference() { return getEntity().getClassReference(); } @Override public AttributeContainer getAttributeContainer() { return getEntity(); } protected void registerAttributeBinding(String name, AttributeBinding attributeBinding) { if ( SingularAssociationAttributeBinding.class.isInstance( attributeBinding ) ) { entityReferencingAttributeBindings.add( (SingularAssociationAttributeBinding) attributeBinding ); } attributeBindingMap.put( name, attributeBinding ); } @Override public MetaAttributeContext getMetaAttributeContext() { return metaAttributeContext; } public void setMetaAttributeContext(MetaAttributeContext metaAttributeContext) { this.metaAttributeContext = metaAttributeContext; } public boolean isMutable() { return mutable; } public void setMutable(boolean mutable) { this.mutable = mutable; } public boolean isLazy() { return lazy; } public void setLazy(boolean lazy) { this.lazy = lazy; } public ValueHolder<Class<?>> getProxyInterfaceType() { return proxyInterfaceType; } public void setProxyInterfaceType(ValueHolder<Class<?>> proxyInterfaceType) { this.proxyInterfaceType = proxyInterfaceType; } public String getWhereFilter() { return whereFilter; } public void setWhereFilter(String whereFilter) { this.whereFilter = whereFilter; } public String getRowId() { return rowId; } public void setRowId(String rowId) { this.rowId = rowId; } public boolean isDynamicUpdate() { return dynamicUpdate; } public void setDynamicUpdate(boolean dynamicUpdate) { this.dynamicUpdate = dynamicUpdate; } public boolean isDynamicInsert() { return dynamicInsert; } public void setDynamicInsert(boolean dynamicInsert) { this.dynamicInsert = dynamicInsert; } public int getBatchSize() { return batchSize; } public void setBatchSize(int batchSize) { this.batchSize = batchSize; } public boolean isSelectBeforeUpdate() { return selectBeforeUpdate; } public void setSelectBeforeUpdate(boolean selectBeforeUpdate) { this.selectBeforeUpdate = selectBeforeUpdate; } public boolean hasSubselectLoadableCollections() { return hasSubselectLoadableCollections; } /* package-protected */ void setSubselectLoadableCollections(boolean hasSubselectLoadableCollections) { this.hasSubselectLoadableCollections = hasSubselectLoadableCollections; } public Class<? extends EntityPersister> getCustomEntityPersisterClass() { return customEntityPersisterClass; } public void setCustomEntityPersisterClass(Class<? extends EntityPersister> customEntityPersisterClass) { this.customEntityPersisterClass = customEntityPersisterClass; } public Class<? extends EntityTuplizer> getCustomEntityTuplizerClass() { return customEntityTuplizerClass; } public void setCustomEntityTuplizerClass(Class<? extends EntityTuplizer> customEntityTuplizerClass) { this.customEntityTuplizerClass = customEntityTuplizerClass; } public Boolean isAbstract() { return isAbstract; } public void setAbstract(Boolean isAbstract) { this.isAbstract = isAbstract; } public Set<String> getSynchronizedTableNames() { return synchronizedTableNames; } public void addSynchronizedTableNames(java.util.Collection<String> synchronizedTableNames) { this.synchronizedTableNames.addAll( synchronizedTableNames ); } public String getJpaEntityName() { return jpaEntityName; } public void setJpaEntityName(String jpaEntityName) { this.jpaEntityName = jpaEntityName; } public String getCustomLoaderName() { return customLoaderName; } public void setCustomLoaderName(String customLoaderName) { this.customLoaderName = customLoaderName; } public CustomSQL getCustomInsert() { return customInsert; } public void setCustomInsert(CustomSQL customInsert) { this.customInsert = customInsert; } public CustomSQL getCustomUpdate() { return customUpdate; } public void setCustomUpdate(CustomSQL customUpdate) { this.customUpdate = customUpdate; } public CustomSQL getCustomDelete() { return customDelete; } public void setCustomDelete(CustomSQL customDelete) { this.customDelete = customDelete; } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "EntityBinding" ); sb.append( "{entity=" ).append( entity != null ? entity.getName() : "not set" ); sb.append( '}' ); return sb.toString(); } @Override public BasicAttributeBinding makeBasicAttributeBinding(SingularAttribute attribute) { return makeSimpleAttributeBinding( attribute, false, false ); } private BasicAttributeBinding makeSimpleAttributeBinding(SingularAttribute attribute, boolean forceNonNullable, boolean forceUnique) { final BasicAttributeBinding binding = new BasicAttributeBinding( this, attribute, forceNonNullable, forceUnique ); registerAttributeBinding( attribute.getName(), binding ); return binding; } @Override public ComponentAttributeBinding makeComponentAttributeBinding(SingularAttribute attribute) { final ComponentAttributeBinding binding = new ComponentAttributeBinding( this, attribute ); registerAttributeBinding( attribute.getName(), binding ); return binding; } @Override public ManyToOneAttributeBinding makeManyToOneAttributeBinding(SingularAttribute attribute) { final ManyToOneAttributeBinding binding = new ManyToOneAttributeBinding( this, attribute ); registerAttributeBinding( attribute.getName(), binding ); return binding; } @Override public BagBinding makeBagAttributeBinding(PluralAttribute attribute, CollectionElementNature nature) { Helper.checkPluralAttributeNature( attribute, PluralAttributeNature.BAG ); final BagBinding binding = new BagBinding( this, attribute, nature ); registerAttributeBinding( attribute.getName(), binding ); return binding; } @Override public SetBinding makeSetAttributeBinding(PluralAttribute attribute, CollectionElementNature nature) { Helper.checkPluralAttributeNature( attribute, PluralAttributeNature.SET ); final SetBinding binding = new SetBinding( this, attribute, nature ); registerAttributeBinding( attribute.getName(), binding ); return binding; } @Override public AttributeBinding locateAttributeBinding(String name) { return attributeBindingMap.get( name ); } @Override public Iterable<AttributeBinding> attributeBindings() { return attributeBindingMap.values(); }
Gets the number of attribute bindings defined on this class, including the identifier attribute binding and attribute bindings defined as part of a join.
Returns:The number of attribute bindings
/** * Gets the number of attribute bindings defined on this class, including the * identifier attribute binding and attribute bindings defined * as part of a join. * * @return The number of attribute bindings */
public int getAttributeBindingClosureSpan() { // TODO: update account for join attribute bindings return superEntityBinding != null ? superEntityBinding.getAttributeBindingClosureSpan() + attributeBindingMap.size() : attributeBindingMap.size(); }
Gets the attribute bindings defined on this class, including the identifier attribute binding and attribute bindings defined as part of a join.
Returns:The attribute bindings.
/** * Gets the attribute bindings defined on this class, including the * identifier attribute binding and attribute bindings defined * as part of a join. * * @return The attribute bindings. */
public Iterable<AttributeBinding> getAttributeBindingClosure() { // TODO: update size to account for joins Iterable<AttributeBinding> iterable; if ( superEntityBinding != null ) { List<Iterable<AttributeBinding>> iterables = new ArrayList<Iterable<AttributeBinding>>( 2 ); iterables.add( superEntityBinding.getAttributeBindingClosure() ); iterables.add( attributeBindings() ); iterable = new JoinedIterable<AttributeBinding>( iterables ); } else { iterable = attributeBindings(); } return iterable; }
Gets the attribute bindings for this EntityBinding and all of its sub-EntityBinding, starting from the root of the hierarchy; includes the identifier and attribute bindings defined as part of a join.
/** * Gets the attribute bindings for this EntityBinding and all of its * sub-EntityBinding, starting from the root of the hierarchy; includes * the identifier and attribute bindings defined as part of a join. * @return */
public Iterable<AttributeBinding> getSubEntityAttributeBindingClosure() { List<Iterable<AttributeBinding>> iterables = new ArrayList<Iterable<AttributeBinding>>(); iterables.add( getAttributeBindingClosure() ); for ( EntityBinding subEntityBinding : getPreOrderSubEntityBindingClosure() ) { // only add attribute bindings declared for the subEntityBinding iterables.add( subEntityBinding.attributeBindings() ); // TODO: if EntityBinding.attributeBindings() excludes joined attributes, then they need to be added here } return new JoinedIterable<AttributeBinding>( iterables ); } public void setJpaCallbackClasses( List<JpaCallbackClass> jpaCallbackClasses ) { this.jpaCallbackClasses = jpaCallbackClasses; } public Iterable<JpaCallbackClass> getJpaCallbackClasses() { return jpaCallbackClasses; } }