* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party contributors as
* indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
* statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are
* distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware LLC.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
* copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this distribution; if not, write to:
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.
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package org.hibernate.tuple.entity;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Map;
import org.hibernate.EntityMode;
import org.hibernate.EntityNameResolver;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.property.Getter;
import org.hibernate.tuple.Tuplizer;
Defines further responsibilities reagarding tuplization based on
a mapped entity.
EntityTuplizer implementations should have the following constructor signatures:
(org.hibernate.tuple.entity.EntityMetamodel, org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass)
(org.hibernate.tuple.entity.EntityMetamodel, org.hibernate.metamodel.binding.EntityBinding)
Author: Gavin King, Steve Ebersole
* Defines further responsibilities reagarding tuplization based on
* a mapped entity.
* <p/>
* EntityTuplizer implementations should have the following constructor signatures:
* (org.hibernate.tuple.entity.EntityMetamodel, org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass)
* (org.hibernate.tuple.entity.EntityMetamodel, org.hibernate.metamodel.binding.EntityBinding)
* @author Gavin King
* @author Steve Ebersole
public interface EntityTuplizer extends Tuplizer {
Return the entity-mode handled by this tuplizer instance.
Returns: The entity-mode
* Return the entity-mode handled by this tuplizer instance.
* @return The entity-mode
public EntityMode getEntityMode();
Create an entity instance initialized with the given identifier.
Params: - id – The identifier value for the entity to be instantiated.
Throws: Returns: The instantiated entity. Deprecated: Use instantiate(Serializable, SessionImplementor)
* Create an entity instance initialized with the given identifier.
* @param id The identifier value for the entity to be instantiated.
* @return The instantiated entity.
* @throws HibernateException
* @deprecated Use {@link #instantiate(Serializable, SessionImplementor)} instead.
@SuppressWarnings( {"JavaDoc"})
public Object instantiate(Serializable id) throws HibernateException;
Create an entity instance initialized with the given identifier.
Params: - id – The identifier value for the entity to be instantiated.
- session – The session from which is requests originates
Returns: The instantiated entity.
* Create an entity instance initialized with the given identifier.
* @param id The identifier value for the entity to be instantiated.
* @param session The session from which is requests originates
* @return The instantiated entity.
public Object instantiate(Serializable id, SessionImplementor session);
Extract the identifier value from the given entity.
Params: - entity – The entity from which to extract the identifier value.
Throws: - HibernateException – If the entity does not define an identifier property, or an
error occurs accessing its value.
Returns: The identifier value. Deprecated: Use getIdentifier(Object, SessionImplementor)
* Extract the identifier value from the given entity.
* @param entity The entity from which to extract the identifier value.
* @return The identifier value.
* @throws HibernateException If the entity does not define an identifier property, or an
* error occurs accessing its value.
* @deprecated Use {@link #getIdentifier(Object,SessionImplementor)} instead.
public Serializable getIdentifier(Object entity) throws HibernateException;
Extract the identifier value from the given entity.
Params: - entity – The entity from which to extract the identifier value.
- session – The session from which is requests originates
Returns: The identifier value.
* Extract the identifier value from the given entity.
* @param entity The entity from which to extract the identifier value.
* @param session The session from which is requests originates
* @return The identifier value.
public Serializable getIdentifier(Object entity, SessionImplementor session);
Inject the identifier value into the given entity.
Has no effect if the entity does not define an identifier property
Params: - entity – The entity to inject with the identifier value.
- id – The value to be injected as the identifier.
Deprecated: Use setIdentifier(Object, Serializable, SessionImplementor)
* Inject the identifier value into the given entity.
* </p>
* Has no effect if the entity does not define an identifier property
* @param entity The entity to inject with the identifier value.
* @param id The value to be injected as the identifier.
* @deprecated Use {@link #setIdentifier(Object, Serializable, SessionImplementor)} instead.
@SuppressWarnings( {"JavaDoc"})
public void setIdentifier(Object entity, Serializable id) throws HibernateException;
Inject the identifier value into the given entity.
Has no effect if the entity does not define an identifier property
Params: - entity – The entity to inject with the identifier value.
- id – The value to be injected as the identifier.
- session – The session from which is requests originates
* Inject the identifier value into the given entity.
* </p>
* Has no effect if the entity does not define an identifier property
* @param entity The entity to inject with the identifier value.
* @param id The value to be injected as the identifier.
* @param session The session from which is requests originates
public void setIdentifier(Object entity, Serializable id, SessionImplementor session);
Inject the given identifier and version into the entity, in order to
"roll back" to their original values.
Params: - entity – The entity for which to reset the id/version values
- currentId – The identifier value to inject into the entity.
- currentVersion – The version value to inject into the entity.
Deprecated: Use resetIdentifier(Object, Serializable, Object, SessionImplementor)
* Inject the given identifier and version into the entity, in order to
* "roll back" to their original values.
* @param entity The entity for which to reset the id/version values
* @param currentId The identifier value to inject into the entity.
* @param currentVersion The version value to inject into the entity.
* @deprecated Use {@link #resetIdentifier(Object, Serializable, Object, SessionImplementor)} instead
@SuppressWarnings( {"UnusedDeclaration"})
public void resetIdentifier(Object entity, Serializable currentId, Object currentVersion);
Inject the given identifier and version into the entity, in order to
"roll back" to their original values.
Params: - entity – The entity for which to reset the id/version values
- currentId – The identifier value to inject into the entity.
- currentVersion – The version value to inject into the entity.
- session – The session from which the request originated
* Inject the given identifier and version into the entity, in order to
* "roll back" to their original values.
* @param entity The entity for which to reset the id/version values
* @param currentId The identifier value to inject into the entity.
* @param currentVersion The version value to inject into the entity.
* @param session The session from which the request originated
public void resetIdentifier(Object entity, Serializable currentId, Object currentVersion, SessionImplementor session);
Extract the value of the version property from the given entity.
Params: - entity – The entity from which to extract the version value.
Throws: - HibernateException – Indicates a problem accessing the version property
Returns: The value of the version property, or null if not versioned.
* Extract the value of the version property from the given entity.
* @param entity The entity from which to extract the version value.
* @return The value of the version property, or null if not versioned.
* @throws HibernateException Indicates a problem accessing the version property
public Object getVersion(Object entity) throws HibernateException;
Inject the value of a particular property.
Params: - entity – The entity into which to inject the value.
- i – The property's index.
- value – The property value to inject.
Throws: - HibernateException – Indicates a problem access the property
* Inject the value of a particular property.
* @param entity The entity into which to inject the value.
* @param i The property's index.
* @param value The property value to inject.
* @throws HibernateException Indicates a problem access the property
public void setPropertyValue(Object entity, int i, Object value) throws HibernateException;
Inject the value of a particular property.
Params: - entity – The entity into which to inject the value.
- propertyName – The name of the property.
- value – The property value to inject.
Throws: - HibernateException – Indicates a problem access the property
* Inject the value of a particular property.
* @param entity The entity into which to inject the value.
* @param propertyName The name of the property.
* @param value The property value to inject.
* @throws HibernateException Indicates a problem access the property
public void setPropertyValue(Object entity, String propertyName, Object value) throws HibernateException;
Extract the values of the insertable properties of the entity (including backrefs)
Params: - entity – The entity from which to extract.
- mergeMap – a map of instances being merged to merged instances
- session – The session in which the resuest is being made.
Throws: - HibernateException – Indicates a problem access the properties
Returns: The insertable property values.
* Extract the values of the insertable properties of the entity (including backrefs)
* @param entity The entity from which to extract.
* @param mergeMap a map of instances being merged to merged instances
* @param session The session in which the resuest is being made.
* @return The insertable property values.
* @throws HibernateException Indicates a problem access the properties
public Object[] getPropertyValuesToInsert(Object entity, Map mergeMap, SessionImplementor session)
throws HibernateException;
Extract the value of a particular property from the given entity.
Params: - entity – The entity from which to extract the property value.
- propertyName – The name of the property for which to extract the value.
Throws: - HibernateException – Indicates a problem access the property
Returns: The current value of the given property on the given entity.
* Extract the value of a particular property from the given entity.
* @param entity The entity from which to extract the property value.
* @param propertyName The name of the property for which to extract the value.
* @return The current value of the given property on the given entity.
* @throws HibernateException Indicates a problem access the property
public Object getPropertyValue(Object entity, String propertyName) throws HibernateException;
Called just after the entities properties have been initialized.
Params: - entity – The entity being initialized.
- lazyPropertiesAreUnfetched – Are defined lazy properties currently unfecthed
- session – The session initializing this entity.
* Called just after the entities properties have been initialized.
* @param entity The entity being initialized.
* @param lazyPropertiesAreUnfetched Are defined lazy properties currently unfecthed
* @param session The session initializing this entity.
public void afterInitialize(Object entity, boolean lazyPropertiesAreUnfetched, SessionImplementor session);
Does this entity, for this mode, present a possibility for proxying?
Returns: True if this tuplizer can generate proxies for this entity.
* Does this entity, for this mode, present a possibility for proxying?
* @return True if this tuplizer can generate proxies for this entity.
public boolean hasProxy();
Generates an appropriate proxy representation of this entity for this
Params: - id – The id of the instance for which to generate a proxy.
- session – The session to which the proxy should be bound.
Throws: - HibernateException – Indicates an error generating the proxy.
Returns: The generate proxies.
* Generates an appropriate proxy representation of this entity for this
* entity-mode.
* @param id The id of the instance for which to generate a proxy.
* @param session The session to which the proxy should be bound.
* @return The generate proxies.
* @throws HibernateException Indicates an error generating the proxy.
public Object createProxy(Serializable id, SessionImplementor session) throws HibernateException;
Returns: True if the Lifecycle interface is implemented; false otherwise.
* Does the {@link #getMappedClass() class} managed by this tuplizer implement
* the {@link org.hibernate.classic.Lifecycle} interface.
* @return True if the Lifecycle interface is implemented; false otherwise.
public boolean isLifecycleImplementor();
Returns the java class to which generated proxies will be typed.
todo : look at fully encapsulating PersistenceContext.narrowProxy
here, since that is the only external use of this method Returns: The java class to which generated proxies will be typed
* Returns the java class to which generated proxies will be typed.
* <p/>
* todo : look at fully encapsulating {@link org.hibernate.engine.spi.PersistenceContext#narrowProxy} here,
* since that is the only external use of this method
* @return The java class to which generated proxies will be typed
public Class getConcreteProxyClass();
Does the given entity instance have any currently uninitialized lazy properties?
Params: - entity – The entity to be check for uninitialized lazy properties.
Returns: True if uninitialized lazy properties were found; false otherwise.
* Does the given entity instance have any currently uninitialized lazy properties?
* @param entity The entity to be check for uninitialized lazy properties.
* @return True if uninitialized lazy properties were found; false otherwise.
public boolean hasUninitializedLazyProperties(Object entity);
Is it an instrumented POJO?
Returns: true
if the entity class is instrumented; false
* Is it an instrumented POJO?
* @return {@code true} if the entity class is instrumented; {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean isInstrumented();
Get any EntityNameResolvers
associated with this Tuplizer
. Returns: The associated resolvers. May be null or empty.
* Get any {@link EntityNameResolver EntityNameResolvers} associated with this {@link Tuplizer}.
* @return The associated resolvers. May be null or empty.
public EntityNameResolver[] getEntityNameResolvers();
Given an entity instance, determine the most appropriate (most targeted) entity-name which represents it.
This is called in situations where we already know an entity name for the given entityInstance; we are being
asked to determine if there is a more appropriate entity-name to use, specifically within an inheritence
For example, consider a case where a user calls session.update( "Animal", cat );. Here, the
user has explicitly provided Animal as the entity-name. However, they have passed in an instance
of Cat which is a subclass of Animal. In this case, we would return Cat as the
null may be returned from calls to this method. The meaining of null in that case is assumed
to be that we should use whatever explicit entity-name the user provided (Animal rather than Cat
in the example above).
Params: - entityInstance – The entity instance.
- factory – Reference to the SessionFactory.
Throws: - HibernateException – If we are unable to determine an entity-name within the inheritence hierarchy.
Returns: The most appropriate entity name to use.
* Given an entity instance, determine the most appropriate (most targeted) entity-name which represents it.
* This is called in situations where we already know an entity name for the given entityInstance; we are being
* asked to determine if there is a more appropriate entity-name to use, specifically within an inheritence
* hierarchy.
* <p/>
* For example, consider a case where a user calls <tt>session.update( "Animal", cat );</tt>. Here, the
* user has explicitly provided <tt>Animal</tt> as the entity-name. However, they have passed in an instance
* of <tt>Cat</tt> which is a subclass of <tt>Animal</tt>. In this case, we would return <tt>Cat</tt> as the
* entity-name.
* <p/>
* <tt>null</tt> may be returned from calls to this method. The meaining of <tt>null</tt> in that case is assumed
* to be that we should use whatever explicit entity-name the user provided (<tt>Animal</tt> rather than <tt>Cat</tt>
* in the example above).
* @param entityInstance The entity instance.
* @param factory Reference to the SessionFactory.
* @return The most appropriate entity name to use.
* @throws HibernateException If we are unable to determine an entity-name within the inheritence hierarchy.
public String determineConcreteSubclassEntityName(Object entityInstance, SessionFactoryImplementor factory);
Retrieve the getter for the identifier property. May return null.
Returns: The getter for the identifier property.
* Retrieve the getter for the identifier property. May return null.
* @return The getter for the identifier property.
public Getter getIdentifierGetter();
Retrieve the getter for the version property. May return null.
Returns: The getter for the version property.
* Retrieve the getter for the version property. May return null.
* @return The getter for the version property.
public Getter getVersionGetter();