 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2010, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
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package org.hibernate.metamodel.binding;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure;
import org.hibernate.FetchMode;
import org.hibernate.engine.FetchStyle;
import org.hibernate.engine.FetchTiming;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.CascadeStyle;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.CascadeStyles;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.domain.SingularAttribute;

TODO : javadoc
Author:Gail Badner, Steve Ebersole
/** * TODO : javadoc * * @author Gail Badner * @author Steve Ebersole */
public class ManyToOneAttributeBinding extends BasicAttributeBinding implements SingularAssociationAttributeBinding { private String referencedEntityName; private String referencedAttributeName; private AttributeBinding referencedAttributeBinding; private boolean isLogicalOneToOne; private String foreignKeyName; private CascadeStyle cascadeStyle; private FetchTiming fetchTiming; private FetchStyle fetchStyle; ManyToOneAttributeBinding(AttributeBindingContainer container, SingularAttribute attribute) { super( container, attribute, false, false ); } @Override public boolean isAssociation() { return true; } @Override public final boolean isPropertyReference() { return referencedAttributeName != null; } @Override public final String getReferencedEntityName() { return referencedEntityName; } @Override public void setReferencedEntityName(String referencedEntityName) { this.referencedEntityName = referencedEntityName; } @Override public final String getReferencedAttributeName() { return referencedAttributeName; } @Override public void setReferencedAttributeName(String referencedEntityAttributeName) { this.referencedAttributeName = referencedEntityAttributeName; } @Override public CascadeStyle getCascadeStyle() { return cascadeStyle; } @Override public void setCascadeStyles(Iterable<CascadeStyle> cascadeStyles) { List<CascadeStyle> cascadeStyleList = new ArrayList<CascadeStyle>(); for ( CascadeStyle style : cascadeStyles ) { if ( style != CascadeStyles.NONE ) { cascadeStyleList.add( style ); } } if ( cascadeStyleList.isEmpty() ) { cascadeStyle = CascadeStyles.NONE; } else if ( cascadeStyleList.size() == 1 ) { cascadeStyle = cascadeStyleList.get( 0 ); } else { cascadeStyle = new CascadeStyles.MultipleCascadeStyle( cascadeStyleList.toArray( new CascadeStyle[ cascadeStyleList.size() ] ) ); } } @Override public FetchTiming getFetchTiming() { return fetchTiming; } @Override public void setFetchTiming(FetchTiming fetchTiming) { this.fetchTiming = fetchTiming; } @Override public FetchStyle getFetchStyle() { return fetchStyle; } @Override public void setFetchStyle(FetchStyle fetchStyle) { if ( fetchStyle == FetchStyle.SUBSELECT ) { throw new AssertionFailure( "Subselect fetching not yet supported for singular associations" ); } this.fetchStyle = fetchStyle; } @Override public FetchMode getFetchMode() { if ( fetchStyle == FetchStyle.JOIN ) { return FetchMode.JOIN; } else if ( fetchStyle == FetchStyle.SELECT ) { return FetchMode.SELECT; } else if ( fetchStyle == FetchStyle.BATCH ) { // we need the subsequent select... return FetchMode.SELECT; } throw new AssertionFailure( "Unexpected fetch style : " + fetchStyle.name() ); } @Override public final boolean isReferenceResolved() { return referencedAttributeBinding != null; } @Override public final void resolveReference(AttributeBinding referencedAttributeBinding) { if ( ! EntityBinding.class.isInstance( referencedAttributeBinding.getContainer() ) ) { throw new AssertionFailure( "Illegal attempt to resolve many-to-one reference based on non-entity attribute" ); } final EntityBinding entityBinding = (EntityBinding) referencedAttributeBinding.getContainer(); if ( !referencedEntityName.equals( entityBinding.getEntity().getName() ) ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "attempt to set EntityBinding with name: [" + entityBinding.getEntity().getName() + "; entity name should be: " + referencedEntityName ); } if ( referencedAttributeName == null ) { referencedAttributeName = referencedAttributeBinding.getAttribute().getName(); } else if ( !referencedAttributeName.equals( referencedAttributeBinding.getAttribute().getName() ) ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Inconsistent attribute name; expected: " + referencedAttributeName + "actual: " + referencedAttributeBinding.getAttribute().getName() ); } this.referencedAttributeBinding = referencedAttributeBinding; // buildForeignKey(); } @Override public AttributeBinding getReferencedAttributeBinding() { if ( !isReferenceResolved() ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Referenced AttributeBiding has not been resolved." ); } return referencedAttributeBinding; } @Override public final EntityBinding getReferencedEntityBinding() { return (EntityBinding) referencedAttributeBinding.getContainer(); } // private void buildForeignKey() { // // TODO: move this stuff to relational model // ForeignKey foreignKey = getValue().getTable() // .createForeignKey( referencedAttributeBinding.getValue().getTable(), foreignKeyName ); // Iterator<SimpleValue> referencingValueIterator = getSimpleValues().iterator(); // Iterator<SimpleValue> targetValueIterator = referencedAttributeBinding.getSimpleValues().iterator(); // while ( referencingValueIterator.hasNext() ) { // if ( !targetValueIterator.hasNext() ) { // // TODO: improve this message // throw new MappingException( // "number of values in many-to-one reference is greater than number of values in target" // ); // } // SimpleValue referencingValue = referencingValueIterator.next(); // SimpleValue targetValue = targetValueIterator.next(); // if ( Column.class.isInstance( referencingValue ) ) { // if ( !Column.class.isInstance( targetValue ) ) { // // TODO improve this message // throw new MappingException( "referencing value is a column, but target is not a column" ); // } // foreignKey.addColumnMapping( Column.class.cast( referencingValue ), Column.class.cast( targetValue ) ); // } // else if ( Column.class.isInstance( targetValue ) ) { // // TODO: improve this message // throw new MappingException( "referencing value is not a column, but target is a column." ); // } // } // if ( targetValueIterator.hasNext() ) { // throw new MappingException( "target value has more simple values than referencing value" ); // } // } // // public void validate() { // // can't check this until both the domain and relational states are initialized... // if ( getCascadeTypes().contains( CascadeType.DELETE_ORPHAN ) ) { // if ( !isLogicalOneToOne ) { // throw new MappingException( // "many-to-one attribute [" + locateAttribute().getName() + "] does not support orphan delete as it is not unique" // ); // } // } // //TODO: validate that the entity reference is resolved // } }