 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2013, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
 * statements applied by the authors.  All third-party contributions are
 * distributed under license by Red Hat Inc.
 * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
 * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
 * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package org.hibernate.tuple;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;

import org.hibernate.EntityMode;
import org.hibernate.FetchMode;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.cfg.NotYetImplementedException;
import org.hibernate.engine.internal.UnsavedValueFactory;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.CascadeStyle;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.CascadeStyles;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.IdentifierValue;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.VersionValue;
import org.hibernate.id.IdentifierGenerator;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.ReflectHelper;
import org.hibernate.mapping.KeyValue;
import org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Property;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.binding.AbstractPluralAttributeBinding;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.binding.AssociationAttributeBinding;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.binding.AttributeBinding;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.binding.BasicAttributeBinding;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.binding.EntityBinding;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.binding.SimpleValueBinding;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.binding.SingularAttributeBinding;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.EntityPersister;
import org.hibernate.property.Getter;
import org.hibernate.property.PropertyAccessor;
import org.hibernate.property.PropertyAccessorFactory;
import org.hibernate.tuple.entity.EntityBasedAssociationAttribute;
import org.hibernate.tuple.entity.EntityBasedBasicAttribute;
import org.hibernate.tuple.entity.EntityBasedCompositionAttribute;
import org.hibernate.tuple.entity.VersionProperty;
import org.hibernate.type.AssociationType;
import org.hibernate.type.CompositeType;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;
import org.hibernate.type.VersionType;

Responsible for generation of runtime metamodel Property representations. Makes distinction between identifier, version, and other (standard) properties.
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * Responsible for generation of runtime metamodel {@link Property} representations. * Makes distinction between identifier, version, and other (standard) properties. * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public final class PropertyFactory { private PropertyFactory() { }
Generates the attribute representation of the identifier for a given entity mapping.
  • mappedEntity – The mapping definition of the entity.
  • generator – The identifier value generator to use for this identifier.
Returns:The appropriate IdentifierProperty definition.
/** * Generates the attribute representation of the identifier for a given entity mapping. * * @param mappedEntity The mapping definition of the entity. * @param generator The identifier value generator to use for this identifier. * @return The appropriate IdentifierProperty definition. */
public static IdentifierProperty buildIdentifierAttribute( PersistentClass mappedEntity, IdentifierGenerator generator) { String mappedUnsavedValue = mappedEntity.getIdentifier().getNullValue(); Type type = mappedEntity.getIdentifier().getType(); Property property = mappedEntity.getIdentifierProperty(); IdentifierValue unsavedValue = UnsavedValueFactory.getUnsavedIdentifierValue( mappedUnsavedValue, getGetter( property ), type, getConstructor(mappedEntity) ); if ( property == null ) { // this is a virtual id property... return new IdentifierProperty( type, mappedEntity.hasEmbeddedIdentifier(), mappedEntity.hasIdentifierMapper(), unsavedValue, generator ); } else { return new IdentifierProperty( property.getName(), property.getNodeName(), type, mappedEntity.hasEmbeddedIdentifier(), unsavedValue, generator ); } }
Generates an IdentifierProperty representation of the for a given entity mapping.
  • mappedEntity – The mapping definition of the entity.
  • generator – The identifier value generator to use for this identifier.
Returns:The appropriate IdentifierProperty definition.
/** * Generates an IdentifierProperty representation of the for a given entity mapping. * * @param mappedEntity The mapping definition of the entity. * @param generator The identifier value generator to use for this identifier. * @return The appropriate IdentifierProperty definition. */
public static IdentifierProperty buildIdentifierProperty( EntityBinding mappedEntity, IdentifierGenerator generator) { final BasicAttributeBinding property = mappedEntity.getHierarchyDetails().getEntityIdentifier().getValueBinding(); // TODO: the following will cause an NPE with "virtual" IDs; how should they be set? // (steve) virtual attributes will still be attributes, they will simply be marked as virtual. // see org.hibernate.metamodel.domain.AbstractAttributeContainer.locateOrCreateVirtualAttribute() final String mappedUnsavedValue = property.getUnsavedValue(); final Type type = property.getHibernateTypeDescriptor().getResolvedTypeMapping(); IdentifierValue unsavedValue = UnsavedValueFactory.getUnsavedIdentifierValue( mappedUnsavedValue, getGetter( property ), type, getConstructor( mappedEntity ) ); if ( property == null ) { // this is a virtual id property... return new IdentifierProperty( type, mappedEntity.getHierarchyDetails().getEntityIdentifier().isEmbedded(), mappedEntity.getHierarchyDetails().getEntityIdentifier().isIdentifierMapper(), unsavedValue, generator ); } else { return new IdentifierProperty( property.getAttribute().getName(), null, type, mappedEntity.getHierarchyDetails().getEntityIdentifier().isEmbedded(), unsavedValue, generator ); } }
Generates a VersionProperty representation for an entity mapping given its version mapping Property.
  • property – The version mapping Property.
  • lazyAvailable – Is property lazy loading currently available.
Returns:The appropriate VersionProperty definition.
/** * Generates a VersionProperty representation for an entity mapping given its * version mapping Property. * * @param property The version mapping Property. * @param lazyAvailable Is property lazy loading currently available. * @return The appropriate VersionProperty definition. */
public static VersionProperty buildVersionProperty( EntityPersister persister, SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory, int attributeNumber, Property property, boolean lazyAvailable) { String mappedUnsavedValue = ( (KeyValue) property.getValue() ).getNullValue(); VersionValue unsavedValue = UnsavedValueFactory.getUnsavedVersionValue( mappedUnsavedValue, getGetter( property ), (VersionType) property.getType(), getConstructor( property.getPersistentClass() ) ); boolean lazy = lazyAvailable && property.isLazy(); return new VersionProperty( persister, sessionFactory, attributeNumber, property.getName(), property.getValue().getType(), new BaselineAttributeInformation.Builder() .setLazy( lazy ) .setInsertable( property.isInsertable() ) .setUpdateable( property.isUpdateable() ) .setValueGenerationStrategy( property.getValueGenerationStrategy() ) .setNullable( property.isOptional() ) .setDirtyCheckable( property.isUpdateable() && !lazy ) .setVersionable( property.isOptimisticLocked() ) .setCascadeStyle( property.getCascadeStyle() ) .createInformation(), unsavedValue ); }
Generates a VersionProperty representation for an entity mapping given its version mapping Property.
  • property – The version mapping Property.
  • lazyAvailable – Is property lazy loading currently available.
Returns:The appropriate VersionProperty definition.
/** * Generates a VersionProperty representation for an entity mapping given its * version mapping Property. * * @param property The version mapping Property. * @param lazyAvailable Is property lazy loading currently available. * @return The appropriate VersionProperty definition. */
public static VersionProperty buildVersionProperty( EntityPersister persister, BasicAttributeBinding property, boolean lazyAvailable) { throw new NotYetImplementedException(); } public static enum NonIdentifierAttributeNature { BASIC, COMPOSITE, ANY, ENTITY, COLLECTION }
Generate a non-identifier (and non-version) attribute based on the given mapped property from the given entity
  • property – The mapped property.
  • lazyAvailable – Is property lazy loading currently available.
Returns:The appropriate NonIdentifierProperty definition.
/** * Generate a non-identifier (and non-version) attribute based on the given mapped property from the given entity * * @param property The mapped property. * @param lazyAvailable Is property lazy loading currently available. * @return The appropriate NonIdentifierProperty definition. */
public static NonIdentifierAttribute buildEntityBasedAttribute( EntityPersister persister, SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory, int attributeNumber, Property property, boolean lazyAvailable) { final Type type = property.getValue().getType(); final NonIdentifierAttributeNature nature = decode( type ); // we need to dirty check collections, since they can cause an owner // version number increment // we need to dirty check many-to-ones with not-found="ignore" in order // to update the cache (not the database), since in this case a null // entity reference can lose information boolean alwaysDirtyCheck = type.isAssociationType() && ( (AssociationType) type ).isAlwaysDirtyChecked(); switch ( nature ) { case BASIC: { return new EntityBasedBasicAttribute( persister, sessionFactory, attributeNumber, property.getName(), type, new BaselineAttributeInformation.Builder() .setLazy( lazyAvailable && property.isLazy() ) .setInsertable( property.isInsertable() ) .setUpdateable( property.isUpdateable() ) .setValueGenerationStrategy( property.getValueGenerationStrategy() ) .setNullable( property.isOptional() ) .setDirtyCheckable( alwaysDirtyCheck || property.isUpdateable() ) .setVersionable( property.isOptimisticLocked() ) .setCascadeStyle( property.getCascadeStyle() ) .setFetchMode( property.getValue().getFetchMode() ) .createInformation() ); } case COMPOSITE: { return new EntityBasedCompositionAttribute( persister, sessionFactory, attributeNumber, property.getName(), (CompositeType) type, new BaselineAttributeInformation.Builder() .setLazy( lazyAvailable && property.isLazy() ) .setInsertable( property.isInsertable() ) .setUpdateable( property.isUpdateable() ) .setValueGenerationStrategy( property.getValueGenerationStrategy() ) .setNullable( property.isOptional() ) .setDirtyCheckable( alwaysDirtyCheck || property.isUpdateable() ) .setVersionable( property.isOptimisticLocked() ) .setCascadeStyle( property.getCascadeStyle() ) .setFetchMode( property.getValue().getFetchMode() ) .createInformation() ); } case ENTITY: case ANY: case COLLECTION: { return new EntityBasedAssociationAttribute( persister, sessionFactory, attributeNumber, property.getName(), (AssociationType) type, new BaselineAttributeInformation.Builder() .setLazy( lazyAvailable && property.isLazy() ) .setInsertable( property.isInsertable() ) .setUpdateable( property.isUpdateable() ) .setValueGenerationStrategy( property.getValueGenerationStrategy() ) .setNullable( property.isOptional() ) .setDirtyCheckable( alwaysDirtyCheck || property.isUpdateable() ) .setVersionable( property.isOptimisticLocked() ) .setCascadeStyle( property.getCascadeStyle() ) .setFetchMode( property.getValue().getFetchMode() ) .createInformation() ); } default: { throw new HibernateException( "Internal error" ); } } } private static NonIdentifierAttributeNature decode(Type type) { if ( type.isAssociationType() ) { AssociationType associationType = (AssociationType) type; if ( type.isComponentType() ) { // an any type is both an association and a composite... return NonIdentifierAttributeNature.ANY; } return type.isCollectionType() ? NonIdentifierAttributeNature.COLLECTION : NonIdentifierAttributeNature.ENTITY; } else { if ( type.isComponentType() ) { return NonIdentifierAttributeNature.COMPOSITE; } return NonIdentifierAttributeNature.BASIC; } } @Deprecated public static StandardProperty buildStandardProperty(Property property, boolean lazyAvailable) { final Type type = property.getValue().getType(); // we need to dirty check collections, since they can cause an owner // version number increment // we need to dirty check many-to-ones with not-found="ignore" in order // to update the cache (not the database), since in this case a null // entity reference can lose information boolean alwaysDirtyCheck = type.isAssociationType() && ( (AssociationType) type ).isAlwaysDirtyChecked(); return new StandardProperty( property.getName(), type, lazyAvailable && property.isLazy(), property.isInsertable(), property.isUpdateable(), property.getValueGenerationStrategy(), property.isOptional(), alwaysDirtyCheck || property.isUpdateable(), property.isOptimisticLocked(), property.getCascadeStyle(), property.getValue().getFetchMode() ); }
Generate a "standard" (i.e., non-identifier and non-version) based on the given mapped property.
  • property – The mapped property.
  • lazyAvailable – Is property lazy loading currently available.
Returns:The appropriate NonIdentifierProperty definition.
/** * Generate a "standard" (i.e., non-identifier and non-version) based on the given * mapped property. * * @param property The mapped property. * @param lazyAvailable Is property lazy loading currently available. * @return The appropriate NonIdentifierProperty definition. */
public static StandardProperty buildStandardProperty(AttributeBinding property, boolean lazyAvailable) { final Type type = property.getHibernateTypeDescriptor().getResolvedTypeMapping(); // we need to dirty check collections, since they can cause an owner // version number increment // we need to dirty check many-to-ones with not-found="ignore" in order // to update the cache (not the database), since in this case a null // entity reference can lose information final boolean alwaysDirtyCheck = type.isAssociationType() && ( (AssociationType) type ).isAlwaysDirtyChecked(); if ( property.getAttribute().isSingular() ) { final SingularAttributeBinding singularAttributeBinding = ( SingularAttributeBinding ) property; final CascadeStyle cascadeStyle = singularAttributeBinding.isAssociation() ? ( (AssociationAttributeBinding) singularAttributeBinding ).getCascadeStyle() : CascadeStyles.NONE; final FetchMode fetchMode = singularAttributeBinding.isAssociation() ? ( (AssociationAttributeBinding) singularAttributeBinding ).getFetchMode() : FetchMode.DEFAULT; return new StandardProperty( singularAttributeBinding.getAttribute().getName(), type, lazyAvailable && singularAttributeBinding.isLazy(), true, // insertable true, // updatable null, singularAttributeBinding.isNullable(), alwaysDirtyCheck || areAllValuesIncludedInUpdate( singularAttributeBinding ), singularAttributeBinding.isIncludedInOptimisticLocking(), cascadeStyle, fetchMode ); } else { final AbstractPluralAttributeBinding pluralAttributeBinding = (AbstractPluralAttributeBinding) property; final CascadeStyle cascadeStyle = pluralAttributeBinding.isAssociation() ? pluralAttributeBinding.getCascadeStyle() : CascadeStyles.NONE; final FetchMode fetchMode = pluralAttributeBinding.isAssociation() ? pluralAttributeBinding.getFetchMode() : FetchMode.DEFAULT; return new StandardProperty( pluralAttributeBinding.getAttribute().getName(), type, lazyAvailable && pluralAttributeBinding.isLazy(), // TODO: fix this when HHH-6356 is fixed; for now assume AbstractPluralAttributeBinding is updatable and insertable true, // pluralAttributeBinding.isInsertable(), true, //pluralAttributeBinding.isUpdatable(), null, false, // nullable - not sure what that means for a collection // TODO: fix this when HHH-6356 is fixed; for now assume AbstractPluralAttributeBinding is updatable and insertable //alwaysDirtyCheck || pluralAttributeBinding.isUpdatable(), true, pluralAttributeBinding.isIncludedInOptimisticLocking(), cascadeStyle, fetchMode ); } } private static boolean areAllValuesIncludedInUpdate(SingularAttributeBinding attributeBinding) { if ( attributeBinding.hasDerivedValue() ) { return false; } for ( SimpleValueBinding valueBinding : attributeBinding.getSimpleValueBindings() ) { if ( ! valueBinding.isIncludeInUpdate() ) { return false; } } return true; } private static Constructor getConstructor(PersistentClass persistentClass) { if ( persistentClass == null || !persistentClass.hasPojoRepresentation() ) { return null; } try { return ReflectHelper.getDefaultConstructor( persistentClass.getMappedClass() ); } catch( Throwable t ) { return null; } } private static Constructor getConstructor(EntityBinding entityBinding) { if ( entityBinding == null || entityBinding.getEntity() == null ) { return null; } try { return ReflectHelper.getDefaultConstructor( entityBinding.getEntity().getClassReference() ); } catch( Throwable t ) { return null; } } private static Getter getGetter(Property mappingProperty) { if ( mappingProperty == null || !mappingProperty.getPersistentClass().hasPojoRepresentation() ) { return null; } PropertyAccessor pa = PropertyAccessorFactory.getPropertyAccessor( mappingProperty, EntityMode.POJO ); return pa.getGetter( mappingProperty.getPersistentClass().getMappedClass(), mappingProperty.getName() ); } private static Getter getGetter(AttributeBinding mappingProperty) { if ( mappingProperty == null || mappingProperty.getContainer().getClassReference() == null ) { return null; } PropertyAccessor pa = PropertyAccessorFactory.getPropertyAccessor( mappingProperty, EntityMode.POJO ); return pa.getGetter( mappingProperty.getContainer().getClassReference(), mappingProperty.getAttribute().getName() ); } }