 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.property;

import java.util.Map;

import org.hibernate.EntityMode;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.ReflectHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Property;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.binding.AttributeBinding;

A factory for building/retrieving PropertyAccessor instances.
Author:Gavin King, Steve Ebersole
/** * A factory for building/retrieving PropertyAccessor instances. * * @author Gavin King * @author Steve Ebersole */
public final class PropertyAccessorFactory { private static final PropertyAccessor BASIC_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR = new BasicPropertyAccessor(); private static final PropertyAccessor DIRECT_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR = new DirectPropertyAccessor(); private static final PropertyAccessor MAP_ACCESSOR = new MapAccessor(); private static final PropertyAccessor NOOP_ACCESSOR = new NoopAccessor(); private static final PropertyAccessor EMBEDDED_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR = new EmbeddedPropertyAccessor(); //TODO: ideally we need the construction of PropertyAccessor to take the following: // 1) EntityMode // 2) EntityMode-specific data (i.e., the classname for pojo entities) // 3) Property-specific data based on the EntityMode (i.e., property-name or dom4j-node-name) // The easiest way, with the introduction of the new runtime-metamodel classes, would be the // the following predicates: // 1) PropertyAccessorFactory.getPropertyAccessor() takes references to both a // org.hibernate.metadata.EntityModeMetadata and org.hibernate.metadata.Property // 2) What is now termed a "PropertyAccessor" stores any values needed from those two // pieces of information // 3) Code can then simply call PropertyAccess.getGetter() with no parameters; likewise with // PropertyAccessor.getSetter()
Retrieves a PropertyAccessor instance based on the given property definition and entity mode.
  • property – The property for which to retrieve an accessor.
  • mode – The mode for the resulting entity.
Returns:An appropriate accessor.
/** * Retrieves a PropertyAccessor instance based on the given property definition and * entity mode. * * @param property The property for which to retrieve an accessor. * @param mode The mode for the resulting entity. * @return An appropriate accessor. * @throws MappingException */
public static PropertyAccessor getPropertyAccessor(Property property, EntityMode mode) throws MappingException { //TODO: this is temporary in that the end result will probably not take a Property reference per-se. if ( null == mode || EntityMode.POJO.equals( mode ) ) { return getPojoPropertyAccessor( property.getPropertyAccessorName() ); } else if ( EntityMode.MAP.equals( mode ) ) { return getDynamicMapPropertyAccessor(); } else { throw new MappingException( "Unknown entity mode [" + mode + "]" ); } }
Retrieves a PropertyAccessor instance based on the given property definition and entity mode.
  • property – The property for which to retrieve an accessor.
  • mode – The mode for the resulting entity.
Returns:An appropriate accessor.
/** * Retrieves a PropertyAccessor instance based on the given property definition and * entity mode. * * @param property The property for which to retrieve an accessor. * @param mode The mode for the resulting entity. * @return An appropriate accessor. * @throws MappingException */
public static PropertyAccessor getPropertyAccessor(AttributeBinding property, EntityMode mode) throws MappingException { //TODO: this is temporary in that the end result will probably not take a Property reference per-se. if ( null == mode || EntityMode.POJO.equals( mode ) ) { return getPojoPropertyAccessor( property.getPropertyAccessorName() ); } else if ( EntityMode.MAP.equals( mode ) ) { return getDynamicMapPropertyAccessor(); } else { throw new MappingException( "Unknown entity mode [" + mode + "]" ); } }
Retreives a PropertyAccessor specific for a PojoRepresentation with the given access strategy.
  • pojoAccessorStrategy – The access strategy.
Returns:An appropriate accessor.
/** * Retreives a PropertyAccessor specific for a PojoRepresentation with the given access strategy. * * @param pojoAccessorStrategy The access strategy. * @return An appropriate accessor. */
private static PropertyAccessor getPojoPropertyAccessor(String pojoAccessorStrategy) { if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( pojoAccessorStrategy ) || "property".equals( pojoAccessorStrategy ) ) { return BASIC_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR; } else if ( "field".equals( pojoAccessorStrategy ) ) { return DIRECT_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR; } else if ( "embedded".equals( pojoAccessorStrategy ) ) { return EMBEDDED_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR; } else if ( "noop".equals(pojoAccessorStrategy) ) { return NOOP_ACCESSOR; } else { return resolveCustomAccessor( pojoAccessorStrategy ); } } public static PropertyAccessor getDynamicMapPropertyAccessor() throws MappingException { return MAP_ACCESSOR; } private static PropertyAccessor resolveCustomAccessor(String accessorName) { Class accessorClass; try { accessorClass = ReflectHelper.classForName( accessorName ); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { throw new MappingException("could not find PropertyAccessor class: " + accessorName, cnfe); } try { return (PropertyAccessor) accessorClass.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MappingException("could not instantiate PropertyAccessor class: " + accessorName, e); } } private PropertyAccessorFactory() {} // todo : this eventually needs to be removed public static PropertyAccessor getPropertyAccessor(Class optionalClass, String type) throws MappingException { if ( type==null ) type = optionalClass==null || optionalClass==Map.class ? "map" : "property"; return getPropertyAccessor(type); } // todo : this eventually needs to be removed public static PropertyAccessor getPropertyAccessor(String type) throws MappingException { if ( type==null || "property".equals(type) ) return BASIC_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR; if ( "field".equals(type) ) return DIRECT_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR; if ( "map".equals(type) ) return MAP_ACCESSOR; if ( "embedded".equals(type) ) return EMBEDDED_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR; if ( "noop".equals(type)) return NOOP_ACCESSOR; return resolveCustomAccessor(type); } }