 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * Copyright (c) 2010, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
 * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
 * statements applied by the authors.  All third-party contributions are
 * distributed under license by Red Hat Inc.
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 * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package org.hibernate.metamodel.binding;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;

import org.hibernate.AssertionFailure;
import org.hibernate.FetchMode;
import org.hibernate.engine.FetchStyle;
import org.hibernate.engine.FetchTiming;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.CascadeStyle;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.CascadeStyles;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.domain.PluralAttribute;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.relational.Table;
import org.hibernate.metamodel.relational.TableSpecification;
import org.hibernate.persister.collection.CollectionPersister;

TODO : javadoc
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * TODO : javadoc * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public abstract class AbstractPluralAttributeBinding extends AbstractAttributeBinding implements PluralAttributeBinding { private final CollectionKey collectionKey; private final AbstractCollectionElement collectionElement; private Table collectionTable; private FetchTiming fetchTiming; private FetchStyle fetchStyle; private int batchSize = -1; private CascadeStyle cascadeStyle; private boolean orphanDelete; private Caching caching; private boolean inverse; private boolean mutable = true; private Class<? extends CollectionPersister> collectionPersisterClass; private String where; private String orderBy; private boolean sorted; private Comparator comparator; private String comparatorClassName; private String customLoaderName; private CustomSQL customSqlInsert; private CustomSQL customSqlUpdate; private CustomSQL customSqlDelete; private CustomSQL customSqlDeleteAll; private String referencedPropertyName; private final java.util.Map filters = new HashMap(); private final java.util.Set<String> synchronizedTables = new HashSet<String>(); protected AbstractPluralAttributeBinding( AttributeBindingContainer container, PluralAttribute attribute, CollectionElementNature collectionElementNature) { super( container, attribute ); this.collectionKey = new CollectionKey( this ); this.collectionElement = interpretNature( collectionElementNature ); } private AbstractCollectionElement interpretNature(CollectionElementNature collectionElementNature) { switch ( collectionElementNature ) { case BASIC: { return new BasicCollectionElement( this ); } case COMPOSITE: { return new CompositeCollectionElement( this ); } case ONE_TO_MANY: { return new OneToManyCollectionElement( this ); } case MANY_TO_MANY: { return new ManyToManyCollectionElement( this ); } case MANY_TO_ANY: { return new ManyToAnyCollectionElement( this ); } default: { throw new AssertionFailure( "Unknown collection element nature : " + collectionElementNature ); } } } // protected void initializeBinding(PluralAttributeBindingState state) { // super.initialize( state ); // fetchMode = state.getFetchMode(); // extraLazy = state.isExtraLazy(); // collectionElement.setNodeName( state.getElementNodeName() ); // collectionElement.setTypeName( state.getElementTypeName() ); // inverse = state.isInverse(); // mutable = state.isMutable(); // subselectLoadable = state.isSubselectLoadable(); // if ( isSubselectLoadable() ) { // getEntityBinding().setSubselectLoadableCollections( true ); // } // cacheConcurrencyStrategy = state.getCacheConcurrencyStrategy(); // cacheRegionName = state.getCacheRegionName(); // orderBy = state.getOrderBy(); // where = state.getWhere(); // referencedPropertyName = state.getReferencedPropertyName(); // sorted = state.isSorted(); // comparator = state.getComparator(); // comparatorClassName = state.getComparatorClassName(); // orphanDelete = state.isOrphanDelete(); // batchSize = state.getBatchSize(); // embedded = state.isEmbedded(); // optimisticLocked = state.isOptimisticLocked(); // collectionPersisterClass = state.getCollectionPersisterClass(); // filters.putAll( state.getFilters() ); // synchronizedTables.addAll( state.getSynchronizedTables() ); // customSQLInsert = state.getCustomSQLInsert(); // customSQLUpdate = state.getCustomSQLUpdate(); // customSQLDelete = state.getCustomSQLDelete(); // customSQLDeleteAll = state.getCustomSQLDeleteAll(); // loaderName = state.getLoaderName(); // } @Override public PluralAttribute getAttribute() { return (PluralAttribute) super.getAttribute(); } @Override public boolean isAssociation() { return collectionElement.getCollectionElementNature() == CollectionElementNature.MANY_TO_ANY || collectionElement.getCollectionElementNature() == CollectionElementNature.MANY_TO_MANY || collectionElement.getCollectionElementNature() == CollectionElementNature.ONE_TO_MANY; } @Override public TableSpecification getCollectionTable() { return collectionTable; } public void setCollectionTable(Table collectionTable) { this.collectionTable = collectionTable; } @Override public CollectionKey getCollectionKey() { return collectionKey; } @Override public AbstractCollectionElement getCollectionElement() { return collectionElement; } @Override public CascadeStyle getCascadeStyle() { return cascadeStyle; } @Override public void setCascadeStyles(Iterable<CascadeStyle> cascadeStyles) { List<CascadeStyle> cascadeStyleList = new ArrayList<CascadeStyle>(); for ( CascadeStyle style : cascadeStyles ) { if ( style != CascadeStyles.NONE ) { cascadeStyleList.add( style ); } if ( style == CascadeStyles.DELETE_ORPHAN || style == CascadeStyles.ALL_DELETE_ORPHAN ) { orphanDelete = true; } } if ( cascadeStyleList.isEmpty() ) { cascadeStyle = CascadeStyles.NONE; } else if ( cascadeStyleList.size() == 1 ) { cascadeStyle = cascadeStyleList.get( 0 ); } else { cascadeStyle = new CascadeStyles.MultipleCascadeStyle( cascadeStyleList.toArray( new CascadeStyle[ cascadeStyleList.size() ] ) ); } } @Override public boolean isOrphanDelete() { return orphanDelete; } @Override public FetchMode getFetchMode() { if ( getFetchStyle() == FetchStyle.JOIN ) { return FetchMode.JOIN; } else { return FetchMode.SELECT; } } @Override public FetchTiming getFetchTiming() { return fetchTiming; } @Override public void setFetchTiming(FetchTiming fetchTiming) { this.fetchTiming = fetchTiming; } @Override public FetchStyle getFetchStyle() { return fetchStyle; } @Override public void setFetchStyle(FetchStyle fetchStyle) { this.fetchStyle = fetchStyle; } @Override public String getCustomLoaderName() { return customLoaderName; } public void setCustomLoaderName(String customLoaderName) { this.customLoaderName = customLoaderName; } @Override public CustomSQL getCustomSqlInsert() { return customSqlInsert; } public void setCustomSqlInsert(CustomSQL customSqlInsert) { this.customSqlInsert = customSqlInsert; } @Override public CustomSQL getCustomSqlUpdate() { return customSqlUpdate; } public void setCustomSqlUpdate(CustomSQL customSqlUpdate) { this.customSqlUpdate = customSqlUpdate; } @Override public CustomSQL getCustomSqlDelete() { return customSqlDelete; } public void setCustomSqlDelete(CustomSQL customSqlDelete) { this.customSqlDelete = customSqlDelete; } @Override public CustomSQL getCustomSqlDeleteAll() { return customSqlDeleteAll; } public void setCustomSqlDeleteAll(CustomSQL customSqlDeleteAll) { this.customSqlDeleteAll = customSqlDeleteAll; } public Class<? extends CollectionPersister> getCollectionPersisterClass() { return collectionPersisterClass; } public void setCollectionPersisterClass(Class<? extends CollectionPersister> collectionPersisterClass) { this.collectionPersisterClass = collectionPersisterClass; } public Caching getCaching() { return caching; } public void setCaching(Caching caching) { this.caching = caching; } @Override public String getOrderBy() { return orderBy; } public void setOrderBy(String orderBy) { this.orderBy = orderBy; } @Override public String getWhere() { return where; } public void setWhere(String where) { this.where = where; } @Override public boolean isInverse() { return inverse; } public void setInverse(boolean inverse) { this.inverse = inverse; } @Override public boolean isMutable() { return mutable; } public void setMutable(boolean mutable) { this.mutable = mutable; } @Override public int getBatchSize() { return batchSize; } public void setBatchSize(int batchSize) { this.batchSize = batchSize; } public String getReferencedPropertyName() { return referencedPropertyName; } @Override public boolean isSorted() { return sorted; } @Override public Comparator getComparator() { return comparator; } public void setComparator(Comparator comparator) { this.comparator = comparator; } public String getComparatorClassName() { return comparatorClassName; } public void addFilter(String name, String condition) { filters.put( name, condition ); } @Override public java.util.Map getFilterMap() { return filters; } }