* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* Copyright (c) 2010, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as
* indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
* statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are
* distributed under license by Red Hat Inc.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
* copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
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* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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package org.hibernate.id.enhanced;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Environment;
import org.hibernate.cfg.ObjectNameNormalizer;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.id.BulkInsertionCapableIdentifierGenerator;
import org.hibernate.id.Configurable;
import org.hibernate.id.PersistentIdentifierGenerator;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.config.ConfigurationHelper;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Table;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
Generates identifier values based on an sequence-style database structure. Variations range from actually using a sequence to using a table to mimic a sequence. These variations are encapsulated by the DatabaseStructure
interface internally.
NOTE that by default we utilize a single database sequence for all generators. The configuration parameter CONFIG_PREFER_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY
can be used to create dedicated sequence for each entity based on its name. Sequence suffix can be controlled with CONFIG_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY_SUFFIX
General configuration parameters:
The name of the sequence/table to use to store/retrieve values
The initial value to be stored for the given segment; the effect in terms of storage varies based on Optimizer
and DatabaseStructure
The increment size for the underlying segment; the effect in terms of storage varies based on Optimizer
and DatabaseStructure
depends on defined increment size
Allows explicit definition of which optimization strategy to use
Allows explicit definition of which optimization strategy to use
Configuration parameters used specifically when the underlying structure is a table:
The name of column which holds the sequence value for the given segment
Author: Steve Ebersole, Lukasz Antoniak (lukasz dot antoniak at gmail dot com)
* Generates identifier values based on an sequence-style database structure.
* Variations range from actually using a sequence to using a table to mimic
* a sequence. These variations are encapsulated by the {@link DatabaseStructure}
* interface internally.
* <p/>
* <b>NOTE</b> that by default we utilize a single database sequence for all
* generators. The configuration parameter {@link #CONFIG_PREFER_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY}
* can be used to create dedicated sequence for each entity based on its name.
* Sequence suffix can be controlled with {@link #CONFIG_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY_SUFFIX}
* option.
* <p/>
* General configuration parameters:
* <table>
* <tr>
* <td><b>NAME</b></td>
* <td><b>DEFAULT</b></td>
* <td><b>DESCRIPTION</b></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@link #SEQUENCE_PARAM}</td>
* <td>{@link #DEF_SEQUENCE_NAME}</td>
* <td>The name of the sequence/table to use to store/retrieve values</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@link #INITIAL_PARAM}</td>
* <td>{@link #DEFAULT_INITIAL_VALUE}</td>
* <td>The initial value to be stored for the given segment; the effect in terms of storage varies based on {@link Optimizer} and {@link DatabaseStructure}</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@link #INCREMENT_PARAM}</td>
* <td>{@link #DEFAULT_INCREMENT_SIZE}</td>
* <td>The increment size for the underlying segment; the effect in terms of storage varies based on {@link Optimizer} and {@link DatabaseStructure}</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@link #OPT_PARAM}</td>
* <td><i>depends on defined increment size</i></td>
* <td>Allows explicit definition of which optimization strategy to use</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@link #FORCE_TBL_PARAM}</td>
* <td><b><i>false</i></b></td>
* <td>Allows explicit definition of which optimization strategy to use</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* <p/>
* Configuration parameters used specifically when the underlying structure is a table:
* <table>
* <tr>
* <td><b>NAME</b></td>
* <td><b>DEFAULT</b></td>
* <td><b>DESCRIPTION</b></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@link #VALUE_COLUMN_PARAM}</td>
* <td>{@link #DEF_VALUE_COLUMN}</td>
* <td>The name of column which holds the sequence value for the given segment</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* @author Steve Ebersole
* @author Lukasz Antoniak (lukasz dot antoniak at gmail dot com)
public class SequenceStyleGenerator
implements PersistentIdentifierGenerator, BulkInsertionCapableIdentifierGenerator, Configurable {
private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = Logger.getMessageLogger(
// general purpose parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Indicates the name of the sequence (or table) to use. The default value is DEF_SEQUENCE_NAME
effects the default as well. /**
* Indicates the name of the sequence (or table) to use. The default value is {@link #DEF_SEQUENCE_NAME},
* although {@link #CONFIG_PREFER_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY} effects the default as well.
public static final String SEQUENCE_PARAM = "sequence_name";
The default value for SEQUENCE_PARAM
setting. /**
* The default value for {@link #SEQUENCE_PARAM}, in the absence of any {@link #CONFIG_PREFER_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY}
* setting.
public static final String DEF_SEQUENCE_NAME = "hibernate_sequence";
Indicates the initial value to use. The default value is DEFAULT_INITIAL_VALUE
* Indicates the initial value to use. The default value is {@link #DEFAULT_INITIAL_VALUE}
public static final String INITIAL_PARAM = "initial_value";
The default value for INITIAL_PARAM
* The default value for {@link #INITIAL_PARAM}
public static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_VALUE = 1;
Indicates the increment size to use. The default value is DEFAULT_INCREMENT_SIZE
* Indicates the increment size to use. The default value is {@link #DEFAULT_INCREMENT_SIZE}
public static final String INCREMENT_PARAM = "increment_size";
The default value for INCREMENT_PARAM
* The default value for {@link #INCREMENT_PARAM}
public static final int DEFAULT_INCREMENT_SIZE = 1;
Used to create dedicated sequence for each entity based on the entity name. Sequence suffix can be controlled with CONFIG_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY_SUFFIX
option. /**
* Used to create dedicated sequence for each entity based on the entity name. Sequence suffix can be
* controlled with {@link #CONFIG_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY_SUFFIX} option.
public static final String CONFIG_PREFER_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY = "prefer_sequence_per_entity";
Indicates the suffix to use in naming the identifier sequence/table name, by appending the suffix to the name of the entity. Used in conjunction with CONFIG_PREFER_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY
. /**
* Indicates the suffix to use in naming the identifier sequence/table name, by appending the suffix to
* the name of the entity. Used in conjunction with {@link #CONFIG_PREFER_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY}.
public static final String CONFIG_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY_SUFFIX = "sequence_per_entity_suffix";
* The default value for {@link #CONFIG_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY_SUFFIX}
public static final String DEF_SEQUENCE_SUFFIX = "_SEQ";
Indicates the optimizer to use, either naming a Optimizer
implementation class or naming a StandardOptimizerDescriptor
by name /**
* Indicates the optimizer to use, either naming a {@link Optimizer} implementation class or naming
* a {@link StandardOptimizerDescriptor} by name
public static final String OPT_PARAM = "optimizer";
A flag to force using a table as the underlying structure rather than a sequence.
* A flag to force using a table as the underlying structure rather than a sequence.
public static final String FORCE_TBL_PARAM = "force_table_use";
// table-specific parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Indicates the name of the column holding the identifier values. The default value is DEF_VALUE_COLUMN
* Indicates the name of the column holding the identifier values. The default value is {@link #DEF_VALUE_COLUMN}
public static final String VALUE_COLUMN_PARAM = "value_column";
The default value for VALUE_COLUMN_PARAM
* The default value for {@link #VALUE_COLUMN_PARAM}
public static final String DEF_VALUE_COLUMN = "next_val";
// state ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
private DatabaseStructure databaseStructure;
private Optimizer optimizer;
private Type identifierType;
Getter for property 'databaseStructure'.
Returns: Value for property 'databaseStructure'.
* Getter for property 'databaseStructure'.
* @return Value for property 'databaseStructure'.
public DatabaseStructure getDatabaseStructure() {
return databaseStructure;
Getter for property 'optimizer'.
Returns: Value for property 'optimizer'.
* Getter for property 'optimizer'.
* @return Value for property 'optimizer'.
public Optimizer getOptimizer() {
return optimizer;
Getter for property 'identifierType'.
Returns: Value for property 'identifierType'.
* Getter for property 'identifierType'.
* @return Value for property 'identifierType'.
public Type getIdentifierType() {
return identifierType;
// Configurable implementation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
public void configure(Type type, Properties params, Dialect dialect) throws MappingException {
this.identifierType = type;
boolean forceTableUse = ConfigurationHelper.getBoolean( FORCE_TBL_PARAM, params, false );
final String sequenceName = determineSequenceName( params, dialect );
final int initialValue = determineInitialValue( params );
int incrementSize = determineIncrementSize( params );
final String optimizationStrategy = determineOptimizationStrategy( params, incrementSize );
incrementSize = determineAdjustedIncrementSize( optimizationStrategy, incrementSize );
if ( dialect.supportsSequences() && !forceTableUse ) {
if ( !dialect.supportsPooledSequences() && OptimizerFactory.isPooledOptimizer( optimizationStrategy ) ) {
forceTableUse = true;
this.databaseStructure = buildDatabaseStructure(
this.optimizer = OptimizerFactory.buildOptimizer(
ConfigurationHelper.getInt( INITIAL_PARAM, params, -1 )
this.databaseStructure.prepare( optimizer );
Determine the name of the sequence (or table if this resolves to a physical table)
to use.
Called during configuration
. Params: - params – The params supplied in the generator config (plus some standard useful extras).
- dialect – The dialect in effect
Returns: The sequence name
* Determine the name of the sequence (or table if this resolves to a physical table)
* to use.
* <p/>
* Called during {@link #configure configuration}.
* @param params The params supplied in the generator config (plus some standard useful extras).
* @param dialect The dialect in effect
* @return The sequence name
protected String determineSequenceName(Properties params, Dialect dialect) {
final String sequencePerEntitySuffix = ConfigurationHelper.getString( CONFIG_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY_SUFFIX, params, DEF_SEQUENCE_SUFFIX );
// JPA_ENTITY_NAME value honors <class ... entity-name="..."> (HBM) and @Entity#name (JPA) overrides.
String sequenceName = ConfigurationHelper.getBoolean( CONFIG_PREFER_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY, params, false )
? params.getProperty( JPA_ENTITY_NAME ) + sequencePerEntitySuffix
final ObjectNameNormalizer normalizer = (ObjectNameNormalizer) params.get( IDENTIFIER_NORMALIZER );
sequenceName = ConfigurationHelper.getString( SEQUENCE_PARAM, params, sequenceName );
if ( sequenceName.indexOf( '.' ) < 0 ) {
sequenceName = normalizer.normalizeIdentifierQuoting( sequenceName );
final String schemaName = params.getProperty( SCHEMA );
final String catalogName = params.getProperty( CATALOG );
sequenceName = Table.qualify(
dialect.quote( catalogName ),
dialect.quote( schemaName ),
dialect.quote( sequenceName )
// if already qualified there is not much we can do in a portable manner so we pass it
// through and assume the user has set up the name correctly.
return sequenceName;
Determine the name of the column used to store the generator value in
the db.
Called during configuration
when resolving to a
physical table.
Params: - params – The params supplied in the generator config (plus some standard useful extras).
- dialect – The dialect in effect.
Returns: The value column name
* Determine the name of the column used to store the generator value in
* the db.
* <p/>
* Called during {@link #configure configuration} <b>when resolving to a
* physical table</b>.
* @param params The params supplied in the generator config (plus some standard useful extras).
* @param dialect The dialect in effect.
* @return The value column name
protected String determineValueColumnName(Properties params, Dialect dialect) {
final ObjectNameNormalizer normalizer = (ObjectNameNormalizer) params.get( IDENTIFIER_NORMALIZER );
final String name = ConfigurationHelper.getString( VALUE_COLUMN_PARAM, params, DEF_VALUE_COLUMN );
return dialect.quote( normalizer.normalizeIdentifierQuoting( name ) );
Determine the initial sequence value to use. This value is used when initializing the database structure
(i.e. sequence/table). Called during configuration
. Params: - params – The params supplied in the generator config (plus some standard useful extras).
Returns: The initial value
* Determine the initial sequence value to use. This value is used when
* initializing the {@link #getDatabaseStructure() database structure}
* (i.e. sequence/table).
* <p/>
* Called during {@link #configure configuration}.
* @param params The params supplied in the generator config (plus some standard useful extras).
* @return The initial value
protected int determineInitialValue(Properties params) {
return ConfigurationHelper.getInt( INITIAL_PARAM, params, DEFAULT_INITIAL_VALUE );
Determine the increment size to be applied. The exact implications of this value depends on the optimizer
being used. Called during configuration
. Params: - params – The params supplied in the generator config (plus some standard useful extras).
Returns: The increment size
* Determine the increment size to be applied. The exact implications of
* this value depends on the {@link #getOptimizer() optimizer} being used.
* <p/>
* Called during {@link #configure configuration}.
* @param params The params supplied in the generator config (plus some standard useful extras).
* @return The increment size
protected int determineIncrementSize(Properties params) {
return ConfigurationHelper.getInt( INCREMENT_PARAM, params, DEFAULT_INCREMENT_SIZE );
Determine the optimizer to use.
Called during configuration
. Params: - params – The params supplied in the generator config (plus some standard useful extras).
- incrementSize – The
determined increment size
Returns: The optimizer strategy (name)
* Determine the optimizer to use.
* <p/>
* Called during {@link #configure configuration}.
* @param params The params supplied in the generator config (plus some standard useful extras).
* @param incrementSize The {@link #determineIncrementSize determined increment size}
* @return The optimizer strategy (name)
protected String determineOptimizationStrategy(Properties params, int incrementSize) {
// if the increment size is greater than one, we prefer pooled optimization; but we first
// need to see if the user prefers POOL or POOL_LO...
final String defaultPooledOptimizerStrategy = ConfigurationHelper.getBoolean( Environment.PREFER_POOLED_VALUES_LO, params, false )
? StandardOptimizerDescriptor.POOLED_LO.getExternalName()
: StandardOptimizerDescriptor.POOLED.getExternalName();
final String defaultOptimizerStrategy = incrementSize <= 1
? StandardOptimizerDescriptor.NONE.getExternalName()
: defaultPooledOptimizerStrategy;
return ConfigurationHelper.getString( OPT_PARAM, params, defaultOptimizerStrategy );
In certain cases we need to adjust the increment size based on the
selected optimizer. This is the hook to achieve that.
Params: - optimizationStrategy – The optimizer strategy (name)
- incrementSize – The
determined increment size
Returns: The adjusted increment size.
* In certain cases we need to adjust the increment size based on the
* selected optimizer. This is the hook to achieve that.
* @param optimizationStrategy The optimizer strategy (name)
* @param incrementSize The {@link #determineIncrementSize determined increment size}
* @return The adjusted increment size.
protected int determineAdjustedIncrementSize(String optimizationStrategy, int incrementSize) {
if ( incrementSize > 1 && StandardOptimizerDescriptor.NONE.getExternalName().equals( optimizationStrategy ) ) {
incrementSize = 1;
return incrementSize;
Build the database structure.
Params: - type – The Hibernate type of the identifier property
- params – The params supplied in the generator config (plus some standard useful extras).
- dialect – The dialect being used.
- forceTableUse – Should a table be used even if the dialect supports sequences?
- sequenceName – The name to use for the sequence or table.
- initialValue – The initial value.
- incrementSize – the increment size to use (after any adjustments).
Returns: An abstraction for the actual database structure in use (table vs. sequence).
* Build the database structure.
* @param type The Hibernate type of the identifier property
* @param params The params supplied in the generator config (plus some standard useful extras).
* @param dialect The dialect being used.
* @param forceTableUse Should a table be used even if the dialect supports sequences?
* @param sequenceName The name to use for the sequence or table.
* @param initialValue The initial value.
* @param incrementSize the increment size to use (after any adjustments).
* @return An abstraction for the actual database structure in use (table vs. sequence).
protected DatabaseStructure buildDatabaseStructure(
Type type,
Properties params,
Dialect dialect,
boolean forceTableUse,
String sequenceName,
int initialValue,
int incrementSize) {
final boolean useSequence = dialect.supportsSequences() && !forceTableUse;
if ( useSequence ) {
return new SequenceStructure( dialect, sequenceName, initialValue, incrementSize, type.getReturnedClass() );
else {
final String valueColumnName = determineValueColumnName( params, dialect );
return new TableStructure( dialect, sequenceName, valueColumnName, initialValue, incrementSize, type.getReturnedClass() );
// IdentifierGenerator implementation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
public Serializable generate(SessionImplementor session, Object object) throws HibernateException {
return optimizer.generate( databaseStructure.buildCallback( session ) );
// PersistentIdentifierGenerator implementation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
public Object generatorKey() {
return databaseStructure.getName();
public String[] sqlCreateStrings(Dialect dialect) throws HibernateException {
return databaseStructure.sqlCreateStrings( dialect );
public String[] sqlDropStrings(Dialect dialect) throws HibernateException {
return databaseStructure.sqlDropStrings( dialect );
// BulkInsertionCapableIdentifierGenerator implementation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
public boolean supportsBulkInsertionIdentifierGeneration() {
// it does, as long as
// 1) there is no (non-noop) optimizer in use
// 2) the underlying structure is a sequence
return NoopOptimizer.class.isInstance( getOptimizer() )
&& getDatabaseStructure().isPhysicalSequence();
public String determineBulkInsertionIdentifierGenerationSelectFragment(Dialect dialect) {
return dialect.getSelectSequenceNextValString( getDatabaseStructure().getName() );