 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.id;

import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;

Specialized contract for IdentifierGenerator implementations capable of being used in conjunction with HQL insert statements.
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * Specialized contract for {@link IdentifierGenerator} implementations capable of being used in conjunction * with HQL insert statements. * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public interface BulkInsertionCapableIdentifierGenerator extends IdentifierGenerator {
Given the configuration of this generator, is identifier generation as part of bulk insertion supported?

IMPL NOTE : Mainly here to allow stuff like SequenceStyleGenerator which *can* support this based on configuration
Returns:true if bulk insertions are supported; false otherwise.
/** * Given the configuration of this generator, is identifier generation as part of bulk insertion supported? * <p/> * IMPL NOTE : Mainly here to allow stuff like SequenceStyleGenerator which *can* support this based on * configuration * * @return {@code true} if bulk insertions are supported; {@code false} otherwise. */
public boolean supportsBulkInsertionIdentifierGeneration();
Return the select expression fragment, if any, that generates the identifier values.
  • dialect – The dialect against which the insert will be performed.
Returns:The identifier value generation fragment (SQL). null indicates that no fragment is needed.
/** * Return the select expression fragment, if any, that generates the identifier values. * * @param dialect The dialect against which the insert will be performed. * * @return The identifier value generation fragment (SQL). {@code null} indicates that no fragment is needed. */
public String determineBulkInsertionIdentifierGenerationSelectFragment(Dialect dialect); }