package io.ebeaninternal.server.core;

import io.ebean.CacheMode;
import io.ebean.OrderBy;
import io.ebean.PersistenceContextScope;
import io.ebean.QueryIterator;
import io.ebean.Version;
import io.ebean.bean.BeanCollection;
import io.ebean.bean.EntityBean;
import io.ebean.bean.PersistenceContext;
import io.ebean.cache.QueryCacheEntry;
import io.ebean.common.BeanList;
import io.ebean.common.CopyOnFirstWriteList;
import io.ebean.event.BeanFindController;
import io.ebean.event.BeanQueryAdapter;
import io.ebean.text.json.JsonReadOptions;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.BeanCacheResult;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.CQueryPlanKey;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.HashQuery;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.LoadContext;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.NaturalKeyQueryData;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.NaturalKeySet;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiEbeanServer;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuery.Type;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiQuerySecondary;
import io.ebeaninternal.api.SpiTransaction;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanDescriptor;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanProperty;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.BeanPropertyAssocMany;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.DeployParser;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.deploy.DeployPropertyParserMap;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.loadcontext.DLoadContext;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.CQueryPlan;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.query.CancelableQuery;
import io.ebeaninternal.server.transaction.DefaultPersistenceContext;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

Wraps the objects involved in executing a Query.
/** * Wraps the objects involved in executing a Query. */
public final class OrmQueryRequest<T> extends BeanRequest implements SpiOrmQueryRequest<T> { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OrmQueryRequest.class); private final BeanDescriptor<T> beanDescriptor; private final OrmQueryEngine queryEngine; private final SpiQuery<T> query; private final BeanFindController finder; private final Boolean readOnly; private LoadContext loadContext; private PersistenceContext persistenceContext; private JsonReadOptions jsonRead; private HashQuery cacheKey; private CQueryPlanKey queryPlanKey; private SpiQuerySecondary secondaryQueries; private List<T> cacheBeans; private BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> manyProperty; private boolean inlineCountDistinct; private Set<String> dependentTables;
Create the InternalQueryRequest.
/** * Create the InternalQueryRequest. */
public OrmQueryRequest(SpiEbeanServer server, OrmQueryEngine queryEngine, SpiQuery<T> query, SpiTransaction t) { super(server, t); this.beanDescriptor = query.getBeanDescriptor(); this.finder = beanDescriptor.getBeanFinder(); this.queryEngine = queryEngine; this.query = query; this.readOnly = query.isReadOnly(); } public PersistenceException translate(String bindLog, String sql, SQLException e) { return queryEngine.translate(this, bindLog, sql, e); } @Override public void profileLocationById() { if (query.getProfileLocation() == null) { query.setProfileLocation(beanDescriptor.profileLocationById()); } } @Override public void profileLocationAll() { if (query.getProfileLocation() == null && query.isFindAll()) { query.setProfileLocation(beanDescriptor.profileLocationAll()); } } @Override public boolean isDeleteByStatement() { if (!transaction.isPersistCascade() || beanDescriptor.isDeleteByStatement()) { // plain delete by query return true; } else { // delete by ids due to cascading delete needs queryPlanKey = query.setDeleteByIdsPlan(); return false; } } @Override public boolean isMultiValueIdSupported() { return beanDescriptor.isMultiValueIdSupported(); } @Override public boolean isMultiValueSupported(Class<?> valueType) { return queryEngine.isMultiValueSupported(valueType); }
Mark the transaction as not being query only.
/** * Mark the transaction as not being query only. */
@Override public void markNotQueryOnly() { transaction.markNotQueryOnly(); }
Return the database platform like clause.
/** * Return the database platform like clause. */
@Override public String getDBLikeClause(boolean rawLikeExpression) { return ebeanServer.getDatabasePlatform().getLikeClause(rawLikeExpression); }
Return the database platform escaped like string.
/** * Return the database platform escaped like string. */
@Override public String escapeLikeString(String value) { return ebeanServer.getDatabasePlatform().escapeLikeString(value); } @Override public void executeSecondaryQueries(boolean forEach) { // disable lazy loading leaves loadContext null if (loadContext != null) { loadContext.executeSecondaryQueries(this, forEach); } }
For use with QueryIterator and secondary queries this returns the minimum batch size that should be loaded before executing the secondary queries.

If -1 is returned then NO secondary queries are registered and simple iteration is fine.

/** * For use with QueryIterator and secondary queries this returns the minimum * batch size that should be loaded before executing the secondary queries. * <p> * If -1 is returned then NO secondary queries are registered and simple * iteration is fine. * </p> */
public int getSecondaryQueriesMinBatchSize(int defaultQueryBatch) { return loadContext.getSecondaryQueriesMinBatchSize(defaultQueryBatch); }
Return the Normal, sharedInstance, ReadOnly state of this query.
/** * Return the Normal, sharedInstance, ReadOnly state of this query. */
public Boolean isReadOnly() { return readOnly; }
Return the BeanDescriptor for the associated bean.
/** * Return the BeanDescriptor for the associated bean. */
@Override public BeanDescriptor<T> getBeanDescriptor() { return beanDescriptor; }
Return the graph context for this query.
/** * Return the graph context for this query. */
public LoadContext getGraphContext() { return loadContext; } @Override public boolean isUseDocStore() { return query.isUseDocStore(); }
Run BeanQueryAdapter preQuery() if needed.
/** * Run BeanQueryAdapter preQuery() if needed. */
private void adapterPreQuery() { BeanQueryAdapter queryAdapter = beanDescriptor.getQueryAdapter(); if (queryAdapter != null) { queryAdapter.preQuery(this); } }
Prepare the query and calculate the query plan key.
/** * Prepare the query and calculate the query plan key. */
void prepareQuery() { beanDescriptor.prepareQuery(query); adapterPreQuery(); this.secondaryQueries = query.convertJoins(); this.queryPlanKey = query.prepare(this); } public boolean isNativeSql() { return query.isNativeSql(); } public boolean isRawSql() { return query.isRawSql(); } public DeployParser createDeployParser() { if (query.isRawSql()) { return new DeployPropertyParserMap(query.getRawSql().getColumnMapping().getMapping()); } else { return beanDescriptor.parser(); } }
Return the PersistenceContext used for this request.
/** * Return the PersistenceContext used for this request. */
public PersistenceContext getPersistenceContext() { return persistenceContext; }
Add the bean to the persistence context.
/** * Add the bean to the persistence context. */
public void persistenceContextAdd(EntityBean bean) { Object id = beanDescriptor.getId(bean); beanDescriptor.contextPut(persistenceContext, id, bean); }
This will create a local (readOnly) transaction if no current transaction exists.

A transaction may have been passed in explicitly or currently be active in the thread local. If not, then a readOnly transaction is created to execute this query.

/** * This will create a local (readOnly) transaction if no current transaction * exists. * <p> * A transaction may have been passed in explicitly or currently be active in * the thread local. If not, then a readOnly transaction is created to execute * this query. * </p> */
@Override public void initTransIfRequired() { // first check if the query requires its own transaction if (transaction == null) { if (query.getType().isUpdate()) { // bulk update or delete query transaction = ebeanServer.beginServerTransaction(); } else { // create an implicit transaction to execute this query // potentially using read-only DataSource with autoCommit transaction = ebeanServer.createQueryTransaction(query.getTenantId()); } createdTransaction = true; } persistenceContext = getPersistenceContext(query, transaction); loadContext = new DLoadContext(this, secondaryQueries); }
Rollback the transaction if it was created for this request.
/** * Rollback the transaction if it was created for this request. */
@Override public void rollbackTransIfRequired() { if (createdTransaction) { try { transaction.end(); } catch (Exception e) { // Just log this and carry on. A previous exception has been // thrown and if this rollback throws exception it likely means // that the connection is broken (and the dataSource and db will cleanup) log.error("Error trying to rollback a transaction (after a prior exception thrown)", e); } } }
Return the JsonReadOptions taking into account lazy loading and persistence context.
/** * Return the JsonReadOptions taking into account lazy loading and persistence context. */
@Override public JsonReadOptions createJsonReadOptions() { persistenceContext = getPersistenceContext(query, transaction); if (query.getPersistenceContext() == null) { query.setPersistenceContext(persistenceContext); } jsonRead = new JsonReadOptions(); jsonRead.setPersistenceContext(persistenceContext); if (!query.isDisableLazyLoading()) { loadContext = new DLoadContext(this, secondaryQueries); jsonRead.setLoadContext(loadContext); } return jsonRead; }
For iterate queries reset the persistenceContext and loadContext.
/** * For iterate queries reset the persistenceContext and loadContext. */
public void flushPersistenceContextOnIterate() { persistenceContext = new DefaultPersistenceContext(); loadContext.resetPersistenceContext(persistenceContext); if (jsonRead != null) { jsonRead.setPersistenceContext(persistenceContext); jsonRead.setLoadContext(loadContext); } }
Get the TransactionContext either explicitly set on the query or transaction scoped.
/** * Get the TransactionContext either explicitly set on the query or * transaction scoped. */
private PersistenceContext getPersistenceContext(SpiQuery<?> query, SpiTransaction t) { // check if there is already a persistence context set which is the case // when lazy loading or query joins are executed PersistenceContext ctx = query.getPersistenceContext(); if (ctx != null) return ctx; // determine the scope (from the query and then server) PersistenceContextScope scope = ebeanServer.getPersistenceContextScope(query); return (scope == PersistenceContextScope.QUERY || t == null) ? new DefaultPersistenceContext() : t.getPersistenceContext(); }
Will end a locally created transaction.

It ends the query only transaction.

/** * Will end a locally created transaction. * <p> * It ends the query only transaction. * </p> */
@Override public void endTransIfRequired() { if (createdTransaction && transaction.isActive()) { transaction.commit(); } }
Return true if this is a find by id (rather than List Set or Map).
/** * Return true if this is a find by id (rather than List Set or Map). */
public boolean isFindById() { return query.getType() == Type.BEAN; }
Return true if this is a findEach, findIterate type query where we expect many results.
/** * Return true if this is a findEach, findIterate type query where we expect many results. */
public boolean isFindIterate() { return query.getType() == Type.ITERATE; }
Execute the query as a delete.
/** * Execute the query as a delete. */
@Override public int delete() { return notifyCache(queryEngine.delete(this), false); }
Execute the query as a update.
/** * Execute the query as a update. */
@Override public int update() { return notifyCache(queryEngine.update(this), true); } private int notifyCache(int rows, boolean update) { if (rows > 0) { beanDescriptor.cacheUpdateQuery(update, transaction); } return rows; } @Override public SpiResultSet findResultSet() { return queryEngine.findResultSet(this); }
Execute the query as findById.
/** * Execute the query as findById. */
@Override public Object findId() { return queryEngine.findId(this); } @Override public int findCount() { return queryEngine.findCount(this); } @Override public <A> List<A> findIds() { return queryEngine.findIds(this); } @Override public void findEach(Consumer<T> consumer) { try (QueryIterator<T> it = queryEngine.findIterate(this)) { while (it.hasNext()) { consumer.accept(; } } } @Override public void findEachWhile(Predicate<T> consumer) { try (QueryIterator<T> it = queryEngine.findIterate(this)) { while (it.hasNext()) { if (!consumer.test( { break; } } } } @Override public QueryIterator<T> findIterate() { return queryEngine.findIterate(this); }
Execute the query as findList.
/** * Execute the query as findList. */
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<T> findList() { return (List<T>) queryEngine.findMany(this); } @Override public List<Version<T>> findVersions() { return queryEngine.findVersions(this); }
Execute the query as findSet.
/** * Execute the query as findSet. */
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Set<T> findSet() { return (Set<T>) queryEngine.findMany(this); }
Execute the query as findMap.
/** * Execute the query as findMap. */
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <K> Map<K, T> findMap() { String mapKey = query.getMapKey(); if (mapKey == null) { BeanProperty idProp = beanDescriptor.getIdProperty(); if (idProp != null) { query.setMapKey(idProp.getName()); } else { throw new PersistenceException("No mapKey specified for query"); } } return (Map<K, T>) queryEngine.findMany(this); }
Execute the findSingleAttributeList query.
/** * Execute the findSingleAttributeList query. */
@Override public <A> List<A> findSingleAttributeList() { return queryEngine.findSingleAttributeList(this); }
Return a bean specific finder if one has been set.
/** * Return a bean specific finder if one has been set. */
public BeanFindController getBeanFinder() { return finder; }
Return the find that is to be performed.
/** * Return the find that is to be performed. */
@Override public SpiQuery<T> getQuery() { return query; }
Determine and return the ToMany property that is included in the query.
/** * Determine and return the ToMany property that is included in the query. */
public BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> determineMany() { manyProperty = beanDescriptor.getManyProperty(query); return manyProperty; }
Return the many property that is fetched in the query or null if there is not one.
/** * Return the many property that is fetched in the query or null if there is not one. */
public BeanPropertyAssocMany<?> getManyProperty() { return manyProperty; }
Return a queryPlan for the current query if one exists. Returns null if no query plan for this query exists.
/** * Return a queryPlan for the current query if one exists. Returns null if no * query plan for this query exists. */
public CQueryPlan getQueryPlan() { return beanDescriptor.getQueryPlan(queryPlanKey); }
Return the queryPlanHash.

This identifies the query plan for a given bean type. It effectively matches a SQL statement with ? bind variables. A query plan can be reused with just the bind variables changing.

/** * Return the queryPlanHash. * <p> * This identifies the query plan for a given bean type. It effectively * matches a SQL statement with ? bind variables. A query plan can be reused * with just the bind variables changing. * </p> */
public CQueryPlanKey getQueryPlanKey() { return queryPlanKey; }
Put the QueryPlan into the cache.
/** * Put the QueryPlan into the cache. */
public void putQueryPlan(CQueryPlan queryPlan) { beanDescriptor.putQueryPlan(queryPlanKey, queryPlan); } @Override public void resetBeanCacheAutoMode(boolean findOne) { query.resetBeanCacheAutoMode(findOne); } public boolean isQueryCachePut() { return cacheKey != null && query.getUseQueryCache().isPut(); } public boolean isBeanCachePut() { return !transaction.isSkipCache() && query.isBeanCachePut(); }
Merge in prior L2 bean cache hits with the query result.
/** * Merge in prior L2 bean cache hits with the query result. */
public void mergeCacheHits(BeanCollection<T> result) { if (cacheBeans != null && !cacheBeans.isEmpty()) { for (T hit : cacheBeans) { result.internalAdd(hit); } // resort in memory here after merging the cache hits with the DB hits if (result instanceof BeanList) { OrderBy<T> orderBy = query.getOrderBy(); if (orderBy != null) { beanDescriptor.sort(((BeanList<T>)result).getActualList(), orderBy.toStringFormat()); } } } } @Override public List<T> getBeanCacheHits() { OrderBy<T> orderBy = query.getOrderBy(); if (orderBy != null) { beanDescriptor.sort(cacheBeans, orderBy.toStringFormat()); } return cacheBeans; } @Override public boolean getFromBeanCache() { if (!query.isBeanCacheGet()) { return false; } // check if the query can use the bean cache // 1. Find by Ids // - hit beanCache with Ids // - keep cache beans, ensure query modified to fetch misses // - query and Load misses into bean cache // - merge the 2 results and return // if (!beanDescriptor.isNaturalKeyCaching()) { return false; } NaturalKeyQueryData<T> data = query.naturalKey(); if (data != null) { NaturalKeySet naturalKeySet = data.buildKeys(); if (naturalKeySet != null) { // use the natural keys to lookup Ids to then hit the bean cache BeanCacheResult<T> cacheResult = beanDescriptor.naturalKeyLookup(persistenceContext, naturalKeySet.keys()); // adjust the query (IN clause) based on the cache hits this.cacheBeans = data.removeHits(cacheResult); return data.allHits(); } } return false; }
Try to get the query result from the query cache.
/** * Try to get the query result from the query cache. */
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Object getFromQueryCache() { if (query.getUseQueryCache() == CacheMode.OFF || (transaction != null && transaction.isSkipCache())) { return null; } else { cacheKey = query.queryHash(); } if (!query.getUseQueryCache().isGet()) { return null; } Object cached = beanDescriptor.queryCacheGet(cacheKey); if (cached != null && isAuditReads() && readAuditQueryType()) { if (cached instanceof BeanCollection) { // raw sql can't use L2 cache so normal queries only in here Collection<T> actualDetails = ((BeanCollection<T>)cached).getActualDetails(); List<Object> ids = new ArrayList<>(actualDetails.size()); for (T bean : actualDetails) { ids.add(beanDescriptor.getIdForJson(bean)); } beanDescriptor.readAuditMany(queryPlanKey.getPartialKey(), "l2-query-cache", ids); } } if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(query.isReadOnly())) { // return shallow copies if readonly is explicitly set to false if (cached instanceof BeanCollection) { cached = ((BeanCollection<?>)cached).getShallowCopy(); } else if (cached instanceof List) { cached = new CopyOnFirstWriteList<>((List<?>)cached); } else if (cached instanceof Set) { cached = new LinkedHashSet<>((Set<?>)cached); } else if (cached instanceof Map) { cached = new LinkedHashMap<>((Map<?,?>)cached); } } return cached; }
Return true if the query type contains bean data (not just ids etc) and hence we want to include it in read auditing. Return false for row count and find ids queries.
/** * Return true if the query type contains bean data (not just ids etc) and hence we want to include * it in read auditing. Return false for row count and find ids queries. */
private boolean readAuditQueryType() { Type type = query.getType(); switch (type) { case BEAN: case ITERATE: case LIST: case SET: case MAP: return true; default: return false; } } public void putToQueryCache(Object result) { // use transaction start where as query statement start would be better at READ_COMMITTED long asOfTimestamp = transaction.getStartMillis(); beanDescriptor.queryCachePut(cacheKey, new QueryCacheEntry(result, dependentTables, asOfTimestamp)); }
Set an Query object that owns the PreparedStatement that can be cancelled.
/** * Set an Query object that owns the PreparedStatement that can be cancelled. */
public void setCancelableQuery(CancelableQuery cancelableQuery) { query.setCancelableQuery(cancelableQuery); }
Log the SQL if the logLevel is appropriate.
/** * Log the SQL if the logLevel is appropriate. */
public void logSql(String sql) { transaction.logSql(sql); }
Return the batch size for lazy loading on this bean query request.
/** * Return the batch size for lazy loading on this bean query request. */
public int getLazyLoadBatchSize() { int batchSize = query.getLazyLoadBatchSize(); return (batchSize > 0) ? batchSize : ebeanServer.getLazyLoadBatchSize(); }
Return true if read auditing is on for this query request.

This means that read audit is on for this bean type and that query has not explicitly disabled it.

/** * Return true if read auditing is on for this query request. * <p> * This means that read audit is on for this bean type and that query has not explicitly disabled it. * </p> */
public boolean isAuditReads() { return beanDescriptor.isReadAuditing() && !query.isDisableReadAudit(); }
Return the base table alias for this query.
/** * Return the base table alias for this query. */
public String getBaseTableAlias() { return query.getAlias() == null ? beanDescriptor.getBaseTableAlias() : query.getAlias(); }
Set the JDBC buffer fetchSize hint if not set explicitly.
/** * Set the JDBC buffer fetchSize hint if not set explicitly. */
public void setDefaultFetchBuffer(int fetchSize) { query.setDefaultFetchBuffer(fetchSize); }
Return the tenantId associated with this request.
/** * Return the tenantId associated with this request. */
public Object getTenantId() { return (transaction == null) ? null : transaction.getTenantId(); }
Check for slow query event.
/** * Check for slow query event. */
public void slowQueryCheck(long executionTimeMicros, int rowCount) { ebeanServer.slowQueryCheck(executionTimeMicros, rowCount, query); } public void setInlineCountDistinct() { inlineCountDistinct = true; } public boolean isInlineCountDistinct() { return inlineCountDistinct; } public void addDependentTables(Set<String> tables) { if (tables != null && !tables.isEmpty()) { if (dependentTables == null) { dependentTables = new LinkedHashSet<>(); } dependentTables.addAll(tables); } } }