package io.ebeaninternal.server.core;
import io.ebean.QueryIterator;
import io.ebean.Version;
import io.ebean.bean.BeanCollection;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
The Object Relational query execution API.
* The Object Relational query execution API.
public interface OrmQueryEngine {
Execute the ORM query returning the JDBC ResultSet (for DTO query processing).
* Execute the ORM query returning the JDBC ResultSet (for DTO query processing).
<T> SpiResultSet findResultSet(OrmQueryRequest<T> request);
Execute the 'find by id' query returning a single bean.
* Execute the 'find by id' query returning a single bean.
<T> T findId(OrmQueryRequest<T> request);
Execute the findList, findSet, findMap query returning an appropriate BeanCollection.
* Execute the findList, findSet, findMap query returning an appropriate BeanCollection.
<T> BeanCollection<T> findMany(OrmQueryRequest<T> request);
Execute the findSingleAttributeList query.
* Execute the findSingleAttributeList query.
<A> List<A> findSingleAttributeList(OrmQueryRequest<?> request);
Execute the findVersions query.
* Execute the findVersions query.
<T> List<Version<T>> findVersions(OrmQueryRequest<T> request);
Execute the query using a QueryIterator.
* Execute the query using a QueryIterator.
<T> QueryIterator<T> findIterate(OrmQueryRequest<T> request);
Execute the row count query.
* Execute the row count query.
<T> int findCount(OrmQueryRequest<T> request);
Execute the find id's query.
* Execute the find id's query.
<A> List<A> findIds(OrmQueryRequest<?> request);
Execute the query as a delete statement.
* Execute the query as a delete statement.
<T> int delete(OrmQueryRequest<T> request);
Execute the query as a update statement.
* Execute the query as a update statement.
<T> int update(OrmQueryRequest<T> request);
Translate the SQLException to a specific persistence exception type if possible.
* Translate the SQLException to a specific persistence exception type if possible.
<T> PersistenceException translate(OrmQueryRequest<T> request, String bindLog, String sql, SQLException e);
Return true if multi-value bind is supported for this type (and current platform).
* Return true if multi-value bind is supported for this type (and current platform).
boolean isMultiValueSupported(Class<?> valueType);