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package com.oracle.truffle.sl.runtime;

import java.util.logging.Level;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.Assumption;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CallTarget;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.RootCallTarget;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.TruffleLogger;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.dsl.Cached;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.dsl.Fallback;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.dsl.ReportPolymorphism;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.dsl.Specialization;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.InteropLibrary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.interop.TruffleObject;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.ExportLibrary;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.library.ExportMessage;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.DirectCallNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.IndirectCallNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.SourceSection;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.utilities.CyclicAssumption;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.utilities.TriState;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.SLLanguage;
import com.oracle.truffle.sl.nodes.SLUndefinedFunctionRootNode;

Represents a SL function. On the Truffle level, a callable element is represented by a call target. This class encapsulates a call target, and adds version support: functions in SL can be redefined, i.e. changed at run time. When a function is redefined, the call target managed by this function object is changed (and callTarget is therefore not a final field).

Function redefinition is expected to be rare, therefore optimized call nodes want to speculate that the call target is stable. This is possible with the help of a Truffle Assumption: a call node can keep the call target returned by getCallTarget() cached until the assumption returned by getCallTargetStable() is valid.

The callTarget can be null. To ensure that only one SLFunction instance per name exists, the SLFunctionRegistry creates an instance also when performing name lookup. A function that has been looked up, i.e., used, but not defined, has a call target that encapsulates a SLUndefinedFunctionRootNode.

/** * Represents a SL function. On the Truffle level, a callable element is represented by a * {@link RootCallTarget call target}. This class encapsulates a call target, and adds version * support: functions in SL can be redefined, i.e. changed at run time. When a function is * redefined, the call target managed by this function object is changed (and {@link #callTarget} is * therefore not a final field). * <p> * Function redefinition is expected to be rare, therefore optimized call nodes want to speculate * that the call target is stable. This is possible with the help of a Truffle {@link Assumption}: a * call node can keep the call target returned by {@link #getCallTarget()} cached until the * assumption returned by {@link #getCallTargetStable()} is valid. * <p> * The {@link #callTarget} can be {@code null}. To ensure that only one {@link SLFunction} instance * per name exists, the {@link SLFunctionRegistry} creates an instance also when performing name * lookup. A function that has been looked up, i.e., used, but not defined, has a call target that * encapsulates a {@link SLUndefinedFunctionRootNode}. */
@ExportLibrary(InteropLibrary.class) @SuppressWarnings("static-method") public final class SLFunction implements TruffleObject { public static final int INLINE_CACHE_SIZE = 2; private static final TruffleLogger LOG = TruffleLogger.getLogger(SLLanguage.ID, SLFunction.class);
The name of the function.
/** The name of the function. */
private final String name;
The current implementation of this function.
/** The current implementation of this function. */
private RootCallTarget callTarget;
Manages the assumption that the callTarget is stable. We use the utility class CyclicAssumption, which automatically creates a new Assumption when the old one gets invalidated.
/** * Manages the assumption that the {@link #callTarget} is stable. We use the utility class * {@link CyclicAssumption}, which automatically creates a new {@link Assumption} when the old * one gets invalidated. */
private final CyclicAssumption callTargetStable; protected SLFunction(SLLanguage language, String name) { this(language.getOrCreateUndefinedFunction(name)); } protected SLFunction(RootCallTarget callTarget) { this.name = callTarget.getRootNode().getName(); this.callTargetStable = new CyclicAssumption(name); setCallTarget(callTarget); } public String getName() { return name; } protected void setCallTarget(RootCallTarget callTarget) { boolean wasNull = this.callTarget == null; this.callTarget = callTarget; /* * We have a new call target. Invalidate all code that speculated that the old call target * was stable. */ LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Installed call target for: {0}", name); if (!wasNull) { callTargetStable.invalidate(); } } public RootCallTarget getCallTarget() { return callTarget; } public Assumption getCallTargetStable() { return callTargetStable.getAssumption(); }
This method is, e.g., called when using a function literal in a string concatenation. So changing it has an effect on SL programs.
/** * This method is, e.g., called when using a function literal in a string concatenation. So * changing it has an effect on SL programs. */
@Override public String toString() { return name; } @ExportMessage boolean hasLanguage() { return true; } @ExportMessage Class<? extends TruffleLanguage<?>> getLanguage() { return SLLanguage.class; }
SLFunction instances are always visible as executable to other languages.
/** * {@link SLFunction} instances are always visible as executable to other languages. */
@SuppressWarnings("static-method") @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary SourceSection getSourceLocation() { return getCallTarget().getRootNode().getSourceSection(); } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") @ExportMessage boolean hasSourceLocation() { return true; }
SLFunction instances are always visible as executable to other languages.
/** * {@link SLFunction} instances are always visible as executable to other languages. */
@ExportMessage boolean isExecutable() { return true; } @ExportMessage boolean hasMetaObject() { return true; } @ExportMessage Object getMetaObject() { return SLType.FUNCTION; } @ExportMessage @SuppressWarnings("unused") static final class IsIdenticalOrUndefined { @Specialization static TriState doSLFunction(SLFunction receiver, SLFunction other) { /* * SLFunctions are potentially identical to other SLFunctions. */ return receiver == other ? TriState.TRUE : TriState.FALSE; } @Fallback static TriState doOther(SLFunction receiver, Object other) { return TriState.UNDEFINED; } } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary static int identityHashCode(SLFunction receiver) { return System.identityHashCode(receiver); } @ExportMessage Object toDisplayString(@SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean allowSideEffects) { return name; }
We allow languages to execute this function. We implement the interop execute message that forwards to a function dispatch. Since invocations are potentially expensive (result in an indirect call, which is expensive by itself but also limits function inlining which can hinder other optimisations) if the node turns megamorphic (i.e. cache limit is exceeded) we annotate it with {@ReportPolymorphism}. This ensures that the runtime is notified when this node turns polymorphic. This, in turn, may, under certain conditions, cause the runtime to attempt to make node monomorphic again by duplicating the entire AST containing that node and specialising it for a particular call site.
/** * We allow languages to execute this function. We implement the interop execute message that * forwards to a function dispatch. * * Since invocations are potentially expensive (result in an indirect call, which is expensive * by itself but also limits function inlining which can hinder other optimisations) if the node * turns megamorphic (i.e. cache limit is exceeded) we annotate it with {@ReportPolymorphism}. * This ensures that the runtime is notified when this node turns polymorphic. This, in turn, * may, under certain conditions, cause the runtime to attempt to make node monomorphic again by * duplicating the entire AST containing that node and specialising it for a particular call * site. */
@ReportPolymorphism @ExportMessage abstract static class Execute {
Inline cached specialization of the dispatch.

Since SL is a quite simple language, the benefit of the inline cache seems small: after checking that the actual function to be executed is the same as the cachedFuntion, we can safely execute the cached call target. You can reasonably argue that caching the call target is overkill, since we could just retrieve it via function.getCallTarget(). However, caching the call target and using a DirectCallNode allows Truffle to perform method inlining. In addition, in a more complex language the lookup of the call target is usually much more complicated than in SL.

limit = "INLINE_CACHE_SIZE" Specifies the limit number of inline cache specialization instantiations.

guards = "function.getCallTarget() == cachedTarget" The inline cache check. Note that cachedTarget is a final field so that the compiler can optimize the check.

assumptions = "callTargetStable" Support for function redefinition: When a function is redefined, the call target maintained by the SLFunction object is changed. To avoid a check for that, we use an Assumption that is invalidated by the SLFunction when the change is performed. Since checking an assumption is a no-op in compiled code, the assumption check performed by the DSL does not add any overhead during optimized execution.

  • function – the dynamically provided function
  • arguments – the arguments to the function
  • callTargetStable – The assumption object assuming the function was not redefined.
  • cachedTarget – The call target we aim to invoke
  • callNode – the DirectCallNode specifically created for the CallTarget in cachedFunction.
See Also:
/** * Inline cached specialization of the dispatch. * * <p> * Since SL is a quite simple language, the benefit of the inline cache seems small: after * checking that the actual function to be executed is the same as the cachedFuntion, we can * safely execute the cached call target. You can reasonably argue that caching the call * target is overkill, since we could just retrieve it via {@code function.getCallTarget()}. * However, caching the call target and using a {@link DirectCallNode} allows Truffle to * perform method inlining. In addition, in a more complex language the lookup of the call * target is usually much more complicated than in SL. * </p> * * <p> * {@code limit = "INLINE_CACHE_SIZE"} Specifies the limit number of inline cache * specialization instantiations. * </p> * <p> * {@code guards = "function.getCallTarget() == cachedTarget"} The inline cache check. Note * that cachedTarget is a final field so that the compiler can optimize the check. * </p> * <p> * {@code assumptions = "callTargetStable"} Support for function redefinition: When a * function is redefined, the call target maintained by the SLFunction object is changed. To * avoid a check for that, we use an Assumption that is invalidated by the SLFunction when * the change is performed. Since checking an assumption is a no-op in compiled code, the * assumption check performed by the DSL does not add any overhead during optimized * execution. * </p> * * @see Cached * @see Specialization * * @param function the dynamically provided function * @param arguments the arguments to the function * @param callTargetStable The assumption object assuming the function was not redefined. * @param cachedTarget The call target we aim to invoke * @param callNode the {@link DirectCallNode} specifically created for the * {@link CallTarget} in cachedFunction. */
@Specialization(limit = "INLINE_CACHE_SIZE", // guards = "function.getCallTarget() == cachedTarget", // assumptions = "callTargetStable") @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected static Object doDirect(SLFunction function, Object[] arguments, @Cached("function.getCallTargetStable()") Assumption callTargetStable, @Cached("function.getCallTarget()") RootCallTarget cachedTarget, @Cached("create(cachedTarget)") DirectCallNode callNode) { /* Inline cache hit, we are safe to execute the cached call target. */ Object returnValue = callNode.call(arguments); return returnValue; }
Slow-path code for a call, used when the polymorphic inline cache exceeded its maximum size specified in INLINE_CACHE_SIZE. Such calls are not optimized any further, e.g., no method inlining is performed.
/** * Slow-path code for a call, used when the polymorphic inline cache exceeded its maximum * size specified in <code>INLINE_CACHE_SIZE</code>. Such calls are not optimized any * further, e.g., no method inlining is performed. */
@Specialization(replaces = "doDirect") protected static Object doIndirect(SLFunction function, Object[] arguments, @Cached IndirectCallNode callNode) { /* * SL has a quite simple call lookup: just ask the function for the current call target, * and call it. */ return callNode.call(function.getCallTarget(), arguments); } } }