 * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.android.systemui;

import android.app.WallpaperManager;
import android.content.ComponentCallbacks2;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.graphics.RectF;
import android.graphics.Region.Op;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Trace;
import android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.DisplayInfo;
import android.view.Surface;
import android.view.SurfaceHolder;
import android.view.WindowManager;

import java.io.FileDescriptor;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;

Default built-in wallpaper that simply shows a static image.
/** * Default built-in wallpaper that simply shows a static image. */
@SuppressWarnings({"UnusedDeclaration"}) public class ImageWallpaper extends WallpaperService { private static final String TAG = "ImageWallpaper"; private static final String GL_LOG_TAG = "ImageWallpaperGL"; private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final String PROPERTY_KERNEL_QEMU = "ro.kernel.qemu"; private static final long DELAY_FORGET_WALLPAPER = 5000; private WallpaperManager mWallpaperManager; private DrawableEngine mEngine; @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); mWallpaperManager = getSystemService(WallpaperManager.class); } @Override public void onTrimMemory(int level) { if (mEngine != null) { mEngine.trimMemory(level); } } @Override public Engine onCreateEngine() { mEngine = new DrawableEngine(); return mEngine; } class DrawableEngine extends Engine { private final Runnable mUnloadWallpaperCallback = () -> { unloadWallpaper(false /* forgetSize */); }; Bitmap mBackground; int mBackgroundWidth = -1, mBackgroundHeight = -1; int mLastSurfaceWidth = -1, mLastSurfaceHeight = -1; int mLastRotation = -1; float mXOffset = 0f; float mYOffset = 0f; float mScale = 1f; private Display mDefaultDisplay; private final DisplayInfo mTmpDisplayInfo = new DisplayInfo(); boolean mVisible = true; boolean mOffsetsChanged; int mLastXTranslation; int mLastYTranslation; private int mRotationAtLastSurfaceSizeUpdate = -1; private int mDisplayWidthAtLastSurfaceSizeUpdate = -1; private int mDisplayHeightAtLastSurfaceSizeUpdate = -1; private int mLastRequestedWidth = -1; private int mLastRequestedHeight = -1; private AsyncTask<Void, Void, Bitmap> mLoader; private boolean mNeedsDrawAfterLoadingWallpaper; private boolean mSurfaceValid; private boolean mSurfaceRedrawNeeded; DrawableEngine() { super(); setFixedSizeAllowed(true); } void trimMemory(int level) { if (level >= ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_LOW && level <= ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_CRITICAL && mBackground != null) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "trimMemory"); } unloadWallpaper(true /* forgetSize */); } } @Override public void onCreate(SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onCreate"); } super.onCreate(surfaceHolder); //noinspection ConstantConditions mDefaultDisplay = getSystemService(WindowManager.class).getDefaultDisplay(); setOffsetNotificationsEnabled(false); updateSurfaceSize(surfaceHolder, getDefaultDisplayInfo(), false /* forDraw */); } @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); mBackground = null; unloadWallpaper(true /* forgetSize */); } boolean updateSurfaceSize(SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder, DisplayInfo displayInfo, boolean forDraw) { boolean hasWallpaper = true; // Load background image dimensions, if we haven't saved them yet if (mBackgroundWidth <= 0 || mBackgroundHeight <= 0) { // Need to load the image to get dimensions loadWallpaper(forDraw); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Reloading, redoing updateSurfaceSize later."); } hasWallpaper = false; } // Force the wallpaper to cover the screen in both dimensions int surfaceWidth = Math.max(displayInfo.logicalWidth, mBackgroundWidth); int surfaceHeight = Math.max(displayInfo.logicalHeight, mBackgroundHeight); // Used a fixed size surface, because we are special. We can do // this because we know the current design of window animations doesn't // cause this to break. surfaceHolder.setFixedSize(surfaceWidth, surfaceHeight); mLastRequestedWidth = surfaceWidth; mLastRequestedHeight = surfaceHeight; return hasWallpaper; } @Override public void onVisibilityChanged(boolean visible) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onVisibilityChanged: mVisible, visible=" + mVisible + ", " + visible); } if (mVisible != visible) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Visibility changed to visible=" + visible); } mVisible = visible; if (visible) { drawFrame(); } } } @Override public void onOffsetsChanged(float xOffset, float yOffset, float xOffsetStep, float yOffsetStep, int xPixels, int yPixels) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onOffsetsChanged: xOffset=" + xOffset + ", yOffset=" + yOffset + ", xOffsetStep=" + xOffsetStep + ", yOffsetStep=" + yOffsetStep + ", xPixels=" + xPixels + ", yPixels=" + yPixels); } if (mXOffset != xOffset || mYOffset != yOffset) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Offsets changed to (" + xOffset + "," + yOffset + ")."); } mXOffset = xOffset; mYOffset = yOffset; mOffsetsChanged = true; } drawFrame(); } @Override public void onSurfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onSurfaceChanged: width=" + width + ", height=" + height); } super.onSurfaceChanged(holder, format, width, height); drawFrame(); } @Override public void onSurfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) { super.onSurfaceDestroyed(holder); if (DEBUG) { Log.i(TAG, "onSurfaceDestroyed"); } mLastSurfaceWidth = mLastSurfaceHeight = -1; mSurfaceValid = false; } @Override public void onSurfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) { super.onSurfaceCreated(holder); if (DEBUG) { Log.i(TAG, "onSurfaceCreated"); } mLastSurfaceWidth = mLastSurfaceHeight = -1; mSurfaceValid = true; } @Override public void onSurfaceRedrawNeeded(SurfaceHolder holder) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onSurfaceRedrawNeeded"); } super.onSurfaceRedrawNeeded(holder); // At the end of this method we should have drawn into the surface. // This means that the bitmap should be loaded synchronously if // it was already unloaded. if (mBackground == null) { updateBitmap(mWallpaperManager.getBitmap(true /* hardware */)); } mSurfaceRedrawNeeded = true; drawFrame(); } private DisplayInfo getDefaultDisplayInfo() { mDefaultDisplay.getDisplayInfo(mTmpDisplayInfo); return mTmpDisplayInfo; } void drawFrame() { if (!mSurfaceValid) { return; } try { Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_VIEW, "drawWallpaper"); DisplayInfo displayInfo = getDefaultDisplayInfo(); int newRotation = displayInfo.rotation; // Sometimes a wallpaper is not large enough to cover the screen in one dimension. // Call updateSurfaceSize -- it will only actually do the update if the dimensions // should change if (newRotation != mLastRotation) { // Update surface size (if necessary) if (!updateSurfaceSize(getSurfaceHolder(), displayInfo, true /* forDraw */)) { return; // had to reload wallpaper, will retry later } mRotationAtLastSurfaceSizeUpdate = newRotation; mDisplayWidthAtLastSurfaceSizeUpdate = displayInfo.logicalWidth; mDisplayHeightAtLastSurfaceSizeUpdate = displayInfo.logicalHeight; } SurfaceHolder sh = getSurfaceHolder(); final Rect frame = sh.getSurfaceFrame(); final int dw = frame.width(); final int dh = frame.height(); boolean surfaceDimensionsChanged = dw != mLastSurfaceWidth || dh != mLastSurfaceHeight; boolean redrawNeeded = surfaceDimensionsChanged || newRotation != mLastRotation || mSurfaceRedrawNeeded || mNeedsDrawAfterLoadingWallpaper; if (!redrawNeeded && !mOffsetsChanged) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Suppressed drawFrame since redraw is not needed " + "and offsets have not changed."); } return; } mLastRotation = newRotation; mSurfaceRedrawNeeded = false; // Load bitmap if it is not yet loaded if (mBackground == null) { loadWallpaper(true); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Reloading, resuming draw later"); } return; } // Left align the scaled image mScale = Math.max(1f, Math.max(dw / (float) mBackground.getWidth(), dh / (float) mBackground.getHeight())); final int availw = (int) (mBackground.getWidth() * mScale) - dw; final int availh = (int) (mBackground.getHeight() * mScale) - dh; int xPixels = (int) (availw * mXOffset); int yPixels = (int) (availh * mYOffset); mOffsetsChanged = false; if (surfaceDimensionsChanged) { mLastSurfaceWidth = dw; mLastSurfaceHeight = dh; } if (!redrawNeeded && xPixels == mLastXTranslation && yPixels == mLastYTranslation) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Suppressed drawFrame since the image has not " + "actually moved an integral number of pixels."); } return; } mLastXTranslation = xPixels; mLastYTranslation = yPixels; if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Redrawing wallpaper"); } drawWallpaperWithCanvas(sh, availw, availh, xPixels, yPixels); scheduleUnloadWallpaper(); } finally { Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_VIEW); } }
Loads the wallpaper on background thread and schedules updating the surface frame, and if {@param needsDraw} is set also draws a frame. If loading is already in-flight, subsequent loads are ignored (but needDraw is or-ed to the active request). If {@param needsReset} is set also clears the cache in WallpaperManager first.
/** * Loads the wallpaper on background thread and schedules updating the surface frame, * and if {@param needsDraw} is set also draws a frame. * * If loading is already in-flight, subsequent loads are ignored (but needDraw is or-ed to * the active request). * * If {@param needsReset} is set also clears the cache in WallpaperManager first. */
private void loadWallpaper(boolean needsDraw) { mNeedsDrawAfterLoadingWallpaper |= needsDraw; if (mLoader != null) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Skipping loadWallpaper, already in flight "); } return; } mLoader = new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Bitmap>() { @Override protected Bitmap doInBackground(Void... params) { Throwable exception; try { return mWallpaperManager.getBitmap(true /* hardware */); } catch (RuntimeException | OutOfMemoryError e) { exception = e; } if (isCancelled()) { return null; } // Note that if we do fail at this, and the default wallpaper can't // be loaded, we will go into a cycle. Don't do a build where the // default wallpaper can't be loaded. Log.w(TAG, "Unable to load wallpaper!", exception); try { mWallpaperManager.clear(); } catch (IOException ex) { // now we're really screwed. Log.w(TAG, "Unable reset to default wallpaper!", ex); } if (isCancelled()) { return null; } try { return mWallpaperManager.getBitmap(true /* hardware */); } catch (RuntimeException | OutOfMemoryError e) { Log.w(TAG, "Unable to load default wallpaper!", e); } return null; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Bitmap b) { updateBitmap(b); if (mNeedsDrawAfterLoadingWallpaper) { drawFrame(); } mLoader = null; mNeedsDrawAfterLoadingWallpaper = false; } }.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR); } private void updateBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) { mBackground = null; mBackgroundWidth = -1; mBackgroundHeight = -1; if (bitmap != null) { mBackground = bitmap; mBackgroundWidth = mBackground.getWidth(); mBackgroundHeight = mBackground.getHeight(); } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Wallpaper loaded: " + mBackground); } updateSurfaceSize(getSurfaceHolder(), getDefaultDisplayInfo(), false /* forDraw */); } private void unloadWallpaper(boolean forgetSize) { if (mLoader != null) { mLoader.cancel(false); mLoader = null; } mBackground = null; if (forgetSize) { mBackgroundWidth = -1; mBackgroundHeight = -1; } final Surface surface = getSurfaceHolder().getSurface(); surface.hwuiDestroy(); mWallpaperManager.forgetLoadedWallpaper(); } private void scheduleUnloadWallpaper() { Handler handler = getMainThreadHandler(); handler.removeCallbacks(mUnloadWallpaperCallback); handler.postDelayed(mUnloadWallpaperCallback, DELAY_FORGET_WALLPAPER); } @Override protected void dump(String prefix, FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter out, String[] args) { super.dump(prefix, fd, out, args); out.print(prefix); out.println("ImageWallpaper.DrawableEngine:"); out.print(prefix); out.print(" mBackground="); out.print(mBackground); out.print(" mBackgroundWidth="); out.print(mBackgroundWidth); out.print(" mBackgroundHeight="); out.println(mBackgroundHeight); out.print(prefix); out.print(" mLastRotation="); out.print(mLastRotation); out.print(" mLastSurfaceWidth="); out.print(mLastSurfaceWidth); out.print(" mLastSurfaceHeight="); out.println(mLastSurfaceHeight); out.print(prefix); out.print(" mXOffset="); out.print(mXOffset); out.print(" mYOffset="); out.println(mYOffset); out.print(prefix); out.print(" mVisible="); out.print(mVisible); out.print(" mOffsetsChanged="); out.println(mOffsetsChanged); out.print(prefix); out.print(" mLastXTranslation="); out.print(mLastXTranslation); out.print(" mLastYTranslation="); out.print(mLastYTranslation); out.print(" mScale="); out.println(mScale); out.print(prefix); out.print(" mLastRequestedWidth="); out.print(mLastRequestedWidth); out.print(" mLastRequestedHeight="); out.println(mLastRequestedHeight); out.print(prefix); out.println(" DisplayInfo at last updateSurfaceSize:"); out.print(prefix); out.print(" rotation="); out.print(mRotationAtLastSurfaceSizeUpdate); out.print(" width="); out.print(mDisplayWidthAtLastSurfaceSizeUpdate); out.print(" height="); out.println(mDisplayHeightAtLastSurfaceSizeUpdate); } private void drawWallpaperWithCanvas(SurfaceHolder sh, int w, int h, int left, int top) { Canvas c = sh.lockHardwareCanvas(); if (c != null) { try { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Redrawing: left=" + left + ", top=" + top); } final float right = left + mBackground.getWidth() * mScale; final float bottom = top + mBackground.getHeight() * mScale; if (w < 0 || h < 0) { c.save(Canvas.CLIP_SAVE_FLAG); c.clipRect(left, top, right, bottom, Op.DIFFERENCE); c.drawColor(0xff000000); c.restore(); } if (mBackground != null) { RectF dest = new RectF(left, top, right, bottom); Log.i(TAG, "Redrawing in rect: " + dest + " with surface size: " + mLastRequestedWidth + "x" + mLastRequestedHeight); c.drawBitmap(mBackground, null, dest, null); } } finally { sh.unlockCanvasAndPost(c); } } } } }